The Times - Inside: Over the Northbridge bridge Stonington&Providence 1853 ETT Cowra-every which way

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The Times - Inside: Over the Northbridge bridge Stonington&Providence 1853 ETT Cowra-every which way
The Times                                 January 2021
         A journal of transport timetable history and analysis

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        Stonington&Providence 1853 ETT
        Cowra—every which way
The Times - Inside: Over the Northbridge bridge Stonington&Providence 1853 ETT Cowra-every which way
The Times
A journal of the Australian Timetable Association Inc. (A0043673H)
Print Publication No: 349069/00070, ISSN 0813-6327
January 2021                                                                  Vol 38 No. 01 Issue No. 444
The Times    welcomes all contributions. Our Authors’ Guide is available on our web-site at
Reproduction Provided a Creative Commons acknowledgement is made, material appearing in The Times may be
             reproduced anywhere.
Disclaimer   Opinions expressed in our magazines are not necessarily those of the Association or its members.
Editor       Geoff Lambert                 179 Sydney Rd FAIRLIGHT 2094 NSW                email:
The Times is posted in full colour to our website, two months after
publication in paper and to the National Library website 6 months after publication.
Colour PDF versions of previous issues of our magazines are at

 James T Wells             BY BUS TO THE CITY                                                                                    3
 Kent Hannah               STONINGTON AND PROVIDENCE                                                                             6
 Geoff Mann                EVERY WHICH WAY TO COWRA                                                                             12

Letter from Derek Scrafton
Congratulations to you and the authors for a superb December 2020 edition. Permit me to make a few comments.

On James Wells’ Broken Hill article:
The comparatively short-lived ANR passenger service to and from Adelaide was one attempt by AN to determine whether use
could be found for the ex-CR Budd cars; another was a service between Adelaide and Whyalla. As to the interstate bus
service, James is correct in saying that Section 92 of the Australian Constitution means passengers from Broken Hill could be
dropped off anywhere en route (or picked up for Broken Hill) should the carrier wish to encourage such traffic. Also, there is
no reason for a SA regulator to protect any section of route for carriage of intrastate business if there are no other services on
the days that the Broken Hill bus is operating, e.g. between Adelaide and the Peterborough turn-off.

On bus route numbering in SA:
I would just like to clarify a point on Adelaide’s public transport in President Hilaire’s article: The ‘public discontent’
concerned far more than just the removal of bus stops mentioned in the article, though that plan was bad enough. The main
opposition was to route changes required to create the proposed new network; they could not be described as user-friendly.
Many routes were altered and some were discontinued completely – it was current passengers on these routes in particular
who expressed their strong opposition to the plan. Certainly the proposed new numbering system might be user-friendly, but
the network and services would not be, except for those users who live along or close to major corridor bus routes.

Reply from Hilaire Fraser
Many thanks to Derek Scrafton for his clarification on the proposed new Adelaide Bus Network. I agree with Derek that the
proposed network was not user friendly, even though the route numbering might have been easier to understand.

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The Times - Inside: Over the Northbridge bridge Stonington&Providence 1853 ETT Cowra-every which way
By Bus to the City
James T Wells and article notes

         addy. There’s no bus at 8               No             From                 To                  Via
         o’clock. What will I do?”
          Father “That can’t be right,
                                                 202            N'br - CPk           City
it’s the height of the peak hour. Show
me.”                                             203            C'crag               Mil. Pt.
Here tis (below):
                                                 204            N'br - CPk           City                F'way
True, no bus between 6:50 and 9:03.
Father: “Go and look at trip planner”.           205            E. W'by              City                F'way
“Thank you. Yes, there is one at 8:02
but it says the route number is the 206.
                                                 206            E. L'field           City                F'way
There’s an earlier one at 7:37 which
means a change from the 209 to the               209            E. L'field           Mil. Pt.
205. Don’t want that!”                     The inbound services are the only          Castlecrag, provided by the 203. This
Let’s look at the geography. The 200       ones, apart from the 263, that use the     operates only M-F peak hours and
series buses, the 207 being the prime      Cahill Expressway to access the City.      runs to North Sydney and Milsons Pt.,
off peak service, connects the City of     There used to be a stop on the             not the City. The ‘branch’ is about 1.5
Sydney with Cammeray, Northbridge,         Expressway; there isn’t one now.           km long. The area is also served by the
Castlecrag, East Roseville and East        The M-F inter-peak pattern is as           275 to Chatswood: 4 trips M-F, 5 on
Lindfield, suburbs to the east of the      follows, both half hourly:                 Saturday.
North Shore railway. To the east of the
                                           202 Northbridge Clive Park via North       The peak hour is best summarised in
area is Middle Harbour Creek.
                                           Sydney.                                    the Table above.
The journey is an interesting one
                                           207 East Lindfield via North Sydney.       There are various imbalances between
because both the Sydney Harbour
                                                                                      inbound and outbound services with
Bridge and the Long Gully                  In railway terms, the 202 would be a       these routes and some short working.
(Northbridge Suspension) Bridge are        ‘branch’ service. Clive Park is about 2    For example, the 204 has more starters
crossed; the latter’s unofficial name
                                           km from the junction.                      at Abbott St. at Cammeray than
stemming from how it was originally
                                                                                      starters at Northbridge. These Abbott
built. Subsequently it became a            A noteworthy variation on this, is that
                                                                                      St. starters pick up at only one stop on
massive concrete structure.                the early morning and late night
                                                                                      their journeys. I wonder how crowded
                                           services are combined to run as the
The journey is far from continuous on                                                 they are!
                                           208; i.e. passengers travelling through
one main road. Inbound from the East       Northbridge have to endure the out         In the evening, there are no
Lindfield Community Centre, there are
                                           and back of going to Clive Park.           terminations at Abbott St., but there
about sixteen 90 degree turns that need
                                                                                      are three at Bellambi St. in
to be made.                                Another ‘branch’ service is that to

The Times January 2021                                                                                                        3
The Times - Inside: Over the Northbridge bridge Stonington&Providence 1853 ETT Cowra-every which way
also the two services a day 594 from
                                                                                 North Turramurra.
                                                                                 The 194 provides a far superior
                                                                                 service. The 202 off peak, as far as
                                                                                 Cammeray, is six buses an hour versus
                                                                                 two (four after Northbridge) via the
                                                                                 freeway routing (which saves about
                                                                                 seven minutes), and direct access to
                                                                                 the heart of the City at the QVB.
                                                                                 I have two questions about all of this.
                                                                                 The first is whether this structure
                                                                                 should be rationalized. The second is
                                                                                 about information for the customers.
                                                                                 There would be a strong case to
                                                                                 number 205 services (East
                                                                                 Willoughby) as 206. This would make
                                                                                 it compatible with the 209 which does
                                                                                 feature starters from East Willoughby,
                                                                                 as well as those from East Lindfield.
Not included here—but perhaps it         These parallel the 207, etc. from       Is there a need for the 209? Perhaps
should be—is the recently-introduced     Archbold Rd., East Lindfield, all the   these services could be numbered 202?
Forest Coach Lines direct service from   way to Cammeray. Access to Sydney       The only difference with the 202s
St Ives to the City- the 194 and 194X.   QVB is then via the freeway. There is   would be terminating / starting at
                                                                                 Milsons Pt.
                                                                                 With the availability of Trip Planner,
                                                                                 the information situation has now
                                                                                 changed dramatically. Prior practice
                                                                                 with published timetables would have
                                                                                 been to include all the 200 series
                                                                                 routes in the one timetable. Some
                                                                                 would prefer this today, but it’s not
                                                                                 unreasonable to keep the PDFs to one
                                                                                 route and keep them simple.
                                                                                 What is needed is some
                                                                                 cross-referencing. The 202 timetable
                                                                                 should indicate on the front page that
                                                                                 it is not full time, i.e. not daily from
                                                                                 about 5 am until midnight, and it
                                                                                 should make reference to other
                                                                                 timetables as appropriate.
                                                                                 A word about maps. Some, but not all,
                                                                                 PDFs have a very diagrammatic
                                                                                 “weedy” map, e.g. the map at left. It is
                                                                                 difficult to get an overview with these
                                                                                 even if zooming helps with the detail.
                                                                                 There is a useful on-line map showing
                                                                                 all the stops [
                                                                                 network/202/26202]. This is for the
                                                                                 202. Stops are listed on the left hand
                                                                                 side. [bottom map, page 5]

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The Times January 2021   5
The Times - Inside: Over the Northbridge bridge Stonington&Providence 1853 ETT Cowra-every which way
The Stonington and Providence Railroad—ante Standard
Code of Rules by Kent Hannah          These two towns indicated by the
                                      red stars in the map on page 11

         ecently, I picked up a water-    dealing with a 167-year old employee      Railroad (note incorrect name) broke
         stained copy of a Stonington     timetable. As a backgrounder, I have      ground at Stonington on August 14,
         and Providence Railroad          written an article on the Inland and      1833 and completed the line to a pier
Employee Timetable (below) which          Shore Line routes between New York        in South Providence, Rhode Island on
was evidently from a scrap book,          and Boston [see following article]. The   July 29, 1844. Only the first 5½ miles
judging from the remains of the paste     Stonington & Providence eventually        of the road was in Connecticut and the
on the back. It was on eBay and had       became a segment of the “Shore Line”      balance was in the Rhode Island
no other bidders. I actually had put in   although, in 1853, tracks did not         Plantation. On May 1 1848, it is
a rather high bid for it because I        extend west of Stonington, CT.            referenced that the New York
wanted to read the notes under the                                                  Providence & Boston opened an
                                          The New York & Stonington Railroad
train columns, which were not legible                                               extension into Providence Union
                                          was chartered in Connecticut in May
from the online image.                                                              Station. I should add that the
                                          1832 and the New York, Providence
                                                                                    traditional historical source-book for
Timetable No. 17 of April 25 1853,        and Boston Railroad was chartered in
                                                                                    New England Railroads, The
would appear to the reader to be from     June 1832 in Rhode Island. On July 1
                                                                                    Formation of the New England
the first series. However, this is an     1833, the two companies were merged
                                                                                    Railroad Systems-A study of Railroad
example of a timetable that raises        to form a second New York,
                                                                                    Combination in the Nineteenth
many more questions than there are        Providence & Boston Railroad Co.
                                                                                    Century, by George Pierce Baker in
easy answers—especially when              Today, Wikipedia states that the
                                                                                    1937, did not list the Stonington &
                                          subsidiary Providence & Stonington

6                                                                                          The Times January 2021
The Times - Inside: Over the Northbridge bridge Stonington&Providence 1853 ETT Cowra-every which way
Providence Railroad. There is no                                                        upon the boat connection.
                                           Extra or Work Trains will always
reference to the Stonington &
                                           calculate for the Boston Extra
Providence in the early Henry V. Poor                                                   FREIGHT TRAIN: Stonington to
railroad manuals, either. I suspect that                                                Providence in 2¼ hours, keeping out
the Stonington & Providence Railroad       Now, these are a sparse number of            of the way of all other trains. Note:
was more of an advertising identifier,     general rules. In fact they are too          Again, no times are shown due to the
because the actual company did not         sparse, so I assume that there was a         steamboat connection.
serve New York or Boston. When the         separate rule book for employees in
                                                                                        ACCOMMODATION TRAIN:
New Haven leased the property in           force. These early rule books were
                                                                                        Departed Stonington at 700AM
1899, they leased the NYP&B. So the        quite small and the rules not
                                                                                        arrived Providence 1015AM
timetable on page 6 is probably the        standardized. One would be correct in
second series with the first series        assuming that they are very hard to          ACCOMMODATION TRAIN:
started under the NYP&B name until         find. I still kick myself for not buying     Departed Stonington at 345PM arrived
sometime in the late 1840s when it         an 1851 Erie Railroad rulebook that          Providence 545PM
was decided that the Stonington &          had a rule requiring trainmen and
                                           conductors to wear shoes. (It was            ACCOMMODATION TRAIN:
Providence was a more logical name.
                                           beyond my budget at the time).               Departed Providence at 715AM
(I think this may be before interline
                                                                                        arrived Stonington 915AM
ticketing was in general use, so it was
                                           Now ... the fine print in the train
possible for someone to walk up and                                                     FREIGHT TRAIN: Depar ted
                                           columns is quite interesting. First off, I
demand to purchase a railroad ticket to                                                 Providence at 130PM arrived
                                           suspect you cannot read the print
New York or Boston—something the                                                        Stonington 440PM. If the
                                           above [it helps to turn the page
agent could not sell.)                                                                  Accommodation Train from
                                           sideways– Ed]. Well, I needed a
                                           magnifying glass and I wonder if this        Stonington has not arrived on time,
What interested me in the timetable
                                           timetable was an eye test for                you will wait 15 minutes and then
was the lack of standard rules. There
                                           employees with its tiny print. I will        proceed, keeping 15 minutes behind
are only 3 general rules:
                                           reproduce the notations below, starting      table time until it is passed.
No Train will be allowed to leave a        from the left side Mail Train. The           ACCOMMODATION TRAIN:
Station before the time specified in       trains were not numbered in this             Departed Providence 415PM arrived
this Table, as regulated by the clock      timetable.                                   Stonington 630PM. If the
at Providence Station.
                                                                                        Accommodation Train from
                                           MAIL TRAIN: Stonington to
Afternoon Trains from Providence                                                        Stonington has not arrived on time,
                                           Providence in 1¾ hours, keeping out
not passing the afternoon Trains           of the way of all other trains. Note:        you will wait 15 minutes and then
from Stonington at the usual places        There are no departure or arrival            proceed, keeping 15 minutes behind
of meeting, will move round curves         times, because the mail train depended       table time until it is passed.
slow with a good lookout for signals.

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The Times - Inside: Over the Northbridge bridge Stonington&Providence 1853 ETT Cowra-every which way
MAIL TRAIN: Depar ted                      and Engineer had to do, calculate the       However, the Master Mechanic was in
Providence 700PM arrived Stonington        potential arrival time of opposing or       Providence, which meant that all the
845PM. To run by table time until it       following trains However, the rather        repairs were done there and I suspect
passes all Trains due. Note: This          accurate term fell out of use and this is   all the engineers lived in Providence.
sounds like verbal authority to break      the first time that I have seen             Providence did not became a major
rule 1, if they had met all trains then    “calculate” in a timetable. The single      locomotive manufacturing centre until
could then proceed as fast as they         word appears to have been replaced by       after the American Civil War, so that
wanted to? Although 105 minutes for        “keep out of the way” or “clear the         would have no bearing on making
50 miles was not too shabby in 1857,       time of”. There also was no formal          Providence the mechanical centre of
they must have been able to make up        superiority of trains by direction.         the road. How did the extra
time if needed.                            Another early usage of a very common        locomotive return to Providence?
                                           American term, “Extra train” appears        (probably double headed, but it was
BOSTON EXTRA FREIGHT:                                                                  not scheduled.) How were the extra
                                           here. I think if one were lucky enough
When on the road will leave                                                            train crew handled? We never shall
                                           to access employee timetables dated
Providence at 4 P. M. or on the                                                        know.
                                           1853 from 50 different railroads, the
arrival of the train from Boston if all
                                           words “W ild Train” would have been         The earliest reference to equipment of
trains are due in; will pass the
                                           the predominate name for an extra           the New York, Providence & Boston
regular Train from Stonington on the
                                           train. For instance, very early train       was from 1868 Poor’s Manual, which
accommodations time, and will in no
                                           orders would instruct Conductor Jones       has been reprinted and copies of the
instance run more than 15 minutes in
                                           and Engineer Smith “run wild from           reprint are around. The road had, in
advance of the Accommodation
                                           Bombay to Baroda”. Then a light bulb        1867, 16 locomotives, 17 passenger
Trains Time, and if following the
                                           went off and the following helpful          cars, 5 baggage cars, 110 freight cars
Accommodation will keep out of the
                                           term was added: Engine No. 9                and 18 “steamboat crates”. I deduce
way of all other trains.
                                           Conductor Smith and Engineer Smith          that a steamboat crate is an early form
Telegraphic train dispatching was not      run wild from Bombay to Baroda. Of          of container, but I wonder how they
developed until 1851 (on the Erie          course, in these very early days the        really worked and how large were the
Railroad). From the above notations        numbering of engines was not                crates. The crate had to be some sort
on the timetable, the Stonington &         practiced. The early engines were           of less-than-car- load contraption to
Providence Railroad had not yet            named after people, animals and             hold smaller miscellaneous packages
adopted train dispatching. One             places.                                     which could be moved from the boat
wonders how often the                                                                  to the freight car to expedite the
                                           Another notable feature of this
accommodation train arriving                                                           transfer and loading of the freight.
                                           timetable is that there were crew
Providence at 1015AM delayed the                                                       Was the NYP&B the first road to
                                           balancing issues as early as 1853.
415PM accommodation departure                                                          develop an intermodal container? The
                                           They ran four trains out of Stonington
from Providence. (i.e. 5 hours 45                                                      Boston & Providence and the Old
                                           and, if the freight train from Boston
minutes late). From a grammatical                                                      Colony and Newport, the other two
                                           appeared, they would run five trains
standpoint, the railroad used “passed”                                                 major steamship rail connections, did
                                           out of Providence. The Superintendent
instead of “meet”. Also quite                                                          not list steamship crates.
                                           (and later General Superintendent) of
interesting are the instructions for the
                                           the road was located in Stonington,         To give you some idea of the
extra train or work train to calculate
                                           CT. I suspect the train crews very well     frequency of name changes, the
for the Boston Extra Freight. That is
                                           may have lived in Stonington.               NYP&B Official Guide entry on the
certainly something that the Conductor

8                                                                                             The Times January 2021
The Times - Inside: Over the Northbridge bridge Stonington&Providence 1853 ETT Cowra-every which way
prior page was dated May 1868 and           Corridor (between Washington, DC          is 150 MPH for Acela equipment. This
the Stonington & Providence is dated        and Boston, MA) at MP 136.4, MP           spot and two other locations on the
Dec 20, 1869.                               136.7 and MP 140.6 all between            former Boston and Providence are
                                            Stonington and the Rhode Island state     good for 150 MPH. These are the only
The Stonington & Providence                 line. Stonington does not appear as a     three spots with this speed limit. One
(whatever its real corporate name was)      station in the Amtrak Employee            can get a cheap thrill at the Kingston,
has long disappeared. However, its          timetable. Parts of the S&P were in a     RI or Attleboro, MA station (which is
original location has had some impact       straight line. Today between MP 154.3     closed) when you are on the platform
on today’s Northeast Corridor. There        and MP 171.7 (south of Kingston), RI      and a train zips by at 150 mph (Rear
are 3 grade crossings on the Northeast      to south of Packard, RI the speed limit   cover).

Backgrounder—the Land Route versus the Shore Route

          long-forgotten competitive        double track line between Boston          The NY & NH and H&NE finally
         route between New York City,       and Albany with the City of               merged on August 6, 1873 to form
         NY and Boston, MA is today         Springfield, MA, 98 miles from            the New Y ork, New Haven &
overshadowed by the winner being            Boston, becoming the terminal and         Hartford. F rom that time on, the
part of the “Northeast Corridor” with       also the connecting point of the          NYNH&H was a very aggressive
its Acela service. Although the present     land route to New York City.              purchaser of other connecting
day reader thinks of the New Haven                                                    railroads to protect and dominate
                                            That connection was the Hartford &
Railroad as the dominant route with its                                               entry into New York City.
                                            New Haven, which opened a 36
“Shore Route”, historically this was
                                            mile line between the two                 An 1873 map of the “Land Route”
not the case. Early American railroads
                                            Connecticut cities in 1839. The           from a September 1873 Rand
were very much locally-backed affairs.
                                            H&NH, in turn, organized the              McNally Railroad Guide appears at
The first “longest railroad” in the         Hartford and Springfield, which           the top left of page 11. This route
United States was the Western               opened a 26 mile line on Dec. 9           was 234 miles long. This may be the
Railway of Massachusetts—a section          1841 and operated the combined            first published map of NYNH&H.
of the “Land Route” which opened a          lines as the New Haven, Hartford &
line between Worcester, MA and              Springfield Railway (62 miles).           The “Shore Line”, as a through rail
Greenbrush, NY (across the Hudson           Evidently that name was used              route, was slower in materializing.
River from Albany, NY), 166 miles, in       mainly to inform passengers where         The steamships on Long Island
1842. Considering how geographically        the road operated because the             Sound could still provide effective
small Massachusetts is, it is ironic that   surviving corporation name was            and more comfortable competition as
the State had the first “Longest            still the “New Haven and                  late as 1937 on parts of the route. Fall
Railway”. The Western Railway               Hartford.” The New York and New           River, MA and Providence, RI were
connected with the Boston &                 Haven reached New Haven and               only an hour and half or so from
Worcester. The latter road opened its       made a connection with the                Boston by rail. Stonington, CT was
line between Boston and Worcester in        Hartford & New Haven in January           another major port which was a
1835 (44 miles). Although the B&W           1849 … thus was created the               longer rail trip which had the
was a financial supporter of the            “inland route”, via Springfield,          advantage that it was sheltered
Western, the two roads were separate        MA.                                       completely by Long Island from
companies and at times pursued                                                        rough seas. Once a boat passed Point
                                            There was a lot of competition for        Judith, RI, they were exposed to the
opposing policies. The B&W was an
                                            rail at the time in the form of Long      open sea.
early enough railroad that they had a
                                            Island Sound steamboats. The
monopoly clause in their charter for
                                            “Land Route” was an alternative to        The New Haven, before its downfall,
passenger and freight traffic between                                                 purchased competing railroads,
                                            the various steamboats to various
Worcester and Boston. This meant that                                                 interurban trolley operations, and
                                            shoreline railroad connections that
the B&W could charge higher prices                                                    established the dominant steamboat
                                            operated south from Boston to
due to the lack of competition and that                                               company to protect its monopoly in
                                            Atlantic or Long Island Sound
they strove mightily to protect their                                                 Southern New England. The early
                                            piers. Although there were through
monopoly. That monopoly was so
                                            New York to Boston sailings, these        disadvantages to the Shore Line
unpopular with the locals that the                                                    route, when completed as a rail route,
                                            were not popular because the boats
Western was able to obtain state                                                      were the three separate ferry
                                            had to navigate around Cape Cod,
approval to build a parallel line to                                                  operations required to make the trip
                                            which took much longer and
Boston around 1866 and break the                                                      between Boston and New York. One
                                            exposed much of the voyage to the
monopoly. That threat forced a merger
                                            open seas. “Vomit comets” were            in Providence, RI from India Point of
between the Western and the B&W on                                                    a mile across Providence River to
                                            just as unpopular in 1850 as they
Sept. 4, 1867. The new company, The                                                   West Providence, another across the
                                            are in 2020.
Boston & Albany, soon completed a                                                     Thames River at New London, CT

The Times January 2021                                                                                                      9
The Times - Inside: Over the Northbridge bridge Stonington&Providence 1853 ETT Cowra-every which way
and a last across the Connecticut River    Stonington, CT.                             connect with the New Haven & New
east of Old Saybrook, CT.                                                              London Railroad. The New Haven
                                           The New York, Providence & Boston
A trip along the “Shoreline Route”                                                     and New London Railroad was an
                                           was chartered in Rhode Island in June
from Boston to New York [map upper                                                     earlier corporation chartered in May
                                           1832 and the New Y ork and
right, page 11] would involve five                                                     1848 to connect New Haven, CT and
                                           Stonington was chartered in
segments and a historically complex                                                    the soon-to-arrive New Y ork and New
                                           Connecticut in May 1832. It should be
mélange of railroads:                                                                  Haven. Construction began in 1850
                                           noted that for many years a railroad
1. Boston—Providence                                                                   and the line was opened on July 1
                                           had to obtain a charter for each state in
2. Providence—Stonington                                                               1852 between New Haven and the
                                           which it operated. On July 1 1833 the
3. Stonington—New London                                                               Connecticut River at Old Saybrook.
                                           two companies merged and, on August
4. New London—New Haven                                                                Later that month, the line between Old
                                           14 1833, construction started at
5. New Haven—New York                                                                  Lyme and New London was opened,
                                           Stonington CT. The line to South
                                                                                       with a train ferry connection across the
The Boston & Providence Railroad           Providence RI (where they constructed
                                                                                       river. On March 6 1857, the New
organized in 1831 and completed a 40       a dock) was opened Nov. 17 1837.
                                                                                       London & Stonington merged with the
mile line between Boston, MA and           Steamships to Stonington avoided
                                                                                       New Haven and New London to form
Providence, RI at Fox Point on July 28     going around Cape Judith, RI. The
                                                                                       the New Haven, New London &
1835. The Canton Viaduct (still used       first boat connections at Stonington
                                                                                       Stonington- i.e. it took a fresh
by Amtrak) held up the completion of       went directly to New York and, in July
                                                                                       infusion of money from the merger to
the road. The B&P later built the India    1844, a steamboat service was
                                                                                       finish the NL&S, commonly known as
Point Railroad, to reach the India         established between Stonington and
                                                                                       the Stonington Extension. The first
Point Dock. After the New Y ork,           Greenport, NY, at the tip of Long
                                                                                       “Shore Line” passenger service began
Providence and Boston built their          Island to a connection with the newly-
                                                                                       on Dec. 12, 1859 and the first night
terminal in South Providence in 1837,      arrived Long Island Railroad. On May
                                                                                       trains on Aug. 19, 1861.
a ferry operation between the two          1 1848 the NYP&B opened a mile
roads began. This later turned into a      long connection to the new Union            Meanwhile, the New York, Providence
railroad car ferry operation. A railroad   Station in Providence.                      & Boston leased the New Haven, New
that still exists, the Providence and                                                  London & Stonington on Nov. 1, 1859
                                           Another company, the New London &
Worcester, opened a line from                                                          which gave it a through route between
                                           Stonington was chartered in May
downtown Providence to Worcester,                                                      New Haven, CT and Providence. In
                                           1852 to build the twelve mile stretch
MA in 1847. The Boston &                                                               1864 the NYP&B purchased the
                                           between Stonington, CT and Groton,
Providence built a branch to reach the                                                 Stonington Extension and reorganized
                                           CT on the east bank of the Thames
P&W at Central Falls RI, and started                                                   the New Haven to New London line as
                                           River opposite of New London, CT.
using the joint station in Providence.                                                 the Shore Line Railway. The New
                                           The project was a separate company.
The New York, Providence & Boston                                                      York and New Haven leased the Shore
                                           The New London & Stonington did
extended their line to this station from                                               Line Railway on Nov. 1 1870 and
                                           not open this line until Dec. 30 1858.
the simply named “Junction” in 1848                                                    constructed the Connecticut River
                                           A railroad ferry operation was
to establish a through rail route to                                                   Bridge. In 1892 the NYNH&H leased
                                           established across the Thames to
                                                                                       the New York Providence and Boston

10                                                                                            The Times January 2021
and merged with it on Feb. 12 1893.
The New Haven built the Thames
River Bridge which opened in 1889
and in the 1890s double tracked the
Shore Line. The Shore Line Railway
was merged into the New Haven on
March 17 1897.
This gave the New Haven control of
the “Shore Line” between New York
and Providence, RI. The real goal was
Boston, which required obtaining
control of the Boston & Providence. In
1888 the Old Colony Railroad had
leased the B&P. The Old Colony was
a 617 mile system mainly in
Southeastern Massachusetts. To obtain
the B&P, the New Haven leased the
Old Colony on March 1, 1893, which
brought the “Shore Line” under one
ownership for the first time. An 1873
map of the Shore Line Railroad Route
between New York and Boston is at
upper right.
When the “Shore Line” fell under full
control of the New Haven, it became
NH’s preferred route since the NH had
to divide the revenue of the “Inland”
route with the Boston & Albany. In the
early days, the Inland route was faster   The advent of Amtrak saw the Inland
and in fact, never fell too far behind    route connection at Springfield cease
the timings on the “Shore Line.           as Amtrak put all funding into
                                          extending and upgrading the
Table 74 (Shore Line) and 75 (Land        Northeast Corridor of the former
Route) from the June 1868 Travelers       PRR to include the former New
Official Railway Guide appear at the      Haven all the way to Boston.
tops of page 8 and the rear cover and
illustrate the timings in the days of     Today finds the highest speeds in the
river crossings and Long Island Sound     United States (150 mph) achieved by
ferries respectively.                     the Acela equipment on the old
                                          Boston & Providence and the
One had a choice, although much           Stonington Line.
reduced in later years, of the two
routes between New York and Boston.

The Times January 2021                                                            11
Every Which Way to Cowra
 Geoff Mann again delves into the NSWGR 1955 Timetable, one of his

I    N THE MID 1950S,                from Sydney, six days per week,          8:20 pm and arriving Cowra at
     Cowra, located in the mid-      conveyed a through sleeping              8:02 am and a corresponding
     west of NSW, had a              carriage plus sitting cars. This train   overnight train to Sydney via
population of about 6,000. Cowra     continued to Grenfell. On Sunday         Harden that departed Cowra at
and Young are the largest towns on   mornings, a Mixed train from             5 pm as a Mixed.
the currently-moribund cross-        Blayney provided a connection off        There were additional services to
country line from Blayney to         the late Saturday night (11:08 pm)       and from Young, both daytime and
Harden. This line had a most         service from Sydney.                     overnight.
interesting and rather complex
                                     A similar pattern in the reverse         All fairly logical and
timetable in 1955.
                                     direction provided a Mon-Sat “day        straightforward— although one
Cowra was best served by trains to   service”, plus a daily overnight         would need to know what day it
and from Sydney via Blayney. The     train with a through sleeping car—       was, because there was
8:00 am air-conditioned Central      except apparently on Sunday              considerable variation in day to
West Express from Sydney Mon –       nights from Cowra.                       day operations.
Sat arrived at Blayney at 2:10 pm.
                                     From the southerly direction, there      But hang on ... a study of the
The connecting train departed 30
                                     was also an overnight service four       timetable shows mysterious
minutes later and arrived Cowra at
                                     days per week departing Sydney at
4:20 pm. An overnight Mail train

12                                                                                   The Times January 2021
overnight trains along the line, four   week, via the Southern Line, there      Byrock, then continuing as a
nights a week. Northbound, the          are two trains to and from Sydney.      Passenger or Mail. It arrived at
train that departs Harden at            One of these reaches Cowra at           Blayney at 11:10 pm. From Cobar,
10:05 pm has a connection shown         8.02 a.m. and consists of a through     there was a Mixed on Tues., Thurs.
from Sydney, but there is a wait of     carriage (ACX) off the Temora           and Sats., connecting into the Mail
over three hours at Harden from         Mail, with two “box” carriages          at Nyngan whilst on Fridays a
6:55 pm, so not at all appealing.       and van added at Harden. The            Diesel Train from Cobar connected
                                        other leaves Harden at 10.05 p.m.       into the Mail at Dubbo.
The south bound train departs
                                        off the 10.05 a.m. from Sydney to       The Up Forbes Mail arrived at
Blayney at 11:50 pm Tues.,Thurs.,
                                        Cootamundra. However, as there          Blayney at 11:43 pm and allowed a
Fris. and arrives Cowra at 1:25 am
                                        is an interval of 3 hours 10 minutes    fairly tight connection of 7 minutes
and runs through to Harden
                                        between the arrival of the              into the Cowra and Harden train.
arriving 4:17 am. It also runs
                                        Cootamundra train and the               The Silver City Comet that
Saturday nights at 11:45 pm from
                                        departure of the one for Cowra,         departed Broken Hill at 8:55 am
Blayney and terminates at Cowra
                                        this can scarcely be called a           Broken Hill time connected into
at 2:28 am. All very odd. There
                                        connection. The intention is that       the Forbes Mail at Parkes.
are no connections shown in the
                                        the Up Temora Mail and the Up
timetable for these trains, apart                                               Another possible travel
                                        Albury Mail which are due at
from the poor connection into the                                               opportunity was from Coonamble
                                        Harden at 8.55 p.m. and 9.54 p.m.
10:05 pm from Harden. Both                                                      on the Mail (through train on
                                        respectively, should make a
overnight locals are passenger                                                  Fridays and Saturdays, connection
trains, not shown as Mixeds. So                                                 at Dubbo on Tuesdays and
why run them?                           So there we have it. These trains       Thursdays), which arrived at
                                        were intended to facilitate travel      Blayney at 10:00 pm- but a wait of
The answer lies in a contemporary
                                        from the North–west and Far-west        nearly 2 hours was involved.
account by L. A. Clark published
                                        to the South and South-west NSW
in the Australian Railway                                                       Our 11:50 pm passenger catered
                                        and vice versa. Perhaps there was
Historical Society Bulletin of                                                  for travellers from as far afield as
                                        sufficient parcels traffic to justify
November 1954.                                                                  Bourke and Broken Hill, heading
                                        these services if passengers were
“On Tuesdays, Thursdays and             few? Given the range of travel          for Cowra and Young. If staying
Fridays at 11.50pm and on               options that were possible without      on board through to Harden and
Saturdays at 11.45pm, a train           having to pass through Sydney,          arriving at 4:17 am, there was not
leaves Blayney, off the Up Through      perhaps a separate table should         long to wait for trains to the South.
West Mail (sic) and the Up Forbes       have been provided.                     The first of these was the Temora
Mail, reaching Cowra at the                                                     Mail which arrived at 4:24 am and
                                        So let us look at the possibilities.    departed at 4:34 am. At Temora,
outlandish hours of 1.28 a.m. on
                                        The Through Mail departed               this train continued as a passenger
Wednesdays, Fridays and
                                        Bourke at 9:43 am on Tues.,             service to Griffith via Barellan and
Saturdays and at 2.28 a.m. on
                                        Thurs., and Sats. as a Mixed,           also became a Mixed to Lake
Sundays, the latter being a
                                        joined a Mixed from Brewarrina at
“Mixed”. Then, on four days a

The Times January 2021                                                                                           13
Cargelligo on Wednesdays and          southern NSW branch lines on        Thurs., Sats.
Fridays. The South-West Mail          certain days.
                                                                          However, if heading further north,
departed Harden at 5:32 am and
                                      In the reverse (northbound)         the arrival into Blayney at 2:47 am
arrived at Griffith via Narranderra
                                      direction, fewer travel             would not be pleasant—
at 1:00 pm.
                                      opportunities were available,       particularly on a winters night.
Hot on the heels of the South-West    because the Up South-West Mail      Let’s hope the fire was alight in the
Mail, was the Albury Mail at 5:56     arrived at Harden long after the    waiting room. But, in less than 20
am. It arrived in Albury at           Cowra and Blayney train departed    minutes, the Coonamble Mail was
12:11 pm and connected with the       at 10:05 pm. Arrival at Cowra was   due to arrive at 3:05 am and depart
afternoon train to Melbourne. It      a more civilised 12:30 am and it    at 3:14 am, followed not long after
also connected into various           continued to Blayney on Tues.,      by the Forbes Mail, due to depart

14                                                                               The Times January 2021
at 3:43 am. If travelling to Bourke,   Dubbo. A return to Broken Hill or   cross-country Blayney – Harden
a connection was available at          Brewarrina would require an         line? These days the journey can
Dubbo off the Coonamble Mail,          overnight stay en route.            still be made on a Trainlink Coach,
but on Saturdays a passenger could                                         with a change at Cootamundra, but
                                       I wonder how many passengers did
wait for the Through Mail at                                               not via Cowra in the middle of the
                                       travel from Lake Cargelligo to
4:24 am for a better connection at                                         night.
                                       Dubbo or vice versa by using the

The Times January 2021                                                                                    15
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