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Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development
                                   eISSN 2345-0355. 2021. Vol. 43. No. 2: 225 – 236
                                   Article DOI:

Kostenko Svitlana1, Strilchuk Vitalii2, Chernysh Roman3, Buchynska Anna4
 PhD, Аssociate Рrofessor, Department of Science of Law, Polissia National University, Staryi Blvd 7, 10008 Zhytomyr,
Ukraine. Phone +380979421195. Email:
 PhD, Аssociate Рrofessor, Department of Science of Law, Polissia National University, Staryi Blvd 7, 10008 Zhytomyr,
Ukraine. Phone +380679487573. E-mail:
 PhD, Аssociate Рrofessor, Department of Science of Law, Polissia National University, Staryi Blvd 7, 10008 Zhytomyr,

Phone Number. +380674126814.
  PhD, Аssociate Рrofessor, Department of Science of Law, Polissia National University, Staryi Blvd 7, 10008 Zhytomyr,

Received 23 07 2020; Accepted 04 11 2020.

The article studies the mainstreaming of the crypto assets’ market legal regulation on the example of Ukraine and Poland.
Specifically, the notions “crypto currency” and “virtual currency” are analyzed. On the basis of dialectical method and of
critical analysis of research literature, regulatory legal acts, etc. the impropriety of the stated notions’ use is proved,
especially as concerns the legislative level; the specifics of the stated categories’ legal status is defined; the necessity and
practicality of special regulatory legal acts approval in this sphere on the level of Ukraine and Poland is determined, for
effective rights’ exercising of the corresponding relations participants, including constitutional rights. Simultaneously,
the article provides the grounds for inacceptability of adoption by Ukraine and Poland of the crypto assets’ market
development by means of impelementation of varios benefits (preferences) for this market participants, because this can
threaten the ecological, energy, information, and in total, national security of the given states.

Key words: crypto currency, national security, virtual currency.
JEL Codes: K24, K33.

      The international experience analysis of                      programming and algorithms exceptionally
financial    systems’      establishment     and                    well, is sure that the development of crypto
functioning shows that there appear a number                        currency market is dangerous (Еpravda, 2018).
of multifarious questions as to the                                       Instead, a considerable number of
mainstreaming of cryptocurrency introduction;                       globally famous actors, politicians (Ukrainian
these questions give rise to heated discussions                     ones including (Еpravda, 2017), scholars
in many countries of the world. Specifically,                       (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2017: 118-127), etc.
these are the issues concerning its legalization,                   highlight its introduction into national
legal status and even determining and                               financial systems and practically use crypto
development of methods to avoid the threats to                      currency.
states’ national security. Thus, for instance, it                         Therefore, the purpose of this study is to
is worth noting that such a well-known                              establish the advantages and disadvantages of
programmer and co-founder of Microsoft                              cryptocurrency, the essence of the problems of
Company as Bill Gates, who knows computer

Copyright © 2021 Author(s), published by Vytautas Magnus University. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are credited. The material
cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Kostenko Svitlana, Strilchuk Vitalii, Chernysh Roman, Buchynska Anna
   The Threats to National Security of Ukraine and Poland in Assisting to the Development of The Crypto-Asset
                                              Market: Legal Aspect

its legal regulation, to clarify its legal status           analysis, which enabled considering and
and potential threats in promoting the                      exercising the analysis of diametrically
cryptocurrency market for national security.                opposed views of various researcher groups as
       The     issue    of    crypto-currencies’            to crypto-currency and making new author’s
functioning was studied in various aspects.                 conclusions.
Thus, researchers in the field of economics                       With the help of the Aristotelian method
tried to explore whether it was economically                and the method of legal norms’ interpretation,
beneficial to apply crypto-currency on the                  the sense and plot of the crypto-currency
market, whether it would facilitate the                     category was analyzed; it was established, that
development of state economy. Scholars in the               categorial clarification is needed for the name
sphere of law study the legal nature of the                 of the relevant phenomenon, especially at the
corresponding phenomenon, determine the                     statutory level.
risks, related to crypto-currencies’ application,                  The comparative-legal method was
introduce proposals as to the improvement of                applied in conducting the comparative analysis
legal regulation of these legal relations.                  of the provisions of regulatory legal acts of the
Representatives of business companies, in                   EU, Poland, Ukraine and other states, which
their turn, exercise research of the ways of                determine the legal regulation of crypto-
obtaining profits from operations with crypto-              currency.
currencies, publishing relevant educational
content, conducting trainings, etc. So, among                     Research results and discussion
crypto-currencies researchers the following
                                                                  Before starting the analysis of the given
personalities can be specified: Rubanov P.
                                                            term, with consideration to the volume and
(2015), Piech K. (2017), Nogacki R. (2019),
                                                            subject of the research, we would like to
Nekit K. (2018), Kravchuk V. (2012),
                                                            present a brief definition of the “crypto
Kostyuchenko V. (2017), Kacwin M. (2017),
                                                            currecncy” notion. Crypto currency is a kind of
Iansiti M. and Lakhani K.R. (2017),
                                                            digital assets, the functioning of which is
Hendrickson J. and Luther W. (2017),
                                                            provided by cryptographic methods and the
Chaplyan S. (2018), Duchenko M. and
                                                            blockchain technology.
Pavlenko T. (2018), Levchuk C. (2018) and
                                                                  It can be used to pay bills or transactions.
                                                            At the same time, crypro currency has no
       Thuswise, each of the stated above
                                                            central governing body. All operations are
groups of researchers studies the crypto-
                                                            checked by the Blockchain network, that is, by
currencies’ market in one separate aspect, from
                                                            other users. Each block consists of chain
the perspective of the interests of this or that
                                                            operations which are interconnected, that is
scientific sophistication. Simultaneously, the
                                                            why it is impossible to falsify or cancel an
suggested research is a complex one, as the
                                                            agreement. A crypto currency unit is a code
attempt is made in it to analyze and unite the
                                                            which is produced as the result of complicated
multifarious results obtained, and its final goal
                                                            computer mathematic calculations. The
is obtaining objective, generalized and new
                                                            process of obtaining crypto currency is called
                                                            mining. It is exercised with the help of
       The object of the research is the
                                                            expensive special computer equipment. Crypto
cryptocurrency market, the subject of the
                                                            currency can be exchanged with the help of
research is the legal regulation of social
                                                            crypto currency exchange board or via a crypto
relations arising in the process of extraction,
                                                            currency exchange office.
exchange, and sale of cryptocurrencies, as well
                                                                  Having cleared the notion “crypto
as national security through the prism of
                                                            currency” in general terms, it is possible to
promoting the cryptocurrency market.
                                                            pass directly to the analysis of “crypto
       The basis of the research methodology is
                                                            currency” as a term. Before developing
the dialectical method of scientific
                                                            effective regulation of any relations, first it is
sophistication and the method of complex
Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development
                                 eISSN 2345-0355. 2021. Vol. 43. No. 2: 225 – 236
                                 Article DOI:

necessary to correctly determine the                          to fiduciary money, that is it must be
definitions framework.                                        recognized by the state as a lawful payment
       From the analysis of various research                  means, and the obligation must be established
sources and web-based media a clear-cut                       that it must be admitted in exchange operations
tendency can be observed that the notion and                  like traditional banknotes and coins. Electronic
understanding of cryptocurrency as virtual                    money must be completely maintained by
currency has stricken root. Besides, the notion               traditional money or by other readily
of digital currency is often used as a synonym.               obtainable assets, and on its owner’s demand it
In addition, while the mentioned notions are                  must be exchanged for usual money.
characterized, the notion of electronic money                 Electronic money systems can be based on
is often used. To clarify the suggested                       smart-cards’ use or on special software:
terminology, each of the mentioned terms will                 electronic money of VISA Cash, Mondex card
be considered in detail.                                      systems and electronic money of PayPal,
       Thus, among the mentioned terms the                    GlobalMoney network systems.
notion of digital currency is the most general.                      In the majority of world states, electronic
Digital currency can operate as the means of                  money emission is strictly controlled by the
digital expression either of virtual currency                 state, which determines the circle of subjects
(non-fiat currency), or of electronic money                   which are allowed to issue electronic money,
(fiat currency), that is why it is often used as              as well as emission terms. For instance, in
the synonym of “virtual currency” (SDFM,                      Ukraine the only electronic money producers
2015: 51). Fiat (fiduciary) currency is                       are banks. Electronic money value can be
understood as the type of money or currency,                  expressed only in hryvnias (Rubanov, 2015).
the value of which originates not from its own                       According to EBA, “VCs are defined as
value or the exchange guarantee for gold or                   a digital representation of value that is neither
another currency, but from the state order                    issued by a central bank or public authority …,
(from Lat. Fiat – decree, order) to use it as the             but is used … as a means of exchange …
means of payment; that is, this is the money                  electronically” (EBA, 2014: 11). So, the
issued by the central bank or another                         European bank body expressly points out that
institution, acknowledged by the state as the                 virtual currency, unlike electronic money, is of
legal payment means and having no soecial                     non-regulated and decentralized character.
intrinsic value (Kravchuk, Naumenko and                       Further on this document reads that virtual
Glybovets, 2012: 5).                                          currency may be convertible and non-
       To clarify other notions, official                     convertible. In more detail as to virtual
publications of international regulation and                  currency kinds, it reads in FATF REPORT
control bodies, as to this sphere, will be                    Virtual Currencies Key Definitions and
referred to, in particular, correcsponding EU                 Potential AML/CFT Risks (FATF, 2014).
directives, FATF (The Financial Action Task                          Thuswise, having clarified essential
Force), EBA (European Banking Authority)                      details of the following categories as “digital
documents, etc.                                               currency”, “virtual currency”, “electronic
       The official definition of electronic                  money” and crypto currency”, and having
money is provided in to DIRECTIVE                             revealed differences between them, it is
2009/110/EC (Eur-lex, 2009). From his                         considered practical to conduct a more detailed
analysis, it becomes clear that the mandatory                 analysis of the “crypto currency” category on
property of electronic money is that it belongs               the example of officials documents of relevant

Copyright © 2021 Author(s), published by Vytautas Magnus University. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are credited. The material
cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Kostenko Svitlana, Strilchuk Vitalii, Chernysh Roman, Buchynska Anna
   The Threats to National Security of Ukraine and Poland in Assisting to the Development of The Crypto-Asset
                                              Market: Legal Aspect

international organizations. Thus, the EBA                  nominations beneficial, and it is impossible to
document reads that “… the usage of the term                influence his ‘creative process’ on legal
‘currency’ is misleading for several reasons,               grounds. A single way out of this situation
including the insinuation that it is therefore              appears to be the non-use of such terms on the
exchangeable against other currencies, which                legislative level. Thus, in our opinion, a good
may not necessarily be the case” (EBA, 2014:                alternative for the notions “virtual currency”
11).                                                        and “crypto currency” is “virtual assets” and
       In “Opinion of the European Central                  “crypto assets” correspondingly, which
Bank” one can read about some remarks as to                 doesn’t result in their distorted understanding.
“virtual currency” definition. Thus, “virtual                      Thus, ESMA has already taken this way;
currencies” “do not qualify as currencies from              specifically, in its report “Advice. Initial Coin
a Union perspective. ... The euro is the single             Offerings and Crypto-Assets” the term
currency of the Union’s economic and                        “Crypto-Assets” was used (ESMA, 2019),
monetary union. … The ECB recommends                        which supports the practicability of our
defining virtual currencies more specifically,              suggestion
… that virtual currencies are not legal                            That is why, it is deemed expedient to
currencies or money” (ECB, 2016: 3).                        introduce changes on the international
       In the document “Virtual currencies and              legislative level into corresponding regulatory
central banks monetary policy: challenges                   legal acts and change the notion “virtual
ahead”, a similar idea can be traced: “The term             currency” into the notion “virtual assets”, in
“virtual currency” might be misleading,                     particular, in the Directive (EU) 2018/843
suggesting that a VC is a sovereign currency.               (Eur-lex, 2018). Actually, in the context of the
Instead, they represent a form of private                   said above, in the further research the term
money” (Europarl, 2018).                                    “crypto assets’ will be used.
       Hence,         international     financial                  Internationally,     a single special
organizations admit, that such notions as                   regulatory legal act, allowing standardizing
“crypto currency” and “virtual currency” are                legal regulations of the corresponding market
inadvisable and misleading. The reason of the               on regional levels, is absent. That is why, states
application of specifically this misleading                 consider crypto assets, from a judicial
notion is clear; it was done for marketing                  standpoint, according to their own vision,
purposes. Indeed, a potential user, on hearing              which, on reviewing the relevant global
the word “currency”, has a certain confidence               practice, is rather unhomogenious. For
level as to this unit on a psychological level, as          instance, in Canada crypto assets are placed at
currency, on the example of euro, is accepted               the same footing as non-material assets, in
and exchanged by everybody. That is why the                 Argentina - as money and goods, in China – as
words “crypto currency” or “virtual currency”               virtual goods, etc. (Bank, 2017). On the one
produce an already wrong impression as to                   hand, the absence of a unified global approach
their essence. A peg to the word “currency” in              makes defining of crypto assets’ legal status on
the name serves a kind of advertisement for                 the states’ level difficult, including Ukraine
expanding the volume of financial operations                and Poland. However, on the other hand, it is
connected to corresponding units, and this is a             wrong to consider the absence of a unified
fraudulent means of mass influence. So, the                 regulatory legal act in the EU, regulating the
mentioned above international public                        crypto assets-related activity, to be a demerit,
documents emphasize the necessity of                        considering the following. The stated position
applying more exact notions to name the                     in this issue is chosen deliberately; indeed, as
relevant phenomena. However, the difficulty                 early as in January 2016, at the public hearing
in renaming of already rooted notions under                 which took place in the European Parliament
consideration is that the developer of the                  as to digital currencies, it was resumed: the
relevant units, which has his authorship rights,            situation related to digital currencies must be
finds the application of precisely these                    watched continuously; there is “no special
Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development
                                 eISSN 2345-0355. 2021. Vol. 43. No. 2: 225 – 236
                                 Article DOI:

hurry” in regulating financial products                       civil law aspects of crypto assets’ markets
connected to digital currencies; hence, it is                 functioning, but concerning the fiscal branch
worth refraining from direct regulation of                    the situation is the opposite one. This can be
crypto assets (Eurasiancommission, 2017:5).                   explained by the fact that generally civil law
The stated results are most probably connected                aspects of crypto assets’ markets functioning
with the fact that crypto assets are not secured              concern exclusively players on the crypto
whatsoever (neither with money, not with                      assets’ market and their risks, but they do not
goods, nor by the state) and are in fact                      touch upon state interests. However, the same
something like a soap bubble which can burst                  cannot be said about the fiscal sphere, as states
any moment. One of the leading American                       do not want to lose the state budget profit in the
bank holdings Morgan Stanley expressed its                    form of corresponding taxes. Actually, this is
opinion on this point: “A real value of a bitcoin             the reason why mostly states regulate only the
can be equal to a zero, if nobody adopts this                 fiscal sphere of crypto assets’ markets.
technology        for    exercising     payments”                    At present, the relevant issue as to VAT
(Eurasiancommission, 2017: 1).                                in the territory of the EU is regulated and
       The truth of this statement is supported               unified, as in the case of Skatteverket v David
by statistics: thus, in June 2012, when there                 Hedqvist (Case C-264/14) the Court of Justice
was no demand for crypto assets, a bitcoin                    of the European Union established in its
value in relation to a dollar was $5, and in 2017             decision that operations with virtual currencies
there was the climax of biscoin value growth,                 (crypto currencies) shall be safe from VAT.
as 1 bitcoin cost nearly $17746; however, in                  Consequently, this decision is mandatory for
2018 a decrease of demand for bitcoins was                    the Polish Republic. Not for Ukraine, though.
marked, which influenced its value, and 1                     And indeed, the Court of Justice of the
bitcoin cost $ 3209 (Myfin, 2019).                            European Union is the internal legal body of
       So, this is the reason why there is no need            the European Union. It is worth noting,
for international regulation of this activity.                however, that the decision of the Court in the
Thereat, the EU’s intrusion limits to the                     case of Skatteverket v David Hedqvist is
adjustment of crypo assets’ market functioning                grounded on the provisions of the Directive
to current norms of opposing legalization                     2006/112/EU on the common tax system as to
(laundering) of illegally gained incomes and                  added value. In Ukraine, the provisions of this
financing terrorism, and also to customer                     Directive must be implemented during 5 years
warning as to risks related to purchasing,                    from the date the Agreement on the
owning and operating virtual assets.                          Association of Ukraine with the EU enters into
       In considering of the foregoing, and also              force (KMU, 2011), that is, after its ratification
of the fact that neither Poland, nor Ukraine has              in 2022.
adopted a special regulatory legal act                               Nevertheless, even under the current
regulating the crypto assets’ market, to                      Ukrainian legislation, operations connected
determine crypto assets’ legal nature on the                  with crypto assets’ sale cannot be subject to
level of the mentioned states these assets                    VAT, because a VAT subject shall be pegged
should be analyzed through a lens of                          to a delivery place which must be situated in
corresponding legal branches, specifically of                 the Ukrainian customs area (P.1, Art.185 of the
civil law and fiscal law branches.                            Tax Code of Ukraine); but it is impossible to
       It must be noted first of all that generally           define the placement or the delivery place of
states keep aside from state legal regulation of              crypto assets.

Copyright © 2021 Author(s), published by Vytautas Magnus University. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are credited. The material
cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Kostenko Svitlana, Strilchuk Vitalii, Chernysh Roman, Buchynska Anna
   The Threats to National Security of Ukraine and Poland in Assisting to the Development of The Crypto-Asset
                                              Market: Legal Aspect

       So, notwithstanding the differences in               the civil right, accordingly). Despite various
legal approaches in Poland and Ukraine, the                 approaches as to determining a special object,
activity connected to crypto assets’ sale is                which has the properties similar to crypto
VAT-free. The situation with the profits tax is             assets, the majority of law researchers tend to
quite different. Thus, in Poland a general                  think that in a civil law aspect crypto asset,
consensus is adopted, according to which any                under certain conditions, possess the features
activity connected to crypto assets’ mining                 of property (Nekit, 2018: 42; Ukrainepravo,
shall not be subject to the profits tax. And                2018; CDN, 2018: 15).
indeed, crypto assets, obtained in the process                    Besides, in the case of Beyeler v. Italy,
of mining, do not meet the definition of profits            the European Court of Human Rights [2000]
according to tax rules. That is why it is correct           observed that “the notion ‘property’ in Art.1
to state that virtual currencies’ mining does not           [Protocol 1 to the Convention] has an
generate any tax liabilities (Nogacki, 2019).               autonomous meaning which is not limited to
       Instead, in Ukraine there exists the legal           property for physical things. It is independent
vacuum as to this question. Thus, the State                 of formal classification in the national law:
Fiscal Service of Ukraine (hereinafter – SFS)               some other rights and interests, which assets
in     its     individual     tax    consultation           constitute, can be considered as the property
№282/К/99‑99‑13‑01‑02‑14/ІПК,               dated           right and, in this respect, as ‘property’ in the
25.01.2019 stated that as the order of tax                  context of this provision”.
practices with cryptocurrency is not                              It seems obvious that with the
established by the fiscal legislation rules,                development of new technologies the civil law
providing an individual tax consultation as to              theory must develop and update, considering
the issues of the stated rules’ practical                   present-day tendencies. And indeed, it appears
application is impossible.                                  sensible for civil law scholars to consider a
       So, miners are exercising their activity at          new conception acquiring more and more
their own risk and peril. Ukrainian lawyers                 popularity and suggesting that new civil law
tend to think that mining should be given the               objects should be singled out, specifically, the
same status as entrepreneurial activity, as it is           “virtual property”, which embraces electronic
obtaining the profit from such activity in the              data stored in computers or the Internet
future that encourages a person for exercising              network, and includes electronic mail, digital
mining (Art.42 of the Commercial Code of                    photos, electronic bank account statements,
Ukraine). And this is the reason why a miner                domen names, online bills, etc. (Chaplyan,
must pay the profits tax. By the way, in 2014               2018). It is considered, that crypto assets can
in the USA a manual was published in which                  also be included into the virtual property list.
crypto assets were given the same status as                       In Polish private law science, it is also
private property, and operations with it must be            recognized that according to Art.44 of the Civil
subject for taxation (and mining in particular)             Code digital currency is a form of property
(IRS, 2014). It appears that each state has its             (“Property is belongings and other property
valid position as this issue is concerned.                  rights”) (Piech, 2017: 53).
       As to the profit tax for crypto assets’                    As with any property, certain risks are
sale, the positions of Poland and Ukraine in                characteristic of crypto assets, which are
this point coincide, and it is collected in                 related to such authorities as the right of
accordance with the usual procedure.                        possession, the right of use and the right of
       As concerns a civil law aspect of                    disposition. However, it is worth observing
determining crypto assets’ legal nature, the                that the risk level, characteristic of crypto
analysis of research and judicial literature                assets, is much higher than that of other
gives grounds for the conclusion that                       property kinds, as, for one thing, the crypto
Ukrainian researchers are of the unanimous                  assets’ market has no regulatory and legal
opinion to acknowledge crypto assets as                     environment. Thus, for instance, in 2016 the
objects of the ownership right (and an object of            Darnytsia District Court of Kyiv brought on a
Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development
                                 eISSN 2345-0355. 2021. Vol. 43. No. 2: 225 – 236
                                 Article DOI:

case as to transmission of natural goods                                However, despite all this, the crypto
obligations (Verdictum, 2016). The plaintiff                  assets’ market continues being in considerable
and the defendant entered an agreement on                     demand both in Ukraine, and in the whole
Bitcoin exchange for works (software                          world. So, it can be concluded that this market
development and creation). The plaintiff                      is developing and it requires no permission
fulfilled his agreement terms, while the                      from the state for its emission, legalization and
defendant failed to transmit the Bitcoin                      so on; it exists beyond legislation in Ukraine,
amount, as was stated in the agreement. The                   as well as in most states in the world. Crypto
plaintiff appealed to the court, claiming the                 assets’ exchanges can be regulated, as it is
violation of his rights. But the court did not                done in the USA, it is possible to grant licences
satisfy the plaintiff’s claim, grounding its                  for funds and other organizations working with
decision on the fact that the plaintiff had                   crypto assets, but crypto assets themselves, in
wrongly defined his court defense method:                     their essence and worldwide, are not controlled
according to the national legislation, the                    and      not      regulated      (Kostyuchenko,
Bitcoin digital product has no product                        Malinovskaya and Mamonova, 2017).
attributes. Hence, the plaintiff failed in                    Certainly, the crypto assets’ market can be
defending his violated right.                                 prohibited within one state, if it is recognized
       It is worth noting that the plaintiff failed           illegal and severe sanctions can be
to defend his violated right in the Kyiv Court                implemented. Thus, in Bangladesh, for
of Appeal as well. Because of the fact that the               example, those caught using bitcoin could
stated court agreed with the first-instance court             spend up to 12 years in prison (Hendrickson
position and confirmed that Bitcoin is not a                  and Luther, 2017: 188-195). However, such
thing, as understood under Art.179 of the Civil               severe methods in world politics as to the
Code of Ukraine, it has no material world                     crypto assets’ market are rather an exception
attributes and Bitcoin is not a product. Besides,             than a rule, and neither Ukraine, nor Poland
Bitcoin has no property right’s attributes                    belong here.
(Reyestr, 2016).                                                     That is why the states where the crypto
       So, because of the legal uncertainty of                assets’ market is in function, should recognize
the crypto assets’ market in Ukraine, and                     them as digital (virtual) assets, regulate the
consequently, difficulties in the court defense               taxation system for crypto assets’ operations,
of the market members’ rights, the latter have                introduce the methodology of maintaining
no guarantee as to the due court defense of                   records of these operations, and also determine
their rights.                                                 within the regulatory legal framework their
       Beside the stated facts, the crypto assets’            definite civil law status, for effective
market possesses its own risks. Thus, while                   realization of consumers’ rights for court
exercising operations with crypto assets, there               defense.
is no mechanisms of operation cancelling, so                         Alongside the need of the state-level
crypto assets can be returned only by the                     determination of crypto assets’ status, there
receiver (owner). In addition, the electronic                 appears another logical question: should the
payment has no retroactive force; it cannot be                states, applying legal means, incite the
frozen or blocked. Potential customer risks                   development of the crypto assets’ market;
also include a broad range of price fluctuations              indeed, quite a few economists consider that
per a crypto assets’ unit (statistics was                     the stated developed market can put on a whole
introduced above).                                            new quality level both economic entities and

Copyright © 2021 Author(s), published by Vytautas Magnus University. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are credited. The material
cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Kostenko Svitlana, Strilchuk Vitalii, Chernysh Roman, Buchynska Anna
   The Threats to National Security of Ukraine and Poland in Assisting to the Development of The Crypto-Asset
                                              Market: Legal Aspect

states on the whole (Kacwin and Piech, 2017;                electric current, generated from fossil fuels.
Duchenko and Pavlenko, 2018)? Thus, for                     More than a half of bitcoin mining
instance, up to recent time, the Draft Law on               infrastructure is concentrated in China, the
Incentivization of the Market of Crypto                     power industry of which depends mostly on
currencies and Their Derivatives (the Draft                 coal (Saakov, 2017). Hence, the crypto assets’
was withdrawn on 29.08.2019) was registered                 market incentivization will not provide any
in Ukraine, under which the establishment of                sustainable development in three dimensions –
allowances for electricity bills for miners was             economic, social and ecological – and,
presumed, with the taxation of the                          consequently will contradict the UNO
corresponding activity, etc. At present, a draft            Sustainable Development Goals.
law on crypto currency taxation № 2461 is                          As to the threat to states’ energy safety,
registered, under which a 5% profits tax rate is            it is worth to note the following. Despite the
suggested for physical entities for crypto                  fact that Iceland, due to its cold climate and its
assets’ sale, for a 5-year term. To compare: for            numerous renewable energy sources (mostly
the majority of citizens the profits tax rate for           geothermal and hydro-electric energy sources),
physical entities is 18%.                                   is a global mining leader, and this explains the
       To give an unambiguous answer to the                 location of one of five global Mining Farms in
stated above question, these mainstreams                    its territory, this state faced the energy safety
should be considered from a transcendental                  threat problem. Thus, within the recent years in
position, in the aspect of long-term                        Iceland the functioning of great centers of
perspectives. And indeed, only such approach                information processing and crypto currencies
gives the possibility to observe that the crypto            mining was organized. Considerable reserves
assets’ market incentivization bears the threat             of the state’s energy resources started to be
to ecological, energy, information, and                     used on the stated above activity. According to
generally, national security of the state.                  Snorri Sigurbergsson, the leader of Hitaveita
       The threat to ecological safety of the               Sudurnesja Company, in the nearest future the
states consists in the following. In 2015 at the            electric energy consumption by mining centers
UNO summit, the Resolution was approved                     can climb above the energy consumption of the
and 17 Sustainable Development Goals were                   whole population of the state (Levchuk, 2018).
adopted. Among other things, the Resolution                 In China, too, crypto assets’ mining began to
read about the sustainable development                      influence negatively general indices of energy
provision in its three dimensions - economic,               consumption. Thus, in some regions the
social, and ecological – to be conducted in a               demand on electric energy grew rapidly.
balanced and complex manner … as social and                 Considering this fact, the leadership of the
economic development depend on the rational                 state approved the decision on limiting the
use of our planet’s natural resources. As to the            electric energy delivery when it was used for
issue of our interest, this idea finds its                  mining (Vishnevskiy, 2018).
explanation in Goal 12, where the following                        During 2017, in the course of bitcoin
task is established: to rationalize the non-                mining more electric power was consumed
effective subsidy of fossil fuels’ use                      than, in the average, by 159 world states
facilitating its wasteful use … aimed at                    (Rethink, 2018). As of July 2019, in the global
considering its effect on the environment …                 scale, only bitcoin mining required the use of
(SDG, 2015). In other words, the Resolution                 electric power in the amount, equal to general
states clearly, that the use of fossil fuels has a          requirements of the population and industry of
negative effect on the environment, that is why             Switzerland – about 60 terawatt-hours, which
its wasteful use must be minimized.                         constitutes more than 0.2% of globally
       The matter is that mining requires a                 produced energy (UNIAN, 2019).
tremendous amount of energy, and the                               Summing up, the conclusion can be
majority of this requirement in electric energy             made that with each coming year the stated
during mining is covered with the help of                   problems will become more and more topical.
Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development
                                 eISSN 2345-0355. 2021. Vol. 43. No. 2: 225 – 236
                                 Article DOI:

This is determined by the growth of the                       extreme, considering terroristic activity. At
miners’ number, which, in its turn, will lead to              present, an important task for the national
the complexity of mathematical problems, the                  security bodies, specifically, of Ukrainian
work of energy-intensive equipment and, as                    ones, is opposing the financial support of such
the result, to the growth of consumed electric                activity. However, the issue of opposing
power amount.                                                 virtual assets’ use for terroristic activity
       Actually, this is the reason of the                    financing is rather a complicated, and
situation that if on the level of states, the                 sometimes, an unrealistic task. This is
mechanism of incentivization of the crypto                    conditioned by the anonymous character of the
assets’ market development is fixed, the states               relevant operations, the impossibility of
like Ukraine or Poland, where the level of                    blocking them, etc. (Onyshchuk, Petroye and
alternative energy sources development is not                 Chernysh, 2020). However, sometimes such
satisfactory, will face a real threat of their                activity is successful. Thus, in May 2018, the
states’ energy safety.                                        Svyatoshyno Regional Court in Kyiv found
       As to information safety, during 2017-                 guilty an organizer of a criminal group which,
2020 in Ukraine the growth of illegal activity                among other things, financed illegal armed
is marked in the direction of creating                        groups “Lugansk People’s Republic/Donetsk
information safety threats with the use of                    People’s Republic” (LPR/DPR) by means of
cyber-attacks. Thus, viruses like “WannaCry”                  ‘crypto assets’ conversion into money means
and “Petya.A” were distributed by hackers,                    in the territory of Ukraine and transferred them
which in Ukraine were aimed at activity                       to the uncontrolled territory. … On the results
blocking and information obtaining which                      of the corresponding court case, the organizer
circulated in governmental and commercial                     of the criminal group redressed the damage
structures. Resulting from realized attacks,                  done to the state in the total amount of 1.1 mn
during various periods the activity of such                   hryvhias (NAPU, 2018).
structures as Boryspil Airport, the ChNPP,                           However, discovery and accountability
Ukrtelecom,        Ukposhta,      Oshchadbank,                for perpetrators of financing terrorism by
Ukrzaliznytsia, Ukrenergo, etc. was blocked.                  means of crypto assets’ use is rather an
The attacks took place while the software was                 exception than a rule, and notably, in the global
being updated; as the result the changes                      scale. This is indeed the reason, that,
introduction was exercised into system                        understanding the threat to the national
libraries of Windows operational system and                   security of states and the whole world, the
the so-called ‘back-door’ was created.                        Directive (EU) 2018/843 (Eur-lex, 2018).
       The problem issue of discovering and                          Of interest is the proposition of the
neutralization of the mentioned above viruses                 French economist Thomas Piketty, who
is the fact that they do not block the PC work.               suggested that the European Union and
Their main target is engagement of calculating                America should implement a financial assets’
technique into mining. Besides, the said above                register, which will enable tracing the property
does not exclude the possibility of copying the               owned by definite persons, including
PC data and documents placed on it, with the                  electronic assets, with the purpose of fighting
following transferring them to relevant ftp-                  against fraud and tax evasion (Piketty, 2014).
servers.                                                      Developing his thought, it should be noted that
       Threats to national security in Ukraine,               the creation of such global register seems to be
as well as worldwide, are essential in the                    an unlikely task and the one which can arise a

Copyright © 2021 Author(s), published by Vytautas Magnus University. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are credited. The material
cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Kostenko Svitlana, Strilchuk Vitalii, Chernysh Roman, Buchynska Anna
   The Threats to National Security of Ukraine and Poland in Assisting to the Development of The Crypto-Asset
                                              Market: Legal Aspect

number of disputable questions, including                     (Art.55 of the Constitution of Ukraine),
those in the sphere of law. However, the                      nobody shall be unlawfully deprived of the
creation of a global register exclusively for                 property right, the right for provate property
crypto assets for opposing funds legalization                 shall be inviolable (Art.41 of the Constitution
and terrorist financing, with consideration to a              of Ukraine) The corresponding constitutional
high criminality rate related to the crypto                   rights are provided in each democratic state.
assets’ market, appears to be quite a sensible                       On the legislative level the terms “crypto
idea, which should be implemented into                        currency” and “virtual currency” should be
practice.                                                     forbidden for use, as they make a false
      The idea as to opposing funds’                          impression as to their essense. And this is why
legalization and terrorist financing, suggested               changes should be introduced to previously
by a froup of authors, appears to be sensible                 approved regulatory legal acts of the EU, as
too; it consists in creating a system of                      well as of Ukraine and Poland, where the
automated teller machines for exchanging                      notions “crtypto currency” and “virtual
crypto assets, which could provide                            currency” are enshrined, substituting them
transparency and customer identification, as                  with the terms “crypto assets” and “vitual
well as in the suggestion to define a client’s                assets’ accordingly.
reliability considering transactions’ limit                          Simultaneously, states should safeguard
amounts (Vovchenko, Tishchenko, Epifanova                     their sovereign national interests. That is why,
and Gontmacher, 2017: 40).                                    despite certain possibilities – short-term
                                                              investment perspectives for a state while the
      Conclusion                                              crypto assets’ market is developing, - the stated
      Hence, taking all these points together,                market incentivization on the legislative level
the following conclusions can be made.                        must be approached carefully, as the
Ukraine and Poland should determine the                       consequences of such actions can have a
crypio assets’ legal status on the legislative                negative impact on ecological, energy,
level for exercising constitutional rights of the             information and, generally, national security of
crypto assets’ market participants, and namely,               states, specificallyas concerns both Ukraine
those under which human and citizen’s rights                  and Poland.
and freedoms shall be defended by court

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