The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21 - Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw, Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan. Housing and ...

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The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21 - Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw, Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan. Housing and ...
The Tasmanian
housing market:
update 2020-21
Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw,
Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan.

Housing and Community Research Unit,
University of Tasmania

June 2021
The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21 - Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw, Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan. Housing and ...

Key Findings                                                             1
Introduction                                                             4
1.   Market trends                                                       6
		Property values                                                        6
		Home buyers                                                           10
		      The rental market                                               12
		Summary                                                               14
2. Incomes and housing costs                                            15
		Rental affordability                                                  16
		Purchase affordability                                                17
		Summary                                                               17
3. Demand and supply drivers                                            18
		      Changes in demand                                               18
		      Components of population change                                 18
		Local variation                                                       20
		      Projections of future demand                                    20
		      Changes in supply                                               21
		Building approvals                                                    21
		      Building activity: commencement, construction and completions   23
		      The demand-supply balance                                       24
		Summary                                                               26
4: Short-stay accommodation                                             27
		Listings                                                              28
		Property use                                                          30
		Summary                                                               32
5. Housing insecurity and homelessness                                  33
		Social housing                                                        33
		Homelessness                                                          36
		Summary                                                               38
Conclusion                                                              39
Acknowledgements                                                        41
References                                                              41

2          University of Tasmania
The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21 - Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw, Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan. Housing and ...
Key Findings

                                         • By March 2021, Hobart dwelling values had increased
 Tasmania’s housing market continues       12.5 percent in the preceding 12 months, and by
                                           3.3 percent in the previous month alone. Dwelling
 to be under extreme pressure.             values across the rest of Tasmania had also increased
 Despite some localised fluctuations       by 15.3 percent and 2.3 percent respectively.
 linked to the effects of COVID-19       • New loan commitments to owner-occupiers had
 restrictions, house prices and rents      increased by 11.5 percent to $307.5 million in the
 remain high, while the private rental     December quarter of 2020. By February 2021, loan
                                           commitments to owner-occupiers had reached
 vacancy rate remains very low.            $334.6 million. Loan commitments to investors
                                           had increased by 51.8 percent to $98.5 million in
                                           December quarter of 2020.

                                         • Loan commitments to first home buyers rose
                                           85.2 percent over the 12 months to October 2019 by
                                           October 2020 were at their highest level since their
                                           post-GFC peak in 2009.

                                         • Only 23.0 percent of loans to owner-occupiers are
                                           to construct new dwellings or purchase newly built
                                           dwellings. This is, however, a higher proportion
                                           than previously.

                                         • In March 2021, the median rent in Tasmania was
                                           $400 per week for a three-bedroom house, up
                                           6.7 percent since March 2020. The median rent for
                                           a two-bedroom unit was $360, up 20.0 percent
                                           since March 2020.

                                         • The private rental market vacancy rate was
                                           1.9 percent in March 2021.

                                         • According to the 2020 Rental Affordability Index,
 There are significant affordability       Greater Hobart remained the least affordable capital
                                           city in Australia relative to income, and the rest of
 challenges across the state due to        Tasmania is the least affordable region of the other
 continuing low wage growth and            ‘rest of state’ areas considered.
 relatively static income support
 payments. The temporary alleviation
 from the coronavirus supplement to
 selected income support payments
 has now ended and many income
 support recipients are again living
 below the poverty line.

                                           The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21           1
The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21 - Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw, Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan. Housing and ...
• In the year to June 2020, the Tasmanian population
    Border closures associated with                had increased by 1.1 percent. Much of this growth
                                                   was from interstate and international migration,
    COVID-19 have disrupted migration              which is now restricted due to COVID-19.
    to Tasmania, cutting off its main
                                                 • The local government areas with the greatest
    source of population increase.                 number of new residents are Clarence, Launceston,
    Due to a range of government                   Hobart and Brighton, but the greatest rate of
    policies designed to stimulate                 population growth is in the Glamorgan/Spring Bay,
                                                   Latrobe, Tasman and Sorell local government areas.
    the construction industry and the              Only the West Coast, Flinders and Glenorchy local
    broader economy in the wake of                 government areas saw population decreases, but
                                                   these were small.
    COVID-19, new construction levels
    are relatively high, and it is likely that   • The number of building approvals increased by
                                                   65.1 percent between November and December
    there will be a short-term absolute
                                                   2020. Commencement numbers accordingly also
    over-supply of new housing relative            increased in the December quarter of 2020.
    to new demand. Whether this will
                                                 • In the December quarter of 2020, the number of
    translate into increased affordability         dwelling completions was 6.8 percent higher than
    is not clear, because it depends on            in the previous quarter and 26.1 percent higher than
                                                   the same period in 2019.
    where the new houses are being built
    and what kind of properties they are.        • Current projections suggest that the balance
                                                   between demand and supply will fluctuate over the
                                                   next three years, but external factors, especially in
                                                   relation to migration, make future trends difficult to
                                                   predict with certainty.

                                                 • There is little sign that the Short Stay
    The short-stay accommodation                   Accommodation Act 2020 had any meaningful
                                                   impact on the level of short-stay accommodation
    sector was significantly affected by           activity in Tasmania.
    the virtual closure of the tourism
                                                 • The number of listings on the largest short-stay
    industry during parts of 2020. There           accommodation platform, Airbnb, fell around 20
    are now signs that the sector is               percent in Launceston and Hobart following the
    becoming active once more. Despite             closure of Tasmania’s borders in March 2020, but
                                                   remained relatively stable on the East Coast.
    anecdotal evidence that some short-
    stay properties returned to the private      • Numbers of listings have now started to increase
                                                   again, including listings where there are indicators of
    rental market during the pandemic,             commercial or investor activity.
    it is unclear how many did so or
                                                 • Yield for Airbnb hosts has returned to pre-pandemic
    whether this trend will persist.               levels, and the numbers and timing of reviews
                                                   suggest that many properties are once again being
                                                   leased out regularly.

2         University of Tasmania
The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21 - Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw, Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan. Housing and ...
• As of December 2020, there were 3,813 applications
Need for social housing remains           on the Tasmanian Housing Register, which was 9.6
                                          percent higher than the previous year.
high, as does need for assistance
from Specialist Homelessness            • Timely access to social housing remains limited:
                                          in December 2020 only 72 new households were
Services. This indicates that despite     accommodated in social housing and the average
new government investment in the          waiting time for priority applicants was 53.9 weeks.
social housing and crisis housing       • The Tasmanian government has committed to
systems, demand still exceeds the         providing 3,500 new homes in total over the next
available supply.                         four years. This figure does not incorporate sales or
                                          demolition of other social housing properties so the
                                          net gain to the system is likely to be less than this.

                                        • The rate of homelessness in Tasmania at the time
                                          of the 2016 Census was 31.8 homeless people per
                                          10,000 of population, which was less than the
                                          Australian average of 49.8. In March 2021, 2,653
                                          Tasmanian households were receiving support
                                          from Specialist Homelessness Services.

                                        • There is a high level of unmet need for longer-term
                                          housing among Specialist Homelessness Services
                                          clients. In 2019-20, of the 76.6 percent of clients
                                          identified as needing long term housing assistance,
                                          only 7.8 percent had this need met directly,
                                          51.5 percent were referred elsewhere (with an
                                          unknown outcome) and 40.7 percent received
                                          neither long-term housing assistance nor referral.

                                          The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21             3
The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21 - Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw, Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan. Housing and ...

There continues to be an acute shortage of affordable
housing in areas of high demand. Government measures
to address this shortage have only had a limited impact.

                                 This report is the latest in a series   ‘Affordable housing’ can refer to
                                 prepared by the University of           a type of housing product that is
                                 Tasmania to inform public debate        available to eligible households
                                 on the Tasmanian housing crisis.        at below-market rents (e.g.
                                 The evidence in this report shows       properties under the National
                                 that although there was a small         Rental Affordability Scheme or
                                 fall in house prices and rents          NRAS). However, in this report,
                                 during the early stages of the          we are using the term generically
                                 COVID-19 pandemic, in recent            and descriptively, to refer to
                                 months both have started to rise        housing which low to moderate
                                 again, fuelled by low interest rates,   income earners can afford without
                                 increased demand for housing, the       compromising their expenditure
                                 cessation of some temporary policy      on other essential costs like food,
                                 interventions and the introduction      energy and transport.
                                 of housing-related economic
                                 stimulus programs. These increases      In Australia, responsibility for
                                 in house prices and rents have          housing policy is shared across all
                                 exacerbated the long-standing           three levels of government. To be
                                 housing problems in Tasmania,           effective, national, state, and local
                                 which remain entrenched due to          governments need to coordinate
                                 a long-term failure to adequately       their housing-related activities, and
                                 invest in social housing and growing    this does not always occur. As a
                                 demand for affordable housing.          result, there are multiple points of
                                                                         tension and contradiction within
                                                                         the Australian housing system.

            In this report, ‘social housing’ refers to public
            and community housing. This is housing
            owned and managed by government and/
            or the community sector and rented out
            to eligible households at income-linked
            rents. Due to limited supply, households are
            usually unable to enter social housing unless
            they are assessed as being in greatest need.

4      University of Tasmania
The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21 - Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw, Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan. Housing and ...
Commonwealth government                  rental properties that they cannot       to new supply, eligibility for this
taxation policy, including in relation   afford without unreasonably              program is not means tested
to negative gearing and capital          compromising their standard              and the investment is likely to be
gains tax exemptions, encourages         of living. The Tasmanian state           capitalised into increased prices
the provision of new housing             government could not deliver             with little long-term impact on
supply but also contributes to           14,200 new dwellings without             affordability.
speculative investment and               substantial funding support from
consequent house price inflation         the Commonwealth and significant         This paper presents data and
(Eccleston et al. 2018a). These in       private investment in affordable         independent analysis on different
turn create significant housing          housing. As this is not forthcoming,     aspects of the Tasmanian housing
market pressures at the state            Tasmanian government efforts             market. It is written to inform
level, yet it is difficult for state     are necessarily more limited than        and provoke public debate over
governments to fully resolve             they need to be to fully address         housing policy. Obviously, the
these because they lack the              the problem. The Tasmanian               effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Commonwealth’s revenue-                  government has committed to              loom large in the data, but this
raising power.                           building 3,500 social housing            is not a report about COVID-19.
                                         dwellings over the next four years,      Rather, it traces significant
For example, the unmet need              as well as constructing additional       continuities in Tasmania’s housing
in Tasmania’s social housing             supported accommodation for              market story from before the onset
system has been estimated at             target groups (Tasmanian Liberals        of COVID-19 and, importantly, as we
14,200 dwellings over the 20 years       2021). However, this welcome             integrate COVID-19 into a new way
from 2016 (Lawson et al. 2019).          investment is accompanied by             of life.
This number is large because so          other policies, such as a substantial
many low-income households               increase to the First Home Owners
in Tasmania are living in private        Grant Boost; although restricted

                                                                The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21            5
The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21 - Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw, Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan. Housing and ...
1. Market trends

Given the limited supply of                         question of competing preferences                markets were even less effected.
social housing, most Tasmanians                     or a series of problematic and                   In Tasmania over the 12 months
must meet their needs for                           lifelong compromises depends                     to April 2021, dwelling values
accommodation in the private                        largely on household income                      increased 15.3 percent in regional
market. Finding the right housing                   and where this income situates                   areas and 12.5 percent in Hobart
requires weighing considerations                    a potential purchaser or renter in               (see Figure 1). These increases
    1. Market trends
including cost (affordability)
and appropriateness, which
                                                    relation to the property market.                 tended to exceed the average for
                                                                                                     all regions and all capital cities.
can encompass accessibility
for Given
     peoplethe   limited
              with         supplyorof social housing, most Tasmanians must meet their needs for
                    disabilities                    Property values
other  health needs, in     the private
                          proximity    to market. Finding the right housing requires weighing
                                                    The most marked influence on
family,                 including
         friends, schools,    workcost
                                    and (affordability)      and appropriateness, which can encompass
essential   services,                               Tasmanian house prices in the
    accessibility   forthe  size of
                         people     thedisabilities
                                  with                 or  other
                                                    last 18 months health
                                                                        was needs,  proximity to family, friends,
                                                                             the COVID-19
property    relative to  the  size of
    schools, work and essential services,pandemic.   the size ofPurchase
                                                                     the property  relative
the household, and the cost of                                                 prices  and to the size of the
    household,     and   the  cost
living in the property day to day   of  living in the  property
                                                    rents   fell in day
                                                                    most to day
                                                                                  cities    and cooling,
    commuting,      and   so on).
(heating and cooling, commuting,   The     extent toduring
                                                      which   2020.
                                                              these   However,   this
                                                                       considerations  has
                                                                                         are either a question of
                                                    not   lasted,  and  prices  and   rents
and competing
      so on). Thepreferences
                    extent to whichor a series of problematic and lifelong compromises depends
these   considerations     are income
                                either a and where  are once again rising. Regional
    largely  on household                                this income situates a potential purchaser or
    renter in relation to the property market.

    Figure      values
           1: Dwelling value change, capital cities and rest of state, March 2021
    Source:   1: Dwelling
            Unpublished        value change,
                        data, CoreLogic.                     capital cities and rest of state, March 2021

                          Past month                               Past 3 months                              Past 12 months

               Sydney                                    3.7                               6.7                            5.4
            Melbourne                      2.4                                   4.9                            0.7
              Brisbane                     2.4                                   4.8                                            6.8
              Adelaide           1.5                                       3.2                                                    8.6
                 Perth               1.8                                         5                                          6
                Hobart                                 3.3                                      7.6                                       12.5

                Darwin                     2.3                                    5.4                                                          14.2

             Canberra                            2.8                                   6                                                  12.1

         Regional NSW                            2.8                                       6.6                                                 13.6

          Regional Vic.                     2.6                                             7                                         10.4

         Regional QLD                      2.3                                       5.8                                                10.8

          Regional SA            1.4                                                 5.9                                                     13

          Regional WA                1.7                                         4.8                   -0.1

          Regional Tas                     2.3                                             6.7                                                    15.3

           Regional NT         1.1                                       2.2                                          3

     Combined capitals                           2.8                                 5.6                                  4.8

    Combined regionals                      2.5                                        6.3                                              11.4

              Australia                          2.8                                 5.8                                    6.2

                    Percentage change
                       Percentage     (%) %
                                   change                            Percentagechange
                                                                    Percentage  change %                 Percentage
                                                                                                      Percentage    change
                                                                                                                 change  %(%)

    Source: Unpublished data, CoreLogic.

6           University of Tasmania

The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21 - Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw, Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan. Housing and ...
One measure of change to                 and houses because these are             unit prices. In Hobart, prices have
property values is the Residential       different products and therefore         been volatile, with sharp falls at
Property Price Index, which is           operate as different markets.            the beginning and end of 2020
an aggregate index compiled to           Differences between markets              and a steep increase from the
measure the price change in all          are also seen when a capital             beginning of 2021. In regional
residential dwellings within the         city market is compared to the           Tasmania, however, unit prices
eight Greater Capital City Statistical   market in the rest of the state.         have decreased steadily from a
Areas. The Greater Hobart                The differences across these             substantial high point at the start
Residential Property Price Index         sub-markets can be seen in               of 2020.
rose 6.1 percent to 172.5 in the         Figure 3, which depict the
March quarter of 2021, a rise of         seasonally adjusted hedonic home         The increase in house and unit
10.2 percent since the same              value index for houses and units         prices across most of Tasmania is
quarter the previous year (see           in Tasmania, broken down into            reflected in the fact that median
Figure 2).                               figures for Greater Hobart and for       prices for houses in Hobart are
                                         the rest of the state. This index is     now well above the price point of
The index shows a steady increase        designed to reflect not just raw         half a million. Prices in Hobart did
from March 2009 to 2016, and then        prices but dwelling characteristics,     drop slightly in the June quarter
a steeper incline from March 2017.       such as location, housing type or        2020, but they are now rising
The last major economic disruption       number of bedrooms, that affect          again (see Figure 4). In March 2021,
in Australia occurred due the            those prices.                            the median house price in Hobart
Global Financial Crisis (GFC). To                                                 was $623,750, which represents a
enable this comparison, where            Although there have been some            5.7 percent increase in that quarter.
data is available the scale on many      fluctuations, house prices in Hobart     Prices are lower in Launceston
of the graphs in this report has         have generally increased across          and the North-West Coast, but
been extended back to include the        2020 and into 2021. Growth in            they too are trending upwards.
GFC and its aftermath.                   regional markets has followed            Launceston prices increased by
                                         the same pattern but has been            4.5 percent to $420,000 in the
When analysing movements in              consistently higher than in Hobart.      March 2021 quarter, while north-
price, economists separate units         A different pattern is evident with      west prices increased by

  Figure 2: Residential Property Price Index (no.), Hobart, March 2009-2021
  Source: ABS 2021h.

                                                                The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21            7
The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21 - Jacqueline De Vries, Maria Yanotti, Julia Verdouw, Keith Jacobs and Kathleen Flanagan. Housing and ...
Figure 3: Hedonic home value index, houses and units, Tasmania, 2014-2021
    Source: Authors, calculated from unpublished data, CoreLogic.

    Figure 4: Median house prices, Hobart, Launceston and North-West, March 2011 to March 2021
    Source: Authors, unpublished data, Real Estate Institute of Tasmania.

8             University of Tasmania
12.1 percent to $379,000 in the                          In Hobart and Launceston and                             Burnie. This local level variation
same period.                                             Burnie local government areas,                           indicates that housing sub-markets
                                                         house prices increased 14.0 percent                      are shaped by a wide range of
At a local government area level,                        and 16.9 percent respectively. In                        macro and micro factors. In small
in the two years to February 2021                        the same two-year period, unit                           markets, price movements need to
there were double digit house price                      prices rose in all municipalities                        be interpreted carefully as a small
increases in all municipalities but                      for which there is available data                        number of sales can have a large
Flinders and King Island, but these                      apart from the Northern Midlands,                        effect on the overall trend.
range from a 13.7 percent increase                       but again, the size of the increase
in Burnie to a 47.6 percent increase                     varied widely, from 4.0 percent on
in George Town (see Table 1).                            the West Coast to 35.4 percent in

Table 1: Median house and unit prices (monthly average), February 2021, and percentage changes since February 2019,
Local Government areas
Note: Figures for smaller municipalities should be used with caution due to the smaller size of their markets.
Source: Authors, unpublished data, CoreLogic.

                                               Houses                                                     Units
 LGA                                           Median price in               Change since                 Median price in        Change since
                                               February 2021                 February 2019                February 2021          February 2019
 Break O’Day                                   $365,000                      + 30.4%                      $275,000               + 18.3%
 Brighton                                      $400,000                      + 29.0%                      $328,000               + 19.3%
 Burnie                                        $290,000                      + 13.7%                      $260,000               + 35.4%
 Central Coast                                 $375,000                      + 25.0%                      $281,750               + 8.4%
 Central Highlands                             $187,500                      + 23.4%                      -                      -
 Circular Head                                 $260,000                      + 20.9%                      $226,000               + 25.6%
 Clarence                                      $580,000                      + 18.4%                      $427,500               + 6.9%
 Derwent Valley                                $355,000                      + 34.0%                      $320,875               + 36.5%
 Devonport                                     $335,000                      + 21.8%                      $264,000               + 11.4%
 Dorset                                        $330,000                      + 32.0%                      -                      -
 Flinders                                      $312,000                      − 10.9%                      -                      -
 George Town                                   $302,500                      + 47.6%                      $265,000               + 26.2%
 Glamorgan/Spring Bay                          $442,500                      + 22.9%                      $295,000               + 27.6%
 Glenorchy                                     $453,000                      + 16.2%                      $355,000               + 18.5%
 Hobart                                        $792,375                      + 14.0%                      $600,000               + 20.0%
 Huon Valley                                   $476,000                      + 25.3%                      $340,000               + 10.6%
 Kentish                                       $392,500                      + 31.7%                      -                      -
 King Island                                   $252,500                      0.0%                         -                      -
 Kingborough                                   $641,500                      + 14.6%                      $435,000               + 11.5%
 Latrobe                                       $430,000                      + 22.0%                      $320,000               + 15.4%
 Launceston                                    $380,000                      + 16.9%                      $307,000               + 5.9%
 Meander Valley                                $400,000                      + 14.6%                      $302,500               + 10.8%
 Northern Midlands                             $375,000                      + 23.0%                      $275,000               − 1.4%
 Sorell                                        $477,500                      + 27.8%                      $363,500               + 19.2%
 Southern Midlands                             $356,000                      + 16.7%                      -                      -
 Tasman                                        $372,500                      + 27.6%                      -                      -
 Waratah/Wynyard                               $330,000                      + 20.0%                      $267,500               + 20.2%
 West Coast                                    $120,000                      + 44.6%                      $77,500                + 4.0%
 West Tamar                                    $430,000                      + 20.2%                      $340,000               + 13.3%

                                                                                         The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21               9
Home buyers                               • The Tasmanian government               • Together with low interest
                                            also offered a HomeBuilder               rates, these programs offer
There are currently strong                  Grant of $20,000 for new                 substantial upfront incentives
incentives to purchase housing in           housing, available for contracts         to build or renovate housing
Tasmania’s housing market. Interest         signed between 4 June 2020               in Tasmania. The value of new,
rates are at historic lows and are          and 31 March 2021.                       owner-occupier home loans
expected to remain at these levels                                                   in December 2020 (excluding
for a further three years at least.       • Tasmania’s existing First Home           refinancing) was at record
In addition, both the Australian            Owners Grant of $20,000 is also          highs across all the states and
and Tasmanian governments have              available to first home buyers           territories except the Northern
put in place policies that provide          of new homes, and in the                 Territory. In Tasmania, owner-
lump-sum payments to new                    recent state election campaign,          occupier loan values rose
home buyers.                                the government committed                 11.5 percent to $307.5 million in
                                            to increasing this to $30,000            the December 2020 quarter,
• The Australian Government’s               through the First Home Owners            which is 47.8 percent higher
  HomeBuilder Grant offers                  Grant Boost. The additional              than in December 2019, and
  $25,000 to eligible owner-                payment will be available                then reached a new high of
  occupiers building a new home             between 31 March 2021 and                $334.6 million in February 2021;
  or substantially renovating an            30 June 2022.                            values dropped slightly to $310.0
  existing one, provided contracts                                                   million in March 2021 (see
  were signed between 4 June              • In some circumstances,
                                                                                     Figure 5). The value of investor
  2020 and 31 December 2020.                applicants can be eligible
                                                                                     home loan commitments rose
  It was subsequently extended,             for both a Tasmanian First
                                                                                     51.8 percent to $98.5 million in
  at the lower rate of $15,000, for         Home Owner Grant and the
                                                                                     the December 2020 quarter—
  contracts signed between                  Commonwealth HomeBuilder
                                                                                     which was 45.5 percent higher
  1 January 2021 and 31 March               grant for the same property.
                                                                                     than December 2019—and
  2021.                                     The programs have relatively
                                                                                     increased again in March 2021
                                            generous means-tests.
                                                                                     to $100.5 million.

     Figure 5: New loan commitments, owner occupiers and investors (excl. refinancing), seasonally adjusted,
     Tasmania, March 2003 to March 2021
     Source: ABS 2021g.

10              University of Tasmania
Incentives like the HomeBuilder        36.2 percent on the previous             their primary function is as sources
grants and the First Home Owner        month and an increase of                 of wider economic stimulus due
Grant are directed to new supply.      85.2 percent since October 2019          to the large multiplier effect of
Loan commitments for the               (see Figure 6). Reflecting the           investment in the construction
construction of new dwellings          pattern across the rest of Australia,    industry. In 2019-20, the Tasmanian
accounted for 18.8 percent of          this is the highest level since the      Government made 690 grants to
total commitments, with a further      peak in 2009, when the then              first home buyers, but by the end
4.2 percent for the purchase of        federal government’s response            of May 2021 the number of grants
newly erected dwellings. This          to the GFC included a temporary          had already reached 822 (State
is a high proportion relative to       tripling of the First Home Owners        Revenue Office of Tasmania 2021).
historic trends, although there is     Grant. First home owner buyer
fluctuation: the proportion of loans   loan commitments remained high           In the first six months of 2020,
that are for new construction has      in the first quarter of 2021 with a      138 guarantees were issued in
increased by 189.4 percent since       further 774 loan commitments.            Tasmania (of 6814 across Australia)
March 2020 (from 66 dwellings to                                                through the First Home Loan
191), but the March 2021 figure is     Economists have frequently               Deposit Scheme, an Australian
13.2 percent lower than it was in      criticised the inflationary effect of    Government program enabling
the previous month.                    First Home Owner Grants on house         eligible first home buyers to
                                       prices. As noted above, however,         purchase a property free of lenders’
According to the National              governments used increases to            mortgage insurance with as
Housing and Finance Investment         First Home Owners Grants in              little as 5 percent deposit (NHFIC
Corporation, first home buyers now     the wake of the GFC as a source          2020a). Until July 2021 the program
account for more than 40 percent       of economic stimulus. This has           could only be used to purchase
of total new housing commitments       occurred again in 2020: programs         properties valued up to $400,000,
(NHFIC 2020b). In Tasmania, there      like Home Builder and the boosted        which presents a significant limit
were 350 owner occupier loans to       First Home Owners Grant in               on location and quality in the
first home buyers in October 2020,     Tasmania may be presented as             current Tasmanian market.
which was an increase of               housing assistance programs, but

  Figure 6: Number of new loan commitments to first home buyers (owner-occupiers), seasonally adjusted,
  Tasmania, March 2005 to March 2021
  Source: ABS 2021g.

                                                              The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21         11
The rental market                                        23 April 2020 and 31 January 2021
                                                         landlords were prohibited from
The strong growth in house prices                        increasing the rents of sitting
has intensified the affordability                        tenants, and prohibitions on
problems of Tasmanian renters.                           eviction would have limited tenant
Hobart’s rental market remains                           mobility and thus the number of
one of the tightest in the country,                      new leases. As these restrictions
with rents above pre-pandemic                            lifted, rents for both houses and
levels. Renters’ living costs are                        units have been increasing across
increasing, driven by housing                            the state (see Figure 7). At the local
costs and the low vacancy rate.                          level, however, there is variation.
In March 2021 the median rent                            House rents have fallen slightly in
for Tasmania was $400 per week                           the Hobart local government area,
for a three-bedroom house and                            risen slightly in the Launceston
$360 for a two-bedroom unit                              local government area, and
(see Figure 7). This represents a                        remained flat in the Burnie local
6.7 percent increase in median                           government area (see Figures 8-9).
rent for three-bedroom houses                            For units, rents have been steady
and a 20 percent rise for two-                           in Hobart and have increased in
bedroom units respectively since                         Launceston and Burnie.
March 2020.

Movement in rents was
constrained during 2020: between

     Figure 7: Median rents, weekly, houses and units, Tasmania, July 2017 to March 2021
     Source: Authors, unpublished data, Real Estate Institute of Tasmania.

12              University of Tasmania
Figure 8: Median rents, monthly average, houses, Hobart, Launceston and Burnie local government areas,
January 2016 to February 2021
Source: Authors, unpublished data, CoreLogic.

Figure 9: Median rents, monthly average, units, Hobart, Launceston and Burnie local government areas,
January 2016 to February 2021
Source: Authors, unpublished data, CoreLogic.

                                                          The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21   13
Alongside affordability pressures                        Summary
are issues with availability.
Tasmania’s rental market has                             Tasmania’s housing market was
been marked by long periods of                           affected throughout 2020 by the
very low vacancy rates: between                          economic consequences of the
2004 and 2010, vacancy rates                             COVID-19 pandemic, but also
hovered around 2 per cent, and                           by the measures introduced in
a similarly low vacancy rate has                         response to those consequences,
again persisted since the end of                         including stimulus measures
2017 (see Figure 10). A vacancy                          targeting the construction sector.
rate of 3 percent is commonly                            The effect is that house prices have
considered the point at which                            continued to increase. First home
the rental market is in equilibrium                      buyers have been able to enter
between demand and supply; a                             the market due to the available
vacancy rate of 2 percent therefore                      grants and incentives, but investors
means demand for rental housing                          have also benefited. The situation
is unlikely to be met and many                           in the private rental market is less
prospective tenants will be unable                       clear, with rents increasing in some
to secure accommodation. The                             locations and decreasing in others.
decline in the vacancy rate seems                        This may reflect the moratoriums
to be driven by a shortage of                            on evictions and rent increases
actual properties—the Anglicare                          in place during 2020. As these
Australia network’s series of                            restrictions are lifted, there are
‘snapshot’ surveys has tracked a                         signs of increasing affordability
steady decline in rental availability,                   pressure in the market linked to a
with the number of properties                            declining vacancy rate.
advertised for rent falling 73
percent since 2013 (Claxton 2021: 4).

     Figure 10: Private rental market vacancy rate (quarterly), Tasmania, 2004 to 2020
     Source: Authors, unpublished data, Real Estate Institute of Tasmania.

14              University of Tasmania
2. Incomes and housing costs

                             The previous section outlined             the income of households wholly
                             the sustained increases in the            reliant on the income support
                             cost of housing in Tasmania,              system against the Henderson
                             both in purchase prices and in            Poverty Line, which is calculated to
                             rents. Increased costs present            represent the disposable income
                             affordability challenges when they        needed to support the basic needs
                             are not matched by increased              of a family of two adults and two
                             capacity to pay.                          children (Melbourne Institute:
                                                                       Applied Economic and Social
                                                                       Research 2020). Equivalence scales
  ‘Housing affordability is defined by the relationship                are used to produce equivalent
  between housing expenditure, such as mortgage                        poverty lines for other household
                                                                       types. According to the Institute’s
  payments or rent, and household incomes. Having                      December 2019 report, only
  housing that is affordable means households can                      two household types reliant on
  access an adequate standard of housing without                       income support were receiving
                                                                       incomes above the poverty line:
  unduly compromising other needs’                                     married pensioner couples, single
  (NHFIC 2020b: 47).                                                   pensioners, and single parents
                                                                       with one child (the calculation
                                                                       assumes these single parents
                             Wage income in Australia has              are living on Parenting Payment,
                             remained stagnant for some years          which means their child would be
                             with no increase to purchasing            aged under eight—single parents
                             power. According to the 2019-20           with a child above this age would
                             Survey of Income and Housing,             be on the much lower JobSeeker
                             national average ($2,348) and             payment). In some cases, the gap
                             median ($1,841) weekly household          between payment and poverty line
                             income remained unchanged                 is substantial: a couple reliant on
                             in the June 2020 quarter from             JobSeeker (then called Newstart
                             the March 2020 quarter and                Allowance) was receiving
                             represented only a minimal                79.5 percent of a poverty line
                             increase from June 2018 ($2,314           income ($577.60 per week
                             average and $1,752 median) (ABS           compared to a poverty line of
                             2020a). At the time of writing, data      $726.27, while a single person
                             was not yet available for Tasmania        on JobSeeker was receiving just
                             specifically, but Tasmanian               65.0 percent of the poverty line
                             incomes have historically been            ($352.90 compared to $542.92).
                             below the national average. This
                             as an important consideration: it         Statutory and other incomes
                             is not only rent that varies across       did shift during 2020 due to
                             location but also income, which           government interventions
                             means ‘affordability’ has a strong        in response to the COVID-19
                             geographical component.                   pandemic. JobKeeper, an
                                                                       Australian Government payment
                             A high proportion of the                  made available to workers via
                             Tasmanian population has                  eligible employers (defined
                             historically relied on the Australian     primarily by their amount of
                             social security system for their          revenue loss due to the pandemic),
                             primary source of income. Pension         and the coronavirus supplement
                             increases have been limited in            to selected income support
                             recent years as these are linked          payments, including JobSeeker
                             to wage increases. Allowances             Payment, Youth Allowance,
                             have increased even less as these         Parenting Payment and Austudy,
                             payments are linked to inflation.         would have represented a decline
                             The Melbourne Institute tracks            in income for some households

                                                    The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21         15
and an increase for others.                     Rental affordability                  was attributed to the effects of
Anecdotally, this adjustment in                                                       the pandemic and the broader
income did influence people’s                   One measure of rental affordability   situation in Hobart was ‘dominated
housing choices, especially where               that accounts for local household     by a more persistent trend of
households had an increase in                   incomes is the rental affordability   declining affordability’ (SGS
income and used it to, albeit                   index (RAI), which is based on        Economics and Planning 2020:
temporarily, improve their housing              modelling by SGS Economics.           40). The authors also cautioned
circumstances (Verdouw et                       The RAI uses a score of 100 to        that an overall improvement in
al. 2021). However, JobKeeper                   indicate the boundary between         affordability masks the fact that
payments tapered from                           affordability and unaffordability:    very low-income households
28 September 2020, ultimately                   scores of 100 or less indicate a      may still face extreme to severe
ceasing on 28 March 2021. The                   household is paying more than         affordability problems.
coronavirus supplement has also                 30 percent of income in rent,
been withdrawn and income                       which is a measure of ‘housing        Relative to the other ‘rest of
support has largely returned to                 stress’ or unaffordable housing.      state’ areas in Australia, regional
pre-pandemic levels, with the                   Greater Hobart currently scores 96    Tasmania is the most unaffordable
recent $50 per fortnight increase               against the RAI (see Figure 11).      of the states included in the
in JobSeeker Payment and                                                              research (New South Wales,
comparable payments effectively                 The 2020 RAI report, drawing on       Queensland, South Australia,
negligible given the level of those             data from mid-2020, identified        Victoria and Western Australia).
payments relative to the poverty                Greater Hobart as the least           Affordability increased slightly
line (Melbourne Institute: Applied              affordable Australian capital         in the first half of 2020, again
Economic and Social Research                    city—it was the only capital city     probably due to the impact of
2020).                                          in which households on the local      JobKeeper and the coronavirus
                                                average income and renting in the     income support supplement, but
                                                private market would be living in     the underlying trend is towards
                                                housing stress (SGS Economics         greater unaffordability (see
                                                and Planning 2020: 54). Although      Figure 11).
                                                this represented a slight increase
                                                in affordability relative to the      As an alternative measure of
                                                previous year, this improvement       affordability, research undertaken
                                                                                      for the National Housing Finance

     Figure 11: Rental Affordability Index, quarterly, Tasmania, 2012 to 2020
     Source: SGS Economics and Planning 2020.

16             University of Tasmania
and Investment Corporation found        are historically low, the cost of         Summary
that nationally, as of June 2020,       servicing a mortgage has been
the bottom quintile of renters (by      equal to or even below the average        Affordability is determined not
income) could afford less than          cost of paying rent (NHFIC 2020b:         just by house prices or rents, but
10 percent of rental stock and the      60). The deposit gap may also have        by income. Incomes from wages
second lowest income quintile           closed somewhat: the Australian           have been static for some time
could afford just 20 percent (NHFIC     National Accounts show that the           which means that, as rents have
2020b: 55). Affordability was           household saving ratio increased          increased, affordability in the
defined according to the housing        nationally to 22 percent in the           private rental market has declined.
stress benchmark of 30 percent or       June quarter of 2020, up from             Home purchase is somewhat more
less of income spent on rent by a       7.9 percent in March, and it still        affordable than it has been due to
household in one of the bottom          remained relatively higher, at            low interest rates and increased
two income quintiles. In Hobart,        11.6 percent, in March 2021               household savings, but the price of
less than 10 percent of homes were      (ABS 2021d).                              most Tasmanian houses remains
considered affordable according to                                                two high for most income earners.
this definition (NHFIC 2021b).          NHFIC now considers a quarter             The lowest income earners in the
                                        of available dwellings nationally         community tend to be those on
Rents in social housing are             to be affordable to prospective           income support payments. Many of
income-linked, with most tenants        first home buyers in the bottom           these individuals and households
paying around 25 percent of their       two income quintiles (NHFIC               are living well below the poverty
income in rent (plus any applicable     2020b: 62). The picture for Hobart        line, with significant consequences
Commonwealth Rent Assistance            is slightly different, however, with      for their ability to obtain any kind
for those in community housing).        only 10-20 percent of properties          of housing.
This means that according to            affordable to the bottom
the ‘housing stress’ measure of         60 percent of income earners
affordability, social housing tenants   (NHFIC 2021).
do not have affordability problems.
However, while social housing
provides an important protection
to tenants by ensuring such
rents, the extremely low level at
which Australian income support
payments are set means that
many social housing tenants may
nonetheless be living in poverty,
particularly those who have
complex health and other support
needs which impose additional

Purchase affordability
There is a lack of current data on
the affordability of home purchase
specifically in Tasmania. Nationally,
the affordability of home purchase,
measured by the ratio of mortgage
repayments to incomes, improved
for some groups in the population
during 2020. As noted in section 1
of this update, house prices have
continued to rise, which means
that borrowers may have been
taking on higher levels of debt
overall, but because interest rates

                                                               The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21         17
3. Demand and supply drivers

     In formal terms, demand for housing refers to households’ housing needs and
     preferences, and the number of dwellings required to meet these needs or
     preferences. Thus, although demand refers to the basic need for shelter, it can also
     incorporate a preference for particular types of housing or levels of amenity.
     The long-term drivers of housing demand include changes in the population due
     to births, deaths or migration; the overall age structure, and therefore life-stages,
     of the population; and broader social and economic change.
     Housing supply refers to the number of houses available. It is the net result of new
     additions to the housing market arising from the construction of new dwellings and
     losses to the housing market through demolition. The supply of residential housing
     may not always match the number of households in a community, as some
     households may use more than one house (e.g. because they live in one property,
     but use a second as a holiday home or shack).

                                    Changes in demand                       the Nation’s Housing 2020 report,
                                                                            it was estimated that around half
                                    The COVID-19 pandemic has               the working population was still
                                    affected the make-up of housing         working from home, a pattern
                                    demand in Tasmania, but it is           that has persisted into 2021 amid
                                    not yet clear what the long-term        ongoing lockdowns. The report
                                    impact might be. The ongoing            noted that demand appeared to
                                    shortfall in affordable housing         be shifting away from inner-city
                                    supply has been a confounding           dwellings to regional centres,
                                    factor. For example, migration          although it was not yet clear
                                    increases housing demand more           whether this trend would persist
                                    rapidly than natural population         (NHFIC 2020b: 6). Even if the
                                    increase (more births than deaths)      shift is only temporary, it could
                                    or new household formation, yet         still increase housing demand in
                                    although the demand for housing         Tasmania in the short and medium
                                    through migration, especially           term, including through greater
                                    international student migration,        interstate migration to Tasmania.
                                    almost halted during 2020 due to
                                    COVID-19 travel restrictions, unmet
                                    demand for affordable housing in        Components of
                                    Tasmania has remained high.
                                                                            population change
                                    The COVID-19 pandemic has               There were an estimated 540,600
                                    also shifted housing preferences        people residing in Tasmania
                                    towards free standing dwellings         at the end of June 2020 (ABS
                                    that contain extra spaces suitable      2020b). The population had been
                                    for work or study from home and         growing steadily in the four years
                                    outdoor areas for fresh air, exercise   to March 2020 but following the
                                    and gardening. Less urbanised           closure of Australian borders—and
                                    areas have become more desirable        Tasmanian borders—it is likely
                                    due to the ability to work remotely     this growth has been checked,
                                    and avoid crowded commutes              although this was not yet apparent
                                    (see Verdouw et al. 2021). At the       in the data available at the time
                                    time NHFIC prepared its State of        of writing. What was available

18         University of Tasmania
showed an annual growth for              as a component of population            replacement rate of 2.1. This TFR is
the year ending June 2020 of 1.1         growth—from a peak of 50 percent        consistent with the rate used in the
percent. The impact of the border        of population growth in 2012, it now    ‘low’ series of population projection
closures is likely to be significant     only contributes 21.9 percent as of     assumptions which assume the
because population growth in             June 2020.                              rate will continue to fall, to 1.76
Tasmania, as in the rest of Australia,                                           per woman by 2028 (ABS 2020b).
is primarily driven by net overseas      Although Tasmania’s borders are         Overall, the difference between
migration, or NOM; NOM has               now generally open to interstate        births and deaths in Tasmania is
contributed to nearly 60 percent         migrants, Australia’s borders           beginning to narrow; structural
of population growth over the last       are likely to remain closed to          ageing of the population and lower
few years. This is followed by net       international arrivals, including       life expectancy in Tasmania relative
interstate migration (NIM) and           international students, for some        to Australia means there is likely
natural increase arising from births     time to come. This will obviously       to be continued increase in the
outnumbering deaths.                     have an impact on population            number of deaths relative to births.
                                         change over the coming years. It        This puts Tasmania on trajectory of
Population change in Tasmania has        is highly unlikely that substantial     natural population decline, which
fluctuated since the previous global     population growth will occur due to     in turn makes the state more reliant
economic shock of the 2008 GFC           natural increase: in 2019, Tasmania     on migration for population growth
(see Figure 12), reflecting changes in   recorded a total fertility rate (TFR)   and therefore more sensitive to
economic conditions which shape          of 1.79 births per woman, which         changes in migration levels.
employment markets. Natural              is less than the rate of 1.85 in 2018
increase is a declining influence        and well below the population

  Figure 12: Components of population change, and population growth rate, Tasmania,
  year ending June 2008 to 2020
  Source: ABS 2020b.

                                                               The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21         19
Local variation                         Table 2: Regional population change, number and growth rate, Tasmanian
                                        local government areas, year ending June 2020
Changes in population at a
                                        Source: ABS 2020c.
statewide level are distributed
differently at the local level, with
some areas experiencing rapid                                      Population change      Population growth
growth while others may see a            LGA
                                                                   (no. of people)        rate (percentage)
decline in the resident population.
In the year to 30 June 2020,             Break O’Day               + 59                   + 0.9
the local government areas
in Tasmania with the greatest            Brighton                  + 449                  + 2.5
number of new residents were
                                         Burnie                    + 152                  + 0.8
Clarence (which increased its
population by 916 people or              Central Coast             + 220                  + 1.0
1.6 percent of population),
Launceston (779 people or                Central Highlands         + 36                   + 1.7
1.1 percent), Hobart (531 people
                                         Circular Head             + 73                   + 0.9
or 1.0 percent), and Brighton (449
people or 2.5 percent) (see Table 2).    Clarence                  + 916                  + 1.6
However, the highest growth rates
occurred in the more regional local      Derwent Valley            + 95                   + 0.9
government areas of Glamorgan-
                                         Devonport                 + 114                  + 0.4
Spring Bay (3.2 percent), Latrobe
(2.8 percent), Tasman (2.7 percent)      Dorset                    + 51                   + 0.8
and Sorell (2.7 percent). In only
three local government areas did         Flinders                  −6                     − 0.6
the population decline between
                                         George Town               + 149                  + 2.1
June 2019 and June 2020: the West
Coast (a decrease of 43 people or        Glamorgan/Spring Bay      + 147                  + 3.2
-1.0 percent), Flinders (14 or -
0.6 percent) and Glenorchy (16 or        Glenorchy                 − 16                   0.0
0.0 percent).
                                         Hobart                    + 531                  + 1.0

                                         Huon Valley               + 402                  + 2.3
Projections of future
                                         Kentish                   + 78                   + 1.2
                                         King Island               +2                     + 0.1
In 2019, the Tasmanian
Department of Treasury and               Kingborough               + 313                  + 0.8
Finance’s ‘middle’ series of
population projections estimated         Latrobe                   + 323                  + 2.8
that Tasmania’s population would
                                         Launceston                + 779                  + 1.1
grow at a rate of 0.2 percent per
year, reaching about 569,000 by          Meander Valley            + 193                  + 1.0
2042 (Department of Treasury and
Finance 2019: 19). As part of this       Northern Midlands         + 161                  + 1.2
overall growth, the population
                                         Sorell                    + 427                  + 2.7
would increase in 14 of the state’s
local government areas and would         Southern Midlands         + 111                  + 1.8
and decline in the other 15. The
Hobart local government area             Tasman                    + 65                   + 2.7
would see the greatest number
of new residents, due to higher          Waratah-Wynyard           + 73                   + 0.5
NOM made up primarily of                 West Coast                − 43                   − 1.0
younger people, and Brighton was
predicted to see the fastest growth,     West Tamar                + 351                  + 1.5

20          University of Tasmania
with a percentage increase of          growing interstate migration being       (ABS 2021c). In-fill development has
1.18 percent per annum                 driven by lifestyle factors combined     been relatively limited and much
(Department of Treasury and            with growing acceptance of               of the growth in private housing
Finance: 2019: 10). However, the       remote working arrangements.             supply occurs on the urban fringe.
changes COVID-19 has caused to                                                  During the post-war period, as did
NOM and continued uncertainty          Overall, Tasmania’s future               other states, Tasmania constructed
about interstate travel and            population has become much               broadacre social housing
consequently to NIM mean the           more uncertain due to the                developments, but these were
assumptions that underpin these        changes brought by the pandemic.         smaller in scale than those on the
projections may no longer be valid.    Although international migration         mainland, and Tasmania’s extensive
                                       remains constrained, there may           rent-to-purchase scheme and later
The Australian Government’s            be an increase in migration              sales programs have meant that
population projections from 2020       from interstate. This will have          even the most concentrated areas
were less conservative than the        implications for housing demand          of social housing are in fact mixed
Tasmanian government’s, even           and the supply response needed           communities of home owners,
with adjustments to assumptions        to meet it.                              private renters, and social renters
due to COVID-19. Its ‘middle’ case                                              (Flanagan 2019).
shows Tasmania’s population
reaching 569,000 by 2028-29.           Changes in supply
This was based on assumptions
                                       With the cessation of large-scale        Building approvals
consistent with those in the
2020-21 Budget: that further           government construction of public        As noted in Section 1, the Australian
localised outbreaks of COVID-19        housing in the 1980s, meaningful         and Tasmanian governments have
would be largely contained, that       growth in new housing supply in          used various programs of grants
state border restrictions would        Tasmania has depended largely            to stimulate economic growth
be lifted by the end of 2020 and       on activity in the private sector.       via the housing market. These
that the restrictions on gatherings    This, along with the relatively small    programs include the boosted
and on international travel would      size of the Tasmanian market,            First Home Owners Grant and the
continue until a population-wide       has had implications for the type        state and national HomeBuilder
vaccination program was fully          of stock that is added to overall        programs. There is evidence that
implemented by the end of 2021         supply. According to the last            these types of programs have
(Centre for Population 2020). At       Census, Tasmania has a higher            triggered an upsurge in building
the time of writing in mid-2021,       proportion of detached housing           approvals across Australia,
some of these assumptions appear       than the national average, and a         including in Tasmania, where
overly optimistic, although there is   correspondingly lower proportion         building approvals numbers
mounting anecdotal evidence of         of semi-detached housing and flats       increased by 65.1 percent to 464

  Figure 13: Monthly building approvals, seasonally adjusted, Tasmania, March 2006 to March 2021
  Source: ABS 2021f.

                                                             The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21          21
Figure 14: Total number of building approvals and number of approvals not yet commenced (quarterly, original
     time series), Tasmania, December 2005 to December 2020
     Source: Authors, collated from ABS 2021e, 2021f.

     Figure 15: Number of dwellings commenced and number of dwellings under construction
     (quarterly, original time series), Tasmania, December 2005 to December 2020
     Note: The ABS defines a building commencement as the first performance of physical building activity on a site, in the form of materials fixed in place
     and/or labour expended. Commencement includes site preparation but excludes delivery of building materials, the drawing of plans and specifications
     and the construction of non-building infrastructure such as roads (ABS April 2021).
     Source: ABS 2021e.

22               University of Tasmania
approvals between November and         (ABS 2019). Previous University of       Figure 14). This shows the potential
December 2020, a 95.0 percent          Tasmania housing market updates          lag between building approvals
increase since December 2019 (see      noted a growing time lag between         and building starts. Some of
Figure 13). Approval numbers were      approvals and commencements              the dwellings that have been
lower in January 2021 but were         in Tasmania, possibly due to a lack      approved but which have not yet
again in the mid-400s in February      of access to skilled labour, finance     commenced may never be built.
and March.                             or project management expertise
                                       (Eccleston et al. 2018c; Jacobs et       Despite these 546 dwellings not
According to NHFIC, the time lag       al. 2019). This underscores that         yet commenced, the growth
between building approval and          there is no guarantee that building      in overall approvals meant that
completion is on average               approvals will necessarily lead to       commencement numbers did
12 months for a detached or            commencements.                           increase in the December quarter
medium density dwelling and two                                                 of 2020. In that quarter there were
years for an apartment. In practice,                                            891 commencements, which was
the lag varies depending on the        Building activity:                       an increase of 11 percent year on
type of building being constructed,                                             year as well as an increase from
prevailing planning and market
                                       commencement,                            the previous quarter (see
conditions and access to materials     construction and                         Figure 15). These commencements,
and labour (NHFIC 2020: 34).           completions                              and the number of dwelling units
Historically (between 2014 and                                                  that have proceeded beyond
2019), the average time between        ABS statistics for the December          commencement and are now
approval and commencement              quarter of 2020 show there               considered under construction,
for houses in Tasmania was             were 1,013 building approvals            indicate the number of dwellings
2.6 months and the average             in Tasmania. There were also             coming on line. For the December
time between commencement              approvals for 546 dwellings sitting      quarter of 2020 there were 2,367
and completion was 7.0 months          ‘on the books’ and classified as         dwelling units under construction,
                                       ‘not yet commenced’ (see

  Figure 16: Number of dwellings completed (quarterly, original time series), Tasmania, December 2005 to
  December 2020
  Source: ABS 2021e.

                                                             The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21          23
which was a slight decline from the                    are classified as public or private,                  imply that all new construction is
previous quarter (-1.6 percent) and                    the latter figure may not be                          in the right form or the right place
a slight increase from the previous                    equivalent to new social housing                      to match demand. There are also
year (1.3 percent). The previous                       supply). The total represents an                      reports of concerns within the
major peak in construction, in                         increase of 6.8 percent from the                      industry about critical shortages
March 2010, coincides with the                         previous quarter and 26.1 percent                     in construction materials which
GFC stimulus package which                             from the previous year (see                           could push up costs and put at risk
included measures targeted at the                      Figure 16).                                           timely completion of new housing
construction industry.                                                                                       supply (Coulter 2021), as well as
                                                       The increased building and                            an ongoing shortage of building
The number of dwelling                                 construction activity is most likely                  labour (Mawby 2021).
completions is also tracking                           connected to the economic
upward. In the December quarter                        stimulus measures introduced
of 2020, 875 dwelling units                            by the Commonwealth and                               The demand-supply
completed, comprised of 823                            State Governments. There is new
private sector dwellings and 51                        housing supply being built and
public sector dwellings (due to                        this includes some social housing.                    The balance between supply
complexities in the way dwellings                      However, this does not necessarily                    and demand is formed by the

     Figure 17: Actual and projected annual changes in supply, demand and supply-demand balance,
     Greater Hobart, 2019-2025
     Note: ‘Supply-demand balance’ refers to the difference in new demand and new supply. A negative balance implies there is not enough new supply to
     meet new demand and a positive balance implies that there is too much new supply relative to new demand.

     Source: NHFIC 2020b: 76.

24              University of Tasmania
relationship between the amount                     undersupply of housing of around                      for already formed households)
of underlying demand in the                         200,000 dwellings in Australia                        with economic adjustments that
market and the net supply of                        (NHFIC 2020b: 5). According to                        incorporate factors such as in
housing. Although the ratio                         NHFIC, which now has carriage                         unemployment rates, income and
between demand and supply can                       of monitoring the national supply                     cost of housing.
be quantified for a given point                     of and demand for housing,
in time, the relationship itself is                 over the following decade                             NHFIC’s modelling for 2020 found
dynamic. In a well-functioning                      construction levels increased at                      Greater Hobart to have a small
market, a significant level of unmet                a rate that broadly kept supply                       under supply of housing but
demand would be expected to                         and demand in balance. NHFIC                          projected a moderate over-supply
stimulate a supply response, but                    has supplemented the National                         of 800 dwellings to develop by
the many factors at play in housing                 Housing Supply Council’s model                        2021 as new demand fell and
markets mean they do not always                     of underlying housing demand                          there was a net increase in new
function well.                                      (which is based on new household                      dwellings (see Figure 17). This was
                                                    formation derived from population                     expected to remain in balance
In 2010, the former National                        growth and age structure rather                       until 2024 when demand was
Housing Supply Council                              than changes in housing demand                        expected to increase to the point
estimated there was a cumulative                                                                          of another undersupply unless

  Figure 18: Actual and projected annual changes in supply, demand and supply-demand balance,
  rest of Tasmania, 2019-2025
  Note: ‘Supply-demand balance’ refers to the difference in new demand and new supply. A negative balance implies there is not enough new supply to
  meet new demand and a positive balance implies that there is too much new supply relative to new demand.

  Source: NHFIC 2020b: 76.

                                                                                The Tasmanian housing market: update 2020-21                          25
a construction program was            2020, demand for apartments
maintained. This pattern was          has fallen due to restrictions
consistent with NHFIC’s projections   on migration, including from
for Australia as a whole.             international students. There is now
                                      an oversupply of apartments in
For the rest of Tasmania, NHFIC’s     major cities such as Melbourne or
projection for 2021 was a fall in     Sydney, which is expected to lead
new household formation, and          to lower rents for those dwellings.
therefore a fall in demand, leading   However, this has not happened in
to an over-supply of 700 new          Hobart, where rents have remained
dwellings. In 2022 this balance       high. As noted above, historically
would shift to an undersupply of      the Tasmanian market has been
500 dwellings, before returning       dominated by detached housing
to a small oversupply in 2024 (see    and this is expected to continue
Figure 18).                           with demand for freestanding
                                      homes growing. The market
The accuracy of these projections
                                      for detached housing, as well
depends on a range of factors.
                                      as regional markets with spare
The housing market is currently
                                      capacity in the building industry,
more dynamic and hence less
                                      are also more likely to benefit from
predictable than ever. COVID-19
                                      the various stimulus programs.
has altered the economic outlook
and is driving unanticipated
changes in intrastate, interstate
and international migration.
Subsequent policies that seek to      The balance between housing
actively influence construction,      demand and housing supply is
such as the various stimulus          always dynamic, but with the
programs, were not incorporated       changes brought by COVID-19,
into NHFIC’s model.                   including restrictions on migration,
                                      affecting demand, and economic
The models are also broad. An         stimulus measures targeted at
over-supply of 700 homes, for         construction, affecting supply, it
example, may be less significant      is now inherently unpredictable.
once those 700 homes are              Although there are signs that the
distributed across the entirety       stimulus measures are leading
of the ‘rest of Tasmania’. Certain    to increased activity within the
communities may experience            building sector, there are no
an under-supply even though in        guarantees that the resulting new
aggregate the entire state is in      supply will be of the type or at
over-supply and vice versa. Nor do    the price point needed to resolve
raw supply numbers incorporate        Tasmania’s affordability challenges
the amenity or price of newly built   in the short-to-medium term.
dwellings, which means shortages
of certain types of housing, such
as affordable housing or housing
which meets universal design
principles, may persist despite an
oversupply in other segments of
the market.

For example, the supply of new
apartments coming onto the
market peaked in 2017 and was
already in decline prior to the
pandemic, particularly in capital
cities (NHFIC 2020b: 24). Since

26         University of Tasmania
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