THE TALL SHIPS RACES Application for

Page created by Jane Buchanan
THE TALL SHIPS RACES Application for
Application for

in Mariehamn 2021      1
THE TALL SHIPS RACES Application for
LET FELICIA LIVE HER DREAM!                       5
WELCOME TO MARIEHAMN                              7
THE ISLANDS OF PEACE                              9
OUR SEAFARING HERITAGE                            11
SPONSORSHIP AND FINANCE                           13
TRAINEE RECRUITMENT                               15
Albanus as a training ship                        17
Involvement with sail training for young people   19
VESSEL RECRUITMENT                                21
Vessel income                                     21
Mooring plan                                      24
Fleet facilities and services                     26
Vessel assistance                                 27
SAFETY ON LAND AND AT SEA                         29
EVENT MANAGEMENT            31
Event office facilities     31
Accommodation and transport 31
Local organisation          32
MEMORABLE MARITIME EVENTS                         35
SUCCESSFUL EVENTS OF ALL SIZES                    37
MARITIME MINI-METROPOLIS                          39
Places for events and leisure                     41
EVERYONE CAN FLOURISH                             45
PUT ÅLAND ON YOUR PLATE                           47
TRAVEL GUIDE TO ÅLAND                             49
Trainees travelling                               49

THE TALL SHIPS RACES Application for
The warm memories of 1988, when            again fill the West Harbour. Our main
Mariehamn was a host port of the           focus is to make the visit a positive
Tall Ships Races, has long been in         experience for the crews and to make it
                                           possible for many young people to
the minds of many Ålanders. That           experience life onboard a tall ship.
combined with our long history,
and heritage, in commercial sailing        We, in the Bid Committee, hope that this
has at last encouraged us to apply         application will satisfy your requirements
as a host port of the TSR in 2021.         and substantiate that we can produce a
                                           stopover that everybody will remember
The application is based on a close        with positivity and appreciation!
partnership between the town of
Mariehamn, the Åland Government
and the Åland Yacht Club.

The Ålanders are an entrepreneurial kind   BjörnKalm
of people, who love to engage in these     Björn Kalm
kinds of events. Everybody is eager to     Chairman
help and contribute to the common good,    The TSR2021 Bid Committee
this will guarantee a joyful and open
minded event when the tall ships once

THE TALL SHIPS RACES Application for
THE TALL SHIPS RACES Application for
Has anyone asked Felicia, a crew               four-masted steel barque. Pommern is still in
member on one of the competing                 original condition and moored adjacent to
ships, which harbour she would                 the world famous Åland Maritime Museum.
love to visit during the 2021 Tall             Felicia has heard that Åland and its
Ships Race?                                    inhabitants are friendly and peace loving
                                               and always give a warm welcome to
Felicia, knows her history and knows that      sailing ships. This is as true today as it was
Mariehamn is a Mecca for all who are           in the past.
interested in tall ships history. She has
read about Gustav Erikson who, in the          To be on the safe side Felicia has been
period between the two world wars,             in contact with the governor of Åland to
owned the world’s largest windjammer           confirm that all she has heard is true. She
fleet. These majestic ships sailed the great   has been informed that Åland’s special
oceans carrying everything from wheat to       demilitarised status will not be a hinder to
guano from distant harbours to Europe.         ships participating in the 2021 Tall Ships
                                               Race. She has also been confirmed that
Felicia looks forward to visiting the          the harbour in Mariehamn offers all the
impressive museum-ship Pommern                 visiting ships a safe and welcoming place
waiting for her in Mariehamn’s West            to dock and that the organisers are
Harbour. She wants to feel what life would     experienced and ready for the challenges
have been like onboard the last remaining      involved with being a designated port.

As Governor of Åland since 1999 I am
the leading representative of the Finnish
State in the self-governing Åland region. I
graduated from the University of Helsinki
and passed a degree in Maritime law at
the University of Oslo in 1981.

I wish you would let Felicia live her dream,
and give me the opportunity to stand
in the harbour in the beautiful town of
Mariehamn and welcome the ships and
crew’s participating in the 2021 Race as
they sail into a waiting sea of friendly and
hospitable Ålanders ready to fulfil their      Peter Lindbäck
obligations to the Tall Ships Races family.    Governor of Åland
                                               State of Finland

THE TALL SHIPS RACES Application for
THE TALL SHIPS RACES Application for
On behalf of the town of Mariehamn             would range from reusable water bottles,
it is my honour to present a bid to            so visitors can choose tap water from
welcome the Tall Ships Races to                water stations instead of bottled water,
                                               to the whole event being run on 100 %
Mariehamn in 2021.                             renewable energy. Our food retailers
                                               should also offer a range that includes
The success of the fleet´s visit in 1988
                                               both organic and fair-labeled products,
when the whole island turned out to
                                               and always at least one vegetarian option.
support the event is our best argument.
                                               Together with our partners we will develop
I can promise captains, their crews and
                                               a shared vision for a sustainable event.
the young trainees, that our organisation
                                               Hopefully even by implementation of a
and the entire community will make every
                                               sustainable event standard or “green port”
effort to ensure that a new visit will be an
unforgettable experience.
                                               Mariehamn also offers social events and
The town of Mariehamn has long and
                                               all service facilities within easy walking
proud sailing traditions. In our vision
                                               distance. The event would be in a very
and in our slogan “Maritime Mariehamn”
                                               concentrated area right in the centre of
we honour our history as seafarers. The
                                               the town, with a one kilometer walk from
museum ship Pommern, our landmark,
                                               the West Harbour to the East Harbour.
will welcome you in a newly built dry
                                               Our event may not compete by numbers
dock, ensuring her preservation for
                                               of visitors but with a closeness and
future generations.
                                               familiarity which will encourage friendship
                                               between young people as the vessels are
Throughout the centuries, the people
                                               berthed side by side in the harbour.
who have lived in the Åland archipelago
have taken care of their fellow humans
                                               We would be honoured if we once again
and the natural environment.
                                               could welcome the Tall Ships Races to
The ambition has always been to hand
                                               Mariehamn and on this occasion to join
over the baton to the next generation in
                                               the Aland Islands centenary celebrations
as good condition as it was when it was
                                               as a self-governed area.
received. It is with good reason, therefore,
that we chose to adopt a collective goal
of total sustainable development in Åland
no later than 2051.

In 2011 the town of Mariehamn obtained         Barbara Heinonen
the ISO14001-certification and we              Barbara Heinonen
continue to manage our environmental           Mayor
impacts and responsibilities accordingly.      Town of Mariehamn
This combined with Åland’s collective
goal is why we want to encourage
sustainable thinking and sustainable
action in the event design concepts.
Initiatives for the Tall Ships Races 2021

THE TALL SHIPS RACES Application for
Facts about Åland                         Facts about Mariehamn

Area: 6,787 km2                           Area: 11.8 km2
Inhabitants: 29,000                       Inhabitants: 11,500
Language: Swedish                         GPS Coordinates: 60°05’ 50’’ N 19°56’ 05’’ E
Currency: Euro                            Founded: 1861 (when Finland was a part
Islands: more than 6,700                  of Russia)

Municipalities: 16                        Town plan: 1859 by Finnish Architect
                                          Georg Theodor Chiewitz
Autonomous part of Finland with own
parliament                                Registerad companies: 1 020, an average
                                          of one company per 10 inhabitants
EU-member since 1995 (remains
outside the EU tax union)                 Curiosity: The first municipality in Finland
                                          to obtain the international ISO14001-
Symbols: Own flag since 1954, stamps      certification, for managing environmental
since 1984, car registration plates and   impacts and responsibilities
internet top-level domain .ax
Time: Eastern European Time (GMT+2)
Curiosity: The world’s oldest champagne
was found in a wreck in Åland’s outer
archipelago in 2010

THE TALL SHIPS RACES Application for
Åland is considered unique for several         offered something to each of the parties.
reasons: its autonomy has existed              Finland was granted sovereignty over
for nearly a hundred years, the                Åland, but was placed under an obligation
                                               to guarantee the islanders their Swedish
solution was arrived at without                culture, language, local customs and the
force of arms, and Åland is both               system of self-government that Finland
self-governing and demilitarised.              had offered Åland in 1920.

Back in history Åland was a part of the        When the League of Nations resolved the
Swedish kingdom, enjoying periods of           issue of Åland’s constitutional affiliation
relative independence, until the war of        a decision was also taken to draw up an
1808-09 when Finland and Åland was             international convention. The convention,
relinquished to Russia. When the Russian       which confirmed the demilitarisation of
Empire began to fall apart in 1917 Åland       1856 and also neutralised Åland, was
decided to seek reunification with Sweden.     signed by ten states. This means that as a
However in December 1917 when Finland          rule military presence within the region is
declared itself an independent republic,       prohibited, however this regulation has
Finland was not prepared to meet Åland’s       never been enforced with regard to
demands. Due to the international              unarmed military vessels competing in
character of what had become known as          Tall Ships Races or similar events. The
the Åland Islands Question, the issue was      decisions taken in 1921 by the League of
referred to the League of Nations.             Nations was the beginning of the
In June 1921 the League’s Council              autonomy as we know it today, almost
presented a compromise decision which          100 years later.

The first elections to the Parliament of
Åland were held in 1922, and the
members gathered for their first session
on 9 June. This day is now celebrated in
commemoration of Åland’s autonomy.

To commemorate our 100 years of
autonomy, a celebration will start in June
2021 and culminate on 9 June 2022.

On behalf of the Åland Parliament I wish
to invite all of you to our peaceful islands
and hope that the Tall Ships Races 2021        Gun-Mari Lindholm
will join in on our centenary celebration.     Gun-Mari Lindholm
                                               Speaker of the Parliament of Åland

THE TALL SHIPS RACES Application for
Åland is a maritime community                    is still very much alive. The reason for
in every possible sense; culturally,             this is that Mariehamn was the home port
geographically and economically.                 of the world’s last fleet of commercial
                                                 windjammers. Most of these ships were
The sea is both the way to the world             owned by Gustaf Erikson, he kept them in
outside and a border against it.                 commercial traffic even after the Second
                                                 World War. In 1949, two of Erikson’s ships,
The sea provides work, food on the table         the Passat and the Pamir, became the last
and economic prosperity for Åland. It is         ever fully commercial sailing vessels to sail
a source of inspiration for the arts and a       around Cape Horn, en route from South
comfort to the soul. But the sea also takes      Australia to Falmouth for orders.
its ransom in worry, loss of life and
material damages. You cannot live on             During the summers of the 1920s and
Åland without forming a relationship with        1930s, the West Harbour of Mariehamn
the sea; it is simply an inescapable part of     was teeming with tall ships lying in wait
life here.                                       for the autumn and the next 10-month
                                                 return voyage to Australia. Aspiring
What makes Åland extra special when it           sailors from all over the world came to
comes to traditional sailing and tall ships      Mariehamn in the hope of securing a
is that it is one of very few places in the      place as an apprentice on board one of
world – if not the only – where stories of       these ships, either as a necessity for
crossing the world’s oceans in cargo             getting their master’s certificate or as an
carrying sailing ships are still told in first   adventure of a lifetime.
person and where the spirit of St Malo

The most significant landmark in
Mariehamn is the four-masted steel
barque Pommern; one of the best
preserved historic vessels in the world.
Adjacent to the Pommern is the award
winning Åland Maritime Museum, rich in
objects and stories from the age of sail.

The legacy is also visible in the
intangible heritage of the island, where
traditional skills and know-how relating
to boatbuilding, ship maintenance,
sail-making, and sailing is kept alive
                                                 Hanna Hagmark-Cooper
and passed on through the activities of          Hanna Hagmark-Cooper
several associations and initiatives.            Director
                                                 Åland Maritime Museum

The way history has formed the                 This has made it easier for us to reach out
people of Åland is the base for our            to the local companies and more than
strategy towards the sponsors.                 we expected have signalled that they are
                                               positive to participating. We already have
Our heritage as a home of many                 about 10 companies ready to invest
seafarers is visible all over our              EUR 500,000.
society and it is a subject that most
Ålanders can relate to.                        Based on this, we estimate that we are
                                               going to send 100 trainees and sell 20
We have packed an attractive mix of deck       deck events.
events, trainee positions and
visibility for the sponsors. We also spread
their involvement over several years, from
now on, up to the main event and even

Being an island, Åland has a long history      on, or have their background in shipping.
of handling challenges of any kind. When       They feel a responsibility for Åland and are
it comes to events, we have always seen a      prepared to participate to make the Tall
great interest from people and companies       Ships Races a success. We have already met
to help and participate.                       most of them and they are unambiguously
                                               positive to this event.
The financing of TSR2021 comes from
three areas: The Town of Mariehamn,
the Government of Åland and through
sponsorships. Mariehamn and the local
government provide the financial base,
which makes this possible. On top of that,
Mariehamn owns most of the facilities that
will be used throughout the event and will
make them available for the ships and their
crew. Starting in 2021 Åland will celebrate
100 years of self-government, this hopefully
makes it even more appealing for the

                                               JanneEngblom             BjörnKalm
government to contribute to the project.

From the local trade and industry, we see        Janne Engblom           Björn Kalm
the same kind of interest. Many of the           Honorary Member         Principal Race Officer
bigger companies in Åland are depending          Åland Yacht Club        Åland Yacht Club

All sponsor deals will include a               Navigating and safe seamanship ABC
trainee, or several. As soon as                The local Sea Scouts would like to, in close
we started our bidding process,                partnership with the Åland Search and
we gathered people involved in                 Rescue Association, educate 12-year olds
activities for young people to a               in basic safety and navigation skills. This
workshop. The workshop was                     is in order to keep them safe at sea but
designed to, among this group of               also to make them feel confident enough
                                               to explore the opportunity of sailing as
expertise and energy, find and start
                                               recreation and as a physical challenge.
at least five different projects
involving young people in a way                Summertime entrepreneurs
that would lead to a life
                                               A project is planned together with Åland
changing experience on board a
                                               Chamber of Commerce to inspire trainees
tall ship no later than 2021.                  to find activities that will help them fund
                                               their own Tall Ships Race adventure, partly
The delegates in this workshop came            or in full.
from all parts of the community. They
represented both the everyday struggles        Collaboration with Rotary
that some kids face today and kids with
a burning interest in a particular hobby.      A project in collaboration with the
This initiative resulted in many ideas for     Rotary foundation with the purpose to
projects.                                      see if Åland can host a Rotary event for
                                               youths in which sail training would be a
The project ideas we are developing and        fundamental part.
supporting so far are;
                                               Sailing as a means for empowerment
Adopt a trainee
                                               On top of all this a project plan has been
Our sponsors will adopt trainees and           drawn up for a main, bigger project that
follow them on their adventure online via      we have reason to believe can be financed
Facebook and other media. Sponsors will        through EU funds. This project is intended
also invite them for inspiring and fun talks   to make our sailing traditions available
and interaction on events and meetings.        for all young people as a means for
                                               empowerment and integration. The idea
Team building, ages 12-13                      is to let them experience that sailing can
                                               be a way of life – as a career, as recreation
Pupils in the town schools will at this        or both. The project is planned to have a
point in their education be divided            duration of at least 4 years with a possibility
into new groups. In order to provide a         for young people to join the Tall Ships Race
platform for teambuilding and bonding          at least once during this period.
for these kids and their teachers the town
plans to fund sailing excursions for them.     The Bid Committee is confident that the
This is also a way to inspire and to educate   recruitment and financing of trainees will
about sailing as part of our cultural          be successful, and is aiming high at 100
heritage.                                      trainees between 2018 and 2021.

Albanus as a training ship                     Albanus is also used for the practical
                                               training for students from Åland Maritime
Albanus was built 1986-1989                    Academy. Albanus is the first practical
with the purpose to cherish and                experience they get and it is where they
                                               learn the basics of seamanship and the
pass on knowledge, skills, culture             special bond on a ship. Later during the
and traditions within sailing, ships,          education programme Albanus is used to
our coastal land and sea by sailing            practice navigation in the archipelago and
for youth and culture purposes.                wind influence on a ship among other
Through the years Albanus has been the
host of numerous school voyages and            The group “Prentisarna” was started to
other youth camps. It is not all about the     develop the youth part of the association
traditional seamanship but what’s almost       and arranges their own youth sailings.
more important is life onboard and to          The purpose is to give young people
learn to respect each other. Cooking is        from Åland, and the rest of the world,
also an important skill taught on the ship.    the possibility to come and sail on
We also encourage the young people to          Albanus to learn everything she has to
apply to educations connected to shipping      offer. Onboard skills that can be useful
in some way. Several of our kids have later    everyday throughout life. It is also
joined the Danish school ship Georg Stage      important to encourage contact with
or the Swedish sailing high school Gunilla     other ships, crew and trainees around the
as well. Also, navigational and technical      world. We have several former youths
schools have received their share of our       who is now dedicated to give the same
students.                                      opportunity to the younger generations.

Albanus has been part of the TSR Baltic,
always with great success. Many of our
youths remember the many different
events during these races. From meetings
with other crew, prize giving ceremonies,
participation at a Captains Dinner, sea
sickness and much more. All stories
are positive!

We have also given young people the
possibilities to represent Albanus at the
STI annual conferences around the world.       Kristian Öhberg
”Prentisarna” has been awarded the Sail
Training Organisation of the Year 2013:        Kristian Öhberg
“For excellence in innovation and best         Director of Operations
practice in sail training for young people”.   The Ship Association Albanus

Involvement with sail                        At the same time as old knowledge is
                                             passed forward, new technologies are
training for young people                    also used and environmental aspects
                                             are given a major role. In addition to the
We have a long term commitment               sails, an electric motor is planned for
in improving the knowledge about             the propulsion of the vessel. Also for the
and interest in the local maritime           treatment of sewage and grey water, new
heritage and in sailing in particular.       and environmentally friendly solutions are
Many have fond memories of the
launching of the Albanus during the          Sailing in itself is an environmentally
the Tall Ships Races in Mariehamn back in    friendly way of travelling, and it also gives
1988. Through the building of Albanus        opportunities to team building and
an unbroken tradition of shipbuilding        learning experiences. This is rewarding
from the times of the ”Crofter-Skippers”     to “youth of all ages”, and as with the
was maintained through a team of             Albanus is the backbone of the activities.
experienced shipwrights.                     It has been proven that a sailing ship is an
                                             excellent learning platform. The Albanus
In order to continue this tradition a new    has successfully taken part in many of the
building project, the “galeas Emelia”, is    Tall Ships Races in the Baltic and has
now on the way. Tradition and conveyance     received prizes for her youth training
of knowledge is essential also in the new    programme.
project. Already during the building stage
youth and others are given opportunities
to obtain this rare knowledge.

The journey of the Emelia Foundation
began in 2015. Our goal is to present
the on-going ”galeas Emelia” project at
the Tall Ships Races in 2021 for a wider
international audience.

We want to continue to be a splendid
example of successful youth activity and
ambassadors of Sail Training,
environmental thinking and the Islands
of Peace, the Åland Islands.
                                             Henrik Karlsson Harry Hartikainen
                                              Henrik Karlsson         Harry Hartikainen
                                              Captain                 Volunteer

We hope to achieve at least a                the public. We also opened up for free
hundred ships in our harbour to              entrance for all crew members to visit
enjoy the festivities in Mariehamn           Mariebad swimming and wellness
                                             centre with its pools, saunas and beach.
2021. We look forward to an intense          Grossherzogin Elisabeth appreciated the
period of recruiting, involving a lot        visit so much that they came back for a
of interaction with captains and             second visit a couple of weeks later.
crews, offices and ship-owners to
attract a as many ships as possible.         We will continue to invite ships for
We have already started.                     shorter stopovers with a taste of what
                                             Mariehamn has to offer. The ships will
In 2017 we invited a few ships for a short   hopefully spread the word that both
visit before the actual race from Turku.     crews and ships are heartily welcome
To our great pleasure both Grossherzogin     and taken care of in Mariehamn. As we
Elisabeth and Roald Amundsen accepted.       get a chance on STI conferences and
They enjoyed a program including visits      elsewhere we will take the opportunity to
to both the Maritime Museum and              give ship representatives all information
Pommern, even though the latter was          needed to start planning for a visit in
being repaired and not officially open to    Mariehamn in 2021.

Vessel income                                such as the Åland Peace Institute, and
                                             offer them fun and inspiring places to set
The project team intends to trust            up seminars and informal gatherings.
the marketing and production to a
                                             We also intend to involve the Baltic Sea
private group of leadership trainees         Fund in a project that can allow visiting
specialised in this type of marketing        vessels, even the smaller ones, to find an
and production. By doing so we               income. In this project we hope to involve
are sure to find new entrepreneurs,          the trainees on board in scientific research
ideas and markets as well as                 through sampling and observations at
modern and fresh ways to entertain           sea. This project idea enhances the
in a traditional and unique setting.         environmental protection of the Baltic
                                             Sea and adds an academic context to the
When promoting the deck events we will       sailing experience. The importance of
be proud to always offer a local touch to    an environmentally sustainable lifestyle
them. Food, beer and other beverages of      is visualised for the trainees at the same
high quality are produced and highly         time as the project offers funding for
qualified artists and musicians can be       their adventure.
provided locally. We will approach a wide
array of associations and organisations,

Port of Mariehamn                             Pontoons and boarding ladders

Pilot position: 60 01,0N 019 51,0E            Tidal: N/A
Distance from Pilot position to jetty: 5 nm   Ships gangways are to be used
Max draft: 8,2 meters
No air draft restrictions                     Electricity, phone and internet
The pilotage is compulsory for all ships      400/230V, 50 Hz. The connection will be
with a length more than 70 meters and a       close to the vessel at the quayside
width more than 14 meters                     Ships cables: If the ship uses another
The number of pilots available for Port of    voltage than 50Hz an adapter must be
Mariehamn is today 5 (       used
                                              Running the auxiliary engine must in all
                                              cases be avoided due to environmental
VHF channels                                  and noise reasons
Archipelago VTS working channel is: VHF       Telephones and internet-access will be
channel 71                                    provided as described in the Host Port
Pilots working channel is: VHF channel 13     Manual
VHF channel 72 is possible to use ship to
ship or ship to port

The Port of Mariehamn is located on            ships also visit Mariehamn. Among the
the southern part of Åland. It is one          harbours in Finland we are only surpassed
of Finland’s three largest ports for           by Helsinki harbour regarding number of
                                               calls. During the summer of 2017 we had
passenger vessels.                             19 calls of international cruise ships.
The Port of Mariehamn has ferry lines to
                                               In Mariehamn we take pride in having
Turku, Helsinki, Stockholm, Kapellskär and
                                               professional sailors welcoming sailors and
Tallinn. More than 5,000 calls were made
                                               of course there will be no harbour fees for
during 2016. In general, 15 calls every 24
                                               the participating vessels.
hours, 7 days a week. International cruise

Mariehamn hosted the TSR for the first         proud of, it is ihow to take care of our
time in 1988. That year I started my           customers and guests.
career at sea onboard the steel barque
Pommern as an ordinary seaman. Later I         The Port of Mariehamn is a Sail Training
became a Master Mariner and have been          friendly port. Some of you visited us last
sailing onboard several types of vessels       summer and I hope more of you will come.
worldwide. On my vacations I signed on         Just call us and we will do our very best to
the galeas Albanus. Wonderful crew and         give you a great experience when you visit
a great experience!                            our port.

For the last three years I have been           Welcome to the Port of Mariehamn!
working in the port as a harbour master.
Last summer, 2017, I took part in the
TSR in Turku, working closely with my
colleague, the harbour master in Turku,
Antti Pekanheimo. Those days where both
instructive and intensive and I am so
grateful to Antti who was able to share
some of his experience of TSR with me.

There is no harbour master in the world
who alone can take care of the TSR in a
port. No other operation in the port either.
To my great help and support I have our
wonderful staff. Many of them where here
                                               Helena Jansson
to help you in 1988, 2000, 2003 and 2007.       Helena Jansson
Their experience is invaluable. If there        Harbour Master
is something that we do know, and are           Port of Mariehamn


Mooring plan                                 If there is a need to have ships moored
                                             along the Möckelö shore, there will of
In the Port of Mariehamn double              course be service available with shuttle
berthing is necessary. Traditionally         boats. It is also possible to moor in the
                                             East Harbour, just a kilometres short walk
the tall ships where moored like this        from the West Harbour through the
during their summer stop overs in            pedestrian friendly town centre.
the 1920’s and 1930’s.
                                             This example of a mooring plan is made
When providing the mooring plan, we          considering the same number of vessels
will consider a lot of factors such as:      as seen in Turku during TSR2017.
length, depths and freeboard, requests
from the ships captains, rig construction,
requests on day-sailing, open deck and
deck events and we will try to mix the
nationalities within the fleet.
We will also consider the sail-parade and
the availability of the number of pilots,
throughout the area.


                                                                                 100 x 15   m
                                                                                        100 x 15 m

                                                                                  65 x 1365 xm
                                                                                             13 m

                                                                                  50 x 1050 xm
                                                                                             10 m

                                                                                  40 x 1040 xm
West Harbour
                                                                                             10 m

                                                                                    22 x 522m

                                                                                    15 x 415m

  Möckelö shore

           Berths along the harbour (north to south):   Alongside Åland Yacht Club
                                                        • Will host most of the C and D classes
           Maritime safety centre                       • Toilets, showers and saunas
           • Concrete berths 2 x 40 meters
           • Deep 5,2 meters                            Alongside Pommern dry-dock
           • Suitable for B, C and D classes            • Length 100 meters
                                                        • Depth 20 meters
           Klintkajen                                   • Suitable for A and B classes
           • Concrete berth 50 meters
           • Depth 5,2 meters                           Berth 1 and 2
           • Suitable for B and C classes               • Concrete quay
                                                        • Inside ISPS area, terminal with toilets
           Kraftverkskajen                              • Length 250 meters
           • 200 meters iron dolphins                   • Depth 8,2 meters
           • Depth 6,5 meters                           • Suitable for A and B classes
           • Suitable for B, C and D classes as well
              as small A classes                        Korrvik Fishing harbour
                                                        • Concrete quay 2 x 100 meters
           190 meters wood dolphins                     • Depth 6 meters
           • Depth 6 meters                             • Suitable for B, C and D classes as well
           • Suitable for A, B, C and D classes            as small A classes                  25
Fleet facilities and services                     Fresh water will be provided by the port
                                                  service during the service hours every
The Port of Mariehamn will provide                morning at 06-10 am, this must be or-
all necessary service to the vessels              dered the day before via the ships Liaison
                                                  Officers (LO). The ships in areas close to C
such as water supply and refuse                   and D ships will have taps and hoses.
disposal. The berthing area is
concentrated and it is easy to                    All refuse will be collected directly from
operate for the port service.                     the ships by port service. The collection
                                                  will take place during the service hours
Two tugs will be available for assisting          every morning at 06-10 am. The service
A-ships on arrival and departure. Minor           must be ordered via the ships LO the day
“Follow me” boats will be able to assist          before. Dedicated and adequate showers,
(push) B ships on arrival. Communication          toilets and laundry facilities as well as
vessels will be provided and staffed by           toilets for public visitors will be available
the yacht club, in accordance with the            throughout the area.
Host Port Manual.
                                                  In the Port of Mariehamn the electricity
Refuelling is possible by truck on all jetties.   supply is well developed. We can provide
For smooth handling it is recommended             electricity to all ships that are moored at
that the ship or the ships has an agent           the quayside.
contact with Baltic Bunkering 3 days in
advance. For minor quantities it is possible
for the vessel to pay by credit card.

Vessel assistance                              Our primary task is to save lives by
                                               quickly being able to be at site anywhere
The Åland Search and Rescue                    and whenever an accident occurs. Our
Association has been active for                organisation has competence in First Aid.
                                               We shall also systematically and efficiently
50 years and it is a voluntary                 find lost persons, as well as having the
organisation.                                  possibility to combat smaller fires.
Presently, we have in total 1.700 members,     The number of missions varies from year
who pay an annual membership fee of            to year but is normally around 100.
50 euro. This is approximately 5 percent       During summer time, a typical mission
of the total population of Åland. We have      would be to assist leisure boats with
160 active volunteers, divided into six        engine problems and groundings.
different stations around the island.          We also assist larger vessels. In addition,
Currently, the association has 12 rescue       the association’s resources are also being
vessels and 5 employees. The boats shall       used for medical transportation, especially
be manned within 15 minutes after the          in the archipelago, where we carry out the
alarm, this is achieved in about 80-90 %       transports in cooperation with the Åland
of the times. The stations are placed so       Regional Health Service (ÅHS).
that we have maximal coverage.

The association is an organisation which is
built on volunteers and their contributions.
Their efforts enable the association to
react promptly in emergency situations,
and due to the local knowledge of the
volunteers, we can reach the people in
need in the quickest ways possible.
Today, the association strive to have at
least 25 active members on the alarm list
at each station.

During the Tall Ships Races 1988 and
during several regattas, the association       Dag Lindholm
has been able to assist the fleet of sailing   Dag Lindholm
vessels in and out the port of Mariehamn.      Director of Operations
And we are very happy to welcome the           The Åland Search and Rescue Association
fleet of great sailing vessels during their
stay in our beautiful town Mariehamn.

Planning and managing a Tall                The event area will be established in
Ships Race or any other major               collaboration with the emergency services
event is, to say the least, from a          partnership and Åland Yacht Club to
                                            ensure easy evacuation and accessibility
security point of view, challenging.        for emergency service vehicles and an
Apart from everyday policing issues         appropriate number of fire extinguishers,
even extraordinary events such as           first aid kits, defibrillators and other
terrorist attacks and natural               necessary equipment will be provided.
disasters must be considered.               The local telephone net provider will help
                                            in providing the necessary tools to enable
In Mariehamn a dedicated partnership        an easy method of communication.
will be established involving the police,
fire brigade, ambulance service, air sea    Should extensive security information
rescue and Finnish Coast Guard with extra   require to be distributed a designated
support coming from the local Red Cross     coordinator will insure that the
first aid teams and the town’s Technical    information is communicated to the
Services Department. This expert group      relevant parties within the Race and
will provide the knowledge and support      externally to the general public and
needed to plan and run a safe and           media outlets.
successful event. Within this group there
will be trained and designated staff with
their main focus on security.

Event office facilities                        At this moment there are several options
                                               available regarding the best offices. We
All offices will be situated close to each     will keep all options open for setting the
other and to the berthing area, equipped       last details in planning. This to ensure that
and available as requested by the STI.         we create an office complex which not only
                                               fills the needs and check lists, but will be
We will not only be using dedicated            comfortable and easily accessible as well
spaces for the offices but also have full      as true to the town and to our mission.
access to facilities in the Maritime Museum,
with a modern and technically updated
auditorium, seating 108 people. This
unique and very inspiring surrounding
will give the meetings a memorable
extra touch.

Accommodation                                  service and emergency vehicles. The
                                               town and the government together with
and transport                                  the emergency services, as well as the
STI officials will find their accommodation    refuse service and other vital functions,
within 10 minutes walking distance from        will regulate and restrict traffic in those
the berthing area. Within this range there     areas accordingly.
are several choices of hotels, all of those
with half board accommodation. Hotels          Designated spaces for official’s carpool
shown on town map at page 40:                  cars, cars of visitors and speed boats will
                                               be clearly marked and available with
 •   Hotel Adlon, 54 double rooms              passes distributed by the event
 •   Hotel Arkipelag, 76 double rooms          management on site.
 •   Hotel Cikada, 84 double rooms
 •   Hotel Pommern, 95 double rooms            The compact town centre is easily reached
 •   Hotel Savoy, 85 double rooms              by foot. All trainees will also have access
 •   Park Alandia Hotel, 79 double rooms       to bikes and buses. Trainees who wish to
                                               experience the surroundings and historic
The STI officials and others specified by      landmarks will be able to do so by bus.
the Host Port Manual will have free access
to cars with drivers, speed boats with crew
and bikes as required.

The Tall Ships Races as an event will not
have great impact on the traffic in and
through the town. There are certain
parts of the port and the area close to
the berthing area with roads needed for

Local organisation                        guarantee the information flow between
                                          the town, the yacht club and the Event
The windjammer epoch and                  management team.
our seafaring ancestors like
                                          The Event management team will consist
Gustaf Erikson, have left not only        of team members specialised in different
a prosperous community but also a         areas such as port facilities, volunteers,
way of life that we are all proud of,     trainee recruitment, crew programme or
connected to and inspired by.             promotion and communication. A project
                                          manager will be engaged for the produc-
Many individuals and organisations work   tion of the event and will also be the main
behind the scenes to keep our heritage    link to the STI. The team will also have a
alive and allow our story to develop      financial and administrative assistant.
further through helping new sailors to
find a rewarding career or a healthy      The team members will be supported by
pastime. In our organisation there will   specialised working groups covering the
be a mix of skills and a high level of    different areas.
energy and commitment.

The Organising Committee will have an
experienced and devoted chairman
who together with a vice chairman will

Volunteers                                    fresh sails using old methods. There are
                                              also those who sign up to work for the
You will meet us all at the party             Maritime museum and who spend hours
serving food, at the excursions               and hours on maintenance of exhibitions,
                                              storytelling and other ways of keeping the
showing you our favourite parts of            culture alive. Young people of today can
the island, cheering you along at             find meaningful activities and social
the sports events and welcoming               inclusion in our yacht clubs, all of them
you to the trainee centre.                    with well-developed and high-class
                                              education, inspiring coaches and a lot of
You will meet us on board your ship and       fun ways to get involved in sailing.
you will meet us on our small boats as we
help with transportation, we will see to      These groups and networks of interested
that you are safe, and we will be there if    and inspired people will form the base of
anything happens, we will do our outmost      volunteers as we welcome the Tall Ships
to make your visit a memorable one.           Races to Mariehamn. All of us eager and
                                              full of energy as we are looking forward
We have quite a few social communities        to be a part of the races again. We have
and organisations who not only sail, but      all kinds of experience and expertise,
also engage otherwise in keeping the          we have an abundance of curiosity and
traditions alive. One of them, for example,   willingness to learn. And we are all ready
meet weekly to provide Pommern with           to be of service.

Promotion                                     The office and its crew is well educated
                                              and equipped with the technology
We look forward to market the                 needed to smoothly update and keep
event with the help and knowledge             communication fresh and interesting.
                                              Through this collaboration we will reach
provided by Visit Åland, the islands          not only the local public but also the
official tourist organisation. Our aim        important nearby regions in main Finland
is to use a minimum of traditional            and Sweden.
advertisement and a sustainable
use of printed material. Access to            Locally, word of mouth and the aim to
the platforms of our partners                 involve all groups of Ålanders in the
combined with word of mouth and               project will be the most important means
                                              of communication. Starting well in advance,
storytelling will be valuable means           this involvement will make all Ålanders
of communications.                            ambassadors for the Tall Ships Races and
                                              help us keep the communication to
There will be a detailed plan on press        individuals, customers, networks, visitors
releases and stories to share. To ensure      and enterprises personal and specific.
a use of the most effective platforms for
social media and traditional marketing        Together with other host ports on the race
and communication, the event will be          we look forward to joint efforts in building
planned and performed in close                a communication that reaches even more
collaboration with the Visit Åland office.    interested international visitors.

It’s a place of the sea, it’s all about the sea,
all the people are involved in the sea,
they have a history that is unsurpassed by anybody
so we are making a pilgrimage to the port, as I say.
Robin Duchesne, former TSR Committé Chairman,
about Mariehamn as host port 1988.

Mariehamn has had the honour and               The organisation is familiar with both
privilege to host tall ships on four           the challenges and the fun of hosting
different occasions during the late            and producing maritime events and can
                                               proudly list, among others;
1980’s and the early 2000’s.
All of the events gathered eager               Cutty Sark Tall Ships Races (start port)
volunteers who provided as much fun
and inspiration as possible for friendly       2000
activities and memorable meetings              Cutty Sark Tall Ships Races
between crews, visitors and locals.            (cruise-in-company)

The Åland Yacht Club has always played         2003
a vital role in the cooperation to give the    Sail Pommern (anniversary event)
ships and their crews the best possible
experience.                                    2007
                                               Cruise Mariehamn (cruise-in-company)

As former chairman of several organising       With hope that Mariehamn will be one of
committees, Tall Ships Races and regattas,     the Ports to host Tall Ships Races 2021.
I was very pleased when I noticed that the
town of Mariehamn and the Åland
Yacht Club once again wanted to arrange
The Tall Ship Races.

My experience from earlier Tall Ships Races,
Sail Pommern, cruise-in-company and
many regattas is that Mariehamn is a
friendly and inviting place for events like
Tall Ships Races. The town of Mariehamn
has a long tradition of shipping, experience
of handling ships and on top of that
almost every family has connections to
shipping.                                      Håkan Lindberg
I am convinced of that the Organisation        Håkan Lindberg
Committee and the town of Mariehamn            Former Commodor of Åland Yacht Club
will once again do an excellent work
and of course I, personally, will support
and work for the event.

Tall Ships Races are amazing events           120 teams competing in 2018. In recent
offering not only excitement at               years with successful football teams in
sea but even ashore and our aim is            both the men’s and women’s Finnish
                                              Premierships the town has been involved
to offer a number of shore events             in the challenges involved in organising
which will portray the many                   UEFA Europa League and Champions
activities enjoyed by the local               League qualifying matches.
inhabitants. Hopefully these
activities will not only allow the            The peak time for events is July when
trainees to wind down in a relaxing,          ”everything happens” and many visitors
safe and friendly atmosphere but              are attracted to the Åland region.
                                              Amongst others two major events are
will give them the opportunity to             arranged in Mariehamn at this time. The
mingle with each other and develop            RockOff music festival which is arranged
new friendships during their                  in the centre of Mariehamn and offers
memorable visit to Mariehamn.                 both Nordic and international artists as
                                              well an opportunity for thousands of
Every year Ålanders and their visitors        festival goers to eat, drink and have fun.
enjoy an abundance of events. Even with       The other main event is the Åland Maritime
a summertime peak, events for every taste     Days, a five day event with a chosen Theme
and interest are arranged throughout the      for each day which welcomes its visitors
year. There is a wide selection to chose      to the Maritime Quarter by the East
from ranging from theater and opera           Harbour. The old vessels , the scent of tar
productions to art exhibitions, chamber       in the air, music, food, hot bulb engines
music, jazz, rock, shanties and much more.    and handicrafts all mixed up among the
On the sporting side there is something       wooden sheds in the charming quarter
for everyone from the professional to         offers a unique setting for fun and new
the novice and from the active to the         experiences.
supporter. In principle all sporting tastes
are catered for from curling to ten-pin       In July there are also several other cultural
bowling, football to tennis and swimming      events, exhibitions, concerts, markets,
to athletics.                                 fishing and sports competitions.

On the island we have great experience
in arranging large, often international
events. The FIVB Paf Open Beach Volley
Tour visited Mariehamn in 5 consecutive
years and organisationally received great
praise from FIVB. The largest event that
is organised today is the Alandia Cup
football tournament which has developed
 from a handful of teams in the early
seventies to the largest competition in
Scandinavia for 11 year-old players with

Mariehamn is the smallest Nordic               and friendly environment free from many
capital and home to 11,500 of the              of the concerns that are often raised in
29,000 inhabitants who live in Åland.          larger ports. This, along with having the
                                               town centre and its amenities near and
With 1.5 million incoming visitors             without the need for transport and all
each year the population is used to            the organisation that entails has been
welcoming visitors from a variety of           positively mentioned on numerous
different cultures and backgrounds.            occasions by captains from visiting ships.
                                               In particular captains of sail training ships
As many visitors to Mariehamn come in          have appreciated their visits to Mariehamn.
large groups they are readily noticeable       Apart from enjoying the maritime history
in and around the town and as a result         of the town many have openly stated that
everyone is aware when a cruise ship is in     they have been able to relax and chill out
the harbour, a large sporting event is in      knowing that their crew members who
the offing or when a tall ship is visiting.    are ashore, irrespective of age, are out
Being insular the crime rate on Åland is       and about in a safe town with friendly,
low and visitors can move about in a safe      welcoming inhabitants.

During the Host Port seminar in Lisbon         interesting meetings between the locals
2016 I had the pleasure to talk to some        and tourists. I really hope that Mariehamn
of the officers onboard Cuauhtémoc.            will be one of the host ports for the Tall
It turned out that they had visited the        Ships Races in 2021, and I would love to
cruise-in-company-port Mariehamn in            welcome you all to my new hometown.
the summer of 2000, sailing the same
ship, but then as trainees. I didn´t live in
Mariehamn at that time, but when they
told me how they had appreciated the
short walk from the harbour to the town
centre and how the whole event had an
intimate and friendly atmosphere I could
almost picture it before me. I had the
same feeling when I moved here from
Helsinki, the capital of Finland.

Mariehamn is like a mini-metropolis.
The maritime industry is always present,
adding an international touch to many          Lotta Berner Sjölund
companies and even families. Here you
find more restaurants, cafés and unique        Lotta Berner Sjölund
shops than in other towns of the same          Managing Director
size. In summertime different events offer     Visit Åland




                          A                        E
                                  2                    9
                  1           B

0m        250 m   500 m
Places for events and leisure
1.   Main Event Area                      11. Lilla Holmen, one of four sand
2.   Åland Maritime Museum                     beaches in Mariehamn
     (Auditorium for Captains briefing)   12. Korrvik, water sport centre and
3.   Crew Centre                               parade of sails view point

4.   Badhusberget, viewing point
                                          A Hotel Cikada, 84 double rooms
5.   Sports Ground
     (Crazy Sports Day? Crew Party?)      B    Hotel Adlon, 54 double rooms
6.   Mariebad, swimming and wellness      C Hotel Savoy, 85 double rooms
     centre with sand beach
                                          D Hotel Pommern, 95 double rooms
7.   Maritime Quarter, home of Albanus
8.   Public Library                        E   Park Alandia Hotel, 79 double rooms

9.   Town Square (Crew Party?)             F   Hotel Arkipelag, 76 double rooms
10. Town Hall (Captains dinner?)

                       6                                           7                   11

                                                    10                                 4

The Baltic Sea Fund works for the              An event such as Tall Ships Races draws
entire Baltic Sea region by drawing            attention to the Baltic Sea, its beauty,
attention to actions for the benefit           its values and its problems since the
                                               sea itself acts as “race track” for the
of our common and sensitive                    event. It is an excellent opportunity to
inland sea.                                    increase knowledge about the unique
                                               sea and ways to protect it, increase the
The purpose of the foundation is to            all-important emotional connection to
promote and support research and other         the sea and show by example ways to
activities regarding the protection of the     arrange an event with minimal impact
environment of the Baltic Sea.                 in the environment.
An important part of the activities is to
disseminate information and knowledge
about the environment of the Baltic Sea
to the 90 million inhabitants of the region.
The Baltic Sea Fund is based on the Åland

The Baltic Sea Fund is eager to contribute
to the event with knowledge about the
sea and how to protect it. This will be
done e.g. with information materials such
as information boards about the Baltic
Sea, seminars in conjunction to the event,
or program for children and youth.

Greetings from a Baltic Sea activist and
professionalist, marine biologist and

                                               Lotta Nummelin
                                               Lotta Nummelin
                                               The Baltic Sea Fund

Åland, the Islands of Peace, strives           business community as well as voluntary
to be a community based on                     organisations and sports clubs will be
sustainable development where                  required if we are to reach the objective of
                                               an Åland where ”Everyone can flourish in
everyone benefits. We believe that             a sustainable environment on the Islands
through working together the town              of Peace”
of Mariehamn and the Tall Ships
Races organisation will further                With the above goal as a base we are
develop their collective goals                 convinced that through assistance from
towards a sustainable environment.             Mariehamn, social and environmental
                                               sustainability will be an integral part of
With the understanding that neither            the Tall Ships Races by 2021. The town of
the local or global environments are           Mariehamn and the ÅSS yacht club will
sustainable, and that nature constitutes       receive financial support to provide an
the foundation of human existence, the         event as sustainable as possible. Åland is
elected members of the local government        often regarded as the voice of the Baltic
chose to adopt a collective goal of total      and we wish to assist in improving the
sustainable development in Åland no            water quality as quickly as possible and
later than 2051. To achieve this not only      hopefully the Tall Ships Races 2021 will
political support but even support from        help showcase this issue for the people
both the private and public sectors of the     who live in and around the Baltic region.

Personally, I have many years’ experience
of organising large international events
on Åland and in Scandinavia, and in
my opinion Mariehamn and ÅSS have
the experience and resources required
to create and organise a memorable
and merited event in the heart of the
Baltic Sea.

I believe that the organisers will succeed
in combining history and tradition with
                                               Micke Larsson
innovation and sustainability. Just think if
the Tall Ships Races in Mariehamn could
succeed in the feat of arranging an event      Micke Larsson
where no fossil fuels or non-degradable        Development and Sustainability Strategist
chemicals are used.                            Government of Åland

Åland is Finland’s market garden!              were prepared onboard for the foreign
70 % of Finland’s apple production,            crew members and through this, Åland’s
a large part of Finland’s onion                food culture was shared internationally.
                                               Åland seamen often returned home with
production and a variety of                    exotic spices which were introduced into
vegetables and root-crops are                  local dishes giving them new and exciting
grown within the region.                       tastes.

During recent years many small-scale           No farm produce is grown anywhere
growers have developed products which          in the world at a higher latitude than
have been very successful in Scandinavian      Scandinavia. This is a result of the long
competitions and at trade fairs. This shows    periods of sunshine during the growth
that we have a multitude of good quality       period which in turn even enhances the
products, often organic, made with             taste of the crops. Åland has the largest
ingredients that have been carefully           number of sunshine hours in Scandinavia
grown and painstakingly developed.             and as a result we can offer tasty dishes
                                               made with high quality locally grown
Historically, Ålanders have spread the         ingredients.
local food culture over the whole world
especially during the early 20th century
when Åland was home to the world’s
largest fleet of sailing ships. Åland dishes

I was born and brought up on a dairy farm
and my family is still deeply involved in
Åland’s farming community. I have always
lived near water and much of my spare
time has been spent pleasure-boating
and a few years ago I started kayaking.

As a rural developer I am employed to
showcase and help develop Åland’s
farm produce in both fresh food and
factory products. A great help in this work
                                               Lena Brenner
is Åland’s Harvest Festival which started
20 years ago and has grown into the
largest farming event in the area.             Lena Brenner
The festival acts as a motor to encourage      CEO
the development of new products and            Åland Agriculture and Rural Development
the local food culture.

Ferries                                       Accommodation
Several companies offer trips by ferry from   Within the town centre there are hostels,
different ports. Three in Sweden, two in      rental cabins, camping and eight hotels.
Finland and one in Estonia.                   Outside of Mariehamn you can find
                                              additional accommodation in most of the
Flights                                       municipalities. All of those reached by car
                                              in no more than 30-45 minutes.
You can fly to Mariehamn International        (
Airport (MHQ) from Stockholm Arlanda
(ARN) in Sweden, and Helsinki Vanda (HEL)     Restaurants
and Turku (TKU) in Finland.
                                              Åland has a great range of restaurants,
Getting around                                bars, food stalls and grocery stores to
                                              provide most tastes and wishes. In the
Discover Mariehamn by foot. It is only        town centre there are more than
a ten-minute walk from one harbour            20 restaurants, with several chefs ready
to the other. You can also travel by bus      to spoil you.
on a roundtrip both northwards and
southwards. There are plenty of taxis as
well as possibility to hire vehicles.
Travelling to and from Åland is easy         The ferries operating the routes offer high
and there are several companies              class entertainment, shopping, dining and
who are ready to make your trip a            comfortable accommodation if travelling
comfortable and memorable one,
both by air and sea.                         Flying to Åland is a convenient and quick
                                             alternative. You can choose between Turku,
Åland is situated midway between             Helsinki or Stockholm as your departing
Stockholm and Helsinki. Regardless of        destination, reaching Mariehamn
your choice the crossing will be beautiful   International Airport within an hour or
as it allows you to enjoy the magnificent    less. Once landed you are just a few
views of the three archipelagos, Sweden’s,   minutes away by car from the town centre.
Finland´s and Åland´s, each of them
different yet connected.                     It is easy to get around the Åland Islands,
                                             both at land and sea, travelling by bike,
When travelling by ferry you will be taken   by car, by boat or by bus. The furthest
either straight to the town of Mariehamn,    distance between east and west in on the
or arrive in Berghamn, Eckerö on the         main island is no more than 50 km.
western part, or in Långnäs, Lumparland
on the eastern part of mainland Åland.

Trainees travelling                          We will work together with the main ferry
                                             companies in providing trainees the best
A change of crew in Mariehamn will           offer so that a crew change in Mariehamn
add to the overall adventure for the         can be made at a low cost and with a high
                                             service level.

Travelling here with a ferry from either
Sweden or Finland or the short flight from
one of the international airports in the
region, will be both fascinating, well
organised and, if choosing the ferry,
done at a really good price.

You can also read