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THE STATE OF POLARISATION METHODOLOGY Slides 3 and 4 use data from proprietary research conducted on behalf of ENGINE MHP by Cambridge University’s Political Psychology Lab. 1,000 GB adults aged 18+ completed this study online between 17 December – 20 December 2020. Participants were recruited through Prolific Academic based on their: voting behaviour in the 2019 general election and 2016 EU referendum, country of residence, age, gender, ethnicity and education. The final sample was then statistically weighted to the national profile of all adults aged 18+ on these characteristics, with target weights derived from 1) The results of the 2019 general election and 2016 EU referendum 2) Official ONS population estimates 3) Large scale surveys such as the YouGov and Ipsos MORI post-election surveys and the British Election Study. All other slides are based on research conducted by YouGov plc and employing a model of ‘Britain’s Tribes’ developed by More in Common and YouGov. Total sample size was 2,107 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 21 December 2020 – 4 January 2021. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+). 2 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION ISSUE POLARISATION – Differences in opinion between those on the political right and left on particular issues BREXIT IS BRITAIN’S Left Right MOST DIVISIVE ISSUE Individual choice over conformity Elites control the media Cooperation over competition Businesses should take stands The economy is doing well The most polarising political issue between Big business is harmful left and right in Britain is Brexit, followed by Issue Polarisation Economic inequality attitudes towards ‘traditional values’ and Climate change Britain’s international impact government competence. There is close Racial inequality alignment on the question of personal choice. Government’s job on health Scottish independence Britain’s direction Immigration is harmful Government competence Traditional values Brexit Disagree Neutral Agree Mean response of those on the left Mean response of those on the right Note: Responses were on 7-point scales 3 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION MEDIA POLARISATION – Trust in mainstream and official news sources % replying Trusting Distrusting Neither trusting nor distrusting THE UK IS NOT THE USA Trust in the media is polarised in the UK but political Conservatives party preference is not the biggest divide. Labour In contrast to the US, where surveys suggest that 65% of Republicans report “hardly any” confidence in the Leavers media, more than half (54%) of UK Conservative voters said that they trust information from mainstream news Remainers sources, while only 40% of Labour voters said the same. Non−voters The starkest difference is between voters and non-voters: The politically engaged feel relatively well- 0 20 40 60 80 100 served by the UK media, but the disengaged are distrustful. Note: “Slightly”, “Moderately” and “Extremely” response options have been aggregated 4 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION A PESSIMISTIC VIEW In general, do you think young people today will be better or worse off than their parents? OF THE FUTURE OF % Better off THE COUNTRY 22% 21% 23% 23% Only 15% of British people expect 15% 16% young people will be better off 14% 10% 11% than their parents. Labour voters, 8% 9% Remain voters, Londoners and young people themselves are particularly pessimistic. National Average Labour Conservative Remain Leave ABC1 C2DE London Scotland Aged 18-24 Aged 65+ 5 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION A DISUNITED KINGDOM How united or divided does the UK feel to you these days? United Divided In general, British people think the country feels divided. Labour voters are much more likely to believe the country is divided than 21% All Conservative voters. 55% 16% Labour 67% 29% Conservative 46% 6 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION DECLINING CONFIDENCE Thinking about how experts have responded to the Coronavirus pandemic, would you say this has made you more or less likely to listen to experts in the future, or has there been no change? IN THE EXPERTS More likely Less likely The response to the Covid-19 pandemic has damaged confidence in experts, with 14% of people reporting that they will be less likely 8% All to listen to experts in future, compared with 14% 8% who say they are more likely to listen in future. Confidence among Leave voters has 8% been particularly damaged. Leavers 19% 8% Remainers 11% 7 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION LOW LEVELS OF If you learn something from the following sources, how likely or unlikely are you to believe it? (Believe – Disbelieve) CONFIDENCE IN % National Average Net belief THE MEDIA 26% 44% 60% 18% British people are much more likely to believe news from their favourite source than from the media in general and they are -1% -9% -10% highly distrusting of unknown news sources or information that appears in their social feed, unless shared by a source they admire. -54% TV news and Google searches continue to -64% Newspaper TV news Favourite news organisation Unknown news site Social feed Someone I admire on social media Talkshow radio Google search Documentary earn positive net scores. 8 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION HOW IMPORTANT On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all important, and 5 is very important, how important is your nationality to your identity? IS NATIONALITY TO % Very important IDENTITY? 43% 43% 49% 34% 26% 29% Nationality polarises opinion among 28% Conservative and Labour voters and Remain and Leave voters to a very 19% 16% similar degree. 14% 11% National Average Labour Conservative Remain Leave Male Female Aged 18-24 Aged 25-49 Aged 50-64 Aged 65+ 9 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION PERCEPTIONS Which words describe someone with strongly different political views? (Choose three options from a list of nine) OF OUT- Intelligent Open-minded Honest Closed-minded Hypocritical Selfish GROUPS 39% 39% 29% 28% Labour and Remain voters 24% 24% 24% 24% 23% 23% 22% and young people are 20% 18% more likely to use negative 16% 15% 15% 14% 14% 13% 13% 13% 13% 12% terms to describe people 11% 10% 10% 9% 9% 8% 8% 7% who disagree with them. 6% 6% 5% 4% 3% Labour Conservative Remain Leave Aged 18-24 Aged 25-49 10 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION BRITISH HISTORY In general, to what extent do you think Britain’s history is something to be proud or ashamed of? % Proud Pride in Britain’s history is a politically polarised issue. Pride among 18-24 year-olds is 89% 85% 84% dramatically lower than among 71% 77% any other age group. 66% 55% 58% 49% 42% 35% National Average Labour Conservative Remain Leave London Midlands / Wales Aged 18-24 Aged 25-49 Aged 50-64 Aged 65+ 11 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION THE SCALE OF Have you personally tried to get something or someone banned, withdrawn or cancelled because you disagreed with it? CANCEL CULTURE 20% 7% Something I like has been cancelled VS I have tried to cancel something 12 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION WHOSE CULTURE In the last few years, has something or someone you like been banned, withdrawn or cancelled due to public pressure? IS BEING CANCELLED? % Yes 29% Cancellation disproportionately targets 27% 26% things enjoyed by Conservative voters, 23% men and the ABC1 demographic. 20% 18% 17% 17% 15% National Average Labour Conservative Remain Leave Male Female ABC1 C2DE 13 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION EXPRESSING “In general, I feel comfortable expressing my political viewpoints...” VIEWS IN PUBLIC % Among friends % At work People in Scotland are less 77% 77% 75% 74% 72% 72% 70% 70% comfortable discussing their 67% 66% 64% political views among friends or at work than people from any other 43% 43% 42% 42% 39% 37% part of the country. 35% 34% 34% 34% 32% National Average Labour Conservative Remain Leave Male Female ABC1 C2DE London Scotland 14 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION ACTIVIST Net approval scores for each group in the last 12 months (“force for good” – “force for bad”) GROUPS SPLIT Pride MeToo Black Lives Matter Antifa Extinction Rebellion Anti-Lockdown Protesters THE NATION 66% 64% 59% 57% 49% 47% 44% 29% 26% 25% Activist movements are 19% 12% highly polarising. The 7% 4% 3% 0% only movements to unite -1% the nation were Pride -9% (positive scores across all -18% -24% -26% -31% groups) and Anti-Lockdown -33% -45% Protesters (negative scores -52% across all groups). -68% -69% -71% -78% -79% National Average Labour Conservative Remain Leave 15 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION WORKPLACE If you believed the company you worked for was doing something you strongly objected to, which of the following, if any, actions would you take? ACTIVISM I would join other colleagues in complaining (e.g. through a collective meeting or union) I would look for another job I would tip off a journalist I would criticise the company anonymously (e.g. on Glassdoor) Millennials are the generation most likely 41% 40% 37% 36% 36% 35% 35% 34% to engage in workplace 32% 32% 32% 32% 29% 29% 29% 28% 28% activism. GenZ are most 27% 27% likely to criticise 17% anonymously. 41% 12% 12% 12% 10% 11% 10% 10% 10% 10% 9% 9% 9% 8% 7% 7% 7% 7% 6% 5% National Average Labour Conservative Male Female ABC1 C2DE Aged 18-24 Aged 25-49 Aged 50-64 16 THE STATE OF POLARISATION IN THE UK
THE STATE OF POLARISATION The Networked Age Guide to Communicating in a Polarised World can be downloaded at Further Polarisation Tracker reports will be published in Summer and Winter 2021. Thank you to our partners at The Depolarization Project, More in Common, Cambridge University Political Psychology Lab and YouGov for helping us to design this study. To find out more about our Networked Age research programme contact @mhpc @mischiefpr #NetworkedAge
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