The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme - IE 2017 Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions 04-06.05.2017 EU ...

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The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme - IE 2017 Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions 04-06.05.2017 EU ...
The SME Instrument
Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme
Supporting International Commercialisation of EU innovation

Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions

                                     IE 2017
                                     EU Pavilion

      Funded by the European Union
The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme - IE 2017 Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions 04-06.05.2017 EU ...
The SME Instrument
     Overseas Trade Fair
 Participation Programme
              at IE Expo!
Join us on the Horizon 2020—SME
Instrument Pavilion to meet the 15
most innovative EU companies at
IE Expo 2017 !
The     EU’s     successful    Horizon     2020—
SME Instrument programme offers innovative
EU SMEs the opportunity to commercialise their
cutting-edge innovations globally by exhibiting at
major international Trade Fairs. This time, 15 EU
Champions are present at IE Expo!
The Overseas Trade Fair Participation programme
is part of phase 3 of the SME Instrument “Support
to commercialisation” funded by the EU’s Horizon
The overall objective of the programme is to         APRIA SYSTEMS S.L.| Spain…………………………..……..3
support the highly innovative SME Instrument
laureates in accessing overseas markets and allow    LIKUID NANOTEK | Spain...…….……………….………..….4
them to leverage business opportunities outside      LIPP GMBH | Germany.. …………..……………………………5
the EU, further enhancing their growth potential.
                                                     OPTIQUA TECHNOLOGIES | The Netherlands…….6
This catalogue includes the profiles of the 15
thoroughly selected EU SMEs who are                  SVENSKA AEROGEL AB | Sweden………………………..7
showcasing their innovations at IE Expo 2017 in      NVP ENERGY | Ireland…………………...……………………..8
Shanghai New International Expo Centre.
                                                     AVA GREEN CHEMISTRY DEVELOPMENT
The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fairs Pavilion
is located in Hall W1, EU Pavilion. The Overseas     GMBH| Germany ………………………………………………….9
Trade Fairs Team and SMEs are looking forward to     CORES LTD | Bulgaria…..….…..……………………………...10
meeting you!
                                                     EOMAP GMBH & CO.KG | Germany…..……...………11
For any queries about or meeting scheduling with
                                                     EUDITI | Greece……………………..…………………………….12
any of the EU Champions, please contact the
                                                     LAB SERVICE ANALYTICA LTD | Italy…..…………….13
Overseas Trade Fairs Team via email.
                                                     NAFICI ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LTD |
To request invitations or register for the
                                                     United Kingdom ……...……………………………………………14
EU-SME Instrument Welcoming Reception on
5th May, follow this link:     NEOZEO | Sweden………………….……………………………15
eusurvey/runner/EUReceptionIEexpo2017                ROYAL EIJKELKAMP | The Netherlands…….………16
Mr Jean-Jacques Lennon                               SWEDISH HYDRO SOLUTIONS AB | Sweden….…17
Ms Laura Doumbouya

SME Instrument—Overseas Trade Fairs Team

      Funded by the European Union
The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme - IE 2017 Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions 04-06.05.2017 EU ...

                               ELOXIRAS® is an innovative water treatment concept, based
               Mr Pedro Manuel Gómez                        on advanced electrochemical oxidation technology,
                         developed to improve the productivity and environmental
               +34 942 078 147                              impact of aquaculture companies focused on farming marine
               EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 2                    species inland by means of modern Recirculating Aquaculture
               EU contribution 1.423.208 €

Founded in 2006, APRIA Systems is a
technology-based company, strongly focused
on innovation to provide advanced solutions
for the purification of industrial streams based
on membrane and advanced oxidation
technologies. We aim to contribute to the
sustainability of the current production model
through the knowledge, innovation, technology,
creativity, capacity and excellence.
Our product:
ELOXIRAS® allows the efficient destruction of all the
highly concerned pollutants in RAS, such as total
                                                             APRIA Systems is looking forward to meet potential
ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite, dissolved organic
                                                             distributors, business partners, customers, as well as
matter, pathogens, without the addition of chemicals or
                                                             experts in commercialisation of water treatment technol-
heat and with no change in water composition. Uniquely
                                                             ogies in the Asian markets.
electricity and the catalytic properties of the electrode
materials are required to achieve water purification.        Distributors active in water treatment and more spe-
ELOXIRAS® HYBRID focuses on new or existing large             cifically in the field of seawater, aquaculture water
RAS facilities, offering an increment of productivity with    treatment in RAS.
lower water and energy use.                                  Business partners,         e.g.  equipment      suppliers,
                                                              maintenance agents, technical experts on RAS,
ELOXIRAS® MINI focuses on small scale RAS facilities
                                                              installation agents, engineering commissioners
for final commercialisation of adult aquaculture species,
offering compactness and adaptable treatment capacity.  Customers in the field of seawater/brackish water
                                                              inland aquaculture hatcheries and growing farmers,
ELOXIRAS® LOGISTIC focuses on typical truck or well
                                                              small/medium wholesaler for live/fresh fish and sea-
boat transport operations from hatcheries to growing
                                                              food, live-fish or live-seafood logistics operators
facilities, offering extended range of distances and bigger
biomass capacity.                                            Why us:
ELOXIRAS® BIO focuses on quarantine and APRIA Systems will offer ELOXIRAS® as its most
biosecurity facilities of any RAS scale, offering control of innovative advanced water treatment system for the
pathogens due to the disinfection capabilities and con- Recirculating Aquaculture Industry.
tributing to high isolation levels.
                                                              Commitment: Our team strongly works to offer our
Our target audience:                                            customers suitable solutions for their needs,
                                                                rigorously executing high-quality projects
                                                              Modernity: APRIA Systems is under continuous renew-
                                                               al and improvement of our know-how to offer     cut-
                                                               ting-edge solutions with optimal features, efficacy,
                                                               yield and environmental care.
                                                              Service: APRIA Systems strives in provide a tailored,
                                                               close service for each client and project.
                                                             Sustainability: Our solutions aim to be well balanced in
                                                             terms of economic, social and environmental aspects.,
                                                             promoting the minimization of raw material and energy
                                                             consumption, and waste production.

       Funded by the European Union
The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme - IE 2017 Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions 04-06.05.2017 EU ...
LIKUID NANOTEK | Spain                            WATER    AND             WASTE-WATER           TREATMENT
                Mrs Eli Guezuraga                                 In Likuid we manufacture inorganic membranes with the
                                  best technology available. Based on that, we design and
                +34 943 223 841                                   develop cartridges, modules and complete filtration sys-
                EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 2                         tems in order to offer the best filtration solution for each
                                                                  specific case.
                EU contribution 971.395 €

Likuid Nanotek S.L. (Likuid) is a technological                needs addressed with the technology are:
company based in San Sebastián which manu-                      1. Availability of high quality treated water so that it can
factures innovative ceramic membrane-based                         be reused instead of fresh water for water flooding or
filtration solutions for wastewater, energy and                    EOR
industrial processes. After an intensive R&D                    2. Reduction of fresh water expenditure;
work, the company was born in 2008 leaded by                    3. Compliance with increasingly strict legislation that af-
professionals with more than 20 years of                           fects to water disposal into sensitive areas;
experience in water and energy engineering.                     4. Minimize the waste volume;
Combining the technical ceramics expertise and                  5. Treatment and sanitation of tailing ponds;
the process-engineering know-how, the compa-
                                                                6. On-site reuse of heated water in Steam Assisted
ny has developed a big portfolio of ceramic                        Gravity Drainage (SAGD).
membrane-based equipment and solutions for
                                                               The innovation will be highly advantageous in terms of
the industry.                                                  CAPEX and OPEX in comparison to other state-of-the-art
Likuid is currently selling to more than 15 coun-              technologies, with cost reductions of 17 - 70%. Concerning
                                                               its functionality, it is the only one that can guaranty a high
tries and implementing up to date advanced fil-
                                                               quality water achieving oil removal >99.9%, with minimum
tration technologies in the water&wastewater,                  footprint (-50%) and energy consumption.
oil&gas and industrial markets.
                                                               Our unique selling points are:
Our product:
                                                                  Superb effluent quality.
Likuid´s CleanOil technology is a unique technology for the
treatment and reuse of oily wastewaters generated in              Robust and reliable.
oil&gas production facilities, saving up to $8-10/barrel and      Minimum footprint.
minimizing the environmental impact.
                                                               100% modular.
The technology integrates innovative ceramic nanomem-
branes for oil/water separation, a back pulse device for       Easy operation and maintenance.
membrane cleaning and an advanced software CleanFlux,
for fouling monitoring and control.                         Our target audience:

The technology will solve urgent needs regarding the pro- We are mainly looking for potential customers: Engineer-
duced water (PW) treatment and reuse, which cannot be ing companies and OEMs focused on Chinese and Asian
properly addressed in terms of costs and functionality by water&wastewater, oil&gas and filtration markets are wel-
alternatives from competitors. Up to now, the vast majority come.
of PW has not been reused but reinjected into the ground We are open to discuss also partnership and distribution
for disposal. This has been working for decades, but there agreements in several different approaches, even investing
is great room for improvement if the main drawbacks that partnerships or others could be considered.
limit reusing are solved. In this sense, the main users’
                                                               Why us:
                                                               Aside from the recognition received from the European
                                                               Union’s Horizon 2020 - SME Instrument Programme,
                                                               Likuid has been awarded in 2016 by the Basque Govern-
                                                               ment, entrepreneurial excellence ("Toribio Echeverria
                                                               Awards"). Morevover, the project will be demonstrated in

        Funded by the European Union
The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme - IE 2017 Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions 04-06.05.2017 EU ...
LIPP GMBH | Germany                             WELDING TECHNOLOGY FOR DRINKING                         AND
                                    PROCESS WATER STORAGE SOLUTIONS
               Mr Manuel Lipp                                  The further development of the Lipp dual-seam system
                                  results in the innovative automated rib-welding
               +49 (0) 7964 - 9003 0                           technology for the safe storage of drinking and process
               EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 2                       water.
               EU contribution 1.552.801 €

From bulk storage manufacturer to a system
provider for the water, waste water and process
industry. The focus is on liquid storage tanks
but also anaerobic treatment of sewage sludge
and     municipal and industrial waste water
treatment but also the biogas generation from
agricultural waste and food waste.
Lipp provides its high quality tanks and system
solutions for industries, municipalities and the
agricultural sector.
                                                           also potential target customers for our technology and
Our product:                                               quite likely to search for economic solutions in China.
Our products and services are based on the newly invent-   Just as in Europe most large-scale drinking water or
ed automated rib-welding technology and the long           waste water projects in China and other countries are
established Lipp dual-seam technology and include tanks    handled by big general contractors who are offering their
and system solutions for a variety of applications e.g.:   EPC or BOT turn-key solutions to industrial and municipal
                                                           clients world-wide.
   Stainless steel drinking water storage tanks
   Waste water and sludge storage tanks                    Those organizations are Lipps potential customers as
                                                            Lipp can supply specific parts or comprehensive solution
    Comprehensive solutions for anaerobic sludge packages as part of their overall project.
     digestion and waste water treatment and biogas
     generation from agricultural waste and food waste      Lipp is well-known to German and European contractors
                                                            and planners but is aiming to contact relevant players in
    Gas accumulators and bulk material silos
                                                            China and neighboring countries.
    Individual design and process engineering based on
     customer requirements                                   Why us:
Our target audience:                                        Due to the nature of our automated manufacturing tech-
                                                            nology it is especially suitable to guarantee the high
We are looking to learn more about the water, waste wa- quality of material and installation process in any
ter and biogas industry of China by getting an overview geographical area of the world.
of relevant players, potential private or public buyers and
alternative systems.                                        Moreover, Lipp is one of the few SMEs who has received
                                                            the recognition from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Considering the relevance of the fair IE expo we also ex- – SME Instrument Programme, meaning that is is
pect to meet interesting business contacts from other considered as a high growth, highly innovative SME with
countries e.g. Thailand, Philippines, Korea as these are global ambitions that want to disrupt the established
                                                            value networkds and existing markets.
                                                           Lipp has also already been recognized at the national
                                                           level as it has won public procurement contracts with
                                                           local authorities.

       Funded by the European Union
The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme - IE 2017 Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions 04-06.05.2017 EU ...
               The Netherlands                                    Founded in 2003 and based in the Netherlands and
                                         Singapore, Optiqua helps water companies around the
               Mr. Melchior van Wijlen                            world safeguard the quality of their drinking water supply
                                        through products leveraging patented and awarded
               +65-68969196                                       lab-on-chip sensor technology.
               EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 2
               EU contribution 786.195 €

Optiqua Technologies develops innovative                  spot. Applications
water quality monitoring solutions. All Optiqua           include        water
                                                          security, monitor-
products leverage patented and awarded                    ing of algal toxins
lab-on-chip sensor technology. Applications of            in surface water
Optiqua’s products include real-time online               and         drinking
monitoring of drinking water supply and                   water, detection
distribution, protection of critical infrastructures      of organophos-
                                                          phorus pesticides,
and the rapid detection of specific substances            as well as d
in water samples. Founded in 2003 and based               etection of myco-
in the Netherlands and Singapore, Optiqua                 toxins in food.
helps water companies around the world safe-              Optiqua products
guard the quality of their drinking water supply.         bring          large
                                                          benefits in early
Our product:                                              warning
                                                          capabilities, faster and more efficient sample analysis and
EventLab, a real-time water quality monitoring solution
                                                          general cost savings in monitoring investments.
for use at treatment plants, surface water monitoring and
in drinking water distribution networks. EventLab is Our target audience:
specifically designed to detect any type of chemical
contamination in the water at the earliest stage and Optiqua is looking to meet two types of parties at the
strongly outperforms traditional sensor technologies in trade fair:
the detection of contaminations. It is the only 1. Potential customers for our products: including water
commercially available water quality monitoring device        utilities/municipalities, authorities (e.g. environmental
that can detect ALL (chemical) water quality changes with     protection authorities) and engineering companies
ONE sensor.                                                   who perform water quality monitoring (either for
Our products offer unparalleled performance in contami-       their own research or as service for the above
nation detection, ease of (field) use and low maintenance     mentioned parties). This parties are possible users of
requirements: they are purely optical and need no             the products developed by Optisense.
reagents, nor do they need calibration. EventLab is            2. Cooperation partners: as we move into new markets
suitable for both stand-alone and networked solutions,           where no existing relationships are in place, we need
both wireless and wired (SCADA), and comes as a                  partners to help identify potential clients, and the
complete package including cloud-base user interface             right contact persons in those organisations. For this,
and advanced data processing.                                    Optiqua needs local partners
With EventLab’s real-time online feedback, you know           Why us:
when and where to look for contamination. This means
shorter reaction time, taking the adequate steps to stop      Aside from the recognition received from the SME Instru-
the damage as well as inform relevant customers               ment Programme, Optiqua has won several awards. In
becomes easier and less expensive. EventLab provides          2009, Optiqua received the Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific
you with a better understanding of your network. This         New Product Innovation Award for its water contamina-
enables you to lower the operational risks and provides       tion detection and sensing technology. In 2011, it was
you with a tool for better operational planning.              one of the 12 finalists for the Wall Street Journal Asia's
                                                              Innovation awards. In 2012, Optiqua was selected by the
The MiniLab product complements the early warning             Artemis Project as a top 50 Water Company for an
capabilities of EventLab. MiniLab allows rapid analysis of    innovation that will matter, and in 2015, it was elected
water samples for the presence of specific substances.        new champion by the Dutch financial newspaper.
MiniLab is easy to use (it can be used by low-skilled         Moreover, the company has offices in Singapore and has
personnel) and offers in the field analysis of up to 8        signed cooperation agreements with Metito (UAE) for
substances simultaneously within 15 minutes, with a           distribution of EventLab and MiniLab products in GCC,
specificity and sensitivity previously only attainable with   northern Africa, Thailand and Indonesia and with
advanced laboratory equipment. MiniLab is the ideal           Kamstrup (Denmark) for distribution of EventLab in
system where analysis results are required quickly, on the    Scandinavia, many and Poland.
       Funded by the European Union
The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme - IE 2017 Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions 04-06.05.2017 EU ...

                                        Svenska Aerogel is a research and development company
               Mrs Susanne Hedblom                              that has created the cutting edge technology to
                            revolutionize the market with commercially viable aerogel
               +46 70 656 80 42                                 applications for long-term use and for a sustainable
               EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 2                        future. The three main areas of use are: thermal insulation,
               EU contribution 1.004.576 €                      filtration of liquids and gases, and paint and coatings.

Svenska Aerogel is a research and develop-                   Our target audience:
ment company that commercializes a patented                  The strategy for Svenska Aerogel is based on close coop-
version of the material Quartzene® in various                eration with industrial partners to develop new applica-
applications. The commercialization is done in               tions with Quartzene®. We are looking for long term re-
close cooperation with industrial partners rep-              lationship business partners who already are established
                                                             on the Asian air and water treatment markets. Partners
resenting different key business areas. Svenska              that have an active and strong sales and market organi-
Aerogel, with a total of 13 employees has its                zation, operating in all or parts of the Asian markets.
headquarters and production facility in Gävle                There is a lot of potential to in customizing the
and office in Stockholm.                                     Quartzene® adsorbents, so we are also looking for part-
                                                             ners interested in developing new and better adsorbent
Svenska        Aerogel    develops     and   sells           materials based on Quarzene® together with us to bring
Quartzene®, a material produced with a flexi-                to the Asian market.
ble, patented and a very cost-efficient produc- Today Svenska Aerogel is at this Trade Fair mainly look-
tion method. Quartzene® is used as an additive ing for two different types of business partners:
by our industrial partners in many different ap- 1. Customers interested in buying our Quartzene®
plications areas. Our focus areas today are insu-   adsorbents to use in their own air pollution con-
lation, filtration and paint and coatings.          trol and air purification products. Today we have
                                                                some ready absorbents that can be integrated and
Our product:                                                    directly used in different air filter applications.
Svenska Aerogel offers an innovative adsorption material      2. Cooperation partners, who have a specific pollu-
called Quartzene®, which can be used for effective filtra-       tion challenge in air or water applications that
tion of both gases and liquids. Quartzene® is a silica           Quartzene® can be customized to solve. Svenska
based, very clean, nanoporous material with a large inner        Aerogel has a well-equipped laboratory where we can
surface. It is this large inner surface that makes               tailor make smaller samples of modified Quartzene®
Quartzene® an excellent filter material, which can also be       material and perform different analysis and a pilot
easily customized to adsorb or absorb certain specific           production where we can produce larger quantities
molecules.                                                       and modified Quartzene® in a controlled environ-
                                                                 ment. We also have a broad contact net within both
A molecular air filter containing Quartzene® can improve
                                                                 the industrial and academic world. Through these
the indoor air quality and climate considerably. The large
                                                                 contacts, we have the access to the top experts and
specific inner surface of Quartzene® makes it a very ef-
                                                                 equipment’s for different tests and analysis in the
fective adsorbent of different air pollution such as sulfur
dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ammonia                various fields.
(NH4), and also organic compounds such as VOC, formal- Why us:
dehyde (CH2O) and toluene (C7H8).
                                                            Svenska Aerogel is one of the few SMEs who has received
Quartzene® is also a very effective adsorption material the recognition from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
for the purification of various liquids and oils. - SME Instrument Programme, meaning that it is consid-
Quartzene® can be used to purify different edible liq- ered as a high growth, highly innovative SME with global
uids, such as alcoholic and sweet beverages such as beer, ambitions that want to disrupt the established value net-
wine, juice, syrup and sugar. Quartzene® can also be works and existing markets.
customized for water purification. It can be designed to
                                                            Aside from that, the company is present on Nasdaq
adsorb specific contaminants in both drinking or waste
                                                            Stockholm since December 2016 has benefitted from
                                                            €3 million of venture capital.
We are today working with different partners to develop
customized filters for both air and liquid applications.
Today we have air ready adsorbents for several common
air pollutants such as SO2, NOx and VOCs. We also sever-
al ongoing projects for more specific pollutants and
pending patent application.

       Funded by the European Union
The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme - IE 2017 Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions 04-06.05.2017 EU ...
NVP ENERGY | Ireland                           LOW     TEMPERATURE    ANAEROBIC                DIGESTION
                                                               (“LT-AD”) WASTEWATER TREATMENT
                Michael Murray                                 NVP Energy is an innovative wastewater treatment
                         company founded in 2011 who, during 2013, secured the
                +353 1 421 5771                                exclusive worldwide license rights to the unique
                EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 2                      wastewater treatment technology developed at the
                EU contribution 1.693.171 €                    National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland (NUIG) for
                                                               the lifetime of the patent.

NVP Energy is an innovative wastewater treat-               1,000 mg/l respectively. Typical industries generating
ment company who secured the exclusive world-               wastewater with these characteristics include production
                                                            companies in the Food & Drink industry (Dairy, Meat Pro-
wide license rights to the unique wastewater                cessing, Brewing, Distilling, Malting, Beverage, Bottling and
treatment technology developed at the National              Pharma) and Municipal wastewater treatment operators.
University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) for the life-
                                                            Our energy positive and carbon neutral technology pro-
time of the patent.                                         vides treatment at a fraction of the cost of other wastewater
The technology was developed over ten years of              treatment technologies. In addition, while alternative
                                                            wastewater treatment technologies require a large foot-
R&D carried out by the microbiology department              print, have high energy costs and offer no payback to the
at NUIG where an anaerobic technology that                  customer, NVP Energy’s solution has a modular compact
would be capable of treating low-strength                   plant footprint, offers dramatically reduced operating costs
wastewater at ambient temperatures was devel-               (up to 60%) and generates sufficient energy as a by-
oped. 35 man-years of R&D involving a team of               product to generate revenue and thereby to offer a pay-
                                                            back on capital spend averaging 3 years.
eleven PhDs, a series of different microbial com-
binations and bioreactor module designs towards             The our technology offers a unique, sustainable solution to
                                                            this low-strength wastewater market where operators are
the delivery of a technology that achieved, at psy-
                                                            either confined to using other aerobic and anaerobic meth-
chrophilic temperatures, a desired removal rate of          odologies with consequent high operating costs, or contin-
suspended solids and reduced oxygen retention               ue to pay high and increasing trade effluent charges to util-
within an acceptable retention time. This was               ity providers for their wastewater to be treated off site.
tested at lab-scale and subsequently expanded to            Our target audience:
pilot-scale and finally to full-scale commercial de-     We intend to meet with prospective customers, developing
ployment.                                                a medium term pipeline of opportunities and gaining an
                                                         insight into the drivers towards adopting our product in the
Our product:                                             Asia region. Insights into the pain points that prospective
NVP Energy has developed an innovative Low Temperature customers within our target market sectors would be ex-
Anaerobic Digestion wastewater treatment process that tremely valuable in developing a strategy for the Asian/Non
addresses mandatory treatment for low strength, low tem- -EU market.
perature wastewater                                      Of equal importance is to meet with prospective partners.
We have developed an off-site fabricated, modular           We are focused on developing a network of partners as it
wastewater treatment solution which treats low strength     expands its geographical reach.
wastewater to a high standard, producing a high quality     We will place increasing focus on building indirect sales
biogas by-product.                                          through a co-sales partner model with partner contractors,
The technology treats wastewater at ambient temperatures    water and wastewater treatment contractors, and suitable
using a process which removes 80% of Chemical Oxygen        partners in specific geographical locations each of which
Demand (COD) and 50% of Total Suspended Solids (TSS).       will directly promote and sell the technology to end users
High quality biogas with 85%+ methane content is pro-       on NVP Energy’s behalf.
                                       duced as a by- Why us:
                                       product    which
                                       can be utilised Aside the award of European Union’s Horizon 2020 - SME
                                       on-site.          Instrument Programme, NVP energy has won:

                                        The technology is     Highly commended at Rushlight Awards 2017
                                        targeted at low-      BusinessGreen Technology Awards 2016 Winners
                                                              Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Award
                                        wastewater pro-
                                                               Winners 2016
                                        ducers with COD
                                        and TSS concen-       Shell Springboard Award Winners 2016
                                        trations of up to     Bank of Ireland Start-Up Award Winners 2016
                                        6,000 mg/l and
                                                              New Energy and Clean-tech Awards 2016
         Funded by the European Union
The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme - IE 2017 Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions 04-06.05.2017 EU ...
               MENT GMBH | Germany                                SLUDGE

                                         Ava’s global business model has three main pillars: I) plan,
               Dipl. Ing. chem. Stepan Kusche                     build and operate HTC plants for customers (turn-key
                                         approach); II) build and operate our own HTC facilities and
               +49 3971 8769024                                   sell the end products coal, phosphate and activated
               EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 1                          carbon; and III) award country or industry licenses for our
               EU contribution 50.000 €                           HTC technology to selected partners.

                                                               input material: waste streams (sewage sludge, organic
                                                                municipal waste, wet biomasses);
                                                               output: coal, activated carbon, phosphate, carbon
                                                                black, supercars.
                                                              Use cases:
                                                               energetic use
                                                               soil improvement
                                                               fertilizer
                                                              Note: some of the products mentioned may require addi-
                                                              tional infrastructure (activation module, phosphate recov-
                                                              ery module)

AVA is a solution provider. Its global business Our target audience:
model has three main pillars:                   We are looking for investors, distributors, business part-
                                                              ners and customers interested in:
1. Plan, build and operate HTC plants for cus-
                                                Renewable energy technologies
   tomers (turn-key approach).
                                                               Environmental technologies
2. Build and operate our own HTC facilities
                                              Waste water treatment
   and sell the end products coal, phosphate
                                              Phosphate recovery
   and activated carbon
                                                              In particular, we would like to meet municipalities and
3. Award country or industry licenses for our industrial clients treating sewage sludge's, as well as part-
   HTC technology to selected partners        ners which are able to provide plant parts like piping,
                                                              valves and pumps for the erection of plants, and local
Our product:                                                  mechanical engineering experts.
AVA developed the technology of hydrothermal carboni-         Why us:
zation to industry maturity. Its batch process technology
is designed so that the system operates without external      AVA is one of the few SMEs who has received the recog-
intervention 24-hours. The first industrial plant in Relzow   nition from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 - SME
currently uses two main reactors which have already test-     Instrument Programme, meaning that it is considered as
ed for 1,000 hours of continuous operation and for more       a high growth, highly innovative SME with global ambi-
than 100 different types of biomass. In further plants, 2     tions that want to disrupt the established value networks
lines of 6 reactors will be connected in parallel so that a   and existing markets.
throughput of 50,000 tons of biomass could be realistic.
Nearly all wet biomass can be used such as sewage
sludge, food, and biogas digest or fermentation residues.
The hydrothermal carbonization technology developed
by AVA works with many different bio waste streams
(AVA successfully tested more than 100 waste streams).
Most promising is the treatment of sewage sludge. AVA-
CO2 realized the first commercial production plant for
hydrothermal carbonization of sewage sludge. The pa-
tented phosphorus recovery, the plant has a competitive
advantage to conventional systems and is an important
and commercially interesting contribution to energy effi-
ciency, CO2 reduction and to secure long term food pro-
The productions produced with HTC plants are:

       Funded by the European Union
The SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fair Participation Programme - IE 2017 Meet our delegation of European Innovation Champions 04-06.05.2017 EU ...
                & Environmental Services) LTD |    SURVEY EXPERTISE
                Bulgaria                           Established in 2007 in Varna, Bulgaria, CORES provides
                                         services     in    coastal    engineering,      numerical
                Mr Valeri Penchev                                hydro-environmental        modelling,      environmental
                                      protection, and renewable energies. Since 2011, the com-
                +359 52 383713                                   pany is focused on providing expertise in coastal ocean-
                EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 1                        ography & inland water survey, including development of
                EU contribution 50.000 €                         hardware tools and software solutions.

CORES Ltd was established in 2007 in Varna,
Bulgaria to provide services in coastal engineer-
ing, numerical hydro-environmental modelling,
environmental protection, and renewable ener-
gies. Since 2011, the company is focused on
providing expertise in coastal oceanography &
inland water survey, including development of
hardware tools and software solutions. The
company is extensively involved in a number of
innovation and high‐tech maritime projects.
Presently CORES is an active member of the Re-
gional Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneur-
ships Varna (RAPIV), as well as of the Black Sea              rivers, lakes), and under operational mission conditions
‐ Danube Association of Research and Develop-                 (executing various survey tasks such as bathymetry
                                                              sounding, water sampling, CTD measurements, underwa-
ment (BDCA).                                                  ter filming, etc.). The robot boat is part of a complete cy-
Our product:                                                  cle service offered by the company that includes the ap-
                                                              plication of the most advanced tools for data handling &
CORES-A1 is a solar driven Unmanned Surface Vehicle, GIS tools, as well as advanced numerical simulation mod-
provided with relevant navigation & measurement equip- els, that will also be demonstrated. “CORES-A1” is in its
ment; managed remotely from the shore and transmit- final stage of development and it is yet to achieve full
ting data in real time.
                                                              production readiness and introduction to the market.
Replaces survey motor boats: saves money, saves the
environment, brings security!                                 Our target audience:
                                                              We are looking for:
  Easy-to-use: operated by 1 person from the land, + au-
   topilot (self-steering)                                      END USERS for our product (autonomous solar boat
  Fully autonomous in time: operates 24/7, day and night CORES-A1). In particular, end users from China, as well
                                                                as from eastern Black Sea/Caspian area, potentially in-
  Navigation, GPS, echo sounder; current, turbidity, salini-
                                                                terested in purchasing units.
   ty, conductivity measurements; water sampling; under-
   water video capture, and much more                           POINT DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS for our new-
  Designed to access hard-to-reach locations (e.g. shal- generation boat "CORES-A2". We are interested in
   low water, dangerous sites)                                  meeting co-funding and development partners, in par-
  Perfect balance of power consumption, manoeuvrabil-
   ity, stability and pay-load                                      Component manufacturers of sensors / ocean sci-
                                                                    ence equipment
  Zero emissions: electric engines, enhanced solar power,
   smart battery charge                                             Manufacturers of hydro-surveying boats, autono-
                                                                    mous/unmanned surface vehicles (ASV/USV)
“CORES-A1” provides a low-cost, efficient tool for daily
monitoring of the aquatic environment. Reliable and reg-            Research bodies - via joint cooperation project
ular data from marine/inland water observations are of              funded by research & innovation programs
crucial importance to support industry (offshore industry, Why us:
aquaculture, dredging & construction, port maintenance,
                                                              Aside from the recognition received from the European
etc.), as well as to understand and adapt to climate
                                                              Union’s Horizon 2020 - SME Instrument Programme, our
change. “CORES-A1” can replace men (marine surveyors)
                                                              solar boat CORES-A1 was selected, in February 2017, as
and fossil fuel motor boats, and can thus provide signifi-
                                                              "Product of the Month" by H2020’s WaterInn EU project
cant impact on the water sector. The product has been
                                                              Market Place.
demonstrated in operational environment (sea coast,

        Funded by the European Union
EOMAP GmbH & Co.KG | Germany                   SATELLITE-DERIVED BATHYMETRY   AND                   HIGH
                                                              RESOLUTION WATER QUALITY MONITORING
               Dr. Thomas Heege                               EOMAP was founded in 2006 as a spin-off of the German
                                       Aerospace Center (DLR) and is the leading global service
               +49 8152 9986 110                              provider of satellite-derived aquatic information in
               EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 1                      maritime and inland waters for the commercial offshore
               EU contribution 50.000 €                       industry as well as a multitude of government agencies.

EOMAP is the leading global service provider of
satellite-derived aquatic information in mari-
time and inland waters for the commercial off-
shore industry as well as a multitude of govern-
ment agencies. Pioneering the field of high res-
olution water quality monitoring and satellite-
derived bathymetry, EOMAP services rely on
standardized physical models which are inde-
pendent of scale, sensor type and geographic
location. Additional key services include sea-
floor, coastal environment and infrastructure             records. Customers use the eoFRESH service on a contin-
mapping. EOMAP provides monitoring services               uous regular base (e.g. the state authority Baden-
                                                          Württemberg in Germany, companies such as Amec-
as well as software licenses to process multi-            Foster-Wheeler in USA), or profit from a high-resolution
satellite sensors for governmental agencies.              survey on a global scale (e.g. UNESCO).
EOMAP technologies and pro-cessors are based              Our target audience:
on 20 years of systematic system development,             EOMAP is particularly interested in three major client
jointly with a deep market experience with re-            groups:
lated services in the past 10 years. Additional
                                                           Governmental water authorities (lake and river man-
key services include seafloor, coastal environ-             agement authorities),
ment and infrastructure mapping.
                                                           Water industries (especially dam and reservoir opera-
EOMAP’s technology can be applied at local         tors), and
through to intercontinental scales, with the op-
                                                  Larger integrator and consulting companies, which
tion of providing continuous and long term en-     typically lead large development projects.
vironmental information by harnessing multiple
satellite re-sources.                             Why us:
                                                            Aside from the recognition received from the European
Our product:                                                Union’s Horizon 2020 - SME Instrument Programme,
Access to local, country-wide or global status information EOMAP has received a series of prizes since 2011:
and trends of water quality in inland surface waters is
                                                             The Geospatial World Innovation Award Winner 2017
essential for high-level water-resource-management of
                                                               for its ready-to-use bathymetric Electronic Nautical
governmental bodies, but also for many concrete and
                                                               Charts (bENCs) based on satellite derived bathymetry.
actual water related issues such as sedimentation in dams
or cyanobacteria blooms in water reservoirs and bathing  The Copernicus Masters Winner 2013 (Systems Cloud
lakes. Information on e.g. sediments in the water column,      Computing Challenge) for its Operational Satellite-
algae and eutrophication support efficient planning on         Derived Bathymetry Service.
localized comprehensive measurements, environmental
impact or directive monitoring. Relevant water quality  The Copernicus Masters Winner 2011 (ESA App chal-
information parameters are provided extremely cost-            lenge) for AquaMap, a near real-time water quality
efficient and with a minimum logistical effort for millions    services on mobile phones.
of water bodies by the eoFRESH service. The eoFRESH Moreover, the company has concluded a contract with
service takes advantage of various earth observation sat- UNESCO.
ellite sensors, and provides an easy web based access to
global water quality information through the eoApp®
web application. The spatial resolution ranges from 2m to
500m. The 10m – 30m resolution services are based on
up to weekly records, and 300m-500m resolution on daily

       Funded by the European Union
EUDITI | Greece                                  HIGH QUALITY EASY TO ADOPT ENVIRONMENTAL
                Dr. Platon Baltas                                Founded by leaders in the fields of renewable energy and
                                           energy savings, EUDITI focuses in making it easier for
                +30 2106446330                                   customers to adopt environmentally benign solutions for
                EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 1                        life improvement. We address problems at all levels,
                EU contribution 50.000 €                         ranging from the technology and financial level to the
                                                                 regulatory and social level.

EUDITI was established in 2003. Its founders
were leaders in the fields of renewable energy
and energy savings for whom the development
of environmentally friendly energy technologies
has been a life mission. In this vein, our mission
is to offer high quality services and products to
our customers and make it easier for them to
adopt environmentally benign solutions for life
improvement. EUDITI addresses problems at all
levels, ranging from the technology and financial
level to the regulatory and social level.
Our product:
As renewables have become the lowest cost solution, EU-
DITI is focusing on services and products that will help its
                                                               applications (e.g. municipalities, local entrepreneurs, tour-
customers approach a broad market segment and make
                                                               ism, fishing, etc.) and of humanitarian purposes for emer-
higher profits while contributing to the protection of envi-
                                                               gency and unforeseen situations (earth-quakes, tsunamis,
                                                               refuge hosting, fire forest watching, etc.). EUDITI has al-
WETPaC is a Water–Electricity–Telecommunication Package ready developed similar systems and has gained a vital
product which is an environmental friendly PV Hybrid Pow- experience on their operation and maintenance through
er Supply System, operationally optimised to provide a the years. WETPaC will be an optimized version, fully auto-
package of three services that are:                            mated and fully upgraded with last generation energy
                                                               storage and control systems, energy efficient equipment
 Electricity for rural electrification,
                                                               and modernized communication applications in order to
 Fresh or Potable Water, via water treatment processes produce and offer to the market a reliable and sustainable
    (filtration, desalination)                                 product. At present the TRL of WETPaC is 6. The construc-
 Electricity for Telecom applications (i.e. GSM Networks) tion, testing and operation of WETPaC prototype in real
                                                               world conditions will help us as to reach TRL9 and be ready
Analytically, WETPaC consists of:
                                                               for market launch.
 Intelligent Remote Monitoring and Control System
    (RMCS),                                                    Our target audience:
 Innovative Preventive Maintenance System (PMS),              Τhe business partners we are interested in meeting include
                                                               funding organizations, local investors and stakeholders,
 Smart Payment System (SPS).
                                                               which could be representatives from banks, ministries,
The full automation (by RMCS) as well as the successful NGO’s, humanitarian organisations as well as representa-
integration of all subunits (power supply and water treat- tives from local renewable and water technologies market,
ment units) will lead to an autonomous and uninterrupted for a close collaboration and promotion of the WETPaC
operation of the WETPaC that will constantly supply the system. The most important for our company is to find
offered services. The innovative PMS will facilitate trouble- investors and create co-operations with small and big
shooting, reduce maintenance requirements and will in- players for our product.
crease product’s lifetime. The PMS combined with an intel-
ligent Internet based control system will facilitate the oper- Why us:
ation and maintenance of WETPaC by non-experienced EUDITI is one of the few SMEs who has received the recog-
personnel. Moreover the implementation of a smart pay- nition from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 - SME In-
ment system will ensure collection of money for the opera- strument Programme, meaning that it is considered as a
tor for services provided. The integration of the SPS, such high growth, highly innovative SME with global ambitions
as the “Pay-As-You-Go” solution for the offered services, that want to disrupt the established value networks and
will make the sys-tem economically sustainable and ex- existing markets.
pected to reduce its investment risk. WETPaC is adapted
to cover the needs for a very wide variety of customers and
       Funded by the European Union
               Dr. Ivano Battaglia                                 Lab Service Analytica is a certified ISO 9001:2015 Italian
                                       company with 30 years’ experience in “Life Chemistry”,
               +39 051 732351                                      “Separation Sciences” and “Environmental” sectors. We
               EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 1                           provide emerging/innovative products and services to
               EU contribution 50.000 €                            Public Entities, Research Centres, Universities, Small and
                                                                   Large Companies and accredited Laboratories since 1984.

Our thirty years’ commercial experience in the
analytical sectors reveal our ability to introduce
innovative techniques and instruments along
the time. We have technical and commercial
staff able to solve problems and identify tech-
nical solutions.
Since 2010 we have started to produce our own
instruments for environmental monitoring and
sampling of pollutants and we will soon start to
produce OdorPrep™, a unique odor sampling
system in compliance with the EN13725:2003.
Our product
We will exhibit OdorPrep™: the first real-time monitoring
network which can automatically activate the remote
sampling of the annoying industrial odour emissions for
their later measurement.                                  brings saving of control costs and penalties.

Odour emissions are considered the main cause of                Our target audience:
disturbance noticed by citizens living near industrial and      Public Entities
agricultural facilities. Therefore odours have become a
priority concern for facility operators and urban planners      Our technology follows European (EN13725) and
that deal with waste, industrial or livestock plants.           International standards about the odor harassments.
Moreover the collection of meaningful samples is subject     We would like to involve public authorities (mainly local
to a number of difficulties, due to low concentration and    and national authorities that must ensure the air quality
rapid dispersion.                                            standards) for the validation of the methodology.
We combine the sensorial approach (human receptors Moreover we would collect letters of interest and
complaints) with the advanced sensor technology able to possible collaborations with Universities and Research
monitor the air quality and the weather conditions to Institutes involved in the odor matter.
sample the odour annoyance automatically at the precise Environmental Consultancy and Laboratories
time that citizens (or the in charge environmental protec-
tion bureau) induce the activation of our standardized We intend to meet local accredited laboratories
sampling system.                                             dedicated to environmental and olfactometric analysis to
                                                             show them the business opportunities. Furthermore we
After the sample is taken, authorized entities can remove would meet up with environmental consultancy compa-
and transport the samples to accredited olfactometric nies to show the technology and establish partnership for
laboratories for the analysis.                               the commercialization of the network    system.
Odour complaints can shut down facilities, as negative Why us:
                                 publicity and media at-
                                 tention can result in local Lab Service Analytica is one of the few SMEs who has
                                 or national authorities received the recognition from the European Union’s Hori-
                                 limiting or even stopping zon 2020 - SME Instrument Program, meaning that it is
                                 industry activities, some- considered as a high growth, highly innovative SME with
                                 times facing legal action global ambitions that want to disrupt the established val-
                                 and fines.                  ue networks and existing markets.
                               OdorPrep™ helps indus-
                               trial sectors in the identifi-
                               cation of the leaks or the
                               plants malfunction. So it

       Funded by the European Union
                 SEARCH LTD | United Kingdom                      PAPER

                                 Nafici Enviromental Research (NER) is an award-winning
                 Mrs Florence Nafici-Miremadi                     business developing and commercialising clean pulp and
                                paper production technology using natural agriculture
                 +44 1444400476; +44 7534535890                   waste products. Our family-run SME was started in 2013 in
                 EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 1                        the UK following 25 years of sustainable pulp production
                 EU contribution 50.000 €                         experience.

Nafici Enviromental Research (NER) is an                       efficient, inexpensive and
award-winning business developing and com-                     truly low-carbon. Effec-
                                                               tively            treating
mercialising clean pulp and paper production                   agriculture waste materi-
technology       using natural agriculture waste               al, NER process produces
products. This family-run SME was started in 2013              no pollution and adheres
in the UK following 25 years of sustainable pulp               to        the      highest
production experience.                                         environmental standards
                                                               in the industry. Adoption of NER system in China brings
Our product:                                                   positive long-term value to both paper producers, the
                                                               government and                     end-users. By improving
Our novel environmentally friendly ECOPULPER process is
                                                               functionality of existing pulp          production facilities,
designed to turn agri waste product – straw - into high-
                                                               reducing commodity pulp cost, using closed-loop system
quality pulp and paper. NER’s sustainable, close-loop meth-
                                                               with harvested water, minimal energy and most
od overcomes many of the problems associated with cur-
                                                               importantly,     addressing    the    huge    problem       of
rent straw pulping practices. Our patent-pending ECOPULP-
                                                               deforestation and hazardous straw residue burning and
ER method solves all the above problems by providing turn
                                                               rotting (which contributes to green gas production), NER
-key plant installation to customers in the paper industry
                                                               contribution to sustainable pulp manufacture is an
and offering our process on license basis worldwide.
                                                               all-round winner solution. Our method can be applied to
We use a variety of single or mixed straw types (wheat, rice,  both new-built and already operating plants and can be
barley, oats, etc.) in different conditions, including high    easily scaled up.
moisture content, and the system is optimised to create
                                                              The economic, environmental and social effect of this
economical and environmental small/medium-size low-
                                                              seemingly small adjustment to raw material sourcing in
footprint plants that are placed in clusters on agricultural
                                                              paper production by substitution of timber with
land spanning no more than a 50-mile radius.
                                                              bio-agricultural waste product alone is game-changing.
ECOPULPER’s unique selling points are:
                                                              In China and internationally, a modified supply chain will
   produced pulp is cheaper (minimum 30% investment inevitably benefit local economies and integrated
    reduction and lower operational costs per tonne communities by creating new jobs, customers and diverse
    compared to small-scale straw pulping plants);            income streams for farmers; stimulate regional collaborative
                                                              sourcing and supply; save on timber and recycled paper
   straw pulp is stable in price, more accessible and
                                                              import costs and offer attractive investment opportunities.
    sustainable (30% less energy use) than hardwood pulp;
  100% of process output is used, resulting in no waste;      Our target audience:
  low energy use – no boiling, digesters or pressure We are looking for China market knowledge and
   required;                                                 international trade experience, ranging from academic
                                                             research collaborations to full-scale commercial projects
  no chemical waste (all chemicals are recycled in a closed
                                                             and sales. Should industry experts be small-, medium-
                                   loop with very little
                                                             large-size operators in the pulp & paper and agricultural
                                   topup needed);
                                                             sectors, we would like to be able to visit their facilities and
                                    less water required, discuss technical capabilities on a high professional level.
                                   rainwater can be used;
                                                               Why us:
                                     straw is not required
                                    to be dried, chopped or    Aside from the recognition received from the European
                                    pre-cleaned,               Union’s Horizon 2020 - SME Instrument Programme,
                                    leading to no additional   NAFICI has won a number of prizes from 2013 to 2016
                                    storage costs.             including: 3xMAS grants, Carbon Limit Technologies
                                    Energy levels are opti- Competition, Growth Accelerator, Eco Innovation, Be The
                                    mised throughout the Business, Climate-KIC, Innovate UK Innovation Voucher,
                                    plant which makes the Rushlight Award and the Nanjing 321 Talent Programme.
                                    whole system uniquely

         Funded by the European Union
NEOZEO | Sweden                                   MODULAR   SOLUTION   FOR    PRODUCTION                     OF
                                                                 BIOMETHANE - RENEWABLE VEHICLE FUEL
               Mr Petr Vasiliev                                  NeoZeo offers small-medium biogas upgrading modular
                                        solution to produce biomethane - renewable vehicle fuel
               +46762199731                                      and energy storage source.NeoZeo is spin-off from
               EU SME INSTRUMENT PHASE 1                         Stockholm University established in 2010 with a focus on
               EU contribution 50.000 €                          innovations of adsorbents and pressure swing adsorption
                                                                 technology for biogas upgrading which provides unique
                                                                 modular solution for small-medium biogas upgrading.

NeoZeo aims to promote the usage of bio me-
thane which a “higher-value” and sustainable
source of fuel. High quality bio methane can be
compressed and injected into the natural gas
grid or used as a transport fuel, which can be
sold by producers for roughly 4 times the price
of electricity. The process reduces reliance on
fossil fuel usage and hence could reduce car-
bon emission and lead to a greener environ-
ment for the future.                            biogas upgrading, with an adsorption efficiency outper-
                                                             forming all other available market products. Unlike other
NeoZeo was established in 2010 as a spin-off                 biogas upgrading methods such as water, chemical and
from the prestigious EXSELENT Centre based in                physical scrubbing, NeoZeo’s system requires no addi-
Stockholm University to develop state-of-the-                tional water and chemicals.
art gas separation technology. At present, Neo-              Our target audience:
Zeo has developed and patented the unique                    We intend to meet companies which are producers of
zeolite which produced an impressive selectivity             biogas. These companies could be involved in water and
rating in excess of 1500 for carbon dioxide cap-             sewage treatment as well as waste management. We
ture, far greater than any other adsorbent on                could introduce to these companies the benefits of bio-
the market. Since 2016 the company’s demon-                  gas upgrading for bio methane production and usage as
                                                             a clean and renewable fuel for vehicle and gas grid. We
stration module for biogas        upgrading has              could introduce its biogas upgrading system that are
been successfully tested in Sweden, Latvia and               cost, space and materials efficient and could cater to the
the UK.                                                      needs of small scale biogas producers which are often
                                                             untapped customers by bigger biogas upgrading corpo-
Our product:                                                 rations. We would also like to establish partnership with
NeoZeo would like to exhibit its novel biogas upgrading      producers of high biogas production capacity as our
technology at the Trade Fair of IE Expo in Shanghai, Chi-    technology could also be applied for large scale biogas
na. Biogas is the by-product of bacterial anaerobic respi-   upgrading, and could a cost efficient alternative to availa-
ration activities and contains a mixture of methane and      ble commercial technologies such as water and chemical
carbon dioxide gas. The technology could effectively re-     scrubbing. We aim to establish business partnership with
move the carbon dioxide gas to harvest methane gas, in       these biogas producers to promote decentralized biogas
high purity, as a source of clean energy. The harvested      upgrading and bio methane usage in China.
bio methane could be used as an alternative source of  Companies such as producers of biogas digesters could
vehicle fuel or gas grid injection, hence reducing reliant
                                                       also become potential distribution partners. We could
on fossil fuels and promote a greener environment for  engage with these companies to promote the merits of
the future.                                            biogas upgrading, and make offer for the companies to
NeoZeo’s biogas upgrading system functions upon pres- include NeoZeo’s biogas upgrading system as part of
                                   sure swing ad- their product packages to biogas producers who would
                                   sorption working be interested to produce bio methane on their own.
                                   principle, and is Why us:
                                   made more cost
                                                       NeoZEO is one of the few SMEs who has received the
                                   efficient through
                                                       recognition from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 -
                                   its development
                                                       SME Instrument Programme, meaning that it is consid-
                                   of a patented
                                                       ered as a high growth, highly innovative SME with global
                                   novel zeolite ad-
                                                       ambitions that want to disrupt the established value net-
                                   sorbent that could
                                                       works and existing markets.
                                   effectively capture
                                   carbon dioxide for
      Funded by the European Union
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