Page created by Kathleen Yates
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To help monitor, manage,            Connectivity technologies             In the past, satellite-enabled
automate and ultimately improve     have been around for the              solutions that provide ‘always-on’
the quality and reliability         past two decades to underpin          connectivity for utilities
of energy being supplied to         this expansion of smart grid          have been deemed cost-
consumers, the utilities sector     applications, but mainly through      prohibitive or overly reliant on
has become a pioneer of digital     a combination of technologies         bulky hardware, but much has
transformation, deploying more      – such as radio and cellular          changed in recent years.
advanced technologies across        networks – that are not the best      This paper addresses the next
their networks to build ‘smarter’   choice for every application.         era of smart grid development
grids. These technologies are       Further, the challenge faced          and maps out the path to
numerous, but predominantly         by many utility companies             accelerating further digitisation
include centralised automated       continues to be that large            across the utilities sector –
reclosers, advanced metering        areas of their networks have          focusing particularly on the
infrastructure (AMI) and            coverage dark spots, which is         automation of electricity
substation automation.              where terrestrial connectivity        distribution and delivery –
                                    fails to provide the reliable         assessing the most reliable,
                                    communications backbone               economical and secure solutions
                                    that is needed to build efficient,    employing satellite-based
                                    reliable and secure smart utilities   technology for utility companies
                                    networks.                             and technology providers.
                                    Satellite is an important tool in
                                    the arsenal of any reliable and
                                    secure utilities network. On the
                                    one hand, it eliminates coverage
                                    dark spots in a cost-effective way,
                                    while it also can work as a highly
                                    reliable backup communications
                                    system when terrestrial
                                    connectivity networks fail.
Electric grid management has        All this means is that the grid     Consequently, the last two
always been a complex task. On      is now permanently in a state       decades have seen a huge
the one hand, grid managers         of flux – no one day is ever the    influx of automation devices,
need to ensure they meet            same. The challenge for utility     communications and control
fluctuations in consumer demand     companies in this constantly        technologies being increasingly
and provide a high quality of       changing environment is,            applied to create a ‘two-way’
service that improves people’s      therefore, to ensure they have      system that ensures distributors
lives. On the other, they must be   the tools to meet growing           can monitor, manage, automate
able to dynamically respond to      demands of end-users, increase      and improve the quality of energy
surges and keep downtime to         power efficiency, reliability and   being supplied to consumers.
a minimum. These challenges         quality, ensure they are meeting    These ‘smarter’, two-way power
are being compounded by the         environmental targets and be        grids mean that not only can
fact that both governments and      ready for the assimilation of       electricity be provided to end
the C-suite are now pushing the     renewable energy sources into       customers, but distributors and
switch towards a distributed-       traditional networks.               suppliers can also get heads-
generation, low-carbon economy,     This, however, has not always       up feedback on parameters
which is set to transform how       been possible. The traditional      such as system outages and
power is both being produced        electrical grid was a ‘one-way’     electrical use. With this data,
and consumed by end users           system, with power going            grid managers can optimise the
across the globe.                   from the grid operator to the       performance of the network,
                                    customer, without any feedback      ensuring they can accommodate
                                    and data going back to the          peak loads, as well as anticipate
                                    provider.                           disturbances in the network.
                                                                                                                  SMART GRID
The new metering,                   Centralised automated reclosers      These technologies are all making
communications and control          are arguably the most important      field data more accessible and
technologies that are now           smart grid application, as they      reliable than ever before, helping
contributing the modern smart       allow utility companies to           grid managers to make smarter,
grid are numerous, but three core   sense and interrupt currents         more informed decisions. In doing
applications include:               in the event of a fault, giving      so, utility companies now have
                                    them the tools to automatically      the toolkit to:
Ƈ Centralised automated             reconfigure the network to
  reclosers.                        isolate faults and restore
                                                                         Ƈ Enhance visibility over
                                    supply. In doing so, this can help     metering and grid networks.
Ƈ Advanced metering
  infrastructure (AMI).             maintain maximum continuity of       Ƈ Fewer and shorter outages.                                     Centralised
                                    service and minimise outages,                                                                          recloser
Ƈ Substation automation.            which is critical if they are to     Ƈ Reduce peak consumption                                        monitoring
                                    consistently improve service           by shifting demand loads.                                      and control
                                    quality to end-users.
                                                                         Ƈ Optimise electricity
                                    These technologies are enabled         generation and distribution,                                   Substation
                                    by supervisory and control                                                                            automation        AMI backhaul
                                                                           helping to reduce carbon
                                    (SCADA) systems, which provide         footprints.
                                    an end-to-end system that
                                    acquires data from the field         Ƈ Lower maintenance costs.                                                                           Network
                                    through Remote Terminal                                                                                                                  Operations
                                    Units (RTUs) or Intelligent                                                                                                                Centre
                                    Electrical Devices (IEDs) and
                                    connects it to sensors through a
                                    communications network.

                                                                                                              Generation   Transmission   Distribution   Customer premises
With most utility and energy        For example, while radio provides    moments. Have you tried to place     In situations where public cellular   As the utility sector relies
companies relying on new            dedicated coverage across a          a call or send a text at a local     networks aren’t readily available,    more and more on the use
technologies to help make the       network, the initial costs are       sports event or concert only         one course of action distributors     of technology to improve its
distribution smart grid more        high and it limits where and how     to experience nonstop failed         often take is a ‘do nothing’          resilience and efficiency, a
flexible, stable, resilient and     equipment can be connected.          attempts? The nearby cellular-       approach. This means that, in         lack of available and reliable
secure, the same qualities must     For remote SCADA systems             enabled utility infrastructure is    areas without public cellular         terrestrial communication is a
be true of its communication        that require a highly reliable       competing for that same shared       connectivity, maintenance             barrier to enhancing capabilities
network. The sector has             monitoring and controlling           consumer bandwidth. Further,         crews and technicians have to         and making the most of smart
historically deployed a mix of      network, an unreliable               coverage dark spots tend to          be, for example, deployed to          grid applications and solutions.
communications solutions to         communications backbone              appear at the limits of cellular     manually read meters or restore       This means that, whether it is
meet the demand of smart grid       involving meshed networks,           connectivity, where coverage is      the functionality of locked out       smart meters or digital sensors
applications, including radio and   may significantly limits a grid      either weak and highly unreliable    reclosers. In many instances still,   and switches, the infrastructure
cellular-based technologies.        manager’s ability to, for example,   or completely non-existent.          utilities don’t even know there       advancements that now allow
However, there are a number of      pinpoint malfunctions and            This is usually in remote or         is a power outage until their         utilities to more efficiently deliver
important limitations to these      dynamically respond to outages.      rural environments with low          customers call to inform them.        customers energy, improve
communications solutions.           Cellular-based technologies          population density, where the                                              customer engagement, and
                                    are designed for consumers           terrain makes the construction                                             increase grid resiliency and
                                    using smartphones and large          of private cellular infrastructure                                         monitoring cannot be optimised,
                                    amounts of data and suffer from      challenging and costly, or where                                           whilst in some remote areas they
                                    congestion and intermittent          the public cellular networks                                               are simply not possible.
                                    availability, which does not give    don’t exist.
                                    the reliability utility companies
                                    need at mission critical
         With this in mind, there is a        However, the technology             For example, deploying SCADA            Coupling this with the reduction
         key role for satellite networks      behind satellite networks has       controlled centralised reclosers,       of costs and the Quality of
         to play in providing the cost-       advanced considerably in recent     which support the always on             Service (QoS) requirements now
         effective, ubiquitous connectivity   years. Nowadays, two-way            control that is needed to allow         expected by regulators and
         needed for a range of smart grid     communication systems, such         much greater visibility and control     consumers, it is easy to see why
         applications, ensuring that data     as those providing IP services      over a grid, is not possible in         utilities are increasingly choosing
         from applications out in the field   for M2M applications, are           many remote areas where cellular        satellite communications for
         is both reliable and continually     increasingly becoming common,       connectivity is intermittent and        a whole range of different
         available.                           particularly in rural areas that    not fit for purpose. By choosing        functions, whether it’s to
         In the past, there has been          are poorly served by other          satellite, utility companies can        extend the reach of existing
         a perception that satellite          communication technologies          access a reliable and cost-             communication networks,
         communications are an                or as an independent backup         effective option to remotely            ensure continuous, real-time
         expensive and restrictive            connection.                         monitor and control reclosers           and cost-effective visibility
         communications solution,             Consequently, today’s satellite     in areas where terrestrial              over their networks and enable
         requiring large, power-hungry        terminals are able to provide       connectivity is unreliable, making      greater command, control and
         terminals that don’t integrate       an easy to integrate, real-         it easier to reduce maintenance         monitoring capabilities.
         well with other, sector-specific,    time, IP-based connectivity         and site visits and keep downtime
         smart applications.                  service, making them ideal for      to a minimum.
                                              backhauling data from smart grid    Further, satellite is a more cost-
                                              applications installed anywhere     effective connectivity option than
                                              in the power grid, enabling         people think. Robust terminals
                                              utilities to have greater command   often have a lifespan of more
                                              and control across entire           than ten years, while the data
                                              networks.                           cost is closer to cellular than
                                                                                  you would expect. In summary,
                                                                                  this means that total cost of
                                                                                  ownership (TCO) over a satellite
                                                                                  terminals lifetime is low – satellite
                                                                                  simply isn’t the big, scary and
                                                                                  expensive connectivity service
                                                                                  that has been previously thought.
However, it is important to point     This not only impacts the            uptime even in the most extreme
out here that not all satellite       continuity of service, but also      weather conditions, where other
services are the same. Due            means trained technicians,           types of satellite services fail.
to the unique nature of the           accompanied by a member of           The BGAN M2M service features
requirements of the smart grid,       the utilities provider, often need   robust and compact terminals,
understanding the differences         to be redeployed to re-point the     2/3 the size of a laptop, such as
and limitations of different          terminal, which adds significant     the Hughes BGAN 9502, which are
satellite services is crucial         costs to an operation.               easy to install and can withstand
In particular, the adoption of VSAT   So, while the VSAT service may       hostile environmental conditions
satellite systems has increased       be cheaper in terms of ongoing       with a lifespan up-to ten years
in the sector over the past few       airtime cost when compared           or greater. With a low monthly
years, but there are notable          to other satellite services, the     data usage and long lifespan
limitations to this approach.         terminals are not fit for purpose    of the hardware, the total cost
VSAT works with bulky terminals,      so the overall TCO is likely to be   of ownership for the service is
which look like typical satellite     higher. In contrast, Inmarsat’s      minimal compared to the cost
dishes, making them an obvious        BGAN M2M service is providing        of dispatching technicians to
target for theft or vandalism.        utility companies with the           resolve issues and with all the
They also rely on a high power        reliable and proven satellite        benefit of achieving a higher
draw which means they can             connectivity needed to build         continuity of service.
cease working in the event of         tomorrow’s smart grid. The           To illustrate how satellite
a power cut, with solar power         BGAN M2M service operates on         communications can support
often not an option. Furthermore      Inmarsat’s L-band network, which     a utility’s daily operations and
VSAT is harder to install and to      was created for government and       further extend the reach of
point at satellites, meaning they     emergency applications and is as     smart grid applications, let’s
often lose connection if wind         reliable as satellite gets. L-band   look at the role of BGAN M2M in
or other environmental factors        is the ideal satellite network for   a range of use cases that use
move the terminal.                    enabling centralised recloser        sensing and monitoring devices
                                      monitoring control in particular,    and command and control
                                      as it provides up to 99.9%           technologies, which require two-
                                                                           way high-speed communications.
CONNECTIVITY                                                                                                    CASE STUDY:

                                                                                                                ERGON ENERGY
                                                                                                                Ergon Energy maintains and manages the regional electric
                                                                                                                distribution network across Queensland, Australia. They provide

FOR ENERGY                                                                                                      energy for more than 720,000 homes and businesses, covering 97%
                                                                                                                of the state of Queensland.
                                                                                                                Ergon Energy have installed hundreds of reclosers throughout their
                                                                                                                network, with a significant number operating in the most isolated
                                                                                                                parts of the state, areas in which traditional connectivity methods,
                                                                                                                such as cellular and terrestrial, are limited or not available. Their
                                                                                                                requirements for remote connectivity were a single, ubiquitous,
                                                                                                                reliable network that was impervious to natural disasters and weather
                                                                                                                events, while providing a high level of security.
                                                                                                                Inmarsat’s BGAN M2M service met those requirements, providing a
                                                                                                                seamless, easy to integrate, real-time, IP-based connectivity service,
                                                                                                                to remotely monitor, control, and manage their recloser network.
                                                                                                                BGAN M2M provided the reliability, cost effectiveness, security and
CENTRALISED RECLOSER MONITORING AND CONTROL                                                                     ease of use that Ergon Energy were looking for to automate and
Electricity providers are under      While providers often use              Consequently, satellite             monitor their distribution network, and with the service expected
pressure to consistently improve     a variety of both types, the           provides the most reliable          to have an operational lifetime well into the 2020s, BGAN M2M will
service quality and minimise         problems with decentralised            and cost-effective option to        continue to serve efficiently and effectively for many years to come.
outages as mandated by public        reclosers are they cannot be           remotely monitor and control
procurement contracts. Circuit       monitored or operated remotely,        centralised reclosers in areas
reclosers are considered an          and once tripped they often            where terrestrial connectivity is
essential device to maintain         transition to a lockout state, which   unreliable. Inmarsat’s BGAN M2M
maximum continuity of service,       means engineers need to travel         service is used on more than ten
with their ability to sense and      to restore functionality, causing      thousand reclosers around the
interrupt currents in the event of   lengthy outages and costing            world and has been trusted as the
a fault. Decentralised reclosers     the provider money. With many          industry standard by electricity
operate in isolation and are         providers operating over wide          providers for over ten years.
programmed to trip and reset         and remote geographies, smart          The service also features robust
without the need for connectivity    grid management using SCADA            and compact terminals such as
networks, while centralised          controlled centralised reclosers       the Hughes BGAN 9502 which
reclosers are connected to a         is increasingly desirable. The         are easy to install and can
central control room and allow       challenge, however, is twofold.        withstand hostile environmental
much greater visibility and          Firstly, without connectivity,         conditions with a lifespan up-to
control over a grid.                 many companies are forced to           or beyond ten years. With a low
                                     use reclosers that work as part        monthly data usage and long
                                     of a distributed or decentralised      lifespan of the hardware, the
                                     automation. Secondly, the              total cost of ownership for the
                                     challenge with centralised             service is minimal compared
                                     reclosers is getting connectivity      to the cost of dispatching
                                     that is reliable enough to support     technicians to resolve issues
                                     always on control, as in many          and benefit of achieving a higher
                                     remote areas cellular connectivity     continuity of service.
                                     is intermittent and not fit for

Cemig is the largest integrated electric power company in Brazil, with
83 power stations and participation in nearly 200 companies and
consortia in 22 Brazilian states and the Federal District. One of the
main problems that Cemig faces as an electric distribution company
is in improving cellular connectivity performance in remote areas
of Minas Gerais. While the state plays host to major cities such as
Belo Horizonte, it is also made up of very remote areas with lower
population densities.
In the event that there is an incident with the electrical system,
Cemig uses reclosers to test the medium voltage distribution network
automatically, interrupting the power in the event of a problem and
restoring the supply if they detect the problem is no longer present.
OnixSat and Inmarsat developed a solution based on satellite
connectivity to enable Cemig to increase availability and improve its
remote controlling of reclosers. The solution uses a serial/ ethernet
converter and Hughes’ BGAN 9502 terminal to connect the reclosers           ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTUREA AMI
to Inmarsat’s ultra-reliable L-band satellite network, in order to ensure   Smarter power networks               These devices are a key element       To remedy this, utility companies
the effectiveness of the commands issued to the reclosers by Cemig’s        also require ‘smart meters’          of AMI and typically sit within       have experimented with, and
Centre of Operations.                                                       to help consumers and                wireless mesh grids, collecting       then often abandoned VSAT-
The collaboration between OnixSat and Inmarsat has produced                 businesses manage their energy       usage data from consumers             based satellite services for
impressive results for Cemig. Before deploying the solution, Cemig          consumption. In doing so, utility    and businesses in a limited           AMI backhaul. As mentioned
had an effective availability of remotely controlling the reclosers in      companies can gain access to         geographical area, transmitting it    previously, while these services
the remote recloser project of less than 90%. After deployment of the       consumption patterns, enabling       back to the utility’s data centre –   may be cheaper in terms of
Inmarsat and OnixSat solution, this indicator now shows an average of       them to implement tariffs based      usually via a cellular network.       ongoing airtime cost, they have
98% at the points where satellite communication was installed.              on time of use and real-time local   However, cellular networks            significant limitations. On the one
                                                                            demand. As they are located at       are not always ideal for data         hand, VSAT terminals are bulky,
                                                                            end points on the grid, smart        backhaul for several reasons,         making them obvious targets for
                                                                            meters also provide utility          including limited range,              thieves. On the other, they are
                                                                            companies with early warnings        restricted bandwidth and              also harder to install on pole tops
                                                                            of power fluctuations, outages       tendency to congestion, as            and point at a satellite, making
                                                                            and fraudulent activity, as well     well as vulnerability to natural      it difficult to retain a connection
                                                                            as the ability to meet regulatory    disasters and extreme weather.        and increasing the likelihood of
                                                                            requirements to read meters on a     There are also many geographic        deploying a trained technician to
                                                                            regular basis.                       areas where cellular coverage         re-point the terminal.
                                                                                                                 does not reach, and maybe never
                                                                                                                 will. This may lead to the ‘do
                                                                                                                 nothing’ scenario outlined above,
                                                                                                                 where technicians are deployed
                                                                                                                 to manually collect data from
                                                                                                                 meters in rural areas, adding
                                                                                                                 further cost and inefficiency to
                                                                                                                 an operation.
In contrast, BGAN M2M offers a       Ultimately, satellite
high-quality, low-cost alternative   communications can help extend
                                                                         SUBSTATION AUTOMATION
to backhaul meter traffic from       AMI, down every dirt road, to       Substations are a critical           However, being connected to         Another key area where satellite
wireless collector points for        every meter across a network,       component for maintaining            a substation and retrieving         can support in a substation
AMI deployments, providing           enabling real-time meter reads,     electrical supply and load           vital information has always        setting is enabling security
real-time, anytime access to         as well as offering the tools for   control in electrical distribution   been a challenge. Not all the       camera monitoring. Using
meter data, while lowering the       instant remote connect and          networks. In order to ensure the     substations are of the same size    satellite to enable movement
cost of manual collection in         disconnect. Further, by extending   proper functioning of substations    or importance, while some are       triggered streaming means
the previously unconnected           two-way communication to every      and connected equipment in           in remote areas where public        control centres can get a
areas. BGAN M2M provides             meter, providers can also track     the field, such as line-mounted      cellular networks are non-          real time view of the security
ubiquitous, global coverage,         outage restoration progress, as     switches, most utilities now use     existent.                           situation at key substations,
and – as it is a secure network      well as reduce any unnecessary      SCADA systems to automate            While substation sites in urban     alerting them of potential arson
and does not traverse the open       dispatching of technicians to fix   monitoring and control.              and suburban markets can            attacks or weather events.
internet or other public networks    issues and outages.                 For example, if the voltage level    be mostly connected to the          With innovative technologies
– is not susceptible to public                                           is outside of a normal range,        grid via existing terrestrial       like Digigone compressing
usage. Furthermore, advanced                                             grid managers and maintenance        communications networks,            and decompressing video so
antenna design – such as on the                                          teams can fix the issue              in order to create a fully-         that the data sent is optimised
compact Hughes 9502 terminal                                             accordingly. The SCADA system,       automated, reliable grid, rural     for satellite, this can be an
– allows for easier installation                                         therefore, allows substation         and remote sites must also be       inexpensive and valuable use
to accommodate mounting on                                               engineers to visualise everything    accommodated and backup             case.
pole tops. The compactness of                                            within the network in real-time,     systems need to be in place
the terminal also means that                                             such as where a failure occurs,      for critical sites. This is where
it is a less obvious target for                                          as well as providing monitoring      satellite connectivity can
theft, while it can also retain a                                        and control both in data             ensure remote substations stay
connection to the network even                                           networking and acquisition. This     connected. Satellite can also
when its direction has shifted                                           live monitoring capability also      act as backup communications
up to 30 degrees, which may                                              avoids the need for maintenance      at any substation, which would
happen when there is extreme                                             crews having to manually find        automatically take over when the
weather or seismic activity.                                             problems with equipment in the       primary link fails.
                                                                         field, saving costs and keeping
                                                                         downtime to a minimum.

It is no longer acceptable          Advancements in satellite           This also places satellite at
for utilities providers to have     communications can enable           the forefront of the next wave
smart grid capabilities in urban    electricity companies to            of development in smart grid
and densely populated areas,        overcome these new challenges,      applications and technologies.
while neglecting remote areas.      while enjoying the benefits of      From supporting the integration
The modern smart grid is now        reliability, ease of deployment,    of smart grids into smart cities,
spreading across geographies        and network reach. Whether it       to providing the infrastructure
and into the worlds remotest        is providing centralised recloser   needed to enable the efficient
areas, which in turn requires       automation or AMI backhaul,         use of this new generation of
a flexible, stable, resilient and   satellite-based solutions provide   Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs),
secure communication backbone       the most cost-effective and         the global reach and reliability
to underpin it.                     reliable communications solution    that satellite communications
                                    in a number of key smart grid       offers makes it a key component
                                    areas.                              in building tomorrow’s smart grid.
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© Inmarsat Global Limited. All rights reserved. BGAN M2M Utilities White Paper February 2021.
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