Page created by Rodney Fischer
April 2022 | Spring Edition | For more information, visit

In this crazy world we are living
in today, we decided it might be
time to simply give you something
to smile about. After all, you have
been in our corner for almost 23
years! We have had some huge
successes, lots of challenges and
most importantly lots of wonderful
adoptions. We believe there is a lid
for every pot, a house for every hound
and a cottage for every cat. So sit
back pour a cup of tea or a glass of
wine, whatever you like and enjoy our
heartwarming stories.

                                                                             REMEMBER THIS
                                                                             GUY? JAX

                                                                             When he arrived at QAS in last July
                                                                             he had a prong collar embedded in
                                                                             his neck.

                                                                             Then he suffered a nicked nerve
                                                                             during his neuter surgery. Ouch! He
                                                                             was moved into a medical foster
                                                                             home where he got great care. We
                                                                             knew such a handsome boy would
                                                                             eventually find the right human
                                                                             and he did. Jax is now Justin and
                                                                             he is living happily ever after in
Questions or comments? Email                                                Spring 2022

                                      SUCCESS STORIES

                                                                                 lot of happy tears and I realized just
                                                                                 how far he’d come. He hid under
                                                                                 that couch in my apartment for the
                                                                                 first two weeks we had him and
                                                                                 didn’t feel good walking around
                                                                                 there for at least a month, and
                                                                                 suddenly in this new environment he
                                                                                 had no problem making it his own!
                                                                                 Even my mom said of all the cats
                                                                                 in her life, this sweet boy who was
                                                                                 notoriously bad at change was the
                                                                                 fastest to adjust she had ever seen.
                                                                                 I’m just so grateful. I’m in the process
                                                                                 of registering him as an emotional
                                                                                 support animal, which was the
                                                                                 intention from the beginning, but I
                                                                                 never knew just how much he would
                                                                                 do for me. I feel like he’s my best
                                                                                 friend. Soon, Harry and I are making
                                                                                 the move into the dorms (which
                                                                                 was, again, never the plan! But here
                                                                                 we are) and I feel so much more at
                                                                                 ease about everything after these
                                                                                 last few weeks. Of course, I’m still
                                                                                 anxious about the new challenges
                                                                                 the dorm may bring for both of us,
HARRY - BEST CAT                         when he’s in a particularly stressful   but knowing that he’ll be okay makes
                                         situation, he’s the most tolerant cat   all the difference. My life got really
EVER!                                    ever. No matter what you do or how      crazy really fast, but there’s always a
                                         aggravated he gets, he NEVER ever       cat that wants to be on my lap and
Hi Lisa!                                 bites or scratches- he just gets up     is happy to follow me wherever life
I wanted to give you a quick update      and walks away. Anyway, I’ve been       seems to take me. I was nervous
on how Harry is doing. He’s the          thinking of our journey recently        about if Harry and I could make it
perfect cat!!                            because due to some developments        work. We all had the best hopes, but
                                         with my living situation, Harry and     there was always the possibility of
It’s been almost a year and I feel       I had to move out unexpectedly.         him never coming out from under
like I’ve come to know him really        We’ve both taken up residence in my     that couch. I wanted him, but he
well. He’s just brought so much joy      childhood bedroom at my parents’        was also the first cat I was offered.
into the lives of me and my (now         house for the last three weeks or so.   I wasn’t sure if he was the cat I
former) roommates. He’s a cat            To be honest with you, I felt awful     was meant to have, if that makes
whose greatest joy is just to be in      about changing his environment          any sense. But now, nearly a year
someone’s lap, even when he meets        like that and didn’t take the moving    later and many more adventures
new people. He contorts himself into     decision lightly at all. When we got    ahead of us, I’m confident that
the funniest shapes when he lays         to my parents’ house and let him        he’s just the best cat in the world. I
down and prefers a couch or bed to       out of the crate, I feared the worst;   don’t know how to properly thank
any cat bed I’ve given him. I’ve never   that he’d hide for weeks and never      you for matching us up. None of
met a cat that just wants to be with     get comfortable here. Of course, he     this would have happened if you
people so badly. Harry learned what      hid immediately. That night as I was    didn’t take a chance on both of us! I
the outside door sounded like so by      lying in bed (generally feeling awful   really want you to know how much
the time I came to the door that got     about the whole thing), he crept out    good work you’ve done (and I hope
me into the apartment, he was at         from behind my bed and started          you’re still doing!). My parents never
the door meowing to be pet. He’s not     sniffing around. Then he jumped         trusted shelters but I now truly see
really food-motivated, either. All he    right up into bed with me and went      through my own eyes the kind of life-
wants is attention. While he hisses      to sleep! I was stunned and crying a    changing work that happens for both

Spring 2022                                                     For more information, visit

human and animal.
He’s so much nicer and better-
behaved than my parents’ pure-bred
golden retriever, too!

I’m sorry to write so much, but I
hope you enjoyed some sentimental

I hope you get to see stories like
these all the time.
Julia and Harry

MAMA AND                               Butterscotch is a little scamp. Once      to clean each other, bump heads and
                                       Mama came out of her shell,               rub noses. They also like to chase
MUNCHKIN                               Munchkin went back into hers a            each other, wrestle, and box - no
                                       bit. She is definitely the beta kitty     hissing or claws so it’s all play.
Lisa,                                  and lets her mother be alpha. She
They’ve fully settled in. Mama/Holly   still flirts but mostly only if her mom   Just thought I’d let you know that
is a total love. She now sleeps with   isn’t around. She loves to explore and    the transition is going really well.
us sometimes and loves to sit on       is the one who most likely will be in     The bond is back and they are also
our laps. She is relaxed and loves     a place she shouldn’t. She has found      bonding with us. Thank you for all
hanging out. I can barely type this    a secret spot in a bureau where she       you did to bring us together.
email because she keeps jumping        climbs up, pushes out a drawer and
up and blocking my view! Munchkin/     sleeps. Their bond is back. They love     Best, Michael

Questions or comments? Email   Spring 2022

Brewster is so very loved! “Just an
update on our boy. We celebrated his
birthday this week with a hamburger.
He had his first vet appointment
Monday, passed with a clean bill of
health. He is a happy boy with a lot
of energy and very vocal at times. He
talks to Bill when he wants to go out
for a walk, lol.”

Rocky was adopted from us about
two years ago and just celebrated his
third birthday! He is loving life down
in Plymouth, Mass. with daily walks
on the beach and many adventures.
Thank you for the kind words,
everyone! He’s a special boy and we
are so thrilled to welcome him to our
family, which includes a kitty brother
who is also a QAS alum (known at
the shelter as Ponty).

Spring 2022                                                     For more information, visit

Skye was the cat who was left
outside the shelter with a note that
said to put her down because she
was too old and fat. Well, Skye is                                                        ASK HAILEY
living her best life with a couple who
adore her.                                                                           *Hailey is a fun loving Chihuahua
                                                                                     rescued from QAS many years
                                                                                     ago, she helps other pets navigate
                                                                                     the challenges of living with
JAX THE KITTEN                                                                       human beings.

Take Jax, a shy little girl, who was
living with her foster mom. When
she came to meet her potential                                                      Dear Hailey,
adopter, she hid as far back as she
could in her carrier however, her                                                   I know this is gonna sound
new dad could see the potential.                                                    crazy but I am really in a state of
After a short trip home, she made                                                   panic. Nothing like this has ever
her way to a private room in the                                                    happened before in my 12 years
house where she could adjust to                                                     on earth. I overheard my mom
the new sounds, new smells, new                                                     telling her friends that there is
people and a new kitty roommate,                                                    no cat food out there anywhere.
Jasper. As Jasper eyed her new                                                      What’s a supply chain anyway?
roommate between a closed                                                           Sounds like a cat toy.
glass door, Jasper hissed (which is
normal when a new cat is present).                                                  She’s in a panic
Fast forward a few weeks…Jax now                                                    because she’s afraid I won’t eat
enjoys spending her time with                                                       anything except my Fancy Feast
Jasper and with her dad watching                                                    chunky chicken and liver. I know
TV (she appears to be fascinated                                                    I am very fussy, I’m a cat after all!
with television). Welcome to your                                                   But she did find some cat food
new forever home Jax!                                                               and I think it’s a much better
                                                                                    and it’s really delicious. So my
                                                                                    question is how do I get it to keep
                                                                                    buying the good stuff?

MARTY LIVING HIS                                                                    Signed Panicked in Pembroke


Marty was trapped in Brockton after                                                 see Hailey’s reply on pg.14
a feeder called and said he was
showing up in her yard for several
months. He was super shy at first…not
anymore. Living his best life!

  Submit Your Success Story! Did you adopt from QAS? If so, please tell us your success story! Don’t forget to
  attach photos! Send your story to

Questions or comments? Email   Spring 2022


This is just plain cute. Her new mom
had a shirt made for her to wear
when she came to adopt Lily last


We never give up hope. This story
is nothing short of amazing. Dante
adopted by a wonderful couple with
GSD experience took him on a road
trip to Florida. Look how healthy and
happy he truly is. Thanks again to
all of you who helped make Dante’s
success possible!

We had another successful event at
Victory Point at Marina Bay.
Thanks to George Regan of
Regan Communications and The
Frattaroli Family of Victory Point
restaurant we celebrated the
holidays in style at Marina Bay.
Special guests included Radio
personality Kennedy of MIX 98.5 and
former Boston police commissioner
William Gross who is also a QAS
adopter! But the real stars of the
show were all the pooches decked
out in their holiday costumes. The
event drew a nice crowd of dog
lovers and QAS supporters. Thank
you to all who attended!

(617) 376-1349
                                                                                                 P.O. Box 690088, Quincy, MA 02269

MEMBERSHIP & DONATION FORM                                                                                   DID YOU KNOW?

Support the Quincy Animal Shelter and you will be saving the lives of hundreds of dogs
                                                                                                             Your company
and cats. Each year, QAS rescues, rehabilitates, and finds loving homes for unwanted                         may match
animals, saving many from a life on the streets and an uncertain future.                                     your donation
All proceeds go towards animal care and operation of Quincy Animal Shelter. Your
donation is tax deductible.                                                                                  If your company has a
                                                                                                             Matching Gift Program,
                                                                                                             your gift could be
                                                                                                             doubled, and twice as
    Annual Memberships                                  Your information
                                                                                                             many animals could
                                                                                                             benefit! The match
As a member, you will receive QAS’                    If you’ve moved or changed your address,               could be based on your
periodic newsletter to keep you informed              you can use this form to update us.                    monetary donation or
of QAS happenings and be invited to our                                                                      the volunteer hours you
annual meetings.                                      Total amount enclosed: $                               serve.

     Individual, $25                                  Your name                                              Please check with your
                                                                                                             company’s Human
     Senior (60+), $15                                Company (if applicable)                                Resources department.
                                                                                                             If they’ll match your
     Family, $50                                                                                             charitable donations or
                                                                                                             volunteer hours, ask for
                                                      Address                                                a form and mail it to us
    Donations (Non-membership)
                                                                                                             Quincy Animal Shelter
                                                      City                                                   ATTN: Matching Gift
Quincy Animal Shelter thanks you for                                                                         Program
donations of any amount.                              State               Zip code                           PO Box 690088
                                                                                                             Quincy, 02269-0088
Non-membership donation amount                        Email
                                                                                                             We are so very grateful
$                                                     Phone number                                           when we receive
                                                                                                             your donations. Your
The Mickey Medical Fund                                      I want to remain anonymous                      contribution help us to
for extraordinary medical care                                                                               give the care that our
                                                                                                             special residents need
$                                                                                                            24/7, 365 days a year.

Wesley’s Wish Feral Cat Fund                          INSTRUCTION                                            Quincy Animal Shelter
for the care of feral cats                                                                                   is a public charity
                                                      1. Please make your check payable to:                  classified as exempt
$                                                        Quincy Animal Shelter                               under section 501(c)(3)
                                                                                                             of the Internal Revenue
                                                      2. Mail the check along with this form to:             Code. Our tax ID
                                                         Quincy Animal Shelter                               number is 31-1703439.
                                                         P.O. Box 690088                                     Questions? Call us at:
                                                         Quincy, MA 02269                                    617-376-1349.

The Quincy Animal Shelter (QAS) is a nonprofit organization designated under section 501(c}(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is
recognized as a Massachusetts charity. The Quincy Animal Shelter will not share your contact information with any third party.
(617) 376-1349
                                                                                                 P.O. Box 690088, Quincy, MA 02269

                                                                         Tribute Gift

GUARDIAN ANGEL                                                         1. I would love to donate $
                                                                              In memory of                 In honor of

Quincy Animal Shelter offers multiple ways to make a
donation in honor of your loved ones. Our Guardian Angel
Cage & Kennel Sponsorships are available for 3, 6, or 12               2. If you want us to notify them of this donation, please
months. It can be dedicated to a family member, friend,                provide their physical address or email.
or pet. You may also make a Tribute Gift in someone’s
name.                                                                  Name

All proceeds go towards animal care and operation of                   Email
Quincy Animal Shelter. Your donation is tax deductible.

    Guardian Angel Cage & Kennel Sponsorships

A Guardian Angel card will be placed on a cage or kennel
indicating your support. We can also include a photo that                Your information
you provide!
                                                                       If you’ve moved or changed your address, you can use
1. Where would you like it to be placed on?                            this form to update us.

     Cat cage               Dog kennel                                 Total amount enclosed: $

                                                                       Your name
2. How long would you like?
                                                                       Company (if applicable)
     12 months              6 months                 3 months
     $300                   $150                     $75               Address

3. Name & message to display on the card?
                                                                       State                      Zip code

                                                                       Phone number
      Card example

                                                                              I want to remain anonymous


                                                                       1. Please make your check payable to:
                                                                          Quincy Animal Shelter
                                                                       2. Mail the check along with this form to:
                                                                          Quincy Animal Shelter
      Photo included                                                      P.O. Box 690088, Quincy, MA 02269

The Quincy Animal Shelter (QAS) is a nonprofit organization designated under section 501(c}(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is
recognized as a Massachusetts charity. The Quincy Animal Shelter will not share your contact information with any third party.
Spring 2022                                                      For more information, visit

                                                  IN MEMORIAM

                            BETTY WHITE’S LEGACY

                                        We do not know why that number            what the amount it was made
                                        is so important, but we all shared        people feel good and it brought
                                        a significant sense of loss with her      everyone together. QAS wants to
                                        passing. Word of her passing spread       thank everyone who donated on
                                        like wildfire over social media           Facebook, PayPal, by mail, in person
                                        everyone was paying tribute to Betty.     and for your corporate matches. We
                                        With her love and dedication to           raised near $21,000.00 in her name!
                                        all animals so widely known it was
                                        fitting that someone launched the         Aside from the monetary donations,
                                        idea to honor her memory on her           there were other types of tributes.
                                        100th birthday by donating money          Suddenly animals of all kinds were
                                        to the animal shelter or rescue of        being named Betty, Sue Ann, Rose,
                                        your choice.                              Sophia, Blanche, Dorothy, and the
                                        As soon as the idea hit the Internet      best of all Saint Olaf!
                                        the dollars started rolling in. Little
When it came across the news on         shelters, big shelters, rabbit rescues,   There’s talk about making this an
December 31, 2021, that Betty White     you name it everyone benefited from       annual event. That would be nice. But
had passed away It just seemed so       this fabulous tribute. And it did         here at QAS we want to say “Betty
unfair and so sad that she would not    not stop on her birthday, people          thank you for being a friend” you will
make it to her one 100th birthday.      continue to give. It did not matter       never be forgotten!

                                                  IN MEMORIAM


                                        Olive. He was preceded in death by        tormenting his feline and canine
                                        Maggie, Elliott, Magic, and Bruin.        siblings, knocking endless items
                                        He also leaves behind his humans.         off shelves, trying to sneak out the
                                        Although his original birthplace is       back door, teaching bad habits to
                                        unknown, Max spent two years with         foster kittens and of course drawing
                                        a family who surrendered him to the       blood from humans. He was not
                                        Quincy Animal Shelter for alleged         an easy cat to love but he sure was
                                        allergies, the more likely reason was     loved. He never mellowed as he grew
                                        his attitude. Max did not appreciate      on in years. He lived life his way.
                                        the kindness of the volunteers at
                                        the shelter. His nasty attitude could     A private cremation was held. Max
                                        have let him down a path that             will remain at home with all his
                                        would’ve ended his life. Luckily for      siblings that have crossed the
Max, 2010 – 2021                        him he was handsome and had a             rainbow bridge. In lieu of flowers,
                                        few fans in his corner. Kit Burke knew    expressions of sympathy may be
Longtime resident of Pembroke,          he deserved a chance, and in 2012         made in Max’s memory to the Mickey
formerly of Quincy, passed away after   he became a member of the Sines           Medical Fund.
a brief illness on November 28, 2021    family!
at home. Beloved brother of Baxter,                                               Rest in power. MAX 
Destiny, Shirley Jones, Moose and       Max was a beautiful boy who enjoyed

Questions or comments? Email                                      Spring 2022

     TEMPORARY                                                     UPDATE

     WISH LIST                           THANKS, BUT NO THANKS
     WHAT WE REALLY                         (JUST FOR NOW!)

     ` Canned cat food, Friskies or   We hate to send a confusing        new temporary location at 440 E.
                                      message so let us explain. Do we   Squantum St.
     Fancy Feast, including kitten.   need donations YES! Do we need
     ` Any brand of dry cat food
                                      them right now, NO!                Right now, the best way to help is
     ` New litter boxes and litter
     scoops                                                              by donating funds or sending us gift
                                      We’re going to be moving within    cards. They’re easier to move!
                                      the next 2 to 3 months to our
     DOGS:                            temporary location and the         This transition is expected to take a
     ` Purina ONE canned adult        less we must move the better.      few months. Once we can resume
                                      We have started to clean out       our normal donation process, we will
     dog food                         56 Broad Street in preparation     let you know!
     ` Stewart Pro freeze dried
                                      for the move. So YES we need
     training treats
     ` Kong dog toys -                your donations but we ask that     We always are grateful for the
     medium and large sizes           you hang onto certain items        donations we receive from the
     ` Nyla Bones, size LARGE         until we can accept them at our    public. Thank you!

     ` Any brand of HE laundry
     ` Paper towels
     ` Bleach

     ` Blankets and linens
     ` Pet carriers and crates
     ` Cat trees and furniture
     ` Large pet beds
     ` Pet food dispensers and
     ` Pet food bowls

Spring 2022                                                       For more information, visit

                                              VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT


                                                                                   of them, and the rest is history! She
                                                                                   will be 15 this year, and she is the
                                                                                   absolute center of our universe and
                                                                                   living her best life.

                                                                                   Over the years, we have also learned
                                                                                   about canine behavior, training
                                                                                   methods, animal welfare policies,
                                                                                   and so much more. We are better
                                                                                   dog owners and better animal rights
                                                                                   advocates because of QAS.

                                                                                   We will be forever grateful that QAS
                                                                                   brought Cowie into our lives, and we
                                                                                   look forward to many more years of
                                                                                   volunteering together and with our
                                                                                   Thursday night crew.  

Brendan and I started volunteering       get some exercise, and focus on our
at the Quincy Animal Shelter almost      furry friends and their needs for a few
9 years ago in 2013 when we were         hours each week. We have met some
living in rentals that did not allow     of the most compassionate humans
dogs. We were in need of some            who have become close friends and
canine companionship, and we also        snuggled/walked/fostered/played
wanted to find a way to give back        with/cleaned up after the best dogs.
and connect with our community           There is never a dull moment at
and with one another. That’s how we      QAS, and it has truly been a place
found QAS. QAS stood out to us since     where we have made some amazing
it is primarily volunteer-run and a      memories - dancing at the Furball,
no-kill shelter. We were excited to be   socializing at Yappy Hours, dressing
hands-on with the dogs and also to       our dog up for Cause 4 Paws runs
engage in other ways through events      and costume contests.
and fundraising.
                                         Just over 6 years ago, we adopted
We have been volunteering on the         our fur baby, Cowie, from QAS. She is
dog walking team, and Thursday           an American Bully and was 8 when
nights at the shelter quickly became     she arrived at the shelter, and we
our favorite date night. Over the        agreed to foster her temporarily.
years, our jobs have changed, we         “Temporarily” did not last long. Cowie
have moved a few times, life got         made herself right at home (she still
busy, and then the pandemic              takes up more of the bed than both
brought so much to a halt. We rarely     of us combined somehow), and we
have time to plan “regular” date         bonded with her quickly. We were
nights, but Thursday nights at the       supposed to bring Cowie back to the
shelter have been a constant for us,     shelter for an adoption day when
and even though the shifts can get       I walked into the room and saw
quite busy, the shelter has given us a   Brendan sitting on the floor in front
way to spend time with each other,       of Cowie, staring at her with tears in
decompress from busy work weeks,         his eyes. I couldn’t say no to the both

Questions or comments? Email                                                      Spring 2022

TRIBUTES                                                                                           Nov. 1, 2021 - Feb. 28, 2022

IN MEMORY OF                                Caroline Skilton, Sandra Ruth              TRUSTS & FOUNDATIONS
                                            Norfri Solimini, Ron Grazioso & Jerry
Father Steven Boyle who was a great         Grazioso, Charlotte & Tom DiTullio
                                                                                       THAT SUPPORT US
friend, adopter and supporter of QAS                                                   Pardy Charitable Trust
and special needs dogs, St. Joseph                                                     Agnes Gidley Memorial Fund The Boston
Holy Name Society, St Joseph Ladies         SPECIAL PETS                               Foundation
Sodality, Deacon Leo & Edna Donoghue,                                                  Martha Morse Foundation
Mary Lewis, The Walsh Family , Karen        “Bentley”, Maura Sullivan
Dronzek, Eileen Nemerowski ,Colette         “Brutus and Sugar”, Anne & Bill McCarthy
Maguire, Jacqueline Lasko, Mary             “Chloe”, Diane Rowland                     Employees that donate monthly and
McAuliffe,Jess, Pete ,Sam & Jack Leuci,     “Milo”, Susan Finn
                                                                                       request company match donation
                                                                                       or company matches their volunteer
Paul & Mary Ahern,Mia Sorgi, Theresa        “Webster”, Irene Collyer
Moscardelli, Patricia & John Naughton,
Lisa Curtin, Joan Paquete, Carol Delaney-
Campagna, Leah Kendall, AnneMarie           IN HONOR OF:                               Ameriprise Financial
Kelly, Michael & Noreen Graham, Donna                                                  Berkshire Partners, LLC
& Rob Eaton, Jacquelin & Kenneth Egan,      Meg DeLorier, Linda Iannaco                DELL
Ray & Sue Welliver, Virginia Kaylor,        Monday & Wedesday Morning Cat Care         Eaton Vance
Eileeen Dunne, Chelsea Graham, Peg          teams, Linda Iannaco                       Granite Gives Back, Inc
O’Brien, Tom & Celeste Devlin, Lucy         Lisa Donnelly, The Byrne Family            Granite Telecommunications LLC
Anderson, Donna Rosetti -Bailey,Barbara     Bradley Kapcar, Linda & George Kapcar      Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Sullivan                                    Pat Lynch, GettyHnatkovich                 John Hancock
Eileen Mary Connell, Francis                Joanne McCarthy, Barry & Joan McCarthy     Macy’s Inc
Connolly,Michelle,Chris & Emma              Joan Perrow, Cheryl Steward                McKesson Corporation
Greenough, Amplified Insurance              Bill Sempolinski, Barry & Mary Jennings    MFS Investment Management
Company,Lauren Lewis, Bryan                 Debbie Weisman Clasie, Jez Davidson        Petfinder Foundation
Larish,Lauren Laub, Andrew & Claire         Suzanne Walton B’day, Barbara Sullivan     Quincy Mutual Insurance Company
Cobden, Meredith Stoneking, Tom & Jill      “Cash & Lane”, Lorraine Canty              Raytheon Corporation
Oechler, Steven Spak, Ann Ford              “Dawson”, The Francoeur-Walker Family      State Street Corporation
 Nadine Crupi, Eleanor Jaynes, Linda                                                   TRUiST
Della Barba, Anthony Crupi, Adrienne                                                   United Airlines
Rozells, Craig Borr, Bay State Lodge No.    KIDS THAT CARE:                            United Health Group
141                                                                                    Voya Financial
 Marc Darois, Robert Bessette, Janet        Olivia Flaherty, Donated money from
Potvin, The Logan Family, Sally Platek,     lemonade stand
Joanne & Rudolph Pompeo, Terri Kessel,      Maya Wright, Donated money from            BUSINESSES WHO
Ellen Casy & James Tully, Pat & Tom         lemonade stand
Nigro, The Paolucci Family, Barbara
                                                                                       SUPPORT US
Lawrence, Patricia O’Leary, Eileen
O’Leary Butler, Jan & Ernie Shepard,        THANK YOU TO OUR                           Animal Pharm. LLC
Alfred & Aileen Darois, Ellen Bohmbach,                                                Almquist Flowerland, Quincy
Kathleen Smith, Lynn Nadeau,Laurie
Quintiliani, The Earley Family              Kristin Scott DVM                          Ermont Inc.Quincy
 Leona Doran, Joanne Polek, John Doran      The Catmobile, Dr. Deborah Brady DVM       Envision Bank
, John & Robin Doran, Linda Morash -        Dr. Jo Traveling Vet Clinic, Weymouth      Fratelli’s Pastry Shop, Quincy
Defreitas                                   Canton Veterinary Hospital, Canton         Frozen Freddie’s , Quincy
Kathleen Barry Cleveland, Mary Govoni       Come Together Animal Clinic, Dorchester    Fox & Hound wood grille and tavern
Ronald Grazioso, Valerie Solimini           South Coastal Veterinary Hospital,         Granite Lock Company Inc, Quincy
Gerald Grazioso, Valerie Solimini           Weymouth                                   Granite Telecommunications
 Kenneth MacKewicz, Rita Minton             Veterinary Urgent Care Center, Quincy      Hofbrau Bar & Grill, Quincy
Roberta McGrail, K’s Kare for Animals Inc   Weymouth Weymouth Landing Cat              Inde Salon, Quincy
Rick O’Hare, George & Susan O’Hare          Clinic, Weymouth                           Keezer Sportswear, Weymouth
Frank Realin, Jim & Troye Beairsto, Tanya                                              Lighting & Lamps, Quincy
Nadeau                                                                                 L & L Pet Grooming, Quincy
Elizabeth Shionis, Katy Zero                                                           Ocean State Quincy

Spring 2022                                                           For more information, visit

Petco Foundation
Pet Supplies Plus, Quincy
Pick of the Litter, Quincy
Quincy Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Quirk Auto Dealers, Quincy
Roy Chambers Photography, Milton
Salty Paws Design, Quincy
Sandy’s Pet Grooming, Quincy
Star Markets
Stop & Shop , Quincy
Subaru of America
Superlative Printing, Stoughton
Ultra Electronics, Braintree
Willard Veterinary Clinic, Quincy

The volunteer treat jar has once
again been filled through the generosity
of Susan W. She has been donating $250
every February for many years so I
can purchase treats for the volunteers.
She donates in honor of “Muppie” whose
pictures is on the treat jar. Muppie had
her own FB page and asked that people
donate treats for Shelter volunteers in
honor of her February birthday. Her FB            ABOUT US
Page is a delight and has been continued
since she crossed “The Rainbow Bridge”
                                                  About Quincy Animal Shelter and
in 2015. If you need a smile go to                Our Mission Statement
“Muppies Rescued”.
                                                  The Quincy Animal Shelter is primarily a volunteer-run organization.
Former QAS Volunteer Jean Gregoire                The Shelter relies completely on our volunteers and the community
passed away last month. She had a                 for support. Incorporated in November 1999 as a non-profit
special place in her heart for cats; Jean         Massachusetts charity, we are also a recognized charity under
rescued hundreds of them! She believed            Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. Since 1999,
every cat deserved a chance and Jean did          the Quincy Animal Shelter has placed more than 7,500 cats and
it her way. Thank you for your dedication.        dogs into loving homes throughout New England. We are committed
                                                  to finding the right home for every adoptable animal in our care.
RIP Jean.                                         Every animal receives age-appropriate vaccinations, is spayed or
                                                  neutered and micro-chipped before being placed in its forever home.
                                                  Delivering this type of care involves many volunteers, an active and
                                                  dedicated management, and a lot of money. Our annual budget runs
We apologize if we inadvertently failed to        approximately $250,000 in order to provide services to the animals in
include your tribute or misspelled any name.      our care and serve the continuous needs of our growing community.
We are very careful to ensure the privacy of
our donors. We do not share or sell names to a    Our mission is to advocate for companion animals by providing safety
second party. We also do not list anyone who      until home placement of those in our care, to promote spay and
requests to remain anonymous. Please let us       neuter programs as a means to control pet overpopulation and to
know if you do not want your name to be listed.   be the leading community resource for education on proper animal
We receive donations through company plans,       welfare.
and they do not designate your preference. We
are always most happy to acknowledge our

Questions or comments? Email                                                Spring 2022

                                      QAS NEWS
     Caring for more than 150
     kittens and their moms can
     be very expensive. They can      CITY OF QUINCY ANNUAL
     come to us with special
     needs so it is important that    RABIES CLINIC
     are well stocked to care for     Saturday, April 16th 10:00 am – 1:00pm
                                      The clinic will be held at One Merrymount Parkway.
     ` Kitten Attract litter          Mark your calendars. More info to follow.
     (specific litter)

     ` Kitten Formula Liquid and
     powder such as KMR

     ` Royal Canin Mother and
     Baby Cat food (wet and dry)

     ` Pedialyte (No Flavor-

     ` Nail Trimmers

     ` Thermometers (specific
     animal ones if possible)

     ` KY Jelly

     ` Beech Nut Stage 1 (Turkey
     & Broth ONLY) (Chicken &
     Broth ONLY)

     ` Non Clumping Cat Litter-

     ` Kitten Toys


     Currently we are open to
     the public on Saturdays
     from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.                   Dear Panicked,
     or by appointment.
                                                    You’re not the only one freaking out. It’s scary seeing all
     56 Broad Street, Quincy,                       those empty grocery shelves on TV. The grocery stores must
     MA 02169                                       go grocery shopping! But it seems like you got an awesome
                                                    upgrade. It seems like it might be a couple of months before
     Please note: animal surrenders                 the FF is back so just enjoy! If they start giving you the old stuff
     are by appointment only.                       you just must do a pretend hunger strike but don’t take it too
                                                    far or you’ll end up at the vet!

Spring 2022                            For more information, visit

                                                         VISIT // CONTACT //
THE KITTENS ARE COMING –                                 CONNECT WITH QAS
FOSTER HOMES NEEDED                                      INFORMATION
                                                         For more information, visit
Yes again, we have weathered 23                
years of cuteness. No surprises.
Just a lot of cute. But it is not                        STREET ADDRESS
all fun and games. The influx of                         56 Broad Street,
kittens uses up valuable resources.                      Quincy, MA 02169
From May to October we will have
kittens of all kinds. They will need                     MAIL ADDRESS
special care, foster homes, and                          P.O. Box 690088
lots of love. Contact us at foster@                      Quincy, MA 02269 for more
info on how you can help. You can                        PHONE
also make a special donation to the                      (617) 376-1349
Mickey Fund to ensure that we can
give each kitten the care they need.                     EMAIL

                                                         ADOPTION HOURS
                                                         Currently we are open to the
                                                         public on Saturdays from
                                                         10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. or by

                                                         Please note: Animal surrenders
                                                         are by appointment only.

                                                         COMING SOON
                                                         More information about our new

                                                         QAS Calendar

                                                         Thank you to everyone that
                                                         supported our 2022 QAS
                                                         calendar fundraiser! We
                                                         received over 30 photo entries,
                                                         voted on the top 12, and raised
                                                         over $5,000 that will directly
                                                         benefit the shelter operations
                                                         and finding homes for our furry
                                                         friends. We look forward to
                                                         organizing another calendar
                                                         fundraiser for 2023. Stay tuned
                                                         for details later this year!

                                                                                         US Postage
                                                                                         Boston, MA                                                                Permit No.56162
P.O. Box 690088, Quincy, MA 02269-0088
Phone: (617) 376-1349
                   Sign up for our email newsletter today on
                                           Let’s save animals and trees.
        dedicated to Betty White.
        This edition of The Scoop is
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