CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GLOBAL DAIRY CATTLE SECTOR - The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future - FAO

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CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GLOBAL DAIRY CATTLE SECTOR - The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future - FAO
                                                      ©FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri

The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future
CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GLOBAL DAIRY CATTLE SECTOR - The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future - FAO
©FAO/ Sergei Gapon

                     This document is a product of the collaborative effort between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); the Global Dairy
                     Platform (GDP) and the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL).
CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GLOBAL DAIRY CATTLE SECTOR - The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future - FAO
Climate change and the global
dairy cattle sector
The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future


Published by
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Global Dairy Platform Inc.
Rome, 2019
CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GLOBAL DAIRY CATTLE SECTOR - The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future - FAO
Required citation:
     FAO and GDP. 2018. Climate change and the global dairy cattle sector – The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon
     future. Rome. 36 pp. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA- 3.0 IGO

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CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GLOBAL DAIRY CATTLE SECTOR - The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future - FAO
Executive Summary                   6

1. Setting the scene	              11

2. The Approach                    14

3. Trends in milk production and
production efficiency              16
4. Trends in emissions from
the dairy cattle sector            20

5. How can the dairy sector
play its part?                     28


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CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GLOBAL DAIRY CATTLE SECTOR - The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future - FAO
Executive Summary

                                                     The challenge for policy-makers – and for the dairy
     Climate change along with population            sector – is how to reduce environmental impacts while
     growth, poverty alleviation, environmental      continuing to meet society’s needs. Dairy products
     degradation and global food insecurity          are a rich source of essential nutrients that contribute
     is one of the defining challenges of the        to a healthy and nutritious diet. With demand for
     21st century. From shifting weather patterns    high-quality animal sourced protein increasing
     that threaten food production, to rising sea    globally, the dairy sector is well placed to contribute
66   levels that increase the risk of catastrophic   to global food security and poverty reduction through
     flooding, the impact of climate change is       the supply of dairy products. In so doing, it is essential
     global in scope and unprecedented in scale.     that sector growth is sustainable in terms of the
     What is clear is that if we do not produce      environment, public and animal health and welfare
     win-win solutions then climate change will      and in terms of development, poverty alleviation and
     make all other challenges worse.                social progress.

                                                     The Climate Agreement adopted at the UN Climate
                                                     Change Conference of Parties in Paris in December
                                                     2015, and supported by 195 countries, provided a
                                                     timely reminder that all sectors and stakeholders need
                                                     to undertake immediate actions on climate change.

                                                     The world is already experiencing, for example, more
                                                     frequent floods, storms and droughts, forest fires
                                                     causing damage to the environment and people’s
                                                     livelihoods. The dairy sector must contribute
                                                     effectively to the global effort to avoid dangerous
                                                     climate change, become more resilient and prepare
                                                     for and adapt to a changing climate.

                                                     In order to limit temperature rise, the dairy sector
                                                     must reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and
                                                     work towards a low-carbon future. The good news is
                                                     that there are many opportunities within the sector
                                                     to limit climate change by reducing emissions. While
                                                     there is some uncertainty about the size and timing
                                                     of changes, it is certain that it is happening and acting
CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GLOBAL DAIRY CATTLE SECTOR - The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future - FAO
©FAO/Chedly Kayouli
now to protect our environment, economy and culture     So while total emissions have increased, dairy
will always be worthwhile.                              farming has become more efficient resulting in
                                                        declining emission intensities per unit of product.
To consider how to deal with climate change,
the dairy sector needs to have evidence at hand,        Emission intensities, GHG per kilogram of milk,
presented in a clear and comprehensible way,            have declined by almost 11 percent over the period
so stakeholders can see how they can and must           2005-2015. These declines are recorded in all regions
contribute.                                             reflecting continued improvements to on-farm                    7
                                                        efficiency achieved via improved animal productivity
This report is an attempt to understand the             and better management. There is however a distinct
contribution of the dairy sector to global emissions    difference in emission intensities between regions:
between 2005 and 2015 as a further step towards         generally, emission intensity of milk production is
addressing the challenge of climate change and          lowest in developed dairy regions (ranging between
defining a low-carbon pathway for the sector.           1.3 to 1.4 kg CO₂ eq. kg fat-and-protein corrected milk
                                                        in 2015) while developing dairy regions such as South
                                                        Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, West Asia and North Africa
Emissions from the                                      having higher emission intensities (ranging between
dairy sector                                            4.1 to 6.7 kg CO₂ eq. per kg fat-and-protein corrected
                                                        milk in 2015).
This study shows that the sector’s GHG emissions
have increased by 18 percent between 2005 and           Large variations in emission intensity was also found
2015 because overall milk production has grown          within the same regions. This variation is explained
substantially by 30 percent, in response to increased   by differences in management practices and implies
consumer demand. The trends in absolute emissions       that potential exists to reduce GHG emissions in
reflect changes in animal numbers as well as            all regions.
changes in the production efficiency within the
sector. Between 2005 and 2015, the global dairy herd
increased 11 percent. At the same time, average         More ambitious action
global milk yield increased by 15 percent. Increased    needed now
production efficiency is typically associated with a
higher level of absolute emissions (unless animal       There is a clear case for immediate and more
numbers are decreasing). Yet without efficiency         ambitious action. Dairy farmers are already part of
improvements, total GHG emissions from the dairy        the solution to limit climate change, but there is an
sector would have increased by 38 percent.              urgent need to accelerate and intensify the sector’s
                                                        response to avoid climate tipping points. While
                                                        new research and technologies will continue to be
CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GLOBAL DAIRY CATTLE SECTOR - The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future - FAO
developed, many mitigation options are already            in soils and identifying key strategies to promote
     available and their adoption can be accelerated.          circular economy opportunities to reduce greenhouse
     Further delaying adoption will result in a greater        gas emissions. For example, implementing improved
     amount of emissions overall, given that CO₂ emissions     grassland management practices that increase
     accumulate in the atmosphere for hundreds to              carbon uptake by increasing productivity or reducing
     thousands of years. Even with implementation              carbon losses can lead to net accumulation of
     of best practice and technologies, it is likely that      carbon in grassland soils – sequestering atmospheric
     some residual emissions will remain in the future.        carbon dioxide. Furthermore, making the sector
     The dairy industry will therefore need to also consider   more circular would not only lead to more efficient
     how these residual emissions will be offset. Achieving    resource use, but also help address climate change.
     substantial net reductions in GHG emissions from          Minimizing the production of new resources, wastage
     the dairy sector will require action in the three broad   of resources, closing of nutrient loops and extending
     areas of 1) improving efficiencies; 2) capturing and      the lifetime of those already in circulation can have a
     sequestering carbon; and 3) better linking dairy          significant impact on climate.
     production to the circular bio-economy.
                                                               Strategies can involve, for example, `nutrient recovery
     These three pathways result in the reduction of:          technologies’ like anaerobic digestion, breaking
     • emission intensity, the emissions required to           down manure to produce nutrient-rich products that
       produce a kilogram of milk; and                         can be used to replace synthetic fertilizers, which
     • absolute emissions from dairy production.               have increased significantly over the past decade
                                                               and contribute heavily to CO₂ and N₂O emissions. In
                                                               addition, leveraging possibilities of technology can
     Reducing emission                                         advance modernization of agriculture by moving to
     intensity of dairy                                        precision farming, for example, including measures
     productION                                                for irrigation, fertilization and precision feeding.
                                                               Closing agricultural product and nutrient cycles also
     Accelerating the adoption of existing best practices      helps maintain soil quality and prevent land-use
     and technologies to further improve production            change elsewhere.
     efficiency can help reduce emission intensity. While
88   the largest gains in emission intensity reduction have
     occurred in low-and-middle income regions with            Supporting low-carbon
     low productivity, the results also show that there        pathways
     still exists a large gap between producers in these
     regions. This gap provides room to further mitigate       There is no single pathway to a low carbon future.
     emissions within existing systems. In low-and-middle      The dairy sector has the potential to make the
     income countries, the concept of emission intensity       transition to a low-carbon economy by taking
     remains the most attractive mitigation route because      mitigation actions. While this will have costs, it will
     it allows for the harnessing of synergies between food    also bring benefits and opportunities that need to be
     security, development objectives and climate change       considered. This study is a further step to enable an
     mitigation and adaptation goals.                          open dialogue around options, choices and impacts.

                                                               Research, policies, regulations, infrastructure, and
     Reducing absolute                                         incentives will all be required to systematically
     emissions from dairy                                      support low-carbon choices. Investment in data
     production                                                gathering and further in-depth analysis will help
                                                               identify and refine mitigation options, actions and
     Absolute emissions reduction will become an               support a transparent debate about longer-term
     imperative as the world moves towards carbon              desirable and feasible mitigation pathways.
     neutrality by 2050. While recognizing the
     responsibility of the dairy sector to develop in a
     sustainable manner, the mitigation potential of the
     sector is limited because, as a biological process,
     emissions will always be generated. This raises the
     question of using additional levers to compensate
     for residual emissions. Some solutions to address the
     dilemma of increasing emissions are for the sector
     to focus on enhancing carbon capture and storage
CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GLOBAL DAIRY CATTLE SECTOR - The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future - FAO
©FAO/Mohammad Rakibul Hasan
CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GLOBAL DAIRY CATTLE SECTOR - The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future - FAO
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1. Setting the scene

The global demand for food is expected to double by 2050. The UN estimates that the world
population is expected to increase from 7.6 billion today, to reach 8.6 billion in 2030, 9.8 billion
in 2050 and surpass 11.2 billion in 2100. Agricultural systems throughout the world will have to
provide extra food to feed this growing population. This growth will provide opportunities and
challenges for the dairy sector. The challenge is to feed the global population with food that is
both healthy, nutritious and sustainably produced.
More than 80 percent of the world’s population, or       often keep mixed herds with more than one species of
about 6 billion people, regularly consume liquid         dairy animal. Cows are by far the most common dairy
milk or other dairy products. In 2014, the global        animal, with farmers in developing countries usually
dairy market was estimated at US $330 billion            keeping them in herds of two or three animals
(FAOSTAT, 2014).                                         (FAO, 2016).

People benefit from consuming milk and dairy             In about 25 percent of cattle-keeping households,
products. They are nutrient-dense foods that supply      or in about 35 million farms, dairy cows are directly
energy and significant amounts of protein and            owned and/or managed by women (FAO, 2016).
micronutrients, including calcium, magnesium,            Dairy often serves as a platform for rural women to
selenium, riboflavin, and vitamins B5 and B12.           consolidate a better place for themselves in their
They are the fifth largest provider of energy and the    society. As about 22 percent of the world’s women of
third largest provider of protein and fat for human      working age are employed in agriculture and about
beings and an important source of affordable             one-fourth of agricultural holdings, headed by both
nutrition to meet recommended levels.                    men and women, keep milk animals, about 80 million
                                                         women are to some extent engaged in dairy farming
More than one-quarter of 570 million farm-holdings       (FAO, 2016).
worldwide, or more than 150 million farmers, are
estimated to keep at least one milk animal, including    The challenges for the dairy sector include bringing
cows, buffaloes, goats, and sheep. There are estimated   milk to the consumer at competitive prices when
to be 133 million holdings keeping dairy cattle, 28.5    dairy production is subject to changing weather
million with buffaloes, and 41 and 19 million with       patterns, changing market dynamics and dairy
goats and sheep, respectively (FAO, 2016). Farmers       prices. At the same time, there is a growing emphasis
                                                         on sustainability. People are concerned about the
                                                         environment, animal welfare and the quality of
                                                         their food.
Dairy is essential in the endeavor towards ending                          emissions. It sets a global aim to limit warming to
     hunger, achieving food security and improving the                          below 2°C and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.
     nutritional value of diets in a sustainable manner.                        To achieve this aim, the Agreement sets a target for
     The UN Sustainable Development Goals includes                              a ‘balance between anthropogenic emissions by
     several priority areas relevant to agriculture and food                    sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases
     production including the zero hunger target by 2030,                       in the second half of this century’. In looking to meet
     the sustainable use of natural resources and climate                       these goals, countries are expected to continue to
     action. By 2050, the planet will need to produce more                      take the lead in reducing emissions, reflecting the
     food, while conserving available land, water and                           principle of equity and common but differentiated
     energy resources and reducing GHG emissions. This                          responsibilities and respective capabilities (UNFCCC,
     challenge is exacerbated by the reality that one-third                     2015)3. To support the transition to these pathways,
     of food produced for human consumption is wasted                           the Paris Agreement invites countries to develop, by
     (FAO, 2011)1. Consequently, effective climate change                       2020, ‘mid-century, long-term low greenhouse gas
     policy measures must address both demand and                               emission development strategies’.
     supply related factors.
                                                                                Under the Paris Agreement, 92 countries have
     The evidence that our planet is warming due to                             included the livestock sector in their nationally
     human activity is unequivocal. Global temperature                          determined commitments (NDCs) as a means to
     has increased by 0.85 degrees since 1880 (IPCC, 2014)2.                    achieve their national reduction targets (Wilkes,
     Global warming is caused by increasing levels of                           2017)4. The sector is thus part of the response to
     greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. Climate                         address the impacts of climate change and to limit
     change influences dairy farming in multiple ways                           the rise in global temperature, requiring a transition
     (directly, e.g. the performance and well-being of cows,                    of the sector to one consistent with a sustainable low
     or indirectly, e.g. via impacts on quantity and quality                    carbon and climate resilient development pathway.
     of fodder production).
                                                                                This report is an effort to support the dairy sector to
     At the same time, livestock products are responsible                       chart possible low-emission pathways. It presents
     for more GHG emissions than most other food                                findings on emissions and emission intensities of
     sources. In dairy production, emissions are the result                     milk production with the aim of assessing whether
12   of various complex biological processes. For example                       the sector's performance is consistent with the global
     methane from enteric fermentation where methane                            reduction needed to realize the Paris Agreement
     is produced as a by-product of the digestion process.                      aspirations. These emission trends are analyzed using
     Additional methane and nitrous oxide emissions                             FAO’s Global Livestock Environmental Assessment
     occur throughout the whole process of managing                             model (GLEAM); a spatially explicit biophysical
     manure from livestock: in pastures and in buildings,                       model that estimates the impact of the livestock sector
     during storage and when spreading manure. They                             on emissions using a life cycle assessment (LCA)
     are the result of physical, chemical and biological                        approach.
     processes which vary in time and space depending on
     the ambient conditions (e.g. temperature, wind), the                       The objective of this work is two-fold:
     surroundings (e.g. soil, type of building) and livestock                   • First, it seeks to assess the performance of the
     characteristics (e.g. physiological stage) and farming                       dairy sector, understand the sector’s contribution
     practices. Other emissions include carbon dioxide                            to global GHG emissions over time and identify
     largely associated with energy use, production and                           emission reduction opportunities that are available
     transport of inputs and land use and land use change.                        to the dairy sector.
                                                                                • Secondly, to provide information that can
     The Paris Agreement marked a turning point in the                            support the sector in taking steps towards further
     international climate negotiations and signifies                             addressing emissions from the dairy production as
     an intensification of global efforts towards a low                           part of its contribution towards the achieving global
     emissions future. In November 2016, the Paris                                goals enshrined in the Paris Agreement and 2030
     Agreement entered into force, having been ratified                           Agenda for Sustainable Development.
     by nations representing over 55 percent of total GHG

       FAO. 2011. Global food losses and food waste – Extent, causes and prevention. Rome.
       IPCC. 2014. Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) - Summary for policy makers.
     3 UNFCCC. 2015. The Paris Agreement.
     4 Wilkes, A. 2017. Measurement, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock: current practices and opportunities for
© Syda Productions -
2. The Approach

     How do we measure                                        for mitigation, is a management decision taken at
                                                              the farm level. It thus reduces the menu of options
                                                              available to the sector industry to reduce GHG
     Understanding the contribution of the dairy sector to    emissions and doesn’t provide the right incentives for
     emissions is a first step towards defining low-carbon    mitigation to happen.
     pathways. Livestock produce GHG emissions in a
14                                                            Furthermore, the IPCC method quantifies GHG
     number of ways: direct emissions by livestock (from
                                                              emissions using a national sector-based approach.
     manure and enteric fermentation), and indirect
                                                              The approach estimates emissions from the
     emissions from the production of livestock feed,
                                                              production of products within defined national
     energy use in fertilizer manufacture, farm operations
                                                              boundaries and emissions from the production of
     such as milking, refrigeration, housing, storage
                                                              goods exported from a nation, but does not consider
     and transport, and post-production transportation,
                                                              emissions from the production of goods imported into
     processing and retailing.
                                                              a country.
     As part of their international commitments under the
                                                              Approaches that can be used to examine the
     Kyoto Agreement, countries are required to report
                                                              agricultural sector as a whole, evaluate trade-offs
     annually on their emissions. The Intergovernmental
                                                              between the production of agriculture commodities
     Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has defined the
                                                              such as milk and meat are needed in order to
     guidelines for the reporting of national inventories
                                                              evaluate policies and practices designed to reduce
     of GHG emissions. For the agricultural sector, the
                                                              the environmental impact of agriculture. One
     IPCC defines four groups of activities. For livestock,
                                                              such approach is the life cycle assessment (LCA)
     this comprises of methane emissions from enteric
                                                              that accounts for all GHG emissions associated
     fermentation and methane and nitrous oxide
                                                              with the production of a commodity. For livestock,
     emissions from manure management. Other
                                                              this includes not only the direct emissions from
     emissions associated with livestock production are
                                                              animals but also indirect emissions arising from the
     reported elsewhere. For example, in the current
                                                              production of inputs such as nitrogenous fertilizer
     accounting procedures, indirect carbon dioxide or
                                                              and feed, even if the emissions associated with
     nitrous oxide emissions due to production, transport
                                                              the production of these imported products were
     and use of synthetic fertilizer and other production
                                                              generated in other jurisdictions. The LCA approach
     inputs are reported under industry, energy generation
                                                              supports the sector in understanding the source of
     and transport sectors. However, the responsibility
                                                              impacts, identifying areas for improvements and
     for resource utilization, and the possible options
                                                              assessing the impacts of best practices on GHG
                                                              emission. The approach provides a baseline against
                                                              which to measure improvements over time.
Accounting for emissions                                                 Emissions are reported as CO₂ equivalent emissions,
                                                                         based on 100-year Global Warming Potential
in this study
                                                                         (GWP100) conversion factors. To estimate the impact
This study uses the FAO’s Global Livestock                               of climate change, GLEAM 2.0 uses the latest GWP
Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM)5, a                               values from IPCC (2014): GWP100 CH₄ = 34 and
biophysical model to assess emissions from the                           GWP100 N₂O = 298.
dairy cattle sector. The current report provides an
                                                                         Emission intensities are expressed per kilogram of fat-
assessment of the emissions from the dairy cattle
                                                                         and-protein corrected milk (FPCM) at the farm gate.
sector for the reference years 2005, 2010 and 2015
                                                                         Dairy systems generate several saleable products, so
analyzing the trends in emissions and emission
                                                                         the GHG emissions should ideally be allocated across
intensities from milk production. GLEAM 2.0 is a
                                                                         the co-products. Meat from male calves, female calves
model using a life cycle assessment (LCA) method for
                                                                         in excess of replacement requirements, and culled
the identification of all main emission sources along
                                                                         cows is an inevitable and valuable co-product of dairy
livestock supply chains; starting from land use and
                                                                         production. Different allocation methods can be used
the production of feed through to animal production
                                                                         e.g. mass, biophysical, economic, or system expansion
on farm and finally processing and transportation of
                                                                         approaches for allocating the total emissions among
products to the retail point.
                                                                         co-products. This study utilizes a biophysical
This study focuses on major GHG emissions up to the                      approach based on protein content to apportion
farm-gate that make up the bulk of the emissions in                      emissions to products (milk and meat).
livestock systems (Gerber et al., 2013).
                                                                         There are a few caveats to this work. Most importantly,
The three major GHGs emitted from agri-food                              the 2015 analysis of GHG emissions from milk
systems are covered – namely methane (CH₄), nitrous                      production only considers changes in the dairy herd
oxide (N₂O) and carbon dioxide (CO₂).                                    and milk yield. In the 2015 analysis, it is assumed
                                                                         that production factors such as feed composition,
The emission sources considered include:                                 manure management systems are similar to those
(i) on-farm livestock rearing including enteric                          modeled in 2010. In addition, the analysis does not
      fermentation, manure deposition by grazing                         consider emissions after the farm-gate and emissions
                                                                         associated with the production of meat from the            15
      animals, manure management and application
      of manure to agricultural land;                                    dairy herd. In some regions, beef is closely linked
(ii) fodder and feed production including                                to milk production. The results from this analysis
      application of mineral fertilizer, the cultivation                 cannot be compared to FAO’s previous analysis
      of organic soils, crop residue decomposition and                   on GHG emissions because it is based on a revised
      related upstream industrial processes (fertilizer                  methodology and dataset captured in the GLEAM 2.0
      production);                                                       version.
(iii) on-farm energy consumption related to livestock
      and feed production and energy consumption                         The objective of this analysis is to assess the GHG
      for the transport and processing of feed;                          contribution of the global dairy sector over time
(iv) land use changes (LUC) induced by the                               and to better understand where further mitigation
      production of feed (excluding grassland and                        potential is for the sector. Whilst the methodology
      grazing); and                                                      used in this study is scientifically robust, care should
(v) indirect energy related to the construction of                       be taken if trying to compare these outcomes to
      animal housing and farm equipment.                                 individual country or regional studies that may only
                                                                         assess parts of the dairy chain, or have had access to
Emissions from post-farm gate emissions (transport,                      more specific primary data, utilized a smaller sample
processing and distribution to retail) and meat from                     size or are even reporting for different purposes
the dairy sector are excluded.                                           and as such applying different methodological

                                                                         The vital output from this analysis for the dairy sector
                                                                         is the trend over the 10-year period and the knowledge
                                                                         of where to target mitigation actions.

5 FAO. 2018. GLEAM Model description. Rome,
3. Trends in milk production
     and production efficiency

     Almost 666.5 billion kg of milk was produced globally in 2015, 30 percent more than in 2005.
     Growth in global cow milk production during the decade (2005-2015) averaged 2.8 percent
     per annum (p.a.). Growth between 2005 and 2010 averaged 2.5 percent p.a., slower than the
     3.1 percent p.a. observed during the period 2010-2015. The number of milking cows and milk
     production per cow (milk yield) also changed. Over the decade, average global milk yield per
     cow has increased from 2,180 litres in 2005 to 2,514 litres in 2015 (a 15 percent increase) while the
16   number of milking cows increased by 14 percent.

     Regional milk supplies                                                        of dairy farms. Factors such as varying climate and
                                                                                   landscape characteristics, production practices and
     Figure 1 illustrates the milk production of 10 regions                        milk price, etc.
     for 2005, 2010, 20156. Western Europe and North
     America, (generally considered the traditional dairy
     cattle regions) in 2015 produced the bulk of milk from                        Growth in milk production
     the dairy cattle sector; 22 percent and 15 percent,
     respectively. Despite this, their production shares                           During the decade, highest annual growth in milk
     in global milk production have declined (Figure 2).                           production occurred in WANA (4.5 percent p.a.),
     The share of global milk production has increased                             South Asia (4.0 percent p.a.) and SSA (3.6 percent
     in other regions such as South Asia, Sub-Saharan                              p.a.). Compared to other regions, in SSA, growth in
     Africa (SSA), West Asia and North Africa (WANA) – not                         productivity remains small given that it starts from
     surprising since these are currently some of the fastest                      a very low base. In Oceania, Eastern Europe, Central
     growing milk-producing regions (Figure 3). In East                            & South America, and the Russian Federation milk
     Asia and Central and South America, production                                production grew at 3.8, 3.2, 2.9 and 2.3 percent p.a.
     shares tended to increase between 2005 and 2010                               between 2005 and 2015. Milk production in Western
     and decline in 2015. While in the Russian Federation                          Europe and North America, on the other hand, grew
     and Eastern Europe, the share declined in 2010,                               only at 1.5 and 1.6 percent per annum, respectively –
     followed by increases in 2015. These shifts ultimately                        which is slower than the 2.8 percent p.a. observed at
     reflect differences in a range of factors across the                          global level (Figure 3).
     regions that affect the profitability and productivity

     6 Regions included in this study: Central & South America (CSA) , East Asia (EA), Eastern Europe (EE), North America (NA), Oceania (O), Russian
       Federation (RF), South Asia (SA), Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), West Asia & Northern Africa (WANA) and Western Europe (WE). See Annex for countries
       included in each region.
2005 2010
                                                                                                                           2005      2010 20152015

            milk milk production (%)





                                                                   Central &     East Asia          Eastern     North America     Oceania       Russian     South Asia     Sub-Saharan West Asia &      Western
                                                                 South America                      Europe                                     Federation                     Africa  Northern Africa   Europe


                                                                   Central &     East Asia          Eastern     North America     Oceania       Russian       South Asia   Sub-Saharan West Asia &      Western
                                                                 South America                      Europe                                     Federation                     Africa  Northern Africa   Europe

      Figure 1: Milk production by region in 2005, 2010 and 2015

                                                                                                                           2005      2010      2015

Share of global milk production (%)





                                                                   Central &     East Asia          Eastern     North America     Oceania       Russian     South Asia     Sub-Saharan West Asia &      Western
                                                                 South America                      Europe                                     Federation                     Africa  Northern Africa   Europe

      Figure 2: Regional share of global milk production in 2005, 2010 and 2015


                                                                                                     Western Europe
          Share of global cattle milk production (2015)


                                                                                                         North America

                                                                                                                                                      CSA                      South Asia

                                                                                                                                                            East Asia
                                                                                                                                       Eastern Europe
                                                                                                                      Russian Federation                            SSA

                                                                0.0%        0.5%             1.0%             1.5%        2.0%              2.5%       3.0%           3.5%         4.0%         4.5%         5.0%
                                                                                                              Annual growth rate in milk production (2005–2015)

      Figure 3: Growth in milk production by region in 2005-2015
Sources of productivity                                         • Regions where milk yield expanded faster than
                                                                       the increase in milking cows:
                                                                       In some regions, the surge in milk production has
     In the dairy industry, productivity is often considered           been driven more by the increase in individual cow
     in terms of milk production relative to a single factor.          milk yield than the increase in milking animals.
     Commonly used measures include milk production                    • South Asia: increase in yield of 3.6 percent p.a.
     per cow per year (yield), or feed conversion efficiency             and an increase in milking cows of 1.5 percent
     (milk produced relative to herd feed consumption).                  p.a.
     While productivity growth has occurred in all                     • Eastern Europe: increase in yield of 2.5 percent
     regions (Figure 4), this outcome has been achieved in               p.a. and an increase in milking cows of 0.6
     different ways.                                                     percent p.a.
                                                                       • Central and South America: increase in yield of
     The growth in milk production over the decade                       1.6 percent p.a. and an increase in milking cows
     (2005-2015) has been achieved either through higher                 of 0.8 percent p.a.
     yield growth per milking cow, increased number of                 • Western Europe and North America: milk yield
     milking cows or combination of both. Between 2005                   grew at 1.0 percent p.a. over the decade, while the
     and 2015, the global dairy herd7 increased 11 percent               number of milking cows increased at 0.3 and 0.4
     driven mainly by East Asia, SSA, South Asia and CSA                 percent p.a., respectively.
     where the dairy herd grew by 31, 25, 11 and 10 percent,
     respectively. In 2015, dairy animals in these four              • Regions where the increase in milking animals
     regions accounted for 76 percent of the global dairy              expanded faster than milk yield:
     cattle herd. A stagnant trend in the dairy herd was               In East Asia and Oceania and Sub-Saharan Africa
     observed for Western Europe (+0.1 percent) during                 much of the gain in productivity growth has been
     this period.                                                      associated with an increasing number of milking
     During 2005-2015, growth in regional milk production              • Oceania: increase in milking cows of 1.5 percent
     has been achieved through the following trends                      p.a. and a yield increase of 0.9 percent p.a.
     (Figure 5):                                                       • East Asia: increase in milking cows of 2.2 percent
                                                                         p.a. and a zero annual growth in milk yield.
18   • Regions with shrinking herds (combined
                                                                       • SSA: increase in milking cows of 3.8 percent p.a.
       reduction in milking animals and dairy herd) and
                                                                         and a slight decrease in yield of 2.5 percent p.a.
       increases in milk yield:
       Over the 2005-2015 period, a reduction in the dairy           These differences in productivity growth rates by
       herd was recorded for WANA (-1.4 percent), and                region reflect changes in regional industry structure,
       Russian Federation (-11.4 percent). At the same               the extent of uptake of new technologies among farms
       time, the number of milking cows also decreased               within a region, and the unique characteristics of
       in the Russian Federation (-2.5 percent), and WANA            each region that affect the types of dairy farming
       (-4.6 percent). Despite a shrinking number of                 systems.
       milking cows and dairy herd, the net effect of the
       changes in these regions was a significant growth of
       total milk production, driven largely by changes in
       milk yield.
       • WANA: increase in milk yield of 4 percent p.a. and
          a decrease in milking cows of 0.5 percent p.a.
       • Russia Federation: increase in yield of
          3.3 percent p.a. and a decrease in milking cows
          of 0.2 percent p.a.

     7 The dairy herd includes milking cows and replacement stock.
2005      2010    2015
   Average Milk Yield - kg per cow per year






                                                               Central & South        East Asia     Eastern Europe North America    Oceania           Russian         South Asia   Sub-Saharan   We st Asia & N. We stern Europe
                                                                  America                                                                            Federation                       Africa         Africa

           Figure 4: Trends in milk yield by region in 2005, 2010 and 2015

Annual rate of change in milking cows (2005-2015)

                                                                                                  SSA, 3.6%
                                                                                                   East Asia, 3.3%
                                                                                 3                      Oceania, 3.8%                                                        South Asia, 4.0%

                                                                                                                          CSA, 2.9%
                                                                                 2                                                                                                                                                 19
                                                                                                                                    Eastern Europe, 3.2%
                                                                    North America, 1.6%
                                                      -1                              0                        1                      2                           3                       4                        5
                                                                                                      Western Europe, 1.5%
                                                                                 -1                                                Russian Federation, 2.3%

                                                                                                                                                                                    WANA, 4.5%

                                                                                                   Annual rate of change in milk yield (2005-2015)

           Figure 5: Annual rates of change in milking cows and milk yields (2005-2015, % p.a.)
           Note: Size of bubble represents annual growth rate milk production 2005-2015
4. Trends in emissions from
      the dairy cattle sector

      Dairy farming is becoming more efficient as a result emissions per unit of product are falling.
      The emission intensity of milk has declined by about 1 percent per year since 2005. However, this
      reduction in emission intensity has been more than offset by the increased overall growth in milk
      output. As a result, absolute emissions are above the 2005 levels.

      Dairy production systems are complex sources of           Without gains in productivity (and assuming
20    greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, notably of methane        production grew at the same rate), to deliver the
      (CH₄), nitrous oxide (N₂O) and carbon dioxide (CO₂).      same amount of product, total emissions would have
      Using a global life cycle assessment approach, in 2015    increased by approximately 38 percent rather than
      the sector is estimated to have emitted 1,711.8 million   18 percent between 2005 and 2015. As presented in the
      tonnes of CO₂ equivalent (CO₂-eq.) (Figure 6).            previous section, these changes in overall production
                                                                and efficiency have not occurred homogeneously
      Total emissions have increased, by about 18 percent       across the regions.
      in 2015 relative to 2005 levels, because overall
      production has grown substantially in response to
      international demand. In 2015, emissions increased
      by 256 million tonnes CO₂ eq. (18 percent) above
      2005 levels. Of this, 169 and 52 million tonnes CO₂
      eq. are related to increase in CH₄ and N₂O emissions,
      respectively. This is not surprising when one considers
      the increase in cow numbers and average milk yield
      growth over the same period. The increased livestock
      productivity (milk yield per head) achieved since
      2005 results in increased individual cow feed intake
      to meet higher energy demands which in turn results
      in higher emission rates per cow and increased CH₄
      (Table 1) and N₂O emissions per animal.
©FAO/Vasily Maximov
                                1,800                               1,711.8
                                1,600             1,571.9
Million metric tonnes CO2 eq.


                                1,000                                                 CO2
                                                                                      N 2O
                                                                                      CH4                                      21



                                         2005      2010              2015

      Figure 6: Absolute emissions from dairy cattle sector in 2005, 2010 and 2015 (million metric tonnes, CO₂ eq.)

                                                                                                Average milk yield
                                                      kg of CH4 per animal per year
                                                                                               (kg per animal/year)
                                                          2005                2015           2005                2015

                    North America                           111.0             116.6          8,899              9,867

                    Russian Federation                      64.2              71.8           3,000               4,146

                    Western Europe                          76.3              80.9           6,287              6,957

                    Eastern Europe                          71.2              81.7           3,921              5,005

                    West Asia & Northern Africa             68.2              72.8           1,240               1,830

                    East Asia                               69.5              69.1           2,915              2,907

                    Oceania                                 72.3              81.4           4,274              4,659

                    South Asia                              60.8              62.1           979                 1,388

                    Central & South America                 82.2              84.6           1,668               1,947

                    Sub-Saharan Africa                      46.1              46.4           464                 457

      Table 1: Enteric methane emissions per animal and milk yield
Where do the emissions                                    in industrial processes e.g. mineral fertilizer and feed
                                                               production and in transport and processing of dairy
     come from?
     Dairy farms are a source of GHG emissions, mainly
                                                               Figure 7 shows the percentage contribution that each
     from enteric fermentation (methane) and manure
                                                               source of emissions makes to the overall emissions
     management (methane and nitrous oxide) and feed
                                                               calculated for 2005 through to 2015. The largest three
     production, transport and processing (carbon dioxide
22                                                             contributing sources account for the bulk of total
     and nitrous oxide). Methane is produced as a by-
                                                               emissions from milk production in 2015 and their
     product of the digestive process in animals through
                                                               individual contributions are as follows:
     a microbial fermentation process. The quantity of
                                                               • Methane from enteric fermentation emissions (58.5
     methane emissions from enteric fermentation is
                                                                 percent of total emissions).
     determined by the animal’s digestive system, diet
                                                               • Emissions (CO₂ and N₂O) from feed production,
     and management practices. Livestock manure
                                                                 processing and transport (29.4 percent).
     management produces both CH₄ and N₂O emissions.
                                                               • Emissions (CH₄ and N₂O) from manure
     Methane is produced when manure decomposes
                                                                 management (9.5 percent).
     under anaerobic conditions. The quantity of manure
     CH₄ emissions is determined by the type of treatment
                                                               These same sources contributed the bulk of emissions
     or storage facility, the ambient climate and the
                                                               in 2005.
     composition of the manure.
                                                               Since enteric fermentation contributes more than half
     Nitrous oxide on dairy farms also comes from
                                                               the total of emissions, this area represents a potential
     nitrogen inputs mostly dung, urine, and nitrogen
                                                               opportunity for mitigation. Emissions associated
     based fertilizers. N₂O is 298 times more potent than
                                                               with feed production point to a potentially applicable
     CO₂. A large contribution to N₂O emissions is the
                                                               strategy for reducing GHG emission intensity of milk,
     excess dietary nitrogen that is excreted in manure
                                                               i.e. improving feed conversion efficiency defined
     and urine. Emissions from fertilizer application occur
                                                               as the amount of feed input for producing a given
     when nitrogen applied is converted to N₂O either
                                                               quantity of milk. Improving feed conversion is an
     directly through the process of nitrification and
                                                               attractive strategy that will not only contribute to
     denitrification, or indirectly via ammonia gas which is
                                                               reducing emission intensity but also improving farm
     redeposited on to soil and leached.
                                                               profitability given that feed costs form a large share of
                                                               overall farm costs.
     Carbon dioxide is emitted when various types of fossil
     fuels are combusted for energy purposes. Energy is
     used in various processes/activities on the farm e.g.
     milking, grain drying and field operations, as well as
©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
Figure 7: Sources of emissions from                                            2005
the global dairy cattle systems                                           Direct energy and
                                                                            indirect, CO2
in 2005 and 2015                                            Manure               2.1%
                                                        management, N2O                         Feed, CO2
                                                             4.5%                                 8.6%

                                             management, CH4
LEGEND:                                           5.4%
                                                                                                       Feed, N2O
LUC, emissions from the expansion of
                                                                                                         20.8%                    23
cropland for feed production;

Feed CO₂, emissions from the production,
processing and transport of feed;

Feed N₂O: direct and indirect emissions                                                                 LUC: soy & palm,
from fertilizer application, applied and     Enteric fermentation,                                            1.3%
deposited manure, and decomposition of                CH4
crop residues;

Direct energy CO₂, emissions from energy
use on-farm (milking, heating, ventilation
                                                                                      Direct energy
Indirect energy CO₂, emissions related to              Manure management,             and indirect,
                                                              N 2O                        CO2
the construction of on-farm buildings and                     4.5%                        2.3%
machinery;                                                                                            Feed, CO2
                                                    Manure                                              8.9%
Manure management, CH₄ and N₂O
                                                management, CH4
emissions from manure storage and                    4.8%
                                                                                                            Feed, N2O

                                                                                                          LUC: soy &
                                                                                                          palm, CO2
                                                      Enteric                                                1.0%
                                                 fermentation, CH4
© sara_winter -

                                   Gains in productivity can                               The global trend of declining emission intensities
                                                                                           is also reflected at regional level (Figure 10).
                                   continue to limit the rise
                                                                                           Emissions intensities have declined for all regions
                                   in emission intensity                                   reflecting continued improvements to on-farm
                                                                                           efficiency achieved via improved individual animal
                                   The analysis shows that between 2005 and 2015,
                                                                                           productivity. There is however a distinct difference
                                   emission intensity of milk has decreased from 2.8 to
                                                                                           in emission intensities between regions: generally,
24                                 2.5 kg CO₂ eq. per kg FPCM, an 11 percent decrease
24                                                                                         emission intensities of milk production is lowest
                                   over the ten-year period (Figure 8).
                                                                                           in more developed dairy regions (below the global
                                   Emissions per unit of product have decreased,           average) while regions like South Asia, SSA and WANA
                                   because production has become more efficient.           have higher emission intensities (ranging between
                                   Improved animal genetics and management,                4.1 to 6.7 kg CO₂ eq. per kg FPCM in 2015).
                                   combined with better grassland management and
                                   feeding practices mean that farmers are adapting
                                   resources more efficiently to increase their outputs.                                2.8
                                   For example, the analysis shows that more of the feed                                       2.7
                                   consumed by animals is used for production than                                                      2.5
                                   for animal maintenance; higher milk production
                                   (largely driven by increasing milk yields per
                                   cow) has contributed towards lowering emission
                                   intensities. Higher milk yields imply a shift of the
                                   cow’s metabolism in favor of milk production and
                                                                                            Kg CO2 eq./Kg FPCM

                                   reproduction rather than maintenance, contributing
                                   to lower emission intensities. A high-producing
                                   dairy cow requires more nutrients per day than a low
                                   producing dairy cow; the cow with a daily milk output
                                   of 14 kg milk/day uses 47 percent of consumed energy
                                   for maintenance whereas a low producing cow (1.4
                                   kg milk/day) uses 75 percent of energy intake for the
                                   maintenance. Figure 9 illustrates the percentage of
                                   dietary intake required to meet maintenance energy
                                   requirements in milking cows given an average                                 0.00
                                   regional milk yield.                                                                 2005   2010     2015

                                                                                           Figure 8: Average emission intensity of milk in 2005,
                                                                                           2010 and 2015
150                                                                                                                                                                                                     10,000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Kg milk per cow per year (2005)
MJ per animal per day (2005)

                                75                                                                                                                                                                                                     5,000

                                            42%                                                                                                                                                                                        2,000
                                25                                               44%
                                                             56%                                       53%                                     56%                45%                                 66%
                                                                                                                             66%                                                      69%                                73%           1,000
                                 0                                                                                                                                                                                                     0
                                        North              Russian              Western               Eastern         West Asia &           East Asia            Oceania        South Asia          Central &     Sub-Saharan
                                       America            Federation            Europe                Europe           Northern                                                                      South           Africa
                                                                                                                        Africa                                                                      America

                                                                     Maintenance                       Milk production                      Activity             Reproduction                Milk yield

                               150                                                                                                                                                                                                         11,000


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kg milk per cow per year (2015)
                               125                                                                                                                                                                                                         9,000
MJ per animal per day (2015)


                                25     39%                                      42%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2,000                                            25
                                                            50%                                       47%                                                         43%                                  63%
                                                                                                                             62%               53%                                    65%                                  75%             1,000

                                 0                                                                                                                                                                                                         0
                                       North               Russian              Western               Eastern          West Asia &           East Asia           Oceania         South Asia          Central &      Sub-Saharan
                                      America             Federation            Europe                Europe            Northern                                                                      South            Africa
                                                                                                                         Africa                                                                      America

                                                                     Maintenance                       Milk production                      Activity             Reproduction                Milk yield

       Figure 9: Distribution of feed energy use of milking cows (2005 and 2015)
       Note: As a cow eats more and produces more milk, her total energy use, especially milk energy output, increases and the energy
       needed for maintenance is diluted. This “dilution of maintenance” is the primary reason that efficiency of nutrient use has
       increased in the dairy industry.



   Kg CO2 eq. per kg FPCM




















                                            SSA               WA NA              South Asia                    CSA             East Asia           Russian Fed.            Oceania            E. Europe           N. America           W. E urope
                                                                                                                             2005      2010        2015

         Figure 10: Trends in emission intensity of milk by region (2005, 2010 and 2015)
© SGr -

                           Within each region, there is a wide variation in           systems with milk yield above 5,000 kg milk per cow
                           emission intensity which is closely related to diversity   per year. The inflection point for this relationship
                           in the production and management practices                 is approximately 1,200 kg FPCM per cow per year;
                           (Figure 11). The highest variability in emission           this is the milk yield that should be the minimum
                           intensity is observed in the low-and-middle income         performance targeted for sector-wide maximum
                           regions. The existence of a wide variability suggests      reduction of intensity globally.
                           that opportunities exist for reductions in GHG
26                         intensity of milk through the adoption of practices        The largest reduction potential for increased milk
                           associated improvements in efficiency.                     yield is therefore in systems that yield below 2000 kg
                                                                                      FPCM per cow per year. In an extreme case of a very
                                                                                      highly productive animal, where almost all emissions
                           Trends in efficiency gains                                 arise from the production of milk and animal
                           in milk production and                                     maintenance becomes negligible, further increasing
                           emission intensity                                         the amount of production per animal will result
                                                                                      in only minor additional reductions in emissions
                           The dairy sector has seen a continued increase in          intensity.
                           productivity and reductions in emissions intensities
                           driven by efficiency gains in production. These
                           changes are the cumulative benefits resulting from
                           improvements in nutrition, genetics, reproductive
                           performance, disease control, and improved
                           fertilizer practices and enhanced management at
                           herd and animal level. Figure 12 illustrates how
                           the emission intensity of milk follows a non-linear
                           trend: as milk production increases, the contribution
                           of maintenance emissions decreases relative to
                           production-related emissions. The figure also shows
                           a downward shift of the curve in 2015 which is a
                           reflection of further efficiency gains and lowering
                           of emission intensities. Most of these gains have
                           been achieved in low productivity countries as
                           demonstrated by the gap between the two curves
                           (Figure 13). Gains in saved GHG emissions through
                           increased milk yield is marginal for milk production
20                                                                                                                         Figure 11. Box plots of the
                                                   2005       2015
                         18                                                                                                                         emission intensity of milk
                                                                                                                                                    (kg of CO₂-equivalent/kg of
                                                                                                                                                    Note: The shaded area
kg CO2 eq. per kg FPCM

                         12                                                                                                                         represents 90% of the
                                                                                                                                                    distribution of the emission
                                                                                                                                                    intensity of milk within each



                                  OECD countries      Central &         East Asia             South Asia      Sub-Saharan        West Asia &
                                                    South America                                                Africa           N. Africa

                                                                                              2005            2015


                                                                                    y = 509.56x 0.677       y = 438.06x 0.663
kg CO2eq. per kg FPCM

                                                                                      R = 0.9081              R = 0.9198
                          15                                                              -                       -


                              5                                                                                                                                                     27

                                  0      750       1,500   2,250     3,000   3,750      4,500       5,250   6,000     6,750     7,500    8,250    9,000   9,750 10,500 11,250

                                                                                          kg FPCM per cow year
    Figure 12: Emission intensity and milk yield
    Note: Each dot represents a country. The fitted line clearly indicates an inverse relationship between milk yield per cow and
    emission intensity, i.e. as milk yield increases there is more milk to spread the emissions over.

                                                                                                 2005           2015


kg CO2eq. per kg FPCM

                          10                                                           R = 0.8532              R = 0.8865





                                  0            500            1,000           1,500               2,000         2,500            3,000           3,500       4,000          4,500
                                                                                               kg FPCM per cow year

    Figure 13: Emission intensity and milk yield (for milk yield levels lower than 4500 kg of milk per cow per year)
    Note: Each dot represents a country.
5. How can the dairy sector
     play its part?

     The dairy sector is already part of the solution to address climate change. However, the sector
     needs to accelerate its current efforts by: 1) Continuing to improve production efficiency,
     the sector will also continue to reduce emission intensity of milk. To achieve this, the sector
     needs to urgently act to realize the existing potentials for GHG emission reduction through
     technological and farm best practices interventions and solutions; 2) Fostering changes in
     production practices that protect carbon sinks (grasslands and forest) by targeting drivers
28   linked to degradation of natural ecosystems, agricultural expansion and deforestation;
     and 3) Reducing its demand for resources by better integrating livestock into the circular
     bio-economy. This can be achieved by recycling and recovering nutrients and energy from
     animal waste, or closer integration of livestock with crops and agro-industries at various scales
     to make use of low value and low-emission biomass.

     While there has been a general trend in emission           that have been achieved in narrowing the emission
     intensity reductions across the regions, reductions in     intensity gap between 2005 and 2015 for two regions.
     emission intensity have not translated into reductions     The figures show that narrowing the gap between
     in absolute emissions. With the exception of the North     producers will lower the average emission intensity by
     America, where emission intensity decreased 2.2            bringing the emission intensity of the majority closer
     percent p.a. while milk production increased by 2.1        to the most efficient. In this context, the dairy sector
     percent since 2005 and absolute emissions decreased        can positively address climate change in a number
     by 5 percent. The other regions all recorded increases     of ways. This includes reducing emissions through
     in absolute emissions (Figure 14). For reductions in       the adoption of cost effective mitigation measures.
     absolute emissions to occur, the rate at which milk        However, the mitigation potential of agriculture and
     production increases has to be lower than the rate         food production is challenging compared to other
     at which emission intensity decreases. Increasing          economic sectors. This is because emissions from the
     animal productivity usually increases emissions per        agri-food sector stem from biological processes.
     cow (due to higher feed intake), thus reductions are
     only achieved if product output is capped.                 A particular challenge in the transfer of technologies
                                                                and best practices to farmers is the diversity of the
     Earlier sections have described the high variability       production systems, as well as the diversity of the
     in emission intensity at global and regional level,        physical environments in which farmers operate
     highlighting a wide gap between producers. This            – exemplified by the wide distribution in emission
     gap provides room to mitigate emissions within             intensity observed.
     existing systems. Figure 15 a and b illustrate the gains
©FAO/J. Thompson
                                                              0      0.5               1            1.5               2           2.5                    3          3.5            4              4.5           5

                                                                                                                                                                  East Asia, 30%

Rate of change in emission intensity p.a (2005-2015)

                                                                                                                                                                           Sub-Saharan Africa , 33%
                                                                    Western Europe , 7%
                                                                                                                                                                              West Asia & Northern Africa ,
                                                                                                                          Central & South America , 14%

                                                                                                                 Russian Federation , 3%


                                                                                                                            Eastern Europe, 11%                                             South Asia , 20%
                                                                                           North America , -5%

                                                                                                                                                                 Oceania , 16%

                                                                                                 Annual rate of change in milk production (2005-2015)

Figure 14: Trends in emission intensity and production by region (%)
Note: Size of bubble represents the percentage change in absolute emissions (2005-2015).

                                                                             Eastern Europe                                                                                South Asia

                                                                                                          2005     2015                                                                          2005    2015





                                                 0.0                                                                                          0.00
                                                                  1.0            1.5               2.0              2.5                              0       2       4        6         8       10
                                                                  Emission intensity (kg CO2 eq./kg FPCM)                                                    Emission intensity (kg CO2 eq./kg FPCM)

Figure 15 (a, b): Illustration of emission intensity gap in 2005 and 2015 for Eastern Europe and South Asia
Box 1

                                    Options for reducing GHG
                                    emissions from the dairy sector
                                    The mitigation options outlined below are consistent with improving the
                                    efficiency and profitability of the dairy farm. Enhancing animal productivity has
                                    several dimensions including feeding, reproduction, health, genetics and overall
                                    management of the animal operation. In many parts of the world, particularly in
                                    low-and-middle income regions, the single most effective GHG mitigation strategy
                                    is to increase animal productivity. Adopting these practices and technologies could
                                    significantly reduce the emission intensity of milk.

                                    Feed and feeding                             • Use commercial fertilizer produced in
                                    management                                     an environmentally friendly way with a
                                                                                   low carbon footprint.
                                    • Increase feed efficiency by optimizing
                                      the energy and protein content in          • Spread fertilizer at the optimum time
                                      feed.                                        and with the best technology.

                                    • Use of precision feeding techniques
                                      to match animal requirements with          Energy use at the farm
                                      dietary nutrient supply.                   • Reduce fossil fuel energy use (e.g.
                                    • Use more locally produced feed and           electricity and diesel).
                                      source low-emissions feeds such as         • Increase the use of sustainable energy,
                                      by-products.                                 e.g. wind energy and biofuel to replace
                                    • Store more carbon in the soil                fossil energy sources.
30                                    by means of better grassland
                                      management.                                Animal health and
                                    Manure management
                                                                                 • Management of herd structures to
                                    • Improve manure collection, storage           reduce the number of non-productive
                                      and utilization.                             animals through improved animal
                                    • By using cow manure in biogas                and herd fertility and reproduction
                                      systems it is possible to: reduce            is an effective approach to reduce
                                      emissions of GHGs associated with            emissions per unit of milk and increase
                                      the storage of manure; improve the           dairy profitability.
                                      quality of fertilizer and replace fossil   • Reducing the prevalence of diseases
                                      energy sources                               and parasites would generally reduce
                                    • A switch from raw to composted               emissions intensity as healthier
  © SGr -

                                      manures can greatly reduce emissions.        animals are more productive, and thus
                                                                                   produce lower emissions per unit of
                                    Fertilizer management
                                    (manure and commercial                       • Improving the genetic potential
                                    fertilizer)                                    of animals through planned cross-
                                                                                   breeding or selection within breeds,
                                    • Optimize consumption relative                and achieving this genetic potential
                                      to need.                                     through proper nutrition.
                                    • Lower manure application rates and
                                      the incorporation of manure into
                                      soils can reduce emissions while
                                      maintaining farm productivity.
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