The role of the magnetic resonance imaging safety supervisor: what we should know?

J. health med. sci.,
7(1):59-66, 2021.

              The role of the magnetic resonance imaging safety
                      supervisor: what we should know?

     El papel del supervisor de seguridad de imágenes de resonancia magnética: ¿qué debemos saber?

             Anderson Nunes Lima¹, Helen Cristiane Nunes Lima², Marcus Vinicius Linhares de Oliveira¹

NUNES, A.; NUNES, H. & OLIVEIRA, M. The role of the magnetic resonance imaging safety supervisor: what we should
know?. J. health med. sci., 7(1): 59-66, 2021.

ABSTARCT: The increasing attention that is given to the protection of health professionals and patients has stimulated
researchers and organizations to create alternatives to improve safety practices in health services, including in the
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) environment. However, this theme still needs to be further explored in the MRI
field. This paper aims to review the current literature, explore the approach to the MRI Safety Supervisor, to describe the
role of the MRI Safety Supervisor and how it could serve as an agent to enhance the safety of health professionals and
patients in the MRI environment. To achieve this, a narrative literature review was carried out in the electronic databases:
ScienceDirect, PubMed, Scielo and Google Scholar, using as inclusion criteria, articles published in Portuguese and
English between the years 2008 to 2019. The articles were filtered according to relevant aspects, such as authorship, title,
year of publication, objectives, methodology and main results. Lastly, it considered aspects related to adverse events,
international and national regulations on security and safety management in the MRI sector. Nevertheless, in the search
for actions that effectively mitigate risks on this modality, it was observed that studies on the MRI Safety Supervisor are
scarce, which reinforce the need for further studies on this matter.

KEYS WORDS: Magnetic Resonance. Safety. Management.


          A good image are those that are able to di-                  curity risks have already been the subject of research,
fferentiate between normal and abnormal anatomi-                       DELFINO et al. (2019) reviewed reports of adverse
cal structures, because if there is no difference, it                  events in the MR that occurred in the period from
is impracticable to practice a safe report due to the                  January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2017 and observed
difficulty of detecting possible pathologies.Magnetic                  more than 1,500 incidents, highlighting the thermal,
resonance imaging (MRI) equipment uses a high                          mechanical, projectile and acoustic adverse events.
magnetic field to produce, reproduce and reconstruct
high-resolution images of the human body. (Mazzola                              Due to the effectiveness offered by MRI,
et al, 2019). It is noticeable the exceptional differen-               in its high capacity to differentiate anatomical and
ce between the soft tissues in MRI, this only conso-                   functional structures, the search for this technical
lidates as another advantage of this technique when                    application grows considerably (Ferreira & Nacif,
compared with other modalities of the diagnosis by                     2011). Data from CNES (National Register of Heal-
image (Westbrook et al., 2013).                                        th Equipment) show an increase in the number of
                                                                       equipment for the diagnosis of medical pathologies.
         When this technique is compared with other                    In particular, there is a considerable increase in the
types of imaging exams, especially those using ioni-                   northeast of Brazil, which had 207 equipment ins-
zing radiation, the acquisition of MRI images is consi-                talled in 2012, already in 2019 this number rose to
dered safe in relation to the possible biological effects              476 (CNES, 2019).
on cells, however there are both associated safety ris-
ks: 1) the examination performance and 2) the heath                            Despite this growth, it should be noted that
environment. (Tobias Gilk & Kanal, 2015). These se-                    caution should be exercised in its use, since in an
  Department of Health Technology and Biology, Federal Institute of Bahia, Salvador (BA), Brazil.
² Radiologic Technichan.                                                                                                         59
NUNES, A.; NUNES, H. & OLIVEIRA, M. The role of the magnetic resonance imaging safety supervisor: what we should know?. J. health med. sci., 7(1): 59-66, 2021.

 article published by the website,                                      in languages ​​other than Portuguese and English
 about an MRI accident that occurred in Sweden in                                      were excluded, totaling 9 articles.
 April 2019, the famous MRI researcher, Dr. Torkel
 Brismar , stated that, “There are so many MRI units
 now, sooner or later one of those almost unlikely                                     LITERATURE REVIEW
 things will happen”.                                                                  Patient and team safety in MR

          Therefore, in view of this context, it is ex-                                         In the National Self-Assessment Report on
 pected that the RM community be aware of inten-                                       Patient Safety Practices in Health Services - 2019
 sifying the security policy demand, as well as the                                    (Anvisa), patient safety means “the reduction, to
 understanding for the adoption of a professional                                      an acceptable minimum, of the risk of unneces-
 capable of developing, practicing and updating spe-                                   sary harm associated with health care”. In order
 cific security programs. The aim of this review is                                    to pay attention to the problem of patient safety,
 to identify the role of the supervisor in security of                                 the World Health Organization (WHO) created the
 magnetic resonance to avoid adverse events in MRI                                     World Alliance for Patient Safety, with the mission of
 services. The objective of this work was to discuss                                   coordinating, disseminating and accelerating impro-
 the role of the supervisor in MRI SAFETY, as an im-                                   vements for patient safety. patient. (Vasconcelos,
 portant proposal for a new model of good practices                                    2018) Patient safety is a continuous work of awa-
 for Diagnostic Imaging Centers.                                                       reness that health professionals must practice in
                                                                                       the clinical / hospital environment, in order to keep
                                                                                       the patient from possible adverse reactions or even
 MATERIAL AND METHOD                                                                   accidents that may become irreversible (Marchon;
                                                                                       Mendes Junior, 2014).

          This research is classified as a review of                                           In the MR environment, patients, profes-
 narrative literature. For the development of this                                     sionals and the general public are vulnerable to
 work, searches were carried out for scientific ar-                                    the existing risks. However, it is important to in-
 ticles in the databases: Sciencedirect, PubMed,                                       tensify concepts about security policies that give
 Scielo and Google Scholar, using as keywords:                                         the minimum conditions of comfort, safety and
 Magnetic Resonance Security, good MR practices,                                       efficiency to all individuals during the service
 Safe MR Practices. To compose the sample, arti-                                       (Vasconcelos).
 cles published between 2008 and 2019, published
 in English and Portuguese, which were available in                                             Adverse events can cause injury to patients
 full were selected.                                                                   and increase their length of stay, mortality and hos-
                                                                                       pital cost. In addition, health professionals who are
           In addition, searches were conducted on                                     under the responsibility of the patient who suffered
 the standards of the following international bodies:                                  the adverse event, can go through a difficult time,
 American College of Radiology (ACR), The Emer-                                        as they will be under emotional stress, in conflict
 gency Care Research Institute (ECRI), Institute for                                   with ethical principles and in view of the possible le-
 Magnetic Resonance Safety, Education, and Re-                                         gal punishments to which they are exposed. (Duarte
 search (IMRSER), and the Food and Drug Admi-                                , 2014).
 nistration ( FDA), Medicines and Healthcare Pro-
 ducts Regulatory Agency (MHRA), International                                         Adverse events in Rm’s environment
 Society for Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging
 (ISMRM), Society for MR Radiographers & Tech-                                                 Failures in the safety steps in the MR en-
 nologists (SMRT). The inclusion and exclusion cri-                                    vironment can result in adverse events such as
 teria for the articles were carried out as follows:                                   thermal, mechanical, projectile and acoustic inci-
 Selected articles in Portuguese and English, pu-                                      dents. In addition, when the equipment is opera-
 blished between 2008 and 2019, totaling 21 scien-                                     ted in the wrong way, it can generate an incorrect
 tific articles for the elaboration of this monograph,                                 diagnosis, with the possibility of causing irrepara-
 of which 12 were included in this total. Studies in                                   ble damage. (Delfino et al., 2019) An accident that
 editorial format, news, professional comments,                                        occurred in 2001 in the United States, is still wi-
 studies without an abstract and articles published                                    dely publicized due to the tragic outcome, in which
NUNES, A.; NUNES, H. & OLIVEIRA, M. The role of the magnetic resonance imaging safety supervisor: what we should know?. J. health med. sci., 7(1): 59-66, 2021.

a 6-year-old child was hit by an oxygen cylinder                                     MRI safety culture
that was taken into the On examination, the ob-
ject became a projectile when it was attracted by                                             Many accidents can be avoided through ca-
the strong magnetic field, reaching the head of                                      refully structured supervision accompanied by the
the child who unfortunately died. (PARRA et al.,                                     implementation of strict guidelines. (Cross et al.,
2018) More recently in January 2018, a man in                                        2018). In order to create a culture of safety in mag-
the city of Mumbai, India, died after being pressed                                  netic resonance imaging, it is necessary to have a
between an oxygen cylinder and MRI equipment                                         thorough knowledge of MRI equipment, from the
(Jormada & Medeiros, 2015).                                                          principles of image formation to the protocols used
                                                                                     for this purpose (Crisp & Dawdy, 2017).
         In the period between 2008 and 2017, more
than 1,500 adverse events were identified and re-                                             Bearing in mind that safety recommenda-
viewed, considering the thermal ones representing                                    tions need to be at the highest of priorities, this con-
59% of the analyzed reports, the mechanical events                                   firms the need to have a professional responsible for
(11%), by projectile (9%) and acoustic (6%). (Delfi-                                 the day-to-day implementation of the security policy,
no et al., 2019).                                                                    to inspect, guide and offer continuous training to all
                                                                                     professionals involved in the acquisition of magnetic
        Some articles and news have already been                                     resonance images (Jormada & Medeiros). Increasin-
published reporting MR accidents, as shown in the                                    gly, the number of accidents in the MR is increasing.
table below:                                                                         In the search for solutions to minimize these acci-

Table I:
Author                               Year          Kind of accident                                            Observations

Jusbrasil.                           2012          One patient suffered a third-degree                         Generated an indemnity of R$: 15.000
                                                   burn on his calf during knee MRI.                           and the technician was fired.

TV Brasil da Empresa                 2013          Three people died after MRI scans of                        The health secretary of the state of Sao
Brasil de comunicação -                            the brain.                                                  Paulo ordered the interruption of the
EBC.                                                                                                           service for almost two months.

JORNADA RIBEIRO,                     2014          In India, an oxygen cylinder that                           Resulted in wounds.
2015.                                              pressed him against the gantry hit an

JORMADA RIBEIRO,                     2014          In New Zealand, an operator was hit by                      Resulted in wounds.
2015.                                              a knife in the patient's possession.

JORMADA RIBEIRO,                     2014          In India, where a patient was injured
2015.                                              when a stretcher was introduced into
                                                   the room.

MAZZOLA, Alessandro                  2019          After starting an MRI scan of the skull,                    It ended up shocking his eye and cau-
A et al.                                           a pocket knife that remained in the                         sing a fracture in the orbit. The institu-
                                                   patient's pocket was attracted to the                       tion did not routinely change patients'
                                                   magnet.                                                     clothes as a routine.

MAZZOLA, Alessandro                  2019          Weapons of military policemen attrac-                       After a suspected invasion of a clinic
A et al.                                           ted by the magnet.                                          in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, cops
                                                                                                               entered the examination room with
                                                                                                               guns drawn.
A                      2019          In Sweden, a nurse was sucked into        On impact, she was unconscious and
                                                   the strong magnetic field, she was wea- injured, the guard used a knife to cut
                                                   ring a vest that contained fine particles the strap of the vest.
                                                   of iron ore.

NUNES, A.; NUNES, H. & OLIVEIRA, M. The role of the magnetic resonance imaging safety supervisor: what we should know?. J. health med. sci., 7(1): 59-66, 2021.

 dents as little as possible, it is necessary to invest in                             inspection policy, emphasizing the need to officially
 safety training at RM for technologists, radiologists                                 create the security position or responsible for ensu-
 and other professionals involved with this technology                                 ring that procedures or regulations are applied and
 (Shellock, 2020).                                                                     updated (Jormada & Medeiros).

          It is worth mentioning that there are no                                              In the search for guarantees of continuity
 specific Brazilian norms about the implantation of                                    and sustainability of the procedures or regulations
 a professional in the magnetic resonance sector                                       applied, it is necessary to delegate this task force
 designed to guarantee security policies (Ferreira &                                   by creating a new position of security supervisor
 Nacif, 2011). International entities such as the Ame-                                 dedicated exclusively to RM. Changes in the safety
 rican College of Radiology (ACR), The Emergency                                       culture in RM, it is necessary to raise awareness of
 Care Research Institute (ECRI), Institute for Mag-                                    all personnel who are directly or indirectly involved
 netic Resonance Safety, Education, and Research                                       in the RM sector (Parra et al., 2018).
 (IMRSER) and the Food and Drug Administration
 (FDA), solidly establish the standard of care of how                                           In addition to recommending, the American
 to practice security. (Jormada & Medeiros). There-                                    Security Council on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
 fore, these safe practice guidelines can be used by                                   (ABMRS) provides credentials for MR Security Su-
 countries that do not have specific legislation (Fe-                                  pervisor, but for this, it requires requirements for
 rreira & Nacif).                                                                      this certification and qualification. Certification is ca-
                                                                                       rried out by passing a formal exam corresponding to
         It is already a reality that hospitals bring                                  that specific title / position. The certification is valid
 together a multiprofessional team with the aim of                                     for 10 years, with the obligation to renew after the
 creating a safety culture in the MR to educate all                                    end of this period. Upon satisfactory completion of
 employees about the risks and dangers associated                                      this exam, the professional will become a member
 with MR. There are several resources created, ran-                                    of ABMRS and will be certified to use the title of
 ging from routine training to the use of technology                                   Magnetic Resonance Safety Supervisor (SRM).
 to create tools that can help intensify this security
 (CRISP; DAWDY, 2017).                                                                 The function of the MRI supervisor

 International RM security recommendations                                                      According to CALAMANTE et al. (2016), the
                                                                                       role of the SRM is often played by the Technologist
          Scientific and medical societies represen-                                   in Radiology and his responsibilities include:
 ted by the European Federation of Organizations for
 Medical Physics (EFOMP), European Federation of                                       1. Be readily accessible and available (for example,
 Radiographer Societies (EFRS), European Mag-                                             for RM system operators) whenever the RM ser-
 netic Resonance Society in Medicine and Biology                                          vice is operationally operational.
 (ESMRMB), European Society of Radiology (ESR),                                        2. Ensure the application of adequate policies and
 European Magnetic Resonance Society in Medicine                                          procedures for the daily safety of the MR.
 and Biology (ESMRMB), Society for MR Radiogra-                                        3. Develop, document and introduce, in conjunction
 phers & Technologists (SMRT), American Magnetic                                          with and under the authority of the physician res-
 Resonance Imaging Security Council (ABMRS) and                                           ponsible for the MR sector, safe work procedu-
 the Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Society                                            res for the MR environment.
 (SCMR), developed and approved by consensus, an                                       4. Ensure that safety procedures, work instructions,
 article reporting the recommended responsibilities                                       emergency procedures and operational instruc-
 for managing security in the RM. Several societies                                       tions are made available to everyone involved in
 around the world approved the document, making                                           the RM sector.
 it a big step towards international acceptance. The                                   5. Ensure that appropriate measures to minimize
 objective was to contribute to the implementation of                                     health risks arising from the use or exposure
 an appropriate institutional structure to ensure safe-                                   to MRI equipment, in accordance with the ins-
 ty in MR (Calamante et al., 2016).                                                       tructions of the physician responsible for the
                                                                                          MRI sector, are implemented and monitored.
          In view of the development of specific regu-                                    An example used to minimize risks is to have
 lations, it is worth highlighting ECRI’s guidelines on                                   well-defined access control for so-called zones,
NUNES, A.; NUNES, H. & OLIVEIRA, M. The role of the magnetic resonance imaging safety supervisor: what we should know?. J. health med. sci., 7(1): 59-66, 2021.

   which are areas divided between I, II, III and IV.                                 13. Ensure that safety training for MRI is in accor-
   In zone I, it is an external area allowed for any                                     dance with safety policies and in cooperation
   circular person, in zone II, it is the area intended                                  with the physician responsible for the MRI sector.
   for reception (main entrance of the RM service)                                    14. Provide safety advice on the selection, purcha-
   and changing rooms, in this place it is already re-                                   se and installation of MRI-related equipment (in
   commended that all people be screened in order                                        consultation with a physician responsible for the
   to avoid accidents. Zone III is the area directly                                     MRI sector, if necessary).
   adjacent to the exam room that should only be                                      15. Provide safety advice on modifying MRI proto-
   released for people who are properly equipped                                         cols (in consultation with a physician responsible
   with safe tracking and finally, zone IV, which is                                     for the MRI sector, if necessary).
   the room that performs MRI exams, where ever-                                      16. Maintain regular contact with other groups or
   yone, both staff and Patients must be accom-                                          committees, responsible for the safety and we-
   panied by a highly trained professional, usually                                      ll-being of personnel, as well as ethics commi-
   the radiology technologist. (FERREIRA; NACIF;                                         ttees and other safety committees from other
   2011).                                                                                sectors.
6. Manage the risks presented by the MRI equip-
   ment and monitor the measures taken to protect
   against these risks.                                                               DISCUSSION
7. Ensure that all department heads and members
   of the medical team responsible for personnel in-
   volved in the MR system are informed of formal                                              The acquisition of magnetic resonance ima-
   training procedures.                                                               ges is considered safe, mainly because of its phy-
8. Ensure that doctors, technicians, nurses and all                                   sical principles of image formation that do not need
   other groups of employees (including auxiliary                                     ionizing radiation, however, the risks are realities in
   workers) who may be exposed to the RM en-                                          this environment, which can even lead to the death
   vironment are adequately trained, regularly, on                                    of people (Mazzola et al., 2019). All health facilities
   safety requirements and updated as necessary.                                      that have an MRI modality should adopt MRI secu-
   Some professionals in nursing, transportation,                                     rity policies and procedures, as well as review and
   cleaning, maintenance, and even anesthesiolo-                                      update all procedures frequently to ensure that any
   gists, are inclined to forget key safety elements                                  and all adverse events will not happen (Kanal et al.
   in MRI, because they do not have enough tra-                                       2002).
   ining to deal with the day-to-day operation. of
   RM, therefore, as they are necessary services,                                             Several accidents have already been recor-
   they need to be trained on an ongoing basis.                                       ded around the world, which justifies institutions to
   (PARRA et al. 2018)                                                                create and apply fundamentals of safety in the MR
9. Maintain records of personnel who have been                                        based on recommendations created by globally re-
   properly trained in safety requirements. Due to                                    cognized bodies. Bearing in mind that in the absen-
   employee turnover, attention needs to be direc-                                    ce of the necessary resources to guarantee safety,
   ted to defining the need to create a list divided                                  the probabilities of accidents increase and possible
   by function of each member to control those who                                    negative impacts may become irreversible to socie-
   could have access to the RM sector, and con-                                       ty as a whole (Mazzola et al.).
   sequently control this list by removing members
   who may not have more access to the sector.                                                Although the MRI examination is consi-
   (PARRA et al. 2018)                                                                dered a safe examination, as there are no proven
10. Consult the physician responsible for the MR                                      biological effects on the cells, the execution of its
   sector as often as necessary regarding the sa-                                     examination is complex and requires attention since
   fety of the MR.                                                                    accidents can occur related to a failure in this pro-
11. Report to the physician responsible for the MRI                                   cess. In 2013, shortly after the MRI exams, three
   sector in a timely manner about any and all pro-                                   patients died in a hospital in the city of Campinas in
   blems related to MRI safety.                                                       São Paulo. After almost two months of interdiction
12. Ensure that there is a clear policy for the pur-                                  of the service by the health surveillance, a publi-
   chase, testing and marking of all equipment that                                   cation was made in the Official Gazette of Campi-
   will be taken to critical areas related to MRI.                                    nas deinterditing the service (OFFICIAL DIARY OF
NUNES, A.; NUNES, H. & OLIVEIRA, M. The role of the magnetic resonance imaging safety supervisor: what we should know?. J. health med. sci., 7(1): 59-66, 2021.

 CAMPINAS, nº 10,591, page 21). Events like these                                               An effective continuing education program
 must be investigated and analyzed both from the                                       developed, practiced and reviewed by an SRM,
 point of view of human losses, which are irrepara-                                    makes it possible that adverse events such as tho-
 ble, and from health care (ANVISA, 2013). In 2013,                                    se presented in this work could be avoided. In the
 the portal reported that after the deaths in                                   case of the weapons of police officers who were at-
 Campinas, patients started to avoid magnetic reso-                                    tracted to the magnet, for example, the insertion of
 nance imaging, which generates evident losses due                                     a local police department in the effective continuing
 to the decrease in the performance of MRI exams                                       education program helps everyone to understand
 due to the decrease in the flow of patients.                                          what measures can be taken, including it is possible
                                                                                       to use actions similar to those used in emergency
          Failures due to the lack of proper training                                  case with the fire brigade, since in a matter publi-
 can result in accidents, such as what happened in                                     shed by the website, about the fire
 2018 in India, in which a companion entering the                                      brigade’s response to emergencies involving mag-
 MR room, therefore an oxygen cylinder, was attrac-                                    netic resonance imaging (MRI) where tactics can
 ted by the strong magnetic field, which resulted in                                   only proceed if there is involvement and determina-
 his death. It should be noted that there was autho-                                   tion of a person responsible for the magnetic reso-
 rization from the professional for the companion to                                   nance unit, as each situation will always be different
 enter the examination room (Mazzola et al.).                                          and all personnel involved need to have maximum
                                                                                       securitychild who allows safe work.
          It is possible that in Brazil accidents have
 already occurred that have not been computed and                                               Therefore, it is a modality that gradually sig-
 / or reported. The Magnetic Resonance Society in                                      nals an increase in risks, consequently generating an
 Medicine (ISMRM) recommends that it is essential                                      exclusive demand on security, which needs to be ma-
 to notify and report incidents, as well as to identify                                naged so that everyone involved has guarantees of
 the causes, as this allows to improve work practi-                                    their physical and mental integrity. However, this issue
 ces, policies and procedures. It is even possible to                                  still needs to be further discussed in the MR field.
 carry out these notifications on specific channels
 already adopted by some societies in several coun-                                    Final considerations
 tries, which are transformed into an object of study
 and later on as a source of information to contribute                                          This work provided an explanation that in-
 to the entire RM community, thus reducing the risks                                   volves the need to create a safety management for
 of similar incidents.                                                                 patients and professionals in the MRI sector, all due
                                                                                       to the visible growth of this modality as a means of
          The increase in the amount of equipment at                                   diagnostic imaging, which indicates the possibility
 MRI in health establishments around the world, is                                     of the growth of countless possible accidents. It was
 directly proportional to the increase in the number                                   also possible to observe that in view of the challen-
 of MRI imaging exams, according to data from ANS                                      ges on this safety theme for patients and professio-
 (Agencia reguladora de planos de saúde do Brasil,                                     nals in the MRI sector, the creation of the position of
 2018). In Brazil, in 2018 alone, more than 3 million                                  MRI Safety Supervisor is an effective alternative for
 exams per MRI were performed, representing a total                                    increasing the sector’s safety.
 value of more than 1 billion and one hundred million
 reais. In RDC 330/2019 IN 59, the discussion on                                                Therefore, it is expected that this work will
 MR security is still incipient, however, in the state of                              contribute to the MRI community to expand its stu-
 Minas Gerais there is already RESOLUTION SES                                          dies in search of understanding about the inclusion
 / MG No. 6234, of May 10, 2018, which discloses                                       of a professional trained exclusively to practice sa-
 the Technical Regulation that establishes the basic                                   fety in the routine of the MRI service.
 protection and safety requirements in resonance,
 highlighting in one of its definitions the individual                                 NUNES, A.; NUNES, H. & OLIVEIRA, M. El papel del su-
 to answer for the safety and quality requirements                                     pervisor de seguridad de imágenes de resonancia magnéti-
 in RM. This definition is expected to expand in the                                   ca: ¿qué debemos saber?. J. health med. sci., 7(1): 59-64,
 country so that discipline in the sector’s practice                                   2021.
 prevails, aiming at defending the health of patients                                  RESUMEN: The increasing attention that is given to
 and professionals involved.                                                           the protection of health professionals and patients has

NUNES, A.; NUNES, H. & OLIVEIRA, M. The role of the magnetic resonance imaging safety supervisor: what we should know?. J. health med. sci., 7(1): 59-66, 2021.

stimulated researchers and organizations to create                                       de posicionamento radiográfico e anatomia associada.
alternatives to improve safety practices in health services,                             Tradução da 8ª edição. Rio de Janeiro – RJ: Editora
including in the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)                                        Elsevier, 2015.
environment. However, this theme still needs to be further                            BROWN, Mark. Fire Department Response to Emergencies
explored in the MRI field. This paper aims to review                                     Involving Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). firehouse.
the current literature, explore the approach to the MRI
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environment. To achieve this, a narrative literature review                              mri. (Revised November 30), 2019.
was carried out in the electronic databases: ScienceDirect,                           CADASTRO NACIONAL DE ESTABELECIMENTOS DE
PubMed, Scielo and Google Scholar, using as inclusion                                    SAÚDE. Secretaria de atenção à saúde. Relatórios
criteria, articles published in Portuguese and English                                   equipamentos. Avaible in:
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according to relevant aspects, such as authorship, title,                                2020.
year of publication, objectives, methodology and main
results. Lastly, it considered aspects related to adverse                             CALAMANTE,          Fernando       et   al.   Recommended
events, international and national regulations on security                               responsibilities for management of MR safety. Journal
and safety management in the MRI sector. Nevertheless,                                   of Magnon Ressonance Imaging (JMRI), 44:1067-1069,
in the search for actions that effectively mitigate risks on                             2016.
this modality, it was observed that studies on the MRI                                CRISP, Susan; DAWDY, Krista. Building a Magnetic
Safety Supervisor are scarce, which reinforce the need                                   Resonance Imaging Safety Culture from the Ground
for further studies on this matter.                                                      Up. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences,
                                                                                         49:18-22, 2018.
KEYS WORDS:                 Magnetic           Resonance.              Safety.        CROSS, Nathan M. et al. Avoiding MRI-Related Accidents: A
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AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE SAÚDE SUPLEMENTAR (ANS).                                             de Campinas. Termo De Desinterdição. Nº 10.591- Ano
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