The Role of Mindfulness in Healthcare Reform: A Policy Paper

Page created by Maria Munoz

The Role of Mindfulness in Healthcare
Reform: A Policy Paper
               Kelley McCabe Ruff, MBA and Elizabeth R. Mackenzie, PhD

                                                                                                  by 2012.2 Clearly, our healthcare system is
 Contributing Authors:                               “Awareness and meditation are, for me,
 Michael Baime, MD — University of                                                                unsustainable both in terms of its financial
                                                  fundamental to the deep change that is
    Pennsylvania                                                                                  and human costs. However, despite a nearly
                                                  necessary for healing. Chronic illness is a
 Gina Biegel, MA, LMFT — Kaiser Permanente                                                        unanimous call for reform, there remains a
 Jeff Brantley, MD — Duke Intergrative            way of life as well as, perhaps even more
                                                                                                  lack of consensus about what form the
    Medicine                                      than, a disease entity. Before we can be
 Jeanne Chadwick, PhD — University of             free of the symptoms of illness and the         changes should take, and different stake-
    Connecticut                                   role of the sick person, we need to know        holders have put forth a variety of ap-
 Connen OⱊConnell, MA — Won Institute                                                             proaches.
 Jeffery Dusek, PhD — Penny George                what has precipitated those symptoms,
                                                  and how we are responding to our sick-             At this stage, one of the most important
    Institute for Health and Healing, Abbott
    Northwestern Hospital                         ness. We need to recognize in our own           questions we can ask is, “What is driving
 Jakie Gardner-Nix, PhD, MRCP (UK) —              lives the psychological, biological, and so-    healthcare costs?” It is reasonable to as-
    St. Michael’s Hospital Pain Clinic,                                                           sume that if we can identify the underly-
                                                  ciological factors that may affect our
    Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
                                                  health.                                         ing problem, we will increase our chances
    Pain Management Programme
 Arnold Kozak, PhD — University of                   Awareness allows us to see where we          of arriving at an effective solution.
    Vermont                                       are; to stand for a moment outside our-            Like most commodities, healthcare is
 Ellen Langer, PhD — Harvard University           selves; to appreciate in a powerful, per-       subject to the rule of supply and demand.
 Sasha Loring, MA — Duke Intergrative
    Medicine                                      sonal way, how the world around us af-          Right now, we have a high demand for
 Elizabeth R. Mackenzie, PhD — School of          fects us; to observe the thoughts, feelings,    healthcare procedures characterized by so-
    Arts and Sciences, University of              and sensations that arise in us. Meditation     phisticated and expensive medical tech-
    Pennsylvania                                  is a state of moment-to-moment aware-           nology. The evidence suggests that ad-
 Elise Mahovlich — Living Yoga Studios
                                                  ness that over time may help to dissolve        vances in medical technology are the
 Timoty McCall, MD — Medical Editor of
    Yoga Journal                                  physical symptoms and habitual ways of          single biggest factor driving up healthcare
 Jane McCool, PhD — Northeastern                  thinking and acting. Both awareness and         costs over the last 50 years or so, eclipsing
    University                                    meditation enable us to experience the          all the other factors such as aging popula-
 Lisa Dalle Miller, MFT — private practice        way our mind may limit or free us. To-
 David Nixa — eMindful Inc.                                                                       tion, costs of health insurance, rising in-
 Beatriz Olson, MD — Yale University              gether they prepare us to use our mind to       comes, defensive medicine, administrative
 Helen Rosen, PhD — Won Institute                 make the deep changes in thought, feel-         costs, lower productivity, end-of-life care,
 Kelley McCabe Ruff, MBA — CEO                    ing, and action that are necessary for our      and the like.2 However, since advances in
    eMindful Inc.                                 healing.”
 Kevin Thompson — eMindful Inc.                                                                   medical technology have also tended to
                                                     —James S. Gordon, MD1                        produce better health outcomes for cer-
 Glenn Wallis, PhD — Won Institute
 Ruth Wolever, PhD — Duke Intergrative                                                            tain conditions,3 we do not want to thwart
    Medicine                                                                                      technological progress. The problem is
 Elaine Yuen, PhD — Thomas Jefferson             numbers of Americans are uninsured (med-
    University                                   ical bills are a leading cause of bankruptcy),   that the nation, regardless of who pays for
 Lidia Zylowska, MD — UCLA                       and the aging of the so-called baby boomer       healthcare, can no longer afford to keep
                                                 generation threatens to burden Medicare be-      supplying the ever-increasing demand.
                                                 yond its capacity. The United States spends      One solution is to put limits on the sup-
THE URGENCY OF HEALTHCARE                        over $2 trillion annually on healthcare, yet     ply—to engage in healthcare rationing.
REFORM                                           some key national health indicators lag sig-     There are many serious objections to this
By now it is clear to everyone— econo-           nificantly behind other developed nations        approach, chief among them the moral is-
mists, lawmakers, health professionals,          (eg, infant mortality rates in the United        sue of denying potentially life-saving pro-
and the public—that healthcare reform is an      States rank 23rd globally, on par with Po-       cedures to human beings. Fortunately,
urgent need, a national emergency that re-       land and Slovakia). As a percentage of gross     there is another more humane and sensi-
quires immediate and focused attention.          domestic product, healthcare spending ex-        ble solution: reducing the demand by leverag-
Costs continue to spiral out of control, large   ceeds 16% and is projected to reach 17.7%        ing preventive medicine.

Guest Editorial                                                              EXPLORE November/December 2009, Vol. 5, No. 6 313
The fundamental problem in our              for greatest impact. Strategies for health            with chronic disease; the randomized
healthcare system—the factor most respon-      promotion and disease prevention—those                controlled trial (RCT) of 952 patients
sible for driving up healthcare costs—is the   that focus on self-responsibility and that sup-       indicated a cost savings of approxi-
neglect of low-tech strategies to prevent      port positive behavioral change—will yield            mately $750 per participant, more than
disease and promote health in favor of         the greatest long-term cost savings and are           10 times the cost of the program
high-tech interventions to treat disease af-   the foundation for a sustainable health-          ●   in an RCT of 335 patients scheduled for
ter it has arisen. We must change the way      care system for the 21st century.                     surgery, those who listened to guided
we think about health and healthcare if we        As Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, MD, MBA,                   imagery audiotapes beforehand experi-
are to produce meaningful and lasting          the CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson                    enced a 43% reduction in blood loss and
healthcare reform. As a society, we have       Foundation, recently pointed out, al-                 were able to leave the hospital a day earlier
become habituated to looking outside           though we spend over $2 trillion annually         ●   two RCTs of premature infants found
ourselves for answers to our problems, of-     in the United States on healthcare, only              that those who were massaged three
ten turning to technological solutions         5% of that money goes toward public                   times a day for 10 days gained weight
that, although typically effective in the      health and disease prevention.4 Perhaps               more rapidly and were discharged from the
short-term, may not be the best long-term      these figures can explain why we have be-             hospital five to six days earlier, yielding a
approach. Thus, we have a high incidence       come so good at treating disease, but so              savings of more than $10,000 per infant
of cardiovascular disease and a plethora of    deficient in preventing disease from oc-
sophisticated approaches to treating it,       curring in the first place. Lavizzo-Mourey           As Sobel has pointed out, the beauty of
ranging from pharmaceutical interven-          calls on lawmakers to “. . . reconfigure          these low-tech mind-body interventions is
tions to heart transplants. The success of     what we spend to build a ‘culture of well-        that they result in both better health out-
these interventions is wonderful to be-        ness’ in this country.”4                          comes and significant cost-savings.6 As the
hold, and they are responsible for saving         In summary, the problem facing us is a         evidence mounts that mind-body medi-
many lives. But what if we were able to        disease-oriented healthcare system. It is a       cine is both clinically effectual and cost ef-
reduce the demand for such interventions       problem because the costs— both human             fective, it is increasingly clear that the time
by lowering the incidence of heart disease     and financial—are unsustainable. The hu-          has come to integrate these approaches into
in the United States? What if we had a         mane and sensible solution is to employ a         conventional healthcare. In fact, with sup-
healthcare system that successfully im-        low-tech approach to health promotion that        port from the Bravewell Collaborative, an
proved the health of our population so         is successful, accessible, feasible, equitable,   award-winning documentary titled The New
much that the demand for costly proce-         and cost effective. Luckily, this approach has    Medicine, produced in 2006, presented
                                               already been discovered and is now being          many of the ways in which new scientific
dures declined, resulting in both cost sav-
                                               implemented and tested across the nation.         knowledge about the mind-body connec-
ings and a healthier citizenry? In this sce-
                                                                                                 tion can be integrated within existing health-
nario, healthcare rationing (limiting the
                                                                                                 care systems to both improve health out-
supply) would be irrelevant due to the sig-
                                                                                                 comes and lower costs.7
nificantly reduced demand for costly pro-      COST-SAVINGS ASSOCIATED WITH
cedures. Sophisticated medical technol-        MIND-BODY MEDICINE
ogy would be there to serve patients whose     Mind-body medicine focuses on the rela-
lives depended on it. However, there           tionships among the mind, body, brain,            MIND-BODY APPROACHES TO
would be fewer such cases, lowering costs      and behavior, and produces interventions          DISEASE PREVENTION AND
overall and increasing the general well-be-    that use these connections to achieve and         HEALTH PROMOTION
ing of the population. Such a scenario is      maintain health.5 A small cadre of re-            Mind-body medicine is not just a promis-
feasible if we can tap into the potential of   searchers has been quietly compiling data         ing avenue for treating disease; there are
preventive medicine.                           for many years on mind-body interven-             many indications that it can actually pre-
   By leveraging preventive medicine, we       tions and their potential cost savings.           vent disease from occurring at all.
can reduce the incidence of catastrophic       Among them is David S. Sobel, MD,                    “Heart disease, diabetes, prostate can-
illness and serious disease, thereby dimin-    MPH, of Kaiser Permanente, who summa-             cer, breast cancer, and obesity account for
ishing the need for expensive interven-        rized years of research in a short review         75% of health-care costs, and yet these are
tions. As the old adage has it, “an ounce of   article published in the Journal of the Amer-     largely preventable and even reversible by
prevention is worth a pound of cure,” yet      ican Medical Association in 20006:                changing diet and lifestyle. . . . The latest
our current system focuses mostly on cure                                                        scientific studies show that our bodies
and largely overlooks the advantages of        ●   one study of 107 patients with heart dis-     have a remarkable capacity to begin heal-
investing in prevention. Paying more at-           ease found that psychosocial interven-        ing, and much more quickly than we had
tention to disease prevention and health           tions (ie, stress management practices)       once realized, if we address lifestyle factors
promotion will result in a healthier popu-         reduced the risk of subsequent cardiac        that often cause these chronic diseases.”8
lation with less call for expensive medical        events by 75% (compared to usual care            The authors of this Wall Street Journal
interventions. Low-tech, cost-effective ap-        only)                                         op-ed cite the INTERHEART study,9
proaches to disease prevention and health      ●   Kaiser Permanente and Stanford Uni-           which “followed 30,000 men and women
promotion already exist; it is merely a mat-       versity implemented a seven-week pa-          on six continents and found that changing
ter of exploring how best to employ them           tient education program for patients          lifestyle could prevent at least 90% of all

314 EXPLORE November/December 2009, Vol. 5, No. 6                                                                              Guest Editorial
heart disease.”8 Clearly, it is more cost ef-     der et al,13 and Dusek et al14). Stressors acti-   effect on immunity and the overall ho-
fective to spend money to help people eat         vate the sympathetic nervous system (the           meostatic regulation of the body.
healthfully, exercise, and manage their           fight-or-flight response), causing higher             Recent studies point to the role of
stress than to treat heart disease after it has   blood pressure and having a deleterious            meditation in bolstering immunity by
developed. This is the proverbial “no-            effect on the heart. Meditation, on the            modulating the stress response. In a land-
brainer,” and yet we have been slow to            other hand, actually reduces sympathetic           mark study, Davidson et al19 were the first
invest in relatively inexpensive health pro-      activation (measured by blood biomarkers           to demonstrate that meditation changes
motion programs known to prevent all              and cardiac indices). For example, a study         both brain and immune function. They
manner of diseases, like cardiovascular dis-      of 19 patients with congestive heart failure       found that an eight-week mindfulness
ease, that are very expensive to treat after      found that a 12-week meditation program            meditation program produced beneficial
they have arisen.                                 reduced blood levels of the stress hor-            changes in both brain and immune func-
                                                  mone norepinephrine, improved cardio-              tion in a group of 25 healthy participants.
                                                  vascular function, and enhanced quality            In addition to showing that the medita-
MEDITATION                                        of life.15 Walton et al16 evaluated studies        tion group, compared to the controls, had
There are a number of mind-body prac-             of meditation and cardiovascular disease           increased brain activity in an area associ-
tices and interventions that researchers          and found that meditation “may be re-              ated with positive emotions, they also
have found to be effective for a variety of       sponsible for reductions of 80% or greater         demonstrated increased production of an-
conditions, including yoga, tai chi, Qi           in medical insurance claims and payments           tibodies in response to a flu vaccine. Sim-
gong (or Chi Kung), biofeedback, and              to physicians.” Another study of medita-           ilarly, when Pace et al20 randomized 61
therapeutic bodywork techniques that ad-          tion among 23 African Americans recently           healthy adults to a short meditation train-
dress both mind and body. All of these            hospitalized with congestive heart failure         ing (six weeks) or a control group, they
modalities are worthy of discussion and           found that the meditation group had                found that the new meditators responded
have enormous potential to promote                fewer rehospitalizations and better cardiac        to stressors differently than the controls.
health and treat disease; however, they are       function than the control group.17 Not             Specifically, following a standardized
beyond the scope of this paper, which fo-         surprisingly, they also exhibited improved         stressor, those who meditated had lower
cuses on meditation. There are many dif-          mood and enhanced quality of life. The             levels of both distress and inflammation,
ferent styles of meditation—too many to           seminal study by Dean Ornish et al18 pub-          suggesting that meditation reduces stress-
enumerate here—and some are rooted in             lished in the Journal of the American Medical      induced immune responses. Another
spiritual traditions (eg, Christianity, Bud-      Association found that lifestyle changes           study looked at a form of mindfulness
dhism, Taoism, and Hinduism), whereas                                                                meditation on immune function, quality
                                                  that included meditation-based stress
others are not tied to any specific religious                                                        of life, and psychological coping in a
                                                  management actually reversed coronary
practice.                                                                                            group of women recently diagnosed with
                                                  atherosclerosis over a five-year period in a
   The fundamental concept at the core of                                                            breast cancer.21 They found that the
                                                  group of 20 persons with moderate to se-
meditation is similar across all traditions—to                                                       women in the eight-week meditation
                                                  vere coronary heart disease. Patients in the
                                                                                                     group (when compared to controls over
promote increased awareness through fo-           control group (n ⫽ 15) had more than
cused attention in the present moment.                                                               time) had better immune system biomar-
                                                  twice as many cardiac events than those in
Meditation is primarily a reflective disci-                                                          kers, reduced stress hormones, improved
                                                  the experimental group. As many mind-
pline that requires a quiet introspection,                                                           quality of life, and better coping skills.
                                                  body medicine advocates have pointed
typically leading to a fundamental shift in                                                          Carlson et al22 explored an eight-week
                                                  out, if there were a pill that could do this,
one’s perspective on daily life. Interest-                                                           mindfulness meditation program as an in-
                                                  the government would mandate its imme-
ingly, the practice of meditation is associ-                                                         tervention for early-stage breast and pros-
                                                  diate and widespread use.
ated with increased resilience to stress                                                             tate cancer patients and found that the
                                                     Psychoneuroimmunology is a growing              persons in the mindfulness group had en-
and significant health improvements. Re-          field of research that seeks to map the bio-
searchers have demonstrated that psycho-                                                             hanced quality of life, decreased stress
                                                  mechanical pathways associated with the            symptoms, and may have experienced
social stress plays a pivotal role in the de-     mind-body connection. It is no secret that
velopment of disease.10,11 This may                                                                  beneficial changes in the endocrine sys-
                                                  our thoughts and emotions can influence            tem, a component of the immune system.
explain why meditation can both prevent           our immune systems, but the science of             In sum, meditation appears to protect the
and treat a large range of conditions, ev-        exactly how this happens is still not com-         body from the potentially damaging ef-
erything from cardiovascular disease to fi-       pletely understood. What the psychoneu-            fects of psychological stress by physiolog-
bromyalgia.                                       roimmunology studies have documented               ically interrupting stress pathways and
                                                  is that our perceptions, thoughts, and             strengthening the body’s immune re-
                                                  feelings can influence our immune and              sponses, thus improving health directly.
MEDITATION: THE PHYSICAL                          hormonal systems in both adaptive
EFFECTS                                           and nonadaptive ways. How we perceive
The practice of meditation is known to            daily life experiences (eg, being over-
have effects on human physiology, includ-         whelmed or feeling threatened) can lead to         MEDITATION AND THE BRAIN
ing improved blood pressure and cardiac           chronic psychological stress. Such chronic         Neuroscience studies of meditation have
functioning (eg, Anderson et al,12 Schnei-        stress has been shown to have a deleterious        demonstrated enduring and beneficial

Guest Editorial                                                                EXPLORE November/December 2009, Vol. 5, No. 6 315
changes in both the function and structure       found to have a beneficial effect for this       designed to prevent future relapse, and re-
of the brain that persist beyond the period of   and many other mental health prob-               search shows that it is more effective than
meditation.19,23-26 Neuroscientist Daniel        lems.28 In fact, a meditation-based inter-       treatment as usual.37,38
Siegel27 concludes that mindfulness pro-         vention for depression was shown to be              There is also some evidence suggesting
duces a form of neural integration and           better at preventing relapse into depres-        that mindfulness meditation discourages
coherence that leads to more adaptive            sion than the standard treatment (antide-        self-destructive behavior in response to
functioning. The areas of the prefrontal         pressant medication),29 and a meditation-        stress through acceptance rather than avoid-
cortex that show increases in gray matter        based stress reduction intervention was          ance of negative emotions such as sorrow,
are responsible for emotional regulation         found to successfully treat anxiety disorders,   guilt, or loneliness.39,40 Anecdotal evidence
(including modulating fear) and an in-           not only in the short term but even at           suggests that mind-body practices such as
creased ability to be resilient in the face of   the three-year follow-up.30 Meditation also      meditation help individuals make the jour-
stress. Other capacities affected include        holds promise as an intervention for the         ney from self-destructive to self-supportive
the regulation of body systems, attuning         treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder       behavior. Furthermore, mind-body inter-
to others, responding flexibly, and exhib-       (PTSD), a particularly debilitating condi-       ventions serve as catalysts for virtuous cy-
iting insight and empathy. For example,          tion that plagues many US veterans.31 Al-        cles, initiating a cascade of positive side ef-
Lazar et al24 found that mindfulness med-        though not yet systematically studied in a       fects. As with all truly holistic interventions,
itation led to a thickening in areas of the      population of US veterans, an RCT of a           the effects of meditation are not confined to
prefrontal cortex linked to these func-          mind-body intervention that included             a single symptom or condition. For exam-
tions, and that these changes were corre-        meditation was found to successfully treat       ple, someone may begin a meditation pro-
lated with the length of time practicing.        adolescents suffering from PTSD in post-         gram to stop smoking and find that not only
Lutz et al25 conclude that:                      war Kosovo.32 Researchers at the Veterans        does their craving for cigarettes decrease,
                                                 Affairs Health Care System in San Diego          their mood improves, their relationships are
                                                 tested a mantra meditation practice in a         more harmonious, and their hypertension
  Many of our core mental processes              group of veterans and found it to be an          diminishes.
  such as awareness and attention and            effective method of reducing symptoms of
  emotion regulation, including our very         stress and anxiety.33
  capacity for happiness and compas-
                                                    Meditation not only improves health
  sion, should best be conceptualized as                                                          AGING AND THE MIND
  trainable skills. The meditative tradi-        directly (eg, normalizing blood pressure,
                                                                                                  Finding cost-effective ways to support the
  tions provide a compelling example of          enhancing immunity, lowering levels of
                                                                                                  healthy aging of the US population is one
  strategies and techniques that have            stress hormones, and improving brain             of the cornerstones of healthcare reform,
  evolved over time to enhance and op-           function), it improves health indirectly by      and researchers continue to uncover in-
  timize human potential and well-be-            helping individuals to avoid maladaptive         triguing indications that the mind has a
  ing. The neuroscientific study of these        responses to stress (eg, excessive drinking,
  traditions is still in its infancy but the                                                      profound influence on how the body ages.
                                                 substance abuse, smoking, binge eating),         For example, following her studies on self-
  early findings promise to reveal the           thus improving health indirectly. It has
  mechanisms by which such training may                                                           efficacy and longevity,41,42 Ellen Langer’s
  exert its effects as well as underscore the    long been known that five behavioral fac-        groundbreaking 1979 study on the psy-
  plasticity of the brain circuits that under-   tors significantly contribute to the rising      chology of aging raises a number of ques-
  lie complex mental functions.25                costs associated with the chronic disease        tions about the conventional perspective
                                                 burden in the United States: excessive           on the biological causes of aging.43 In this
   As this fledging field progresses, it is      drinking, smoking, eating, inactivity, and       study, a group of male nursing home resi-
very likely that neuroscientists will be able    stress. Meditation has been shown to help        dents in their late 70s and early 80s were
to demonstrate—in scientific terms— ex-          in all these areas. Meditation addresses         taken on a weeklong retreat, where they
actly how and why meditative practices           stress directly by enhancing our ability to      were encouraged to live as if it were 1959.
produce the kinds of health benefits prac-       cope with psychological stressors that           The researchers took steps to create a psy-
titioners report anecdotally and research-       would otherwise adversely affect our phys-       chological environment that took the par-
ers have found in their clinical studies.        iology, as discussed above. It can also as-      ticipants’ imaginations back in time, al-
                                                 sist persons in making the lifestyle changes     lowing them to live in a fictional 1959.
                                                 (eg, smoking cessation, reducing or elimi-       They then measured a range of indicators of
MEDITATION AND THE MIND                          nating alcohol consumption) necessary            chronological age, and they found signifi-
Meditation can protect the body from the         for good health.34 For example, studies          cant changes in the experimental group, in-
negative effects of psychological stress, as     have shown that mindfulness meditation           cluding improvements in joint flexibility,
discussed above; it can also help to pre-        can help people quit smoking,35 decrease         manual dexterity, and even finger length.
vent and treat mental health problems            binge eating,36 and reduce alcohol and           Other studies have demonstrated that a
such as depression and anxiety. Depres-          substance abuse.37 Mindfulness-based             simple change in mental attitude can re-
sion is one of the most common chronic           interventions specifically targeted for          sult in weight loss and lower blood pres-
mental health problems, and it inflicts a        substance abuse relapse prevention have          sure,44 as well as improved vision.43 Find-
heavy societal toll in terms of both human       proved successful. Mindfulness-based re-         ings of this nature fly in the face of the
and financial costs. Meditation has been         lapse prevention is an eight-week program        conventional view of human physiology

316 EXPLORE November/December 2009, Vol. 5, No. 6                                                                              Guest Editorial
yet are the fruits of legitimate research.        Interest in the clinical application of          and cost effective, particularly in the treat-
What might explain these research find-         mindfulness is gaining momentum, and               ment of chronic disease.
ings? One clue is found in studies suggest-     there is convincing evidence that mindful-            Roth and Stanley62 report that an eight-
ing that mind-body practices such as med-       ness can improve health and quality of life        week MBSR program at a community
itation can actually alter gene expression.     through the following:                             health center (N ⫽ 73) resulted in a signifi-
Jeffery Dusek et al45 conducted a study on                                                         cant decrease in chronic care office visits af-
long-term practitioners of a variety of         ●   decreased perception of pain                   ter the MBSR program was completed,
mind-body practices and found that, com-        ●   increased ability to tolerate pain             based on a review of utilization records. The
pared with control subjects, the mind-          ●   reduced stress, anxiety, and depression        authors conclude that MBSR programs may
body practitioners had more than 2,000          ●   diminished use of medication (lessen-          help to contain healthcare costs in similar
differently expressed genes. When they ex-          ing adverse effects of drugs)                  inner-city community health centers.
posed the nonpractitioners to eight weeks       ●   enhanced medical decision making                  A small study of adult offenders with mild
of meditation training, the expression of       ●   better adherence to medical treatments         intellectual disabilities (N ⫽ 6) found that a
more than 1,500 genes was altered. Repli-       ●   increased motivation to make lifestyle         simple mindfulness exercise reduced physi-
cating and confirming these studies would           changes                                        cal aggression so much that “no Stat medi-
open up a new world of possibility for          ●   more social connection and enriched            cation or physical restraint was required, and
healthy aging, among other things, with             interpersonal                                  there were no staff or peer injuries.”63 The
important implications for both improved        ●   enhanced neuroendocrine and immune             authors estimate a 95.7% reduction in costs
quality of life and reduced medical costs           system function46                              associated with lost workdays and rehabilita-
among the elderly.                                                                                 tion.
                                                                                                      A German study of 21 persons with
                                                                                                   chronic illnesses (physical and psychologi-
                                                                                                   cal) found that an eight-week mindfulness
MEDICINE                                        INTERVENTIONS FOR CHRONIC
                                                                                                   meditation program resulted in lasting re-
The most common form of meditation              CONDITIONS
                                                                                                   ductions in symptoms as well as improved
found in clinical settings is mindfulness-      Mindfulness-based stress reduction has
                                                                                                   quality of life and general well-being as mea-
based stress reduction (MBSR), a clinically     been tested as a clinical intervention for a
                                                                                                   sured in a three-month poststudy follow-
tested, secular form of meditation popu-        wide range of conditions. A brief overview
                                                                                                   up.64 The authors conclude that mindful-
larized by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, professor       of mindfulness-based interventions for
                                                chronic disease shows that it may be an ef-        ness training has important cost-control
emeritus at the University of Massachu-                                                            benefits.
setts Medical School, and founding direc-       fective treatment or adjunct intervention for
                                                a range of disorders, including depres-               A 2008 qualitative study of 27 older
tor of both the Stress Reduction Clinic                                                            adults with chronic lower back pain (a con-
and the Center for Mindfulness in Medi-         sion,47,29 anxiety,48 substance abuse,37 eat-
                                                                                                   dition associated with significant healthcare
cine, Healthcare and Society. Kabat-            ing disorders,49 binge eating,50 insomnia,51
                                                                                                   costs) found that an eight-week mindfulness
Zinn’s work has provided a foundation for       chronic pain,52 psoriasis,53 type 2 diabe-
                                                                                                   meditation program produced numerous
the use of mindfulness meditation as a          tes,54 fibromyalgia,55 rheumatoid arthri-
                                                                                                   health improvements including diminished
medical intervention, and his books,            tis,56,57 attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor-
                                                                                                   pain, improved attention, better sleep, en-
scholarly articles, and scientific studies      der,58 HIV,59 cancer,21 and heart disease.60
                                                                                                   hanced well-being, and improved quality of
have greatly advanced our understanding         A comprehensive literature review of four
of the mind-body connection.                    of the largest health sciences databases
                                                (EBSCO, CINAHL, PSYCHLINE, and                        Kreitzer et al51 studied the effects of an
   The concept of mindfulness is simple.                                                           eight-week mindfulness meditation pro-
“The goal of all mindfulness is to maintain     MEDLINE) found that “MBSR is an effec-
                                                tive treatment for reducing the stress and         gram on 20 organ transplant recipients.
awareness moment by moment, disengag-                                                              Transplant recipients typically experience a
ing oneself from strong attachment to be-       anxiety that accompanies daily life and
                                                chronic illness. . . . No negative side            host of symptoms after their surgery, such as
liefs, thoughts, or emotions, thereby de-                                                          anxiety, depression, and insomnia, all of
veloping a greater sense of emotional           effects from MBSR have been docu-
                                                mented.”61 Researchers hypothesize that            which add to the expense of their recupera-
balance and well-being.”46 Detachment                                                              tion. The recipients who completed the rel-
                                                its effectiveness for so many different types
from thoughts and emotions allows indi-                                                            atively low-cost mindfulness meditation
                                                of conditions is due to its ability to modu-
viduals to observe their habitual patterns                                                         program experienced better sleep quality
                                                late the stress response. In other words,
of behavior without judgment, creating                                                             even six months after completing the
                                                MBSR allows us to use the wisdom of our
space for wiser choices. Using his own ex-                                                         course, resulting in decreased anxiety/de-
                                                minds and the innate healing capacity of our
periences with mindfulness meditation,                                                             pression and better quality of life.
                                                bodies to improve our physical health.
Kabat-Zinn developed and standardized
an eight-week mindfulness meditation
program for use in clinical settings that he                                                       MINDFULNESS FOR HEALTH
called mindfulness-based stress reduction.      STUDIES OF MINDFULNESS THAT                        PROFESSIONALS: THE
His MBSR program has become a guide             INCLUDED COST IMPLICATIONS                         IMPORTANCE OF SELF-CARE
and a standard for virtually all other clini-   Accumulating data indicates that mindful-          The routine training of health profession-
cally oriented mindfulness programs.            ness meditation is clinically efficacious          als (eg, physicians, nurses, clinical social

Guest Editorial                                                              EXPLORE November/December 2009, Vol. 5, No. 6 317
workers, psychologists) in mindfulness            be integrated into existing curricula in       to continue using mindfulness in the class-
programs such as MBSR may be one of the           schools of medicine, nursing, and social       room. A recent RCT demonstrated that
most effective ways to disseminate its ben-       work. In fact, a number of programs seek-      adolescents with a whole host of medical
efits widely throughout the healthcare sys-       ing to address clinician burnout and stress    and mental health problems experienced
tem, improving both the professional lives        already offer mindfulness training. Kabat-     significant improvements after an eight-
of clinicians and the health of patients.         Zinn and his colleagues have taught mind-      week program of MBSR, including re-
   A stressed healthcare workforce leads to       fulness techniques to medical students at      duced anxiety, depression, and improved
increased costs associated with practitio-        the University of Massachusetts for over       self-esteem and sleep quality. These clini-
ner burnout, high staff turnover, clinical        20 years,79 and similar programs are being     cally significant changes were sustained
errors, and lower quality care for patients.      offered elsewhere, such as the Penn Pro-       over the three-month follow-up.83
Costs associated with medical errors are ap-      gram for Mindfulness at the University of         Such research suggests that mindfulness
proximately $17 billion annually, whereas         Pennsylvania and the Mindfulness Insti-        training could be an important comple-
those stemming from high rates of staff           tute at Thomas Jefferson University.76         ment to existing public health initiatives
turnover are about $21 billion per year.65        These programs could be expanded, en-          to address childhood obesity, reduce
Poor physician-patient communication is           couraged, and replicated through Na-           school violence, and improve educational
one of the factors responsible for the prac-      tional Institutes of Health training grants.   achievement. Teaching children the basics
tice of defensive medicine,66 which is as-        Health professionals already in the work-      of mindfulness has the immeasurable
sociated with annual costs of about $210          place can be encouraged to seek mindful-       added benefit of giving young people cop-
billion.65 Mindfulness training can ad-           ness training through programs and work-       ing skills that may prevent the develop-
dress these concerns (eg, Kabat-Zinn,67           shops that offer continuing education          ment of mental and physical disease later
Baime,68 and Brown and Ryan69). There             credits (CEUs).                                in life.84 Researchers have found a correla-
are many immediate benefits to exposing                                                          tion between childhood abuse (physical
clinicians to mindfulness training:                                                              and/or sexual) and certain kinds of ill-
                                                                                                 nesses later in life (eg, irritable bowel syn-
                                                  MINDFULNESS IN THE SCHOOLS:                    drome, fibromyalgia).85,86 One recently
●   evidence suggests that mindfulness training
                                                  PROMOTING HEALTH AND                           published study of over 15,000 individu-
    of physicians can reduce medical errors70
                                                  ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT                           als found that “childhood traumatic stress
●   a study of 53 medical residents suggests
                                                  Children often experience just as much         increased the likelihood of hospitalization
    that training in self-awareness enhances
                                                  psychological stress as their parents, yet     with a diagnosed autoimmune disease de-
    the ability to conduct patient-centered       have few resources with which to cope.         cades into adulthood.”87 The authors dis-
    interviews,71 thereby improving physi-        Children and adolescents living in low-        cussed these findings in connection with
    cian-patient communication and ulti-          income, high-crime areas, or whose par-        recent biological studies on the impact of
    mately resulting in higher quality of         ents are coping with high levels of psycho-    childhood stress on subsequent inflamma-
    care68                                        social stress (for example, due to divorce,    tory responses.87 The findings strongly sug-
●   a number of studies and reviews have          job loss, chronic disease, or substance        gest that giving children an effective method
    suggested that increased self-awareness       abuse) are especially vulnerable. This can     to cope with psychological stressors can help
    can help prevent and manage stress and        lead to a host of dysfunctions such as         to prevent the development of serious, de-
    burnout, and increase empathy72-77            behavioral problems, eating disorders,         bilitating, and costly diseases later in life.
●   studies suggest that teaching mindful-        substance abuse, depression/anxiety, inter-
    ness to health professionals improves         personal conflict, aggression, and poor aca-
    the quality of care they deliver through      demic performance.81 A number of re-
    enhancing caregiver self-efficacy,78 im-      searchers across the nation are pioneering     TELEMEDICINE AND THE
    proving clinician well-being and coping       the study of MBSR in schools, and the          DELIVERY OF MINDFULNESS
    skills,79 and that training psychothera-      results of their research are promising. For   TRAINING
    pists in mindfulness significantly im-        example, Park Day School in Oakland,           Currently, the most common method of
    proves the mental health of the patients      California, has initiated a program in         delivery of mindfulness instruction is face-
    under their care80                            mindfulness for elementary students in         to-face group trainings in classroomlike
                                                  the Oakland area.82 Over 5,000 children        settings. It is a cost-effective way to pro-
    What the research underscores is the          in 20 schools have received mindfulness        mote physical and psychological well-be-
crucial importance of self-care for health        training. Analysis of the research findings    ing, yet there are limitations to how many
professionals if they are to have the capac-      is ongoing, but preliminary data show that     persons can access mindfulness instruc-
ity to deliver truly high-quality care to pa-     93% of students report that mindfulness        tion due to a finite number of qualified
tients, minimizing clinical errors, improving     has helped them in some way, 85% say           mindfulness meditation teachers. New in-
physician-patient communication, lessen-          they will use mindfulness techniques in        formation technologies can improve ac-
ing the incidence of burnout, enhancing pa-       the future, 61% say it helps them calm         cess to mindfulness instruction. The age of
tient-centered care, and reducing the fear of     down; and 59% say it helps them focus          telemedicine has arrived. Based on a grow-
litigation. Health professionals can receive      better in the classroom. Among teachers,       ing awareness of the benefits of telemedi-
training in mindfulness through a number          96% say that the mindfulness training has      cine, state governments are beginning to
of avenues. First, mindfulness training can       benefited them personally, and 94% plan        support its use. For example, in June 2009

318 EXPLORE November/December 2009, Vol. 5, No. 6                                                                            Guest Editorial
the state of Maine passed a law requiring        cally and cost-effective adjunct to conven-      PAYING FOR MINDFULNESS
health insurance plans to cover telemedi-        tional face-to-face care.                        TRAINING
cine services.88 Telemedicine (or telehealth        The use of Web-based, online mindful-         The costs associated with delivering mind-
or eHealth) refers to the use of communica-      ness programs is a convenient, practical, and    fulness-based services and training health-
tions and information technologies in the        cost-effective way to allow large numbers of     care professionals to deliver such services
delivery of clinical care, and its proponents    people (health professionals, patients, and      will pay for themselves if the prevailing
are enthusiastic about telemedicine’s po-        the public) to access mindfulness medita-        paradigm within healthcare can be shifted
tential to address rising costs, inequities in   tion. At present, one of the main barriers to    from treating to preventing disease. Cur-
healthcare delivery, and barriers to care.89     the widespread dissemination of mindful-         rently, many individuals receiving mind-
Examples of telemedicine include distant         ness is the paucity of highly qualified and      fulness meditation instruction pay for it
health education initiatives, telephone-         experienced meditation teachers. Although        out of pocket. Insurance companies, who
based case management and home moni-             there is no formal licensure or credentialing    would incur significant cost savings in the
toring programs, use of communication            for meditation instructors, it is generally      long run, may choose to cover the costs,
                                                                                                  perhaps with a modest copay, discounts in
technologies to coordinate care, and the         agreed that only persons trained at a handful
                                                                                                  premiums, or with flexible spending ac-
use of Internet-based clinical interven-         of professional training programs (such as
                                                                                                  counts. Employers, wishing to support the
tions.                                           the stress reduction program at the Univer-
                                                                                                  health and productivity of their employ-
   Although this is a newly emergent field,      sity of Massachusetts) should be considered
                                                                                                  ees, could support mindfulness programs.
several studies point to the effectiveness of    qualified to teach others how to meditate.93
                                                                                                  Private foundations may be interested in
therapies delivered over the Internet. A            Internet-based mindfulness programs,          supporting such programs, particularly if
review of 14 studies comparing the effec-        featuring live instruction in virtual class-     they have a rigorous evaluation compo-
tiveness of Internet versus face-to-face psy-    rooms by experienced teachers, can greatly       nent. The National Institutes of Health
chological interventions showed no differ-       expand the reach of the existing network of      could fund training grants for health pro-
ences in outcomes.90 Perini et al91 found        mindfulness teachers, helping them to reach      fessionals, encouraging the widespread
that a clinician-assisted delivery over the      many more students than otherwise possi-         training of clinicians in schools of medi-
Internet of cognitive behavioral treatment       ble. Online mindfulness training programs        cine, nursing, and social work, with the
for depression produced clinically signifi-      can also increase the number of health pro-      ultimate goal of standardizing mindful-
cant results. Twenty persons diagnosed           fessionals trained in mindfulness techniques     ness training into the curriculum. Health-
with depression completed an eight-week          by adding a distance education component         care organizations currently bearing the
online program consisting of online ses-         to existing professional training programs.      burden of increased costs associated with
sions, weekly assignments, and email             For example, health professionals could re-      high rates of clinician turnover, clinician
contact with a clinical psychologist. Indi-      ceive conventional, face-to-face mindful-        stress, and burnout may opt to pay for
viduals in the treatment group reported          ness training in a single workshop and then      mindfulness training for their practitio-
significantly reduced symptoms of depres-        continue their practice with support from        ners.94 Health professionals could pay for
sion. Another study examined the use of          the mindfulness teacher in online sessions       such training as they do for other CEUs;
telemedicine to deliver mindfulness-based        over the course of several months. Patients      in fact, some organizations already offer
meditation to patients with chronic              who have completed the standard eight-           CEUs for mindfulness education pro-
pain.92 In this study, over 200 chronic          week MBSR program could access ongoing           grams such as those offered through the
pain patients were assigned to three             instruction and support via Web-based in-        National Institute for the Clinical Appli-
groups: a present site, distant site, or a       struction.                                       cation of Behavioral Medicine.95 Finally,
wait-list control group. Videoconferenc-            School-based mindfulness programs             state and local governments could fund
ing and CDs were used to deliver the in-         could maximize their resources by aug-           train-the-trainer programs through Area
tervention to the distant site participants      menting in-person training with Internet-        Agencies on Aging, YMCAs, Big Brother/
(n ⫽ 57). The researchers found that the         based meditation instruction. As the             Big Sister groups, and other community or-
distant site group’s improvements were           emerging research findings suggest, some         ganizations.
comparable to the present site group in          patients who would otherwise not be able
two of the four key measures and conclude        to access mindfulness programs can suc-
that telemedicine is a promising way to          cessfully learn the practice of mindfulness      A VISION FOR THE FUTURE
help chronic pain patients in rural areas        from qualified teachers in the virtual class-    Our vision is that mindfulness is widely
manage their condition. Not only can             room. Students of mindfulness are already        recognized as an indispensable tool in
such Web-based interventions improve             using CDs produced by nationally recog-          health promotion and disease prevention
access to care for persons living in remote      nized teachers such as Jon Kabat-Zinn to         initiatives, as well as a cost-effective inter-
areas or who find it difficult to leave their    support them in their practice. Internet-        vention for many chronic conditions and
homes due to disabilities, caregiving du-        based meditation instruction takes this idea     as an adjunct to conventional care. We
ties, frailty, or lack of transportation, de-    a step further, using concepts from both tele-   envision the creation of mindfulness pro-
livering clinically supervised care over the     medicine and distance education to dissem-       grams (using the MBSR program as a basic
Internet is extremely cost effective. All in-    inate the benefits of mindfulness practice to    model) for a number of constituencies
dications are that telemedicine is a clini-      as many individuals as possible.                 across a variety of settings. A number of

Guest Editorial                                                              EXPLORE November/December 2009, Vol. 5, No. 6 319
these programs already exist, such as mind-      1. Comparative effectiveness studies need            healthcare centers (eg, Veterans Af-
fulness-based cognitive therapy, mindful-           to evaluate mindfulness practice against          fairs Medical Centers).
ness-based chronic pain management, and             usual care for individuals with anxiety      9.   Employers who offer mindfulness
mindful eating for bariatric patients, and          and depression, pain, cardiovascular dis-         programs and collect data on the cost
these can serve as templates.                       ease, and other chronic conditions.96             savings related to reduced absentee-
   Mindfulness training for patients with        2. The feasibility, effectiveness, and               ism, better employee retention, and
conditions shown to be responsive to this           cost savings need to be studied of                enhanced productivity could receive
intervention will become the standard of            mindfulness practices and modali-                 tax incentives and/or discounts on
care, reducing costs and improving health           ties in diverse populations (eg, eth-             health insurance products.
outcomes across a spectrum of diseases              nicity, age, gender, rural/urban) in        10.   Institutions responsible for health
and conditions. We envision a widespread            the United States.                                professions education can begin the
inclusion of mindfulness training in the         3. Cost-effectiveness studies need to                process of integrating mindfulness
healthcare education system. Health pro-            demonstrate the cost savings associ-              training into their curricula for the
fessions training will integrate concepts           ated with mindfulness interventions               benefit of both practitioners and pa-
and techniques of mindfulness into the              compared with usual care in popula-               tients. This effort could be supported
existing professionalism and humanism               tions for which there are already reli-           through National Institutes of Health
curricula, diminishing burnout, reducing            able records of cost (eg, Medicare).              training grants.
clinical errors, and enhancing patient care.     4. Large-scale, longitudinal effective-        11.   It is important to understand the ex-
Large-scale public health initiatives will le-      ness studies are needed that docu-
verage our understanding of the mind-                                                                 tent to which clinicians understand
                                                    ment the cascade of positive side ef-             the health benefits of mindfulness
body connection and the role of stress in           fects of mindfulness. Research into
determining health behavior by including                                                              practices so they will recommend
                                                    this area has been slow to emerge due
components of mindfulness training in                                                                 these modalities to their patients. Al-
                                                    to the tendency of scientific study to
their health promotion efforts to combat                                                              though the research evidence on the
                                                    narrow its focus to one symptom or
obesity, substance abuse, cigarette smok-                                                             benefits of mindfulness practice are
                                                    condition in the interests of clarity
ing, domestic and school violence, and                                                                well established, these modalities
                                                    and precision). Although this reduc-
prevalent mental health disorders such as                                                             have not been disseminated widely
                                                    tionist approach has many benefits,
anxiety and depression.                                                                               to the general public, and research on
                                                    it can miss the “big picture.” Devel-
   Telemedicine will be employed to ex-                                                               healthcare professionals’ attitudes
                                                    oping a new kind of “person-cen-
pand access to high-quality mindfulness                                                               and knowledge of mindfulness is crit-
                                                    tered” rather than “disease-centered”
training and maintenance programs. Inter-                                                             ical in implementing these programs.
                                                    research model could assist us in bet-
net-based instruction will connect individ-                                                           Making mindfulness training a re-
                                                    ter comprehending the cascade of
uals with mindfulness teachers in the vir-                                                            quired component of annual CEUs
                                                    positive effects characteristic of
tual classrooms accessible through clinics,                                                           would be one way to further education
                                                    mindfulness interventions.
schools, workplaces, community centers,                                                               amongst healthcare professionals.
                                                 5. Rigorous research on telemedicine
and households across the United States.                                                        12.   Because the practice of defensive
                                                    and the delivery of mindfulness
Mindfulness meditation teachers, who                                                                  medicine costs approximately $210
                                                    training, comparing mindfulness in-
formerly were limited by their geographic                                                             billion each year, we need studies that
                                                    struction in the virtual classroom
location in their ability to train students,                                                          explore how mindfulness training in-
                                                    with face-to-face instruction, needs
will be able to reach a far greater audience.                                                         fluences physician-patient communi-
                                                    to continue.
In this way, mindfulness meditation will                                                              cation. Previous research suggests that
                                                 6. Should additional research support
become a key component of self-care for                                                               physicians with better communication
                                                    the findings of the virtual classroom
health promotion, as well as an important                                                             skills are less likely to be the targets of
                                                    as an effective and inexpensive deliv-
adjunct to conventional clinical care.                                                                malpractice suits. Can mindfulness
                                                    ery medium, equitable insurance
                                                    and flexible-spending reimburse-                  training of health professionals de-
RESEARCH AND POLICY                                 ments for Internet-based interven-                crease the incidence and fear of litiga-
RECOMMENDATIONS                                     tions should be considered.                       tion, thereby reducing the practice of
Practical next steps include the expansion       7. Veterans Affairs Medical Centers                  defensive medicine?
of research that explores the mechanisms            would be an ideal setting for multi-        13.   We need to conduct studies exploring
of mindfulness in different diseases, com-          site trials of mindfulness for PTSD,              the impact of mindfulness training
pares its effects with other approaches in          cardiovascular disease, substance                 on clinician errors (currently costing
diverse populations, investigates different         abuse, depression, and other condi-               about $17 billion annually) and health
delivery models, demonstrates cost-sav-             tions that are prevalent in this popu-            staffing turnover ($21 billion).
ings, and establishes training require-             lation, evaluating both its efficacy        14.   Evaluating school-based mindfulness
ments. We also need to explore the imple-           and cost-savings.                                 training will help us to understand how
mentation of mindfulness training in             8. Mindfulness-based training pro-                   best to implement the mindful-schools
different settings, such as workplaces, clin-       grams could be implemented and                    model currently being developed, and
ics, schools, and community centers.                evaluated at federal workplaces and               whether this approach can be a corner-

320 EXPLORE November/December 2009, Vol. 5, No. 6                                                                             Guest Editorial
stone of pediatric public health pro-                                                             5. National Center for Complementary and
     motion in the future.                             At a hearing in June 2009, Tim Ryan,               Alternative Medicine. Mind-body medi-
                                                   representative from the state of Ohio,                 cine: an overview. Backgrounder. October
                                                   asked Department of Health and Human                   2004. Available at:
CONCLUSION                                         Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to                health/whatiscam/mind-body/D239_BKG.
Mindfulness practices can be an impor-             keep in mind the positive effects of mind-             pdf. Accessed June 30, 2009.
tant tool in addressing our public health          fulness when reworking the nation’s                 6. Sobel DS. Mind matter, money matters:
problems. Mindfulness training can en-             healthcare system.97 “When we have these               the cost effectiveness of mind-body medi-
hance other nationwide health promotion            discussions about healthcare, there’s al-              cine. JAMA. 2000;284:1705.
                                                   ways an issue we never really talk about,           7. The New Medicine [documentary]. 2006.
efforts by helping people become more
                                                   and it’s the issue of stress,” Ryan said. “A           Minneapolis, MN: Bravewell Collabora-
self-aware, more resilient to stress, and
                                                   lot of us are seeing it in our Congressional           tive.
more responsible about their lifestyle
                                                   districts because of the economic situation         8. Chopra D, Ornish D, Roy R, Weil A. Al-
choices. One of the great advantages of
                                                   we’re dealing with. And the issue of stress            ternative medicine is mainstream. Wall
mindfulness training is that it assists peo-       leads to, I think, we know, increased ill-             Street Journal. Jan 9, 2009, A13.
ple in making those lifestyle changes we all       ness.” Sebelius agreed that the technique           9. Yusef S, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, et al. Effect of
know we should make. It is one thing to            was useful as a form of preventive medi-               potentially modifiable risk factors associated
know that smoking or obesity very often            cine that could reduce the need for more               with myocardial infarction in 52 countries
lead to disease, but another thing to have         costly treatments. “I think it’s a prevention          (the INTERHEART study): case control
the capacity for behavioral change. Mind-          strategy that I know has the potential of              study. Lancet. 2004;364:937-952.
fulness-based practices can help us to cope        paying huge dividends,” Sebelius said.             10. Hemingway H, Marmot M. Evidence
with psychological stress and support us                                                                  based cardiology: psychosocial factors in
while we make the lifestyle changes we                                                                    the aetiology and prognosis of coronary
know will help us to become healthier.                                                                    heart disease. Systematic review of prospec-
Creating a “culture of wellness” entails            Regardless of who pays for healthcare in              tive cohort studies. BMJ. 1999;318:1460-
promoting a culture of self-responsibility,      the United States, the costs must come                   1467.
which requires a society composed of in-         down. Without a reduction in healthcare              11. Innes KE, Vincent HK, Taylor AG.
dividuals cultivating self-awareness.            expenditures, no system will be sustain-                 Chronic stress and insulin resistance–re-
   As researchers have repeatedly noted,         able for long. Applying what we know                     lated indices of cardiovascular disease risk,
by increasing awareness in the present mo-       about the potential for mindfulness-based                part 2: a potential role for mind-bodies
                                                 interventions to prevent disease, promote                therapies. Altern Ther Health Med. 2007;13:
ment, we can interrupt existing patterns of
                                                 health, treat chronic conditions, and im-                44-51.
behavior and make wiser choices. In es-
                                                 prove the quality of care may well turn out          12. Anderson JW, Liu C, Kryscio RJ. Blood
sence, practicing mindfulness skills through-
                                                 to be a cornerstone of a more humane, eq-                pressure response to transcendental medi-
out the day leads to the possibility of a dif-                                                            tation: a meta-analysis. Am J Hypertens.
ferent relationship to any situation. With       uitable, and effective approach to health
                                                 and healthcare that can actually reduce                  2008;21:310-316.
mindfulness, one moves from being dis-                                                                13. Schneider RH, Walton KG, Salerno JW,
tracted and inattentive, or stuck on “autopi-    costs in a meaningful way. Leveraging the
                                                                                                          Nidich SI. Cardiovascular disease preven-
lot,” to being present and aware in every mo-    body’s innate capacity to heal itself may
                                                                                                          tion and health promotion with the TM
ment. In this way, mindfulness training can      be the key to creating a sustainable health-
                                                                                                          program. Ethn Dis. 2006;16(3 supple 4):15-
help individuals make and sustain the life-      care system for the 21st century.
style changes that lead to improved health.                                                           14. Dusek JA, Hibberd PL, Buczynski B, et al.
The regular practice of mindfulness medita-                                                               Stress management versus lifestyle modifi-
tion can also help our bodies to become          REFERENCES                                               cation on systolic hypertension and medi-
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                                                  2. Keenan PS. What’s driving health care            15. Curiati JA, Bocchi E, Freire JO, et al. Med-
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Guest Editorial                                                                EXPLORE November/December 2009, Vol. 5, No. 6 321
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