The Rise of ESG Regulations: A Primer for Indian Companies in the Global Economy

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The Rise of ESG Regulations: A Primer for Indian Companies in the Global Economy
The Rise of ESG Regulations:
A Primer for Indian Companies
    in the Global Economy
The Rise of ESG Regulations: A Primer for Indian Companies in the Global Economy
Mintz Group India

    Over the last decade, regulators and                          that mandates that corporations engage in initiatives

    corporations around the world have                            that contribute to the welfare of society. This mandate
                                                                  was codified into law with the passage of the 2014 and
    embraced the idea that businesses
                                                                  2021 amendments to the Companies Act of 2013. The
    should be measured not just on
                                                                  amendments require companies with a net worth of INR
    traditional economic metrics such as
                                                                  500 crores (approximately USD 60 million) or a minimum
    shareholder return, but also by their
                                                                  turnover of INR 1,000 crores (approximately USD 120
    environmental impact, commitment                              million) or a net profit of INR 5 crores (approximately
    to social issues and the soundness of                         USD 605,800) in any given financial year spend at least
    their corporate governance and protection                     two percent of their net profit over the preceding three
    of shareholder rights. While this                             years on CSR activities. The list of qualifying CSR
    development is partially due to the                           activities is intentionally broad, ranging from supporting

    belief that companies have a distinct                         the protection of historically important sites to promoting

    responsibility as corporate citizens,                         safe drinking water.

    the main driver is the realization that                       ESG regulations, on the other hand, differ in process
    environmental, social and governance                          and impact. The UK Modern Slavery Act, for example,
    (“ESG”) considerations need to be                             requires companies with business in the United Kingdom

    included by investors in a company’s                          and with annual sales of more than GBP 36 million

    risk profile in order to accurately assess                    to publish the efforts they have taken to identify and
                                                                  analyze the risks of human trafficking, child labor and
    the enterprise.
                                                                  debt bondage in their supply chain; establish internal
    The European Union, the United Kingdom and the                accountability procedures; evaluate supplier compliance
    United States have all established a range of regulations     and to train supply chain managers regarding these
    requiring companies to disclose how they incorporate          issues. The EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure
    ESG considerations into their business.                       Regulation requires banks, pension funds, asset
    These regulations often cover not just corporations           managers and other financial market participants to
    headquartered in those jurisdictions, but their foreign       disclose how they have integrated sustainability risks
    subsidiaries and the foreign vendors in their supply          into their investment decision-making processes.
    chains. Some of these regulations also affect                 And these are only examples; there are scores of such
    investment firms, particularly those that market              regulations at the state, national and transnational level.
    investment funds as having an ESG perspective,
    which are required to disclose how ESG considerations         Why is ESG relevant in India?
    factor into to their investment decision making.              India has long had a number of laws and bodies

    The evolution of ESG laws and regulations is, however,        regarding environmental, social and governance issues,

    still at a nascent stage in India, where the focus is often   including the Environment Protection Act of 1986,

    on providing protections regarding the environment            quasi-judicial organizations like the National Green

    or workplace conditions without also incorporating            Tribunal, a range of labor codes and laws governing
                                                                  employee engagement and corporate governance
    the controls and disclosure that are a hallmark of
                                                                  practices. The penalty for violations can be substantial.
    contemporary ESG regulation.
                                                                  In June 2022, for example, the National Green Tribunal
    How ESG differs from CSR.                                     imposed an INR 520 million (USD 63.7 million)
    Stemming from its roots in Gandhian philosophy, India         penalty on Udupi Power Corporation Ltd., a subsidiary
    has a robust corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy     of a major Indian conglomerate, for violating

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environmental laws and polluting its surroundings.              Implications for Indian companies.
In February 2021, lifestyle and cosmetics brand Fenty           Compliance with ESG regulations - both originating
Beauty, owned by pop star Rihanna, came under the               in India and elsewhere around the world - thus pose
radar of the National Commission for Protection of
                                                                a significantly different challenge than India’s CSR
Child Rights for using mica sourced from mines
                                                                regulations. In particular, compliance by Indian
employing child labor in Central India.
                                                                companies with the ESG regulations of the United
While these laws and bodies provide important                   States, the United Kingdom, the European Union and
environmental and social safeguards, new initiatives            elsewhere will be critical if India is to take full advantage
in India go further, establishing guidelines that               of the growing decoupling from China and play a more
emphasize monitoring, quantification and disclosure,            prominent role in global supply chains and the global
akin to ESG requirements found in other parts of the            marketplace overall.
world. The Securities and Exchange Bureau of India
(SEBI), responding to the increase in ESG investing and         As Indian companies look to expand their ESG risk

the demand by investors for information on ESG risks,           management and disclosure capabilities, thorough due
substantially revised the annual Business Responsibility        diligence will play a key role. However, this requires
and Sustainability Report (BRSR) required by the 1,000          more than having sub-suppliers fill out a questionnaire
largest listed companies in India. SEBI describes the           or make an attestation. Due diligence that can stand
current report format as a “notable departure” from             up to scrutiny means going deeper. Depending on the
previous disclosure requirements, which are aligned             situation, this can include looking at company records
with evolving global standards and place “considerable          and industry reports, interviewing former employees
emphasis on quantifiable metrics” to allow companies
                                                                and making discreet site visits to observe operations to
to engage meaningfully with stakeholders and to
                                                                ensure that the measures to comply with international
enhance investor decision making. Disclosures range
                                                                ESG standards are in effect and not piecemeal. This is
from greenhouse gas emissions to the company’s
                                                                particularly true when the supplier’s own supply chains
gender and social diversity.
                                                                have several layers. Ownership that is obscured through
We believe that further legislation and regulations             shell companies can present additional challenges.
regarding ESG are likely, given the increased emphasis          Further, ESG due diligence needs to be supported within
by the Indian government on ESG issues, which can be            the company with detailed procedures for assessing
seen in India’s more active role in global climate forums
                                                                risks and controls for assuring that no corners are cut.
as well as in specific policy developments, such as the
announcement in January 2023 by the Reserve Bank of             Companies that wish to maximize their opportunities
India that it would be auctioning INR 80 billion (USD 981       in the global economy need to embrace these new
million) in green bonds.                                        requirements and adjust their organizations accordingly.

   Neha Aggarwal,                                      Jack Mullan,                                      Randal Phillips,
   Director, Mumbai                                  Partner, Singapore                                 Partner, Singapore                                    

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