The progress and problems of the 'Endemic Section' of St Helena Island
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ORYX VOL 31 NO 3 JULY 1997 The progress and problems of the 'Endemic Section' of St Helena Island Doug Smith St Helena is a small Atlantic island with an unusual and remarkable flora and fauna but with a legacy of ecological destruction typical of oceanic islands. The efforts of the island's governmental Endemic Section in the conservation of the flora and fauna is examined alongside the objectives of the section as listed in its current business plan. The worthy level of progress that is evident (including the rediscovery of species, habitat restoration and a high level of environmental awareness) is attributed to local ownership, an emphasis on education, and pragmatism and flexibility. The problems that limit the section's long-term effectiveness are funding, limited baseline ecological information and limited technical understanding. Background plant species and 10 of the plant genera are endemic to the island (eight of the genera are St Helena is a small isolated island (122 sq km) monospecific, indicating their evolutionary in the South Atlantic Ocean (15°56'S, 5°42'W), isolation). There are 14 endemic fern species which arose from volcanic activity to the east including the St Helena tree fern Dicksonia ar- of the mid-Atlantic rift over 14 million years borescens. Almost nothing is known of the ago. The island has a complex topography of island's lower plants. ridges and deep gorges, plains and hills, the Of St Helena's approximately 1100 terres- main feature of which is the high central ridge trial invertebrate species, 400 are endemic to surrounded by radiating valleys. The island's the island: they include 77 endemic species of coast consists largely of precipitous cliffs, in- weevil (17 endemic weevil genera and four terrupted by small bays. St Helena is often de- endemic weevil tribes) and 49 endemic species scribed as 'an emerald set in stone', alluding of spider (Basilewsky, 1970, P. Hammond to its verdant centre of pasture, smallholdings, pers. comm.). Subfossil evidence indicates the plantation forestry, and indigenous veg- presence of a total of five endemic land birds etation, surrounded by rocky wastelands and on St Helena in recent history, including a eroded 'badlands' (see Figure 1). large species of hoopoe Upupa antaios and a The geographical position of St Helena and cuckoo Nannococcyx psix. One species of land the timing of its emergence have given rise to bird remains: the wirebird Chamdrius sanctae- an endemic flora and fauna of exceptional helenae, which is a relative of Kittlitz's sand taxonomic isolation and scientific interest, plover C. pecuarius of southern Africa. Two en- analogous in its level of endemism to that of demic petrels probably also remained on the New Caledonia (Mittermeier et al., 1996). island at the time of its discovery (Olsen, Recently Wilson (1992) described St Helena's 1975). Now, indigenous seabirds are restricted biosphere as only 'one step removed from a to offshore islets owing to predation by cats satellite colony in space'. and rats. The island's poorly studied marine Over a century ago, St Helena's plants were life further affirms St Helena's status as an described by Hooker as 'fragments from the 'evolutionary laboratory' (Edwards, 1990). wreck of an ancient world' (Melliss, 1875). Unfortunately, St Helena is typical of Almost all St Helena's indigenous flowering oceanic islands that suffered high levels of 218 © 1997 FFI, Oryx, 31 (3), 218-224 Downloaded from IP address:, on 15 Oct 2021 at 16:45:20, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
THE ENDEMIC SECTION OF ST HELENA ISLAND destruction and degradation after their dis- (known as the Endemic Section) was based in covery by European naval powers. The de- a small nursery facility established in 1984 cline of St Helena's biodiversity began with financial help from the World Wide Fund following the island's discovery in 1502, when for Nature (WWF). With the help of the goats and pigs were established there for re- International Institute of Biological Control, victualling purposes. Destruction intensified facilities were also established to rear and re- after settlement began in 1659 (Cronk, 1993). lease biological control agents Hyperaspis pan- Past habitat destruction and fragmentation of thera (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) for a the remaining indigenous habitat has left a homopteran Orthezia insignis (Homoptera: legacy which, in combination with relentless Ortheziidae) which threatened the last small introductions of exotic plants and invertebrate patches of indigenous gumwood woodland pests, continues to push the island's remark- (Commidendrum robustum) that historically able biodiversity into oblivion. covered over 60 per cent of the island. The re- Currently, 13 of the island's endemic lease programme was successful and the fu- flowering plants have been categorized in the ture of the woodland is now secure. IUCN Critically Endangered category: this in- Benjamin also ensured that much of the sec- cludes those that have been reduced to a tiny tion's time was spent educating the public and handful of individuals and those that, with schoolchildren about St Helena's flora. There 100-150 individuals remaining, are relatively are now virtually no islanders who do not un- common (Maunder, 1995). The decline in in- derstand the meaning of the term 'endemic' or vertebrate species is unknown because the who cannot recognize a St Helena ebony, and most recent thorough survey was carried out public interest is reflected in membership of in the 1960s. It is feared that many of the the recently formed St Helena Nature island's invertebrates will have followed in Conservation Group. The section pioneered the footsteps of the giant earwig Labidura her- habitat restoration and species rescue on St culeana which reaches up to 78 mm in length: Helena, and is arguably at the forefront of 40 specimens of this earwig, the world's global efforts in restoration ecology. largest, were collected in 1967 but recent ef- In 1993, prompted by the 1992 United forts to rediscover any individuals of this Nations Conference on Environment and species have failed (Clarke and Veal, 1989). Development and by lobbying from the UK Dependent Territories Forum, St Helena's Agriculture and Forestry Department, in col- Conservation on St Helena in the laboration with the International Institute for twentieth century Environment and Development (IIED) and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (RBG), initiated a George Benjamin is a St Helenian who devel- Sustainable Environment and Development oped an expert knowledge of St Helena's flora Strategy (SEDS; for a full discussion of SEDS during his work as a forest guard for the see Maunder et al., 1995). As part of SEDS, island's Agriculture and Forestry Department measures to conserve the endemic flora were in the 1970s and 1980s. He, with others, redis- intensified. A consultant from RBG visited the covered several St Helenian endemic plants island in February 1995 to make recommen- that were previously assumed to be extinct: dations for species rescue programmes and the she cabbage tree Lachanodes arborea in 1976; habitat conservation. Benjamin retired in 1995, the St Helena olive Nesiota elliptica in 1977; and but the section now has a larger number of the St Helena ebony Trochetiopsis ebenus in staff than ever and key members of staff are 1980. In 1984, Benjamin established a small receiving overseas training. Contemporary to section of staff at the Agriculture and Forestry the development of the SEDS was the first in- Department to work on the propagation of the tensive academic research to be focused on endemic plant species. any of St Helena's species: doctorate research This Environmental Conservation Section in Trochetiopsis, an endemic genus of two 11997 FFI, Oryx, 31 (3), 218-224 219 Downloaded from IP address:, on 15 Oct 2021 at 16:45:20, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
DOUG SMITH Figure 1. A view south-west from St Helena's central ridge. It indicates St Helena's remarkable topography and the dramatic contrast between the vegetated uplands and the encircling eroded wastelands (D. Smith). species, one of which has passed through a park is refuge to almost all of the remaining bottleneck of two individuals while the other fragments of St Helena's endemic tree-fern has endured a bottleneck of one (Rowe, 1995). thicket, which are threatened by invasive New The Agriculture and Forestry Department Zealand flax Phormium tenax (Smith and hosted a conference in February 1995, to allow Williams, 1996; Smith, in press; see Figure 2). discussion of the SEDS among representatives of governmental organizations, the private sector and the public. Among the discussions Progress Q. C. B. Cronk (who worked with Benjamin over many years) made two proposals: the Progress in terms of sustainably increased sur- creation of St Helena's first national park; and vival prospects for the endemic species is the establishment of a biological research summarized in Table 1. The table shows station. The first proposal was taken forward achievements against the four objectives of the and excited much public debate, culminating Endemic Section as defined in the section's in the gazettement of Diana's Peak National business plan drawn up in 1995. The small Park in March 1996. A management plan for scale of the island and of its conservation the national park was completed at about the problems may have aided the substantial same time and is being implemented. The progress that is evident. However, there are Figure 2. Fragments of tree- fern thicket (A) are shown surrounded by exotic New Zealand flax plantation (B) on this hillside in Diana's Peak National Park. Note also the areas cleared of flax plantation (C) in preparation for trials to investigate tree-fern thicket recreation (D. Smith). 220 • 1997 FFI, Oryx, 31 (3), 218-224 Downloaded from IP address:, on 15 Oct 2021 at 16:45:20, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
THE ENDEMIC SECTION OF ST HELENA ISLAND key features of the work of the Endemic Section that I suggest have ensured success, ir- respective of the island's small scale: local ownership; a focus on education; and pragma- tism and flexibility. Local ownership As described above, conservation on St Helena was pioneered by George Benjamin: so from the very start the efforts were locally 'owned'; and the staff of the endemic section wanted to build gradually on the work, Figure 3. One of a set of stamps released in August 1995 depicting St Helena's unusual invertebrates. simply because it was their work and rep- This example, the golden sail spider Argyrodes resented their personal endeavours. mellissii, is one of 48 species of spider endemic to the Furthermore, as the work gained more promi- island. nence, the public became proud of and sym- pathetic with work to conserve the endemic species because it was carried out by commit- Pragmatism and flexibility ted islanders and because the endemic plants The work of the section was based upon represented something uniquely St Helenian. simple rules rather than complex theories of This experience underscores the importance conservation biology. Despite the lack of of ensuring local involvement to achieve long- scientific research into any of the endemic term conservation success and is comparable plants, the section did not hesitate to follow to experience elsewhere (for example Child, basic rules to stop and reverse species decline. 1995). Despite St Helena's small scale, it has a A good example (which also illustrates the long history of development projects with no commitment to education) is the establish- local ownership, which have ultimately failed. ment of endemic trees within the grounds of a In contrast to conservation projects elsewhere, school in order to provide an informal and ac- however, the work of the Endemic Section cessible seed orchard. was unusual in having a reliable source of funds from the St Helena Government and the island has no direct land-use conflicts. Problems Despite the progress that has been made, cer- Focus on education tain factors affect the potential for the current The emphasis that was placed on education, success to result in sustainably reversed con- either through regular radio interviews or servation threats (see Table 1). These include through work with primary school children, restricted funding, lack of basic ecological in- has further reinforced the interest that formation and technical problems. islanders have in their biological heritage and their wish to ensure success. The work of the Funding UK Dependent Territories Forum and the St Helena Nature Conservation Group has also The most outstanding constraint upon con- raised awareness through the sale of posters tinued conservation success on the island will and the issue of 'endemic' postage stamps be restricted funding, especially amid the cur- (Figure 3). rent climate of public sector reform and econ- omic recession on the island. St Helena, as a dependent territory of the UK, is not eligible for funding from the Global Environmental ) 1997 FFI, Oryx, 31 (3), 218-224 221 Downloaded from IP address:, on 15 Oct 2021 at 16:45:20, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
DOUG SMITH Table 1. The progress, current priorities and problems of the Endemic Section of St Helena summarized against each of the four respective objectives of the section in the business plan for 1996/7 Progress so far Priorities now Problems Objective 1. To save and rehabilitate St Helena's endemic habitats and increase their extent 1.1 Since 1984 relict flax plantation was cleared 1.1 Clearance of invasive 1.1 No scientific basis of and stands of endemic trees were established plants from tree fern ecological understanding at High Peak. thicket at High Peak. of endemic habitats. 1.2 Patches of gumwood woodland rescued 1.2 Integrated control of 1.2 Very steep terrain limits from an introduced pest by successful introduced pests of physical work in many areas. biocontrol, beginning in 1993. endemic species. 1.3 No technology for cheaper 1.3 Clearance of exotic scrub separating the 1.3 Establishment of and more successful control of two remaining patches of endemic gumwood endemic gumwood invasive plants and pests. woodland (which covered 60% of the island seedlings to link the 1.4 Limited seedling supply for in 1502). fragments. supplementation planting. 1.4 Implementation of a rescue plan for the 1.4 Continuation of the tree fern thicket of Diana's Peak began in 1995 rescue plan to remove (8.4 ha of tree fern thicket cleared of invasive invasive flax from all tree flax; 2-ha restoration trial set up). fern thicket and to 1.5 Diana's Peak National Park declared in begin tree fern thicket March 1996, to complement the 5-year recreation of key locations. rescue plan. 1.5 Pursuit of further 1.6 Flax cleared around isolated tree ferns funding to support rescue in 'the Depot' in 1996. plan and interpretation 1.7 Leader of habitat management team for the park. undergoing training in South Africa. Objective 2. To recreate endemic habitats in selected areas as they originally grew 2.1 Successful control of feral goats since 2.1 Continued surveillance 2.1 Habitat rescue in the wetter 1960s has allowed recolonization of endemic for feral livestock. parts of the island is higher halophytes in dry rocky coastal zone of 2.2 Further and more priority than habitat St Helena. species-diverse plantings recreation in drier parts: 2.2 Successful establishment of gumwood at Horse Point Plain. funding is limiting. trees at Horse Point Plain, an eroded part 2.3 Control of rabbits and 2.2 Limited seedling supply. of the island. prevention of new exotic 2.3 Establishment of stands of St Helena colonization in the south- ebony in a further eroded area. west of the island where natural colonization of endemic plants is most successful. Objective 3. To rescue endemic species from the brink of extinction (ensuring all genetic variation is retained) 3.1 Rediscovery of several plant species 3.1 Intensive rescue and 3.1 Technical problems of thought to be extinct. breeding programmes for pollination and propagation: 3.2 Nursery establishment. each of the critically for example the St Helena 3.3 Successful propagation of most endangered plant species olive has a self-incompatibility rediscovered species. to ensure propagation and mechanism and is reduced to 3.4 Programme of propagule collection and seedling production is four individuals. seed orchard (ex situ genebank) development based on genetic security. 3.2 Hybridization problems in under way. certain genera, uncertain 3.5 Doctorate research on endemic redwood. knowledge of taxonomy of 3.6 Further nursery improvements including certain genera. purchase of equipment for seed storage. continued... 222 11997 FFI, Oryx, 31 (3), 218-224 Downloaded from IP address:, on 15 Oct 2021 at 16:45:20, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
THE ENDEMIC SECTION OF ST HELENA ISLAND Table 1. (Continued) The progress, current priorities and problems of the Endemic Section of St Helena summarized against each of the four respective objectives of the section in the business plan for 1996/7 Progress so far Priorities now Problems 3.7 Monitoring survey established for the 3.3 Breeding programmes to species of dryland areas usually assumed to be ensure genetic security have to abundant. be based upon assumptions 3.8 Monitoring of the endemic wirebird and regarding phenotypic fitness, some monitoring of invertebrates carried out take years to implement, and at intervals. require sustainable funding. 3.9 Nursery manager on training at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Objective 4. To raise public awareness and appreciation of St Helena's endemic heritage 4.1 Regular radio talks by section staff 4.1 Formalized education 4.1 Time and funding for continuing for some years. in schools across the educational activities are 4.2 Sales of endemic seedlings as garden curriculum through constrained by the Section's plants to public very popular. information packs for other priorities. 4.3 Tree planting and education in schools. teachers. 4.4 Establishment of the George Benjamin 4.2 Continued work in Arboretum of endemic trees for public local newspaper and radio. education. 4.3 Further improvements in 4.5 Regular conservation bulletin established access to Diana's Peak and in local newspaper from 1995. High Peak. 4.6 Improved access and interpretation for Diana's Peak National Park and High Peak. 4.7 Colour National Park leaflet/poster for public sale. Facility, a problem experienced by other de- tourism industry (St Helena Government, pendent territories of former colonial powers 1996). This was the reasoning for Cronk's pro- (Mittermeier et ah, 1996). posal for a biological research station. In fact carrying out research on St Helena is very straightforward because of the co-operative Lack of basic ecological information government and a friendly public. Technical solutions that enable more effective solutions from each conservation pound or Technical problems dollar are limited while scientific studies of the island's terrestrial and marine fauna and Technical problems continue to hinder flora are few and far between. Furthermore, St progress with the rescue of particular species. Helena's biological interest has received vir- The lack of understanding of flower structure tually no publicity owing to the lack of botan- and pollination mechanisms will pose particu- ical and zoological research. Thus the world at lar problems for plant propagation. For large (including donor agencies) remains un- example cross-pollinations cannot yet be aware of, and therefore indifferent to, St Helena's carried out on the endemic whitewood conservation value, and applications for fund- Petrobium arboreum because of its unusual ing are less likely to meet with success. composite flowers. The St Helena olive Nesiota The absence of global publicity also under- elliptica is reduced to four individuals (one mines the ability of the island to 'add value' to vegetatively propagated from the last wild in- its flora and fauna through ecotourism as part dividual and three offspring of self-polli- of the developing 'high value - low volume' nations from that individual) but can produce 11997 FFI, Oryx, 31 (3), 218-224 223 Downloaded from IP address:, on 15 Oct 2021 at 16:45:20, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
DOUG SMITH no more than very occasional seeds due to a Clark, D. and Veal, R. 1989. The Project Hercules self-incompatibility mechanism. Furthermore, Expedition to St Helena. Unpublished report, there is a hybrid species Trochetiopsis x ben- Zoological Society of London. Cronk, Q.C.B. 1993. Extinction and conservation in jaminii between T. ebenus and T. erythroxylon, the St Helena flora: the palaeobiological and eco- and a possibility of hybridization problems in logical Background. Boletim do Museu Municipal do three further genera. Such hybridization was Funchal, Suppl. 2, 69-76. avoided in historical times due to allopatry or Child, G. 1995. Managing wildlife successfully in to the absence of subsequently introduced Zimbabwe. Oryx, 29,171-177. generalized pollinators. Edwards, A. 1990. Fish and Fisheries of St Helena Island. NB Print & Design, Washington, Tyne & In the rescue of habitats, invasive exotic Wear. plants and pests present technical problems: Maunder, M. 1995. Endemic Plants — Options for an New Zealand flax Phormium tenax invades Integrated Conservation Strategy. Unpublished tree-fern thicket through the copious pro- Consultancy Report, July 1995, Royal Botanic duction of seeds and it is impossible to com- Gardens Kew, for the Government of St Helena pletely physically remove the flax on the very and the Overseas Development Administration. steep ground to which the indigenous tree Maunder, M., Upson, T., Spooner, B. and Kendle, T. fern thicket is now limited; exotic moth larvae 1995. St Helena: Sustainable Development and Conservation of a Highly Degraded Ecosystem. In (Opogona spp.) threaten adult trees of some Islands: Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Function species such as the he cabbage tree (eds. P. M. Vitovsek, L.L. Loope and H. Pladaroxylon leucadendron. Adsersen), pp. 205-217. Ecological Studies 115, Springer Verlag. Melliss, J.C. 1875. St Helena. Reeve, London. Conclusion Mittermeier, R.A., Werner, T.B. and Lees, A. 1996. New Caledonia - a conservation imperative for an ancient land. Oryx, 30,104-112. The remarkable flora and fauna of St Helena is Olsen, S.L. 1975. Palaeornithology of St Helena now in a critical period of its long history: it Island, South Atlantic Ocean. Smithsonian has been devastated since human discovery of Contributions to Palaeobiology, 23,1-49. the island in 1502, but great progress has re- Rowe, R.E. 1995 The population biology of cently been made in conservation and resto- Trochetiopsis: a genus endemic to St Helena. PhD the- ration efforts. With sustained attention, sis, Oxford University. Smith, D.J. 1996. A rescue plan for the threatened funding and an improved technical know- tree fern thicket of Diana's Peak National Park, St how, such progress can be maintained and Helena. Botanic Gardens Conservation News, 2 (7), built upon; without these things the island's 46-18. species and habitats will enter a brief final Smith, D. And Williams, N. 1996. Diana's Peak phase - of extinction. National Park of St Helena: The Management Plan for 1996-2001. Unpublished report, St Helena Agriculture and Forestry Department. Acknowledgements St Helena Government. 1996. Tourism Policy Statement. Unpublished report, St Helena Thanks to Nick Williams, Vanessa Thomas, Hazel Department of Economic Planning and Bowers, Barry Thomas, Georgie Henry, Collie Development. Richards, Mark Williams, Germaine Fowler, Wilson, E.O. 1992. The Diversity of Life. Penguin, Leslie Benjamin, Eric Henry and the St Helena Harmondsworth. Government. Doug Smith*, Environmental Conservation Section, Agriculture and Forestry Department, Island of St References Helena, South Atlantic Ocean. Basilewsky, P. 1970. La Faune Terrestre de lTle de *Present address: Bounty Farm, Crawford, Sainte-Helene (Premiere partie). Annales Musee Skelmersdale, Lancashire WN8 9QS, UK. Royal de I'Afrique Centmle, 181. 224 11997 FFI, Oryx, 31 (3), 218-224 Downloaded from IP address:, on 15 Oct 2021 at 16:45:20, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
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