The Potential of Pasak Bumi as a Food Supplement to Improve

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The Potential of Pasak Bumi as a Food Supplement to Improve
The Potential of Pasak Bumi as a Food Supplement to Improve
                Spermatogenesis in Mice Model of Malnutrition
 Ida Yuliana1*), Triawanti2, Didik Dwi Sanyoto3, Husnul Khatimah4, Asnawati5, Rayatul Aminah6
     Biomedic Departement, Histology Division, Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University
     Chemsitry and Biochemistry Departement, Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University
     Biomedic Departement, Anatomy Division, Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University
      Biomedic Departement, Biology Division, Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University
   Biomedic Departement, Physiology Division, Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University
         Medical Education Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University
                              Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
                              Corresponding Email:


      Malnutrition causes disruption of spermatogenesis in children. Pasak Bumi has the potential to
increase spermatogenesis due to malnutrition. Aimed of research is to proved Pasak Bumi as a food
supplement to improve spermatogenesis disorders due to malnutrition in malnourished rats. The
research method used analytical observational method by observing the histological preparations of
the testes of malnourished rats. Observations using a binocular microscope were analyzed with
Optilab Camera and Image Raster software. There are 5 groups of experimental: M: malnutrition
without intervention; P1: malnutrition + standard feed + PB 7.5 mg/kgBW; P2: malnutrition + standard
feed + PB 15 mg/kgBW; P3: malnutrition + standard feed + PB 22.5 mg/kgBW; P4: malnutrition +
standard feed + PB 30 mg/kgBW; Research parameters were number of seminiferous tubules, primary
spermatocytes and Leydig cells. Data analysis used the Anova One way test with a confidence level of
95%. The results showed number of seminiferous tubules, primary spermatocytes and Leydig cells in
the M group was less than the P1-P4 group. This suggests malnutrition causes disruption of
spermatogenesis. Conclusion the administration of Pasak Bumi extract at various doses increased
spermatogenesis in malnourished.

Keywords: Pasak Bumi, malnutrition, seminiferous tubules, primary spermatocytes, Leydig cells

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INTRODUCTION                                             their effect on increasing spermatogenesis by
         South Kalimantan was ranked 10th in the         increasing the number of spermatogenic cells,
national level in 2017 for cases of malnutrition         Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells in mice. 6,7 The
and malnutrition at the age of 0-23 months with          research by Maria (2003) shows that the extract
a percentage of cases 3.60% (national numbers            of Pasak Bumi can increase spermatogenesis
3.50%) and the number of cases of malnutrition           in mice.8 Thus, it is assumed that Pasak Bumi
12.90% (national numbers 11.30%).1 The                   can also be developed as a supplement to
nutritional imbalance factor is one of the causes        increase spermatogenesis after malnutrition.
of reproductive system health problems besides           This research has a beneficial value for society
age,       exercise,     obesity,     caffeine,   the    to overcome the problems and impacts of
temperature in the scrotum of clothing, hot              malnutrition, especially on male reproductive
water, and even cell phones. This has an                 disorders.
impact on spermatogenic cell quality and DNA
damage caused by reactive oxygen species                 METHOD
(ROS). Malnutrition due to protein deficiency                   The research method used was analytic
also interferes with the synthesis of enzymes            observational research. This study observed
that act as antioxidants, causing antioxidant            research samples from testicular histological
deficiency and oxidative stress in the organs.           preparations of malnourished rats under a
Changes in the balance between the                       microscope. The testes used as histological
antioxidant system and oxidative stress can              preparations for HE staining (done at BVET
lead        to      impaired     development        of   Banjarbaru) were derived from the testes of
spermatogenesis,            abortion,       congenital   malnourished mice whose treatment was
disorders, and cancer in children.2                      carried out in the Biochemistry Laboratory FK
         Nutrition plays a very important role in        ULM. For the observation process using a
the process of growth and development of the             binocular microscope, and as a research
reproductive system. There is a lot of new               observation tool using Image Raster and
research evidence in studies on animal and               Optilab Camera computer software (done at the
human populations showing that the maturation            Histology Laboratory FK ULM). The total
process of the reproductive system and its               number of mice used was 32 male rats (based
function is heavily influenced by malnutrition.          on Federer's formula). The experimental animal
Clinically, malnutrition is known in several             group was divided into 5 groups, namely:
forms, including malnutrition, mild to moderate          M: malnutrition without other intervention
protein deficiency and/or lack of energy which is        P1: malnutrition + standard feed + PB 7.5 mg/
the most frequent cause of disruption in the                  kgBW
maturation process and reproductive system               P2: malnutrition + standard feed + PB 15 mg/
function.2,3,4                                                kgBW
         The testes as the main organ of male            P3: malnutrition + standard feed + PB 22.5 mg/
reproduction are very important to maintain the               kgBW
physiological environment in order to produce            P4: malnutrition + standard feed + PB 30 mg/
sufficient spermatogenic cells and hormones for               kgBW
male fertility. The testes consist of seminiferous       The research variables studied were:
tubule components (TS) which contain                     1. Pasak Bumi as a food supplement
elements of spermatogenic cells, supporting                 (independent variable)
cells and interstitial cells. If the testicles are       2. Number of seminiferous tubules, primary
damaged anatomically, for example, due to the               spermatocytes and Leydig cells (dependent
impact of malnutrition in childhood, the process            variable)
of forming spermatogenesis and the production                   Observation through a light microscope
of the hormone testosterone will be disrupted,           using a 100x and 400x magnification lens. The
so the risk of the tendency to experience                data collection process was carried out based
infertility will increase. Anatomical abnormalities      on the variables measured in this study,
can be a decrease in the number of                       namely:
spermatogenic cells, Sertoli cells and Leydig            1. Method of counting the number of
cells, or a decrease in the number of                       seminiferous tubules. The TS is calculated
seminiferous tubules.5                                      in 5 fields of view at 100 x magnification and
         South Kalimantan has various potential             the average was taken.
natural resources to overcome the problem of             2. Method of calculating the number of primary
spermatogenesis. Research shows that giving                 spermatocytes. The TS was calculated in 5
Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack)
originating from South Kalimantan can increase
the hormones testosterone, FSH and LH and
The Potential of Pasak Bumi as a Food Supplement to Improve
67   Jurnal Berkala Kesehatan, Vol . 7, No. 1, May 2021: 65-71
     DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v7i1.10526

   fields of view at 400 x magnification and the       between control data and treatment data. This
   average was taken.                                  study used a confidence interval of 95% and a
3. Method of counting the number of interstitial       significance value of ρ
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                                     M                                                           M

                                      P1                                                        P1

                                     P2                                                        P22

                                     P3                                                         P3

                                     P4                                                          P4

Figure 1. Microscopic morphology of testes (M-P4), black circles (leydig cells), black dots (primary
         spermatocytes); HE staining; Magnification of 100 x and 400 x, Optilab camera; Image
         Raster, light microcope
The Potential of Pasak Bumi as a Food Supplement to Improve
69   Jurnal Berkala Kesehatan, Vol . 7, No. 1, May 2021: 65-71
     DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v7i1.10526

        The conception process (embryo/fetus           development of the reproductive system. Many
and associated membranes) requires water,              research reports on this have been done and
amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and        the results show a link between protein-calorie
vitamins for growth and development. Prior to          malnutrition in men with several dangerous
placentation, the embryo receives nutrients            health complications including the reproductive
from uterine secretions and oxygen from the            system. A study in a group of experimental
surrounding environment. These secretions,             animals that experienced protein deficiency for
including glucose and amino acids (eg,                 75 days showed tubular atrophy with extensive
arginine, leucine, proline, and glutamine), play       degeneration of testicular tissue, it was seen
an important role in activating cell signaling and     that the seminiferous tubules atrophy were
metabolic pathways necessary for protein               marked by the depletion of germ cells,
synthesis and cystoskeletal remodeling in the          decreased numbers of spermatogonia cells and
conceptus. Lack of nutrition during this period        Sertoli cells.13 Maternal malnutrition (70 days of
or the inability of conception to respond to           gestation to term) is reported to reduce the
nutrition can result in abnormal development or        number of Sertoli cells in the testes of newborn
even death of conception.                              sheep.14 Male sheep are malnourished during
        The placenta transports nutrients,             the first 95 days of pregnancy, which also show
respiratory gases and their metabolic products         an effect on the reproductive system in the form
between the maternal and fetal circulation.            of a decrease in ovulation rate.15
Dietary macronutrients (glucose, amino acids,                   Oxidative stress is the abundance of
and fatty acids) are the main source of                reactive oxygen species (ROS) or a deficiency
substrate energy during fetal growth.10 In             of antioxidants16. The imbalance produced by
pregnant women and their developing fetuses,           ROS causes cell damage. The detrimental
glucose is the main source of energy for red           effects of spermatozoa damage have been
blood cells, brain, retinal cells, and renal           known since the 80s.16 However, excessive
medullary cells. , and other cells. Meanwhile,         numbers are pathophysiological and lead to
the heart of the mother and fetus uses glucose         DNA damage and even apoptosis.17,18
and lactate. In addition, the small intestines of      Endogenous or exogenous factors can cause
the mother and fetus oxidize glutamate,                high ROS levels. The effect of endogenous or
aspartate and glutamine to meet most of their          exogenous factors, especially malnutrition, is
energy needs. Through b-oxidation, fatty acids         evident from the results of this study, the
are the main energy substrate for the mother's         number of seminiferous tubules (Figure 1;
liver, skeletal muscle, heart, and kidneys.11          Table 1), the number of primary spermatocytes
        Amino acids are also needed to function        (Figure 1; Table 2) and Leydig cells (Figure 1;
not only as building blocks of protein, but also       Table 3) were insufficient in the treatment group
as important precursors for the synthesis of           triggers a high ROS level. Due to a decrease in
many physiologically important molecules,              the number of seminiferous tubules, primary
including hormones, small peptides (for                spermatocytes and Leydig cells will trigger
example, glutathione), neurotransmitters, nitric       infertility disorders because the seminiferous
oxide, creatine, carnitine, and polyamines. In         tubules function as gametocyte cells for the
addition, through multiple cell signaling              continuation of the spermatogenesis process,
pathways, amino acids regulate major                   while Leydig cells act as a producer of the
metabolic pathways essential for human health,         hormone testosterone which plays a role in the
growth, development and reproduction. In               fertility process in men or men. If there is a
particular, several amino acids (histidine,            disturbance in the two structures, it will result in
methionine, glycine, serine) pate in the               infertility conditions in the male reproductive
metabolism of one-carbon unit, which is                system.
essential for DNA synthesis, as well as cell           Many natural substances are known to have the
growth and development. So that if there is a          potential to increase oxidative stress in organs
deficiency of one element, especially protein, it      such as the testes. One of the natural
will cause significant changes in the formation        ingredients based on local wisdom in South
and function of organs during the embryo               Kalimantan is Eurycoma longifolia Jack (EL).
period, including the testes.12                        Pasak Bumi herb found in Southeast Asia has
        Factors that can cause changes in the          been widely used in traditional medicine. This
balance between the antioxidant system and             plant belongs to the Simaroubaceae family and
oxidative stress can lead to developmental             is known locally as 'Tongkat Ali' or 'Pasak Bumi'
damage       to    spermatogenesis,      abortion,     in Malaysia and Indonesia.
congenital abnormalities, and cancers of the                    The results of this study also indicate that
reproductive organs in children. Malnutrition is       malnutrition can be improved by providing
one of the important causes of disorders in the        Pasak Bumi as a dietary supplement (Figure 1;
Yuliana I. et al. The Potential of Pasak… 70

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