The orientation of earthworms is influenced by magnetic fields - DergiPark

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The orientation of earthworms is influenced by magnetic fields - DergiPark
Turkish Journal of Zoology                                           Turk J Zool
                                                                                                              (2020) 44: 199-208
                                                                                                              © TÜBİTAK
                                            Short Communication                                               doi:10.3906/zoo-1904-51

                    The orientation of earthworms is influenced by magnetic fields
                                                   1,                                    2                     3
                           Fehime Sevil YALÇIN *, Şükran YALÇIN ÖZDİLEK , Rukiye ALTAŞ 
           Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Education, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey
              Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Arts, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey
                Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey

              Received: 30.04.2019           Accepted/Published Online: 23.09.2019                  Final Version: 04.03.2020

Abstract: Earth has a natural magnetic field that many animals use for orientation and navigation. With the development of technology,
these natural systems have been exposed to high levels of man-made electromagnetism from the heavy usage of electric devices. This
study aims to understand the possible effects of artificial magnetic fields on the behavioral responses of the earthworm, which is used in
this study as a model organism in laboratory conditions. The 3 experimental groups, each composed of 20 earthworms, were exposed to
190–520 µT magnetic fields using a 1.5 V current for 1-h durations in a wire-wrapped vivarium. The experimental and control groups
were kept in similar conditions. A camera recorded the positions of the earthworms every 5 min. The angles, in terms of the mean vector
of each earthworm’s position beginning in the center of the vivarium, were documented using the Adobe Photoshop CS6 program. The
mean vectors and angles of different experimental designs and controls were compared using circular statistics. The orientations of
the earthworms in the control (261.4° ± 101.6°) and experimental (251.2° ± 94.1°) groups were statistically different (P < 0.005), and a
deviation of approximately 10° to the east was observed for the experimental group in comparison to the control group.

Key words: Soil, animal behavior, Lumbricus terrestris, electromagnetism

    Earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris), typically soft-                   2013). However, limited studies exist on the behavior and
bodied crawling and burrowing animals covered by thin                    orientation patterns of earthworms (Lavelle, 1988).
elastic cuticles, play significant roles in soil productivity                The natural magnetic field (MF) of the Earth, the
by incorporating organic matter into the soil and plant                  geomagnetic field, is generated mainly by a source located
growth in agricultural contexts (Lavelle and Martin,                     in the interior of the Earth but is also influenced by external
1992; Bastardie et al., 2003; Weiler and Naef, 2003; Ernst               sources such as solar wind and the ionosphere. Earth’s
et al., 2009). Earthworms are a key invertebrate, having a               natural magnetic field is important for the navigational
function in the ecosystem as ecosystem engineers building                and orientation abilities of some migratory animals, such
large and resistant organomineral structures which affect                as ants (Banks and Srygley, 2003), honey bees (Kirschvink
the environment of smaller organisms in the soil (Giller                 and Kirschvink, 1991), birds (Wiltschko and Wiltschko,
et al., 1997). Due to their ecological importance as key                 1996), and sea turtles (Lohmann, 1991). For the last 2
organisms in soil ecology, the dispersion and movement                   decades, studies on the effects of man-made magnetic
of earthworms has interested many researchers, in                        fields have also focused on the behavioral patterns and
addition to their effects on abiotic entities, such as soil              deviations of migration routes in organisms such as
moisture and temperature, soil organic matter content,                   molluscs and crustaceans (Bochert and Zettler, 2006),
soil texture, bulk density, pH values, and soil moisture                 spiny lobsters (Lohmann, 1985), fish (Quinn and Groot,
content (Cannavacciuolo et al., 1998; Whalen and Costa,                  1983, Foroozandeh and Derakhshan-Barjoei, 2018), and
2003; Decaëns and Rossi, 2008; Valckx et al., 2010), biotic              sea turtles (Lohmann, 1991).
factors such as individual behavior and food consumption                     The electronic devices we use in nearly every facet
(Shipitalo et al., 1988), and the combination of these                   of our lives and the electric cables buried under soil and
factors influencing the movement of earthworms (Martin                   marine sediments all produce a magnetic field (MF).
and Lavelle, 1992; Palm et al., 2013; Budán et al., 2014;                There has been much research on the positive and negative
Wetzel et al., 2016). Their distribution patterns have also              impacts of both natural and man-made magnetic field and
been well-defined by agroecosystem models (Palm et al.,                  electromagnetic field on plant organisms (Aladjadjiyan
* Correspondence:

                                 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The orientation of earthworms is influenced by magnetic fields - DergiPark
YALÇIN et al. / Turk J Zool

and Ylieva, 2003; Vian et al., 2016), invertebrates (Bochert   during the experiment. All of the captive animals and
and Zettler, 2006; Love et al., 2015), vertebrates (Lohmann,   experiments were held at the room temperature reached
1993; Skauli et al., 2000;Odacı and Özyılmaz, 2015), and       at noon in order to minimize the effect of geomagnetism
even humans (Simko et al., 1998; Sun et al., 2009; Lee et      on the circadian difference in reaction rates in earthworms
al., 2016). Experimental studies indicate that MF and EMF      (Bennett and Huguenin, 1969). Although the laboratory
cause different kinds of changes in biological activities,     conditions applied to the worms were kept constant as
such as oxidative and genotoxic effects, survival ratio, and   explained above, these conditions can never coincide
metabolic rates. Some studies have examined the impacts        with natural environmental conditions as temporal and
of MF on the growth parameters of some invertebrates.          spatial plasticity and uncontrollable conditions may affect
For example, a 3.7-mT static MF caused a decrease              the behavior patterns of earthworms. However, both
in condition index values of the blue mussel, Mytilus          experimental and control group animals were kept in the
edulis (Bochert and Zettler, 2006). A limited number           same conditions, and experiment processes followed the
of studies have examined the orientation of L. terrestris      same procedure in the control and treatment groups. These
in nature (Quillin, 1999); however, there is a gap in the      processes contributed to make the results more precise;
research of earthworm movement patterns under artificial       moreover, repeating the experiments 3 times increased the
magnetic field conditions. Underground electric and            reliability of the results.
telephone cables may affect organisms in the soil, which           Two dielectric glass vivaria with approximate
have both ecological and agricultural importance. Man-         dimensions of 59 × 30 × 23 cm were used for observing
made MF may therefore affect biological characteristics        the earthworms. A sheet of paper indicating the unit circle
such as orientation-related distribution patterns of these     angle was placed under each vivarium in order to determine
important animals.                                             the positions of the earthworms during navigation. To
     The present study aims to understand the possible         photograph the animals in the same conditions, a special
effects of manmade magnetic fields on the behavioral           tool was designed, which is shown in Figure 1a. We
responses of earthworms, which are often used as model         placed the camera on this tool, and the positions of all
organisms. We hypothesized that artificial magnetic fields     earthworms were recorded from the same distance. For
would affect the orientation patterns of earthworms under      the experimental design, a 262.4-m long, 2-mm diameter
conditions of modified magnetic fields in the laboratory,      copper wire was wrapped around the vivarium (Figures
which are very different from those of the fields in its       1a and 1b). A power supply (MEB Ders Aletleri Yapım
natural environment.                                           Merkezi©) with a 0.2 A current and 1.5 V voltage was
     Experimental groups (MF-induced) and control groups       used to produce an MF intensity between 190 and 520
(non-MF) were distinguished in order to understand the         µT in the vivarium. These values are assumed as larger
effects of MF on animal behavior patterns.                     than detectible limits of invertebrates. The MF intensity
     L. terrestris were used in this study due to their high   in the vivarium was measured using a PHWYE digital
ecological and agricultural importance and for their ease      teslameter (PHYWE, Göttingen, Germany). Because the
of maintenance in laboratory conditions. Earthworms,           worms are exposed to different MF intensities in their
along with their original soil samples, were collected from    natural habitats, heterogeneous areas were created using
the Çanakkale public park. Collected worms from different      the vivarium’s rectangular shape in this study. Figure 1c
locations may have originated from different genetic pools,    indicates the vivarium position, unit circle angles, and MF
or they may have been exposed to different environmental       intensities in the experimental group. The other vivarium,
conditions. To eliminate these possibilities, all earthworms   used for the control group, was not wrapped in wire.
were collected from the same area with both experiment             The experimental design of this study is shown in
and control groups replicated 3 times. Because of this, we     Figure 2. For each experimental group, 20 earthworms
can assume that all animals originated from similar genetic    were kept in a smaller bowl in the same conditions as the
pools and grew up in similar environmental conditions. As      original stock. Twenty earthworms were placed in the
the original stock, a total of 120 earthworms were kept in     center of a vivarium with a little of the stock soil with the
laboratory conditions in a plastic wash bowl with the soil     0.2-A current, 1.5-V power supply in place to produce an
collected from their natural environment. In the laboratory    MF intensity measuring 190–520 µT inside the vivarium.
prior to the experiment, the earthworms were kept in the       This vivarium was exposed to a current of the same
same environmental conditions, with a natural magnetic         intensity and voltage for 60 min. The animals’ movements
field of ~46 µT (Ates et al., 2015); the moisture, pH, and     were observed for a 60-min period, and a camera recorded
light kept at 1%–2% wet, 8, and 2000 lumens, respectively.     their positions in the vivarium every 5 min. After the 60-
The moisture and pH in the stock were measured using           min period, the earthworms were kept in the small bowl in
a moisture meter with light and pH (AEK, Tech©) daily          stable conditions until the next day when the next trial took

The orientation of earthworms is influenced by magnetic fields - DergiPark
YALÇIN et al. / Turk J Zool

Figure 1. The coiled vivarium with tool for camera (a); the experimental setup, I indicates current (b); the measured MF intensities and
directions of application setting (c).

place at the same time of day. Each trial was implemented             Excel file; for analysis purposes, data were tested using a
for 7 days with 3 replicates. A total of 60 earthworms were           circular statistic (Oriana). The significance of each mean
used in 21 days.                                                      angle for each experimental and control worm at every 5
    Twenty worms were placed in the center of the                     min interval was measured by Rayleigh test (Zar, 1976).
vivarium with a little of the stock soil. A camera recorded           The homogeneity of the distribution of these angles (in
the positions of the earthworms every 5 minutes during a              other words, whether the distribution of these angles
60-min period. The earthworms were then left to rest in a             was equal) was determined using the Mardia–Watson–
small bowl until the same time the next day. This process             Wheeler test for each 5-min increment of data and for
was ongoing for 7 days for the same 20 worms. Following               the total 60 min of data for the control and experimental
this, control trials, on what are here called nontreatment            groups. During earthworm orientation, the mean vector
groups, were conducted using another 20 worms with the                and the mean vector length with circular standard error of
same procedures (Figure 2).                                           each direction of the earthworms were calculated. Mean
    The photographs recorded every 5 min were analyzed                values for control and experimental groups were then
using Adobe Photoshop CS6 to assess the orientation                   compared using Watson’s U² test (Mardia and Jupp, 2000).
patterns. In the program, the pictures were positioned in                 Following the 7-day–long treatment, the mean
the north–south direction, and starting from the center,              vectors of control and experimental groups were 261.3°
the angles of each position in the 5-min increments were              ± 101.6° and 251.1° ± 94.1°, respectively. A deviation of
determined using unit circle angle. In addition, in order             approximately 10° towards the east was observed in the
to make the angles precise, the angles of each earthworm              treatment groups (Table 1). The mean vector lengths of
were measured and the position of each earthworm on the               control and experimental groups were 0.21 and 0.26,
snapshot taken every 5 min using the Adobe Photoshop                  respectively. However, the angles of the earthworms in
program were recorded. These angles were recorded in an               both the treatment and control groups were distributed

YALÇIN et al. / Turk J Zool

             Figure 2. Experimental design of the study: 20 earthworms were placed into each vivarium.

Table 1. The mean vector and standard deviation (SD) of experimental and control groups at 5-min intervals.

                            Control group                         Experimental group                           Significance
Duration,    Number of                                                                                Watson   between control
minutes      observations   Mean vector        Rayleigh           Mean vector        Rayleigh         U2       and experimental
                            ± SD               test with P        ± SD               test with P               groups

5            840            266.9° ± 118.5°    5.8
YALÇIN et al. / Turk J Zool

  Table 2. The mean vector (MV), circular variance (CV), Rayleigh test (Z), and significance of Rayleigh test (P) for each treatment
  and time interval, with 3 replicates.

                                      Replicate 1                    Replicate 2                      Replicate 3
   Variable                Subgroup
                                      MV (µ) CV      Z      P        MV (µ) CV        Z      P        MV (µ) CV        Z      P
                           5          196.6°   0.9   3.8    0.023    174.0°    0.7    16.4
YALÇIN et al. / Turk J Zool

Table 3. Mardia–Watson–Wheeler test results (below diagonal) with significant values (upper diagonal) between treatment (TR) and
nontreatment (NTR) groups for each replicate and each time interval.

5 Min    TR1       TR2      TR3      NTR1     NTR2     NTR3     35 Min TRe1       TR2      TR3       NTR1     NTR2     NTR3
TR1      -----     0.11     0.52     0.86     0.003    NA       TR1      -----    0.71     0.002     0.00*    0.27     NA
TR2      4.42      -----    0.01     0.23     0.00*    NA       TR2      0.69     -----    0.01      0.02     0.54     NA
TR3      1.30      10.59    -----    0.22     0.003    NA       TR3      12.47    9.637    -----     0.00*    0.15     NA
NTR1     0.31      2.92     3.05     -----    0.00*    NA       NTR1     13.5     8.16     20.4      -----    0.00*    NA
NTR2     11.8      34.0     11.3     19.1     -----    NA       NTR2     2.65     1.24     3.82      15.17    -----    NA
NTR3     NA        NA       NA       NA       NA       -----    NTR3     NA       NA       NA        NA       NA       -----
10 Min                                                          40 Min
TR1      -----     0.02     NA       0.75     0.00*    NA       TR1      -----    0.00*    0.016     0.00*    0.00*    NA
TR2      7.73      -----    NA       0.22     0.00*    NA       TR2      15.41    -----    0.00*     0.03     0.01     NA
TR3      NA        NA       -----    NA       NA       NA       TR3      8.23     28.94    -----     0.00*    0.31     NA
NTR1     0.58      3.04     NA       -----    0.00*    NA       NTR1     44.0     6.93     23.9      -----    0.004    NA
NTR2     48.2      22.8     NA       26.52    -----    NA       NTR2     20.2     10.2     2.37      11.06    -----    NA
NTR3     NA        NA       NA       NA       NA       -----    NTR3     NA       NA       NA        NA       NA       -----
15 Min                                                          45 Min
TR1      -----     0.00     0.60     0.01     0.01     0.44     TR1      -----    0.078    0.00*     0.00*    0.00*    NA
TR2      24.80     -----    0.00     0.00*    0.00*    0.00*    TR2      5.094    -----    0.00*     0.00*    0.00*    NA
TR3      1.01      19.72    -----    0.16     0.00*    0.07     TR3      24.9     41.2     -----     0.00*    0.60     NA
NTR1     9.43      21.7     3.61     -----    0.00*    0.00*    NTR1     28.9     5.7      30.4      -----    0.00*    NA
NTR2     10.2      43.7     13.9     26.73    -----    0.14     NTR2     17.6     15.4     1.0       15.3     -----    NA
NTR3     1.66      27.0     5.33     14.33    3.89     -----    NTR3     NA       NA       NA        NA       NA       -----
20 Min                                                          50 Min
TR1      -----     0.00*    0.69     0.003    0.012    NA       TR1      -----    0.00*    0.00*     0.00*    0.00*    0.00*
TR2      15.6      -----    0.00*    0.31     0.00*    NA       TR2      14.92    -----    0.00*     0.07     0.21     0.50
TR3      0.74      14.0     -----    0.02     0.002    NA       TR3      45.18    27.89    -----     0.00*    0.07     0.00*
NTR1     11.7      2.33     8.27     -----    0.00*    NA       NTR1     15.8     5.21     37.4      -----    0.00*    0.06
NTR2     8.92      43.9     13.0     33.08    -----    NA       NTR2     16.5     3.12     5.24      14.58    -----    0.25
NTR3     NA        NA       NA       NA       NA       -----    NTR3     16.8     1.40     13.1      5.56     2.80     -----
25 Min                                                          55 Min
TR1      -----     0.75     0.31     0.001    0.17     NA       TRep1    -----    0.03     0.00*     0.00*    0.00*    0.00*
TR2      0.57      -----    0.44     0.01     0.11     NA       TRep2    7.31     -----    0.00*     0.00*    0.01     0.00*
TR3      2.36      1.63     -----    0.00*    0.20     NA       TRep3    35.09    19.23    -----     0.00*    0.01     0.02
NTR1     13.0      8.83     14.2     -----    0.00*    NA       NTRep1 28.3       14.9     42.9      -----    0.01     0.00*
NTR2     3.58      4.36     3.21     18.91    -----    NA       NTRep2 24.2       9.41     9.46      8.68     -----    0.13
NTR3     NA        NA       NA       NA       NA       -----    NTRep3 40.6       23.6     8.46      14.19    4.02     -----
30 Min                                                          60 Min
TR1      -----     0.50     0.03     0.00*    0.01     0.01     TR1      -----    0.09     0.00*     0.00*    0.00*    0.00*
TR2      1.39      -----    0.002    0.00*    0.02     0.00     TR2      4.83     -----    0.00*     0.00*    0.01     0.00*
TR3      7.13      12.3     -----    0.00*    0.41     0.60     TR3      26.04    13.26    -----     0.00*    0.00*    0.00*
NTR1     21.3      15.9     41.7     -----    0.00*    0.00*    NTR1     23.7     13.1     36.9      -----    0.04     0.07
NTR2     8.83      7.44     1.81     36.70    -----    0.74     NTR2     15.9     8.80     11.0      6.73     -----    0.70
NTR3     9.94      11.5     1.04     42.72    0.61     -----    NTR3     24.4     16.9     15.1      5.47     0.71     -----

YALÇIN et al. / Turk J Zool

 Figure 3. The distribution and mean angles of earthworms in the control and experimental groups exposed to MF during the 60-min
 period repeated over 7 days.

 Figure 4. The direction and mean vectors of earthworms during 60-min application. Each color indicates the 5-min intervals
 indicated in the color panel.

southeastern direction. There was about 10° deviation              the 5-minute intervals (P < 0.001). Significant variation was
in the eastward direction in treatment groups compared             observed in mean vectors of both control and experimental
to the control. As seen in Figure 1, the highest magnetic          groups in the first 35 min. Following the first 35 min,
field was measured in the east at about 260°–280°. The             circular variation decreased in the treatment group (Table
earthworms also showed clumping and climbing behaviors             1). The earthworms exposed to MF were observed at nearly
by the end of MF application in the experimental groups.           every angle in the first 5 min; they were then observed in
    The mean vectors of experimental and control groups            the southeastern (SE) direction and 15 min later in the
at 5-min intervals are shown in Table 1. Neither control nor       northeastern (NE) direction. Most of the control group
experimental group mean vectors show uniformity in any of          earthworms were positioned towards the NE direction for

YALÇIN et al. / Turk J Zool

the duration of observation (Figure 4). As a function of             compared to those of the control group earthworms. The
time, the mean angles in treatment groups angles increased           clitellum is responsible for secreting the sticky clear mucus
regularly over the 60-min period (Figure 4).                         that covers the worm. This excessive secretion reduces
     Early well-known research indicates that L. terrestris          friction and facilitates movement. This characteristic is
have negative electric charges; in water or on moist                 related to earthworm plasticity, meaning they can respond
surfaces, they orient toward the cathode pole of a direct            strongly to environmental changes by absorbing moisture
electric current (Shensa and Barrows, 1932). The                     from soil (Yan et al., 2007).
movement patterns of earthworms are highly dependent                     Previous studies indicate that some animals, such
on electro-osmotically–driven flow, which takes place                as bees, are sensitive to weak (approximately 50 nT) but
when an earthworm is in moist soil (Sun et al., 1991).               detectible magnetism (Kirschvink, 1982). In this study,
Taking this background into consideration, the negatively            the earthworms responded to 190–520 µT MF intensity,
charged action potential of an earthworm’s stimulated                which might be higher than their minimum detectible MF,
body, due to the microscopic electro-osmotic system (Yan             assumed to be 50 nT. However, these 190–520 µT values are
et al., 2007), may lead to a shift in the orientation of the         within the limit of MF values produced by underground
earthworms. Since earthworms exhibit strong behavioral               cables, and our experimental design indicates that
responses to electrical fields, the magnetic orientation             manmade MF affects the orientation of earthworms.
is expected. However, the intensity and direction of the                 Earthworms have an important role in soil ecology
magnetic field might play an important role in shifting              such as incorporating organic matter into the soil, and
the horizontal orientation patterns of earthworms. On the            man-made MF is increasing with the rise of technology.
other hand, starvation (Vidal-Gadea et al., 2015) and other          Underground cables in particular pose a potential threat
biological conditions might be important factors for the             of disorienting earthworms. A 10° deviation compared
shift in orientation patterns of earthworms exposed to MF.           to control groups is extremely significant and may
     The bioelectrical composition, surface potential                lead to undesirable conditions for earthworms in their
(maximum 40 mV), and movement mechanisms related to                  environments. This deviation is also evidence that artificial
the electrical potential of earthworms have all been studied         MF is an important environmental parameter that yields
(Ma, 1984; Sun et al., 1991; Zu and Yan, 2006). In addition,         unpredictable consequences in organisms’ behaviors.
it is important to examine the electric charge balance of            The earthworms may also have physiological responses
the soil for earthworms’ movement patterns because they              to artificial MF in soil, which may affect their functional
are anecic animals that create permanent vertical burrows            roles in the ecosystem. Therefore, more research is
of up to 3 m depth (Palm et al., 2013). In other words, they         recommended in order to understand the full impact of
must ascribe to certain movement patterns to perform                 manmade MF on soil ecosystems.
their functional roles. However, the results of this study
indicate that the magnetic field coming from under-soil              Acknowledgements
cables may affect the distribution patterns of earthworms.           This research was implemented in Çanakkale Onsekiz
Any change in feeding and burrowing activities will also             Mart University Laboratories; it did not receive grants from
directly or indirectly affect the soil ecosystem.                    funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-
     The bodies of the earthworms in the experimental                profit sectors. We thank Dr. Hüseyin Çavuş and Dr. Çağlar
group were moister, and their clitella were inflected more           Püsküllü for helping design the magnetic experiments.

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