The only way is up As the cost of living rises, the CAI's Supermarket Basket Survey reflects the reality for prices at the till - Consumers' ...

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The only way is up As the cost of living rises, the CAI's Supermarket Basket Survey reflects the reality for prices at the till - Consumers' ...
APRIL 2022

                                                                              The only way is up…
                                   As the cost of living rises, the CAI’s Supermarket Basket Survey
                                                              reflects the reality for prices at the till.

                  MONEY                       LIFESTYLE                        PRODUCT TESTS

              CRYPTO-ASSET RISKS          QUITTING SMOKING                 PUSHCHAIRS
The only way is up As the cost of living rises, the CAI's Supermarket Basket Survey reflects the reality for prices at the till - Consumers' ...

The                         April 2022
Association of              Dear Member,
                            It is a fair statement to declare, again, that the Consumers’       It can be stated that the calls for action are already being
The Council is the          Association of Ireland - the CAI - is in a continuing position of   heralded from the rooftops by those parties in opposition.
policy-making body          being seriously under-resourced to meet many of the challenges      However, lest it be forgotten, that is the cut and thrust of the
of CAI. Members are         affecting consumers in Ireland today.                               politics of the State while we - the CAI - remain to fight for a life
elected from within                                                                             with standards, values, quality of life, education and, believe it or
the CAI's membership        What is most frustrating is that this seems to be an accepted,      not, an entitlement to affordability.
at the Annual General       acceptable situation. It is not! Ireland needs our independent
Meeting.                    voice to call out the inadequacies of Government, regulators,       To do so requires capacity and support - oh, and the
                            retailers and the ruthless rogues that dominate our daily lives,    acknowledgement that independence holds value - but comes
Council                     notably, through the format of online platforms and digital         at a cost!
Members                     media.

Chairperson                 We have inflation at eye-watering rates; energy and fuels' costs
Michael Kilcoyne            that have increased to the point where consumers cannot even
Vice-Chairperson            comprehend what is their outlay from month to month; food and
Raymond O'Rourke
                            beverage prices are rising; rents too. Yet, from the perspective
Hon Secretary
                            of actions to mitigate, we are almost expected to accept this as
Elaine Bolger
Hon Treasurer               another example of the ‘new normal’ - an already repugnant
Richard Donohue             term for what is, for too many, added misery.
Council Members
Steen Bruun-Nielsen
James Wims
                                                                                                       Dermott Jewell

        Our Reports                                         Consumer Choice                                      Published Material
        Reports in Consumer Choice are based on             Consumer Choice is published by                      No part of this publication may be reproduced,
        market research, laboratory tests or user           the Consumers' Association of Ireland                stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
        surveys, all of which are independently and         (CAI) Limited, a wholly independent, non-            any form without obtaining prior permission
        scientifically conducted. Free goods are            government, non-profit making body. CAI              from the Council by contacting the Consumer
        never accepted for testing – all samples            was founded in 1966 to protect and promote           Choice office. It may not be used for any form of
        are purchased. Occasionally items may be            the interests of the consumers of goods and          advertising, sales promotion or publicity.
        borrowed for review purposes only.                  services, and to enhance the quality of life for
             The reports are produced in the main           consumers. CAI is registered with charitable         © Consumers’ Association of Ireland 2021
        by our own Editorial staff. Some material           status: CHY 8559.                                    ISSN 0790-486X
        is occasionally drawn from other foreign                 Advertising is not accepted for publication.
        independent consumer magazines.                     Consumer Choice is available on a subscription
             Because Consumer Choice carries no             basis only. To facilitate banking requirements       Staff
        commercial advertising it is not swayed by          all cancellations must be advised, by letter or      Policy and Council Advisor
        bias or influence and can point out advantages      email only, a full 30 days in advance. Where         Dermott Jewell
        and flaws in goods and services that other          a bank applies a €24 chargeback fee for a
        magazines may not be able to do.                    Member/customer advised cancellation we              Design/Typeset
                                                            will deduct same from any refund requests. To
             Reports on any article relate only to the                                                           Denzil Lacey (Zava Media)
                                                            subscribe please write to:
        articles or goods mentioned, and not to any
                                                            Consumer Choice,
        other article of the same or similar description.                                                        Managing Editor
                                                            120/121 Baggot Street Lower,
        We do not necessarily price or report on all                                                             Clodagh O'Donoghue
                                                            Dublin 2
        brands or models within the class, and the
        exclusion of any brand or model should not be
                                                            Tel (01) 659 9430
        taken as a reflection on it.

        Social Media:

        1                                                                                                                             April 2022
The only way is up As the cost of living rises, the CAI's Supermarket Basket Survey reflects the reality for prices at the till - Consumers' ...


    13     Supermarket Basket Survey 2022                                       19   Steam Irons

         MONEY                               FOOD & HEALTH                            PRODUCT TESTS
6     Money News                         5   Food & Health News                  19 Steam Irons
      The latest developments in             Consumer Choice considers how           Time to get the iron out again?
      money matters, including               advice from pharmacists and             Our six hardworking Choice Buy
      the Central Bank of Ireland’s          the use of Nicotine Replacement         steam irons will power through
      renewed warning to consum-             Therapy can help smokers kick           creases for a perfectly pressed
      ers on the risks of investing in       the habit.                              finish.
                                                                                 23 Pushchairs
13    Supermarket Basket                 10 Travel Insurance                         One great pushchair may be all
      Survey 2022                            Complaints - How to avoid               you need to take your child from
      It will come as no surprise to         tripping up                             birth through to five years old.
      anyone who has been in a su-           Travel insurance complaints             Our independent test results can
      permarket recently that prices         dealt with by the Financial Ser-        help you make a wise investment
      have risen - the only question         vices and Pensions Ombudsman            from day one.
      is by how much. Consumer               highlight how issues can arise
      Choice revisits its supermarket        and how they could have been
      basket survey of branded               prevented.
      goods tracked since the year

    10 Travel Insurance Complaints                                          23 Pushchairs
 2                                                                                         April 2022
The only way is up As the cost of living rises, the CAI's Supermarket Basket Survey reflects the reality for prices at the till - Consumers' ...
News Briefs by Dermott Jewell
                                                                                                                                         NEWS BRIEFS

     When Stop Means OR ELSE….
     In recent weeks, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) welcomed
     the outcome of High Court proceedings in relation to a food business
                                                                                              Would You Like Chips With That
     operator’s failure to comply with a Closure Order served under the                       American instant delivery start-up Gopuff recently announced its
     European Union (Official Controls in Relation to Food Legislation)                       partnership in the UK with the Morrisons chain through which they will
     Regulations, 2020. The Closure Order, which the food business operator                   deliver groceries to consumers’ doors in a matter of minutes. Gopuff
     failed to comply with, was served for non-compliance with food legisla-                  does not have any similar service offerings in the US and so it is seen
     tion. However, this was not a simple or minor breach as it came as a                     as a significant initiative with long-term focus for expansion. This is a
     consequence of joint inspections by environmental health officers of the                 multi-year agreement providing for Gopuff to sell products from Morri-
                                                                                              sons through its app in over 20 cities across the UK. This is not new and
     HSE and officers of the FSAI, with support from members of An Garda
                                                                                              has been a significant growth area across the US and EU for some years
     Síochána, which were carried out in April 2021 and in August 2021. It
                                                                                              now and notably in the context of Covid demands and facilitation. It is a
     was found that the food business, trading as Hempture and Hempland
                                                                                              competitive business with most offering blistering delivery promises –
     on Abbey Street in Dublin, was placing unsafe food and unauthorised                      some as little as within ten minutes of ordering. The key is warehous-
     novel food on the market. While the vast majority of Closure Orders are                  ing at centralised locations to meet the demands. In 2021, Morrisons
     complied with, it was not the case here. The result was action to and a                  contracted with Deliveroo to make rapid grocery deliveries through
     ruling from the High Court. The Court issued an Order directing the                      an initiative called Hop but solely in the London area. This is a space to
     food business operator to cease, with immediate effect, all activities of the            watch closely as current competitive offerings are a focus of organisa-
     food business operated by him and his establishments and all holdings or                 tions such as Gopuff, which see expansion and brand dominance as a

     other premises, including internet sites and social media sites. Good to                 clear goal for investors who – to date – have provided $3.4 billion (€3
                                                                                              billion) in funding toward that goal. There is no mention of the cost for
     see effective enforcement from a regulator with the public interest and
                                                                                              delivery. Surprise!
     safety to the fore.

                                                         NEITHER PORK NOR PORKIES
                                                                      It is a simple fact that, for reasons unknown, normal mail will occasionally be
                                                                      put directly into your spam box. Advice, for a number of years now, has been to
                                                                      look at that box to be sure you are not missing something of importance or actual
                                                                      relevance to you. At the very same time, consumers are advised to ignore emails
                                                                      regarding prizes etc. as they are scams – unless, of course, you have actually
                                                                      entered that particular draw online. This is borne out by the reaction of Laura
                                                                      Spears in Michigan who bought a Mega Millions Multiplier ticket there for a
                                                                      draw on New Years’ Eve 2021. In the course of searching for a missing email
                                                                      from a friend – in her junk folder – she found an email advising her of her win in
                                                                      the draw of $1 million (€901,000), which, as it was a multiplier ticket, was now
                                                                      times three. She has now claimed and collected her $3 million (€2.7 million) win-
                                                                      nings. She plans to share the money with her family and take early retirement.
                                                                      She also plans to watch her spam folder more closely with just a smidgeon of
                                                                      trust in its content.

April 2022                                                                                                                                               3
                                                                                                                                                  www.thecai.ieApril 2022

  Air We Go Again
  In the US, Southwest Airline has introduced a new fare class that it has
  referred to as a second-cheapest and flexible option to attract travelling
  consumers post Covid. The ‘Wanna Get Away Plus’ fare ups the offerings of
  the ‘Wanna Get Away’ fare and allows consumers to make same-day changes
  to their tickets without paying the difference in fare that the lowest tier
  requires. This is an interesting and somewhat ground-breaking initiative in
  circumstances where domestic and holiday air travel demand and higher
  fuel prices are already attracting price increases. We have yet to see such
  significant initiatives here at home to match those of Southwest, which, as
  a matter of course, allows consumers to easily earn frequent traveller miles
  and award schemes while also maintaining the offer of two free bags in their
  fares. Simply put, there are measures of competitive engagement here that
  are impressive and in somewhat stark contrast to those offered by the ‘local’
  providers whose services we enjoy here in Ireland.

                                                      DEPLETED AIRPORT AUTHORITY
  Nearer to home and staying with air travel, we are reflecting the very clear and focussed demands of our Chairman, Michael Kilcoyne,
  regarding the unacceptable delays experienced by hundreds of consumers at Dublin Airport in the last week of March. Long queues were
  reported with stories of passengers missing flights due to the duration spent waiting at security. Some reports detail waits of 90 minutes at
  security clearance.
              Describing the scenes at Dublin Airport as “simply not good enough”, our Chairman added that the authorities appeared to be
  “incapable of running the airport”. He called upon the Minister for Transport to step in as a matter of urgency to help resolve the serious
  security delays.
              The Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) advised consumers of delays at security due to staff shortages for the coming weeks as they seek
  to ramp up workforce levels post-pandemic. Highlighting the inadequacy of this advice, in further context, Mr. Kilcoyne reflected how - “This
  is the same Authority that is introducing a charge to drop people off at the airport, yet they can’t find the staff to get people through security
  on time. It’s just not acceptable what’s happening. The DAA, as I understand it, made a lot of people redundant over the last two years. It’s
  a semi-state company that reports to the State. It’s down to a shortage of staff. If we can’t even arrange to get people through security at our
  airports it doesn’t speak volumes for the country and says very little for the Department of Transport, which is ultimately responsible. Quite
  simply, it’s not good enough for the Minister for Transport to allow this to continue. I’m calling on the minister to take immediate action”.

     Wish You Were Here?
     Following an agreement with the European Council, the European
     Parliament officially renewed, on March 24th, the ‘roam like at
     home’ scheme for another ten years. Consumers across the EU
     will now continue to enjoy free mobile roaming in all member
     states until 2032. This was never an easy provision to attain and
     it took years of focussed debate and demand from consumer
     associations such as the CAI, along with exceptionally focussed
     engagement by the European Commission, to bring this to a real-
     ity. The result – a scheme that ensures consumers get their mobile
     services at the same price, quality and speed wherever they may
     be in the EU, at no additional cost. The legislation obliges telecoms
     operators to ensure quality is consistent when customers are in
     another EU country, provided the same network conditions are
     available in countries visited by their users. This includes rules
     that prohibit practices that would reduce the quality of roaming
     services, such as switching from a 4G to a 3G connection. The
     price that operators can charge others for using their network will
     be capped at €2 per gigabyte from 2022. This will be progressively
     reduced to reach a cap of €1 per gigabyte by 2027.

 April                                                                                                                      4
                                                                                                                          www.thecai.ieApril 2022
The only way is up As the cost of living rises, the CAI's Supermarket Basket Survey reflects the reality for prices at the till - Consumers' ...
FOOD & HEALTH/News                                      by Clodagh O’Donoghue

Food & Health
The role of pharmacists and NRT in quitting smoking
National No Smoking Day took place in           as well as reducing the risk of coronary
March and the Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU)        heart disease”. Given the significant health
used the opportunity to encourage smokers       effects of quitting, smokers should visit
to take the first step towards quitting by      their local pharmacist to discuss what
asking their local pharmacist for advice.       method will work best for them and to
In addition, the IPU called for the removal     receive advice on supports such as NRT to
of unnecessary barriers for people trying       help manage cravings.
to quit by ensuring that medical card
holders no longer have to visit a GP prior to
                                                 Advice for quitting
being supplied with Nicotine Replacement
Therapy (NRT) at their pharmacy. Nicotine
is the ingredient in cigarettes that makes       The IPU has published the following list of pharmacists’ tips to quit smoking:
them addictive and NRT is a medication
that delivers a low level of nicotine without    1. Make a plan: You won’t quit by accident; planning in advance for when and
the other poisonous chemicals present in         how you will quit can really help. You should pick your quit date and stick to it no
tobacco smoke. According to the Health           matter what. In advance of that date, plan the supports you will need as well as
Service Executive (HSE), the use of NRT          some activities to keep busy.
doubles your chances of quitting smoking
by reducing associated physical symptoms.        2. Avoid temptation: All smokers have their triggers, the things that make
		 NRT in its different forms - which            them crave a cigarette. Particularly in the early days it is best to avoid these
include patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers,        situations; trips to the pub can be particularly perilous. Remember a craving
and mouth sprays - has been available in         lasts about five minutes, so make plans on how you will deal with them when
pharmacies nationwide since 2014, but            they hit.
medical card holders who cannot afford
to pay the cost of NRT products are still        3. Get moving: Exercise is proven to be a great way to minimise cravings. With
unable to access treatment directly from         the health benefits you get from quitting, you should have more energy to
their pharmacists. Instead, they must first      engage in activities such as walking or running.
visit a GP to obtain a GMS prescription that
will entitle them to source the treatment        4. Consider NRT: There is no need to give up ‘cold turkey’. Nicotine withdrawal
from their local pharmacy. The IPU               can be very difficult and create physical symptoms as well as psychological.
maintains that this creates an unnecessary       There are a number of options for nicotine replacement therapy and every
barrier for would-be quitters, especially        person will have their own preferences. Consult your pharmacist for advice. If
at a time where GP shortages across the          one method has not worked for you in the past, your pharmacist can recommend
country have made it increasingly difficult      an alternate approach.
to get an appointment. According to IPU
President Dermot Twomey, “there is no            5. Keep busy: Making plans to keep your mind and hands from being idle is really
reason why a medical card patient should         important. Plan a reward for yourself using some of the money you have saved
require a prescription to access NRT             by quitting.
and this arbitrary rule is preventing Ireland
from lowering its smoking rates”. Although       6. Make a list of why you’re quitting: If you are struggling for motivation, having
the rate of smoking has fallen steadily          a list of why you quit can help you recover it. From health reasons to the social
over the past five years in Ireland, 18%         and financial benefits, there are plenty of reasons to quit. Keep the list close
of the Irish population are still smokers,       and read it whenever you are struggling.
as revealed in the Healthy Ireland Survey
2021, which further found that 44% of all        7. Keep trying: It is hard to quit smoking; many people will fail their first time or
those who had smoked in the previous 12          even multiple times. Don’t be too hard on yourself but review your plan, reset
months had tried to quit. Mr Twomey notes        and start again.
that “a smoker who quits will experience
almost immediate health benefits such            Source:
as improved breathing and energy levels

    5                                                                                                           April 2022
The only way is up As the cost of living rises, the CAI's Supermarket Basket Survey reflects the reality for prices at the till - Consumers' ...

Money News                                                                                      Money News by Clodagh O'Donoghue

Renewed warning                                                                “As crypto-assets are highly risky and
                                                                               speculative, they may not be suitable
on cryptocurrencies                                                            for retail customers.”

In March, the Central Bank of Ireland                                                      services, consumers should carefully
again highlighted to consumers the risks                                                   weigh up whether these risks are
of investing in crypto-assets as part of a                                                 acceptable taking into account their own
Europe-wide campaign by the European                                                       preferences and financial situation.
Supervisory Authorities (ESAs), which                                                      These include the risk that:
have noted growing consumer activity
and interest in these products, such                                                       • you may lose all the money you invest;
as virtual currencies and non-fungible
tokens (NFTs). As crypto-assets are                                                        • prices can fall and rise quickly over
highly risky and speculative, they may                                                     short periods;
not be suitable for retail customers.
Consumers need to be particularly                                                          • you may fall victim to scams, fraud,
aware of the risks of misleading                                                           operational errors or cyberattacks; and
advertisements, especially on social
media where influencers are being paid                                                     • you are unlikely to have any rights to
to promote crypto-assets. The Central        also exist. Unlike ‘paper currencies’,        protection or compensation if things go
Bank’s Director General, Financial           such as the euro, cryptocurrencies            wrong.
Conduct, Derville Rowland points to          do not have legal tender status, so
the growing levels of advertising and        there is no legal obligation for them         		       If you are thinking about buying
aggressive promotion of crypto-asset         to be accepted as payment of a                crypto-assets or related products and
investments and how consumers may be         debt. Moreover, cryptocurrencies              services, the ESAs recommend that you
attracted by the high returns promised.      and paper currencies are structured           ask yourself the following questions:
However, before purchasing these             differently. Whereas official currencies
products, Ms Rowland urges consumers         are centralised and guaranteed by a           • can you afford to lose all the money you
to consider if they can afford to lose all   central bank that controls their supply,      invest?
of the money invested and to be aware        cryptocurrencies are unregulated and
that, if things go wrong, they will not be   decentralised, with no central bank           • are you ready to take on high risks to
able avail of the protections that attach    guaranteeing them or controlling their        earn the advertised returns?
to investing in a regulated financial        supply. Instead, cryptocurrencies are
product.                                     controlled using a technology known           • do you understand the features of the
		         Crypto-assets and                 as ’blockchain’ or ‘distributed ledger        crypto-asset or related products and
cryptocurrencies tend to be poorly           technology’. The Central Bank concludes       services?
understood and the Central Bank has          that, in general, cryptocurrencies like
provided a plain English explainer for       bitcoin are more like very high-risk,         • are the firms/parties you are dealing
consumers on its website at https://         speculative assets than a standard            with reputable?             currency. The ESAs further note that
explainers/what-are-cryptocurrencies-        many crypto-assets are subject to             • are the firms/parties you are dealing
like-bitcoin. In brief, cryptocurrencies     sudden and extreme price movements            with blacklisted by the relevant national
- also called digital currencies or          and are speculative because their price       authorities? (Although not being
virtual currencies - are a form of digital   often relies solely on consumer demand        blacklisted is no guarantee that a firm or
money that allow payments to be made         - i.e., there may be no backing assets or     party is safe to engage with.)
electronically and function in a similar     other tangible value. Moreover, given
way to standard currencies that use          the extreme price movements, many             • are you able to protect effectively the
physical cash. However, unlike standard      crypto-assets are unsuitable as a store       devices you use for buying, storing or
currencies that can be exchanged             of value and as a means of exchange or        transferring crypto-assets, including
physically using notes and coins,            payment - two key elements in a well-         your private keys?
cryptocurrencies are only exchanged          functioning currency.
electronically using lines of computer       		         According to the ESAs, given       		        For more information on
code. Well-known examples include            the specific risks involved in investing in   crypto-assets and digital currencies,
bitcoin and ethereum but many others         crypto-assets and related products and        visit                                                                                                         April 2022
The only way is up As the cost of living rises, the CAI's Supermarket Basket Survey reflects the reality for prices at the till - Consumers' ...
Energy price comparison websites
A recent audit of Ireland’s three energy      to compare energy suppliers with
price comparison websites shows               an assurance that the information
that they all continue to demonstrate         is provided in an "accurate, reliable,
high levels of compliance with                transparent and impartial manner”. With
accreditation standards and can help          up to 14 energy suppliers listed on these
consumers to search for the best deal         sites, there is plenty of competition in
possible. At this time of rising energy       the market and, although this can only
bills and announcements of alarming           do so much in the face of rising prices
increases ahead, consumers should             globally due to geopolitical and market
make sure that they are getting the           factors, you may be able to reduce the
best available value and the three            energy tariffs you are currently paying
accredited sites -, switcher.      by doing your homework and making a
ie and - provide online      switch.
comparison tools that enable consumers        		         As part of the audit, the CRU
to quickly and easily research their          used different test case scenarios to
options and make a switch when they           simulate a consumer’s interaction with
find a cheaper deal.                          the price comparison tools. According
		         The Commission for                 to CRU data, customers who switched
Regulation of Utilities (CRU), which          supplier or renegotiated with their
regulates the energy and water                existing supplier every year over the
sector in Ireland, conducts an annual         past four years could have saved €704
independent audit of the three energy         on gas, €1,097 on electricity or €1,696 on
price comparison websites to ensure           their dual fuel costs. Such savings could
that consumers are protected when             make a big difference for consumers
engaging in the market and to promote         worried about higher energy bills. The
greater competition within the retail         three websites let you compare your
marketplace. The CRU notes that               current deal with other options on the
independent price comparison services         market and can even look after the
are an important tool for customers           switching process for you.

EHIC online renewal
With so little opportunity for travel over the last two years, you may       		          With the EHIC, you may receive healthcare for free or you
have let your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) lapse as it lay          may have to make some payment towards the cost of the services
forgotten in a drawer. The good news is that, if you have not changed        provided as other people in that country do. You will not be refunded
address in the interim, you will be able to renew your card online quickly   for this or for private healthcare. If you are visiting the UK and are
and easily. The EHIC enables you to get healthcare in another EU or          an Irish citizen, you will have access to healthcare there under the
European Economic Area (EEA) country for free or at a reduced cost.          Common Travel Area. Other EU citizens will be able to continue to use
So, if you are planning a trip within the EU or to Iceland, Liechtenstein,   the EHIC in the UK where it is still accepted. It is important to remember
Norway or Switzerland, you should make sure to pack your EHIC, which         that the EHIC only covers medical costs and is not an alternative to
covers you on holiday or for a short-term stay, generally up to three        travel insurance, which can also offer cover for holiday cancellations,
months. Exceptions may be made for students who may be deemed to             lost or stolen luggage, additional accommodation or replacement
be a visitor on a short-term stay up to a full academic year.                return flights.
		          The EHIC is completely free of charge and you will need
one for each member of your family. The EHIC lasts for four years and
you can apply for it in person, by post or alternatively - if you have a
medical card or a drugs payment scheme card - online. For those
who already have an EHIC, the card is not reissued automatically when
it expires so you should check the date to see if you need to renew it.
Renewing your EHIC is also free and can be done online if you are still
at the same address and you are living in Ireland. You will need your
old EHIC number and your PPS number to renew. If your address or
name has changed you will need to apply to your local health office
and you should do so in plenty of time before travelling. If you cannot
get a EHIC in time, you may be able to get a Temporary Replacement
Certificate, which gives you the same entitlements but for a shorter
period. Applications again may be made online, in-person or by post to
your local health office.

The only way is up As the cost of living rises, the CAI's Supermarket Basket Survey reflects the reality for prices at the till - Consumers' ...
Product/Tech News
                                                                                                                  Product News by Clodagh O'Donoghue

 Recall of smartwatches
  The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) recently highlighted product recalls for a
  number of wearable devices that may have been purchased by Irish consumers. The Fitbit Ionic Smartwatch
  is the subject of a voluntary recall by the US manufacturer due to the risk of the batteries overheating
  and burning wearers. The recall follows more than 100 reports to the US Consumer Product Safety
  Commission of Ionic wearers being burned by the device, with some burns reported to be second- or
  third-degree. Around 1.7 million Fitbit Ionics have been sold globally, with 693,000 purchased outside the
  US. The smartwatches were produced between 2017 and 2020 and were sold in Ireland up to 2020 when
  manufacturing ceased. Fitbit urges Ionic owners to stop using the device immediately, even if it appears
  to be working fine currently. The company will be making contact with known Ionic owners and it directs
  customers to its consumer notice at for details on the risk and how to
  register for a refund for the product.
  		           ComReg is also drawing Irish consumers’ attention to a recall by French-owned sporting goods
  retailer Decathlon Sports Ireland of two of its sports watches. Decathlon is recalling its KIPRUN GPS 500
  Model and KIPRUN GPS 550 Model due to a safety issue that has been identified with the battery in these
  products, which may overheat during charging and/or while in use and may cause burns and/or present a
  fire risk. Reportedly, 140 of these devices have been sold to consumers in Ireland, who are urged to stop
  using the product immediately. Again, the company will make contact with known users of this product and
  it invites customers with one of these products to return it to the store for a full refund. Questions may be
  directed to the Decathlon customer relations centre at

 Carbon-counted menu
The takeaway industry faces some challenges in terms of its sustainability credentials but Camille Thai has taken a step forward with its latest move
to be kinder to the planet. The restaurant claims that it is the first in Ireland to introduce carbon emissions information on its menus to help climate-
conscious customers make a more informed choice. Camille Thai has long included nutritional information on its menus, with each item featuring
a calorie count beside it so those watching their waistline can compare their options and make their selection accordingly. The innovative move to
also display carbon ratings is another way of empowering customers with information and of encouraging change on an individual level, and CEO and
founder Brody Sweeney says that he hopes to see other restaurants in Ireland following suit.
		         The carbon footprint of a dish is comprised of multiple factors, including water consumption, storage and transport. Camille Thai worked
with My Emissions, a company specialising in providing food carbon labels, to create a clear and concise way to communicate carbon emissions values
for customers. The result is a simple, colour-coded, A to E rating scale based on the carbon intensity of each menu item, with a dark green A indicating
low impact, while a red E indicates very high impact. A look at the new carbon-counted menu reveals, not surprisingly, that beef dishes tend to garner
an E rating, while tofu and plant-based dishes achieve an A rating. However, other menu items vary in terms of their carbon ratings and the carbon
count may prove elucidating for consumers who want to be clear on the impact of their dish selection on the planet. The carbon ratings will be added to
menus in Ireland and the UK over the coming months and are available on the company website.
		         A major environmental impact of the fast-food industry is single-use takeaway packaging and Camille has sought to reduce the damage to
some extent by ensuring that all packaging is compostable. The company notes that you can toss its cartons straight into the brown bin or even use
them in home composting, though it recommends tearing them up first to speed up the rate at which they will break down.

   The products featured on these pages have not been tested by the Consumers’ Association of
   Ireland and their inclusion here is not, in any way, an endorsement of them.

      8                                                                                                                         April 2022
The only way is up As the cost of living rises, the CAI's Supermarket Basket Survey reflects the reality for prices at the till - Consumers' ...
Bringing old photos to life
                                                                         Following its move last year to bring the photos of deceased
                                                                         ancestors to life using deepfake technology, online
                                                                         genealogy company MyHeritage is now adding words to
                                                                         pictures. Deepfakes typically refer to images or videos
                                                                         that have been altered to swap in the face of someone
                                                                         else and the technology has been put to many nefarious
                                                                         uses, including contributing to fake news and hoaxes.
                                                                         However, a more innocent utilisation is to add life to old
                                                                         photos of ancestors. In 2021, MyHeritage launched its Deep
                                                                         Nostalgia system, which animates uploaded photographs
                                                                         of long-deceased loved ones, turning the still portraits into
                                                                         smiling, blinking videos. The company acknowledges that
                                                                         the result could be unsettling for some and it will not appeal
                                                                         to everyone. However, reportedly, over one million photos
                                                                         were animated using the system within the first 48 hours
                                                                         after launch.
                                                                         		          This year, the company has added it LiveStory
                                                                         feature, which uses AI technology and deep-learning
                                                                         algorithms to turn a still photo into a speaking portrait.
                                                                         The service offers over 140 voices in 31 languages that
users can choose from and the text can highlight life events automatically generated from information on the user’s family tree
on MyHeritage or the script in the first person can be entered manually along with additional images to help tell the story. The
tool then combines all the elements, converting the text into an audio track and applying video re-enactment to animate and lip
sync the ancestor’s face and mouth to add a voice to the life story. The company notes that LiveStory can work equally well with
black-and-white, colour or colourised photos and the resulting video can be played as is or edited further to be shared with family
and friends. Users will be able to create a few biography videos free of charge online or through the mobile app but then will have to
pay a subscription fee.

  Hug it out
  There is a lot to be anxious about in today’s world and a           levels before and after the test and findings revealed that the
  team at the University of Bristol in the UK might have an           cushion-hugging and meditation groups became considerably
  idea that could go a small way towards alleviating feelings of      less anxious than the group that did nothing. A further
  stress. When feeling anxious, many people may choose to             study involving 21 participants who held the cushion as their
  hug a squishy object, such as a cushion, and the new study          breathing rate was measured found that, in most cases, the
  suggests that the act of doing so can have a tangible effect on     breathing rate of participants slowed down to match that of
  anxiety levels, particularly if the cushion ‘breathes’.             the cushion they were holding. This may explain the cushion’s
  		        The study began with a robotics team at the               calming effect, as slow breathing has been shown to affect
  university creating five puffy-pancake-shaped electronically        the nervous system and reduce symptoms of anxiety. The
  augmented cushions that were partially designed to                  team is currently working on refining the cushion further for
  mimic the feeling of touching pets or interacting with other        testing over longer periods in people's homes.
  people. Four of the small devices each simulated different
  sensations - breathing, purring, a combination of breathing
  and purring, and a heartbeat - while the fifth emitted diffused
  rainbow-coloured light. A test with a group of 24 students
  found that the breathing-only cushion was deemed to be the
  most pleasant to touch and hold. Based on that feedback,
  the team made a larger version of the device with a soft
  micro-fibre outer layer, polyester stuffing and an airbladder
  inside that rhythmically and silently inflated and deflated via a
  hose-linked external pump.
  		        In the next phase of the study, the researchers
  told 129 volunteers, as a means of inducing feelings of
  anxiety, that they would need to verbally solve a series of
  maths problems in front of each other. Prior to the maths
  test, 44 participants sat and did nothing for eight minutes,
  while 40 others were guided through a meditation-based
  exercise and the remaining 45 hugged the breathing cushion.
  Questionnaires were used to assess the volunteers’ anxiety

   9                                                                                                          April 2022
The only way is up As the cost of living rises, the CAI's Supermarket Basket Survey reflects the reality for prices at the till - Consumers' ...
Lifestyle / Travel insurance complaints

         Travel Insurance Complaints
            - How to avoid tripping up
Travel insurance                     As countries took decisive steps to move on
                                     from a global pandemic, many consumers
                                                                                      Services and Pensions Ombudsman
                                                                                      (FSPO) has highlighted situations in which
complaints dealt                     grabbed the opportunity to make travel           a consumer believed themselves to be
                                     plans that had perhaps been long put             covered for an event only to have their
with by the Financial                on hold. Covid-19 is not the only grim           claim refused. Details of a number of these
Services and Pensions                reality for today’s world, which is a serious,   cases that were ultimately referred to the
                                     uncertain and unpredictable place at the         Office of the FSPO are outlined in its recent
Ombudsman highlight                  moment. All the more reason, then, that          Digest of Legally Binding Decisions - Travel

how issues can arise and             consumers making travel plans take steps
                                     to protect themselves financially against
                                                                                      Insurance. The FSPO regularly publishes
                                                                                      Digests of Decisions, which summarise the
how you may be able to               potential cancellations and medical and          Office’s legally binding decisions in order
                                     other unexpected events that can arise           to make the details accessible to both
avoid tripping up.                   while they are away.                             consumers and financial service providers
                                     		         An important element of planning      and to highlight the type of complaints the
                                     a trip abroad is arranging travel insurance      Office receives, how they are dealt with
                                     to provide peace of mind that you will           and how they could have been prevented.
      REPORT by Clodagh O'Donoghue   be covered if things go wrong. Having            The recent Digest is the first to focus
                                     adequate travel insurance in place can           exclusively on travel insurance and outlines
At a glance                          help to alleviate at least some of the stress    FSPO decisions issued between 2018 and
• FSPO decisions                     of unfortunate incidents - from injuries to      2021 in relation to complaints arising from
• Policy wording                     illnesses and from lost luggage to theft - by    claims made on a travel insurance policy.
• Medical issues                     reducing the financial impact. However,          Consumer Choice considers a number of
                                     with so much small print to wade through         these complaints and how they were viewed
                                     in any insurance policy, consumers may be        by the Ombudsman to provide lessons for
                                     unclear about the level of coverage they can     consumers as they seek out cover for their
                                     expect. A recent report by the Financial         trips away.

 10                                                                                                     April 2022
Covid-19-related complaints                     that if Sebastian’s trip had not yet begun,     policy, the Ombudsman concluded that it
Two complaints discussed in the Digest          he would have been entitled to make a           was unreasonable for the insurer to reject
stem from travel difficulties experienced       claim under the cancellation provisions         Tara’s claim. The Ombudsman partially
due to Covid-19. We all fervently hope          of the policy but, because he had already       upheld Tara’s complaint and directed the
that pandemic-related scenarios are             departed on his trip, that entitlement          insurance company to pay Tara €600 in
essentially behind us, but in the event         ceased. This was unfortunate timing for         compensation.
of a resurgence of Covid-19 or a similar        Sebastian, but the specific circumstances
crisis, it may be instructive to know how       of his claim were not covered by the            Case study 5
these complaints were viewed both by the        provisions of his policy.                       Seamus’s flight was cancelled due to an
insurer and the FSPO.                                                                           air traffic control strike in France and
                                                Wording matters                                 he booked an alternative flight home to
Case study 1                                    In a number of decisions contained in           Ireland for the next day. Seamus’s claim
Bethany and Luke boarded a cruise in            the Digest, it is clear that the clarity of     for the cost of the alternative flight was
February 2020, which was scheduled to           the wording of policy provisions could          refused by the insurer on the basis that
make a number of stops. However, due to         be improved to remove confusion                 he had prior knowledge of the possible
Covid-19 restrictions, all crew and staff       and ambiguity. When investigating               disruption of his travel plans, due to air
had to remain on board for more than a          complaints, the FSPO considers the policy       traffic control disputes in France. The
month until its final destination in April      documentation and any definitions relied        Ombudsman concluded that even if the
2020. Bethany and Luke said that their trip     upon by a policy holder or insurer in their     policy holder had been aware of reports of
was “curtailed” due to these restrictions       submissions. Three complaints outlined          disruptions, he would have had difficulty
and that, as well as the cruise not making      below illustrate the importance of wording      knowing whether or not his particular flight
the scheduled stops, they were not              in policy documents.                            would be cancelled on the date in question.
allowed to socialise and were essentially                                                       The decision also noted that the insurance
in quarantine for 33 days. The insurance        Case study 3                                    company’s submissions made reference
company refused the claim noting that           Liam missed his flight by five minutes as       to strike action being “announced” rather
the policy clearly set out a limited number     his rental car would not start when he          than “forecast”, as set out in the policy
of curtailment situations that would be         went to leave for the airport. Liam had to      and that as neither word was defined in
covered but that the claim fell outside of      purchase a replacement flight and made a        the policy, it was unclear how the insurer
the policy’s terms and conditions. The          claim for the price of the new flight under     would establish if a strike has been
Ombudsman noted that while it was               his travel insurance policy. In refusing the    “forecast”. The Ombudsman directed that
disappointing that the definitions within       claim, the insurance company argued that        the insurance company pay the claim of
the policy did not include a definition         Liam had failed to allow sufficient time to     just over €600.
of “quarantine”, there was no evidence          account for “possible delays”. However,
to suggest that Bethany and Luke were           the policy wording did not refer to “possible   Pre-existing symptoms and
required to stay in strict isolation within     delays” and instead referred to “delays         medical investigations
their cabin. Although this undoubtedly          which are expected”. The Ombudsman’s            Most consumers will be aware of the need
reduced Bethany and Luke’s enjoyment            decision noted the significant distinction      to disclose pre-existing medical conditions
of the trip, the insurance policy offered       between the two definitions and that there      when buying travel insurance as failure to
no cover for what was essentially a loss        was no evidence that the delay in this          notify the insurer of relevant information
of enjoyment and the complaint was not          instance should have been expected. The         of this kind could lead to the denial of
upheld.                                         insurer was directed to pay Liam’s claim.       any claim arising from the condition. In
                                                                                                addition, some FSPO decisions in the last
Case study 2                                    Case study 4                                    couple of years highlight the impact on
In March 2020, Sebastian cut a trip abroad      Tara’s backpack containing her personal         coverage of medical symptoms or medical
short due to the Covid-19 outbreak and          items was stolen from an overhead               investigations that pre-date the purchase
advice from the Department of Foreign           locker in the aircraft cabin during a           of a policy and how cancellations arising
Affairs that all Irish citizens should return   flight. The insurance company rejected          from medical symptoms experienced
home. Sebastian submitted a claim for           Tara’s claim on the grounds that her            before the policy was taken out may not be
over €1,000 to recover the cost of unused       personal possessions were not kept “on          covered.
accommodation and additional travel             her person” but there was no definition
expenses as a result of curtailing his trip.    of “one’s person” in the policy itself. The     Case study 6
The insurance company argued that under         Ombudsman’s decision noted that the             Maeve and John had to cancel a holiday
the “cutting your trip short’’ section of       clauses in the insurance company’s policy       due to Maeve suffering severe pain when
Sebastian’s policy, he was insured against      were potentially confusing and, while there     walking. The insurance company rejected
specified events but the circumstances          was no obligation to exhaustively set out all   their claim on their travel insurance
leading to his claim did not come within        of the circumstances where a claim would        policy because of the existence of a
those specified events. Sebastian had           be declined, a consumer may reasonably          pre-existing medical condition, namely,
not suggested that his circumstances fell       expect the most relevant circumstances          osteoarthritis. Maeve and John said
under any of the specified events outlined      to be included and explained. The               that, although Maeve had undergone
in the “cutting your trip short’’ section of    Ombudsman accepted that it was                  investigations and x-rays before taking
his policy and instead contended that his       reasonable for the insurance company to         out travel insurance to identify the cause
claim would have been successful if it fell     ask Tara to supply proof of ownership for       of her pain, she was only diagnosed with
within the “cancellation” provisions of the     items held in her backpack, but given the       osteoarthritis afterwards. The insurer
policy. The Ombudsman’s decision noted          lack of definition of “on your person” in the   noted that, although Maeve had not

   11                                                                                                             April 2022
received a diagnosis, the policy had been     it has any effect on the policy cover.                        		        For their part, insurers need
purchased in the knowledge that Maeve         Moreover, Ms McGovern notes that “in                          to ensure that the wording of the
had symptoms for which a diagnosis had        order to ensure that you have cover for                       terms and conditions of a policy is
not been given and that it was reasonable     cancellation in certain circumstances, you                    clear, comprehensible and as easy as
to expect on the date of purchase of the      should take out your policy as soon as you                    possible for their customers to negotiate,
policy that the symptoms could give rise      book your holiday. Buying insurance just                      according to Ms McGovern, as “better
to a claim. The Ombudsman concluded           before you go may give you cover for events                   clarity would serve policy holders well
that Maeve’s investigations the month         and circumstances while abroad, but may                       and potentially lead to fewer complaints
before the policy was bought should           not provide you with any protection if you                    arising from claims not being admitted, or
have been disclosed to the insurance          need to cancel your holiday plans”.                           a misunderstanding of the policy cover”.
company at the time of purchasing cover.
Moreover, the Ombudsman was satisfied
that the policy document clearly set out       The work of the FSPO
that the insurance policy would not cover
undiagnosed symptoms and that the              If a consumer has tried and failed to resolve a complaint with a financial service provider, such as an
insurance company was entitled to decline      insurance firm, then they can make a complaint to the FSPO. The FSPO deals with complaints informally
the claim.                                     at first, by listening to both parties and engaging with them to facilitate a resolution that is acceptable
                                               to both. Informal mediation enables issues to be resolved more quickly. When these early interventions

Case study 7                                   do not resolve the dispute, the FSPO investigates the complaint and subsequently issues a decision

Chris and Sarah bought travel insurance        that is legally binding on both parties and can only be appealed to the High Court. The Ombudsman can

on the same day that she attended a GP         direct a financial service provider to pay compensation of up to €500,000 to a complainant and/or to

due to feeling unwell for the previous 12      rectify the conduct that is the subject of the complaint. As well as publishing the Digest of Decisions, the

hours and she was advised not to travel        FSPO’s Database of Decisions on now has the full text of almost 1,500 decisions and includes

due to a pre-existing health condition         decisions issued up to the end of October 2021. Through the publication of legally binding decisions and

she had. Chris and Sarah cancelled             Digests of Decisions, the Ombudsman seeks to enhance transparency and understanding of the powers

their flights and made a claim, which          and the services provided by the FSPO.

was declined by the insurance company
on the basis that Sarah had purchased          Travel insurance tips
the policy after the onset of symptoms
and the knowledge of a pre-existing            It is more important than ever to get the right travel insurance in place with your holiday booking. Whether
condition. The Ombudsman considered            you are looking for single trip, multi trip or annual travel insurance for just yourself or your whole family, the
the terms and conditions contained in          following are some tips to keep in mind.
the insurance policy and noted that the
insurance company was entitled to decline      • Shopping around is always advised, but going for the cheapest option could be a false economy if the cover
the claim because Sarah was aware at           you receive is very limited. Travel insurance policies can vary greatly in terms of the cover they provide so
the time of purchase of the policy that        some careful research is needed. Consumers booking a trip with an airline or travel agent may be offered
she had symptoms that could reasonably         a travel insurance policy but there is no obligation to go with this and better value may be found through
be expected to give rise to a claim. As a      another insurer.
result, the Ombudsman accepted that it
was reasonable for the insurer to refuse to    • Unfortunately, tedious though it may be, there is no substitute for reading through the terms and conditions
admit the claim for payment.                   to understand what the policy offers - and what it doesn’t offer. If you have particular reasons for buying
                                               the cover, look carefully at those sections to ensure that the cover matches your expectations. Where the

FSPO advice                                    wording is unclear, contact the insurer for clarification.

Commenting on the publication of these
decisions, the Financial Services and          • As the FSPO has noted, arranging cover quickly is important. A travel insurance policy does not just protect

Pensions Ombudsman (Acting) Mary               you when you are abroad, it also covers unexpected situations that can arise and prevent you from setting off

Rose McGovern urges consumers who              in the first place. Get your cover in place as soon as you book your trip.

are making holiday plans for this year
and thinking about taking out a travel         • For consumers with private health insurance, this may offer some protection for healthcare costs when

insurance policy to take some time to          you are abroad so it is worthwhile checking your policy to see what level of cover you can expect. However,

ensure that any policy provides the cover      importantly, private health insurance will not cover such elements as additional accommodation, meals or

they expect. In particular, in light of        transports costs if you or a family member becomes ill while you are away. The Competition and Consumer

the complaints involving policy holders        Protection Commission (CCPC) notes that consumers who hold private health insurance should check if they

cancelling their holiday arrangements due      can avail of a discount on travel insurance.

to medical issues, Ms McGovern highlights
the need to be aware of the potential          • With the pandemic unfortunately still far from over, you will need to check what Covid-19-related cover is

impact on cover of pre-existing medical        provided by any travel insurance policy that you are considering purchasing. The CCPC notes that policies

conditions and medical investigations that     offer differing levels of cover for Covid-19 and that some do not cover it at all. Again, you will need to read

are not disclosed at the time the policy       through the terms and conditions to determine what cover you can expect if you test positive for Covid-19

is purchased. Consumers who have a             during your trip or if the Covid situation changes in your destination or additional restrictions are imposed

medical condition, undiagnosed medical         while you are there. Now more than ever, consumers considering travelling abroad will need to monitor the

complaint or are undergoing medical            official advice and information provided by the authorities at their proposed destination. The Department of

investigations at the time of taking out a     Foreign Affairs offers travel advice by country at to help consumers make

travel insurance policy must inform the        informed decisions when planning trips abroad and to provide an objective assessment of the risks that they

insurer so that it can determine whether       could face.

  12                                                                                                                                    April 2022
Money/ Supermarket prices

            Supermarket Basket Survey 2022
The only way is up….                  It will come as no surprise to anyone         in consumer prices will likely accelerate,
                                      who has been in a supermarket recently        according to a recent report by the
unfortunately. As Irish               that prices have risen - the only question    Economic and Social Research Institute
consumers grapple with                is by how much. Since the start of the        (ESRI).
the escalating cost of                millennium, the Consumers’ Association        		        The latest Consumer Price
                                      of Ireland (CAI) has been periodically        Index (CPI) from the Central Statistics
living, the CAI supermar-             tracking the prices of a supermarket          Office (CSO) released in March, indicated
ket basket survey reflects            basket of 19 branded goods and we             that consumer prices were an average
the reality for prices at the         repeated the survey again in March 2022       of 5.6% higher in February 2022 than
tills, which will only rise           against a backdrop of a well-documented       they were a year before. This marks the
                                      and all-too-apparent rising cost of living.   largest annual increase in 21 years - the
further.                              The world is arguably a very different        last time the CPI was this high was in
                                      place since we last checked the prices        April 2001. Moreover, the high rate of
                                      of our supermarket basket. At the time        inflation was also shown in the monthly
       REPORT by Clodagh O’Donoghue   of our last survey in 2019, we noted that     increase between January and February
                                      the implementation of Brexit lay ahead        of this year, with consumer prices rising
                                      and pondered about the effect it might        by 0.9% in that period alone. The CSO
At a glance                           have on the price of our groceries. Since     noted that the main factors contributing
• 2022 survey findings                then, the world has been rocked by a          to the overall 5.6% increase included an
• Inflationary pressures              global pandemic and two years of harsh        increase in the cost of energy bills, diesel
• Non-brand alternatives              restrictions, and inflationary pressures,     and petrol, and alcoholic beverages and
                                      which had already been mounting by            tobacco products, along with higher
                                      the end of 2021, are being compounded         prices across a range of food and drink
                                      following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.       products such as meat, bread and
                                      As the conflict disrupts energy markets       cereals, mineral waters, soft drinks,
                                      and economic sanctions on Russia and          fruit and vegetable juices and milk,
                                      interruptions of supply persist, increases    cheese and eggs. Moreover, the ESRI’s

  13                                                                                                  April 2022
economic analysis, also released in          About our survey                                increase of 50g, back up to 500g from
March, suggested that inflation could        For our 2022 survey, Consumer Choice            450g, reducing the size of the per-unit
rise to 8.5% in coming months as the         checked prices across the three major           price increase to 20 cent. A handful of
war in Ukraine exacerbates existing          grocery retailers in Ireland - Dunnes           price reductions were also found but
inflationary pressures, mainly through       Stores, Supervalu and Tesco - which have        these did not offset the overall increase
higher energy and commodity prices. The      been included in all previous surveys           in the basket total, which has risen from
ESRI indicates that inflation will peak at   since 2000. Prices were sourced in-store        €42.83 in 2019 to €44.57 for an increase of
around 8.5% in June or July 2022 - a level   and online on the 16th and 18th of March        €1.74, representing a rise of just over 4%.
not seen since the mid-1980s - to average    and the figures quoted on Table 1 below         		         Along with the price increases,
6.7% for the year as a whole. This is a      are the average price calculated across         there was less discounting of the branded
sobering prospect indeed for consumers       the three retailers. Not all the products       items in our basket in evidence than in
already struggling financially.              in the sizes sought were available in all       2019, so consumers have fewer options to
		         Although affording energy         three supermarket chains and, where             lower the cost of their shopping. Across
bills may be the biggest challenge for       necessary, the average price is calculated      the three major supermarkets in our 2019
many consumers this year, massive            from the prices charged by either one           survey, there were 17 instances of price
hikes in energy prices will also have a      or two of the retailers that do stock the       promotions or discounts across eight
huge knock-on effect in other sectors,       item in question. Our basket includes 19        different products, while, in 2022, there
including food prices as gas is used         items that were determined in 2000 to be        were seven price promotions involving
to produce most fertiliser for growing       common purchases for the typical Irish          five different products. In 2019, the
crops and animal feed. Along with rising     household. In the interests of making           supermarkets seemed more inclined
transportation costs and the potential       consistent comparisons to previous              to match the discounts of their rivals,
for major supply chain upheaval, the cost    surveys in past years, and because most         whereas this year, discounts are more
of doing the weekly supermarket shop is      of the items in our basket are branded          isolated. This reduction in the level of
likely to climb throughout the year. As a    goods, Aldi and Lidl are not included in our    discounting was also noted by market
result, the 2022 CAI supermarket survey,     main survey. Again for consistency, we          research company Kantar, with its grocery
more than any other of our previous          disregard any price promotions, discounts       market figures published in March
surveys, is merely a snapshot in time        and multi-buy offers that were advertised       pointing to an 10.9% decrease in the
and prices may have already altered by       in order to produce the most accurate           number of products sold on promotion,
the time you read this, given the extreme    picture of pricing trends this year as a        which, it said, was due to retailers seeking
challenges that the market and the world     whole. As much as possible, the survey          to offset mounting costs.
are facing.                                  this year is directly comparable to the first
                                             survey conducted 22 years ago and all
                                             subsequent surveys. However, we have
                                             noted the various changes in package
                                             sizes that have occurred over the years on
                                             our table. Given the frequency with which
                                             manufacturers have altered their package
                                             sizes over the last two decades, the prices
                                             noted need to be cross-referenced with
                                             the appropriate package sizes to gain an
                                             accurate view of any pricing changes. At
                                             the end of our table, we have included
                                             footnotes that make price adjustments
                                             for a number of products that were
                                             subject to weight/volume changes since
                                             the 2019 survey.

                                             Survey findings
                                             After a number of years of fairly stable
                                             prices and even small price reductions
                                             noted in our surveys, most of the branded
                                             goods in our basket have been the subject
                                             of price increases in 2022. Among the           Non-brand alternatives
                                             19 branded goods analysed, 12 products          It remains the case that by swapping
                                             saw price increases, while another two          from brands and buying own-store or
                                             products (Donegal Catch cod fillets and         value-range items or switching to the Aldi
                                             Fairy original washing up liquid) look to       and Lidl brands, you will knock more than
                                             have stayed the same or fallen in price but     50% off your shopping bill. Given the
                                             their content weight was reduced slightly,      rising costs hitting us from all directions,
                                             resulting in effective per-unit price           it may well be time to abandon the
                                             increases. The price hikes range from a         brands in favour of decent non-branded
                                             minimal 3 cent to a more substantial 47         alternatives. Kantar noted in its March
                                             cent (Kellogg’s cornflakes) - though this       report that consumers are already
                                             price hike was accompanied by a weight          seeking to reduce costs by swapping

  14                                                                                                           April 2022
You can also read