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Copyright! Science & Research | Original Contribution Reproduction and dissemination – also partial – applicable to all media only with written permission of Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. Peer-reviewed | Manuscript received: December 01, 2017 | Revision accepted: February 26, 2018 The nutrition survey EsKiMo II – design, execution and public health policy relevance Anna-Kristin Brettschneider, Clarissa Lage Barbosa, Marjolein Haftenberger, Karoline Heide, Melanie Frank, Eleni Patelakis, Hanna Perlitz, Franziska Lehmann, Almut Richter, Gert BM Mensink contexts, such as schools and day- Abstract care facilities, is often the subject of much criticism. For instance, stud- Regular nutrition surveys are important for health policy measures. As part of ies on meal quality have shown that the second wave of the “German Health Interview and Examination Survey for only a fifth of daycare centers and Children and Adolescents” (KiGGS Wave 2; 2014–2017), the nutrition study – Es- only a quarter of schools base their KiMo II – was once again conducted about ten years after the first “Eating Study menus on the quality standards as a KiGGS Module» (EsKiMo; 2006). In the period from June 2015 to September of the German Nutrition Society 2017, nutritional data were collected from 2,644 children and adolescents. Pa- (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung rents of children aged 6 to 11 years were instructed in how to keep a food record [DGE]) [4, 5]. for a total of four days; nutrition interviews were conducted with 12- to 17-ye- During childhood taste preferences ar-old adolescents using the modified diet history software known as DISHES. and dietary habits develop, and it The results of EsKiMo II will provide actual data on the nutrition status of children is highly likely that these prefer- and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years living in Germany, and will therefore offer an ences and habits will continue into information basis for policy decisions. adulthood [6, 7]. Overweight during Keywords: children and adolescents, food consumption, intake of nutrients, childhood and adolescence which oc- KiGGS, EsKiMo curs due to poor diet among other factors, often persists into adult- hood, bringing with it all of the associated health consequences. Therefore, essential foundations for a healthy lifestyle are already being Background laid in childhood and adolescence. However, many children and ado- Optimal intake of energy and nu- lescents grow up in an environment trients is particularly important for that facilitates weight gain, result- children and adolescents as they are ing in people becoming overweight still developing [1]. However, our [8]. For example, sweets and pastries dietary behavior is in a state of con- are often sold in kiosks in schools. stant change. Trends such as “su- “Children’s foods” often contain too perfoods”, organic foods, and the much sugar and fat. The food indus- Citation: current vegan trend, as well as the try tries to influence the purchasing Brettschneider A-K, Lage Barbosa growing range of products available behavior as well as children’s and C, Haftenberger M et al. (2018) in supermarkets are all factors that adolescent’s dietary habits by using The nutrition survey EsKiMo II can influence our dietary habits [2]. colorful advertisements aimed at – design, execution and public In addition, living conditions have children or advertising messages di- health policy relevance. Ernah- changed in recent years: An increas- rected at parents that emphasize the rungs Umschau 65(5): 80–88 ing proportion of children and ad- health benefits of their products [9]. This article is available online: olescents are now being taken care In 2006, as part of the baseline study DOI: 10.4455/eu.2018.018 of at daycare facilities [3]. However, of the “German Health Interview the food available in communal and Examination Survey for Chil- 80 Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 5/2018
Copyright! Reproduction and dissemination – also partial – applicable to all media only with written permission of Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. dren and Adolescents” (KiGGS) con- changes will influence dietary hab- to be made for the age group of ducted by the Robert Koch Institute its, and as a result, the quality of 0–17 years. A total of 15,023 chil- (RKI), the Germany-wide “Eating nutrition among children and ado- dren and adolescents were surveyed Study as a KiGGS Module” (EsKiMo, lescents in Germany and their nu- for the first time, and a subsample hereinafter referred to as EsKiMo tritional and health status, regular, of them also underwent a physical I) was conducted for the first time representative assessment of food examination [13]. This means that with 2,506 children and adolescents and nutrient intake is required. there are also a number of biochem- aged 6 to 17 years. EsKiMo I showed Again, a nutrition module (EsKiMo ical parameters, such as blood lipid that children and adolescents in Ger- II) was implemented in a new wave levels, available, which may allow many had an adequate intake of of the KiGGS study, KiGGS Wave conclusions to be drawn about nu- most vitamins and minerals, but 2. The aim of EsKiMo II is to collect tritional status. were not eating enough plant-de- up-to-date data to provide a repre- rived foods such as fruit, vegeta- sentative overview of the current Study population bles, potatoes, bread, and other nutritional status of 6-17-year-old fiber-rich foods. The proportion of children and adolescents living in KiGGS offers the opportunity to carbohydrates in the overall food Germany. The results of EsKiMo II study subgroups of the study pop- intake did correspond to German will show the extent to which the ulation in greater detail regard- Nutrition Society recommendations, nutrition situation described above ing specific issues using modules. but most carbohydrates were con- still applies today. The methods Thanks to this arrangement, it was sumed in the form of foods with a used in the EsKiMo study are very possible to conduct the nutritional high sugar content or in the form of effort-intensive, which is why fur- survey EsKiMo II as a module study foods made of white flour. The main ther details about the conduct of within the framework of KiGGS sources of sugar were sweets and the study are described below. This Wave 2 from June 2015 to Septem- sugar sweetened beverages, which should also provide a foundation ber 2017. In order to ensure that the were consumed by children and ad- for future publications. The planned data gathered was representative, olescents too frequently and in too usage of the results of EsKiMo II is the regional and seasonal distribu- large amounts. Furthermore, the also specified. tion of the sample points visits was recommended consumption levels considered in the study design. The for meat and sausages were greatly target sample size for EsKiMo II was exceeded, which led to an increased about 2,600 participants. This num- Methods intake of undesirable saturated fatty ber is based on an equal distribution acids [10]. The KiGGS Study of boys and girls across each year Policy measures and intervention of age included in the study (at least programs have been established as The KiGGS study is part of the 100 boys and 100 girls from each an effort to improve this situation. health monitoring for Germany and year of age band) and an equal dis- The national action plan “IN FORM is performed by the RKI at regular tribution across the sample points. – German national initiative to pro- intervals. One of its aims is to gather Participants who took part in ex- mote healthy diets and physical ac- population data on the health sta- aminations and interviews in the tivity”, launched in 2008, aims to tus of children and adolescents liv- cross-sectional part of KiGGS Wave bring lasting improvements in die- ing in Germany. The KiGGS baseline 2 at the age of 6–17 years who had tary and physical activity habits in study was conducted by the RKI given their consent for being con- Germany by 2020. IN FORM has nationwide at 167 sample points tacted again were invited to partici- supported various health promo- from 2003 to 2006 as a combined pate in EsKiMo II. Details about the tion and disease prevention projects interview and examination survey study are described elsewhere [14]. in recent years, such as projects to with 17,641 children and adoles- Before the study began, it was ap- improve the quality of food pro- cents. The first follow-up survey, proved by the Ethics Committee of vided in schools [11]. The German KiGGS Wave 1, was conducted by Hannover Medical School and the government’s latest sustainability telephone from 2009 to 2012. The German Federal Commissioner for strategy deals with existing and second follow-up survey, KiGGS Data Protection and Freedom of In- planned measures for the preven- Wave 2, was once again conducted formation. An interview was con- tion of overweight and obesity in as a combined interview and exam- ducted after information had been children and adolescents, including ination survey from 2014 to 2017. given and a written declaration of plans to further develop the national Participants from the baseline study consent had been obtained from the action plan IN FORM [12]. were invited to take part again. In legal guardians of minors and from In order to draw conclusions about addition, a new sample was taken, adolescents themselves if aged 14 the extent to which the described allowing representative statements years or over. Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 5/2018 81
Copyright! Science & Research | Original Contribution Reproduction and dissemination – also partial – applicable to all media only with written permission of Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. intake accounted for by individ- ual energy contributing nutrients, compared to the German Nutrition Society recommendations [1]. Dietary interviews For adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, the DISHES (Dietary Interview Soft- ware For Health Examination Stud- ies) software was used. DISHES is a computer program developed by the RKI that is used to record usual dietary intake over the past four weeks using a modified dietary his- tory method. In an about one hour- long face-to-face interview, the con- sumption frequencies and portion sizes of all foods consumed were re- corded by trained nutritionists, or- Fig. 1: Example page from a food record ganized by meal (breakfast, lunch, (table translated from German original for better understanding) dinner, late-night snacks, or other snacks). Details about the DISHES software can be found elsewhere Dietary assessment tion (e.g. fat content), the time [17]. When conducting the inter- and location of consumption, the views, it was essential to recognize Dietary assessments are a particular weighted amount served, and the and use regional food names. For challenge when it comes to children weighted plate waste (• Figure 1). example, the various regional syn- and adolescents. Younger children An additional, shortened version of onyms for bread rolls [“Brötchen”], require help from their parents be- the weighted food record was pro- such as “Semmeln”, “Wecken”, or cause they lack nutritional knowl- vided for situations in which the “Schrippen” were used in order to edge and the required memory ca- amount of food consumed could record the consumption of bread pacity [15]. As for adolescents, a not be weighted (e.g. in school can- rolls. Following the interview, the method that is both less time-con- teens or restaurants) [14]. House adolescents received €15 in cash as suming and burdensome needs to be visits were conducted by trained a thank you for their participation. used in order to keep dropout rates nutritionists from the EsKiMo team, Furthermore, after a few weeks, an to a minimum [16]. This is why in which instructions on how to fill individual nutritional evaluation EsKiMo II uses different dietary as- out the food record and how to use was sent, containing information sessment tools depending on the age the digital kitchen scale provided by on total energy intake and the pro- of the participant. In order to ensure the EsKiMo II study were given. The portion of energy intake accounted good comparability between the re- instruction lasted about 30 min- for different macronutrients. The sults from EsKiMo I and EsKiMo II, utes. The parents or legal guardians overview also provides information widely the same dietary assessment of the participants had the option about average daily intake levels of tools were used. to contact the EsKiMo team by tele- selected vitamins and minerals such phone or e-mail with any questions. as vitamin C, iron, and magnesium, Food records The study participants sent the and about the most important food For the 6 to 11-year-old age group, completed food records back to the sources of these substances which the parents (or legal guardians) RKI in a postage-paid envelope and were mentioned in the interview. were asked to keep a weighted food received a gift voucher with a value In addition, nutrition information record for three days and for one of €20 as an incentive, as experience about which foods are particularly additional separate day. The days has shown that this increases will- good for balancing out any potential to be recorded were established in ingness to participate. In addition, deficits was also sent. advance using a randomized pro- after a few weeks, a personal nutri- cedure. The foods consumed were tional evaluation was sent, contain- Short questionnaire recorded in detail, including spec- ing information on average total In addition to the dietary assessment ifications such as the brand name energy intake from the four days tools described above, further infor- of the product, a product descrip- as well as the proportion of energy mation such as special dietary hab- 82 Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 5/2018
Copyright! Reproduction and dissemination – also partial – applicable to all media only with written permission of Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. its, school catering, supplements, funding organisation”, “child does ipants, arranging appointments by and consumption of specific foods not want to/child is frightened/ telephone, and the data protection such as raw ground meat and raw burdensome for the child”, “child is and organizational aspects of the eggs was also collected in a short healthy”, “too many surveys”, or field phases of the study. Practical questionnaire as a computer-as- “other reasons”. training was also performed: The sisted interview. The questionnaire Comprehensive information from instruction procedure on how to fill was completed by the parents of KiGGS Wave 2 is available regard- in the food records was practiced 6- to 11-year-olds after the food re- ing all participants invited to take on RKI employees who have chil- cord instruction, and by the 12- to part in EsKiMo II, meaning that it is dren aged 6 to 11 years and who 17-year-olds immediately after the possible to perform a detailed com- voluntarily agreed to take part. In DISHES interview. parison of non-participants versus order to emulate realistic field con- participants. ditions, four house visits were also Non-responder questionnaire organized with parents who have Persons who were invited to par- children in the target age group. Practical execution ticipate but did not participate in Parents were instructed in how to EsKiMo II were asked by telephone Training fill in the food records and answered or written questionnaire whether Prior to the start of the field phase, the short questionnaire regarding any of the following reasons for the interviewers (four nutritionists) dietary habits. In addition, DISHES non-participation applied: “Absent were trained in how to conduct interviews were conducted with at the time of the interview”, “child the visits with the study partici- volunteers in order to establish an acutely/chronically ill”, “other pants. The content of the training interview routine and to standardize family member acutely/chronically included a general overview of both the conduct of the interviews. These ill”, “child undergoing treatment/ studies KiGGS and EsKiMo, as well interviews were observed by the in hospital at the time of the inter- as a presentation of and theoretical study coordinators so that a debrief- view”, “no time”, “no interest/not and practical introduction to the ing session could follow. During the convinced about the need for and dietary assessment tools used. In debriefing, any questions raised and purpose of the study”, “worries addition, more detailed information any ambiguities brought to light about data protection”, “too much was provided regarding the field by the conduct of the interviews effort (takes too long)”, “never take execution of the study, how to act were addressed in order to achieve part in surveys”, “because of the with participants, recruiting partic- optimized, standardized procedures. Interviewer’s visit 1. a) Instruction on how filling telephone filling telephone to keep the food record (FR) out 3 back follow-up 1 d FR out back follow-up d FR to the if required + gift 1 d FR to the if required data personal RKI voucher RKI entry assessment 4–6 weeks 1. b) DISHES interview 1–5 months arrangement obtaining sending of appoint- plausibility produkt- personal address of ment 2. Short questionnaire checks research assessment KiGGS invitation @ 3. Time for questions Fig. 2: Schedule for each tour in the EsKiMo study d = day; DISHES = Dietary Interview Software for Health Examination Studies; FR = food record; KiGGS = German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents [Studie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland]; RKI = Robert Koch Institute Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 5/2018 83
Copyright! Science & Research | Original Contribution Reproduction and dissemination – also partial – applicable to all media only with written permission of Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. Subsequently, up until the start of Documentation of the field phase additional 109 participants were the field phase, interviews were Personal data, such as addresses and recruited. conducted with RKI employees and telephone numbers, and study-spe- During the final third of the data with adolescents within the target cific data, such as attempts to ar- collection period, the invited sample age group as further training. range appointments and date agree- size was increased. Originally, it was ments with the participants were planned to only invite those who Process of the field phase of documented in a database. In addi- had taken part in the physical ex- EsKiMo II tion, other important information amination in KiGGS Wave 2 to take • Figure 2 gives an overview of the about the participants, such as com- part in the EsKiMo study. However, process of EsKiMo II. During the field pletion of the dietary assessment, this group of KiGGS participants phase, which generally took place 3 the appointments for the one-day was too small to achieve the target to 6 months after KiGGS Wave 2, a food records, reasons for non-par- sample size. Therefore, those who total of 167 KiGGS sample points ticipation, and the creation of the only took part in the interview part were visited once again in a total of personal nutritional assessment, of the KiGGS study were invited as 33 tours. During each tour, three in- was recorded. Standard letters were well. terviewers visited one or two study generated using the database and locations each, and were on the road their dispatch was noted in the par- Quality assurance and data ma- between 5 and 10 days. Interviews ticipant database. nagement and instructions on how to use the food records also took place on Sat- Efforts to increase response and Immediately after each tour, a urdays. The data collection period number of participants meeting between the interviewers for each of the individual sample Various measures were used to and the coordinators took place points was determined using a route reach the target sample size of in order to share experiences and plan. The invitations were sent out about 2,600 participants. In order clarify any problems. During the five weeks prior to the beginning of to increase the number of partici- field phase, the field coordinator data collection. Those contained a pants, the interviewers were given conducted regular visits in order to cover letter addressed to the parents follow-up training on telephone check the interviewers’ approach, and a letter addressed to adolescents recruitment of participants, led by how they dealt with the partici- aged 12 years and above, as well as internal RKI experts. During the pants, and whether they were con- a flyer that provided information follow-up training, the existing ducting the interviews and provid- about the study, its contents, and guidelines for conversations and ing the instructions correctly. Af- its aims. In addition, a declaration argumentation examples were dis- terwards, the visits were evaluated of consent, complete with a return cussed. In addition, the interview- with the interviewers. envelope was included with the in- ers were given individual telephone vitation letter, and the recipient was coaching. Food records asked to sign the declaration and After about half of the data collec- Once the food records were received send it back to the RKI. At the same tion period had passed, the inter- at the RKI, an initial check on their time, the recipient was asked to pro- viewers also contacted participants completeness and plausibility was vide up-to-date telephone numbers on site if no valid telephone number performed. Any ambiguities, such and suitable times to call to arrange was available or if the participants as missing entries for amounts or an appointment. A data protection could not be reached by telephone. inaccurate product details, were sheet was provided to inform the This measure resulted in the re- clarified by telephone, generally participants themselves and the par- cruitment of 15 additional partic- within one week after the food re- ents or legal guardians about data ipants. cord was received by post. protection issues. Another measure that was used Data entry of the information from Prior to each tour, appointments to increase the response was con- the food records was performed were arranged with the participants ducting the instructions for the by trained nutritionists in accord- or their parents (or legal guardians), weighted food records by telephone ance with a standardized data entry mostly by telephone. Generally, the if it was not possible to arrange an manual. The data from the food re- appointments were conducted at the appointment with the parents of cords were coded using a software participant’s home. If a home visit the participants during the time that was specially developed by Pad- was not possible or not desired, the in which the EsKiMo interviewers erborn University (EAT version 5.3) instructions or the interviews could were on site. The required docu- using the German Nutrient Data also be conducted in the EsKiMo car. mentation and materials were sent Base version 3.02. The average time A total of 2.2% of the interviews by post in advance. Thanks to the taken to enter the data of a complete took place in the car. telephone instruction measure, food record (all four days) was two 84 Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 5/2018
Copyright! Reproduction and dissemination – also partial – applicable to all media only with written permission of Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. Participants and participa- tion rate 150 A total of 4,534 children and ado- lescents (girls: N = 2,317; boys: N 120 = 2,217) were invited to take part, of which 2,644 (girls: N = 1,361; Girls Frequency 90 boys: N = 1,283) were recruited Boys for participation in EsKiMo II. Par- 60 ticipants in EsKiMo II are those for whom at least one of the following 30 is available: the DISHES interview, the food record, or the completed short questionnaire. A food record 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is available for 1,190 children, and a Age in years DISHES interview for 1,353 adoles- cents. The short questionnaire was Fig. 3: EsKiMo participants by age and sex answered by 2,641 participants. • Figure 3 shows participation by age and gender: participation was lowest among 6-year-old girls and hours. Problems with data capture, Nutrition interviews 16- to 17-year-old boys, and it was for example how to proceed on the highest among 11-year-old girls. coding of foods that were not in- Promptly after each tour, the data 83 (1.8%) of those invited were cluded in the German Nutrient Data from the DISHES interviews were classified as quality-neutral drop- Base version 3.02, were documented processed. The foods recorded in outs because, for example, they had and dealt with promptly. DISHES are coded according to Ger- moved away to an unknown loca- In order to ensure the quality of man Nutrient Data Base version tion, or communication with the the data entry from the food re- 3.02. During data processing, foods participant or their parents was not cords, the coded data was checked that were mentioned in the inter- possible due to language problems. by a second colleague by sampling view, but were not recorded in the After considering these cases, the and checking randomly selected program, were added. In addition to participation rate was 59.4%. Infor- weighted food records. In addition, the tests for completeness that are mation on the reasons for non-par- the food records of 60 participants already integrated into the DISHES ticipation are available for 1,199 on individual, randomly selected re- software, various plausibility tests families who were invited to partici- cord days were captured once again were conducted on the personal and pate in EsKiMo II. About a third said by a trained student assistant with consumption data from DISHES. For they did not have time to participate a nutritional background. This sec- instance, very low or very high re- in EsKiMo. Other common reasons ond data capture procedure showed ported amounts of individual foods given for non-participation included that there was a low rate of error were checked because very high or that it was too much effort, that the in the initial data entry – 15 out of very low total energy intake may child did not want to take part, that 975 codes (1.5%) required correc- indicate data entry errors. With the those invited to participate were tion. After the entries were made, consent of the participants, a digi- absent at the time of the interview, the nutritional data (amounts of tal audio recording of the interview or that they had no interest in the particular foods, e.g. very high or was made for quality assurance study or were not convinced about very low beverage intake < 500 mL purposes. The audio files allowed the need for and purpose of the sur- or > 3,000 mL per day, or energy post hoc checking of any data that vey. intake < 1,000 kcal or > 2,500 kcal appeared to be implausible. Regular per day) and body size and body listening to the audio files allowed weight were checked for plausibil- systematic data entry errors to be Utilisation of the results ity. In addition, the specified reci- detected. In addition, this allowed pes were checked with regard to feedback on the quality of the inter- The results of EsKiMo II will pro- method of preparation, portion view to be given to the interviewers vide an up-to-date picture of the sizes, and the presence of cooking as well as measures for improvement nutrition status of children and ad- water or cooking liquids, and fats of the standardization of the execu- olescents aged 6 to 17 living in Ger- used for cooking or frying. tion of the interview to be taken. many, and will help identify areas Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 5/2018 85
Copyright! Science & Research | Original Contribution Reproduction and dissemination – also partial – applicable to all media only with written permission of Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. • media • Robert Koch Institute • expert audiences • Federal Institute for Risk Assessment • general population • Max Rubner-Institut • participants and parents • Universities • daycare centers and • German Nutrition Society schools • European Food Safety Authority • …. • …. General public Science sector Industry and Political sector NGOs • Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture • consumer centres • German Federal Agency for Agriculture • food industry and Food • professional organizations • The Federal Centre for Nutrition • federal associations • Federal Ministry of Health • health insurance providers • Federal Ministry for the Environment, • Foodwatch Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety • …. • …. Fig. 4: Stakeholders of the results of the EsKiMo study where dietary habits and nutrient fruit and vegetables is below the Food=Grade A”] was initiated as intake are deficient compared to the recommended levels. In particular, part of IN FORM. This project sup- recommendations of the German among the 6- to 11-year-olds, the ports schools in providing balanced Nutrition Society. Therefore, the recommended vegetable consump- menus. In addition, the German Nu- results will be an important source tion was only reached by 6% of trition Society Quality Standard for of information for politicians, econ- boys and 7% of girls, whereas in School Catering was published in omists, the general public, and other the group of 12- to 17-year-olds, 2007 and in 2008/09, networking stakeholders such as health insur- it was reached by 18% of boys and centers for school catering were es- ance providers (• Figure 4). The re- 29% of girls. Most children and tablished in all German federal states sults of the KiGGS baseline study adolescents did not consume even with the aim of supporting schools and EsKiMo I have raised the public half of the recommended amount. in the development, implementa- health policy relevance of nutrition, The data also showed that the con- tion, and quality improvement of physical activity, and health issues, sumption of sugar sweetened bev- optimal catering [5, 20]. However, and various preventative measures, erages, snacks, sweets, and meat the standards are only recommen- especially with the establishment and meat products was too high dations. A nationwide survey of the of the action plan IN FORM, have [10]. quality of school catering conducted been initiated and implemented as a Since children are more and more in 2014 showed that in recent result. By comparing the results of spending all day in school or day- years, the range of food available in EsKiMo II with EsKiMo I it will be care, school meals have an increas- many establishments has been ex- possible, for the first time, to per- ing influence on dietary habits panded, the supply of beverages is form comprehensive analyses of among children and adolescents. satisfactory and the supply of free changes in dietary habits over the Therefore, school meals may offer water has increased, for example last 10 years in Germany. an approach to improving the sit- through drinking water dispens- Like other studies [18, 19], EsKiMo uation. In this context, the project ers. However, other criteria of the I has shown that consumption of “Schule+Essen=Note 1” [“School+ German Nutrition Society Quality 86 Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 5/2018
Copyright! Reproduction and dissemination – also partial – applicable to all media only with written permission of Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. References Standard are still not being met. For Outlook example, meat and sausages occur on the menu too frequently and the The initial results of EsKiMo II will 1. D eutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, recommended quantities of fruit be published in the course of 2018. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ernährung, and vegetables are far from being A comprehensive project report will Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ernährungs- reached [5]. be available by 2019. EsKiMo II forschung. Referenzwerte für die Nähr Against this backdrop the German makes it possible, for the very first stoffzufuhr. 2. Aufl., Bonn (2015) Federal Ministry of Food and Ag- time, to perform comprehensive 2. Popkin BM (2015) Nutrition transition and riculture established the National analysis of changes in the dietary the global diabetes epidemic. Curr Diab Rep Quality Center for Nutrition in habits of children and adolescents 15: 64 Daycare Centres and Schools as in Germany over the last 10 years. 3. Klemm K. Ganztagsschulen in Deutschland: part of IN FORM at the beginning of The data could provide evidence as Die Ausbaudynamik ist erlahmt. Bertels- 2016. In addition to the measures to whether specific measures have mann Stiftung (2014) designed to tackle food in schools, led to improvements, or whether 4. Arens-Azevêdo U, Pfannes U, Tecklenburg IN FORM also focuses on measures there is a need for further action. M. Is(s)t KiTa gut? KiTa-Verpflegung in to promote nutrition education in This means that the results will lay Deutschland: Status quo und Handlungsbe- schools in particular [21]. Organ- the foundation for further decisions darfe. Bertelsmann Stiftung (2014) izations such as consumer centers and measures in the fields of nutri- 5. Arens-Azevêdo U, Schillmöller Z, Hesse also use interactive learning pro- tion policy, consumer policy, and I et al. Qualität der Schulverpflegung – grams, e.g. the “Ess-Kult-Tour” health policy. Bundesweite Erhebung. Bundesministerium program [22], to provide inter- für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) esting information on healthy en- (2015) joyment of food, food labeling, or 6. Ellrott T. Entwicklung des Essverhaltens nutrient requirements. The Preven- Funding im Kindes- und Jugendalter. In: Kersting The nutrition survey EsKiMo II was financially tion Act, which came into force in M (Hg.) Kinderernährung Aktuell. Schwer- funded by the German Federal Ministry of 2015, aims to strengthen the areas Food and Agriculture (BMEL) on the basis of a punkte für Gesundheitsförderung und of health promotion and disease resolution of the German Bundestag. Funding Prävention. Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag, prevention, including measures to is provided by the German Federal Agency Sulzbach (2009) tackle nutrition-related diseases for Agriculture and Food (BLE), funding code 7. Kelder SH, Perry CL, Klepp KI et al. (1994) 2814HS004. such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and Longitudinal tracking of adolescent smok- obesity. Under this law, the activ- ing, physical activity, and food choice be- ities of statutory health insurance haviors. Am J Public Health 84: 1121–1126 funds are to be geared towards im- 8. Procter KL (2007) The aetiology of childhood proving the living environment of Conflict of Interest obesity: a review. Nutr Res Rev 20: 29–45 The authors declare no conflict of interest. daycare centers and schools. The 9. Hastings G, McDermott L, Angus K et al. status quo of nutrition among chil- The extent, nature and effects of food pro- dren and adolescents is an impor- motion to children: a review of the evidence: tant source of information for the Dr. Anna-Kristin Brettschneider1 technical paper prepared for the World M. Sc. Clarissa Lage Barbosa planning of appropriate measures Health Organization. (2007) URL: www. M. Sc. Marjolein Haftenberger [23]. M. Sc. Karoline Heide The German Federal Ministry of M. Sc. Melanie Frank, Hastings_paper_marketing.pdf Zugriff Food and Agriculture is also cur- M. Sc. Eleni Patelakis 15.11.17 rently working on other measures, M. Sc. Hanna Perlitz, 10. Mensink GBM, Heseker H, Richter A et al. M. Sc. Franziska Lehmann, such as a national strategy for the Forschungsbericht – Ernährungsstudie als Dr. Almut Richter, reduction of sugar, fats, and salt in Dr. Gert BM Mensink KiGGS-Modul (EsKiMo). Robert Koch-In- convenience products. 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