The Newport fault: Eocene listric normal faulting, mylonitization, and crustal extension in northeast Washington and northwest Idaho

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The Newport fault: Eocene listric normal faulting,
                mylonitization, and crustal extension in
                northeast Washington and northwest Idaho

                TEKLA A. HARMS Department of Geology, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002
                RAYMOND A. PRICE Department of Geological Sciences, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6

                ABSTRACT                                                                                         morphic rocks and granitic plutons. The fault has a distinctive U-shaped
                                                                                                                 trace that straddles the state boundary between Washington and Idaho,
                       The Newport fault is a spoon-shaped, shallowly dipping fault                              north of Spokane (Fig. 1). Its southern limb extends 10 to 25 km to the
                 zone, across which a Proterozoic to Tertiary sedimentary suprastruc-                            east and west of the town of Newport (Fig. 2), whereupon the trace of the
                 ture is juxtaposed above an infrastructure of basement gneiss and                               fault turns north along both its western and eastern limbs. With
                 granitic batholiths as a result of Eocene normal faulting and crustal                           northward-decreasing stratigraphie separation, each limb dies out within
                 attenuation. Chloritic microbreccia occurs at the top of the Newport                            15 km of the international boundary.
                 fault zone, below which a zone of mylonitization as much as 500 m                                     The Newport fault lies within the Purcell anticlinorium, a regional-
                 thick is developed in footwall rocks, including the Eocene Silver Point                         scale structure that occupies much of the western part of the Cordilleran
                 Quartz Monzonite. Detailed kinematic analysis of fabric and struc-                              foreland fold and thrust belt in Montana, Idaho, northeastern Washington,
                 tures in the mylonite and microbreccia establishes that displacement                            and southern British Columbia (Fig. 1). The Kootenay arc forms the
                 was normal in sense on both sides of the U-shaped fault trace. The
                 direction of extension was 74°-254°, as shown by consistently
                 oriented mylonitic lineation. Crustal attenuation across the Newport
                 and adjacent Purcell Trench faults may have reached as much as 68
                 km (120%), and, in any case, it exceeded 35 km (40%). During faulting,
                 the footwall moved up and out to the east and west relative to the
                 hanging wall, forming two flanking footwall culminations or crustal-
                 scale boudins. Tectonic denudation of the footwall infrastructure is
                 shown by Eocene K-Ar cooling ages for granitic rocks within it.
                 Chrontours that increase in age outward from the Newport fault re-
                 cord abrupt cooling of the infrastructure as it was drawn away from
                 the hanging wall. The Silver Point Quartz Monzonite was emplaced
                 into the dilatant zone between the footwall infrastructural culmina-
                 tions. During displacement, hanging-wall strata were rotated down
                 the listric-fault surface, the footwall rotated upward, and the fault
                 surface flattened, probably as a consequence of isostatic adjustment to
                 mass redistribution caused by normal faulting. A roll-over anticline
                 developed in the hanging wall as it moved into the zone of attenuation
                 between the footwall culminations. Syntectonic Eocene extrusive
                 rocks and coarse clastic deposits accumulated in a growth fault basin
                 on the west flank of the hanging-wall anticline. Crustal extension and
                  normal displacement on the Newport fault are compatible with a re-
                  gional Eocene strain regime that crossed northern Idaho, Washington,
                  and southern British Columbia and produced dextral transcurrent
                  faulting, core-complex development, and clockwise rotation of crustal
                  blocks throughout that area.

                                                                                                                       Figure 1. Tectonic setting of the Newport fault. Heavy stipple
                       The Newport fault of northeastern Washington and northwestern                              indicates core complexes in the Omineca belt. PRC = Priest River
                 Idaho is a north-plunging, spoon-shaped, shear zone that juxtaposes a                            complex; KC = Kettle complex; OC = Okanogan complex in both
                 sedimentary suprastructure of middle Proterozoic, Paleozoic, and Eocene                          Washington and British Columbia; VC = Valhalla complex; SC =
                 strata against an underlying crystalline infrastructure of high-grade meta-                      Shuswap complex.

                 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 104, p. 7 4 5 - 7 6 1 , 1 4 figs., June 1992.


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Quaternary alluvium

                                                                                                                                                                              Columbia River
                                                                                                                                                                              Group basalt

                                                                                                                                                                              Tiger Formation

                                                                                                                                                                              Pend Oreille Andesite

                                                                                                                                                                              Silver Point
                                                                                                                                                                              Quartz Monzonite
                                                                                                                                                                              Selkirk Crest
                                                                                                                                                                              Igneous Complex
                                                                                                                                                                              Phillips Lake
                                                                                                                                                                              Undivided Cretaceous
                                                                                                                                                                              plutonic rocks

                                                                                                                                                                              Jurassic plutonic rocks

                                                                                                                                                                              Undivided Paleozoic
                                                                                                                                                                              sedimentary sequence
                                                                                                                                                                              Windermere Supergroup

                                                                                                                                                                              Belt Supergroup above
                                                                                                                                                                              the Prichard Formation
                                                                                                                                                                              Prichard Formation
                                                                                                                                                                              of the Belt Supergroup

                                                                                                                                                                              metamorphic rocks

                                                                                                                                                                                 Shallowly dipping
                                                                                                                                                                                 normal fault

                                                                                                                                                                                 Thrust fault

                                                                                                                                                                                 Steep fault

                                                                                                                                                                  Faults are dashed where inferred,
                                                                                                                                                                  otherwise observed. Decorations
                                                                                                                                                                  lie on hanging wall.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Axis of Snow
                                                                                                                                                                                 Valley anticline

                                                         117°30'                                             117°00'            116°30'

                                             Figure 2. Generalized geologic map of the region surrounding the Newport fault. Adapted from Aadland and Bennett (1979), Clark (1967,
                                         1973), Harms (1982), Harrison and Jobin (1963, 1965), Harrison and Schmidt (1971), Miller (1974a, 1974b, 1974c, 1974d, 1982a, 1982b,
                                         1982c), Miller and Clark (1975), Miller and Engels (1975), Park and Cannon (1943), Pearson and Obradovich (1977), and Schroeder (1952).

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NEWPORT FAULT, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO                                                                       747

                western flank of the Purcell anticlinorium in southern British Columbia. It                      mentary strata; Mesozoic and Cenozoic granitic intrusive rocks, Eocene
                coincides with the suture between parautochthonous rocks deposited along                         volcanic rocks, and Eocene nonmarine clastic deposits (Aadland and Ben-
                the ancient continental margin of North America and the tectonic collage                         nett, 1979; Clark, 1967; Miller, 1974a, 1974b, 1974c, 1974d; 1982a,
                of accreted terranes that make up the Intermontane belt of the Cordillera                        1982b, 1982c; Pearson and Obradovich, 1977; Schroeder, 1952). In a
                to the west (Price, 1981). The Omineca belt straddles this suture. It is a                       general sense, however, the geologic framework of the area can be consid-
                regional tectonic welt characterized by the widespread occurrence of meta-                       ered in terms of two principal components: (1) a sedimentary
                morphic and plutonic igneous rocks (Monger and others, 1982). The Priest                         suprastructure that is dominated by Proterozoic strata and a number of
                River complex (Reynolds and others, 1981), which lies in the footwall of                         granitic plutons and (2) a mid-crustal crystalline infrastructure, the Priest
                the Newport fault, is one of a number of culminations, including the                             River complex, that consists of batholiths and metamorphic host rocks
                Okanogan, Kettle, Valhalla, and Shuswap complexes (see Fig. 1), that                             (Fig. 4).
                make up the Omineca belt across northern Washington and southern                                       The hanging wall of the Newport fault is part of a sedimentary
                British Columbia. Because of their similarity to metamorphic core com-                           suprastructure of middle Proterozoic Belt Supergroup strata. The sequence
                plexes of the southwestern United States, there is a growing consensus that                      there is -9,100 m thick, over half of which is the Prichard Formation
                these infrastructural culminations are the result of Eocene crustal extension                    (Miller, 1974a). A sequence of lower Paleozoic(?) clastic and carbonate
                and low-angle normal faulting (Price, 1979,1981,1982; Price and others,                          strata — 1,200 m thick disconformably overlies the Belt in the northwestern
                 1981; Coney, 1980; Rehrig and Reynolds, 1981; Armstrong, 1982;                                  quadrant of the hanging wall (Miller, 1974a, 1974b). Belt strata in the
                 Harms, 1982; Harms and Price, 1983; Parrish and others, 1988; Harms                             hanging wall have undergone low-grade burial metamorphism, but deli-
                and Coney, 1989).                                                                                cate sedimentary structures are well preserved throughout.
                       Millerfirstdescribed the Newport fault as a thrust fault (Miller, 1971,                         Correlative sequences of Belt and Paleozoic strata occur in outward-
                 1974a, 1974b, 1974c, 1974d), presumably because it is very shallowly                            facing panels to both the west and east of the Newport fault (Fig. 4). On
                 dipping, and its U-shaped trace conveys the impression of a klippe. His                         the west side, just east of the town of Chewelah, this sequence is north-
                 interpretation has been subsequently followed (Cheney, 1980; Rhodes and                         striking and moderately west-dipping, so that deeper stratigraphic levels
                 Cheney, 1981). In this paper, however, we will show that the Newport                            are exposed toward the Newport fault. Rusty-weathering quartzite and
                 fault is a normal fault, unrelated to thrust faults of the region. Analysis of                  fine-grained garnetiferous quartz-muscovite-biotite schist with minor inter-
                 the fabric of mylonitic and cataclastic fault rocks, which are well devel-                      layered amphibolite (Miller, 1974b, 1974c; Miller and Clark, 1975) that
                 oped in an -500-m-thick zone along the Newport fault (Harms, 1982;                              occur at the base of this panel probably represent metamorphosed lower
                 Miller, 1971), provides a robust basis for establishing the kinematics of                       Prichard Formation, as degree of metamorphism decreases upward, and
                 displacement along the fault. Diagnostic structural relationships between                       the schist grades into strata identifiable as Prichard Formation. (Locally,
                 rocks of the footwall and those of the hanging wall are used to outline the                     the easternmost and structurally lowest exposure of this sequence is a
                 evolution of the fault and to evaluate the regional tectonic significance of                    gneiss that may be Belt basement [Harms, 1982; Miller, 1974b].) The total
                 the displacement on it. Constraints imposed by the unusual geometry of                          true thickness of this panel, including schistose rocks, is only slightly
                 the U-shaped Newport fault provide unique insights into processes of                            greater than that in the hanging wall of the Newport fault. Similarly, a
                 horizontal extension in continental lithosphere.                                                 north-striking, east-dipping panel of Belt Supergroup overlain by early
                                                                                                                  Paleozoic strata occurs in the vicinity of Pend Oreille Lake, east of the
                REGIONAL GEOLOGY                                                                                 Purcell Trench (Harrison and Jobin, 1963,1965; Harrison and Schmidt,
                                                                                                                  1971). Rehrig and Reynolds (1981; Reynolds and others, 1981; Rehrig
                     The Newport fault intersects a large and varied suite of rocks along its                    and others, 1982,1987) have established the occurrence of cataclastic and
                140-km-long trace (Figs. 2 and 3). These include Precambrian metamor-                             mylonitic rocks locally within the Purcell Trench and conclude that an
                phic basement rocks; Middle Proterozoic sedimentary rocks of the Belt                             important, E-dipping normal fault lies in the trench at the base of the Belt
                Supergroup and their metamorphosed equivalents; early Paleozoic sedi-                             sequence. We agree with this interpretation.

                    Figure 3. Schematic west-southwest-east-northeast cross section through the Newport fault and surrounding footwall. Line of section runs
                from Chewelah to the north side of Pend Oreille Lake east of the Purcell Trench and is shown in Figure 2. Horizontal and vertical scales are
                equal; scale matches that of Figure 2. See Figure 2 for key.

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                                                                                                                       The crystalline infrastructure of the Purcell anticlinorium, exposed in
                                                                                                                 the Priest River complex (Reynolds and others, 1981), constitutes the
                                                                                                                 second major geologic component of the region. It includes first, medium-
                                                                                                                 to high-grade schists and gneisses; second, several Cretaceous granitic in-
                                                                                                                 trusive complexes; and third, two adjacent, distinctive Eocene plutons
                                                                                                                 (Fig. 2).
                                                                                                                       1. A variety of metamorphic rocks occurs in the footwall of the
                                                                                                                 Newport fault. To the east, isolated and irregular roof pendants and
                                                                                                                 screens are predominantly quartzo-feldspathic paragneisses and quartz-
                                                                                                                 mica schists of upper amphibolite grade (Miller, 1982a, 1982b; Harms,
                                                                                                                  1982; Nevin, 1966). South of the fault, metamorphic rocks are abundant
                                                                                                                 and more continuous (Clark, 1967,1973; Weissenborn and Weiss, 1976;
                                                                                                                 Rhodes, 1986). A zircon U-Pb date of 1576 ± 1 3 Ma (Evans and Fischer,
                                                                                                                  1986) and Rb-Sr dates ranging from 1510 to 2053 Ma (Armstrong and
                                                                                                                 others, 1987) for augen gneisses from the Priest River complex indicate
                                                                                                                 that it includes remnants of pre-Belt crystalline basement. Mylonitic augen
                                                                                                                 gneiss that may be Cretaceous or Paleogene also occurs south of the fault
                                                                                                                 (Bickford and others, 1985; Armstrong and others, 1987).
                                                                                                                       2. Abundant granitoid rocks occur as bodies of batholithic dimen-
                                                                                                                 sions that have broad, migmatitic contacts with the metamorphic country
                                                                                                                 rocks. They range in composition from granite to granodiorite and are
                                                                                                                 characteristically both biotite and muscovite bearing. The Phillips Lake
                                                                                                                 Granodiorite occurs west of the Newport fault (Miller and Clark, 1975).
                                                                                                                 The footwall to the east of the fault is underlain by the Selkirk Igneous
                                                                                                                 Complex of Miller (1982a, 1982b). Miller mapped several individual
                                                                                                                 bodies in the Selkirk Igneous Complex but nevertheless suggested that it is
                                                                                                                 a single intrusive mass of common age and origin. Miller and Engels
                                                                                                                 (1975) reported discordant K-Ar mineral pair analyses from these intru-
                                                                                                                 sive rocks that range to as old as 92 Ma. As discussed below, we interpret
                                                                                                                 the plutons to be late Cretaceous in age.
                    Figure 4. Generalized geologic map showing the distribution of                                     The two-mica composition, characteristically diffuse contacts with
                two contrasting Proterozoic to Paleozoic sedimentary sequences ver-                              metamorphic host rocks, and size of these intrusive bodies suggest that they
                sus the crystalline infrastructure surrounding the Newport fault.                                contain a large component of crustal melt and equilibrated relatively deep
                Orientation data are from Harms (1982), Miller (1974a, 1982c), Miller                            in the crust (Miller and Engels, 1975; Miller and Bradfish, 1980). Fur-
                and Clark (1975), and Harrison and Jobin (1963).                                                 thermore, as some of the metamorphic host rocks are pre-Beltian in age, they
                                                                                                                 were part of a crystalline basement that lay at mid-crustal depth and
                                                                                                                 temperature conditions, covered by >10 km of Belt and Paleozoic strata
                      A contrasting, second Proterozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary se-                            during pluton emplacement.
                quence is carried in the Jumpoff Joe thrust sheet west of Chewelah. The                                Granitic plutons that intrude the supracrustal sedimentary rocks in
                base of this second supracrustal sequence is the Deer Trail Group, which                         the hanging wall of the Newport fault were emplaced at much shallower
                Miller and Whipple (1989) interpreted as a western facies equivalent of                          levels in the crust. They occur high in the stratigraphic sequence, within
                the upper Belt Supergroup. It is unconformably overlain by late Protero-                         upper Belt and Paleozoic units, are smaller in comparison to the Selkirk
                zoic Windermere Supergroup strata, which are in turn overlain by                                 Igneous Complex, and have relatively sharp contacts with thin contact
                Paleozoic strata that are a thicker and deeper-water facies than coeval units                    metamorphic aureoles. Miller and Engels (1975) reported concordant
                that directly overlie Belt strata east of Chewelah (Miller and others, 1973;                     K-Ar biotite-hornblende and biotite-muscovite mineral pair dates ranging
                Miller and Clark, 1975). This early Paleozoic off-shelf facies and the                           between 85 and 101 Ma from plutons within the hanging wall.
                Windermere Supergroup characterize the Kootenay arc in the Metaline                                    3. The Silver Point Quartz Monzonite, which occurs along the
                district of northern Washington (Park and Cannon, 1943) and adjacent                             southern footwall of the Newport fault, contrasts with other intrusive rocks
                parts of southern British Columbia.                                                              of the Priest River complex in both composition and age. It contains
                      Several points emerge from the regional geometry of these supra-                           hornblende, biotite, and sphene, but not muscovite (Miller, 1974d) and is
                crustal sequences. The stratigraphic succession in the hanging wall of the                       isotopically distinct from the Selkirk Igneous Complex (Whitehouse and
                Newport fault correlates with sections in the footwall at Chewelah and                           others, 1989, and in press). Whitehouse and others (in press) have ob-
                Pend Oreille Lake to the west and east. Taken together, they form an                             tained a date of 52.1 ±1.2 Ma for the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite from
                integral part of the Purcell anticlinorium. Hanging-wall strata are continu-                     U-Pb analysis of zircon; concordant K-Ar mineral pair dates from 47 Ma
                ous to the north with supracrustal rocks of the Purcell anticlinorium and,                       to 51 Ma (Miller and Engels, 1975) are in agreement with this age.
                consequently, must still occupy their original position relative to correla-                           The very shallow dip and spoon shape of the Newport fault divides
                tive footwall panels to the east and west. In contrast, the Kootenay arc                         the area into two distinct domains, a hanging-wall "flap" of supracrustal
                assemblage in the hanging wall of the Jumpoff Joe thrust is quite different                      sedimentary strata that extends into the Purcell anticlinorium to the north,
                from the hanging wall of the Newport fault. On this basis, the Newport                           and a footwall complex of mid-crustal plutonic and metamorphic rocks
                fault could not root immediately to the west, into the Jumpoff Joe thrust                        that is exposed on the three sides of the U-shaped fault and is continuous
                sheet (see Miller, 1971).                                                                        beneath it (Fig. 3). The hanging wall is detached from Priest River com-

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NEWPORT FAULT, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO                                                                        749

                plex rocks that underlie it and has been separated from what were origi-                        displacement and not a result of reactivation or two-stage faulting (in
                nally contiguous, correlative sedimentary sequences that now flank the                          contrast to Cheney, 1980; Rhodes and Cheney, 1981).
                complex to the east and west at Pend Oreille Lake and at Chewelah (Fig.                               Consistent with northward-diminishing stratigraphic separation
                4). Displacement on the Newport fault juxtaposed rocks from shallower                           across the Newport fault, mylonitization and brecciation die out north-
                crustal levels over a domain of rocks from greater depth, with a significant                    ward along both limbs. Mylonite and chloritic microbreccia cannot be
                stratigraphic gap across the fault. (Northward along the Newport fault the                      traced farther than lat 48°30' on the west limb and approximately lat
                stratigraphic gap decreases.) This distribution of lithologic units reflects the                48°50' on the east limb (Harms, 1982; Miller, 1982b). At the western
                nature and magnitude of displacement on the Newport fault. This is nor-                         terminus, a coarse-grained (fragments range from several centimeters to > 1
                mal, not thrust, offset.                                                                        m in size), well-indurated, monolithologic tectonic breccia occurs between
                                                                                                                chloritic microbreccia of the fault zone and Paleozoic strata of the hanging
                NEWPORT FAULT ZONE                                                                              wall, and in steeply dipping, anastomosing seams that cut the hanging-
                                                                                                                wall strata. The position of this breccia suggests that it formed high in the
                      The Newport fault zone is marked by two contrasting types of fault                        fault zone from fragmentation but comparatively little fault displacement.
                rock: (1) 1-5 m of chloritic microbreccia occurs at the top of the fault                        In its northern extremities, where fault rocks do not occur, the Newport
                zone, and (2) a thicker and more diffuse zone of strongly foliated and                          fault is defined by limited stratigraphic separation between supracrustal
                lineated mylonite underlies the microbreccia and grades downward into                           sedimentary sequences that occur in both the footwall and hanging wall
                unmylonitized rocks. The zone of mylonitization varies in thickness from                        (Fig. 4).
                15 m to 500 m and is much better developed along the southern and
                eastern limbs of the Newport fault than it is on the western limb. All units                     Chloritic Microbreccia
                of the footwall domain (the Selkirk Igneous Complex, pre-Belt basement
                schists and gneisses, Phillips Lake Granodiorite, and, notably, the Eocene                             The chloritic microbreccia is a cohesive, massive, fine-grained, and
                Silver Point Quartz Monzonite) are mylonitic where they abut the New-                            homogeneous cataclasite in which there is no ordered fabric whatsoever. It
                port fault. Brecciation and brittle disruption of fabric overprint mylonitic                     stands in marked contrast to the underlying, foliated, mylonitic fault rocks.
                foliation at the transition between the two fault rock types. Narrow (1- to                      The chloritic microbreccia is uniform in character over the length of the
                3-cm-thick) crosscutting veins of chloritic microbreccia extend down                             fault. It is characterized by white feldspar porphyroclasts floating in a
                into and below the mylonite, but otherwise, chloritic microbreccia                               green aphanitic matrix (Fig. 7). Porphyroclasts are generally angular,
                forms a distinct layer above mylonites in the fault zone. Detachment of                          reaching as much as 3 mm or 4 mm, but averaging 1 mm in length.
                hanging-wall strata occurs at a sharp contact at the top of the chloritic                        Amphibole porphyroclasts occur locally; no lithic fragments have been
                microbreccia.                                                                                    observed. The matrix of the microbreccia consists of extremely fine grains,
                      The chloritic microbreccia defines a single, continuous, shallow-                          too fine to distinguish optically, within a mat of pervasive chlorite. The
                dipping curviplanar surface. Three-point calculations show this surface is                       matrix is also siliceous, which makes the microbreccia extremely resistant
                essentially planar over short intervals (as much as 5 km) along strike (Fig.                     to erosion. (Chloritic microbreccia underlies most of the low hills that
                5). At the present level of exposure, most of the surface dips less than 30°.                    confine the southwestern edge of the Pend Oreille River meanderplain to
                At two locations, it attains dips of 45° and 55°. Locally, it is essentially                     the west of the town of Newport.)
                horizontal (dip < 1°) and projects at a negligible dip under the hanging                               Angular porphyroclasts in the chloritic microbreccia indicate brittle
                wall. Consequently, as defined by the chloritic microbreccia, the Newport                        comminution during cataclasis; however, the texture of the matrix demon-
                fault has an overall concave-up, Iistric shape in three dimensions, with a                       strates that recrystallization and new mineral growth occurred as well. The
                gentle north plunge. Mylonitic foliation conforms to this shape. It is west-                     absence of chlorite in rocks cut by the Newport fault shows that it could
                dipping in the east limb, east-dipping in the west limb, and north-dipping                       not be derived directly through cataclasis but instead requires that second-
                across the southern trace (Fig. 6). In fact, foliation in the mylonites very                     ary hydration of the mafic minerals in units of the footwall occurred. A
                closely follows the orientation of the chloritic microbreccia surface, on                        significant quantity of water must have been introduced to the fault zone,
                even a local scale (see Fig. 5).                                                                 presumably through the juxtaposition of sedimentary strata in the hanging
                      Lineations defined by the preferred orientation of acicular minerals,                      wall against the warm, comparatively anhydrous footwall. The veins of
                elongated quartz ribbons, and trails of crushed feldspar grains are ubiqui-                      chloritic microbreccia that extend below the fault zone suggest that hy-
                tous in Newport fault zone mylonites. They lie within the local mylonitic                        drated and effectively fluidized,fine-grainedcataclastic material was also
                foliation but have a consistent west-southwest-east-northeast (azimuth                           injected into the footwall along what may have been hydraulically induced
                74°) trend throughout the fault zone (Fig. 5).                                                   fractures.
                      Because the transition from brittle to ductile deformation is depend-
                ent on temperature, which increases with depth, both mylonites and cata-                         Mylonitic Fault Rocks
                clasites can form simultaneously at different depths in one fault zone
                (Sibson, 1977; Sibson and others, 1981). As Sibson (1977) has pointed                                 The mineral composition of Newport fault mylonites is remarkably
                out, they become juxtaposed where dip-slip displacement is of sufficient                         constant over the length of the fault zone and reflects the quartzo-
                magnitude to carry the former up into the brittle regime, with the resulting                     feldspathic character of crystalline rocks in the footwall domain from
                relative distribution of the two contrasting fault rock types controlled by                      which the mylonites were derived. Quartz, plagioclase, and potassium
                whether slip on the fault is normal or reverse in sense. The fact that                           feldspar are the major constituents of the mylonite; biotite is a common
                chloritic microbreccia overlies mylonites in the Newport fault zone, and                         accessory. Amphibole and sphene are volumetrically minor, but conspicu-
                that the mylonites are derived from, and gradational into, footwall rocks,                       ous, components of mylonites developed from the Silver Point Quartz
                confirms that the Newport fault is a normal fault. Mid-crustal fault rocks                       Monzonite, in which both minerals occur. Similarly, large porphyroclasts
                were carried up to, and structurally under, fault rocks from more near-                          of muscovite and, less commonly, sillimanite needles occur in mylonites
                surface levels. Cataclastic overprinting of mylonitic fabric at the top of the                   that cut high-grade metamorphic rocks. Despite recrystallization and the
                Newport fault zone is an inherent consequence of crustal-scale, dip-slip                         development of the mylonitic fabric, there has been little change in mineral

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750                                                                             HARMS AND PRICE

                        KEY:       — r r ^            —    MEAN MYLONITIC FOLIATION
                                                           POLE TO MYLONITIC FOLIATION
                                                           MYLONITIC LINEATION
                                                           MEAN POLE TO MYLONITIC FOLIATION
                                                           POLE TO CHLORITIC MICROBRECIA
                                                           CHLORITIC MICROBRECCIA SURFACE
                                                           STRIKE AND DIP OF CHLORITIC
                                                           MICROBRECCIA SURFACE

                         3 —      hanging wall east
                         O —      no asymmetry                MYLONITE SAMPLE SITES,
                                                              KINEMATIC ANALYSIS
                         C —      hanging wall west

                        NEWPORT FAULT ZONE
                        MYLONITIC LINEATIONS

                         SILVER POINT QUARTZ
                        MONZONITE LINEATIONS

                    n = 11                                                                                                                                                            10 km

                      Figure 5. Newport fault zone, fault-rock data shown along the trace of the fault. The attitudes of short, planar segments of the chloritic
                 microbreccia surface have been calculated from three-point solutions of outcrop distribution for the length of the fault. Synoptic, lower-
                 hemisphere, equal area projections show orientations of mylonitic lineations, and compare the average mylonite foliation to the chloritic
                 microbreccia surface for representative 3-km-long segments of the fault centered on the location indicated by the stippled arrows. Open and
                 half-filled circles along the Newport fault trace indicate the sample location and sense of shear determined in mylonites from the fault zone.

                constituents from the protoliths. Some samples show alteration of biotite                         principally, are reduced in grain size and concentrated along feldspar grain
                to chlorite, but unaltered biotite is equally common; aggregates of needle-                       boundaries. Quartz grains are flattened and mold around feldspar porphy-
                like white mica occur in some feldspar porphyroclasts.                                            roclasts (Fig. 8a). Higher in the fault zone, where feldspar porphyroclasts
                      Across the mylonitic zone in the Newport fault there is progressive                         become progressively smaller, strongly elongate quartz grains and aligned
                development of mylonitic fabric upward from original igneous or meta-                             platy minerals define a more regularly planar-flattening foliation. Conspic-
                morphic textures of the footwall protoliths. Greatest grain-size reduction                        uously elongate quartz "ribbon" grains, several centimeters long and only a
                and most penetrative foliation are reached adjacent to the chloritic micro-                       few millimeters thick (Fig. 8c), are common. Internally, quartz ribbons
                breccia. Because of the crystalline texture and general similarity of compo-                      consist of small, serrate, second-order subgrains, which are themselves
                sition in footwall units, this range of mylonite fabrics can be interpreted as                    flattened and define a within-grain foliation that is commonly oblique to
                expressing a consistent gradient in shear strain across the fault zone (Bell                      the ribbon boundary (Fig. 8d). (In mylonitized Silver Point Quartz Mon-
                and Etheridge, 1973). The first expression of mylonitization of the footwall                      zonite, which has a low quartz content, development of through-going
                is the development of "mortar" texture, in which biotite and chlorite,                            flattening fabric is inhibited, and mortar-textured mylonites with irregular

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                foliation are widespread.) S-C mylonites (Berth6 and others, 1979), in
                which a second, microscopically spaced shear foliation occurs in conjunc-
                tion with the mylonitic flattening fabric, are common in the upper part of                                                         SOUTH
                the Newport mylonite zone (Fig. 8b). The shear (C-) fabric in them is                                                              11 = 87
                defined by crenulations or sigmoidal bends in the quartz ribbon-flattening
                fabric and is accompanied by concentrations of comminuted biotite and
                chlorite. Parallelogram or retort-shaped phyllosilicate grains are common
                in these mylonites. They occur where mica basal cleavage lies parallel to                                WEST LIMB
                                                                                                                         n = 27
                 the flattening fabric and the two remaining grain boundaries have been
                 sheared along C-surfaces (Fig. 8e). In S-C mylonites of the Newport fault
                 zone, either one of the two planar fabrics can be significantly better devel-
                 oped than the other. Ultramylonite occurs sporadically and only adjacent
                 to the chlorite microbreccia. It is characterized by the complete transfor-
                 mation of all original grains into lenticular aggregates of small subgrains                                                                                 mean
                 within a single foliation.
                       Outcrop scale heterogeneity is superimposed on this overall strain
                 gradient. Seams of more intense mylonitization anastomose within the
                 fault zone, isolating lozenge-shaped areas in which there has been rela-
                                                                                                                             0 • 2 %   [7"   .]   4 - 6 %       a io%                12-    14%

                 tively less shear strain.                                                                         [     | 2 -4 %      M          6 • 8 %     110 • 12   %          114 -   10%

                Kinematics                                                                                            Figure 6. Synoptic lower-hemisphere, spherical Gaussian density
                                                                                                                 plots of poles to mylonitic foliation in the west, south, and east limbs of
                     The fabric in fault rocks of the Newport fault zone provides the most                       the Newport fault. Density is shown in percent of total number of
                direct basis for establishing the nature of offset along the fault. The con-                     data. The mean for each domain is shown.
                spicuous west-southwest-east-northeast-trending lineation in the mylo-
                nites is interpreted as the direction of shear. It indicates dip-slip
                displacement with a small oblique component along the north-                                     reflect the nature of strain within the chloritic microbreccia, although data
                south-striking east and west limbs of the fault zone and oblique slip along                      are admittedly unevenly distributed along the fault as preservation of
                the southern limb. The sense of shear is reflected in the asymmetry in                           slickenside striations is limited to fresh road and railroad cut exposures.
                elements of the mylonitic fabric that can be correlated with components of                       The overwhelming majority of these surfaces record oblique normal dis-
                an ideal, simple-shear strain ellipse (Fig. 8f). Our kinematic analysis was                      placement (Fig. 9).
                based mainly on the relative orientation of S- and C-fabrics (Ramsay and                               Three mutually consistent lines of evidence (asymmetry in mylonitic
                Graham, 1970; Burg and Laurent, 1978; Berthe and others, 1979; Ponce                             fabric, slickensides within the microbreccia zone, and the relative distribu-
                de Leon and Choukroune, 1980), but also on the relative orientation of                           tion of mylonite and microbreccia) demonstrate that the Newport fault is a
                ribbon quartz grains and the fabric of recrystallized subgrains within them                      normal fault. Mylonites in the east and west segments of the Newport fault
                (Vauchez, 1980; Lister and Snoke, 1984) and on the shape asymmetry of                            zone record opposing directions of oblique, normal dip-slip displacement
                porphyroclastic feldspar and phyllosilicate grains (Simpson and Schmid,                          along azimuth 74°. The hanging wall moved down to the east on the
                1983; Watts and Williams, 1979; Eisbacher, 1970). The analysis was                               western side and down to the west on the eastern side. The parallelism of
                conducted with oriented thin sections cut parallel to the mylonitic linea-
                tion and perpendicular to the mylonitic foliation from 17 samples collected
                along the length of the Newport fault (Fig. 5).
                      The sense of slip recorded in mylonite from the eastern limb of the
                 Newport fault is consistently and unequivocally hanging wall down to the
                 west-southwest (Fig. 5). Exposure of the fault zone is more restricted, and
                 mylonites are less well developed along the western limb; consequently,
                 only one sample was obtained there. In it, the sense of shear is hanging
                 wall down and to the east-northeast. Shear along the southern, east-
                 west-trending segment of the fault appears to have been linked to that in
                 the adjacent east and west limbs. Along the western third of the southern
                 limb, sense of shear, where determinable, is hanging wall to the east. Some
                 mylonite samples there have flattening foliations only and no fabric
                 asymmetry. We interpret these as symptomatic of pure shear attenuation.
                 Conversely, along the eastern two-thirds of the southern fault trace, mylo-
                 nites yield hanging-wall-to-the-west sense of shear. A reversal in sense of
                 shear between top-to-the-east and top-to-the-west domains of the fault
                 occurs ~13 km west of the town of Newport.
                       Polished and slickensided faults are common within the chloritic
                 microbreccia. These are minor slip surfaces that can strike and/or dip
                 opposite to the Newport fault zone and were not, therefore, directly linked                            Figure 7. Photomicrograph of typical chloritic microbreccia in
                 to the detachment surface below the hanging wall. Nevertheless, they                              plane light White scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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                                                                                                                 wall "flap" presumably were transported from an original position beneath
                     Figure 8. Photomicrographs of Newport fault mylonites. The                                  it. The rocks within these metamorphic-plutonic culminations, beyond the
                white scale bar in all photomicrographs = 1 mm. (a) Mortar texture                               Newport fault zone itself, were not internally deformed during their dis-
                developed in Silver Point Quartz Monzonite protolith. Plane light,                               placement. Attenuation in the middle and lower crust must have been
                (b) Typical, well-developed S-C mylonite. Protolith is a quartz-                                 concentrated in a linear zone below the hanging-wall "flap," allowing
                muscovite schist in the eastern footwall. Plane light, (c) Quartz ribbon                         separation between the two north-south-trending footwall culminations
                in Silver Point Quartz Monzonite mylonite. Plane light, (d) View                                 and creating an intervening structural depression. Over the culminations of
                identical to 8c, here shown under crossed polars, illustrating the fabric                        the Priest River complex, it was the sedimentary suprastructure that was
                of recrystallized and elongated quartz subgrains inclined to the ribbon                          pulled apart, resulting in tectonic denudation of the footwall infrastructure.
                grain boundary, (e) Sigmoidal biotite porphyroclast in incipient                                 Price (1979, 1982; Price and others, 1981) has suggested that these rela-
                Silver Point Quartz Monzonite mylonite. Cleavage in the biotite lies                             tionships fit the model presented by Davis (Davis and Coney, 1979) for
                parallel to the flattening fabric. Plane light, (f) Components of an                             development of core complexes in Arizona by crustal-scale "boudinage."
                ideal simple-shear strain ellipse as applied to interpretation of New-                           Extension in the suprastructure is expressed as a discrete normal fault, the
                port fault zone mylonites. All photomicrographs show top-to-the-right                            Newport fault, along which the hanging wall was separated from correla-
                displacement.                                                                                    tive sections and moved into a structural depression. The Newport fault is
                                                                                                                 the surface manifestation of the inhomogeneous attenuation that occurred
                                                                                                                 in its basement. It ends at the two northern terminations much as does
                                                                                                                 closure at the tip of a tension gash. The zone of thinning in the middle and
                                                                                                                 lower crust beneath the Newport fault may extend north into southern
                the chlorite microbrectia and mylonite zones, and the compatibility of                           British Columbia where discontinuous, inward-dipping normal faults
                kinematic indicators in each, suggests that the Newport fault rocks are the                      occur along strike from the Newport fault (see Fig. 14 below), including
                result of a single episode of crustal-scale extensional faulting.                                the east-dipping fault on the east side of Valhalla complex (Parrish, 1984).
                                                                                                                      The mechanism of middle and lower crust extension beneath the
                CRUSTAL ATTENUATION ASSOCIATED WITH                                                              Newport fault can be constrained on the basis of several observations from
                NEWPORT FAULT DISPLACEMENT                                                                       footwall rocks south of the fault, between the footwall culminations, where
                                                                                                                 deeper levels of the crustal-scale structure are exposed due to the north
                     Because of the very shallow dip of the Newport fault and the pro-                           plunge of the spoon-shaped fault. The Eocene Silver Point Quartz Monzo-
                nounced, vertical, stratigraphic gap observed across it, the horizontal com-                     nite underlies much of this area. In addition to the mylonitization and
                ponent of extension on the fault must be significant. Metamorphic and                            cataclasis that occur in the fault zone, a weak foliation and distinct primary
                plutonic rocks of the footwall that now lie on either side of the hanging-                       lineation paralleling the east-northeast mylonitic lineation occurs through-

                                                                                                                                                                         oblique reverse
                                                                                                                                                                             slip fault

                                                                                                     Figure 9. Lower hemisphere, equal-area projections of pol-
                                                                                                ished fault surfaces within the chloritic microbreccia and the
                                                                                                orientation of slickenside striae that occur on each. Half-filled
                                                                                                circles show the orientation of slickenside striae. The black half
                                                                                                of each indicates the down-thrown side. Data are grouped in
                three domains: along the southern fault limb from east and west of the reversal in sense of shear indicated by mylonite fabric, and along the east
                limb. No data are available for the west fault limb. Of 48 data points in the southeast set, 35 show oblique normal slip, 7 show oblique reverse
                slip, and 6 are vertical or strike-slip faults.

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                 out the pluton (Fig. 5). Evidently, intrusion and solidification of the Silver
                 Point Quartz Monzonite occurred during regional stretching. Similar fab-
                 rics are not found in surrounding footwall rocks. Highly strained or
                penetratively stretched rocks do not occur south of the southern fault limb,
                and there is no evidence that, in this case, penetrative flow accommodated
                 outward displacement of the footwall culminations, as suggested by the
                 models of Block and Royden (1990) and Gans (1987). The Silver Point
                 Quartz Monzonite appears to have been localized by, and to have accom-
                modated some part of the dilatancy in, the extended zone of the footwall.
                The map pattern of the area (see Fig. 2) suggests a down-plunge view in
                which the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite occurs as a west-dipping body
                (Fig. 3). Although no north-south-trending fault bifurcates from the New-
                port fault anywhere along its southern trace today, a west-dipping, lower-
                crust normal fault, linked to offset on the east limb of the Newport fault,
                may have existed and subsequently been followed and engulfed by the
                Silver Point Quartz Monzonite (Fig. 10). A combination of through-the-
                crust faulting (Wernicke, 1981) and inflation by igneous intrusion (Gans,
                 1987; Thompson and McCarthy, 1986) appears to be the process by
                which extension in the footwall of the Newport fault was accomplished.
                Emplacement of the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite may also have con-
                tributed to maintenance of the relatively flat Moho observed below the
                Newport fault structure today (Potter and others, 1986),
                       Isostatic adjustment to thinning of the suprastructure over the uplifted                  geneous crustal extension and infrastructural culminations of the
                footwall culminations is to be expected (see Buck, 1988; Wernicke and                            Newport structure. Stipple = sedimentary crustal suprastructure;
                Axen, 1988). This would cause the footwall to rotate up as it was dis-                           dashes = metamorphic and plutonic infrastructure; crosses = Silver
                placed outward and thereby would induce flattening of the Newport fault                          Point Quartz Monzonite. Dashed line in the suprastructure represents
                surface. The outward tilt of Belt Supergroup strata that cap the infrastruc-                     a marker horizon at the top of the Prichard Formation. Heavy lines
                ture to the east and west of Newport, and the outward increase in K-Ar                           represent faults. Stippled lines in the infrastructure serve as footwall
                chrontours in the infrastructure discussed below, are symptoms of isostatic                      marker horizons. Although they do not represent any material hori-
                flexure in the footwall. The general parallelism of the east-dipping Purcell                     zons, they illustrate, in general, the distribution of isothermal surfaces
                Trench normal fault with Belt strata in its hanging wall suggests that                           immediately following extension, (b) Prefaulting configuration, with
                bedding-parallel slip developed along that fault just after unroofing and                        a hypothetical through-the-crust fault in the location of the Silver
                tilting of the eastern Newport-fault footwall.                                                   Point Quartz Monzonite. Large arrows show sense of displacement
                                                                                                                 that would occur for crustal domains relative to the western footwall;
                RADIOMETRIC DATING AND TECTONIC DENUDATION                                                       the length of the arrow schematically represents the relative magni-
                                                                                                                 tude of offset.
                      An extensive set of K-Ar biotite, muscovite, and hornblende mineral
                dates covering a large region surrounding the Newport fault (Fig. 11) has                              Miller and Engels (1975) interpreted these data as recording two
                been assembled by Miller and Engels (1975), and another set for the                              dominant periods of intrusion and cooling, one at 100-90 Ma and another
                adjacent area in southern British Columbia, by Archibald and others                              at 52-45 Ma, with full or partial resetting of the K-Ar system in older
                (1983,1984). Three broad domains are apparent. (1) Concordant mineral                            phase plutons surrounding the younger bodies. This model fails to account
                pair dates of 85-108 Ma occur in plutons that intrude unmetamorphosed                            for the distinctive parallelism of footwall chrontours with the trace of the
                supracrustal Belt and Paleozoic strata in the hanging wall of the Newport                        Newport fault, or their lack of parallelism with Eocene intrusive contacts.
                fault, east of and above the Purcell Trench fault, and west of the Jumpoff                       We propose a reinterpretation of the pattern of K-Ar ages that recognizes
                Joe fault. (2) Concordant mineral pair dates from 45-52 Ma occur in the                          the effects of rapid tectonic unroofing of the footwall during lower-crust
                Selkirk Igneous Complex and eastern parts of the Phillips Lake Granodio-                         extension and displacement on the Newport fault (Price and others, 1981;
                rite in the footwall domain. (3) Transitional discordant dates from 50 to                        Harms and Price, 1983), with which Miller and Engels concur (F. K.
                100 Ma, with hornblende or muscovite greater than biotite, lie in the                            Miller, 1991, written commun.). Concordant Cretaceous dates record the
                intervening area of the footwall.                                                                true time of granite emplacement. The discordant-date chrontour pattern
                      "Chrontours" of the age data in the footwall of the Newport fault                          indicates slow secular cooling through the upper part of the crustal infra-
                cross plutons and do not outline intrusive contacts. They show a nearly                          structure and records the time elapsed between cooling to each
                symmetric distribution paralleling the trace of the fault. In a broad zone                       successively lower, characteristic-mineral blocking temperature. We sug-
                immediately adjacent to the Newport fault, dates are relatively young and                        gest that concordant 45-52 Ma dates, excluding the Silver Point Quartz
                concordant. With increasing distance from the fault, over a distance of 15                       Monzonite, occur as a result of abrupt quenching of Cretaceous plutons in
                km to 20 km, mineral-pair dates become discordant and progressively                              the lower levels of the footwall infrastructure. The wide distribution of
                older. Chrontours in the hanging wall of the Newport fault are discordant                        45-52 Ma concordant dates implies that the footwall domain passed
                in trend and value with respect to those in the footwall and are truncated                       through the range of muscovite and biotite blocking temperatures virtually
                by the fault. Chrontours within the supracrustal panel above the Purcell                         instantaneously. This requires rapid tectonic uplift in excess of simple
                Trench fault also appear to be truncated by that fault.                                          erosional unroofing.

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                     Figure II. K-Ar isoiopic-dating data, adapted from Miller and Engels (1975). Light stipple shows outcrop area of granitoid intrusive rocks.
                Heavy stipple is the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite. b = biotite, h = hornblende, m = muscovite mineral date. Note that data are based on the old
                decay constants kp = 4.72 x 10" 10 /yr, kt = 0.584 * 10~10/yr; and K ^ / K = 1.19 x 10"4, and have not been recalculated. Data are contoured on biotite
                ages. Heavy lines indicate fault traces.

                      The K-Ar date chrontours serve as markers for outlining, in both                           LISTRIC NORMAL FAULTING OF THE HANGING WALL
                space and time, the large-scale structures produced by crustal extension
                (see Fig. 10). Chrontours of discordant dates reflect the same outward tilt                           Normal displacement on the Newport fault caused rotation of
                of the footwall infrastructure east and west of the Newport fault as is                          hanging-wall strata down each inward-facing, concave-up, listric fault
                demonstrated by the distribution of supracrustal sequences. Denudation of                        limb. As a consequence, the hanging wall developed (1) a "roll-over"
                sequentially deeper levels of the crust from under the hanging wall is                           anticline (Dahlstrom, 1970; Hamblin, 1965) in Belt Supergroup and Pa-
                reflected in the youngest quenching dates, which occur immediately                               leozoic strata and (2) a tilted, Eocene, growth-fault basin on the western
                beyond the Newport fault trace. The northward closure of footwall chron-                         flank of that fold.
                tours correlates with the northward termination of the Newport fault and                               Supracrustal strata in the hanging wall lie in the broad, open,
                the decrease in infrastructure exposure.                                                         north-trending Snow Valley anticline of Schroeder (1952) (Figs. 2 and 4).

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                 Bedding in both limbs of this fold generally intersects the underlying fault                    older of the two units, the Pend Oreille Andesite (Schroeder, 1952),
                 surface at about 60°. Below the western limb of the fold, where Belt                            consists of at least 150 m of massive rhyodacitic flows and flow breccias
                 Supergroup and Paleozoic strata dip uniformly 55°-70° west (Miller,                             (Miller, 1974a; Pearson and Obradovich, 1977). (The Pend Oreille Ande-
                 1974a), the Newport fault is nearly horizontal (see Fig. 3). In the eastern                     site has been correlated with the Sanpoil Volcanics [Pearson and
                 limb of the fold, dips of both Prichard strata, wherever measurable (Miller,                    Obradovich, 1977], a regionally extensive but discontinuous volcanic unit
                 1982c; Harms, 1982), and the fault surface locally vary over a range of                         of north-central Washington; however, the name Pend Oreille Andesite
                 50°; however, the angle between them remains constant at - 6 0 ° (Fig.                          will be retained here to refer specifically to those rocks in the hanging wall
                 12b). These relationships suggest that the Snow Valley anticline formed                         of the Newport fault.) Pearson and Obradovich (1977) reported K-Ar
                during fault displacement. Initially, the Newport fault probably cut                             radiometric dates from the Pend Oreille Andesite of 50.4 and 51.0 Ma for
                through subhorizontal Belt and Paleozoic strata near the ideal 60° dip for                       biotite and hornblende, respectively. The Pend Oreille Andesite has few
                normal faults (see Fig. 10), which is consistent with observations from                          observable flow boundaries from which to determine its present attitude;
                areas of active crustal extension (Jackson, 1987). Below the supracrustal                        however, it overlies west-dipping Belt strata across an angular unconform-
                sequence, the east and west segments of the fault joined to detach the                           ity and is in turn overlain by the second Eocene unit, the Tiger Formation.
                hanging-wall flap from the extending infrastructure. Conforming to the                           The Tiger Formation consists of a laterally and vertically variable se-
                listric shape of the fault, the hanging wall rotated as it was displaced, but                    quence of coarse, well-indurated, alluvial fan to braided, fluvial, clastic
                the angle of intersection between hanging-wall bedding and the fault was                         deposits (Gager, 1984). Samples collected from the Tiger Formation by
                preserved (Fig. 12c).                                                                            R. A. Price and R. D. McMechan were studied by A. P. Audretch of Shell
                     Two Eocene units occur in a restricted basin on the west limb of the                        Canada Resources, who reported recovering early to middle Eocene paly-
                Snow Valley anticline (Figs. 2 and 12d). The basin is confined on its                            nomorphs, consistent with the age of the underlying Pend Oreille Ande-
                western and southern sides by the Newport fault, and to the east and north                       site. The Tiger Formation has more or less the same trend as, but a
                by west-facing, dip-slope hills of Belt Supergroup and Paleozoic strata. The                     shallower (5°-30°) west dip than, the Belt strata over which it lies.

                      Figure 12. Structures in the hanging wall of the Newport fault, (a) Location of Figures 12b and 12d. Stipple shows areas of bedrock,
                (b) Consistent angular relationship between hanging-wall bedding and fault dip along the east trace of the Newport fault, (c) Schematic
                structure sections showing the development of a roll-over anticline in hanging-wall strata; consistent angular separation of bedding and fault;
                and decreasing rotation of younger, syntectonic, basin-fill strata associated with listric normal faulting. After Hamblin (1965). (d) Tiger
                Formation basin. Filled circles indicate drill sites in the basin; accompanying numbers give the elevation of the base of the Tiger Formation in the
                drill hole (in feet). Drill locations with stars designate occurrences of conglomeratic fades. Drill data from an unpublished report by C. S. Ferris
                and E. Huskinson (1978). Bedding orientations taken from Miller (1974a) and Gager (1984). Patterns are defined in Figure 2.

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                      The pattern of tilting and unconformable onlap in the Tiger Forma-                         others, 1982; Reynolds and others, 1981). This interpretation fails to rec-
                tion and Pend Oreille Andesite strongly suggests they are syntectonic                            ognize the genetic link between listric fault shape and hanging-wall bed-
                basin-fill deposits (Harms, 1982; Gager, 1984). Downward rotation of                             ding tilt. "Unfolding" of the fault, furthermore, would produce tighter
                Belt and Paleozoic hanging-wall strata during Newport fault displacement                         folding and greater tilting of hanging-wall strata. Eocene units in the
                produced the basin in which Eocene deposits accumulated. Accordingly,                            hanging wall form an eastward-tapering wedge, the existence, shape, and
                the Eocene units have no offset counterparts in the footwall of the New-                         areal extent of which can best be interpreted as having been controlled by
                port fault. Basin deposits themselves were tilted during and subsequent to                       the Newport fault. On this basis, we consider it unlikely that the Pend
                deposition, but through less net rotation than the Proterozoic and Paleo-                        Oreille Andesite was ever part of a regional volcanic blanket as suggested
                zoic strata beneath them (Fig. 12c). Abrupt and significant changes in the                       by Pearson and Obradovich (1977) and Cheney (1980). Occurrences of
                depth to the base of the Tiger Formation, as demonstrated by drilling                            the coeval Sanpoil volcanics to the west probably originated in similarly
                (C. S. Ferris and E. Huskinson, 1978, unpub. report), are accompanied by                         localized extensional settings (McCarley Holder and others, 1990). This
                localized occurrences of conglomeratic fades on the eastern, relatively                          follows the interpretation of Ewing (1981) regarding the distribution of the
                lower side (Fig. 12d). The distribution of these thickness and facies                            Kamloops Group, a middle Eocene extrusive suite in the Omineca Belt of
                changes indicates at least two north-south-trending, syndepositional faults                      southern British Columbia.
                (Harms, 1982; Gager, 1984), which can be interpreted as synthetic normal                              The fundamental link between normal displacement on the west limb
                faults that merge with the Newport fault at depth. A high-standing block of                      of the Newport fault and the attitude, distribution, and character of strata
                west-dipping upper Belt Supergroup and Paleozoic strata forms the north-                         in the west flank of the hanging wall provides confirmation of the limited
                 ern margin of the Tiger basin (Fig. 12d). Immediately south of this contact,                    mylonite kinematic data from that limb.
                 the Tiger is thick and conglomeratic as well (C. S. Ferris and E. Huskin-
                son, 1978, unpub. report). This margin probably reflects the presence of an                      AMOUNT OF EXTENSION
                east-west-trending, syndepositional, transverse tear fault that accommo-
                 dated northward decrease in displacement on the Newport fault toward
                                                                                                                      Reasonable limits can be placed on the amount of crustal extension
                 the northwest terminus.
                                                                                                                 across the Newport fault structure. To do so, we assume that extension in
                      The distinctive spoon shape of the Newport fault, the folding of                           the infrastructure balances that in the suprastructure, which can be meas-
                Proterozoic and Paleozoic strata above the fault, the growth and filling of                      ured by offset between the Belt-Paleozoic sequence in the hanging wall
                the Pend Oreille Andesite-Tiger Formation basin, and the tilting of basin                        and the same strata east of Chewelah, and in the area of Pend Oreille Lake
                fill units, can all be integrated as characteristic features of listric extensional              (Fig. 13). This estimate includes extension due to offset along the Purcell
                faulting. The curvature of the Newport fault has previously been inter-                          Trench fault and applies only in the vicinity of the line of section (see Fig.
                preted as the product of post-displacement folding of an initially horizontal                    2) as extension of the suprastructure dies out northward.
                and more regionally extensive fault surface (Cheney, 1980; Cheney and                                 The top of the Prichard Formation is the only stratigraphic horizon

                  0       MINIMUM ESTIMATE

                          lf = 125; Al =35; l0 =90
                          e = 0.39; -40% extension

                                                                                                      30 km                                                38 km

                 Q       MAXIMUM ESTIMATE

                         lf = 125; Al = 68; l0 =57
                         e = 1.19; « 120% extension

                    Figure 13. Minimum (a) and maximum (b) estimates of crustal extension based on retrodeformable structure sections. Figure 3 is used as a
                template for these analyses.

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                 exposed in all three supracrustal sections. It serves as a reference line in                   high in the Tiger Formation indicates that the footwall was exposed by the
                 measuring the horizontal component of normal fault offset, although its                        later stages of basin development (Gager, 1984).
                 absence on the east side of the hanging-wall anticline introduces uncer-                             3. Discordant mineral-pair dates as young as 63 Ma have been ob-
                 tainty into our results. We base our analysis of extension in the suprastruc-                  tained from the flanks of the infrastructure in the footwall of the Newport
                 ture on the consistent 60° angle of separation between the Newport fault                       fault (Miller and Engels, 1975). They demonstrate that slow cooling in
                and dipping hanging-wall strata that it cuts. Both the fault surface and the                    thick, undisturbed crust continued until at least that time. Concordant
                displaced domains above and below the fault have rotated to their present                       K-Ar mineral-pair quenching dates in Cretaceous footwall plutons range
                attitudes during offset. Consequently, extension is measured in lineation-                      from 52 Ma to 46 Ma nearest the trace of the Newport fault, indicating
                parallel structure sections that are drawn to be retrodeformable to an                          that the deepest levels of the footwall were denuded then. Uplift of the
                original configuration wherein the eastern and western limbs of the New-                        easternmost side of the Selkirk Crest by movement on the Purcell Trench
                port fault cut subhorizontal strata and have a 60° angle of dip (Fig. 13).                      fault appears to be slightly younger (Parrish and others, 1988), at least to
                Minimum and maximum limits on the amount of extension across the                                the south of the Hope fault where K-Ar dates range from 45 Ma to 42 Ma.
                Newport and Purcell Trench faults result from adopting two end-member
                assumptions: that the present exposure of the footwall metamorphic and                           INTEGRATING NEWPORT FAULT EXTENSION WITH
                plutonic infrastructure results either entirely from post-extension erosion                      REGIONAL EOCENE TECTONICS
                (Fig. 13a), or entirely from tectonic denudation (Fig. 13b).
                      The upper limit of horizontal extension across the southern part of the                          Crustal attenuation associated with the Newport fault occurred dur-
                Newport and Purcell Trench faults is 68 km, or -120%. The minimum                                ing a well-constrained episode in middle Eocene time. Core complexes
                extension is 35 km, or 40%. For comparison, based on its outcrop width,                          throughout the Omineca belt in southern British Columbia and northern
                emplacement of the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite can account for as                              Washington (see Fig. 1) underwent extension at about the same or a
                much as 25-30 km of extension in the southern footwall. Within the                               slightly later time period (Parrish and others, 1988, and references therein;
                bounds of uncertainty, this could compensate only the minimum estimated                          Harms and Coney, 1989). The distribution of these complexes, and the
                suprastructure extension. Figure 13b incorporates flexural rotation and                          orientations of extension across them, bear a regular relationship to other
                flattening of the footwall, which is consistent with regional geologic rela-                     structures in the region and can be integrated into a Pacific-northwestern,
                tionships, whereas Figure 13a incorporates none. This suggests that as-                          Eocene strain field that provides a tectonic context for the origin and
                sumptions used in calculating the maximum extension across the Newport                           evolution of the Newport fault.
                fault are more realistic, and that extension is most likely in excess of 40%.                          Core complexes in southern British Columbia and northern Washing-
                                                                                                                 ton, and the normal faults that flank them (Fig. 14), lie in a domain
                TIME OF EXTENSION                                                                                bounded by en echelon strike-slip faults that experienced significant dex-
                                                                                                                 tral displacement in Eocene time (Price, 1979, 1981, 1982; Price and
                      The time of displacement on the Newport fault is tightly constrained                       others, 1981; Parrish and Coleman, 1990). The Northern Rocky Moun-
                by a number of independent chronometers to the period between 52 and                             tain Trench fault, which had hundreds of kilometers of dextral offset in
                45 Ma. Significant crustal-scale normal faulting and tectonic denudation                         total and was active in the Eocene epoch (Price and Carmichael, 1986;
                were completed in a brief span of time. Faulting is bracketed by the                             Gabrielse, 1985), skirts the Omineca belt northeast of the Shuswap com-
                following relationships.                                                                         plex. The Eocene Yalakom and Ross Lake faults (Davis and others, 1978;
                      1. Intrusion and crystallization of the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite                      Haugerud, 1985,1991; Parrish and Coleman, 1990) lie to the west of the
                at 52.1 ±1.2 Ma (Whitehouse and others, in press) occurred under the                             Omineca belt, from the Shuswap complex south to the Okanogan com-
                influence of the strain regime recorded in Newport fault zone mylonite                           plex. Southeast of the Newport fault and the Priest River complex, at the
                lineations. The Silver Point Quartz Monzonite appears to have intruded an                        periphery of the Omineca belt, the Lewis and Clark fault system extends
                active, dilatant, attenuation zone in the footwall, perhaps localized along a                    from the south end of the Purcell Trench to north-central Idaho. Harrison
                lower crustal continuation of the eastern limb of the Newport fault. In part,                    and others (1972,1974) suggested that it has had a long history of activity,
                intrusion of the pluton enabled lower-crustal extension. The two events,                         extending back into the Proterozoic and including right-lateral offset of
                therefore, appear coeval, although some displacement on the Newport                              Eocene age (also, Sears and others, 1986; Wallace and others, 1990).
                fault outlived intrusion. Cataclastic fault rocks developed from the Silver                            At least two Eocene, dextral strike-slip faults occur along the Wash-
                Point Quartz Monzonite after it cooled below the ductile-brittle transition                      ington and Oregon Coast Ranges (Fig. 14). One lies along the northern
                (near the K-Ar blocking temperature for biotite) at 47 Ma (Miller and                            Oregon inner continental shelf (Snavely and others, 1980). Johnson
                Engels, 1975; see Fig. 11). Differences in whole-rock (Miller and Engels,                        (1984) and Cheney (1987) proposed that one or more are buried below
                1975) and isotope (Whitehouse and others, 1989, and in press) composi-                           the Cascade foothills and Puget lowland. Numerous paleomagnetic studies
                tion between mid-Cretaceous plutons and the Silver Point Quartz Monzo-                           demonstrate anomalous paleopole positions requiring as much as 15° of
                nite suggest that emplacement of the Silver Point Quartz Monzonite, in                           Eocene and post-Eocene clockwise rotation of the Coast Ranges about
                fact, heralded a fundamental change in the tectonic regime in the area.                          vertical axes, of which ~20°-30° can be attributed specifically to early and
                      2. Differences in the dip of bedding suggest that basal deposits in the                    middle Eocene displacement (Simpson and Cox, 1977; Magill and Cox,
                Tiger Formation-Pend Oreille Andesite basin accumulated after ~10°-                               1981; Magill and others, 1981; Globerman and others, 1982; Beck and
                20° of rotation in the underlying hanging wall. Basin development,                               Engebretson, 1982). Geologic studies suggest that both extension inboard
                hanging-wall rotation, and normal faulting proceeded during deposition of                        of the Coast Ranges and dextral shear along closely spaced faults within
                the Pend Oreille Andesite and Tiger Formation, or from 51 Ma (Pearson                            them are responsible for the rotation (Heller and Ryberg, 1983; Heller and
                and Obradovich, 1977) through early to middle Eocene time. The influx                            others, 1985; Wells and Coe, 1985; Wells and HeUer, 1988). The restored,
                of clasts derived from footwall lithologies that occurred locally at horizons                    early Eocene position of the Coast Ranges is dependent on how rotation is

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