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McKinsey Center for Future Mobility

The new realities
of premium
McKinsey Center for Future Mobility

                         The new realities
                         of premium

Jan-Christoph Köstring
Timo Möller
Simon Middleton
Andreas Tschiesner
Asutosh Padhi
Executive summary

The premium automobile segment inspires consumers and OEMs
alike. For car buyers, the precision design, engineering, and
sophistication of premium brands have engendered perennial
interest and enduring loyalty. For automakers, this dynamic
has made the premium segment immensely profitable.

                          After years of strong sales and steady    3. The new differentiating factors in
                          growth, the premium car segment is           premium: from Nürburgring lap
                          cruising into a bumpy stretch of road.       time to design and connectivity.
                          New McKinsey research has identified         The rise of electric powertrains
                          five overarching trends that will upend      will turn auto performance, once
                          the auto industry in the coming years        a distinguishing factor for premium
                          and force OEMs to respond with               brands, into a commodity. Going
                          decisive action.                             forward, superior connectivity and
                                                                       interior design will become decisive
                          1. Divergence across the triad:
                                                                       factors for premium consumers.
                             China, Europe, and the United
                             States. Premium automakers             4. Brand remains king—but evolves.
                             historically have developed models        The concept of a monolithic
                             for a global market. However, our         brand will face challenges from
                             research reveals that consumers in        the non-OEM companies behind
                             the segment’s primary markets—            the proliferation of mobility
                             China, Europe, and the United             services, which are beginning
                             States—vary widely on what they           to compete directly with OEMs
                             value most in a premium vehicle.          on brand. In addition, OEMs that
                                                                       add more products, services, and
                          2. Premium customers driving
                                                                       partnerships will be challenged
                             digital disruption. Far more than
                                                                       to maintain their brand amid
                             other segments, the premium
                                                                       increasing complexity.
                             ownership journey is increasingly
                             digital, and consumers are engaging    5. Driving disruptive force: regulation.
                             with brands through a range of            In markets around the world,
                             digital channels. The influence of        governments are establishing more
                             digital has also helped to fuel the       stringent emissions standards. At the
                             appetite of premium consumers for         same time, the rise of autonomous
                             shared mobility solutions.                vehicles is forcing elected officials
                                                                       and policy makers to implement
                                                                       regulations that balance consumer
                                                                       adoption with public safety.

2                         The new realities of premium mobility
Collectively, these trends are forcing      — Be agile. Flexibility and agility        — Become a premium mobility
premium OEMs to evaluate every facet          in design, engineering, and                provider. As mentioned earlier,
of their approach to auto design and          manufacturing are critical to reduce       OEMs can generate significant
manufacturing. Incumbent OEMs are             the time to market and adapt to            additional value from mobility by
well placed to unlock new opportunities       changing consumer preferences.             focusing on service-based business
and bring innovation to their strategies.     Given the different pace of                models that provide access to a pool
In this shifting environment, we believe      advancements in car manufacturing          of vehicles. Key will be to leverage
several areas hold the key:                   and technology, traditional                the desirability of their products
                                              manufacturers in the premium space         as well as to provide a premium
— Know and embrace your customer.
                                              must embrace agile principles to           experience to keep the third party
  With market growth for premium
                                              synchronize the widely disparate           mobility providers such as UBER at
  cars slowing down and partially
                                              development times of vehicles and          a distance and/or make the demand
  stagnating, premium OEMs have to
                                              connectivity services.                     for the products sod distinctive that
  find new opportunities in smaller
                                                                                         the success of premium mobility
  pockets of growth to continue their       — Strengthen and differentiate
                                                                                         providers will depend on offering
  success story. This, however, means         the brand. The future role of
                                                                                         the OEMs’ products. Beyond
  that they will need to innovate their       brands for premium OEMs cannot
                                                                                         the sheer offer aspect, OEMs
  offers along 3 dimensions: (1) they         be overemphasized. With sheer
                                                                                         should also leverage their ability
  will need to find new ways to address       product differentiation becoming
                                                                                         to generate distinctive insights
  granular customer needs and create          more and more difficult with the
                                                                                         about customer behaviors through
  demand without always adding                advent of electromobility and
                                                                                         advanced analytics that can inform
  massive product complexity with             brands becoming more and more
                                                                                         the development of high-potential
  the new, costly product derivates.          stretched through mobility offers,
                                                                                         services and how to monetize
  (2) They will need to widen their           premium OEMs need to overinvest
                                                                                         them. To do so, OEMs will have to
  spectrum from being a sheer car             into their brands and translate their
                                                                                         embrace a larger and more complex
  manufacturer to being an end-to-            brand essence into all elements
                                                                                         ecosystem that involves technology
  end premium mobility provider that          of their offer. As our research has
                                                                                         partners and other third parties.
  is able to address widely differing         shown, customers are willing to
  customer needs. And (3) they will           “fight” for their brands even when       Premium OEMs need to rethink their
  need to rethink their relationship          using third party mobility providers     approach to develop the right products
  to the customers, from primarily            such as UBER. Yet, this preference       and services for the right customers in
  focusing on one-time transactions           for the brand needs to be constantly     the right places. The most successful
  towards becoming a relevant partner         nurtured across all customer             automakers will commit to the belief
  in a true lifetime relationship with        segments, including the increasing       that the sale of these products and
  continuous interactions beyond              segment of non-car owners, so            services is just the beginning of a long
  servicing the car. Only if the premium      OEMs need to double down on              and valuable relationship with their
  OEMs will be able to this, they will        developing a clear “brand design         customers, supported and sustained
  tap new opportunities for growth            language” that includes signature        by software-enabled customization
  and profitability. And to do so, they       elements that can be found across        and a superior “end-to-end”
  will need to step-change their              all mobility offers. Finally, with the   customer experience.
  understanding of the customers and          increasing number of offers and
  complete a mindset shift from driving       the multitude of available channels,
  their business from an engineering-         OEMs need to implement a rigid
  lens towards challenging the way            brand monitoring and management
  of doing business through a true            to keep the brand promise across
  customer-lens.                              offers and channels.

                                            The new realities of premium mobility                                                 3
It’s no secret why consumers have been drawn
to premium cars for decades. These globally
recognized brands project sophistication
and style. With precision engineering, sleek
design, and well-appointed interiors, their
vehicles offer a sublime experience.

                                          Such features have made premium               We believe incumbent premium
                                          automobiles not only coveted by drivers       OEMs are well placed to unlock new
                                          but also immensely profitable for OEMs:       opportunities and bring innovation to
                                          in 2017, this segment made up 13 percent      their differentiation strategies. They
                                          of vehicle sales but 40 percent of profits.   also have an unlikely friend in regulatory
                                          Year after year, premium OEMs have            bodies. Specifically, the pressure of
of profits belong to premium, with only   waged a battle for dominance in the           evolving regulations, particularly on
13 percent of vehicle sales.              familiar realms of performance and            emissions and autonomous driving
                                          styling in an effort to delight buyers.       functionality, actually serves as
                                                                                        a catalyst for premium OEMs. The
                                          The backdrop is a tightening market
                                                                                        need to respond rapidly will help move
                                          environment. Prospects for the premium
                                                                                        premium automakers towards new
                                          segment are reassuring in the near
                                                                                        levels of differentiation in products
                                          term—global growth is forecast to
                                                                                        and services, enabling them to create
                                          be around 2 percent a year through
                                                                                        additional value.
                                          2021 before increasing significantly
                                          until 2030. However, changing market          As OEMs seek to redefine the features
                                          dynamics are beginning to be felt.            of their premium offers in this shifting
                                          New McKinsey research sheds light             environment, we believe four areas
                                          on the seismic shifts afoot. Divergent        hold the key: know and embrace your
                                          consumer preferences across the United        customer, be agile, strengthen and
                                          States, China, and Europe are eroding         differentiate the brand, and become
                                          OEMs’ once-unquestioned position as           a premium mobility provider. Across
                                          tastemakers. The incursion of electric        these areas, a granular strategy will
                                          powertrains threatens to commoditize          help OEMs understand what is required
                                          the performance benchmarks that               and relevant at the regional level and
                                          have long defined premium cars. The           keep pace with changing consumers.
                                          integration of digital technology and
                                                                                        In discussing the five trends that will
                                          connectivity into car design, combined
                                                                                        upend the premium automotive market
                                          with their ubiquity beyond the four
                                                                                        and recommended pragmatic actions,
                                          wheels, has made tech-enabled features
                                                                                        we rely on our experience, analyses, and
                                          as coveted—if not more so—than
                                                                                        industry expertise. This knowledge was
                                          traditional car performance. Indeed,
                                                                                        augmented with insights derived from
                                          interior design now regularly rivals
                                                                                        a survey of more than 2,000 consumers
                                          exterior features among top consumer
                                                                                        and interviews with more than
                                          preferences. Collectively, these trends
                                                                                        200 experts and executives in the
                                          will force premium OEMs to reevaluate
                                                                                        premium automotive segment across
                                          every facet of their approach to auto
                                                                                        China, Europe, and the United States.
                                          design and manufacturing.

4                                         The new realities of premium mobility
Part I.

Five trends shaping a new
reality in the premium and
high-end automotive world

                                            From 2009 to 2017, our analysis found                   profit. Indeed, the strength of premium
                                            the premium vehicle segment1 grew at a                  brands, their higher-end finishes, and
                                            compound annual growth rate (CAGR)                      integration of technology enable OEMs
                                            of 9 percent in volume and 12 percent in                to charge more for these models and
                                            revenues. This strong expansion resulted                command higher loyalty from consumers.
                                            from a confluence of factors, including a               However, rapid changes in the automotive
growth in revenue CAGR 2009-2017.           proliferation of premium vehicle offers,                industry—caused by changing customer
                                            increasing consumer wealth in key                       preferences, enabled by technology,
                                            regions, and a flourishing set of available             facilitated by design, and mandated
                                            features to appeal to consumer segments                 by governments—are redefining the
                                            with varying taste and financial resources.             definition of “premium.” (See sidebar,
                                            More than 85 percent of the premium                     “The evolving definition of ‘premium.’”)
                                            vehicles delivered worldwide in 2017 were
                                            manufactured in just three places: China,
                                            Europe, and the United States. (Exhibit 1).

                                            The premium segment itself is extremely
                                            lucrative for OEMs, representing
                                            13 percent of volume but 40 percent of

                                                 Our analysis covered the top 21 OEMs by revenue.

   The evolving definition of “premium”
   In the automotive industry, the              to change when premium OEMs                         This current market is now set to
   “premium” designation is subject             started to invest in building their                 be bolstered by a new definition of
   to multiple interpretations—not              brands and extending their portfolios               premium characterized by the five
   least because the very concept has           (second horizon)—sometimes even                     key trends discussed in this report.
   evolved. The premium segment sits            down to the compact class. This era                 Indeed, the fourth horizon will go even
   between mass-market vehicles                 was followed by the current phase,                  further to release customers from
   (commoditized, entry-level, value-           in which almost every major OEM                     simply spending more for premium
   driven cars) and luxury vehicles             has launched a premium brand to                     offers to paying for experience
   (the top end of performance and              carve out a profitable niche in the                 and customization.
   craftsmanship). Examining the                premium market (third horizon). At
                                                                                                    In this report, “premium” is defined
   premium market at a more granular            the same time, “high priced” has
                                                                                                    as the segment of the automotive
   level, however, highlights the nuance        been replaced with the idea of “price
                                                                                                    industry centered on convenience,
   of the designation. Well into the            premium,” reflecting the idea of
                                                                                                    comfort, performance, and
   1970s, “premium” in automotive was           actual value in which customers are
                                                                                                    experience beyond what is offered
   synonymous with high-priced cars             prepared to pay for certain offers
                                                                                                    by the mass-market segment and for
   (first horizon). This definition began       from strong brands.
                                                                                                    which customers are willing to pay.

                                            The new realities of premium mobility                                                             5
Exhibit 1
                                   Premium and value segments vary significantly across
                                   regions, but premium remains critical to OEM profits

                                   2017                                                                          Entry       Value        Premium

                                                               OEM profits,                                              Auto profitability,
                                                               USD billions                                              Percent

                                       China1                                                            19.4                        10

of total sales volume belongs to       Europe                                             15.0                                       6
premium segment.                                                                      12.8

                                       India                    0                                                                    4


                                       Japan and                                     5.8                                             9
                                       Korea                                 2.9
of total OEM profits belongs to
premium segment.                                                 0.1
                                       Latin         -1.2                                                                            -1
                                       America                  0.2

                                       North                                                                          29.7           7

                                       Russia          -0.3                                                                          -1

                                       Rest of                               2.2                                                     4
                                       world2                                      4.0

                                       Total                               6.0           71.0         53.0                           7

                                    China includes China joint ventures, local players, and imports into China
                                    Rest of world includes Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Middle East, and Africa
                                   Source: McKinsey automotive profit tool

6                                  The new realities of premium mobility
Premium automotive brands have                            Exhibit 2
traditionally used technology and high-
                                                          Five trends are shaping the premium auto segment
end craftsmanship to differentiate their
products from mass-market vehicles.
Based upon our analyses and industry
expertise as well as on insights from                         1                       Not one segment—divergence across China vs. US
                                                                                      vs. Europe
leading automotive premium market
experts, we have identified five distinct
trends disrupting the premium segment
(Exhibit 2). Of course, digital technology
underpins these trends; extensive
                                                             2                        Premium customers are leading
                                                                                      the disruptive movement
McKinsey research has established
that four industry-wide developments—

autonomous driving, connectivity,                                                     Connectivity and design are the new Nürburgring
electrification, and shared mobility—                                                 lap time benchmark
will mutually reinforce each other and
revolutionize the mobility sector for
premium and mass-market consumers
alike.2 However, this disruption isn’t the
only catalyst for change, as regional
                                                             4                        Brand as last line of defense

differences and regulations contribute
to shaping the future of the segment.

Together, these five trends, which are
being felt to varying degrees now,                           5                        Regulation is the number one disruptor

are compelling OEMs to differentiate
their premium offers in new ways.
                                                          suggests that the premium market in                        companies in Chinese EV OEMs,
Survival is at stake, as surveys suggest
                                                          China will experience annual growth of                     relaxing purchasing restrictions, and
new capabilities could cause even
                                                          around 4 percent from 2017 to 2023,                        increasing driving privileges as well as
consumers who are brand loyalists to
                                                          while the European and US markets are                      subsidies for EV customers. EV vehicles
switch their allegiance.
                                                          forecast to hold steady. This trajectory                   see higher adoption among premium
                                                          would put China’s premium market on                        consumers compared with mass-market
1. Divergence across                                      par with that of the United States in                      consumers because the premium price
the triad: China, Europe, and                             terms of sales volume by 2023.                             point is sufficient to accommodate EV
the United States                                                                                                    technology into autos.
                                                          A major driver of the growth forecast
While Chinese, European (primarily                        for China’s premium segment is the                         These efforts have also translated to
German), and US OEMs will continue                        proliferation of Chinese start-ups                         investor interest in the EV segment.
to dominate the market in the coming                      focused on electric vehicle (EV) and                       From 2015 to 2018, investors directed
decade, we are likely to see a shift in the               autonomous vehicle (AV) technology.                        more than $6.8 billion to Chinese
global balance. As of 2017, the United                    The country is putting in place                            OEMs, a CAGR of 262 percent. The
States was the clear volume leader                        monetary and nonmonetary policies                          combined total investment in Europe
(delivering 1.4 million premium vehicles),                to sustain EV sales. These regulatory                      and the United States during this
followed by China (1.0 million) and Europe                changes primarily involve liberalizing                     period was just $2.7 billion. As a result,
(0.9 million). However, our analysis                      the participation guidelines for foreign                   European and US OEMs are feeling

    For more, see “Artificial intelligence as auto companies’ new engine of value,” January 2018, on

                                                          The new realities of premium mobility                                                                   7
significant pressure to keep pace so                             experience of ownership. China is                              The premium ownership journey is
that Chinese manufacturers don’t use                             the only region of the three in which                          increasingly digital
the low cost of their local production to                        brand and connectivity currently                               The vehicle ownership process starts
corner the future EV market.                                     make the top five; in Europe and the                           with prepurchase consideration
                                                                 United States, consumers are more                              and extends to all services offered
While many elements of the premium
                                                                 concerned with interior and exterior                           throughout the lifetime of ownership
autos are universal, we can expect
                                                                 design. However, as we discuss later,                          until the next vehicle purchase.
differences across the segment’s
                                                                 these preferences will continue to                             For premium customers, digital
primary markets—China, Europe,
                                                                 evolve differently in each region—                             technologies are becoming integral
and the United States—to shape
                                                                 effectively redirecting the focus of                           components of every stage of this
the impact of all of the segment’s
                                                                 OEMs with premium brands.                                      journey—particularly at the outset.
trends, from consumer preferences
                                                                                                                                McKinsey has found that 73 percent
to brand power to regulation. Indeed,
these three markets vary widely                                  2. Premium customers                                           of premium customers start their
                                                                 driving digital disruption                                     buying journey online, compared
when it comes what consumers find
                                                                                                                                with 62 percent of mass-market
most important in a premium vehicle                              Our analysis found that premium
                                                                                                                                customers. Several factors may be at
(Exhibit 3). According to McKinsey’s                             customers are at the vanguard
                                                                                                                                play, including a higher rate of internet
2018 “Future of Automotive” consumer                             of the digital buying journey and
                                                                                                                                access among wealthier consumers.
survey, for US consumers driving                                 shared mobility solutions. At rates
                                                                                                                                Furthermore, the more expensive the
performance is the most important                                higher than their mass-market
                                                                                                                                car, the more extensive the buying
feature, while consumers in China                                counterparts, premium customers
                                                                                                                                decision—meaning premium customers
and Europe put powertrain at the top                             are adopting digital technologies
                                                                                                                                are likely to spend more time learning
of the list—both features that have                              in their purchasing journey and
                                                                                                                                about their options; indeed, premium
traditionally defined the premium                                in their set of mobility options to
                                                                                                                                customers in the same survey rated
vehicle segment, along with overall                              complement ownership.
                                                                                                                                online price aggregators as the most

Exhibit 3
Premium consumers have largely different preferences across major markets
Top five most important features for consumers across three main markets¹
                                                                                                                                                     1 Powertrain
                                                                                                                                                    2 Interior design and
                                                                                                                                                     3 Driving performance
                                                                                                                                                    4 Exterior design
                                                                                                                                                    5 Overall experience
                                                                                                                                                      of ownership

     United States                                                                                                                                  China
     1 Driving performance                                                                                                                           1 Powertrain
     2 Overall experience                                                                                                                           2 Driving performance
       of ownership
                                                                                                                                                     3 Brand
     3 Interior design
       and functionality                                                                                                                            4 Connectivity

    4 Powertrain                                                                                                                                    5 Overall experience
                                                                                                                                                      of ownership
     5 Exterior design

    Full list of features: powertrain (electric driving range, charging rate, engine technology), driving performance (performance, driving feel, driving technology),
    functionalities (vehicle connectivity, AI, autonomous driving), styling (exterior styling, interior styling, interior functionality, and space), service (overall experience of
    ownership), brand image, and reputation
Source: McKinsey “Future of Automotive” consumer survey 2018

8                                                                The new realities of premium mobility
important digital application of the                 and purchase phases but also to
vehicle ownership process. And as the                build loyalty throughout the lifetime
premium segment continues to expand                  of the customer beyond a single
the options available, consumers will                product interaction.
continue to research the complexities
                                                     As with the product features described
and trade-offs of various vehicles,
                                                     in the first trend, the preferences of
brands, and options.                                                                                  of premium customers start their
                                                     premium customers as they relate to
                                                                                                      buying journey online, compared with
Premium and mass-market consumers                    digital technologies vary by region
                                                                                                      62 percent of mass-market customers.
are about equally likely to actually                 as well (Exhibit 4). For example, while
buy the car online (52 and 55 percent,               82 percent of premium consumers in
respectively). However, during the                   China reported starting their buying
lifetime of the vehicle premium                      journey online, that share drops to
consumers are coming to expect more                  73 percent in the United States and
digital services, such as maintenance                54 percent in Germany (which our
alerts and offers from the vehicle’s                 analysis uses as a proxy for Europe).
onboard system information as well as                In addition, 70 percent of premium
software providing product selection                 customers in Germany and 60 percent
advice and driving recommendations.                  in China report a willingness to purchase
Premium customers’ receptivity                       their next vehicle online, but that
to and familiarity with digital                      number drops to 36 percent for US
technology provides OEMs with                        premium customers. These regional
the opportunity to offer customers                   differences have significant implications
enhanced experiences not only                        for OEMs aiming to maintain or increase
during the consideration, evaluation,                their market share in these regions.

Exhibit 4
More than 70 percent of premium consumers start researching vehicle information online,
and more than 50 percent are ready to purchase online
Share of respondents who answered Yes, percent                                                                                    Premium
                                                                                                                                  Mass market

When buying your current car, or for an upcoming                              Would you like to buy your next car online?
purchase, did you start researching information online?

                         82    82
       73                                73
                                                                                                           70                      70
              62                                62        63
                                                                                                      60                     60
                                                                54                   52     55

                                                                                                                 36   33

        Global            China          United          Germany                      Global          China       United     Germany
                                         States                                                                   States

Source: McKinsey “Future of Automotive” consumer survey 2018

                                                     The new realities of premium automotive market                                          9
                                                    Premium consumers’ appetite for                         whether the alternative mobility
                                                    shared mobility solutions is growing                    solution involves being driven by
                                                    Shared mobility is gaining steam                        someone else, as with chauffeuring
                                                    across the globe; to date, at least                     platforms, or driving themselves, as
                                                    €25 billion has been invested globally                  with pay-per-minute car sharing and
                                                    in ride-sharing start-ups, including                    subscription-based ownership.
of vehicles purchased in 2025 will be               chauffeuring platforms, pay-per-minute
                                                                                                            Along with the enthusiasm of premium
used for car sharing.                               car sharing, and subscription-based
                                                                                                            customers for these mobility services,
                                                    memberships. 3 In our global survey,
                                                                                                            however, comes an attachment to
                                                    premium auto experts and executives
                                                                                                            their privately owned vehicles. More
                                                    predicted approximately 20 percent
                                                                                                            than two-thirds of premium customers
                                                    of vehicles purchased in 2025 will be
                                                                                                            indicate a willingness to make car
                                                    used for car sharing, with the greatest
                                                                                                            sharing part of their mobility mix,
                                                    demand from dynamic subscriptions
                                                                                                            but only 5 percent would “trade in
                                                    and fully automated taxi dispatchers.
                                                                                                            [their] car and use an on-demand car-
                                                    This shift is clearly being fueled by                   sharing service as [their] main mode
                                                    customer affinity for new mobility                      of transportation.”5 This is good news
                                                    options—but this preference varies                      for OEMs, as it provides assurance
                                                    by customer segment. Our consumer                       not only that premium consumers will
                                                    survey found that premium car owners                    continue to buy private vehicles but also
                                                    are more likely than their mass-market                  that participation in alternative mobility
                                                    counterparts to supplement private-                     offers will also continue to be viable.
                                                    vehicle use with mobility solutions                     Still, third-party competition is stiff in
                                                    (Exhibit 5). 4 This pattern holds true                  some segments and regions.

                                                        Mark Chediak, “There’s never been more money pouring into mobility startups,” Bloomberg, February 2,
                                                        60 percent of survey respondents were car owners, and of this group 76 percent owned premium
                                                        McKinsey “Future of Automotive” consumer survey 2018.

Exhibit 5
Premium consumers are more likely to use mobility solutions than mass-market owners, yet
90 percent will not substitute their vehicle

Share of owners who see mobility services                          Share of premium consumers preferences for mobility services vs.
as valuable or very valuable                                       ownership

                  38% 38%
Premium                                                            Not use a car-sharing service at all                                         26
car owners
                   prefer being          prefer driving            Own car and use car-sharing services,
                                                                   depending on circumstances                                                                  55
                   driven                themselves

                  24% 26%
                                                                   Use a car-sharing service as main mode of trans-
Mass market                                                        portation and own a car for specific requirements                      13
                   prefer being          prefer driving            Trade in owned car and use a car-sharing service
                   driven                themselves                as main mode of transportation                                     5

      Premium-car owners are more willing to use chauffeuring and car-sharing platforms than mass-market car owners.
                  However, only 5% of customers would trade in their owned vehicle for a mobility service

Source: Press, company website, McKinsey “Future of Automotive” executive and expert survey 2018, McKinsey Consumer Survey 2017, McKinsey “Future of
        Automotive” consumer survey 2018

10                                                  The new realities of premium mobility
3. The new differentiating                                      particularly in China.6 And while              0-60 mph time of current battery
factors in premium: from                                        design has arguably always been a              electric vehicles on the market is
Nürburgring lap time to                                         consideration, interior functionality          4.3 seconds compared with 6 seconds
design and connectivity                                         is expected to have greater influence          for cars with internal combustion
                                                                on purchasing decisions for                    engines. There are variations by region,
Throughout the early 2000s, many
                                                                premium customers than their mass-             but in general, premium EV customers
in the industry assessed premium
                                                                market counterparts. The relative              are most concerned with driving range
and sports cars by their ability to
                                                                importance of these features is further        and battery-charging rate as the most
set record-breaking lap times at the
                                                                strengthened by the fact that technical        important aspects of the powertrain
famous Nürburgring motorsports
                                                                performance—once a hallmark of                 (Exhibit 6).
complex in Germany. This challenging
                                                                premium—is being commoditized
circuit became the proving ground                                                                              Coming in third for premium customers
                                                                as EV technology unlocks levels of
for countless performance cars;                                                                                is performance, which includes
                                                                performance previously seen only at the
increasingly, the de facto claim for                                                                           acceleration and suggests that while
                                                                highest levels of premium vehicles.
a new premium car was that it had                                                                              battery-related aspects are important,
set a record. To do so often meant                              Thanks to electrification, performance         customers still value responsiveness.
optimizing car performance for the                              will become a commodity                        As EVs proliferate—accounting for
track while compromising real-world                             Of course, vehicle performance is not          20 to 30 percent of all new vehicles
performance, making this benchmark                              lost on premium customers. But the             in 2030—performance features once
inherently flawed.                                              classic differentiator—the powertrain—         considered premium, such as superior
                                                                is losing its edge. Planned launches           acceleration, will become standard.
Now, we see that connectivity and
                                                                of models with hybrid and electric             Specifically, as battery costs fall
design are becoming the critical
                                                                vehicle (xEV) powertrains is set to            (the industry has seen a 73 percent
differentiators for premium customers
                                                                increase dramatically, from 35 percent         cost reduction since 2010), EVs
in choosing premium vehicles. The
                                                                in 2019 to more than 60 percent in             capable of 0-60 mph acceleration in
former is so important that customers
                                                                2021,7 effectively leveling the playing        less than four seconds will become
are willing to switch premium brands
                                                                field on acceleration: the standard            abundantly available.
to get the connectivity they desire—

             McKinsey “Future of mobility” consumer survey 2015 and 2017.
             IHS Markit.

Exhibit 6
With the advent of electric power, the focus will shift from performance to battery features

Premium vehicle performance                                                               Which features do you value most in an electric vehicle?
0-62 mph, seconds                                                                         Share of consumers, percent

                                   ICE premium                     EV premium             Driving range                                                       21
                                           Slowest                                        Charging rate                                                      19
                                                                                          Performance                                                   17
    Increasing performance

                                                                            Slowest       Environmental friendliness                               11

                             4.5           Fastest                                        Range of power choices                               9

                                                                                          Access to low emission zones
                             3.0                                                                                                           8
                                                                            Fastest       and parking

                             1.5                                                          Noise level                                      8

                                                                                          Customer experience and
                              0                                                                                                        7
                                                                                          purchasing process

      Source: McKinsey “Future of Automotive” executive and expert survey 2018, McKinsey “Future of Automotive” consumer survey 2018

                                                                The new realities of premium mobility                                                             11
Superior connectivity will be                             the outside world, and even tell jokes.              market consumers across regions
a decisive factor                                         Against this backdrop, and as the                    (Exhibit 7). In general, customers in
Customers are used to full, often                         ways in which vehicles are connected                 China are more willing than those in
remote, control over their personal                       to the internet has grown rapidly in                 Germany and the United States to
environments at home and are coming                       the past two years, the percentage of                switch based solely on connectivity
to expect the same from their car.                        consumers willing to change car brands               capabilities—no surprise given that
Digital “personal assistants” such as                     for better connectivity has doubled. 8               Chinese consumers already place
Alexa and Siri keep grocery lists, send                   Premium consumers are more likely to                 connectivity as a top-five requirement
messages, set meetings, navigate                          switch allegiance compared with mass-                for a premium vehicle.

        McKinsey “Future of Automotive” consumer survey 2018.

Exhibit 7
Connectivity offer, especially for navigation purposes, will determine vehicle choice for
premium consumers

Average daily time spent on social media¹                                            Connected devices per household¹

                      2012                                      2017                       2012                                            2017

                                     ×1.5                                                                    ×2

                   1:30                                         2:15                       1.9                                           3.7

                                          Customers expect their digital ecosystems to be online, all the time

Willingness to switch to another car manufacturer²                                   Top connectivity features
Share of consumer respondents, percent                                               Share of premium and luxury consumer respondents

                  Premium                               Mass market                           Vehicle communication with smart roads and traffic
China                                       58                               46               Vehicle communication with other vehicles
                                                                                              (for example, to predict traffic)
                                                                                              Full integration with current and older
United                                                                                 3
                                     41                                 34                    smartphones
                                                                                              Full integration with “personal” assistants
                                                                                              (for example, Siri or Alexa)
Germany                       24                                   23                         Full integration with media subscription services
                                                                                              (for example, Spotify)

           Car connectivity is a key differentiator for OEMs, as                        Communication with roads, traffic services, and other
         premium consumers indicate better connectivity would                            vehicles is considered most important feature, while
                be a switching factor, particularly in China                           integration with mobile phone is an absolute necessity

      Strategy analytics, Global Web Index
      If it were the only one offering a car with full connectivity; McKinsey “Future of mobility” consumer survey 2015 and 2017
      McKinsey “Automotive Revolution—perspective towards 2030”
    Source: McKinsey “Future of Automotive” executive and expert survey 2018, McKinsey “Future of Automotive” consumer survey 2018, strategy analytics,
               Global Web Index

12                                                        The new realities of premium mobility
                                                      Specifically, premium consumers                        The value that premium customers
                                                      ranked connected navigation—including                  place on connectivity services has
                                                      real-time traffic, weather, and road                   significant implications for OEMs. We
                                                      conditions—as the connectivity                         estimate that connectivity services will
                                                      feature most critical to their next car                be an important revenue generator in
                                                      purchase (Exhibit 8). One-third of                     premium as they may represent 5 to
of premium consumers said                             premium consumers said they wouldn’t                   10 percent of OEM revenue in 2030,
they wouldn’t buy a car without                       buy a car without such connectivity;                   up from 1 percent in 2016.9 Indeed, the
connected navigation.                                 a similar proportion said the same                     recurring revenues from data-enabled
                                                      about automated collision prevention at                connectivity services will grow as
                                                      intersections. Autopilot capabilities and              today’s basic services such as real-time
                                                      automated guidance to available parking                maps, onboard diagnostics, and keyless
                                                      spots will be a differentiating factor for             entry evolve into more sophisticated
                                                      one in five premium consumers.                         capabilities such as live road conditions
                                                                                                             reports, predictive service booking, and
                                                                                                             targeted advertisements.

                                                          McKinsey “Automotive revolution—Perspectives towards 2030,” January 2016.

Exhibit 8
Premium consumers rate connected navigation as the most critical vehicle technology for
future vehicle purchases

Importance of vehicle technology features for next car purchase, premium consumers                                          Useful, but not crucial

Share of respondents,¹ percent                                                                                              Critical, would not buy car without it

Connected navigation, including real-time
                                                                                33                                             67
traffic, weather, and road conditions

Automated collision prevention at intersections                                 32                                             68

Autopilot in selected environments,
                                                                           23                                             77
(for example, on highways)

Networked parking, including automated
                                                                        20                                             80
guidance to available parking spots

Full automation, with no interaction needed
                                                                        18                                             82
but driving apparatus still present

Self-parking on private property
                                                                       17                                             83
(for example, garage or carport)

Automated platooning with other cars to
                                                                      14                                             86
save fuel and reduce congestion

 Selected premium OEM owners asked “Imagine your next car purchase. How important would the below features be in your buying decision?”; n=895
Source: McKinsey “Future of Automotive” consumer survey 2018

                                                      The new realities of premium mobility                                                                          13
                                                    Design is core                                           A more granular look reveals two
                                                    In addition to connectivity, our                         categories of interior features as
                                                    analysis suggests that interior styling                  the most important in the coming
                                                    is becoming a differentiating factor                     years; environmental enhancements
                                                    for premium vehicles in the near                         (for example, air purification) and
                                                    term—even as experts and executives                      comfort features (such as massaging
of automotive experts and executives                predict the importance of exterior                       seats). More generally, we believe
expect that interior features such as               styling will decline (Exhibit 9). Nine in                premium customers are looking
display screens, interior space, and the            ten automotive experts and executives                    for more innovative, multipurpose,
use of high-end materials will have more            also expect that interior features, such                 and ergonomic cabins capable of
impact on the premium market than on                as display screens, interior space, and                  supporting the way they want to live
the mass market.                                    the use of high-end materials, will have                 their life today. The customization of the
                                                    more impact on the premium market                        space to the specific individual, rather
                                                    than on the mass market, as OEMs have                    than the specific vehicle, is a rich area
                                                    fewer ways to set premium autos apart                    of opportunity for OEM differentiation—
                                                    from the competition.10                                  for example, temperature, routing, and
                                                                                                             other preferences could be dynamically
                                                    This forecast by experts aligns with
                                                                                                             matched to drivers as they move from
                                                    consumer self-reporting about the
                                                                                                             one vehicle to the next.
                                                    importance of interior functionality. Half
                                                    of premium US customers state that
                                                    interior functionality is very important.
                                                    Again, however, we see regional
                                                    differences; for premium customers in
                                                    China and Germany, that number drops
                                                    to 40 and 38 percent, respectively.11

                                                         “Future of Automotive” executive and expert survey, McKinsey, 2018.
                                                         McKinsey “Future of Automotive” consumer survey 2018.

Exhibit 9
Exterior and interior styling are top differentiators

Importance of customization in five years                         More important               Impact of interior features in premium
                                                                  No change
vs. today                                                                                      vs. mass market
                                                                  Less important

Exterior               39                                51                 10                                                                 52
                                                                                               more impact

Interior                          71                                 29                                                               35
                                                                                               more impact

                      While both exterior and interior styling will be differentiating factors for premium OEMs,
                                        interior customization will become more prominent

Source: McKinsey “Future of Automotive” executive and expert survey 2018, McKinsey “Future of Automotive” consumer survey 2018

14                                                  The new realities of premium mobility
4. Brand remains king—                                 5. Driving disruptive force:
but evolves                                            regulation
Premium OEMs will need to rethink                      According to the McKinsey “Future
their strategies as two elements begin                 of Automotive” executive and expert
to challenge what was once a reliable                  survey 2018, automotive experts              of premium consumers who use shared
asset: brand power.                                    see regulation as the single biggest         mobility services rate vehicle brand
                                                       disruptor for OEMs from 2017 to 2023.        important in on-demand car sharing.

First, the non-OEM companies behind
                                                       Specifically, regulations on emissions
the proliferation of mobility services
                                                       and autonomous vehicle technology
are beginning to compete directly with
                                                       will have the largest impact. The
OEMs on brand. Uber, for instance,
                                                       opportunity arises for the OEMs
saw its brand value climb from
                                                       best able to address the specific
$11 billion in 2016 to $16.6 billion in
                                                       challenges presented by regulatory           of premium consumers who use
201812 —roughly equivalent to the brand
                                                       constraints, including typically short       shared mobility services rate vehicle
values of Audi and Porsche. The good
                                                       timelines for impact, a lack of (or          brand important in on-demand
news is that even in shared mobility,
                                                       changing) regulatory direction, often        chauffeuring services.
premium consumers still value vehicle
                                                       divergent or mismatched regional
brand; a McKinsey survey found that
                                                       differences, and underlying political
45 percent of premium consumers
                                                       instability. And of course, the fact that
who use shared mobility services rate
                                                       vehicle sales transcend regulatory
                                                                                                       The impact of London’s
vehicle brand important in on-demand
                                                       borders adds complexity, as OEMs                emissions regulations
car sharing, and 41 percent rate it
                                                       seek to derive scale advantage related          London has been at the vanguard
important in on-demand chauffeuring
                                                       to both emissions and AV-related                of cities in seeking to limit
services.13 These preferences give
                                                       regulation and the various markets              emissions from vehicles, and
OEMs an opportunity to use the brand
                                                       they serve.                                     its ever more ambitious targets
capital they have built to capture value
                                                                                                       for emissions reductions have
in the mobility solutions space.                       Meeting increasingly stringent
                                                                                                       been matched by increasingly
                                                       emissions standards
Second, as OEMs expand their                                                                           stringent regulations on vehicles.
                                                       Today, China, the European Union, and
portfolios to include more products,                                                                   Dating back to the early 2000s,
                                                       the United States are in the middle
services, and partnerships, they face                                                                  London was already implementing
                                                       of five-year efforts to reduce carbon
the risk of increasing brand complexity.                                                               measures such as a congestion
                                                       emissions. Beyond 2020, each region
In other words, as OEMs tackle new                                                                     fee for vehicles. More recently, the
                                                       is also looking to set ambitious targets.
customer segments, increase global                                                                     city’s goals— such as a 60 percent
                                                       In December 2018, for example, the
awareness of their brand, and enter the                                                                reduction of CO2 emissions
                                                       EU established an emissions reduction
mobility game on their own terms, they                                                                 (against 1990 levels) and the sale
                                                       target of 37.5 percent by 2030. These
also face the challenge of a stretched                                                                 of 250,000 ultra-low-emission
                                                       efforts are forcing OEM executives
or diluted brand. For example, OEMs                                                                    vehicles by 2025—all correspond
                                                       to adjust their strategies in response.
rolling out EVs will need to balance the                                                               to a ban on gasoline-fueled autos in
                                                       (For one example, see sidebar,
brand reputation of those vehicles with                                                                the city center that same year.
                                                       “The impact of London’s emissions
ongoing ICE vehicles.
                                                       regulations.”) Premium OEMs are better          To pursue these targets, London
                                                       positioned to comply with emissions             has instituted a number of
                                                       regulation, as their customers are              measures aimed at changing
                                                       typically willing to pay for vehicles with      driver behavior through financial
                                                       cutting-edge technology. To achieve             disincentives, such as £10 toxicity
                                                       these targets, regulatory bodies will           charge on top of a congestion
                                                       aggressively promote BEV technology             charge for high-polluting vehicles
                                                       and set tighter restrictions on internal        in central London. With programs
                                                       combustion engine vehicles.                     that encourage the purchase and
                                                                                                       operation of electric and hybrid
                                                                                                       vehicles, the city’s regulatory
                                                                                                       trajectory serves as an early
                                                                                                       indication of the additional (and
                                                                                                       varied) regulations that premium
                                                                                                       OEMs will have to address in order
                                                                                                       to stay competitive in global cities.
     Brand Finance; Global Top 500.
     McKinsey “Future of Automotive” consumer survey 2018.

                                                       The new realities of premium mobility                                                   15
                                                     The rise of autonomous vehicles                             premium customers are more likely
                                                     Eight of the top ten OEMs plan to                           than their mass-market counterparts
                                                     have highly autonomous technology                           to agree that OEMs will guarantee
                                                     by 2025—and this technology will be                         the safety of these features. To this
                                                     showcased in the premium segment                            end, premium OEMs are introducing
                                                     before the mass market. Approximately                       autonomous features to their
of customers globally are willing to                 70 percent of automotive experts                            vehicles incrementally.
pay a premium for automated driving                  predict that L314 will be the minimum
                                                                                                                 Regulatory bodies, however, are the
functionalities.                                     autonomy requirement for customers
                                                                                                                 gatekeepers of AV implementation.
                                                     in the premium and luxury segments
                                                                                                                 As regulations allow for an increasing
                                                     (Exhibit 10).
                                                                                                                 number and level of autonomous
                                                     More than half of customers globally                        features on roads, shared mobility
                                                     (54 percent) are willing to pay                             players are expected to be first
                                                     a premium for automated driving                             adopters, given the potentially huge
                                                     functionalities; however, the current                       reduction in operating costs that AVs
                                                     price-point expectation ($4,250 in                          could usher in. Accordingly, these
                                                     addition to the vehicle’s base price)                       companies have taken the lead in
                                                     is below what it would cost OEMs                            educating consumers on the benefits
                                                     to deliver it today. Furthermore,                           of the technology.

                                                          Conditional automation (driver must be able to intervene).

Exhibit 10
More than 70% of experts expect consumers to demand automation of L3 and above by 2025

What level of automation do you believe will be the minimum requirement by consumers for vehicles in your segment
by 2025?
Share of respondents, percent (n = 31)

             No automation, driver controls car
 L0                                                                         3
             without any support

             Minimal driver assistance (for example,
 L1          adaptive cruise control and automated                               6

             Semi-autonomous driving assistance
 L2          (driver must always pay attention)                                                          23

             Conditional automation (driver must be
 L3                                                                                                                            42
             able to intervene)

 L4          High automation (driver should not
             need to intervene)
             Full automation (driver not required)
 L5                                                                              6

Source: McKinsey “Future of Automotive” executive and expert survey 2018

16                                                   The new realities of premium mobility
Part II.

Recommendations for
premium players

The increasing importance of digital technologies to support the customer
journey, changes in brand power, and regulatory uncertainty will continue to
disrupt the premium automotive segment. But just as premium players will be
uniquely affected by these trends, they are also uniquely positioned to tackle them
head on. Premium OEMs that act now to take advantage of the unprecedented
opportunities presented by this market disruption can solidify their position as
a differentiated and attractive alternative to mass-market autos. To prepare for
the premium market of the future, OEMs should take several strategic actions.

Know and embrace your                      complete a mindset shift from driving     elements of their offer. As our research
customer                                   their business from an engineering-lens   has shown, customers are willing to
                                           towards challenging the way of doing      “fight” for their brands even when
With market growth for premium
                                           business through a true customer-lens.    using third party mobility providers
cars slowing down and partially
                                                                                     such as UBER. Yet, this preference
stagnating, premium OEMs have to
                                                                                     for the brand needs to be constantly
find new opportunities in smaller          Be agile
                                                                                     nurtured across all customer segments,
pockets of growth to continue their
                                           Flexibility and agility in design,        including the increasing segment of
success story. This, however, means
                                           engineering, and manufacturing are        non-car owners, so OEMs need to
that they will need to innovate their
                                           critical to reduce the time to market     double down on developing a clear
offers along 3 dimensions: (1) they
                                           and adapt to changing consumer            “brand design language” that includes
will need to find new ways to address
                                           preferences. Given the different pace     signature elements that can be found
granular customer needs and create
                                           of advancements in car manufacturing      across all mobility offers. Finally, with
demand without always adding massive
                                           and technology, traditional               the increasing number of offers and
product complexity with the new, costly
                                           manufacturers in the premium space        the multitude of available channels,
product derivates. (2) They will need
                                           must embrace agile principles to          OEMs need to implement a rigid
to widen their spectrum from being a
                                           synchronize the widely disparate          brand monitoring and management to
sheer car manufacturer to being an
                                           development times of vehicles and         keep the brand promise across offers
end-to-end premium mobility provider
                                           connectivity services.                    and channels.
that is able to address widely differing
customer needs. And (3) they will need
to rethink their relationship to the       Strengthen and differentiate              Become a premium mobility
customers, from primarily focusing         the brand                                 provider
on one-time transactions towards           The future role of brands for premium     As mentioned earlier, OEMs can
becoming a relevant partner in a true      OEMs cannot be overemphasized. With       generate significant additional value
lifetime relationship with continuous      sheer product differentiation becoming    from mobility by focusing on service-
interactions beyond servicing the car.     more and more difficult with the advent   based business models that provide
Only if the premium OEMs will be able      of electromobility and brands becoming    access to a pool of vehicles. Key
to this, they will tap new opportunities   more and more stretched through           will be to leverage the desirability of
for growth and profitability. And to do    mobility offers, premium OEMs need        their products as well as to provide a
so, they will need to step-change their    to overinvest into their brands and       premium experience to keep the third
understanding of the customers and         translate their brand essence into all    party mobility providers such as UBER

                                           The new realities of premium mobility                                            17
at a distance and/or make the demand
for the products so distinctive that the
success of premium mobility providers
will depend on offering the OEMs’
products. Beyond the sheer offer
aspect, OEMs should also leverage
their ability to generate distinctive
insights about customer behaviors
through advanced analytics that
can inform the development of high-
potential services and how to monetize
them. To do so, OEMs will have to
embrace a larger and more complex
ecosystem that involves technology
partners and other third parties.

18                                         The new realities of premium mobility

The convergence of several trends            Companies that are able to rethink       Urgency will be critical to success. Given
is behind a once-in-a-generation             their approach can develop the right     the trajectory of change and the impact it
disruption to the premium automotive         products and services for the right      is expected to have, the time to act is now.
market. Technology advancements              customers in the right places. The       Premium automotive players that wait
are reshaping the customer journey,          successful OEMs will build this new      too long to develop strategies aligned
expanding options for mobility,              portfolio through the lenses of both     with new consumer preferences, new
and transforming the vehicle itself.         hardware and software, but they will     business models, and new regulations
Premium customers, in particular, are        do more. They will also commit to the    risk their brands as well as their
embracing these changes as they,             belief that the sale of these products   customers. What are you waiting for?
more than customers of other vehicle         and services is just the beginning of
segments, are responding positively to       a long and valuable relationship with
these developments.                          their customers, enabled and sustained
                                             by software-enabled customization
Companies of all types—from traditional
                                             and a superior “end-to-end”
manufacturers and suppliers to the new
                                             customer experience.
OEMs, tech companies, and mobility
service providers that have entered
the space more recently—will feel the
effects of the resulting new realities. In
addition, the challenges presented by
these trends are accompanied by a set
of valuable opportunities for companies
ready to take decisive action.

                                             The new realities of premium mobility                                              19

          Jan-Christoph Köstring                   Asutosh Padhi
          Senior Partner,                          Senior Partner,
          McKinsey & Company                       McKinsey & Company
          Munich                                   Chicago

          Timo Möller                              Andreas Tschiesner
          Partner,                                 Senior Partner,
          McKinsey & Company                       McKinsey & Company
          Cologne                                  Munich

          Simon Middleton
                                                   The authors would like to thank Andreas
          Associate Partner,                       Cornet, Thomas Baumgartner, Silvia Bruno,
          McKinsey & Company                       Rupert Lee, and Ewelina Gregolinska for their
          London                                   contributions to this article.

          Media contact                            The McKinsey Center for Future
                                                   Mobility was created to help business
          Martin Hattrup-Silberberg                leaders and policy makers come to
          Senior Communication Specialist,         terms with a future that is increasingly
          McKinsey & Company                       autonomous, connected, electrified,
          Düsseldorf                               and shared. Based in four global
                                                   hubs (Beijing, Detroit, Munich, and
          +49 (211) 136-4516
                                                   Silicon Valley), our forward thinking

                                                   and integrated perspective, industry
                                                   expertise, proprietary research, and
                                                   global convening power gives us
                                                   a unique combination of assets to help
                                                   clients navigate the mobility revolution.

                                                   For more information:

20        The new realities of premium mobility
McKinsey Center for Future Mobility
November 2019
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