The New Efficient Frontier Asset Allocation for the 21st Century

Page created by Douglas Carlson
Morningstar Direct                                                                                                                                       1

The New Efficient Frontier
        Asset Allocation
        for the 21st Century
by                                                    he did not stand idly by in the area of portfolio   cure what Savage [2009] calls the “flaw of
                                                      modeling, but continued to make improvements        averages.” In general, the flaw of averages is a
Paul D. Kaplan, Ph.D., CFA                            in his own models and to influence the              set of systematic errors that occur when
Vice President,                                       models of others. Few of these improvements,        people use single numbers (usually averages)
Quantitative Research                                 however, were picked up broadly in practice.        to describe uncertain future quantities.
                                                                                                          For example, if you plan to rob a bank of $10
                                                      Going Supersonic                                    million and have one chance in 100 of
Sam Savage, Ph.D.                                     Because Markowitz’s first effort was so simple      getting away with it, your average take is
Stanford University                                   and powerful, it attracted a great number           $100,000. If you described your activity
                                                      of followers. The greater the following became,     beforehand as “making $100,000,” you would
Author, The Flaw of Averages                          the fewer questioners debated its merits.           be correct on average. But this is a terrible
                                                      Markowitz’s original work is synonymous with        characterization of a bank heist. Yet as Savage
When the Wright Brothers pioneered powered            Modern Portfolio Theory and has been                [2009] discusses, this very “flaw of averages”
flight in 1903, their genius lay in conquering        taught in business schools for generations and,     is made all the time in business practice, and
the three axes of control: pitch, yaw, and            not surprisingly, is still widely used today.       helps explain why everything is behind
roll. Over the years, technologies advanced,                                                              schedule, beyond budget, and below projection,
planes crashed, and aviation evolved to               Then came the crash of 2008, and at last            and was an accessory to the economic
compensate. By 1952, the Wright’s original            people are starting to ask questions. The           catastrophe that culminated in 2008.
airplane was barely recognizable in a world of        confluence of the recent economic trauma and
jets and even supersonic aircraft, which              the technological advances of the past              Harry Markowitz’s 1952 mean-variance model
were nonetheless still governed by the same           few decades make today the perfect time to          attempted to cure the flaw of averages by
three principles of control.                          describe the supersonic models that                 distinguishing between different investments
                                                      can be built around Markowitz’s fundamental         with the same average (expected) return,
In 1952, another pioneer, Harry Markowitz,            principles of risk, reward, and correlation.        but with different risks, measured as variance
invented portfolio optimization. His genius was       In a recent paper, we assert that Markowitz’s       or its square root, standard deviation. This
also based on three principles: risk, reward,         original work remains the perfect framework         was a breakthrough at the time that ultimately
and the correlation of assets in a portfolio. Over    for applying the latest in economic thought         garnered a Nobel Prize for its inventor.
the years, technologies advanced and markets          and technology. We dub our updated model            However, the use of standard deviation and
crashed, but the portfolio-optimization models       “Markowitz 2.0.”                                     covariance introduces a higher-order
used by many investors did not evolve to                                                                  version of the flaw of averages, in that these
compensate. This is surprising in light of the        Markowitz 2.0                                       concepts are themselves a version of averages.
fact that Markowitz himself was a pioneer             The Flaw of Averages                                C ON T I N UE D ON N E X T PAGE

of technological advancement in the field of          The 1952 mean-variance model of Harry
computational computer science. Furthermore,          Markowitz was the first systematic attempt to
The New Efficient Frontier Asset Allocation for the 21st Century                                                                                                                                            2

Adding Afterburners to Traditional                                 The Scenario Approach                                                    right, while others have distributions that are
Portfolio Optimization                                             One of the limitations of the traditional                                skinnier or fatter in the tails than others.
By taking advantage of the very latest in                          mean- variance optimization framework is that
economic thought and computer technology, we                       it assumes that the distribution of returns of the                       Over the years, various alternatives have been
can, in effect, add afterburners, or more thrust,                  assets in the optimization can be adequately                             put forth to replace mean-variance optimization
to the original framework of the Markowitz                         described simply by mean and variance                                    with an optimization framework that takes
portfolio-optimization model. The result is a                      alone. The most common depiction of this                                 into account the non-normal features of return
dramatically more powerful model that is more                      assumption is to draw the distribution of each                           distributions. Some researchers have proposed
aligned with 21st century investor concerns,                       asset class as a symmetrical bell-shaped                                 using distributions curves that exhibit skewness
markets, and financial instruments such as                         curve. However, as illustrated in Exhibit 1, the                         and kurtosis (that is, have fat tails) while
options.                                                           return distributions of different asset                                  others have proposed using large numbers of
                                                                   classes don’t always follow a symmetrical                                scenarios based on historical data or Monte
Traditional portfolio optimization, commonly                       bell-shaped curve. Some assets have                                      Carlo simulation.
referred to as mean-variance optimization, or                      distributions that are skewed to the left or                             C ON T I N UE D ON N E X T PAGE

MVO, suffers from several limitations that can
easily be addressed with today’s technology.
                                                                   Exhibit 1: Basic Series: Summary Statistics of Annual Total Returns: 1926–2008
Our discussion here will focus on five practical
                                                                     Series                Geometric        Arithmetic        Standard          Distribution %
enhancements:                                                      		                        Mean %           Mean %        Deviation %

                                                                    Large Company                 9.6             11.7            20.6              9
  1   First, we use a scenario-based approach to allow                                                                                              6
		    for “fat-tailed” distributions. Fat-tailed return                                                                                             3
		    distributions are not possible within the context of                                                                                              –90                   0%                       90       0

		    traditional mean-variance optimization, where                                                                                                     Annual Total Return
		    return distributions are assumed to be adequately
                                                                    Small Company               11.7              16.4            33.0          12
		    described by mean and variance.                                                                                                            9
                                                                    Stocks*                                                                      6
  2   Second, we replace the single-period expected
                                                                                                                                                        –90                   0%                       90
		    return with the long-term forward-looking

		    geometric mean (GM), as this takes into account
		    accumulation of wealth.                                       Long-Term                     5.9              6.2             8.4          30
                                                                    Corporate Bonds                                                             20
  3 Third, we substitute Conditional Value at Risk
                                                                                                                                                        –90                   0%                       90
		 (CVaR), which only looks at tail risk, for standard

		 deviation, which looks at average variation.
                                                                    Long-Term                     5.7              6.1             9.4          30

  4   Fourth, the original Markowitz model used a                   Government Bonds                                                            20
		    covariance matrix to model the distribution
                                                                                                                                                        –90                   0%                       90
		    of returns on asset classes; we replace this with a                                                                                                                                                       0

		    scenario-based model that can be generated
		    with Monte Carlo simulation and can incorporate               Intermediate-term             5.4              5.6             5.7          40
		    any number of distributions.                                  Government Bonds                                                            20
                                                                                                                                                        –90                   0%                       90
  5   Finally, we exploit new statistical technologies                                                                                                                                                          0

		    pioneered by Sam Savage in the field of Probability
		    Management. Savage invented a new technology                  Treasury Bills                3.7              3.8             3.1          60
		    called the Distribution String, or DISTTM, which                                                                                          40

		    encapsulates thousands of trials as a single data                                                                                         20

		    element or cell, thus eliminating the main                                                                                                        –90                   0%                       90       0

		    disadvantage of the scenario-based approach—the
		    need to store and process large amounts of data.              Inflation                     3.0              3.1             4.2          60
                                                                                                                                                        –90                   0%                       90       0

                                                                   *The 1933 Small Company Stocks total return was 142.9%                                                          Source: Morningstar (2009)
The New Efficient Frontier Asset Allocation for the 21st Century                                                                                                                                         3

The scenario-based approach has two main                                 represent return distributions. For example,            segment shows that the 5th percentile return
advantages over a distribution curve                                     Exhibit 2 shows the distribution curve of annual        under our model is –25.8 percent, meaning
approach: (1) it is highly flexible; for example,                        returns of Large Company Stocks under                   there is 5% probability of a return of less than
nonlinear instruments such as options                                    our approach. Comparing Exhibit 2 with the              –25.8 percent. However, under the lognormal
can be modeled in a straightforward manner,                              Large Company Stock histogram in Exhibit 1,             model, the probability of the return being
and (2) it is mathematically manageable; for                             we can see that the smooth distribution                 less than –25.8 percent is only 1.6 percent.
example, portfolio returns under the scenarios                           curve retains the properties of the historical          This illustrates how a mean-variance model can
are simply weighted averages of asset-class                              distribution while showing the distribution             woefully underestimate the probability of
returns within the scenarios. In this way,                               in a more esthetically pleasing and precise             tail events.
the distribution of a portfolio can be derived                           form. Furthermore, our model makes it possible
from the distributions of the asset classes                              to bring all of the power of continuous                 As Kaplan et al. [2009] discuss, tail events
without working complicated equations that                               mathematics previously enjoyed only by models           have occurred often throughout the history of
might lack analytical solutions; only                                    based on continuous distributions to the                capital markets all over the world. Hence,
straightforward portfolio arithmetic is needed.                          scenario approach.                                      it is important for asset-allocation models to
                                                                                                                                 assign nontrivial probabilities to them.
In standard scenario analysis, there is no                               In Exhibit 2, the green line curve is what
precise graphical representation of return distri-                       we get when we use mean-variance                        Geometric Mean versus Single Period
butions. Histograms serve as approximations                              analysis and assume that returns follow a               Expected Return
such as those shown in Exhibit 1. We augment                             lognormal distribution. The blue line is                In MVO, reward is measured by expected
the scenario approach by employing a                                     what we get when we use our smoothed                    return, which is a forecast of arithmetic mean.
smoothing technique so that smooth curves                                scenario-based approach. The area under                 However, over long periods of time, investors
                                                                         the blue solid line to the left of the vertical         C ON T I N UE D ON N E X T PAGE

Exhibit 2: Smooth Distribution Curve for Annual Returns on Large Company Stocks 1926–2008

                                                                                                                                             Scenario-Based Distribution        Lognormal Distribution

–90       –80         –70       –60         –50        –40         –30         –20          –10   0%       10       20      30         40          50            60        70          80            90
Annual Total Return
The New Efficient Frontier Asset Allocation for the 21st Century                                                                                                              4

are not concerned with simple averages of                                as the measure of risk in strategic asset            investment. CVaR is the expected or average
return; rather, they are concerned with                                  allocation. While any one of these could be          loss of capital should VaR be breached.
the accumulation of wealth. We use forecasted                            used, our preference is to use Conditional Value     Therefore CVaR is always greater than VaR.
long-term geometric mean (GM) as the                                     at Risk (CVaR).                                      For example, the 5% CVaR for the distribution
measure of reward because investors who plan                                                                                  shown in Exhibit 2 is 35.8%, or $3,580, on a
on repeatedly reinvesting in the same                                    CVaR is related to Value at Risk (VaR). VaR          $10,000 investment.
strategy over an indefinite period would seek                            describes the left tail in terms of how
the highest rate of growth for the portfolios                            much capital can be lost over a given period of      Scenarios versus Correlation
as measured by geometric mean.                                           time. For example, a 5% VaR answers a                In mean-variance analysis, the covariation
                                                                         question of the form: Having invested $10,000,       of the returns of each pair of asset classes
Conditional Value at Risk versus                                         there is a 5% chance of losing $X or more            is represented by a single number, the
Standard Deviation                                                       in 12 months. (The “or more” implications of         correlation coefficient. This is mathematically
As for risk, much has been written about                                 VaR are sometimes overlooked by investors,           equivalent to assuming that a simple linear
how investors are not concerned merely with                              with serious implications.) Applying this idea to    regression model is an adequate description of
the degree of dispersion of returns (as                                  returns, the 5% VaR is the negative of               how the returns on the two asset classes
measured by standard deviation), but rather                              the 5th percentile of the return distribution. For   are related. In fact, the R-square statistic of a
with how much wealth they could lose.                                    example, the 5th percentile of the distribution      simple linear regression model for two
A number of “downside” risk measures have                                shown in Exhibit 2 is –25.8% so its 5%               series of returns is equal to the square of the
been proposed to replace standard deviation                              VaR is 25.8%. This means there is a 5% chance        correlation coefficient.
                                                                         of losing $2,850 or more on a $10,000                C ON T I N UE D ON N E X T PAGE

Exhibit 3: Geometric Mean—Conditional Value at Risk Efficient Frontier


Geometric Mean





                     0%                          5      10                      15                 20                 25                   30                   35            40
                     Conditional Value at Risk
The New Efficient Frontier Asset Allocation for the 21st Century                                                                                                                 5

However, for many pairs of asset classes, a                        encapsulate thousands of trials as a single           References
linear model misses the most important                             data element. The use of DISTs greatly saves          1 Kaplan, Paul D., Thomas Idzorek, Michele Gambera,
features of the relationship. For example,                         on storage and speeds up processing time,               Katsunari Yamaguchi, James Xiong, and
during normal times, non-U.S. equities                             so that a Monte Carlo simulation consisting of          David M. Blanchett, “The History and Economics of
                                                                                                                           Stock Market Crashes.” In Siegel, Laurence B., ed.,
are considered to be good diversifiers for U.S.                    thousands of trials can be performed on a
                                                                                                                           Insights into the Global Financial Crisis,
equity investors. But during global crises,                        personal computer in an instant. While not all          CFA Institute, 2009.
all major equity markets move down together.                       asset-management organizations are prepared           2 Kaplan, Paul D. and Sam Savage, “Markowitz at
                                                                   to create the DISTs needed to drive the                 Mach 1,” Morningstar research paper,
Furthermore, suppose that the returns on two                       GM-CVaR optimization we described in Kaplan             December 2009.
asset classes indexes were highly correlated,                      and Savage [2009], some outside vendors, such         3 Markowitz, Harry M., “Portfolio Selection,”
but instead of including direct exposures                          as Morningstar Ibbotson, can fulfill this role.         Journal of Finance, 7 (1), 77-91, 1952.
to both in the model, one was replaced with an                                                                           4 Ibbotson Stocks, Bonds, Bills, and Inflation
option on itself. Instead of having a linear                       Another facet of Probability Management is              2009 Yearbook, Morningstar, Inc., 2009.
relationship, we now have a nonlinear                              interactive simulation technology, which              5 Poundstone, William, Fortune’s Formula, Hill
relationship that cannot be captured by a                          can run thousands of scenarios through a model          and Wang, 2005.
correlation coefficient.                                           before the sound of your finger leaving the           6 Savage, Sam, The Flaw of Averages, John Wiley
                                                                    key reaches your ear. These supersonic          & Sons, 2009.
Fortunately, these sorts of nonlinear relation-                    models allow much deeper intuition into the           7 Sheikh, Abdullah Z. and Hongtao Qiao,
ships between returns on different investments                     sensitivities of portfolios, and encourage the          “Non-normality of Market Returns,” J.P. Morgan
                                                                                                                           Asset Management research paper, 2009.
can be handled in a scenario-based model.                          user to interactively explore different portfolios,
For example, in scenarios that represent normal                    distributional assumptions, and potential
times, returns on different equity markets                         black swans. A sample of such an interactive
could be modeled as moving somewhat apart                          model will be available for download from
from each other while scenarios that represent            in 2010.
global crises could model the markets as
moving downward together.                                          Finale: The New Efficient Frontier
                                                                   Putting it all together, we form an efficient
Ultrasonic Statistical Technology                                  frontier of forecasted geometric mean
Because it may take thousands of scenarios to                      and Conditional Value at Risk as shown in
adequately model return distributions, until                       Exhibit 3, (Page 4) incorporating our
recently, a disadvantage of the scenario-based                     scenario approach to covariance and new
approach has been that it requires large                           statistical technology. We believe that
amounts of data to be stored and processed.                        this efficient frontier is more relevant to
Even with the advances in computer hardware,                       investors than the traditional expected return
the conventional approach of representing                          versus standard deviation frontier of MVO
scenarios with large tables of explicit numbers                    because it shows the trade-off between reward
remained problematic.                                              and risk that is meaningful to investors;
                                                                   namely, long-term potential growth versus
The phenomenal speed of computers has given                        short-term potential loss. K
rise to the field of Probability Management,
an extension of data management to probability                     Learn More
distributions rather than numbers. The key                         To arrange a demonstration:
component of Probability Management is the                         Call: +1 866 910-0840
Distribution String, or DIST , which can
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