The Navigator ORIENTATION - SUMMER 2018 - SNHU

Page created by Sharon Frank
The Navigator ORIENTATION - SUMMER 2018 - SNHU

The Navigator
    Your guide to all things SNHU

                                      Sign up for
                                    April 13, 2018
The Navigator ORIENTATION - SUMMER 2018 - SNHU
Welcome to SNHU!
On behalf of the entire community of learners
at SNHU, welcome to one of the most exciting
universities in the country today! At SNHU, we are
committed to making your transition to campus life
as easy as possible. We have created the Navigator as
a resource for you, featuring all the information you
will need between now and your first day at SNHU.
The Navigator will also provide you with important
deadlines you will need to keep in mind. Please take
a few minutes to review this information. I can
promise you that our faculty, staff, and administrators
will do everything they can to ensure your educational
experience is one that will have a lasting impact on
your life well beyond your college years.

You can also access an online version of the Navigator
by visiting Please do not
hesitate to contact any member of the staff here at
SNHU if you have any questions at all.

I look forward to seeing you on campus!


Patricia A. Lynott, Ph.D.
University College
Southern New Hampshire University
The Navigator ORIENTATION - SUMMER 2018 - SNHU
                Understanding my.SNHU Account Access........................2
                Accessing the Online Navigator......................................3
                Information for Families................................................3
              BEFORE ORIENTATION: 6 EASY STEPS................................ 5
                Step 1: Complete Your New Student Inventory ............... 6
                Step 2: Complete Your Housing Profile............................7
                Step 3: Sign Up for Orientation.......................................8
                Summer Bridge Programs............................................. 9
                Step 4: Complete Your Medical Records......................... 10
                Step 5: Get Connected................................................... 11
                Step 6: Making Sense of Financial Aid and Your Bill....... 12
                BankMobile, Financial Aid Refunds, and iGrad .............. 13
                Health Insurance ........................................................ 13
                Before Orientation ...................................................... 14
                Before Classes Begin.................................................... 15
              YOUR NEW LIFE ON CAMPUS: THE ESSENTIALS ...............17
                Live Life on Campus!................................................... 18
                Campus Life as a Commuter......................................... 19
                SNHU Student Employment and Work-Study................20
                Penmen Cash.............................................................. 21
                See What Manchester Has to Offer................................ 22
                SNHU Athletics............................................................ 23
                Parking Decal Information........................................... 23
                Office of Diversity Programs.........................................24
                President’s Commission for LGBTQ Advocacy................24
                DeColfmacker Veteran’s Lounge................................... 25
                The Deborah L. Coffin Women’s Center......................... 25
                Relax and Eat in the Dining Center...............................26
              EVENTS ............................................................................. 27
                First Days...................................................................28
                The Involvement Fair...................................................28
                Homecoming Weekend................................................29
                Penmen Pride..............................................................29
                Calendar..................................................................... 30
                Campus Map............................................................... 32

Got questions? is a great place to start!                                       1
The Navigator ORIENTATION - SUMMER 2018 - SNHU
Understanding my.SNHU Account Access
    my.SNHU is a web portal that allows students to
    access information from the Southern New Hampshire
    University database. Your username and password
    allow single sign-on access to register for orientation,
    which you can access by navigating to

    Your username and password will also grant you
    access to many other online services at SNHU. These
    include your SNHU email account, our academic
    portal called Brightspace, course registration
    services, and our bill payment system. You can
    explore all of these services and more by visiting and familiarizing yourself with the
    self-service area of the site.

    After you log into your my.SNHU account for the first
    time, you will be asked to immediately change your
    password. This is a security precaution that will help
    protect your privacy and the use of your account.

    If you have not logged into your my.SNHU account
    yet, please do so. Your username is your SNHU email
    address, and your password is your birthday in
    MMDDYYYY format (for example, if your birthday is
    August 25, 1992, your password is 08251992).

    If you have problems logging into your account, you
    can contact the SNHU Help Desk by calling 1-855-877-9919.

2            Got questions? is a great place to start!
The Navigator ORIENTATION - SUMMER 2018 - SNHU
Accessing the Online Navigator
To access the online version of the Navigator, simply

Together, the online and print forms of the Navigator
help to provide a full picture of what is required before
arriving at SNHU. The online Navigator offers 24/7
access to additional details regarding the steps that
you and your family will need to take, as well as a
helpful timeline, to help you prepare for orientation
and First Days.

Still need help? Don’t worry. You can always email us
at if you get stuck or have a question.

Information for Families
We know you want to help. That’s why we have
designed a condensed version of the online Navigator
that you can view from any computer. Just visit to see what you can do to help your
child or family member chart their course before
arriving on campus.

Got questions? is a great place to start!   3
The Navigator ORIENTATION - SUMMER 2018 - SNHU
The Navigator ORIENTATION - SUMMER 2018 - SNHU
The Navigator ORIENTATION - SUMMER 2018 - SNHU
                                   New Student Inventory
                                   (including Math/English Self-Placement Activities)

                                   The New Student Inventory (which includes Math and
                                   English Self-Placement) is an important, mandatory
                                   first step in the creation of your course schedule. This
                                   online inventory helps an advisor create your schedule;
                                   you should allow 25-30 minutes to complete this
                                   important activity. Course preferences are honored
                                   on a first-come, first-served basis–so log in and
              ?                    complete this soon!

                                   Follow these simple steps:
If you need help or have any       • Log into with your my.SNHU email and
additional questions about the       password (or access your email via link on my.SNHU).
NSI or self-placement process,
feel free to email an advisor at   • Access the email from SNHU Academic Advising            titled “Instructions for Registering for Classes”
or call us at 603-645-9630.          and click the link inside.
                                   • Complete the New Student Inventory (NSI) including
                                     Math and English self-placement activity.
                                   • If you need to pause and return later, you
                                     can finish the NSI by accessing the original link in
                                     the email.
                                   • Some students may be required to take in-person
                                     placement exams. You will be notified within the
                                     NSI if this applies to you.

                                   Once you have completed your NSI, an academic
                                   advisor will register you for your fall classes. You
                                   will receive your schedule when you attend Summer
                                   Orientation, where you will also have a chance to ask
                                   questions and request changes.

                                   NOTE: if you are transferring in credit for College
                                   Composition I, you do not need to complete the
                                   English activity.

 6                                            Got questions? is a great place to start!
Complete Your Housing Profile (if applicable)
Our campus houses over 2,000 students in a variety
of different housing options, including residence halls,
apartments, and townhouses. First-year students
generally reside in residence halls that offer single,
double, triple, and quad accommodations. Transfer
students are permitted to live anywhere on campus
where there are available rooms.

The Office of Residence Life offers three theme
communities that help students with similar                                     ?
interests connect. These themes are Wellness,
                                                                    If you have questions at
Substance-Free, and Gaming. They will be housed
                                                                    any point in the housing
in Hampton Hall. Please call, Facebook message,
                                                                    sign-up process, contact
or email us for more information.                                   the Residence Life office
                                                                    at 603-645-9758 or email
To complete your housing profile and request a            
roommate, follow these simple steps:

• Visit
• Scroll to Step 2 and click the MyHousing link.
• Follow the step-by-step instructions to complete
  your profile.
• Once your profile is complete, select “Living
  Preferences” and select your preferred living

Each living area has a live-in staff member
(Residence Director) who supervises the student
Resident Assistant staff, acts as a support services
liaison, provides referrals to students in need
of personal assistance, and coordinates hall
programming. Hall programming is designed to
encourage students to interact with one another
in a social environment and foster a greater sense
of campus community.

Got questions? is a great place to start!                            7
                                 Sign Up for Orientation
                                 Orientation is for all new transfer and First-year
                                 students. Please visit the SNHU Orientation Portal at
                        select the date that pertains to
                                 your student type:
             ?                   Transfer students: June 15
                                 First Year: June 18, 22, and 25
                                 Overnight: June 20-21
                                 Note: Overnight orientation is not open to Culinary Students
Want to experience what it’s     because of their specific program requirements.
like to live on campus before    Culinary, Honors, and First Year: June 27
you move in? Join us for an
overnight orientation session!
                                 To register for Summer Orientation, simply follow
Participate in a variety of
                                 these steps:
activities and events, take
part in a community service
project, and get the full SNHU   • Visit the SNHU Orientation Portal at
experience. The overnight
orientation experience is        • Go to Step 3 of the online Navigator and follow the
available at no added cost,
                                   link to the online orientation registration site.
and will leave you more
excited for the fall and eager   • Follow the instructions to fill out and submit your
to start at SNHU!                  registration. Sessions are available on a first-come,
                                   first-served basis and fill quickly. Please register as
                                   soon as you can.
                                 • Please note that all new SNHU students are
                                   charged a non-refundable Orientation Fee. This
                                   is a comprehensive fee that covers the full cost of
                                   orientation and First Days, including the programs
                                   for both students and family members. The fee is
                                   added to your first semester bill.

                                 If you have trouble registering or have questions
                                 regarding the registration or orientation process, feel
                                 free to call us at 603-629-4631 or email

 8                                          Got questions? is a great place to start!
SNHU Summer Bridge Programs
At Southern New Hampshire University, we know that getting
involved early makes a difference, which is why we offer
multiple programs to help you get a head start on your SNHU
experience. We offer three programs that each run the week
prior to the official move-in date. While all programs are
offered during the same week, they each offer a different way
to help you make friends and connect with the community.

An early entrance program for first year students transitioning
from high school to college. The program is designed to help you
make a positive transition to the SNHU experience and enhance
your chances for academic success. For more information,
contact the Wolak Learning Center at
or 603-645-9606.

Take 5
A weeklong program for first-year and transfer students focused
on building community through service. Participants will spend
time each day serving with local nonprofit organizations and
learning about the Manchester and SNHU communities. For
more information, contact the Center for Community Engaged
Learning at or 603-314-7965.

With a primary goal of building community, the Unity program
aims to create a sense of belonging, particularly for those that
identify from underrepresented populations (race, gender,
orientation, sex, spiritual background, ethnicity, etc.). This
program includes a series of team-building activities, interactive
workshops, service learning, and community exploration. Peer
mentorship is an integral component of Unity, with several events
coordinated throughout the academic year. For more information,
contact the Office of Diversity Programs at or

COST: $325
*Covers all programming, meals, housing, off-site trips,
 transportation, etc.
*Financial assistance may be available. For more information, inquire
 with the program coordinator at the contact information above.

DATES: August 27-31, 2018
DEADLINE TO APPLY: July 31, 2018

Got questions? is a great place to start!        9
                              Complete Your Medical Records
                              At SNHU, we want to keep you healthy, which is why
                              our nurses and nurse practitioners are prepared to offer
                              medical evaluations and treatment for most common,
                              acute problems.

                              All students (residential and commuter) must complete and submit
                              medical information to Health Services by August 15, 2018.

            ?                 To submit your medical records to SNHU, complete
                              the following steps:
OR HEALTH-RELATED             • Go to your my.SNHU page and sign in with your
QUESTIONS?                      SNHU username and password.
The Wellness Center is here   • Scroll to the bottom of the home page.
to help. Contact us at
603-645-9679 or email         • Under the Wellness heading select Patient Portal/ to            Medical Records.
speak to a Wellness Center    • Next, select “Immunizations” and enter the dates
                                of your immunizations and the date of your physical
                                (must be within the past year).
                              • Click the “Upload” tab and upload a copy of your
                                immunizations and your current physical.
                              • Finally, select the “Forms” tab, and click on “SNHU
                                Medical History Form” under “Required Online
                                Forms,” then complete the form.

                              Students are also strongly advised to complete the
                              Workplace Answers eLearning “Student Empower
                              Plus” sexual assault and responsible drinking module.
                              At the beginning of the semester, students will receive
                              an email with a link and login credentials to access the

10                                       Got questions? is a great place to start!
Get Connected
Before you arrive on campus, you’ll want to make sure
you’ve got all the technology you need. SNHU students
are required to bring a laptop computer with an up-to-
date operating system and anti-virus software. If you                            ?
do not have a laptop of your own, you can purchase
one at a discounted rate through the SNHU Laptop                    TECHNOLOGY HELP DESK
Program partnership with Dell.                                      Technology have you stumped?
                                                                    Be sure to reach out to the
Visit Click the Laptop Program link        SNHU Help Desk. You can get
under On-campus Links for details.                                  in touch by stopping by the
                                                                    Technology Help Desk & Repair
                                                                    Center (located in Exeter Hall)
Keeping Your Computer Safe                                          or the IT Solutions Service
Both Macs and PCs must have updated anti-virus                      Desk (located in the Library
software before you will be permitted to access the                 Learning Commons). You can
SNHU network. If you do not currently have an anti-                 also call us at 855-877-9919.
virus program on your computer, you can download
the free Symantec anti-virus software by visiting                   You can also open Help Desk                                          tickets through my.SNHU. Log
                                                                    in at and look for
Staying on the Cutting Edge                                         the link under the Technology
                                                                    section on the left-side
Keeping your operating system (OS) up-to-date is
                                                                    navigation menu. There you
important. In order to access the SNHU network,
                                                                    can view your active Help Desk
your computer must have the latest updates to your                  tickets or open a new one.
OS installed.

• For Windows computers: visit the Windows/
  Microsoft Update website at
  There, you can scan your computer and download
  the latest updates.
• For Mac computers: the Software Update program
  from the Apple Menu will provide the latest updates
  to all of Mac OS X and Apple Software.

Got questions? is a great place to start!                              11
                                   Making Sense of Financial Aid
                                   and Your Bill
                                   Our goal at Student Financial Services is to make the
                                   financial aid process as easy as possible. We partner
                                   with students and families to identify, educate, and
                                   award the best financial resources available so that
                                   you can remain focused on your college experience.

              ?                    Your financial aid award is determined by the
                                   information you and your family provided on the
HAVING TROUBLE?                    Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The online Navigator is a great    A financial aid award may consist of:
place to look for information
on financial aid, tuition, fees,   • Scholarships or Grants (do not need to be repaid)
medical insurance, housing         • Federal Student Loans (must be repaid)
rates, dining plans, and more.
                                   • Federal Work-Study (must be earned)
If you still have questions,
contact Student Financial
                                   To accept an offered Federal Direct Student Loan,
Services. No matter where
                                   you will need to complete Entrance Loan Counseling
you are in the process,
we can help.                       and sign a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note,
                                   both of which can be done online at
Call 603-645-9640,                 If you have not yet applied for Federal Financial Aid,
or email sfscampus@snhu.           please do so by visiting SNHU’s School
edu and we’ll give you a push      Code is 002580.
in the right direction!
                                   To learn more about payment options, please contact
                                   our office. We can guide you through options on how to
                                   pay your bill and/or enroll in a payment arrangement
                                   with Tuition Management Systems (TMS).

                                   Please note: Payment of the balance is due in full by
                                   August 1, 2018.

 12                                            Got questions? is a great place to start!

What is BankMobile?
If you have a surplus in your financial aid, or from
payments made by you, you may be due a financial aid
refund. BankMobile is a resource for you to help secure
your refund. If you are due a refund, you will receive
allocation instructions by mail. These options are as

•    Open a OneAccount with BankMobile, and be
     issued a debit/credit card
•    Deposit the funds into a current bank account

Please note: Direct Parent PLUS Loans and credit card
payments are not eligible for BankMobile refunds.

Health Insurance

All SNHU students are required to have health
insurance. If you do not have coverage, you will
be automatically enrolled in a plan through the
university and will be billed annually for this charge.
If you have private health insurance, you must
complete a Health Insurance Waiver Form before
August 1, 2018. The form can be obtained online
through the my.SNHU student portal. For questions,
call 603-645-9640, or email


iGrad is a financial literacy portal students can log
into and learn about budgeting, managing bank
accounts, financial aid, career assistance, and
information about scholarships. iGrad is accessible
by logging into your my.SNHU page.

Got questions? is a great place to start!   13
                                Use this checklist to ensure you’re prepared for SNHU!

                                Before Orientation
             ?                    Step 1 – Complete New Student Inventory including
                                         placement activities
ADDITIONAL OFFICES                Step 2 – Complete your housing profile (if applicable)
                                  Step 3 – Sign up for orientation
The online Navigator can
provide you with more             Step 4 – Submit your Medical Records Form
information about our campus
                                  Step 5 – Get connected
community, offices, and local
neighborhood. Information         Step 6 – Make sense of financial aid
on Academic Advising, the
Campus Store, Dining
Services, the Laptop Program,
and much more can be found

 14                                     Got questions? is a great place to start!
Before Classes Begin
    Fill out your Health Insurance Waiver by August 1
    (can be downloaded from and returned to Student
    Financial Services). See page 13 for details.
    If interested in working on-campus in a Federal
    Work-Study or University Paid position, apply for
    positions anytime after August 1, 2018. To learn
    more, visit
    If you need a parking permit, go to to get one. See page 23
    for details.
    Purchase your laptop (orders must be placed by
    August 15). Visit Click the Laptop
    Program link under On-campus Links for details
    about purchasing a new laptop.
    Purchase books for your classes.
    Visit for details about
    ordering books.
    Review the Student Handbook and agree to abide
    by SNHU guidelines.
    Add money to your Penmen Cash Account by
    visiting See pg. 21 for details
    Sign up for SNHU Alerts to receive important
    campus information. Visit and
    click the SNHU Alerts link under On-campus links.
    Complete the online “Student Empower Plus”
    sexual assault and responsible drinking module
    after you receive the e-mail at the beginning of the
    semester. See page 10 for details.

Got questions? is a great place to start!    15
Live Life on Campus!
                                Our goal in the Office of Residence Life is to make

             ?                  your living experience as personalized as possible. To
                                ensure that each student’s voice is heard, we have
                                developed the MyHousing interface, accessible through
HAVING TROUBLE                  the my.SNHU portal. Once you have applied online,
LOGGING INTO THE                MyHousing will guide you through your profile setup
HOUSING PORTAL?                 and connect you with other students with similar
Have questions? Not sure if     interests. You’ll also be one step closer to finalizing
you completed your housing      your living space and meal plan for the year.
questions correctly?
No problem! Contact us at       MyHousing provides access to information about what       makes each residence area unique. All housing areas
or 603-645-9758 and we’ll
                                are supplied with basic furniture, access to laundry
walk you through the process.
                                facilities, and secure, lockable entries. Because these
                                features are universal, you can base your housing
                                selection more on your personal preferences for hall
                                and room type.

                                Once you arrive on campus, you will find hundreds
                                of opportunities to get involved at SNHU, both inside
                                and outside the classroom. Within your residence hall
                                alone, there will be many opportunities to attend fun
                                programming events, meet other SNHU students, and
                                explore your interests.

                                Get ready to live life on campus!

18                                      Got questions? is a great place to start!
Campus Life as a Commuter
If you’ve decided not to live on campus and will be
commuting to SNHU, there are still many ways for
you to get involved and connect with other students.
Commuter Services, located within the Student
Center, is available as a resource to help you enjoy                      CAMPUS TRADITIONS
a fulfilling and vibrant college experience. Visit the
Commuter Services page on my.SNHU (scroll over
‘Office of Student Involvement’ on the ‘Offices’
dropdown menu and select ‘Commuter Services’)
to find a listing of available resources.

The Student Center will become a one-stop shop for
                                                                         COMMUTER WEEK
commuter students. In it you will find lockers to store
your belongings between classes, the Wellness Center                Each year, during the fall
(which is for commuters, too), Copies Plus, Club                    semester, the Office of
                                                                    Student Involvement hosts a
Resource Center, where you can learn more about
                                                                    Commuter Appreciation Week
clubs and how to join them, Penmen Place café, and
                                                                    to acknowledge and show
the bookstore. The Commuter Lounge, opened Spring                   appreciation for the extra
2017, will become your favorite place. This space is                effort made by commuter
the perfect home-away-from home and includes a                      students. Events, which are all
refrigerator, microwave, TV, and commuter-specific                  held during the day at times
resources, and is staffed by friendly and helpful                   convenient for commuters,
commuter assistants. Another space for commuters to                 often include BINGO (a
gather in the Student Center is the Last Chapter Pub.               campus favorite), coffee
There are common areas to relax in the Pub, and it                  breaks, giveaways, novelty
provides free soft drinks and snacks to all students.               programs, and a commuter
Every month, daytime events are planned by
Commuter Assistants as a way to connect commuter
students to campus. The SNHU Commuters Facebook
page,, is also a great
way to reach out to other commuters and learn about
our commuter programs. If you have any additional
questions about SNHU’s commuter resources, feel
free to contact

Got questions? is a great place to start!                               19
SNHU Student Employment and Work-Study
                                  The SNHU Student Employment program provides
                                  students with part-time employment opportunities
                                  either on campus or with an off-campus community
              ?                   service partner. These opportunities give students a
                                  chance to gain valuable work experience and prepare
NEED A JOB?                       for life after graduation.

Students will find jobs
                                  If you were offered Federal Work-Study as part of
posted in early August online
at             your financial aid package, you may apply for a
A job fair will also be held on   work-study position. Please note that work-study
September 5 from 2-4 p.m. in      positions are not guaranteed; you must apply and be
the Dining Center. Students       hired for an open position. SNHU also has a limited
will have the opportunity to      number of university-paid positions that any student
meet with on-campus and           may apply for.
off-campus employers, so
come prepared with a resume       More information about student employment
for on-the-spot interviews.       (including what documents you need before
                                  you can begin your job) is available online at
                         Students may also email any
                                  questions to

20                                        Got questions? is a great place to start!
Penmen Cash
Penmen Cash is a spending account attached to your
SNHU ID, serving as a convenient way to manage
your cash flow and offering parents, guardians, and
other relatives an easy way to send some extra cash
your way.
                                                                          CAMPUS TRADITIONS

Locations accepting Penmen Cash include:

• The Dining Center and other cafes around campus
• The Campus Barnes & Noble Bookstore
• On-campus laundry facilities and vending machines
• Athletic events                                                    THE MAJOR CONCERT
• The Quill restaurant
                                                                    Every fall semester, SNHU
                                                                    gives students the opportunity
For an updated list of off-campus locations that accept             to see a well-known artist
Penmen Cash visit:                               without leaving campus.
                                                                    Past artists have included
There are four ways to add funds to your Penmen                     Dane Cook, Matt Kearney,
Cash account:                                                       Kip Moore, Sammy Adams,
                                                                    XAmbassadors, and Fetty
• Access your account online by visiting          Wap. Keep an eye out for the
                                                                    artist reveal announcement
• Add the GET App to your phone via the Apple Store                 in September. The concert
  or Google Play store                                              traditionally kicks off
• Visit the Penmen Cash Machine located in the                      Homecoming Weekend
                                                                     in October.
  Dining Center
• Visit Student Financial Services, located in
  Exeter Hall

Got questions? is a great place to start!                              21
See What Manchester Has to Offer
                            Manchester is one of the largest and most dynamic
                            cities in northern New England. With a population of
                            just over 100,000, Manchester combines small-town
                            charm with a lively cultural scene.

                            See a show! Manchester is home to two orchestras, an
                            opera company, and dozens of nightclubs. Is shopping
                            more your scene? Stores here range from upscale
                            boutiques to funky thrift stores—and there’s no sales
                            tax. Consider yourself a foodie? Downtown Manchester
                            boasts a variety of restaurants. Sports fans can cheer
                            for the Manchester Monarchs hockey team or the
                            Fisher Cats baseball team, and the more outdoorsy
                            types can go fishing, take a hike, or even go skiing.
                            Manchester has it all!

                            Check out the sites below for more ideas:

What are you looking for?    Lodging         Food          Shopping     Outdoor Activities   Indoor Activities                          ●               ●                ●                    ●                         ●              ●               ●                              ●               ●                ●                    ●                    ●                              ●                ●                    ●         ●              ●               ●

                            How to Get There
                            Bus Service: Manchester has a city bus that comes
                            directly to the SNHU campus. For an up-to-date bus
                            schedule, visit and look for the Route 5 –
                            SNHU/River Road route. Any student can get a free bus
                            pass that is good for the entire school year. Please visit
                            the Concierge Desk in the student center to get one.

                            Need a Ride? Whether you need a ride to the airport or
                            just a lift into town, there are plenty of taxi services in
                            the area to choose from. Uber and Lyft users will also
                            be happy to know both car services are available in the
                            Manchester areas. All services will come to campus to
                            pick you up.

22                                     Got questions? is a great place to start!
SNHU Athletics
The official website for the SNHU Penmen Athletic
program is Follow them throughout the
year or come to the games and cheer our teams to

Would you rather play in the game yourself? Make
athletics a part of your SNHU experience. Visit to register with the NCAA Eligibility
Center and learn about eligibility requirements to
play NCAA sports. And, for the more casual player
there are club sports and organized intramural
on-going all year.

If you have questions, please contact the SNHU
Assistant Athletics Director for Compliance, Shawn
Green, at 603-645-9783 or

Parking Decal Information
If you plan to park your car on campus, you will be
required to purchase a parking decal. These decals can
be ordered online at and will be
billed through SNHU (you will need to provide your
SNHU Student ID number so that your student account
can be charged accordingly). You will be required to
provide your vehicle information, as well as a mailing
address for the delivery of the parking decal.

You can order your 2018-2019 decal beginning
August 1, 2018. The cost for decals is:

• Freshmen Residents: (first- and second-semester
  freshmen with less than 23 credits): $204.95
• Returning and transfer students with more than
  23 credits: $104.95
• Commuter Students: $54.95

Got questions? is a great place to start!   23
Office of Diversity Programs
                                  Embracing Diversity is one of the five core values
                                  that SNHU believes is important for creating a
                                  welcoming and inclusive campus. The Office of
      CAMPUS TRADITIONS           Diversity Programs, located in Room 105 of the
                                  Green Center, is committed to creating and
                                  implementing enriching programs for all students.
                                  These initiatives aim to challenge assumptions and
                                  encourage awareness and understanding throughout
                                  the student body. The Office of Diversity Programs
                                  invites people from all backgrounds to visit our office;
                                  whether you are straight, gay, white, black, brown,
  SOUL FOOD DINNER                binary, or non-binary, you have a place here! Visit us
                                  in the office or email us at You can also
Held annually during the spring   like us on Facebook,
semester, the Soul Food
Dinner celebrates our diverse
student community and
features many of our favorite     President’s Commission for LGBTQ+ Advocacy
comfort foods, including
Southern, Caribbean, Asian,       The President’s Commission for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
and Latin fare. The event is      Transgender, and Queer Advocacy is dedicated to the
sponsored by the Multicultural
                                  promotion of a campus climate defined by equality,
Student Union, the Office of
                                  civility, and respect. The commission strives to ensure
Diversity Programs, and the
SNHU Culinary Arts program.       a safe, positive experience for its students, faculty,
                                  staff, and alumni who identify as part of the LGBTQ
                                  community through advocacy, policy review,
                                  programming, and education.

                                  For additional resources, visit the Office of Diversity
                                  Programs where you will find a multicultural lounge
                                  and an LGBTQ resource room. For details, visit

 24                                        Got questions? is a great place to start!
DeColfmacker Veterans Lounge
The DeColfmacker Veterans Lounge is your place
on campus to connect with other student veterans.
The lounge provides access to information and
experts on the services, support options, and benefits
                                                                         CAMPUS TRADITIONS
that you are entitled to receive. The lounge is located
in Room 115 at the William S. and Joan Green
Center for Student Success. To learn more about
the DeColfmacker Veteran’s Lounge, access a list of
veteran resources or subscribe to the student
veteran listserv, visit:

                                                                       VETERAN’S WEEK
The Deborah L. Coffin Women’s Center                                Veteran’s Week is a week-long
                                                                    celebration of SNHU’s student
The Deborah L. Coffin Women’s Center seeks to
                                                                    veterans, which takes place
advance gender equality by addressing gender issues,
                                                                    around Veterans Day each
developing womens’ leadership, and involving and                    year. Past events have
celebrating women who can serve as role models and                  included campus military
mentors to challenge, motivate, and inspire.                        equipment displays, film
                                                                    nights, networking dinners,
The Center brings our campus community together                     support for local veteran’s
to explore issues, create connections, and promote                  non-profits, and more.
mutual understanding by offering support, providing
advocacy, implementing evidence-based programming,
and advancing social justice.

The Women’s Center open lounge is located in the
Green Center for Student Success, Suite 121.

For information on how to get involved, stop by
the Center anytime, or contact us by email at

Got questions? is a great place to start!                             25
Relax and Eat in the Dining Center
                                   The SNHU dining program is designed to offer students
                                   a wide variety of options featuring only the best
                                   ingredients. Our dining program is based on fresh
                                   ingredients, culinary expertise, healthy options, great
                                   service, and environmental and social responsibility.

                                   You’ll always have a wealth of options to choose from
                                   in the Dining Center. Whether you’re looking for
                                   made-to-order burgers, customized sandwiches
                                   and wraps, traditional home-style meals, or ready-
                                   made options to eat on the run, the Dining Center has
                                   something to offer. Those with dietary restrictions will
                                   be happy to know that Simple Servings offers tempting
        LATE NIGHT
        BREAKFAST                  entrées that are free of the top eight food allergens. Our
                                   On-Campus Registered Dietitian offers free services for
Late Night Breakfast is an         those who need nutrition counseling or help navigating
SNHU tradition held the            their choices.
Wednesday before finals each
semester. The Dining Center        The meal plans offered at SNHU vary according to your
is open from 10 p.m. to            residence hall and dining preferences. Resident students
12 a.m. for FREE breakfast         will have the opportunity to select their meal plan
for all students. In addition to   preferences during housing selection.
breakfast, there will also be
activities such as free chair
massages, photo novelties,
giveaways, and music to help
fuel students during a busy
and stressful finals week.
Great food and fun activities!

 26                                         Got questions? is a great place to start!
First Days
                                  September 2–3, 2018

                                  At the beginning of the fall semester, SNHU welcomes
                                  first-year, transfer, resident, and commuter students
                                  to campus with an event known as First Days.
                                  Beginning with Sunday check-in for both resident
                                  and commuter students, this two-day event helps
                                  new students connect with the SNHU community.
                                  The First Days celebration is a fun and exciting way to
                                  connect with new friends, learn more about academic
                                  expectations, technology, and campus life for resident
                                  and commuter students.

                                  Highlights of First Days include a Target Shopping
                                  Event, meeting your orientation group, engaging
SNHU offers over 70 clubs and     with exciting speakers and informational sessions,
organizations on campus, and      participating in the New Student Convocation
routinely hosts at least one
                                  Ceremony, attending various evening events, and a
event per day. Visit the Office
                                  “Drive-in” movie.
of Student Involvement on
your my.SNHU page (under the
‘Offices’ dropdown menu) to       Visit (and check your email often) to
learn about some of the great     to learn more about First Days as the dates gets closer.
opportunities to get involved
once you arrive on campus!
                                  The Involvement Fair
                                  September 12, 2018

                                  Held in both the fall and the spring, the Involvement
                                  Fair is a great way to learn about the active clubs
                                  and organizations on campus. If you’re looking for
                                  a group that shares your interests or in search of a
                                  place to volunteer your time, you will find it at the
                                  Involvement Fair.

                                  More than 100 clubs and organizations from SNHU
                                  and the surrounding community will be present
                                  at the event and eager to answer any questions
                                  you might have. Among the attendees will be
                                  representatives from academic, community service,
                                  media, and athletics-oriented organizations, as well as
                                  fraternities, sororities, and other social groups. Join us
                                  at the Involvement Fair and find your place!

 28                                        Got questions? is a great place to start!
Homecoming Weekend
October 12-14, 2018

Homecoming is a great opportunity for students,
alumni, faculty, staff, and their families to come
together for a weekend of activities that include a golf
tournament, street fair, live music, sporting events,
activity workshops, and more!                                             CAMPUS TRADITIONS

Homecoming Weekend is always one of the
highlights of the year at SNHU, and we hope you’ll
mark it on your calendar and join us. For more
information on this exciting annual tradition, visit

                                                                         WEEKLY BINGO!
Penmen Pride                                                        Each week, the Coordinators
                                                                    of Activities and Programming
The Penmen Pride Program is a Student Government                    Events (CAPE) host a BINGO
Association initiative that encourages and rewards                  event where students can win
                                                                    many different prizes based
students for attending campus events. Throughout
                                                                    on the theme of the week.
the semester, certain events are deemed “Penmen
                                                                    Occasionally, they will host
Pride Events.” Students can earn Penmen Pride points                “Big Money BINGO” with even
simply for attending these events. Events may be                    bigger prizes. BINGO is one of
worth one, two, or three points, and the SGA will run               SNHU’s favorite traditions and
double-point weeks twice per semester, allowing you                 is something that students
to earn points twice as fast.                                       look forward to!

You can view a list of upcoming Penmen Pride events
by visiting At the end of each semester,
points are totaled for a Prize Giveaway. There is a
three-tiered prize system, and the more points a
student has accumulated, the better the prize will be.
The one student with the most points will receive the
Grand Prize and have their name displayed on a plaque
in the Student Center!

Got questions? is a great place to start!                               29

     FINANCIAL AID DEADLINES   JUNE 2018                                  JULY 2018
     EVENTS                     Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat    Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
                                                              1     2       1    2     3     4     5     6     7
     ORIENTATION                3     4      5    6     7     8     9      8     9     10    11    12    13    14

     CLASSES BEGIN/END/         10    11    12    13    14    15    16     15    16    17    18    19    20    21
     FINALS                     17    18    19    20    21    22    23     22    23    24    25    26    27    28
                                24    25    26    27    28    29    30     29    30    31
First Days
September 2 – 3
Start of classes               AUGUST 2018                                SEPTEMBER 2018
September 4
Fall Break                      Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat    Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
October 8                                         1     2     3     4                                          1

Homecoming Weekend              5     6      7    8     9     10    11     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
October 12 – 14                 12    13    14    15    16    17    18     9     10    11    12    13    14    15
Veterans Day                    19    20    21    22    23    24    25     16    17    18    19    20    21    22
November 12
                                26    27    28    29    30    31           23    24    25    26    27    28    29
Thanksgiving Break
November 21 – 23                                                           30

Last Day of Classes            OCTOBER 2018                               NOVEMBER 2018
December 14
                                Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat    Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
Final Exams
December 17 – 21                      1      2    3     4     5     6                              1     2     3

Winter Break                    7     8      9    10    11    12    13     4     5     6     7     8     9     10
December 22 – January 20        14    15    16    17    18    19    20     11    12    13    14    15    16    17
Spring Orientation              21    22    23    24    25    26    27     18    19    20    21    22    23    24
January 21
                                28    29    30    31                       25    26    27    28    29    30
Start of Spring Classes
January 22
Spring Break                   DECEMBER 2018
March 18 – 22
Classes Resume                  Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
March 25                                                            1
Last Day of Classes             2     3      4    5     6     7     8
May 3
                                9     10    11    12    13    14    15
Final Exams                     16    17    18    18    20    21    22
May 6 – 10
                                23    24    25    26    27    28    29
To be announced                 30    31

30                                          Got questions? is a great place to start!
JANUARY 2019                               FEBRUARY 2019

 Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat    Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
             1     2     3     4     5                                    1     2
 6     7     8     9     10    11    12     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
                                                                                      Check out all of our events on
 13    14    15    16    17    18    19     10    11    12    13    14    15    16
                                                                                      the Master Calendar by visiting
 20    21    22    23    24    25    26     17    18    19    20    21    22    23
 27    28    29    39    31                 24    25    26    27    28

MARCH 2019                                 APRIL 2019
 Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat    Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
                               1     2            1     2     3     4     5     6
  3    4     5     6     7     8     9      7     8     9     10    11    12    13
 10    11    12    13    14    15    16     14    15    16    17    18    19    20
 17    18    19    20    21    22    23     21    22    23    24    25    26    27
 24    25    26    27    28    29    30     28    29    30

MAY 2019
 Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
                   1     2     3     4
  5    6     7     8     9     10    11
 12    13    14    15    16    17    18                                                 FOLLOW SNHU ON
 19    20    21    22    23    24    25                                                  SOCIAL MEDIA!
 26    27    28    29    30    31

Got questions? is a great place to start!                                                 31
Campus Map

                                   All SNHU Campus Buildings

                                   1.    Athletic Complex                         21.   Hospitality Center
                                   2.    New Castle Hall                          22.   Washington Hall
                                   3.    Greeley Hall                             23.   Sunapee Hall
                                   4.    Whittier Hall                            24.   Cranmore Hall
                                   5.    Winnipesaukee Hall                       25.   Attitash Hall
                                   6.    Merrimack Hall                           26.   Hillsboro Hall
                                   7.    Ossipee Hall                             27.   Rockingham Hall
                                   8.    Kingston Hall (2018 opening)             28.   Operations Center
                                   9.    Spaulding Hall                           29.   Central Receiving
                                   10.   Exeter Hall                              30.   Webster Hall
                                   11.   Stark Hall                               31.   Madison House
                                   12.   Robert A. Freese Student Center          32.   Lincoln Hall
                                   13.   William S. and Joan Green                33.   Conway Hall
                                         Center for Student Success               34.   Hampton Hall
                                   14.   Belknap Hall                             35.   Windsor Hall
                                   15.   Robert Frost Hall                        36.   Tuckerman Hall
                                   16.   Edward S. Wolak Library                  37.   Athletic Stadium
                                         Learning Commons                         38.   Gustafson Center
                                   17.   Morrissey House                          39.   Monadnock Hall
                                   18.   Ford House                               40.   College of Engineering,
                                   19.   Dining Center                                  Technology, and Aeronautics
                                   20.   Academic Center

                                   Parking Directory
              ?                    W     Westside Resident Students
                                   E     Eastside Resident Students
PARKING!                           C     Commuter Students, Staff/Faculty, Visitors
Parking regulations are strictly   L     Handicap and Loading
enforced, so PLEASE obey all       SDX   Sodexo Employees
posted parking signs.              SF    Staff and Faculty
                                   V     Visitor parking

 32                                               Got questions? is a great place to start!

                  3                                                               22
    4-C 2          4
                                                                   11                  23
                                                                                                            27                                       31
                                           10                                                    25
1                                                   12

                                               15                                           20
                                           17                 16
                                38                                                                         34

                                                                             39                                  35


                                      28                                                                                                33


                                                                                                 28-E                         37


            I DR


Office of Student Involvement
2500 North River Road
Manchester NH 03106-1045
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