The Missing Narratives: Exploring the Experiences of Malaysian Journalists and Family Members and Friends of Victims during the MH370 Aviation ...

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Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. 29 (2): 1193 - 1211 (2021)

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The Missing Narratives: Exploring the Experiences of Malaysian
Journalists and Family Members and Friends of Victims during
the MH370 Aviation Crisis
Lim Shiang Shiang1*, Ihediwa Samuel Chibundu1 and Sharon Wilson2
Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 31900 Kampar, Perak, Malaysia

Faculty of Creative Industries, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 43000, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia

The MH370 crisis which attracted global attention is considered one of the most perplexing
disasters in aviation history by aviation experts. One of the highlights of the crisis was
the alleged inability of Malaysian journalists to provide accurate information on the issue.
Maximum news coverage, commentaries, expert views, and researches were carried out
regarding the issue. However, most of them only focused on how Malaysian authorities
handled the crisis. None ventured into Malaysian journalists’ perspectives particularly on
their concerns regarding their coverage of the crisis. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate
the perspectives of journalists from the selected newspapers on their framing of the crisis,
the alleged inconsistencies in their coverage, and the perceived lack of access to information.
By giving journalists a voice to express their views on their performance, it is hoped that
will deepen knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of press freedom, ownership,
and control in the country. Through qualitative data analysis, the study found that MH370
news frames were greatly influenced by both internal and external factors, ranging from
individuals to state levels. They include lack of experience in aviation news coverage on
                                                 the part of the local Malaysian journalists;
                                                 the internal gatekeeping process by the news
                                                 editors of various newspapers which tend to
                                                 undermine the work of journalists; and the
Article history:                                 seen and unseen restrictions experienced
Received: 17 December 2020
Accepted: 15 March 2021                          by journalists and media houses at the state
Published: 30 June 2021
E-mail addresses:                                                     Keywords: Aviation crisis, crisis reporting, framing, (Lim Shiang Shiang) (Ihediwa Samuel Chibundu)                         journalists, MH370, press freedom (Sharon Wilson)
* Corresponding author

ISSN: 0128-7702
e-ISSN 2231-8534                                                                                   © Universiti Putra Malaysia Press
Lim Shiang Shiang, Ihediwa Samuel Chibundu and Sharon Wilson

INTRODUCTION                                                    Throughout the investigation and
A Beijing-bound MH370 mysteriously                         search for the missing flight many parties,
disappeared from air traffic controllers’ radar            especially the victims’ families, have
screens on March 8, 2014, without a trace.                 sharply criticized the airline and Malaysian
This incident triggered an unprecedented                   government for their responses and actions
international search effort that involved                  (Daily Mail Online, 2015). A number of
more than 25 countries, including the                      foreign newspapers blamed the Malaysian
                                                           government for its failure to identify the
United States of America, New Zealand,
                                                           sudden change of flight path from the
India, Vietnam, Singapore, and China (BBC
                                                           radar data, mishandling of the crisis while
News, 2014). At various points in time, hot
                                                           providing false leads, unconfirmed facts,
discussions on what might have happened
                                                           and missing details which have delayed and
to MH370 emerged – possible scenarios
                                                           exacerbated the searching process (Secret
include a mid-air explosion, a pilot suicide,
                                                           China Online News, 2014). Nevertheless,
or even a hijack by unknown perpetrators
                                                           some of the local newspapers reported that
who tried to steal the airplane to an unknown
                                                           the greatest efforts have been provided
location and flew 5,000 feet above the water
                                                           and shown by the Malaysian authorities in
to avoid military radar detection (Sorensen,
                                                           investigating and tracking the flight (Utusan
                                                           Online, 2015). Sankaran (2016) pointed
     However, investigators have yet to
                                                           out that international media produced more
make any formal announcement regarding
                                                           critical reports compared to the national
the cause and the person responsible for
                                                           media that produced more supportive
the incident (Gavin, 2018). The fact that                  reports.
debris was found in different places around                     Newspapers play a vital role in
the world has raised more questions than                   reporting crisis as it has the right in selecting
answers. Beh (2018) mentioned in his report                and deciding what to be focused on and
that most of the Chinese victims’ families                 highlighted (Seon-Kyoung & Karla, 2009).
are not satisfied with the outcome of the                  The way journalists frame the headlines
investigation and have demanded the search                 and news stories could directly shape
and rescue be continued until there is a                   readers’ perceptions of the MH370 incident
conclusive finding. A recent theory suggests               and it could have a strong impact on
that the plane was flown in a certain way to               Malaysia’s reputation. Hence, it is essential
avoid detection before the pilot deliberately              to understand the meaning of journalism
crashed it into the Southern Indian Ocean                  and the roles of journalists during a time
(Gavin, 2018). There is also a theory that                 of crisis.
a hacker (Randall, 2018) had somehow                            This research attempts to explore
managed to hack into the flight software and               the Malaysian journalists’ experience in
hijacked the plane to a mysterious location.               covering crisis with specific reference to

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Framing OF MH370 Crisis

the crisis involving Malaysian Airlines                   major social-political, and economic factors
Flight MH370. It also seeks to investigate                (Romantan, 2005). This could be observed
the internal and external factors that affected           through media frames which often contain
media framing in the coverage of the                      certain ideological parameters.
MH370 crisis. These will help us understand                    In a study of aviation crisis, Entman
the extent to which the media has fulfilled               (1991) mentioned that in the framing of
its roles as an information provider, the                 Korean Airlines Flight 007 (KAL 007)
kind of information that was disseminated,                that was shot down by the Soviet Union
and whether it was enough for the people                  and Iran Air Flight 655 (IR655) that was
to react and respond to the crisis. Besides,              shot down in its own country by the U.S.
the process of gathering and reporting the                Navy’s cruiser, reports on the KAL007
issue from the journalists’ perspective would             crisis emphasized on Soviet guilt and
enhance the findings on what roles the media              the act being morally indefensible while
played during the crisis.                                 those on the IR655 crisis focused on the
                                                          complexity of operating military-grade
LITERATURE REVIEW                                         advanced technology. Even though both
Framing Aviation Crisis                                   cases are rather similar, Entman indicated
                                                          that U.S. media practitioners relied heavily
Crises threaten us on all sides. It may happen
                                                          on elite sources in covering both incidents,
in a “specific, unexpected, and non-routine
                                                          thus most frames were found to have
event or series of events that create high
                                                          supported the dominant frame as the elites
levels of uncertainty and threaten or are
                                                          were the “primary sponsor of news frames”
perceived to threaten high priority goals”
                                                          (Entman, 1991, p.7). The contrasting frames
(Seeger et al., 2003, pp. 204-205). The
                                                          embedded in these similar cases implied a
concept of crisis is often related to keywords
                                                          reciprocal relationship between the media
such as “unrest”, “conflict”, “revolution”
                                                          frame and the dominant frame, particularly
and “uncertainties” (Koselleck, 2006),
                                                          government policies and media ownership.
“catastrophic (Filippini, 2017), and “threat”
                                                               Similarly, Yan and Kim (2015) found
(Jacques, 2014).
                                                          out that in the framing of the 2013 Asiana
     With today’s advanced aeronautical
                                                          Airlines crash, United State newspapers
technology, transportation via airplane
                                                          attributed to pilot’s responsibility. The
should be the safest among other transport
                                                          scholars indicate that the United States
modes (Li et al., 2015). However,
                                                          and Korean newspapers use a negative
catastrophic aviation incidents cannot be
                                                          slant toward each other while China media
avoided. Despite the relative infrequency
                                                          supported the United State frame but were
of these incidents, the aviation crisis has
                                                          slightly less negative compared to United
often caused strong public reactions and
                                                          State media. This reveals the link between
concerns, particularly social panic and risk-
                                                          crises with ongoing elite agendas which
avoiding behavior that is complicated by

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Lim Shiang Shiang, Ihediwa Samuel Chibundu and Sharon Wilson

color different international media frames.                every single piece of information is
Besides that, it also proves that the ruling               invaluable and vital. However, Eric (2013)
class has the power to intervene in the                    pointed out that Malaysian journalism
frame-building process.                                    is often underestimated, resulting in
     In analyzing the news frame of MH370,                 uncritical reporting and fewer concerns for
Park et al. (2016) found that the English                  investigative journalism.
newspaper The New Straits Times focused                          In a study of investigative journalism in
more on the local conflict frame, while the                Malaysia, Norsiah et al. (2015) pointed out
Chinese newspaper China Daily focused                      that investigative journalism in Malaysia is
more on the human interest frame. In                       still in its infancy and that collective changes
their news reports, The New Straits Times                  need to be made for improvement. The
tends to frame the crisis for the sake of the              scholars opined that Malaysian journalists
Malaysian people by advocating for the                     are “bound by ethics, rules, laws and
casualties and mentioning possible solutions               regulations” (Norsiah et al., 2015, p. 638)
for conflict. On the other hand, China                     that are claimed to protect national security.
Daily focused on the Chinese perspectives                  However, Turow (2014) defined this as
by emphasizing the stories of the Chinese                  circumstances that allow governments to
casualties and their families. The scholars                censorships which limit the way of news
further mentioned that both newspapers                     reporting and writing.
supported their own country’s policy by                          In a study on the challenges faced by
framing the incident from the perspective                  Malaysian journalists, Ismail et al. (2017)
of their own country. However, the study                   stated that journalism in the country is facing
did not include interviews with media                      major external and internal challenges that
practitioners about the way journalists frame              could downplay their role as journalists.
a crisis. Therefore, this study aims to fill the           This includes the challenges of “lawsuit,
gap by conducting an in-depth interview                    information availability, issues availability,
with journalists of the selected news media.               seeking the truth, weak enforcement and low
This is to further explore the coverage of                 impact”. Additionally, they are also facing
the MH370 crisis as well as the level of                   another eight newsroom challenges. This
information access during the crisis.                      implies that Malaysian journalists may have
                                                           an interest in investigative journalism, but
Journalism and Crisis Reporting in                         state control and ownership restriction have
Malaysia                                                   undermined this interest, putting journalistic
Journalists have the responsibility to act                 expression into silence.
as checks and balances to ensure that                            Undeniably, the information system
there is transparency and accountability                   in the country is tied to the wider context
on the government’s part. This role is                     which includes state practice. Many
significant during times of crisis where                   communication scholars have pointed out

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Framing OF MH370 Crisis

that, under different contexts of power, the              struggled over access to information that
general public does not always get access                 they deem relevant or significant. To counter
to information due to “corporatization”,                  these concerns, it is unavoidable to relate
“commercialization”, “commodification”                    them to the wider Malaysian context that
and “concentration”, where the news has                   could intervene in the framing process.
become a product that is sold for profit
(Wasko, 2014). Typical examples abound                    THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
in Malaysia where journalists risk being                  Framing
arrested, detained, and even jailed on what
                                                          Framing is an effective way to comprehend
the so-called powerful ruling class considers
                                                          and understand media roles during any event
seditious and libellous publications. The
                                                          or crisis. Mishra (2011, p. 24) stated that the
detention of Malaysiakini journalists
                                                          “mass media set the frames of references
(Rodan, 2002) and the suspension of the
                                                          that readers or viewers use to interpret
licenses of Sarawak Report and The Edge
                                                          and discuss public events”. It organizes
for their coverage on the controversial
                                                          ideas that provide meanings in telling the
government investment fund 1Malaysia
                                                          audience what the problem of the crisis is
Development (1MDB) (BBC News, 2016),
                                                          or in short, it tells the essence of the issue.
and the closing down of The Malaysian
                                                          This is explained in detail by Entman (2004)
Insider have been closely related to the
                                                          that framing involves problem definition,
unequal sharing of information in the
                                                          causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and
                                                          treatment recommendation which play a vital
     The MH370 incident has sparked more
                                                          role in organizing ideas as well as shaping
discussions on the roles of the Malaysian
                                                          the news story while providing meaning to
press and the degree of freedom it has
                                                          the news. Hence, the media frame can be
in the coverage of crises, conflicts, and
                                                          very powerful and plays a critical role in
other issues that are of public concern. It
                                                          shaping the public’s understanding of the
is equally important to ascertain whether
                                                          MH370 crisis. Audiences’ attitudinal and
the press provides enough information for
                                                          behavioral reactions are influenced by the
the people to react and respond whenever
                                                          way news is being portrayed and framed
a crisis occurs. As stated by Hall (1990),
                                                          (Temmerman, 2012).
access is not simple, it is an issue of how
those in power form structures that define
                                                          Frame Building. Past studies have
who regularly gets access and who should
                                                          suggested that frame building is influenced
not reinforce the legitimacy of their interest
                                                          by several factors. These include the impact
and power. He further argued that the
                                                          of organizational restraints, the professional
public generally does not have access to
                                                          values of journalists, or their expectations
public debate. This assertion is particularly
                                                          about audiences’ choice of news form and
important during the MH370 crisis as people
                                                          content. Akhavan-Majid and Ramaprasad

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Lim Shiang Shiang, Ihediwa Samuel Chibundu and Sharon Wilson

(2000) allude to the roles of external factors             media (frame setting). According to Coombs
such as the influence of ruling ideology in                and Holladay (2002), crisis events can be
building news frames. The recent findings                  framed in different ways. The media may
included the hierarchical influence mode                   report the incident as preventable (human-
of Shoemaker and Reese (2014). Basically,                  error accident), accidental (e.g. technical
the scholars stated the five major factors in              error), or unprecedented (e.g. natural
influencing news frames - the individual                   disaster). The portrayal of a crisis provides
level, routine level, the organization level,              cues to the way in which the public should
social institution level, and social system                perceive it and attribute crisis responsibility
level. On the other hand, Bruggemann                       to the organizations or parties involved
(2014) theorizes factors at the micro level                in the crisis. Coombs (2015) mentioned
– the influence of individual (journalistic                that the public attributes very little crisis
roles and working environment), meso                       responsibility to the victim cluster and low
level – the influence of organizational and                crisis responsibility to the accidental cluster.
professional (editorial policy and degree                  However, Schwarz (2012) pertinently
of freedom in writing news), and macro                     pointed out that the public attributes a
level – the influence of social institution and            very strong crisis responsibility to the
social system which may affect the news                    preventable cluster such as a crisis caused by
frames (state control and press freedom in                 human negligence. Therefore, frame setting
the country context).                                      would be investigated through interviewing
                                                           journalists on the process of news gathering
Frame Setting. Frame setting is a process                  and writing in order to understand the news
that describes how news frames affect the                  reporting of MH370.
audience. Entman (1993) mentioned that
media frames could have an impact upon                     METHODS
attitudes, opinions, or individual frames.                 This study employed a qualitative method,
News frames serve as schemata in telling                   using the in-depth interview as an instrument.
people how to interpret certain events/                    According to Scheufele (2006) and Schostak
issues. In times of crisis, frame setting is               (2006), the interview is a good method
crucial as it provides salience to the issue               to discover the hidden meaning of issues
and how the audience should react and                      related to the media. An interview could
respond to the crisis. Kim et al. (2012) that              extend the conversation between people
understanding the public is important to                   and it could provide in-depth information in
develop an effective crisis strategy.                      answering the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the issue.
     In the case of MH370, it is vital to                      In this study, eight journalists were
understand how the crisis is framed. The                   interviewed (Table 1). The selection of
publics’ perception of a crisis is influenced              journalists from both mainstream and
by how it was portrayed or framed in the                   alternative newspapers was based on

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Framing OF MH370 Crisis

Table 1
Profile of journalists

                           Gender                    Medium                   Years of experience as a Journalist
 Journalist A               Male                 Malaysiakini                                  8
 Journalist B               Male                 Malaysiakini                                 11
 Journalist C               Male                 The Star                                     13
 Journalist D               Male                 Harian Metro                                  5
 Journalist E              Female                Harian Metro                                 10
 Journalist F              Female                The Star                                      6
 Journalist G              Female                Malaysian Insider                             8
 Journalist H              Female                Malaysian Insider                            14

their circulation. The Star, Harian Metro,                 FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS:
Malaysiakini, and The Malaysian Insider                    JOURNALISTS’ PERCEPTIONS
were chosen as they have the highest                       In exploring journalists’ experience in
readership in 2014 when the crisis happened.               covering the MH370 crisis, the data were
     A pre-test of the interview questions                 categorized based on the three main factors
was carried out, followed by the amendment                 emphasized by Bruggemann (2014), which
                                                           are: factors on the individual level, factors
of the interview questions to ensure validity.
                                                           on the organizational and professional level,
The snowball sampling technique was used,
                                                           and factors on the state level.
where the authors interviewed the first
journalist, who then recommended other
                                                           Individual Level Factor
journalists to be interviewed. Before the
                                                           Personal Experiences and Knowledge.
interview, journalists were briefed and a
                                                           Describing the press conference during the
consent form was signed in order to ensure
                                                           first week of the incident, all the interviewees
that the interview process is accountable
                                                           are of the view that the situation was merely
and that the identity of the journalists is kept           chaotic and disorganized, with most of
confidential. The duration of the interview                the journalists uncertain about what to do.
ranged from 30 minutes to 1 hour and 30                    They also noted that the situation worsened
minutes. A recorder was used during the                    when media companies started sending
entire conversation. Later, the interview                  their journalists to the suspected crash site
data were transcribed into text. The thematic              in Vietnam, even when they were unsure of
analysis technique of Braun and Clarke                     the truth of the matter.
(2006) was used in analyzing the data with
                                                                 For the whole week, we didn’t
the aid of NVivo 12 Pro software for data
                                                                 know what is happening, we still
management, coding, sorting, and retrieval                       don’t know who established (was
of data.                                                         involved) and what is happening,

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Lim Shiang Shiang, Ihediwa Samuel Chibundu and Sharon Wilson

       there is no control over this incident,                      They (foreign media journalist) just
       first week is very very chaotic.                             focus on specialized reporting.
                                Journalist B                                               Journalist D

    One of the interviewees from                              Organizational and Professional Levels
mainstream newspapers mentioned that a                        factor
lack of knowledge in the coverage of the
                                                              Editorial Controls and Organization
aviation crisis posed double difficulties
                                                              Practice. The majority of the interviewees
and challenges. The use of specific terms
                                                              said that they have the freedom to write
in describing the height and altitude of the
                                                              MH370 news stories, including but not
plane makes it harder as local journalists
who write the story seem not to understand                    limited to the angles of the news stories.
the subject matter well.                                      However, they admitted that the final
                                                              decision to publish is in the hands of the
       You don’t know much about plane,                       editor.
       how it works, you don’t know where
       the way point (direction of the                              Our editor gave us full freedom,
       plane), you don’t know at what                               we just write whatever we could,
       altitude the plane fly, whether it                           because at the end of the day, they
       is 35000 feet, or going up. We                               decide what should be published.
       were lacking knowledge in that                               We don’t usually do stand-alone
       particular area.                                             story. What happens is, when my
                              Journalist D                          colleague’s story is similar to mine,
                                                                    we put them together, and that is
    The interviewee went further to state
                                                                    how we work. But at the end of the
that foreign media journalists have areas
                                                                    day, the editor decides how much
of specialties, adding that they also have
                                                                    of the stories go in. But they told us
access to the right sources such as Boeing
                                                                    to write everything, and just told
Company and the aviation industry, noting
                                                                    us to write what we want to tell so
that on the contrary, he does not think
                                                                    that we can take it from there. So, in
that there are Malaysian journalists who
specialize in aviation reporting.                                   terms of writing restriction, I didn’t
                                                                    feel anything.
       Maybe the foreign media have these                                                    Journalist F
       sources (the access to the Boeing
       company) to tell what is happening.                        In sharing their opinions regarding
       I think from what I understand; they                   rumors and speculations as well as the
       are aerospace journalist. I don’t                      sensationalization of the MH370 incident,
       think we have aerospace journalist                     some interviewees said it is beyond the
       in Malaysia. You know, here in                         control of the journalists who wrote the
       Malaysia, journalists do everything.                   stories.

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Framing OF MH370 Crisis

    First of all, you have to understand                  (Malaysian authorities) as their main source
    the process, reporter writes the                      of information particularly through the press
    story, then we submit the story,                      conference organized by the Malaysian
    sometimes someone might edit                          authorities. This is because the authorities
    the story and the headline comes                      were the ones who were directly involved
    from the sub-editor, so it’s not the                  in the investigation of the incident.
    journalist. So I (have to go through
    all the process). So you can blame                          We have a lot of press conferences,
    the media, but not the journalist                           so most of the information we
    who did not come out with the                               gathered are from the press
    headline. Sometimes the story you                           conferences or authorities.
    send might be changed, and it is                                     Quoted from Journalist E
    done by the editor.
                                                               However, it was not an easy task as
                             Journalist D
                                                          all of them mentioned that the level of
     Nevertheless, one of the interviewees                access to information was not sufficient.
said that sometimes there is a need to                    Some interviewees elaborated the situation
sensationalize the news story in order to                 in the press conferences, noting that
compete with other media. The journalist                  many questions such as the shipment of
also noted that due to the restrictions on                mangosteen fruit despite it was being
mainstream newspapers, critical viewpoints                off-season were thrown to the Malaysian
are censored and filtered by the editor before            authorities but most were not answered.
it gets published.                                        More often, replies were such that contains
    Of course, we need to sensationalize                  scanty information and leaves one in doubt
    as we need to sell. I mean surely                     as to what the facts are.
    some people (some journalists) will                         Basically, they didn’t respond well
    blush (embarrass) by saying that
                                                                to our questions, in the sense that,
    the government is useless, that all
                                                                basically all the answers we got are,
    wouldn’t go through, or when the
                                                                we are checking it, we are verifying
    government is criticized for being
                                                                it, we are investigating it, we will
    incompetent and etc., they (the
                                                                tell you when we get… and then they
    editor) will take that out.
                                                                showed us the passengers, and the
                            Journalist D
                                                                passengers’ family, that’s all. There
                                                                was basically no clear-cut answer
State-Level Factors
                                                                on what was happening in the first
Access to Source of Information. On
access information, all the interviewees
                                                                          Quoted from Journalist B
agreed that they refer to official sources

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Lim Shiang Shiang, Ihediwa Samuel Chibundu and Sharon Wilson

     Some interviewees alleged that                                getting confirmation was the most
authorities attempted to cover up, making                          difficult.
it difficult for them to gather information,                                  Quoted from Journalist F
leaving questions unanswered.
                                                                 T h ere were l o t s o f ru m o rs an d
       Malaysian government was trying                       speculations through social media, but
       to cover up. First is regarding the                   there was no valid and reliable information
       cargo, it is something unusual for                    to counter and curb them.
       you to send the mangosteens at
                                                                   There were a lot of reports but they
       that time as it was not a season
                                                                   were either the same or doesn’t
       for mangosteens, until now no one
                                                                   make sense or lacking in details. We
       could answer it. No one is willing
                                                                   know the plane is missing, but we
       (to answer), everyone tried to cover
                                                                   just don’t know what happened and
       up and we don’t know why they were
                                                                   everyone keeps speculating.
       covering up.
                                                                             Quoted from Journalist B
                 Quoted from Journalist E
                                                                  In response to the lack of access to
    One of the interviewees from a
                                                             information, most of the interviewees are
mainstream newspaper mentioned that
                                                             of the view that the Malaysian government
the biggest challenge was verifying and
                                                             was trying to cover up. Therefore, in the
confirming information.
                                                             quest to get enough information, many of
       I think the most difficult part is                    them resorted to unofficial sources. The
       getting confirmation because there                    situation led to more confusion and rumors.
       was only certain slot where the                       This was mentioned by both mainstream and
       press conference was held, let’s say                  alternative newspapers interviewees:
       9am in the morning. So if you miss
                                                                   Information is so scarce, a lot of
       the chance, which we will usually
                                                                   media went to unofficial sources,
       do, because there were so many
                                                                   that may or may not be reliable
       people, where are we going to get
                                                                   and some started having random
       the information? Nobody will talk
                                                                   conspiracy theories, and that
       to us because they were all afraid
                                                                   received some level of publicity
       of gate order, for many authorities
                                                                   and we have to deal with that also.
       and police officials couldn’t confirm
                                                                            Quoted from Journalist A
       things to us. We had to go through,
       say the press conference, or go
       through different people and a lot                          That’s why when you don’t have
       of time was wasted as they don’t                            much information, you will write
       answer or we cannot reach them so                           anything. That’s why the foreign

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Framing OF MH370 Crisis

   media like daily mail came out with                  on what to write and the slant to adopt in
   ridiculous stories.                                  writing the stories.
            Quoted from Journalist D
                                                              That’s why most of the local
     On the news slant, interviewees from                     journalists slowed down as we were
alternative newspapers stated that their                      given warning by the government.
critical position on issues regarding the                     There were restrictions as we were
MH370 is informed by the fact that they                       stopped by Hishammuddin (Acting
have more freedom to report the news.                         Transport Minister at the time) as
This freedom according to them stems from                     he asked ‘are you going to tarnish
the fact that quite unlike the mainstream                     country’s reputation?’ Don’t ask
newspapers, alternative online newspapers                     that kind of question, stop! so we
in Malaysia do not require to apply for a                     cannot basically couldn’t write
permit from Malaysia’s Ministry of Home                       much.
Affairs to start an online news portal.                                 Quoted from Journalist C

   Sometimes the government doesn’t                          Although journalists from the alternative
   feel right to review certain things                  newspapers provided a more critical news
   because they were afraid of the                      report, yet it does not mean that they had no
   backlash. Sometime when you are                      limitations. Their restrictions came in the
   lucky, you will get insight stories,                 form of regulations as well as the country’s
   but those with the mainstream are                    practice. They were labeled antagonists or
   not able to write certain things,                    the hot style media that could threaten the
   it will make the government look                     powerful ruling, and are usually barred
   bad, so when it comes to freedom                     from entering the Prime Minister’s Office
   of speech, in terms of writing, they                 and UMNO headquarter. On reasons for
   are not free. News portal like kini                  the barring of journalists from alternative
   (Malaysiakini), Malaysian Insight,                   newspapers from entering the Prime
   we cannot say that we are totally                    Minister’s office, one of the interviewees
   free, but we were able to put it out                 stated that the Malaysian authorities are not
   as it is, without having to bow to                   usually comfortable with probing questions
   anyone. We (alternative media) are                   from this group of journalists.
   not answerable to government, but
   the mainstream newspapers like                       DISCUSSIONS
   NST, The Star or The Sun, to certain                 The news frame in the coverage of the
   extent, they have to.                                MH370 crisis was greatly influenced by
             Quoted from Journalist H                   both internal and external factors, including
   On the contrary, interviewees from the               the influence of individuals, the influence of
mainstream newspapers were restricted                   media organisations, and state practice. As

                         Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. 29 (2): 1193 - 1211 (2021)                  1203
Lim Shiang Shiang, Ihediwa Samuel Chibundu and Sharon Wilson

remarked by most of the interviewees, lack                 well as at institutional levels. They further
of experience and knowledge in covering the                stated that ownership often influences
aviation crisis posed double challenges in                 the gatekeeping process of newspapers in
the coverage of the MH370 crisis. This lack                their reporting of interethnic conflicts. The
of training and specialization in aviation                 gatekeeping process of newspapers has
reporting and experience are the individual                often been closely connected to political
factors that led to uncritical analysis and                factors, which has had negative impacts
lack of in-depth reporting on the MH370                    on practicing the freedom of news writing
crisis. This is cited in Rao (2018) that one of            and reporting. Also, it was found out in
the factors that lead to the decline of media              the study that though some journalists in
credibility is the lack of investigative and               the country believed that the emergence
meaningful journalism.                                     of new media has offered some hope to
     Even though most of the journalists                   re-balance the power between the powerful
stated that they have the freedom to decide                ruling and journalists, however, the Internet
the news angle, however, they admitted                     is increasingly subjected to government
that the final output is usually decided by                control. This is evident in this study that
the editor or editor-in-chief. This finding is             alternative media such as Malaysiakini and
in line with Hanggli (2012) who mentioned                  Malaysian Insider have often been clamped
that the power of an organization is defined               down by the government. The journalists
as having influence in the background                      from both news media have pointed out
or/and in the foreground. Thus, media                      that they are often suppressed and have
frames are often interrupted by the frame                  been labeled as “anti-government”. This
builder which includes the news editor. It                 undermined what they can achieve in their
also corroborates Rita (2012) who further                  watchdog role. A typical example was when
mentioned that “management has a legal                     they were not allowed to attend the UMNO
responsibility to serve the economic interest              headquarters’ meeting or interview the
of owners”, therefore as a part of the media               Prime Minister.
company, journalists tend to self-censor                        Hence, this study observed that the
as there are always unspoken rules which                   political climate in Malaysia often serves
indirectly control or influence the way a                  as a stumbling block to the development
story is framed and covered. Under pressure,               of a free press in the country. Jan et al.
journalists may attempt to frame a story in                (2017) pointed out that journalists are
a way that is more favorable or beneficial                 increasingly dependent on official sources
to their organization, company, or superior.               in news writing due to the increasing
     Additionally, this is also mentioned                  deadline pressures. This study found that
in Yang and Md. Sidin (2015) study that                    both mainstream and alternative newspaper
gatekeeping processes could happen at the                  journalists usually refer to official sources or
individual, routine and organizational as                  official press conferences for information.

1204                          Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. 29 (2): 1193 - 1211 (2021)
Framing OF MH370 Crisis

Powerful institutional actors such as the                 recently to curb the dissemination of fake
government and authorities featured more                  news (The Straits Times, 2018).
in the MH370 stories compared to other                         Furthermore, the Malaysian law
actors such as professionals or experts. This             which is seen as a top-down instrument
is in-line with the numerous researchers                  by giving enormous power to the state to
who have pointed out that news source is                  dominate and control the crisis situation
related to the power issue as sources lead                (Balasubramaniam, 2012) has impacts on
the dance in the selected phrase. This is also            practicing democracy and human rights
proven in Hänggli and Kriesi (2010) study                 for accessing information during a crisis.
that political actors significantly influence             For instance, the authority may invoke the
media frames by taking the lead in frame                  presumption to legitimize their interest and
building. Bruggemann (2014) pertinently                   power by asserting the ideas that people
pointed out that journalists practice frame               should obey the law to avoid the danger of
sending by reproducing the powerful                       chaos, in order to delegitimize the counter-
ruling agenda due to the power controls                   hegemonic. The government has a history
and restrictions imposed on the journalist.               of classifying any document or information
In other words, adopting similar sources                  as top secret, confidential or restricted and
in reporting the MH370 crisis implies that                an offense under the Official Secret Act
the news is written from a similar angle or               1972 (OSA) of exposing them is punishable
perspective which could be biased as no                   by law (Faisal, 2015). One such example
equal news spaces were given to various                   is the case of politician Rafizi Ramli who
sites. On the other hand, the powerful                    according to The Sun Daily (2016) was
ruling has the greatest power to decide the               charged under the OSA for allegedly
content of news which is often beyond the                 releasing classified information on the
journalist’s control.                                     1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)
     In addition, all the interviewees claimed            scandal which was a global web of fraud and
that the main official sources have neither               corruption that involved the former prime
provided enough nor confirmed information                 minister Najib Razak (BBC News, 2020).
to the journalists. The delayed, unconfirmed                   This study is never just about the
and unverified information resulted in lots               Malaysian media, but also media issue
of confusion. Consequently, a lot of rumors               which is often raised at the global level. This
and speculations were spread through social               is highlighted in Lee and Baek (2018) and
media. Citizens, as well as journalists,                  Zelizer (2015) studies that journalists often
developed conspiracy theories in analyzing                neutralize and legitimize the rights of the
the cause of the MH370 incident. This                     powerful elites. Obviously, journalists are
was shown in The Star’s (2014) headline                   trapped in power relations and this leads to
“Missing MAS flight: Don’t share unverified               a similar pattern of reporting. This study,
info”. Besides, anti-fake news was launched               therefore, argues that Malaysian media

                           Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. 29 (2): 1193 - 1211 (2021)                  1205
Lim Shiang Shiang, Ihediwa Samuel Chibundu and Sharon Wilson

appears to have failed to play its role as a               (Junaidi et al., 2014; Kalthom et al., 2014;
repository of information and surveillance to              Lee & Han, 2014; Peiter, 2014) or content
the society during the MH370 crisis simply                 analyses of MH370 related news (Bier et
because the centralization of power has                    al., 2017; Park et al., 2016). However, how
stifled the mainstream media and blocked                   journalists perceive the coverage of the crisis
the fourth estate from serving as effective                is rarely highlighted. In a nutshell, this study
checks-and-balances on the powers that be.                 could help in understanding information
     In summary, the main challenge in the                 subsidies during an international crisis and
case of the MH370 crisis is the lack of access             how it relates to the wider context of power.
to information and the inconsistencies that                     In addition, the MH370 crisis seemed to
characterize the available information.                    have portrayed the country as one that lacks
     The study of the MH370 disappearance                  a crisis communication plan. The findings of
is not without limitations. The interview                  this study show that there is no consistency
focused only on the perspective of                         in the information disseminated to the
journalists. The victims’ families & friends’              journalists. The interviews with journalists
perspectives towards access to information                 reveal that they face challenges in accessing
during the crisis may as well be explored                  information due to a lack of press freedom.
by future studies. Nevertheless, this study                Therefore, this research can act as a catalyst
furthers a scholarly understanding of how                  for the government of Malaysia to not only
Malaysian journalists frame and report crisis              improve its crisis communication plan but
and more significantly is that crisis frame is             also to give journalists more freedom in
not solely dependent on the journalist who                 doing their job.
writes the stories, but it is always influenced                 Furthermore, this study emphasizes the
by several internal and external factors.                  importance of having good coordination and
     It should be noted that the turbulent                 communication during a crisis, particularly
political environment, which includes                      in handling press conferences and dealing
the resignation of former Prime Minister                   with journalists. The findings of this
Mahathir Mohamad, the current practices                    study echoed the recommendations of the
governed by Prime Minister Muhyiddin                       Malaysian ICAO and Nabil et al. (2019) of
Yassin as well as multiple political                       providing an effective Emergency Response
instabilities, does not open up the prospect               Plan to tackle potential aviation crises.
of further freedom of expression and                       Improving the cooperation between several
freedom of the press in the country.                       key parties is necessary in order to prevent
                                                           the sharing and reporting of conflicting
CONCLUSION                                                 information. The parties include the Aircraft
This study contributes new knowledge as                    Communications Addressing and Reporting
most MH370 studies either focused on crisis                Systems (ACARS), International Civil
communication and crisis management                        Aviation Organization (ICAO), Malaysia

1206                          Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. 29 (2): 1193 - 1211 (2021)
Framing OF MH370 Crisis

Airlines Berhad (MAS), Royal Malaysian                          influences on the American press coverage of
Air Force (RMAF), and the Malaysian                             the Fourth UN Conference on women and the
                                                                NGO Forum. Gazette, 62(1), 45-59. https://doi.
government. The information delivered
to external parties and the public must be
verified carefully before it is published or              Balasubramaniam, R. R. (2012). Hobbism and the
                                                              problem of authoritarian rule in Malaysia. Hague
distributed to external parties or journalists.
                                                              Journal on the Rule of Law, 4(2), 211-234.
In addition, more detailed evaluation and
risk management exercises which include                   BBC News. (2014, March 16). Missing Malaysia
                                                             plane: Malaysia requests countries’ help. https://
crisis communication to familiarize those
involved with the Emergency Response Plan
when it comes to tackling an unexpected                   BBC News. (2016, September 28). MH17 Ukraine
                                                             plane crash: What we know.
crisis are encouraged. Peiter (2014) pointed
out that a contingency plan was only
introduced in August 2014, four months                    BBC News. (2020, October 22). Goldman Sachs to
                                                             pay $3bn over 1MDB corruption scandal. https://
after the MH370 tragedy occurred. In short,
it is vital to have an effective ERP as many
aviation crises are characterized by “the                 Beh, Y. H. (2018, August 4). Continue search
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suddenness and fatal consequences of the
triggering event” that require an airline’s
immediate reaction and a high degree of                       unanswered-say-kin-of-chinese-victims/
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                                                          Bier, L. M., Park, S., & Palenchar, M. J. (2017).
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as in ensuring an effective process of the                     org/10.1177/1748048517707440
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research equally in terms of data collection,             Bruggemann, M. (2014). Between frame setting and
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                                                              news frames. Communication Theory, 24(1),
manuscript. All authors have no conflict of                   61-82.
                                                          Coombs, W. T. (2015). Ongoing crisis communication:
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