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 10 Reasons Why Health                                   A Conversation with Matthew J. Meyer,
   Care Start-Ups Fail                                    Chief Client Corporate Development
By Paul Grand and Kathryn Zavala,                               Officer at Wilson Sonsini
MedTech Innovator

In our roles at MedTech Innovator, a                 Attorneys Vern Norviel and Charles            impressed by its
global accelerator for medtech start-ups,            Andres recently sat down with Wilson          capabilities to
we’ve worked with thousands of early-                Sonsini Chief Client Corporate                efficiently support
stage health care companies in cities                Development Officer Matthew J. Meyer          the needs of small
around the world. We’re proud to play a              to discuss his role at the firm. With         companies with
role in helping new companies get their              broad experience in a variety of senior       top-tier legal
innovative technologies to the patients              management positions within the life          counsel. The
who need them.                                       sciences sector, Matt has a successful        company, VC-
                                                     track record of leading companies. He         backed RxCentric,
But we’ve seen a lot of failed efforts, too.         supports the firm’s clients by providing      was sold to Allscripts and was based in
                                                     insights and practical strategic business     New York. While the firm didn’t have
                                                     advice, developing and implementing           an office in the city at the time, the
                         Continued on page 3...      partnering or other transactional             attorneys bridged the geographic gap
                                                     strategies to accelerate growth,              seamlessly and provided creative and
                                                     counseling clients on optimizing their        business-minded legal advice.
          In This Issue                              business models, and supporting their
                                                                                                   When senior members of Wilson
                                                     fundraising efforts.
                                                                                                   Sonsini’s corporate and IP life sciences
  A Conversation with                                A licensed attorney, Matt spent the first     practice pitched me on the idea of
  Matthew J. Meyer............. Pages 1-2            half-decade of his career as a corporate      joining the firm and building out a
  10 Reasons Why Health Care                         transactional lawyer with Pfizer in           business advisory practice, such a
  Start-Ups Fail................ Pages 1, 3-4        New York before transitioning into            creative idea didn’t surprise me. It was
  Clients on the Front Lines of the                  business and general counsel positions        the firm being true to one of its values:
  COVID-19 Pandemic....... Pages 5-6                 with public and private companies in          supporting innovation. I saw the posting
                                                     Europe and the U.S. He has served on          as an opportunity to work with top-
  FDA Issues MAPP on
                                                     the management teams of four start-           tier, creative, and business-minded
  Conversion of ANDA Approval
  to Tentative Approval..... Pages 7-8               ups in the biotech, diagnostics, and          attorneys to build out a novel, highly
                                                     digital health sectors, and helped these      differentiated, yet complementary facet
  Life Sciences Venture
                                                     companies raise private and public            of the firm to assist its life sciences
  Financings for Wilson Sonsini
                                                     capital, develop and execute successful       clients in need of more dedicated
  Clients.............................. Pages 9-10
                                                     partnerships, and exit through IPOs or        business support.
  An Interview with Ryan Phelan:                     acquisitions. Matt joined the firm in June
  Using Biotechnology to Revive                                                                    Could you describe the business
                                                     2019 and is based in the San Francisco
  Endangered Species and Restore                                                                   advisory practice and its benefit to
  Damaged Ecosystems... Pages 11-14                  office.
  Life Sciences Innovation Culture                   Why did you join Wilson Sonsini?
  and Deconstruction..... Pages 15-16                                                              In a nutshell, the practice is designed
  Select Life Sciences Client                        Matt: Wilson Sonsini was outside              to provide practical business counsel
  Highlights...................... Pages 17-20       counsel to my first start-up in the digital   based on real-world perspectives and
                                                     health sector in the early 2000s. From        experience to enable clients to be
                                                     my first interactions with the firm, I was    successful with their business objectives.

                                                                                                                     Continued on page 2...

A Conversation with Matthew J. Meyer . . . (Continued from page 1)
Whether it’s helping develop a winning         ensure a higher likelihood of success         result, many life sciences sectors remain
pitch for a venture capital fundraising        when interfacing with and ultimately          relatively healthy, especially more
or reviewing a company’s platform              hoping to transact with the bigger ones.      established companies that are either
technology to assess where it may be                                                         public or planning to go public. In fact,
best out-licensed, our group attempts to       Can you share some examples of how            IPO activity in the life sciences industry
provide specific insights and guidance.        you’ve been able to help companies            has been relatively healthy since March.
Because this counsel is typically              with their business needs?                    With that said, many venture investors
delivered alongside my legal colleagues,                                                     are taking a more cautious approach.
                                               One of the nice aspects of my practice
there is a natural synergy that can
                                               is that I work with a diversity of highly     What general advice would you give
streamline transactions. For example, if I
                                               talented scientists and business people       to companies seeking funding in this
am helping a company with the business
                                               across a broad range of companies, each       unusual economic environment?
aspects of its fundraising, it’s easy for me
                                               of which has different needs.
to interface with the corporate legal folks
                                                                                             First, remember that most fundraising
who may be handing the IP diligence            On the commercial strategy side, for          processes are challenging and it is the
or negotiating the definitive investment
                                               example, I developed a go-to-market           exception and not the rule for companies
                                               plan for a private company in the             to get funded quickly and at their desired
What is the geographic scope of the            transfusion medicine sector with a novel      valuations, even in a strong market.
practice?                                      business model to address the increasing      Second, be thoughtful about your ask
                                               shortages of blood components now             and consider raising only what you
Consistent with the broad reach of the         facing the U.S. As a result, the client       absolutely need to get to the next critical
firm, it’s national and in some instances      was able to establish a compelling value      milestone for your business. Investors
international, as we are working with          proposition to the hospital system, one       should appreciate this, and you may
companies in the UK, Germany, and              that ultimately attracted some of the         not have the luxury of raising as much
Asia.                                          major academic medical centers across         as you originally desired. Finally, now
                                               the country. This led to the signing of its   more than ever, your pitch and value
How does your background set you up            first commercial contract.                    proposition should be crystal clear.
for success in your exciting new role?                                                       Specifically, be sure you set out in the
                                               On the therapeutics front, I worked           first minutes of your pitch why your
As mentioned, I have had a varied and          with a group of founders to develop           product or technology will address a
unusual career to date, in which I’ve          and execute a strategy to out-license         critical unmet need, how it’s different
worked for a wide range of companies in        an oncology treatment platform from           from the rest, and how it will make
the U.S. and Europe. My goal is to bring       a major academic medical center. Part         money for the investor.
my learnings to the business advisory          of the effort involved developing a
practice. I started as a corporate attorney    compelling business plan to convince          How do you see your position
with one of the largest corporations           the institution that the company would        evolving?
in the world, Pfizer, where I gained           have the capabilities to succeed, as well
valuable insights into how a big               as managing the licensing process and         If we are successful, this practice will
company operates and “thinks,” while           structuring the company’s operating           help our clients be successful with
also gaining a good understanding of           plan. In this role, I worked closely          business challenges. I’m pleased to report
how the pharmaceutical industry works.                                                       that in the short time since my practice
                                               with my corporate, IP, and licensing
Thereafter, my tenure on management                                                          started here, we are seeing examples
                                               colleagues, all of whom were critical to
teams at both very small, more emerging                                                      of that, some of which I’ve mentioned.
                                               the company’s success.
growth private companies and public                                                          If this continues, I expect the practice
companies taught me a lot about how            How has funding changed in the                to grow steadily with the addition of
these companies grow, establish, and           current COVID landscape?                      other business professionals to support
evolve their cultures and tackle the                                                         the growth in client demand. These
myriad challenges—both expected and            The pandemic is further highlighting          additions will likely be based in strategic
unexpected—that come their way on              the critical role that therapies, vaccines,   life sciences hubs across the country,
a nearly daily basis. As importantly, I        and diagnostics play in our society.          including the Northeast, to complement
gained a lot of insight around how big         Ultimately, I believe a combination of        my home base in San Francisco.
companies like Pfizer view their smaller       these are what will allow our global
industry peers, and learned how and            society to more fully emerge from this        Matt Meyer may be reached at
what small companies should do to              unprecedented healthcare crisis. As a         (415) 947-2097 or

10 Reasons Why Health Care Start-Ups Fail (Continued from page 1)
Grounded in science and regulated by the     focusing just on what is needed for the       Staying in Stealth Too Long
government, health care is a challenging     next milestone. This is a common and
sector. In the life of any start-up, there   costly error that can significantly delay     To be successful, a company needs to be
are plenty of opportunities for missteps.    time to success.                              talking to investors, customers, health
And pivoting isn’t as easy as it is for                                                    care providers, patients, and potential
companies developing tech solutions,         Far too many start-ups succeed in             acquirers early and often. Stakeholder
like a photo-sharing app. Mistakes in a      achieving a regulatory milestone              input is needed early to avoid mistakes
health care start-up can be fatal.           but then run out of funding before            that can kill a company down the road.
                                             generating sufficient evidence to
But that doesn’t mean your company has                                                     Staying off the radar also carries exit
                                             convince customers to buy their
to make one.                                                                               risks. Acquisitions tend to happen in
                                             products. To avoid this, start
                                                                                           groups, because larger companies are
                                             conversations early with all relevant
Knowing the most frequent mistakes is                                                      competitive. If a rival buys a certain
                                             stakeholders about what data they will
the first step to avoiding them. With that                                                 technology, a large player, such as a
                                             require. Also consider the Food and
in mind, here are 10 of the most common                                                    public company, might want to acquire
                                             Drug Administration’s innovative Payor
problems we’ve seen that can cause a                                                       something similar—and soon. They track
                                             Communication Task Force, which
health care start-up to fail and some tips                                                 and build relationships with companies
                                             involves public and private payers such
to solve them.                                                                             in their landscapes of interest, and when
                                             as Medicare and Medicaid, private health
                                                                                           there is urgency, they move quickly. A
Failure to Properly Articulate Your          plans, health technology assessment
                                                                                           company that is in stealth mode too
Value Proposition                            groups, and others in the pre-submission
                                                                                           long could easily miss the window of
                                             process as well as parallel review with
The value proposition is the new elevator    the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
pitch. Too many companies in health          Services to potentially shorten the time      As soon as your intellectual property
care describe themselves as “better,         between FDA approval or clearance and         is protected, start talking to the
faster, cheaper” than what’s already on      coverage decisions.                           relevant stakeholders. Delaying these
the market, and their pitch ends there.                                                    conversations is the one mistake that can
                                             It’s never too early to have these            lead to many of the other mistakes on
But that isn’t enough. How is your           conversations.                                this list.
solution better? How much faster? How
much cheaper than the standard of care?      Choosing the Wrong CEO                        Thinking the Direct-to-Consumer
You must be prepared to communicate                                                        Model Will Make Life Easier
                                             The CEO is the face of a company, so
your unique value proposition from
                                             it’s critically important to have the right   Many health care start-ups develop a
all angles, and you need to understand
                                             person in this role. Investors know that      strategy that will let them sell straight to
the health care economics for each
                                             start-ups need the right CEO at the           consumers so they can skip regulatory
stakeholder. Take the time early on to
                                             right time. It’s OK to have a somewhat        approval, which can be time consuming,
define the standard of care for each of
                                             inexperienced founder as a CEO, as long       labor intensive, and expensive. Angel
your possible stakeholders and then
                                             as she or he has the general qualities that   investors with small pockets tend to
quantitatively explain how your product
                                             investors respect.                            favor this strategy. The problem is
improves upon it.
                                                                                           that this relies on the often-flawed
Not Having an End-to-End Evidence            Common ways to tell if you need
                                                                                           assumption that consumers are willing
Generation Strategy                          to replace the CEO—even with an
                                                                                           to pay out of pocket for health-related
                                             acting CEO—include overconfidence,
                                                                                           products and services.
Health care companies are required           dismissiveness, arrogance, and a lack of
to amass specific evidence and data to       transparency about important details.         Beyond the super-early adopters, though,
achieve key milestones such as raising       If your CEO checks any of those boxes,        consumers want their health plans to
capital, obtaining regulatory clearance      now is the time to make that change,          pay. As a result, consumer health start-
or approval, and obtaining insurance         because investors back people, not            ups often wind up pivoting to pursue a
reimbursement or payment. A common           technology. You might also consider if        regulated device strategy, but many run
mistake is thinking about evidence           it’s possible that your current CEO would     out of cash before they get there. Do your
generation in a linear manner and            be more effective in a different position.    homework on this one, and come to an

                                                                                                                Continued on page 4...

10 Reasons Why Health Care Start-Ups Fail (Continued from page 3)
informed decision on whether your start-    Misunderstanding the Payment and              allocate the right amount of effort and be
up will do better as a regulated product.   Reimbursement Dynamic                         choosy about your pilot partners.

Choosing the Wrong Initial Indication       It’s important to know who will be            Staying in Your Echo Chamber
                                            paying for the product and to know how
We regularly see start-ups whose            much of the reimbursement will go to          A start-up’s goal should be to create a
technology has multiple potential           it. Misunderstanding the complicated          new advancement that will help people
indications. They typically choose the      economics of payment is a deadly and          all over the world, not just those in the
initial indication based on the one         easy one to make.                             company’s inner circle. That’s why input
the company founder knows the most                                                        from leaders and stakeholders who
about—a founder who is a liver cancer       All too often, we hear people pitch us        are outside the ecosystem is essential.
surgeon, for example, choosing liver        a product and assume they will be able        Relying entirely on local key opinion
cancer over breast cancer. But this isn’t   to get the full amount of the payment         leaders and the immediate networks of
always the right call, and the evidence     for the relevant reimbursement code(s).       the company’s founders risks making
generated in the wrong initial indication   But it’s usually more likely that one-        wrong assumptions about the need and
can drain resources before you have time    third of the reimbursement will go to         potential uses for the technology.
to pivot.                                   the product. Pricing a product without
                                                                                          Local support systems also tend to
                                            doing the necessary homework on the
To find the best indication, do a value                                                   give plenty of applause and pats on the
                                            cost of goods and the reimbursement and
proposition analysis on all possible                                                      back, but avoid giving start-ups honest
                                            payment dynamic can doom a company
indications and choose the one that’s                                                     feedback for fear. Get on the road, get out
                                            to failure. There are no shortcuts when it
the most compelling in terms of market                                                    of the echo chamber, and solicit honest
                                            comes to understanding the economics
size, competitive landscape, and patient                                                  input from as broad an ecosystem as
                                            of providers, payers, and other
adoption. These should inform the                                                         possible.
decision on which indication to initially
pursue.                                                                                   Developing medical advancements is
                                            Putting Too Much Money and Effort
                                                                                          a time- and labor-intensive process.
                                            into Pilot Programs
Product Doesn’t Fit into Existing                                                         Making the wrong call can mean long
Workflows                                   Pilot programs are important for              delays and escalating costs. But just
                                            early-stage companies, but there’s no         because many companies make mistakes
Can you disrupt an industry without                                                       doesn’t mean yours has to.
                                            guarantee that any given pilot will
disrupting people who have important
                                            turn into a commercially profitable
work to do? This is a vital question.                                                     There are no shortcuts, and there’s
                                            relationship. It is woefully common to
You may think your technology will be                                                     no substitute for buckling down and
                                            underestimate the amount of effort it will
adopted because of the potential for                                                      learning as much as you can about
                                            take to achieve a successful pilot. For a
improved patient outcomes or lowering                                                     your market, your competition, and the
                                            start-up with a handful of employees,
overall costs, but if it adds steps or                                                    needs of your customers and potential
                                            even a single pilot can take up the
changes a procedure, you’re interrupting                                                  acquirers.
                                            attention of the entire team.
people—and they don’t like that.
                                                                                          Paul Grand is the founder and CEO
                                            That’s why it is important for companies
New technology should fit as seamlessly                                                   of MedTech Innovator (https://
                                            to put the right amount of resources into
as possible into existing workflows, not                                        , a nonprofit global
                                            these programs, but not go overboard
delay or interrupt them.                                                                  competition and accelerator for medical
                                            on them. A key way to know how much           device, digital health, and diagnostic
That’s why it is essential to learn every   time, effort, and money to expend is to       companies. Kathryn Zavala is the
step and every aspect of a customer’s       discuss the terms of a post-pilot contract    company’s vice president for operations and
workflow and every person who will be       with a potential customer. To help a pilot    business development. Together they have
affected by it. A surgeon might love your   generate traction and revenue, ask the        evaluated more than 12,000 start-ups.
technology, but if it adds too much work    testers what key performance indicators       Contact Paul at paul@medtechinnovator.
for nurses or technicians, an adoption      they will use when evaluating whether to      org and Kathryn at kathryn@
hurdle looms. Conduct discovery,            convert a pilot to a contract. Also ask for
focus groups, and user testing with         statistics on how many of the customer’s
everyone in the workflow and in as many     past pilots resulted in contracts. Getting    This article originally appeared in
environments as possible.                   answers to these questions will help you      STAT News.


                     Wilson Sonsini Clients on the Front Lines
                           of the COVID-19 Pandemic
We at Wilson Sonsini have never               raised $15 million in a Series           • ChromaCode, Inc., a company
been more proud of our work with              C financing round to support               redefining molecular testing
innovative life sciences companies,           ongoing clinical trials in patients        through data science, announced
many of which are currently working           with COVID-19 pneumonia and                a $10 million Series C extension
to address challenges associated with         commercial manufacturing of                with an investment from Adjuvant
COVID-19. There are examples from             Auxora, the company’s lead drug            Capital, which brings the company’s
numerous sectors—including biotech,           candidate. The firm represented            total Series C funding to $38
digital health, medical devices, and          CalciMedica in the transaction.            million. Funding from the round
pharmaceuticals—from companies                                                           will support global expansion
developing and testing treatments and         In addition, the firm helped               and continued development of
prospective vaccines to those involved        CalciMedica earn FDA approval to           ChromaCode’s high-definition PCR
in manufacturing personal protective          continue to study the use of Auxora        platform (HDPCR™), through which
equipment, medical supplies, or other         in patients with severe COVID-19           the company recently launched a
key components needed to care for those       pneumonia who are at risk for              high-throughput SARS-CoV-2 Assay.
experiencing illness.                         progression of acute respiratory           The firm represented ChromaCode
                                              distress syndrome. Our team was            in the transaction.
Below is a sampling of recent COVID-19-       also instrumental in obtaining FDA
related client activity in which our firm     approval of the Investigational New      • CorVent Medical, a Coridea
has been involved:                            Drug application.                          portfolio company, announced
                                                                                         the closing of a $4.5 million seed
  • Atossa Therapeutics announced           • A group of companies has joined            financing round to support the
    two programs to develop therapies         forces in the war on COVID-19              commercialization of the first
    for the treatment of COVID-19:            to form The Canadian COVID                 single-use, critical care ventilator
    one called the COVID-19 HOPE              Coalition. The Coalition has               that will enable rapid and affordable
    Program, which uses a novel               volunteered its time and resources         deployment with superior infection
    combination of drugs for severely         to identify the nanobodies—special         control. The funds will be used to
    ill patients to improve lung              antibodies found only in llamas and        finalize regulatory filings under the
    function and reduce the amount            sharks—that are activated in the           FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization
    of time that COVID-19 patients            immune response against COVID-19.          Act, to upon approval launch the
    are on ventilators, and another for       With initial testing complete, the         CorVent™ Single-Use Ventilator,
    at-home treatment immediately             Coalition plans to publish its first       and to support future development
    following diagnosis of COVID-19           results shortly, with additional           of next-generation lifesaving devices
    to proactively reduce symptoms of         results to follow. The publications        for respiratory insufficiency. The
    COVID-19 and to slow the infection        will be provided publicly in a unique      firm represented CorVent Medical in
    rate, enabling that person’s immune       “open source biology” model to             the transaction.
    system to more effectively fight the      allow researchers from around the
    virus. The firm is patent counsel         world to quickly access the data for     • The firm is working on a number
    to Atossa and is working with the         research purposes. The Coalition           of matters for Curative, a company
    company on the IP strategy to cover       is committed to ensuring that              that was founded earlier this year to
    its COVID technologies.                   treatments or tests stemming from          develop tests for sepsis. In March,
                                              their research can reach financially       Curative pivoted to COVID-19 to
  • CalciMedica Inc., a clinical-stage        vulnerable populations. The firm is        address the urgent need for test
    biotechnology company targeting           advising the Coalition on IP strategy      development and production in
    calcium release-activated calcium         to ensure that the resulting products      the U.S. The company developed
    (CRAC) channels for the treatment         are accessible to all countries around     a simple oral fluid swab test
    of acute and severe inflammatory          the world.                                 that is self-administered by the
    diseases, announced that it has                                                      patient, eliminating the need for

                                                                                                         Continued on page 6...

Wilson Sonsini Clients on the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Continued from page 5)
   PPE or a healthcare worker. Their             drafting and negotiating commercial          getting it to healthcare providers
   testing capabilities allow them to            agreements with employers and                and consumers as soon as possible.
   receive swabs and return results in           other third parties to help those            The two companies hope to
   about 24 hours. The company has               parties provide access to the at-            begin seeking an Emergency Use
   processed 650,000 tests to date and           home tests for their employees using         Authorization from the FDA for the
   is averaging 25,000 tests per day.            Everlywell’s platform.                       test by the end of the year. The firm
   Curative is operating out of its CLIA-                                                     assisted Mammoth Biosciences in
   certified facilities in Los Angeles        • Gauss Surgical, a leading developer           the transaction.
   and Washington, D.C., to process its         of digital decision-support tools for
   FDA-authorized tests.                        the medical frontlines, partnered           • Octant, a synthetic biology drug
                                                with Evive, a leader in enterprise            discovery company designing small-
 • Everlywell, a digital health                 communications and benefits                   molecule, multi-target drug leads for
   company that offers access to                engagement, to launch Apollo, a               multifactorial diseases, announced
   at-home collection lab tests                 free Apple iOS and web app to help            that it has raised $30 million in a
   for cholesterol, diabetes, STIs,             increase the safety and efficiency            Series A financing led by Andreessen
   hormones, and more, received                 of drive-through COVID-19                     Horowitz. Octant is using the
   an Emergency Use Authorization               screening and testing for patients            proceeds to further develop its
   (EUA) from the FDA for a COVID-19            and health workers. The app will              discovery platform, which targets
   at-home collection kit. Everlywell’s         also facilitate Stanford Medicine’s           large numbers of G protein-coupled
   EUA is the first to be issued to a           Apollo COVID-19 Screening Survey.             receptors (GPCRs) and their
   digital health company such as               The firm represented Gauss in the             downstream signaling pathways
   Everlywell, which connects people            transaction.                                  to engineer drugs to treat complex
   and organizations with laboratory                                                          diseases. The company is responding
   testing and is not a laboratory            • Just weeks after Mammoth                      to the global call for collaboration
   or diagnostics manufacturer. It              Biosciences announced that                    by open sourcing part of its platform
   is also the only EUA for at-home             its proprietary CRISPR-based                  under the Open COVID Pledge for
   collection COVID-19 testing that             diagnostics test for COVID-19 had             use in the COVID-19 pandemic. The
   is not tied to one specific lab and          a high degree of specificity even for         firm represented Octant in corporate
   allows the company to work with              asymptomatic patients, Mammoth                and patent matters related to the
   a number of certified labs offering          struck a deal with GlaxoSmithKline            transaction and has served as an
   several authorized tests. The firm           Consumer Healthcare to accelerate             advisor to the company since its
   is representing Everlywell in                development of the test in hopes of           inception as a spinout from UCLA.

               Wilson Sonsini Supports UCSF Health Hub in Launch of Volunteer Patriots Program,
                                       Accelerating COVID-19 Solutions

  On April 1, 2020, UC San Francisco’s Health Hub, a nonprofit innovation hub and start-up studio supporting the next wave of
  digital health entrepreneurs, announced the launch of the UCSF Volunteer Patriots Program, a unique effort that will help
  UCSF build high-impact internal solutions to respond to COVID-19 by bringing together the best talent from Silicon Valley, the
  UCSF ecosystem, and the Health Hub community. Wilson Sonsini is serving as a legal resource to and sponsor of the program.

  The program was launched with three critical projects: building a staff scheduling solution for COVID-19 screening;
  developing multi-language COVID-19 education content for non-English speaking patients that can be distributed digitally;
  and creating a prioritization/triaging solution for rescheduling patients whose elective procedures have been deferred
  because of the outbreak. New projects identified by UCSF will be added periodically.

  The Wilson Sonsini team providing legal resources to the program includes partners Ali Alemozafar and James Huie, who
  both serve on the board of UCSF Health Hub. To learn more about the program, visit


          FDA Issues MAPP on Conversion of ANDA Approval
                       to Tentative Approval
By David Hoffmeister and Charles Andres       submitted a paragraph IV certification
                                              must provide timely notice of the
Introduction                                  paragraph IV certification to the new
                                                                                            An ANDA must be approved
                                              drug application (NDA) holder and each        before a generic drug can be
When a generic drug manufacturer              patent owner. The notice must include a
seeks approval for an abbreviated new         description of the legal and factual basis
                                                                                            marketed in the U.S. Tentative
drug application, or ANDA, the timing         for the paragraph IV certification that       approval is not the same as
of ANDA approval depends in part              the patent(s) are invalid, unenforceable,
on patent and regulatory exclusivity          or not infringed. If the NDA holder or
                                                                                            approval, and tentatively
protection for the reference listed drug,     patent owner, responsive to this notice,      approved ANDA drugs cannot
or RLD. Although patent and regulatory        timely initiates a patent infringement
exclusivities can run concurrently,           suit against the ANDA applicant, the U.S.
                                                                                            be marketed in the United
they are separate forms of intellectual       Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s)        States.
property.                                     approval of the ANDA will generally be
                                              stayed for 30 months. The 30-month stay
Both patents and regulatory exclusivities     runs from the later of the date of receipt
                                                                                            MAPP Outlines the FDA’s Multi-Office
have individual expiration dates,             of the notice by the NDA holder or patent
but they differ in that patents can be        owner or such longer or shorter time
challenged in a federal district court or     as a court might order. Importantly, by
                                                                                            The FDA recently posted MAPP 5220.2,
in the Patent Office, while regulatory        some estimates, the average length of an
                                                                                            which outlines the process that the
exclusivities, with some rarer exceptions     ANDA litigation runs about 38 months,
                                                                                            agency employs when deciding whether
(e.g., for orphan drugs), are not generally   which means the ANDA may be ready
                                                                                            to make a change in status for an
open to challenge or workaround               for approval—and the 30-month stay
                                                                                            approved ANDA—that is, in deciding
(Section viii carve-outs).                    may run—before the patent litigation is
                                                                                            whether to convert the ANDA approval
The Hatch-Waxman Act provides a                                                             to a tentative approval. The ANDA
framework for ANDA (generic drug)             Thus, the FDA may issue final ANDA            status is important. An ANDA must be
applicants to challenge timely Orange         approval at the conclusion of the             approved before a generic drug can be
Book-listed patents that contain              30-month stay if: the suit is still           marketed in the United States. Tentative
claims covering the approved drug,            pending, the ANDA does not contain            approval is not the same as approval, and
formulation, and methods of treatment         any paragraph III certifications, the         tentatively approved ANDA drugs cannot
employing these. Within the Hatch-            ANDA is not blocked by any unexpired          be marketed in the United States. The
Waxman framework, ANDA applicants             exclusivities, and all other requirements     FDA’s MAPPs outline, or “map,” internal
must provide a certification that each        (e.g., a showing of bioequivalence,           FDA policies and procedures.
Orange Book-listed patent has expired         which is sometimes misunderstood;
(a paragraph II certification); that the      see also here) are met. In some cases,        When the FDA has approved an ANDA
ANDA applicant will not come to market        however, after the ANDA is approved,          and a federal district court subsequently
until the patent(s) have expired (a           the NDA holder or patent owner may            issues an order that timely Orange
paragraph III certification); or that the     be successful in its patent infringement      Book-listed patent(s) are valid and
patent(s) are unenforceable, will not be      lawsuit. In these cases, a federal district   infringed, the FDA must determine
infringed, or are invalid (a paragraph IV     court may order that the patent(s) are        whether it is appropriate to convert
certification). Paragraph IV certifications   infringed and that ANDA approval is           the ANDA’s status from approved to
set the stage for challenging timely          not effective before the expiration of the    tentatively approved, as well as the
Orange Book-listed patents.                   infringed patent(s). Such a situation may     timing of the conversion. To help the
                                              necessitate that the FDA make a change        FDA make these determinations, ANDA
Once the FDA agrees to review the             in the approved status of the ANDA.           applicants are required to submit any
ANDA, an ANDA applicant who has                                                             and all documents related to the court’s

                                                                                                                Continued on page 8...

FDA Issues MAPP on Conversion of ANDA Approval to Tentative Approval (Continued from page 7)
determination within 14 days of the date      Policy Patent and Exclusivity Team (the   happens only after several layers of
of entry by the court, the date of appeal,    Team) receives information concerning     FDA review, and these take time. Thus,
or the expiration of the time for appeal. A   the patent infringement lawsuit. The      the change will not be instantaneous
list of required submissions can be found     Team then verifies that the patents-in-   upon issuance of the federal district
here.                                         suit are Orange Book-listed, and then     court order. Second, a well-crafted,
                                              assesses court order(s) and motion(s)     pending motion for a stay of the district
According to the MAPP, the FDA                for stay of the order(s) to determine     court judgment can halt or delay the
considers several factors when                whether conversion of ANDA status from    conversion process. As such, ANDA
determining whether it is appropriate         approved to tentatively approved may be   applicants, as well as NDA holders
                                              appropriate.                              and patent owners, should give an
                                                                                        appropriate level of thought to preparing
                                              The Team then notifies the Deputy         and responding to these motions.
A change of ANDA status                       Director of the Office of Generic         Finally, if the FDA converts an approved
                                              Drug Policy Division of Legal and         ANDA to tentatively approved status,
from approved to tentatively
                                              Regulatory Support (OGDP DLRS)            this tentative approval does not allow
approved happens only                         about the status of the lawsuit,          the generic drug to be marketed in the
                                              provides a recommendation, and,           United States. Thus, any ANDA that is
after several layers of FDA
                                              where appropriate, drafts “Conversion     converted to tentative approval status
review, and these take time.                  to ANDA Tentative Approval” letters.      must subsequently obtain an approval
                                              The OGDP DLRS Deputy Director (or         letter from the FDA before going to
Thus, the change will not be
                                              designee) then reviews the assessment     market. Accordingly, the MAPP process
instantaneous upon issuance                   and the “Conversion to ANDA Tentative     can be employed by branded drug
                                              Approval” letter. Afterward, the DLRS     manufacturers to delay market entry of
of the federal district court
                                              Director (or designee) performs a         a generic drug. And conversely, generic
order.                                        secondary review of the “Conversion to    drug applicants should take reasonable
                                              ANDA Tentative Approval” letter.          measures, where appropriate, to halt or
                                                                                        delay the process.
                                              At that point, the Office of Regulatory
to convert an ANDA with approved              Operations Division of Project
                                                                                                     David Hoffmeister
status to tentatively approved status. For    Management (ORO), among other
                                                                                                     (650) 354-4246
example, in addition to considering the       things, issues the “Conversion to ANDA
district court judgment that the patent(s)    Tentative Approval” letter, updates the
are valid and infringed, the FDA will         ANDA status to tentative approval,
consider any documents showing that           and notifies the Orange Book staff of
the district court judgment has been          the conversion. The ORO Immediate                      Charles Andres
stayed, or that there is a pending motion     office then provides final signature to                (202) 973-8875
for stay of the district court judgment.      the “Conversion to ANDA Tentative            
                                              Approval” letter.
The MAPP walks through the agency’s
decision-making process, which involves       Conclusion
multiple layers of review, starting at
the team level and proceeding to the          There are several takeaways from the
director level. At the start of the review    MAPP. First, a change of ANDA status
process, the Office of Generic Drug           from approved to tentatively approved


 Life Sciences Venture Financings for Wilson Sonsini Clients
By Scott Murano

The table below includes data from life sciences transactions in which Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati clients participated during
the first and second halves of 2019. Specifically, the table compares—by industry segment—the number of closings, the total amount
raised, and the average amount raised per closing across the two six-month periods.

                                              1H 2019       1H 2019        1H 2019          2H 2019        2H 2019         2H 2019
                                                            Total          Average                         Total          Average
 Life Sciences                               Number of    Amount           Amount          Number of     Amount           Amount
 Industry Segment                             Closings   Raised ($M)      Raised ($M)       Closings    Raised ($M)      Raised ($M)
 Biopharmaceuticals                             44         $1,203.07        $27.34            42           $770.62          $18.35
 Genomics                                        7          $59.88           $8.55             9            $81.96           $9.11
 Diagnostics                                    10          $140.53         $14.05            13           $183.98          $14.15
 Medical Devices & Equipment                    50          $591.04         $11.82            39           $308.92           $7.92
 Health IT                                      14          $160.59         $11.47            18           $180.02          $10.00
 Healthcare Services                            19          $197.92         $10.42            15           $465.01          $31.00
                                 Total          144        $2,353.03                          136         $1,990.50

The data demonstrates that venture                                                           of closings decreased 21.1 percent, from
financing activity decreased from the                                                        19 to 15, while the total amount raised
first half of 2019 to the second half of         From the first half of 2019                 increased 134.9 percent, from $197.92
2019 with respect to the total number                                                        million to $465.01 million.
                                                 to the second half of 2019,
of closings and the total amount raised.
Specifically, the total number of closings       the total number of closings                The remaining three industry segments
across all industry segments decreased           across all industry segments                fared better. The number of closings in
5.6 percent, from 144 to 136, and the                                                        the fourth-largest industry segment—
total amount raised across all industry          decreased 5.6 percent and the               health IT—increased 28.6 percent, from
segments decreased 15.4 percent, from            total amount raised decreased               14 to 18, while the total amount raised
$2,353.03 million to $1,990.50 million.                                                      increased 12.1 percent, from $160.59
                                                 15.4 percent                                million to $180.02 million. The number
Notably, the two largest industry                                                            of closings in the fifth-largest industry
segments during the first half of 2019—                                                      segment—diagnostics—increased 30
medical devices and equipment and                                                            percent, from 10 to 13, while the total
                                                number of closings in the second-largest
biopharmaceuticals—experienced both                                                          amount raised increased 30.9 percent,
                                                industry segment—biopharmaceuticals—
a decrease in number of closings and in                                                      from $140.53 million to $183.98 million.
                                                decreased 4.5 percent, from 44 to
total amount raised between the first                                                        The number of closings in the smallest
                                                42, while the total amount raised in
and second halves of 2019. Specifically,                                                     industry segment—genomics—increased
the number of closings in the largest           biopharmaceuticals decreased 35.9            28.6 percent, from 7 to 9, while the total
industry segment—medical devices                percent, from $1,203.07 million to           amount raised increased 36.9 percent,
and equipment—decreased 22 percent,             $770.62 million. In contrast, the third-     from $59.88 million to $81.96 million.
from 50 to 39, while the total amount           largest industry segment—healthcare
raised in medical devices and equipment         services—experienced a decrease in           In addition, our data suggests that Series
decreased 47.7 percent, from $591.04            number of closings, but an increase in       A (including Series Seed) financing
million to $308.92 million. Similarly, the      total amount raised: the total number        activity and Series C financing activity,

                                                                                                                Continued on page 10...

Life Sciences Venture Financings for Wilson Sonsini Clients (Continued from page 9)
                                            period for Series B and Series C and          the second half of 2019, suggesting that
                                            later-stage financings. The average pre-      companies may be working out creative
Average pre-money valuations                money valuation for Series A (including       short-term financing arrangements
                                            Series Seed) financings increased 18.3        in lieu of closing more traditional
for life sciences companies
                                            percent, from $12.11 million to $14.32        financing rounds in order to weather
increased from 1H 2019 to 2H                million; the average pre-money valuation
                                            for Series B financings decreased 8.8
2019 for Series A (including
                                            percent, from $78.74 million to $71.81
Series Seed) financings, but                million; and the average pre-money            It was notable that bridge
decreased for Series B and                  valuation for Series C and later-stage        financing and other non-
                                            financings decreased 23.9 percent, from
Series C and later-stage                    $281.50 million to $214.31 million.           traditional financing activity
financings                                                                                as a percentage of all other
                                            Other data taken from transactions in
                                            which all firm clients participated in the    financing activity significantly

in each case as a percentage of all
                                            second half of 2019 suggests that life        increased during 2H 2019,
                                            sciences is now tied with software as
other financing activity, decreased
                                            the most active industry for investment       suggesting that companies
from the first half of 2019 to the second
half of 2019, while Series B financing
                                            among our clients, as measured by total       may be working out creative
                                            amount raised. For the second half of
activity and bridge financing activity
                                            2019, life sciences and software both         short-term financing
as a percentage of all other financing
activity increased across the same
                                            represented 30 percent of total funds         arrangements to weather the
                                            raised by our clients. In contrast, in the
period. Specifically, the number of
                                            first half of 2019, life sciences accounted   storm
Series A (including Series Seed) closings
                                            for 24 percent of total funds raised, while
decreased from 33.8 percent to 30.8
                                            software accounted for 50 percent of
percent, the number of Series B closings
                                            total funds raised.                           the storm. Unfortunately, in light of the
increased from 12.8 percent to 15.4
                                                                                          COVID-19 outbreak and the ensuing
percent, and the number of Series C and
                                            Overall, the data indicates that access       decline in economic activity, rise in
later-stage closings decreased from 16.2
                                            to venture capital for the life sciences      unemployment, and weakening of the
percent to 15.4 percent. Bridge financing
                                            industry decreased in the second half         financial markets, we expect to report a
activity decreased from 24.3 percent
                                            of 2019 compared to the first half of         continued downward trend in venture
to 21.7 percent over the same period,
                                            2019, representing the end of a growth        financing activity over the first half of
while recapitalization and other non-
                                            trend experienced over the two prior          2020 in our next issue.
traditional financing activity increased
                                            six-month measurement periods.
from 12.9 percent to 16.8 percent.
                                            Against that backdrop of decreased                         Scott Murano
                                            macro-level financing activity, it was                     (650) 849-3316
Average pre-money valuations for life
                                            notable that bridge financing and other          
sciences companies increased from the
                                            non-traditional financing activity as
first half of 2019 to the second half of
                                            a percentage of all other financing
2019 for Series A (including Series Seed)
                                            activity significantly increased during
financings, but decreased over the same


                   An Interview with Ryan Phelan:
         Using Biotechnology to Revive Endangered Species
                 and Restore Damaged Ecosystems
COVID-19 Vaccines and the
Harvesting, Bleeding, and Killing
of Horseshoe Crabs

Wilson Sonsini attorneys Vern Norviel
and Charles Andres recently sat down
with Ryan Phelan of Revive & Restore
(R&R). R&R is using 21stt century
biotechnology (including genomics, high
throughput sequencing, and synthetic
biology) to address urgent conservation
                                                                                             (Photo by Timothy Fadek/Corbis via Getty Images)

One issue that is particularly pressing is    with minimal regulatory hurdles.              an endangered wild animal as their
the harvesting and bleeding of horseshoe      Luckily, an alternative to LAL exists in      foundation.
crabs, a threatened keystone species          the form of recombinant Factor C protein
and the source of limulus amebocyte           (rFC), which can be readily made in more      Since January 1, pharmaceutical compa-
lysate (LAL). LAL, obtained from the          than sufficient quantities to meet present    nies and environmental organizations
blood of horseshoe crabs, is employed         and future pharmaceutical needs. A            were expecting the United States Phar-
in pharmaceutical manufacturing to test       number of peer-reviewed scientific            macopeia (USP) to name rFC as an LAL
human and animal vaccines and drugs           publications attest to the fact that rFC is   alternative, thereby making it easier for
for the presence of bacterial endotoxins.     a safe, effective, and viable alternative     pharmaceutical manufacturers to employ
                                              to LAL. For instance, Europe and China        rFC into their manufacturing process-
In essence, the crabs are harvested in        have adopted rFC as a LAL alternative.        es. But on May 29, the USP did just the
the hundreds of thousands from the                                                          opposite, reversing an earlier decision
Atlantic coast, and then spend 24 to          Major pharmaceutical companies                to publish the equivalency endorsement.
48 hours being transported by boat            have embraced the so-called “three R          Instead, the USP said they will develop
to factories, where many of the crabs         Framework”:                                   an entirely separate chapter in their
die in transit. The crabs that survive                                                      guidelines—a process that is likely to
are impaled with a needle and bled in           • Replace the use of animals with           take years. R&R seeks to have the USP
factory-like settings and drained of about        alternative techniques, or avoid the      change course and name rFC as an LAL
one-third of their blood, as shown in the         use of animals altogether;                alternative. With this as background, we
photo above.                                    • Reduce the number of animals              introduce Ryan Phelan.
                                                  used to a minimum, to obtain
After being industrially bled, the crabs          information from fewer animals or
are returned to the ocean, where many             more information from the same
of them die and others fail to spawn.             number of animals;
Because they are technically returned to        • Refine the way experiments are
the ocean, and because LAL is deemed a            carried out, to make sure animals
medical necessity, it is essentially a non-       suffer as little as possible. This
regulated industry.                               includes better housing and
                                                  improvements to procedures that
The race to develop COVID-19 vaccines—            minimize pain and suffering and/or
and the anticipated production of                 improve animal welfare.
billions of COVID-19 vaccine doses—
highlights the need for making available                                                                    Ryan Phelan
                                              rFC fits into the three R Framework. In              (Photo credit: Christopher Michel)
to pharmaceutical companies a safe and        addition, rFC de-risks supply chains
scientifically proven LAL alternative         that otherwise rely on harvesting
                                                                                                                  Continued on page 12...

An Interview with Ryan Phelan . . . (Continued from page 11)
Ryan, please introduce yourself to our     First, we are preparing, in conjunction       genetic resources could restore diversity
readers.                                   with partners, to develop a permanent         into the BFF population. Those genomes
                                           “vaccine” to Sylvatic plague. In essence,     were from a living ferret representative
Hi, readers. I am a serial entrepreneur    we are looking to convert an effective        of the current population and two
with two successful liquidity exits,       vaccine for plague in ferrets into a          cryopreserved cell lines of ferrets
including DNA Direct. After the second     permanent inheritable trait. If successful,   originally captured from the wild in the
exit, I decided to take a different        the genetically vaccinated BFFs would         1980s that were not part of the captive
course: using biotechnology to tackle      be born with resistance to plague, which      breeding population.
unmet conservation challenges. To          today can only be accomplished by
do this, I co-founded R&R, a 501(c)(3)     capturing the animals and treating them       The study found that historic genetic
foundation, a little over seven years      with a traditional vaccine. Although          diversity could increase diversity in the
ago. In essence, I wanted to take the      this current approach protects the BFFs       living population if historic samples
21st century scientific toolbox being      from plague, it keeps them reliant on the     were bred back into the population.
developed for human medicine and           continual efforts of humans for survival      Cloning could be used to reproduce
apply it to pressing environmental         in the wild.                                  the historic ferrets and introduce new
problems.                                                                                founding genetics into the population—a
                                           We have multiple projects to develop          first for an endangered species.
Why name the foundation Revive &           the necessary technology for inheritable
Restore?                                   vaccines for BFFs. First, we are              Please go here for a list of our current
                                           developing methods for introducing            projects.
Great question! We wanted to use           new genes into the BFF genome using
state-of-the-art biotechnology to revive   advanced reproductive technologies,           What is the mission of Revive &
endangered species and restore their       like cloning. In parallel, we are using lab   Restore?
ecosystems. Hence, Revive & Restore.       mice to test the hypothesis that a gene
                                           for an antibody that attacks Sylvatic         We’re the leading wildlife conservation
Can you provide some examples of           plague can lead to heritable immunity         organization bringing biotechnologies to
reviving and restoring?                    over many generations.                        conservation. Genetics and genomics can
                                                                                         help us build a “Genetic Rescue Toolkit”
Sure. One example is our Black-footed      Second, we are looking to increase the        that helps enhance genetic diversity,
Ferret (BFF) project, which we are         genetic diversity of BFFs. Revive &           build disease resistance, facilitate
conducting in conjunction with the         Restore partnered with San Diego Zoo          adaptation to climate change, and more.
United States Fish & Wildlife Service’s    Global to study the genomes of four           Yet for most conservationists, these tools
                       (USFWS’s)           unique BFF specimens with the goal of         are still not readily available. Below is a
                       National Black-     understanding the extent of the genetic       graphic that captures our mission:
                       footed Ferret       diversity problem and whether existing

                       BFFs are
                       endangered and
                       are indigenous to
                       North American
                       prairies. The
The Black-footed       USFWS has been
Ferret                 doing a fantastic
(Photo credit: UCFWS)
                       job breeding BFFs
                       and reintroducing
them into the wild. But the BFFs suffer
from two disadvantages: low genetic
diversity and complete susceptibility to
Sylvatic plague. We are studying two                                                                 (Graphic courtesy of Revive & Restore)
approaches to address these problems.


What are the organizational                  is: what do we want to do in the next 200            The USP’s announcement on May 29
components of Revive & Restore?              years? Without addressing biodiversity               appears contradictory: While the USP
                                             issues, we will see increasing pathogens             tells manufacturers that they must
One important component is our               (e.g., Ebola, COVID-19) and more                     provide real-world evidence of rFC
Catalyst Science Fund. We created this       challenges to human health. Put                      equivalence, the USP is also aiding its
fund to lower the barriers of entry and      differently, humans are part of nature,              use for COVID-19 vaccine development.
to increase the use of biotechnology         and humans cannot escape the effects
by conservationists through the              of the degradation of the natural                    This announcement seems purpose-
development of the Genetic Rescue            environment. The below graphic shows                 built to absolve the USP from any
Toolkit. In the space of about two           where we were, where we are, and                     liability. As companies ramp up to
years, we have raised $6M, which             where we want to move towards: a more                produce at least 14 billion coronavirus
we are using to fund projects aimed          bioabundant future.                                  vaccines, there will undoubtedly be
at demonstrating the application of                                                               an increasing demand for endotoxin
biotechnologies to problems that have        Let’s talk more about bleeding                       testing. By encouraging vaccine
traditionally been the hardest for           horseshoe crabs. Why do you think the                manufacturers to use rFC, the USP
conservation to solve. For example,          USP changed course?                                  cannot be blamed if the supply chain
Revive & Restore has reserved $1.2M                                                               of horseshoe crab blood becomes
in funding for a new program we just         The motives behind the USP’s change in               untenable. But, by continuing to place
                                             course remain unclear—and as we say in               the burden of proof on pharmaceutical
launched called Wild Genomes, which
                                             the horseshoe crab world, it smells fishy.           companies, the USP punts regulation
will award research grants over the next
                                                                                                  to the FDA approval process while
two years to scientists addressing a clear   What incentive could the USP have to
                                                                                                  seemingly keeping the USP in good
conservation need. This program will         further delay the widespread use of rFC?
                                                                                                  standing with the horseshoe crab
accelerate the genomic sequencing and        Who is exerting pressure on the USP?
biobanking of threatened species and         There are several companies that have
put the fundamental tools of genetic         a vested interest in the bleeding of the
                                                                                                  But a few pharmaceutical companies,
rescue directly into the hands of those      horseshoe crabs.
                                                                                                  like Eli Lilly, are already using rFC. Plus,
who manage wildlife.
                                                                                                  the European Pharmacopeia this July
                                             At the same time that the USP changed
                                                                                                  will be publishing the guidance that was
Why is this important?                       its course, it also announced that in
                                                                                                  expected from the USP.
                                             light of the global pandemic, COVID-19
We are in a present-day extinction           vaccine manufacturers can utilize rFC
                                                                                                  What does R&R want from the USP?
crisis. We know that we have changed         for endotoxin testing and that the USP
the environment significantly over           would provide assistance to do so as                 We want the USP to do what they said
the last 200 years—and the question          part of their Trust Accelerated program.             they were going to do: 1) honor the
                                                                                                  existing science and data; and 2) do what
                                                                                                  pharmaceutical companies are urging
                                                                                                  them to do. We want the USP to reverse
                                                                                                  their decision on moving ahead with a
                                                                                                  separate chapter and demanding further
                                                                                                  efficacy studies. rFC does not need to
                                                                                                  be in its own stand-alone chapter in the
                                                                                                  pharmacopeia. Why? Several reasons,

                                                                                                    • We know there have been over 200
                                                                                                      pharmaceutical products studied
                                                                                                      using rFC, providing significant
                                                                                                      data with vaccines, raw materials,
                                                         (Graphic courtesy of Revive & Restore)       and large- and small-molecule drug
                                                                                                      products. Our own 2018 review

                                                                                                                      Continued on page 14...

An Interview with Ryan Phelan . . . (Continued from page 13)
   article published in PLOS Biology of         of water in harsh conditions, and        There are many ways to help. Perhaps
   10 rFC efficacy studies demonstrated         bleeding, and then returned to a         the most direct way to make a difference
   that commercially available rFC              location very different from where       is to contribute to our Catalyst Science
   tests detect endotoxins with results         they were originally caught.             Fund. Every contribution helps fund
   equivalent to or better than LAL,                                                     the science needed to secure a more
   regardless of which company                • The horseshoe crab plays a key role      biodiverse future. We are building a new
   manufactured it. The breadth of              in the ecosystem. Thousands of           community of biotechnologists focused
   these studies also showed strong             migratory birds critically depend on     on creating solutions, not just measuring
   efficacy across a range of uses and          the spawning of the horseshoe crabs      the decline of the natural world. It’s
   demonstrated high sensitivity,               as they refuel on their eggs during      an exciting and optimistic way to get
   strong reliability, and other positive       the spring migration.                    involved in conservation, and there is
   considerations in the clinical use                                                    such a wide range of species that can
   of rFC.                                    • The potential for a crash in             be helped by this approach. Corporate
                                                horseshoe crab numbers, as               contributions helped jumpstart the fund
 • We see no evidence-based reason              happened 30 years ago, could             (Promega Corporation donated the first
   not to declare rFC equivalent                imperil endotoxin testing and hence      $3M). We’ve been able to match that
   to LAL. rFC is made from the
                                                the supply chain for critical vaccines   contribution so far, and now intend to
   horseshoe crab gene that codes for
                                                and therapeutics.                        grow the fund to $10M.
   the active component in LAL. But,
   because LAL includes other factors,
                                              • Because LAL is an essential              Is there anything else you would like
   it offers less consistent results!
                                                component of vaccine production,         readers to know?
   Indeed, because LAL suffers from
                                                by destroying the only source of this
   beta-glucan interference, rFC could
                                                natural product, these companies are     In light of COVID-19, we all realize how
   be deemed superior.
                                                potentially creating a downstream        human health and the environment
                                                national security issue.                 are intimately intertwined, and the
 • Removing all unnecessary barriers
                                                                                         importance of using cutting-edge
   that prevent the broader use of
                                            What does R&R want from                      science to solve urgent problems. R&R
   rFC would give pharmaceutical
                                            pharmaceutical companies?                    is one small part of this and relies on
   companies another valuable tool
                                                                                         the involvement of people from all
   at their disposal to quickly bring
   forward safe and effective vaccines      We would like to see more                    walks of life. Our effort to grow the
   and therapeutics.                        pharmaceutical companies adopt               Catalyst Science Fund is instrumental
                                            rFC. Just testing the water used in          to that success. It is often difficult for
 • Both the European Pharmacopoeia          manufacturing with rFC pharma                researchers to find funding to utilize the
   and the Chinese Pharmacopoeia            could reduce its reliance on LAL by 90       tools of biotechnology, like genomic
   have recently recognized rFC. The        percent. Doing so is the right thing for     sequencing, in their conservation work
   U.S. is sorely lagging behind, and       the environment and for public health,       because it is so experimental. Catalyst
   more importantly, delaying and           and would reduce supply chain risk for a     Science Fund grants enable these
   jeopardizing global harmonization        component that is essential for vaccine      researchers to generate the first proofs
   across the pharmacopeias.                manufacture because current processes        of concept for these new approaches,
                                            rely on non-sustainable harvesting           which can lead to increased interest by
 • Given such equivalency, the USP          of a wild animal. We also would ask          the larger funding community.
   should also consider the larger          pharmaceutical companies to write the
   context of animal welfare and            USP and demand that the USP remove all       How can readers get in touch with
   environmental conservation.              barriers to adoption of rFC.                 you?

 • Hundreds of thousands of crabs           How can people get involved with             I can be reached by email at ryan@
   are subjected to capture, time out       R&R?                               

You can also read