The leading provider of regulatory and compliance information for financial services professionals - Better Regulation

Page created by Dave Mcdonald
The leading provider of regulatory and compliance information for financial services professionals - Better Regulation
The leading provider of regulatory and compliance information for financial services professionals
The leading provider of regulatory and compliance information for financial services professionals - Better Regulation
Legislation                                 Publications                               Commentaries

    Better Regulation provides a definitive      One-stop library of every past and present   Better Regulation collates and publishes
    resource of consolidated domestic and        publication from Regulators, Government      the latest industry-specific commentaries
    EU law for Ireland.                          Departments, European, International and     from leading law, accounting and auditing
                                                 Industry Organisations.                      firms.
    Legislation and accounting standards
    contain detailed amendment history,          Never miss a new development and             Commentaries are then cross-
    with version compare options to see          eliminate the need to check multiple sites   referenced to the relevant legislation and
    changes clearly. Proposed amendments         and feeds with real time updates to the      publications.
    are incorporated to ensure legislation is    publications library.
    future proof.                                                                             Articles provide in-depth knowledge and
                                                 Receive a customisable daily email of        analysis of topical subjects and new
    Intelligently cross-referenced documents     new publications straight to your inbox.     developments from experts in industry.
    give the full scope of information.
                                                 Download and export new publications         With Better Regulation, this expertise is
    Stay up-to-date; legislation is maintained   into Excel for report writing purposes.      readily available in one resource.
    and updated on a daily basis.

The leading provider of regulatory and compliance information for financial services professionals - Better Regulation
Enhance knowledge and improve workflow

  Track the entire amendment history and     Reference documents by industry driven       Easy to use search function finds the
  view proposed or pending amendments to     topics; conveniently categorised by          information you need as quickly as
  a document.                                domestic, international and EU levels 1, 2   possible. Refine results with advanced
                                             and 3.                                       search query techniques.

  Key documents are identified and           Help with horizon scanning. Export news      Save time with tailored daily email
  grouped in the Topics area, including      and search results into spreadsheets         updates. Get notifications of every new
  primary and secondary legislation,         which can then be filtered for reporting     relevant publication and supporting expert
  regulatory calendar, proposals, Q&As and   or shared with colleagues to check           analysis.
  consultation papers.                       applicability.

  Speed up gap analysis with options to      Set up an alert on a whole document or       Easy one-click printing. Advanced
  export document text, structure and        a specific section to be notified of any     printing options include annotations, page
  status into Excel, PDF and Word.           amendment thereto.                           and version status and live links for an
                                                                                          interactive PDF.                                                                                                         3
The leading provider of regulatory and compliance information for financial services professionals - Better Regulation
Homepage, layout and navigation

                                         Find bookmarks, recently
                                         viewed and saved searches in
                                                                                    The omnipresent search,
                                         the customisable profile area.
                                                                                    with boolean and wildcard
    Content menu gives access
                                                                                    functionality to produce
    to dedicated domestic and EU
                                                                                    advanced search results.
    legislation portals, What’s new,
    Commentaries and Topics.

    Quicklinks into the highest viewed
    content. From here, click directly
    into primary legislation, related
    news, publications and relevant

                                                                          Browse new documents straight from
                                                                          the homepage with rolling news feeds of
                                                                          latest publications and commentaries.

The leading provider of regulatory and compliance information for financial services professionals - Better Regulation
Topics, content and functionality

  Bank Recovery & Resolution
                                                                                     Topics contain up-to-date news
  Capital Markets Union
                                                                                     and information on current
  Capital Requirements                                                               key areas across the financial
  CCP Recovery and Resolution                                                        services industry, including:
  Central Securities Depositories
  Credit Rating Agencies                                                             •      Latest
  Data Protection
                                                                                     •      Key documents
  Deposit Guarantee Schemes
                                                                                     •      Pending updates
  European Market Infrastructure
  Insurance and Reinsurance                                                          •      EU RTS & ITS State of Play
  Insurance Distribution                                                             •      Q&As
  Interchange Fees                                                                   •      EU Guidelines
                                                                                     •      Implementing documents
  Market Abuse
  Markets in Financial Instruments
                                                                                     •      Regulatory calendar
  Money Laundering                                                                   •      Consultation papers
  Money Market Funds                                                                 •      Commentaries and analysis
  Mortgage Credit                                                                    •      Summaries
  Payment Services
                                                                                     •      Email updates
  Securities Financing Transactions   Use filters for refining   Sign up to receive topic
  Securitisation                      results.                   specific email updates.
  Senior Insurance Managers Regime
  Sustainable Finance
  UCITS                                                                                           5
The leading provider of regulatory and compliance information for financial services professionals - Better Regulation
Users of Better Regulation include:

Accountant                     Financial Crime Officer        Legal Counsel
Actuary                        Financial Reporting Officer    Librarian
Auditor                        General Counsel                Money Laundering Reporting Officer
Barrister                      Head of Assurance              Operations Manager
Chief Executive Officer        Head of Compliance             Operational Risk Manager
Chief Financial Officer        Head of Data Protection        Policy Specialist
Chief Risk Officer             Head of Finance                Professional Support Lawyer
Company Secretary              Head of Regulatory Reporting   Regulatory Change Management
Compliance Consultant          Head of Risk                   Regulatory Counsel
Compliance Officer             Intelligence Officer           Regulatory Risk Officer
Compliance Manager             Investment Risk Manager        Risk Manager
Conduct Risk Assurance         Knowledge Manager              Senior Technical Consultant
Data Protection Officer        Lawyer
Finance Director               Legal Adviser

The leading provider of regulatory and compliance information for financial services professionals - Better Regulation
Who uses Better Regulation and why?

  Compliance                                      Financial Crime                               Legal

  •    Check the What’s new page at any           •   Coverage of essential legislation         •   Mitigate risk of using out-of-date
       time to see relevant publications being        including the Money Laundering                information; Better Regulation is
       added on a minute-by-minute basis.             Directives, Criminal Justice Acts and         renowned for accurate and up-to-date
       No need to check multiple sites and            related regulations.                          consolidated legislation.
       feeds.                                     •   Stay informed of AML/CFT                  •   Reliable and authoritative information
  •    Export news easily into workable               developments with documents                   with extensively cross-referenced
       spreadsheets for reporting purposes            from Department of Finance and                documents for full scope.
       and applicability checking.                    Department of Justice and Equality,       •   Choose a point in time to view a
  •    Save time by receiving one                     as well as international bodies such          piece of legislation. See the text at
       consolidated daily email update, with          as the Financial Action Task Force, the       commencement, when amended,
       notification of every new relevant             Office of Foreign Assets Control, the         when changes are pending, changes
       publication and supporting expert              United Nations Security Council and           are proposed or text is repealed
       analysis.                                      the Wolfsberg Group, all covered.             or revoked. The compare text tool
                                                                                                    highlights differences between
  •    Reference up-to-date legislation when
                                                                                                    versions side-by-side.
  •    Help with gap analysis; with one click
                                                  Accounting                                    •   Follow the entire history of a
                                                                                                    document, from the first amendment
       of a button, export legislation text and
                                                  •   Coverage of relevant documents from           to the latest. Set up an alert to stay
       structure into an Excel spreadsheet,
                                                      the IFRS Foundation and IASB.                 informed of a legislative change.
       then import into internal systems.
                                                  •   Access to maintained accounting           •   Download documents into PDF
  •    View the complete library of
                                                      standards with updates incorporated           or Word and include annotations,
       documents by Topic area, including
                                                      and with full Better Regulation               consolidation status and history of
       key legislation, regulatory calendar,
                                                      functionality.                                amendments.
       proposals, Q&As and consultation
       papers.                                                                                                               7
The leading provider of regulatory and compliance information for financial services professionals - Better Regulation
What’s new, reports and exports

    Better Regulation is the perfect tool for horizon scanning and upstream monitoring. Check email updates or the What’s new area for new
    publications, then export the data into easy to use spreadsheets for weekly, monthly or quarterly reports.

                                                                                The export includes all the critical high level information,
                                                                                from document type, organisation, subject area and the
                                                                                Better Regulation document link.


  Library and bookmarks
  Create project folders for favourite                  Email preferences and downloads
  documents or promote a document to the                Save time by streamlining the daily or
  quick-list for easy one-click access.                 weekly email content to only receive
                                                        relevant new material. Options to also
                                                        receive the email content in a concise
                                                        and digestible Excel spreadsheet.

  Save search and alert
  Save searches for future                                  Homepage feeds
  reference and set up email                                Personalise the homepage news
  alerts to be notified of new                              feeds to match profile preferences.
  results matching the chosen
  search criteria.

  Document notifications
                                                   Customised printing
  Create alerts on documents or specific pages
                                                   Choose from multiple formatting and
  for email notification of any changes thereto.
                                                   annotation options.                                                                    9
Content and coverage

 Unrivalled and comprehensive database of up-to-the-minute legislation, latest news and relevant documents, all accessible in one place.

                                                  Company Law                                    Financial Crime & AML/CFT
     Financial Services Law
                                                  Every statute, including the Companies         Complete one-stop resource for Bribery
     Consolidated and current domestic
                                                  Act 2014 and associated legislation,           and Corruption, Financial Crime, CFT
     and EU law, including every Act, SI,
                                                  is fully consolidated and completely           and AML material.
     Directive and Regulation relevant to the
                                                  up-to-date with all amendments
     Financial Services industry.
                                                  incorporated into the text.                    Includes legislation and publications
                                                                                                 from Departments and international
     Better Regulation also provides
                                                  Extensive library of related material          bodies such as the FATF, the Office
     supporting publications from
                                                  includes codes, guidance and                   of Foreign Assets Control, the United
     organisations such as the Central Bank
                                                  notifications from the Office of the           Nations Security Council and the
     of Ireland, Departments, the Financial
                                                  Director of Corporate Enforcement,             Wolfsberg Group.
     Services and Pensions Ombudsman
                                                  Department of Business, Enterprise
     and the Revenue Commissioners, plus
                                                  and Innovation, Company Law Review             AML/CFT is further broken down into
     EU, international and industry bodies.
                                                  Group and the Irish Takeover Panel.            publications by sanctioned country,
                                                                                                 and coverage also includes settlement
                                                                                                 agreements from the CBI for breaches
                                                                                                 of the 2010 Act.

Tax Law                                  Employment Law                            Data Protection Law

    Relevant tax legislation, related        Comprehensive Employment Law              Coverage of all applicable data
    documents and latest news and            module covering relevant Acts and         protection legislation including the
    commentaries all in one resource.        related SIs, including workplace          Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018 and
                                             relations, parental leave, health and     the GDPR.
    The Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 is      safety, protection of employees and
    fully consolidated and up-to-date with   organisation of working time.             For the latest developments affecting
    related TCA Guidance Notes and cross-                                              industry we also publish updates and
    references to the Finance Acts.          Also includes publications from the       guidance from the Irish Data Protection
                                             Workplace Relations Commission,           Commissioner and material from
                                             Health and Safety Authority, and          European and international bodies.
                                             Revenue Commissioners.
    Pensions Law

    Pensions Law coverage includes fully                                               IFRS & Accounting
    consolidated and current versions of     Competition Law
    the Pensions Act 1990, IORP Directives                                             The Accounting module includes up-to-
    and related Social Welfare Acts.         This module includes primary              date IFRSs, IASs, IFRIC Interpretations,
                                             legislation such as the Competition Act   SIC Interpretations, Exposure Drafts,
    In addition to legislation, we publish   and the Competition and Consumer          Discussion Papers, Illustrative
    documents from the European              Protection Act.                           accounts and checklists.
    Insurance and Occupational Pensions
    Authority, the Pensions Authority and    Related information includes updates      It also has the latest updates from
    the Financial Services and Pensions      and guidance from the Competition         the IASB foundation, FRC and EFRAG
    Ombudsman, along with latest news        and Consumer Protection Commission        plus material from other European and
    and commentaries from leading law        and other relevant organisations.         international bodies.
    and professional services firms.                                                                                                    11
“Staying on top of regulatory change and being able
     to reference up-to-date legislation in one reliable
     resource saves us so much time. We’ve used Better
     Regulation for years and couldn’t do without it.”
     Jillian O’Sullivan
     Grant Thornton

How we maintain the service, stay up-to-date and display the information

  1. Document tracking
  Documents are tracked from draft to enactment and then
                                                                7. Tagged and classified
  styled in the Better Regulation format.
                                                                Documents and provisions are intelligently tagged with
                                                                practice areas, topics and regulated activity types.
  2. Navigation
  For seamless navigation and research, document to             8. Maintained and kept up-to-date
  document cited references are incorporated and hyperlinked.   Better Regulation is kept up-to-date in real time, with email
                                                                notification of significant changes, so there is minimal effort
  3. Defined terms                                              involved in keeping abreast of regulatory change.
  Definitions are hyperlinked both within the document and
  to external definitions where required, providing immediate
                                                                9. Consolidation
  access to interpretation via our unique glossary side bar.
                                                                Amendments are inserted into the original text to bring the
                                                                document up-to-date. Amended text is indicated by footnotes
  4. Legislative commencements and applicabilities              supplying detail and the date amendments are effective.
  Commencements, applicabilities, orders and standards are      Original text and all previous amendments can be accessed
  incorporated to provide up-to-date operational status.        via versions to provide a complete amendment history and
                                                                audit trail of amendments to that provision.
  5. Secondary and associated legislation
  For comprehensive overview, associated and prescribed         10. Result
  supporting documents are inserted and cross-referenced.       A one-stop online service for financial services professionals,
                                                                specifically designed to simplify the operation of the
                                                                regulations. It is an essential tool for all who wish to
  6. Commentaries, guides and quicklinks
                                                                implement the requirements of regulation and enhance
  Extensive references to guides, commentaries and useful
                                                                corporate governance and probity.
  links are used to enable a greater understanding of a
  particular area.                                                                                                    13
Commentaries from:

A&L Goodbody                  EY                        Pitmans Law
Addleshaw Goddard             Farrer & Co               PwC
Allen & Overy                 Fieldfisher               Reed Smith
Appleby                       Freshfields               RPC
Arendt & Medernach            Gowling WLG               Schulte Roth & Zabel
Arthur Cox                    Grant Thornton            Shearman & Sterling
Ashurst                       Herbert Smith Freehills   Shoosmiths
Baker McKenzie                HFW                       Simmons & Simmons
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner   Hogan Lovells             Squire Patton Boggs
Beauchamps                    Kemp Little               TLT
Blackstone                    Kingsley Napley           Travers Smith
Bryan Cave                    KPMG                      Walkers
Burges Salmon                 Linklaters                Weightmans
ByrneWallace                  LK Shields                White & Case
Clark Hill                    Macfarlanes               Whitney Moore
Clyde & Co                    Maples                    William Fry
CMS                           Matheson                  Womble Bond Dickinson
Charles Russell Speechlys     Mayer Brown
DAC Beachcroft                Mazars
Dechert                       McCann FitzGerald
Deloitte                      Mason Hayes & Curran        In-depth analysis from leading Irish and
Dentons                       Milliman                    global professional services firms.
Dillon Eustace                Mills & Reeve
DLA Piper                     Moore Stephens              Read views and insights from law
DMH Stallard                  Mourant Ozannes             firm partners, in-house counsel,
Elborne Mitchell              Nabarro                     accountants, auditors and many more.
Eugene F. Collins             Norton Rose Fulbright
Eversheds Sutherland          Peters & Peters

“Better Regulation is an invaluable research tool for both
                                 our library staff and our lawyers. The content is always
                                 up-to-date and it is very user-friendly with excellent
                                 features such as the ability to be alerted to changes in
                                 documents and to compare sections of consolidated
                                 legislation to previous versions. The weekly and daily
                                 emails and topic alerts are always extremely useful.”
                                 Niamh Hanratty
                                 Arthur Cox                                                                15
“An invaluable tool for keeping us up to date on
     legislative changes as they happen. Their ‘topics’
     section is a great go-to page for finding all the
     information we need on key themes in the financial
     services industry. The team at Better Regulation are
     great to work with, always responding to queries in a
     timely and friendly manner.”
     Ciara McGettigan
     Eversheds Sutherland

Our clients include:
A&L Goodbody                                  Citibank Europe                                     KBC Bank NV                                                      S a i n s b u r y ’s B a n k
ACC Loan Management                           Comgest                                             Kennedy Wilson Europe                                            Santander Insurance Services
AdminRe                                       Complyport                                          Key Capital                                                      Schroders
Adrian Lee & Partners                         Cornmarket                                          Kotak Mahindra                                                   SCOR Global Life
AIB Bank                                      Credit Suisse                                       KPMG                                                             Scotiabank
AIG Europe                                    CUDA                                                L&P Group                                                        Scottish Friendly Assurance Society
ALD Re                                        CUNA Mutual Life Assurance                          Lane Clark & Peacock                                             Scottish Provident
Alder Capital                                 Dai-ichi Life                                       Lantern Structured Asset Management                              SEB Life International
Allianz Re Dublin                             Danske Bank                                         Law Library Services                                             Setanta Asset Management
Allied Risk Management                        Davy                                                LeasePlan IS                                                     Sharpsburg Consultants
Allied World Assurance Company                Dell Bank International                             Leeds Building Society                                           Shoosmiths
A m Tr u s t                                  Deloitte                                            Legal & General                                                  Shop Direct
Aon Insurance Managers                        D E P FA B a n k                                    LK Shields                                                       Simmons & Simmons
Arca Vita International                       Deutsche Bank                                       London Reinsurance Group                                         Simplyhealth Group
Arch Mor tgage Insurance                      Diamond Bank                                        LV =                                                             Society of Actuaries in Ireland
Ark Life Assurance                            Dillon Eustace                                      M&G Investments                                                  Sonali Bank
Ar thur Cox                                   Direct Line Insurance                               Maples and Calder                                                S t . J a m e s ’s P l a c e I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Ascentric                                     Downlands Liability Management                      Markel International                                             Standard Life
Athora                                        EAA Covered Bond Bank                               Mason Hayes & Curran                                             Start Mortgages
Av a n t C a r d                              Ecclesiastical Insurance Group                      Matheson                                                         State Bank of India
AV I VA G r o u p                             ECCU Assurance Company                              Mazars                                                           State Street International
Av o c a C a p i t a l H o l d i n g s        eircom                                              McCann FitzGerald                                                Steamship Insurance Management Services
AXA Insurance                                 Elavon Financial Services                           McKeever Rowan Solicitors                                        S u m i t o m o Tr u s t a n d B a n k i n g C o m p a n y
Axis Europe                                   Elkstone Private Advisers                           Mediolanum International Funds                                   SumUp Payments
AZ Life                                       Equiniti                                            Mercer                                                           Swiss Funds & Asset Management Association
Banca Monte Dei Paschi di Siena               Equinoxe Alternative Investment Services            Merrill Lynch International Bank                                 Swiss Re
Bank of Ireland                               E r n s t & Yo u n g                                MetLife Europe                                                   T h e An c i e n t O r d e r o f F o r e s t e r s F r i e n d l y S o c i e t y
Bank of Montreal                              E u g e n e F. C o l l i n s                        Metzler Ireland                                                  The Equitable Life Assurance Society
Bank Sepah International                      Euroclear                                           Milliman                                                         The Health Insurance Authority
Bar of Ireland                                Euronext                                            Monument Insurance                                               The Insurance Institute of Ireland
Barclays                                      Everest Reinsurance Company                         Moore Stephens                                                   The Norinchukin Bank
Barnett Waddingham                            Eversheds Sutherland                                MUFG Fund Services                                               Thomas Miller
BCS Consulting                                FEXCO                                               National Bank of Egypt                                           To k i o M a r i n e G l o b a l
BDO                                           Fideuram Asset Management                           N a t i o n a l Tr e a s u r y M a n a g e m e n t A g e n c y   To w e r s W a t s o n
Beauchamps Solicitors                         Fire Financial Services                             Nationwide Life                                                  Tr a n s a c t
Belfius Bank                                  Friends First                                       NBC Global Finance                                               Tu r k i y e I s B a n k a s i A S
B e s p o k e Tr u s t e e s                  FS Regulatory Solutions                             New Ireland Assurance Company                                    U Account
Blackbee Investments                          GE Financial Markets                                Newbridge Road Assurance Society                                 UBS Fund Services
Blackstone/GSO Debt Funds Management Europe   Generali PanEurope                                  Newbury Building Society                                         Ulster Bank Group
BMW Financial Services                        Gibraltar Financial Services Commission             Newline Underwriting Management                                  UniCredit Bank
BNP Paribas Securities Services               Grant Thornton                                      Norwich & Peterborough Building Society                          Union Bank
BNY Mellon                                    Guggenheim Par tners Europe                         Octium                                                           United Bank for Africa
Bright Grey                                   Hannover Re                                         Office of the Attorney General                                   UNUM
Brown Brothers Harriman                       Hansard Global                                      Oliver Wyman                                                     Vera Financial
ByrneWallace                                  Hawthorn Life                                       OneSavings Bank                                                  Virtu Financial
C. Hoare & Co                                 HSBC Bank                                           PartnerRe                                                        Vo l k s w a g e n B a n k
Cabot Financial                               Hudson Advisors                                     Peel Hunt                                                        VTB Capital
CACI                                          Hypo Public Finance Bank                            Permanent TSB                                                    W&W Advisory Dublin
Caledonian Life                               IBI Corporate Finance                               Philip Lee Solicitors                                            Walkers
Canada Life                                   I n d e p e n d e n t Tr u s t e e                  PNC Global Investment Servicing                                  Weil, Gotshal & Manges
Cantor Fitzgerald                             Insight Investment                                  Premium Credit                                                   Wells Fargo Bank International
Capita Asset Services                         Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Ireland                        PricewaterhouseCoopers                                           WhitneyMoore Solicitors
C a s t l e Tr u s t                          Invesco                                             Prudential                                                       William Fry
Central Bank of Ireland                       Investment Technology Group                         Rabobank                                                         Willis
Chartered Banker Institute                    Irish Auditing & Accounting Supervisory Authority   RBC Investor Services                                            Winterflood Securities
Chase Paymentech                              Irish Life                                          ReAssure                                                         Xafinity Paymaster
Chelsea Building Society                      Irish Revenue Commissioners                         Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group                             XL Catlin
Chill Insurance                               Irwell Insurance                                    Royal London                                                     XTX Markets
China Merchants Bank                          J . P. M o r g a n B a n k                          RSA Insurance                                                    Yo r k s h i r e B u i l d i n g S o c i e t y
Cisco Systems                                 J LT F i n a n c i a l S e r v i c e s              Sage                                                             Zurich Insurance                                                                                                                                                                                                                              17
To request a free trial and learn more about Better Regulation, visit or call us on +44 (0)20 7665 6639

A one-stop online resource of Financial Services Law for compliance,
regulatory and legal professionals in Ireland.

Better Regulation is an invaluable resource that provides legal
and regulatory information, with a comprehensive database of
consolidated EU and domestic legislation, and an extensive library of
official publications and expert commentaries.
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