The Judiciary - Women's Month Celebrations Malibongwe!

Page created by Tommy Ramos
The Judiciary - Women's Month Celebrations Malibongwe!
The Judiciary
                   November 2017

         Prestigious Award for
         Chief Justice Mogoeng

             Women's Month

           first Judge President
The Judiciary - Women's Month Celebrations Malibongwe!
CONTENTS                                 Editorial Staff and Contributors.

2 Foreword from the Chief Justice
                                         Editors Judge President John Hlophe &
3 Prestigious Award for Chief Justice    Judge President Dunstan Mlambo.
                                         Writers Lindo Nkomonde; Pfunzo Mafenya
                                         and Lusanda D Ntuli.
4 South African of the Year Awarded to
  Chief Justice                          Photographers Cornelius Silaule and
                                         Pfunzo Mafenya.
5 Mpumalanga's first Judge President
                                         Thanks To Judicial Contributors

7 Malibongwe! Women's Month 2017

9 Judge President Kgomo retires


16 JSC Appointments


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The Judiciary - Women's Month Celebrations Malibongwe!
From the Editor

Dear colleagues,                                          course of their work in the Judiciary, and we ask you
                                                          to begin to share this information for publication in
It has been some time since the Judicial                  this newsletter. It is also important for those of us
Communications Committee (JCOM) was                       who have been on the bench for some time to use
established to engage directly with communication         this platform to share best practices and information
matters relating to the Judiciary and all other           to guide each other on becoming an effective and
matters relating to its functions, constitutional         efficient Judiciary.
mandate and independence.
                                                          We trust that this first Issue will present you with a
The primary purpose of the JCOM was to develop a          clear indication of the direction in which we want to
communications strategy for the Judiciary, which          take this newsletter. We needed to make a start,
would, among other things, look to improve                and we have done so! I thank my honourable
communication within the Judiciary itself. The            colleague, Judge President Mlambo, for working
communications strategy for the Judiciary adopted         alongside me in the JCOM and making an
by the Heads of Court on 29 September 2017 has            immeasurable contribution to the work we have
identified the publication of a newsletter for the        achieved so far. We wish also to thank Mr Mncube,
Judiciary as a key initiative in this regard and we are   the Spokesperson for the Judiciary, as well as the
proud to present this first Issue to you.                 OCJ Communications team that supports him, for
                                                          sparing no effort in ensuring that the first Issue of
It is our intention to grow this newsletter through the   this newsletter is published.
participation of all our colleagues across the
country. This publication will not flourish and serve     Enjoy it!
its mandate to us as members of the Judiciary if we
do not take ownership of it and ensure that we            Judge President John Hlophe
contribute relevant content from our own spaces.          Chairperson: Judicial Communications
We are aware that many of our colleagues                      The South African Judiciary
participate in many activities and platforms in the


                                                                                            THE JUDICIARY          | 1
The Judiciary - Women's Month Celebrations Malibongwe!
                                                   from the Chief Justice

                                                              The editorial team is ably led by our colleagues
                                                              Judges President Hlophe and Mlambo as founding
                                                              editors-in-chief, supported by the Spokesperson for
                                                              the Judiciary, Mr Mncube, and the OCJ
                                                              Communications Team. On behalf of the Judiciary, I
                                                              wish to thank them for the sterling work they have

 Dear Colleagues,                                             Broadly speaking, the subject-matters of publication
                                                              will include Judicial Education updates; international
 I welcome you all to this first edition of the newsletter    cooperation / engagement updates; Judges’ speaking
 for the Judiciary.                                           engagements; new Judges’ appointments / Acting
                                                              Judges’ appointments; Judges’ discharge from active
 The Office of the Chief Justice is tasked with the brief     service; bereavements; work undertaken by South
 to, inter alia, provide communication services to the        African Judges outside the South African judicial
 Judiciary. The Judiciary of South Africa has never           space; issues affecting other jurisdictions and
 had a dedicated and well-organised communication             associations to which Judicial Officers of several
 voice. This has resulted in a fragmented and limited         countries belong; updates from Judges’ ad-hoc
 contact with its various communities and                     committees (e.g., court modernisation, infrastructure,
 stakeholders. It is against this backdrop that a need        remuneration, etc.); matters concerning the
 was identified to establish a newsletter for the             Judiciary’s relations with the organised legal
 Judiciary in line with the Communication Strategy for        profession and other arms of State; articles on other
 the Judiciary adopted at the Heads of Court meeting          matters of interest by Judges; and court performance-
 of 29 September 2017.                                        related matters, to mention but some.

 This newsletter seeks to inform members of the               It is crucial that we all support this initiative and
 Judiciary of the latest judicial developments; inform        contribute towards the enhancement of the quality
 stakeholders about the initiatives or activities of the      and the growth of this publication. It belongs to all
 Judiciary; heighten contact between members of the           Judicial Officers. Once again, we are grateful for the
 Judiciary; act as a platform for the Judiciary to share      selfless service rendered by Judges President Hlophe
 views on general matters that affect them; and profile       and Mlambo in successfully executing this project.
 Judicial Officers in the execution of their constitutional    On my behalf and on behalf of the Judiciary of South
 mandate.                                                     Africa, I wish to assure them of my unwavering
                                                              support in their endeavour to make effective
 This newsletter will be published on a quarterly basis       communication by the Judiciary with itself and with
 primarily for the Judiciary’s consumption. And I wish        court-process participants, a practical reality.
 to encourage all of you to share this newsletter with
 all role-players that have a close working relationship      Mogoeng Mogoeng
 with the courts.                                             Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa

THE JUDICIARY       |   2
The Judiciary - Women's Month Celebrations Malibongwe!
                      FOR CHIEF JUSTICE MOGOENG
Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng              Hosted by Legal Week (organisers     exceptional achievement from
has been awarded the Corporate             of The British Legal Awards) and     within Africa’s legal community.
Counsel Association of South               the Corporate Counsel                The Achievement Award is a
Africa Achievement Award in a              Association of South Africa          lifetime achievement award
glitzy event for the 2017 African          (CCASA), The African Legal           conferred to an individual as
Legal Awards on September 8.               Awards set out to recognise          chosen by the CCASA.

                                                                                In his acceptance speech, Chief
                                                                                Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng
                                                                                commended the CCASA for its
                                                                                contribution to the transformation
                                                                                of the legal sector through its
                                                                                support for underprivileged legal
 Spousal support: CJ Mogoeng and DCJ Zondo
 with their wives at the African Legal Awards.                                  students, and urged the legal
                                                                                fraternity as a whole to do more to
                                                                                bring transformation to the
                                                       Envelopes with
                                                       names of the winners     industry.
                                                       of each category.
                                                                                Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng
                                                                                also urged the legal industry to
                                                                                engage and work with government
                                                                                for the betterment of the country.
                                                                                 “There is power in using your
                                                                                influence softly. Insist as a
                                                                                collective on speaking to
                                                                                government; they are bound to
                                                                                heed your advice,” said the Chief
                                                     CJ Mogoeng receives
                                                     his lifetime achievement
                                                     award.                     We congratulate the Chief Justice
                                                                                on this Award!
                                                                                         THE JUDICIARY | 3
The Judiciary - Women's Month Celebrations Malibongwe!
Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng Voted 2017
                          SOUTH AFRICAN OF THE YEAR

                                              Clearly Chief Justice Mogoeng’s efforts in his
                                               position and his continued excellence have
                                              resonated with the South African of the Year
                                                      voters in 2017!,” ~Jan Scannell

                                         The finalists for the award were
                                         nominated by a panel of                            Tweets
                                         journalists and other experts.
                                         According to the panel, the Chief
Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng                                                    Warwick Goldie
                                         Justice was nominated because
has been named the 2017 South                                                    @WarwDGoldie
                                         “he has proven to be a beacon of
African of the Year, according to a      morality that provides a light for
poll hosted by News24. Chief                                                     Am amazing award and totally
                                         others to follow. He is consistent in
Justice Mogoeng outshone two                                                     deserved! Viva Judge MM!!
                                         choosing what is right and lawful,
other South Africans – the               and demonstrates a commitment           Jason Thorne @Jason_Bakkies
Blitzbokke and table tennis player       to serving the people of South
Kevin Anderson to emerge the             Africa above all.”                      I would love to see Judge
winner of the ward.                                                              Mogoeng Mogoeng become
                                         Results showed that the Chief           South African of the year 2017.
The awards are the brainchild of         Justice garnered nearly two-thirds      Sport people have won it enough
Jan Scannell which were                  of the vote (63%), followed by the      times now. #HeritageDay
organized in conjunction with the        Blitzbokke who pulled a 21%
National Braai Day initiative as         share of the 37 427 votes cast.         Semphete Newspaper
part of Heritage Day celebrations.       The third position went to              @semphetenews
Originally the poll, included long       Anderson, who obtained a 16%
jump World Champion Luvo                 share of the total votes.               Premier, Supra Mahumapelo
Manyonga, Ndebele artist Esther                                                  said: “Bokone Bophirima
Mahlangu, Kevin Anderson, the                                                    Provincial Government
Blitzbokke, and Chief Justice                                                    congratulate Judge Mogoeng
Mogoeng.                                                                         Mogoeng on being named SA'n
 Initially posted by Queen Mentor September 27, 2017                             of the Year.
 Read more:

The Judiciary - Women's Month Celebrations Malibongwe!

                                        FIRST JUDGE
                                       After his graduation he worked as      the first members of the then
                                       an interpreter, clerk of the court     Mpumalanga Tender Board after
Judge President Legodi                 and a prosecutor at Magistrate         having assisted in the drafting of
                                       Thabamoopo, Lebowakgomo in             Mpumalanga Tender Board. He
                                       Limpopo until 1982 when he was         was a member of what became
 On Tuesday August 1, Judge            offered a contract of articleship by   known as the Ngobeni
 Malesela Francis Legodi started       Attorneys Ngoepe and Machaka in        Commission which investigated
 his service as the Mpumalanga         Polokwane. In 1984 he moved to         corruption in the Legislature and
 Division of the High Court’s first    Mbombela to work in the only           later became the Chairperson
 Judge President, adding another       black attorneys firm at the time,      thereof. He was also the
 cap to a career launched in the       Phosa Mojapelo and Partners, and       Chairperson of the Mpumalanga
 Lowveld more than 30 years ago.       was admitted as an attorney            Parks Board. He was one of the
 So, just who is Judge Legodi?         during October 1986.                   Commissioners in the Arms Deal
                                                                              Commission, but later resigned for
 Judge Legodi is the 7th born child    In 1987 he partnered with AK           personal reasons.
 of Gilbert Makgitla Legodi and        Khoza to open a firm of attorneys
 Melita Ramatsobane Legodi. He         under the name Legodi, Khoza           Upon his appointment as a Judge
 was born out of a family of 8 at a    and Partners in Bushbuckridge,         he also took up motivational
 farm next to Maphooto in              Mpumalanga and specialized in          speaking delivering speeches at
 Limpopo. He completed his             human rights cases defending           schools, universities and other
 B.Proc degree in 1981 with the        political activists across the         community structures as well as
 University of the North (now          Province. Later, in 1998, he went      non-governmental organizational
 University of Limpopo).               solo and opened Francis Legodi         work which he continues to do.
  Interestingly, he had initially      and Associates, which he ran until      He acted in the Supreme Court of
 registered for B.Com degree in        2004 when he was appointed             Appeal for two terms during 2012,
 1976, but changed to B.Proc on        permanently to the Bench.              to May 2014. He is currently the
 the same year after having                                                   Chairperson of the Military
 attended a B.Proc first lecture and   Judge Legodi served on many            Appeals Court and also the
 found it very challenging and         structures before his appointment      Chairperson of the Magistrates
 inspiring. In 1978 he had to stop     to the Bench, inter alia, was a        Commission.
 his studies because he had no         monitor during the first democratic
 money to pay for his studies, but     elections, electoral presiding         So, what goals does Judge Legodi
 returned in 1979 to continue          officer for Lydenburg (now             have for the Mpumalanga Division
 studying.                             Mashishing). He became one of          of the High Court? The focus

                                                                                         THE JUDICIARY      |   5
The Judiciary - Women's Month Celebrations Malibongwe!
Judge President Legodi
                                                                                           Budget Vote

 should be on judicial norms
 and standards, says Judge
 Legodi. “[W]e have norms
 and standards issued by the
 Chief Justice on 14 February
 2014 which guide us how to
 go about executing our judicial
 functions effectively, efficiently
 and expeditiously guided by
 the core values being, equality
 and fairness, accessibility,
 transparency, responsiveness
 and diligence,” he explains.

 When asked to tell us
 something we don’t know
 about him, he declines to
 answer saying he ‘cannot
 judge’ himself. “All I know is
 that every person is special
 and important. Respect is
 earned and people do not
 care how much you know,
 what position you hold or how
 much money you have, until
 they know how much you care
 about them. So, taking off the
 velvet gloves and being of
 service to our respective
 communities builds us and
 make us a proud nation,”
 concludes Judge Legodi.

                                      The newly built Mpumalanga High Court.

The Judiciary - Women's Month Celebrations Malibongwe!
Malibongwe  igama lamakhosikazi

   The 13th Annual Conference of South African Chapter of the International
                      Association of Women Judges

The 13th Annual Conference of         justice, whilst relating to the idea   pledge R20 000 for the creation of
the South African Chapter of the      of the protection of communities.      a fund for the development of
International Association of                                                 women in the Judiciary.
Women Judges, took place in           The Deputy Chief Justice took the
Polokwane, Limpopo on 11-13           audience back to 9 August 1956,        Amongst the other speakers on
August 2017. The Conference is        when about 20 000 women                the programme were Justice of the
held annually and brings together     marched to the Union buildings         Constitutional Court of South
female jurists, and females in the    and declared that “enough is           Africa, Justice Theron, Acting
law profession with the aim of        enough”, in response to a legal        Justice of the Constitutional Court
finding solutions to the challenges   system that sought to dehumanise       Jodie Kollapen and The
facing women jurists, as well as      the majority of the citizens in this   Honourable Madam Sujata
addressing issues of gender           country. He said the intensity of      Manohar (Retired Justice of the
transformation in the Judiciary.      that protest action was a direct       Supreme Court India), who
                                      response to the laws that were         presented on a varying number of
Deputy Chief Justice Zondo            enacted at the time. Following the     subjects, including customary
delivered the keynote address at      courageous act of these women,         marriages and Women’s
this year’s Conference. He spoke      men were also galvanised into          Empowerment.
of the distinctive changes in law     action, the Deputy Chief Justice
between the period under              said.
Apartheid and currently under the
constitutional democracy. In          “We seek under the current
dealing with the theme “Let’s wrap    constitutional dispensation the
the wide arms of the law around       transformation of the Judiciary
those who need it”, the Deputy        [and] having as many women
Chief Justice spoke about how the     appointed to the Judiciary”, Judge
theme seeks to address access to      Zondo explained. He went on to
                                                                                             THE JUDICIARY         | 7
The Judiciary - Women's Month Celebrations Malibongwe!

                                                                                    Hon. Sujata Manohar (Retired
 Judge President D. Mlambo             Deputy Chief Justice Zondo             Justice of the Supreme Court India)

 DCJ Zondo and students from University of Limpopo         JP Mlambo; Judge Victor and Ms Teresa Mugadza

Judge President Legodi - Mpumalanga
                                      Minister of Justice, Michael Masutha   Justice Leona Theron and a delegate
Division of the High Court

Judge President
       HANGS UP                       HIS
                                                                   These will be very big shoes to fill.
                                                                   ~Judge President Tlaletsi

With a career spanning over three           incumbent Judge President said in           from 1986 to 1998 before
decades, for about two of those             the Northern Cape High Court on             moving to Kimberley to serve as
serving as the head of the                  Friday, adding that Judge Kgomo             an Acting Judge. After only three
Northern Cape Division of the               had established a “university for           years on the bench in the Northern
High Court, Judge President Frans           Judges” in Kimberley. “He used              Cape, Kgomo was appointed
Kgomo has been honoured by his              this court to mentor and train              Judge President of the Province in
colleagues in a moving farewell on          Judges. As a result, all provincial         2001.
retirement during a special                 courts have been impacted,” said
ceremonial sitting and dinner on            JP Tlaletsi.                                “I’m leaving this division in good
September 22 in Kimberley.                                                              hands,” Judge Kgomo told his
                                            JP Tlaletsi said that the fact that         family, friends and colleagues who
During the special ceremonial               more than two thirds of the judges          were in attendance at the special
sitting, Judge President Pule               that Kgomo had taken under his              sitting. He went on to thank his
Tlaletsi, who takes over from               wing were women, was a further              family and staff for all their
Judge Kgomo, gave a tribute on              indication of his commitment to             support.
behalf of the Division, saying that         transformation. “We are standing
of his predecessor’s many                   on the shoulders of a giant who             To Judge Kgomo from everyone at
achievements, his most enduring             never flinched and served with              the OCJ, congratulations on your
legacy would be the structures he           honour,” added JP Tlaletsi.                 retirement and best wishes for the
put in place to nurture and train                                                       relaxing years ahead!
Judges.                                     Born in Brits in the North West
                                            province, Judge Kgomo became a
“His mission has always been the            court interpreter in 1969. He was
Former President Mbeki                                          Friends and family came to pay their respects to Judge Maluleke.
transformation   of thewas in attendance.
                        legal   and         admitted to the North West Bar
judiciary structures,” the                                                                             THE JUDICIARY           | 9
JP Kgomo retires

Colleagues, family, and court staff gathered to bid farewell to Judge President Kgomo on the occasion of his reitrement from active service.
  THE JUDICIARY           | 10
CHIEF JUSTICE                                            Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng on 28 September 2017,

      DELIVERS                                               delivered the tenth annual Bram Fischer Lecture 2017, in
10th    Annual       Bram     Fischer      Lecture

Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng sharing some light moments with other dignitaries at the Bram Fischer Lecture

The Heads of the Superior Courts meet three times a year to discuss matters concerning the Judiciary, the
effective and efficient administration of the Courts and delivery of access to Justice to all South Africans.
They met at the National Office over two days, 28-29 September 2017.

                                                                                                          THE JUDICIARY   | 11
Southern African Judicial Administrators
     Association (SAJAA) established
                                                The interim Executive Committee of SAJAA with the Secretary-General, Ms M Sejosengwe.

 Judicial administrators in the        Attendees at this planning session             The Association adopted a
 Southern African region have          unanimously agreed, informed by                constitution and its interim
 established the Southern African      the December 2016 resolution of                Executive Committee signed a
 Judicial Administrators Association   the SACJF, that there is a need for            Declaration in which it affirmed
 (SAJAA) as a parallel programme       a professional body, operating at              that the Association shall be
 to the Southern African Chief         the regional level, to facilitate co-          governed by the adopted
 Justices Forum (SACJF) with the       operation among various                        constitution and that the inaugural
 aim of building cooperation on key    institutions in Southern Africa                Patron of the Association shall be
 judicial administration matters.      tasked with Judicial                           the Honourable Mr Justice
 The SACJF exists to promote co-       Administration.                                Mathew Zulu, Judge of the High
 operation and exchange best                                                          Court in Zambia.
 practices amongst the judiciaries     The deliberations culminated in
 in the Southern African region, as    the formation of the Southern                  The Southern African Judicial
 well as promote and protect the       African Judicial Administration                Administrators Association
 welfare and dignity of Judges in      Association (SAJAA) with the                   (SAJAA) will create a common
 the member countries.                 interim Executive Committee                    platform for the promotion of the
                                       consisting of:                                 rule of law, constitutionalism and
 The establishment of SAJAA was           Namibia as Chairperson                      good governance through
 a resolution of a SACJF meeting          (represented by the Permanent               ensuring independent judicial
 held on 12 December 2016, in             Secretary of the office of the              administration.
 Windhoek, Namibia.                       Judiciary of Namibia),
                                          Zimbabwe as the Deputy                      The SACJF is composed of the
 During May 2017, the Permanent           Chairperson (represented by                 following Southern African
 Secretary of the Office of the           the Deputy Secretary of the                 countries:
 Judiciary in Namibia invited the         Judicial Service Commission of              Kingdom of Lesotho, Kingdom of
 SG to a planning session from 29         Zimbabwe),                                  Swaziland, Republic of Angola,
 until 30 June 2017 for the               South Africa as Secretary-                  Republic of Botswana, Republic of
 inclusion of the Judicial                General represented by the                  Kenya, Republic of Malawi,
 Administration as a parallel             Secretary General of the Office             Republic of Mauritius, Republic of
 programme to the SACJF. The              of the Chief Justice of the                 Mozambique, Republic of
 SG honoured the invitation and           Republic of South Africa), and              Namibia, Republic of South Africa,
 attended the meeting, supported          Zambia as Treasurer                         Republic of Seychelles, Republic
 by Jakes Jacobs (Office of the           (represented by the Chief                   of Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe
 SG) and Nelson Phakola                   Administrator of the Judicial               and United Republic of Tanzania.
 (Principal State Law Adviser).           Administration of Zambia).

DELIBERATES ON BACKLOG                                                                    The Gauteg PEEC Indaba was
                                                                                          atteneded by various
                                                                                          stakeholders. Judge President
      ERADICATION                                                                         addressed the gathering.

The Judge President of Gauteng         Ramarumo Monama also attended           the actual trial start.
Division of High Court observed        the PEEC.                               Judge Monama also appealed to
that the Provincial Efficiency                                                 all stakeholders to be self-
Enhancement Committee (PEEC)           The focus in terms of the               discipline (d) when carrying out
deliberations, held over the past      deliberations made during the           their responsibilities.
few years during the PEEC              PEEC indaba was in the following
                                                                               The PEEC resolutions are as
meetings, revealed that there are      areas: Striking off trends and
pertinent challenges that require      analysis at the High Courts and
robust engagement and practical        Magistrates Courts, Foreign               Develop a framework on
resolutions to improve efficiency in   Language Services, Remand                 Foreign Interpreters for
the Courts. A resolution was taken     Detainees and Common Roll                 implementation of policy to
that a full day Indaba should be       Collapse causes.                          determine which languages will
scheduled to afford all                Members also reflected on the             be provided at the courts in
stakeholders ample time to make        status of the lower courts on the         view of scarcity of resources.
a meaningful contribution on           finalisation of cases. Unavailability     Increased co-operation
measures to address                    of foreign (languages )                   between the Prosecution, Legal
inefficiencies.                        interpreters, magistrates and             aid South Africa and the
                                       assessors, were said to be the            Judiciary on case scheduling.
In a bid to eradicate backlogs and     biggest challenge.                        Prioritisation of part heard
to ensure faster finalisation of       Judge President Mlambo                    matters by all stakeholders.
cases, Judge President of              encouraged stakeholders not to            Re enrolment of Cases that
Gauteng Division of High Court         focus on the statistics but the           were wrongfully struck off the
met with members of the justice        fundamental cause(s). “Let us be          roll, the DPP to use state
and security cluster at Gauteng        leaders and make things happen”,          appeals where matters were
PEEC Indaba to discuss the             said the Judge President. He also         incorrectly struck off the roll.
fundamental causes on Thursday,        emphasised that all matters which         Implementation of a Tool to
12 October 2017, in                    are appearing in court for the first      record information relating to
Johannesburg, National                 time should be referred to pre-trial      SAPS and reasons why cases
Prosecution Authority building.        (conference) so that issues               cannot proceed.
Deputy Judge President of              relating to the accused person not
Gauteng Division of High Court,        having a lawyer, language
Aubrey Ledwaba, and Judge              interpreter can be clarified before

                                                                                            THE JUDICIARY | 13
Ceremonial Sitting in honour of
                                                                        Judge GSS Maluleke
 In August we learnt of the passing of retired                          sitting Judges of the local division, members of
 Judge George Maluleke, formerly of the                                 the organised profession, family and friends.
 Gauteng Local Division of the High Court.
                                                                        In August we learnt of the passing of retired
 On 15 August 2017, A ceremonial sitting was                            Judge George Maluleke, formerly of the
 held in honour of the late Judge Maluleke, at the                      Gauteng Local Division of the High Court.
 Gauteng Local Divsion of the High Court.
                                                                        On 15 August 2017, A ceremonial sitting was
 Many came to remember the retired Judge, in                            held in honour of the late Judge Maluleke, at
 attandance was former President Thabo Mbeki,                           the Gauteng Local Divsion of the High Court.

                                                                        Mr. L Sigogo – President of the Black Lawyers Association
Mr Wadee - Johannesburg Attorneys Association.                          and of the Law Society of the Northern Provinces

A special memorial sitting was held in remembrance of Judge Maluleke.

THE JUDICIARY        | 14
The Judiciary remembers Judge Kirk Cohen
It is a norm in the South African     Judge Cohen wrote a lot of ‘power       especially when you were not
Judiciary that when a Judge           house’ judgments which                  prepared”, said Joubert.
passes away, a ceremonial sitting     survived scrutiny. “His judgements
in his remembrance is held. The       will live forever and he is one of      Other structures which paid tribute
ceremonial sitting honours the        those Judges who when we were           to the late Judge were the Law
departed Judges for their             still students, we aspired to be like   Society of the Northern Province,
contribution to the Judiciary.        him,” he said.                          Director of Public Prosecutions,
                                                                              Advocates for Transformation,
On 11 October 2017, family            Speaking on behalf of the               Johannesburg Society of
members and members of the            Judiciary, Judge President              Advocates, and Pretoria Society of
legal fraternity, led by honourable   Bernard Ngoepe described Judge          Advocates.
Judge President Dunstan Mlambo,       Cohen as an embodiment of a
gathered at the North Gauteng         good judge. “He played a big role       On behalf of the family, Judge
High Court to bid farewell to the     in the Judiciary,” said Ngoepe. He      Cohen’s son, advocate Cohen,
retired Judge Kirk Cohen.             also praised Cohen for his              spoke about how his father was
                                      commitment to the Judiciary by          dedicated to his professional life.
Judge Cohen joined the bench as       recalling how he accepted the           “We will continue to honour him,”
an acting Judge in 1977, and was      responsibility of acting Judge          he said.
appointed as a permanent Judge        President while already on              Judge President Mlambo thanked
in 1982. He retired in 1997. He       retirement. “He did that because        all speakers from different
was described by many as a            he had a deeper understanding of        professions. He also extended his
selfless and dedicated man, who       what this country was all about,”       appreciation to the family for
understood the importance of the      said Ngoepe. “If we continue to         allowing the Judiciary to host such
Judiciary.                            have people like Kirk, we would be      a sitting.
                                      hopeful,” he said.
In his tribute, Judge President
Mlambo stated that Judge Cohen        On behalf of Pretoria Attorney’s
was a Judge to the core. “I say       Association, Mr T Joubert
this without fear of contradiction.   described Judge Cohen as a small
 He was a true South African,”        man with a big heart. “Appearing
said Mlambo. He further noted that    before him was not a pleasure,
                                                                                           THE JUDICIARY       | 15
JSC Interviews

   The JSC interviews took place in early October 2017 in Midrand, at the OCJ National Office.

 The Judicial Service Commission was established in        Chief Justice in Midrand to conduct interviews
 terms of Section 178 of the Constitution and is consist   for various divisions of the High Court.
 of 23 members. One of the commission’s mandate is
 to interview candidates for judicial posts and make       President Jacob Zuma on Thursday, 02 November,
 recommendations for appointments to the bench.            announced the appointment of 15 individuals to serve
                                                           as Judges in High Courts across the country. This
 From the 02-06 October 2017, members of the JSC           after receiving advice on suitable candidates from the
 gathered at the National Office of the                    Judicial Service Commission.

                               Judicial Appointments November 2017

   Judge President of the Eastern           Gauteng Division of the High        Free State Division of the High
   Cape Division of the High Court,         Court, as of 1 January 2018          Court, Bloemfontein as of 16
      as of 7 November 2017.                                                            December 2017
                                                Ms Colleen Jane Collis          Adv Philip Jacobus Loubser SC
    Judge Selby Mfanelo Mbenenge                Adv Norman Davis SC
                                             Ms Maletsatsi Betty Mahalelo        Western Cape Division of the
   Eastern Cape Division of the High          Adv Tintswalo Annah Nana           High Court, as of 1 November
     Court, as of 1 November 2017                   Makhubele SC                             2017
                                            Mr Cassim Mohamed Sardiwalla
       Mr Ndumiso Patrick Jaji,                Adv David Unterhalter SC            Mr Taswell Deveril Papier
   Grahamstown Local Division of the        Adv Cornelius Jacobus Van Der          Mr Mushtak Kassim Parker
   Eastern Cape Division of the High               Westhuizen SC                  Adv Mark Louis Sher SC; and
               Court.                                                                Mr Eduard Derek Wille

  Mr Mbulelo Stanford Jolwana, Mthatha
   Local Division of the Eastern Cape
                                                 Wishing all the new Judges well in their
       Division of the High Court.                              new roles!

Disclosure of Judges’
  Registrable Interests

The law requiring Judges to disclose their registrable
interests came into effect in 2014. In terms of this
law, Judges are required to disclose their interests to    Newly appointed judges must disclose their interests
the Registrar of Judge’s Interests (the Registrar)         within 30 days of appointment. Judges who are
located at the Headquarters of the Office of the Chief     already in active service are required to inform the
Justice. The Registrar is the custodian of the Register    Registrar in writing whether the interests previously
of Judge’s Registrable Interests (the Register).           disclosed remain unchanged, and make amendments
                                                           or additional disclosures where necessary.
The Registrar in turn is required to enter the disclosed
information into the Register and furnish Judges with      For further information, please contact:
copies of entries so captured. The Registrar is
required to maintain and update the Register and to        Mr Phethuvuyo Gagai
make it available upon request for inspection by           Registrar of Judges’ Registrable Interests
members of the public and the media.                       The Office of the Chief Justice
                                                           Office No: (010) 493 2579
So what are Judges required to disclose?                   Cell No: (072) 735 1769

Judges are required to disclose the following:

    Immovable property, including immovable
    property outside South Africa.
    Shares and other financial interests in
    companies and other corporate entities.
    Directorships, businesses or financial
    interests in any business enterprise or any
    legal entity.
    Any royalties received for legal books written
    or edited by the Judge.
    Gifts, other than a gift received from an
    immediate family member, with a value of
    more than R1500.00 or gifts received from a
    single source with a cumulative value of
    more than R1500.00 in a calendar year, and
    including hospitality intended as such.
    Any other financial income not derived from
    the holding of judicial office.
                                                                                           THE JUDICIARY    | 17
                           ROBING ROOM

 The Johannesburg Society of
 Advocates (JSA) has officially
 launched the long awaited Robing
 Room in the Gauteng Local Division
 Johannesburg on 31 October 2017.

 The launch was attended by senior
 and junior members of the Bar.
 Judge President Mlambo graced the
 occasion together with Deputy
 Judge President Mojapelo and other
 members of the Judiciary.

 Advocate Rusty Mogagabe (Chair of
 the JSA) stated that the need for a
 Robing Room came about by virtue
 of a realisation that members were
 robing in the streets, in the parking      The newly launched robing rooms at the Gauteng Local Division.
 lots and corridors of the court
 building. This was demeaning and
 an indignity to the advocates’

 In order to restore the dignity,
 stature and respect of our
 practitioners, the JSA made funds
 available for the construction of the
 Robing Room consisting of more
 than 100 classy and high quality
 lockers for use by practitioners.

 Mojapelo DJP, speaking on behalf of
 the Judiciary, lauded the
 construction adding that members
 should not only regard it as merely a
 facility for robing, but more
 importantly as their “home” for
 practising their craft in pursuit of the   Adv. Rusty Mogagabe addressing practitioners at the launch.
 administration of justice.

Superior Courts Contact
 Constitutional Court                               Supreme Court of Appeal                       Gauteng Division, Pretoria

 Tel: +27 11 359 7400                               Tel: +27 51 412 7400                          Tel: 012 315 7711
 Fax: +27 11 339 5098                               Fax: +27 51 412 7449                          Fax: 012 326 1995
 Private Bag x 1 Constitutional Hill Braamfontein   PO Box 258, Bloemfontein, Free State, 9300
 2017                                               Cnr President Brand & Elizabeth Streets,      Private Bag x 67, Pretoria, 0001
 1 Hospital Road, Braamfontein, Johannesburg,       Bloemfontein, 9300                            Cnr Paul Kruger & Madiba Streets, Pretoria, 0002
 2017                                               GPS: E 26.21675; S -29.11563                  GPS: E 28.18784; S -25.7449
 GPS: E 28.04336; S -26.1882
                                                    Registrar: Ms CH Van der Merwe                Pretoria High Court Palace of Justice
 Registrar: Mr K Makgakga                           E-mail:          Tel: 012 314 9000
 E-mail:                   Website:
 Website:                                                          Chief Registrar: Mr.S.D.Mniki
 Free State Division, Bloemfontein
                                                                                                   Northern Cape Division, Kimberly
                                                     Western Cape Division, Cape Town
 Tel: 051 406 8100
 Fax: 051 430 7041                                                                                 Tel: 053 833 1441
                                                     Tel: 021 480 2411/2636
                                                                                                   Fax: 053 831 1320
                                                     Fax: 021 423 0412
 Private Bag x 20612, Bloemfontein, 9300
 cnr Fountain & Pres Brand Street,                                                                 Private Bag x 5043, Kimberley, 8300
                                                     Private Bag x 9020, Cape Town, 8000
 Bloemfontein, 9300                                                                                Sol Plaatje Drive, Kimberley, 8301
                                                     35 Keerom Street, Cape Town, 8001
 GPS: E 26.21739; S -29.11858                                                                      GPS: E 24.76783; S -28.74564
                                                     GPS: E 18.41752; S -33.925

 Chief Registrar: Mr S Mapossa                                                                     Registrar: Mr C Conradie
                                                     Chief Registrar: Ms Ruanne David
 E-mail:                                                                   E-mail:

Limpopo Division, Polokwane
                                                    KwaZulu-Natal Division, Durban                Mpumalanga Division, Nelspruit
Polokwane Circuit Court
                                                    Tel: 031 362 5800                             Tel: 013 345 8211
Tel: 015 230 4000                                   Fax: 031 305 4550                             Fax: 033 345 3815
Fax: 015 230 4200
                                                    Private Bag x 54314, Durban, 4000             Private Bag x 9014, Pietermartizburg, 3200
Private Bag x9696, Polokwane, 0700                  12 Dullah Omar (Masonic) Grove, Durban,       301 Church Street, Pietermarizburg, 3200
36 Biccard and Bodenstein Street,                   4001                                          GPS: E 30.3805; S -29.599
Polokwane, 0700                                     GPS: E 31.01921; S -29.86172
                                                                                                  Chief Registrar: Mr M Seloana
Chief Registrar: Ms M Phaswane                      Acting Chief Registrar:                       E-mail:
E-mail:                   Ms Tanisa Mahomed-Hanif
Labour and Labour Appeal Court Johannesburg
                                                    Land Claims Court                              National Office address:
Tel: 011 359 5700
Fax: 011 403 9328                                   Tel: 011 781 2291                              188 14th ROAD
Email:                Fax: 011 781 2217 / 2218                       Noordwyk
                                                    Private Bag X10060, Randburg 2125              Midrand
Private Bag x52, Braamfontein, 2017                 Trust Bank Centre, Randburg Mall, Corner of    1685
Arbour Square Building, 6th and 7th Floor           Hill Street and Kent Avenue, Randburg, 2194
c/o Juta & Melle Street                             GPS: E 28.00083; S -26.09232                   Switchboard number
Braamfontein, 2001                                                                                 010 493 2500
                                                    Registrar: Mr Stephen Cindi
Registrar: Ms F.N Ntuli                             Email:
E-mail:                     Website:
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