Packaging and the Internet - multi-channel delivery systems

Page created by Danny Mann
Packaging and the Internet - multi-channel delivery systems
           g and
   the Intern
A guide t
          o packag
multi-cha           ing goods
          nnel deliv           for
                     ery system
     Reduce e             fficiency
                       ntal impa
             Save mon             ct
Packaging and the Internet - multi-channel delivery systems
Foreword from UK Government
                                                         We are delighted to be able to support this guidance. We recognise the importance of
                                                         reducing the amount of unnecessary packaging and thereby saving valuable resources
                                                         and reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfill.

                                                         Encouraging a more common approach may also help reduce the costs of unnecessary
                                                         packaging faced by businesses. This is especially true in rapidly growing areas like
                                                         e-commerce, where optimisation of packaging will ultimately help to support a more
                                                         sustainable use of packaging materials.

                                                         We commend the excellent progress in the reduction of excessive packaging to date;
                                                         however, more can be done. We would like to see more consistency in the materials used
                                                         for packaging and their recovery from waste. The optimisation of packaging means retailers
                                                         can reduce the amount of waste and, as a result, minimise the burden on householders and
                                                         local authorities. All of us are committed to making it easier for householders to recycle more.

                                                         We also welcome that, in producing this guidance, a number of local authorities,
                                                         manufacturers and retailers have worked together. We want to encourage more
                                                         joint working to ensure waste packaging is minimised; especially as more and more
                                                         consumers switch to buying online or mail ordering items.

                                                         We challenge retailers and producers to take on board the good advice in this guidance

The Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment
SoanePoint, 6-8 Market Place
Reading RG1 2EG
Tel:   +44 (0)1189 255 991
                                                         Rt Hon Grant Shapps              Lord Taylor                       Mr Mark Prisk MP,                                           MP, Minister of State            of Holbeach,                      Minister of State
                                                         for Housing and Local            Parliamentary Under-              for Business and
© INCPEN March 2012                                      Government                       Secretary for Defra               Enterprise, Department
ISBN 1 901576 65 5                                                                                                          for Business,
                                                                                                                            Innovation and Skills.
Packaging and the Internet - multi-channel delivery systems
Foreword from UK Government
                                                         We are delighted to be able to support this guidance. We recognise the importance of
                                                         reducing the amount of unnecessary packaging and thereby saving valuable resources
                                                         and reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfill.

                                                         Encouraging a more common approach may also help reduce the costs of unnecessary
                                                         packaging faced by businesses. This is especially true in rapidly growing areas like
                                                         e-commerce, where optimisation of packaging will ultimately help to support a more
                                                         sustainable use of packaging materials.

                                                         We commend the excellent progress in the reduction of excessive packaging to date;
                                                         however, more can be done. We would like to see more consistency in the materials used
                                                         for packaging and their recovery from waste. The optimisation of packaging means retailers
                                                         can reduce the amount of waste and, as a result, minimise the burden on householders and
                                                         local authorities. All of us are committed to making it easier for householders to recycle more.

                                                         We also welcome that, in producing this guidance, a number of local authorities,
                                                         manufacturers and retailers have worked together. We want to encourage more
                                                         joint working to ensure waste packaging is minimised; especially as more and more
                                                         consumers switch to buying online or mail ordering items.

                                                         We challenge retailers and producers to take on board the good advice in this guidance

The Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment
SoanePoint, 6-8 Market Place
Reading RG1 2EG
Tel:   +44 (0)1189 255 991
                                                         Rt Hon Grant Shapps              Lord Taylor                       Mr Mark Prisk MP,                                           MP, Minister of State            of Holbeach,                      Minister of State
                                                         for Housing and Local            Parliamentary Under-              for Business and
© INCPEN March 2012                                      Government                       Secretary for Defra               Enterprise, Department
ISBN 1 901576 65 5                                                                                                          for Business,
                                                                                                                            Innovation and Skills.
Packaging and the Internet - multi-channel delivery systems
CONTENTS                                                                                                                          1. INTRODUCTION
    1.   Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

    2.   Executive summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
                                                                                                                                           he way we buy things is                  see it piling up in their bins. They rightly
    3.   Packaging’s role in e-commerce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6                                                               also object to products being excessively
                                                                                                                                           changing. The convenience                packaged.
    4.   Packaging and the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8                      and competitiveness of
    5.   Specifying packaging for e-commerce goods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10                           being able to shop via the                    However, packaging is not a major cause
                                                                                                                                                                                    of environmental damage, compared to,
    6.   The Essential Requirements Regulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13                      Internet is altering the retail               for example, home heating (20 times the
    7.   References and links. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14          landscape. ‘Click and collect’                impact of packaging) or personal transport
                                                                                                                                      services are growing rapidly.                 (30 times packaging). Overall packaging
                                                                                                                                                                                    has a net positive impact. It protects far
                                                                                                                                      Most retailers offer some form of home        more resources than it uses and prevents
                                                                                                                                      delivery or click-and-collect service. In     far more waste than it generates.
                                                                                                                                      many cases shops have become little more
    Foreword from the Trading Standards Institute                                                                                                                                   There is, however, always room for
                                                                                                                                      than a showroom with goods delivered
    The Trading Standards Institute welcomes and endorses INCPEN’s guidance on                                                        through a ‘fulfilment’ service. Packaging     improvement and opportunities to design
    packaging goods for multi-channel delivery systems. Trusted guidance endorsed by                                                  needs to respond to these developments.       packaging to make supply chains more
    industry and regulators plays a crucial role in creating an economic climate that allows                                                                                        resource-efficient.
    enterprise to thrive and grow whilst ensuring compliance and good practice is exercised                                           As always, packaging’s most important
    by the whole market. Businesses have a vital role to play in sustainable development and                                          role is protection of goods from farm or      Companies need to manage their use of
    this guidance will assist them in that journey.                                                                                   factory to the user.                          packaging because:

    Trading standards professionals throughout the country are playing a crucial role in                                              However, packaging performs lots of           • packaging is costly and there is
    bridging consumer expectations and business responsibilities. Trading Standards                                                   other roles including carrying information,     potential for saving
    and Industry experts will know that packaging optimisation is far from being a mere                                               marketing the product, enabling handling,     • consumers expect products and
    regulatory compliance issue but one that can stimulate genuine cost savings for                                                   storage and use of goods.                       services that meet their needs with the
    businesses, enhance packaging performance and increase brand reputation.                                                                                                          lowest environmental and social impacts
                                                                                                                                      Not all of these roles are needed for
    TSI and our trading standards professionals look forward to bringing our unique mix of                                            goods delivered direct to homes and via
    legal and technical experience in helping businesses on this important journey which has                                          ‘click and collect’ systems and there are
    the potential to realise environmental, social and economic outcomes for businesses and
    consumers alike.
                                                                                                                                      other functions that are required. This
                                                                                                                                      guide explains the differences.
                                                                                                                                                                                            and environmental
                                                                                                                                      Consumers assume that goods and food
                                                                                                                                      will reach them undamaged and in perfect                 sustainability
                                                                                                                                      condition. The fact that packaging has
                                                                                                                                      helped ensure this is not always obvious.                are two sides
    Andy Foster, Operations & Policy Director, TSI
                                                                                                                                      Consumers only notice packaging once                   of the same coin.
                                                                                                                                      its contents have been used and they

2   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                                                                                                                                                     3
Packaging and the Internet - multi-channel delivery systems
CONTENTS                                                                                                                          1. INTRODUCTION
    1.   Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

    2.   Executive summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
                                                                                                                                           he way we buy things is                  see it piling up in their bins. They rightly
    3.   Packaging’s role in e-commerce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6                                                               also object to products being excessively
                                                                                                                                           changing. The convenience                packaged.
    4.   Packaging and the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8                      and competitiveness of
    5.   Specifying packaging for e-commerce goods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10                           being able to shop via the                    However, packaging is not a major cause
                                                                                                                                                                                    of environmental damage, compared to,
    6.   The Essential Requirements Regulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13                      Internet is altering the retail               for example, home heating (20 times the
    7.   References and links. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14          landscape. ‘Click and collect’                impact of packaging) or personal transport
                                                                                                                                      services are growing rapidly.                 (30 times packaging). Overall packaging
                                                                                                                                                                                    has a net positive impact. It protects far
                                                                                                                                      Most retailers offer some form of home        more resources than it uses and prevents
                                                                                                                                      delivery or click-and-collect service. In     far more waste than it generates.
                                                                                                                                      many cases shops have become little more
    Foreword from the Trading Standards Institute                                                                                                                                   There is, however, always room for
                                                                                                                                      than a showroom with goods delivered
    The Trading Standards Institute welcomes and endorses INCPEN’s guidance on                                                        through a ‘fulfilment’ service. Packaging     improvement and opportunities to design
    packaging goods for multi-channel delivery systems. Trusted guidance endorsed by                                                  needs to respond to these developments.       packaging to make supply chains more
    industry and regulators plays a crucial role in creating an economic climate that allows                                                                                        resource-efficient.
    enterprise to thrive and grow whilst ensuring compliance and good practice is exercised                                           As always, packaging’s most important
    by the whole market. Businesses have a vital role to play in sustainable development and                                          role is protection of goods from farm or      Companies need to manage their use of
    this guidance will assist them in that journey.                                                                                   factory to the user.                          packaging because:

    Trading standards professionals throughout the country are playing a crucial role in                                              However, packaging performs lots of           • packaging is costly and there is
    bridging consumer expectations and business responsibilities. Trading Standards                                                   other roles including carrying information,     potential for saving
    and Industry experts will know that packaging optimisation is far from being a mere                                               marketing the product, enabling handling,     • consumers expect products and
    regulatory compliance issue but one that can stimulate genuine cost savings for                                                   storage and use of goods.                       services that meet their needs with the
    businesses, enhance packaging performance and increase brand reputation.                                                                                                          lowest environmental and social impacts
                                                                                                                                      Not all of these roles are needed for
    TSI and our trading standards professionals look forward to bringing our unique mix of                                            goods delivered direct to homes and via
    legal and technical experience in helping businesses on this important journey which has                                          ‘click and collect’ systems and there are
    the potential to realise environmental, social and economic outcomes for businesses and
    consumers alike.
                                                                                                                                      other functions that are required. This
                                                                                                                                      guide explains the differences.
                                                                                                                                                                                            and environmental
                                                                                                                                      Consumers assume that goods and food
                                                                                                                                      will reach them undamaged and in perfect                 sustainability
                                                                                                                                      condition. The fact that packaging has
                                                                                                                                      helped ensure this is not always obvious.                are two sides
    Andy Foster, Operations & Policy Director, TSI
                                                                                                                                      Consumers only notice packaging once                   of the same coin.
                                                                                                                                      its contents have been used and they

2   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                                                                                                                                                     3
Packaging and the Internet - multi-channel delivery systems

    • packaging regulations must be                he growth in e-commerce presents           demands on packaging and present
      complied with.                               an opportunity to assess the whole         new challenges and opportunities.
                                                   supply chain, to consider new types of     The challenge is to design and choose
    Companies that continually monitor their    packaging and to ask some key questions.      packaging which is cost-effective,
    use of packaging can achieve savings,                                                     protects the goods and helps make the
    make supply chains more sustainable and     • Can the retail (sales) pack be simplified   supply chain as resource-efficient as
                                                  for home delivery?                          possible. This means considering:
    reduce environmental impacts.
                                                • Are there alternative delivery systems or   • The complexity and variability of orders.
    Cost-effectiveness and environmental          packaging options that reduce impacts         Orders can be for single or a number of
    sustainability are two sides of the same      and costs?                                    items and the goods may be delivered
    coin.                                                                                       from more than one depot.
                                                • Can the outer (secondary grouping and
    Packaging has to be designed in the           transport) packaging be eliminated or       • The need to include supporting
                                                  minimised?                                    paperwork.
    context of the protection required by the
    product, the strains and stresses of the    • Is there a role for re-usable packages?     • Putting in place a systematic approach
    distribution chain, and the needs of the                                                    to new pack selection.
                                                • Can the outer dimensions be changed
    end user.                                     to improve pallet fill?                     • Assessing the packaging as part of the
                                                                                                product and its supply chain, not in
    Simple rules cannot be applied to supply    • Is the packaging designed for ease of
    chains, which are complex and uniquely        handling and opening?
    designed.                                                                                 • The trade-off between having many
                                                • Are the material sources, especially          different outer pack sizes or just a few.
                                                  paper, certified as ‘sustainable’?
    This guide outlines the issues involved                                                   • The training and management of the
    in choosing packaging for e-commerce        • Is the packaging designed according to        packing staff.
    goods. It sets out a voluntary approach       ‘good practice’ for recycling?
    and shows the general direction to take,                                                  • Putting in place simple indicators and
                                                New supply chains place different               management controls.
    not a detailed road map.

        Simple rules cannot be
       applied to supply chains,
        which are complex and
          uniquely designed.

4   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                             5
Packaging and the Internet - multi-channel delivery systems

    • packaging regulations must be                he growth in e-commerce presents           demands on packaging and present
      complied with.                               an opportunity to assess the whole         new challenges and opportunities.
                                                   supply chain, to consider new types of     The challenge is to design and choose
    Companies that continually monitor their    packaging and to ask some key questions.      packaging which is cost-effective,
    use of packaging can achieve savings,                                                     protects the goods and helps make the
    make supply chains more sustainable and     • Can the retail (sales) pack be simplified   supply chain as resource-efficient as
                                                  for home delivery?                          possible. This means considering:
    reduce environmental impacts.
                                                • Are there alternative delivery systems or   • The complexity and variability of orders.
    Cost-effectiveness and environmental          packaging options that reduce impacts         Orders can be for single or a number of
    sustainability are two sides of the same      and costs?                                    items and the goods may be delivered
    coin.                                                                                       from more than one depot.
                                                • Can the outer (secondary grouping and
    Packaging has to be designed in the           transport) packaging be eliminated or       • The need to include supporting
                                                  minimised?                                    paperwork.
    context of the protection required by the
    product, the strains and stresses of the    • Is there a role for re-usable packages?     • Putting in place a systematic approach
    distribution chain, and the needs of the                                                    to new pack selection.
                                                • Can the outer dimensions be changed
    end user.                                     to improve pallet fill?                     • Assessing the packaging as part of the
                                                                                                product and its supply chain, not in
    Simple rules cannot be applied to supply    • Is the packaging designed for ease of
    chains, which are complex and uniquely        handling and opening?
    designed.                                                                                 • The trade-off between having many
                                                • Are the material sources, especially          different outer pack sizes or just a few.
                                                  paper, certified as ‘sustainable’?
    This guide outlines the issues involved                                                   • The training and management of the
    in choosing packaging for e-commerce        • Is the packaging designed according to        packing staff.
    goods. It sets out a voluntary approach       ‘good practice’ for recycling?
    and shows the general direction to take,                                                  • Putting in place simple indicators and
                                                New supply chains place different               management controls.
    not a detailed road map.

        Simple rules cannot be
       applied to supply chains,
        which are complex and
          uniquely designed.

4   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                             5
Packaging and the Internet - multi-channel delivery systems

         ost packaging for goods is              In that case, both the retail and outer
         designed for sale through shops.        pack need to be assessed together
                                                 and each needs to take account of the
                                                 functions required.
    At some point in the distribution chain, a
    pallet of goods will be broken down; outer   The retail pack for home delivery:
    packages will continue their journey until
                                                 • Needs to provide physical protection
    they too are broken out into individual
                                                   of the product in combination with the
    sales units and sold to the customer.
                                                   outer pack.
    Each element of this packaging system
                                                 • Needs to provide legal information
    must fulfil its purposes – protection,
    handling, providing information and so on.     and instructions for consumers.

    The requirements of a home delivery or       • Needs to be strong enough to survive
                                                   automated and manual handling.              through a more complex and less         E-commerce is growing so rapidly
    click-and-collect system have substantial                                                  predictable distribution system.        that packaging may continue to be
    differences from a conventional model.                                                                                             overlooked. However packaging is a
                                                 • Does not have to guard against the
                                                   risk of shop-lifting.                    • Needs to prevent retail packs shifting   critical part of any delivery system and it
    Retail packs are seldom specifically                                                      within the outer packaging.              is important to ensure it is designed not
    designed for home delivery because it
                                                 • Does not need to provide point-of-                                                  only to protect the product but also to be
    is not commercially or environmentally                                                  • Might be designed to be re-usable.
                                                   sale marketing.                                                                     resource efficient.
    sensible, or logistically feasible to
    manufacture and pack two different types.                                               • Must allow for the return of unwanted/
                                                 Whether the standard retail pack or a                                                 Some businesses have thought about
                                                                                              faulty goods
                                                 specially designed home delivery system                                               packaging but others seem to be using
    However, if e-commerce grows as it is
                                                 is used, there are a number of features    • Needs to provide protection against      far more packaging than is necessary or
    expected to it may become feasible.
                                                 involved in designing the outer pack.        in-transit theft.                        not enough and, as a result, are incurring
                                                                                                                                       large costs through damage to goods.
                                                 The outer pack for home delivery:          • Should be easy to open by the            This may be because of the expense of
         The requirements of a                   • Might have to contain a number of          consumer                                 re-tooling or because of low volumes.
        home delivery or click-                    goods of different sizes and shapes.
                                                                                            Home delivery often starts as a minor
        and-collect system have                  • Needs to include individual addresses,   ‘add on’ to normal retailing and the
                                                                                            design of the packaging may not have
                                                   distribution tracking and order
         substantial differences                   information                              been considered. As a result, the retail
                                                                                            pack may have functions that are
          from a conventional                    • Has to comply with courier-specific      unnecessary.

              retail model.                        requirements
                                                                                            The type of outer pack may be specified
                                                 • Needs to provide protection of goods     by the courier company.

6   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                         7
Packaging and the Internet - multi-channel delivery systems

         ost packaging for goods is              In that case, both the retail and outer
         designed for sale through shops.        pack need to be assessed together
                                                 and each needs to take account of the
                                                 functions required.
    At some point in the distribution chain, a
    pallet of goods will be broken down; outer   The retail pack for home delivery:
    packages will continue their journey until
                                                 • Needs to provide physical protection
    they too are broken out into individual
                                                   of the product in combination with the
    sales units and sold to the customer.
                                                   outer pack.
    Each element of this packaging system
                                                 • Needs to provide legal information
    must fulfil its purposes – protection,
    handling, providing information and so on.     and instructions for consumers.

    The requirements of a home delivery or       • Needs to be strong enough to survive
                                                   automated and manual handling.              through a more complex and less         E-commerce is growing so rapidly
    click-and-collect system have substantial                                                  predictable distribution system.        that packaging may continue to be
    differences from a conventional model.                                                                                             overlooked. However packaging is a
                                                 • Does not have to guard against the
                                                   risk of shop-lifting.                    • Needs to prevent retail packs shifting   critical part of any delivery system and it
    Retail packs are seldom specifically                                                      within the outer packaging.              is important to ensure it is designed not
    designed for home delivery because it
                                                 • Does not need to provide point-of-                                                  only to protect the product but also to be
    is not commercially or environmentally                                                  • Might be designed to be re-usable.
                                                   sale marketing.                                                                     resource efficient.
    sensible, or logistically feasible to
    manufacture and pack two different types.                                               • Must allow for the return of unwanted/
                                                 Whether the standard retail pack or a                                                 Some businesses have thought about
                                                                                              faulty goods
                                                 specially designed home delivery system                                               packaging but others seem to be using
    However, if e-commerce grows as it is
                                                 is used, there are a number of features    • Needs to provide protection against      far more packaging than is necessary or
    expected to it may become feasible.
                                                 involved in designing the outer pack.        in-transit theft.                        not enough and, as a result, are incurring
                                                                                                                                       large costs through damage to goods.
                                                 The outer pack for home delivery:          • Should be easy to open by the            This may be because of the expense of
         The requirements of a                   • Might have to contain a number of          consumer                                 re-tooling or because of low volumes.
        home delivery or click-                    goods of different sizes and shapes.
                                                                                            Home delivery often starts as a minor
        and-collect system have                  • Needs to include individual addresses,   ‘add on’ to normal retailing and the
                                                                                            design of the packaging may not have
                                                   distribution tracking and order
         substantial differences                   information                              been considered. As a result, the retail
                                                                                            pack may have functions that are
          from a conventional                    • Has to comply with courier-specific      unnecessary.

              retail model.                        requirements
                                                                                            The type of outer pack may be specified
                                                 • Needs to provide protection of goods     by the courier company.

6   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                         7
Packaging and the Internet - multi-channel delivery systems

       ackaging contains, protects and          Packaging as part of the product                                                                  Reuse
       preserves, and carries information       and its delivery system                                                                           Reusable outer packaging can sometimes
       safeguarding those who use and/or                                                                                                          be a good option. This is particularly
                                                Packaging is one part of a system. This
    handle the contents.                                                                                                                          likely where a business tightly controls
                                                includes the product itself and the type
                                                of delivery. The packaging also interacts                                                         the distribution chain or there is a ‘collect
    The challenge for companies is to                                                                                                             from store’ or local collection point such
                                                with warehousing, vehicle loading, ease
    identify packs that are ‘fit for purpose’                                                                                                     as pubs or corner shops.
                                                of handling, automated procedures and
    at minimum cost and with minimum
                                                many more factors.
    environmental impact.                                                                                                                         Setting performance indicators
                                                There is no point selecting an improved                                                           It is a good idea to visit suppliers and
    A thorough analysis of the environmental    pack if this is offset by losses elsewhere in                                                     customers periodically to see how
    impacts of a package is a complex and       the business.                                                                                     packaging is manufactured and how it
    expensive exercise and is actually rarely                                                                                                     performs in practice.
    suitable for everyday application. Simple   Minimisation
    practical approaches are the best guide                                                                                                       Simple performance indicators, based on
                                                It may be possible to eliminate some
                                                                                                                                                  information that already exists, should be
    to the selection of packaging.              packaging layers. Reducing packaging
                                                                                                  can use less energy than is used to             introduced.
                                                weight will reduce the cost of the
                                                packaging and is likely to also reduce the        produce packaging from virgin raw
                                                                                                                                                  Companies that are obligated under the
                                                environmental impact.                             materials. However, recycled materials
                                                                                                                                                  Producer Responsibility regulations will
       A thorough analysis of the                                                                 must meet quality criteria.
                                                                                                                                                  already know their use of packaging.
                                                Choice of materials
        environmental impacts                   All types of materials – glass, metal, paper,
                                                                                                  It is not feasible to set a level of recycled
                                                                                                  content because this usually depends on
                                                                                                                                                  Data on how much is spent on packaging
                                                                                                                                                  and number of orders processed and
       of a package is a complex                plastics – and mixtures of materials are
                                                used for retail packs. Paper and plastics are
                                                                                                  the availability of secondary material and,
                                                                                                                                                  despatched will also exist. These can be
                                                                                                  like virgin materials, this is affected by
         and expensive exercise                 the principal materials used for outer packs.     supply and demand.
                                                                                                                                                  converted into metrics such as:
                                                Neither material has a clear-cut advantage
         and is actually rarely                 over the other. There will often be a choice      Recyclability
                                                                                                                                                  • Packaging spend / value of
                                                                                                                                                    despatched goods
          suitable for everyday                 of suitable types, such as a plastic bag, Jiffy
                                                bag, corrugated box, solid board box.
                                                                                                  Theoretically, most materials can be
                                                                                                  recycled. In practice, small details in the
                                                                                                                                                  • Average pack weight per parcel
          application. Simple                   It is important to know where materials
                                                                                                  packaging specification can have a major
                                                                                                                                                  • Percentage of parcels returned
                                                                                                  influence on whether or not it is actually
          practical approaches                  come from and to use sources with                 recycled.                                         as damaged
                                                proven certification.
        are the best guide to the                                                                 For example, the excessive use of printing
                                                                                                                                                  • Value/incidence of thefts in transit
                                                Recycled Content
        selection of packaging.                 Incorporating recycled material into
                                                                                                  inks, incompatible label materials or
                                                                                                  adhesives, wire ties and adhesive tapes
                                                                                                                                                  Another useful benchmark is to compare
                                                                                                                                                  your own packaging with that used by
                                                packages may have benefits. Recycling             can all hinder recycling.                       competitors and comparable businesses.

8   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                                9

       ackaging contains, protects and          Packaging as part of the product                                                                  Reuse
       preserves, and carries information       and its delivery system                                                                           Reusable outer packaging can sometimes
       safeguarding those who use and/or                                                                                                          be a good option. This is particularly
                                                Packaging is one part of a system. This
    handle the contents.                                                                                                                          likely where a business tightly controls
                                                includes the product itself and the type
                                                of delivery. The packaging also interacts                                                         the distribution chain or there is a ‘collect
    The challenge for companies is to                                                                                                             from store’ or local collection point such
                                                with warehousing, vehicle loading, ease
    identify packs that are ‘fit for purpose’                                                                                                     as pubs or corner shops.
                                                of handling, automated procedures and
    at minimum cost and with minimum
                                                many more factors.
    environmental impact.                                                                                                                         Setting performance indicators
                                                There is no point selecting an improved                                                           It is a good idea to visit suppliers and
    A thorough analysis of the environmental    pack if this is offset by losses elsewhere in                                                     customers periodically to see how
    impacts of a package is a complex and       the business.                                                                                     packaging is manufactured and how it
    expensive exercise and is actually rarely                                                                                                     performs in practice.
    suitable for everyday application. Simple   Minimisation
    practical approaches are the best guide                                                                                                       Simple performance indicators, based on
                                                It may be possible to eliminate some
                                                                                                                                                  information that already exists, should be
    to the selection of packaging.              packaging layers. Reducing packaging
                                                                                                  can use less energy than is used to             introduced.
                                                weight will reduce the cost of the
                                                packaging and is likely to also reduce the        produce packaging from virgin raw
                                                                                                                                                  Companies that are obligated under the
                                                environmental impact.                             materials. However, recycled materials
                                                                                                                                                  Producer Responsibility regulations will
       A thorough analysis of the                                                                 must meet quality criteria.
                                                                                                                                                  already know their use of packaging.
                                                Choice of materials
        environmental impacts                   All types of materials – glass, metal, paper,
                                                                                                  It is not feasible to set a level of recycled
                                                                                                  content because this usually depends on
                                                                                                                                                  Data on how much is spent on packaging
                                                                                                                                                  and number of orders processed and
       of a package is a complex                plastics – and mixtures of materials are
                                                used for retail packs. Paper and plastics are
                                                                                                  the availability of secondary material and,
                                                                                                                                                  despatched will also exist. These can be
                                                                                                  like virgin materials, this is affected by
         and expensive exercise                 the principal materials used for outer packs.     supply and demand.
                                                                                                                                                  converted into metrics such as:
                                                Neither material has a clear-cut advantage
         and is actually rarely                 over the other. There will often be a choice      Recyclability
                                                                                                                                                  • Packaging spend / value of
                                                                                                                                                    despatched goods
          suitable for everyday                 of suitable types, such as a plastic bag, Jiffy
                                                bag, corrugated box, solid board box.
                                                                                                  Theoretically, most materials can be
                                                                                                  recycled. In practice, small details in the
                                                                                                                                                  • Average pack weight per parcel
          application. Simple                   It is important to know where materials
                                                                                                  packaging specification can have a major
                                                                                                                                                  • Percentage of parcels returned
                                                                                                  influence on whether or not it is actually
          practical approaches                  come from and to use sources with                 recycled.                                         as damaged
                                                proven certification.
        are the best guide to the                                                                 For example, the excessive use of printing
                                                                                                                                                  • Value/incidence of thefts in transit
                                                Recycled Content
        selection of packaging.                 Incorporating recycled material into
                                                                                                  inks, incompatible label materials or
                                                                                                  adhesives, wire ties and adhesive tapes
                                                                                                                                                  Another useful benchmark is to compare
                                                                                                                                                  your own packaging with that used by
                                                packages may have benefits. Recycling             can all hinder recycling.                       competitors and comparable businesses.

8   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                                9

     Retail sales packaging                         Ideally, the pack would be specifically       Trends in product ranges or average
     As e-commerce grows, it may be possible        designed for each order. In practice,
                                                    though, this is impossible since it would
                                                                                                  number of items per order should be
                                                                                                  regularly reviewed. Some companies
                                                                                                                                                    Producing a separate box
     to use simpler retail packs, make them
     smaller, leave them unprinted or perhaps       require an infinite number of shapes          have found there is a trend to more                for every order would be
                                                    and sizes. Companies use a number             frequent, smaller orders. A bag may
     remove them entirely. Blister packs, for
     example, may be replaced by a simpler          of packaging options and whoever is           be more appropriate than a box.                   far more environmentally
                                                    compiling an order needs to use their own
     and smaller option.
                                                    judgement to select the most appropriate.     It is also important to consider                     negative than using a
     The law requires a significant amount of
                                                    The number and type of outer packs
                                                                                                  seasonal variations. For example at
                                                                                                  Christmas time more staff need to
                                                                                                                                                        bit more board and
     the labelling and information on packaging.
     It is important to check what labelling will
                                                    stocked is a challenging decision which
                                                    has to take account of a number of
                                                                                                  be taken on to deal with the higher                 transporting more air.
     need to be added to alternative packaging                                                    number of orders.
     if a retail pack is not used.
                                                                                                  The dimensions of outer packaging
                                                    Theoretically, at one extreme, the            can be selected to give a good pallet
     The need to enclose a receipt or
                                                    business might use just one type. Most        fill, if this is relevant. A good fit on the
     other documentation may provide
                                                    orders would then be contained in a very      600x400mm module ensures that all
     an opportunity to enclose marketing
                                                    oversized outer package.                      usual pallets will be efficiently utilised.
     materials and order forms for future use.
                                                    At the opposite extreme, each order           Custom packaging
     Outer pack                                     would be fitted into a specific pack, so
     One appeal of e-commerce is the ability        that there is minimal void space.             The variety of orders needs to be
     to purchase products not stocked by                                                          examined. It may be that there are
     a local shop. Each order is a unique           The choice of pack will also be influenced
                                                                                                  some predominant types of order
     collation of a number of retail packs.         by the automation of the packing lines.
                                                                                                  that would justify a customised
                                                    The practical requirement is to arrive at a
                                                    sound business compromise.

                                                    Producing a separate box for every
                                                                                                  Staff training                                 Strength of outer pack
                                                    order would be far more environmentally       Even if a company has a suitable               It is difficult to predict the strength
                                                    negative than using a bit more board and      range of outer packaging, the staff            required from an outer pack used for
                                                    transporting more air.                        compiling orders need to make                  home delivery because supply chains
                                                                                                  appropriate choices. Training staff and        are varied and unpredictable.
                                                    There is also the option of splitting one     providing them with suitable guidance
                                                    order across several smaller outer packs.     and supervision is essential.                  Traditional distribution systems are
                                                    It is important for companies to explore                                                     more predictable and so criteria and
                                                    alternatives with suppliers and logistics     Temporary untrained staff taken on             test methods have been established.
                                                    partners in order to achieve an overall       at busy times will also need basic             Home delivery systems will rely more on
                                                    best solution.                                training.                                      experienced judgement.

10   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                               11

     Retail sales packaging                         Ideally, the pack would be specifically       Trends in product ranges or average
     As e-commerce grows, it may be possible        designed for each order. In practice,
                                                    though, this is impossible since it would
                                                                                                  number of items per order should be
                                                                                                  regularly reviewed. Some companies
                                                                                                                                                    Producing a separate box
     to use simpler retail packs, make them
     smaller, leave them unprinted or perhaps       require an infinite number of shapes          have found there is a trend to more                for every order would be
                                                    and sizes. Companies use a number             frequent, smaller orders. A bag may
     remove them entirely. Blister packs, for
     example, may be replaced by a simpler          of packaging options and whoever is           be more appropriate than a box.                   far more environmentally
                                                    compiling an order needs to use their own
     and smaller option.
                                                    judgement to select the most appropriate.     It is also important to consider                     negative than using a
     The law requires a significant amount of
                                                    The number and type of outer packs
                                                                                                  seasonal variations. For example at
                                                                                                  Christmas time more staff need to
                                                                                                                                                        bit more board and
     the labelling and information on packaging.
     It is important to check what labelling will
                                                    stocked is a challenging decision which
                                                    has to take account of a number of
                                                                                                  be taken on to deal with the higher                 transporting more air.
     need to be added to alternative packaging                                                    number of orders.
     if a retail pack is not used.
                                                                                                  The dimensions of outer packaging
                                                    Theoretically, at one extreme, the            can be selected to give a good pallet
     The need to enclose a receipt or
                                                    business might use just one type. Most        fill, if this is relevant. A good fit on the
     other documentation may provide
                                                    orders would then be contained in a very      600x400mm module ensures that all
     an opportunity to enclose marketing
                                                    oversized outer package.                      usual pallets will be efficiently utilised.
     materials and order forms for future use.
                                                    At the opposite extreme, each order           Custom packaging
     Outer pack                                     would be fitted into a specific pack, so
     One appeal of e-commerce is the ability        that there is minimal void space.             The variety of orders needs to be
     to purchase products not stocked by                                                          examined. It may be that there are
     a local shop. Each order is a unique           The choice of pack will also be influenced
                                                                                                  some predominant types of order
     collation of a number of retail packs.         by the automation of the packing lines.
                                                                                                  that would justify a customised
                                                    The practical requirement is to arrive at a
                                                    sound business compromise.

                                                    Producing a separate box for every
                                                                                                  Staff training                                 Strength of outer pack
                                                    order would be far more environmentally       Even if a company has a suitable               It is difficult to predict the strength
                                                    negative than using a bit more board and      range of outer packaging, the staff            required from an outer pack used for
                                                    transporting more air.                        compiling orders need to make                  home delivery because supply chains
                                                                                                  appropriate choices. Training staff and        are varied and unpredictable.
                                                    There is also the option of splitting one     providing them with suitable guidance
                                                    order across several smaller outer packs.     and supervision is essential.                  Traditional distribution systems are
                                                    It is important for companies to explore                                                     more predictable and so criteria and
                                                    alternatives with suppliers and logistics     Temporary untrained staff taken on             test methods have been established.
                                                    partners in order to achieve an overall       at busy times will also need basic             Home delivery systems will rely more on
                                                    best solution.                                training.                                      experienced judgement.

10   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                               11
                                                                                                    REQUIREMENTS REGULATIONS

     Rapid feedback about damage and theft        be unpacked at the point-of-delivery                 he UK Packaging (Essential             There have been a few prosecutions but
     levels is needed. One approach is to         or left until the next delivery, when the            Requirements) Regulations implement    there have been many instances where
     adopt a ‘safe‘ specification at the outset                                                        European law. Packaging must meet      companies have been required to modify
                                                  ‘empty’ is retrieved. They may also be
     and then to progressively lightweight,                                                      its requirements before it can be used in    their packaging through a mediation
                                                  appropriate for click-and-collect systems.                                                  process. Home delivery packaging is one
     making sure to monitor performance.                                                         Europe.
                                                                                                                                              area that has been challenged.
                                                  Providing for a return route                   Companies can choose how to comply.
     Filling the void                                                                                                                         The business has to respond to a
                                                  For some products there is a need to           They may do so by meeting a set of
     Outer packages usually contain voids                                                        standards (see references and links).        challenge from Trading Standards within
                                                  provide for their return to the distributor.
     which need filling to prevent the contents                                                                                               28 days, demonstrating compliance;
     moving during transit.                       Some items for example need a periodic         Local authority Trading Standards Officers   otherwise products may have to be taken
                                                  service. In these circumstances, the           (TSO) are responsible for ensuring that      off the market.
     Reusable outer containers                    packaging needs to be strong enough            companies comply.
                                                  to survive more than one trip. Alternative                                                  Trading Standards Services receive some
     Reusable containers can be useful
                                                                                                 The law requires packers and fillers of      complaints directly from the public or from
     where regular repeat orders to the same      ways of returning items should be
                                                                                                 packaging, and importers to ensure that:     companies.
     customer are made. The packaging can         considered.
                                                                                                 • Packaging contains less than 100ppm        They also carry out independent
                                                                                                   in total, of lead, cadmium, mercury or     investigations and sampling projects,
                    The pros and cons of stocking a small                                                                                     for example, purchasing a similar
                                                                                                   hexavalent chromium.
                     or large number of outer pack sizes                                                                                      product from a number of suppliers and
                                                                                                 • Essential requirements are met             comparing the packaging.
       Few Pack Sizes                              Large Number of Pack Sizes                      regarding:
        Lower cost to buy packaging                 Higher cost to buy packaging
                                                                                                    • minimising packaging volume and
        because bigger orders but …                 because more, smaller orders but …
                                                                                                      weight in line with safety, hygiene
        bigger average pack size so higher          smaller average pack size so lower                and product/consumer acceptance
        cost per product.                           cost per product.
        Less inventory to stock.                                                                    • designing packaging to permit
                                                    More inventory to stock.
        Less complexity of storage,                                                                   recovery or reuse and recovery
                                                    More complexity of storage.
        handling, packing systems.
                                                                                                    • minimising the impact of packaging
        More void space in the pack so              Less void space in the pack so less
                                                                                                      waste on the environment
        more filler required.                       filler required.
        Simpler choice for order-picking            More complex choice for order-                  • manufacturing packaging to
        staff.                                      picking staff.                                    minimise the presence of hazardous
        More orders may appear excessively                                                            substances in emissions, ash or
                                                    Fewer orders likely to be
                                                                                                      leachate when packaging waste is
        packaged.                                   excessively packaged.
                                                                                                      incinerated or landfilled

12   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                             13
                                                                                                    REQUIREMENTS REGULATIONS

     Rapid feedback about damage and theft        be unpacked at the point-of-delivery                 he UK Packaging (Essential             There have been a few prosecutions but
     levels is needed. One approach is to         or left until the next delivery, when the            Requirements) Regulations implement    there have been many instances where
     adopt a ‘safe‘ specification at the outset                                                        European law. Packaging must meet      companies have been required to modify
                                                  ‘empty’ is retrieved. They may also be
     and then to progressively lightweight,                                                      its requirements before it can be used in    their packaging through a mediation
                                                  appropriate for click-and-collect systems.                                                  process. Home delivery packaging is one
     making sure to monitor performance.                                                         Europe.
                                                                                                                                              area that has been challenged.
                                                  Providing for a return route                   Companies can choose how to comply.
     Filling the void                                                                                                                         The business has to respond to a
                                                  For some products there is a need to           They may do so by meeting a set of
     Outer packages usually contain voids                                                        standards (see references and links).        challenge from Trading Standards within
                                                  provide for their return to the distributor.
     which need filling to prevent the contents                                                                                               28 days, demonstrating compliance;
     moving during transit.                       Some items for example need a periodic         Local authority Trading Standards Officers   otherwise products may have to be taken
                                                  service. In these circumstances, the           (TSO) are responsible for ensuring that      off the market.
     Reusable outer containers                    packaging needs to be strong enough            companies comply.
                                                  to survive more than one trip. Alternative                                                  Trading Standards Services receive some
     Reusable containers can be useful
                                                                                                 The law requires packers and fillers of      complaints directly from the public or from
     where regular repeat orders to the same      ways of returning items should be
                                                                                                 packaging, and importers to ensure that:     companies.
     customer are made. The packaging can         considered.
                                                                                                 • Packaging contains less than 100ppm        They also carry out independent
                                                                                                   in total, of lead, cadmium, mercury or     investigations and sampling projects,
                    The pros and cons of stocking a small                                                                                     for example, purchasing a similar
                                                                                                   hexavalent chromium.
                     or large number of outer pack sizes                                                                                      product from a number of suppliers and
                                                                                                 • Essential requirements are met             comparing the packaging.
       Few Pack Sizes                              Large Number of Pack Sizes                      regarding:
        Lower cost to buy packaging                 Higher cost to buy packaging
                                                                                                    • minimising packaging volume and
        because bigger orders but …                 because more, smaller orders but …
                                                                                                      weight in line with safety, hygiene
        bigger average pack size so higher          smaller average pack size so lower                and product/consumer acceptance
        cost per product.                           cost per product.
        Less inventory to stock.                                                                    • designing packaging to permit
                                                    More inventory to stock.
        Less complexity of storage,                                                                   recovery or reuse and recovery
                                                    More complexity of storage.
        handling, packing systems.
                                                                                                    • minimising the impact of packaging
        More void space in the pack so              Less void space in the pack so less
                                                                                                      waste on the environment
        more filler required.                       filler required.
        Simpler choice for order-picking            More complex choice for order-                  • manufacturing packaging to
        staff.                                      picking staff.                                    minimise the presence of hazardous
        More orders may appear excessively                                                            substances in emissions, ash or
                                                    Fewer orders likely to be
                                                                                                      leachate when packaging waste is
        packaged.                                   excessively packaged.
                                                                                                      incinerated or landfilled

12   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                             13

     General Guidance on Packaging Design and the Environment                                Other sources
     1.   Responsible Packaging – Code of Practice. INCPEN, the Industry Council for         General
          Packaging and the Environment.   The Industry Council for Packaging
     2.   ‘Packaging Design and the Environment’: Reducing Costs and Quantities. A Manual    and the Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
          published by the government advice centre, Envirowise, now part of WRAP (Waste
          and Resources Action Programme)                                                    The French Packaging Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                                             Valpak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                             Waste and Resources Action Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . .
          This report also lists other Envirowise publications.
          PublicationGG482 deals with transit packaging -                                    Trade Bodies

                                                                                             British Glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
          Publication GG908, a guide to eco-design, was prepared in conjunction with         British Plastics Federation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
          PackGuide-a-guide-to-packaging-eco-design.html                                     Confederation of Paper Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . .

     3.   WRAP have a catalogue of publications                              Metal Packaging Manufacturers Assn. . . . . . . . . . .

     Guidance on the Essential Requirements                                                  Packaging and Films Assn.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     1.   The regulations – SI 2003No. 1941 – as amended – SI 2004 No. 1188 and amendment
          – SI 2006 No. 1492 and SI 2009 No.1504, downloadable from   The Packaging Federation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     2.   The Essential Requirements Standards : EN 13427:2004 and EN 13428:2004,
          EN 13429:2004, EN 13430:2004, EN 13431:2004, EN 13432:2000,                        Regulation
          and CR 13695-1:2000 and TR 13695-2:2004.                                           Department for Environment, Food,
                                                                                             and Rural Affairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     3.   BIS, the government department have published useful guidance:
            Department for Business, Innovation & Skills . . . . .
          regulations-government-guidance.pdf (also available through Business Link)
     4.   Trading Standards Services publish advice on their local authority websites.       Environment Agency (England & Wales) . . . . . . . . .
          Visit your local authority website or the Trading Standards Institute website
 for further information                                Scottish Environment Protection Agency . . . . . . . .

     5.   County Council Trading Standards Offices publish advice. As an example, see that   Environment & Heritage Service
          issued by Devon County Council                                                     (Northern Ireland). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

14   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                            15

     General Guidance on Packaging Design and the Environment                                Other sources
     1.   Responsible Packaging – Code of Practice. INCPEN, the Industry Council for         General
          Packaging and the Environment.   The Industry Council for Packaging
     2.   ‘Packaging Design and the Environment’: Reducing Costs and Quantities. A Manual    and the Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
          published by the government advice centre, Envirowise, now part of WRAP (Waste
          and Resources Action Programme)                                                    The French Packaging Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                                             Valpak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                             Waste and Resources Action Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . .
          This report also lists other Envirowise publications.
          PublicationGG482 deals with transit packaging -                                    Trade Bodies

                                                                                             British Glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
          Publication GG908, a guide to eco-design, was prepared in conjunction with         British Plastics Federation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
          PackGuide-a-guide-to-packaging-eco-design.html                                     Confederation of Paper Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . .

     3.   WRAP have a catalogue of publications                              Metal Packaging Manufacturers Assn. . . . . . . . . . .

     Guidance on the Essential Requirements                                                  Packaging and Films Assn.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     1.   The regulations – SI 2003No. 1941 – as amended – SI 2004 No. 1188 and amendment
          – SI 2006 No. 1492 and SI 2009 No.1504, downloadable from   The Packaging Federation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     2.   The Essential Requirements Standards : EN 13427:2004 and EN 13428:2004,
          EN 13429:2004, EN 13430:2004, EN 13431:2004, EN 13432:2000,                        Regulation
          and CR 13695-1:2000 and TR 13695-2:2004.                                           Department for Environment, Food,
                                                                                             and Rural Affairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     3.   BIS, the government department have published useful guidance:
            Department for Business, Innovation & Skills . . . . .
          regulations-government-guidance.pdf (also available through Business Link)
     4.   Trading Standards Services publish advice on their local authority websites.       Environment Agency (England & Wales) . . . . . . . . .
          Visit your local authority website or the Trading Standards Institute website
 for further information                                Scottish Environment Protection Agency . . . . . . . .

     5.   County Council Trading Standards Offices publish advice. As an example, see that   Environment & Heritage Service
          issued by Devon County Council                                                     (Northern Ireland). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

14   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                                            15
INCPEN is a research organisation, which draws together an influential group of
     companies who share a vision of the future where all production, distribution, and
     consumption are sustainable. It aims to:

       • ensure that policy on packaging makes a positive contribution to
       • encourage industry to minimise the environmental impact of packaging
         and packaged goods and continuously improve packaging.
       • explain the role of packaging in society.

     INCPEN Members
     Amcor Flexibles • Asda • Ball Packaging • Boots • Britvic Soft Drinks • Coca Cola
     Colgate Palmolive • Consol Glass • CROWN • Diageo • Dow
     DS Smith • Elizabeth Arden • Kellogg’s • Kraft • L’Oreal • LINPAC Group
     Marks and Spencer • Nestlé UK • Procter and Gamble
     Red Bull • Rexam AB • RPC • Sainsburys • TATA Steel Packaging
     Tesco • Unilever • UFLEX • Warburtons

     INCPEN Charter Members

16   PACKAGING AND THE INTERNET                                                            17
The Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment
SoanePoint, 6-8 Market Place
Reading RG1 2EG
Tel:   +44 (0)1189 255 991
© INCPEN March 2012
ISBN 1 901576 65 5
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