The homelessness monitor: England 2021 - Crisis
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Executive Summary xxxxxxx The homelessness monitor: England 2021 Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Beth Watts, Hal Pawson, Glen Bramley, Jenny Wood, Mark Stephens & Janice Blenkinsopp. Institute for Social Policy, Housing and Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), Heriot-Watt University; City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales; School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow March 2021
ii The homelessness monitor: England 2021 iii The homelessness monitor The homelessness monitor: The homelessness monitor is a longitudinal study providing an independent analysis of the homelessness impacts of recent economic and policy England 2021 developments across the United Kingdom. Separate reports are produced for each of the United Kingdom nations. Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Beth Watts, Hal Pawson, This ninth annual report updates our account of how homelessness stands Glen Bramley, Jenny Wood, Mark Stephens & Janice in England in 2020, or as close to 2020 as data availability allows. It also Blenkinsopp. Institute for Social Policy, Housing and highlights emerging trends and forecasts some of the likely future changes, identifying the developments likely to have the most significant impacts on Equalities Research (I-SPHERE), Heriot-Watt University; homelessness. City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales; School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow March 2021
iv The homelessness monitor: England 2021 v About Crisis Crisis is the national charity for homeless people. We help people directly out of homelessness, and campaign for the social changes needed to solve it altogether. We know that together we can end homelessness. About the authors Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Dr Beth Watts, Professor Glen Bramley, Dr Jenny Wood and Dr Janice Blenkinsopp are all based at the Institute for Social Policy, Housing, and Equalities Research (I-SPHERE). Professor Hal Pawson is based at the City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales. Professor Mark Stephens is based at the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow. Acknowledgements This report was commissioned and funded by Crisis, and our thanks go to Sophie Boobis, Dr Francesca Albanese and Matthew Downie at Crisis for all of their support with this work. In addition, we are extremely grateful to all of the key informants from the statutory and voluntary sector organisations across England who found time amid the COVID-19-related pressures to help us with this, and likewise to all 148 local authorities who completed the online questionnaire despite the extraordinary strain they were under as a result of the pandemic. We would like to record our sincere appreciation for Rhiannon Sims’ excellent analysis of social security and housing policy developments that we were able to draw on in preparing Chapter 2 of this report. We would also like to thank Dr Filip Sosenko for his assistance in setting up the survey, Jill McIntyre for all her help with chasing survey responses and with the overall logistics of the project, and Lynne McMordie for undertaking the formatting and proofing tasks (all I-SPHERE). Disclaimer: All views and any errors contained in this report are the responsibility Crisis head office of the authors. The views expressed should not be assumed to be those of Crisis 66 Commercial Street or any of the key informants who assisted with this work. London E1 6LT Tel: 0300 636 1967 Fax: 0300 636 2012 © Crisis 2020 Crisis UK (trading as Crisis). Registered Charity Numbers: E&W1082947, SC040094. Company Number: 4024938
vi The homelessness monitor: England 2021 vii Contents Figures viii 5. Core homelessness numbers and trends 59 Tables x 5.1 Introduction 59 Acronyms xii 5.2 Baseline estimates of core homelessness 63 Executive summary xiv 5.3 Core homelessness, trends and profiles 65 5.4 Key points 70 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction 1 6. P rojections of core homelessness 72 1.2 Scope of report 1 6.1 Introduction 72 1.3 Research methods 2 6.2 The baseline projections and COVID-19 74 1.4 Causation and homelessness 2 6.3 Direct measures and early priorities in immediate 1.5 Structure of report 3 post-COVID-19 period 78 6.4 Variant policy and contextual scenarios in the medium term 80 2. T he context for homelessness: wider economic, 6.5 Key points 86 housing, and welfare drivers 4 2.1 Introduction 4 7. Conclusions 88 2.2 The social and economic context 4 2.3 Housing policies and the housing market 8 Appendix 1 Topic guide (2020) 92 2.4 Income support policies 14 2.5 Key points 22 Appendix 2 Local authority survey (2020) 95 3. H omelessness policies 24 Appendix 3 Additional details on core homelessness 3.1 Introduction 24 estimates and projection 102 3.2 The COVID-19 crisis response 24 3.3 The impact of pre-COVID-19 homelessness policies: the Rough Bibliography 112 Sleepers Initiative and Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 30 3.4 Post-pandemic homelessness services 33 3.5 Key points 35 4. Statutory homelessness trends 37 4.1 Introduction 37 4.2 Relating statutory homelessness statistics to the Homelessness Reduction Act framework 39 4.3 The changing incidence of homelessness demand: headline indicators and processes 39 4.4 Statutory homelessness: profile and causes 43 4.5 Temporary accommodation placements 47 4.6 Analysing Homelessness Reduction Act duty decision outcomes 50 4.7 Homelessness demand and local authority homelessness actions in the initial national 2020 COVID-19 lockdown. 52 4.8 Key points 56
viii The homelessness monitor: England 2021 ix Figures Figure 2.1: Trends in earnings and real earnings 2007/08-2018/19 Figure 4.18: Households becoming homeless from non-tenure (2007/08 = 100) 5 accommodation: recent trends in current/former Figure 2.2: Relative poverty after housing costs (UK, 2007/08-2018/19) 6 accommodation types 2019-20 54 Figure 2.3: Landlord possession actions in the county courts (England & Figure 4.19: Temporary accommodation placements, 2019-20 55 Wales) Q1 2019-Q3 2020 9 Figure 4.20: Greater London rough sleepers enumerated in each Figure 2.4: Landlord possession claims (England & Wales) quarter, 2019-20: breakdown by CHAIN-designated Q1 2019-Q3 2020 9 rough sleeper status 56 Figure 2.5: Households subject to Total Benefits Cap (Great Britain, Figure 4.21: Greater London rough sleepers enumerated May 2013-May 2020) 17 2019-20: breakdown by nationality 56 Figure 4.1: Homelessness Reduction Act – statutory homelessness Figure 5.1: Core homelessness estimates by category and year, decisions 2018/19 and 2019/20 38 England 2012-2019 65 Figure 4.2: Eligible homelessness applications 2018/19 and 2019/20: Figure 5.2: Core homelessness estimates by broad region and breakdown by initial decision 40 year, England 2012-2019 66 Figure 4.3: Initial application decision outcomes, 2019/20 – % change Figure 5.3: Gender, age and household type of core homeless, on 2018/19 41 sofa surfers and other statutory homeless compared with adult Figure 4.4: Initial application decision outcomes, 2019/20 – % change population 67 on 2018/19 by region 41 Figure 5.4: Disability and migrant status by core homeless, Figure 4.5: Main Duty decisions, 2009/10-2019/20 42 sofa surfers and other statutory homeless compared Figure 4.6: Referrals under ‘Duty to Refer’ 2018-2020 43 with adult population. 68 Figure 4.7: Homeless applicants owed prevention or relief duties in Figure 5.5: Work status, low income, and financial difficulty by 2019/20: household type profile 44 core homeless, sofa surfers and other statutory homeless Figure 4.8: Homeless applicants owed prevention or relief duties in compared with adult population. 69 2019/20: assessed support needs 45 Figure 5.6: Broad regional distribution of core homeless, Figure 4.9: Homeless applicants owed prevention or relief duties in sofa surfers and other statutory homeless. 70 2019/20: main reason for loss of last settled home 46 Figure 6.1: ‘Business as usual’ (non-COVID-19) baseline projection Figure 4.10: Local authorities’ use of temporary accommodation of core homelessness by category, England 2012-41 75 for homeless households, Mar 2009-Mar 2020 48 Figure 6.2: New with-COVID-19 baseline projection of core Figure 4.11: Temporary accommodation placements, homelessness by category, England 2012-41 78 2009-2020 (Q1): type of TA 48 Figure 6.3: New with-COVID-19 baseline projection of core Figure 4.12: Outcomes of Prevention and Relief activity in homelessness by broad region, England 2012-41 79 2019/20 – cases where associated duties ended in period 49 Figure 6.4: Impacts on rough sleeping of COVID-19 and successive Figure 4.13: Outcomes of Prevention and Relief activity in 2019/20 additional policy measures in years 2021-2024 – cases where associated duties ended in period with (percent of Business as Usual increment for each element) 80 accommodation secured 50 Figure 6.5: Impacts on core homelessness of successive a Figure 4.14: Outcomes of Prevention and Relief activity in 2019/20 dditional policy measures in years 2021-24 (percent – cases where associated duties ended in period without of Business as Usual increment for each policy package) 81 accommodation secured or new duty triggered 51 Figure 6.6: Summary of Impact of Policies considered individually Figure 4.15: Housing (and other) outcomes for households by selected year, ranked by size of impact by 2041 owed the Main Duty, where duty ended in 2019/20 52 (percent of with-COVID-19 baseline core homeless forecast) 82 Figure 4.16: Recent trends in households owed prevention or Figure 6.7: Total core homelessness in England with the sequential relief duties, Q1 2019-Q2 2020 53 addition of ten policy scenarios to reduce core homelessness Figure 4.17: Households owed a prevention or relief duty: in the period to 2041 85 Recent trends on main immediate reason for Figure 6.8: Total core homelessness in London with the sequential homelessness, 2019-20 53 addition of ten policy scenarios to reduce core homelessness in the period to 2041 86
x The homelessness monitor: England 2021 xi Tables Table 5.1: Core homelessness categories and definitions 60 Table A2.13: ‘There is sufficient funding in the current financial Table 5.2 Data sources used to estimate base period year (2020/21) to deliver an effective response to numbers in each category of core homelessness. 64 homelessness in our area, taking into account Table 6.1: Policy scenarios tested through projections the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic’ (%) 101 model over period 2021-41 73 Table A2.14: Possible impact of extended priority need provisions Table 6.2: Longer term impact of policies considered in the Domestic Abuse Bill on councils’ ability to individually on main components of core assist people fleeing abuse into settled homelessness (% of with-COVID-19 baseline at 2041) 83 accommodation (%) 101 Table A2.1: Survey response rate 95 Table A3.1: Central estimates of core homelessness Table A2.2: Overall number of households seeking homelessness by component and source, England c.2018-19 105 assistance in Q1 2020/21 compared with equivalent Table A3.2: Baseline estimates of core homelessness by period in 2019/20 (%) 96 element in 2018-19, showing central weighted Table A2.3: Perceived change in expressed demand from specific total, and totals under ‘low’ and ‘high’ assumptions 106 groups: Q1 2020/21 compared to the equivalent period in 2019/20 (%) 96 Table A2.4: Looking ahead to the post-lockdown period, do you anticipate any change in the numbers of people in particular groups seeking assistance from your Housing Options/homelessness service? (%) 97 Table A2.5: In relation to prevention and relief activity, and as compared with the period immediately before March 2020, would you say that your authority has been? (%) 97 Table A2.6: Has the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 enabled a more or less effective response to homelessness in your area during the COVID-19 crisis than would have otherwise been the case? (%) 98 Table A2.7: How important have the following policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis been in preventing or minimising homelessness in your area? (%) 98 Table A2.8: How important have the following welfare changes made in response to the COVID-19 crisis been in preventing or minimising homelessness in your area? (%) 99 Table A2.10: Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, has access to private rented tenancies for homeless households become easier or more difficult in your area? (%) 99 Table A2.11: How would you rate your authority’s capacity to deal with the homelessness- related challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic? (%) 100 Table A2.12: ‘The Government’s emergency response has made it more likely that we will be able to move people experiencing rough sleeping or at risk of rough sleeping into safe permanent housing in the long term (i.e. implement a housing led response)’ (%) 100
xii The homelessness monitor: England 2021 xiii Acronyms B&B Bed and Breakfast BAU Business as Usual BNL By Name List CHAIN Multi-agency database recording information about rough sleepers and the wider street population in London CPAG Child Poverty Action Group CTS Council Tax Support DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DHP Discretionary Housing Payment DTR Duty to Refer DWP Department for Work and Pensions EEA European Economic Area EHS English Housing Survey FCA Financial Conduct Authority FOI Freedom of Information GDP Gross Domestic Product GFC Global Financial Crisis HB Housing Benefit H-CLIC Case-level statutory homelessness data collection tool HMRC HM Revenue & Customs HRA Homelessness Reduction Act JRF Joseph Rowntree Foundation LA Local Authority LGA Local Government Association LHA Local Housing Allowance LWA Local Welfare Assistance MD Main Duty MHCLG Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government NAO National Audit Office NRPF No Recourse to Public Funds ONS Office for National Statistics PRS Private Rented Sector RSI Rough Sleepers Initiative SMD Severe and Multiple Disadvantage SRHMM Sub-Regional Housing Market Model TA Temporary Accommodation UC Universal Credit UK United Kingdom UKHLS UK Household Longitudinal Study
xiv The homelessness monitor: England 2021 Executive Summary xv Executive summary The Homelessness Monitor series single people. This is in stark contrast exceeding that of all temporary than half (110,000 households is a longitudinal study providing to the pre-Homelessness Reduction accommodation – up by 17 per cent or individuals). Next in numerical an independent analysis of the Act era when the key headline in the 12 months to March 2020, and importance was hostel and homelessness impacts of recent statistic – households ‘accepted’ by by 299 per cent since 2010. similar accommodation (42,000), economic and policy developments local authorities as in ‘priority need’ followed by unsuitable temporary in England and elsewhere in the – comprised only around one-third •T hanks to various temporary accommodation and other United Kingdom.1 This ninth annual single people. protective measures (especially unconventional accommodation, Homelessness Monitor England income protection programmes at around 19,000 each. The least updates our account of how •N onetheless substantial numbers and eviction moratoria), the numerous group were those actually homelessness stands in 2020, or of (mainly single) homeless COVID-19 pandemic triggered sleeping rough at a point in time, as close to 2020 as data availability applicants still reach the end of the no immediate overall increase in which we estimate at 13,600. allows, and covers a year dominated by post- Homelessness Reduction homelessness applications. Indeed, the twin major events of the COVID-19 Act operational procedures the number judged as threatened • It is predicted that the economic pandemic2 and Brexit. It is also the first without having secured settled with homelessness fell back aftermath of COVID-19 risks a Monitor in which a comprehensive accommodation, or even having had significantly April-June 2020 (down substantial rise in core homelessness, analysis of Homelessness Reduction such accommodation offered to 35 per cent on the previous quarter). including rough sleeping, unless the Act processes and outcomes is them (around 20,000 households in But temporary accommodation Government implements a range included and we offer detailed 2019/20). placements surged, particularly of of housing and welfare mitigation modelling estimates and forward single homeless people, as a result of interventions, including continuing projections of extreme forms of ‘core’ •S ome 48 per cent of all 2019/20 the emergency measures to protect with emergency accommodation homelessness. ‘owed a duty’ applicants were judged people at risk of rough sleeping measures for those at risk of rough as having some form of support during the pandemic. sleeping. Key points to emerge from our latest need, and in 23 per cent of (all ‘owed analysis are as follows: a duty’) cases, this was linked to a • ‘Core homelessness’ in England – a • In the longer term, the largest history of mental ill-health. Only concept which captures the most projected impact on reducing core • Some 305,000 single people, a small proportion of applicants severe and immediate forms of homelessness would result from a couples and families registered are subject to ‘complex support homelessness – is estimated to have large expansion of total and social homelessness applications with needs’ (e.g., 3 per cent of ‘owed totalled nearly 220,000 in 2019, housing supply and consistent, large- local authorities in 2019/20. Of a duty’ applicants in London had having risen from about 187,000 in scale application of Housing First these, 289,000 (95%) were judged support needs associated with drug 2012. During 2020 these numbers accompanied by appropriate support as homeless or threatened with dependency; 7 per cent in rest of dropped somewhat to around for mental health and substance homelessness. England). 200,000, mainly due to the effects misuse issues, alongside the raising of the Government’s emergency of the Local Housing Allowance. A • Amongst those threatened with • Temporary accommodation measures in response to the meaningful levelling up of economic homelessness and entitled to a placements show a 91 per cent COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020 there performance across the English ‘prevention’ duty half (49%) are single increase since 2011 (and 9 per cent were an estimated 10,500 people regions would also contribute to the adults and amongst those actually in the 12 months to March 2020). currently sleeping rough on any reduction of core homelessness. homeless and entitled to a relief Bed and Breakfast hotel placements given night which had dropped by a duty almost three-quarters (72%) are have continued to increase at a rate third on the previous year. •L evels of infection and COVID- related deaths have been low 1 Parallel Homelessness Monitors are being published for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. All of the UK •T he largest element of core amongst homeless people in Homelessness Monitor reports are available from homelessness in 2018-19 was its England, indicating an effective 2 Fitzpatrick, S., Watts, B. & Sims, R. (2020) Homelessness Monitor England 2020: COVID-19 Crisis Response Briefing. London: Crisis. least visible manifestation, sofa public health strategy with regards homelessness-monitor/england/homelessness-monitor-england-2020-covid-19-crisis-response-briefing/ surfing, accounting for more to this vulnerable population. Critical
xvi The homelessness monitor: England 2021 Executive Summary xvii to this successful outcome was the •L ocal authorities expressed qualified Trends in homelessness the 81,500 prevention cases logged as national ‘Everyone In’ emergency approval for the role played by Statutory homelessness ‘duty ended’ during the year. accommodation initiative for the Homelessness Reduction Act This year’s Monitor was the first where people sleeping rough and those legal framework in facilitating their the analysis of statutory homelessness While fundamental changes to the at risk; around 30,000 people in responses to homelessness during trends was substantially based on legal framework for homelessness total had been assisted under these the early pandemic period. Councils the operation of the Homelessness application assessment under the arrangements by autumn 2020. more critical of the Act dislike what Reduction Act 2017 and its associated Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 they perceive as the excessive (H-CLIC) administrative dataset. have made ‘new homelessness’ •T he speed and clarity of the early bureaucracy associated with it. Some 305,000 households registered trend over time comparisons more central Government response on homelessness applications with difficult, temporary accommodation rapidly accommodating people •K ey changes to local authority local authorities in 2019/20. Of placements, which can be legitimately sleeping rough, eliminating the use working practices prompted by the these, 289,000 (95%) were judged graphed over a long time series, of communal shelters, enhancing COVID-19 emergency include a as homeless or threatened with show a 91 per cent increase since welfare benefits, and halting shift to remote/online working with homelessness. This is slightly higher 2011 (and 9 per cent in the 12 months evictions, was widely welcomed, with service users, which was viewed as than the 272,000 ‘local authority case to March 2020).4 Bed and Breakfast local authorities and homelessness having been largely successful. Some actions’ as estimated for 2017/18, the hotel placements have continued to charities also praised for rapidly rising Councils intend to make a decisive last year of the ‘old regime’.3 increase at a rate exceeding that of all to an unprecedented challenge. shift away from communal forms temporary accommodation – up by of sleeping provision for homeless By comparison with the Housing 17 per cent in the 12 months to March •H owever, subsequent ‘mixed people post-pandemic, though Act 1996 regime, a much-increased 2020, and by 299 per cent since 2010. messages’ from central Government, others feel that financial and legal proportion of those seeking help particularly on assistance to non- constraints make the use of night under the Homelessness Reduction The increased ‘visibility’ of single United Kingdom nationals ineligible shelters unavoidable. Act are being formally assisted under adults in the official homelessness for benefits and on the continuation prevention or relief duties, with statistics is one of the most striking of Everyone In, became a matter •W hile the COVID-19-prompted £20 the result that far fewer applicants/ changes brought about by the new of acute concern amongst local weekly enhancement to Universal applications are ‘progressing’ through legislative framework. This group authorities and their third sector Credit and Working Tax Credits have the system as far as being assessed as accounted almost three-quarters (72%) partners as the crisis progressed. been widely welcomed, at the time owed a main statutory rehousing duty. of all of those assessed as homeless of writing the Government planned This traditional headline indicator of and entitled to the ‘relief’ duty, •M any local authorities offered an to withdraw these uplifts from April homelessness demand – at 40,000 in and half (49%) of those threatened upbeat assessment of their own 2021. There is also no indication 2019/20 – was well below the 57,000 with homelessness and entitled to performance in response to the that they will be extended to legacy recorded in 2017/18. a ‘prevention’ duty. This is in stark homelessness consequences of the benefits. The restoration of the contrast to the pre- Homelessness COVID-19 crisis and initial lockdown Local Housing Allowance maxima to A substantial proportion of 2019/20 Reduction Act era when the key period, though it was clear that the cover 30 per cent of private sector prevention and relief actions ended headline statistic – households resilience of both staff and resources rents was especially beneficial in the with accommodation having been ‘accepted’ as owed the main duty had been severely tested, with context of managing homelessness secured. Thus, households have been – comprised only around one-third many local authorities surprised risks, but Government plans to enabled to retain existing – or to single people. by the sheer scale of need that the refreeze these rates from April 2021 obtain new – accommodation. This emergency measures uncovered. will cause dismay. was the outcome for most prevention Also notable is the emerging duty cases ended during the year intelligence from H-CLIC on the profile •W hile acknowledging the large •C OVID-19 has inflicted extensive (58%), with the equivalent figure for of support needs in the statutory amount of homelessness emergency damage on the economy and on relief cases ended being 40 per cent. homeless population. While almost funding made available by central the public finances. There is acute Assisting an applicant to obtain a new half (48%) of all households assessed Government during the pandemic, concern about a potential tidal wave place to live (rather than to retain as owed a homelessness prevention other stakeholders criticised the of ‘new’ homelessness as the COVID- existing housing) was, by definition, the or relief duty are recorded as having proliferation of highly specified, 19-induced recession takes hold, ‘accommodation secured’ result for a relevant support need, these needs short-term funding pots, focused Brexit causes disruption to trade and all of the 2019/20 relief cases with this were highly diverse in nature. Far overwhelmingly on rough sleeping, various temporary labour market, outcome, as well as for 51,490 (63%) of from being dominated by complex as well as the apparently ‘transitional’ welfare and housing protections are nature of the accommodation to scaled back or ended during 2021. 3 See Figure 4.11 in: Fitzpatrick, S., Pawson, H., Bramley, G., Wood, J., Watts, B., Stephens, M. & Blenkinsopp, J. be provided under the Next Steps (2019) The Homelessness Monitor: England 2019. London: Crisis. Local authority case actions’ in this context refers to the households subject to Housing 1996 main duty decisions plus those assisted by local authorities programme via informal prevention or relief in that year (2017/18). 4 That is, at the effective start of the COVID-19 pandemic, largely preceding the impact of the Everyone In programme.
xviii The homelessness monitor: England 2021 Executive Summary xix support needs associated with drug or Significantly, virtually all of this increase temporary accommodation and other national application of Housing First, alcohol problems, offending or rough resulted from growth in single adult unconventional accommodation, and increased rates of Local Housing sleeping histories, as some might placements (especially single men) at around 19,000 each. The least Allowance). A successful levelling up assume, mental or physical ill-health – most probably associated with the numerous group were those actually of economic performance across the problems, and experience of domestic Everyone In emergency rough sleeper sleeping rough at a point in time, English regions would also contribute violence, were more prominent. temporary housing initiative launched which we estimate at 13,600. to the reduction of core homelessness. In fact, only a small proportion of in March 2020, as discussed further applicants are subject to ‘complex below. The gradual increase in overall Economic, policy and COVID-19 support needs’ (e.g. 3 per cent of numbers from 2012 to 2019 concealed impacts on homelessness ‘owed a duty’ applicants in London Core homelessness wide differences between different Going into COVID-19, the United had support needs associated with For the first time in this year’s Monitor, categories, with hostel placements Kingdom had experienced a decade drug dependency; 7 per cent in rest of we present quantitative analysis of declining by 13 per cent, and sofa of austerity, which included public England). ‘core homelessness’, which captures surfers and other unconventional expenditure constraints affecting some of the most severe and increasing by 16 per cent and 13 per public services and social security Other key points to flag from immediate forms of homelessness.5 cent, while rough sleeping virtually benefits. In 2018/19, 17 per cent of analysis of these first two years of doubled (99%) and unsuitable individuals in the United Kingdom the Homelessness Reduction Act The key categories captured by core temporary accommodation rose by lived in households whose income operation include some positive signs homelessness include people sleeping 171 per cent. before housing costs (adjusted for that may allay initial concerns about rough, staying in places not intended household composition) fell below certain aspects of the legislation as residential accommodation Our predictions indicate that the the relative poverty threshold. (e.g., discharge of duty on grounds of (e.g. cars, tents, boats, sheds, etc.), economic aftermath of COVID-19 risks Research conducted by Heriot-Watt ‘non-cooperation’ is rarely recorded living in homeless hostels, refuges a substantial rise in core homelessness University for the Joseph Rowntree in practice), but also its limitations. and shelters, placed in unsuitable unless the Government implements Foundation indicated that some 2.4 Principal amongst these limitations is temporary accommodation (e.g. Bed a range of housing and welfare million people, including 550,000 that substantial numbers of (mainly and Breakfast hotels, Out of Area mitigation interventions. This should children, experienced destitution at single) homeless applicants still reach Placements, etc.), and sofa surfing (i.e., include continuing with emergency some point in 2019.6 The survey also the end of the post- Homelessness staying with non-family, on a short- accommodation measures for found that the extent of destitution Reduction Act operational procedures term basis, in overcrowded conditions). those at risk of rough sleeping on a had grown, with the numbers of adults without having secured settled substantial scale, maximising targeted and children affected rising by more accommodation, or even having had We estimate core homelessness homelessness prevention measures, than half since 2017. Consequently, such accommodation offered to in England to have totalled nearly ensuring social rehousing quotas the relatively stable overall poverty them (around 20,000 households in 220,000 in 2019, having risen from for homeless people, placing limits rate over the past 15 years seems to 2019/20). about 187,000 in 2012. During 2020 on evictions, and implementing key disguise increases in very extreme these numbers dropped somewhat welfare changes (especially raising the experiences of hardship that reflect the Thanks to various temporary protective to around 200,000, including a drop level of Local Housing Allowance to impacts of labour market and social measures (especially eviction in rough sleeping by a third mainly the level of median actual rents (and security change. moratoria, see below), the COVID-19 due to the effects of the emergency maintaining that level). pandemic triggered no immediate COVID-19 ‘Everyone In’ programme COVID-19 has caused the most overall increase in homelessness aimed at those at risk of rough In the medium term, the most dramatic shrinkage of the economy applications. However, temporary sleeping (see further below). effective policies for reducing core ever experienced and in any other accommodation placements surged homelessness would be large circumstances such as massive in Q2 2020. By quarter end, the The largest element of core increases in welfare benefit levels contraction of the economy would overall national total was more than homelessness in 2018-19 was its and associated measures to reduce have resulted in mass unemployment. 6,000 higher than at the start, with least visible manifestation, sofa destitution, including raising the level But lockdown was accompanied by additional Bed and Breakfast hotel surfing, accounting for more than half of Local Housing Allowance as just unprecedented peacetime levels of placement accounting for half of this (110,000 households or individuals). noted. In the longer term, the largest economic stimulation and, notably, change. The latter, therefore, rose Next in numerical importance was projected impact on reducing core the various job ‘furlough’ schemes. from some 8,000 to some 11,000 over hostel and similar accommodation homelessness would result from a The first Coronavirus Job Retention the period – a 40 per cent increase. (42,000), followed by unsuitable large expansion of total and social Scheme, introduced in April 2020, housing supply (accompanied by the met 80 per cent of a furloughed 5 The core homelessness concept was introduced in research undertaken with Crisis in 2017 and updated maintenance of social housing quotas employee’s salary up to £2,500 per in 2018, with this Monitor representing a further major update. Bramley, G. (2017) Homelessness Projections: Core homelessness in Great Britain. Summary Report. London: Crisis. for core homeless households), the month (with the Government funding uk/media/237582/crisis_homelessness_projections_2017.pdf; and Bramley, G. (2019) Housing Supply Requirements across Great Britain for Low-Income Households and Homeless People: Research for Crisis 6 See Fitzpatrick, S., Bramley, G., Blenkinsopp, J., Wood, J., Sosenko, F., Littlewood, M., Johnsen, S., Watts, and the National Housing Federation; Main Technical Report. Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt University. https://doi. B., Treanor, M., & McIntyre, J. (2020) Destitution in the UK 2020. York: JRF. org/10.17861/bramley.2019.04 destitution-uk-2020
xx The homelessness monitor: England 2021 Executive Summary xxi 75 per cent of this cost). The scheme 2020 Summer Statement reaffirming letter instructed all local authorities in under Everyone In did not return to the was extended until the end of March, planned housing investment as England to move everyone sleeping streets in winter.17 Various other smaller and then, in December, the Chancellor announced earlier in the year. The rough and in communal shelters into pots of funding targeted at rough announced a further extension until Affordable Homes Programme will be a safe place, ideally in self-contained sleeping were announced over the the end of April 2021. By the end of worth £12.2 billion over the five years accommodation, over the following course of the year, to operate alongside October, the scheme had supported to 2025/26, with annual spending two days.12 Over 90 per cent of pre-existing funding streams targeting almost 10 million (9.9 m) jobs at a cost rising by a quarter from £1.95 billion people sleeping rough known to homelessness, including the third of £46.4 billion.7 The initial furlough in 2020/21 to an average of £2.44 Councils at the beginning of the crisis year of the Rough Sleepers Initiative scheme was also, according to our billion.8 However, the new Affordable were reported to have been offered programme, amounting to £112million local authority survey, crucial in Housing Programme differs from its accommodation in commercial hotels, in 2020/21. In the Spending Review on mitigating homelessness risks during predecessors in some important ways: Bed and Breakfasts, holiday lets, 25th November, the Chancellor made the COVID-19 crisis: 80 per cent of in particular, it shifts funding away university accommodation or housing available further new monies (£151 respondents considered it ‘very’ or from renting and towards ownership association stock, many of whom million) for local authorities to spend ‘somewhat’ important in this regard. by reverting to a roughly 50:50 split had been sleeping on the streets for on rough sleeping in 2021-22. between these tenures.9 years. By autumn 2020, around 33,000 Lockdown brought the housing market people had been assisted under these Notable by its absence, at the outset to a halt, whilst the wider economic Access to long-term housing was the ‘Everyone In’ arrangements.13 of the COVID-19 crisis, was any notion dislocation brought fears of mass capacity challenge most widely seen of a purely ‘localist’ approach to evictions and mortgage possessions. as having been posed (or emphasised) This Everyone In initiative was assisting the homeless population:18 The Government acted to protect by the pandemic by local authorities preceded by £3.2 million targeted instead, strong, decisive and hands- tenants and mortgaged owners from in our national online survey. Some 61 funding to local authorities to support on leadership was offered by central eviction during the pandemic by per cent of local authority respondents people sleeping rough and those Government and received and acted introducing compulsory and blanket considered that their authority was at risk, alongside £4.6 billion un- upon by Councils and other local forbearance on the part of landlords poorly or otherwise inadequately ringfenced funds14 to help councils stakeholders with a sense of urgency and mortgage lenders. For renters, equipped to deal with the crisis in cope with the overall financial and collective endeavour. While this forbearance relied on two main this respect. Among the minority of pressures of the pandemic.15 On 24th weakened over time, as discussed mechanisms. First, legal proceedings authorities where it became easier to May the Government announced below, homeless people were, by and were halted and sometimes access social rental tenancies during that it was to bring forward £161 large, kept safe in in the early stages of enforcement action suspended. the pandemic, explanatory responses million out of an (increased) £433 the pandemic. Levels of infection and Second, notice periods have been related in the main to amended million four-year budget to provide COVID-related deaths have been kept extended to six months until at least housing association or council 6,000 new supported housing units low amongst this highly vulnerable the end of March 2021 in the majority allocation policies that gave increased for ex-rough sleepers, with 3,300 population, so far at least, indicating a of cases (with exceptions for anti-social or overwhelming priority to homeless of these units to become available successful public health strategy.19 behaviour and fraud). In this year’s households, usually for a time limited over the next 12 months.16 On 24th national online survey, 87 per cent period. June, it was announced that £105 Other crucial factors in mitigating the of responding Councils considered million would be made available for impact of COVID-19 on homeless the evictions moratorium to have As reported in the Homelessness interim accommodation to ensure people included substantial additional been ‘very important’ in preventing or Monitor England 2020: COVID-19 that those currently being assisted resources, radically improved minimising homelessness in their area. Crisis Response Briefing,10 (July 2020), the pandemic prompted a radical and 12 Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19): Letter from Notably, however, the Chancellor rapid nation-wide shift in responses Minister Hall to Local Authorities on Plans to Protect Rough Sleepers. Online: MHCLG. government/publications/letter-from-minister-hall-to-local-authorities chose not to increase the supply of to some of the most extreme forms 13 Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency new affordable housing as part of the of homelessness with a remarkable Accommodation Survey Data: November 2020. Online: MHCLG. Government’s COVID-19 stimulus degree of success and speed.11 On publications/coronavirus-covid-19-emergency-accommodation-survey-data-november-2020 14 As at October 2020 National Audit Office (2021) Investigation into the Housing of Rough Sleepers During package, in contrast to the response 26th March, a Ministry of Housing, the Pandemic. London: NAO to the 2008 financial crisis, with his Communities and Local Government 15 National Audit Office (2021) Investigation into the Housing of Rough Sleepers During the Pandemic. London: NAO 16 Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (2020) 6,000 New Supported Homes as Part 7 Gov.UK (2020) HMRC Coronavirus (COVID-19) statistics, last updated 17 December. Online: Gov.UK https:// of Landmark Commitment to End Rough Sleeping. Online: MHCLG. news/6000-new-supported-homes-as-part-of-landmark-commitment-to-end-rough-sleeping 8 Perry, J. (2020) ‘Building back better? Post-Covid housing programmes’, in Stephens, M. et. al. (eds) UK 17 Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (2020) £105 Million to keep Rough Sleepers Housing Review Autumn Briefing. Coventry: CIH Safe and off the Streets During Coronavirus Pandemic. Online: MHCLG. 9 Ibid. news/105-million-to-keep-rough-sleepers-safe-and-off-the-streets-during-coronavirus-pandemic 10 Fitzpatrick, S., Watts, B. & Sims, R. (2020) Homelessness Monitor England 2020: COVID-19 Crisis Response 18 Fitzpatrick, S., Pawson, H. & Watts, B. (2020) 'The limits of localism: a decade of disaster on homelessness Briefing. London: Crisis. in England', Policy and Politics, 48(4), 541-561. homelessness-monitor/england/homelessness-monitor-england-2020-covid-19-crisis-response-briefing/ 19 Lewer, D., Braithwaite, I., Bullock, M., Eyre, M.T., White, P.J., Aldridge, R.W., Story, A. & Hayward, A.C. (2020) 11 See also National Audit Office (2021) Investigation into the Housing of Rough Sleepers During the Pandemic. ‘Covid amongst people experiencing homelessness in England: a modelling study’, The Lancet, 8(12), 1181- London: NAO 1191.
xxii The homelessness monitor: England 2021 Executive Summary xxiii collaborative working (especially both local authorities and key accommodation of non-United of the senior homelessness experts between health and homelessness informants raised concerns about the Kingdom nationals ineligible for we interviewed mid-pandemic. services), and a workforce that adapted deleterious impacts on homelessness benefits and the continuation of Interestingly, the local authority swiftly to a wholly unprecedented if enhancements to Local Housing Everyone In, became a matter of survey also indicated that only a very challenge. While local authorities Allowance and Universal Credit were acute concern for Local Authorities small number of councils expected generally gave an upbeat assessment not sustained in the longer-term, and their third sector partners as the to continue to use dormitory-style of their own performance in response about the failure to uprate ‘legacy’ crisis progressed. It also resulted in provision post-pandemic. However, to homelessness during the COVID-19 benefits such as Income Support,20 growing variation in local authority given the high-profile Government crisis, it was clear that the resilience and the offsetting effect of the Total practice across the country as the commitment to ‘end’ rough sleeping of both staff and resources had been Benefit Cap on the Local Housing year progressed, notwithstanding a by 2024, fears were expressed by some severely tested, with the National Audit Allowance uplift in particular. change in the Homelessness Code of key informants that communal shelter Office remarking that many councils Guidance advising local authorities provision, or at least more congregate- were surprised by the sheer scale of Moreover, the official homelessness to respond sympathetically to those style hostels, might be expanded to need that Everyone In uncovered. The statistics for April-June 2020 capture made vulnerable as a result of the help meet this target. Furthermore, the large amount of emergency funding the dramatic impact of the evictions pandemic.22 The protections offered speed with which the capital budget made available by central Government ban, with the number of homeless to those in asylum accommodation, in the Next Steps programme was to respond to homelessness during the households assisted as a result of the for example, has also weakened in the required to be spent was argued as pandemic was widely acknowledged ending of private and social tenancies second and third COVID lockdowns. undermining the ability to deploy these by key informants, but the proliferation plummeting, while cases associated resources strategically and, potentially, of highly specified, short-term funding with family and friend exclusions Key informants pointed to the strong opening up the danger of damaging pots was viewed as less than strategic, or domestic violence remained foundations laid by the Rough Sleepers new ‘path dependencies’ associated with rapid turnaround bidding steady. The suspension of evictions Initiative and the Homelessness with hasty investments in inappropriate processes layering further stress onto from asylum accommodation, and Reduction Act in enabling a more forms of accommodation. struggling local authorities. easement of restrictions on support for effective response to COVID-19 people originally from the European than might otherwise have been Conclusion Supportive wider changes to welfare Economic Area who are not in the case, particularly with regards to The sharp disjuncture represented policy were also vital in protecting employment,21 were humanitarian single homeless people. That said, by the catastrophe of the COVID-19 homeless people and other low- interventions that also likely saved the Homelessness Reduction Act pandemic opens up an opportunity to income groups during the crisis. In lives, or at least immense suffering. received only qualified endorsement reflect on the shape of homelessness particular, the raising of the Local from local authority respondents with services in the future, and in particular Housing Allowance maximum to cover It is striking that, despite the scale and regard to the role it played during the the future role of congregate models the 30th percentile of private rents apparent success of the Everyone In pandemic; those who were positive of accommodation, especially that was considered ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ initiative, enumerated levels of rough pointed to its pivot towards earlier employing dormitory-style shared important in mitigating homelessness sleeping in London, as captured in forms of intervention, while the (very sleeping provision. On the more risks by 82 per cent of local authorities the CHAIN dataset, did not alter much small) minority who were singularly immediate horizon, a pressing in our national survey, while the during 2020, with new rough sleepers critical flagged what they perceived as priority remains effective move-on corresponding percentage was even spiking during the most active excessive bureaucracy associated with arrangements for people temporarily almost as high (74%) with regard to phase of Everyone In (April-June specified operational procedures and accommodated during the COVID-19 the temporary suspension of benefit 2020). However, the extent to which statistical monitoring. crisis, especially those with No sanctions. Around two-thirds of all these statistics reflect 'real' patterns Recourse to Public Funds who, by local authority respondents (66-68%) in levels of rough sleeping over the One striking point to emerge during autumn 2020, comprised around half considered additional Local Welfare course of this extraordinary year, as the pandemic was the extent to of the population accommodated in Assistance funding, enhancement of opposed to variations in the intensity which dormitory-style shelters have London under ‘Everyone In’. Universal Credit standard allowances of outreach activity and data capture, continued in use to accommodate (by £20 per week), and the temporary is difficult to judge homeless people in at least some parts The 2022 Homelessness Monitor suspension of (most) debt-related of England. Over half (52%) of local England will be able to assess the benefit deductions, as likewise However, subsequent ‘mixed authorities reported at least some success or otherwise of efforts to important in preventing or minimising messages’ from central Government, homelessness accommodation of this resolve the predicament of these homelessness in their area. However, particularly with regard to the type in their area pre-pandemic, albeit vulnerable migrants, as well as to often confined to winter or extreme stem the potential tidal wave of ‘new’ 20 Child Poverty Action Group (2020) Supporting Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Online: CPAG. weather conditions. A decisive shift homelessness expected as the COVID- 21 Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (2020) Letter from Minister for Rough Sleeping away from the use of night shelters 19-induced recession takes hold, Brexit on Funding for Emergency Accommodation During the Pandemic, and Support for EEA Rough Sleepers. was, unsurprisingly, a priority of many causes disruption to trade and various Online: MHCLG. minister-hall-to-local-authorities-on-funding-support-for-those-in-emergency-accommodation-and- eea-rough-sleepers 22 See
xxiv The homelessness monitor: England 2021 1. Introduction 1 temporary labour market, welfare and housing protections are scaled back or ended. More positively, it should also enable reflection on the extent 1. Introduction to which opportunities to ‘build back better’ are starting to materialise in the post-pandemic era. Longer-term, a key factor in determining economic prospects 1.1 Introduction of the recent history of homelessness and the level of social protection is This study provides an independent in England should consult with the whether the Government returns to a analysis of the impact on homelessness previous Homelessness Monitors for policy of austerity in order to reduce from recent economic and policy England, which are available on Crisis's the levels of debt built up as a result developments in England. It considers website.24 Parallel Homelessness of COVID-19. The lesson of the last 10 both the consequences of the post- Monitors are being published for other years is that this will be of fundamental 2007 economic and housing market parts of the United Kingdom (UK). importance to determining the context recession, and the subsequent recovery, of homelessness over the next decade. and also the impact of policy changes 1.2 Scope of report implemented under the Conservative- There is a great deal of debate on Liberal Democrat Coalition the most appropriate definition of Government (2010-2015), and the post homelessness, with stakeholders May 2015 Conservative Governments often disagreeing vigorously on where under Prime Ministers David Cameron, the boundary should lie between Theresa May and Boris Johnson. ‘homelessness’ and other forms of housing need.25 In order for this This ninth annual report provides report to be as comprehensive and an account of how homelessness inclusive as possible, we adopt a range stands in England in 2020 (or as of definitions or ‘perspectives’ on close to 2020 as data availability will homelessness, considering the impacts allow), and analyses key trends in of relevant policy and economic the period running up to 2020. This changes on the following (partially year's report focuses in particular overlapping) groups: on what has changed over the past year, with a particular focus on the • ‘Statutorily homeless households’: impacts associated with the COVID-19 that is, households who seek or pandemic. Note that a Homelessness receive housing assistance from Monitor England 2020: COVID-19 Crisis local authorities (LAs) on grounds of Response Briefing23 has already been being currently or imminently without published, in July 2020, to capture accommodation. key homelessness developments during the initial lockdown period. We •P eople experiencing ‘core also for the first time this year, in this homelessness’:26 this refers to main Homelessness Monitor report, households who are currently provide an analysis which projects experiencing the most acute forms homelessness trends in England into of homelessness. It includes people the future. in the following situations: rough Readers who would like a fuller account sleeping; sleeping in cars, tents and 23 Fitzpatrick, S., Watts, B. & Sims, R. (2020) Homelessness Monitor England 2020: COVID-19 Crisis Response Briefing. London: Crisis. homelessness-monitor/england/homelessness-monitor-england-2020-covid-19-crisis-response-briefing/ 24 See 25 Busch-Geertsema, V., Culhane, D. & Fitzpatrick, S. (2016) ‘Developing a global framework for conceptualising and measuring homelessness’, Habitat International, 55, 124-132. https://www. 26 Bramley, G. (2017) Homelessness Projections: Core homelessness in Great Britain. Summary Report. London: Crisis.
2 The homelessness monitor: England 2021 1. Introduction 3 public transport, unlicensed squatting, •F ourth, for the fifth Homelessness Theoretical, historical and international 1.5 Structure of report or occupation of non-residential Monitor report in a row we have perspectives indicate that the causation The structure of this year’s buildings; staying in hostels, refuges conducted a bespoke online survey of homelessness is multi-dimensional, Homelessness Monitor report differs and shelters; living in ‘unsuitable’ of England’s 314 LAs (in summer/ with no single ‘trigger’ that is either somewhat to that of previous reports. temporary accommodation (TA) (e.g., autumn 2020). The main aim of this ‘necessary’ or ‘sufficient’ for it to occur. Chapter 2 reviews the wider context Bed and Breakfast (B&B)); sofa-surfing particular survey was to understand Individual, interpersonal and structural for homelessness, including economic, (i.e., staying with non-family, on a how the housing, social security, factors all play a role – and interact with poverty and labour market trends, short-term basis, in overcrowded labour market and other COVID-19 each other – and the balance of causes housing market developments, and conditions). related policy responses were differs over time, across countries, and social security policy changes: all of impacting on homelessness trends between demographic groups. this heavily impacted by responses to 1.3 Research methods and responses at local level. In all, 148 the COVID-19 crisis. Chapter 3 shifts To date, five main methods have been (47%) of all LAs in England responded With respect to the main structural focus to homelessness-specific policies employed in this longitudinal study: to the survey with a very even spread factors, international comparative and practices at national and local across all broad regions. Note that, research, and the experience of level, including in direct response to •F irst, relevant literature, legal and in order to achieve this high survey previous UK recessions, suggests that the pandemic. Chapter 4 provides a policy documents are reviewed each response rate, amid the extraordinary housing market trends and policies fully updated analysis of the available year. crisis conditions engendered by the have the most direct impact on levels statistical data on the current scale of pandemic, a much lengthier time of homelessness, with the influence and recent trends in homelessness in •S econd, we undertake annual window for responses was allowed of labour-market change more likely England. For the first time this analysis interviews with a sample of key than we would normally offer (from to be lagged and diffuse, and strongly is substantially based on the operation informants from the statutory and mid-July to mid October 2020). mediated by welfare arrangements and of the Homelessness Reduction voluntary sectors across England. This variability in the precise timing other contextual factors. The central Act (HRA) 2017, in force from 1st The current sample of 15 key of survey responses is taken into role that poverty plays in shaping April 2018. This chapter also reviews informants includes representatives account in the interpretation of the homelessness risks in the UK is also data associated with the COVID-19 of homelessness service providers, as results that we offer, especially in light now well established.30 prompted homelessness initiatives, led well as other key stakeholders with of the rapid nature of policy change by Government and implemented by a national overview of relevant areas over this period. See Appendix 2 for The individual vulnerabilities, support Local Authorities and their voluntary of policy and practice. Some of these details. needs, and ‘risk taking’ behaviours sector partners. Chapter 5 provides participants were interviewed in the implicated in some people’s estimates of the current scale of spring of 2020,27 during the initial •F ifth, for the first time in this homelessness are themselves often, core homelessness in England, while COVID-19 lockdown, and others in Homelessness Monitor series, we though not always, also rooted in the Chapter 6 projects trends in these autumn 2020,28 as the second wave incorporate a statistical modelling pressures associated with poverty and forms of homelessness into the future. of the pandemic took hold. See exercise which both estimates other forms of structural disadvantage. All of these chapters are informed Appendix 1 for the basic topic guide ‘core’ forms of homelessness, and At the same time, the ‘anchor’ social by the insights derived from our in- used to structure these interviews, projects trends in these forms of relationships which can act as a primary depth interviews with key informants though note that this guide was homelessness into the future. See ‘buffer’ to homelessness, can conducted in 2020, and from the tailored for each interviewee and Appendix 3 for technical details. be put under considerable strain by statistical and qualitative information adjusted appropriately between the stressful financial circumstances. Thus, gleaned from this year's online survey spring and autumn interviews. 1.4 Causation and homelessness deteriorating economic conditions of LAs. In Chapter 7 we summarise the All of the Homelessness Monitors in England could also be expected main findings of this year's report. •T hird, we undertake detailed statistical are underpinned by a conceptual to generate more ‘individual’ and Each edition of the Monitor adopts a analysis on a) relevant economic framework on the causation of ‘interpersonal’ vulnerabilities to particular theme. This year, for obvious and social trends in England; and homelessness that has been used homelessness over time, with any reasons, the Monitor is primarily b) the scale, nature and trends to inform our interpretation of the improvement in such conditions concerned with the repercussions in homelessness amongst the likely impacts of economic and policy tending to have the reverse effect. of the COVID-19 crisis for homeless sub‑groups noted above. change.29 The longer-term structural, social, people, both now and in the future. economic and health effects of COVID-19 are, of course, yet to emerge. 27 The spring 2020 interviews were drawn upon in the July 2020 Briefing Paper, see Fitzpatrick, S., Watts, B. & Sims, R. (2020) Homelessness Monitor England 2020: COVID-19 Crisis Response Briefing. London: Crisis. england/homelessness-monitor-england-2020-covid-19-crisis-response-briefing/ 28 We are particularly grateful to two interviewees who allowed us to interview them twice – in spring and again in autumn 2020 – in order to update us on how responses to the pandemic had unfolded over the course of the year. 29 For a more detailed account of this conceptual framework please consult with Chapter 2 in the first Homelessness Monitor: Fitzpatrick, S., Pawson, H., Bramley, G. & Wilcox, S. (2011) The Homelessness 30 Bramley, B. & Fitzpatrick, S. (2018) ‘Homelessness in the UK: who is most at risk?’, Housing Studies, 33:1, Monitor: Tracking the Impacts of Policy and Economic Change in England 2011-2013. London: Crisis. 96-116.
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