The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 2022-23 Student Handbook

Page created by Christopher Klein
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 2022-23 Student Handbook
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
      2022-23 Student Handbook
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The Graduate School of
                               Arts and Sciences

         2022 – 2023 Student Handbook

                                                   Table of Contents


Campus Facilities and Services .......................................................................................................... 1

University Policies

     Graduate Student Academic Honor Code ................................................................................. 1

     Non-Academic Code of Conduct ................................................................................................ 9

     Disability Procedures .................................................................................................................. 11

     Statement of Philosophy of the Mentoring Relationship ........................................................... 12

     Rights and Responsibilities ......................................................................................................... 14

     Equal Opportunities Act ............................................................................................................ 16

     The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ............................................................... 16

     Graduate Student Non-Academic Grievance Procedures .......................................................... 18

     Graduate Student Academic Grievance Procedures ................................................................. 18

     Policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Eligibility ........................................ 21

     WFU Student Sexual Misconduct Policy ..................................................................................... 22

     Public Health Emergencies …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

                                                   Z. Smith Reynolds Library
SERVICES                                           The Z. Smith Reynolds Library supports
                                                   instruction and research at the Graduate School
                                                   of Arts and Sciences. The Library also houses
                                                   the Graduate Student Lounge. Library
Bookstore                                          resources may be found on their website –
Textbooks and other items may be purchased
online at through WFU’s
University Bookstores. The “virtual” bookstore
offers additional textbook choices for students,
including new, used, rental and loose leaf         GRADUATE STUDENT
editions with the ability to price compare
online. Items can be shipped directly to you.
                                                   ACADEMIC HONOR CODE

Deacon OneCards                                    PART 1: THE HONOR CODE
The Deacon OneCard is the official Wake Forest
                                                   ARTICLE I. Preamble and Purpose
University Student Identification Card. Students
are required to carry their Deacon OneCard
                                                   The purpose of this Graduate Honor Code
with them at all times. In addition to
                                                   (hereinafter “the Code” or “the Honor Code”) is
identification, it can also be used for:
                                                   to provide guidance for student conduct with
                                                   respect to academic pursuits.
    •   Card Access to University Buildings
    •   Deacon Dining                              The Code applies to all students enrolled in the
    •   Event Admission                            Wake Forest University Graduate School of Arts
    •   Library Privileges                         and Sciences or the Divinity School of Wake
    •   Reynolds Gym Privileges                    Forest University. All forms of academic work
                                                   performed by any graduate student enrolled on
New accepted students who have been given          a part-time or full-time basis shall be subject to
WIN (Wake Information Network) access, are         the stipulations of the Honor Code. Such work
required to submit their photo by logging into     includes, but is not limited to, course work, lab
the Deacon OneCard online portal. Deacon           work, thesis or dissertation work, research, and
OneCards are distributed to students prior to      teaching. Upon acceptance for admission to the
the first day of classes. Additional information   Graduate School of Arts and Sciences or the
regarding the Deacon OneCard can be viewed         Divinity School, entering students will be
at:            informed of the Code. It is the responsibility of
services/.                                         new students to be adequately informed of the
                                                   Code, including all key provisions, such as, but
Graduate School Offices                            not limited to, the affirmative duty to report
The Graduate School has two office locations.      offenses, the scope and limits of the Honor
The Graduate School Cottage is located at 118      Code, and the names of the current officers.
Reynolda Village. The Graduate School campus       New students shall be required to sign a
at Brookstown is located in downtown Winston-      statement indicating that they fully understand
Salem, at 200 Brookstown Avenue.                   and will comply with the Honor Code. Changes
                                                   in the Honor Code will be published and
                                                   distributed to students upon adoption. Students
                                                   are charged with notice of, and are bound by,
                                                   this Code. Copies of the Code are available

from the offices of the Dean of the Graduate           another agency or person providing term
School of Arts and Sciences and the Dean of the        papers or other academic materials; (c) the
Divinity School. For students in the Graduate          non-attributed use of any portion of a computer
School, final decisions on sanctions due to            algorithm or data file; or (d) the use, by
violations of the Code rest with the Dean of the       paraphrase or direct quotation, of online
Graduate School. For students in the Divinity          material without complete acknowledgment of
School, final decisions on sanctions due to            the source.
violations of the Code rest with the Dean of the
Divinity School.                                       Please refer to the Harvard University online
                                                       tutorial on avoiding plagiarism:
The Code applies only to alleged misconduct  
identified in Article III or Article IV which occurs   policies/resources/avoiding-plagiarism
in academic pursuits or within the University
community. Policies pertaining to other                 "DECEPTION" includes any false or deceiving
misconduct within the University community             representation. In the academic context, such
continue to apply, and the faculty and the             representations include: (a) any attempt to
administrations of the appropriate graduate            avoid meeting the stated course requirements,
program are responsible for enforcement of             such as making false statements to avoid taking
such other policies (See Article IX for a              examinations at the scheduled times or to avoid
definition of “appropriate”).                          turning in assignments at the scheduled times;
                                                       (b) listing sources in a bibliography not directly
ARTICLE II. The Code                                   used in the academic exercise; or (c) submitting
                                                       falsified, invented, or fictitious data or evidence,
We conduct our academic endeavors with                 or concealing or distorting the true nature,
honor, integrity and professionalism. We do            origin, or function of data or evidence.
our own work, credit the work of others, and
provide the full truth about our work.                 Section 2. Faculty Retention of Jurisdiction
                                                       All disputes will be handled by the Honor
ARTICLE III. Scope and Jurisdiction                    Council except in instances where the cases
                                                       cannot be addressed by the Honor Council in a
Section 1. Honor Council Original Jurisdiction         timely manner, such as between academic
The Graduate School Honor Council (hereinafter         terms. In this situation the Graduate School or
“the Honor Council”) shall have authority to           Divinity School administration and the relevant
hear and to determine charges of lying,                program faculty will have jurisdiction over the
cheating, stealing, vandalism, deception,              handling of the misconduct case.
research misconduct, or failure to report an
Honor Code violation by any Graduate School or         ARTICLE IV. Duty to Report an Honor Code
Divinity School student in his or her academic         Violation
pursuits or within the University community.
These terms should be construed to have their          A student, faculty member or staff member that
ordinary, non-legal meaning.                           reports an Honor Code violation is referred to
                                                       as the Reporter. The individual accused of an
Plagiarism and Deception                               Honor Code violation is referred to as the
“PLAGIARISM” is a type of cheating. It includes:
(a) the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation,        Any faculty or staff member may report an
of the published or unpublished work of                Honor Code violation or suspected violation to
another person without complete                        the Chairperson or Secretary of the Honor
acknowledgment of the source; (b) the                  Council or, in the event such persons cannot be
unacknowledged use of materials prepared by            reached, to the Dean of the Graduate School or

Divinity School as appropriate. The Chairperson     Members of the Pre-hearing Sub-committee
or Secretary should inform the relevant Dean        may not be from the same department as the
that a violation has been reported, although no     Reporter or Respondent; if the Chairperson or
action on the part of the Dean is needed at this    the Secretary is from the Reporter or
time.                                               Respondent’s department, a member of the
                                                    Honor Council will be asked to serve in that
Students who have knowledge of, have                person’s role for the pre-hearing and hearing
witnessed or reasonably believe that they have      procedures for the particular case. The Sub-
witnessed or have knowledge of an Honor Code        committee will consider the report and make a
violation should report the violation or            decision as to whether the accusation falls
suspected violation to the Chairperson or the       under the prohibited conduct described in
Secretary of the Honor Council within a             Article III, Section 1. If it does not, this decision
reasonable time, not to exceed five academic        will be conveyed promptly in writing by the
days (as defined in Article IX). This report        Secretary to the Reporter, the appropriate Dean
should include the name of the Reporter and         and the Chairperson. No further action will be
the Respondent, the date on which the report is     taken. The Chairperson will destroy the report
submitted, the date of the violation of the         and any accompanying records.
Code, the charge and the description of the
purported violations, and the names of other        If the Pre-hearing Sub-committee determines
witnesses. If the Chairperson or Secretary          that the accusation does include an act or acts
cannot be reached to make a report, then the        that may constitute a violation of the Honor
student should report to the appropriate Dean.      Code, then a written report of the violation(s)
The report may also be filed at a later date if     as charged shall be prepared by the Secretary
the appropriate Dean determines that special        and provided to the Respondent promptly with
circumstances existed that prevented the            copies to the Reporter, the appropriate Dean,
report from being filed within the five-day time    the members of the Pre-hearing Sub-
period.                                             committee, the Respondent’s Academic
                                                    Advisor, and the Respondent’s Program
The failure of any student to comply with this      Director. This written report shall include the
affirmative duty to report (except in the           date, time and place of a hearing that will take
circumstances referred to above) shall be a         place within four weeks from the date of
violation of the Code. Refusal to testify before    notification. The report should contain a full
the Honor Council, or failure to do so without      description of the Respondent’s hearing rights.
good cause, is also a violation of the Code;
however, no person shall be compelled to be a       ARTICLE VI. Hearing Procedures
witness against himself or herself, or to testify
against his or her spouse.                          Section 1. Name and Purpose
                                                    The Hearing will be an administrative, not a
PART 2: THE HEARING, SANCTIONS AND                  legal, proceeding. Its purpose is to arrive at the
APPEALS PROCEDURES                                  truth.

ARTICLE V. Pre-Hearing Procedures                   Section 2. Hearing Procedures
                                                    The Panel for the Hearing will consist of the
When a report of an Honor Code violation or         Chairperson, the Secretary and four (4)
suspected violation is received, the Chairperson    additional faculty members and four (4) student
of the Honor Council shall convene, in a timely     members of the Honor Council with the
manner, a Pre-hearing Sub-committee                 numbers of student and faculty members from
composed of the Chairperson, the Secretary,         the two campuses being as similar as possible.
one (1) faculty member from the Honor Council       The Chairperson shall appoint one of the faculty
and two (2) students from the Honor Council.        members as Solicitor who will coordinate the

exchange of information between the Reporter,        cannot render an impartial decision, then
the Respondent and the student and faculty           he/she shall notify the Chairperson and
members of the Honor Council before and at           withdraw. In the event of a withdrawal, a new
the Hearing. The Hearing shall be conducted by       Panel member will be chosen by the
the Chairperson (who will not vote). The             Chairperson.
Secretary of the Honor Council shall not vote
except in the case of a tie. The Solicitor does      The Secretary of the Honor Council will make a
not vote.                                            summary record of the Hearing. An audio
                                                     recording, video recording, or comparable
Section 3. Time and Place of Hearing                 recording will be made of the Hearing. This
The Honor Council shall conduct its Hearing          recording will be available to the Panel during
within four weeks after the Chairperson’s            their deliberations, to the Secretary in
receipt of the Pre-Hearing Sub-committee’s           preparing the summary report, to the
conclusion that such a Hearing is warranted.         appropriate Dean for review of the Sanction or
The time and/or place of the Honor Council           during the appeals process, and to the
Hearing maybe changed by a majority vote of          Respondent if he or she requests an appeal.
the members of the Panel. The Solicitor and          The recording will become a part of the file to
the Respondent shall meet no less than a week        be kept by the appropriate Dean.
prior to the Hearing to exchange witness lists
and clarify the kinds of evidence to be              Section 4. Chairperson’s Duties
presented. If a witness(es) is (are) to be           1. The Chairperson of the Honor Council shall
involved at the Hearing, this should be                  preside at all Honor Council meetings and
mentioned at this meeting; a “witness” is                Hearings.
someone who viewed or otherwise acquired             2. The Chairperson may require any person
information relevant to the alleged Honor Code           disrupting the orderly proceedings of a
violation. At that time the Respondent will also         Hearing to leave.
notify the Solicitor if he or she will have a        3. The Chairperson shall have the right to
representative (as defined in Article VII) for the       declare a recess at any point in the Hearing.
Hearing. The Honor Council Hearing shall be          4. The Chairperson shall inform the Panel, the
closed to the public.                                    Reporter and all others present at the
                                                         Hearing that they shall not divulge any
The Chairperson and the Secretary shall make             information about the accusation or the
the selection of the Panel no later than a week          Hearing.
before the beginning of the Hearing. Panel           5. The Chairperson shall appoint a faculty
members shall not be from the same                       member serving on the Honor Council to
department as the Respondent or the Reporter.            serve as the Solicitor for each Hearing.
The members of the Panel will be supplied with       6. The Chairperson shall limit evidence as
the report against the Respondent when they              described in Section 7 of the Policy.
are notified of their selection for the Panel.
Should the Chairperson or the Secretary be           Section 5. Secretary’s Duties
unable to attend a Hearing or if the Chairperson     1. The Secretary of the Honor Council will
and/or Secretary are from the same                       notify in writing the Chairperson, the Dean
department as the Reporter or Respondent, the            of the Graduate School or Dean of the
Panel shall select an appropriate member of the          Divinity School and the Reporter of the Pre-
Honor Council to serve in the Chairperson’s or           hearing Sub- committee’s decision about
Secretary’s role for the duration of the Hearing.        whether an alleged offense or offenses falls
                                                         within the Honor Code’s prohibited
Should any member of the Panel conclude,                 conduct.
upon reviewing the report and learning the           2. The Secretary will provide to the
identity of the Respondent, that he or she               Respondent a written report of the alleged

   offense(s); the time, date and place of the    the Chairperson, has minimal relevance to the
   hearing; and the rights of the Respondent      issues in the matter or is redundant.
   within 48 hours after the Pre-hearing
   Subcommittee finds that an allegation or       The Secretary shall read the written report to
   allegations does fall within the Honor         the Panel. If the Respondent admits to the
   Code’s prohibited conduct. Copies of this      charge(s) and stipulates to the facts as written
   written report will also be given to the       in the report, then the Panel will only consider
   Chairperson, the Reporter, and the             the question of sanctions, in a Sanctions
   appropriate Dean, the members of the Pre-      Hearing.
   hearing Sub-committee, the Respondent’s
   Academic Advisor, and the Respondent’s         If the Respondent does not admit to the
   Program Director.                              charges, presentation of evidence and
3. The Secretary will make a summary record       questioning will begin. The Reporter and any
   of the Hearing.                                other witnesses shall be questioned by the
4. The Secretary will cast the deciding vote in   Solicitor regarding the charge(s). At the
   the case of a tie vote in the Panel Hearing    conclusion of the questioning of each witness
   and in the Sanctions Hearing.                  called by the Solicitor, the Secretary and each
                                                  member of the Panel shall be given the
Section 6. Solicitor’s Duties                     opportunity to ask questions. Then, the
1. The Solicitor will coordinate the exchange     Respondent or a representative chosen by the
    of information between the Reporter, the      Respondent may ask additional questions.
    Respondent and the members of the             Questioning shall proceed until all parties are
    Hearing Panel.                                satisfied that, or in the opinion of the
2. The Solicitor will begin questioning the       Chairperson, the witnesses can furnish no
    Reporter, the Respondent and any              further relevant information.
    witnesses as appropriate.
                                                  Section 8. The Respondent’s Rebuttal
Section 7. Conduct of the Hearing                 At the conclusion of the evidence in support of
The Chairperson shall call the Hearing to order   the charges, the Respondent or the
by reminding the Respondent and all witnesses     Respondent’s representative may present
that they are honor bound to tell the truth       evidence, including witness testimony,
before the Council. Any witness who is not        rebutting the charges of an Honor Code
bound by the Honor Code will be sworn in or       violation. At the conclusion of the testimony of
affirm before he or she testifies. The Honor      each witness called by the Respondent, the
Council will create and maintain an appropriate   Solicitor, the Secretary and each member of the
oath and affirmation.                             Panel shall be given the opportunity to ask
                                                  questions. Questioning shall proceed until all
The Hearing shall be limited in scope to a        parties are satisfied that, or in the opinion of
determination of whether an honor code            the Chairperson, the witnesses can furnish no
violation has taken place. All sources of         further relevant information.
evidence that may reasonably be supplied and
are likely to be helpful in establishing the      Section 9. Summary Statements
veracity of the claim should be brought to such   A summary statement may be given by the
a hearing, with materials being distributed by    Respondent or the Respondent’s
the secretary beforehand to the solicitor, the    representative. A summary statement may be
Reporter, the Respondent, and the student and     given by the Solicitor.
faculty members of the Honor Council. The
Chairperson shall have the authority to limit     Section 10. Panel Duties
evidence (in any form) that, in the opinion of    The Chairperson shall instruct the Panel as to
                                                  the charge and the factors to be considered

during the deliberation on the charge(s). Upon        sanction. In the case of a tie, the Secretary shall
the conclusion of such instructions the               vote. A Panel may not decide that no sanction
Chairperson shall adjourn this phase of the           be imposed. Once a decision as to a particular
Hearing. The Panel shall promptly conduct its         sanction is reached, the Panel shall announce its
deliberations in private and reach a decision on      decision regarding the recommended sanction
the charge(s).                                        to the Chairperson. Before releasing the Panel,
                                                      the Chairperson shall remind the members of
A decision that a violation of the Code has           the Panel that they are forbidden to divulge
occurred shall require a simple majority vote by      information about the hearing or the Panel’s
the Panel that the charge(s) have been proven         decision.
by a preponderance of the evidence. An
abstaining vote is not a vote confirming the          Section 12. Notifications of Findings
violation. In the case of a tie the Secretary shall   The Panel’s findings and recommended
vote. If there are not at least four (4) votes        sanction(s) shall be promptly conveyed to the
finding a violation of the Honor Code, then the       Respondent by the Chairperson of the Honor
charge(s) have not been proven. In determining        Council. The findings and recommended
whether there was a violation of the Code, the        sanction(s) shall be reported to the appropriate
Panel should only consider evidence and               Dean in a timely manner. All copies of the
testimony that was presented at the Hearing.          record, findings and recommendations shall be
                                                      transferred to the appropriate Dean for
Upon reaching their decision, the Panel shall         retention in accordance with applicable
inform the Chairperson in writing. The decision       Graduate School or Divinity School policies, and
shall then be reported by the Chairperson to          for a final decision in accordance with Section
the Reporter and the Respondent. The                  14 of this Code.
Chairperson will then dismiss the Panel by
reminding each member that he or she is               Section 13. Appeals Procedure
forbidden to divulge any information about the        A student found in violation of the Honor Code
Hearing.                                              may appeal the decision or the sanction
                                                      recommendation of the Panel to the Secretary
Section 11. The Sanction Hearing                      of the Graduate Council. Written notice of
If the Panel finds that there was a violation of      appeal from the Respondent or his/her
the Code, the Chairperson shall reconvene the         representative shall be given to the Secretary of
Panel for a Sanction Hearing, providing the           the Graduate Council within 10 academic days
Respondent with the opportunity to be present.        after the Sanction Hearing. The Graduate
This hearing may be held directly following the       Council consists of 6 elected faculty members
Hearing but must take place within five days          from the Reynolda campus, 6 elected faculty
and should be held in private. First, the             members from the Bowman Gray campus and
Solicitor may present facts, evidence, and            two Graduate Student Representatives. The
arguments as to the sanction(s) being sought.         Dean and Associate Deans of the Graduate
Second, the Respondent or the Respondent’s            school are ex-officio members of the Graduate
representative may present mitigating facts,          Council and will not take part in the appeals
evidence and arguments. At the conclusion of          procedure. The Dean of the Divinity School is
the arguments the Chairperson shall adjourn           not a member of the Graduate Council.
the Panel to deliberate regarding the sanctions
to be recommended. The Panel shall promptly           The Graduate Council will be provided with a
conduct its deliberations in private and shall        copy of the written report of the charge, the
reach a decision.                                     summary records kept by the Honor Council
                                                      Secretary during the hearing, and the written
Decisions regarding a particular sanction shall       appeal of the Respondent. The Graduate
require a simple majority vote in favor of the        Council will meet in a timely manner to consider

the Honor Council’s decision and the                 a. Notice and Censure: A written reprimand
appropriateness of the recommended sanction.            that continuation of conduct in violation of
The Graduate Council will decide whether to             the Honor Code may be cause for more
support the findings and recommended                    severe disciplinary sanctions. This may
sanctions of the Honor Council or whether to            include a warning or more severe
recommend changes. A written notice of their            disciplinary sanction in the event of the
decision will be given to the appropriate Dean          determination of a subsequent violation
by the Secretary of the Graduate Council in a           within a stated period of time.
timely manner.
                                                     b. Restitution: Reimbursement for
Section 14. Final Disposition                           defacement, damage to, or
The appropriate Dean shall consider the                 misappropriation of property, whether that
findings and recommended sanction(s) of the             of the University, any member of the
Hearing Panel and the recommendations of the            University community, any guest or visitor
Graduate Council in the case of a Respondent’s          of the University or any third party.
appeal, and any alleged exceptional
circumstances, and shall make a decision to          c. Suspension: Exclusion from classes,
accept or alter either the findings and/or the          removal from facilities and termination of
recommended sanction(s). The office of the              any associated access rights (including but
appropriate Dean, or his or her designee, shall         not limited to computers, computer
be responsible for processing and supervising           networks, laboratories, identification cards,
the imposition of sanction(s). In the case of           keys, libraries and parking), termination of
ongoing “external” investigation of the Honor           faculty and staff mentoring and other
Code violation, the Dean of the Graduate School         privileges and activities (including but not
may delay the final decision until formal               limited to stipends and health insurance
findings are provided. The decision of the Dean         subsidies) with forfeitures of academic
shall be final.                                         credits as set forth in the notice of
                                                        suspension from the appropriate Dean.
Section 15. Sanctions                                   Sanctions for the Honor Code violation of
In the event of a finding of an Honor Code              cheating shall ordinarily include a
violation, the Panel shall consider and                 recommended F or failing grade in the
recommend to the appropriate Dean that one              course involved and authorized withdrawals
or more of the following sanctions be imposed.          in the student’s other courses, regardless of
This list is not exhaustive, and the Panel may          the semester when the offense was
recommend alternative sanctions not included            committed. If a suspension is more than
in the following list if the Panel determines that      one semester, the suspension shall begin
alternative sanctions are appropriate. In the           immediately and shall be served in
event of a question about the application or            consecutive semesters. Suspension does
meaning of a sanction recommended by the                not extend the total allowable time for
Panel or imposed by a Dean, the appropriate             completion of the degree.
Dean shall be consulted and the decision of the
Dean shall be final.                                 d. Expulsion: Termination of student status,
                                                        with readmission subject to the approval of
The sanctions which may be imposed in the               the program faculty and the appropriate
case of a Honor Code violation will ordinarily be       Dean. No petition for readmission may be
selected from the following (more than one of           considered before the expiration of one
the sanctions may be imposed when deemed                calendar year from the date of expulsion.
appropriate):                                           Sanctions for the Honor Code violation of
                                                        cheating shall ordinarily include a
                                                        recommended “F” or failing grade in the

    course involved and authorized withdrawals
    in the student’s other courses, regardless of    8. A right not to be compelled to testify
    the time in the semester that the offense            against himself or herself.
    was committed.                                   9. The Respondent’s spouse cannot be
                                                         compelled to testify against him or her.
                                                     10. A right to present evidence of extenuating
ARTICLE VII. Rights of the Respondent                    circumstances, subject to limitation by the
                                                         Chairperson of the Honor Council.
The Respondent shall have the following rights:      11. A right not to be tried for one offense, and
                                                         convicted of another, e.g., lying before the
1. A right to have the charges against him or            Council, without the same opportunity to
   her submitted in writing and to receive the           defend against the other charge.
   written charges before the beginning of the       12. Until the Hearing and Appeals processes are
   hearing.                                              complete, the Respondent has the right to
2. A right to a copy of procedures established           participate in any University function except
   by the Honor Code for the hearing of                  the following: participating in graduation
   alleged Honor Code violations. This shall be          exercises, receiving a degree, or receiving
   given to him or her at the same time as the           academic credit for courses taken during
   notice of the charge or charges.                      the semester in which the violation is
3. A right to separate hearings where two or             alleged to have occurred, or other activities
   more students are reported to have                    specifically prohibited by the appropriate
   participated jointly in a violation. If none of       Dean.
   those accused of joint participation request
   separate hearings, they may have a joint
   hearing or separate hearings as the Pre-          ARTICLE VIII. Organization of Honor Council
   Hearing Sub-committee determines.
4. A right to know the nature of the evidence        Section 1. Membership and Election
   and, when practical, to examine the               The membership and election of the Honor
   evidence before the hearing.                      Council shall be determined as follows:
5. A right to appoint a Representative to
   question witnesses, to give a summary             a. The Honor Council shall be comprised of
   statement at the Hearing and to be present           sixteen (16) faculty members, eight (8) each
   at the Sanctions hearing. The                        from the Bowman Gray and Reynolda
   Representative will be a faculty member,             campuses and one (1) student from each
   staff member or student from the Wake                department or program.
   Forest University Graduate School. Legal          b. Faculty members of the Honor Council will
   counsel can attend the hearing and advise            be appointed by the appropriate Dean.
   the Respondent, but may not participate in           Appointments are effective September 15th
   the hearing. Law students are not                    of each calendar year. Members of the
   permitted to assist the Respondent or to             Graduate Council may not be appointed to
   participate in the Hearing.                          the Honor Council.
6. A right to summon witnesses and to testify        c. Student members of the Honor Council are
   on his or her own behalf, but the number of          appointed by the chair or program director
   character witnesses, if any, may be                  of each department or program, one (1)
   reasonably limited by the Chairperson of             from each department or program.
   the Honor Council.                                   Appointments are effective September 15th
7. A right to meet with the witnesses, and to           of each calendar year. Graduate Student
   question them during the Hearing, subject            Association chairs and representatives may
   to limitation by the Chairperson of the              not be appointed to the Honor Council.
   Honor Council.

d. A student appointed to the Honor Council         Section 5. Maintaining Readiness
   serves a one-year term. A faculty person         Members of the Honor Council accept the duty
   appointed to the Honor Council serves a          of developing and maintaining their
   two-year term. Students and faculty may          understanding of the Honor Code.
   be appointed for up to three consecutive
   terms.                                           Article IX. Miscellaneous

Section 2. Election of Officers                     “Appropriate Dean” refers to the Dean charged
After appointment of new members, the Honor         with the primary responsibility for overseeing
Council as a whole shall elect one (1) faculty      the program in which the Respondent is
member to serve as Chairperson and one (1)          enrolled.
faculty person to serve as Secretary through
September 14th of the following calendar year.      An academic day is a day on which regularly
The Chair and the Secretary should not be from      scheduled classes are held, not including
the same department.                                summer sessions.

Section 3. Pre-hearing Sub-committee                Research misconduct is covered by an on-line
Selection                                           document:
The Pre-hearing Sub-committee will consist of
the Chairperson, the Secretary, one (1) faculty     (
member of the Honor Council and two (2)             19/08/Research-misconduct.pdf WFU Policy on
student members of the Honor Council. The           Research Misconduct).
Chairman and Secretary will choose these three
members, ensuring as equal a representation of      While this policy is written for scientific
the two campuses as possible and ensuring that      research misconduct, for the purposes of this
the members to do not come from the same            document, the policy applies to research
department or program as the Reporter or the        misconduct in any field.
Respondent. A faculty member of the Honor
Council shall act as Solicitor.

Section 4. Hearing Panel Selection                  NON-ACADEMIC CODE OF
The Panel will be comprised of the four (4)
faculty members and four (4) student members        CONDUCT
of the Honor Council chosen by the Chairperson
and the Secretary. The faculty members and          Membership in the wider Wake Forest
students will be chosen to ensure as equal a        University campus community requires
representation between the two campuses as          graduate students in the Graduate School of
possible and to ensure that no member of the        Arts and Sciences to be aware of the general
Panel is from the same department or program        student conduct expectations and campus
as the Reporter and the Respondent. To assure       standards found in the Wake Forest Student
fairness to the Respondent and to equalize the      Code of Conduct available online at
burden of members of the Honor Council,   , and in hard copy at
ordinarily members chosen to serve on a Panel       the Office of Dean of Students, 139 Benson
will be removed from the pool for the               University Center.
remainder of the calendar year, unless all
council members have served, at which time all      The Graduate School expects good citizenship
members will be returned to the list of potential   and responsible behavior from students. When
jurors.                                             these expectations are not met, the non-
                                                    academic misconduct process may be used to
                                                    redirect students into more acceptable patterns
                                                    of behavior. This process encourages students

to take responsibility for their choices and             human resources, student grievance, honor
actions, while also allowing the University to           code, or non-academic honor code bodies.
determine an appropriate disciplinary response.     h. Misrepresentation in seeking financial aid
Misconduct cases may result in a formal                or University benefits.
reprimand and the imposition of an educational      i.   Unlawful possession, use, distribution, or
condition, or a more severe level of sanction,           sale of any illegal narcotic or illegal
including disciplinary probation, suspension or          dangerous drug as defined by the statutes
expulsion. Students need to be aware that                of the State of North Carolina.
certain types of behaviors may be deemed
incompatible with membership in the School’s        j.   Theft of, or unwarranted damage to,
community, and that choices they make can                University property or property of any
compromise their education and future.                   member of the University community.
Set forth below are the types of prohibited         k. Failure to comply with housing regulations.
conduct for which students are subject to           l.   Failure to comply with the lawful directives
disciplinary actions:                                    of University employees or non-University
a. Actual or threatened physical injury to any           contract employees acting within the scope
   person on University-owned or          -              of their duties; including those directives
   controlled property or at a University-               issued by a University administrator, police,
   sponsored or supervised function, or                  or security officer to ensure the safety and
   conduct that endangers the health or safety           well-being of students.
   of any person.                                   m. Entry into, or use of, any building, facility,
b. Engaging in individual or group conduct that        room or other University property or
   is violent, abusive, indecent, or                   grounds without authorized approval. This
   unreasonably loud, or similar disorderly            also includes the unauthorized possession
   conduct that infringes upon the privacy,            or use of University keys, lock
   rights, or privileges of others by disturbing       combinations, or other access codes.
   the peace or the orderly process of              n. Participation in illegal gambling activities on
   education on campus.                                University-owned or -controlled property or
c. Unauthorized use, possession, or storage of         at a function identified with the University.
   any weapon or explosive (including               o. Possession or consumption of alcoholic
   fireworks) on University premises or at             beverages in contradiction of state law
   University-sponsored activities.                    and/or University policy.
d. Forgery, counterfeiting, alteration, or          p. Entering or attempting to enter any event
   misuse of any University record, document,          without proper credentials for admission
   or identification card.                             (e.g., ticket, identification card, or
e. Unauthorized entry into, or alteration of,          invitation).
   any University computer records, or
   violation of computer use policies, including
                                                    The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences shall
   illegal use of University computer resources
                                                    have the authority to hold students accountable
   (or otherwise violating the ethical use of
                                                    under this Code of Conduct for certain off-
   computing policy).
                                                    campus behaviors (i.e., behavior that does not
f.   Sending threatening, obscene, or               occur on University premises or in the context
     defamatory messages to another student or      of a University, School, or student organization
     individual via e-mail, phone, voice-mail, or   sponsored event or activity) that adversely
     social media.                                  affects a substantial University or School
g. Knowingly filing a false report to any           interest. In determining whether the conduct
   University authority: including police,          adversely affects a substantial University or

School interest, the following shall be            Council, following the guidelines for the honor
considered:                                        code as set forth in this Student Handbook.
a. Whether the conduct constitutes or would        However, in deciding each case, the Honor
   constitute a serious criminal offense,          Council will use the guidelines of this document
   regardless of the existence of any criminal     to determine if there was a violation of the
   proceedings.                                    institution’s Code of Conduct as opposed to the
                                                   Honor Code. The Honor Council will make a final
b. Whether the conduct indicates that the          and formal recommendation to the Dean. As
   student presented or may present a danger       outlined in the Honor Code guidelines, the
   or threat to the health, safety, or wellbeing   student may appeal the decision to the
   of any person.                                  Graduate Council within 10 days of the sanction
c. Whether the conduct demonstrates a              hearing. The Graduate Council will review all
   pattern of behavior that impairs the            pertinent information and make a
   University’s, the School’s, or the Program’s    recommendation to the Dean, who will consider
   ability to fulfill its mission or negatively    the recommendations by the Honor Council and
   impacts the learning environment.               the Graduate Council, in the event of an appeal.
                                                   The Dean will consider all recommendations,
d. Whether the conduct is disruptive to the
                                                   and may accept the sanction recommendation,
   ability of faculty to carry out the academic
                                                   but has the discretion to alter the
   mission of the University.
                                                   recommendation. The decision of the Dean is
The disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed
for violations of this Code of Conduct may
include any of the following actions:
a. A written reprimand.
                                                   DISABILITY PROCEDURES
b. Denial of specified University privileges.
c. Payment of restitution.                         Wake Forest University is an equal access
d. Educational or service sanctions, including     institution which admits qualified applicants
   community service.                              without regard to disability. When a student
e. Disciplinary probation.                         with a disability is admitted, the University
f. Imposition of reasonable terms and              seeks to accommodate those needs that are
                                                   determined to be reasonable and that do not
   conditions on continued student status.
                                                   compromise the integrity of the curriculum.
g. Removal from a course in progress, or
   temporary or permanent removal from             Disability Officers
   campus, including public areas.
h. Enrollment restrictions on a course or          For medical or mobility
   program.                                        Dr. Cecil Price
i. Suspension.                                     Student Health Services
j. Dismissal.
                                                   For learning issues
Students who are accused of performing or          Dr. Michael Shuman
contributing to misconduct will be subject to a    Learning Assistance Center
review process that will include a review of the   Room 118 Reynolda Hall
allegation, a hearing before a committee of the
student’s peers and faculty, and potential
disciplinary action. These procedures will be      Making the Disability Known
undertaken by the Graduate School Honor

The student is responsible for notifying the         the professional judgment of the disability
appropriate Graduate School office of any            officer. Additional information may be
disabilities prior to/or during orientation for      requested to verify the disability and to make a
which an accommodation is needed.                    decision on accommodations.

If a student develops a disability after             If the disability officer determines that
matriculation for which he/she needs an              accommodations are appropriate, a letter
accommodation, then it will be the                   describing these accommodations will be
responsibility of the graduate student to inform     written. A new letter will be required for each
the Graduate School of this fact.                    academic year. The student has the
                                                     responsibility of showing this letter each
In all cases, a disability notification is used to   semester of the academic year to any
arrange future accommodations but cannot be          supervising persons in order to receive the
used as a basis for retroactively changing           accommodation. The student should be careful
academic evaluations or grades. Furthermore,         to do this over various courses, lab assignments,
accommodations are made not to waive                 etc.
requirements but to give the student equal
opportunity to meet those requirements.              A supervisor who is shown this letter should
                                                     discuss the accommodation with the student
The information given to the disability officer      and make appropriate arrangements. If there
will be treated confidentially and will be shared    are any questions, the supervising person
with university administrators and faculty           should discuss the accommodation with the
members only to the extent necessary to reach        appropriate contact person.
decisions and take actions on requests for

Procedure for Handling Requests for                  STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY
Accommodations for disabilities should be
                                                     OF THE MENTORING
based on recommendations from the                    RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN
appropriate campus disability officer, not
program directors or individual faculty.             GRADUATE STUDENTS AND
A student with a disability for which he/she
wishes an accommodation should make an
appointment with the appropriate campus
disability officer as soon as possible. It is        Masters and doctoral graduate student training
assumed that this appointment will be made           are comprised of both classroom instruction
before the semester begins if at all possible. At    and an apprenticeship relationship with one or
least ten working days before this first meeting,    more faculty members. Each individual who
the student should send documentation of the         pursues a graduate degree has ultimate
disability and a set of specific accommodations      responsibility for his/her education and
requested for the disability. The documentation      professional development. Likewise a faculty
should follow the guidelines found at the            member who advises a student has a
website                  responsibility to foster the successful
                                                     development of the student into a member of
Wake Forest University reserves the right to         the profession. Additionally, Wake Forest
determine the appropriateness of submitted           University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
documentation and requests for                       has responsibilities to both the student and the
accommodation on a case by case basis, using         faculty advisor to maintain and promote an

environment that supports quality training          program of study in the Graduate School should
programs.                                           have clearly defined procedures for assessment
                                                    of students and closely monitor the progress of
This document serves as a Statement of              students during their courses of study.
Philosophy about the mentoring relationship
between graduate students and their faculty         Commitment to Outstanding Faculty Mentoring
advisors, as well as the institutional              Effective mentoring is crucial for graduate
responsibilities to facilitate that relationship.   school trainees as they prepare for their
The purpose of this document is to function as a    careers. Faculty mentors should understand
statement of guiding principles that can            that such mentoring requires a commitment of
promote the student’s successful completion of      substantial time and energy in order to ensure
training, and guide their mentors’ efforts. It      each student’s professional and personal
does not supersede institutional rules and          development. Furthermore, the mentor must
regulations.                                        recognize that the success of the relationship
                                                    hinges on mutual trust and respect. Effective
Core Tenets of Graduate Training                    mentoring should include teaching the
Institutional Commitment                            method of inquiry for the specialty, providing
Institutions that train graduate students must      regular constructive feedback and constructive
be committed to establishing and maintaining        criticism to foster professional maturation,
high‐quality training programs that ascribe to      teaching the conventions of the field of study,
scientific, humanistic and ethical professional     and promoting students’ careers by providing
standards. WFU will work to ensure that             appropriate opportunities for independent
students who complete its programs are well‐        work and recognition. Effective mentors should
trained and possess the foundational skills and     strive to facilitate the student’s completion of
values that will allow them to mature into          his or her thesis/dissertation, to help guide the
independent professionals with integrity. WFU’s     student through the requirements for
commitment in this regard includes provision of     completion of the degree, and to advise the
oversight for length of training, maintenance of    student to be knowledgeable of and act in
scholarly integrity, appropriate financial          accord with all university policies and
support, established procedures for addressing      procedures. Graduate student mentors should
grievances, and various professional                encourage students who seek to take a novel
development‐related opportunities. These            approach to achieving personal success. Good
opportunities can include effective and regular     mentors should possess and exemplify high
career guidance activities, reasonable access to    ethical standards, competent communication
institutional services, and other matters           skills, recognize the contributions of students in
relevant to the education and professional          all endeavors including publications and
development of graduate students.                   development of patentable devices or methods,
Additionally, WFU will strive to recognize and      and have a strong commitment to original
reward its graduate training faculty in support     research and scholarship. Good mentors should
of their education of graduate students.            work to provide their students with an
                                                    environment that is intellectually stimulating,
Program Commitment                                  emotionally supportive, safe and free of
The WFU Graduate School endeavors to                harassment. Lastly, where appropriate, the
establish and maintain robust training programs     mentor should maintain or identify financial
that provide students with the knowledge and        support that is appropriate for the program of
career skills needed to function and succeed as     study, and that will allow the student to
independent professionals in their chosen           complete the requirements for the degree.
fields. This commitment implies the
maintenance of relevant course offerings and
appropriate research opportunities. Each            Commitments of Graduate Students

Effective mentoring is a dynamic relationship        expression are indispensable to the attainment
between the faculty advisor and the graduate         of these goals. The Graduate School of Arts and
student. As such, in addition to the desired         Sciences is committed to providing an
commitments of faculty members, students             environment which will encourage graduate
share an equal responsibility for their              students to develop the capacity for critical
educational success as they prepare for their        judgment and to engage in a sustained and
careers. First and foremost, students have the       independent search for truth. The Graduate
primary responsibility for the successful            School is also dedicated to the principles of
completion of their degree. Towards that end,        honor, mutual respect, and trust among the
students need to dedicate themselves to their        faculty and students. The common observance
scholarship and research, as advised by the          of professional ethics is basic to the study and
faculty mentor. This includes pursuing               research in which we are engaged.
opportunities to develop the necessary skills to
succeed in the desired field of study and chosen     a. Rights
profession, and when appropriate, taking                The minimal standards of academic
advantage of the various resources that are             freedom of graduate students outlined
made available for personal and professional            below are essential to any community of
development. The student must also recognize            scholars. Any violations of these standards
that the success of the mentoring relationship          may be grounds for a student to initiate the
with their faculty advisor hinges on mutual trust       grievance process.
and respect. Similar to their faculty advisor,
students should possess and exemplify high               1. Freedom of Access to Higher Education:
ethical standards, strive to manifest competent             The facilities and services of the
communication skills, recognize contributions of            University should be open to all of its
fellow students, and have a strong commitment               enrolled students, and the University
to original research and scholarship. Students              should use its influence to secure equal
should also work to provide themselves, fellow              access for all graduate students to
students, staff, and faculty with an environment            public facilities in the local community.
that is intellectually stimulating, emotionally
supportive, safe and free of harassment. The             2. The Classroom and Research
student is to be knowledgeable of and act in
accordance with all university policies and
procedures. Lastly, where appropriate, the                  Graduate student performance will be
student should work with his or her mentor to               evaluated solely on an academic basis,
identify financial support that is appropriate for          not on opinions or conduct in matters
the program of study, and that will allow the               unrelated to academic standards.
student to complete the requirements for the                a. Protection of Freedom of Expression
degree.                                                         - Graduate students are free to take
                                                                reasoned exception to the data or
                                                                views offered in any course of study
                                                                or research activity and to reserve
                                                                judgment about matters of opinion,
GRADUATE STUDENT RIGHTS                                         but they are responsible for
AND RESPONSIBILITIES                                            learning the content of any course
                                                                of study for which they are
Introduction                                                b. Protection Against Improper
Wake Forest University exists for the                           Academic Evaluation - Graduate
transmission of knowledge, the pursuit of truth,                students have protection through
the development of students, and the well-                      orderly procedures (described in
being of society. Free inquiry and free                         the section on Grievance

       Procedures) against prejudiced or             destruction of non-current disciplinary
       capricious academic evaluation. At            records. Administrative staff and faculty
       the same time, they are responsible           members should respect confidential
       for maintaining standards of                  information about graduate students
       academic performance established              which they acquire while working with
       for the program in which they are             them.
    c. Protection Against Improper               4. Student Affairs:
       Disclosure - Information about               a. Freedom of Association - Graduate
       graduate student views, beliefs, and             students bring to the campus a
       political associations which                     variety of interests previously
       professors acquire in the course of              acquired and develop many new
       their work as instructors, advisors,             interests as members of the
       and counselors is considered                     academic community. They are free
       confidential. Protection against                 to organize and join associations to
       improper disclosure is a serious                 promote their common interests.
       professional obligation. Judgments           b. Freedom of Inquiry and Expression -
       of ability and character may be                  Graduate students and their
       provided under appropriate                       organizations are free to examine
       circumstances, always with the                   and discuss all questions of interest
       knowledge or consent of the                      to them, and to express opinions
       graduate student.                                publicly and privately. They are free
    d. Protection Against Harassment -                  to support causes by orderly means
       Graduate students have protection                which do not disrupt the regular
       through orderly procedures                       and essential operation of the
       (described in the section on                     University.
       Grievance Procedures) against
       physical (sexual, etc.) harassment               Graduate students and their
       and/or psychological abuse.                      organizations will be allowed
                                                        reasonable access to University
3. Student Records:                                     facilities for academic purposes,
   To minimize the risk of improper                     organizational meetings, sponsored
   disclosure, access to academic and                   lectures, etc. Those routine
   disciplinary records should be                       procedures required by the
   considered separately. Transcripts of                University for obtaining access to
   academic records will contain only                   facilities are designed only to insure
   information about academic status.                   that there is orderly scheduling of
   Information from disciplinary or                     facilities as well as adequate
   counseling files will not be available to            preparation for the event, and that
   unauthorized persons on campus, or to                the occasion is conducted in a
   any person off campus without the                    manner appropriate to an academic
   written consent of the graduate student              community. Graduate students and
   involved, except where a judicial order              their organizations are allowed to
   of subpoena compels disclosure or                    invite and to hear any person of
   health safety emergency cases are                    their own choosing. The University's
   involved. No records will be kept which              control of campus facilities cannot
   reflect the political activities or beliefs          be used as a device of censorship.
   of graduate students. The Dean of the             c. Student Participation in University
   Graduate School should make provision                Government - As constituents of
   for periodic review and possible                     the academic community, graduate

           students are free, individually and
           collectively, to express their views
                                                    EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES ACT
           on issues of University policy and
           on matters of general interest to
                                                    Wake Forest University is committed to
           the graduate student body.
                                                    administer all educational and employment
                                                    activities without discrimination because of
   5. Off-Campus Freedom of Students:
                                                    race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex,
      If activities of graduate students upon
                                                    veteran status, handicapped status or disability
      occasion result in violation of law,
                                                    as required by law. In addition, Wake Forest
      University officials should be prepared
                                                    University rejects hatred and bigotry in any
      to apprise students of sources of legal
                                                    form and adheres to the principle that no 13
      counsel and may offer other assistance.
                                                    person affiliated with Wake Forest should be
      Graduate students who violate the law
                                                    judged or harassed on the basis of perceived or
      may incur penalties prescribed by civil
                                                    actual sexual orientation.
      authorities. Only where the University's
      interests as an academic community are
                                                    In affirming its commitment to these principles,
      clearly involved should the special
                                                    Wake Forest does not limit freedom of religious
      authority of the University be asserted
                                                    association or expression, does not presume to
      to consider off-campus violations. The
                                                    control the policies of persons or entities not
      graduate student who incidentally
                                                    affiliated with Wake Forest, and does not
      violates University regulations in the
                                                    extend benefits beyond those provided under
      course of his/her off-campus activity is
                                                    other policies of Wake Forest. The University
      subject to no greater penalty than
                                                    has adopted a procedure for the purpose of
      would normally be imposed for such
                                                    resolving discrimination complaints. Inquiries or
                                                    concerns should be directed to Human
                                                    Resources (, or to the Title IX
b. Responsibilities
                                                    Coordinator (
   The faculty expects students to be mature
   and responsible members of the
   community, offers guidance in their
   freedom to learn, and subscribes to the
   statement of their rights.
                                                    THE FAMILY EDUCATIONAL
   Those rights are linked to the student's         RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT
   commitment to academic integrity and
   responsible behavior as a member of the          (FERPA)
   University community.
                                                    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
   Infractions of academic integrity include        (FERPA) affords students certain rights with
   plagiarism, cheating on examinations,            respect to their education records. They are:
   misrepresentation of the work of other
   scholars, and the falsification or fabrication   1. Right to inspect and review the student’s
   of data in reporting one's own research.            education records within 45 days of the day
   These infractions, as well as acts that             the University receives a request for access.
   disrupt the educational environment and             Students should submit to the registrar,
   any violations of local or federal law which        dean, head of the academic department, or
   occur on the university campus or during            other appropriate official, written requests
   University sponsored activities, can be             that identify the record(s) they wish to
   grounds for disciplinary action which may           inspect. The University official will make
   include dismissal from graduate school.             arrangements for access and notify the
                                                       students of the time and place where the
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