The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2022

Page created by Aaron Davis
The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2022
In collaboration with
McKinsey & Company

The Global Lighthouse
Network Playbook for
Responsible Industry
MARCH 2022
The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2022
Images: Getty Images

Preface                                                                                       3

Executive summary                                                                             4

1 103 Fourth Industrial Revolution front-runners are showing what                            5
   is possible

     1.1 A growing network focused on the future                                              6

     1.2 Increasing network diversity and proven value capture                                7

2 Proven approaches have endured powerful storms                                            13

     2.1 Lighthouses have scaled across production networks and                            15
          value chains

     2.2 Six enablers lie at the core of success                                            16

3 Responsible transformation at scale                                                       20

     3.1 Sustainability                                                                     21

     3.2 Workforce engagement                                                               22

4 Continuing the journey and expanding the Lighthouse Playbook                              25

Contributors                                                                                27

Endnotes                                                                                    28

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                                            The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   2
The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2022
March 2022   Global Lighthouse Network:
             The Playbook for Responsible
             Industry Transformation

                                            Francisco Betti
                                                                                                          Enno de Boer
                                            Head of Advanced
                                                                                                          Partner and Global Head
                                            Manufacturing and Value
                                                                                                          Operations Technology,
                                            Chains, member of the
                                                                                                          McKinsey & Company, USA
                                            Executive Committee

             In the current geopolitical context, local                     Those strains have radically changed everyday
             manufacturing and supply chain resilience                      experiences, including how people work. As
             are becoming increasingly important. At the                    companies have grappled with remote work,
             same time, organizations face new obstacles                    distancing and attrition, they have also been affected
             as they strive to engage their workforce and                   by the social and emotional toll of such stressors.
             sustain operations amid international unrest and               Lighthouses have addressed these difficulties by
             economic headwinds. Furthermore, there are                     fostering community through a shared sense of
             new pressures related to the need to maintain                  purpose. They have invested in their people through
             sustainability commitments and accelerate the                  learning and development, building a culture of
             transition to renewable energy, while addressing               empowerment and ownership among people who
             more immediate energy market disruptions.                      believe in what they are doing. In so doing, they
             These concurrent challenges call for innovation,               have prioritized genuine workforce development – a
             leadership and inspiration – indeed, manufacturers             true source of resiliency and a strategic advantage.
             need a playbook to guide responsible industry
             transformation now more than ever.                             Exacerbating the complexity of the past two
                                                                            years is the fact that the pandemic emerged
             The Global Lighthouse Network includes 103                     amid the ongoing climate crisis. Yet, even while
             members from across the planet, including                      confronting so many other trials, leading companies
             manufacturers and other organizations along                    have responded, stepping forward to set new
             the value chain. From the initial idea four years              benchmarks and put innovation to work in the
             ago – that embracing digital technologies and                  name of environmental sustainability. Defying the
             new working modes would enable an evolution                    conventional wisdom that good stewardship of the
             in manufacturing – to where we are today, the                  planet and profitability are at odds with one another,
             network has made a compelling case for the power               they have shown how responsible changes can
             of Fourth Industrial Revolution technology to boost            boost eco-efficiency, yielding sustainability benefits
             productivity, growth and sustainability.                       while achieving business goals – and even realizing
                                                                            competitive advantages.
             As remarkable as the initial value proposition
             was, little did we know then just how soon                     As the world grapples with many challenges,
             this information would become vital. As                        Lighthouses continue to illuminate the way forward
             world events upended conventional methods                      into a future of responsible manufacturing. Read on
             and pushed supply chains to the brink, the                     to explore this newest set of insights from the Global
             lessons of what we can confidently now call                    Lighthouse Network, the Lighthouse Playbook.
             the Lighthouse Playbook became even more                       This new guide presents the insights of 103
             relevant. Core enablers – innovative approaches                leaders about responsible transformation at scale
             driving successful Fourth Industrial Revolution                through workforce engagement and environmental
             transformation – have proved crucial as companies              sustainability measures – that is, transformation that
             have endured unprecedented strains.                            prioritizes people and the planet.

                                                     The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   3
The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2022
Executive summary
The Global Lighthouse Network, which has grown             Pandemic challenges and climate imperatives have
from 16 to 103 sites since 2018, offers insight,           boosted environmental, social and governance
guidance and inspiration for a world facing numerous       (ESG) concerns, putting a focus on environmental
challenges, including recent geopolitical turmoil.         sustainability and workforce engagement. Pragmatic
Since its inception, the experience of this diverse        efforts can reduce energy consumption, water
network has shown what is possible through digital         impact, carbon emissions and waste generation.
transformation at scale. The accumulation of this          Lighthouses defy conventional wisdom, showing that
knowledge informs this Lighthouse Playbook, a guide        sustainability and competitiveness can be interwoven.
for organizations that wish to be part of the future of
manufacturing through responsible production that          Genuine workforce engagement emerges when
prioritizes productivity, sustainability and people.       companies create communities of committed people
                                                           who believe in what they are doing. Lighthouses
New Lighthouses have confirmed the lessons                 foster this through the pursuit of learning and
of early sites while offering more detail about            development, building a culture of empowerment
what works; and this confirmation grows                    and ownership, emphasizing collaboration and
stronger as the network diversifies while                  connections, recognizing and celebrating the impact
proving value capture across key performance               of people and products, and prioritizing workers’
indicators. Meanwhile, the new designation of              voices. Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies
“Sustainability Lighthouse” has been conferred             have accelerated this engagement in various ways,
upon leaders in environmental responsibility.              such as by reducing repetitive tasks and involving
                                                           workers in higher-level tasks, including creative
The lessons of the Lighthouse Playbook were                problem-solving.
already emerging before the pandemic. The first is
that two modes of successful scaling exist across          The Lighthouse Playbook calls for responsible
production sites and along value chains. The second        scaling that prioritizes the planet and people.
is that six enablers lie at the core (this report takes    This dual challenge means aiming at genuine
a closer look at two of them, the agile approach           workforce engagement while focusing on
and the transformation office). Lighthouses have           environmental stewardship. Companies who
a proven set of commonalities manufacturers can            wish to join the front-runners are called on to
look to; indeed, the trends of Lighthouses today will      embark on this transformational journey into
become the standards of tomorrow.                          the sustainable future of manufacturing.

                                    The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   4
The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2022
1   103 Fourth Industrial
    Revolution front-
    runners are showing
    what is possible
    The World Economic Forum, in collaboration                it sought to build a collaborative network willing to
    with McKinsey & Company, acted in 2018 to                 share insights to benefit industry, people and the
    recognize, encourage and accelerate the at-scale          Earth itself. An additional aim was to explore how
    digital transformation of manufacturing through           manufacturers could keep people at the centre of
    the Global Lighthouse Network. This initiative            a better future for workers. Likewise, it embraced
    explored how exceptional companies were                   the recognition that on a planet confronting climate
    demonstrating operational and financial impact            change, achieving digital transformation at scale
    through digital transformation at scale. Meanwhile,       would be the key to sustainability.

                                       The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   5
The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2022
1.1 A growing network focused on the future

                                 As the Global Lighthouse Network has grown to                          Sustainability Lighthouses
                                 103 members from just 16 sites in 2018, resilience,
                                 sustainability and workforce engagement have
                                 emerged as top priorities. New sites have confirmed                    The new designation of “Sustainability Lighthouses”
                                 the lessons of the early Lighthouses while offering                    was introduced in September 2021 to recognize
                                 even more granular detail through many more use                        environmental responsibility leaders. They have
                                 cases. Lighthouses are harnessing Fourth Industrial                    achieved impressive eco-efficiency: their operations
                                 Revolution technologies to accelerate scaling through                  are yielding sustainability returns that are good for
                                 enablers, such as agility and strong transformation                    the planet while also achieving business goals. This
                                 governance while ensuring environmental                                brings the total number of designations to six.
                                 sustainability and boosting workforce engagement.

                FIGURE 1         The Global Lighthouse Network comprises 103 Lighthouses as of March 30, 2022

Since the Lighthouse Network was presented in the Reimagining Operations for Growth white paper, it has grown by 13 new and 3 sustainability
awarded Lighthouses. These have been added by the network’s expert panel, bringing the total to 103 Lighthouses identified across different
industry sectors. All these have joined a unique, collaborative learning journey across organizations to share insights and experiences while
incubating potential new partnerships. This white paper explores the latest achievements of the network, with a focus on sustainability.

                                                                                                                              8                      13
                                                                                                                                                                     31   32
     1                                                                            3                                           7            11
                                                                                                                                  9                                            43
                                                                             23 24                                                                               30 33         42
                                                                                                                                            12                           41
                                                                                                                                      10                          34 35
            3                                                                                                   4
                                                                                                                                                           29      36 40
                                                                                                       25           5
                                                                                                            23 24                                               37 38

                          New Sustainability Lighthouses     Existing Sustainability Lighthouses        New Lighthouse                 Existing Lighthouse

a                                          2                                             6                                                      10
Johnson & Johnson Janssen                 Teva Pharmaceuticals                          Johnson & Johnson Consumer                          Procter & Gamble
Cork, IE                                  Amsterdam, NL                                 Health, Bangkok, TH                                 Guangzhou, CN

b                                          3                                             7                                                      11
Schneider Electric                        Johnson & Johnson Janssen                     Midea                                               Midea
Le Vaudreuil, FR                          Latina, IT                                    Jingzhou, CN                                        Hefei, CN

c                                          4                                             8                                                      12
Western Digital                           Unilever                                      Haier                                               BOE Technology Group
Penang, MY                                Dapada, IN                                    Zhengzhou, CN                                       Fuzhou, CN

1                                          5                                             9                                                      13
Sanofi                                    Schneider Electric                            Bosch Automotive                                    LG Electronics
Paris, FR                                 Hyderabad, IN                                 Changsha, CN                                        Changwon, KR

Note: The network’s last white paper, Global Lighthouse Network: Unlocking Sustainability through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies (September 2021),
provides details of previously selected Lighthouses
Source: World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network, 2022

                                                                                 The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation                6
The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2022
1.2 Increasing network diversity and proven
                           value capture

                           Part of what makes the Global Lighthouse Network            powering digital devices to the cars people drive
                           unique is that it is not centred on any one type of         and the batteries and fuels powering them to the
                           manufacturing. Rather, the shared knowledge and             pharmaceuticals that help keep people healthy and
                           experiences play out in the manufacture of diverse          the detergent used for washing clothes.
                           products ranging from the cutting-edge microchips

              FIGURE 2     The Global Lighthouse Network is growing in size and diversity across all industry sectors

              Consumer packaged goods

Alibaba                    Henkel                     Procter & Gamble                 Tsingtao Brewery Co             Unilever
Apparel, CN                Consumer goods, MX         Consumer goods, CZ               Consumer goods, CN              Consumer goods, IN

Henkel                     Procter & Gamble           Procter & Gamble                 Unilever                        Unilever
Consumer goods, DE         Consumer goods, CN         Consumer goods, FR               Consumer goods, CN              Consumer goods, UAE

Henkel                     Procter & Gamble           Procter & Gamble                 Unilever
Consumer goods, ES         Consumer goods, CN         Consumer goods, US               Consumer goods, CN

              Process industries

Baoshan Iron & Steel       Petkim                     Renew Power                      Saudi Aramco                    Tata Steel
Steel products, CN         Chemicals, TR              Renewable energy, IN             Oil and gas, SA                 Steel products, IN

DCP Midstream              Petrosea                   Saudi Aramco                     STAR refinery                   Tata Steel
Oil and gas, US            Mining, ID                 Oil and gas, SA                  Oil and gas, TR                 Steel products, NL

MODEC                      POSCO                      Saudi Aramco                     Tata Steel
Oil and gas, BR            Steel products, KR         Oil and gas, SA                  Steel products, IN

                                                                The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   7
The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2022
FIGURE 2        The Global Lighthouse Network is growing in size and diversity across all industry sectors

             Advanced industries
AGCO                           De’Longhi                       Groupe Renault              Micron                          Schneider Electric
Agricultural equipment, DE     Home appliances, IT             Automotive, FR              Semiconductors, TW, CN          Electrical components, CN

Arçelik                        Ericsson                        Haier                       Midea                           Schneider Electric
Home appliances, TR            Electronics, US                 Appliances, CN              Home appliances, CN             Electrical components, FR

Arçelik                        Fast Radius with UPS            Haier                       Midea                           Schneider Electric
Home appliances, RO            Additive manufacturing, US      Home appliances, CN         Home appliances, CN             Electrical components, ID

AUO                            Flex                            Haier                       Midea                           Schneider Electric
Optoelectronics, TW, CN        Electronics, AT                 Home appliances, CN         Home appliances, CN             Electrical components, IN

BOE Technology Group           Ford Otosan                     Haier                       Midea                           Schneider Electric
Optoelectronics, CN            Automotive, TR                  Home appliances, CN         Home appliances, CN             Electrical components, US

BMW Group                      Foton Cummins                   Hitachi                     Nokia                           Siemens
Automotive, DE                 Automotive, CN                  Industrial equipment, JP    Electronics, FI                 Industrial automation products, CN

Bosch Automotive               Foxconn                         HP Inc.                     Phoenix Contact                 Siemens
Automotive, CN                 Electronics, CN                 Electronics, SG             Industrial automation, DE       Industrial automation products, DE

Bosch Automotive               Foxconn                         Infineon                    Protolabs                       Weichai
Automotive, CN                 Electronics, CN                 Semiconductors, SG          Additive manufacturing, US      Industrial machinery, CN

Bosch Automotive               Foxconn                         Innolux                     Rold                            Western Digital
Automotive, CN                 Electronics, CN                 Optoelectronics, TW, CN     Electrical components, IT       Electronics, MY

CITIC Dicastal                 Foxconn Industrial Internet     LG Electronics              SAIC Maxus                      Western Digital
Automotive, CN                 Electronics, CN                 Electronics, KR             Automotive, CN                  Electronics, TH

Contemporary Amperex           Groupe Renault                  LS ELECTRIC                 Sandvik Coromant                Wistron
Technology                     Automotive, BR                  Electrical components, KR   Industrial tools, SE            Electronics, CN
Electronics, CN
                               Groupe Renault                  Micron                      Sany
Danfoss                        Automotive, FR                  Semiconductors, SG          Industrial equipment, CN
Industrial equipment, CN

             Pharmaceuticals and medical products

Bayer                          Johnson & Johnson Janssen       Johnson & Johnson           Johnson & Johnson Vision Care   Teva Pharmaceuticals
Division pharmaceuticals, IT   Pharmaceuticals, IE             DePuy Synthes               Medical devices, UK             Pharmaceuticals, NL
                                                               Medical devices, CN
GE Healthcare                  Johnson & Johnson                                           Johnson & Johnson Vision Care   Zymergen
Medical devices, JP            Consumer Health                 Johnson & Johnson           Medical devices, US             Biotechnology, US
                               Self-care products, SE          DePuy Synthes
                                                               Medical devices, IE
GSK                                                                                        Novo Nordisk
Pharmaceuticals, UK            Johnson & Johnson                                           Pharmaceuticals, DK
                               Consumer Health                 Johnson & Johnson
                               Self-care products, TH          DePuy Synthes
Johnson & Johnson Janssen                                                                  Sanofi
                                                               Medical devices, US
Pharmaceuticals, IT                                                                        Pharmaceuticals, FR

Source: World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network, 2022
FIGURE 3                The Lighthouses show a variety of new use cases

Site                 Change story                                                      Top 5 use cases                                                 Impact

LG Electronics       Facing the growth of its product portfolio complexity by          Digitally-enabled end-to-end material transport system              42%    Logistics labour cost
Changwon, Korea      70%, rising quality expectations from customers and labour
                     shortages, LGE re-designed an old factory in Changwon             Digital twin of material transport system                           96%    Line downtime
                     into a digital Lighthouse plant leveraging flexible automation,
                     digital performance management and AI to improve                  Digitally-enabled flexible manufacturing                            17%    Overall plant productivity
                     productivity by 17% and field quality by 70% while reducing
                     inventory by 30% and energy consumption by 30%.                   Predictive maintenance aggregating data based                       50%    Equipment downtime
                                                                                       on historical and sensor data

                                                                                       Democratization of quality inspection automation                    96%    False detection rate
                                                                                       through AI platform

Unilever             Driven by the need to accelerate the pace of innovation and       Consumer-centric Agile innovation using Digital Voice of            50%    Product development lead time
Dapada, India        speed of response to consumer demand while augmenting             the Consumer
                     cost compe-titiveness in an increasingly challenging market
                     and acting on sustainability goals, Unilever Dapada deployed      Predictive analytics to eliminate chronic quality defects in        78%    Manufacturing defects
                     digital, automation and AI machine learning across its end-to-    product formulation changes
                     end value chain to shorten product development lead time by
                     50%, and to reduce manufacturing costs by 39% and energy          Machine-learning-enabled demand planning and                        50%    Lead time to retailers
                     use by 31%.                                                       customer replenishment

                                                                                       Digitally-enabled man-machine matching and AI-enabled               39%    Productivity increase
                                                                                       skill building

                                                                                       AI-guided machine performance optimization                          10%    OEE

Midea                Due to consumer expectations with higher product                  Lights-out injection moulding plant enabled by AI                   20%    Injection workshop OEE
Jingzhou, China      complexity, Midea Jingzhou, as a 30-year-old factory,
                     adopted flexible automation, IoT and AI at scale to               Production planning optimized by advanced analytics                 25%    Production lead time
                     transform their manufacturing system, increase labour
                     productivity by 52%, reduce production lead time by 25%           Digitally-enabled flexible manufacturing                           99.9%   Changeover time
                     and eliminate 20% utility consumption per unit.
                                                                                       AI-powered process control                                          76%    Defect rate foaming

                                                                                       Smart workforce upskilling tool                                     30%    Labour productivity

Schneider Electric   Facing changing customer demands and 54% business                 End-to-end real-time supply chain visibility platform and           33%    Reliability on delivery on time
Hyderabad, India     growth, Schneider Electric implemented Fourth Industrial          control tower
                     Revolution technologies such as IIoT Infrastructure,
                     predictive/prescriptive analytics and AI deep learning. This      End-to-end critical process monitoring and digital process          68%    Supplier issues occurrence
                     resulted in a reduction of field failure by 48% and lead time     capability measurement
                     by 67%, while manufacturing efficiency improved by 9%.
                                                                                       Production planning and capacity management optimized               67%    Lead time
                                                                                       by advanced analytics

                                                                                       AI-powered optical inspection                                       18%    Field failure rate

                                                                                       Digital manufacturing performance management                         6%    Energy consumption

Bosch                Facing a 20% labour wage increase, a YoY 10%+ price               Integrated end-to-end physical logistics platform                   36%    Production lead time
Automotive           reduction request from customers and a high fluctuation
Changsha, China      in customer orders, Bosch Automotive Changsha                     Algorithm-based consumable lifetime extension                       50%    Changeover time
                     implemented 45 Fourth Industrial Revolution use cases with
                     automation and AI to increase competitiveness, maintaining        Predictive maintenance aggregating data based on                    25%    Maintenance cost
                     their market position with 100% new energy vehicle (NEV)          historical and sensor data
                     customer portfolio penetration and reaching carbon neutral.
                                                                                       Transparent shop floor management                                   20%    Labour productivity

                                                                                       AI-enabled production energy management                             18%    Electricity consumption

Johnson              Facing agility, profitability and cost-to-serve challenges,       Digital twin for speed to market and productivity improvement       83%    Speed to market
& Johnson            Johnson & Johnson’s Bangkok site adopted Fourth
Consumer Health      Industrial Revolution technology such as a collaborative          IoT-based advanced analytics energy management system               23%    Electricity consumption
Bangkok, Thailand    supply chain control tower, computational fluid dynamics,
                     AI energy optimization and advanced data analytics on             AI-powered optical inspection                                       66%    Lead time
                     logistics. The value chain delivered 47% revenue growth
                     with a 25% inventory reduction and reduced 43% end-to-            End-to-end real-time supply chain visibility platform               25%    Inventory reduction
                     end supply chain lead time, improved productivity by 42%
                     and resulted in 20% carbon footprint optimization.                Cloud-based data analytics and robotic process automation           22%    Logistics cost
                                                                                       to optimize container booking and loading

BOE Technology       To pursue premium product market share with high quality          AI-enabled close loop quality                                       75%    Defect rate
Group                expectation, BOE Fuzhou has widely adopted AI and
Fuzhou, China        advanced analytics in their fully automated production            Repair process automation                                           20%    Inspection direct labour
                     system to achieve best- in-class quality excellence,
                     equipment efficiency and energy sustainability with a new         Digital dashboards to monitor OEE performance                       66%    OEE
                     product yield ramp-up period shortened by 43%, cost
                     per unit decreased by 34% and output increased by 30%             Dynamic scheduling with auto dispatching                            11%    Cycle time
                     without major capex investment.
                                                                                       AI-enabled energy management                                        38%    Utility consumption

                                                                                            The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation                          9
FIGURE 3                  The Lighthouses show a variety of new use cases (continued)

Site                      Change story                                                    Top 5 use cases                                                Impact

Asia continued
Procter & Gamble          In order to meet 45% increased e-commerce demands,              Digital integrated business planning                               30%    Inventory level
Guangzhou, China          P&G Guangzhou leveraged AI, flexible automation
                          and digital twins to integrate multi systems across the         Dynamic delivery optimization                                      15%    Logistics cost
                          value chain to serve omni- channel consumers. This
                          increased the responsiveness of their supply chain with         Dynamic delivery optimization                                      90%    Lead time
                          a 30% reduction in inventory, 15% reduction in logistics
                          cost and 99.9% on time delivery within 3 years.                 Digital twin orchestrated warehouse operations                     25%    Warehouse throughput

                                                                                          Automated change over optimization in one click                     6%    Warehouse throughput

Midea                     Targeting domestic high-end product segments and                End-to-end real-time supply chain visibility platform              56%    Delivery lead time
Hefei, China              overseas market expansion, Midea Hefei Laundry widely
                          deployed AI and IoT technologies across end-to-end value        Blockchain-enabled logistics execution                             30%    Warehouse labour
                          chains to form a faster response and higher efficiency
                          supply chain, resulted in lead time reduction of 56%, a         Digital tools to enhance a connected workforce                     45%    Assembly failure rate
                          customer report defect rate reduction of 36% and labour
                          productivity improvement a 45%.                                 AI-powered noise inspection                                        36%    Defect rate

                                                                                          Connected devices to track and measure product performance         67%    Service lead time

Haier                     Facing a booming water heater market and the increasing         Digital supplier performance management                            23%    Raw material delivery lead time
Zhengzhou, China          requirement of high-end product and service, Haier
                          Zhengzhou, as a newly built plant, leveraged big data, 5G       Real-time asset performance monitoring and visualization           17%    Productivity
                          and edge computing and ultra-wideband solutions to build
                          close connections with the suppliers, plant and customers,      AI-powered optical inspection                                      24%    Assembly efficiency
                          which sped up order response lead time by 25%,
                          increased production efficiency by 31% and improved             Intelligent test communication platform                            22%    Test efficiency
                          quality performance by 26% between 2020, when it
                          started, and 2021.                                              Connected devices to track and measure product performance         14%    End customer energy usage


Johnson &                 Janssen Latina deployed Fourth Industrial Revolution            Digitally-enabled flexible manufacturing                           60%    Process time
Johnson Janssen           solutions that deliver faster, competitive and Agile launches
Latina, Italy             of new products and quality release to reduce non-              Digitally-enabled batch release                                    84%    Quality control lead time
                          conformance by 30% and increase product release lead
                          time optimization by 84% while reducing energy costs by         Value chain digital twin                                           13%    Lead time
                          10% and logistics labour costs by 72%.
                                                                                          Robotics-enabled logistics execution                               72%    Logistic labour cost

                                                                                          Energy optimization by Analytics as a Service                     15.5%   GHG emissions

Sanofi                    With the ambition to accelerate saving generation, two          Should-cost modelling for “make vs buy” decisions                  10%    Category spend
Paris, France             years ago Sanofi embarked on a digital and analytics
                          transformation of its procurement operations. To date,          Analytics platform for tenders                                     67%    Leadtime for tender
                          it has built and deployed six products: a data platform,
                          should-cost modeling and input cost monitoring, smart           Digital supplier performance management                           100%    Reporting time
                          tender analytics and a supplier performance tracker and
                          cockpit, which have delivered 10% savings on addressed          Digitally-enabled negotiations through an electronic auction      281%    E-auction savings delivered
                          spend and transformed the way the company works.
                                                                                          Global spend data lake                                             13%    Labour required

Teva                      Global Procurement is the main contributor to TEVA’s            Global spend data lake                                             47%    External spend transparency
Pharmaceuticals           ambitious gross margin improvement programme and
Amsterdam,                contributes to the free cash flow target, with the aim of       Should-cost modelling to support “make versus buy” decisions    51 mUSD   Category savings
Netherlands               delivering 3x historical cost of goods sold (COGS) savings
                          by the end of 2024. To achieve this, Global Procurement         Analytics-driven procurement supported by spend intelligence     1,583%   Supply resilience – material
                          implemented Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies           and an automated spend cube                                               changes planned
                          within 1.5 years, increased labour efficiency by 30%,
                          upskilled its workforce and optimized cross-functional          Digitally-enabled negotiations                                    400%    Negotiations conducted for API1
                          processes to break down silos. It is leading the way for the
                          Fourth Industrial Revolution at Teva.                           Smart spend category creation                                      90%    Time needed for category strategy

    Active pharmaceutical ingredient

                                                                                               The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation                         10
FIGURE 4                   Sustainability Lighthouses show Fourth Industrial Revolution- enabled sustainability impact

Site                   Change story                                                     Top 2 use cases                                            Impact

Western Digital        Western Digital achieved a reduction in energy of                Smart energy usage optimization via real-time                 39.9%   GHG (Scope 2)
Penang, Malaysia       41%, in water consumption of 45% and in material                 IIoT applications
                       waste of 16% through a vertically integrated smart
                       factory. Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, such
                       as IOT sensors, digital twin modeling, an analytics-
                       powered plant management system and lights-out
                       automation with machine learning increased their                 Lights-out automation with digital twin capacity              45.6%   Energy usage in
                       sustainability impacts, while the site has grown at a            optimization for sustainability                                       production assembly
                       43% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in the last
                       four years. This concerted effort enabled the Malaysia
                       Green Building Index certification for the site.

Johnson &              Janssen Sciences Ireland has been long supporting                Digital twin of sustainability                                 32%    CO2 avoidance
Johnson Janssen        regional initiatives for sustainability improvement and is now
Cork, Ireland          enabling the corporate 2030 pledge of carbon neutrality.
                       Through Fourth Industrial Revolution-enabled real-time
                       release, adaptive process control and other sustainability
                       efforts, the site has optimized its processes and reduced        IIoT real-time sensor-based data aggregation for energy,       43%    Material waste
                       carbon emissions per kg of product by 56%, while the             emissions, waste and water management
                       site footprint was expanded by 34% to meet the growing
                       business needs.

Schneider Electric     Schneider Electric Le Vaudreuil has implemented Industrial       Sustainability optimization powered by advanced                27%    Energy used for compressed air
Le Vaudreuil, France   IoT IIoT) sensors connected to digital platforms, unlocking      digital solutions
                       data to optimize energy management (25%), reduce
                       material waste (17%) and minimize CO2 emissions (25%)
                       with the objective to be net zero by 2025 without offset
                       and ahead of the global Schneider Electric pledge. The           AI-powered process control                                     22%    Sludge waste
                       smart factory is equipped with a zero-reject water recycling
                       station connected to cloud analytics and monitored by an
                       AI model to predict process drifts and to globally achieve
                       64% water reduction.

                                                                                             The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation                11
Proven value capture

                                   The diverse network now makes an even more                            These sites and value chains are experiencing
                                   compelling case for how successful Fourth Industrial                  improvements in resource usage, emissions,
                                   Revolution transformation creates and captures                        cost reduction, productivity, speed to market,
                                   value across a holistic set of key performance                        lot size reduction and on-time delivery, just
                                   indicators (KPIs) covering sustainability, productivity,              to name a few. And, as the September 2021
                                   agility, speed to market and customization.                           impact paper1 reveals, the resulting eco-
                                   Lighthouses are proving that their digital journeys                   efficiency couples environmental responsibility
                                   bring unprecedented efficiency and effectiveness.                     with the achievement of business goals.

            FIGURE 5               Lighthouses’ digital journey reveals impact across operational performance indicators and
                                   environmental sustainability

KPIs improvements                                              Impact range observed

                          Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction                                                                                            8-97%

                          Waste reduction                                                                                                                     4-80%
                          Water consumption reduction                                                                                                         5-75%

                          Energy efficiency                                                                                                                  1-100%

                          Factory output increase                                                                                                            2-140%

                          Productivity increase                                                                                                              3-400%

                          OEE increase*                                                                                                                       2-84%
                          Product cost reduction                                                                                                              4-70%

                          Operating cost reduction                                                                                                            1-92%

                          Quality cost reduction                                                                                                             2-100%

                          Inventory reduction                                                                                                                5-100%

                          Lead-time reduction                                                                                                                10-99%
                          Change-over shortening                                                                                                            11-100%

                          On-time delivery increase                                                                                                           1-30%

                          Speed-to-market reduction                                                                                                          10-89%
         Speed to
                          Design iteration time reduction                                                                                                     2-98%

         Customization Lot size reduction                                                                                                                   40-100%

                                                                 Sustainability       Factory      End-to-end

*Overall equipment effectiveness
Note: The dots represent the impact level of a given lighthouse against a specific KPI
Source: World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network 2022

                                                                                  The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   12
2         Proven approaches
                              have endured
                              powerful storms
                              The lessons leading to this Lighthouse Playbook              Despite the disruptive changes since COVID-19
                              were already materializing before the pandemic.              emerged – and perhaps even more so because of it
                              First, two modes of scaling emerged – across                 – these elements have continued to prove essential.
                              production sites vs. along value chains – together           The growing network has reconfirmed these
                              with a comprehensive set of KPIs measuring impact.           initial insights while detailing how they contribute
                              Second, Lighthouses revealed six core enablers               to business impact and responsible, sustainable
                              as key to successful Fourth Industrial Revolution            growth. Two of the six core enablers – an agile
                              transformation: an agile approach, agile digital studio,     approach and a transformation office – have proven
                              industrial internet of things (IIoT) stack, IIoT academy,    particularly effective.
                              technology ecosystem and transformation office.

           FIGURE 6           The Lighthouses revealed six core enablers as key to a successful Fourth Industrial
                              Revolution transformation

Agile approach                                   Agile digital studio                                IIoT stack

IIoT academy                                     Technology ecosystem                                Transformation office

Source: World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network, 2022

                                                                    The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   13
Lighthouses help companies set a smart course

                              When it comes to Fourth Industrial Revolution                             of Lighthouses today will become the standards
                              transformation at scale, there is no silver bullet;                       of tomorrow. They excel at illuminating the path
                              no universal prescription; no one absolutely                              ahead, offering a unique playbook for the future of
                              correct course. But Lighthouses have a proven                             scaling through responsible production, prioritizing
                              set of commonalities manufacturers can look to                            productivity, sustainability and people.
                              as they chart their courses; indeed, the trends

           FIGURE 7           The trends of today are the standards of tomorrow

Number of lighthouses in the Global Lighthouse Network by industry and region

 Pharma and
 medical products
                                                                                                                               Advanced industries




                                 16            10


                                                             7                                      2
                                                                           2     6
packaged goods
                                                                                               14                                 Process industries

                                                             Americas            EMEA               Asia

Source: World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network, 2022

                                                                          The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   14
2.1 Lighthouses have scaled across production
                             networks and value chains
                                       Some Lighthouse companies scale up across                               transformation beyond production sites by reaching
                                       their production networks, implementing four-wall                       out to the supply chain (upstream) and their customers
                                       transformations at multiple sites. Previous papers                      (downstream). One example of this is in Johnson &
                                       explored how various companies, such as Schneider                       Johnson Vision Care. Sometimes scaling up across
                                       Electric and Henkel,2 have done this. Others choose                     the value chain includes expanding the Lighthouse
                                       to scale up across the value chain, extending the                       across adjacent functions, such as procurement.

CASE STUDY 1                           Value chain: Johnson & Johnson Vision Care

         Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, headquartered in                                   manufacturing, testing and order fulfilment informed by demand.
         Florida, USA, has deployed a range of use cases to                                Process automation, robotics and automated guided vehicles
         achieve Fourth Industrial Revolution scale-up across                              utilize smart vision, imaging and scanning to enhance midstream
the value chain, both upstream to suppliers and downstream to                              manufacturing, testing and distribution elements. Adaptive process
customers. It has enabled personalized customer experiences                                control and vision systems likewise enhance the midstream,
by ensuring readiness to fulfil orders quickly and flexibly. Several                       while smart material handling and tracking keep supplies
use cases have enhanced physical supply flow in parallel with                              moving smoothly. Impacts have been impressive, including a
demand flow. Digital customer collaboration enables smart                                  40% conversion rate increase, 30% cost reduction, 10% overall
touchless ordering and payment, and E2E visibility and real-                               equipment effectiveness (OEE) increase, a 99% line item fill rate to
time tracking create a digital link to the customer, optimizing                            end customers and an order-to-shipment time under 24 hours.

                      Johnson & Johnson Vision Care scaled up Fourth Industrial Revolution across an
                      end-to-end value chain to deliver personalized customer experiences

  End-to-end value chain                                                                                        Selected examples of solutions    X Selected use case

                 Upstream                                                                                                                                  Downstream
 Data flow

                  2                               1                               2                               2                              1

                 Demand                          Order                            Fulfilment                     Order status                    Payment
                 Demand sensing and              Smart order and data             Process design, simulation     E2E visibility and              Digital customer
 Type of flow

                 advanced planning               management                       and optimization               real-time tracking              collaboration

                  5                               2 3 4 5                         2 3 4                           3 4                            1
 Physical flow

                 Raw materials                   Manufacturing                    Testing                        Distribution                    Customer
                 Advanced materials              Smart vision systems,            Predictive and adaptive        Robotics and AGVs*              Smart material handling
                 and devices                     imaging and scanning             process control                *Automated guided vehicle       and tracking

  Use case types                      1                          2                            3                          4                        5
                                      Digital customer          E2E visibility and          Process                     Adaptive process         Smart material
                                      collaboration             real-time tracking          automation,                 control and vision       handling and
                                                                                            robotics and AGVs           systems                  tracking

   Description of                     Connecting consumers      Creating a digital link      Scaling throughput         Deploying open and       Implementing smart
                                      in a flexible ecosystem   between the customer         using intelligent          closed loop control      material handling
   selected use                       Creating touchless        and supplier                 automation                 systems                  systems
   cases                              ordering through          Developing touchless         Utilizing the advanced     Utilizing digital        Automating pick,
                                      e-commerce                integrated planning          automation system          performance              scan & ship systems

                                      40%+                       99%                         30%+                       10%+                          24h
   Impact and
   achievements                                                                                                                                  <
                                      conversion rate            line item fill rate to      cost reduction             OEE increase              order to shipment
                                      increase                   the end customers

  Source: World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network, 2022

                                                                                   The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation          15
2.2 Six enablers lie at the core of success

                   Early Lighthouses revealed six core enablers as fundamental to successful Fourth Industrial Revolution
                   scaling, the importance of which has remained consistent even as the network has more than doubled.

1   An Agile approach employs quick iterations, fast failing and continuous learning. Agile teams bundle
    use cases to transform in waves for rapid innovation and refinement.

    Example: A digital native manufacturing company in North America slashed production lead times from weeks to days by
    emphasizing minimum viable products (MVPs) and fast iteration, working in sprints (usually 2-4 weeks) with continuously
    assigned priorities managed by the product owner.

2   An Agile digital studio enables people to work together effectively. Designated spaces with proximity
    to cross-functional team members allow co-creation among experts and innovation across all levels
    of the business.

    Example: A global consumer packaged goods company headquartered in Europe built a hybrid agile studio that included
    the virtual co-location of teams within and beyond the business unit. A cloud-based factory digital twin provided access to
    real-time data, blending experts and future users in sprint teams.

3   An IIoT stack seamlessly integrates legacy and new IIoT infrastructure to build a stable, flexible tech
    backbone. Smart leveraging of existing systems with efficient investment in the new technology
    stack limits costs.

    Example: A leading appliance manufacturer in Asia established a flexible IIoT stack, integrating dozens of systems to
    connect “human to human”, “human to machine”, “machine to machine” and “machine to things”, improving quality, safety
    and efficiency.

4   An IIoT academy uses internal and external expertise, employing best practices for adult learning
    to reskill and upskill the workforce, building customized learning programmes at the individual level
    based on unique personnel needs.

    Example: An advanced industries company in North America partnered with universities and institutes to upskill 40% of its
    workforce at its Asian sites. Personalized learning rapidly and effectively upskilled workers, transitioning more than 50 roles
    from traditional engineering to Fourth Industrial Revolution digital.

5   The technology ecosystem partners with tech vendors, suppliers, customers and related industries,
    sourcing the latest capabilities and best practices with access to extensive datasets and
    opportunities for co-innovation.

    Example: A global top-100 automotive components supplier based in Asia built up a broad ecosystem with 5 top
    universities, including Stanford, and more than 30 top tech suppliers to speed up the introduction of Fourth Industrial
    Revolution technologies.

6   The transformation office creates a governance hub that supports the Lighthouse launch and
    scale-up. It creates transparency on progress and priorities, ensures ongoing value capture and
    accelerates change and scale-up.
    Example: An electrical equipment manufacturer in Europe followed the set-up of a global digital transformation office
    as a change agent with regional and local teams. It managed pacing and progress and implemented a global digital
    strategy prioritizing sustainability, trust, resilience, intelligence and efficiency.

                                                         The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   16
A closer look at two key enablers

Agile approach                                            Transformation office

Traditional models constrain projects in a                Leadership is key because it’s hard for companies
triangulation of time, money and a defined scope          to undertake any substantial change, let alone one
with particular parameters. An agile approach,            as comprehensive as Fourth Industrial Revolution
while retaining budget and time constraints,              digital transformation. The smart governance
instead looks at a project as a set of challenges.        model of a dedicated transformation office provides
It then creates small, specialized teams to engage        an internal “change agency” that ensures value
them in rapid, experimental iterations. Leaders           capture. While the agile methodology depends on
must establish a culture that entrusts workers            small, specialized teams, those teams must exist in
to experiment with creative solutions, with the           an organizational set-up with clear objectives and
freedom to fail fast and recalibrate. It requires         effective collaboration. The transformation office
pragmatic workflows for iterative problem-solving         defines roles and responsibilities, positioning people
using MVP designs, with small, dedicated teams            for success and ensuring the necessary talents, skills
developing relevant ideas. Priority management            and abilities are in place through assignment, hiring
is key and frequent evaluation allows tasks               and skills development. It establishes a steering
to shift with changing needs. The value-add               cadence, tracking progress and setting meeting
includes boosted employee engagement, focused             agendas for project management. This enables
training and skill development while workers get          structured reviews of progress in each workstream.
creative in their iterative approach to problem-          Meanwhile, by employing the capabilities of the latest
solving. Agile methods let companies scale up             digital resources, the office embeds the use of new
quickly while boosting workforce engagement               digital toolsets and new ways of working. Ultimately,
(see the agile case study: Petronas).                     the transformation office ensures that the company
                                                          captures the potential value derived from targets and
                                                          objectives, keeping tabs on measurable, granular KPIs
                                                          (see the transformation office case study: Foxconn).

                                  The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   17
CASE STUDY 2                 Agile: Petronas

         Malaysia’s fully integrated oil and gas company,                   meanwhile, teams are dedicated to workflows and sized
         Petronas, is a good example of a company using an                  appropriately for optimal task ownership. Activity planning
         agile approach as it continues its Fourth Industrial               cards and mural boards provide virtual organization, and
Revolution journey. It has leveraged the key success factors of             multidisciplinary squads, including end-users, enhance
workforce engagement, iterative development, cross-functional               the teams. Pods led by agile coaches make for seamless
teams and priority management. The company has boosted                      collaboration. Finally, priority management is flexible from the
engagement by coupling targeted upskilling and innovative                   top down and group strategies are designed around value.
learning approaches like gamification with a culture that                   This allows frequent review of backlogs, along with accelerated
fosters experimentation among empowered workers. Iterative                  resource allocation and review-based decisions within sprints.
and incremental sprints using MVPs, combined with plentiful
feedback and enablement through digital tools leverage the agile            This agile team-based approach has led to several positive impacts
methodology, customer experience design and customer journey                for Petronas, including 490 employees trained in digital and agile
methodologies to identify pain points for solution development,             methodology, 130 ideas developed, 7% of average working
with technology and people dimensions set up for replicability.             time spent training and an average 10 out of 10 score for worker
                                                                            engagement. More than 90% of solution recommendations have
The cross-functional agile team approach has provided a                     been adopted and five use cases were deployed and adopted in
dedicated virtual space for developing and deploying solutions;             ten months, then replicated in two other plants in six months.

             Petronas managed key success factors actively to drive improvements
             within an agile approach

            Workforce engagement                                                          Iterative development

 – All employees, top down, are engaged                                        – Use iterative and incremental sprints using MVPs for rapid
 – Leadership trusts and empowers workers to drive their
   own solutions                                                               – Frequently collected feedback from users for updates to the
                                                                                 next sprint
 – Culture of experiments is lived, which allows for failures
   and learning                                                                – “Technology” and “People” dimensions set up for replicability
 – Targeted up/reskilling and development programmes covering
                                                                               – Enablement through the use of digital tools
   100% employees
                                                                               – Leveraging Agile and CX* methodologies to identify pain
 – High adoption through gamification (e.g. “Champions League”) and              points and develop solutions
   Ways-of-working tracking

            Cross functional team                                                         Priority management

 – Agile teams with dedicated (virtual) space to develop and                   – Value focused prioritization driven by group strategy and by
   deploy solutions                                                              applying the max-potential value-hunting methodology
 – Teams are dedicated to workflows and sized in a lean way to foster          – Flexible priority management is delivered top-down from
   ownership for each task                                                       leadership, allowing rapid changes in transformation initiatives
 – Activity planning card and mural boards to organize teams virtually         – Backlogs are structured and reviewed frequently
 – Multidisciplinary squads, including end users, and pods led by agile        – Accelerated resource allocation and decision-making process
   coaches working together seamlessly                                           within sprints (review)

 Impact and achievements

  >  90%
  adoption of
                            ideas developed
                                                     of average
                                                                          employees upskilled
                                                                                                                                use cases deployed
  solution                  in agile teams           working time         through digital app          trained in digital       and adopted in
  recommendation,           and prioritized          spent for                                         and agile                10 months and
  that is tracked in        down to 6                training                                                                   replicated in 2 other
                                                                                                                                plants in 6 months

 Notes: 1 Examples of the programmes: DEC (Digital Engineering Consultancy) and DDS (domain data scientist).
 *CX: Customer Experience.
 Source: World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network, 2022

                                                                     The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation     18
CASE STUDY 3                  Transformation office: Foxconn

           As a core enabler, the transformation office drives           The office defined the roles and responsibilities for a
           a very clear scale-up strategy that combines                  transparent chain of command and accountability. It also
           and coordinates methodologies and processes                   provided the ideal digital tools capable of real-time data capture
to pursue prioritized objectives. It sets up transformation,             and accessibility for relevant users, establishing a single source
initiates the first pilots, enables learning mechanisms,                 of truth per workstream. Finally, by maintaining the steering
presents targets and articulates aspirations – all while                 cadence, the transformation office kept everything on pace with
capturing value. Foxconn, an electronics producer and                    good communication regarding objectives at regular intervals.
Lighthouse member with four sites in China, has shown                    With this clear, strategic approach, the company avoided “pilot
how a transformation office can optimize collaboration,                  purgatory” and maintained the development cadence.
integration and the utilization of technology to drive high-
level impact. By establishing a central transformation                   The impact was massive, with more than 4,600 global
office, Foxconn was able to achieve a sustainable model of               initiatives implemented and over 30 value chains covered in
organizational governance with clear objectives, thus creating           bottom-up initiatives. It also trained more than 1,500 leaders
a culture well-positioned for change and development.                    and certified some 200 IoT talents while garnering ecosystem
                                                                         partners and university cooperation.

               Foxconn successfully managed its lighthouse journey with a strong
               transformation office

          Governance model                   A                                                 B       Common language/
      Created a transformation-
      focused organization and                                                                         Common language/ methodology
   culture to set up and drive the                                                                     across the transformation globally to
          organization to achieve                                                                      enable the organization to be
             common objectives                                                                         constantly in sync on current status
                                                                                                       and the immediate focus


                        Digital tools       D                                                  C       Steering cadence
    Single sources of truth that                                                                       Clearly defined cadence on
 enable transparent performance                                                                        monthly and weekly basis with
         across all value streams                                                                      structured dialogues to help remove

 Impact and achievements

  4,600+                     1,300+ 22                                     200+                     1,500+ 30+
   global initiatives        initiative owners    digital use cases        talents certified        leaders trained          value streams
   implemented               involved             deployed                 in IIoT                                           covered in
                                                                                                                             up initiatives

 Source: World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network, 2022

                                                                  The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   19
3        Responsible
                              transformation at scale
                              Undoubtedly, the world has changed drastically             on responsible transformation. Lighthouses are
                              in the past two years. These challenges, along             harnessing Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies
                              with ambitious climate goals, have boosted the             that enable them to use strong transformation
                              prominence of enviromental, social and governance          governance to accelerate scaling, ensure eco-
                              (ESG) concerns; as such, companies have                    sustainability and increase workforce management.
                              had to redouble their focus on environmental               Now, with more Lighthouses, more use cases and
                              sustainability and workforce engagement. In the            more data points than before, the network’s insights
                              past, sustainability and workforce engagement              are more compelling than ever, providing the keys
                              were aspirational ideals – now, they are essential.        to environmentally sustainable growth. This new
                              Lighthouses have shown that to grow responsibly,           Global Lighthouse Network Playbook, informed
                              companies must scale their transformation with             by these front-runner organizations, shows how
                              these priorities front and centre.                         manufacturing and the supply chain will evolve in
                                                                                         the next five years. It also shows how companies
                              Accordingly, the Lighthouse Playbook is focused            can transform at scale in a responsible manner that
                              not merely on successful transformation but also           prioritizes people and the planet.

           FIGURE 8           The Lighthouses have proved that impact from the Fourth Industrial Revolution is
                              responsible by tackling ESG elements, including sustainability and workforce engagement

Overview of the ESG components, which have increased in importance in the last two years

                Environmental                                                                                     Social
                Taking care of our planet and
                                                                                                                  Building up a stronger
                the surrounding environment                                                                       workforce and community

       Energy                 Water                                                                         Human capital               Voice of
                                                                                                            development                 the worker

       Waste                                                                                                Health                      Labour
                              gases (GHGs)
                                                                                                            and safety                  standards
       Circular economy
                                                                                                           Workforce engagement


                                              Establishing a set of practices, controls and procedures to
                                              govern, make decisions and meet stakeholders needs

                                                                                        Business               Governance
                                       Ownership               Accountability
                                                                                        ethics                 structure

Source: World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network, 2022

                                                                  The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   20
3.1 Sustainability

                              Manufacturing is a resource-heavy undertaking                         Lighthouses are defying the conventional wisdom
                              worldwide. The September 2021 impact paper entitled                   that environmental responsibility is inherently at odds
                              Global Lighthouse Network: Unlocking Sustainability                   with productivity and, by extension, profitability. Even
                              through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies3                    as these front-runners embrace green technology
                              explored how the climate crisis has pushed                            and other breakthroughs, they are also revealing how
                              environmental responsibility higher than ever on the                  successful implementation of the Fourth Industrial
                              list of industrial priorities. It illustrates how Lighthouse          Revolution transformation can simultaneously
                              organizations are setting the bar for environmental                   augment green measures while bolstering production
                              stewardship through pragmatic, effective and                          efficiency. Thus, they are achieving eco-efficiency,
                              future-focused sustainability efforts. Commitments                    wherein sustainability and competitiveness are not
                              to (and execution of) measures that reduce energy                     only compatible but, in fact, are interwoven. The
                              consumption, water impact, carbon emissions and                       case study below looks closely at how Western
                              waste generation – led through a good governance                      Digital has achieved a major sustainability impact
                              structure – are at the core of eco-sustainability.                    even as the business has grown substantially.

CASE STUDY 4                  Sustainability: Western Digital

        By implementing a variety of Fourth Industrial                          By transforming high-mix, high-volume production to a lights-
        Revolution technology solutions such as an IIoT                         out integrated operation with automated processes, robotic
        platform and machine learning, American electronics                     transportation, automated storage and material management,
manufacturer Western Digital succeeded in optimizing energy                     along with the integration of an intelligent remote production
and water consumption while reducing greenhouse gas                             command centre and factory digital twin, the site reduced
emissions and waste at its Penang, Malaysia site. Remarkably,                   machine idling time to gain 15% overall equipment effectiveness
the company achieved this impact even as it experienced a                       (OEE) and a 3.5x unit per hour productivity improvement, thus
40% compound annual growth rate in volume.                                      reducing the energy consumption per machine.

Real-time IIoT applications powered smart energy usage.                         Western Digital has achieved a step-change in sustainability
Key to this was an intelligent, multivariate model-based, self-                 impact. In addition to cutting energy consumption and
regulating plant management system incorporating more than                      greenhouse gas emissions each by more than 40%, the site
1,000 IIoT sensors across more than 500 pieces of equipment                     has optimized water consumption by a factor of 44% and
and 15 utility systems. This system has provided flexible                       reduced material waste by 15%. As a result of this tremendous
adaptation to volatile production scheduling amid a fourfold                    sustainability impact, the site received certification by the
increase in customer demand over four years.                                    Malaysia Green Building Index.

             Western Digital achieved a major sustainability impact through
             the Fourth Industrial Revolution while business grew 40%+

   In order to become more sustainable despite the 40%+ CAGR* business growth, the site implemented           Impact and
   a wide range of Fourth Industrial Revolution technology solutions, such as an IIOT platform and machine
            learning, to optimize energy and water consumption and reduce GHG emission and waste              achievements

     Smart energy usage via real-time
     IIOT applications
                                                               Lights-out automation with digital
                                                               twin capacity                                            40%+
                                                                                                                        energy consumption reduction
     An intelligent, multi-variate model-based                 Implemented lights-out operations through
     self-regulating plant management system,                  automation tied with an intelligent remote

     architected with 1000+ IIoT sensors, 500+                 production command centre and a digital
     piece of equipment and 15 utility systems                 twin for high-mix, high-volume production
                                                                                                                        GHG emission reduction Scope 2

                                                                                                                        water consumption optimization

           As a result, the site is certified with the Malaysia Green Building Index (GBI)
                                                                                                                        reduction waste material
*Compound annual growth rate
Source: World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network, 2022

                                                                        The Global Lighthouse Network Playbook for Responsible Industry Transformation   21
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