The Future of the Past starts at Leiden University - Faculty of Archaeology - Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - Universiteit ...

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The Future of the Past starts at Leiden University - Faculty of Archaeology - Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - Universiteit ...
The Future of the Past starts
at Leiden University
Faculty of Archaeology

Strategic Plan 2020-2025
April 2020

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The Future of the Past starts at Leiden University - Faculty of Archaeology - Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - Universiteit ...
The Future of the Past starts
    at Leiden University
    Faculty of Archaeology

    Strategic Plan 2020-2025

    April 2020

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The Future of the Past starts at Leiden University - Faculty of Archaeology - Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - Universiteit ...
Table of Contents

    An Introduction to the Faculty................................................................................................................................. 7

    Ambitions.................................................................................................................................................................. 8

    Maintaining High Standards...................................................................................................................................10

            Archaeology: Connecting Science and Society.......................................................................................................... 10
            The Changing Landscape of Finances........................................................................................................................ 12
            Acties 2020-25.............................................................................................................................................................. 12

    Improving the Curriculum.......................................................................................................................................15

            The New Bachelor Programme................................................................................................................................... 15
            The New Master Programme....................................................................................................................................... 16
            Measures to be taken in Education 2020-25............................................................................................................ 17

    Strengthening the Organisational Structure: Towards an Efficient and Fair Faculty............................................18

            The Departmental Structure........................................................................................................................................ 18
            The Faculty Community................................................................................................................................................ 19
            Academic Staff............................................................................................................................................................... 20
            Facilities and the Faculty’s Laboratories.................................................................................................................... 22
            Communications............................................................................................................................................................ 22
            Improving the Faculty’s Financial Situation.............................................................................................................. 23
            Actions 2020-25............................................................................................................................................................ 23

    The International Community and Diversity..........................................................................................................24

    Contributions to the Hague Campus......................................................................................................................25

    Implementation of the Strategic Plan....................................................................................................................26

            Planning for 2020......................................................................................................................................................... 26

    The Power of Connection.......................................................................................................................................27

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The Future of the Past starts at Leiden University - Faculty of Archaeology - Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - Universiteit ...
An Introduction to the Faculty

    Since 1997, the University of Leiden has         European Prehistory, the Archaeology of      The Faculty’s most treasured asset is its staff,
    boasted an independent faculty for research      Western Asia, the Mediterranean and the      who have great expertise and a wide range
    and education in Archaeology, although           Americas; Human Origins, Science-based       of skills. The Faculty is also fortunate in its
    the history of Archaeology as a discipline       Archaeology, Heritage and Museum Studies.    first-rate facilities, located since 2014 at the
    at Leiden goes even further back. As early       These many strands have become woven         Van Steenis Building in Leiden’s Bioscience
    as 1818, Casper Reuvens was appointed as         together and have formed the Faculty         Park. Here, researchers, teachers and students
    the first ever Professor of Archaeology (in a    of Archaeology into a rich tapestry of       benefit from advanced laboratory facilities
    specific field), and, at the same time, as the   specialisations.                             in the fields of Material Sciences and
    first Director of the National Antiquities                                                    Bioarchaeology.
    Museum (the RMO).                                Research and education at the Faculty are
                                                     coordinated by means of three Departments:
    In the years that followed, the university       World Archaeology, Archaeological Sciences
    established specific profiles for Egyptology,    and Archaeological Heritage & Society,
    Assyriology and Classical Archaeology.           each with its own focus and international
    Gradually, new disciplines were added:           network.

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The Future of the Past starts at Leiden University - Faculty of Archaeology - Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - Universiteit ...
education and research are expected, such
                                                                                                                                                as those advocated in the Plan Van Rijn

                                                                                                                                                (Wissels Om) 2019. (The so-called Van
                                                                                                                                                Rijn Committee was commissioned by the
                                                                                                                                                Education Minister in October 2018 to
                                                                                                                                                conduct research into the funding of higher
                                                                                                                                                education in the Netherlands. One of the
                                                                                                                                                committee’s recommendations is that more
In the past ten years, the Faculty of           •   Expand the social impact of our            We intend to realise these targets in the        money should be spent on Science and
Archaeology has grown enormously. Our               research.                                  period 2020-25 by:                               Technology. This means the four technical
academic reputation is distinguished, as        •   Work to remain in the top five education                                                    universities in the Netherlands will receive
evidenced by the high position the Faculty          programmes in Archaeology, and             1.   Developing new strategies to maintain       more funding at the expense of other
holds in the QS World University Ranking.           Heritage Studies in Europe.                     the high standard of research in terms of   universities, including UL.)
The Faculty draws students and researchers      •   Actively contribute to innovative,              fund-raising, publication and impact.
from the Netherlands and beyond, and has            international and more effective (and      2.   Renewing and strengthening the              Below, new actions will be separately cited
become a major player internationally.              efficient) collaborations in education          Faculty’s teaching programme to             for Education, Research and Organisation
                                                    and research between faculties at the           safeguard the future of the discipline      (people, resources and facilities). We indicate
It goes without saying that we intend not           University of Leiden.                           and to optimally prepare future             which actions are planned for the coming
only to consolidate this strong position but    •   Make an active contribution to the              archaeologists and heritage specialists     years for each sector, which have already
to develop it further in the coming years. To       quality of archaeological practice and          for the employment market.                  been initiated and, where possible, the effect
this end, the Faculty will:                         heritage policy in the Netherlands, and    3.   Developing new formulae for                 achieved.
                                                    in other regions where the Faculty is           collaborations and interdisciplinarity in
•   Consolidate our excellent global                active.                                         a rapidly-changing academic setting and     Collaboration and Connection is the key
    reputation in the fields of Archaeology                                                         a dynamic society.                          philosophy behind the new Strategic Plan
    and Heritage Studies                                                                       4.   Streamlining the organisational             2020-25, both within and beyond the Faculty.
                                                                                                    structure of the Faculty.                   The Faculty of Archaeology will cooperate
                                                                                               5.   Bolstering the financial position of the    with other faculties at Leiden to provide
                                                                                                    Faculty.                                    more appealing, innovative and efficient
                                                                                                                                                education to future generations of students.
                                                                                               The Strategic Plan 2020-25 further elaborates
                                                                                               on these goals, outlines priorities, and         The Faculty aims to become a partner with
                                                                                               explains how these will be developed into        “added value” in research, primarily within
                                                                                               concrete actions. The plan builds on the         the university’s new so-called Stimulation
                                                                                               earlier Strategic Plan of 2015-20 (The Future    Programmes, which contribute to a shared
                                                                                               of the Past 2.0) in which the emphasis lay,      vision of stronger interdisciplinary research
                                                                                               for the most part, on strengthening the          and a sharper profile at regional, national
                                                                                               Faculty’s research programmes and portfolio;     and international levels. Collaboration will
                                                                                               an objective we consider to have been very       also focus on institutes at home and abroad,
                                                                                               successful.                                      and the formation of strong consortia, and
                                                                                                                                                on social partners who have an interest
                                                                                               The Strategic Plan 2020-25 anticipates a fast-   in our expertise and vice versa. Within
                                                                                               moving academic and social environment for       the Faculty, internal collaboration will be
                                                                                               Archaeology. Implementation of some fairly       encouraged and activities and resources will
                                                                                               drastic policy developments in academic          be equitably distributed.
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The Future of the Past starts at Leiden University - Faculty of Archaeology - Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - Universiteit ...
Maintaining High Standards

Research at the Faculty of Archaeology is
highly-regarded internationally, and in
certain areas is among the best in the world.
The Faculty has acquired this position
through a broad and holistic approach to
Archaeology, in which various theoretical
orientations, and observations from field
projects, laboratories, and Heritage Studies
complement each other in thematic lines of

If the Faculty of Archaeology is to remain a
leading player on the international stage, it
will have to maintain its broad and integral
profile. In 2017, the Faculty adopted a new
research programme, with five major themes,
to increase the interdisciplinary strength
and scope of research at the interface of the
Natural, Social and Human Sciences. These
are:                                               •   Museums, Collections and Society          for fund-raising, publication and impact.       DNA and isotopes, mean that our knowledge       departments and includes the most extensive            and opportunities for Science-based
                                                   •   Liveable Planet                           Some of these changes relate to scientific      of the human past is constantly changing.       variety of specialisations. World Archaeology          Approaches and Heritage Perspectives.
     •   Human Niche Construction                  •   SAILS (artificial intelligence)           developments, including social questions        At the same time, society has a growing         forms the backbone of the Faculty’s research       *   By developing new, cross-cultural
     •   The Human Body                            •   Social Resilience and Security            addressed by research, and others concern       interest about its ‘own’ past and heritage.     and will continue to fulfill that role in the          and cross-continental perspectives
     •   Urban Pasts: Managing Diversity and                                                     general shifts in the funding system for        New challenges and opportunites include the     future. There are at least three ways to               on important transitions in human
         Inequality                             It is expected that by combining the strengths   scientific research and education. We explain   applications of Citizen Science, Community      achieve this:                                          evolution and the deep history of
     •   Interaction and Identity               and knowledge of diverse faculties, Leiden       these below.                                    Archaeology and community-driven                   •    By developing theoretical                      societies, and the increasing impact
     •   Crafting Societies                     University will lift research to an even                                                         Heritage Management.                                    frameworks and formulating                     of humankind on the Earth System.
                                                higher level and provide it with a readily       Archaeology: Connecting Science and                                                                     over-arching research questions
Working together with other faculties, the      recognizable profile.                            Society                                         So far, we may have given the impression                that appeal to interdisciplinary        In this context, complex thematic
Faculty of Archaeology also participates                                                                                                         that the challenges ahead are mainly for the            cooperation.                            relationships take precedence, rather than
intensively in the new Stimulation              In the coming years, the Faculty of              Currently, a scientific revolution is taking    Departments of Archaeological Science and          * By further elaborating the themes          the traditional geographical division into
Programmes at Leiden University, in             Archaeology faces a number of radical            place within Archaeology. New applications,     Archaeological Heritage & Society. However,             of the Faculty research programme,      area-oriented specialisations. By emphasizing
particular:                                     changes in the area of research. These           methods and techniques from the Natural         the Department of World Archaeology                     the University’s Stimulation            connecting issues such as the deep history
                                                will require new strategies and formulae         Sciences, such as the analysis of Ancient       plays a pivotal role in the connection of               Programmes, and by working              and historical backgrounds of globalization,
                                                                                                                                                 these domains. It is the largest of the three           together to identify specific roles     migration and human niche construction,
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The Future of the Past starts at Leiden University - Faculty of Archaeology - Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - Universiteit ...
interdisciplinary research is better connected.   research is increasingly characterized by        the Netherlands. In this context, the Faculty        strategy for research funding which will
Such a unifying and integrating role for          interdisciplinary collaboration, consortia,      of Archaeology - as the largest domestic             combine its current strength in the field
Global Archaeology and the Department             entrepreneurship and ethical reflection.         university player in the field of Archaeology        of personal grants with a greater strength
of World Archaeology is not only of great                                                          and Cultural Heritage - is expected to provide       in the field of consortium applications
importance to the coherence of the Faculty’s      Nationwide, the Plan Van Rijn (2019)             a quality impulse for implementation practice        and - where possible - consultancy. To
research and education programmes, but            will lead to major shifts in the funding of      in the context of national Archaeology               this end, the Faculty will work closely
also for developing large, interdisciplinary      academic research. A larger proportion of        legislation and government policy on Cultural        with LURIS and the Leiden Research
research applications (consortia) and for         money is being invested in research in the       Heritage.                                            Support (LRS). Attention will also be
increasing the social impact of the research.     field of beta technology, while resources                                                             paid to aspects of academic integrity,
New developments also require critical            for research in the field of Archaeology and     Actions 2020-25                                      and, in particular, intellectual property.
choices in investment in facilities and           Cultural Heritage are becoming scarcer.                                                            3. 2020: The Faculty will draw up a plan
research infrastructure. Given the stringent      Against this background, there is also rapidly   Against this background we have identified           for improving its research infrastructure,
economic situation, new cooperation               increasing competition at European level,        the following action points:                         including its laboratory facilities. To this
strategies will be necessary to ensure the high   for meagre funding for Archaeology, Social                                                            end, we will pursue collaboration with
standard of future research at the Faculty.       Sciences and Humanities.                         1. 2020-25: Existing research, composed              other parties at Leiden (the faculties
                                                                                                      of five interdisciplinary core themes             of Science, of Social Sciences and
The Changing Landscape of Finances                The Faculty of Archaeology will have to             (Perspectives on the Past), will continue to      Humanities, and the Leiden University
                                                  become more inventive in combining                  concentrate efforts on broader initiatives        Medical Centre), at other Dutch
The scientific and social developments            personal research funding, forming successful       and collaboration in research. However,           universities (in particular TU Delft, VU
mentioned above, together with new pre-           consortia and utilizing opportunities in            the programme will be explicit in terms           and WUR) and with partner institutions
conditions for the organisation and financing     the consultancy sphere. The latter is also          of how the Faculty’s own research themes          and renowned research institutes with
of scientific research, will be decisive for      important seen against the accelerating             can add value to the new Stimulation              whom the Faculty already has long-
the Faculty’s research agenda. University         scaling down of Archaeology at universities in      Programmes of Leiden University                   standing collaborations, such as institutes       and the Centre for Digital Scholarship at     regions where the Faculty is active in
                                                                                                      and the LDE alliance. In particular,              of the Max Planck Society (Germany). In           Leiden University, especially with regard     research and education (such as the
                                                                                                      we will focus on collaboration with               drawing up this plan, we will investigate         to Open Access and Linked Open Data           Caribbean). The Faculty will not only
                                                                                                      the LDE Centre for Global Heritage &              the concrete opportunities which are              (LOD). Explicit attention will also be        evaluate the potential of its subject
                                                                                                      Development and the SRON Netherlands              expected to arise from integrating                paid to aspects of academic integrity, in     specialisations, but will also consider
                                                                                                      Institute for Space Research. The                 our diverse laboratories into Leiden              particular with regard to guidelines for      pricing for specialists (consultancy) and
                                                                                                      Faculty is confident that there are good          Archaeology Labs, with the intention of           (co-) authorship. Existing guidelines,        the use of the laboratories. ARCHOL,
                                                                                                      opportunities at the latter institute for         marketing its services and facilities to          such as the Vancouver Recommendations,        Leiden University’s professional
                                                                                                      technological developments which are              sister institutions and other parties.            will serve as a starting point in this        archaeological company will be closely
                                                                                                      interesting to both Field Archaeology          4. 2020: The Faculty will draw up                    regard.                                       involved in these developments.
                                                                                                      and Heritage Management. The Faculty              guidelines for Scientific Ethics, in line      6. 2021: The Faculty will develop an
                                                                                                      intends to investigate further how the            with the Code of Conduct, Integrity of            impact strategy to increase the social
                                                                                                      research profiles of Heritage, Museum             Leiden University.                                value and visibility of its research, based
                                                                                                      Studies and Archaeological Sciences can        5. 2021: The Faculty will develop a                  on best practices from recent research
                                                                                                      be better attuned to archaeological issues        Publication Strategy that optimizes               projects.
                                                                                                      and interpretation frameworks, so that            the scientific visibility of its research      7. 2022-23: The Faculty is investigating
                                                                                                      the links between the three departments           results, taking into account the different        ways in which it can develop as a
                                                                                                      can be further strengthened in research.          publication cultures that exist within the        centre of expertise for wider society
                                                                                                      Finally, we want to make better use of the        Faculty and the desire for more intensive         in the near future. This could include
                                                                                                      possibilities afforded by Citizen Science         internal cooperation (for example by              parties involved in archaeological
                                                                                                      within our research themes.                       producing handbooks). The Faculty will            market and heritage organisations in
                                                                                                   2. 2020: The Faculty is developing a new             work closely with the University Library          the Netherlands, and possibly in other
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The Future of the Past starts at Leiden University - Faculty of Archaeology - Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - Universiteit ...
Improving the Curriculum
                                                                                                        The New Bachelor Programme

                                                                                                        The renewal of the BA programme began
                                                                                                        in 2017 and will be completed in 2020. The
                                                                                                        following changes have already been made:
                                                                                                        • In addition to the Dutch-language
     Traditionally, the Faculty of Archeology has      In 2016, an internal evaluation of the                Bachelor specialisation Archaeology,
     offered a wide range of specialisations within    programmes concluded that education                   and the English-language Bachelor
     its programmes. The Bachelor’s degree (BA)        in both the Bachelor and Master phases                specialisation World Archaeology, a
     has a broad structure and includes a Dutch        required a thorough overhaul. A variety of            specialisation in Heritage and Society
     and English language variant. Education           reasons precipitated this review: shrinking           is now being offered jointly with the
     is offered in both Dutch and English in the       student numbers (to less than 55 in the               Institute for Cultural Anthropology
     first Bachelor year only, and subsequently        BA), large drop-out rates, and poor rates of          of the Faculty of Social Sciences. This
     exclusively in English, though with the           completion (especially in the BA programme            new specialisation is interdisciplinary
     option to complete assignments, exams and         where less than 40% of the students obtained          in nature and prepares the student
     the thesis in Dutch. In the Master phase, the     a degree after four years). Additionally,             for Master programmes in either
     specialisations are recognizable as foci and      students expressed increasing dissatisfaction,        Archaeology or Cultural Anthropology.
     are linked to the work of the Faculty research    there were shortcomings in the way students           In the programme, students learn to
     groups. They are differentiated according to      were prepared for employment, and the                 set current social issues against the
     period (from Human Origins to Medieval            work-load for teaching staff had increased,           background of their long history and to
     Archaeology), geographical region (Europe,        due to the extensive, unique education on             use and manage the legacy of this history
     Mediterranean, Near East, Americas),              offer in the Master phase.                            for reflection and education.
     theme (Heritage and Museum Studies),                                                               • In both Bachelor specialisations, teaching
     methodology (Bioarchaeology, Digital              Furthermore, the Faculty’s teaching                   has been intensified into continuous
     Archaeology) or a combination of these (for       programmes did not sufficiently meet the              blocks which include lectures, tutorials
     example, Material Culture Studies). The last      “new learning paradigm”. The current                  and laboratory training. Assignments
     three specialisations are categorised as Master   generation of students studies in new ways:           provide moments for interim testing and
     of Science (MSc), the others as Master of Arts    often online, using digital sources, and this         experimental use is made of new forms
     (MA). In addition, the Faculty also offers        presents great opportunities for intensive,           of activated learning.
     a two-year Research Master programme              activated and blended learning.                  • The BA programme is more emphatically
     (RMA) in which students can further                                                                     aimed at combining the learning of
     specialize and train their research skills more   In 2017 we began the journey, setting out             generic skills with knowledge acquisition.
     intensively. The RMA is considered to be          on a renewal process to improve the quality           The programme provides degree-wide
     the best preparation for a PhD track, and         of the Faculty teaching programmes. This              curricula for academic, professional
     about 75% of our RMA students succeed in          process is driven by the Faculty’s new                and transferable skills, and individual
     obtaining a PhD position after completion.        educational vision, which is in turn based on         curricula for World Archaeology, Heritage
     All Master specialisations are offered in         the ambitions of the university educational           and Science.
     English only.                                     vision (Learning @ Leiden).                      • Field training (Field School) has been
                                                                                                             redesigned to include a variation for
                                                                                                             Heritage & Society.

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•    In the third year of the Bachelor, room        with the Graduate School so that they can        The New Master Programme                         •   In all Master specialisations, students
     has been created to follow a minor or to       strengthen their CV with experience in general                                                        may choose, in the final phase, to focus
     make a study trip abroad. Other options        and specialized teaching (“BKO Light”). A        A revision of the Faculty’s Master                   on the archaeology or heritage of a
     include an internship, which allows            Recruitment and Communication Plan was           Programme began in 2019.                             specific area or a specific period. In this
     students to gain practical experience          drawn up to recruit more students for the BA,    • The huge number of specialisations (in             way, the breadth of the specialisations at
     outside the university, and a BA thesis. To    and, finally, a model has been developed to          total 21) previously offered in the Master       Leiden remains visible.
     provide internships, cooperation has been      optimize process support for teaching, which         phase (including the Research Master)        •   The Research Master programme will
     intesified with social partners, such as the   includes a clear description and distribution        have been reduced to four Master                 provide for flexibility in personal study
     National Museum of Antiquities, Heritage       of tasks, roles and responsibilities in the          specialisations: Global Archaeology              paths, so that tailor-made education can
     Leiden, the Cultural Heritage Agency of        Education Office.                                    (MA), Archaeological Science (MSc),              be offered to prospective researchers.
     the Netherlands and knowledge-intensive                                                             Heritage & Museum Studies (MA) and               In order to be able to offer a wide
     companies.                                     The results of these adjustments are                 Applied Archaeology (MA). This makes             and varied range of courses, we will
•    The study profile at completion is a           positive. The intake figures now show an             the courses offered more transparent for         collaborate with other faculties.
     better fit with the Dutch labour market        increase in the number of BA students,               the student and contains the workload        •   A new Recruitment and Communication
     for archaeologists. A graduate at Leiden       which is expected to stabilize at an entry of        for teaching staff.                              Strategy will be developed for the
     is recognised under the existing laws and      approximately 100 new students annually.         • In 2019, the Faculty began a                       Master programme, specifically aimed at
     regulations as formally qualified to engage    The premature drop-out of students has               collaboration with the Saxion University         recruiting students from abroad.
     in the field of Dutch Archaeology.             been greatly reduced and the study-yield             of Applied Sciences (Deventer),
                                                    has increased significantly. Course and              creating the Leiden-Saxion Master in         Measures to be taken in Education
Other changes have also been made. For              teacher evaluations show that students               Applied Archaeology. This new Master’s       2020-25
example, particularly gifted and motivated          are satisfied with the programme and the             specialisation links directly to Saxion’s
students are challenged to broaden, or deepen,      quality of education. These improvements             BSc Archaeology and prepares students        The Faculty of Archaeology will be
their skills and knowledge within the Honours       are confirmed by the Education Review                at an academic level for a professional      introducing the following measures in the
Programme of Leiden University. Education           (onderwijsvisitatie) of 2019.                        career outside academia.                     period 2020-25:                                      Master tracks, such as the Master in          teaching and learning (for example, the
plans for PhDs are drawn up in collaboration                                                                                                                                                               Applied Archaeology.                          so-called “micromasters”) for students
                                                                                                                                                      1. 2020-22: Priority will be given to the         4. 2022-24: The Faculty is considering           working remotely, for example in Asia or
                                                                                                                                                         full implementation and to the final              offering a measured number of minors,         Africa. These courses would be based on
                                                                                                                                                         evaluation of the new BA programme,               preferably as a collaboration with other      the current teaching programme.
                                                                                                                                                         and for the identification of areas for           faculties on interdisciplinary themes.     7. Apart from the innovations summarised
                                                                                                                                                         improvement. Priority will also be given       5. 2022-24: The Faculty is looking into          here, the Faculty does not forsee any new
                                                                                                                                                         to the continued implementation and to            the development of a joint Advanced           Bachelor or Master specialisations being
                                                                                                                                                         the mid-term evaluation of the Faculty’s          Masters with Campus The Hague. This           developed in the coming years, unless
                                                                                                                                                         new Master programmes (including the              would be offered to professionals and         an attractive, and efficient, opportunity
                                                                                                                                                         Research Master).                                 others interested in Lifelong Learning.       arises in combination with other
                                                                                                                                                      2. 2020-25: External and internal                    The study would not simply cover new          faculties.
                                                                                                                                                         communication about the teaching                  developments in the academic field of
                                                                                                                                                         programmes will require continued,                Archaeology, Heritage and Museum
                                                                                                                                                         structural consideration in the coming            Studies, but more specifically the legal
                                                                                                                                                         years.                                            and administrative aspects of policy-
                                                                                                                                                      3. 2020: The Faculty is investigating the            making (Heritage and Environmental
                                                                                                                                                         desirability of using the BSc classification      legislation).
                                                                                                                                                         for the Bachelor programme, and the            6. 2024-25: The Faculty will investigate
                                                                                                                                                         MSc classification for a number of                opportunities for combining online

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appointment of Departmental Chairs, an             struggles with issues of social safety, scientific    more supportive atmosphere of cooperation,

Strengthening the Organisational Structure:
                                                                                                                                                    extra management layer has been added, so          integrity and transparency.                           in which, habitually, staff value each other’s
                                                                                                                                                    that the running of the research groups is                                                               qualities, offer peer support and have a
                                                                                                                                                    more effective and administrative tasks can        There was dissatisfaction with the unclear            genuine desire to see each other succeed.

Towards an Efficient and Fair Faculty
                                                                                                                                                    be better divided.                                 distribution of opportunities for developing          In recent years, the Faculty has launched
                                                                                                                                                                                                       careers, and with the uneven allocation of            initiatives to tackle these issues in a solution-
                                                                                                                                                    The detailed workings of the new                   resources, tasks and responsibilities. Early          oriented manner, such as developing a
                                                                                                                                                    departmental structure, however, have not          career researchers (PhDs and postdocs)                transparent policy for career development
                                                                                                                                                    yet been sufficiently well-articulated. Many       seem to be particularly vulnerable, having            and promotion, implementing a new
                                                                                                                                                    staff perceive the departmental structure          a high workload and ill-defined position              distribution model for tasks in education,
                                                                                                                                                    as unclear, or even as counter-productive          within the Faculty. Furthermore, their work           research and management, and addressing
                                                                                                                                                    to cooperation. Although steps have been           is (too) heavily dependent on the leadership          concerns in the field of social safety.
                                                                                                                                                    taken to give the departments more weight          capacities of their supervisors, and the way
                                                                                                                                                    in the Faculty organisation, research              in which these supervisors carry out their            In addition, the Faculty has undertaken the
                                                                                                                                                    groups and project teams still form a loose        duties. Finally, their future is uncertain: their     following improvements:
                                                                                                                                                    conglomerate within their department, and          perception is that they are used for research
                                                                                                                                                    true cooperation requires something more.          and teaching, while being allowed little              •   In 2018, a full-time Communication
                                                                                                                                                                                                       influence on the direction of the Faculty, nor            Advisor was appointed, who is tasked
                                                                                                                                                    In recent years, therefore, the Faculty has        on the development of the field as a whole.               with strengthening the community by
                                                                                                                                                    focused on further streamlining the primary        These are, of course, the very circumstances              improving internal communication, and,
                                                                                                                                                    processes in relation to the departments,          that determine their futures.                             for example, maintaining a Faculty Event
                                                                                                                                                    and the mandate of the Departmental                                                                          Calendar.
                                                                                                                                                    Chairs. The starting point is a relatively light   A specific point of issue with the academic           •   In recent years, the Board has chosen to
                                                                                                                                                    organisational structure. A matrix model, in       staff is “culture”. It is our intention to create a       have certain events, such as the Faculty
                                                                                                                                                    which the Faculty’s education and research
                                                                                                                                                    programmes intersect departments, creates a
                                                                                                                                                    greater opportunity for shared responsibility,
                                                                                                                                                    cooperation and flexibility. New prospects
                                                                                                                                                    and initiatives to enhance the international
                                                                                                                                                    and national profile of the Faculty can be
The Departmental Structure                        quality research performance and a wide           The formation of these groups underline         more easily identified. Finally, the Faculty,
                                                  range of options for advanced students who        the high degree of interdisciplinarity of       with its high-quality research and education,
The organisational structure of the Faculty       want to specialize; but, on the other hand,       Archaeology and Heritage Studies at Leiden.     can participate more effectively in cross-
of Archaeology has been in transition for         it also led to undesirable competition for        Insights and methods drawn from the             faculty developments, such as Leiden
several years. In the past, the Faculty had a     resources, facilities and positions, to limited   Natural, Social and Historical Sciences are     University’s new stimulation areas and inter-
large number of research groups (formerly         transparency and to inadequate faculty            increasingly being combined and integrated.     faculty education programmes.
“Chair groups”), each with a high degree          coordination of research and teaching.            This interdisciplinarity has become a
of autonomy. This autonomy led to the                                                               trademark of the Faculty, and the various       The Faculty Community
development of independent research               In 2013 it was decided to organize the            disciplinary components can no longer
agendas and specialist programmes in              Faculty more efficiently and transparently by     be separated from each other, without           The Faculty’s working climate and corporate
education, as well as to relatively free access   arranging the groups into three departments:      weakening the Faculty’s clout in research and   identity will require extra attention in the
to a personal (materials) budget. On the          World Archaeology, Archaeological Science,        education. Moreover, with the introduction      coming years. The 2017 Staff and PhD
one hand, independence resulted in high-          and Archaeological Heritage and Society.          of the departmental structure and the           Monitor revealed that the Faculty community

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Lectures and PhD Debates, realised                                                                                                             fruition, staff capacity will be sufficient for
     bottom-up by the Faculty community.                                                                                                            the new training programmes, the execution
     The community is also expressly involved                                                                                                       of management tasks and the consolidation
     in university and social events, such as                                                                                                       of the quality of scientific research.
     the Dies Natalis, Open Days and the
     National Archaeology Days.                                                                                                                     With a view to the academic stability of the
•    In 2018, we appointed a Confidential                                                                                                           Faculty, the Board is developing a new vision
     Advisor for PhDs to address the concerns                                                                                                       of the use and occupation of professorial
     and complaints from this group quickly,                                                                                                        chairs. In 2018-19, the Faculty discontinued
     confidentially and effectively. Complaints                                                                                                     a number of chairs, including those in
     are a signal that the system has already                                                                                                       the Heritage of Indigenous Societies and
     failed, and it is hoped that measures to                                                                                                       Archaeozoology. With the appointment
     be undertaken in 2020-25 in the field of                                                                                                       of three new Westerdijk professors, the
     scientific and academic ethics will create                                                                                                     continuation of three other chairs has been
     a healthy environment where complaints                                                                                                         anticipated. In 2019, work was begun on a
     become rare and exceptional.                                                                                                                   new Chair Plan, which should be finalized in
•    In 2018, a start was made on a                                                                                                                 2020 - after widely harvesting opinions from
     transparent policy on career development                                                                                                       various fora and from our professors. The
     at the Faculty, including clear promotion                                                                                                      following principles are being employed:
     criteria and the establishment of a Career
     Committee.                                                                                                                                     •   A number of long-term core Chairs
•    In 2018, a new model was implemented                                                                                                               have been designated within the
     for the allocation of a budget for material                                                                                                        Department of World Archaeology.
     resources to the research groups, based                                                                                                            The teaching assignments for these
     on the number of FTEs. This, so that the      As we have said before, the true assets of our   Academic Staff                                      Chairs are being updated by means of
     budget can be spent more transparently        Faculty are our knowledgeable and highly-                                                            a renewed geographical/chronological
     and in consultation.                          skilled staff. Our colleagues include academic   The number of academic staff in 2019 was            interpretation and by linking them to
•    In 2019, a new Planning & Evaluation          staff and support staff, and both permanent      80 FTE. In 2018 a Reinforcement Plan was            new scientific and social themes, such as
     cycle was designed that better supports       and temporary staff (including PhDs and          written, with the intention of expanding            urbanization, globalization, migration,
     the staff in making choices and schedules,    postdocs). Support staff are crucial for the     academic capacity at the Faculty, and to            sustainability, etc. This means that
     and which also better correlates with the     organisation and implementation of the           provide extra scope for carrying out the            professors may function more effectively
     university cycle.                             primary processes: a role that is often under-   new teaching plans. By 2021 the plan will be        and widely in the teaching programmes
•    In 2019, the Faculty adopted a                estimated in academia.. In recent years it has   fully realised. This plan provides five new         of the Faculty, as well as in inter-faculty
     distribution model (parameters model)         become apparent that support roles could         positions (lecturers or Assistant Professors)       teaching collaborations and in the new
     for the division of tasks in education,       be organized more effectively at the Faculty,    for young, promising talents who have               stimulation areas of Leiden University.
     research and management. After                and we will shortly be inventorising support     already proven themselves in research and       •   In World Archaeology, one or two new
     gathering the greater experience and          services. The Faculty Board will also look at    education, and who are demonstrably skilled         domains are identified which offer
     the calculation models used at fellow         where there are gaps in provision of support,    to perform well as team players. The new            new development opportunities, for
     faculties, the model was implemented.         and how these gaps can effectively be filled.    Assistant Professors are deployed broadly           example where expertise in these areas
     A clear and fair distribution of tasks,       As far as possible, we will employ flexible      and flexibly in teaching, and are given the         is no longer present at other Dutch or
     roles and development opportunities           deployment and the utilization of expertise      space and support to develop themselves as          European universities, or where they have
     contributes to a stronger and more            already available at the university. More        real innovators in the field of Archaeology,        an exceptional attraction for students
     cohesive community.                           generally, the integration of academic and       Heritage and Museum Studies. Once the               and/or social partners.
                                                   support staff deserves attention.                reinforcement plan has been brought to          •   A limited number of new chairs will be
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designated for Heritage, Museum Studies      Leiden Archaeology Labs. Under this new            methodological innovation. In addition,                                                                                                          against this background that the established
         and Archaeological Science, - disciplines    branding, the labs can develop cohesively.         the basic infrastructure for paleobotany,                                                                                                        system of personal budgets (BSFs) will
         that are quickly gaining in scientific and   Leiden Archaeology Labs will identify new          archeozoology, computational archaeology                                                                                                         be abandoned in due course, and more
         social interest and importance.              opportunities, set priorities for the demand       and archeo-ostology (physical anthropology)                                                                                                      emphasis will be placed on the strategic use
•        In the coming years, the appointment         from teaching, and for activites emanating         and for various material analyzes must be                                                                                                        of resources in the collective interest.
         procedures for Chairs will focus             from second and third stream funding, as well      maintained.
         on internal progression, based on            as for third parties. To this end, an inventory                                                                                                                                                     Actions 2020-25
         outstanding performance. This will, in       of all interested parties will be made, and        Communications
         principle, take precedence over external     internal and market rates set for the use of the                                                                                                                                                    To further shape the ambition of a healthy,
         recruitment for the foreseeable future.      facilities and the deployment of specialists.      Communications are not only about the                                                                                                            transparent and fair organization, the
         In selecting candidates, it is not just                                                         effective exchange of information and the                                                                                                        following actions are planned:
         earning capacity, scientific output and      The Faculty of Archaeology will have to            coordination of processes internally, but
         social valorisation that is considered,      make smart choices regarding investments           also ensure that the Faculty’s research and                                                                                                      1. 2020: Designing, executing and
         but explicit attention will be given to      in laboratory personnel and materials.             education becomes even more prominent in                                                                                                            monitoring clear HR guidelines that
         leadership skills, team spirit, managerial   These will include strategic cooperation           the world beyond the university. In January                                                                                                         are objective and verifiable, not only
         experience and a combination of              with partners, both in the Netherlands and         2018, the Faculty appointed an all-round                                                                                                            for appointment and promotion policy,
         experience and success in teaching           Europe, so that the Faculty can maintain the       Communication Advisor (1.0 FTE). This was     in June 2018 with the establishment of a        •   Subsidy providers, journalists and other          but also for tenure track policy and the
         (curriculum development, SKO, etc.) and      high standard of its research in specialised       a step towards centralizing communications    Communication Department, in which                  interested parties (ditto).                       system of sabbatical leaves.
         research.                                    areas and continue to be a centre for              at the Faculty. The next step was taken       the Communications Advisor was joined                                                              2. 2020: Drawing up, testing and
•        In 2020-25, the creation of special chairs                                                                                                    by an Event Coordinator and a Student           When implementing action points from                  implementing a new long-term Chair
         will be very targeted and strategic.                                                                                                          Ambassador.                                     the new Communications Plan, care will                Plan (2020-2030).
                                                                                                                                                                                                       be taken to align communication activities         3. 2020: Developing clear and verifiable
Facilities and the Faculty’s                                                                                                                           In 2018 and 2019, the foundation was laid       at the Faculty of Archaeology with the                financial regulations with regard
Laboratories                                                                                                                                           for new, improved internal and external         communication goals of Leiden University as           to invoices, (central and decentral)
                                                                                                                                                       communications at the Faculty. This remains     a whole. This does not mean that goals and            payments, expenditure and investments.
The Faculty’s laboratories are an important                                                                                                            high on the agenda in 2020. In 2019, a new      methods have to be identical, but that the         4. 2020: Implementation of the new
asset for both teaching and research.                                                                                                                  Faculty Communications Plan was written,        same general direction is followed.                   Communications Plan 2020-2025.
Currently, the Faculty has facilities for                                                                                                              which will be implemented from 2020.                                                               5. 2020-21: Implementation of the
preparing samples for isotope analysis, and                                                                                                            This will lead to a professionalization of      Improving the Faculty’s Financial                     aforementioned planning and evaluation
five specialised laboratories:                                                                                                                         communications targeted at the following        Situation                                             cycle, setting fixed times each year
                                                                                                                                                       groups:                                                                                               when attention is paid to personnel
     •     Archaeo-osteology                                                                                                                                                                           In the past decade, the financial fortune of          (development), finances, project
     •     Archaeozoology                                                                                                                              •   Faculty staff (sub-plan for internal        the Faculty has waxed and waned in terms of           portfolio, investments, etc. The associated
     •     Computational Archaeology                                                                                                                       communication)                              income from teaching and from the second              consultation takes place in and with the
     •     Material Studies                                                                                                                            •   Prospective Bachelor and Master             and third flow of funds. The Faculty has              departments, relevant committees and
     •     Palaeobotany                                                                                                                                    students (sub-plan for recruitment and      been adversely affected by cuts that have             the Faculty Council.
                                                                                                                                                           marketing communication);                   been implemented since 2017, and these,            6. 2020-21: Development of a Faculty “Code
The current laboratories are high-class                                                                                                                •   Alumni (now also specifically aimed at      together with some unfortunate choices                of Conduct” with house rules, partly on
facilities, although the quality of some will                                                                                                              alumni outside the Netherlands)             made in the past, means that it is now crucial        the basis of recommendations from the
need upgrading in future. The laboratories                                                                                                             •   External researchers for partnerships and   to strengthen the Faculty’s financial situation.      2017 personnel and PhD monitor.
are managed by staff and research groups of                                                                                                                research consortia (sub-plan for external   Its financial position will therefore remain       7. 2020-25: Further professionalization
the Department of Archaeological Science.                                                                                                                  communication);                             one of the most important Faculty issues for          of educational support, in line
The Board has taken the decision to integrate                                                                                                          •   The professional field, in particular       the coming years and the Faculty community            with developments taking place at
the laboratories into a central facility:                                                                                                                  professionals (ditto);                      should be made aware of the urgency. It is            institutional level.
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The International Community                                                                         In recent years, the LAS Terra study
                                                                                                    association has been highly motivated and

and Diversity
                                                                                                    hard-working in strengthening the Faculty’s
                                                                                                    international profile. This study association is
                                                                                                    very active, popular among students, and has
                                                                                                    explicitly placed the internationalization of
                                                                                                    the student population on its agenda.
The internationalization of the university       Continuing the international exchange, our
community, and in particular of the student      Master students are, in turn, given plenty         Although the Faculty of Archaeology aims to
population, is an important issue on the         of opportunities for research outside the          further strengthen its international profile,
political agenda in the Netherlands. The         Netherlands and Europe. The profile of the         it will, of course, continue to safeguard the

                                                                                                                                                         Contributions to the Hague Campus
discussion focuses in particular on the          academic staff of the Faculty has mirrored         interests of Dutch students, Dutch-language
importance of Dutch-language education           this development and now also largely              education and Dutch academic culture.
as a factor in the preservation of Dutch         consists of colleagues bringing their talents in   The Faculty will ensure that the influx of
identity, and on the recognisability of Dutch    from abroad.                                       Dutch students is not compromised, but will
university culture.                                                                                 preserve a heallthy “mix” of students from
                                                 The Faculty intends to further develop its         different countries and cultures. In addition,
Over the past five years, the Faculty has        international profile in the next five years.      the Faculty will make more concerted efforts
acquired a distinctly international character.   This is necessary for the following reasons:       to ensure that staff members from abroad           Over time, the different components of the        The Faculty has responded positively to       •   Offering Lifelong Learning courses in
This is due to the rapid increase in numbers                                                        make progress with their Dutch language            university, in Leiden’s city centre, the Leiden   an invitation from Campus the Hague to            Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and
of students from abroad, as well as the          •   Internationalization contributes to            skills, so that they can actively participate in   Bio Science Park and the Hague’s Leiden           contribute to dialogue about the design           Collection Building.
international orientation of the Faculty’s           the quality of the courses. Worldwide,         university administration and Dutch society.       University Campus, have become inseparable        of new interdisciplinary and interfaculty     •   Providing postgraduate education to
research. Another contributor is the success         Archaeology is characterized by a mosaic                                                          from each other. As we move forward, UL           Master programmes, although the Faculty’s         professionals, following the example of
of English-language courses in the field of          of intellectual and cultural traditions        The diversity of the Faculty community             is increasingly becoming a civic university       commitment to its own ongoing programme           the success formula of the Advanced
Archaeology and Heritage. The Faculty’s              that feed the profession in different          will require extra attention in the coming         as it responds to developments largely            of educational innovations makes us               Masters of the Faculty of Law.
international reputation has strengthened            ways. The latter may apply even more           years. Although the community has a                emanating from the Hague campus. The              cautious at this stage. We do, however,       •   Connecting the Faculty of Archaeology,
(as is evidenced by the Faculty’s high               strongly to the Heritage disciplines. A        distinct international character, it is still      social embedding of university education and      see great opportunities in the context of         LDE Center for Global Heritage and
position in the QS Ranking by subject)               diverse learning environment is the best       predominantly “European”. Archaeology              research, the strengthening of the regional       the proposed Academie Boulevard, which            the Centre for Museums, Collections &
and the network of international partners            preparation for working in this sector.        and Cultural Heritage, however, are exactly        network of partners around the university,        the Hague campus envisages as a means             Society with national and international
has been further expanded. The share of          •   Many of the career prospects of                the kind of scientific and societal domains        and the connection with the ‘DNA’ of the city     of promoting intensive cooperation with           partners and institutions in the region.
international students in the Bachelor and           Archaeology and Heritage students              that interface with issues of origin, cultural     are central to this.                              the city of the Hague, and with its other     •   Strengthening the regional network
Master programmes has grown to >30%                  are located in an international context.       identity and inclusivity. The Faculty seeks to                                                       higher education institutions. Together           of partners and centering it around
and >50% of the student community,                   Our students should be prepared for a          better reflect the social diversity associated     The Hague Campus Strategy 20-25                   with the LDE Center for Global Heritage           the Faculty of Archaeology, creating
respectively. Dutch students are increasingly        roaming existence and cultural flexibility     with these issues: not just cultural diversity,                                                      & Development and the new Centre for              a physical meeting place for heritage
opting for the English-language programmes           in order to take full advantage of             but also gender diversity, for example. To         So far, the Faculty of Archaeology has not had    Museums, Collections & Society, in which          services, archaeological services and
offered by the Faculty in order to increase          scientific and professional opportunities.     encourage Faculty policy development in            a significant role in developments at Campus      the Faculty is closely involved in the            relevant knowledge-intensive companies.
their international outlook and their            •   To provide the Faculty with sufficient         the field of diversity, a Faculty Diversity        The Hague. This will change in the next five      context of the new university Stimulation
opportunities. More than 50% of the PhD              critical mass to guarantee the high            Committee has been set up, which will              years. The Faculty sees good opportunities to     Programmes, a plan is being developed to
community comes from abroad: from other              quality of research and education in the       develop its own agenda in 2020.                    actively contribute to, and take advantage of,    create a Heritage Academy on the Academie
European countries, North and Central                future, continued internationalization is                                                         the new civic profile of the university as set    Boulevard. This Heritage Academy will focus
America, the Caribbean, Asia and Australia.          necessary.,                                                                                       out in the new plans for the Hague campus.        in particular on:
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It is also essential to intensify cooperation

                                                                                                                                                The Power of Connection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      with fellow institutes outside the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Netherlands, so that the Faculty can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a partner in consortia, helping to shape
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      fresh, innovative interdisciplinary research.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Collaboration with social partners and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      partners of industry will allow the Faculty to
                                                                                                                                                It is the power of connection that is the           Opportunities for collaboration with other        develop successful formulae for increasing
                                                                                                                                                common thread that runs through the plans           groups, study programmes and faculties            the impact of our research.
                                                                                                                                                of the Faculty of Archaeology in the period         will also be explored, such as in the fields
                                                                                                                                                2020-25.                                            of Human Evolution, Heritage Studies and          The Faculty realises that a successful long-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Advanced Masters. The LDE Center for              term impact is mainly guaranteed by the
                                                                                                                                                The Faculty has identified exciting new             Global Heritage & Development and the new         teaching programmes. Impact is what our
                                                                                                                                                opportunities, such as the intensification of       Centre for Museums, Collections & Society         students deliver! It is they who potentially
                                                                                                                                                inter-faculty cooperation in education, the         will act as “connectors” in the latter context.   make the greatest contribution to society,
                                                                                                                                                establishment and implementation of new             In addition, there will be more intensive         by innovative, unconventional and
                                                                                                                                                Stimulation Programmes and a developing             collaboration with Leiden University College      critical thinking; by devising creative and
                                                                                                                                                university profile as a civic university, forging   (LUC), both in the Bachelor programmes            original solutions for social issues and by

Implementation of the Strategic Plan
                                                                                                                                                even stronger links between academia and            and in research.                                  participating in ground-breaking advances.
                                                                                                                                                society. Cooperation with other faculties will
                                                                                                                                                be more important than ever, particularly           Collaboration with fellow institutes in the       Finally, the principles of cooperation and
                                                                                                                                                those with related research groups, and             Netherlands, such as the archaeological           connectiveness also apply to the Faculty
                                                                                                                                                courses in which cooperation is obvious,            institutes in Amsterdam (ACASA),                  community itself. If our Faculty is organized
                                                                                                                                                such as:                                            Groningen (RUG) and Deventer (Saxion),            in a fair way and has a strong sense of its
                                                                                                                                                                                                    as well as the National Cultural Heritage         own identity, then our staff will have a
                                                                                                                                                    •   Cultural Antropology (Social                Agency (RCE), is important. Through this          sense of belonging; they will work together
The planned actions of the new Strategic         In autumn 2020, the implementation of               to the Faculty committees for advice.              Sciences)                                   cooperation, it is hoped to halt the decline in   with greater pleasure, perform better and
Plan of the Faculty of Archaeology will          planned actions can be included in the        Q2:   The Faculty Committees translate the           •   Biology and Environmental Sciences          academic Archaeology and to arrest the loss       really commit to being part of a close and
be prioritized by the Faculty Board in the       budget. This process can be repeated for            action points into implementation                  (Science)                                   of unique expertise, while giving new quality     authentic community. These core values
Spring of 2020 and will be included in a         the years 2022-25. The Faculty will strive          plans and business cases.                      •   Ancient History, Antiquities, and           impulses to archaeological performance            are just as important to the Faculty of
Faculty Road Map that provides for a phased      to keep the implementation of the planned     Q3:   Where appropriate, the business cases              Museum Studies (Humanities)                 practice and the heritage sector.                 Archaeology as scientific reputation.
approach with milestones and products            actions and implementation plans within the         will be included in the budget for 2021.
marked in time.                                  Faculty’s (long-term) budget.                 Q4:   Start of the implementation of
                                                                                                     prioritized actions for 2020-21.
The action points selected for 2020-21 will be   Planning for 2020:                            Q4:   The Faculty Board makes a final
submitted to Faculty committees, for advice                                                          selection and prioritization of action
and further elaboration. The prioritized         Q1:   The Faculty Board makes a final               points for 2022.
actions will be developed by the committees            selection and prioritization of the
into concrete implementation plans with                action points, and visualizes and
SMART-formulated goals and business cases.             communicates these in the form of a
                                                       Road Map.
It should be noted that much work cited          Q1:   The Faculty Board presents the
here has already been done since 2018-19.              prioritized action points for 2020-21
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