The French touch to the Council Presidency - Arcturus Group

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The French touch to the Council Presidency - Arcturus Group
The French touch
to the Council Presidency
The French touch to the Council Presidency - Arcturus Group
Interview with MEP Marie­Pierre VEDRENNE    4­9
Priorities of the French Presidency        10­14
Political calendar for the next 6 months      15
Welcome to France
wHAT ABOUT Portugal?                       16­22
The final word                               23
The French touch to the Council Presidency - Arcturus Group
Interview with Renew Europe Group                                                                    necessarily protect them, that unfair
                                                                                                     competition exists within the EU, etc. For
                                                                                                     these reasons, the social aspect of
                                                                                                                                                      presidents of committees or delegations,
                                                                                                                                                      and have important reports. These are very
                                                                                                                                                      strong issues that we anticipated before the
MEP Marie­Pierre Vedrenne                                                                            "belonging" is key.                              French Presidency to have these priority
                                                                                                                                                      subjects under the EUFP.
                    • Vice­Chair of the Committee on International Trade and the Delegation          It is necessary to clearly involve citizens in
                                                                                                     the definition of the European project with       Moreover, this presidency will be special
                      to the ACP­EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly                                     the conference on the future of Europe, as       because there will be presidential elections
                    • Member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs                       requested by the President. Furthermore,         in France, so we will have an even more
                    • Substitute of the Committee on Petitions and the Delegation to the             we want to preserve and encourage                important role. What we are doing is also
                                                                                                     European unity and demonstrate that this is      strengthening the link with the President,
                      Cariforum­EU Parliamentary Committee
                                                                                                     a French Presidency, but it is at the service    with Clément Beaune and with the whole
France will soon take over the presidency                                                            of Europe and that France is listening to all    government.
of the Council of the European Union and                                                             our partners. Under this heading, the
at the same time start a new "trio" of                                                               priorities are climate, digital and social       Furthermore, we are not only in a French
presidencies, together with the Czech                                                                issues, which we will discuss in greater         logic but also in a political family logic within
Republic and Sweden. Can you tell us a bit                                                           detail.                                          the Renew group, with which we have
more about the long-term priorities of this                                                                                                           already had an important meeting in Paris.
trio and those of France for the first half of                                                        You were recently elected co-chair of the        Specific meetings are also organised
2022?                                                                                                French delegation (Renaissance) of the           between the coordinators and the members
                                                                                                     Renew Europe group. Knowing that this            of the French government.
Let me start by saying that the French                                                               delegation is the largest in terms of            Therefore, this French presidency is also the
Presidency of the Council of the EU (EUFP)                                                           number of MEPs and that you belong to            presidency of the Renew family. What
is not just a six-month period during which a                                                        the presidential majority in France, what        characterises all of us in this political family
State manages the agenda, chairs the                                                                 are the intentions of your delegation for        is that we are pro-Europeans, who are not
various Council meetings, etc. It is also a                           Marie-Pierre VEDRENNE          the EUFP?                                        naïve about the weaknesses of the EU, but
period during which we have a strong             context has changed. We have therefore                                                               who are fully committed to defending
European commitment. This presidency, as         also had to take this into account in defining       Our intention since the beginning of the         European values, to defending the rule of
well as our European commitment, and             the orientations of the EUFP.                       mandate is to continue to demonstrate that       law, to defending a Europe that continues to
more specifically that of the President of the                                                        French MEPs are MEPs who have Europe at          assert itself on the international stage.
Republic, is something we prepare on the         It is for this very reason that the triptych that   their heart, who are present in Brussels, in     Consequently, our mindset will be
long term.                                       has been drawn up contains the words:               Strasbourg, etc. If we are committed, it is      determination and involvement.
                                                 recovery, power, belonging. The first is             also because we want to change Europe
Our vision of Europe, as detailed in the         "recovery" because now that the Recovery            and make it evolve. This will continue to
President's Sorbonne speech, includes very       Plan has been adopted, it must be deployed          animate us under the EUFP.                       In parallel to the EUFP, the French
clear ambitions: a Europe that is more           in order to respond to the challenges we                                                             presidential election will occupy an even
united, that is democratic, that is more         face and guarantee a more innovative,               It is also a strength to be 23 MEPs because      more important part of the public space at
sovereign and that asserts itself on the         environmentally responsible and socially fair       we are present in all the parliamentary          national level in the coming months. How
international stage, since it has all the        recovery. Europe's "power" is a second              committees, which enables us to find our          do you see the articulation between the
capacities to do so. We want to make all this    extremely important issue, because a                place both in the Renew Europe group and         PFUE and the French presidential election
a reality under the EUFP.                        sovereign Europe is a Europe that asserts           more generally in the Parliament.                at the European level? What difficulties do
                                                 itself as a different model from the United                                                          you think should be anticipated?
Since the election of the President as well as   States and China, and that plays a driving          Our more political objective, which it is
the election of our Renaissance delegation       and leading role in climate and digital             essential to pursue under the French             Our opponents will say that this is bad
to the European Parliament, and taking into      issues, among others. Finally, "belonging" is       Presidency, is to obtain positions of            timing, I would not say that it is. As MEPs,
account     the     health    crisis   (which    the way to respond to the issues that our           responsibility, continue to have many            we will not be subject to the reserve period
unfortunately is not yet behind us), the         citizens have: that Europe does not                 coordinators, have presidents or vice-           and will be fully present in our committees

The French touch to the Council Presidency - Arcturus Group
and during the trialogue periods. The               Some people are talking about a half-             and that, under the French Presidency, the          is all about. This makes it possible to
President of the Republic has always stated         presidency?                                       challenge will be to give full substance to         guarantee an openness that is not naïve.
that he is pro-European and that he wants                                                             this concept.
to invest himself fully to regain French            It will not be a half-presidency and I can tell                                                       This is what we are trying to demonstrate
influence in each of the institutions.               you that the President of the Republic would      We need to implement actions for our                under the French Presidency, and this is the
                                                    not accept it. He is particularly familiar with   fellow citizens, which require political            influence that I am trying to have, both
However, this EUFP will be different from a         all the issues and all the topics; he has         support, such as that provided by Julien            within the Renew group and globally in the
classic EUFP, even if it can be said that we        Europe at heart. I think he is counting on        Denormandie on mirror measures, but also            European Parliament, where there is this
have never experienced a classic EUFP,              both his ministers and the Renaissance            other issues on which I am working in               very strong free trade prism. It is to say that
since the one that took place in 2008 under         delegation to be fully involved. We are           collaboration with Frank Riester, namely the        we are not, as we are sometimes
Nicolas Sarkozy was right before the Lisbon         behind the President, and it is out of the        triptych "reciprocity on public contracts,          caricatured, the evil French protectionists.
Treaty.                                             question not to make this EUFP a success.         unfair foreign subsidies and anti-coercion".        No, we simply want to play on equal terms.

There will be several phases for the PFUE:                                                            You mention the fear of certain States or           On mirror measures, this is not just a French
the time of involvement of the President of         In recent years, the European Union's trade       certain     sectors      regarding    retaliatory   expectation: look at the new coalition in
the Republic and the ministers until mid-           relations with certain third countries have       measures. The challenge is precisely to             Germany and the "no Mercosur as it
March, then in a second phase a PFUE                become increasingly complex (US tariffs,          make progress on both mirror measures and           stands" position, look at the votes on the
which will continue to progress with the            the UK's exit from the EU, Mercosur,              this triptych. I can understand certain             CAP, the amendments request mirror
Permanent      Representation        and      the   relations with China, etc.). In your capacity     European partners or certain players in             clauses without naming them. On these
parliamentarians and finally, the post-              as vice-chair of the Committee on                 different sectors who have suffered                 elements, we have a majority in the
election period. So, it is true that this will be   International Trade (INTA), what do you           retaliatory measures in the past, and               European Parliament, so it is not just a
a three-stage EUFP.                                 think of the French priority in agricultural      inevitably it is always the same sectors that       Franco-French demand. We even co-signed,
                                                    matters on "mirror clauses", i.e. the             are targeted by our partners to divide the          with the Commission and the Council, a
There will be highlights in the first part of        imposition of reciprocity in terms of             European Union. But if we make progress             joint declaration on the CAP asking the
this EUFP. I am not revealing any secret if I       sanitary and environmental standards for          on this triptych, it will enable us to make our     Commission to work on this subject.
say that there will be, for example, an EU-         agri-food products imported into the              European partners understand that we are
Africa summit as well as a real willingness to      European Union? If this measure were              protecting them and that they will no longer        So, it is certain that we do not have
have strong moments on certain subjects             applied at European level, would the EU           be the targets of retaliatory measures              unanimity on the subject for the moment,
that are close to our hearts in order to            not be exposed to retaliatory measures            because this toolbox we will have in our            but gradually, awareness of this issue is
respond to the climate, digital technology          from its trading partners, measures that          possession, will be fully reinforced.               spreading, as shown by the joint tribune
and Europe's place in the world.                    could also be applied to other sectors, such                                                          signed by Julien Denormandie and his
                                                    as the Airbus-Boeing conflict?                     At the time, the challenge of Jean-Claude           Austrian counterpart on mirror clauses.
Finally, we are still at the stage of defining                                                         Juncker's presidency was "a Europe that
the moment of the official announcement of           You are right to note that we are in a context    defends, a Europe that protects and that
the President's candidacy. An extremely             of confrontation in trade matters that is         gives the means to act". Our fellow citizens        As soon as she took office at the end of
important moment will obviously be the              becoming more and more prevalent. Even if         sometimes find it difficult to see the Europe         2019, President Von der Leyen stated her
President's     visit   to   the   Strasbourg       we have Joe Biden at the head of the White        that protects. However, if we focus on the          intention to make the ecological transition
Parliament in January, which will be a high         House, we must not be completely naive            mirror measures, we can see that we have,           the main priority of her Commission. On 14
point for the PFUE, and I think that he will        about the positions of the Americans in           notably with the CAP, this desire to pull           July this year, the European Commission
be scrutinised on this occasion for the             trade matters. On this subject, we                Europe upwards and to have increasingly             presented a package of measures
presidential election. We are going to do           succeeded, before the French Presidency, in       high standards. This is very important for us,      comprising a dozen legislative initiatives
everything we can to make our action clear          influencing the revision of the trade policy       we must absolutely accompany the                    covering several policy areas, entitled "Fit
and visible and to make sure that we are as         by obtaining a trade policy that is open,         transition, and this is also why we fought for      for 55", on which the co-legislators are
audible and as influential as possible in each       sustainable and firmer, which is already a         the CAP budget. Therefore, products                 currently working. This green transition will
of the institutions.                                first success. This means that we have             entering our internal market must have the          have a major impact on the labour market,
                                                    achieved the concept of strategic autonomy        same high standards, that's what reciprocity        creating new jobs for the highly skilled, but

The French touch to the Council Presidency - Arcturus Group
also eliminating or changing more                   our fellow citizens find new jobs. Barbara          report, who made it possible to develop our     You're putting me in a difficult position with
traditional jobs. What initiatives could the        Pompili would say it much better than I            position in the EP on this challenge.           this question! I necessarily want to talk
EU take on this issue to ensure that the            would, as she comes from the northern                                                              about my region, Brittany, but if I do that,
transition benefits everyone and that no             region, characterized by its former mining         Digital technology, like the ecological         my colleagues will tell me that they are
citizen is left behind?                             operations: the main issue is anticipation.        transition, must become a source of             seeing too much of my Breton prism.
                                                    Personally, I should have the chance, in the       opportunity and must not leave anyone
I am extremely happy with the angle you are         Employment Committee, to be the                    behind. For this to happen, people must         What is interesting about France is that it is
taking on this issue because we must never          rapporteur for my group on the Social Fund         have access to digital technology, which        rich in its diversity, both in geographical,
forget the meaning of why we are taking             for the Climate. There will also be all the        means that investment is first and foremost      culinary, cultural and sporting terms. We
measures and for whom we are                        issues of the reform of the ETS, and others,       at stake.                                       also have our overseas territories, which
implementing them. Approaching the                  but it is essential to keep this prism of                                                          mean that Europe is present in all five
ecological transition from the social angle is      anticipation of transitions, skills and training   Our objective is not to demonise the digital    continents.
essential and this logic has not always been        in order to avoid leaving anyone behind.           giants and platforms, but to regulate. We
shared by everyone. For example, whether            Therefore, the social prism is strong under        need to regulate not only "offline" but also     I think that what really impressed our
in my region (Brittany) or in France more           the French Presidency, it is a subject on          "online". When we see the reality of            colleagues from Renew when they came to
generally, we have sometimes wanted to              which the Portuguese Presidency has                platform workers, we have a real issue of       Paris was their visit to the Louvre. It is both a
implement certain measures that have not            worked enormously and on which we must             upward social convergence, of guaranteeing      great symbol of France, especially a France
always been well received by our fellow             continue to make progress in our turn.             workers' rights, it is a moral duty. The        open to the world, but also a magnificent
citizens, which is why it is essential to                                                              question     is   also   the    employment      place, for all ages, to understand not only
accompany this transition.                                                                             relationship: are they employees? Self-         France but also the French.
                                                    The Commission has also made the digital           employed? Other? The debates will
Another extremely important angle is to             transition one of its main priorities (along       sometimes be difficult, but we note that
always show the ecological transition as an         with the ecological transition). This is           many States are developing positions in line
opportunity and not as a constraint. And it is      reflected in the Digital Services Act (DSA)         with those of the Parliament. Our strength is
up to us, as politicians, to create these           and the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which           that with the adoption of Sylvie Brunet's
opportunities and to show them, this will be        represent major advances in the field and           report, the Parliament has reached a
our role and our work.                              whose trialogues will be held under the            majority position on this subject, which was
                                                    French Presidency. In addition, it also            not necessarily easy to achieve at the
When we talk about ecological transition,           intends to legislate on the social aspect of       beginning. We have managed to have a
we often target agriculture. However, it does       digital technology by presenting an                strong and united Parliament and our
not only concern one sector: it involves            initiative on 8 December on platform               challenge will be to maintain it under the
ecology, industry, housing, agriculture, and        workers. What do you expect from this              French Presidency. We are five Renaissance
transport. It is on these five issues that we        legislative proposal?                              MEPs in the EMPL Committee, so I can
must really work and that the government                                                               assure you that we will be extremely vigilant
and the recovery plan are fully committed.          The DSA and DMA are emblematic texts on            on      the     Commission's        proposal.
That is this reason why it is essential to roll     which the EUFP absolutely wants to                 Furthermore, we often exchange with
out the recovery plan so that it is                 continue to make progress and on which we          Commissioner Nicolas Schmit to ensure that
implemented. We must therefore mobilise             have managed to have French members of             the Parliament's position is taken into
the funds of the recovery plan as quickly as        the Renaissance delegation involved to             account.
possible in all the Member States, at the risk      ensure the right timing and the right
that this could have extremely important            position. This is linked to what I mentioned
social consequences. Therefore, it is really a      before about the desire to anticipate.             On a completely different note, what
global issue that we have to implement.                                                                would you recommend to someone who
                                                    On platform workers, it was a Frenchwoman          doesn't know France in terms of must-see
I also remain convinced that, in terms of           from our delegation, Sylvie Brunet, who was        places?
skills and training, it is essential that we help   in charge as rapporteur on the own-initiative

The French touch to the Council Presidency - Arcturus Group
The priorities of the French
Presidency of the Council
In the context of the crisis of multilateralism and the climate crisis, the French Presidency of
the EU Council will be keen to put forward its priorities, in particular on climate, digital and
social issues. The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs has already announced that the
objectives of the French Presidency will be built around three notions: "recovery, power and
belonging". In this sense, certain priorities have been identified by the various ministers and
                                                                                                         3           Strengthening relations with Africa and the Balkans

the President of the Republic:                                                                        France's ambition during the Presidency will be to lead the EU in a logic of accompanying
                                                                                                      the African continent in its development, its ecological transition and its control of borders,
                                                                                                      particularly around the Mediterranean. The objective here is to counter the ever-increasing

    1           Schengen: a reform to strengthen external border
                                                                                                      influence of China in Africa. To this end, a summit of African and European leaders will take
                                                                                                      place in May. France will also want the EU to reinvest in the Western Balkans, which have so
                                                                                                      far been neglected in favour of Russia and China.
France wishes to put in place a political management of the Schengen area with regular
meetings of the competent ministers. This new operating mode will be accompanied by the

                                                                                                         4           Standards for workers: the introduction of a European
creation of an emergency support mechanism at the borders in the event of a migratory crisis,
with the provision of reinforcements (police and equipment) by the Member States for the
countries affected.                                                                                                  minimum wage
France will defend the application of the principle of non-admission of migrants. According to        Already a major priority of the European Commission's programme, Emmanuel MACRON has
this principle, any illegal immigrant apprehended within 20 km of an internal border can be           made the European minimum wage his major social project for Europe.
considered as never having been in that country. This implies an automatic return to the country
of provenance, provided it is an EU country. This principle already exists in EU law, but its         According to the legislative project, each Member State will have to evaluate the legal minimum
implementation is complex. During the EUFP, Emmanuel Macron will therefore push for a                 wage through various criteria, including purchasing power and the poverty rate, in order to set a
strengthening of the means allocated to it.                                                           wage sufficient to allow decent living and working conditions throughout the continent.

The objective is to encourage countries with external borders to mobilise more resources in           Negotiations in the Council of the European Union on this text should begin in the first half of
controlling their borders. In parallel, France will support an increase in the resources of           2022 and represent a unique opportunity for France to set the first milestones for a social
FRONTEX, which is necessary to achieve this objective.                                                Europe, more harmonised and fairer in terms of working conditions. It should be noted that
                                                                                                      countries in which the minimum wage is determined exclusively by collective bargaining will not
This is a real ideological break, as the French President was opposed to it at the beginning of his   have to introduce a statutory minimum wage.
term in office, but the Belarusian migration crisis has created the right conditions for the
reintroduction of this principle into the European debate.

                                                                                                         5           Platform workers: towards a stricter framework?
   2            Towards a Europe of Defence?
                                                                                                      Clément BEAUNE, Secretary of State for European Affairs, mentioned the implementation of a
                                                                                                      reform during the EUFP on platform workers. This legislative initiative aims to improve the
In the wake of the "strategic compass" initiated during the German Presidency, France will            working conditions of these workers, their access to social protection and collective
support the elaboration of a European defence and security white paper outlining the state of         representation for the self-employed. A reform that is eagerly awaited by the sector and that will
threats and setting out guidelines. The ambition is to define an European strategic sovereignty.       help modernise the EU in response to the new realities of this type of work.

The French touch to the Council Presidency - Arcturus Group
6            Gender equality: progress on the regulatory
France will defend the drafting of a directive requiring salary transparency between men and
                                                                                                    10            Green Pact: carbon neutrality in 2050 as a target

                                                                                                   One of the axes of this EUFP will also be to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To this end,
women within companies. This action in favour of gender equality will also be carried out by
                                                                                                   the course set will be to reduce CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030, with the definition of a
accelerating the examination of texts on the equal distribution of seats on boards of directors.
                                                                                                   legally binding target for the restoration of biodiversity and the fight against deforestation.

                                                                                                   Clément BEAUNE praised the ambition of the measures in the "Fit for 55" package,
                                                                                                   expressing his confidence in the precise legislative tools that will be implemented, the

   7            Conference on the future of Europe: a revision of the
                treaties in sight
Emmanuel MACRON wants to simplify the functioning of the EU to make it more
                                                                                                   border carbon adjustment mechanism being the most ambitious tool. The border carbon
                                                                                                   adjustment mechanism will make cement, steel, iron, aluminium, fertilisers and electricity
                                                                                                   subject to "emissions certificates" to offset their carbon emissions.

                                                                                                   In this sense, the Secretary of State for European Affairs was keen to temper the German
understandable and therefore more accessible to the citizens. This objective could lead to a
                                                                                                   position of exempting the US and China for fear of trade retaliation. France's position would
revision of the treaties.
                                                                                                   then be to obtain an agreement at European level while remaining open to international
                                                                                                   negotiations with countries that shared the same position. There would therefore be no
                                                                                                   reason to impose adjustment mechanisms on countries sharing the same transition
                                                                                                   ambitions as the EU.

   8            International agreements: the issue of mirror clauses
The debates on mirror clauses focus primarily on the agricultural sector. France would like to
                                                                                                   On the issue of autonomy of supply of rare materials, France will undertake to continue the
                                                                                                   analysis of the EU's strategic dependencies with the aim of avoiding moving from one
                                                                                                   dependency to another, notably on cobalt or lithium.
take advantage of the EUFP to convince its European partners of the importance of establishing
reciprocal environmental and health standards for agricultural and food products imported into

the EU.

The European Commission and some of the more liberal states, however, remain reserved. The
                                                                                                                  Biodiversity, circular economy, climate and pollution
support of several Member States will therefore be necessary to achieve this objective, as there
is a great deal of reluctance within the EU, but also and above all outside of it.
                                                                                                   Barbara POMPILI, French minister for Ecological Transition, stated that she wanted to "move
                                                                                                   Europe forward" by defining European and legally binding objectives in favour of the restoration
                                                                                                   of biodiversity and the fight against deforestation. In this sense, France will defend the

                                                                                                   implementation of a European instrument to fight against imported deforestation, which will aim
                Redefining the European production model to come out                               to ban products that contribute to deforestation (soy, palm oil, wood, cocoa or coffee) within the
                of the crisis sustainably                                                          EU.

                                                                                                   Finally, as the European authorisation for glyphosate expires in December 2022, it will be the
In March, a European summit will be held to redefine the production model to combat mass
                                                                                                   subject of particularly complex discussions within the Council. As France is in favour of an
unemployment by creating jobs through support for sectors such as hydrogen, batteries, space,
                                                                                                   accelerated phase-out of pesticides in Europe, it will have to convince the partners who were
semi-conductors and defence. The ambition is also to strengthen the EU's strategic autonomy
                                                                                                   reluctant to ban it in 2017.
by limiting dependence on certain products which were previously imported. This support for
industries will be provided through the implementation of European investment plans. A come
back to common budgetary rules will be necessary, but they must not limit the investments of
Member States.

The creation of new resources specific to the Union will therefore be encouraged in order to
finance these plans, for example with the tax on digital giants (GAFAM) or the carbon
adjustment mechanism at the borders.
The French touch to the Council Presidency - Arcturus Group
12            Digital sovereignty: confronting the giants by creating
                a digital Europe
                                                                                                      Political calendar for the
France wants to organise a digital sovereignty summit in February in Paris. The ambition is to
stand up to the digital giants, led by GAFAM. Support for innovation will be one of the priorities,
with the establishment of European funds for start-ups and the development of an agenda
                                                                                                      next six months
which purpose is attracting talent.

This digital Europe will also be enabled by the extension of the digital regulation, notably with     01 | JANUARY                              03 | MarCH
the Digital Market Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA). The DMA and the DSA aim to           • Launch of the German G7 Presidency      • 10-11 March: Summit of Heads of State
limit the weight of the digital giants in the European digital space by controlling the content of
                                                                                                      • 6 and 7 January: Reception of the         and Government in Brussels
platforms. France will make these two texts a priority.                                                 College of European Commissioners in    • 23 March: Tripartite Social Summit
                                                                                                                                                • 24-25 March: European Council
                                                                                                      • 19 January: Emmanuel Macron's           • Exact date to be confirmed (March

  13            EUROPOL: support for the revision of EUROPOL's mandate
                                                                                                        speech to the European Parliament
                                                                                                        and presentation of the priorities of
                                                                                                        the French Presidency
                                                                                                      • 27 January: Conference on Brexit and
                                                                                                                                                  2022): 12th WTO Ministerial

France will support the Commission's proposal for a regulation on the revision of the                   customs formalities in Paris
agency's mandate, which includes a strengthening of cooperation with the private sector on
the exchange of personal data as well as a strengthening of relations with the European
Prosecutor's Office.
                                                                                                                                                04 | APril
                                                                                                      02 | FEBRUARY                             • 10 April: First round of French presidential
                                                                                                                                                • 24 April: Second round of French
                                                                                                      • 1 February: Conference on sustainable
  14            Citizen participation                                                                   urban development in Paris
                                                                                                      • 3-4 February: Ministerial summit on
                                                                                                        aviation in Toulouse
                                                                                                                                                  presidential elections

                                                                                                      • 7 February: Conference on ecological
The Government has expressed its willingness to include citizens in this Presidency with the
participation of citizens' panels that will present proposals to feed the European agenda.              transition and strategic autonomy
                                                                                                      • 11 February: Ocean Summit in Brest
                                                                                                                                                05 | MaY
                                                                                                      • 13-14 February: Trade Ministerial       • Closure of the Conference on the Future
                                                                                                                                                  of Europe

                                                                                                        Conference in Marseille
                Health                                                                                • 17-18 February: European Union and
                                                                                                        African Union Leaders' Summit in

France will defend an acceleration of research in favour of biotherapies, digital health and
emerging diseases.
                                                                                                      • 28 February: Conference on the
                                                                                                        circular economy in Brussels
                                                                                                                                                06 | JuNE
                                                                                                                                                • 2 June: Transport Council
                                                                                                                                                • 3 June: Telecoms Council
                                                                                                                                                • 27 June: Energy Council
                                                                                                                                                • 28 June: Environment Council
                                                                                                                                                • 28-29 June: European Transport Network
                                                                                                                                                  Days in Lyon

The French touch to the Council Presidency - Arcturus Group
« Nous aurons ces grands États-Unis d'Europe, qui couronneront le vieux
                                monde comme les États-Unis d'Amérique couronnent le nouveau » (We
                                shall have these great United States of Europe, which will crown the old
                                world as the United States of America crowns the new), is what Victor
                                Hugo called for at the 1849 peace congress. History did not immediately
                                prove him right, but the idea of a united Europe that would put an end to
                                conflict was gaining ground among the French intellectual elites. After two
                                world wars, millions of deaths and a Europe in ruins, the European
                                countries realised that they had to unite to guarantee their place in the
            France will be a key player in bringing the peoples of Europe together,
            which began on the economic front, thanks to figures such as Robert
            Schuman (French Minister of Foreign Affairs) and Jean Monnet (General
            Commissioner for Planning) who were convinced of the need to unite the
            nations of the continent within a single organisation. The European Coal
            and Steel Community and then the European Economic Community with
            the 1957 Treaty of Rome marked the beginning of a new era of
            cooperation between the main European powers.
                                                                     de Gaulle
                                Despite this pioneering role, France has always had an ambivalent
                                position towards this European construction. A founding member who
                                was sometimes rebellious, Charles de Gaulle did not hesitate to use the

                                empty chair policy to make France's voice heard. However, France
                                remained the driving force behind an increasingly integrated EEC, notably
                                with the entry of the United Kingdom in 1973 and the establishment of the
                                European Monetary System (EMS) in 1979, at the initiative of President
                                Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and his German counterpart Helmut Schmidt.

TØ Fråñçë
            Subsequently, it was another Frenchman, Jacques Delors, who was to be the architect of the
            European Union as we know it today when he headed the Commission from 1985 to 1995.
            Under his presidency, the Single European Act, the euro and the Maastricht Treaty were
            successfully implemented. All of these achievements were not the result of a random calendar
            of reforms, but rather of France's assertive commitment to greater European integration,
            embodied by Jacques Delors, at a time when the European project was floundering (slowed
            enlargement, criticism of its operating, the United Kingdom's blockage of the institutions,
            etc.). However, in 2005 the French people said no to the Treaty establishing a Constitution for
            Europe (TECE), despite the fact that it had been set in motion by France.

            Last time France held the Presidency of the Council of the European Union was in 2008, a role
            that the country will occupy again 14 years later with ambitions that symbolise the role of
            driving force that France likes to embody.
The French touch to the Council Presidency - Arcturus Group
the sublime landscapes                                                                  The ideal palace
                                                                                        of postman
                                                                                        In the Drôme, the postman
                                                                                        Ferdinand Cheval built a palace
                                                                                        over a period of 33 years with the
                                                                                        stones he collected during his

                                                        Decorated with paintings and

               The Gorges                              engravings dating back 19,000
                                                         years, the Lascaux cave was
                                                            discovered in 1940 in the

                du Verdon

               In the south of France, carved out
                  by a river, this canyon stretches
                  for over 100 km: it is the largest
                                     one in Europe.
                                                                                        The Château
                                                                                        In Indre-et-Loire, Charles Perrault
                                                                                        is said to have been inspired by
                                                                                        the Château d'Ussé to write one
                                                                                        of his most famous tales:
                                                                                        Sleeping Beauty.

Unusual                                                                                   The old
                                                                                  The French army is the only
                                                                                   one in Europe that still has
                                                                                   carrier pigeons in its ranks

France                                     French pride
                                           France holds the record for the
                                           number of Nobel Prize winners
                                           in literature
                                                                                                       One burger
                                                                                                       France is the most profitable
                                                                                                       country for McDonald's after the
                                                                                                       United States

                                           In France, the President of the          The French invented the cinema, the stethoscope,
                                           Republic can, under certain              the tin can, the guillotine, mayonnaise, the pencil,
                                           conditions, authorise you to               the automatic baguette dispenser and the first
                                           marry a dead person                                  autonomous artificial heart.

                                                         French words to use in society
        Traffic                                                                    Bonjour Hello

       half the roundabouts in the world
                                                                    Comment allez-vous? How are you doing?

                                                                    Parlez-vous anglais? Do you speak English?

                                                  Pouvez-vous m’indiquer la Tour Eiffel ? Can you point me to the Eiffel Tower ?
     are located in France and there are
       absolutely no STOP signs in Paris                Je souhaiterais commander un croissant I’d like to order a croissant
The recipe for
Bordeaux Canelés
For 32 canelés

• 1 liter of milk
• 1 pinch of salt
• 6 egg yolks + 2 whole eggs (feel free to use the remaining whites to
  make meringues!)
• 1 tsp. vanilla powder or vanilla extract
• 10cl. rum
                                                                            The French ambitions within the framework of the EUFP are in line with those set out by
                                                                            Emmanuel MACRON in his speech at the Sorbonne on 26 September 2017: the future of
• 300g. plain flour
                                                                            the EU lies in the rebuilding of a sovereign, united and democratic Europe. In this
• 500g. sugar
                                                                            perspective, the French Presidency is placed under the triptych "Recovery, power,
• 60g. butter
• Moulds for canelés
                                                                            The EU Presidency is an opportunity for France to shape a new European model to establish
1. Boil the milk with the vanilla and butter, then leave to cool a little
                                                                            itself as a power in its own right. To this end, Emmanuel Macron will initiate major advances
2. Add the salt to the eggs and beat them
                                                                            in the following major areas: the definition of a European strategic sovereignty, the
3. Mix the sugar and flour together
                                                                            strengthening of the management of the Schengen area, the protection of the values of the
4. Add the sugar and flour thus mixed with the milk and rum to the
                                                                            rule of law, the emergence of a pioneering Europe in the field of climate and digital
beaten eggs
5. Leave the mixture to rest overnight in the fridge
6. Preheat the oven to 270°C
                                                                            Through this six-month presidency, France intends to fulfil the wishes of the grandfather of
7. Pour the cooled and stirred mixture into the moulds
                                                                            European construction, Victor Hugo, by creating a continent capable of competing with the
8. Bake in the oven at 180/200°C (fan assisted) for 1 hour.
                                                                            greatest powers.
9. Enjoy!

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