The food transition for all - A year of action - Carrefour Group
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Offering access for all to healthy, Contents tasty, quality food is the mission that has mobilized our teams A N O B S E R V A T I O N 02 A N A M B I T I O N 04 for the past year. It is incorporated A M O D E L 06 in the specific actions that Carrefour INTERVIEW WITH is undertaking to help more people ALEXANDRE BOMPARD 08 eat better and to radically transform the Group’s practices, in line with A YEAR OF ACTION A YEAR OF ACTION WITH YOU FOR YOU consumer expectations. As part of this pioneering food transition, Carrefour is pushing its with you for you agricultural partners and all food-chain stakeholders to achieve higher standards in terms of quality, Eating better A business model … 42 to live better Shopping the way 14 … that supports our strategy 44 traceability and environmental Everyone working you want Feeling confident 20 to promote better eating 46 protection. The Group is thus 26 Striving every day increasing its involvement in the local about what’s on your plate to achieve food solidarity 48 Receiving a warm welcome and good advice 30 A strategy driven Doing more for the planet 36 by active governance Key financial 50 community and in promoting and CSR figures in 2018 54 regional economic development.
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 An observation Better eating is a societal challenge. For pleasure, for health and also for developing a sustainable production model that +60% 89% of consumers worldwide believe that protects the environment and biodiversity, limits global warming food is as effective as medicine for In France, there has been a 60% increase in maintaining their health.(1) and contributes to local economies. Driven by these three organic farmland in five years. Organic farmland imperatives – health, environmental and social – Carrefour accounted for 6.5% of usable farmland in 2017. is reinventing its model to promote a shared ambition: become Source: L’Agence Bio, 2018. the world leader in the food transition for all. 47% of French people say that they have bought more environmentally- GREENHOUSE friendly products over the past GAS EMISSIONS two years; 44% have bought more products that provide fair compensation ASSOCIATED for producers; and 44% have bought 9.8 billion WITH AGRICULTURE 24% more products that guarantee animal HAVE DOUBLED welfare.(2) IN FIFT Y YEARS, humans to feed in 2050, AND NOW ACCOUNT 29% vs 7.5 billion today. F O R 2 4 % O F T O TA L 38.9% GLOBAL EMISSIONS. of consumers worldwide make an of the world’s adult population is Source: FAO, October 2016. average of more than one online overweight or obese. That’s the highest purchase per week (31% in France, level ever recorded. 41% in Germany, 52% in China).(3) Source: UN, June 2017. Source: Global Nutrition Report, November 2018. x3 Global sales of organic +30% food products 11% tripled in ten years, The global e-commerce market reaching €80 billion for FMCG and SSFP grew 30% in 2015. in 2017 to reach 4.6% of the global total (5.6% in France).(4) O F T H E G L O B A L P O P U L AT I O N , O R 8 1 5 M I L L I O N P E O P L E , D O N O T H A V E E N O U G H T O E A T. (1) Source: Eater’s Digest 2017, Prosumer Report. (2) Source: Ipsos survey, November 2016. (3) Source: PwC, Global Consumer Insights, 2018. Source: UN, 2017. Source: L’Agence Bio, 2017. (4) Source: Kantar Worldpanel, 2018. 02 03
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 An ambition Fully aware of the urgency and scale of the challenges to be addressed, in September 2018 Carrefour Creator of the hypermarket, pioneer of mass launched Act for Food, a global programme of concrete initiatives for “better eating”. The corresponding commitments are adapted to meet the specific needs of each of the Group’s host countries. In France, consumption, leading general retailer of organic products for example, Act for Food is based on 13 key actions. in France… Carrefour remains true to its history and is reinventing itself to offer high-quality food that Ensure Ban is affordable for all, every day, across all of its distribution that fresh produce 100 controversial channels. Food that is healthy, varied and authentic, under the Carrefour Bio brand substances from all is 100% French organic Carrefour food products that protects the environment and is socially responsible. Reduce or completely end the use of chemical pesticides in plant product lines Food End transition the use of antibiotics in Carrefour Quality Lines livestock farming To become the world leader in the food transition for all, Carrefour intends to generate €5 billion End Guarantee Sell in global sales of organic products by 2022 the use of GMOs in Carrefour a selection of fish sourced fruit and vegetables grown and to significantly expand its offering of fresh products and in feeds used using responsible fishing from farmers’ seeds to promote and own-brand products with high taste, quality for livestock methods and aquaculture biodiversity and environmental standards. Double Deploy the number of products blockchain technology in the vegetarian for traceability across all Affordable range in 2019 Carrefour Quality Lines prices True to its commitment on purchasing Help 500 farmers switch to organic methods power, Carrefour is taking action on the prices of its products to ensure An omni-channel that the food transition is accessible to all and offers fair compensation Combat Reduce strategy for producers. food waste packaging €5 BILLION IN SALES BY 2022 New technologies have revolutionised the ways End the sale of organic fruit we consume, so Carrefour is investing €2.8 billion and vegetables that are in digital technology over five years to build not in season an omni-channel universe of reference and become the world leader in food e-commerce by 2022. 04 05
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 An open, Public authorities Employees integrated model Since 2018, Carrefour has undertaken a radical transformation of its business model to address emerging consumer issues PRODUCERS and societal expectations. It is an open, integrated model which connects an extensive ecosystem of producers, customers and partners SUPPLIERS to create value for each stakeholder. Technology and strategy partners Ecosystem NGOs and charities Convenience FOR CUSTOMERS: 1 store less than 8 minutes from home on average in France STORES CONSUMERS Openness Shareholders Communities In September 2018, Carrefour set up a Food Advisory Committee made up of recognised experts in eating well, health and sustainable agriculture: Lucie Basch, founder of Too Good To Go Myriam Bouré, co-founder of Open Food France Emmanuel Faber, CEO of Danone Jean Imbert, environmentally-responsible chef François Mandin, Vendée-based farmer committed to methods that preserve soil Caroline Robert, head of dermatology Creating shared value LOCAL PRODUCTION: at the Gustave Roussy Cancer Centre 90% Nearly 28,000 Carrefour Quality Lines Maxime de Rostolan, founder of Fermes d’Avenir partner producers worldwide and Blue Bees of employees are on permanent contracts €6.2 €523 €2.8 b illion invested in the Group’s digital and omni-channel transformation between 2018 and 2022. billion in payroll and social security contributions million in dividends paid out in cash or stock to shareholders 06 07
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 exchange rates to €85 billion. Our recurring encompass nearly 28,000 farmers all over operating income increased by 4.6% to the world through multi-year partnerships €1.9 billion and our free cash flow was up 15%. that incorporate rigorous criteria for quality, Carrefour took some decisive steps in its freshness, and environmental and social initiatives in favour of the food transition responsibility, based on contracts which also for all and omni-channel retailing. The reason guarantee a sustainable income to farmers. we are transforming our model in depth and Bringing together such a large agricultural reinventing the way we do business is to meet community is an extraordinary lever for the deep-seated aspirations of today’s ensuring that healthy, local, affordable food consumers, who are looking not just for healthy, is available everywhere. And we are pushing balanced, authentic food at an affordable price, for even higher quality. We are developing but also food which protects the environment agro-ecology within our supply lines, using and biodiversity, contributes to the local economy blockchain technology to provide transparency and allows farmers to make a decent living. on traceability, and introducing standards more widely. We have often been pioneers in THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL “THE FOOD adopting such standards: on zero deforestation, TRANSITION FOR ALL”. WHAT DOES for example, or animals raised without the use THIS MEAN, IN CONCRETE TERMS? of antibiotics and fed on GMO-free feed, free-range eggs, fish from sustainable fishing, A. B.: First of all, we are the only retail banner the reduction or elimination of pesticides, to have incorporated this goal as a core animal welfare, and so on. We are now element of our model. The food transition helping farmers producing products for for all has allowed us to restore a great sense our lines to switch to organic methods. of ambition to Carrefour, and it is an ambition This is essential if we want to be able to offer that is very much consistent with our history. local and national organic food and as many After all, Carrefour has been at the forefront seasonal products as possible in each country. of these issues since the early 1990s with In France, we have undertaken 210 conversions the introduction of Carrefour Quality Lines, in one year, nearly half of our goal of 500 conversions by 2022. “Our 508 Quality Lines HAVE CUSTOMERS NOTICED now encompass nearly THIS CHANGE? WHAT HAVE BEEN THE RESULTS OF THIS FIRST YEAR OF TRANSFORMATION, OF 28,000 farmers all over A. B.: In addition to some extremely positive “BECAUSE REINVENTING THE CARREFOUR MODEL? A. B.: 2018 was a very busy year during the world. Bringing together such a large agricultural feedback in stores, we have a significant leading indicator: growth in our sales of organic products. Sales rose substantially in 2018 OUR AMBITION which we achieved or exceeded our objectives. This first year was key in terms of implementing our plan. We needed to streamline our business community is an extraordinary lever for to reach €1.8 billion, in line with our target of achieving €5 billion in sales by 2022. Similarly, sales of Carrefour Quality Lines HELPS ALL OF US, model and create an organisation which is simpler, more flexible, responsive and open to partnerships. Much remains to be done, but there is no question ensuring that healthy, local, affordable food products increased by 10%, exceeding €900 million. At the other end of the chain, in all of our stores and in e-commerce, we are IT MOBILISES that we have regained momentum based on expanding and enhancing our selection a widely shared goal: the food transition for all. is available everywhere.” of organic, non-packaged, fresh and locally It’s a challenge that adds a great deal of meaning sourced products. One example of this is Bio ALL OF US.” and enthusiasm to everything we do. So a huge Experience, a true shop-in-shop dedicated “well done” to all of the Carrefour teams who the development of unbranded and private-label entirely to organic products, which has been have, in the space of one year, completed some products, and the sale of organic bread in all of hugely successful and will be launched in most remarkable groundwork. our hypermarkets. As part of the Carrefour 2022 of our hypermarkets. But going beyond these plan and with the launch of the Act for Food figures, I sense that customers support Alexandre Bompard, HOW WOULD YOU ASSESS THE RESULTS global campaign, we wanted to go further. We the direction we have chosen to take. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ACHIEVED IN 2018? have redesigned our stores, our commercial Moreover, in this area and more broadly, Carrefour group offerings and our organisations, and our entire customer satisfaction is now our core objective. A. B.: We saw strong and encouraging results. business is focused on this objective. It is measured on a daily basis, leading to Our gross sales grew by 1.4% at constant Upstream, our 508 Quality Lines now corrective actions being taken in real time. 08 09
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 WHAT IS THE AIM OF THE GLOBAL Drive, home delivery – including one-hour become an attractive, pleasant and practical AS A MAJOR PLAYER IN LOCAL ACT FOR FOOD CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED delivery. In support of these services, destination for our customers, offering ECONOMIES, WHAT FORM IN SEPTEMBER 2018? we are building a state-of-the-art logistics food-service areas and numerous services. DOES CARREFOUR’S ECONOMIC infrastructure to guarantee our customers CONTRIBUTION TO THE REGIONS TAKE? A. B.: In each of our host countries, Act for maximum choice, responsiveness and WHAT ARE THE OTHER COMPONENTS Food makes us accountable to the public efficiency. As a sign of our renewed OF YOUR TRANSFORMATION STRATEGY? A. B.: First, direct jobs, which cannot be moved regarding our specific actions to help people attractiveness, in 2018 Carrefour concluded to another location. Carrefour is France’s biggest eat better and, beyond that, to reduce plastic strategic partnerships with digital giants A. B.: To achieve our ambitions, we must be private employer, with 110,000 employees, packaging and pollution, minimise food waste, including Tencent and Google. They are helping able to rely on a simpler, agile organisation 90% of whom are on permanent contracts. protect biodiversity and so on. Carrefour us to design the digital services of the future, which has removed internal boundaries, In 2018, we hired 11,000 people on permanent champions a global farm-to-table, production- which will simplify, enhance and personalise maintains strict financial discipline and contracts in France. We also take on seasonal to-waste-recovery policy. This is not just “one the customer experience, both in stores and embraces a culture of operational efficiency. workers in our warehouses and stores: this more” campaign, we are talking about specific via e-commerce. Finally, we are rethinking all In 2018, we had to take some decisions which amounted to 37,000 people in 2018. In addition, commitments that we are making and of our branded stores as part of an omni- were difficult but essential for the Group’s each store procures supplies from a growing publicising. It is a tool which has been readily channel approach. By 2022, we will be opening future: 273 former Dia stores are no longer part number of regional suppliers and producers, adopted in all countries to mobilise teams 3,000 convenience stores throughout of the Group, voluntary departure plans were as we develop short supply chains. In 2019, to tackle local issues. There are significant the world, up from the 2,000 initially planned. implemented at head offices, we streamlined for example, we will increase the proportion variations here, between more and less And we are radically transforming our property holdings, we overhauled the way of French fruit and vegetables in our product developed countries, with regard to a healthy, our hypermarkets to more closely match we manage purchasing, inventory and logistics. offering in France from 85% to 95%. That represents responsible diet. the aspirations expressed by our customers. an additional investment of €50 million in regional agriculture. Every year, we spend a total YOU HOPE TO MAKE THIS LEVEL WHAT IS BEHIND “Carrefour has concluded of €1 billion on French agricultural products. OF FOOD QUALITY ACCESSIBLE THIS TRANSFORMATION? strategic partnerships with Finally, at the local level, our stores are involved EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME, AS PART in sustained efforts on food aid and vocational OF AN OMNI-CHANNEL RETAIL A. B.: Carrefour invented the hypermarket, the digital giants. They are integration, in partnership with the Carrefour UNIVERSE. THIS IS THE SECOND PILLAR the concept of “everything under one roof”. helping us to design the Foundation and the Carrefour Solidarity OF YOUR STRATEGY. WHAT HAVE I have no doubt that that concept is still programme. Among other initiatives, in 2018 THE INITIAL RESULTS BEEN? relevant. It’s just no longer the same roof, services of the future, French hypermarkets and supermarkets donated nor the same everything. And we must which will simplify, the equivalent of 93 million meals to more than A. B.: They have been very encouraging. radically change our stores. Globally, we 800 local food charities. Our e-commerce food sales increased by 30% expect to reduce sales areas by 400,000 m2 enhance and personalise in 2018 to €1.2 billion, which is in line with by 2022, compared with an original goal of a the customer experience.” WHAT IS THE ROADMAP our target of €5 billion by 2022. Between 2018 100,000 m2 reduction in France, and to cut our FOR 2019? and 2022, we will be investing €2.8 billion in product assortment by 15% by 2020, primarily digital technology, six times more than in non-food categories. When it comes down A. B.: We will be building on the momentum previously. What is the strategy? Quite simply, to it, our customers want to do their shopping We implemented these measures as part created in 2018, taking our actions further it stems from what consumers want. Today, more quickly and they would like to be able of a sustained dialogue with employees, and accelerating our transformation. So we will they want everything: to be able to place to choose how they shop, with services that which was based on a shared and responsible be continuing to expand our offering of orders via their mobile phone and have them connect stores to the online offering: Drive, assessment of the Group’s situation and all organic, fresh and local products. To give one delivered in an hour for their evening meal, delivery, click & collect. They also expect an of the challenges to be addressed. And we example: from 2019, all of our Carrefour Baby as well as to be able to do all their shopping offering which is easier to understand and have committed to systematically seeking range will switch to organic. Moreover, we’ll be at low prices in store, or pick up their purchases more “efficient”. This is why, on the non-food negotiated agreements with unions on all making wider use of blockchain traceability, using the Drive drive-through service. side, we are streamlining our ranges, plans that have an impact on jobs. We also stepping up our support for farmers, and rolling This is why Carrefour is building the most discontinuing some categories of products implemented a cost-reduction plan and a plan out an omni-channel platform which is complete ecosystem on the market, drawing where we are no longer as relevant as we once for pooling purchases of goods not for resale, increasingly simple, intuitive and personalised. on the considerable asset represented by were. In other categories, we are establishing allowing us to make greater savings on And we will be offering affordable prices its 12,000 stores across all formats. In 2018, partnerships with specialist players, such management costs than expected. through our 10,000 own-brand products we pursued a number of major projects. as Fnac-Darty, with whom we are trialling Consequently, we have revised our savings and an attractive loyalty programme integrated We rolled out a single e-commerce website household appliance and multimedia shop-in- target from €2 billion to €2.8 billion on an with our mobile payment solution. Eating better per country based on the model shops in our hypermarkets. We are allocating annual basis by 2020. These savings mean food – healthy, fresh, local food with more and created nearly 200 Drive pick-up points, some of the freed-up space in our stores to that we have been able to identify new flavour and less CO2 and packaging, and no including 50 pedestrian locations which expanding organic, fresh, non-packaged and opportunities to invest in our future. We are pesticides or additives – is a concern and desire bring all the benefits of a hypermarket to local product ranges, as well as to dark stores, continuing our efforts to build a sustainable that we all share as consumers and citizens. the city centre. We have significantly expanded which are dedicated to servicing online orders, growth model and we are making strong It is what drives Carrefour’s teams on a daily the convenience services that are an integral and to outlets (spaces for inventory clearance choices which benefit the consumer and help basis. Because our ambition helps all of us, part of e-commerce: click & collect, and bargains). Finally, stores must once again us to become more competitive. it mobilises all of us. 10 11
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 Eating better THE PRODUCER to live better “Carrefour is providing valuable support as we switch 42 hectares of orchards to organic agriculture, to produce Corsican clementines and pomelos with dual OA and PGI(1) certification. Today’s consumers expect to eat a healthier diet, Supplementing the 30 hectares we previously Our action plan with more fresh, local and responsibly-produced foods. converted, these new plots require nhance our range E substantial investment. We are exceeding They want tastier foods that are better for their health, of fresh foods the requirements for organic certification safeguard the environment and ensure fair compensation xpand our selection E by introducing agroecological practices, of organic products for producers. With more than 12,000 stores such as protecting plants and animals I ncrease our range of local within the orchards and installing smart in 30 countries and more than 360,000 employees, and regional products sensors to improve water management. Carrefour has a key role to play in the success of this evelop our vegetarian D By pledging to purchase specific volumes product selection large-scale food transition. A trailblazer in bringing of our citrus fruits at a fixed price for elp farmers to switch over H three years, as of year two, Carrefour is organic foods to retail stores, the Group has created to organic methods giving us the visibility we need to pursue 508 Carrefour Quality Lines since 1992, bringing oll out the use R this investment and conversion with of agroecological practices together nearly 28,000 farmers in long-term confidence. Yet the company didn’t to our Quality Lines demand that we supply them exclusively; partnerships based on criteria for local sourcing, Promote farmers’ seed systems they left us free to pursue other markets. sustainable farming and environmental conservation. Ensure animal welfare It’s a balanced, respectful partnership.” As part of its transformation plan, Carrefour has raised I ntroduce full traceability for own-brand products its standards still further, pledging that its Quality Lines will pursue an agroecological strategy with total traceability via blockchain, while supporting several hundred farmers to switch to organic methods. The Group is also reinventing its food Our objective offering to provide the widest variety of organic products, fresh food, locally produced foods and €5 billion in organic food sales labelled products, through an omni-channel platform by 2022 which simplifies everyday shopping. From the farm Mathieu Donati to the table, in stores and online, our teams strive Director of Agrucorse, to ensure that good food is available everywhere, a producers’ for every budget. organisation made up of 37 Corsican AN OVERVIEW OF ORGANICS, citrus fruit producers FROM FARM TO TABLE (clementines, (1) Organic Agriculture and Protected Geographical Indication. pomelos, kiwis) 14 15
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 THE NGO THE MANAGER “Aware of “In France, organic the environmental agricultural production and public health risks covers two thirds of the posed by industrial agriculture, people nation’s consumption, today are ready for a true agricultural and many supply channels are finding and food transition. To protect the it difficult to meet demand. If we want environment and maintain biodiversity, to achieve our target of €5 billion in production methods must change if we organic food sales by 2022, while giving want the French agricultural industry priority to local and domestic organic to produce food in a way that is healthy products in each country, we need to for our ecosystem and for consumers. provide tremendous support upstream That’s the basis for the partnership to convert farmers to organic production. between WWF France, LSDH, APLBC Bio, That’s the goal of the plan we launched in Carrefour and its Foundation. It represents Belgium, France, Spain and Italy, and will the first time that a partnership of this soon roll out in Brazil. In France, Carrefour magnitude – bringing together an NGO, is committed to supporting the conversion a producer organisation, an SME and and organic certification of 500 farmers by a retailer – has been established in 2022, guaranteeing them a specific sales France to support farmers who want volume at a set price over several years. to switch to organic agriculture.” We have already achieved nearly half of our goal, by starting the conversion of Lucie Smith 210 producers. Downstream, we have Corporate Engagement significantly expanded our product offering. Officer, WWF France In hypermarkets and Carrefour Markets, we are introducing Bio Experience, a large area devoted entirely to organic products. We will also be opening several dozen THE CUSTOMER Carrefour Bio stores – with a completely “I often buy fresh produce revamped concept – and accelerating our growth in the specialised online retail and organic groceries at business through our Greenweez the Carrefour hypermarket subsidiary, the leading European company in the market.” in Assago, near Milan, where I find the widest selection of products from both local producers and major national brands. Benoît Soury Organic Market Manager, I was initially attracted by the colours, the abundance Carrefour group and the presentation in the stalls – I like to set aside my grocery list and discover new products. I also like the clear, accurate labelling and digital displays that let me check the ingredients, origin, nutritional value and environmental impact of the products. Because I have children, I pay careful attention to what we eat. I’m mindful of Carrefour’s efforts to maintain reasonable prices on its organic brands, while explaining how this price compensates the farmers. That’s what I consider most important: selecting organic products while making informed choices.” Igor Ziccardi Customer at the Carrefour hypermarket in Assago, Italy 16 17
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 THE STORE MANAGER “In November 2018, we opened a Bio Experience area at A commitment to eating better our hypermarket in Mérignac. also means: It’s a true store within a store, offering a wonderful array €1.8 billion of organic products in a 500 m2 space, with three times Carrefour’s organic food sales in 2018. more non-packaged grocery products, far more seasonal fruits and vegetables, locally-produced products, an expansive fresh foods department with a wide selection and a space for special events. I recruited a dietician/nutritionist who is available to advise customers during peak business hours. In three months, our sales of organic products rose 35%, and our ROMANIA SPAIN FRANCE non-packaged organic sales grew nine-fold. In addition Setting up high-quality Expanding agroecology Banning the use of all +10.1% to our usual customers buying more organic foods, supply channels controversial substances increase in worldwide we’re attracting new consumers, who are very well Carrefour founded Carrefour Spain created in our products sales of 508 Carrefour the Vărăşti farming a Quality Line for In 2018, Carrefour Quality Lines in 2018. informed in this area. The Bio Experience area also brings cooperative, which is made agroecological oranges eliminated 100 food a lot of life to the store. We offer tastings, presentations up of 100 local farming that are grown without additives from its by local producers, tours and school workshops, synthetic pesticides families and delivers more own-brand products. plus organic cooking classes presented by Urban Chef, than 5,000 tonnes and preserve biodiversity. The Group has which are always full. It’s truly gratifying for the store’s of vegetables each year In total, Carrefour implemented the same team, both as employees and as community members to Carrefour’s hypermarkets has launched nine policy in Belgium, Frédéric Petot and consumers. It’s also a very tangible expression in the country. agroecological Quality Spain and Italy. Director of the Carrefour hypermarket in Mérignac, of our transformation plan. With Bio Experience, we are Lines and is working to expand the policy +30 France fully engaged in the food transition for all.” Bio Experience still further. concepts will be rolled out to hypermarkets in 2019. Jorge Turiel Martínez Customer at Carrefour Bio Calle Velarde, Madrid, Spain TAIWAN ITALY 95% Supporting Making organic foods of fruits and accessible to all vegetables sold in producers Carrefour Taiwan BRAZIL In Italy, Carrefour French stores will be THE CUSTOMER is supporting more than Making dietary products guarantees that the price produced in France. That’s the target from 50 producers to switch and health food difference between 2019 onwards. to organic methods more widely available organic food products and has committed Carrefour is the first and conventional to providing the same retailer in Brazil to offer products will not “This is the best store I know support to 100 producers gluten-free, sugar-free exceed 20%. between now and 2022. in Madrid, in terms of variety, price and lactose-free own-brand product and product presentation. It’s easy to find what ranges, at prices I need, without having to wander the aisles, that are affordable. searching through the departments: everything x2 is organic and within reach. Prices are fairly The first French reasonable and the quality is excellent, compared retailer to launch an to other organic food stores that I’ve tried. That’s own-brand vegetarian product range, especially true for eggs, meat, fruit… There are also Carrefour will double organic personal care and household cleaning its selection of vegan products, but I’m not as familiar with them. That will products in 2019. be my next goal as a consumer.” 18 19
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 Shopping THE CUSTOMER “I frequently go to Le Marché for its wide selection of fresh the way produce and to enjoy a drink and dine at the store, where they grill the fish or meat that I’ve just bought. I’m also a fan of the technology you want that’s been installed in this store. I can scan my items myself using my WeChat app – very popular in China – then pay using facial recognition through the same app. It’s as easy as taking a selfie. I can leave without waiting at the checkout, which saves lots of time and energy.” Zhentong Lin Customer at Carrefour Le Marché, Changning District, By combining its network of more than 12,000 stores Our action plan Shanghai, China with an attractive and intuitive online shopping nhance and streamline E our online product offering experience, Carrefour gives each customer the ability on a single e-commerce to shop when they want, where they want, and how website they want. In the Carrefour universe, customers can xpand our convenience E store formats and integrate place their orders via computer or smartphone, pick up our hypermarkets into an omni-channel platform their shopping from a Drive pick-up point or at a nearby roaden access to Drive, B store, or have them delivered to their home in one hour click & collect and home with the express delivery service. Of course, customers delivery services eploy a cutting-edge D can choose to shop at the store that best meets their current needs, downstairs from their flat or at the nearest logistics infrastructure THE LOGISTICS ork with our technology W partners to build the store SPECIALIST hypermarket. With the new online services available “The order and e-commerce of the future in stores, customers can compare prices and quality, preparation reduce the time they spend waiting at checkout and platform (OPP) try out the new mobile payment solution, Carrefour Pay, along with the Group’s loyalty programme and coupon in Aulnay-sous-Bois initiatives. It all adds up to a revamped shopping experience Our objective currently handles that is always tailored to the needs of the individual. more than 3,000 orders €5 billion each day, in food e-commerce sales by 2022 all placed online by our customers. We serve 40 Drive and hypermarket and supermarket pick-up points. Each day we strive to meet very short delivery lead times for an extensive range of 14,000 products. AN OVERVIEW We work closely with the Group’s e-commerce teams to anticipate demand, OF OMNI-CHANNEL adjust product assortments, optimise flows and measure customer satisfaction. RETAILING: FROM During 2019 we’ll be automating the Aulnay OPP using ‘goods to man’ technology THE SMARTPHONE that automatically sends the products to the order picker, allowing us to double Guillaume Leroy TO THE FRIDGE E-commerce platform manager, productivity and handle 7,000 orders a day.” Carrefour France 20 21
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 THE FACILITATOR “One Carrefour, our e-commerce website, gives customers access “As part of a strategic partnership to the entire Carrefour signed in June 2018, Google and product offering Carrefour opened a Lab, a space – grocery, non-grocery, clothing, dedicated to the development of marketplace – through a single platform. new digital services using artificial It offers delivery and pick-up services, along with a range of features available intelligence. through the customer’s online personal Recently established within the 2,500 m2 Hub located space, including the loyalty programme, near Station F(1), we start from concrete examples shopping lists and customised benefits. to devise solutions that enrich and personalise the One Carrefour makes online shopping omni-channel customer experience, in store or online. even easier and faster for our customers, Our teams complement each other very well. Google giving them instant access to several million provides expertise in cloud technology, artificial products across every product category.” intelligence and voice assistance, while Carrefour brings experience in retail, logistics and an understanding of its customers. Together, we are creating services that can make a real difference to consumers.” (1) Station F, in Paris, is the world’s biggest start-up campus. Candice Malini Industry Manager Retail, Google France Jesús de los Bueis E-commerce technical THE PARTNER development manager, Carrefour Spain THE ORDER PICKER “Each day I receive customer orders on my computer to prepare for drive-through pick-up the next day. I pick out the products at our hypermarket in Evere as if I were a customer, except for the fact that from 6 to 9 in the morning I have the store to myself, and I can find any products missing from the shelves in the backroom. We serve a growing number of customers of all kinds, who are attracted by the time savings and the convenience of the drive-through. Many of them are regular customers. Over time I learn what they want in terms of meat, cheese, fruits and vegetables. If a product is out of stock, I call Martine Jenard them and suggest an alternative. The Drive pick-up Order picker, Carrefour Drive, service may well operate online, but it’s something that Evere, Belgium brings us closer to customers.” 22 23
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 THE DATA “My job is to organise SCIENTIST and mine the huge volume Simplifying daily shopping of data (in-store sales, online also means: +30% shopping, etc.) that Carrefour increase in global food collects each day. e-commerce sales in 2018, or €1.2 billion. First, we want to better understand the online experience of each customer, in order to simplify it to the greatest possible extent. For example, if a customer frequently buys the same items on, we will highlight them during the customer’s next visit, or recommend that the customer create a shopping list. BRAZIL CHINA FRANCE If they order a lot of organic products, we can suggest Sharing great recipes Building the store Making Carrefour’s 190 On e-Mídia, the Brazilian of the future products even more Carrefour Drive pick-up original recipes and personalised offers. That’s an community portal In Shanghai, Carrefour accessible points opened in 2018, important way to build loyalty. The data scientist’s role including 164 in France. acquired in 2018 and its Chinese partner As part of its partnership is to then find the optimal mix of assortments, products, by Carrefour, people can Tencent – which operates with Google, the non-food prices and promotions on a store-by-store basis. We suggest and share recipes, the popular mobile app offering is now available on provide specialised internal teams with algorithms that use then order all WeChat – opened Google Shopping, and sales history to refine that mix. In addition, big data is the necessary ingredients “Le Marché”, an inviting Google Assistant allows also used in the supply chain to anticipate restocking online. The e-Mídia supermarket where users to create a shopping more effectively and optimise our inventories, purchasing website attracts customers can do list in real time, or to add and transport. And in the future, it will detect product 2.4 million unique visitors everything with their the ingredients for a recipe. 470 shortages on store shelves in real time, using cameras each month. smartphone, such as scan Carrefour convenience and connected objects. On a number of issues, their products then pay stores opened Sylvain Marsault we work in partnership with data industry leaders Director, Data Science for them with WeChat worldwide in 2018. and Data Governance, Carrefour France Pay, a payment solution Carrefour increased – Google, Sapient, Tencent – who increase our ability using facial recognition. its store opening to offer our customers customised digital services.” target from 2,000 to 3,000 by 2022. THE MANAGER “In Romania, our Bringo subsidiary has developed a mobile solution that brings the product offering of BELGIUM EUROPE ITALY 28% Testing a 24/7 Drive Offering ever more Providing new of our customers an entire Carrefour hypermarket – more in China use the pick-up point organic products online in-store services than 50,000 products – to the consumer’s Greenweez, Europe’s Scan & Go service: Carrefour has opened In Italy, Carrefour and smartphone, with home delivery in less leading online distributor they scan and pay its first fully automated JoinTag, a geomarketing than 90 minutes. This is especially useful of organic products, for their shopping drive-through pick-up specialist, joined forces for people who come home late from using their smartphone. point near Waterloo. is expanding and to provide hypermarket They no longer need work, and those who can’t easily leave Customers can diversifying its offering and Carrefour Market to wait at the checkout. their homes. Over the course of one year, place orders from with the acquisition customers with a targeted we expanded the service’s geographic 18,000 products listed of Planeta Huerto, offer and promotions coverage from 4 to 13 cities – 23 new cities on a dedicated website, the leading online retailer service. Offers and then collect their items of organic products promotions appear will be added in 2019 – and doubled the next day from a in Spain and Portugal, on their mobile phones the number of orders. We made an interesting secure locker. The service with more than while they shop or when finding: 48% of Bringo users have become 35,000 product listings. is available 24 hours they are in close regular Carrefour customers. Online shopping a day. Carrefour will proximity to a store. 20 and brick-and-mortar stores enhance expand the concept if Atacadão cash & carry one another as part of a platform that’s both testing proves successful. stores opened in Brazil practical and beneficial to consumers.” in 2018. 20 openings are Catalin Samara planned in 2019. Operations Director, Carrefour Romania, and Director of Bringo 24 25
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 Feeling confident “In Poland, we have established 24 Carrefour Quality Lines THE QUALITY MANAGER about what’s – with 7 more to be launched in 2019 – which supply our stores with a wide range of fresh products: fruits and vegetables, cheeses, meats and delicatessen products. Each line brings Polish farmers and processors on your plate who share the same high standards into long-term partnerships, with very rigorous specifications at every level, including on soil quality, sustainable production methods, respect for the environment and biodiversity, animal welfare and traceability. Carrefour provides constant support and shares best practices from its Quality Lines around the world. Each product is subject to quality controls at every step of the way, from the field to the store, and each supply line is regularly Barbara Kowalska Consumers want guarantees. Demand for quality audited by an independent laboratory. As a result, Our action plan Quality and Sustainable Development we can guarantee that all our ‘Jakość z Natury Carrefour(1)’ Director, Carrefour Poland and transparency has grown as a result of various food xpand blockchain traceability E products are of the highest quality.” to all Carrefour Quality Lines scandals in recent years. Carrefour has long been I mprove animal welfare attentive to these challenges, launching a comprehensive throughout supply chains quality and traceability process for its 10,000 own-brand by working with NGO partners to support changes in practices products. At Carrefour, all products are inspected ncourage responsible E and tested at every stage of their life cycle, from production and consumption the fields and pastures to the store shelves. All suppliers of seafood THE FARMER xclude GMOs and their E “We’ve been supplying are regularly audited, certified according to the most derivatives from own-brand demanding standards on the market. Reflecting products and from the feed pork to Carrefour Brazil these stringent requirements, labels clearly indicate of livestock used in Carrefour Quality Lines for thirteen years. We were among the first producers to be each product’s origin and composition, its energy part of a Carrefour Quality Line, adhering and nutritional values and its distinguishing benefits to livestock farming and processing (PDO, GMO-free, antibiotic-free). Carrefour goes methods that meet the banner’s highly demanding quality and environmental even further by applying total traceability, using blockchain protection specifications. When Carrefour Our objective technology to its Quality Lines, which involve nearly suggested that we set up a complete 28,000 agricultural producers worldwide. A QR code 100% blockchain traceability solution – the first of Carrefour Quality Lines in Brazil – we saw an opportunity to printed on the label allows customers to view the product’s promote the actions we’ve taken in terms traceable using blockchain entire history on their smartphone, from production technology by 2022 of quality, ecology, animal welfare and to the store shelves. That includes the farmer’s name, social responsibility. Each week, we enter our livestock farming and production date and location of planting or breeding, agricultural data on the blockchain platform. End techniques used, processing method, etc. With blockchain customers can view that data on their traceability, Carrefour is a step ahead in helping smartphone by scanning the product label. Blockchain offers total transparency, consumers eat well. empowering the consumer and creating a bond of trust along the entire food chain. Olinto Rodrigues That’s especially important in the Brazilian A N O V E R V I E W O F T R A C E A B I L I T Y, de Arruda Junior Itu, State of São Paulo, Brazil market, which has seen a number of health scandals in recent years.” FROM THE FARMER TO STORE S H E LV E S (1) Name of the Carrefour Quality Lines in Poland. 26 27
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 THE PARTNER “In October 2018, Carrefour Feeling confident about what’s became the first European on your plate also means: retailer to join the IBM Food 16 Trust platform, Carrefour Quality Lines currently offer total which unites manufacturers and international mass traceability using market retailers, along with their ecosystems, around blockchain technology the Hyperledger blockchain technology. By giving in 6 countries. everyone in the food chain access to the same unalterable, tamper-proof information, it allows for secure, instantaneous traceability. Initially designed to facilitate withdrawals and recalls, Carrefour also CHINA BRAZIL BELGIUM encouraged us to direct the solution towards the end Guaranteeing Georeferencing Providing better 53,000 consumer. Using a QR code, their customers can access food safety beef farmers information thanks quality audits and more the entire product history, production methods, production In China, Carrefour Carrefour has to Nutri-Score than 3,000 external created its own network an innovative satellite Carrefour applies panels conducted dates and locations and processing. We have already of 37 mini-laboratories, georeferencing system Nutri-Score(1) labelling at Carrefour production implemented total traceability for all Carrefour Quality sites in 2018. which perform to monitor whether its to all of its own-brand Line free-range chicken products in Spain. Our goal is to 260,000 quality tests each Brazilian beef farmers products sold in Belgium, adopt the solution on a broad scale, ensuring maximum year on the food products are complying with strict allowing customers transparency, safety and food quality for consumers.” sold in stores. It’s a environmental and social to check a product’s powerful link in the bond standards. The Group nutritional quality of trust between has banned beef raised at a glance. Carrefour and Chinese consumers. in deforested areas from its shelves. 1,600 customers surveyed each year by an Sandra Calabre independent body Key Client Executive, commissioned by IBM France the Consumer Service Department on how well their requests Haiyi Zhang are processed. Customer at Carrefour Le Marché, Changning District, Shanghai, China THE CUSTOMER “I always want to know FRANCE FRANCE, SPAIN 90% as much as possible Telling you more Installing cameras of production sites for Carrefour brand about what I eat. with Open Food Facts Carrefour has registered in slaughterhouses In France and Spain, Carrefour products are certified by international That it’s good and healthy: that’s what all of its own-brand food has asked all slaughterhouses that organisations matters to me. I often buy Carrefour products on the Open Food supply meat to install cameras (such as International Quality Line products such as Korla pears Facts community platform. onsite, so it can monitor Food Standard). and Panzhiuha mangoes. They offer Simply scan a product the conditions in which animals excellent quality at a reasonable price. with your smartphone to view are slaughtered in real time. At the store, I recently noticed that its Nutri-Score(1), the extent That transparency campaign I could download the entire history to which it was processed is being conducted jointly with (NOVA classification) France’s Œuvre d’assistance of a product to my smartphone by using a QR code: I could see where and how and all its nutritional data. aux bêtes d’abattoir (OABA) and 100% Equalia, a Spanish NGO. of French it was grown, when it was harvested slaughterhouses and transported… For me, that’s a very supplying Carrefour brand useful innovation, giving me total assurance products will be audited about the quality of the foods I eat. (1) Nutri-Score: a logo developed by France’s national public health agency, Santé publique France, which summarises by an independent entity The more I know, the easier it is to make a product’s nutritional quality on a scale of A to E. in 2019. good choices.” 28 29
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 Receiving a warm welcome THE TRAINING DIRECTOR and good advice Carrefour’s more than 360,000 employees are on Our action plan the front line with customers, partners, and stakeholders evelop and expand our D expertise in organic products to help as many people as possible to eat well and uild on our know-how B to realise our shared ambition of becoming the world in nutrition and health leader in the food transition for all. To achieve this, Increase the number of Carrefour schools and training courses Carrefour offers a broad training programme based devoted to fresh foods on developing knowledge and expertise in the key areas nhance our expertise in digital E of food safety and quality, the digital transformation technology, omni-channel retailing and e-commerce and customer relations. At the same time, the company ccelerate the sharing of best A is creating a cooperative network, spanning the entire practices among countries, stores and teams Group and open to its partners, to share its strategic Véronique Mort ttain gender equality A Director of Training, objectives, accelerate innovation, and exchange best in the workplace and earn Carrefour France the GEEIS(1) certification in practices, including those arising out of its global all countries where Carrefour Act for Food programme. Carrefour is also reinforcing has stores its policy of equality and inclusion, realising that having diverse talent within the Group is the best way to understand the diversity of its customers and their expectations. “We have developed a special Finally, the Act for Change programme, to support e-learning course on organic Our objective employees through the Group’s transformation, was Train products for Carrefour launched in early 2019. 100% France’s 110,000 employees. of our employees in the key areas Made up of 10 modules, the online course has 2 aims: of the food transition for all to enhance our knowledge of organic agriculture and to learn in detail about the Group’s strategy and initiatives to promote delicious, organic, local food that (1) Gender Equality European and International Standard. is widely affordable, everywhere, every day. The course AN OVERVIEW alternates among different modes of teaching, including videos, informational summaries, and self-assessment OF ACT FOR FOOD, tests, to help participants acquire knowledge. With e-learning, we can provide a basic level of training on a broad scale. FROM OUR OFFICES We are also implementing specialised courses that meet the specific needs of both the various business functions TO OUR STORES and our ambitious goals for growth in organics.” 30 31
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 THE MANAGER “In September 2018, the ‘Act for Food THE COMMUNICATOR On Tour’ bus parked in front of our Carugate hypermarket. On the bus, a team of trainers gave the store’s employees a closer look at Carrefour’s worldwide Act for Food “The store teams are the first programme, which had been launched several days previously. A series of Carrefour ambassadors our activities, including workshops, serious customers meet and the games and videos, gave us an in-depth understanding of Act for Food, which primary representatives of includes concrete commitments our Act for Food programme. to promote healthy eating and the food That’s why, in September 2018, we organised a special Michele Masetti transition for all, and allowed us to event at the Sala Palatului(1) in Bucharest for the Director of the Carrefour discuss the first initiatives being rolled out 4,000 employees of our Romanian stores. After a private hypermarket in Carugate, Italy in stores. It was a unique, fun, and effective concert by Andra, a very popular singer here, we shared way for us to learn about the programme, the meaning behind Act for Food and its concrete and it put the whole team in the right implications. In particular, we discussed the importance mindset for the launch.” of going beyond food products with our customers by explaining the history and methods of the farmers we support, as well as sharing culinary traditions, recipes and tips for eating healthy, fresh, local, homemade food. THE TALENT At the end of the day, the teams had the basic information DISCOVERER they needed to apply Act for Food in the field based on our four pillars: organic, own brands, Carrefour Quality “In 2018, we signed Lines, and the partnership with farmer co-op Vărăşti. Employees were also able to learn about Act for Food a partnership with from a global perspective, as it relates to everything CEU San Pablo from reducing food waste to promoting animal welfare.” University in Madrid. (1) A well-known concert and conference venue in Bucharest. As part of the partnership, we worked with Professor Varela, a noted Spanish nutritionist, to develop a training curriculum for all Carrefour Spain food buyers and managers. The programme covers every aspect of nutrition and eating well, including the components of a healthy diet, AECOSAN(1) recommendations, and food preservation processes. It helps our buyers hone their expertise and increases our ability to become the leader and gold standard in the food transition for all.” (1) Spanish agency for consumer affairs, food safety Claudia Rusu and nutrition. Catalogues & Communications Manager, Carrefour Romania Gloria Cuadrado Director of Talent Management, Carrefour Spain 32 33
THE FOOD TRANSITION FOR ALL CARREFOUR 2018 Providing a warm welcome and guidance also means: THE MOTIVATOR 49.5% of new managers, 61.1% of new directors and 47% of new senior directors were promoted from within the company in 2018. WORLD WORLD FRANCE Rewarding Committing Integrating more innovation to gender equality digital expertise in the workplace Through the international Food Transition Store Carrefour is working As part of a strategic global partnership signed 6.36% Challenge, Carrefour towards Gender with Google in June 2018, The percentage of recognises store Equality European and a thousand Carrefour people with disabilities employees who have International Standard managers and engineers employed in Carrefour France hypermarkets designed and (GEEIS) certification, are receiving and supermarkets. implemented the best which evaluates the Go Transform training Across all countries, initiatives to promote efforts taken to achieve from Google in the fields Marta Bobrowska people with disabilities Manager, Digitalents mentor, healthy, affordable food gender equality in the of digital services accounted for 3.4% of Learning & Development, for everyone. workplace. Carrefour has and e-commerce. Carrefour’s workforce Carrefour Poland earned the certification in 2018, with a target at Group level and of 4% by 2025. in seven countries “A volunteer ‘digitalent’ (Argentina, Brazil, Spain, China, France, Italy and has been appointed in each Romania). Objective: 100% of countries of our Polish stores. certified by 2020. Employees of the store can go to this person for help 2,000 on anything related to the digital transformation employees will be (Scan & Go service, G Suite collaborative tools, identified and recognised e-couponing, etc.). All 240 of the digitalents currently as “superheroes” of the working in Carrefour Poland’s supermarkets and ARGENTINA CHINA food transition in stores by 2020. hypermarkets receive special training. They are Training tomorrow’s Excelling in fresh foods supported by a mentor and organised into taskforces leaders In 2018, the Carrefour on a collaborative platform to accelerate the sharing In 2018, more than China Fresh School of ideas, knowledge, and practices. They play a very 120 employees entered trained more than active role in the digital transformation of the stores the store manager 1,100 employees in fresh training school created food-related professions, and in the design and roll-out of new tools and new services to meet the needs expressed by our customers. by Carrefour Argentina building the Group’s 3.7 to encourage internal POLAND capacity to offer safe, million hours of training They have already become a top-notch force for promotion and provide healthy products every were delivered in 2018. Enhancing implementing our digital transformation in keeping the next generation our customer culture day in China. with the expectations of Polish consumers.” of managers with In 2019, Carrefour will the keys to the food train 13,000 employees transition for all. and 2,500 managers in Poland in innovative, customer-centric retailing as part of the LEON 9,700 employees received programme. training on the organic or fresh foods market in 2018. 34 35
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