The Finance Committee - Deutscher Bundestag

The Finance Committee - Deutscher Bundestag
The Finance Committee
The Finance Committee - Deutscher Bundestag
The Finance Committee - Deutscher Bundestag
“The Finance Committee deals with
  the tax system and seeks to ensure
  a fair balance between government
  revenues and the tax burden on
  the public. It therefore has a major
 influence on our country’s eco-
  nomic power. In the current elec-
  toral term, the taxation of digital
  business models is an important
 issue. In addition, the further
  development of European financial
  markets regulation is at the centre
  of the Committee’s work. The
  aim is to achieve stable financial
  markets which enable people to
  accumulate wealth, which supply
  businesses with the capital they
  require, and which facilitate
                    Bettina Stark-Watzinger, FDP
                    of the Finance ­Committee

The Finance Committee - Deutscher Bundestag
The German Bundestag’s
                decisions are prepared by its
                committees, which are estab-
                lished at the start of each elec-
                toral term. Four of them are
                stipulated by the Basic Law,
                the German constitution: the
                Committee on Foreign Affairs,
                the Defence Committee, the
                Committee on the Affairs of
                the European Union and the
                Petitions Committee. The
                Budget Committee and the
                Committee for the Rules of
                Procedure are also required
                by law. The spheres of respon-
                sibility of the committees
                essentially reflect the Federal
                Government’s distribution of
                ministerial portfolios. This
                enables Parliament to scruti-
                nise the government’s work

The Bundestag committees
The Finance Committee - Deutscher Bundestag
The German Bundestag sets
political priorities of its own
by establishing additional
committees for specific sub-
jects, such as sport, cultural
affairs or tourism. In addition,
special bodies such as parlia-
mentary advisory councils,         The committees discuss and
committees of inquiry or           deliberate on items referred
study commissions can also         to them by the plenary. They
be established. The commit-        also have the right to take up
tees are composed of mem-          issues on their own initiative,
bers of all the parliamentary      allowing them to set priorities
groups, reflecting the balance     in the parliamentary debate.
of these groups in the German      When necessary, they draw
Bundestag. The distribution        on external expertise – usu-
of the chairs and deputy           ally by holding public hear-
chairs among the parliamen-        ings. At the end of a commit-
tary groups also reflects their    tee’s deliberations, a majority
relative strengths in the ple-     of its members adopt a recom-
nary. In the current electoral     mendation for a decision and
term, the committees have          a report, which serve as the
between nine and 49 mem-           basis for the plenary’s deci-
bers.                              sion.

The Finance Committee - Deutscher Bundestag
Whenever money matters are
                at stake, the Finance Com­
                mittee has an important role
                to play. With 41 members, it
                is one of the “heavyweights”
                among the Bundestag’s com-
                mittees. Chaired by ­Bettina
                Stark-Watzinger (FDP), it is
                the lead committee for all
                items connected with tax pol-
                icy, the money and capital
                markets, customs, and other
                financial policy issues. With
                the exception of budgetary
                policy, the Finance Commit-
                tee therefore oversees all
                developments within the
                jurisdiction of the Federal
                Ministry of Finance.
                Bills, motions, reports, reso­
                lutions and numerous items
                from the European Union pile
                up in the Committee members’
                in-trays. Their work may
                sound dry, but all human life
                is there. Again and again, they
                discuss tax cuts that will
                reduce the burden on citizens
                and businesses, and the tax
                revenues that enable the state

The Finance Committee
are made frequently inspire
                                   new draft legislation, which is
                                   ultimately scrutinised by the
                                   Finance Committee. The Com-
to meet its obligations. Inter-    mittee’s deliberations are usu-
national taxation issues, such     ally preceded by long public
as the fight against base ero-     debates. However, the serious
sion and profit shifting, are      business really starts when a
receiving growing attention        piece of draft legislation is
from the Committee in the era      issued as a printed paper and
of an ever more global econ-       delivered to the Finance Com-
omy and the digital revo­          mittee. Bills hardly ever leave
lution. At the same time, the      the Committee unamended.
renewal of the financial mar-      Experts in financial policy
ket architecture launched          from all the parliamentary
after the 2008 financial crisis    groups weigh up the pros and
remains on the Committee’s         cons of each initiative in their
agenda. The continuing devel-      party working groups and
opment of the European bank-       then in the full Committee.
ing union is a key element         Finally, the Committee
in this. Likewise, rules to        informs the plenary about the
improve investor and con-          results of its deliberations in
sumer protection in financial      the form of a report and rec-
services and to promote the        ommendation for a decision
further integration of capital     on the bill, which serves as
markets are being initiated at     the basis for the vote in the
EU level. The suggestions that     plenary.

14   ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CDU/CSU
 9   ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ SPD
 5   ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ AfD
 5   ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FDP
 4   ■ ■ ■ ■ The Left Party
 4   ■ ■ ■ ■ Alliance 90/The Greens
Number of members: 41
Chairwoman: Bettina Stark-Watzinger, FDP
Deputy Chairman: Albrecht Glaser, AfD

The tax revenue forecasts
                                   issued by the Federal Govern-
                                    ment appear regularly on the
                                    Finance Committee’s sched-
                                   ule as well. Twice a year, the
The Finance Committee’s             Federal Ministry of Finance’s
 agenda also features many         Working Party on Tax Reve-
items on which it is asked for      nue Forecasting publishes
its opinion. When the special-     important data about pro-
ised committees that deal           jected future tax revenues.
with environmental, transport      This is part of the parliamen-
 or agricultural policy are         tary oversight of financial
­discussing biofuels, aviation     ­policy, which also includes
fuel or agricultural diesel,        the briefings the Committee
for instance, the Bundestag’s       receives from the Federal
financial policy specialists are    Ministry of Finance about
 also called upon to consider       the meetings of the ECOFIN
the tax aspects of the items in     Council, where the EU Mem-
 question. In these cases, the      ber States’ economic affairs
Finance Committee delivers          and finance ministers take
its recommendations to the         far-reaching decisions on
lead committee for each item.       behalf of all EU countries.

The Committee’s members
study documentation inten-        Banking regulation, measures
sively before deliberating on     to prevent the transfer of
an item. Above all, however,      profits abroad, action against
the members of the Commit-        money laundering, and
tee are given opportunities to    Cameroon – the Committee’s
make up their own minds at        work in practice
consultations and public hear-
ings with experts. The experts    The creation of a European
invited by the Committee are      banking union may have little
nominated by the parliamen-       in common with a bill inten­
tary groups, and tend to be       ded to regulate the exchange
academics, representatives        of information in tax matters
of interest groups, and trade     with Cameroon. Yet both sub-
unionists. They comment on        jects have appeared on the
the subjects of the hearings      Finance Committee’s agenda.
and help to ensure that the       They show the diversity of the
consequences a piece of legis-    topics considered by the Com-
lation will have for all groups   mittee. At one meeting, it may
in society are made quite         find itself looking at the infor-
explicit. The Finance Com-        mation which financial ser-
mittee held 47 public hear-       vice providers are required to
ings and consultations in the     disclose to their customers or
last electoral term alone, and    action to tackle money laun-
is continuing to hold public      dering, while at the next it
hearings on draft legislation     discusses the VAT system or
in the current electoral term.    the design of inheritance tax.

The OECD’s Action Plan on
                                  Base Erosion and Profit Shift-
                                  ing is giving rise, in several
                                  steps, to European directives
                                  and regulations, and the
                                  Finance Committee engages in
                                  intensive discussions on their
                                  implementation in German
The Finance Committee delib-      With regard to the regulation
erates on important and often     of the financial markets, the
lengthy regulations and           Committee discusses items
motions on tax law. These         intended to enhance trans­
include the “Annual Tax Act”      parency and consumer pro­
bringing together the tax         tection, such as the Act to
adjustments necessary for         Ensure Stable and Fair Benefit
each new tax year, or the vari-   Payments for Life Insurance
ous information exchange          Policyholders, the Act Imple-
agreements and double taxa-       menting the EU Deposit Guar-
tion agreements with other        antee Schemes Directive or
countries. Bills and motions      the Retail Investor Protection
to amend the VAT Act, the         Act. The Committee also deals
Corporation Tax Act or the        with various bills and motions
Income Tax Act feature on the     containing important meas-
Committee’s agenda, as do         ures to stabilise the financial
more specific tax regulations     sector and to prevent future
such as the taxation of sports    financial crises, or to at least
betting or changes to the         ensure that such crises do not
Insurance Tax Act or the          weigh on the public purse.
Motor Vehicle Tax Act.            Prominent examples of such

The items on financial market
                                   regulation, but also motions
                                     and bills relating to tax law
                                     and other areas such as action
                                     against money laundering,
measures include the Act             show that in the field of finan-
Adapting National Bank Reso-         cial policy there is a growing
lution Law to the Single Reso-     interdependence between
lution Mechanism and the           national legislation in the
European Bank Levy Provi-           ­German Bundestag and EU
 sions (Resolution Mechanism       legislation. Many of the bills
Act) or the Act Implementing         considered by the Finance
the EU Directive Establishing        Committee deal with the
 a Framework for the Recovery      implementation of EU direc-
 and Resolution of Credit Insti-   tives or regulations. The
tutions and Investment Firms       ­members of the Finance Com­
(BRRD Implementation Act).          mittee therefore hold very
In the current electoral term,     detailed discussions on indi-
the Finance Committee is           vidual EU legislative projects
once again deliberating on           concerning financial policy,
motions and bills which aim        in order to scrutinise the main
to put in place additional         lines of European policy in
­elements of a resilient and       this area and to help shape it,
 consumer-friendly financial       where appropriate, by provid-
 system.                           ing input of their own.

Bettina                  Albrecht Glaser, AfD
Stark-Watzinger, FDP     Deputy Chairman
Chairwoman               Lawyer, former city
Economist,               treasurer,
b. 12 May 1968           b. 8 Jan. 1942
in Frankfurt am Main;    in Worms;
married; two children.   married; four children.
Bundestag Member         Bundestag Member
since 2017               since 2017

Committee members
The 41 members of the Finance Committee

Sebastian Brehm,        Dr Carsten Brodesser,
CDU/CSU                 CDU/CSU                 Uwe Feiler, CDU/CSU
Tax adviser,            Economist,              Financial admini­strator,
b. 18 Oct. 1971         b. 5 Sep. 1967          b. 2 Nov. 1965
in Nuremberg;           in Lindlar; married;    in Winsen (Luhe);
two children.           three children.         married; three children.
Bundestag Member        Bundestag Member        Bundestag Member
since 2017              since 2017              since 2013

Fritz Güntzler,
CDU/CSU                 Olav Gutting,           Matthias Hauer,
Auditor, tax adviser,   CDU/CSU                 CDU/CSU
b. 6 May 1966           Lawyer,                 Lawyer,
in Cuxhaven;            b. 14 Oct. 1970         b. 18 Dec. 1977
married;                in Karlsruhe;           in Hattingen;
two children.           married; one child.     unmarried.
Bundestag Member        Bundestag Member        Bundestag Member
since 2013              since 2002              since 2013

Dr h.c. Hans
Dr Thomas                   CDU/CSU spokesman
de Maizière,                on the Committee       Sepp Müller,
CDU/CSU                     Entrepreneur,          CDU/CSU
Lawyer, former Federal      former mayor,          Bank business
Minister of the Interior,   b. 3 May 1949          ­administrator,
b. 21 Jan. 1954             in Gemünden am Main;   b. 22 Jan. 1989 in
in Bonn; married;           married;               Lutherstadt Wittenberg;
three children.             three children.        unmarried; one child.
Bundestag Member            Bundestag Member       Bundestag Member
since 2009                  since 1994              since 2017

                                                   Freiherr von Stetten,
Alexander Radwan,           Johannes Steiniger,    CDU/CSU
CDU/CSU                     CDU/CSU                Business administrator,
Lawyer, engineer,           Academic secondary     entrepreneur,
b. 30 Aug. 1964             school teacher,        b. 24 July 1970
in Munich;                  b. 18 June 1987        in Stuttgart;
unmarried.                  in Bad Dürkheim.       married; one child.
Bundestag Member            Bundestag Member       Bundestag Member
since 2013                  since 2013             since 2002

Antje Tillmann,
Dr Hermann-Josef          CDU/CSU spokes­          Ingrid Arndt-Brauer,
Tebroke,                  woman on financial       SPD
CDU/CSU                   policy                   Business administrator,
Business administrator,   Tax adviser,             sociologist,
b. 19 Jan. 1964           b. 28 Aug. 1964          b. 20 Mar. 1961
in Rhede, Westphalia;     in Düsseldorf;           in Marburg;
married; four children.   divorced; one child.     married; four children.
Bundestag Member          Bundestag Member         Bundestag Member
since 2017                since 2002               since 1999

Lothar Binding,
SPD spokesman
on the Committee,
SPD spokesman
on financial policy
Electrical power          Bernhard Daldrup,        Dr Wiebke Esdar,
engineer,                 SPD                      SPD
mathematician,            Executive,               Psychologist,
b. 1 Apr. 1950            b. 1 June 1956           b. 11 Feb. 1984
in Sandershausen;         in Sendenhorst;          in Bielefeld;
married; two children.    married; two children.   unmarried.
Bundestag Member          Bundestag Member         Bundestag Member
since 1998                since 2013               since 2017

Metin Hakverdi,          Cansel Kiziltepe,           Sarah Ryglewski,
SPD                      SPD                         SPD
Lawyer,                  Economist,                  Political scientist,
b. 25 June 1969          b. 8 Oct. 1975 in Berlin;   b. 31 Jan. 1983
in Hamburg.              two children.               in Cologne.
Bundestag Member         Bundestag Member            Bundestag Member
since 2013               since 2013                  since 2015

                                                     Franziska Gminder,
Michael Schrodi,                                     Business administrator,
SPD                                                  b. 4 Feb. 1945
Academic secondary       Dr Jens Zimmermann,         in Gablonz an der
school teacher,          SPD                         Neiße
b. 3 July 1977           Business administrator,     (now Jablonec nad
in Munich;               b. 9 Sep. 1981              Nisou);
married; two children.   in Groß-Umstadt;            married; three children.
Bundestag Member         Bundestag Member            Bundestag Member
since 2017               since 2013                  since 2017

Kay Gottschalk,
AfD spokesman on the                                  Stefan Keuter,
Committee                  Dr Bruno Hollnagel,        AfD
Business administrator,    AfD                        Bank clerk, business
bank clerk,                Economist,                 administrator,
b. 12 Dec. 1965            b. 13 Jan. 1948            b. 19 Aug. 1972
in Hamburg;                in Hamburg;                in Essen;
unmarried.                 married; three children.   divorced.
Bundestag Member           Bundestag Member           Bundestag Member
since 2017                 since 2017                 since 2017

Markus Herbrand,           Katja Hessel,              Frank Schäffler,
FDP                        FDP                        FDP
Financial administrator,   Lawyer, specialist in      Business administrator,
tax adviser,               tax law,                   b. 22 Dec. 1968
b. 24 Feb. 1971            b. 5 May 1972              in Schwäbisch Gmünd;
in Schleiden;              in Nuremberg;              married; two children.
married.                   married.                   Bundestag Member
Bundestag Member           Bundestag Member           from 2005 to 2013 and
since 2017                 since 2017                 since 2017

Fabio De Masi,
Dr Florian Toncar,                                 The Left Party
FDP                                                The Left Party
FDP spokesman                                      spokesman on the
on the Committee,                                  Committee,
FDP spokesman              Jörg Cezanne,           The Left Party
on financial policy        The Left Party          spokesman on
Lawyer,                    Executive,              financial policy
b. 18 Oct. 1979            sociologist,            Economist,
in Hamburg;                b. 8 June 1958          b. 7 Mar. 1980
married; two children.     in Frankfurt am Main;   in Groß-Gerau;
Bundestag Member           divorced; one child.    unmarried; one child.
from 2005 to 2013          Bundestag Member        Bundestag Member
and since 2017             since 2017              since 2017

Michael Leutert,                                   Dr Danyal Bayaz,
The Left Party             Hubertus Zdebel,        Alliance 90/The Greens
Sociologist,               The Left Party          Business adviser,
b. 8 Aug. 1974             Journalist,             b. 15 Oct. 1983
in Schlema;                b. 29 Oct. 1954         in Heidelberg;
married; three children.   in Elten, Emmerich.     unmarried.
Bundestag Member           Bundestag Member        Bundestag Member
since 2005                 since 2013              since 2017

Lisa Paus,
Alliance 90/The Greens
Alliance 90/The Greens
on the Committee,                                 Dr Wolfgang
Alliance 90/The Greens   Stefan Schmidt,          Strengmann-Kuhn,
spokeswoman              Alliance 90/The Greens   Alliance 90/The Greens
on financial policy      Teacher,                 Economist,
Economist,               research assistant,      b. 20 May 1964
b. 19 Sep. 1968          b. 19 May 1981           in Dinslaken;
in Rheine, Westphalia;   in Freystadt;            married; two children.
unmarried; one child.    married; one child.      Bundestag Member
Bundestag Member         Bundestag Member         from 2008 to 2013
since 2009               since 2017               and since 2014

Information online

The Finance Committee

The Federal Ministry of Finance

The Federal Fiscal Court

The Bundesrechnungshof (Supreme Audit Institution)

The Bundesbank

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority

The Federal Central Tax Office

Contact details for the Committee Secretariat

Deutscher Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin
Tel.: + 49 30 227-32468
Fax: + 49 30 227-36844

Published by: German Bundestag, Public Relations Division
Coordination: Robert Schönbrodt
Texts: Georgia Rauer; revised by: Committees Directorate (p. 4 – 5),
Secretariat of the Finance Committee (p. 6 – 21)
Edited by: Katharina Frier-Obad
Translated by: Language Service of the German Bundestag,
in cooperation with Emma Hardie
Design: Marc Mendelson
Bundestag eagle: Created by Professor Ludwig Gies,
revised in 2008 by büro uebele
Photos: p. 2 Deutscher Bundestag (DBT) / ​Linus Lintner Fotografie;
p. 8–9, 10, 11 DBT / ​Julia Nowak; p. 23 DBT / ​studio kohlmeier
Portrait photos: p. 3, 12 Bettina Stark-Watzinger / ​Eva Zocher (Bettina Stark-​
Watzinger); p. 12 Albrecht Glaser / ​Fotostudio Orendt (Albrecht Glaser);
p. 13 Michael Kraus (Sebastian Brehm); DBT / ​Thomas Köhler / ​photothek
(Carsten Brodesser); Laurence Chaperon (Uwe Feiler); Fritz Güntzler / ​Mirko
Phla (Fritz Güntzler); DBT / ​Julia Nowak (Olav Gutting); Matthias Hauer / ​
Jan Kopetzky (Matthias Hauer); p. 14 Thomas de Maizière / ​Jan Kopetzky
(Thomas de Maizière); Hans Michelbach / ​Tobias Koch (Hans Michelbach);
DBT / ​Inga Haar (Sepp Müller); DBT / ​Inga Haar (Alexander Radwan); Tobias
Koch (Johannes Steiniger); CDU Bundesgeschäftsstelle (Christian Freiherr
von Stetten); p. 15 DBT / ​Julia Nowak (Hermann-Josef Tebroke); DBT / ​Julia
Nowak (Antje Tillmann); DBT / ​Thomas Köhler / ​photothek (Ingrid Arndt-
Brauer); DBT /Stella von Saldern (Lothar Binding); DBT / ​Thomas Trutschel / ​
photothek (Bernhard Daldrup); DBT / ​Thomas Trutschel / ​photothek (Wiebke
Esdar) p. 16 SPD Bundestagsfraktion / ​Susie Knoll (Metin Hakverdi); DBT / ​
Thomas Trutschel / ​photothek (Cansel Kiziltepe); SPD Bundestagsfraktion / ​
Susie Knoll (Sarah Ryglewski); SPD Bundestagsfraktion / ​Benno Kraehahn
(Michael Schrodi); Marlene Bleicher (Jens Zimmermann); Franziska Gmin-
der / ​Fotostudio Akzente (Franziska Gminder); p. 17 Kay Gottschalk / ​Sieg-
fried Reffgen (Kay Gott­schalk); DBT / ​Julia Nowak (Bruno Hollnagel); DBT / ​
Julia Nowak (Stefan Keuter); DBT / ​Thomas Trutschel / ​photothek (Markus
Herbrand); Frank Boxler (Katja Hessel); Frank Schäffler / ​Dilek Paul (Frank
Schäffler); p. 18 Ulrich Schepp (Florian Toncar); DBT / ​Inga Haar (Jörg Cezanne);
Die Linke Hamburg / ​Karin Desmarowitz (Fabio De Masi); DBT / ​Inga Haar
(Michael Leutert); Die Linke im Bundestag (Hubertus Zdebel); DBT / ​Julia
Nowak (Danyal Bayaz); p. 19 Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Bundestagsfraktion / ​
Stefan Kaminski (Lisa Paus); DBT / ​­Thomas Köhler / ​photothek (Stefan
Schmidt); René Spalek Photography (Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn)
Graphic: p. 7 Marc Mendelson
Printed by: Druckhaus Waiblingen Remstal-Bote GmbH
As at: January 2019
© Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin
All rights reserved.
This publication has been produced as part of the German Bundestag’s
­public relations activities. It is provided free of charge and is not intended
for sale. It may not be used for election campaign purposes or utilised by
 parties or parliamentary groups in their own public relations activities.
The German Bundestag takes decisions on what are
at times highly complex and controversial bills and
parliamentary initiatives relating to the entire spectrum
of policy fields. The committees play a central role in
parliamentary deliberations. They are the forum where
the Members thrash out compromises and draw on
expert advice before submitting their reports and
recommen­dations for decisions to be voted on by the
Bundestag as a whole.
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