Page created by Edwin Lindsey
            By Teeka Tiwari
   By Teeka Tiwari

                         In my three decades as a Wall              how to make money from it? It’s telling
                         Street executive and hedge                 you to buy bitcoin.
                         fund manager, I’ve learned
                         many lessons.                          •   Morgan Stanley said the “true price” of
                                                                    bitcoin was zero. Now? It became the first
                      One of the most important is                  major bank to offer it directly to wealthy
                      to have the courage to stand                  clients.
   by your convictions…
                                                                •   Then there’s Citigroup. It said bitcoin was
   If you really want to be a successful investor, you              a “complete failure.” Now it’s predicting
   can’t care what other people think. You must rely                bitcoin could reach $318,000 this year.
   on your own judgment. And I’ve done that again,
   and again, and again.                                     The reason I was so confident in my predictions
                                                             was because I understood how bitcoin worked…
   As far back as 2016, I told anyone who was                especially its special “countdown events,” or
   willing to listen that bitcoin would soar well past       halvings.
   a $1 trillion market cap. It’s now around $1.14
   trillion.                                                 If you’ve ever heard me talk about “halvings,” you
                                                             know how lucrative these rare occurrences can be…
   I said we’d see $40,000 bitcoin… and then
   $60,000 bitcoin sooner than most people                   Let me explain it without getting too much into
   realized. It’s since soared above $66,000.                the weeds. You see, there can never be more than
                                                             21 million bitcoins in existence. Their issuance is
   I said the institutions would try to scare retail         strictly regulated by computer code.
   investors out of the crypto market as they flooded
   in. While individual investors were selling               Every 10 minutes, bitcoin “miners” compete to
   bitcoin at the bottom, they were scooping it up           solve a complex mathematical problem using
   at fire-sale prices. I called it the “Great Crypto        computing power. In the first half of 2020,
   Conspiracy.”                                              whoever solved the problem first was awarded
                                                             12.5 bitcoins.
   And again, that’s exactly what happened. The
   same institutions that once jawboned bitcoin              A halving event is when the bitcoin reward
   lower are now on the bitcoin bandwagon.                   gets cut in half. So each halving reduces supply
                                                             coming to the market every four years. The first
       •   JPMorgan once said you’d be “stupid” to           halving occurred in 2012, and the second in 2016.
           buy bitcoin. But now that it’s figured out        The third occurred on May 11, 2020.

When that halving event occurred, the bitcoin            That’s a 1,497% return, enough to turn every
   reward dropped from 12.5 to 6.25 bitcoins. Over          $500 into $7,900. And again, if you had waited
   a year, that dropped the supply of bitcoin coming        to get in until AFTER the supply cut, you would
   to the market.                                           have only made 550%...

   Why is that important?                                   Still, nothing to sneeze at…

   Bitcoin is the gateway to crypto; think of it like       But it illustrates just how important it is to get in
   the reserve currency of the crypto world. So if          before these “countdown events” occur.
   demand stays the same but supply gets cut in
   half, what happens to the price?                         Here’s the thing: When these supply shocks
                                                            happen, it’s not just bitcoin that soars.
   It goes up.
                                                            We’ve also seen multiple altcoins (cryptos other
   And when demand skyrockets, it goes up a lot.            than bitcoin) soar along with it.

   We’ve seen this multiple times with bitcoin’s past       When the 2016 halving occurred, we saw some
   halvings. If you go back to just before the 2016         of the smaller cryptos soar as much as 8,600%,
   halving, bitcoin was trading for $222… Leading           11,600%, and even 50,000%. Just a $500 stake
   up to the supply cut, it soared 203%...                  in each of these would have turned into $43,710,
                                                            $58,990, and $252,470, respectively.
   But after the supply cut hit, over the next year,
   Bitcoin continued to soar all the way up to              It happened again in 2020. After the bitcoin
   $19,497...                                               halving, certain smaller cryptos soared 561%,
                                                            4,289%, and 15,757%.
   If you had invested in bitcoin before the halving,
   at that point you’d be sitting on an 8,645%              Now, the bad news is, bitcoin’s next halving isn’t
   return. That turns every $500 into $43,725.              until 2024. But the good news is, there’s another
                                                            crypto with its own special “countdown event”
   Now, if you had waited until after the Bitcoin           happening soon.
   “countdown date,” you would have only made
   2,862%...                                                And if you position yourself beforehand, the gains
                                                            could potentially be even higher…
   Your $500 investment is now worth only
   $14,813…                                                               The Final Countdown
   Still an amazing return. But you’d have made             As you know, the crypto I’m talking about is
   almost 3x more by getting in before.                     Ethereum (ETH).

   The same story played out with bitcoin’s most            Over the next decade, I believe Ethereum will
   recent halving in 2020. Before the supply cut            count itself among the world’s most valuable
   on May 11, bitcoin traded for around $3,900…             financial assets… partly because of its “Final
   Leading up to the supply cut, it soared 117%...          Countdown.” (More on this below.)

   But after the supply cut hits, over the next             Let me make that more concrete: Ethereum will
   year bitcoin continues to soar all the way up to         likely be more valuable than shares in Facebook,
   $63,300...                                               Amazon, Apple, Google (Alphabet), and Microsoft.

That’s why in April 2021, I predicted ETH would                •   Asset manager VanEck filed to create
   be the next crypto to reach a $1 trillion market cap.              the first Ether-focused ETF in the U.S.
                                                                      Meanwhile, four ETH-focused ETFs are
   As I said at the time, the next stage of                           live in Canada.
   transformational software development will
   happen on the blockchain… not the traditional                  •   A recent JPMorgan report concluded
   internet. And Ethereum is the world’s most                         that the Ethereum upgrade could spur
   widely used blockchain development platform.                       the adoption of “staking”… and cause
                                                                      staking rewards to balloon to $20 billion
   Just like Microsoft was the world’s most popular                   in the near term and $40 billion by 2025.
   PC development platform in the 1990s… And                          (Staking is one method of earning income
   Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS are the most                      on certain cryptos.)
   popular mobile app development platforms
   today… Ethereum is – and will continue to be –              This increased demand is showing up in
   the go-to platform for blockchain projects.                 Ethereum’s native token, ether. The number
                                                               of daily transactions on the network recently
   Over the longer term, I think we could see ETH              reached a record high of 1.7 million.
   reach $25,000 per token. But that might be
   several years away. So while I don’t expect that            And as more users compete to use the network,
   anytime soon, I believe we will see Ethereum                fees spent on these transactions also reached a
   reach a $1 trillion market cap soon.                        record high of $70 million per day.

   Why? For one thing, demand for ETH is                       Here’s the thing…
                                                               All this demand is coming at a time when we’re
   Ethereum hosts over 2,500 applications – the                about to see a major reduction in the incoming
   most of any blockchain. And roughly 2,300 active            supply of Ethereum, thanks to what I’m calling
   developers are currently working on the Ethereum            the “Final Countdown.”
   network. The closest competitor has just 400.
                                                               And when demand increases while supply
   The abundance of developers and apps on                     decreases, prices have nowhere to go but up…
   Ethereum has created a network effect that
   attracts even more projects to Ethereum.                    You see, the Final Countdown has to do with
                                                               Ethereum transitioning from a Proof-of-Work
   Any blockchain app built on the Ethereum                    (POW) protocol to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS)
   network can plug into Ethereum’s liquidity…                 protocol. (The official name of this event is the
   lending and borrowing… insurance… and much                  EIP-3675 upgrade.)
   more. Ethereum acts as a vacuum cleaner sucking
   up more and more projects into its ecosystem.               I don’t want to get into the weeds, but here’s a
                                                               brief explanation…
   And we’re seeing demand skyrocket:
                                                               In the PoW model, miners use powerful
       •   ETH loans at crypto lending firm Genesis            computers to secure the network. They solve
           increased 400% from $465 million in                 complex math problems to validate transactions
           Q4 2020 to $2.4 billion in Q1. ETH now              on a block. The first miner who solves the problem
           makes up 27% of the lender’s loan book,             earns the block reward. As I went over at the start
           up from just 15.5% of the loan book in Q4.          of this report, bitcoin is an example of this model.

Meanwhile, PoS miners validate transactions by            And after the Final Countdown, Ethereum will
   staking tokens on a block. The network chooses            become a deflationary currency. So there will be
   the miner who earns the reward based on the               fewer tokens in circulation – making each more
   number of coins they own and other factors.               valuable.

   Since PoS networks don’t rely on warehouses full          To get a sense of how much demand there is to
   of mining equipment, they are less expensive to           use Ethereum, look no further than revenue it
   run. So these networks can issue far fewer tokens         generates from transaction fees.
   to reward miners for securing the network.
                                                             Since the start of 2021, Ethereum generated
   Ethereum is in the process of switching to a              nearly $469 million in revenue from transaction
   PoS model. And when it finally completes this             fees each month. That’s nearly $5.63 billion per
   transition and “merges” its PoW network with its          year annualized.
   PoS model, we’ll see as much as a 97% reduction
   in the amount of new ETH coming to market.                And if we compare this to 2020, when Ethereum
                                                             generated roughly $600 million, you can see the
   When you combine all these factors… that                  demand to use Ethereum has surged over the past
   makes Ethereum a must-own crypto. For more                year, as its usability increases... a 838% growth in
   information on the Final Countdown and when it            transaction revenue, to be exact.
   will go live, see the box on the following page.
                                                             Now, let’s assume in 2022, Ethereum grows at
   Now, I predict Ethereum will become the next              just one tenth of the rate it has so far in 2021.
   $1 trillion network. As I mentioned above, that’s         That would imply nearly $862 million in monthly
   because the next stage of software development            transaction fees, or $10.3 billion annually. To get
   will happen on the blockchain. And Ethereum               a sense of what $10.3 billion in transaction fee
   is the world’s most widely used blockchain                revenue means for Ethereum, we can compare it
   development platform…                                     to the likes of global payment processing giants
                                                             Visa and Mastercard.
   Just like Microsoft was the world’s most popular
   development platform for computers in the                 Today, these two companies trade at an earnings
   1990s… And Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS               multiple of 49. If we apply the same earnings
   are the most popular development platforms for            multiple to Ethereum, it would be valued at
   today’s mobile apps.                                      roughly $507 billion.

   All three companies are worth more than $1                But since Ethereum is on the cutting-edge
   trillion today… that’s not a coincidence.                 of technology with higher growth potential,
                                                             we believe Ethereum will fetch a premium at
   But with traditional internet and mobile app              least three times greater than legacy payment
   technology reaching a saturation point, it’s almost       companies like Visa and Mastercard.
   inevitable that the next boom in application
   development will take place on the blockchain…            That would translate to a market cap of $1.52
                                                             trillion for Ethereum, or $12,888 per token.
   The network that will dominate that future
   is Ethereum. It’s on a pathway to become the              But as you know, the transition to PoS will see
   fastest asset in human history to hit a $1 trillion       a “super halving” – making ETH a deflationary
   valuation… even faster than bitcoin.                      asset.

This is because more tokens will be burned from          You see, roughly 8,000 ETH are burned each day
   transaction fees than tokens being emitted into          from transaction fees today while roughly 12,800
   circulation.                                             ETH are issued to compensate miners.

                             Ethereum: Approaching the “Final Countdown”
      The Ethereum Final Countdown, also referred to as the “Merge” or “Ethereum 2.0,” will be one of
      the most critical and important events in crypto history.

      It’s a major Ethereum network upgrade that will increase transaction speeds by as much as 3,000

      But the biggest and most important element of the upgrade is that it will reduce the new
      Ethereum supply by as much as 97%.

      And when demand is high, and supply goes down… prices have nowhere to go but up.

      The upgrade is expected to rollout in distinct phases. Here are the key dates to be aware of:

                                   December 1, 2020: The Beacon Chain

      The Beacon Chain introduced staking to the Ethereum network, allowing some users to lock up
      their ETH tokens to help secure the network and earn rewards for doing so. At time of writing,
      there’s over $22 billion worth of ETH tokens staked. Eventually, Ethereum’s existing network
      today will “merge” with the Beacon Chain.

                                   August 5, 2021: The London Hard Fork

      The London Hard Fork made some adjustments to Ethereum “gas fees,” or the transaction fees
      for using the network, which are paid in ETH tokens. The key change is that now part of every gas
      fee will be burned (removed from circulation), reducing the supply of ETH tokens.

                                         August 1, 2022: The Merge

      The Merge is when the Ethereum network will officially complete the 2.0 upgrade and switch to
      proof-of-stake. This will allow all users to stake their ETH and earn interest. Plus, it will lead to
      the network issuing fewer ETH tokens into the market. With the Merge tentatively scheduled for
      August 2022, this is the earliest possible date it could happen. Making sure you’re positioned by
      August 1 ensures you’re prepared to benefit once the upgrade completes.

                                   August 2022: Ethereum Difficulty Bomb

      Ethereum’s difficulty bomb will further cut the supply of new ETH coming to market. While
      originally scheduled for December 2021, the deadline was extended to August 2022. That’s great
      news, as it gives us more time to get positioned to capitalize on the further reduction in supply.

But once ETH 2.0 goes live, only about 2,700               huge gains for early investors by plugging into the
   ETH will be issued each day to compensate                  Ethereum ecosystem.
   validators (stakers).
                                                              As I showed you above, bitcoin’s supply
   That means roughly 5,300 ETH will be burned                shocks helped propel it to become the first
   each day assuming all else remains constant.               cryptocurrency to $1 trillion. And that triggered a
                                                              rise in multiple altcoins.
   That means we would see roughly 1.9 million
   ETH burned each year following Ethereum’s                  During bitcoin’s rise, we saw certain coins rise
   switch to PoS. That’s an 8.2% reduction in total           8,600%, 11,600%, and even 50,000%.
   supply by the end of its fifth year.
                                                              I believe Ethereum will have even longer
   That alone would boost each token’s price to               coattails. And it’ll slingshot certain coins to
   $14,038 without moving the needle on its overall           amazing heights... just like bitcoin did.
   market cap.
                                                              So I want you to take a long-term view of these
   That makes it about a 255% gain from current               projects...
                                                              The other two coins I’ve identified in this special
   And that’s a conservative estimate, as the Final           report are tied to the Ethereum network.
   Countdown could cut Ethereum’s new supply
   even further, by as much as 97%. Under a blue-             By hitching their carts to Ethereum, I think they’ll
   sky scenario, we could even see Ethereum reach             deliver gains of as much as 800% or even 19,600%.
   $25,000 in the coming years. That’s a 532% gain.
                                                              These are the perfect kinds of asymmetric bets
   Friends, you still have a chance to get in on              we look for... Where you can take a small starting
   the ground floor of what will become the most              stake and make incredible returns... All on our
   valuable financial asset in the world. Seize this          journey to make life-changing gains without
   opportunity now.                                           taking life-changing risks.

   Action to Take: Buy ether (ETH).                           That’s why it’s so important you use rational
   Buy-­up-­to Price: See the portfolio page here.            position sizing: $200–400 per idea if you’re a
   Stop Loss: None                                            smaller investor, or $500–1,000 if you’re a bigger
   Buy it on: Coinbase, Coinbase Pro, Binance,                investor. Don’t risk more than you’re willing to
   Binance.US, Gemini, or Kraken			                           lose outright.
   Position Size: $200–400 for smaller traders or
   $500–1,000 for larger traders		                              IMPORTANT NOTE: Immediately after
                                                                our buy recommendations, we often see an
   But as much money as you can make with                       initial price spike. We understand this can
   Ethereum, I think you can make an order of                   be frustrating. But don’t worry. This is par
   magnitude more by buying two coins built on top              for the course in the cryptocurrency space.
   of the Ethereum ecosystem.                                   Most of the time, the recommendation falls
                                                                back below our buy-up-to price. Use a limit
   Just like the companies that plugged into the                order. And just be patient and let the price
   internet went on to be worth billions and trillions,         come to you.
   I believe these disruptive projects will deliver

Now, let’s get to them…                                     high fees and the risk of letting Coinbase custody
                                                               your assets.
            Final Countdown Crypto No. 1:
                                                               That’s where DeFi comes in. Under DeFi,
                  Compound (COMP)
                                                               platforms like exchanges are decentralized. They
   As you know, Coinbase – the largest crypto                  allow users to trade cryptos at a fraction of the
   exchange in the U.S. – went public recently. It             cost... and maintain control over their assets.
   ended its first trading day with an $86 billion
                                                               This new realm of finance serves its users better
   market cap.
                                                               by removing the middleman from the equation.
   That makes Coinbase larger than many household              For example, when you purchase stocks from
   names in the financial services industry,                   your broker, they earn a fee. But without having
   including CME Group, Discovery Financial, and               to go through a middleman like a broker, the
   our portfolio holding Intercontinental Exchange             seller keeps more profits for themselves and the
   (ICE), the operator of the NYSE.                            buyer gets a more favorable rate.

   I believe we will look back at Coinbase going               And I believe 2021 is the year the DeFi trend goes
   public as the “Netscape moment” for crypto.                 mainstream.

   Back in the 1990s, Netscape developed a user-               Over the past year, we’ve seen hundreds of DeFi
   friendly web browser called “Netscape Navigator.”           projects come to life that have built an entire
   You didn’t need to know anything about computer             ecosystem of financial products.
   code to use it. And it allowed anyone with a
                                                               These new platforms are set to disrupt the
   modem to surf the internet with ease.
                                                               financial industry we know today as they remove
   After Netscape went public in August 1995,                  intermediaries and barriers to entry, which will
   the internet exploded in popularity. By the                 also lower costs.
   end of 1996, the number of internet users had
                                                               DeFi is set to improve areas like lending,
   skyrocketed to 36 million – an increase of 125%.
                                                               borrowing, trading, insurance, asset
   Five years later, the internet had a half-billion
                                                               management, and much more.
                                                               And as crypto adoption becomes more
   Just as Netscape’s IPO brought the internet to
                                                               mainstream, so too will DeFi as everyday users
   everyday folks’ homes, so too will Coinbase’s
                                                               realize the advantages it has over traditional
   public listing make crypto a household term.
   But Coinbase is just the beginning. The best
                                                               I expect DeFi to evolve into a multitrillion-dollar
   opportunities this year are in a different corner of
                                                               sector. And yet it’s still flying under the radar of
   the crypto market…
                                                               most investors.
   It’s called decentralized finance, or DeFi for short.
                                                               And Compound (COMP) can help us take
   You see, Coinbase is a centralized exchange.                advantage of this trend. It’s a decentralized
   While it makes it easy to buy, sell, and store              money market protocol on the Ethereum
   cryptos, it has its pitfalls. The two largest are its       network.

It’s one of the largest decentralized lending               holders stand to benefit from users looking to
   protocols in the world. In September, it reached            generate income or take out a loan with their
   an all-time high of $13 billion in assets held on           assets.
   the platform. At time of writing, that number is
   roughly $11.9 billion.                                      On the security front, Compound will pay as
                                                               much as $150,000 to anyone who can discover a
   Still, compared to crypto institutions like                 bug or vulnerability that would cause the loss of
   Coinbase and traditional financial firms,                   assets or other harm to users. That incentivizes
   Compound is small enough to deliver incredible              so-called “white hat” hackers to do their best to
   returns if the crypto market takes off again.               find and identify potential problems before actual
                                                               harm can be done to anyone.
   Compound allows users to borrow against their
   assets and/or lend them to earn income. The                 It’s also backed by some of the largest players in
   platform is completely permissionless, meaning              both the crypto and traditional finance worlds,
   anyone in the world regardless of their wealth or           including Andreessen Horowitz, Coinbase, and
   credit score can use it.                                    Bain Capital.

   Compound pools depositors’ assets together –                Most importantly, Compound is integrated with a
   which borrowers can draw from. This evenly                  handful of innovative applications and platforms.
   distributes risk and rewards among depositors               Some of these you might already know, like
   looking to earn interest on idle assets.                    Binance. Others you might not…

   An algorithm on Compound sets interest rates.               For example, Donut allows anyone to link their
   And it automatically adjusts them to reflect                bank account and start earning interest – as
   market demand. For instance, when borrowing                 much as 4–10% – through Compound in a matter
   demand rises, rates increase to attract more                of minutes. No, you don’t get FDIC insurance. But
   lenders. And when borrowing demand drops,                   compared to a savings account at a traditional
   rates decrease to attract more borrowers.                   bank like Wells Fargo (which only pays 0.01%
                                                               interest), Donut’s rate is around 400–1000 times
   Unlike centralized institutions, Compound uses              higher.
   smart contracts to ensure optimal security and
   allow users to retain control over their assets.            Another app called PoolTogether also allows
   A depositor can withdraw their assets from the              users to lend money through Compound but
   lending pool at any time of the day, 365 days a             with a twist – all the interest that users earn
   year.                                                       is collected and distributed through a random
                                                               rewards process.
   And since Compound runs on the Ethereum
   network, it doesn’t need to hire thousands of               While there are still participation risks, the basic
   employees or rent expensive downtown office                 idea is creating a lottery in which nobody actually
   space. This allows it to operate at a fraction of the       loses, because you still keep your principal and
   price, passing on more profits to depositors and            can withdraw it at any time.
   more favorable rates to borrowers.
                                                               This is just the surface of what’s possible,
   Owning Compound will position us to ride                    especially as more and more people wake up to
   Ethereum and the DeFi trend higher. And as                  the possibilities of DeFi and developers come up
   more assets flood the DeFi space, COMP token                with more innovative ideas and concepts.

While Compound offers an excellent platform for           value of a real-world asset, such as the U.S.
   DeFi, we think the best way to play its rise is by        dollar or gold. They’re designed to avoid wild
   holding the COMP token.                                   fluctuations in price.) If we assume a quarter of
                                                             that will be kept in reserves, then the other 0.3%
   COMP tokens entitle their holders to fees and             would be available to token holders. That 0.3%
   governance rights over the Compound protocol.             yearly fee on $175 billion would generate $525
                                                             million available to token holders.
   Holders can participate in decisions such as
   determining interest rates for each asset…                The top five largest publicly traded banks have
   the required amount of collateralization for              historically traded at 14 times earnings. That
   borrowing... and whether to add new coins to the          means Compound could easily be worth $7.35
   protocol.                                                 billion just by meeting the average... representing
                                                             an 82% jump from the token’s recent price when
   Most importantly, Compound generates revenues
                                                             accounting for maximum token supply.
   by taking a cut of the interest paid by borrowers
   and placing it in a reserve fund. The reserve fund        Of course, Compound could grow faster – and
   acts as insurance for lenders to protect against          scale more easily – than any traditional bank.
   default.                                                  And investors tend to assign substantially higher
                                                             multiples in those situations. (Amazon and Tesla
   However, when reserves reach sufficient levels,
                                                             are great examples.)
   token holders can then vote on how to distribute
   the rewards. And as you can imagine, they’ll              Therefore, we think Compound could easily
   likely vote to distribute the interest rewards to         command a valuation that is five times higher
   themselves.                                               than the typical stodgy old bank.

   As more assets flood the DeFi space, COMP token           Couple that possibility with the maximum supply
   holders stand to benefit from users looking to            of COMP tokens allowed under the protocol, and
   generate income or take out a loan with their             we believe the fair value of each token could be
   assets. So adding Compound to the portfolio today         $3,675… an 809% increase from current prices.
   will position us to ride Ethereum and the DeFi
   trend higher, especially as the Final Countdown           Action to Take: Buy Compound (COMP).
   event drastically cuts the Ethereum supply.               Buy-up-to Price: See the portfolio page here.
                                                             Stop Loss: None
   Compound basically operates as a decentralized            Buy It On: Coinbase, Gemini, Binance, or
   bank. So we can value COMP tokens by relating             Uniswap
   them to shares in traditional publicly traded             Store It On: MyEtherWallet or Ledger
   banks.                                                    Position Size: $200–400 for smaller traders or
                                                             $500–1,000 for larger traders
   Today, there’s over $17.5 trillion in deposits held
                                                             Asset Class: Cryptos (Altcoins)
   in U.S. banks. If even 1% of that money moves
   over to Compound, that would be about $175
                                                               Final Countdown Crypto No. 2: 0x (ZRX)
   billion going into the protocol.
                                                             ox (ZRX) is another opportunity for us to
   Meanwhile, Compound earns roughly 0.4%
                                                             capitalize on the DeFi trend.
   on its dollar-denominated stablecoin loans. (A
   stablecoin is a crypto that’s pegged 1:1 to the           0x is a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator.

Like a centralized exchange, a DEX provides a             The protocol can be used to build or augment a
   platform for different parties to make trades.            wide range of marketplaces – digital goods ex-
   But unlike centralized exchanges – including              changes, games with in-game currencies, portfo-
   Coinbase, the largest crypto exchange in the U.S.         lio management platforms, and many others.
   – there are no custodian middlemen in a DEX.
   That eliminates the need for users to store their         Since the start of this year, 0x has generated over
   assets remotely and minimizes security risks like         $61.2 billion in trading volume. That’s a 648%
   hacks.                                                    increase from the roughly $8.2 billion in volume
                                                             it generated in all of 2020.
   0x has an interface called Matcha. It finds the
   best price for users looking to swap assets on            If 0x can sustain that growth rate, it would end the
   the Ethereum network by pulling liquidity from            year with about $167 billion in trading volume.
   multiple DEXs on the network.
                                                             To estimate 0x’s value, we’ll use its historical fee
   This saves users from having to search through            average, which is about 0.01% of trading volume.
   several exchanges to find the best place to trade         By comparison, Coinbase charges a 0.5% fee – or
   an asset. Even if they were up to the task, by the        50x more than 0x.
   time they found the best price and entered the
                                                             Based on its current fees, 0x would see about $17
   trade... prices would’ve likely changed by then.
                                                             million in earnings ($167 billion x 0.01%).
   This makes 0x the one-stop shop to exchange
                                                             And while this may seem small… We believe it’s
   assets on a decentralized network, such as
                                                             only the start, as the DeFi trend is still in its early
                                                             stages and hasn’t yet reached the masses.
   0x also provides multiple sources of liquidity,
                                                             Let’s assume 0x’s current growth rate decreases
   including professional market makers… free
                                                             by half over the next three years. That’s about
   limit orders for peer-to-peer transactions… and
                                                             324% year-over-year growth in trading volume.
   exclusive access to private pools of capital.
                                                             At that rate, it’d see about $12.8 trillion in trading
   Plus, 0x has one crucial difference from other            volume by the end of 2024.
   DEXs: It doesn’t store orders on the blockchain,
                                                             Using a 0.01% trading fee, 0x would be earning
   only trade settlements. This makes it faster and
                                                             roughly $1.28 billion per year.
   less costly.
                                                             To get a sense of what that means for the ZRX
   Obviously, none of this would matter if there
                                                             price, we can compare 0x to the largest publicly
   were trading delays, outages, or security issues.
                                                             traded crypto exchange, Coinbase.
   But 0x boasts 99.9% uptime and a faster response
   time than its competitors. One study also showed          Today, Coinbase trades at 25 times its earnings. If
   0x producing better fee-adjusted prices than              we apply that same multiple to 0x, its market cap
   competitors 70% of the time.                              would grow to $31.9 billion ($1.28 billion x 25).
   For all these reasons, market participants are            As an early-stage project with cutting-edge
   flocking to 0x. Active traders on the platform            technology and huge growth potential… We
   have grown from 8,563 to 102,290 over the past            believe 0x could fetch a multiple at least three
   year. That’s a 1,095% increase.                           times greater than Coinbase.

That would make 0x worth $95.7 billion – or                                                  That would give 0x a $175.5 billion valuation.
   $113.24 per token based on today’s circulating                                               Or $207.62 per ZRX token based on the current
   supply.                                                                                      circulating supply.

   That’s a 10,271% increase from today’s price.                                                That’s a 19,673% increase from today’s price.
   Enough to turn a $500 investment into $51,857                                                Enough to turn a $500 investment into $98,866.
   and every $1,000 investment into $103,714.                                                   And every $1,000 investment into $197,732.

   But we believe it can go even higher as DeFi                                                 That makes ZRX a perfect asymmetric play – the
   continues to gain mass adoption and the Final                                                type of investment that could turn a tiny amount
   Countdown reduces Ethereum’s supply.                                                         of money into a substantial windfall.

   Let’s assume 0x sustains its current 648% growth                                             Action to Take: Buy 0x (ZRX).
   rate over the next three years. That would imply                                             Buy-up-to Price: See the portfolio page here.
   0x facilitating over $70 trillion in trading volume                                          Stop Loss: None
   by the end of 2024.                                                                          Buy It On: Coinbase, Gemini, Binance, or
   And if we use the same 0.01% trading fee, 0x                                                 Store It On: MyEtherWallet or Ledger
   would rake in $7 billion in annual profits for its                                           Position Size: $200–400 for smaller traders or
   ZRX token holders.                                                                           $500–1,000 for larger traders
                                                                                                Asset Class: Cryptos (Altcoins)
   Now at this point, we’d consider 0x’s hyper-
   growth phase to be in its past. And for that                                                 Let the Game Come to You!
   reason, we’d give it an earnings multiple of 25 –
   matching Coinbase.                                                                           Big T

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