The Fifth World Landslide Forum - Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 - IPL

Page created by Philip Jenkins
The Fifth World Landslide Forum - Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 - IPL
Outline of WLF5, Kyoto, 2020 (Date 27 June 2018 Version)

                        The Fifth World Landslide Forum
           Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025
                        -Voluntary contribution to the Sendai Framework 2015-2030 and
                                the Agenda 2030-Sustainable Development Goals-

Date: 2-6 November 2020

Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan

  International Consortium on Landslides (ICL)
  Global Promotion Committee of International Programme on Landslides (IPL-GPC), including:
         United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
         World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
         Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
         United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
         United Nations University (UNU)
         International Council for Science (ICSU)
         World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)
         International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)
         International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
   Kyoto University (KU)
   Japan Landslide Society (JLS)
   Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS)
   Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science (JSNDS)

The ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 for Global Promotion of Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk
was adopted on 16 March 2015 as a voluntary commitment to the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction,
held in Sendai, Japan, 14-18 March 2015. It is a supporting tool for the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
Reduction 2015-2030 which was adopted at the afore-mentioned Conference. Seventeen global stakeholders have adhered to, and
signed the Partnerships, and additional five organizations joined it by signing the partnerships in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2017. The
Fifth World Landslide Forum will be organized in Japan to achieve a mid-term review, and assess the progress made in the
implementation of the Partnerships. In order to implement further the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 and pursue and
enhance thereafter efforts towards landslide risk reduction, the establishment of the Kyoto 2020 Commitment for global
The Fifth World Landslide Forum - Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 - IPL
Promotion of understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk will be examined by the participating partners as a long-term,
wider and stronger framework for the global landslide risk reduction network. The outline on the concept of the Kyoto 2020
Commitment was endorsed by the high-level panel discussion and the following round table discussion on 30-31 May 2017 during
the Fourth World Landslide Forum in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Organizing Committee Chairs
    Kyoji Sassa (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University. Secretary General of ICL)
    Peter Bobrowsky (Geological Survey of Canada. President of ICL)
    Kaoru Takara (Kyoto University, Japan. Executive Director of ICL)

Local Organizing Committee Chairs
   Kaoru Takara (President of the Japanese Society of Natural Disaster Science)
   Daisuke Higaki (Chair of ICL Committee of the Japan Landslide Society)
   Akira Murakami (President of the Japanese Geotechnical Society)

  Secretary Generals
      Ryosuke Uzuoka (Professor of the Disaster Prevention Reserach Institute, Kyoto Univerisy
      Kazuo Konagai (Profesor Emeritus, University of Tokyo. Principal researcher of ICL Headquarters)

  Assistant to Secretary Genearals : Khang Dang (Research Promotion Officer of ICL)


The outline for the Fifth World Landslide Forum (WLF5) was examined on 5-6 March 2017 during the ICL steering Committee
meeting held in the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University. The outline was published in Landslides Vol.14 (3)
(Sassa 2017a).
This original outline for WLF5 was examined at the Board of Representative Meeting of ICL (BOR/ICL) and the Global
Promotion Committee of the International Programme on Landslides (GPC/IPL) on 29 May 2017 in Ljubljana, Slovenia and a
revised plan was approved. The plan was discussed at the high-level panel discussion on the 2017 Ljubljana Declaration as was
the Kyoto 2020 Commitment (Sassa 2017b) on 30 May 2017. The plan was then examined by the WLF5 organizing committee on
31 May 2017 during the Fourth World Landslide Forum (WLF4). The plan for the Fifth World Landslide Forum following a series
of meeting that took place during WLF4 and was published in LandslidesVol.14 (5) Sassa (2017c) at which time a call for session
proposals was given to readers of Landslides. Sessions for full color books and also sessions for CD-proceedings were proposed
and examined at the WLF5 organizing Committee held on 30 November 2017 at the Fontenoy Building of UNESCO, Paris.             To
accommodate a wide range of participants, three types of publications with different deadlines and different editing processes
were decided. This article introduces the organization plan and the seven themes and sessions organized in each theme.

Organization Plan

The plan for the organization of the Fifth World Landslide Forum in Kyoto, 2020 is presented in Fig.1. Notes for the organization
plan are as follows.
The Fifth World Landslide Forum - Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 - IPL
1. Journal thematic issue: The review process and standards for the thematic issue “ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025”
   is identical to the regular issues of Landslides. All topics of papers for the WLF5 are eligible to be submitted to this issue.
  The Editorial Board of Landslides is responsible for reviewing the papers. The thematic issue may be accessed and downloaded
  free of charge from 15 October to 15 November 2020 (one month only). If a paper is not accepted by the deadline, it may be
  published in later issues.

2. Full color books: Full color papers for WLF5 should be submitted to the Editorial Manager for WLF5. The submitted papers
   will be reviewed and edited by the theme coordinators, session editors and cooperating reviewers through the Editorial
  The theme coordinators are recognized as the editors of their respective volumes.
  All accepted papers will be sent to the publisher for publication. After formatting/checking references/figure/photo quality, copy
   editing and proof-reading, the book will be published in both digital and print formats. If a paper is not accepted by the
   deadline, it may be published in the CD proceedings.

3. CD-Proceedings: Editors of each session will review, edit and accept/reject each session volume in digital format.
   All session editors must submit the edited session volume to the WLF5 secretariat before the deadline (end of July 2020).
   All session volumes will be compiled and published by ICL as one CD book with an ISBN number. The CD book will be
   submitted to and archived in the National Diet Library of Japan. The book will be distributed to all participants in CD or USB
   (digital) format.

4. Registration of speakers: At least one author of each accepted paper for full color books and CD-Proceedings must register for
   the WLF5 by the deadline shown in Fig. 1. At least one author of each accepted paper in the thematic issue is invited to
   register in the WLF5 as an invited lecturer for a longer oral presentation. The speaker of the accepted paper must inform the
   Secretariat before 1st September 2020 for inclusion in the final programming.

5. Kyoto 2020 Commitment for Global Promotion of Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk: The
   commitment aims to develop the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 as a wider and more stable global framework to
   mobilize a global alliance which will accelerate and incentivize action for landslide disaster risk reduction to 2025, 2030, and
   beyond. Parties are invited to join this commitment during the WLF5 organization, and the Inaugural Meeting for the Kyoto
   2020 Commitment will be planned for the WLF5. The Commitment is now in process together with identifying the potential
   signatory parties.

                                         Timeline of the WLF5 organization Process

The timeline of the WLF5 organization process after WLF4 is shown in Fig.1

The Fifth World Landslide Forum - Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 - IPL
Fig.1 The major timeline of the WLF5 organization.

Themes and Sessions of the Fifth World Landslide Forum
The Fifth World Landslide Forum is being organized under the following seven themes. Theme 1 is a strategic session for the
Promotion of the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), the International Programme on Landslides (IPL), the ISDR-ICL
Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 for Global Promotion of Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk and the planned
Kyoto 2020 Commitment for Global Promotion of Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk. The sessions of Theme
1 include oral presentation of papers for a thematic issue of Landslides, full color books, CD-proceedings, and the panel
discussion/ the round table discussion without any paper presentation.
Themes 2-7 are thematic sessions for oral presentation of papers to be published in full color books or a thematic issue of
Landslides. Editorial Manager for full color books of WLF5 will be created and started to accept submission from 1st January
2018. Authors will need to select the appropriate themes and sessions at the time of submission.

Theme 1: Sendai Partnerships and Kyoto 2020 Commitment

         Coordinators: Kyoji Sassa  and Željko Arbanas 

         ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships and Kyoto 2020 Commitment
                  (invited papers)
        International programme on Landslides (IPL Projects, WCoEs) and ICL networks
          (invited papers)
        Landslide-induced Tsunamis –      ICL (Kyoji Sassa), Call for joint organizers.
        Landslides and hazard assessment at UNESCO designated sites – IRDR (Qunli Han), UNESCO (Soichiro Yasukawa)
         (UNESCO) and ICL (Kyoji Sassa)
        Practical cases contributing to ISDR-ICL Sendai partnerships under process.
        CD-Proceeding sessions including “International cooperation in landslide disaster/risk reduction”, “Landslides in Central
         Area”, “Early Career Landslide Scientists”, and “Three national initiatives proposed by the Japan Landslide Society” will
         fit the objectives of Theme 1.

The Fifth World Landslide Forum - Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 - IPL
Theme 2: Hazard and vulnerability mapping and zonation
   Coordinators:         Snježana       Mihalić-Arbanas         ,      Hiromitsu      Yamagishi
        , and Fausto Guzzetti 

         Landslide identification and mapping - Has Baator
         Hazard assessment and zonation -Do Jie, Shantanu Sarkar
         Land-use planning for landslide disaster mitigation -Elias Garcia-Urquia
         Assessing landslide vulnerability to people and the built environment (buildings, roads,
          infrastructure, systems-- Dario Peduto, Olga Mavrouli, Mike Winter

Theme 3: Monitoring and Early Warning
    Coordinators: Nicola Casagli  and Ping Lu 
         Landslide Early Warning Systems - Thomas Glade, Michele Calvello:
         Monitoring and time prediction methods - Katsuo Sasahara, Taro Uchimura
         Regional landslide forecasting models - Veronica Tofani, Xuanmei Fan, Cees van Westen:
         Remote sensing for landslide risk mitigation - Lu Ping, Filippo Catani, Andre Stumpf
         Technologies for monitoring and surveillance - Andrea Segalini, Renato Macciotta

Theme 4: Testing, modeling and risk assessment
    Coordinators: Binod Tiwari  and Katsuo Sasahara 
         Recent Development in Physical and Numerical Modeling of Landslides - Beena Ajmera and Netra Prakash Bhandary
         Recent Development in soil and rock testing techniques, application and analysis methods - Beena Ajmera and A.A.
          Virajh Dias
         Recent advancements in the methods of slope stability and deformation analyses
         Recent Development in Disaster Risk Assessment - Mateja Jemec Auflic, M.S. Bandara
         Disaster Risk Reduction in Silk Road Area - Cui Peng, Su Lijun

Theme 5: Risk management, risk governance and capacity development at different levels and national practices
   Coordinators: Matjaz Mikos , Irasema Alcantara-Ayala , and Faisal
         Landslide disaster risk management to community.
         Landslide management experiences at national and local levels.
         Capacity development of diverse stakeholders.
         Landslide school, teaching tools and public education.
         Papers by students and young researchers/engineers/officers
          (Eligible for Distinguished Young Researcher awards)

Theme 6: Catastrophic landslides: causes and consequences
   Coordinators: Alexander Strom  and Vit Vilimek 
    •     Seismically induced catastrophic landslides – Gonghui Wang
    •     Giant large-scale landslides in mountainous regions – motion mechanism(s) and effects - Hans-Balder Havenith, Anja
          Dufresne, Xuanmei Fan, Alexander Strom
    •     Catastrophic landslides triggered by climatic factors - Luciano Picarelli
The Fifth World Landslide Forum - Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 - IPL
•    Landslides as triggers of Outburst Floods - Vit Vilimek
       •    Landslides and reservoirs      (process under way)

Theme 7: Frontiers of landslide science and innovative practices
     Coordinators: Peter Bobrowsky  and Michael Hendry 
       •    Climate and Global Change in Landslide Hazard and Risk - Mike Winter, Tom Dikstra and Janisz Wasowski
       •    Landslides in Cold Regions - Ying Guo
       •    Geosynthetics for Slope Stabilization - Sabatino Cuomo
       •    Others (process under way)

CD-Proceeding Sessions
    CD-Proceeding session proposals will be accepted until the end of December 2019. The following initial CD proceeding sessions
were proposed and accepted at the WLF5 organizing committee meeting on 30 November 2017. The organizing committee will
discuss its management and the edition of proceedings with the initial proposers of CD-proceedings session. The current plan is;
Session proposals will be submitted to the ICL secretariat by the end of December 2019 via email. Abstract/PPT/full paper which
are required for the planned session will be submitted to the author submission box of WLF5 WEB by the end of July 2020.
Session organizers will review and edit the session volume and upload it to the ready to print box of WLF5 WEB.                CD
proceedings of WLF5 including all CD session volumes will be produced and published by the end of October 2020.
      International cooperation in landslide disaster/risk reduction
                Proposer: Higaki Daisuke (Japan Landslide Society) 
      Study of landslides and landslide risk reduction in Central Asia
              Proposers: Kristine Tovmashan (UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty) , Soichiro Yasukawa
             (UNESCO, Paris) , Alexander Strom , Oleg Zerkal (Moscow
             State University 
      Early career landslide scientists
                Proposers:    Giovanna         Capparelli         and     Irasema   Alcántara-Ayala
      Introduction to landslide mitigation measures in Japan
                Proposer: Higaki Daisuke (Japan Landslide Society) 
      Structural and nonstructural countermeasures against landslide disaster implemented by the Japanese Government.
                Proposer: Katsuo Sasahara (Japan Landslide Society) 
      Activities of landslide prevention engineers to enhance local capacity for disaster reduction in Japan
           Proposer: Katsuo Sasahara (Japan Landslide Society) 

Call for Session proposals for CD-Proceeding sessions.
Session proposals for CD proceedings are called until the end of December 2019.
6 CD sessions were proposed and accepted. International activities are supported by national activities. National, thematic as well
as International sessions are welcome. Networking and linking between the CD session proposal groups are encouraged to
strengthen the international cooperation in the landslide disaster/risk reduction. Please download the application form from the
WLF5 web and fill and send it to the Secretariat of WLF5 below.

The Fifth World Landslide Forum - Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 - IPL
A special topic: World Tsunami Awareness Day
    The 5th of November was designated as World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD) by the 70th United Nations General
    Assembly in December 22, 2015. It was proposed by 142 countries following the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
    Reduction adopted at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) held in March 2015 in Sendai
    and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The document prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the
    Government of Japan in November, 2015 ( for UN General Assembly
    stated as follows.
    Tsunami are generated by sudden submarine topographic movement, such as:
    ・ Submarine volcanic eruptions;
    ・ Landslides near a coastline or at the bottom of the ocean; and
    ・ Submarine crustal deformations accompanying earthquakes.
    WLF5 organize sessions for tsunamis induced by coastal and submarine landslides and also multi-hazard risk analysis and
    modelling of various types of landslide disasters linked with other hazards on 5 November 2020 during WLF5.
    Post-Forum Field Trip on 7- 9 November 2020 includes the visit to 1792 Unzen Shimabara landslide and Tsunami disaster
    area in Kyusyu island.   This mega-landslide was triggered by a nearby earthquake in the Mayuyama of the Unzen Volcano.
    The triggered landslide moved over the town of Shimabara and entered into Ariake Sea and caused Tsunami wave. More
    than 20 m high Tsunami attached the Kumamoto Prefecture and Amakusa islands. The total death by the landslide and the
    tsunamis was 15,153 persons. It was the largest landslide disaster in and the larges volcanic disaster in Japan. (Landslides
    2016. Vol. 13-6, pp:1405–1419.

                             Photos of Location, Venue, Room capacity and Layout of the rooms
The Fifth World Landslide Forum - Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 - IPL
Venue: Air view of the International Conference Center and Takaragaike pond, Kyoto and a road to the venue gate >

                        Genral view of KIC                                     Enterance road of KIC

                       Entrance of Building                                          Garden Side of Building

    Opening Plenary Session Room A (3 November 2020)                 Closing Plenary Session Room D (6 November 2020)

The International Conferene Center, Kyoto consists of Main Buildng, Annex Hall and Event Hall. WLF5 will be orgnized using
most rooms of 1st floor, 2nd floor and 5th floor in the Main Building. The room layout is shown in the next page.
    Plenary Sessions are organized in Room A on 3 November 2020 and in Room D on 6 November.
    Parallel sessions are orgnized in Rooms C-1, C-2 and Rooms D, F, G, H, I, J, K and Room 501, 510 on 4-5 November 2020
     and in the morning of 6 November.
    Reseach Posters are displayed in Room 157
    Exhibitions (Booths) are prepared in Room SWAN and Room 104. Poster exhibitions are displayed along the walls within
     Room SWAN.
    Sponsor Posters are displained in the wide corridor outside of Rooms C-1 and C-2.
    Foum reception is organized in Room SAKURA on 3 November 2020.

The Fifth World Landslide Forum - Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 - IPL
   Lunch and coffee will be prepared between 12:00-15:00 on 3-6 November in Room SAKURA.
   IGNITE Stage (Speakers’s corner) is set in a corner of SAKURA during 12:00-15:00 on 3-6 November 2020.
   Registration is organized on 2 November in Room 101. Later registration will be acceped at the reception desls om the
    Entrance of KICC building.
   In addition to SAKURA, a Restaurant is open in the center of main building. Japanese, French, Chinese, Cafe restaurants are
    open in Grand Prince Hotel (round white hotel in the left-top of the venue air photo: Genral view of KICC) in front of the
    Interntional Conference Ceter, Kyoto.
   WLF5 Open Forum is jointly organized by WLF5 organizing committee and Kyoto University with the simultaneous
    interpretation for ordinary citizens for 14:00 -17:00 in the afternoon of 4 November 2020. Venue: Kyoto University
    Centenial Clock Tower Building. Registation: Free

The Fifth World Landslide Forum - Implementing and Monitoring the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 - IPL
Room D                             Room SAKURA

                     Rooms F, G, H                                                     IGNITE Stage
                                                                                       (Speaker’s Corner)


                               Springer Table             Cocktail Lounge
  Room 104                     (ICL Journal/books)
  Exhibition Booth

                         Rooms C-1 and C-2

                                                                            Room 157
                                                                            Research Poster
Room 101, 102, 103
Secretariat &
                                                          Room SWAN
Two meeting rooms
                                                          Exhibition Booth &
                                                          Exhibition Posters


                                       Rooms I, J, K

                                                                            Room        A          (720

Oral & Poster Presentation and Exhibition

  Oral presentations:
            Forum Lectures: 40 minutes/each, in Room A.
            Invited lectures by the authors of the Thematic issue of Landslides: 20 minutes/each in Room C-1.
            The organize will prepare some parallel session presentations of papers accepted and published inTheme/Volume
             1-5: 15 minutes /each in Rooms C-1, C-2, Rooms D-K and Rooms 501, 510.
            Other parallel sessions may be proposed by participating groups and entities: Time allocation and managements will
             be left to the proposed organizers.
            Speeches in the IGNITE Stage (Speakers’ corner) in SAKURA for 12:00-15:00.

   Note: Lecture and oral speech is limited to one speech / one participant in principle to provide the chance of speech to the
           greater number of participants. Discussion, talks in round table discussion and speech in IGNITE stage are not included
           in this limitation, but those active participations are very much requested and encouraged.

Poster presentation:
    Poster presentation (max:104) will be shown in Rooms 157 on 4-5 November 2020.
    (Poster presenters may present it orally one of parallel session rooms or in the speakers’ corner)

IGNITE Stage (Speakers’ corner)
    The IGNITE stage (Speakers’ corner) is prepared in a corner of Room SAKURA where a lunch and coffee will be served for
    12:00-15:00 every day. A stage, a screen and a PPT projector and around 30 sheets are prepared from 8:30-18:00.
    Every participant can speak to other participants in SAKURA.

Exhibition of Equipment and Poster exhibition of technology/equipment
    Exhibition of Equipment and publication: 25 booths (3 m wide booth with three side panel walls) will be prepared in Room
    SWAN with a terrace and Room 104. A booth (table) of Springer exhibits ICL journal “Landslides” and ICL books (WLF1,
    WLF2, WLF3, WLF4, Teaching Tools and other publication) in the front of Cocktail Lounge.
    Poster of Sponsors (W=1.2 m, H=2.4 m) will be prepared on the floor outside of Room C-1 and Room C-2. Poster exhibition
    of companies will be shown along walls within Room SWAN

Side Events: WLF5 Open Forum will be organized for ordinary citizens free of charge
    Date: 14:00-17:00 on 4 November 2020
    Venue: Clock Tower Centennial Hall of Kyoto University
    The open forum will be jointly organized by the WLF5 organizing committee and Kyoto University.
    Speakers are selected from participants of WLF5. Lectures may include “Landslide-induced Tsunami” and “Submarine
    Landslides” since it will be held one day before the World Tsunami Awareness Day. The programme will be decided in the
    later stage. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided for citizens and students.

Kyoto City Tours

One day and a half day Kyoto city tours will be prepared on 7 November (Saturday) and other days.
Currently prepared one day city tours will be show below. The price will be affected by the number of participants.

Post-Forum Field Trip (Max 30 persons. (7 to 9 November 2020)
   1st day in Hiroshima (7th Nov. 2020)
   Start from Kyoto by Shinkansen
   Urban landslide disasters triggered by local extreme rainfalls. World Cultural Heritage “Itsukushima Shrine”, and “Hiroshima
   Peace Memorial Park” (Stay in Hiroshima)
   2nd day in Unzen (8 Nov. 2020)
   From Hiroshima to Unzen-Shimabara by Shinkansen and Railway
   1792 Unzen-Mayuyama megaslide by an earthquake                                                                          and
   caused big Tsunami disaster. Visit to Unzen Volcanic
   Area Global Geopark, Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall.
   (Stay in Unzen Hot Spring)
   3rd day (9 Nov. 2020)
   From Unzen Hot Spring to the Shimabara port by a                                                                        bus
   and a Ferry to Kumamoto (observation from the ferry                                                                     to
   Unzen volcano and megaslide), Kumamoto Castle
   Leave from Kumamoto Station/Airport to Osaka by
   railway, or from Kumamoto airport to Osaka, Tokyo or
   return to each country through Fukuoka airport.

1) Hiroshima (urban small-scale landslides and debris flow,
   World Cultural Heritage “Itsukushima Shrine”, and “Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park”.
   Landslide simulation (LS-RAPID) for Hiroshima disaster <>

2) Unzen volcano and megaslide-induced tsunami (Unzen volcano, Unzen Volcanic Area Geopark Geopark, Unzen
   landslide-and-tsunami disaster (15,153 people was killed). The field trip will take a Ferry from Shimabara (Unzen) to
   Kumamoto crossing the Ariake sea.

                                                                      Unzen Hot Spring for overnight

 Video of 1991 Pyroclastic flow: 
 Landslide simulation (LS-RAPID) 
 Tsunami simulation (LS-Tsunami) 

Registration for Forum Participation
                                     Early                     Normal                  Late and On-Site
    Registration Period    From January 1, 2019        From September 1, 2019      After September 1, 2020
                           to August 31, 2019          to August 31, 2020
Regular                          70, 000 JPY                    75,000 JPY                80,000 JPY
ICL Board member                   50,000 JPY                   55,000 JPY                80,000 JPY
ICL Deputy Board
                                   50,000 JPY                   55,000 JPY                80,000 JPY
ICL supporter (up to 2
                                   50,000 JPY                   55,000 JPY                80,000 JPY
Students                                                      20,000 JPY
Spouses                                                       20,000 JPY
World Tsunami
Awareness Day (Nov.5)                                         20,000 JPY
Conference Reception
                             10,000 JPY               10,000 JPY                10,000 JPY
 Registration fee for Regular, ICL Board, ICL Deputy Board, ICL supporter includes Vol.1 of WLF5 book, CD
      proceedings, lunch and coffee (12:00-15:00).
     Registration fee for Spouse includes lunch/coffee. They may attend all plenary and parallel sessions, exhibitions
      and posters, and exercise the Tea Ceremony in the tea room in the garden of KICC.
     Registration fee for Student includes participation or presentation in all Plenary and Parallel sessions and IGNITE
      Stage, and CD proceedings, lunch and coffee (12:00-15:00).

Registration for Exhibition (Booth, Poster) and Registration for one page advertisement in five
  volume of WLF5 Books)

Exhibition booth (with booth and electricity and name plate of company/organization as below) and Exhibition poster
(Size: Width 1200 mm, Height: 2100 mm) will be prepared on site and one page full color exhibition will be printed in
the end of five volumes of books. Institutes, Agencies, Companies, International organizations are invited to present
exhibition to promote cooperation and linkage through the Fifth World Landslide Forum and the planed Kyoto 2020

                  Octanorm panel                         Name      plate     and

                              Two chairs               Table with cloth
Registration of Exhibition
                                                    Early                    Normal
Types of
                     Types of Exhibitors From January 1, 2019       From September 1,            including
Exhibition                                                          2019 to August 31,
                                         to August 31, 2019
                                                                                              One regular
                     Regular                    300,000JPY              350,000 JPY
                                                                                              registration fee
                                                                                              One regular
    Booth            ICL supporters             250,000 JPY             300,000 JPY
                                                                                              registration fee
                                                                                              One regular
                     ICL members                250,000 JPY             300,000 JPY
                                                                                              registration fee
                     Regular                    50,000 JPY                  55,000 JPY
    Poster                                      40,000 JPY                  45,000 JPY
                     ICL supporters
     mm)                                        40,000 JPY                  45,000 JPY
                     ICL members

                     Regular                    110,000 JPY             120,000 JPY
   One page
 advertisement       ICL supporters             90,000 JPY              100,000 JPY
in WLF5 books
                     ICL members                90,000 JPY              100,000 JPY

ICL asks all types of entities to pride sponsorships to promote the Fifth World Landslide Forum and the planed Kyoto
2020 Commitment and further development. Sponsors may include exhibitors and non-exhibitors.
Names of sponsors will be apricated in all publication including bulletins, five volumes of WLF5 books, the thematic
issue and other issues of Landslides Journal informing the WLF5 as well as WLF5 web.

Financial Contribution as Sponsors
                                                               Early                          Normal
Support Type                    Types of Sponsors
                                                     Before August 31, 2019           After September 1, 2019

Type A:                        Regular                        500,000 JPY                  550,000 JPY
Sponsor Poster +
One Booth +                    ICL supporters                 400,000 JPY                  450,000 JPY
Advertisement +
3 regular ticket               ICL members                    400,000 JPY                  450,000 JPY

Type B:                        Regular                        300,000JPY                   350,000 JPY
Sponsor Poster +
                               ICL supporters                 250,000 JPY                  300,000 JPY
Advertisement +
4 regular tickets+             ICL members                    250,000 JPY                  300,000 JPY
Type C:                        Regular                        300,000JPY                   350,000 JPY
Sponsor Poster +
                               ICL supporters                 250,000 JPY                  300,000 JPY
6 regular tickets
                               ICL members                    250,000 JPY                   30,000 JPY
Type D:
10 regular tickets (with All sponsors of
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Signatory Organizations of ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025

1. International Consortium on Landslides                        2. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

3. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
                                                                 4. Food and Agriculture Organization of   the United Nations

5. United Nations University                                     6. World Meteorological Organization

7. International Council for Science                             8. World Federation of Engineering Organizations

9. International Union of Geological Sciences                    10. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics

                                                                 12.Minstry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
11. Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
                                                                      Technology, Japan

13. Science Council of Japan                                     14. Kyoto University

15. National Civil Protection Department Italian Presidency of   16. National Protection and Rescue Directorate, Republic of
   the Council of Ministers, Government of Italy                       Croatia

17. Global Risk Forum GRF Davos                                  18. EuroGeoSurveys

19. Indonesian National agency for Disaster Management           20. Integrated Research on Disaster Reduction (IRDR)

21. Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster       22. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment,
   Relief (URSZR)                                                      the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

         Member Organizations of the International Consortium on Landslides(2018.5.20)
1. Albanian Geological Survey                                    2. The Geotechnical Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina

3. Geological Survey of Canada                                   4. University of Alberta
5. China Geological Survey                                       6. Institute of Cold Regions Science and Engineering,
                                                                 Northeast Forestry University
7. Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese        8. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences                                              Academy of Sciences
9. Tongji University                                             10. Universidad Nacional de Colombia

11. Croatian Landslide Group from Faculty of Civil               12. City of Zagreb, Emergency management office
Engineering University of Rijeka and Faculty of Mining,
Geology and Petroleum University of Zagreb
13. Charles University, Faculty of Science                       14. Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics Academy of
                                                                 Sciences of the Czech Republic, Department of Engineering
15. Cairo University                                             16. Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Institute and
                                                                 Laboratory of Geotechnics
17. Department of Geology of National Environmental              18. Instituto Hondureño de Ciencias de la Tierra, IHCIT
Agency of Georgia                                                /Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras UNAH

19. National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi       20. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University

21. Gadjah Mada University – Center for Disaster Mitigation    22. Parahyangan Catholic University
and Technological Innovation (GAMA-InaTEK)

23. Research Center for Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute    24. Building & Housing Research Center
of Sciences
25. University of Firenze, Earth Sciences Department           26. ISPRA-Italian Institute form Environmental Protection
                                                               and Research
27. University OF Calabria, DIMES (Dipartimento di             28. Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica (IRPI),
Ingegneria Informatica, Modellistica, Elettronica e            of the Italian
Sistemistica) , CAMILAB (Laboratory of Environmental           National Research Council (CNR)
Cartography and Hydraulic and Geological Modeling)

29. DIA – Università degli Studi di Parma                      30. Kyoto University, DPRI,
31. Forestry and Forest Product Research Institute             32. Japan Landslide Society
33. Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources        34. Korean Society of Forest Engineering
35. National Institute of Forest Science                       36. Korea Infrastructure Safety & Technology Corporation

37. Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building          38. Slope Engineering Branch, Public Works Department of
Technology                                                     Malaysia
39. Institute of Geography, UNAM                               40. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
41. Department of Geology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka       42. Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)

43. Grudec Ayar                                                44. Department of Engineering and Ecological Geology,
                                                               Geological Faculty, Moscow State University

45. JSC "Hydroproject Institute"                               46. Russian State Geological Prospecting University n.a.
                                                               Sergo Ordzhonikidze (MGRI-RSGPU)
47. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology      48. Comenius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
                                                               Department of Engineering Geology
49. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic     50. Geological Survey of Slovenia
Engineering (ULFGG)
51. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and   52. Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau (CECB)
Engineering (UL NTF)
53. National Building Research Organization                    54. National Taiwan University, Department of Civil
55. Landslide group in National Central University from        56. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Land
Graduate Institute of Applied Geology, Department of Civil     Development Department
Engineering, Center for Environmental Studies

57. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center(ADPC)                   58. Institute of Telecommunication and Global Information
59. California State University, Fullerton & Tribhuvan         60. Institute of Transport Science and Technology (ITST)
University, Institute of Engineering
61. Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources

Supporters of the International Consortium on Landslides (2018)
1. Marui & Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan                      2.   Okuyama Boring Co.,LTD., Yokote, Japan

3. Godai Development Corp., Kanazawa, Japan             4.   Japan Conservation Engineers & Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

5. Kokusai Kogyo, Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan               6.   Ohta Geo-Res., Co., Ltd., Nishinomiya, Japan

7.   OSASI Technos, Inc., Kochi, Japan                  8.   OYO Corp., Tokyo, Japan

9.   Sabo Technical Centre, Tokyo, Japan                10. Sakata Denki, Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

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