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Archives of the Balkan Medical Union                                                           vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 32-37
Copyright © 2019 Balkan Medical Union                                                                       March 2019

                                                                                        ORIGINAL PAPER

Irina BAGMUT1, Oleksii HALMIZ1, Svetlana GRAMATIUK1, Anna TITKOVA1 ,
Svetlana KRYZHNA1
 Department of Clinical Pathophysiology, Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery, Kharkiv Medical
Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
                                                            Received 11 Jan 2019, Accepted 25 Febr 2019

ABSTRACT                                                     RÉSUMÉ

The objective of the study was to compare the                Étude expérimentale du rôle pathogénique de la
NADPH/ H2O2 system and the expression of enzymes             NADPH-oxydase dans les tissus de la glande thyroïde
in the culture of thyroid gland cells, depending on the
sex.                                                         L’objectif de l’étude était de comparer le système
Material and methods. The thyroid gland was                  NADPH / H2O2 et l’expression des enzymes, dans la
collected from adult female donors (n=20) and men            culture de cellules de la glande thyroïde, en fonction
(n=15). The cells were washed twice with HBSS and            du sexe.
centrifuged at 1000 × g for 5 minutes, and then cul-         Méthodes. La glande thyroïde a été prélevée chez des
tured to 106 cells in 0.5 ml culture medium per well in      donneuses adultes (n = 20) et des hommes (n = 15). Les
24-well plates (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). H2O2         cellules ont été lavées deux fois avec du HBSS et centri-
levels in the cells were determined quantitatively us-       fugées à 1000 xg pendant 5 minutes, puis cultivées à
ing a hydrogen peroxide sensor Premo™ Orp1-roGFP             106 cellules dans 0,5 ml de milieu de culture par puits
(Life Technologies, USA) according to manufacturer’s         dans des plaques à 24 puits (Thermo Fisher Scientific,
instructions. Statistical analysis of the results was car-   USA). Les niveaux de H2O2 dans les cellules ont été
ried out using Statistica 6.1 (StatSoft, Inc., USA).         déterminés de manière quantitative à l’aide d’un cap-
Results. We found that the expression of DUOX1               teur de peroxyde d’hydrogène Premo ™ Orp1-roGFP
and NOX4 in the thyroid gland was significantly higher       (Life Technologies, USA) conformément aux instruc-
in women than in men (1.5 times, p
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union

levels were also higher in cells derived from female thy-   avons constaté que la glande thyroïde des femmes pro-
roid gland than in male cells.                              duit une teneur en H2O2 significativement plus élevée
Conclusion. As a result of our experiment, the ex-          que les cellules de la glande masculine (p
The experimental study of the pathogenic role of nadph-oxidase in the thyroid gland tissues – BAGMUT et al

genes encoding NADPH oxidases dual oxidases 1 and          IV and 2.5 mg/ml trypsin in HBSS for 40 minutes
2 (DUOX1 and DUOX2) revealed that DUOX2 mu-                at 37 °C, followed by filtration through a nylon mesh
tations lead to hereditary hypothyroidism in humans.       (100 μm, Sigma-Aldrich, USA) to remove large frag-
Recent reports have also described the presence of         ments of tissue. The cells were washed twice with
NOX4 in the thyroid gland and have suggested a             HBSS and centrifuged at 1000 × g for 5 minutes, and
pathophysiological role of this member of the NOX          then cultured to 106 cells in 0.5 ml culture medium
family. In the present review, we describe the partici-    per well in 24-well plates (Thermo Fisher Scientific,
pation of NADPH oxidases not only in thyroid physi-        USA). The culture medium consisted of a modified
ology but also in gland pathophysiology, particularly      Koon medium (Biochrom, Berlin, Germany) with
the involvement of these enzymes in the regulation of      10% calf serum, 2 mM glutamine, a mixture of five
thyroid oxidative stress22-24.                             hormones (1 mMU/ml thyrotropic hormone, 10 ng/
      The NADPH oxidase / dual oxidase family              ml somatostatin, 10 μg/ml insulin, 1 nM hydrocor-
(NOX/DUOX) is a transmembrane protein that gen-            tisone and 5 μg/ml transferrin), 100 IU/ml penicil-
erates ROS as its major enzyme products. These are         lin-streptomycin and 2.5 μg/ml amphotericin B. Cells
the flavoproteins that contain two gem-binding histi-      were maintained in a CO2 incubator at 37 °C (95:5%).
dine and one NADPH binding site followed by a sin-               Assessment of H2O2 level. H2O2 levels in the cells
gle flavin-adenine dinucleotide binding site (FAD)25.      were determined quantitatively using a hydrogen per-
Removal and transfer of the electron from the sub-         oxide sensor Premo™ Orp1-roGFP (Life Technologies,
strate NADPH to FAD, then gem and, finally, the            USA) according to manufacturer’s instructions. The
molecular oxygen to form superoxide, which quickly         plasmid DNA encoding Orp1-roGFP was delivered to
turns into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)2. NADPH oxi-           the cell by transduction. The cells were transduced
dase is a major non-mitochondrial AFC source in the        with the Orp1-roGFP oxidation-reducing probe im-
cells. To date, three enzymes belonging to this group      mediately after sowing, fluorescence was measured in
have been identified in the thyroid gland, namely,         a micro printer reading machine Synergy H1 (BioTek,
dual oxidase 1 (DUOX1), dual oxidase 2 (DUOX2)             USA) using excitation at 400 nm and 488 nm and
and NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4). Both DUOX1 and                 emission at 515 nm. The values of the fluorescence
DUOX2 are localized on thyrocytes, and their activa-       intensity were used to calculate the 400/488 nm ex-
tion depends on an increase in the level of intracel-      citation ratios. The results are expressed in terms of
lular calcium.                                             the excitement ratio in untreated cells.
      The enzyme DUOX2 generates H2O2, which acts                Statistical analysis of the results was carried out
as an electron acceptor for biosynthesis of thyroid        using the computer software package for statistical
hormones. It is a dominant isoenzyme with a level          information processing Statistica 6.1 (StatSoft, Inc.,
of expression that is five times higher than that of       USA).
DUOX126-28. The role of DUOX1 in the thyroid gland
is still unknown. However, it is believed that it can      RESULTS
function to overcome the lack of DUOX2 activity, at
least under some uncertain circumstances.                       In the first phase of the experimental study, we
      From this perspective, there is a need for experi-   analyzed the expression of NOX/DUOX and the level
mental studies on gender specific oxidative stress in      of H2O2 in the primary cells derived from the thyroid
order to find out the pathophysiological peculiarities     gland of men and women. A total RNA from primary
that molecular mechanisms play in the gender dispar-       thyroid gland of males and females was isolated and
ity of thyroid gland diseases29.                           a polymerase chain reaction was performed to deter-
                                                           mine DUOX1, DUOX2 and NOX4 (Figure 1).
THE AIM OF THIS STUDY was to compare the NADPH                  We found that the expression of DUOX1 and
/ H2O2 system and the expression of enzymes, in the        NOX4 was significantly higher in women in thyroid
culture of thyroid gland cells, depending on sex.          gland than in men (1.5 times, p
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union

                 Figure 1. Expression of DUOX1, DUOX2 and NOX4 in thyroid gland cells in log2.
                       Expression of mRNA was determined using real time PCR. * p
The experimental study of the pathogenic role of nadph-oxidase in the thyroid gland tissues – BAGMUT et al

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