The Ethics of Chatbots in Public Sector Service Provision

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The Ethics of Chatbots in Public Sector Service Provision
The Ethics of Chatbots in Public Sector
                             Service Provision

                                                                          Asbjørn Følstad               Anders Mærøe
                                                                          SINTEF                        Sem & Stenersen Prokom
                                                                          Oslo, Norway                  Oslo, Norway

                                                                         The uptake of novel and potentially disruptive
                                                                         technologies in public sector service provision may lead
                                                                         to fundamental changes in how and to whom services
                                                                         are provided and, as such, implies the need for ethical
                                                                         consideration. However, public sector administrations
                                                                         lack the needed support to conduct such consideration
                                                                         in a systematic manner. In this position paper, we
                                                                         present an approach to support the needed ethical
                                                                         consideration and exemplify this by reflections on the
                                                                         municipality chatbot Kommune-Kari, currently
                                                                         implemented in more than 90 Norwegian municipalities.
                                                                         Implications for research and practice are suggested.

                                                                         Author Keywords
                                                                         Conversational agents; Chatbots; Public Sector Service
                                                                         Provision; Ethics.

                                                                         CSS Concepts
Position paper accepted at CUI@CHI2022: Ethics of Conversational User    • Human-centered computing~Human computer
Interfaces. A workshop at the ACM CHI 2022 conference, April 21, 2022.
                                                                         interaction (HCI); Conversational user interfaces.
Introduction                                                    The position paper is structured as follows: First we
Public sector service provision has seen a fundamental          present a brief background on electronic government,
shift towards digitalization, often referred to as electronic   ethics, and chatbots. We then present our chatbot case
government or e-government. This shift has been driven          – the municipality chatbot Kommune-Kari – and the
by uptake of emerging technology (Zhang et al., 2016),          context of developing a framework for ethical
public administration’s desire for efficiency and service       technology adoption. Finally, we discuss ethical
improvement (Koskinen et al., 2020), as well as citizens        implications of the case chatbot and suggest
perceptions of such technology as effective, efficient, and     implications for research and practice.
trustworthy (Gupta et al., 2016).
The shift towards electronic government arguably has            Electronic Government and ethics research
substantial ethical implications (Roman, 2015). In              Electronic government is understood as the use of
particular as the public sector, as a provider of               digital technology to support and improve government
democratically grounded services to which all citizens          processes, including internal processes within or
have rights, need to be particularly mindful of ethical         between government bodies as well as external
aspects of service provision (Stahl, 2005). However,            processes involving citizens and private sector
there is a lack of support for systematic consideration         enterprises and organizations.
of the ethical implications following from uptake of
novel digital technology by public sector                       While ethics in government administrations have been
administrations.                                                made the subject of substantial research efforts
                                                                (Menzel, 2015), research on ethical implications of
With this in mind, it is important to investigate the           electronic government is more scarce (Roman, 2015).
ethical implications of chatbots as a technology                Nevertheless, there has been research interest in the
currently being taken up for public sector service              related subject of how electronic government may
provision. While already established as part of                 strengthen and improve on the public sector's ability to
commercial service offerings, particularly for customer         yield public value (Twizeyimana & Andersson, 2019).
service in consumer contexts, chatbots are increasingly
used as a channel of information and service provision          Researchers have also discussed how electronic
from public sector administrations to citizens.                 government services may lead to unintended
                                                                consequences – some of which may be negative to
In this position paper, we use the case of a specific           citizens and society. Mullen and Horner (2004) discuss
chatbot to discuss ethical implications of this                 how electronic government may give rise to ethical
technology as part of public sector service provision.          problems, for example with regards to agentive
The context of our discussion is the development of a           technology. Koskinen et al. (2020) recently voiced the
framework for ethical adoption of disruptive technology         need for research on electronic government critically
in public sector administrations.                               examining whether and how electronic government
The municipality                          services are ethically justifiable and discussed the need   across several municipalities something that implies
chatbot Kommune-Kari                      to support informed public discourse towards this end.      substantial benefits in terms of quality and cost.

An example of public-private              Chatbots in Electronic Government                           Kommune-Kari is currently implemented in the
collaboration where a vendor              Chatbots have increasingly been take up as part of          websites of 90 Norwegian municipalities, as well as
provides the chatbot as a                 electronic government. A recent report on government        municipalities in other European countries. In 2021 it
service to municipalities. This           uses of AI (EC, 2020) surveyed 52 examples of chatbot       handled more than 1M citizen dialogues.
is arguably cost-effective and            use in European public sectors. Here, chatbots are
beneficial to quality due to              identified as a technology potentially driving              In the context of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic,
similarities in service and               incremental change, for example when providing              municipalities have received a substantial increase in
information requirements                  answers to frequently asked questions, or chatbots as       questions concerning health and vaccination, as well as
across municipalities.                    potentially disruptive or transformative, for example       regulations and advice for Covid-mitigating purposes.
                                          when providing personalized service or helping citizens     In consequence, about one third of the conversations
The chatbot can answer 6000               finding information across multiple agencies.               with the chatbot over the last year concerned
user intents and integrates                                                                           healthcare and covid-19.
third party data for                      In response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, a
information provision.                    frequent use-case for chatbots in the public sector has     Context: A Framework for Ethical Adoption
Illustration below (texts                 been as a source of information on Covid-19 and             of Disruptive Technology in Public
translated to English)                    advice, policies, and regulations to mitigate the           Administrations
                                          pandemic. Höhn and Bongard-Blanchy (2020) surveyed          The chatbot Kommune-Kari is one of four use cases in
          How is the air quality today?
                                          more than 20 such chatbots, many of these hosted by         the ongoing European research and innovation project
                                          national Ministries of Health.                              ETAPAS – Ethical Technology Adoption in Public Sector
          Today there is low air                                                                      Administrations ( Here, the
          pollution.                      Case-chatbot: Kommune-Kari                                  objective is to establish a framework for Responsible
             Enjoy the day outdoors.
                                          The chatbot Kommune-Kari is a service to make               Disruptive Technology adoption (RDT Framework) to
         The latest data show:            chatbots available to public sector service provision in    support public sector administrations when taking up
                                          local municipalities. The chatbot is implemented as a       emerging technology for purposes of administration and
         •     Low NO2 (nitrogenoxide)
                                          service for general citizen requests and is to be used      service provision.
         •     Low PM2.5 and low          anonymously. It can identify and answer about 6000
               PM10 (fine particular
               matter)                    user intents on topics such as healthcare, education        Specifically, the objective of the framework is to enable
                                          and childcare, construction, planning, and renovation.      public sector administrations to the ethical implications
                                                                                                      of taking up technologies with disruptive potential, such
                                          As all municipalities in a country have resembling          as technologies utilizing current advances in artificial
                                          information and service requirements towards citizens,      intelligence, robotics, and big data. In the framework,
   Your question here
                                          it is possible to utilize the same basic chatbot content    ethical implications of such technologies are addressed
                                                                                                      through reviews based in a code of conduct, a set of
ethical risks of potential relevance of disruptive          may also be a link in a service system described by
                                 technology, and indicators to assess risks identified as    Grudin and Jaques (2019) as humbots.
                                 particularly relevant for a given use case.
                                                                                             In the context of the ETAPAS framework, ethical risk
ETAPAS code of                   The work on the ETAPAS framework is ongoing. In the         areas have been tentatively identified as relevant in a
conduct – ten ethical            following we share from the ethical implications            chatbot for public sector service provision. In the
principles for                   identified as particularly relevant for the public sector   following, we present some of these as
responsible disruptive           chatbot Kommune-Kari.                                       exemplifications. The ethical risks are structured under
technology adoption                                                                          sections reflecting selected ethical principles in the code
                                 Ethical Implications of Chatbots for Public                 of conduct developed as basis for the RDT framework
1. Environmental                 Sector                                                      developed in ETAPAS (Hansson & Fröding, 2021). See
sustainability                   The implementation of a chatbot as part of citizen-         the sidebar or a full overview of the code of conduct
                                 facing electronic government potentially hold societal      principles.
2. Justice, equality and the     and ethical implications. One set of implications follows
rule of law                      from the chatbot enabling citizens to formulate their       Transparency and explainability
3. Transparency and              requests in free text, which potentially extends the        The principle of transparency and explainability suggest
explainability                   scope for what automated public sector service              important ethical implications of chatbots in the public
                                 provision should concern. For example, when offered a       sector. Specifically, it is of importance that users
4. Responsibility and            free text field for enquiries, citizens may ask questions   understand they are conversing with a chatbot, and not
accountability                   concerning service areas not covered by the                 a human. Furthermore, it is important that users
5. Safety and security           municipality but by other government entities of private    understand that the chatbot (as currently implemented)
                                 sector providers, or they may present questions             provides general responses and not personalized
6. Privacy                       concerning issues not previously supported through          answers. The obligation to ensure users are aware that
7. Building an ethical culture   automated public sector service provision such as           they converse with a chatbot may be covered in the
involving the employees          questions concerning mental health or wellbeing.            planned EU regulation of artificial intelligence
                                                                                             applications, the AI Act (Schaake, 2021). The need to
8. Retaining human contacts      Another set of implications concerns how the                explain clearly to users that chatbot answers are
9. Ethical public-private        introduction of a chatbot may impact municipality           general and not reflecting, e.g., the processing of their
cooperation                      service level and citizens' trust in municipality service   specific situation with the municipality concerns
                                 provision. Introducing a chatbot for service provision      interaction design challenges but may also depend on
10. Continuous evaluation        means introducing a channel for information and             user maturity – where users more experienced with
and improvement                  service provision resembling that of manned chat but        conversational interaction may more clearly understand
                                 intended to strengthen citizen ability for self-service –   their capabilities. As such, the ethical obligation of
The full code of conduct is      though with implementation of escalation of chatbot         transparency may potentially be resolved through
available at                     conversations to manned chat support, the chatbot           ensuring users get the needed instruction as part of
https://www.etapasproject.e                                                                  becoming chatbot users.
Responsibility and accountability                           is required or requested may be a means of mitigating
Responsibility and accountability in chatbots concerns,     this ethical issue.
among other things, the obligation of the public sector
to provide adequate responses and answers to citizen        Reflections and Future Work
requests. This may imply ethical issues in cases where      The initial work in the use-case Kommune-Kari,
the chatbot provides false positive responses, or in        exemplifies the need to consider ethical and societal
cases where chatbot content is not updated. False           implications of chatbots in public sector service
positive responses in chatbots happens if the prediction    provision, and also suggests avenues for future work.
algorithm in the chatbot erroneously interprets the
intent of the user (Følstad & Taylor, 2019). In such        On the basis of the initial work, we would like to share
cases, the chatbot response may not be an adequate          two reflections. First, relevant ethical issues are
response to the user question. Often such false positive    intertwined with issues from other perspectives. Key
responses are easily identified by the user, but it is      ethical implications identified in the use case concerns
conceivable that these may also be misinterpreted as        issues which also would be identified and sought
valid answers. The issue of false positives, as well as     mitigated as part of analyses from perspectives such as
updating of chatbot content clearly is important for        usability, user experience, and legal analyses. This
chatbot usefulness, but also holds ethical implications     suggests that the ethical analysis may not primarily be
with relevance for the responsibility and accountability    useful for identifying the issues, but rather for
of the public sector service providers and is an area       discussing means of mitigating these – that is, to
where chatbot usefulness and usability is entangled         discuss their importance and alternative solutions for
with the ethics of the chatbot.                             addressing the issue. Second, ethical implications
                                                            identified through a framework oriented towards
Retaining human contacts                                    mitigation of risk, may be biased towards problematic
Local municipalities are the lowest level of contact        issues rather than how disruptive technologies may
between citizens and the public sector. Hence, retaining    hold unforeseen positive implications which should be
human contacts is of societal and ethical importance.       leveraged. For example, in a public sector chatbot, the
For citizens, chatbots may potentially represent a step     use of this by citizens to request services not currently
towards increasing the distance to human service            offered by the municipality may entail an opportunity
providers. Vice versa, support through chatbots may         for strengthening the service offering beyond what was
potentially reduce the contact that public sector           intended with the chatbot technology.
professionals have with citizens. While this ethical
challenge likely is not immediately relevant, in the long   Future work on ethical implications of chatbots in the
run this may represent a challenge. Potentially             public sector may benefit from more strongly utilizing
facilitating effective service systems of humans and        ethical reflection for mitigating issues identified through
chatbots, where human support is available when this        other perspectives. Furthermore, ethical reflection may
also entail leveraging opportunities for unforeseen        Koskinen, J., Vermanen, M., Rantanen, M. M., &
beneficial aspects of technology.                          Hyrynsalmi, S. (2020). Ethical governance of
                                                           eGovernment ecosystems. In Proceedings of BLED
                                                           2020 (pp. 201-216). AIS eLibrary.
This work is part of the ETAPAS project, supported by
EC H2020-EU., grant no. 101004594                   Lommatzsch, A. (2018, June). A next generation
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JRC120399                                                  government ethics: An organizational perspective. The
                                                           American Review of Public Administration, 45(2), 216-
Følstad, A., & Taylor, C. (2019). Conversational repair    236.
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