MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List - NET

Page created by Danny Leon
MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

Historically people with MND often required equipment more rapidly than could be offered by past and present State and Federal funding options. The MND Victoria
equipment service was established in 1981. MND Victoria runs an Equipment Service to help keep people living with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) safe and mobile.
Timely provision of equipment has been a mission of MND Vic for 40 years.

People living with MND wishing to access the MND Victoria Equipment Service must:
•       Be registered as a member of MND Victoria
•       Be living at home in the community within Victoria
•       Sign the MND Victoria ES Client Agreement outlining the terms and conditions of access to MND Victoria equipment.
•       Have the equipment request placed by a relevant AHP.

Equipment stocked by MND Victoria will be provided on a rental basis as a support to clients of MND Victoria who become NDIS participants. Provision of the equipment
must be included in the client’s/participant’s NDIS plan in the Capital budget as ‘Flexible Loan Bundle”. MND Victoria claim the MND Flexible loan bundle costs directly
through the NDIS Proda portal. MND Victoria is an NDIS registered provider.

Participants over 65 = all are eligible to receive equipment from the library regardless of HCP status or other funding sources. Eligibility for Equipment Service is not means

Clients moving into a Commonwealth Government funded or privately funded Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) may take some equipment they currently have with
them with the exception of equipment required to be provided by a RACF under the Aged Care Act 1997 see Part 3 section 3.1 - 3.6.
Further information can be found also in the Quality-of-Care Principles 2014.
Requests for MND equipment that falls outside section 3.1 - 3.6 for people in RACF will be considered according to need and availability.

The Equipment Service is a loan library therefore customised or specialised items are not available. Therapists may need to seek alternate funding sources for some
equipment through NDIS, SWEP, SWEP reissue, HCP funding or ECDS as required. All equipment is delivered by 3rd party agents – Alter, Magic Mobility and Pegasus.

AHP = Allied Health Professional
NR = Non retrievable equipment
HD = Heavy Duty
TIS = Tilt in space
EBL = Edge Barrier
P3 = Paediatric aperture (smaller hole)
ELR = Electric lift and recline
MWC = Manual wheelchair
PWC = Power wheelchair
ES = Equipment Service
NDIS – National Disability Insurance Scheme
SWEP – State-wide Equipment Program
ECDS – Electronic Communication Devices Scheme
HCP – Home Care Package
RACF - Residential Aged Care Facilities

MND Vic Equipment Service stocklist with codes.docx                                                                                                                   17/02/2022
MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

                                                                     Bath, Shower and Toilet Equipment
  Category                       Item                                             Type / Make           MND Codes                          Comments

                Bath Transfer bench                       Bath Transfer Bench                          BSEB NR

                                                                                                                    BSEB - Specify left or right use or if leg extensions
                Bath board                                Bathboard                                    BSSA NR
                Myco swivel bather                        Myco Swivel bather                           BSSW

                                                                                                                    CRPT 001 - shower only unit longer model
                Shower toilet, portable unit              Careport Information                                      CRPT 002 – shower/toilet unit longer model
                CarePort                                  Careport You Tube video from Haleberry/PIP
                                                                                                                    See info on website re: process for CarePort request.

                                                          Shower stool                                 STPA NR
                Shower stool                              Shower stool HD                              STBA NR
                Shower chair                              Shower chair                                 SCAA NR
                                                          Shower chair HD                              SCBA NR

                Shower toilet wheeled commode             Aspire Transit Shower Commode                TCPA
                (upright) – all supplied with open

                front padded seat, padded                 Juvo upright commode
                armrests, swing away footplates,              ➢ 410mm seat width (16”)                 TCPL
                pot, lid, carrier and seatbelt.               ➢ 460mm seat width (18”)                 TCPZ         TCPZ 1-999 - K Care
                                                              ➢ 510mm seat width (20”)                 TCPB         TCPZ 1000 - 1100 Juvo
                P3 and closed padded seats available on
                                                              ➢ 560mm seat width (22”)                 TCPH         TCPZ 1100 - Juvo height adjustable
                request for 460mm (18”) and 410mm
                (16”) commodes                            K Care upright commode
                                                              ➢ 460mm seat width (18”)                 TCPZ
                                                          Juvo TIS commode
                Shower toilet wheeled commode
                                                              ➢ 410mm seat width (16”)                 TCPK
                (TIS) – all supplied with open
                                                              ➢ 460mm seat width (18”)                 TCPT
                front padded seat, padded                                                                           TCPT 1-999 – K Care static height
                                                              ➢ 510mm seat width (20”)                 TCPX
                armrests, swing away footplates,                                                                    TCPT 1000+ - Juvo height adjustable
                                                              ➢ 560mm seat width (22”)                 TCXL
                pot, lid, carrier and seatbelt.
                                                          K Care TIS commode

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MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

                P3 and closed padded seats available on       ➢   460mm seat width (18”)                                   TCPT
                request for 460mm (18”) commodes

                                                          Aquatec Ocean Ergo VIP Tilt in Space Shower
                                                          Commode                                                          TCTO
                                                             ➢ 450mm seat width (18”)

                Shower toilet wheeled commode
                (self-propelling) fixed height, 18"
                                                          Self-propelling commode                                          TCSF

                                                          Juvo padded seat paediatric aperture transit/TIS (for commode)
                                                              ➢ 410mm seat width (16”)
                                                              ➢ 460mm seat width (18”)                                     TCJS
                Commode seats
                                                          KCare Transit TIS seat (for commode)
                                                              ➢ 460mm seat width (18”)                                     TCPP
                                                          Aquateq Ocean Ergo
                Shower toilet wheeled commode
                                                          ETAC Swift Mobil-2                                               TCPO
                - other
                                                          Raised Toilet seats
                                                               ➢ 50mm                                                      TSRA NR
                Raised Toilet seat                             ➢ 100mm                                                     TSRZ NR
                                                               ➢ 150mm                                                     TSRX NR
                                                          Toilet Seat Raiser with arms                                     TSRT NR
                Bedside commode                           Bedside commode                                                  TCXX

                                                          OTF with Splashguard                                             TSFA NR
                                                          OTF with splashguard HD                                          TSFB NR
                Toilet frames
                                                          Surround toilet frame                                            TNFA NR
                                                          Surround toilet frame HD                                         TFNB NR
                                                          Slipper bed pans (Small)                                         BDPL NR
                                                          Slipper bed pans (Large)                                         BDPS NR
                Other toileting aids
                                                          Male non spill urinal                                            ULNS NR
                                                          Female urinal                                                    ULFV NR

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MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

                                                         Beds, Bed Accessories, Mattresses and Mattress Overlays
                                                             Engrit – no longer being manufactured.
                       Electric single – 3 function          Accessories available – cot sides, clamp on bed sticks, self-help   BDEE          Mattress that fits is BDME
                                                             Invacare 1600 bed
                       Electric single – 3 function, non-
                                                             Accessories available – cot sides,                                  BDEI          Mattress that fits is BDMI
                                                             clamp on bed sticks, bed extension, self-help pole

                                                             Etude Plus bed
                       Electric single – 4 function, pull-
                                                             Accessories available – cot sides,                                  BDEX          BDME fits these beds
                                                             clamp on bed sticks.
                       Electric king single 4 function       Deutscher Walmsley KS
                       Sigma – pull apart                    Sigma KS
                                                                                                                                               2 x KS
                       Static companion bed                  Variety of brands and styles                                        BDEC
                                                                                                                                               6 x single
                                                             Slide in bed stick with safety return                               BDSH NR
                                                             Bed wedge - waterproof cover                                        PILW
                                                             Body wedge - side lying                                             PBOW
                       Accessories for beds                  Bed raisers - 40mm                                                  BDBL NR
                                                             Bed raisers - 100mm                                                 BDBC NR
     Bed Accessories

                                                             Bed raisers - biscuits                                              BDBB NR
                                                             Bed cradle - adjustable                                             BDCR NR
                                                                                                                                 BDIX Single
                       Bed extension                         Available for Invacare 1600 single bed and Sigma KS bed
                                                                                                                                 BDXK KS

                       Bed extension                         Extension (20cm-Etude Plus) - Single Bed                            BDXE

                       Bed bolster for S bed extension       Available for the Invacare 1600 when extension required             BDBO

                       Bed bolster for KS bed extension      Available for Sigma KS bed when extension required                  BDBK

MND Vic Equipment Service stocklist with codes.docx                                                                                                                         17/02/2022
MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

                                                            Available for all MND Vic issued bed types – specify            BDCE
                         Bed Safety Side – single or pair   left/right/both on request
                                                            Specific for Etude beds                                         BDCF

                         Clamp on bed stick with safety     Available for all MND Vic issued bed types - specify
                         return – single or pair            left/right/both on request.                                     BDBE
                                                            Clamp on bed stick with safety return

                                                            Available for Engrit beds only                                  BDSE
                         Self-help pole (monkey pole)
                                                            Available for Invacare beds only                                BDSI

                                                                                                                                          10 x 18 ROHO section to go in MTMA base.
                                                                                                                            MTMA Single
                         ROHO insert mattress               ROHO insert mattress                                                          Mattresses have 2 cut-outs and foam plugs are
                                                                                                                            MTMK KS
                                                                                                                                          available. Specify requirements on request.

                                                            There are a variety of brands – but all have these features -   BDMT          BDMT – Static companion bed
                                                            Memory foam mattress                                            BDMK          BDMK – KS
                         Memory foam mattress                                                                               BDML          BDML – Single long
                                                            KS memory foam mattress                                         BDME          BDME – Single (Engrit)
                                                                                                                            BDMI          BDMI – Single (Invacare)

                         Alternating air full replacement                                                                   MTFS Single
                                                            Airflex Trio full mattress replacement
                         mattress – Single and KS                                                                           MTFK KS
     Mattress Overlays

                                                            Spenco Overlay                                                  MTSX
                                                            Wooltec overlay (no longer manufactured)                        MTOW
                         Other Mattress overlays - single
                                                            50mm memory foam overlay                                        MTMS
                                                            80mm memory foam overlay                                        MTMT

                         Mattress overlays – King Single    Foam surround overlay KS                                        MTKS

MND Vic Equipment Service stocklist with codes.docx                                                                                                                           17/02/2022
MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

                                                                                                                     MTXX 1 – 99   Viaclin
                                 Alternating air overlay - single      Pegasus NoDec A Airstream APM                 MTXX 100 –    NoDec A 1
                                                                                                                     MTXX 200 –    NoDec A 2


                                 Kitchen perch stool                   Kitchen perching stool                        CHPS

                                 Low back height adjustable            Static chair- low back, height adj            CHKA
                                 Mid-high back height adjustable       Static chair - mid/high back, height adj      CHBA
                                 High back pressure care               Static chair - high back, pressure care       CHLZ

                                 Mobile pressure care manual
                                                                       Mobile air chair                              CHMR

                                                                       Topform ELR - 3 sizes:
                                                                                                                     CHLS 39 -
                                                                           ➢ Small (mini)
                                                                                                                     CHLD 110 -
                                                                           ➢ Standard (maxi)
     Electric lift and recline

                                 Electric Lift Recliner Chairs – 2         ➢ Tall (tall)
                                                                       Plega Waverly ELR – 2 sizes
                                                                                                                     CHLS 1 - 38
                                                                           ➢ Petit                                                 No longer purchased
                                                                                                                     CHLD 1 -110
                                                                           ➢ Deluxe
                                                                       Configura Comfort VLR
                                 Electric Vertical lift and Recliner       ➢ Small
                                                                                                                     CHLV 500 -
                                 chair                                     ➢ Medium
                                                                                                                     CHLV 1000 -
                                                                           ➢ Large

                                 Electric tilt, recline and leg        Milano chair                                  CHML
                                 elevation pressure care chair         Sorrento chair (TIS)                          CHST

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MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List


                                                      Diffuser cushion

                                                           ➢ 410 x 410 mm (16” x 16”)
                Diffuser                                                                          CNMF        Supplied with Steri plus cover
                                                           ➢ 460 x 410 mm (18” x 16”)
                                                           ➢ 500 x 460mm (20” x 18”)
                Equagel - General dry-polymer
                gel pressure cushion                  EquaGel cushion
                                                         ➢ 410mm x 410mm (16” x 16”)              CNES
                                                         ➢ 410mm x 460mm (16” x 18”)              CNES
                                                         ➢ 460mm x 410mm (18” x 16”)              CNEM

                                                      Jay 2 cushion
                Jay 2                                      ➢ 410mm x 410 mm (16” x 16”)           CNJS
                                                           ➢ 460mm x 410mm (18” x 16”)            CNJY
                                                           ➢ 460mm x 460mm (18” x 18”)            CNJY 100+

                                                      ROHO High Profile
                                                         ➢ 10 x 10 cells                                      There are a small range of other sizes – please
                                                         ➢ 10 x 9 cells                           CNRO        contact the ES for info.
                                                         ➢ 9 x 9 cells                            CNRA        CNRO – for all other requests
                ROHO HP and LP
                                                                                                              CNRA – issued with Frontier PWCs
                                                                                                              Most ROHO’s are Quadtro.
                                                      ROHO Low profile

                                                                                                              All Cushions supplied with box and pump.
                                                         ➢ 10 x 10 cells
                                                                                                              Responsibility of setup and maintenance of
                                                         ➢ 10 x 9 cells                           CNRL
                                                                                                              appropriate inflation is the responsibility of
                                                         ➢ 9 x 9 cells
                                                                                                              requesting AHP.
                                                      Roho-quadtro cushion info

                Jay Fusion with ROHO Dry              Jay Fusion with air insert                              Please clarify specific size in request
                Floatation Air Inserts                     ➢ 460mm x 460mm (18”x 18”)
                                                           ➢ 460mm x 410mm (18” x 16”)            CNJF
                                                           ➢ 410mm x 410mm (16” x 16”)

                                                      Jay wheelchair-cushions/fusion info                     Please clarify specific size in request

MND Vic Equipment Service stocklist with codes.docx                                                                                                     17/02/2022
MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

                                                      Vicair Vector 02                                    CNVZ
                                                          ➢ 400mm x 400mm
                                                          ➢ 450mm x 400mm

                                                                                     Mobility Aids
                    Crutch                                ➢ Med                                           CTEA NR   Specify single or pair on request.
                                                          ➢ Large                                         CTEL NR

                                                      Quad point stick (small and large)                  WKSQ NR   Please specify size in your request
                    Walking stick
                                                      Single point stick                                  WKSK NR
     Walking aids

                                                                                                                    Specify if rear stoppers, wheels or skis are
                    Pick up frame - folding           Breezy walking frame                                WFFZ

                    Walking frames 6” wheels          A frame, 6" wheels, bicycle brakes, seat            WFAB
                    A Frame, adjustable height with   A frame, 6" wheels, small, bicycle brakes, seat     WFAS
                    seat and carrying container       A frame, 6" wheels, weight activated brakes, seat   WFAW

                    Walking frames 8” wheels          A frame, 8" wheels, bicycle brakes, seat            WFAL
                    A Frame, adjustable height with   A frame, 8" wheels, HD, bicycles brakes, seat       WFAH
                    seat and carrying container       A frame, 8" wheels, tall, bicycles brakes, seat     WFAT

                    Kitchen trolley walker            Aspire meal trolley                                 TYXX
                                                      Decpac ramps
                                                         ➢ 700mm (EBL)                                    RPDS

                                                         ➢ 900mm (EBL)                                    RPDP
                    Decpac                               ➢ 1200mm (EBL)                                   RPDO
                                                         ➢ 1200mm (flat)                                  RPDN
                                                         ➢ 1800mm (EBL)                                   RPDL
                                                         ➢ 3000mm (EBL)                                   RPDX

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MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

                                                       Silver Star ramps
                    Silver Star                                                                                RPFT
                                                            ➢ 610mm (5kg weight)
                    Metal folding portable with edge                                                           RPFP
                                                            ➢ 910mm (8kg weight)
                    barrier.                                                                                   RPFO
                                                            ➢ 1220mm (11kg weight)
                    All 750mm wide unfolded;                                                                   RPFM
                                                            ➢ 1520mm (13kg weight)
                    375mm folded                                                                               RPFL
                                                            ➢ 1830m (16kg weight)

                                                       Threshold ramps                                                   Quick and easy installation
                                                                                                               RPRW NR
                    Rubber threshold ramps                 ➢ 25mm                                                        Designed to bridge any door entry.
                                                                                                               RPRZ NR
                                                           ➢ 50mm                                                        Can be trimmed to suit

                                                                   Tables – around chair and over bed

                                                       900mm Single pole with u shaped base                    TLOC
                    Over bed and around chair
                                                       900mm brown curved around chair table                   TLOW
                                                       600mm over bed table with tilt                          TLOT

                                                                                     Transfer Aids
                                                       Invacare Birdie EVO 180
                    Mobile electric hoists             Invacare Birdie compact 150                             HTET

                                                       General Purpose sling
   Transfer Aids

                                                          ➢ Small
                                                          ➢ Medium
                                                          ➢ Large
                                                          ➢ XL
                    Slings                             General Purpose sling with head support (Invacare) or
                                                       General Purpose sling with head support (Novis)
                                                          ➢ XS
                                                          ➢ Small                                                        Some available in mesh or fabric
                                                          ➢ Medium
                                                          ➢ Large
                                                          ➢ Extra large

MND Vic Equipment Service stocklist with codes.docx                                                                                                           17/02/2022
MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

                                                      Toileting/Hygiene sling
                                                           ➢ Small
                                                                                                  HSHM     Fabric only
                                                           ➢ Medium
                                                           ➢ Large

                                                      Toileting/Hygiene sling with head support
                                                           ➢ XS
                                                           ➢ Small
                                                           ➢ Medium
                                                           ➢ Large
                                                           ➢ XL

                Standing                              Sara Stedy                                  HTSS

                                                      Transfer belts
                                                          ➢ Small                                 TBTS
                Transfer belts
                                                          ➢ Medium                                TBTM
                                                          ➢ Large                                 TBTL
                                                      Curved transfer board                       TBBB
                Transfer boards
                                                      Transfer board with cut-out                 TBSL
                                                      Turning disc - sitting                      TDSX
                Turning discs                         Swivel cushion – sitting, 44cm              TDSS
                                                      Turning disc - standing                     TDXX

MND Vic Equipment Service stocklist with codes.docx                                                                      17/02/2022
MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

                                                       MWC self propelling, folding
                                                         ➢ 400mm seat width (16”)                              WCML
                                                         ➢ 460mm seat width (18”)                              WCMP
                                                         ➢ 500mm seat width (20”)                              WCMB
                                                                                                                      Specify details of feature requirement on
                          MWC – lightweight, folding   Note – some 460mm width MWC are this model - MWC Self   WCMP
                                                                                                                      Request appropriate cushion if required.
                                                       propelling Karma Eagle
                                                                                                                      Wheelchair travel bag (2) available on request
                                                       MWC transit, folding
                                                           ➢ 400mm seat width (16”)
                                                           ➢ 460mm seat width (18”)
     Manual wheelchairs

                                                           ➢ 500mm seat width (20”)
                                                       MWC - Karma VIP 2 TIS, folding
                                                           ➢ 400mm seat width (16”)
                                                           ➢ 460mm seat width (18”)                                   Please note differences in design features
                                                                                                                      between 515 and VIP 2 models. Specify which
                                                       MWC - Karma 515 TIS, folding                                   model is appropriate.
                          MWC TIS - folding              ➢ 400mm seat width (16”)                              WCMM
                                                         ➢ 460mm seat width (18”)
                                                       MWC - Carequip/Ansa TIS, folding
                                                         ➢ 400mm seat width (16”)                                     No longer manufactured but some still in stock
                                                         ➢ 460mm seat width (18”)
                                                       MWC - Azalea TIS, fixed frame                                  Azalea = 11
                                                         ➢ 460mm seat width (18”)                                     Most have self-propelling wheels
                                                       MWC - Magic Mobility Jewel TIS fixed frame
                          MWC TIS – fixed frame                                                                WCMR
                                                         ➢ 460mm seat width with 10 x 10 roho                         Jewel = 11
                                                         ➢ Tray table available                                       No longer manufactured but some still in stock
                                                         ➢ Power assist unit available

                          MWC power assist unit        MWC - Pride power assist                                WCMD   For Karma or Jewel MWC’s

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MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

                                                                                                                                    Quickie Aspire no longer manufactured but some
                                                          PWC - Shoprider Cougar, upright, mid wheel drive                          still in stock.
                         PWC – upright, mid-wheel drive                                                                      WCEP
                                                          PWC - Quickie Aspire, upright, mid wheel drive                            Captain’s seat or seat board, swing away or
                                                                                                                                    centreline footplate. Request cushion if required.

                         PWC – Upright, folding,
                                                          PWC - Leitner, upright, folding                                    WCEF   2 only – call for availability
                                                          Magic Mobility x5 info
                                                          Accessories X5 can include:
                                                              ➢ Tray table – specify left or right cut out for controller.          Includes charger, ROHO and pump
                                                              ➢ L-shape/Y-shape headrest
                                                              ➢ Ventilator carrier                                                  Note – most PWCs are 460mm seat width and
                                                              ➢ Attendant controller                                         WCEM   depth (18”).
     Power wheelchairs

                                                              ➢ All terrain tyres (some)                                            There are some other wider sizes available on
                                                              ➢ T-bar for Dynamic controller                                        enquiry
                                                              ➢ Switches (see list below)
                                                              ➢ Gutter arms
                                                          NB: Please clarify if you are wanting an X5 or V6 PWC when
                                                          placing equipment order
                                                          PWC -Magic Mobility V6 Compact                                     WCEM
                                                          Accessories V6 can include:
                         PWC – TIS, midwheel drive,
                                                              ➢ Tray table - specify left or right cut-out for controller    WCET   Includes charger, ROHO and pump as standard.
                         elevating legsrests
                                                              ➢ Attendant controls
                                                              ➢ Perspex or Body point T-bar                                  WCEX   Variety of set up configurations and accessories
                                                              ➢ L-shape / Y-shape headrest                                   WCHE   available.
                                                              ➢ Savant Head rest                                             WCHS
                                                                        ▪ +/- Axion                                          WCHA   Specify left/right controller setup and
                                                              ➢ Sunshade                                                     WCCP   requirements on request form.
                                                              ➢ Ventilator carrier                                           WCVC
                                                              ➢ Omni 1 scanner (only P & G controllers)                      WCSO   Accessories need to be specified and added to
                                                              ➢ Omni 2 scanner (only P & G controllers)                      WCSO   the PWC request.
                                                              ➢ Gutter arm pad
                                                              ➢ Elbow guard
                                                              ➢ Switches (see list below)
                                                          NB: Please clarify if you are wanting an X5 or V6 PWC when
                                                          placing equipment order

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MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List

                                 PWC – TIS, variety of brands and
                                                                    Contact ES to discuss options                                      WCEB

                                                                                        Switches and Switch mounts
                                                                                                                                                 ModHose Single Switch Holder - Spring Clamp
                                 Switch mount                       Single switch modhose clamp mount                                  CSMO

                                                                    Buddy Button                                                       CSJR
                                                                    Cuddly/pillow switch                                               CSCU
                                                                    Jellybean                                                          CSJB
                                 Switches                                                                                                        Ablenet Switch Selection guide
                                                                    Jellybean twist                                                    CSJT
                                                                    Microlight                                                         CSML
                                                                    Specs/Mini cup                                                     CSMC

                                 Switch adapted remote call bell    Switch adapted call bell                                           CSRM      Request switch as required

                                 Boogie board/E-writer              Boogie board/E-writer                                              CMEW NR
     Miscellaneous and one off

                                 Cup holder                         Modhose cup holder with spring clamp                               CSMM

                                 iPhone holder                      iPhone holder with modhose and clamp                               CSIH

                                 Nebuliser                          Liberty Nebuliser Info                                             NEBX

                                 Obi Robot feeder                   Obi Robot feeder                                                   OBIF

                                 Etran Board                        Etran Communication board                                          ETBX NR

                                 Handy bar                          Handybar                                                           CTHB NR
                                                                    Voice/Message banking resources -
                                 Headset mic                                                                                           CMIC NR

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MND Victoria Equipment Service Stock List


                                                                                                                                         Client required to supply their own Apple ID for setup.
                iPad                                  Variety of sizes                                                         TABT      Funding for apps not provided. Funding for apps can be
                                                      See info on website re: iPad Referral pathway and iPad Tech checklist.             sourced by a SP via NDIS or ECDS as required.

                Pickup stick                          Pickup stick (600mm, 750mm & 900mm)                                      SKPU NR   Please specify size in your request

                Sheepskin                             Medical Sheepskin                                                        SSXX      Variety of sizes for bed or chair

MND Vic Equipment Service stocklist with codes.docx                                                                                                                                     17/02/2022
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