The Environment and Indigenous People in the Context of the Armed Conflict and the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia: Implications for the Special ...

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          The Environment
    and Indigenous People
       in the Context of the
    Armed Conflict and the
  Peacebuilding Process in
 Colombia: Implications for
    the Special Jurisdiction
for Peace and International
            Criminal Justice
                   Ricardo Pereira
                    Britta Sjöstedt
                   Torsten Krause
Britta Sjöstedt
Senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Lund University.    Torsten Krause
She is researching and teaching environmental law and        Senior lecturer at Lund University. He has a background
public international law. Her current research interests     in International Business Administration (BSc) from the
relate to public international law including environmental   European University Viadrina and the Montpellier
protection, armed conflict, environmental peacebuilding      Business School, and a MSc in Environmental Studies and
and environmental security. She is a founding board          Sustainability Science from Lund University. He obtained
director of the Environmental Peacebuilding Association      his PhD in Sustainability Science from Lund University
and the co-chair of its Law Interest Group. She is also a    in 2013. Torsten Krause has extensive interdisciplinary
member of International Law Association’s Committee on       research experience and has previously worked in Chile,
Role of International Law in Sustainable Natural Resource    Ecuador, Nigeria, Spain and Sweden. Over the past years
Management for Development.                                  he has focused his research on forest governance and
britta.sjö                                    post-conflict natural resources management in Colombia.
Dr Ricardo Pereira
Currently a Reader (Associate Professor) at Cardiff
University, UK, and Adjunct Research Associate Professor
at the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law, National
University of Singapore. He holds a Ph.D. in Law from
the University of Essex, UK, and LLM. degrees from
City, University of London and Queen Mary, University
of London. He has published widely in the fields of
environmental criminal law, international law and human
rights, which includes the book Environmental Criminal
Liability and Enforcement in European and International
Law (Brill, 2015). His recent research has focused on the
development of a crime of ecocide under international
law and participatory governance in environmental
criminal law enforcement.

This Policy Brief is sponsored
by the German-Colombian Peace Institute - CAPAZ
and the Centre for the Study of Latin American
Criminal Law and CrIminal Procedure - CEDPAL

Luz Mercedes Hincapié

Design and layout
Leonardo Fernández

Torsten Krause

Bogotá, Colombia, April, 2021

ISSN: 2711-0346
         our years have passed since the government               projects which bring new dimensions to the recog-
         of Colombia, under former president Juan                 nition of their rights over territory and resources as
         Manuel Santos, signed a peace agreement                  well as the role of indigenous people in the future
         with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of                   of environmental protection (Krause, 2020; Krause
Colombia - People’s Army, also known as FARC-EP                   et al., 2020). These aspects need to be addressed in
(OACP, 2016). For decades, the armed conflict had                 the peace process to ensure an ecologically as well
shaped Colombian society, culture, politics, and                  as socially sustainable peace, in which international
the natural environment. The list of committed                    law can play an important role.
violations of human rights as well as international                       This policy brief aims at assessing the impact
humanitarian law (IHL) is long, and includes forced               of the armed conflict in Colombia on the environ-
displacement of millions of people, the recruitment               ment and on indigenous peoples, and the applica-
of minors to join the ranks of guerrilla groups,                  tion of the rules of IHL and international criminal law
planting of landmines, and killing tens of thousands              to the armed conflict as well as their implications
of civilians. In addition to the unspeakable social               for the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) and for
impact, the armed conflict affected the environment,              international criminal justice. Section 1 discusses
and inevitably also the people in it, in various neg-             the implications of the armed conflict as well as
ative ways; for example, deforestation caused by                  the peacebuilding process for indigenous peoples’
illegal mining and coca plantations (Negret et al.,               rights and environmental protection in Colombia
2019; Dávalos et al., 2011), mercury pollution of                 and provides a brief background to the creation
watersheds from illegal gold mining (Guevara et                   of the JEP. In this section we also include a brief
al., 2016; Wagner, 2016), aerial fumigation of coca               case study of the impact of the armed conflict on
crops and accidental fumigation of other crops                    the protection of the environment in the Putumayo
with glyphosate, and pollution of soils and river                 department. Section 2 provides a background to
from disruption of oil pipelines. Recent progressive              the rules of international law relevant to internal
developments taking place in the international                    armed conflicts and their application in the pro-
legal arena, spurred by increasing awareness of                   tection of the environment and natural resource
the negative environmental impact on local com-                   conservation, with references to the situation in
munities, have called for actions to address and                  Colombia. It also discusses how far international
repair environmental damage, even if not legally                  law can be applied to build sustainable peace and
required under international law.                                 development in post-conflict scenarios. Section
       While the peace agreement allowed Co-                      3 starts by discussing the four core internation-
lombia to seek reconciliation within society, the                 al crimes under the International Criminal Court
armed conflict and its complex socio-political and                (ICC) Statute and how they relate to environmental
social-ecological impacts reverberate into the pres-              protection and natural resource governance in
ent, and environmental degradation, particularly                  the context of the conflict in Colombia. It also
deforestation, gains pace and becomes increasingly                discusses the potential role for non-governmental
widespread and severe, particularly in the areas pre-             organisations (NGOs) and civil society in Colombia
viously controlled by the FARC (Murillo Sandoval et               to bring communications before the ICC Office
al., 2020; Clerici et al., 2020). Colombia’s indigenous           of the Prosecutor (OTP) for the protection of the
peoples, who have been disproportionally affected                 environment and the rights of indigenous peoples.
by the armed conflict (Springer, 2012; IFRC, 2020),               The final section summarises the findings and
are also affected by the Colombian peacebuilding                  presents further recommendations.

      The Environment and Indigenous People in the Context of the Armed Conflict and the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia   3
Nature Conservation, Indigenous                                 Environmental destruction and degradation
Peoples, and Peacebuilding Processes in                  were other results of Colombia’s armed conflict.
Colombia                                                 During the armed conflict illegal coca crops re-
                                                         placed natural forests and its processing to cocaine
The Colombian armed conflict was mostly a rural          also polluted rivers and soils (Dávalos et al., 2011;
conflict, taking place in the marginal rural zones of    EJOLT, 2017). Moreover, the state’s response to
the country. During the armed conflict three types of    eradicate coca plantations via aerial fumigation
organized violence took place: intra-state violence      with glyphosate herbicide created additional pol-
between armed groups and the state, non-state            lution causing environmental degradation of native
violence between the different armed groups, and         ecosystems and non-coca crops as well as health
one-sided violence where armed groups targeted           problems for local populations (Sadinsky & Campos
civilians (UCDP, 2020). Human rights violations during   Iriarte, 2019; Dávalos et al., 2011; EJOLT, 2017). After
the armed conflict were widespread and committed         discontinuing areal fumigation in 2015, the govern-
by all sides, and included massacres of civilians,       ment of Colombia decided to resume the practice
targeted assassinations such as the infamous falsos      to eradicate coca plantations despite critique from
positivos scandal that involved the state military       farmers and civil society groups (Reuters, 2020).
and police, and the deployment of anti-personnel                Gold mining was an important source of in-
mines across the Colombian countryside. The ex-          come for illegal groups and caused widespread
tensive violence affected millions of people, many       mercury pollution of rivers and watersheds, a prac-
of which were forcibly displaced in the process and      tice that continues to this day (Rodríguez & Rubiano
migrated to urban centres in search for security         Galvis, 2016; Guevara et al., 2016; Wagner, 2016).
and a better safer life (Beittel, 2015). The internal    The rivers and fish in the Colombian Amazon region
migrations affected the social fabric of ‘receiving’     contain high levels of mercury from alluvial gold
cities, leading to widespread informal settlements       damaging not only the ecosystem but also causing
characterized by people living in poverty.               high health hazards in human populations and
       Colombia is a country of remarkable bio-cul-      particularly in indigenous groups who rely on fish as
tural diversity, having outstanding biological diver-    a main staple food (Nuñez-Avellaneda et al., 2014).
sity (WWF-Colombia, 2017) and 115 recognized in-         This connection between environmental damage
digenous and Afro-Colombian groups that make up          and the impact on human health becomes obvious
an estimated 4.4% of the population (DANE, 2019).        in the case of mercury pollution from gold mining in
However, half of the country’s indigenous reserves       Colombia. For instance, the levels of mercury found
or resguardos are located in the 150 municipalities      in fish in the municipality of Puerto Leguizamo in
most affected by forced displacements, which             Putumayo were the highest across the Colombian
means indigenous peoples and their territories           Amazon, exceeding the thresholds considered
have been greatly impacted by the armed conflict         safe for human consumption (Nuñez-Avellaneda
(Arango, 2017). Many indigenous communities              et al., 2014).
suffered violence at the hands of guerrilla groups,             Another important source of environmental
paramilitaries and the state’s security forces when      pollution are guerrilla attacks on oil pipelines (in
their territories were turned into battlefields for      particular by the ELN). During the armed conflict
military action and targeted for exploitation of         destruction of oil infrastructure was frequently
the natural resources that provided a source of          used as a weapon to disrupt economic activities
income for the various armed groups and para-            and target the state which led to an estimated
militaries (Beittel, 2015; Rodríguez, 2016; Guevara      more than 3 million barrels of crude oil seeping
et al., 2016). Moreover, during the armed conflict,      into Colombian soil and rivers. Attacks against oil
indigenous people were at a significantly higher         infrastructure also continue to date and are used as
risk of forced recruitment due to the intensification    a political weapon, particularly in the north-eastern
of armed confrontations in their territories, which      Caño Limon-Coveñas pipeline and the southern
overlap with strategic corridors used by armed           Transandino pipeline that passes from the Putumayo
groups and with resource exploitation. For instance,     department to the port city of Tumaco in Nariño
by some estimates, an indigenous child was 674           (Pardo Ibarra, 2018). The Putumayo department
times more likely to be recruited by an illegal armed    has been most affected by these and by 2018
group than a minor in any other part of the country      it had registered 1,109 targeted attacks (Pardo
(Springer, 2012; UNSC, 2012).                            Ibarra, 2018).

4        Policy Brief 2-2021
The Unintended Consequences of                                    and since its ratification (GFW, 2019; Clerici et al.,
the Peace Agreement: Environmental                                2020; Negret et al., 2019; Armenteras et al., 2018;
Degradation and Indigenous                                        Prem et al., 2018).
People’s Territories as Contemporary                                     There is strong spatial overlap between those
Victims of the Conflict                                           areas that record high levels of violence and those
Since the FARC’s disarmament, it became increas-                  that exhibit illegal conversion of forests to agricul-
ingly clear that the group exercised a de-facto state             tural land uses, cattle pastures, and coca plantations
authority with rules and regulations in the territories           (Murillo Sandoval et al., 2020; Clerici et al., 2020;
previously under its control (Murillo Sandoval et                 Negret et al., 2019; Prem et al., 2018). The Amazon
al., 2020; Van Dexter & Visseren-Hamakers, 2019;                  frontier departments of Colombia in particular are
Betancur-Alarcón & Krause, 2020). Although it may                 experiencing a sharp rise in deforestation (Clerici
seem from an international perspective that the                   et al., 2020), which has already affected recognized
Colombian armed conflict with the FARC has come                   indigenous territories, for instance the Resguardo
to an end, hostilities continue with FARC dissident               Indígena Nukak-Maku in Guaviare and the Resguar-
and other guerrilla groups as well as armed gangs                 do Indígena Llanos del Yarí – Yaguará II in Caquetá.
and drug cartels. Most noticeably, intimidations and              These two indigenous reserves have already lost
violence against human and indigenous rights ac-                  an estimated 4,000 ha of primary forests, and de-
tivists and environmental defenders has increased.                forestation through illegal land claims is a threat
Since the peace agreement was signed, hundreds                    for many more indigenous reserves across the
of social and indigenous leaders, environmental de-               Amazon region (Finer & Mamani, 2020).
fenders and human rights activists have been killed                      Illegal land grabbing has become the main
in Colombia (UNHCHR, 2020). Implementation of                     driver of deforestation in Colombia, most acutely
the peace agreement goes against the interests of                 in the Amazon region’s frontier departments of
some landholders and drug traffickers, and, there-                Putumayo, Caquetá, and Guaviare. These land grabs
fore, social leaders working on the implementation                are financed by large landowners, who seek to use
of the peace accords, promoting the agreement’s                   the current void and absence of state control to
comprehensive rural reform or the substitution of                 expand their land holdings by cutting down large
coca for other crops are increasingly threatened                  stretches of forests (Murillo Sandoval et al., 2020;
and assassinated (Ramírez, 2019). Between January                 Van Dexter & Visseren-Hamakers, 2019). Unfor-
2017 and June 2018, 36 coca growers seeking                       tunately, the peace process must be considered
to substitute coca with other crops were killed                   an unintended instrument of land grabbing and
(Ramírez, 2019). The unceasing violence against                   illegal land markets (Murillo Sandoval et al., 2020),
social leaders has earned Colombia the inglorious                 which is fuelled by the highly unequal access to,
2nd and 3rd places respectively, among the countries              and control of land. In Colombia, a small share
with the highest number of assassinations of human                of landowners possesses most of the agricultural
right defenders, and of social and environmental                  lands. This unequal distribution was, ironically,
leaders in the past four years (Global Witness, 2019;             perpetuated by armed groups during the conflict
Global Witness, 2017; UN, 2020).                                  due to the violent displacements of small-scale
       While the armed conflict led to significant                farmers, and it has now further increased in the
environmental damage and degradation, the                         aftermath of the peace agreement (Guereña, 2017).
post-conflict transition has brought a sharp rise
in environmental degradation, even encroaching                    The Special Jurisdiction for Peace
in areas such as national parks that were previ-                  and Colombia’s Indigenous Groups
ously better protected. Due to continuous threats                 In 2016, Colombia was the first country to negoti-
from FARC dissident groups, the National Parks                    ate a peace agreement which had to respect the
authority has had to withdraw their park rangers                  obligations of the ICC Statute. During the peace
from several protected areas such as the Rio Puré,                negotiations, former president Santos and the FARC’s
Apaporis, Serranía de Chiribiquete, La Paya, Sier-                peace negotiators agreed upon the creation of a
ra de la Macarena, Tinigua and Picachos Natural                   Special Jurisdiction for Peace (in Spanish Jurisdic-
Parks, leaving these areas without the presence                   ción Especial para la Paz-JEP), which is a parallel
of any environmental law enforcement authori-                     legal system and tribunal dedicated to resolving
ty (Colprensa, 2020). Deforestation in Colombia                   cases involving former combatants, state agents
soared in expectation of the peace agreement                      as well as civilians participating in the hostilities.

      The Environment and Indigenous People in the Context of the Armed Conflict and the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia   5
The creation of JEP paves the way for national             infrastructure in Colombia, with an estimated
reconciliation based on restorative justice and                   1,100 attack events (Pardo Ibarra, 2018).
forms part of the transitional justice component                          Moreover, because Putumayo had high
of the Peace Agreement (Comprehensive System                      conflict intensity during the armed conflict,
of Truth, Justice, Reparations and Guarantees of                  forced recruitment of children, in particular in-
Non-Recurrence). Through JEP Colombia follows                     digenous children, was also widespread in the
international standards of justice which means it                 department (UNSC, 2012). While Putumayo is
cannot offer judicial pardons for gross human rights              home to only 0.71% of Colombia’s population,
violations and war crimes that took place during the              40% of its population are victims of the armed
armed conflict. In addition to investigating crimes               conflict, which reside in the department
committed by the FARC, JEP investigates crimes by                 (Unidad de Víctimas, 2020b). The national
the State, for instance the military, which carried out           registry of victims (Unidad para la Atención y
some of the worst atrocities of the armed conflict                la Reparación Integral a las Víctimas) recorded
under former president Uribe.                                     approximately 136,000 victims of the armed
       Regarding indigenous people, JEP includes,                 conflict in the Putumayo region (Unidad de
inter alia, a special ethnic commission (Comisión                 Víctimas, 2020b) and about 253,000 forcibly
Étnica) and a special territorial and environmental               displaced people up until 2019—which could
commission (Comisión Territorial y Ambiental).                    be double (Unidad de Víctimas, 2020a).
JEP has three open territorial cases1 that relate to                      At present, Putumayo serves as a show-
the violation of human rights perpetrated against                 case for the clash between an expansionist
indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. An                     and primary resources dependent economic
additional important recognition took place in 2019               development agenda promoted by the State
when JEP formally recognized the environment as                   (DNP, 2018) and local rights to access and use
a ‘silent victim’ of the Colombian armed conflict,                of natural resources (CNMH, 2015). Putumayo
albeit this recognition is geographically limited to              is exemplary of many other peripheral regions
three municipalities in the department of Nariño                  of Colombia where clashes between rival
(Tumaco, Barbacoas and Ricaurte) within Case 02                   armed groups and the state trying to seize
(JEP, 2018).                                                      control has led to the militarization of every-
                                                                  day life (Ramírez, 2019; Nilsson & González
    Case Study: The Putumayo – Human                              Marín, 2020; Meger & Sachseder, 2020).
    and Indigenous Rights Violations During                               A characteristic Putumayo shares with
    Colombia’s Armed Conflict Continue into                       other departments is the high level of infor-
    the Post-Conflict Transition                                  mal land holdings, which was supposed to
    The Putumayo department, in the South of                      be addressed through the Comprehensive
    Colombia, stretches from the Andean Cor-                      Rural Reform as part of the Peace Agreement.
    dillera eastwards into the Amazon rainforest,                 However, rural reform advances slowly at best
    bordered by Ecuador and Peru to the South.                    (Kroc Institute, 2019), and the recognition of
    The Putumayo department exemplified the                       land rights and the provision of security for
    complexity of Colombia’s armed conflict and                   local populations and indigenous groups con-
    large part of the department has long been                    tinue to be major issues in Putumayo (Ortiz,
    under the de-facto rule of the FARC guerrilla                 2020). There are multiple accounts of oil and
    (fronts 32 and 48) and paramilitary armies                    mining concessions overlapping with recog-
    because it was a major producer of coca                       nized and claimed indigenous territories (CCJ,
    during the armed conflict (Ramírez, 2011).                    2019), giving rise to new tensions and con-
    Nonetheless, Putumayo was and continues to                    flicts and rights violations (Rodríguez, 2016).
    be a major oil producing region in Colombia.                  The appearance of new armed actors in Putu-
    Furthermore, the department is the most                       mayo is a continuous source of violence and
    affected by attacks against oil pipelines and                 forced displacement of local peasants and
                                                                  people belonging to indigenous ethnicities
1      Case 02 - Territorial Situation of the Tumaco, Ricaurte,   (Ortiz, 2020).
       and Barbacoas Municipalities (Nariño): Case 04                     The case of Putumayo exemplifies the
       - Territorial Situation in the Urabá Region: Case          complexity of Colombia’s armed conflict
       05 - Territorial Situation of the Northern Cauca and
       Southern Cauca Valley Regions.
                                                                  and current peacebuilding efforts, notably in

6           Policy Brief 2-2021
relation to the environment and indigenous                      the four Geneva Conventions,4 which apply during
    peoples’ rights. The process of reconciliation                  internal armed conflicts, contain some basic rules
    and the peacebuilding project in Putumayo                       but are not applicable to environmental damage.
    must account for the past violence and crimes                   Colombia has been party to both the four Geneva
    committed towards its civilian population, but                  Conventions and the Additional Protocol II since
    particularly, it must recognize the impact on                   1995.5 Through practice, in particular by the inter-
    the regions’ indigenous groups and their terri-                 national criminal courts, hybrid criminal courts and
    tories. JEP can be an important mechanism to                    national courts, the application of many IHL rules
    address the environmental destruction related                   have also been extended to internal armed conflicts
    to the armed conflict by contributing to legal                  as customary international law. The International
    restoration for victims but also to advance                     Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has confirmed
    laws on environmental protection during and                     this trend in its humanitarian customary law study
    after the armed conflict.                                       of 2005 by acknowledging that most customary
                                                                    humanitarian legal rules are considered applicable
                                                                    to both international and internal armed conflicts
                                                                    (Henckaerts & Doswald-Beck, 2005). Important
Armed Conflicts, Peacebuilding                                      differences persist between these two types of
and Nature Conservation under                                       armed conflicts, such as combatant privileges with
International Law                                                   lawful rights to use lethal violence in accordance
                                                                    with IHL which are only relevant in international
From an international legal perspective, environ-                   armed conflicts (Akande, 2012). Still, authorities in
mental damage occurring in relation to armed                        power are encouraged by article 5(6) Additional
conflict lacks comprehensive protection, and appli-                 Protocol II to grant amnesty to persons that have
cable rules and principles may be found in different                participated in internal armed conflicts (if they have
branches of international law. IHL is the branch of                 respected IHL rules).
international law specifically designed to regulate                        IHL rules are deemed inadequate in address-
warfare and it is applied as lex specialis in times                 ing environmental concerns (Sjöstedt, 2020; Fleck,
of armed conflict. This means that IHL rules may                    2017; Fleck, 2013; Bothe, 2010). Historically, IHL has
prevail above the rules from other more general                     not been concerned with environmental protection
branches of international law that also apply in                    and only in the aftermath of the Vietnam War has
peacetime, such as international environmental                      wartime environmental damage received interna-
law and human rights law. As the IHL rules lack                     tional attention as warranting specific protection.
adequate environmental protection, environmental                    The intentional targeting of the environment as
protection could be lawfully halted during armed                    part of the US warfare in Vietnam, which includ-
conflict. Furthermore, most of the rules of IHL only                ed the extensive use of Agent Orange, showed
apply in the context of international armed conflicts               how this damage led to long-term implications
involving two or more sovereign states2 and not                     not only on the environment itself but also on
in internal armed conflict, such as the Colombian                   public health, resulting in birth defects, cancer,
one. However, common article 3 of the four Geneva                   and other health problems (Westing, 2012). As
Conventions3 and the 1977 Additional Protocol II to                 a result, the ENMOD Convention6 and the 1977
                                                                    Additional Protocol I were adopted. The ENMOD
2      For instance, the twelve Hague Conventions from 1899
       and1906, the Geneva Gas Protocol from 1925 and the                 UNTS 135; Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection
       four Geneva Conventions of 1949 are only applicable                of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Fourth Geneva
       in international armed conflicts.                                  Convention), 12 August 1949, 75 UNTS 287.
3      International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),             4     International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),
       Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the                      Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12
       Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces                  August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims
       in the Field (First Geneva Convention), 12 August 1949,            of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), 8
       75 UNTS 31; Geneva Convention for the Amelioration                 June 1977, 1125 UNTS 609.
       of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked            5     See the ICRC website,
       Members of Armed Forces at Sea (Second Geneva                      applic/ihl/ihl.nsf/vwTreatiesByCountrySelected.
       Convention), 12 August 1949, 75 UNTS 85; Geneva                    xsp?xp_countrySelected=CO
       Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of         6     Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any
       War (Third Geneva Convention), 12 August 1949, 75                  Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification

        The Environment and Indigenous People in the Context of the Armed Conflict and the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia   7
Convention has a restricted application scope as                of distinction, proportionality, and precaution. They
it only prohibits the modification of environmen-               apply in international as well as internal armed
tal forces as a weapon and does not protect the                 conflicts. The general rules are an important cor-
environment as such. These types of modification                nerstone as the environment is presumed to be
techniques are rarely employed during armed                     civilian in character (ICRC, 2020b). Tangible parts
conflict. Thus, it adds little to environmental pro-            of the environment, such as forests, fields, rivers,
tection in relation to the Colombian conflict. The              farmland, animals, crops, and freshwater resources
1977 Additional Protocol I included two specific                as well as environmental components of more
environmental provisions, namely articles 35(3)                 abstract character, including the atmosphere, eco-
and 55 protecting the natural environment from                  systems, ozone layer, or biodiversity are protected
‘widespread, long-term and severe damage’. It                   from direct attacks, as long as they do not repre-
remains unclear what type of damage this refers                 sent ‘military objectives’ (Sjöstedt, 2020). A military
to but evidently the provision only protects against            objective is defined as an object that if destroyed
extreme environmental destruction. So far, articles             or captured ‘offers a definite military advantage’.9
35(3) and 55 have never been applied in any con-                A military advantage means that the attack must
crete case despite numerous armed conflicts that                weaken the military forces of the enemy based on
have caused massive environmental damage, and                   the available information at the time of the attack.
up to now there is no agreed definition of what                 Therefore, the environment, or a part of it, can
constitutes ‘widespread, long-term and severe’                  become a military objective depending on the
damage. Even though the Additional Protocol I—as                circumstances. For instance, a river that is used for
opposed to Additional Protocol II—only applies to               military transport and communication or a protect-
international armed conflicts, it could be argued               ed area used as a hiding place could become a
that a similar level of protection should also apply            military target (Sjöstedt, 2013). In addition, even
in times of internal armed conflicts as customary               when the environment is protected as a civilian
international law (ICRC, 2020b; UNGA, 2019).7 In                object under the general rules of IHL, a substantial
this context, JEP could contribute to the definition            amount of collateral damage is permitted as long
of widespread, long-term and severe damage by                   as it does not outweigh the military advantage
applying these articles as customary law in relation            anticipated at the time for an attack in accordance
to the Colombian conflict. In Case 02,8 in which                with the proportionality principle. Moreover, in case
the environment has already been confirmed as a                 of launching an attack the feasible precautionary
victim of the conflict, the multiple actions that have          measures must be undertaken to minimise harm
been carried out that intentionally, accidentally, or           to the environment (Sjöstedt, 2020).
negligently cause damage and alterations to the                        The legality assessment under the principles
environment, with temporary or permanent impact,                of proportionality and precaution may be tricky, in
could be regarded as part of this definition. Such              particular if a long time has passed since the attack.
interpretation would capture a contemporary view                For instance, an oil pipeline may constitute a military
of the environment that takes into account scientific           objective and attacking it, even if it leads to an oil
knowledge on how destruction of ecosystems                      spill of more than 3 million barrels into Colombian
can have unforeseeable consequences that can                    soils and rivers, could be regarded as lawful as long
accelerate when exacerbated by climate change.                  as the damage is proportionate in comparison to
       General rules of IHL protecting civilians and            the military advantage. Here again, JEP could choose
civilian objects also provide environmental protec-             an evolutionary interpretation of the rules of IHL that
tion during armed conflict. These rules consist of              considers international environmental law. Even
the rule of military necessity as well as the principles        if IHL rules have precedence over international
                                                                environmental law, environmental legal principles
     Techniques of 18 May 1977: 1108 U.N.T.S. 151 (ENMOD        could still inform the application of IHL and require
     Convention).                                               parties to an armed conflict to take precautions to
7    See ICRC (2020b), Rules 1, 2 and particularly 13
     encouraging parties to non-international armed conflict
                                                                avoid certain types of environmental damage. These
     to apply specific environmental protection obligations;    precautions could consist of the attacker having to
     see also Draft Principle 13 of the Draft Report of         collect data on the environmental surroundings
     the International Commission (2019) (UN Doc. A/
8    Case 02 - Territorial Situation of the Tumaco, Ricaurte,   9   See in article 52(2) of Additional Protocol I for the full
     and Barbacoas Municipalities (Nariño).                         definition.

8         Policy Brief 2-2021
in order to map out rivers, underground aquifers,                  indispensable to civilian populations should be
sensitive environmental areas, and endangered                      applied. Furthermore, there are specific obliga-
species that may be threatened by the military                     tions under international law to minimise their
activities (Sjöstedt, 2020; Hulme, 2010). Rule 44 of               indiscriminate effects also to the environment.14
the Customary Law Study by the ICRC stated in fact                        Furthermore, Colombia has an obligation to
that the lack of scientific certainty with regards to              remove landmines as soon as possible according to
the environmental effects of a military operation                  the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention15 to which
does not absolve a party in a conflict from taking all             it is party. Such an effort to clear areas contaminated
feasible precautions (Henckaerts & Doswald-Beck,                   with mines could be an important step to ensure the
2005).10 In the Colombian armed conflict, the par-                 safe return to the territory of civilians and pave the
ties would have obligations to collect information                 way for the peace process. This obligation applies
on how to avoid or minimise leakages if attacking a                also to indigenous territories, although remedial
target containing crude oil, to consider alternative               measures need to be undertaken with prior con-
weaponry that reduces the risk of environmental                    sultation and in cooperation with the concerned
damage, to avoid protected areas, etc. (Sjöstedt,                  indigenous population according to Draft Principle
2020; Droege & Tougas 2013; Hulme, 2005). This                     5(2) adopted by the International law Commission.
could also include considerations regarding fu-                    Furthermore, Colombia is under the obligation to
ture generations. Such a reading of the general                    safeguard the special relationship that indigenous
protection rules could be applied in Case 02 and                   peoples have with their environment.16 Draft Prin-
Case 0511 to prevent IHL rules from permitting                     ciple 5 has helped advance customary international
environmental damage that has adverse and uncer-                   law to ensure the protection of the environment,
tain consequences that could even be irreparable.                  of indigenous land, and also the participation of
JEP could help clarify the vagueness of the rules                  indigenous people in the peace process to restore
relating to environmental protection under IHL and,                land. The involvement of indigenous peoples in
thereby, strengthen protection.                                    JEP is an important step towards confirming the
      Besides the general rules of protection, the                 importance of respecting indigenous rights in times
environment is indirectly protected under other IHL                of armed conflict as well as in the post-conflict. This
rules, such as the protection of objects indispens-                involvement may also be important to the protection
able for the civilians’ survival.12 In an armed conflict,          of the environment as such in a post-conflict setting
the attack, destruction, or removal of ‘food-stuffs,               because territories inhabited by indigenous peoples
agricultural areas for the production of food-stuffs,              are often better protected from environmentally
crops, livestock, drinking water installations and                 harmful activities, even better than protected areas
supplies and irrigation works’13 is prohibited. As                 managed by states (IPBES, 2019; Sjöstedt, 2019).
most of these objects are all dependant on a fertile                      Many states agree that there are important
and healthy environment, the articles indirectly                   indications to advocate for stronger environmental
protect the environment as well and materialise                    protection in relation to armed conflicts. However,
the notion of human dependence on the environ-                     given the complexity and unwillingness of states to
ment (Sjöstedt, 2020). The protection of objects                   re-negotiate IHL rules, it is unlikely that a new legal
indispensable to civilians prohibits practices like                instrument will be adopted to enhance environmen-
targeting water supply systems and crops with the                  tal protection in warfare. Therefore, case law plays
intention of denying them their use. The increasingly              a key role to improve and develop protection by
recognised right to a healthy environment may also                 applying a progressive interpretation of the existing
have implication on how rules protecting objects                   rules. The environment is consistently being referred
                                                                   to as a victim by the international community, most
10   The ICRC combined the precautionary approach
     originating from international environmental law with
     the principle of precaution under IHL in Rule 44 in the       14   See Rule 24 ICRC Environmental Guidelines.
     Customary International Humanitarian Law Study.               15   Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling,
11   Case 05 - Territorial Situation of the Northern Cauca              Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and
     and Southern Cauca Valley Regions.                                 on their Destruction, 18 September 1997.
12   See Article 54 Additional Protocol I and Article 14 of        16   See the Advisory Opinion of the African Commission
     Protocol II.                                                       on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the UN Declaration
13   This list is included in the more detailed article 54 of           on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the
     the Additional Protocol I but is likely to apply to similar        African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
     objects in a non-international armed conflict.                     (2007).

      The Environment and Indigenous People in the Context of the Armed Conflict and the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia       9
recently by the President of the ICRC who stated               hunting animals, and setting up camps or open
 in the foreword to the new ICRC Environmental                  trails in protected areas.
 Guidelines that ‘[t]he environment can no longer
 remain a silent casualty of war’ (ICRC, 2020b). The
 view that the environment can be a legal subject               The International Criminal Court
 with rights has already been confirmed in several              Jurisdiction, the Environment and the
 court cases in Colombia. The Supreme Court of                  Armed Conflict in Colombia
 Justice recognized the Amazon as an entity subject
 to rights in 2018. The decision was based on the               The IHL rules discussed above do not in themselves
 principles of solidarity and intergenerational equity          provide the basis for international criminal liability
 which are considered as international customary                of individuals, which is dependent on the codifica-
 environmental legal principles.17 It is therefore              tion of those rules as international crimes, such as
 natural that the environment be recognised as                  war crimes. International crimes are coupled with
 a victim. In this regard, JEP has an opportunity to            universal jurisdiction meaning that an individual
 actually make a significant contribution to what               committing such crimes can be tried by any domes-
 being a victim actually means for the environment              tic criminal court. They also fall under the jurisdiction
 in Case 02. Also, human rights law and international           of an international criminal court or tribunal, such
 environmental law could be helpful to provide a                as the International Criminal Court (ICC). The four
 further international legal basis to address the               crimes that currently fall under the jurisdiction of
 environment. These bodies of law have adopted                  the ICC are genocide, crimes against humanity, war
 a more profound perception of environmental                    crimes and the crime of aggression (ICC, 1998, art
 protection that contemplates the importance of                 5). Therefore, at present the scope for the prosecu-
 ensuring a healthy environment for longer than just            tion of environmental crimes before the ICC is very
 the immediate moment during and after an attack                limited, given that the Rome Statute (ICC, 1998)18
 in order to fulfil fundamental and absolute rights             primarily only recognises the court’s jurisdiction
 such as the right to life. Even though IHL prevails            for certain instances of environmental damage in
 as lex specialis, international human rights law as            the context of an armed conflict falling under the
 well as international environmental law still apply            definition of war crimes. It should be noted that
 during armed conflict and can complement IHL.                  Colombia ratified the Rome Statute on 5 August
 For instance, the human right to water could have              2002 and upon ratification it declared that it would
 implications on the legality of acts that have led             not accept the jurisdiction of the ICC with respect
 to the pollution of ground water and rivers, such              to war crimes for a period of seven years from the
 as blowing up oil pipelines or releasing mercury               date of ratification, that is, it would only accept the
 in connection with gold extraction, even if the acts           court’s jurisdiction for war crimes committed after
 are not prohibited under IHL. Even if human rights             1 November 2009 (ICC-OTP, 2012). This means that
 law is not applicable to non-state actors such as              the ICC has jurisdiction over crimes against humanity
 the FARC, there is increasing advocacy for the case            and genocide committed in Colombian territory
 of non-state actors who control territory and carry            or by its nationals since 1 November 2002, and for
 out de facto state functions to be bound by human              war crimes from 1 November 2009 onwards (ibid).
 rights law (Hulme, 2017). JEP could apply human                       In 2016, the ICC Office of the Prosecutor (OTP)
 rights law in the FARC-controlled areas to address             published a policy paper on case selection and
 acts that are not dealt with in IHL rules but cause            prioritization which highlighted the inclination of
 environmental damage that have substantial impact              the OTP to prosecute international crimes involving
 for local populations in violation of their human              illegal natural resource exploitation, land grabbing
 rights. In relation to the armed conflict in Colombia,         and environmental damage (ICC-OTP, 2016, paras.
 such an interpretation could prohibit the blowing              7, 40 & 41). However, the OTP policy paper could
 up of oil pipelines, spraying with glyphosate, illicit         not expand the court’s jurisdiction over environ-
 crops, illegal logging, illegal mining, bombing,               mental crimes or ‘ecocide’ which is dependent
                                                                on an amendment to the ICC Statute by the state
                                                                parties and the policy paper is only an internal
 17   Also, in ruling T-622-16 of the Constitutional Court,
      the Atrato river was recognized as a legal subject with
      rights to protection and restoration by the Colombian     18   Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (last
      State and the ethnic communities.                              amended 2010), 17 July 1998.

10         Policy Brief 2-2021
policy document. Still, the OTP policy paper is highly            prosecute (ICC, 1998, Preamble, para. 10 & art. 1).
significant in that it emphasises the seriousness of              So far—and particularly after the creation of JEP in
environmental damage in the context of the existing               2016—the OTP is satisfied that JEP and the Colombian
crimes under the Rome Statute as part of the OTP’s                courts are demonstrating a willingness and ability
policy of case selection and prioritisation (Pereira,             to bring to justice the state and non-state actors
2020; Mistura, 2018). In particular, it recognises                linked to the armed conflict in Colombia in line
that land grabbing, illegal exploitation of natural               with the standards and principles of international
resources and destruction of the environment are                  criminal law.20 This situation may change, however,
a ‘serious crime under national law.’ (ICC-OTP, 2016,             in light of political developments and the ongoing
para. 7) (emphasis added). It also states that ‘the               operational activities of JEP.21 In addition, the OTP
Office will give particular consideration to pros-                has expressed concerns regarding the compatibility
ecuting Rome Statute crimes’ (emphasis added)                     of the legislation implemented in the creation of JEP
that are committed through the ‘destruction of                    with the Rome Statute and customary international
the environment, the illegal exploitation of natural              law.22 Despite this, the current ICC Prosecutor, Ms.
resources or the illegal dispossession of land’ (ibid).           Fatou Bensouda, has recently announced that the
       The ICC OTP 2016 Policy Paper guides the                   OTP was considering ending its ongoing preliminary
prosecutor to assess the gravity of the crime as a                examinations on the situation in Colombia ‘subject
key case selection criterion in ‘a given situation’               to certain benchmarks being fulfilled’.23
which should reflect a ‘concern to the international
community as a whole’ (ibid, para. 35). In partic-
ular, the factors that will guide the ICC prosecutor
include the ‘scale, nature, manner of commission,
                                                                  20    See ICC-OTP (2019) Report on Preliminary Examinations.
and impact of crimes’ (ibid, paras. 32 & 37). The                       The OTP noted in 2019 that ‘The Colombian authorities
way a crime was committed is to be assessed, inter                      appear to have made progress towards the fulfilment
alia, on whether it results in ‘the destruction of the                  of their duty to investigate and prosecute conduct
environment or protected objects’ (ibid, para. 41).                     amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity
This suggests that the ICC prosecutor’s discretion                      under the Rome Statute, and thereby also addressing
                                                                        the forms of conduct underlying the potential cases
is not absolute. Indeed, it is in the assessment of                     identified by the Office’ (ibid, para. 132).
the gravity of the offence that the ICC Prosecutor’s              21    On the basis of the ICC-OTP’s approach to positive
2016 Policy Paper will prove to be particularly                         complementarity, it notes that it will continue to
influential, given the emphasis that it places on                       evaluate the situation in Colombia ‘[o]n the basis of the
crimes committed by means of, or resulting in,                          available information, and without prejudice to other
                                                                        possible crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court
the ‘destruction of the environment’ and leading                        which may be identified in the future’ (ICC-OTP, 2019).
to ‘environmental damage inflicted on affected                          It should be noted that recent political developments
communities’ as particularly serious crimes (ibid,                      in Colombia could undermine the functioning of
paras. 13-14). However, the impact of the ICC OTP                       JEP, and if so, this could ultimately lead to the start of
2016 Policy Paper is likely to be limited as it is only                 investigations by the OTP and to the exercise of ICC
                                                                        jurisdiction in relation to the situation in Colombia; see
‘an internal document of the Office and, as such,                       Alsema (2020).
it does not give rise to legal rights’ (ibid, para. 2).           22    In its 2017 Preliminary Examinations report the ICC-
       The situation in Colombia has been under                         OTP noted that ‘The OTP’s review of the legislation
preliminary examination by the OTP since June                           adopted by the Colombian Congress found that four
2004.19 The OTP has received over 229 national                          aspects of the SJP legislative framework may raise
                                                                        issues of consistency or compatibility with customary
communications pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome                       international law and the Rome Statute, namely: the
Statute in relation to the situation in Colombia (ICC-                  definition of command responsibility, the definition
OTP, 2018). However, to date the OTP has not started                    of “grave” war crimes, the determination of “active
investigations relating to the situation in Colombia                    or determinative” participation in the crimes, and
due to the application of the complementarity                           the implementation of sentences involving “effective
                                                                        restrictions of freedoms and rights”’ (ICC-OTP, 2017).
principle, that is, the ICC should only exercise its              23    See Presentation of the 2019 Annual Report on
jurisdiction when States are unable or unwilling to                     Preliminary Examination Activities, Eighteenth Session
                                                                        of the Assembly of States Parties Opening Remarks by
                                                                        Ms. Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor of the International
19   For a list of all cases currently under preliminary                Criminal Court. It should be noted that the ICC
     examinations by the OTP, see:             prosecutor held a mission to assess the situation in
     pages/pe.aspx [1/12/ 2020].                                        Colombia in January 2020; see ICC-OTP (2020).

      The Environment and Indigenous People in the Context of the Armed Conflict and the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia       11
The ICC Jurisdiction Over Environmental                        Medellín Justice and Peace Law (Ley de Justicia y
 Damage in the Context of the                                   Paz-JPL) Tribunal against three paramilitaries high-
 Armed Conflict in Colombia                                     lighted a strategy of appropriation and control of
 As was noted above, the ICC does not currently                 indigenous territories and natural resources as
 have jurisdiction over ecocide or transnational                part of a systematic, generalised and/or repetitive
 environmental crimes in the peacetime context. It              criminal pattern of forced displacement committed
 should be noted that war crimes under Article 8(2)             by the Pacífico-Héroes de Chocó bloc of the United
 (b)(iv) of the Rome Statute adopts an eco-centric              Self-Defences of Colombia (Autodefensas Unidas
 formulation that requires an international attack to           de Colombia-AUC) against the Afro-Colombian and
 be committed with the knowledge that it would                  indigenous communities (ICC-OTP, 2017, para. 137).
 cause ‘widespread, long-term and severe damage                 As noted above, the armed conflict significantly
 to the environment which would be clearly exces-               affected deforestation in the country with cattle
 sive in relation to the concrete and direct overall            ranching and illegal timber extraction among its
 military advantage anticipated’ (emphasis added). It           main causes (Morales, 2017). Despite this, there is
 should be noted that Article 8(2)(b)(iv) of the Rome           still a lack of developed jurisprudence examining
 Statute is similar to the grave breach provision of            the connections between international crimes and
 Article 85(3)(b) of Additional Protocol I which was            natural resources, and currently no systematic juris-
 discussed above, except for the fact that it includes          prudence regarding pillage of natural resources
 ‘widespread, long-term and severe damage to the                (Gilbert 2018, 106; Radics & Bruch 2017).25
 environment’, whereas the Additional Protocol I                        Yet because Article 8(2)(b)(iv) and Article 8(2)
 does not; and it states that loss or damage must               (b)(xvi) only apply in cases where environmental
 be ‘clearly’ excessive, while the Additional Protocol          damage occurs in the course of an international
 I does not (Triffterer & Ambos, 2018, 245).                    armed conflict, they effectively preclude cases
        Although the ICC statute does not define                where environmental damage occurs during peace-
 ‘damage to the environment’, some guidance is                  time or in the course of a non-international conflict
 found in other international agreements, even                  (Mwanza, 2018; Pereira, 2020), as is the case of the
 though one of the shortfalls of many international             armed conflict in Colombia. Significantly though,
 environmental agreements is that they generally fail           Article 8(2)(e)(v) of the Rome Statute enables the ICC
 to define environmental damage (Pereira, 2015).                to prosecute ‘pillaging of town or place, even when
 It is in the context of war crimes that the ICC OTP            taken by assault’ for violations of laws and customs
 2016 Policy Paper is expected to be particular-                in armed conflicts that are not international. More-
 ly influential in pressing the court to adjudicate             over, one important development in this context
 over crimes committed through environmental                    is the work of the International Law Commission’s
 means and illegal resource exploitation (Pereira,              Special Rapporteur Ms. Marie G. Jacobsson who
 2020). It is possible that the court will come to              has addressed certain questions related to the
 clarify not only the scope of ‘environmental’ war              protection of the environment in non-internation-
 crime under Article 8 (2)(b)(iv), but also whether the         al armed conflicts focusing on how international
 illegal exploitation of natural resources in conflict          rules and practices concerning natural resources
 situations—such as illegal logging or the destruc-             may enhance the protection of the environment
 tion and trafficking of endangered species—could               during and after such conflicts.26 Therefore, there
 amount to ‘pillage’ and therefore to a war crime               is a limited legal basis for the ICC OTP to investigate
 under Article 8(2)(b)(xvi) (van den Herik & Dam-de
 Jong, 2011). The clarification by the court on this                 Resolutions 1457 (2003), 1856 (2008) and 1952 (2010)
 question would be particularly significant in light of              concerning the DRC. See ibid.
 a string of Security Council Resolutions recognizing           25   Regarding ICC jurisprudence see in particular The
 the interconnections between the exploitation                       Prosecutor v. Bosco Ntaganda Situation: Situation in
                                                                     the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Trial Chamber
 of natural resources and armed conflicts, includ-                   VI, 08 July 2019; Appeals Chamber, Situation in the
 ing in the contexts of the conflicts in Sierra Leone                Central African Republic in the Case of the Prosecutor
 and the Democratic Republic of Congo.24 In the                      V. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, 8 June 2018, ICC-01/05-
 Colombian context, the decision rendered by the                     01/08; Trial Chamber III Situation in the Central African
                                                                     Republic in the Case of the Prosecutor V. Jean-Pierre
                                                                     Bemba Gombo, 21 March 2016, ICC-01/05-01/08-3343.
 24   See Resolution 1306 (2003) concerning the illicit trade   26   See:, para. 64,
      in diamonds during the conflict in Sierra Leone; and           [1/12/2020].

12         Policy Brief 2-2021
the war crime of pillage of natural resources in the                   produces severe environmental damage which
context of the internal armed conflict in Colombia                     kills local populations, a policy to continue such
on the basis of Article 8(2)(e)(v) of the Rome Statute,                extraction becomes tantamount to an official policy
even though the OTP’s preliminary examinations                         to carry out attacks against a civilian population
of the situation in Colombia since 2004 have not                       (Sharp, 1999, 239). According to Article 7(2)(a)
assessed cases involving environmental damage                          of the Rome Statute, this act must be pursuant to
in the context of the internal armed conflict in Co-                   ‘a State or organizational policy’ to commit such
lombia to date.27                                                      attack. The policy does not need to emanate from
       Beyond the context of war crimes, and until                     the state since non-state actors such as the para-
there is a formal amendment to the ICC Statute                         military and militia groups operating in Colombia
to extend the court’s jurisdiction, the only other                     who exercise de facto power can constitute the
possible avenues for prosecution of environmental                      entity behind an organizational policy (Triffterer
damage before the ICC would be in the context of                       & Ambos 2018, 246). With respect to the mental
genocide and crimes against humanity. The poten-                       element requirement, ‘knowledge of the attack’ is
tial ICC prosecution for crimes against humanity and                   the mens rea needed for the establishment of the
genocide is particularly significant as those crimes                   crime against humanity under Article 7 of the Rome
do not need to be committed in the context of an                       Statute. This appears to encompass acts committed
international (or internal) armed conflict.                            not only with intention but also with recklessness,
       The Rome Statute defines crimes against hu-                     which tends to be the case with a considerable
manity as acts committed as part of a ‘widespread                      number of environmental offences. Yet the ability
or systematic attack directed against any civilian                     of the OTP to prosecute crimes against humanity
population, with knowledge of the attack’ and                          committed via reckless acts appears to be limited
includes murder, extermination, ‘or other inhumane                     considering the history of negotiations of the Rome
acts of similar character intentionally causing great                  Statute (Schabas, 2011, 236).
suffering or serious injury to body or to mental or                           In its preliminary examinations, the OTP has
physical health’ (ICC-OTP, 1998, art. 7), which could                  noted a number of instances of crimes against
include for example water contamination to kill                        humanity committed against indigenous com-
a civilian population. But, to what extent could                       munities in the context of the armed conflict in
environmental damage amount to a crime against                         Colombia falling under the ICC jurisdiction. This
humanity under the Rome Statute? Firstly, as per                       includes the forceable transfer of populations,
Article 7(1)(k) of the Rome Statute, the attack to                     including indigenous people, as a possible crime
the environment would need to endanger human                           against humanity (ICC-OTP, 1998, art. 7(1)(d)). The
health in order to be recognized as a crime against                    internal forced migration in Colombia has led to
humanity, thus it would leave the environment as                       land grabbing in protected areas and significant
such without effective legal protection. Moreover,                     environmental degradation (Morales, 2017). The
the Rome Statute requires that the attack be ‘wide-                    ICC OTP notes that armed groups including FARC,
spread or systematic’. This certainly limits the scope                 ELN and paramilitaries have been identified as
of this provision as many instances of environmental                   the main perpetrators of forced displacement in
damage would not meet this condition (Pereira,                         Colombia (ICC-OTP, 2012) and stated that there are
2020; Gray 1996). As for the requirement that the act                  ‘reasonable basis to believe that these groups have
has to be directed at a civilian population, when the                  caused displacement for various reasons, including
continuous and foreseeable result of the extraction                    the expansion of their strategic military presence,
                                                                       securing access routes, and establishing zones of
27   The preliminary examinations relating to war crimes               political influence’ (ibid, para. 61). Furthermore,
     committed after 1 November 2009 relate to violations              projects have been implemented with brutal forced
     of article 8(2)(c)(i); article 8(2)(e)(i); article 8(2)(c)(i);    displacement, mass violence and selected killings
     article 8(2)(c)(ii); article 8(2)(c)(iii); article 8(2)(e)(vi);   of indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities
     and article 8(2)(e)(vii) of the Rome Statute. See ICC/
     OTP (2014), para. 110. Furthermore, the 2011 Decree
                                                                       as their territories are regarded as strategically
     no. 4.633 also known as the ‘Law of the Victims’ (Ley             important for armed groups involved in narcotics
     de Víctimas) provides the legal basis for the right to            production and trafficking, as well as in the context
     reparation of indigenous people and communities for
     violations of their rights to land and natural resources
     in the context of the armed conflict in Colombia. See
     Titles III, IV and V of the 2011 Decree no. 4.633.

      The Environment and Indigenous People in the Context of the Armed Conflict and the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia   13
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