The End of the Innocence? - 2020 Aviation Industry Outlook:

Page created by Glen Bishop
The End of the Innocence? - 2020 Aviation Industry Outlook:
2020 Aviation Industry Outlook:

The End of the Innocence?
The End of the Innocence? - 2020 Aviation Industry Outlook:

As the aviation industry sits       sustainability and the
poised at the start of a new        environment.
decade, a sense of change is
                                    Whilst still comfortably
in the air. Familiar challenges
                                    profitable, 2019 was a bumpy
continue to demand attention
                                    year in many respects, raising
– oil prices, legacy vs low
                                    existential challenges on a
cost business models, yield
                                    scale rarely encountered in
management, economic
                                    the aviation industry, from the
cycles, regional conflict and
                                    737 Max grounding to flight
instability, over-capacity.
                                    shaming. Is the “Golden Age”
But increasingly, new risk
                                    of aviation about to lose its
factors are impinging on our
                                    lustre? What’s in store for the
thinking – OEM dependability
                                    coming 12 months … will this
and product reliability, the
                                    year’s Fearless Forecasts be
rise of nationalism and
                                    as accurate as the last ones?
protectionism, China’s
expanding global influence,

1   |   PwC Aviation Outlook 2020
The End of the Innocence? - 2020 Aviation Industry Outlook:
The airlines
                                    The airline industry has been     and more than 1,000 large
                                    in a positive, expansive and      turboprops, with the annual
                                    profitable state for a decade,    delivery financing requirement
                                    experiencing a longer bull run    more than doubling, although
                                    than in almost every previous     falling shy of Boeing’s
                                    industry cycle. Passenger         predicted $143bn in 2019, for
                                    traffic growth averaged more      obvious reasons.
                                    than 6% per annum over that
                                                                      Over the past decade, airlines
                                    time and was above trend in
                                                                      have earned a cumulative
                                    8 out of the last 10 years. The
                                                                      net profit of $220 billion and,
                                    commercial jet fleet is 40%
                                                                      uniquely, the industry was
                                    larger than a decade ago and
                                                                      profitable in every one of
                                    the average passenger aircraft
                                                                      those ten years. Interestingly,
                                    has 15% more seats.
                                                                      although the spot price of
                                    Consequently, there is now        crude oil, a key component of
                                    66% more capacity in the          airline profitability, fluctuated
                                    market – yet passenger load       by over 400% over the
                                    factor still hit a new all-time   decade, the average price
                                    high in 2019. Over the decade,    in 2019 was within 5% of its
                                    the OEMs have delivered           2009 level.
                                    14,000 commercial jets

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The End of the Innocence? - 2020 Aviation Industry Outlook:
The operating environment           other unhelpful foreign policies   constrained by the grounding
in 2019 continued to feel           playing out around the world.      of the MAX fleet and is not
pretty good for many industry                                          per se signalling a market
                                    However, although the rate
participants, although IATA                                            downturn. Indeed, it is likely
                                    of RPK growth slowed in all
reported slower passenger
                                    regions by between 25%
                                                                       that long-term passenger           Worldwide passenger
traffic growth of 4.2% for
the year, well below the            and 50%, according to IATA,
                                                                       demand will continue to match      numbers are set to
                                                                       capacity growth, which the
rates experienced over              this was matched by similar
                                                                       OEMs are still intent on driving
                                                                                                          pass 4.7 billion this year
the preceding 6 years.              or greater reductions in
                                                                       above historic levels.
Furthermore, the cargo              capacity growth, which was
recovery failed to materialise      cut to 3.5% overall. The close     Worldwide passenger
as global economic activity         correlation between supply         numbers are set to pass
and trade flows were impacted       and demand growth strongly         4.7 billion this year and are
by trade wars, sanctions and        implies that traffic has been      increasing by 200 million

3   |   PwC Aviation Outlook 2020
The End of the Innocence? - 2020 Aviation Industry Outlook:
every year. However, almost         the total now generated in        backlogs an opportunity to
all of the growth is coming         North America. Despite its        reshape their capacity growth
at the low end of the market,       reputation for dynamic growth     plans and reduce their cash
with little overall increase in     and demand, the Asia-Pacific      outlay to preserve a larger                 Airline industry made
premium traffic. Consequently,      region accounted for less than    war-chest as they head into
the new traffic flows are           20% of global profitability,      more challenging times.                     a very respectable
highly price sensitive, with        and three regions – Middle
                                                                      However, there is a risk that a
                                                                                                                  US$26 billion net profit
passengers attracted by, and        East, Africa and Latin America
                                                                      flood of excess capacity will
dependent on, access to             – continue to lose money.
                                                                      be released as the backlog of
affordable seats provided by        The unevenness of airline
                                                                      400-odd built but undelivered
low cost carriers, which on         performance was punctuated
a global basis now account          by the failure of several more
                                                                      aircraft deliver to airlines      65% of the total now
                                                                      that have put contingency
for over a third of the market      high-profile operators during
                                                                      capacity in place that they
                                                                                                          generated in North
– and much more in some             2019, including Thomas Cook,
                                                                      can’t immediately divest. The                 America
parts of the world. This helps      Wow Air and Jet Airways, with
                                                                      resulting excess capacity may
to explain why 2019 saw a           several others on life support.
                                                                      trigger more fare wars until
further reduction in average
                                    In the short term, the MAX        fleets can get back to the
passenger yield.
                                    grounding has a silver lining,    profiles originally intended.             Asia-Pacific accounted
Although the airline industry       as not all of the capacity        This process is likely to
made a very respectable             taken out of the market           extend beyond 2020 and will
                                                                                                                for less than 20% of
US$26 billion net profit last       has been replaced. It has         come to pass as the market                global profitability
year, according to IATA,            given customer airlines           environment is deteriorating.
success remains unevenly            with stretched finances and
distributed, with 65% of            perhaps over-ambitious

4   |   PwC Aviation Outlook 2020
The End of the Innocence? - 2020 Aviation Industry Outlook:
The OEMs
Boeing’s MAX issues have            down Boeing’s spine as more        last year, as they continued     The global backlog of more
obviated the traditional year-      of the middle-market ground        the transition from E1 to E2,    than 13 thousand aircraft
end OEM contest to secure           fell to the competition.           but net orders slowed, barely    still represents 7.5 years of
the most deliveries. Airbus                                            cresting 50 compared to more     production, with the most
                                    Whilst the traditional book-to-
easily won that race of                                                than 200 in 2018. They might     popular product lines sold
                                    bill metric is meaningless
course, with a total of 863,                                           have done better had their       out well into the next decade.
                                    for Boeing, Airbus achieved
compared to 380 commercial                                             JV with Boeing concluded         Nevertheless, it is to be hoped
                                    a creditable 0.89, despite
aircraft delivered by Boeing.                                          its competition approvals        that the recent trend of orders
                                    over 360 order cancellations.
Despite their own production                                           process, but the completion      and cancellations combined
                                    Boeing’s own order book
challenges on several models,                                          of this deal has run on into     with less bullish economic
                                    increased very modestly, with
but most prominently on the                                            2020, following which an         indicators and multiple
                                    246 gross orders offset by 192
A321neo, Airbus surpassed                                              expanded sales resource and      sources of market uncertainty
                                    contractual cancellations. The
2018’s total by 8% and set                                             a range of other synergies are   should persuade the OEMs
                                    level of cancellations in both
another industry record.                                               expected to deliver results.     not to push ahead with plans
                                    camps hit an all-time high last
                                                                       It is to be hoped that the       for any further rate increases.
Airbus also secured 768             year, by some margin, partly
                                                                       project does not become a
net orders, a small increase        as a result of airline failures,
                                                                       victim of Boeing’s challenges
over 2018. This included 476        but also as airlines trimmed
                                                                       and a resulting lack of focus
A321neos, which accounted           some of their over-exuberant
                                                                       on leveraging the true and
for well over 70% of all            backlogs.
                                                                       considerable value of the
A320neo family orders, up
                                    Embraer maintained their           Embraer partnership.
from a 25% split in 2018. This
                                    E-Jet delivery rate close to 90
will have sent another shiver

5   |   PwC Aviation Outlook 2020
The End of the Innocence? - 2020 Aviation Industry Outlook:
Boeing and the MAX factor
Boeing’s year-end decision          At this stage it is all but certain   on engineering excellence
to freeze 737 production            that the MAX grounding will be        and closer linkages between
supports what several analysts      more than a year in duration,         the company’s HQ and the
had already calculated, namely      as US airline customers               commercial airplane business
that the cash reserve from 737      continue to defer deployment          in Seattle will be required
MAX PDPs received by Boeing         into their networks, now              for lasting recovery to be
is all but depleted, leaving        reaching into the summer              achieved. This recovery is
them with little choice other       season. Furthermore, Ryanair          unlikely to be a quick process
than to put a hold on further       has stated that they now              and will be further hampered
cash outlay to the supply           expect to see only a few              by the parallel need to
chain. This will hurt many of       of their MAX8-200 variants            manage MAX service re-entry
their suppliers around the          delivered in 2020, with               and the delivery of some
world that are heavily reliant      unspecified design changes            400 completed aircraft to
on their Boeing contracts and       reported to be required for that      customers whose priorities
some may be forced out of           variant.                              and requirements will likely
business, creating another                                                have changed over the
                                    The departure of Boeing
challenge for Boeing when                                                 intervening months.
                                    CEO Dennis Muilenberg
the program is re-started.
                                    was inevitable, as Boeing’s
Furloughs will surely follow
                                    leadership team had failed
in short order, not only within
                                    to restore confidence in the
Boeing but far beyond, on a
                                    brand. Realistically, a renewed
scale which could send ripples
                                    focus on traditional Boeing
through US economic and
                                    values and culture, centred
employment data.

6   |   PwC Aviation Outlook 2020
The End of the Innocence? - 2020 Aviation Industry Outlook:
                                    Of course, Boeing is not the
                                    only one facing challenges
                                    here. The whole set of
                                    relationships between OEMs
                                    and regulators is under intense
                                    scrutiny. The core value of
                                    safety is central to the routine
                                    operation of airlines and
                                    the continued health of the
                                    industry. Complacency must
                                    never be allowed to develop.
                                    Air travel remains by far
                                    the safest means of mass
                                    transportation, yet for the
                                    first time in perhaps 40 years
                                    there is a widespread narrative

7   |   PwC Aviation Outlook 2020
around the inherent safety                   take control over the MAX        including products already         further evolutions of existing
of aircraft. Passengers must                 review and re-authorisation      in development and flight          models. It remains to be seen
have absolute confidence in                  process. More broadly,           testing, and will arguably         to what extent the service
the aircraft that they will fly              however, the approach that       lead to longer lead times for      entry of the new generation
in and implicitly must also                  regulators take to approvals     service entry and, potentially,    777s will be impacted.
trust the manufacturers and                  and oversight, to their          to fewer new aircraft types
                                                                                                                 When the dust settles, a
the regulators to keep safety                relationships with the OEMs,     being brought to market in the
                                                                                                                 complete re-evaluation of the
paramount. This is now being                 and indeed with each other,      future. Equally, jurisdictions
                                                                                                                 product development process
called into question, with                   warrants a detailed review.      around the world will be less
                                                                                                                 will be required from all the
relationships existing between               Regulators must maintain or      comfortable basing their
                                                                                                                 OEMs and their supply chain
OEMs and regulators by                       re-establish a clearly visible   approvals on an FAA or EASA
                                                                                                                 partners, in close consultation
allowing self-certification and              professional distance from       sign-off alone and will feel the
                                                                                                                 with the regulators.
the extension of grandfathered               the manufacturers and stop       need to undertake their own
design changes.                              the delegation of key parts      independent assessment of
                                             of the approval process to       new aircraft.
With respect to the FAA,
                                             the OEMs. Self-certification
it would appear that a                                                        If launched, Boeing’s NMA
                                             by the OEMs, at least in
significant contributory                                                      will be at the forefront of this
                                             safety-critical areas, must be
factor has been a shortfall in                                                change in process, while the
resources and funding over                                                    next generation of single-aisle
a period of time. Following                  The necessary changes            aircraft will almost certainly
the grounding decision,                      will inevitably impact new       now have to be developed
the FAA moved quickly to                     aircraft development,            from scratch rather than via

8   |   PwC 2020 Aviation Industry Outlook
The other conversation              consider whether taking
dominating the media in 2019        short-haul flights is the right
was climate change and the          thing to do, suggesting that
environment. It is not going        where rail travel is an option,
away and, given aviation’s          it should be used more, and
core reliance on fossil fuels       recommending an increase in
for the foreseeable future, the     the use of video conferencing
climate change movement             for its business travellers.
has huge potential to score a
direct hit on the industry. The
rapid development of “Flight
Shame” and its spread from
Scandinavia into other parts
of Europe, has already had an
effect on demand for short-
haul travel. Swedish airports       Carbon emissions
saw passenger flows decline
by 4% in 2019, with domestic
                                    per passenger have
air travel 9% lower.                declined by more
KLM has gone so far as
                                    than 50% since 1990
to invite its customers to

9   |   PwC Aviation Outlook 2020
This from an industry that has       efficiency improvements,             little to reduce emissions,       technologies to ensure that it
done more than any other             whilst other industries are          governments continue to view      is sustainable over the long-
to reduce harmful emissions          making great strides to              airlines as soft targets and      term. But additional measures
and fuel consumption since           improve their own carbon             use taxation as a blunt tool to   will clearly also be needed.
the dawn of the jet-age, with        footprints. Inevitably, aviation’s   respond to popular demand
                                                                                                           Although research into bio-fuels
enormous financial investment        share of harmful emissions           with little heed to the wider
                                                                                                           and blended fuel products has
by the OEMs over decades             will rise and the weight of          economic damage caused by
                                                                                                           started to yield practical results
to develop and optimise new          public opinion will increasingly     restricting air services.
                                                                                                           and more airlines are committing
technologies. According to           encourage governments
                                                                          The aviation sector is           to take a proportion of their
IATA, carbon emissions per           to ban, limit or tax airline
                                                                          committed to reducing            fuel uplift from sustainable
passenger have declined by           operations.
                                                                          net CO2 emissions to 50%         sources, total biofuel production
more than 50% since 1990
                                     The aviation industry must           of 2005 levels by 2050.          is currently less than 0.1% of
and, over the past ten years,
                                     keep control of the narrative        Achieving this goal will require industry consumption and is
fuel efficiency has been
                                     and speak up for what it has         continued investment in new      unlikely to exceed 10% by 2050
improving by an average of
                                     been doing and is continuing         technologies. However, the       given the considerable technical
2.3% per annum, delivering
                                     to do to improve its impact          challenge is not inconsiderable and commercial barriers to
a cumulative improvement
                                     on the planet. Unfortunately,        - current industry growth        mass-production.
almost 60% ahead of target.
                                     continuing to rely on past           rate forecasts will push
                                                                                                           Initiatives to mitigate aviation’s
Today, largely thanks to             performance is no longer             aviation’s share to 10%, with
                                                                                                           carbon footprint include
these steady and significant         enough to convince the               the potential to go as high
                                                                                                           CORSIA, ICAO’s new industry-
improvements, aviation               court of public opinion or           as 24% by 2050 if the pace
                                                                                                           wide carbon offset program
accounts for less than 2.5%          government policy-makers             of technological change
                                                                                                           which aims to stabilise CO2
of man-made CO2 emissions.           that further intervention is not     remains the same. Of course,
                                                                                                           emissions from international
However, sustained growth in         required. Despite evidence           the industry must continue
                                                                                                           aviation at 2020 levels,
demand will outpace further          that passenger taxes do              to explore and invest in new
                                                                                                           offsetting around 2.5 billion

10   |   PwC Aviation Outlook 2020
tonnes of CO2. Individual       make business decisions. The
airlines can go further. EasyJetimpact of ESG will become
is to be applauded for its      increasingly relevant in the
commitment to offset 100%       coming years as businesses
of its carbon footprint, but    direct their relationships to the
many others will also need      strongest ESG performers.
to step up – the voluntary      Developing a positive ESG
offset schemes offered to       narrative should therefore be at
passengers still have a take up the top of every airline CEO’s
rate of only 1%.                to do list, as the entire industry
                                risks being tarred with the
ESG (Environmental, Social
                                same negative environmental
and Governance) factors are
                                brush if decisive steps are not
becoming increasingly relevant
                                taken to become differentiated.
in the corporate world, with
                                IATA’s Chief Economist
a new emphasis on the “E”
                                recently stated, “Climate
piece. More companies,
                                change is not just an issue for
capital providers and investors
                                protesters or scientists…This
in Europe and, increasingly,
                                is on the top of the agenda for
in North America are now
                                mainstream investors now.”
mindful of their environmental
credentials, and those of
their counterparties, as they

11   |   PwC 2020 Aviation Industry Outlook
Whilst all eyes in 2020 will be      air cargo market is overdue       both sides of the Atlantic will
on Boeing and the restoration        but remains contingent on         have found, wishing it so does
of the 737 Max program,              an easing of trade flows and      not make it so.
Airbus and the industry’s            punitive tariffs.
lessors and investors will
                                     Climate change and the
be fervently hoping that the
                                     environment will stay in the
story has a happy ending             headlines, but the start of the       Fearless forecasts
and Boeing is not compelled          CORSIA program could take
to fast-track an all-new             some of the heat off aviation         Six out of my seven predictions         concerns, with regional airlines
single aisle replacement. A          for a while, although any             made at the start of 2019 came          increasingly replacing older
truncated economic life profile      significant dissent on the part       to pass – the expected launch of        jet fleets with environmentally
for the NEO and MAX would            of member countries or airlines       NMA was overtaken by events!            friendlier propeller-driven
be hugely disruptive for the         would be a major setback. As          Here are my offerings for 2020.         alternatives.
industry’s financiers and also       more airlines commit to their                                                • The EU will open discussions
for the engine makers, which         own independent stance on             • The 737 MAX will return to service
                                                                                                                    on further ways to cap, and
depend on high utilisations          carbon neutrality, a pattern            in Q2, but unevenly around the
                                                                                                                    ultimately reduce, aviation
and multiple shop visits to          of differentiation will begin           world and less than half of the
deliver their economic returns.      to emerge as ESG ratings                undelivered backlog will have
                                     become a requirement for                been cleared by year-end             • Climate change concerns will
As growth capacity starts to                                                                                        put more pressure on European
                                     investment and fund-raising.          • New orders will remain below
flow into the system again,                                                                                         domestic and regional growth
passenger growth should tick         On balance, despite the                 recent peaks, with an aggregate
                                                                                                                    prospects. Most other parts
up in line with seats, however       many economic, political and            book-to-bill below 1:1
                                                                                                                    of the world will remain only
yields will likely maintain their    financial uncertainties, 2020         • Turboprop sales will get a             marginally affected.
inverted relationship, making        should see another strong               boost from climate change
it harder for airlines to make       performance from the industry
money. The recovery of the           – although, as politicians on

12   |   PwC Aviation Outlook 2020
About the author
                                     Dick Forsberg has over              developing and promoting the         of White Papers on key
                                     48 years’ aviation industry         company’s business strategy          industry issues and is a
                                     experience, working with            with investors, lenders and          regular speaker, moderator
                                     airlines, operating lessors,        stakeholders, defining the trading   and panellist at industry
                                     arrangers and capital providers     cycle of the business, providing     conferences and aviation
                                     in a variety of roles spanning      the primary interface with the       schools. His New Year industry
Dick Forsberg                        business strategy, industry         aircraft appraisal and valuation     outlook papers are issued
                                     analysis and forecasting,           community, industry analysis         annually and this year’s insights
External Senior Consultant           asset valuation, portfolio risk                                          are published in this document.
                                                                         and forecasting, driving thought
Aviation Finance Advisory Services   management and airline credit       leadership initiatives, setting      Dick has a Diploma in
                                     assessment. He retired from         portfolio risk management            Business Studies and in
                                     leading aircraft lessor Avolon in   criteria and determining capital     Marketing from the UK
                                     March 2019 and now provides         allocation targets.                  Institute of Marketing and
                                     advisory and consultancy
                                                                         Prior to Avolon, Dick was a          is a member of the Royal
                                     support to the industry. He is
                                                                         founding executive at RBS            Aeronautical Society. He is
                                     currently supporting PwC’s
                                                                         Aviation Capital and previously      a past Board Member and
                                     Aviation Finance Advisory
                                                                         worked with IAMG, GECAS              Vice-President of ISTAT
                                     Services team as an external
                                                                         and GPA following a 20-              (The International Society of
                                     Senior Consultant.
                                                                                                              Transport Aircraft Trading)
                                                                         year career in the UK airline
                                     As a founding executive and                                              and currently serves on the
                                     Head of Strategy at Avolon,                                              board of ISTAT’s International
                                     Dick’s responsibilities included    Dick has published a number          Appraisers’ Program.

13   |   PwC Aviation Outlook 2020
Yvonne Thompson                               Colum Carr
Aviation Finance Tax Partner                  Aviation Finance Advisory Services Leader             

Brian Leonard                                 Bryson Monteleone
Aviation Finance Tax Partner                  Aviation Finance Advisory Services Senior Advisor             

Joe Conboy                                    Dick Forsberg
Aviation Finance Tax Partner                  Aviation Finance Advisory Services External Senior Consultant                  

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