The Effect of Constructivism on Students' Performance in Solving Mathematical Problems under Trigonometry

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Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies

                           19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460
                           ISSN: 2581-6268

                The Effect of Constructivism on Students’
           Performance in Solving Mathematical Problems
                                      under Trigonometry
  Richmond Kwame Gyan1, Frank Ayiku2, Evans Atteh3* and Alfred Kofi Adams4
           Department of Mathematics, Akontombra Senior High School, Sefwi Akontombra, Ghana.
               Department of Mathematics and ICT, St. Louis College of Education, Kumasi, Ghana.
          Department of Mathematics and ICT, Wiawso College of Education, Sefwi Wiawso, Ghana.
    Department of Mathematics and ICT, Bia Lamplighter College of Education, Sefwi Debiso, Ghana.

                                                                                             Authors’ contributions

      This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Authors EA and RKG designed the
    study, wrote the protocols and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author FA and AKA managed
  the literature search and the intervention. Author EA and FA dealt with the data entry and analysis of
                                           the data. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

                                                                                                  Article Information

                                                                                      DOI: 10.9734/AJESS/2021/v19i230458
                                                       (1) Dr. M. Camino Escolar-Llamazares, University of Burgos, Spain.
                                                          (1) Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao, VFSTR Deemed to be University, India.
                             (2) Rasajit Kumar Bera, National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research, India.
                                            Complete Peer review History:

                                                                                         Received 15 August 2020
  Original Research Article                                                             Accepted 24 October 2020
                                                                                           Published 03 July 2021


 This paper is an action research which involves a sample of thirty five (35) second year students of
 Akontombra Senior High School comprising 24 males and 11 females. The study was aimed at
 using the constructivist approach to enhance students’ competence in solving word problems
 under trigonometry. Prior to the study, it was observed that the students were not able to
 understand and solve word problems under trigonometry. The constructivist approach of teaching
 and learning was employed as the intervention strategy and series of activities was carried out.
 The pre – test and post – test scores obtained by the students were analyzed quantitatively based
 on the research questions of the study. Comparatively, the results obtained from the pre – test and
 post – test showed a significant improvement on the students’ ability to solve word problems under
 trigonometry. It was then inferred from the results that the constructivist teaching and learning


*Corresponding author: Email:;
Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

 methodology employed during the intervention phases enhanced the academic achievements of
 the students. The constructivist approach to teaching encouraged students to participate in the
 process and environment of teaching and learning and to promote mathematics as a creative and
 meaningful activity that involves interpretation, effort and exploration.

Keywords: Constructivism; word problems; trigonometry; mathematics.

1. INTRODUCTION                                              be tasked by society to devise practical teaching
                                                             and learning methods that are relevant to the
Mathematics educations fundamental goal is to                world of the learner and our everyday life
allow children to understand, reason and                     circumstances [6] This is because, in general, it
communicate mathematically and solve problems                is assumed that children are generally interested
in their daily lives [1]. Asiedu-Addo & Yidana [2]           in mathematics and come to school with an
indicated that mathematics research is therefore             understanding of mathematical principles and
seen as a means of sharpening the intellect,                 different problem-solving techniques that they
shaping thinking skills, and improving the                   have discovered by studying the world in which
individual's personality to become a person in               they live [7]. Therefore, it is the core
society who is more scientifically and                       responsibility of mathematics educators to have
technologically inclined. It is evident that those           experience that will help to inspire learners to
nations in the world that have taken the culture of          understand and appreciate mathematics in order
mathematics and science seriously are leading,               to increase their success as these fundamental
while those economies that have played little or             practices are established.
no role in this culture are lagging behind and
threatening their very existence [3]. That is why            It is in the light of the above reasons that the
the study of a well-planned and effectively                  study of certain important topics like trigonometry
implemented mathematics education program                    in the senior high school curriculum cannot be
has become the hallmark of most countries that               ignored. Trigonometry has long been a standard
are concerned about their scientific and                     part of the high school mathematics curriculum in
technological      development.    Adetunde     [4]          all countries. Compared to other topics in
emphasizes that the foundation of any solid                  mathematics, it is an area of mathematics that
education is mathematics. With this belief,                  students think is especially difficult and abstract.
mathematics serves as a vital filter for pupils or           With this perspective, trigonometry is one of the
students seeking admission to secondary and                  school topics that very few students like and
tertiary institutions, as well as technical                  succeed in, and with which most students hate
institutions such as the Colleges of Education               and struggle with. Trigonometry has a dynamic
and Polytechnics in Ghana [4].                               existence. It incorporates numerous definitions
                                                             and procedures that are algebraic, geometric,
Mathematics education has been highlighted as                and graphical. For example, trigonometric
a very important subject, according to Eshun [5],            functions vary from other types of functions in
because conceptual and computational methods                 that some arithmetic formulas discovered by an
of mathematics are applied in almost all fields of           algebraic formula cannot be calculated directly
human knowledge. Mathematics education                       by performing them. It requires both geometric
researchers are primarily concerned with the                 reasoning and algebraic reasoning to determine
instruments, methods and approaches that                     mathematical problems involving trigonometric
facilitate practice. In Europe, research in                  functions. This diverse nature of the subject
mathematics education, known on the continent                makes it difficult for students to grasp it
as didactics or mathematics pedagogy, has                    conceptually. Mostly, the difficulties of students
grown into a wide area of study with its own                 with trigonometric functions are due to a lack of
principles, theories, processes, national and                understanding of related areas such as functions,
international organisations, conferences and                 angle measurement, and graphs (e.g. Orhun, [8];
literature. It is therefore critical that the teaching       Kang, [9]; Moore, [10]).
and learning of mathematics as a subject in
Ghana should also be transformed to meet the                 Unfortunately, many senior high school students
challenges demanded of it by the ever-changing               are not accustomed to this type of reasoning in
environment [5]. Teachers in particular and                  which students need to link diagrams of triangles
educational planners in general are assumed to               to numerical relationships and manipulate the

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

symbols involved in such relationships. Most of            mathematical knowledge to solve problems and
them turn to shy away and never want to meet it            to explore new ideas in the classroom
again in their cause of learning once the students         environment and the technological world.
experience some difficulties in the early stage of
learning a subject. These have contributed to              The methods and strategies that teachers use in
students raising mental barriers to mathematics            their instruction decide the effective learning of
and leading many science and mathematics                   concepts and abilities in mathematics. The
students at higher education levels to drift               teaching strategy involving the promotion of
massively towards the study of social sciences             independent student thought by teachers, the
such as general arts [11]. Trigonometry is seen            development of problem-centered lessons, and
as a complex topic for many students and a deep            the facilitation of common meanings brings about
understanding of it requires relations and                 good learning. A method of teaching that is
transitions between similar concepts to be made.           advocated in the school curriculum is the
Gür [12] stressed that trigonometry and other              problem-centered approach of teaching. It is
similar concepts are abstract and non-intuitive,           accepted that students construct their own
and teaching based on lecturing does not help              knowledge and thus try to establish individual
students overcome their learning difficulties.             and social processes in a problem-centered
                                                           learning environment to monitor and enhance the
The understanding of trigonometry as a course is           nature and quality of those constructions.
a pre-requisite for understanding areas in                 Teaching's through problem-centered approach
architecture, surveying, physics and many                  chooses constructivism as the learning
branches of engineering which play significant             approach. This means the philosophy of
role in human existence. It is one of the earliest         constructivism is the framework for approaches
mathematics topics that links algebraic,                   to problem-centered teaching.
geometric, and graphical reasoning. It can also
act as an essential precursor to pre-calculus and          Constructivism is associated with constructive
calculus comprehension. In general, among                  learning and facilitates contrast with previous
several other methods, doing mathematics                   experience of new concepts [15,16]. According to
involves describing mathematical conditions in             Slavin [17], “[The] view of cognitive development
many ways, examining, formalizing patterns and             emphasizes the active role of learners in building
regularities,   generalizing      and      solving         their own understanding of reality” is defined as
mathematical issues/problems.                              constructivist (p. 32). Teaching should allow
                                                           learners to ask why, to question, to look for a
In almost every part of the world, the poor                solution and to overcome incongruities. The
performance of students in mathematics and how             constructivist theory of learning typically implies
students experience mathematics in schools over            that successful learning can take place only
the years has therefore become a major concern.            when students are given the opportunity to deal
In some countries, these situations have led to            with challenges, focus on their response
restructuring and the introduction of a new school         processes, and then verify the reasonableness of
curriculum and teaching methods. It is suggested           their outcomes.
in the study of Thomasenia [13] that the new
school curricula and strategies are structured to          Constructivism is a knowledge theory of
find ways to inspire students to learn                     psychology (Epistemology) which argues that
mathematics using realistic and investigative              from their experiences, people generate
approaches. Therefore, these findings require              knowledge and meaning [18]. The theory of
teachers of mathematics to look for ever                   constructivism of learning is based on the idea
changing strategies in mathematics teaching to             that we develop our own understanding of the
make the topic more fun and interesting [14].              world around us by reflecting on our experiences.
This is a teaching of mathematics in which the             Learning is thus seen as the mechanism by
methodologies used emphasize the teaching of               which our conceptual models are updated to fit
content     in   mathematics      by     processes         new experiences in our world. Each of us
experienced     by     students    in    real   life       generates our own rules, minds and models in a
circumstances.       Mathematics         educators,        constructivist approach to learning, which we use
however, are mandated to provide students with             to make sense of our experiences. In the studies
mathematics activities to explore and make                 of Candy (1991) as cited in Richardson [19],
sense of mathematical patterns and relationships           Candy explained that Learning is therefore, seen
that will motivate and help them develop                   as an adaptive and experiential process rather

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

than a knowledge transference activity.                    and enhance their performance in mathematical
Constructivist educators always think that                 problems involving trigonometry.
knowledge must be actively built because the
learner is an entity with previous experiences             1.2 Research Questions
that must be regarded as being knowledgeable.
Learning, therefore, depends on the way each               The study is intended to provide answers to the
individual learner looks at a particular situation         following questions:
and draws his/her own conclusions. In a
constructivist approach to learning, students are            1.   What difficulties do students encounter in
allowed to determine their own knowledge based                    understanding and solving mathematical
on their own way of processing information and                    problems in trigonometry?
according to their own beliefs and attitudes                 2.   To what extent will the use of the
towards learning.                                                 constructivist approach of teaching and
                                                                  learning     help     improve    student’s
In confirmation, Brooks (2000) cited in Aka [20],                 competence in solving mathematical
outlined four guiding principles of constructivism.               problems under trigonometry?
These are:
                                                           2. METHODOLOGY
     Learning is a quest for meaning.
      Therefore, learning must begin with the              2.1 Research Design
      problems that students are actively trying
      to create meaning around.                            The researcher employed action research as the
     Meaning requires both whole and part                 preferred research design for this study because
      comprehension. And parts must be                     it deals with small scale intervention which is
      understood in the context of the whole.              appropriate for a one classroom situation in the
      The learning process is therefore based on           context of which this study was carried out. It
      primary principles, not isolated evidence.           was conclude, in the opinion of Baumgartner,
     We must consider the conceptual models               Strong and Hensley [22] that action research
      that students use to interpret the world and         allows teachers to be prepared with knowledge
      the assumptions they make to support                 of the different techniques or strategies they can
      those models in order to teach well.                 use to fit the children they teach. In addition,
     The aim of learning is for an individual to          action research is mainly considered to be
      construct his or her own meaning, not just           customized in classroom operations to address a
      to memorize the correct responses and                problem [23]. In the context of pre-test,
      regurgitate the meaning of someone                   intervention and post-test, action research is
      else.                                                designed to investigate how student success is
                                                           enhanced using a constructivist teaching
Nabie [21] argued, however, that the                       method. It allows the teacher, through
conventional ‘talk and chalk’ method of                    observation, listening, evaluating, questioning
presenting mathematical facts does not allow               and being interested in developing one's own
learners to apply what they learn or solve                 knowledge, to determine the efficacy of his / her
problems in real life circumstances. Nabie also            teaching.
indicated that teachers must teach mathematics
                                                           2.2 Population and Sampling
within the experiential realm of the students to
allow learners to apply what they learn to real life       The study was conducted at Akontombra Senior
situations. This should be the practice that the           High School in the Akontombra District. The
classrooms are concerned with.                             school has a population of eight hundred and
                                                           twenty nine (829) students. Two hundred and
1.1 Purpose of the Study                                   ninety-six (296) of the students are in the SHS 2
                                                           (second year). Purposive sampling method was
Promoting conceptual understanding is a                    employed for the sample selection. The research
growing focus in the teaching of mathematics.              was conducted in SHS 2 General Arts 2 class
The main purpose of the study is to investigate            which has thirty-five (35) students comprising 24
the extent to which constructivist approach of             males and 11 females. The average age of the
teaching can help to develop students of                   class was seventeen (17) years and the students
Akontombra Senior High School understanding                came from various regions in Ghana.

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

2.3 Instrumentation                                         2.   Translate the problem into a diagrams
                                                                 and/or system of equations using the
Pre-test and post-test were used to gather                       fundamental trigonometry principles and
information about the learners’ achievements in                  terms to describe the operations required.
tackling mathematics issues related to word                      This helps the students in devising a plan
problems involving trigonometric ratios. The                     to solve the problem to the extent of
instrument was well designed to assist with basic                making diagrams and identifying possible
data collection, presentation, interpretation, and               trigonometry formulae to be use where
organization. In addition, the pre-test and post-                necessary.
tests were used to measure the students'                    3.   Solve the equations using the approved
success before and after the intervention.                       trigonometry methods and principles.
                                                            4.   Apply the knowledge and skills gained to
2.4 Intervention Process                                         solve other mathematical problems.

To help address the problems students                     2.4.1 Activity one
encountered in the pre-test, an intervention was
carried out through the use of constructivist             Objectives: By the end of the 90 minutes lesson,
approach of learning. Constructivism is a theory          students should be able to understand the
of knowledge and learning that should inform              mathematical problem given by identifying the
practice but not prescribe practice. It is believed       clue for solution and listing all the unknowns and
that constructivism is not a method [24], it              assign variables to each of them.
emphasizes the importance of the teaching
                                                          In the first week of the intervention, the
context, student prior knowledge, and active
                                                          researchers guided the students through how
interaction between the learner and the content
                                                          they will translate sentences and diagrams into
to be learned. The constructivist approach of
                                                          mathematical statements and expressions. The
teaching typically makes good and extensive use
                                                          researcher started by introducing the topic to the
of cooperative learning. This way of learning
                                                          students through the use of various examples.
emphasizes on        active    questioning      and
                                                          To make this understandable to the students, the
cooperative group activities that keep students
                                                          researcher guided the students through a list of
with material they are learning. The students
                                                          instructions that need to be followed in order to
were made to group themselves into a group of
                                                          arrive at their results. This involves the
five by the researcher in order to help each other
                                                          assignment of variables to all unknowns in the
solve the prepared set of questions.
At this stage of the intervention, the researcher
                                                          Here are examples that the researchers went
took the students through various activities
                                                          through with the students in the first week.
thoroughly. A lot of time and attentions was given
to students understanding and meaning of some
                                                            1. Find the three trigonometric ratios of the
sentences and expressions in the questions.
                                                               angle α in the right-angled triangle below.
Emphasis was also based on helping students to
understand and apply the trigonometry principles
by    translating     them    into    mathematical
expressions and subsequently solving the
expression. The intervention period took three
weeks of two mathematics sessions for an hour
and thirty minutes (90 minutes per lesson). With
the help of the researcher, the students were
made to put themselves into groups in order to
help each other solve the prepared set of
questions at this stage.                                  With this, the researchers asked the student to
                                                          first of all try to recall the fundamental
  1.   Read      the   problem   thoroughly      to       trigonometry ratios and understand the
       understand what you are solving. List all          statements in them. I then ask them to freely
       the unknowns in the problem, and assign a          represent the unknown sides of the right-angled
       variable for each unknown. If there are two        triangle with any variable of their choice. Most
       unknowns, you need two variables, such             students are familiar with x, y and z, and hence
       as a and b, for example.                           almost all of them agreed to represent

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

hypotenuse, adjacent side and opposite side with              These are some of the examples that the
x, y and z respectively. Hence, they agreed that              researchers went through with the students. With
the three trigonometry ratios for the diagram will            each of them, they were asked to write a
be;                                                           trigonometry expression (equation) and/or draw a
  a) sine of ∝= sin ∝ (SOH) =                     =
                                                              I.      If is an acute angle such that cos = ,
  b) Cosine of ∝= cos ∝ (CAH) =
                                              =                       find tan .The researcher asked the
                                                                      students to analyse the question and come
                                                                      out with their sketches/diagrams and
  c) Tangent of ∝= tan ∝ (TOA) =                                      trigonometry equation for the solution of
                 =                                                    the question. With the aid of the
                                                                      researchers, the students came out with
  I.   If   is an acute angle such that cos       =   ,               the diagram below based on the idea of
                                                                      cosine (CAH). They agreed to represent
       find sin .The students groups together                         the opposite side with variable a;
       came out with their understanding as;
       there is a need to draw right-angled
       triangle to indicate within the diagram that
       cos = cosine of (CAH) =                    .
       Then after that,        can be calculated
       based on the diagram.
  II. If tan = 0.5673 where 0° < < 180°. Find
         .The students came out with the key
       word as 0° < < 180°, meaning the value
       of x must fall between zero and 180                    Upon further discussion among the students
       degrees. The students group together                   themselves and a careful study of the
       came out with their understanding as; x is             diagram the students agreed that through
       the inverse of       of the number in the              the    use   of    Pythagoras     theorem,    the
       question.                                              unknown side which is represented with the
  III. The lesson continued with several                      variable a can be calculated. The students
       examples of similar types. The researchers             groups together came out with the appropriate
       set out the objectives of the lesson to the            formulae for finding solution to the question as:
       students and the type of teamwork
                                                                   = .
       needed. The researcher served as a
       resource person, an instructor and a guide
       to the activities.                                       II.    Calculate, correct to the nearest degree,
                                                                      the value of in the triangle below.
2.4.2 Activity two

Objectives: By the end of the 90 minutes lesson,
students should be able to translate the
mathematical problem into diagrams and devise
a strategy or plan for finding solutions to
mathematical problems.

In the second week, the learners were
taken through a series of activities to                       The students were given ample time to discuss
develop the idea of coming up with a plan                     the solution plan or process among themselves
including drawing of diagrams and developing of               in a group. The researchers explained to them
trigonometry equations to solve problems                      that they should always try as much as possible
involving trigonometry using constructivist                   to follow what the problem demands before they
approach of teaching and learning. This                       write their respective expressions. Upon a careful
was followed by an explanation of the                         study of the diagram the students came out with
problems with the students after observing their              the appropriate formulae for finding solution to
answers.                                                      the question as:

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

                  3                                      After going through activity two, the researcher
    cos       =                                          realized that some students were still having
                                                         various degrees of challenges in modeling the
Some of the students suggested the use of                trigonometry expressions. With this at hand, I
Pythagoras theorem to solve the unknown side             carried another routine activity with the said
and further explain that, with the solution to the       students, i.e the third activity, to help them in
unknown side the other trigonometry ratios apart         their search for better understanding.
from cosine could be used to find the value of .
                                                         2.4.3 Activity three
III. If cos       = sin 39° , 0° <   < 90°, find .
                                                         Objectives: By the end of the 90 minutes lesson,
The students were asked by the researchers to            students should be able to use various diagrams
analyse the question and come out with their             and strategies or plans or formulae in finding
formulae for solving the question. Based on the          solutions to mathematical problems.
idea from the previous lessons, the students
group together responded to the question above           In this routine activity, the researcher groups the
as;                                                      students in four separate groups which were
                                                         evenly distributed. Each grouped had students
From complementary angles                                who had developed their interest and
                                                         competence in the topic. The idea behind this
    sin 39° = cos(90° − 39) = cos 51°                    was that, the students will cooperatively help
                    →     39° =     51°                  each other, especially for those who were still
                                                         having problems. The constructivist approach of
The students further suggested that the value of         teaching and learning emphatically make
 lies between 0°     90°                                 extensive use of cooperative learning. With this,
                                                         students will be more comfortable and easily
  IV. Find the lengths of the sides marked               discover and comprehend difficult concepts if
                                                         they communicate with each other about the
                                                         problem at hand.

                                                         The objective of the third lesson of the
                                                         intervention was to guide students on how to use
                                                         various strategies or plans in finding solutions to
                                                         mathematical problems. The activity three was
                                                         organized purposely to teach students how to
                                                         solve mathematical problems step by step
                                                         through the use of appropriate problem solving
                                                         strategy like sketches or diagrams, formulas and
In this question, most of the students were found        patterns. This was followed by an explanation of
wanting. They found it difficult in writing the          the problems with the students after observing
correct trigonometry expression. Majority of the         their answers where necessary.
students started using the wrong trigonometry
ratios. The researchers tried to construct the           During the cause of solving the questions, the
expression from the problem with the students.           researchers went round helping the groups that
The researchers asked the students to identify           were encountering difficulties. The students’
the known sides of the diagram (right-angled             responds to the selected problems for the activity
triangle). They gave the respond as the                  are as shown below;
hypotenuse (10 cm) and the side opposite to the
angle ( ). The researcher then asked the                   I.   Find the value of y in the diagram below.
students to write a trigonometry ratio for the
question based on the identified sides of the
diagram. The researcher then asked them to
write a trigonometry expression for the problem.
They all gave the answer as;

                      |   | 10
    cos 35° =               =
                      |   |

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

The students agreed to use Sine as the                           = cos (0.7647)
trigonometry ratio for the question at hand.                     = 40.12

Therefore;                                               Therefore;      ≈ 40°
                   |    |
           60° =                                           III. If cos    = sin 43° , 0° <   < 90°, find .
                   |    |

But | | =         | |=9        . Substituting into       The students groups together presented the
                                                         solution process below;
the main equation we get
                                                             cos = sin43°
           60° =
                                                         But from complementary angles;
Multiplying through the equation by 9, gives
                                                             sin43° = cos 90° − 43° = cos47°
       =9×      60°
    = 9 × 0.866                                          This suggests that
     = 7.794
    ∴ = 7.79                                                 sin43° = cos47°
Therefore the value of y In diagram above is
                                                         Substituting cos47° gives as;

All the students participated in solving this                cos = cos47°
question and I then asked them to check the
answer.                                                  Therefore, on comparing,

    II.                                                          = 47°

                                                           IV. If cos     = 0.8 , find the value of cos        −

                                                         Upon further discussion among the members of
                                                         each group, the students agreed on the solution
                                                         processes elaborated below;

                                                             cos    = 0.8 ⟹

                                                         Base on the expansion of the expression above,
                                                         the diagram below was drawn
Calculate, correct to the nearest degree, the
value of in the triangle above.

It was agreed among the student groups that
Cosine is the trigonometry ratio to be used in the
solution of the question above.


    cos      =

They further applied the trigonometry principle,         From Pythagoras theorem principle,
which gives;
                                                             |     | =|     | +|     |
          = cos                                              |     | =|     | −|     |

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

    |       | = 5     − 4                                  I.   A ladder 8 m long leans against a vertical
                                                                wall. The angle of depression from the top of
    |       | =9                                                the ladder is 60°. How far is the foot of the
                                                                ladder from the wall?
    |       | = √9
                                                          The students were task to read the question
    |       |=3                                           carefully and come out with a diagram or pattern
                                                          or formulae to solve the problem base on their
Therefore;                                                experience in the previous lesson. This was their
                 3                                        response;
    sin      =
                                                          Let d be the distance between the foot of the
                                                          ladder and the wall, and they also together
But cos =                  sin   =    ,   therefore       agreed on the sketch of a diagram as indicated
substituting it will give as,                             below

    cos       − sin

        4        3
        5        5
    16 9
    25 25

Therefore, the answer is,

                                                          They therefore agreed on the trigonometry
All the students participated in solving this             expression below;
question and I then asked them to check the
                                                                 60° =
2.4.4 Activity four                                             =8×          60°
Objectives: By the end of the 90 minutes lesson,
students should be able to apply knowledge and            Therefore the distance between the foot of the
skills gained to solve mathematical problems in           ladder and the wall is 4
other areas.
                                                          II.   The angle of elevation of an aircraft from a
Activity four preceded the post-test, and in this,              point K on the horizontal ground is 30°. If
students      were    guided     through    some                the aircraft is 800 m above the ground,
interventional processes involving the application              how far is it from K.
of knowledge acquired under trigonometry in
different areas of mathematics. At this point,            The students were task to read the question
most of the students were abreast with the                carefully and come out with a diagram or pattern
requisite concept and knowledge in modeling               or formulae to solve the problem base on their
trigonometry expression into equations and                experience in the previous lesson. These were
solving the equations. This activity four was             their responses;
organized purposely to teach students how to
apply knowledge gain appropriately in solving             Let A and N represents the position of the aircraft
problems through the use of strategies like               and the ground respectively and they also
sketches or diagrams, formulas and patterns on            together agreed on the sketch of a diagram as
finding solution to mathematical problems. These          indicated below;
are some of the examples that the researchers
went through with the students during this activity       They therefore agreed on the trigonometry
four.                                                     expression below;

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

                                                         But | | = 13        | | =? . To get |              | we
                                                         based on Pythagoras theorem to get;

                                                             13    = 12 + | |
                                                             |    | = 13 − 12
                                                             |    | = 25
                                                             |    | = √25
                                                             |    |=5

             800                                         Therefore, substituting | | = 13              |    |=5
        30° =                                            into the expression gives us;
            | |
    |   |=                                                                 |   |   5
              30°                                                 <    =         =
           800                                                             |   | 13
    |   |=
                                                         After these examples, students were given both
Therefore; |    | = 1600                                 group and individual assignments to try on their
                                                         own. This was to measure the level of students
Therefore the distance between the aircraft at           understanding pertaining to the concept of word
and the point is 1600                                    problems under applications of trigonometry
III                                                      ratios.

                                                         3. RESULTS AND DATA ANALYSIS

                                                         Students were first given a set of questions to
                                                         solve as the pre – test and they were then taken
                                                         through a series of intervention activities after
                                                         which they were given a post – test. The pre –
                                                         test was conducted based on the students’
                                                         previous knowledge on the mathematical
                                                         concepts they have learnt in trigonometry. The
                                                         students were asked to freely; choose any
                                                         method of their choice to solve the questions.
In the above diagram, |        | = | | = 13   and        The pre – test consisted of seven (7) questions
|   | = 24  . Find sin <                                 which were marked over thirty five (35) and was
                                                         conducted for the thirty five (35) students in a
The students were task to analyse the question           period of 45 minutes. Table 1 show the marks
carefully and come out with a pattern or formulae        obtained out of 35 by the students in the pre –
to solve the problem base on their experience in         test. To give a clear picture of this scenario, the
the previous lesson. The student groups together         researchers added a frequency distribution in
gave the following responses;                            percentages of the scores obtained in the pre –
                                                         test by the students. This was intended to give
                    |   |                                the break downs of how the scores obtained by
        <       =
                    |   |                                the students were collected.

                    Table 1. Frequency distribution of pre–test scores in percentage

 Scores                             Frequency                         Percentage (%)
 1–5                                 9                                25.7
 6 - 10                             14                                40.0
 11 – 15                            7                                 20.0
 16 – 20                            4                                 11.4
 21 – 25                            1                                 2.9
 26 – 30                            0                                 0
 31 - 35                            0                                 0
 Total                              35                                100

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021;; Article no.AJESS.62460

After the administration of the pre – test,                         competences and skills as well as acquiring new
generally, the authors observed very uninspiring                    concepts and methods to solve trigonometry
performance after marking the student’s scripts                     problems. The total number of students who
with most of them scoring marks which was                           were involved in the post – test
                                                                                                 est was the same as
below the average score. After a careful                            that of the pre – test. Table 2 shows the scores
observation of their pre-test
                          test scripts, there was an                obtained by the 35 students out of 35 marks
indication    that    the    students     lack   the                for the post – test in the same period of 45
understanding of the basic concepts of word                         minutes.
problems under trigonometry
                        ometry and therefore they
were not able to use appropriate strategies and                     The post- test scores from Table 2 showed a
principles in finding solution to the mathematical                  tremendous improvement in the performance
                                                                                                      performan     of
problems.                                                           the students in relation to the solving of the
                                                                    questions administered to them and this was an
To address these challenges of the students, a                      evidence of the good use of the constructivist
series of intervention activities, using the                        approach of teaching and learning through
constructivist approach of teaching
                            eaching and learning                    numerous activities that they were taken through.
were organized by the researchers for the                           After the administering
                                                                                      tering of the post – test, the
students on trigonometry and a post
                                  post–test was                     researchers observed that the students had not
administered to them. This was aimed at                             employed a guess and check method in solving
ascertaining whether the intervention had gone                      the questions given to them. This shows that the
down well with them.                                                intervention process had helped the students to
                                                                    now understand the trigonometry concepts
                                                                                                        conc      and
The post – test on the other hand was                               that they will not rely on memorization
conducted to see how the intervention activities                    procedures in solving trigonometry questions in
helped the students to improve upon their                           the future.

                      Table 2. Frequency distribution of post–test
                                                         post      scores in percentage

 Scores                                     Frequency                               Percentage (%)
 1–5                                         0                                      0
 6 - 10                                     2                                       5.7
 11 – 15                                    3                                       8.6
 16 – 20                                    9                                       25.7
 21 – 25                                    12                                      34.3
 26 – 30                                    6                                       17.1
 31 - 35                                    3                                       8.6
 Total                                      35                                      100

                       Percentage Comparison of Pre-test and Po st-test
                        Score(1-5)   Score(6--10)   Score(11-15) Score(16-20)   Score(21-25) Score(26-30) Score(31-35)
           Pre-test       25.7           40             20           11.4           2.9           0            0
           Post-test        0            5.7            8.6          25.7          34.3          17.1         8.6

        Fig. 1. Percentages of students’ pre-test
                                         pre      and post-test
                                                           test performance comparison

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

                      Table 3. Descriptive statistics of pre–test and post–test

                                       Paired Samples Statistics
                             Mean             N             Std. Deviation                  Std. Error Mean
 Pair 1      Pretest         9.2571           35            5.20375                         .87959
             Posttest        21.7714          35            6.14092                         1.03801

The researchers undertook inferential analysis of          Results from the post – test scores by the
the pre–test and post–test, and the data used for          students, as shown in Table 2, indicated that the
this analysis were the scores obtained by the              students performed much better as compared to
students in both tests. Statistical Package for            the pre – test. This is an indication that students
Social Scientist (SPSS) was employed by the                had difficulties in solving mathematical problems
researchers to obtain the results of the                   using the rote (traditional) method before the
analysis. Table 3 indicates the mean, standard             intervention. From the frequency distribution of
deviation and standard error mean of the paired            the post – test scores (Table 2), out the 35
samples.                                                   students who took part in the test, 30 of them
                                                           obtained either half or more than half of the total
The results therefore indicated that there is a            mark of 35 for the test, representing 85.7% of the
significant difference between the pre–test                total students’ number. The results indicated an
scores and that of the post–test which is in favor         upwards trend in the post – test scores, which
of the post–test. And this was attributed to the           showed that the Intervention activities were
intervention processes the researchers took the            effective in assisting the students to overcome
students through.                                          their problems and helping them in their learning.

4. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS                                   The improvement in the performance of the
                                                           students, which was evident in the post – test
Considering the scores obtained by the students            scores they obtained, was through the
in the pre – test and post – test, as shown in             constructivist teaching strategy that the
Tables 1 and 2, it can be deduced that the                 researchers employed during the intervention
performance of the students before the                     activities. With the constructivist approach, the
intervention was very poor. The respective                 researchers      designed      a     well–planned
frequency distribution tables of the pre – test and        intervention activity in the lessons with the
post – test (Tables 1 and 2) clearly showed the            students. The constructivist approach of teaching
difference in the scores obtained by the students.         enabled the students to participate actively in the
In the pre – test for instance, 30 out the 35              lessons and also encouraged cooperative
students scored less than half of the 35 marks for         learning among the students. And in effect, each
the test, which represented 85.7% of the total             student in a group was not only responsible for
number of students. This poor performance by               learning what was being taught alone, but also
the students in the pre – test was due to the              helped group mates who were still having
teaching strategy previously used in teaching the          challenges and thus created a conducive
students and it took the lecture – form of                 learning atmosphere. This is in line with Boadi et
teaching.                                                  al. [25] study which suggested that, the adoption
                                                           of constructivist approach of teaching and
With this teaching strategy, the students                  learning in the mathematics classroom will
did not have the chance of using their                     enable students to participate actively in the
experience to create their own understanding,              lessons and also encouraged cooperative
but rather lessons were delivered to                       learning among the students.
them in an organized form. This was also an
indication that the students lacked the right              The constructivist approach of teaching used in
competencies and approach in solving the                   this research study enabled the students to
questions. Some of them also lacked the pre                comprehend the conceptual knowledge and the
requisite     mathematical     concepts      in            procedural understanding of trigonometry
understanding    the   questions   that    was             problems which the students were able to solve
administered to them. The students also lacked             them successfully. A study conducted by Andam
cooperative learning and hence the average                 et al., [26], Boadi et al. [25] and Eggen &
students could not help their low performing               Kauchak [27] suggested that constructivist
classmates.                                                approach of teaching and learning do assists

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

students to constantly create new knowledge                     to find solution to the mathematical
based on previously acquired knowledge in                       problems.
conjunction with new experiences thereby                     3. Students were unable to apply the
improving their understanding and performance.                  required principles and methods in solving
In the event of all these, the researcher found out             the mathematical problems given.
that the students were motivated and inspired by
the way the lessons were systematically                    For example, students encountered problems
delivered.                                                 with words like ‘SOH’, ‘CAH’, ‘TOA’ of various
                                                           acute angles. In addition to this, words such as
Therefore, it is clear that after the intervention,        ‘angle of elevation’, and ‘angle of depression’
the evidence gathered suggests that employing              were a problem to the students.
the intervention tool (Constructivist Approach of
Teaching) into mathematics classroom for                   The answer to research Question 2: To what
teaching trigonometry had a positive effect on the         extent will the use of constructivist approach of
performance of the students as a whole. This               teaching help students improve their competence
confirms that it is important that teachers should         in solving mathematical problems under
actively involve learners in their teaching to             trigonometry?
enable the students to construct their own
knowledge [28].                                            According to Table 3, the results of the
                                                           intervention by the comparison between the pre
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDA-                              – test scores of the individual students with their
   TIONS                                                   respective post test scores showed some level of
                                                           significance improvement in terms of their
This aspect focused on the results from the pre –          performance.      There      was     a    significant
test and the post – test based on the research             improvement in students’ performance after the
questions. The analysis of the results enables             use of the constructivist approach of teaching in
the researchers to find out the level of                   teaching the topic trigonometry. The post – test
improvement of students’ performance in relation           mean score of 21.7714 (Standard deviation of
to trigonometry problems through the use of                6.14092) is significantly higher than the pre – test
constructivist approach of teaching.                       mean score of 9.2571 (Standard deviation of
                                                           5.20375). This indicates that the use of
The answer to research question 1: What                    constructivist approach in teaching and learning
difficulties   do   students    encounter   in             in solving mathematical problems under
understanding     and   solving   mathematical             trigonometry brought about a tremendous
problems in trigonometry?                                  improvement        in      students’     conceptual
                                                           understanding and performance. From the
From the findings in the research, the study               intervention, students were able to use their own
showed that the students performed poorly in the           experience to create their own understanding.
pre-test indicating the lack of understanding in           Through that they were able to gain the right
the topic trigonometry.                                    competencies and approaches in solving the
                                                           questions. With this, they also acquired the basic
It became obvious that they were not able to               requisite trigonometry concepts in their
understand trigonometry problems involving the             understanding of the problems and it also paved
word problems. They could not analyze and                  the way for the average students to help their low
interpret the key words involved in the word               performing classmates through cooperation.
problems statement and this was evident in the             Additionally, the students discovered during the
pre –test scores they obtained. The students               intervention activities that there are often several
were not able to translate the given problems into         correct techniques and methods of finding
trigonometry equations. The errors students                solutions to mathematical problems. Surely,
made in the pre-test were categorized as follows:          there is certain time at which teachers need to
                                                           tell and show students what and how to do
  1. Students were unable to understand the                something
     questions. They were not able to identify
     the unknowns in the mathematical                      It is recommended that, teaching of concepts in
     problems given.                                       mathematics should always involve the use of
  2. Students were not able to come up                     constructivist approach of teaching and learning
     with a plan or diagram and/or formulae                to make it more practicable as possible. It will

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

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Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

                                           APPENDIX A

Pre- Test Questions

  1. Find   from the diagram below.

2. Calculate ∠       from the diagram below.

3. Calculate ∠ XZY from the diagram below.

4. Find |   |, correct to two decimal places.

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

    5. A ladder 8 m long leans against vertical wall. If the foot of the ladder is 3 m away from the
          wall. Find the angle the ladder makes with the wall correct to the nearest whole number.

    6. From the top of a building 15m high, the angle of depression of a football lying on the
          horizontal ground is 69°. Calculate, correct to one decimal place, the distance of the football
          from the foot of the building.

    7. The angle of elevation of the top of a tree 39 m away from a point on the ground is 30°. Find
          the distance between the top of the tree and the point of elevation on the ground

                                             APPENDIX B

Post-Test Questions

1. Find    from the diagram below.

2. Calculate ∠         from the diagram below.

3. Calculate ∠ XZY from the diagram below.

Gyan et al.; AJESS, 19(2): 1-18, 2021; Article no.AJESS.62460

4. Find |    |, correct to two decimal places.

    5. A ladder 16m long leans against vertical wall. If the foot of the ladder is 5m away from the
       wall. Find the angle the ladder makes with the wall correct to the nearest whole number.

    6. From the top of a building 9 m high, the angle of depression of a football lying on the
       horizontal ground is 54°. Calculate, correct to one decimal place, the distance of the football
       from the foot of the building.

    7. The angle of elevation of the top of a tree 55 m away from a point on the ground is 42°. Find
       the distance between the top of the tree and the point of elevation on the ground.

© 2021 Gyan et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

                                             Peer-review history:
                         The peer review history for this paper can be accessed here:

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