The Edinburgh Geologist - Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society Issue No 64 Autumn 2018

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The Edinburgh Geologist - Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society Issue No 64 Autumn 2018
The Edinburgh Geologist
Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society
Issue No 64                        Autumn 2018
The Edinburgh Geologist - Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society Issue No 64 Autumn 2018
The Edinburgh Geologist
                             Issue 64                 Autumn 2018

                             Cover Illustration
  The cliffs at Yesnaby, Mainland Orkney, cut into the Devonian Yesnaby
   Sandstone Group. BGS image P000624. For some palaeontological
   curiosities from a different part the Orkney Old Red Sandstone, see
                     David Leather’s article on page 20.
                BGS images are reproduced by permission of the
                      British Geological Survey ©UKRI.
    Published September 2018 by The Edinburgh Geological Society
              (Charity registered in Scotland number SC008011)

                        Phil Stone             Bob McIntosh
                        British Geological Survey
     The Lyell Centre, Research Avenue South, Edinburgh EH14 4AP
                                       ISSN 0265-7244

 The Edinburgh Geological Society was founded in 1834 with the twin aims of stimulating public interest in
geology and advancing geological knowledge. We organise a programme of lectures and excursions and also
      publish leaflets and excursion guides. For more information about the Society and membership,
                                   please visit
The Edinburgh Geologist - Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society Issue No 64 Autumn 2018

  Rewarding geology, Scottish islands, and odd
  palaeontological furniture

  An editorial ramble by Phil Stone

Over the past few decades there             notes that one of the prestigious
has been dramatic growth in our             awards bestowed on Holmes was the
knowledge of Scotland’s offshore            Vetlesen Prize which, given its status
geology as the technical prowess of         as the earth science’s ‘Nobel’ is not
the hydrocarbon industry has been           nearly as well known as it deserves.
applied to exploration for oil and gas.
This kind of geology is far removed         Georg Unger Vetlesen (1889–1955)
from the experiences of most of us          was a Norwegian marine engineer
but the Society’s current president,        involved in ship building in the
Bob Gatliff, has spent many years at        United States of America. He served
the forefront of offshore geological        as a commander in the U.S. Navy
investigations. For our first article for   during World War II, assigned to
this issue of The Edinburgh Geologist       Special Forces headquarters in
Bob has provided some background            London to work with the Norwegian
to his career with the British              resistance; later he became president
Geological Survey and provides us           and chairman of the U.S. company
with some insight into what goes on,        representing the Norwegian-
geologically, ‘offshore’.                   American shipping line, and then
                                            the chairman of the board of
It’s a small step from offshore             Scandinavian Airline Systems (SAS).
geological exploration to the
confirmation of sea-floor spreading         His Foundation was established
and hence to the reality of plate           in 1955, shortly before Vetlesen’s
tectonics. An even smaller step from        death, with the Vetlesen Prize then
there reaches Arthur Holmes, and            inaugurated in 1959. It is awarded
as a follow-up to our focus on ‘Fifty       biennially for scientific achievement
Years of Plate Tectonics’ in EG63           resulting in a clearer understanding
Gilbert Kelling provides, as our            of the Earth, its history, or its relations
second article, some reminiscences          to the universe and is administered
of Holmes’ teaching at Edinburgh            by Columbia University’s Lamont-
University in the 1950s. Gilbert            Doherty Earth Observatory (City

The Edinburgh Geologist - Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society Issue No 64 Autumn 2018

of New York). The prize consists of         of recent research findings. Arran
a cash award of $250 000 and a              presents something of a microcosm
medal. Holmes was honoured in               of Scottish geology (including the
1964. In a slightly ironic association,     original ‘Hutton’s Unconformity’)
his immediate predecessor had               and many of us will have enjoyed
been the geophysicist Sir Harold            what it has to offer so Bob’s
Jeffreys — identified by Gilbert Kelling    fresh insights — which have been
as one of the principal villains of the     supported by a Clough Award from
continental drift controversy who           EGS — are very welcome. Our
adamantly opposed the idea on               second foray into Scottish geology
mechanistic grounds. I suspect that         is provided by David Leather
Holmes would have found that order          who takes us to Orkney, to the
of succession rather satisfying, Jeffreys   Devonian Rousay Formation on
perhaps less so.                            the island of Westray and into the
                                            slightly murky palaeontology of fish
                                            coprolites —fossilised faecal pellets.

                                            David shows what can be done with
                                            a modern assessment, but when
                                            thinking of the early days of coprolite
                                            research the name that immediately
                                            comes to mind is that of the famously
                                            eccentric English geologist, William
                                            Buckland (1784–1856).

                                            Buckland’s interest had focussed
                                            on ichthyosaur coprolites from the
                                            Jurassic strata of the Dorset coast at
                                            Lyme Regis, and he drew conclusions
                                            on the diet of the animals from
    The Vetlesen Medal.
                                            the presence of crushed bone and
                                            bits of belemnite. One outcome of
                                            Buckland’s fascination with fossilised
For our next two articles we move           excrement was the construction of
back onshore — or at least onto             an extraordinary ornamental table
Scottish islands. First, Bob Gooday         displaying an inlaid panel in which
describes the history of geological         were set about sixty polished coprolitic
research on the isle of Arran and           nodules. The table is now in the
brings it up to date with an account        collection of the Lyme Regis Museum

The Edinburgh Geologist - Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society Issue No 64 Autumn 2018

and from the museum’s website you      of Science and later he described
can download a full account of its     collecting coprolites whilst there. The
history1 by Richard Bull — to whom,    following extract from Buckland’s
together with museum director David    1836 Bridgewater Treatise is taken
Tucker, I’m indebted for permission    from Richard Bull’s article:
to use the pictures.
                                       “Mr W C Trevelyan recognised
For many years it was thought that     Coprolites in the centre of nodules
the table’s coprolites had been        of clay ironstone, that he found in a
sourced from the Lyme Regis area,      low cliff composed of shale, belonging
but detective-work by Richard Bull,    to the coal formation at Newhaven,
assisted by EGS member Mike Taylor     near Leith. I visited the spot, with
and Edinburgh antique furniture        this gentleman and Lord Greenock,
specialist Murdo McLeod, has proved    in September 1834 and found these
otherwise. Buckland’s coprolites       nodules strewed so thickly upon the
actually came from Edinburgh, from     shore, that a few minutes allowed me
the Carboniferous Wardie Shales        to collect more specimens than I could
outcrop on the shore of the Firth of   carry. Many of these contained a fossil
Forth between Granton and Leith.       fish, or a fragment of a plant, but the
Buckland had been in Edinburgh         greater number had at their nucleus,
for the 1834 meeting of the British    a Coprolite, exhibiting an internal
Association for the Advancement        spiral structure: they were probably
                                                     derived from voracious
                                                     fishes, whose bones
                                                     are found in the same
                                                     stratum. These nodules
                                                     take a beautiful polish and
                                                     have been applied by the
                                                     lapidaries of Edinburgh to
                                                     make tables, letter presses,

                                                   Buckland’s coprolite
                                                   table-top courtesy of Lyme
                                                   Regis Museum. The inlay
                                                   panel containing the cut
                                                   and polished nodules
                                                   measures 44 cm by 59 cm.

The Edinburgh Geologist - Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society Issue No 64 Autumn 2018

and ladies ornaments under the name
of Beetle stones from their supposed
insect origin.”

I wonder if the ladies of Edinburgh
realised what they were wearing.
The ‘supposed insect origin’ of the
‘[b]eetle stones’ derived from the
appearance of the nodules in cross-
section. The coprolites are encased in
a coating of sideritic mudstone that       A selection of coprolite nodules
has been split by septarian cracks that    collected recently at Wardie by
give the impression of legs. Although      Richard Bull. The largest nodule
the Wardie area has been much              is about 13 cm long.
developed since 1834, and the shale
exposure much reduced, it is still
possible to collect coprolite nodules     book also provides an unexpected
at low tide.                              connection with the Edinburgh
                                          Geological Society through its
Another name from the early history       dedication to Arthur Raistrick (1896–
of British geological research, Adam      1991) who, in 1938, became only
Sedgwick, features in one of the two      the second recipient of the Clough
book reviews that complete this issue     Medal. That award would have most
of EG. One book, by Graham Park,          probably been made on the basis of
attempts an ambitious geological          Raistrick’s work on coal palynology
review of the world’s mountain belts.     but his life was difficult; it took some
The second, a facsimile edition of        extraordinary and unfortunate turns
Colin Speakman’s 1982 biography of        and eventually he was forced away
Sedgwick (1785–1873) is well timed        from geology and into industrial
to commemorate the bicentenary            archaeology. The biography by John
of Sedgwick’s appointment as              Marshall in Geological Society of
Woodwardian Professor at the              London Special Publications 241
University of Cambridge, from which       (2005) is well worth a look — but
position he became a dominating           only after you have finished reading
force in British geology. Speakman’s      Edinburgh Geologist.

Note 1.

The Edinburgh Geologist - Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society Issue No 64 Autumn 2018
an introduction

 An introduction

 By Bob Gatliff, Edinburgh Geological Society President, 2018–2019

It was in early 1981, five years after     almost entirely seismic interpretation,
I had joined the British Geological        with coloured pencils and manual
Survey (BGS) in the same week that         matching of the seismic to well logs.
the new office in Keyworth opened,         One early project with the ‘West of
that I was reassigned to the new           Shetlands’ team led to publication
Hydrocarbons Unit, which was               of the first example of sequence
then operating in Grange Terrace,          stratigraphy and seismic imaging of
Edinburgh. This was an exciting time,      the submerged Erlend Igneous Centre
with a young group of enthusiastic         (Gatliff et al, 1984).
geologists working together to
provide independent advice for the         From 1988–1990 I was lucky
then Department of Energy on the           enough to be posted to Tonga, to
oil industry activity on the United        promote hydrocarbon exploration
Kingdom Continental Shelf. I soon          in the fore-arc basin. Then, on
joined the Edinburgh Geological            return to Edinburgh, I worked on
Society and am now honoured to             the first computer-based seismic
be serving a term as the Society’s         interpretation systems and contributed
president. Over the past few months        to the regional offshore report series
I’ve been able to get to know more         (Gatliff et al 1994) and the BGS
of our tremendous membership               offshore mapping programme, which
and look forward to that process           was recognised by the Edinburgh
continuing.                                Geological Society by the award of the
                                           1993–4 Clough Medal to John Hull
As an undergraduate, just about            on behalf of the Marine Geoscience
my only experience of seismic              team. We continued to explore the
data was collecting refraction data        geology of the deeper waters of
with a sledge hammer in the Parks          Rockall and Hatton and developed
in Oxford, and my previous BGS             a series of collaborative projects with
experience had been with the sand          consortia of oil companies. One
and gravel resources of East Anglia        highlight was taking a drill ship to the
and the Carboniferous limestones           Hatton Bank and recovering core from
in Derbyshire. But from 1981 it was        a dipping sequence buried by around

The Edinburgh Geologist - Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society Issue No 64 Autumn 2018
an introduction

20 m of Holocene sediments on top of
the ridge.

In 2003, I was appointed to lead
the BGS Marine and Petroleum
Programme and we developed a
new strategy based on multibeam
data to drive the next generation of
more detailed mapping. This led to
the purchase of a small coastal survey     The BGS coastal survey vessel White
vessel and we now work closely with        Ribbon passing under the Forth
Marine Scotland, CEFAS (Centre             Railway Bridge. BGS image P741057.
for Environment, Fisheries and
Aquaculture Science), JNCC (Joint
Nature Conservation Committeee),          It is now two years since BGS moved
the Crown Estate and others to            out of Murchison House and into its
provide new analyses to underpin the      new home at the Lyell Centre, on
definition and monitoring of marine       the Heriot-Watt University campus
protected areas and other aspects of      at Riccarton. In addition to the main
marine spatial planning. A key part       office and laboratories, the BGS
of the current programme is working       RD2 robotic drill, which can operate
with the offshore wind industry and       in up to 4000 m water depth, is
this is leading to a step change in our   housed in the adjacent Sir George
understanding of the Quaternary of        Bruce Building, which provides
the North Sea.                            better engineering facilities than we
                                          have ever enjoyed before. The new
Since 2004, BGS has led the ECORD         facilities will help to keep Edinburgh
(European Consortium for Ocean            as a global centre for geoscience
Research Drilling) Science Operator       and I am delighted to have seen this
team and together with partners,          move through successfully. Now,
we have organised a series of IODP        after more than 40 years at BGS, it
expeditions. These include the first      seems like a good time to retire and
deep scientific Arctic drilling, the      focus on the Edinburgh Geological
use of robotic seafloor drills (on the    Society.
Atlantis Massif) and a jack-up to core
the Chicxulub meteorite impact            The success of the Society depends
crater (as featured on BBC Horizon        on an active membership and an
and in Edinburgh Geologist No. 60).       enthusiastic and dynamic Council.

The Edinburgh Geologist - Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society Issue No 64 Autumn 2018
an introduction

I am lucky to take over with the
Society in excellent shape. Each
member of the Council is making a
valuable contribution, and together
we are now well into our 5 year
strategy. Having the professional
help of Angus Miller and such an
active Council is building success and
raising the profile of the Society with
our members, academia, the public,
industry and government bodies.

Perhaps one area where we might
do something different is to try to
raise the profile of geology at a
Scottish level. There are some big
issues such as the decline of oil
and gas production, potential for
carbon capture and storage, new
interest in geothermal energy, and
impacts of climate change and sea           Deploying the RD2 sea-floor robotic
level rise. Perhaps national academic       drill. Photograph by Mike Wilson, BGS.
conferences on some of these
issues, run in collaboration with
our sister geoscience groups would         References
go some way to raising the profile         Gatliff, R W, et al 1994. UK offshore
of geoscience. They could lead to          regional report: the geology of the
special editions of the Scottish Journal   Central North Sea. (London: HMSO
of Geology. I think it is important to     for British Geological Survey).
reaffirm the contribution that the
Scottish geology community makes           Gatliff, R W, Hitchen, K, Ritchie J D &
in Scotland, the United Kingdom and        Smythe, D K. 1984. Internal structure
around the World.                          of the Erlend Tertiary Volcanic
                                           Complex, North of Shetland, as
Bob Gatliff,                               revealed by seismic reflection. J.             Geol. Soc. London. 141, 555–562.

The Edinburgh Geologist - Magazine of the Edinburgh Geological Society Issue No 64 Autumn 2018
arthur holmes and continental drift: some personal recollections

    Arthur Holmes and Continental Drift: some
    personal recollections

    By Gilbert Kelling

Arthur Holmes’ early and perceptive
involvement in the continental
drift debate has, in my view, still
not received the credit that his
intervention deserves. His seminal
contributions to radiometric dating
have been recognised in some
measure (including Fellowship of the
Royal Society, the Vetlesen Award
and other prestigious Medals, and
Cherry Lewis’ 2000 biography The
Dating Game), but the pivotal role
he played in inculcating a more
‘mobilistic’ mind-set in the 20th
century earth-science community has
yet to be adequately documented
and acknowledged. The monumental
4-volume history of The Continental
Drift Controversy by Henry Frankel
(2012, Cambridge University Press)
certainly went some way towards
redressing the balance, although I
believe it still underplayed the role               Edinburgh. Still a schoolboy, I was
of Sir Harold Jeffreys and some                     fascinated by ‘stones, fossils and
fellow geophysicists in stifling proper             things’ and a near-neighbour, Col. L
geological evaluation of the hypothesis             Merson Davies (ex Indian Army), an
in the UK for a couple of decades.                  accomplished micropalaeontologist,
                                                    suggested that I should read Holmes’
I first encountered Arthur                          textbook Principles of Physical
Holmes, figuratively speaking,                      Geology, published just a few years
in Fountainbridge Public Library,                   earlier, in 1944. Like many another,

arthur holmes and continental drift: some personal recollections

delving into the Principles I found           mathematics and zoology). Thus, it
myself captivated by the facts and            was not until our second year of study
concepts he revealed in such a                that we could experience the great
readable style. I was particularly            man’s exposition, and it was well
struck by Holmes’ portrayal of a              worth the wait! Holmes’ lecturing
mobile and ever-changing planet,              style was like the man himself — quiet,
but one marked by order and                   clear and impeccably ordered — the
organisation at every level, from             ideal pattern for the committed note-
mineral-forming molecules to the              taker. He used illustrations (lantern-
mighty mountain chains traversing             slides) liberally and effectively, while
continents. Moreover, he was the              the blackboard was usually replete
Professor in EDINBURGH University!            with tables and diagrams before the
                                              start of each lecture.
A couple of years later I enrolled at
Edinburgh University for a degree             Holmes taught almost all the First
course in Geology with Chemistry. In          Year Introductory Geology course
those days we geologists were denied          for science students and my notes
exposure to our chosen subject                indicate that he touched on most of
until we had completed a first-year           the topics covered in the first edition
apprenticeship in cognate sciences            of his textbook but deviated slightly in
(in my case, chemistry, physics,              the order of treatment. He discussed

 Holmes’ original figure illustrating mantle convection as the driving force of
 continental drift as published in Transactions of the Geological Society of
 Glasgow, 1931 (for 1928-29), volume 18, p. 579. A slightly more sophisticated
 version of the figure appeared in the Principles of Physical Geology (1944, 1965).

arthur holmes and continental drift: some personal recollections

mountain building and the nature                 his ongoing debate with Sir Harold
and causes of volcanicity relatively             Jeffreys on this topic: “The beginning
early in the course and it ended with            of the world is clearly getting older
a discourse on earthquakes and their             every year and may continue to age
causes. More significantly, the only             for some time yet.”1
reference to continental drift in my
notes is an aside in lecture 3, dealing          In the summer of 1954, prior
with the distribution of continents and          to entering my Final Year, I was
oceans and the possibility of mantle             chosen as the Edinburgh University
convection!                                      representative on the famous
                                                 ‘Students’ Geological Tour’ organised
In my second year of Geology (1953–              by the Geological Society of London
54), Holmes offered a 10-lecture                 and funded by Shell and BP oil-
course entitled ‘Radioactivity and               companies. This Tour brought
Geological Time’. This introduced us             together students from around 25
to the methods and outcomes of the               British universities and we were
dating methods he had pioneered                  taken on a 4-week marathon ‘geo-
and included some exciting practical             fest’, visiting important geological
sessions where we undertook age-                 localities around mainland Britain.
calculations using analytical data he            Apart from intellectual indigestion,
had obtained, using mineral suites               my abiding memory of this trip was
from a wide range of rocks across                the astonishment and dismay I felt
the globe. To be involved, even at               on realising that my Department
second-hand, with determining the                was regarded by most of my fellow-
age of the then-oldest known minerals            trippers as a hotbed of geological
(monazites in Archaean rocks from                heresy, because of the notions of
Southern Rhodesia — 2650 my),                    continental drift advanced by Holmes
was a highly stimulating experience!             in Principles, coupled with the
Equally significant, in retrospect, was          espousal of wholesale granitisation
Holmes’ casual remark concerning                 then being championed by his wife,
the calibration of the Phanerozoic               Doris Reynolds. I was baffled by this
time-scale, which in 1954 he asserted            strident opposition to continental
was based on just 5 radiometrically              drift, when the geological and
dated fixed points (2 of which were              palaeontological evidence seemed
stratigraphically debatable!). I also            so powerful to me. However, when I
vividly recall the remark with which             tried to persuade my fellows of this,
‘the Prof.’ closed a lecture dealing             the invariable retort was to demand of
with the age of the Earth, referring to          me what mechanism could possibly

arthur holmes and continental drift: some personal recollections

accomplish this break-up and re-
arrangement of the Earth’s crust?

Of course, this was a question that
Holmes himself was striving to address
at that time, as became clear in his
Final Year course devoted to ‘The
Crust of the Earth’. Here he revealed,
modified and amplified many of the
concepts and ideas expressed in the
                                                A fragment of my notes taken during
last few chapters of his Principles. For
                                                one of Holmes’ lectures in which
example, from my notes it seems that
                                                he discussed the origin of volcanic
by now he had rejected the model
                                                island arcs, integrating the latest
of a universal basaltic layer forming
                                                geophysical results.
much of the crust and was convinced
that there were distinct compositional
and genetic differences between                seismology — and in the concept of a
‘oceanic’ and ‘continental/plateau’            mobile earth.
basalts. He also cited the recently
discovered Benioff zones of the Pacific        During my final year I became
rim as evidence for underthrusting of          seduced by sediments and decided
oceanic crust beneath the continents.          to attempt research for a PhD based
Moreover, he qualified the definition          on a study of the Lower Palaeozoic
of continental sial, as presented in           turbidites in the Scottish Southern
Principles, emphasizing that the ‘granitic     Uplands, under the supervision of Ken
layer’ recognised by seismologists was         Walton, then a recently appointed
dominated by ‘basement complexes’,             lecturer in sedimentology. As a result
representing highly folded and                 of Ken’s advocacy, Holmes offered me
metamorphosed ancient orogenic                 the chance to become an Assistant in
belts that had been incorporated into          the Department. This was then the
the continents over many aeons. In             bottom rung on the academic ladder,
this course Holmes also introduced             with responsibilities mainly concerned
us to the pioneering geophysical               with the running of practical classes
work of several ‘continental’ workers,         for First Year students, together with
such as the Austrian Oscar Rehm and            some lectures and field classes for Arts
the Dutch group headed by Felix                students, who at Edinburgh in that
Vening-Meinesz, now recognised as              era were required to undertake an
pioneers in marine geophysics and              elementary science class. I accepted

arthur holmes and continental drift: some personal recollections

this offer with alacrity, not least
because the stipend was 25% higher
than a standard DSIR (governmental)
research studentship!

So, for the next year, until he retired
in 1956, I was technically required to
report to Arthur Holmes about teaching
dilemmas that included the vexed
question of how much we could reveal
to our tyro-charges about Continental
Drift, the Earth Contraction Hypothesis,
etc. In practice, Holmes (by this time an
ill man) delegated these advisory and
supervisory roles to his junior staff, and
when Fred (later Sir Frederick) Stewart
was appointed to succeed Holmes as
Regius Professor — thus maintaining
the ‘Durham connection’ — he was
happy for his Assistants to continue to
                                                    The memorial plaque to Professor
exercise a large degree of autonomy
                                                    Arthur Holmes that now graces the
in carrying out these duties.
                                                    main staircase in the Grant Institute
                                                    of Earth Sciences, University of
Despite the significant teaching load,
combined with commitment to my
PhD research, the three years that I
spent as an Assistant in Edinburgh were           Note 1 … A quotation expressing a very
very enjoyable and rewarding, working             similar sentiment appears on the front dust-
                                                  cover of The Dating Game (on the fold-in flap)
in a lively Department with congenial             and is attributed to Holmes (1964). Then, on
colleagues who were fully committed               page 234, it is repeated as having been part of
both to teaching and research. This is            Holmes’ response to the presentation of the
                                                  Vetlesen Medal:
testimony to the outstanding legacy
bequeathed by Arthur Holmes.                      “Looking back it is a slight consolation for the
                                                  disabilities of growing old to notice that the
Gilbert Kelling                                   Earth has grown older much more rapidly
Edinburgh University 1951–1958                    than I have — from about six thousand years
                                                  when I was ten, to four or five billion years by
Latterly Professor of Geology at Keele            the time I reached sixty.”

arran’s volcanic past — classic geology and new ideas

 Arran’s volcanic past — classic geology and new ideas

 By Bob Gooday

The Isle of Arran, in the Firth of Clyde    During the Upper Palaeozoic (419–
on the west coast of Scotland, has been     252 Ma), Arran moved north across
a training ground, laboratory, and site     the equator, as shown by the
of pilgrimage for many geologists for       sandwich of desert-environment rocks
over two centuries. For such a small        (the Old and New Red Sandstones)
area, the island has spectacular and        with the intervening tropical sea
incredibly diverse geology — most of        and coal-swamp sediments of the
which is beautifully exposed and easily     Carboniferous Succession (Fig. 1).
accessible. Many of the concepts upon
which modern geological reasoning is        Around 60 Ma, during the
based were tested and refined on the        Palaeogene, Europe and North
island. It is easy to think that with so    America began to rift apart as the
many brilliant geologists having visited    North Atlantic Ocean opened. This
the island in the past, the work is all     thinned the crust, allowing a great
but done! But with recent advances          amount of magmatism and volcanic
in understanding, there will always be      activity, the products of which are
new ways to look at classic localities      preserved throughout the western
and make new deductions about the           parts of Scotland. The Palaeogene
processes occurring so far back in the      igneous rocks on Arran include the
geological past.                            mountainous North Arran Granite
                                            in the north, a series of intrusive sills
Arran’s half-billion-year story             around the south, and the volcanic
The oldest rocks on Arran are the           rocks of the Central Arran Igneous
Dalradian schists (Fig. 1), which           Complex in the centre of the island
were deposited on the seafloor              (Fig. 1). It is this Central Arran
around 540 million years ago (Ma)           Igneous Complex which has been the
and subsequently deformed and               focus of our recent research.
metamorphosed during the Caledonian
Orogeny, towards the end of which           Arran — a cradle of geological
the northern and southern parts of          understanding
the British Isles collided (as parts of,    In 1787, Arran was visited by
respectively, Laurentia and Avalonia).      Edinburgh geologist James Hutton.

arran’s volcanic past — classic geology and new ideas

 Figure 1   Geological map of Arran, after BGS 1987.

He was trying to understand the                   to theologians, the Biblical Flood.
nature of granite, and igneous                    Hutton was looking for evidence that
rocks in general. The thought at the              granite had formed from molten rock
time was that all rocks had been                  within the Earth and had squeezed
formed in the sea or, according                   its way into the surrounding rocks.

arran’s volcanic past — classic geology and new ideas

He found this evidence in several           logical Map of Arran’ was published
places on the island but was not quite      in 1910 (its modern counterpart at
finished with Arran. At the extreme         1:50 000 was published in 1987).
northern tip of the island, he noted        The detailed petrographic work for
that gently dipping sedimentary             the Geological Survey’s Arran Mem-
rocks lay on a surface of steeply           oir was published by George Tyrrell
dipping metamorphic rocks (Fig. 2).         (of Glasgow University) in 1928, with
This unconformity showed Hutton             a contribution from Alfred Harker (of
that a huge amount of geological            Cambridge University). Along with
time must have passed between the           the work done around the same time
formation of these two units. He            on Mull and Skye, these publications
realised that the Earth was incredibly      provided detailed observations and
ancient — much older than the               modern theories on how magmatic
6000 years suggested by religious           and volcanic systems behaved, from
doctrine — an idea confirmed in             the chemistry of their magmas, to the
1788 when he discovered the Siccar          physical processes of intrusion and
Point unconformity in Berwickshire.         eruption. These ideas laid the foun-
                                            dations for all subsequent study of ac-
Around a hundred years after Hut-           tive and ancient volcanic provinces.
ton’s visit, the British Geological
Survey sent geologists to start the         The presence of a volcanic complex
systematic mapping of Arran. A large        in central Arran was first documented
part of the work was done by Ar-            by Gunn, who stated that this
chibald Geike, Ben Peach, and Wil-          “focus of great volcanic activity”
liam Gunn, and the ‘One-inch Geo-           was “exceptionally gigantic in its
                                            proportions” (Gunn et al., 1901); we
                                            would today call a volcanic system
                                            of this size a ‘caldera’. He recognised
                                            that the complex was made up partly
                                            of fragmented explosive material and
                                            partly of intrusive granitic rocks. It
                                            was Tyrrell who classified the system
                                            as “a ring complex of the Mull type”,
                                            by which he meant that the volcanic
                                            system was almost totally encircled
                                            by a granitic ‘ring dyke’, much like
 Figure 2 Hutton’s Unconformity at          the Loch Bà ring intrusion that the
 Newton Point near Lochranza.               previously mentioned geologists, along

arran’s volcanic past — classic geology and new ideas

with Sir Edward Bailey, had described              that on such a heavily visited and
from Mull (Bailey et al., 1924).                   studied island, no-one saw any reason
                                                   to challenge his ideas. However,
It was Basil King (at the time also                over sixty years have passed since
based at Glasgow University) who                   then, and in that time a huge
described the volcanic, intrusive,                 amount of progress has been made
and sedimentary rocks of the ‘ring                 by the volcanological community,
complex’ in great detail (King,                    in a large part thanks to the wealth
1954). He proposed a model in                      of observations made by specialist
which a great phase of explosive                   instruments at erupting volcanoes. It
activity formed a deposit of ‘tuffs and            is with the benefit of this research that
agglomerates’ within the caldera,                  we have headed back to central Arran
which were then intruded by felsite                to see what modern ideas can be
and rhyolite magmas (Fig. 3). This                 applied to the rocks there.
was followed by a phase of ‘resurgent
volcanism’, in which small volcanic                Arran — an ongoing project
cones, comprising andesite and dacite              A team of geologists from Cardiff
magmas, were built in several places               University (Gooday and Kerr), the
on the caldera floor (Fig. 3). The                 University of Glasgow (Brown), and the
whole complex was then intruded by                 British Geological Survey (Goodenough)
a series of granites, including the near-          have spent the last few years doing
continuous ring dyke.                              fieldwork on the Central Arran Igneous
                                                   Complex. This has involved making a new
King’s map of the Central Arran                    map of the complex and interpreting
Igneous Complex was incredibly                     the volcanic rocks of the caldera in
detailed, and his model of formation               terms of the processes occurring at the
highly convincing. It is to his credit             volcano as they were being formed.

 Figure 3 Basil King’s proposed cross section of the Central Arran Igneous
 Complex (King, 1954).

arran’s volcanic past — classic geology and new ideas

A major difference between the new         interaction of two or more types of
geological map of the Central Arran        magma (named the Glenloig Hybrids
Igneous Complex (Fig. 4) and those         on Fig. 4). It is now possible to study
of Tyrrell and King is that there is no    the nature of these magmas, and how
granitic ‘ring dyke’ surrounding the       they relate to other magmatic rocks
complex. There are certainly granite       on Arran, using precise geochemical
intrusions around the margins of the       analyses which were not available to
complex, but these are isolated from       previous generations of geologists.
one another. The north and east parts
of the complex are made of intrusive       The main advance, in terms of
rocks which are highly variable            volcanological processes, is the
and were clearly formed from the           conclusion that all of the rocks within the

 Figure 4 Geological map of the Central Arran Igneous Complex. From Gooday
 et al. (2018).

arran’s volcanic past — classic geology and new ideas

                                                  mostly ignimbrites — the deposits of
                                                  pyroclastic density currents formed
                                                  during explosive eruptions — with
                                                  minor sedimentary horizons.
                                                  Together, these units have been
                                                  called the ‘Arran Volcanic Formation’.
                                                  This Formation can be divided into
                                                  separate ‘Members’, which are single
                                                  units formed during a particular
                                                  phase of activity. The main features of
                                                  these units, and their relationship to
                                                  one another, are shown in Fig. 5.

                                                  The crucial result of interpreting these
                                                  deposits as a series of individual and
                                                  identifiable units is that the caldera
                                                  system can now be discussed in
                                                  terms of volcanic processes changing
                                                  through time. The ignimbrites were
                                                  formed by a series of explosive
                                                  eruptions which involved magmas
                                                  of differing compositions, and which
                                                  had variable physical characteristics,
                                                  such as power of explosions and
                                                  temperature of ash deposits. Between
                                                  these violent volcanic episodes,
                                                  there must have been long periods
                                                  of time where surface erosion and
                                                  sediment deposition could take
                                                  place. A caldera is a low point in the
                                                  landscape, and erosion of the steep
 Figure 5 Stratigraphic log through               walls into the caldera during these
 the units deposited inside the caldera.          volcanically quieter times is shown
                                                  by the presence of conglomerates at
                                                  certain levels within the stratigraphy.
caldera formed from a series of discrete
volcanic and sedimentary events.                  The results of this study provide
The rocks deposited in the caldera are            a useful comparison for currently

arran’s volcanic past — classic geology and new ideas

active calderas, which can be hard to       Kerr, Davie Brown, and Kathryn
study due to being filled with recent       Goodenough for their help, wisdom,
volcanic or sedimentary rocks, or           and patience.
Arran — finally all figured out?            Bailey, E B, Clough, C T, Wright, W B,
Such is the nature of field geology in      Richey, J E & Wilson, G V. 1924. Tertiary
                                            and Post-Tertiary Geology of Mull,
places where forests, heather, and          Loch Aline, and Oban. Memoirs of the
peat cover the landscape, that any          Geological Survey of Great Britain. HMSO.
interpretation of a geological system
is exactly that — an interpretation.        BGS. 1987. Arran, Scotland Special
                                            Sheet; 1:50 000 Series; Third Solid
The observations made by the
                                            Edition. British Geological Survey.
latest team are of the same rocks as
those studied by geologists over a          Gooday, R J, Brown, D J, Goodenough,
century before. The only difference         K M & Kerr, A C. 2018. The stratigraphy,
is the process of explaining those          eruptive history, and collapse of the
                                            Palaeogene Arran caldera, western
observations in the context of the          Scotland: a proximal record of
current geological paradigm. Any            caldera-forming eruptions. Bulletin
geologist mapping the area now or           of Volcanology, 80:70. https://doi.
in the future will certainly come up        org/10.1007/s00445-018-1243-z
with a different model — and we look        Gunn, W, Peach, B N & Newton, E T.
forward to seeing it! It is possible (if    1901. On a remarkable volcanic vent
not almost certain) that sometime           of Tertiary age in the Island of Arran,
in the next century volcanological          enclosing Mesozoic fossiliferous rocks.
concepts will have evolved yet              Quarterly Journal of the Geological
                                            Society, London, 57, 226–243.
further, and this decade’s work
will start to look out-dated or even        King, B C. 1954. The Ard Bheinn area
implausible. Don’t worry, we aren’t         of the central igneous complex of Arran.
going to run out of geology to do any       Quarterly Journal of the Geological
time soon.                                  Society, London, 110, 323–355.
                                            Tyrrell, G W. (1928). The geology of
Acknowledgements                            Arran. Memoirs of the Geological Survey
This study was undertaken as part           of Great Britain. HMSO.
of my PhD at Cardiff University, and
was funded by NERC Studentship              Bob Gooday
NE/L002434/1, as part of the Great          School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Western 4+ Doctoral Training                Cardiff University
Partnership. I wish to thank Andrew

a devonian coprolite from orkney and its possible fish producer

 A Devonian coprolite from Orkney and its possible fish

 By David Leather

In the 1820s, Mary Anning collected                Recently, on the island of Westray,
stones of fossilized reptile dung from             Orkney, I collected or photographed
the Jurassic shore near Lyme Regis.                well over 100 coprolites from lake
By 1829 William Buckland had given                 sediments across the island, mostly from
them the name coprolite, Greek                     two or three notable fish beds. The
for ‘dung stone’. About the same                   coprolites vary considerably in shape
time, others were discovering fossil               and size as you would expect where
fish at the other end of the UK in                 14 fish species have been recorded.
Devonian flagstones from the Moray                 They are on average 3 or 4 cm long
Firth to the Orkney Isles, and among               and generally rounded in cross-
the fish, less well-documented                     section, varying in length from a few
coprolites.                                        millimetres to 9.4 cm. The biggest had a
                                                   diameter of 18 mm. Many have a drawn
In 1878 Archibald Geikie named the                 out spiral structure, well seen on a
freshwater lake within the Orcadian                weathered specimen, which may reflect
Basin, Lake Orcadie. When the lake                 the internal intestinal morphology,
was high enough to overflow to the                 like modern sharks. Most fish faeces
Rheic Ocean, fish were able to swim                presumably contained crushed, half-
up rivers and colonise the desert                  digested bones, spines, scales, teeth
waters. Fish were by far the main                  and fragments of armour plate, but
inhabitants and mostly predators.                  among those I found, there is no clue
There was such competition,                        as to what they had eaten, apart from a
which appeared to be global, that                  rough texture on the weathered surface,
most of the fish developed armour                  or occasional sand grains. When freshly
plating that enshrouded the head                   broken, they have a black, smooth and
and shoulders, protecting the most                 chert-like appearance. They come from
vulnerable parts. Species included                 sediments that have many shallow-
an array of armoured fish, lobefins,               water indicators, unlike those from
lungfish and spiny fish, with sizes                the Achanarras deep lake sediments
from a few centimetres to a metre                  where both fish and coprolites sank to
and a half in length.                              the anoxic muddy depths. In the case

a devonian coprolite from orkney and its possible fish producer

of these Westray samples, things were          droppings, containing phosphates
different.                                     and carbonates, were preserved by
                                               salts from the rapidly evaporating lake
The palaeoclimate of Lake Orcadie              waters and once stranded, may have
was a monsoon type with a strong               been baked like brick clay or cement
seasonal oscillation. As the lake              to become hard and solid in the
waxed and waned with the seasons,              hot sun. They were not compressed
the shoreline may have migrated                by later overburden, unlike the
several kilometres across the salty            surrounding muds and, on becoming
mudflats. It is suggested (personal            rigid they may have rolled around
view) that newly deposited fish                unscathed, fallen into a mudcrack, or

 Figure 1 Examples a, b and c are of the short fat round coprolites from the first
 cycle of the Rousay flagstone in Westray, Orkney; (d) shows part of the scroll in a
 cross section (arrowed) under a 20x binocular microscope.

a devonian coprolite from orkney and its possible fish producer

been carried along by flash floods or              Rousay flagstone cycles there’s a
turbidity currents without breaking                close correlation between fish beds
up. Today, coprolites are commonly                 which contain coprolites and the
seen in relief on weathered flagstone,             presence of sub-aerial mudcracks,
where they may occur along with                    showing that shallow parts of the lake
mudcracks or salt pseudomorphs.                    dried out from time to time.
Interestingly they are often far from
fossil fish remains. On extraction                 To match a coprolite with its
they break up easily and only rarely               producer is an almost impossible task,
weather out in one piece. In the                   but there’s one conspicuous coprolite

 Figure 2 Three typical coprolites from the Rousay flagstone in Westray, including a
 spiral form and a larger sample 47 mm long.

a devonian coprolite from orkney and its possible fish producer

that is rather short, plump and round.        rounded protuberances. Like many
The texture is very smooth, almost            modern fish, Dipterus was likely to
shiny and it’s made up of hard                have been a grazer that here fed
siliceous, flinty material with small         on ‘algae’, strictly cyanobacteria, in
amounts of calcite and pyrite.                the form of sessile microbial mats
                                              or stromatolites that grew on the
These short, fat round coprolites             shallow lake bed where sunlight
appear to be most frequent in fish            could penetrate. Dipterus may
beds where the lungfish, Dipterus, is         have also taken small crustaceans,
common. This is especially true of            millipedes, worms and clam shrimps.
the first cycle of the Rousay flagstone,      That both the plump coprolite and
which crops out in five localities            disarticulated remains of the lungfish
across Westray. In this fish bed,             Dipterus occur in the same fish bed is
Dipterus, which was about 30 or 40            some indication but not a conclusive
cm long, appears with two smaller,            match between the two.
and rarer osteolepids. Dipterus had
teeth of a sort, tooth-plates on which        However, on closer examination
the teeth were little more than               of one of the broken coprolite

 Figure 3 Gently dipping Rousay flagstones on the ‘Westside’ of Westray Orkney
 allow a huge area of bedding plane surfaces to be investigated. In the distance is
 the island of Rousay.

a devonian coprolite from orkney and its possible fish producer

samples, I discovered under a 20x                  on inside the sample. The scroll
binocular microscope, the distinct                 coprolite, as the word suggests,
line of a delicate whorl (see Fig. 1d),            is cylindrical like a loose roll of
as if its producer had swallowed a                 paper, and reflects the intestinal
gastropod. The whorl is in fact part               arrangement of the fish. Scroll
of the structure of a ‘scroll coprolite’           coprolites are said to be generally
and defines more closely the group                 rare and thought to be the product
of fish that produced it. The spiral               of lungfish (Hunt et al. p277). So,
whorl is fortuitously preserved as a               this makes the match a little more
single crystal of white calcite and, on            conclusive, though never certain.
turning the specimen in a bright light
source, the cleavage planes light                  The lungfish was a survivor and could
up, as if a light had been switched                take in air when pools of water dried
                                                                  up and is common
                                                                  throughout the
                                                                  Devonian flagstones of
                                                                  Orkney, that is, in and
                                                                  above the Achanarras-

                                                                   Figure 4 (a)
                                                                   Headshield of lungfish
                                                                   Dipterus is common
                                                                   in the first cycle of the
                                                                   Rousay Formation,
                                                                   showing squarish
                                                                   upper jaw; (b) shows a
                                                                   weathered lower jaw of
                                                                   Dipterus which is more
                                                                   angular; and (c) is a
                                                                   more or less complete
                                                                   Dipterus, 30 to 35 cm,
                                                                   also from the first cycle
                                                                   of the RF. The rounded
                                                                   scales are piled over
                                                                   each other, so originally
                                                                   this specimen may have
                                                                   been longer.

a devonian coprolite from orkney and its possible fish producer

                                                                      Figure 5 A
                                                                      complete, well-
                                                                      preserved though
                                                                      small specimen
                                                                      of Dipterus from
                                                                      the Achanarras
                                                                      Quarry fish bed in

                                                                      Figure 6
                                                                      Traquair’s 1895
                                                                      reconstruction of
                                                                      Lungfish, Dipterus.

Sandwick fish bed. Its full name is          Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Dipterus valenciennesi, named after          Palaeoecology, 426, 68–74.
a town in northeast France, once             Coprolites: Hunt, A P, Milàn, J, Lucas,
renowned for its fine lace — it’s nice       S G, and Spielmann, J A. (eds). 2012.
to think that Mary Anning might have         Vertebrate Coprolites (A collection of
decorated her bonnet with a piece of         40 papers on coprolites). New Mexico
Valenciennes lace.                           Museum of Natural History & Science
                                             Bulletin, 57, 387pp.
Further reading                              Geology of Westray: Leather, D. 2017.
Lungfish: Den Blaauwen, J L,                 Demarcation of the boundary between
Barwick, R E and Campbell, K S W.            Middle Devonian Upper Stromness
2005. Structure of the tooth plates          Flagstone and Rousay Flagstone
of the Devonian lungfish Dipterus            formations in Westray, Orkney. Scottish
valenciennesi from Caithness and the         Journal of Geology, 53, 53–61.
Orkney islands. Records of the Western
Australian Museum, 23, 91–113.               Photographs and specimens from the
                                             author’s collection.
Palaeoclimate: De Vleeschouwer,
D, Leather, D, and Claeys, P. 2015.
Ripple marks indicate Mid-Devonian           David Leather
palaeo-wind directions in the Orcadian       Woodlands, Panorama Drive, Ilkley,
Basin (Orkney Isles, Scotland).              West Yorkshire.

book reviews

Book reviews

Mountains — The origins of the          plate-tectonics. The reader will be
Earth’s mountain systems by             left in no doubt as to the grand scale
Graham Park. Dunedin Academic           and inter-connection of mountain
Press, Edinburgh. 2018. Hardback,       ranges and the fascination that they
212 pp. Price £29.99. ISBN: 978-1-      hold for the author.
                                        The first two chapters provide
                                        a review of the historical
                                        development of the ideas put
                                        forward to explain Mountain
                                        Building (orogenesis) and introduce
                                        the geologists who advanced that
                                        early understanding. Chapter 3
                                        then sets out the advances in plate
                                        tectonic thinking, using the well-
                                        known example of the Himalayas
                                        to get the reader started on the
                                        right track. Chapters 4–8 then set
Professor Graham Park has accepted      out across the Alpine-Himalayan
the challenge of taking the reader      mountain system and describe
on an extended excursion through        the major features of these largely
the mountain belts that form            continental collision features. The
the major active features on the        circum-Pacific (‘Ring of Fire’) system
surface of the Earth. He examines       is described in Chapters 9–12: the
the processes that have acted to        complex system of plate boundaries
form these spectacular eminences,       and subduction zones of the
illustrating each example with a        Western Pacific, and the north and
wealth of diagrams, maps and cross-     south American Cordilleran volcanic
sections, accompanied by a goodly       chains and collision belts that
number of excellent colour images.      border the eastern Pacific. Chapter
The book does not seek to deliver       13 deals with the hidden mountain
a comprehensive description of any      chain, the largely submerged mid-
particular mountain range, rather the   ocean ridges that delineate the
aim is to provide a sound and robust    spreading plate boundaries. The
overview explained in the context of    final chapter then compares these

book reviews

comparatively young, and often             Perhaps the greatest challenge in writing
still growing, mountainous zones           this single volume will have been to
on Earth with some of the older            identify, and write for, a well-defined
features recognised by geologists in       target audience. The book is neither
the earlier epochs of Earth’s history,     too generalised nor too specialised in
and draws parallels between the old        its content, but perhaps therefore falls
and the young. This book embraces          between these two stools. Rather it
a truly global subject.                    should be viewed as a book that will
                                           stretch and challenge the student of
The author draws on the prodigious         geology, and deliver a large volume of
academic literature of recent              contemporary information. It is not, I
decades and on and his own                 think, a synthesis providing a ‘quick
experience and then sets out               win’ or an ‘easy answer’, instead it
to distil that information into a          encourages the reader to delve deeper
succinct account. No small task,           and wider into this fascinating topic. If
especially when individual nations         ever evidence of the huge forces and
give different names to the same           dynamic processes that shape the Earth
geological feature as it crosses           were needed, then mountains must be
international borders. Geology often       one of the most visible and attractive
has a glorious disregard for politics! A   signs of our dynamic Earth. The reader
selection of key references are given      will learn much about these mountain
in support of each chapter, and a          systems and will, I hope, be encouraged
very useful glossary is also supplied.     to find out more.

The book is lavishly illustrated with      The author has packed a tremendous
hardly a page lacking one or more          amount of information into these
figures. Some stunning views of the        212 pages, and whilst an expert may
spectacular mountain topography            debate the interpretation offered
accompanies the diagrams – but             for any particular feature or region,
perhaps some images of the equally         I came across no striking errors. The
stunning rocks that can result from        book will take time to digest and is
the processes that build these             undoubtedly one to be consulted
mountains would have added to              many times over. Some readers may
the impact overall. The diagrams           find it hard to resist marking their
are well-drawn with accurate keys          own annotations onto the glossy,
and helpful captions, whilst the           beautifully-produced pages.
page size means that they are clearly
reproduced at a generous scale.            Graham Leslie

book reviews

Adam Sedgwick —Geologist and
                                           It says much for the author’s skill that at
Dalesman (Facsimile edition) by            no point is the reader left bewildered
Colin Speakman. Gritstone Writers          by apparent anachronisms.
Cooperative and The Yorkshire
Geological Society, Hebden Bridge.         Although Sedgwick is undoubtedly
2018. Paperback, 145 pp. Price £12,        best known for his geological
ISBN 978-0-9955609-4-9.                    contributions and pre-eminence at
                                           Cambridge University, Speakman
                                           ranges much more widely. In four
                                           introductory ‘themes’ he takes his
                                           subject, a fellow Dalesman with few
                                           advantages in life save innate talent,
                                           a determination to succeed, and the
                                           fortuitous influence of able teachers,
                                           from rural Yorkshire to a University
                                           Fellowship. Near the end of the book
                                           two ‘themes’ cover the contrasting
                                           activities of the older Sedgwick. There
                                           was an extraordinary involvement
                                           with Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
                                           which transformed the supposed
Colin Speakman’s biography of              reactionary into a radical activist
Adam Sedgewick (1785–1873), a              promoting reforms to the university
legendary figure in British geology, was   curriculum. Then, in ‘retirement’,
first published in 1982. A definitive      Sedgwick championed the rights of
work, it has been out-of-print for         his local Dentdale community.
several years, so this new facsimile
edition is most welcome. The main          Five geological ‘themes’ form
text is unchanged, but the opportunity     the middle section of the book.
has been taken to improve the print        Sedgwick’s opportunistic conversion
quality of the excellent figures, whilst   from mathematics to geology seems
introductory pages have been brought       to have been partly a smart career
up-to-date. The book is described as       move but perhaps was also driven
‘a biography in twelve themes’ and the     by a need for outdoor therapy to
approach works well in that the very       counter chronic depression. Whatever
different aspects of Sedgwick’s life are   the motive, in 1818, he was elected
explored in full without the disruption    Woodwardian Professor of Geology
of contemporary but unrelated events.      although the position, as Speakman

book reviews

emphasises, carried little associated      Be that as it may, I doubt that any of
prestige. Nevertheless, and despite        the protagonists would approve of the
his lack of formal training, Sedgwick      description of the critical graptolites as
soon became a powerful force in            “minute pencil-like organisms”.
British geological circles.
                                           The second of the controversial
Sedgwick ranged widely across England      themes, Darwinian evolution by natural
in his geological researches, but          selection, saw Sedgwick in prominent
Speakman rightly highlights one of his     opposition; a sad irony given his
discoveries from 1822, in the hitherto     early influence on Darwin’s scientific
intractable rocks of the English Lake      development. Like the dispute with
District. There, Sedgwick recognised       Murchison, it has been the subject of
the true relationship between bedding,     much research and commentary, with
cleavage and jointing; informed            a plethora of publications on both
structural interpretations could then      issues post-dating the 1982 publication
follow. Later, as an established senior    of Speakman’s book. Two that spring
figure, Sedgwick met the up-and-           to mind are James Secord’s 1986
coming Roderick Murchison and,             book Controversy in Geology: The
perhaps surprisingly, a firm friendship    Cambrian-Silurian Dispute, and Sandra
developed. So much so, that the            Herbert’s 2005 book Charles Darwin,
two men toured the Highlands of            Geologist. As an addition to the 2018
Scotland, explored the Alps and jointly    facsimile edition a complete review of
published scientific papers. Their         the more recent literature would have
subsequent falling-out over the relative   been too much to ask, but it is a shame
extent of Silurian and Cambrian            that the opportunity was not taken to
rocks in Wales enlivens the first of       draw attention to the more important
Speakman’s two ‘controversy themes’;       recent contributions by means of a
the second is Sedgwick’s reaction to       supplementary bibliography.
Darwin and The Origin of Species.
                                           That omission aside, it is still difficult
For the first of these two great           to fault Speakman’s biography. It is
scientific controversies Speakman          a beautifully crafted assessment of
sides firmly with Sedgwick as the          Sedgwick’s life and demonstrates that
aggrieved party, as early as page three    there was much more to the man
he has dismissed the “apologists of        than can be gleaned from two famous
Murchison” and regards Lapworth’s          controversies.
Ordovician interpolation as more to
Sedgwick’s liking than to Murchison’s.     Phil Stone

This issue: No. 64, Autumn 2018
1     Editorial ramble
      Rewarding geology, Scottish islands, and odd
      palaeontological furniture

5     An introduction
      By Bob Gatliff, Edinburgh Geological Society President,

8     Arthur Holmes and Continental Drift: some
      personal recollections
      By Gilbert Kelling

13    Arran’s volcanic past — classic geology and new
      By Bob Gooday

20    A Devonian coprolite from Orkney and its possible
      fish producer
      By David Leather

26    Book reviews
      Mountains — The origins of the Earth’s mountain
      Adam Sedgwick —  Geologist and Dalesman

All previous issues are available online at

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