The Economic Impact of Cruise Tourism on Jamaica
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The Economic Impact of Cruise Abstract Tourism is the largest industry Tourism on in the world and cruise tourism has been the fastest growing sector of this industry for the past twenty years (World Jamaica Tourism Organization, 1998; Wood, 2000). This growth in cruise tourism is expected to continue into the future as only a small proportion of the population who have the resources to take a cruise have Gregory L. Chase done so (Dickinson & Vladimir, 1997). and Although cruise tourism can increase economic activity in a David L. McKee nation, there still may be a net cost to an economy rather than a net benefit. Cruise expenditures can increase overall output in an economy, but the increased costs of factor Cruise tourism inputs may cause these expenditures to be less than the As part of an export-based development cruise tourism can increased cost of the factor benefit a country by increasing or improving foreign exchange inputs (Dwyer & Forsyth, 1998; earnings, profit and taxes, employment, externalities, terms of trade, Grassel, 1999). Smaller island and economies of scale (Dwyer & Forsyth, 1998). In addition, cruise destinations may incur costs, tourism requires less infrastructure compared to stopover tourism at which are relatively more a tourist destination (McKee, 1998). Cruise tourism does not need substantial (McKee, 1998). In large tourist facilities with high costs, such as hotels that sit idle in this investigation Jamaica will the off-season (McKee, 1988). be examined with an eye to assessing the economic impact Leakages of tourist expenditures present a problem to cruise that cruise tourism has had destinations. Leakages consist of tourist revenue flowing out of the upon that particular small country in which it was spent. The main sources of leakages are island destination. consumer goods (especially food and drink), repatriation of profits, overseas promotional expenses and amortisation of external debt (UN Commission on Sustainable Development, 1996). If the income from tourism goes to people who reside outside of the country, instead of Gregory L. Chase is Assistant residents, the benefits of tourism are small (Baaijens, Injkamp & Van Professor of Economics and Montfort, 1997). Cruise tourism has been criticised for imposing local Business, Department of Graduate costs without compensating benefits. Cruise passenger spending is Studies, Loeb-Sullivan School of directed towards shopping where local content is low (KMPG Peat International Business & Logistics, Marwick, 1996). Maine Maritime Academy, Castine, Maine, U.S.A. To maximise benefits the ports of calls need to be concerned David L. McKee is Professor of with the local content of goods and services provided to cruise tourists Economics, Department of (Mammozadeh & McKee, 1994) just as with any other type of tourist. Economics, College of Business Nations that wish to increase the economic impact of cruise tourists Administration, Kent State University, need to increase their per capita expenditures or increase the number Ohio, U.S.A. of arrivals. In addition, cruise tourism can increase land based 16 THE JOURNAL OF TOURISM STUDIES Vol. 14, No. 2, DEC. ‘03
tourism when cruise tourists are economic impact of cruise tourism Ct = co + c1(1- Tt)Yt + et (2) impressed by a location on their for three jurisdictions in the It = io + i1(1- Tt - c1)Yt + st (3) cruise visit, so they will return as Caribbean. He found that cruise Gt = go + g1TtYt + ut (4) stop-over tourists. The advantage tourism did not have a significant of stopover tourists is that they economic impact on Bermuda and Mt = mo + m1(1 - Tt)Yt + wt (5) spend 30 times what a cruise Barbados, but did have a Xt = Xt (6) tourist spends (Wise, 1999). significant positive impact on the Bahamas. However, the cruise Where, Previous studies industry today is totally different from when Mamoozadeh did his Y = Gross Domestic Product Literature on the economic study. To begin with the size of C = Consumption impact of cruise ships is the industry today is about three I = Investment practically non-existent (Wood, times what it was then (Cruise G = Government Spending 2000). What does exist tends to Line Industry Association, 2001). X = Exports focus on trends, fare structures, In addition, he did not consider M = Imports or passenger profiles. However, leakages in his model. Allowing T = Tax Rate Barnwell and Boxill (1998) for leakages of expenditures from t = Time evaluated the economic impact in an economy makes the Keynesian c1, i1, g1, m1 = Coefficients port and city improvements of multiplier more accurate (Archer, co, io, go, mo = Intercept terms tourist facilities for cruise ships 1976; Sinclair & Sutcliffe, 1982). e, s, u, w = Error terms and their passengers in Port Royal, Jamaica. Their study Model To consider the impact of cruise looked at supply aspects, by tourism three additional analysing the receipts of the main In the existing literature on the variables, cruise tourist ex- tourist establishments in Jamaica evaluation of the economic impact penditures, stopover tourist having direct transactions with of tourism, the multiplier model expenditures, and total tourist tourists. The revenues reported tends to be the dominant method expenditures, were added to three were assumed to represent of evaluation. The three most different variations of the model. tourist expenditures in Port commonly used versions of the Royal, Jamaica. However, multiplier model are the The first modification of the Barnwell and Boxill acknow- computable general equilibrium, model considers the impact of ledged problems in their study input-out, and Keynesian model cruise expenditures. So that the due to the lack of cooperation, (see World Tourism Organization, model becomes: subjective definition of tourist 1999; Archer, 1976; Baaijens, businesses, and not having all Injkamp & Van Montfort, 1997). It=i2+i3(1-Tt-c1)Yt+i4CRt+st (7) receipts considered. This study employs a Keynesian Gt=g2+g3TtYt+g4CRt+ut (8) Since 1994 a yearly study by version of the multiplier model to Mt=m2+m3(1-Tt)Yt+m4CRt+wt (9) Pricewaterhouse, and more consider the economic impact of recently Pric ewaterhouse cruise tourism for Jamaica. Where, Coopers, for the Florida- Three different regressions for Caribbean Cruise Association has three different multipliers CR = Cruise tourist expenditures evaluated the economic impact of (government, imports, and i3, i4, g3, g4, m3, m4 = Coefficients cruise tourism on several ports in investment) were used to i2, g2, m2 = Intercept terms the Caribbean region. This study evaluate the impact of cruise is different in that it is the only tourism. The version of the The second modification considers known study to directly consider Keynesian multiplier model the impact of stopover tourist spending by the crew of cruise employed was taken from expenditures. So that the model ships in the Caribbean region. McDonald (1997). This model becomes: The study uses a very limited considers leakages from imports, number of random surveys of taxes, and savings, while at the It=i5+i6(1-Tt-c1)Yt+i7SOt+st (10) cruise ship passengers and crew same time considering the direct, at each port to determine the indirect, and induced spending Gt=g5+g6TtYt+g7SOt+ut (11) total spending on different from an additional unit of Mt=m5+m6(1-Tt)Yt+m7SOt+wt(12) categories of goods and services at spending. The basic Keynesian each of these ports. The use of model as described by McDonald Where, surveys in this manner leads to is as follows: many possible inaccuracies SO=Stopover tourist expenditures (Barnwell & Boxill, 1998). Yt = Ct + It + Gt + Xt – Mt (1) i6, i7, g6, g7, m6, m7 = Coefficients i5, g5, m5 = Intercept terms Using a Keynesian multiplier And, Mamoozadeh (1989) looked at the THE JOURNAL OF TOURISM STUDIES Vol. 14, No. 2, DEC. ‘03 17
The third modification includes omitted from the results, since procedure employed previously total tourist expenditures in the they were not considered tourists. by McElroy and Tinsely (1982). model, so that the model In the case of cruise ships, only becomes: passengers were surveyed and The tourist expenditure variables only those that left the ship. in the investment and It=i8+i9(1-Tt-c1)Yt+i10ARt+st (13) Expenditures included all monies government multipliers had Gt=g8+g9TtYt+g10ARt+ut (14) injected into the Jamaican additional adjustments to the economy by cruise ship passen- method described above. For the Mt=m8+m9(1-Tt)Yt+m10ARt+wt gers (Tourist Expenditure Data is government multipliers the (15) included in Table 1). The data on resulting percentage was GDP, the components of GDP, multiplied by tax revenue as a Where, and tourist expenditures were percent of GDP before sub- adjusted by the inflation rate, tracting it from the tourist AR = Total tourist expenditures obtained from the IMF, so that expenditure values, once again i9, i10, g9, g10, m9, m10= Coefficients all of the values are in constant employing the method of McElroy i8, g8, m8 = Intercept terms domestic currency over the period and Tinsely (1982). For the of the study. The tax rates were investment multipliers the This model considers the obtained from the Inter-American resulting percentage was economic impact caused by Development bank (2000). multiplied by income available cruise, stopover, and total tourist for investment divided by GDP expenditures. Traditionally, the Regressions before subtracting it from the most important reason for tourist expenditure values. developing a tourism industry is On initial runs of the regressions the expected macroeconomic the Variance Inflationary Factor The adjustments corrected for benefit. This model is able to detected multicollinearity in double counting revenue from consider a possible improvement many of the independent tourism and reduced multi- in the balance of payments, since variables. The adjustment made collinearity in the data. it considers increased expen- to the data to correct for Although, some of the multi- ditures from cruise tourism, multicollinearity considered the collinearity was removed from while taking import leakages into effect of leakages from the the multipliers, the import and consideration. It is important to economy in terms of imports as a investment multipliers continued consider the effects on imports percent of GDP, which was then to indicate high levels of multi- with increases in tourism, since subtracted from one. The collinearity. Multicollinearity is an increase in imports resulting p ercent was then not a violation of any assumption expenditures due to tourism may multiplied by each of the differ- of the linear model and the be large enough to trigger a ent types of tourist expenditures estimates produced are unbiased decline in GDP (Grassl, 1999). and subtracted from them, a (Pindyck & Rubinfeld, 1991; Data Table 1: Tourist expenditures for Jamaica from 1981-1999: Data for the model were collected In millions of Jamaican dollars adjusted for inflation. from various sources. Data for Stop-over Cruise Total GDP and the breakdown of the visitors passengers Expenditure various components of GDP came from the International Monetary 1981 20.33045339 0.40063595 20.731089 1982 26.14921192 0.56397146 26.713183 Fund (IMF). The different 1983 36.0816352 0.9075976 36.989233 tourist expenditures were 1984 90.7806042 2.78439876 93.565003 obtained from the Central Bank 1985 178.0426116 6.0644916 184.1071 of Jamaica, which the Jamaican 1986 295.02128 8.95432 303.9756 Tourist Board collected for the 1987 379.1083728 10.141836 389.25021 different types of tourist 1988 378.15547 13.96703 392.1225 expenditures. The collection 1989 478.7714888 18.0984672 496.86996 method was by exit surveys of 1990 873.102888 33.189912 906.2928 passengers at airports for 1991 1626.315679 80.8912168 1707.2069 1992 7863.886351 317.4920168 8181.3784 stopover tourists, and at the port 1993 11956.25101 509.1424223 12465.393 terminals for cruise ship 1994 23441.16231 1193.128253 24634.291 passengers. In each month a 1995 33822.8774 1663.4202 35486.298 minimum of 10% of each type of 1996 49870.34806 2710.13571 52580.484 tourist were surveyed to obtain 1997 50456.14686 2827.20285 53283.35 the expenditures data. 1998 58784.25237 2923.486632 61707.739 Individuals indicating they were 1999 72025.16389 3624.019163 75649.183 visiting family or friends were 18 THE JOURNAL OF TOURISM STUDIES Vol. 14, No. 2, DEC. ‘03
Griffiths, Hill & Judge 1993). Table 2: Jamaica Government Expenditure Multipliers. For the import and investment Standard multipliers all of the results were Coefficients Error t Stat statistically significant, so no Cruise Tourist Expenditures additional corrective action was taken. Intercept -1.89706686 6.922506102 -0.27404336 Tax Revenue 1.276949125 0.15238473 8.379770905 The initial regressions runs Cruise Tourist Expenditures -0.209090262 0.125882162 -1.660999934 showed signs of heteroscedas- ticity in some of the residuals. A Stopover Tourist Expenditures transformation of the data to logarithmic form gave the best Intercept -0.978031259 11.14368346 -0.08776553 Tax Revenue 1.171461935 0.145706925 8.039850761 results in correcting for this Stopover Tourist Expenditures -0.123642144 0.106066484 -1.165704176 (Gujaranti, 1978). The con- version to logar ithmic form Total Tourist Expenditures changed the coefficients in the regressions to elasticities. Intercept -1.493561744 24.1613404 -0.09291868 Tax Revenue 1.177110252 0.145585955 8.085328355 The Durbin-Watson test revealed Total Tourist Expenditures -0.127217597 0.107325959 -1.185338557 serial correlation in some of the data. The Cochrane-Orcutt iterative method corrected for multipliers seem to indicate that impact on import expenditures in problems with serial correlation cruise expenditures did not have Jamaica. The results indicate where it occurred. After a significant impact on govern- that a substantial part of tourist convergence was reached using ment spending in Jamaica over expenditures leak out of the the Cochrane-Orcutt iterative the period of this study. While economy. With cruise tourism method the intercept term was the results for cruise tourism are leakages being larger than adjusted for the individual seemingly insignificant, this is stopover tourist expenditures. regressions (Kelejian & Oates, actually a positive aspect of This result coincides with the 1974; Pindyck & Rubinfeld 1991). cruise tourism. The two other impression that cruise tourists types of tourist expenditures gave purchase more imported goods In runs of the regressions for the similar findings. than stopover tourists. investment multipliers the Cochrane-Orcutt method failed to Import Multipliers (see Table Investment Multipliers ( s e e remove the serial correlation. An 3): Table 4): analysis of the residuals revealed an outlier in the data, which was Overall, the import expenditure The investment multipliers larger than three standard errors multipliers suggest that cruise, appear to indicate cruise, from the mean. The data showed stopover tourist and total expen- stopover, and total tourist a huge drop in investment in ditures did have a significant expenditures did have a 1999, which was a much larger change than in any previous time period. The outlier was dropped Table 3: Jamaica Import Expenditure Multipliers. from the observations and the Standard regressions were run again Coefficients Error t Stat without the data p oint. The Cruise Tourist Expenditures results were greatly improved and serial correlation ceased to Intercept 0.111006652 0.81402735 0.136367227 be a problem. Income 0.640348963 0.119652402 5.351743466 Cruise Tourist Expenditures 0.345796726 0.103040214 3.35593951 Results Stopover Tourist Expenditures The results for the regressions; the coefficients, standard errors, Intercept -0.169767765 0.316355595 -0.53663589 and t-stats, for the multipliers Income 0.729416265 0.114643025 6.362500169 Stopover Tourist Expenditures 0.29424012 0.108029776 2.723694615 are presented in the following tables. Total Tourist Expenditures Government Multipliers ( s e e Intercept -0.157947735 0.378896646 -0.41686232 Table 2). Income 0.721391542 0.126366209 5.708737706 Total Tourist Expenditures 0.300861113 0.120161044 2.503815738 The government expenditure THE JOURNAL OF TOURISM STUDIES Vol. 14, No. 2, DEC. ‘03 19
Table 4: Jamaica Investment Expenditure Multipliers. (see Chase & Alon, 2002; Chase, Standard 2002). However, it is suspected Coefficients Error t Stat that gains from import sub- stitution were eclipsed by the Cruise Tourist Expenditures importation of goods and services Intercept 2.720865553 0.427556739 6.363753168 due to investment. The larger Available to Invest 0.438720223 0.121858409 3.600245773 coefficient value for investment Cruise Tourist Expenditures 0.519865242 0.105011085 4.950574916 compared to the import coefficient value indicates that an Stopover Tourist Expenditures increase in investment expen- ditures would outweigh any Intercept 0.638319249 0.129999572 4.910164227 decrease in imports, which Available to Invest 0.427430914 0.144928617 2.949251318 explains the positive coefficients Stopover Tourist Expenditures 0.58565638 0.138095354 4.240956433 of imports for total, cruise, and Total Tourist Expenditures stopover tourist expenditures. Intercept 0.631012875 0.12946161 4.874131221 Since the government was able to Available to Invest 0.4240199 0.143978929 2.94501357 reduce overall expenditures as a Total Tourist Expenditures 0.586769969 0.136687163 4.292794997 percent of GDP during the period of this study, it would seem to indicate that cruise tourism, and the other types of tourism, do not significant impact on investment the rate of investment expen- have an impact on government expenditures in Jamaica. In ditures for total, cruise, and expenditures. This can explain recent years Jamaica has been stopover tourist expenditures. the insignificance of the govern- making large investments in However, the goods and services ment multipliers. However, this infrastructure for tourists, such needed for the upgrading of these does not mean that cruise as the Port Royal Development facilities were most likely tourism did not have an influence project, as a way to increase imported, since construction on government expenditures. tourist arrivals (Barnwell & materials are a major import for The 500% increase in the number Boxill, 1998). These increased Jamaica. of cruise arrivals over the period investment expenditures for of this study strongly indicate tourism could explain why all of The source of financing for the that additional spending by the these variables are significant. investment projects did not come government would be required from the government. The for certain areas. Reductions in Overall, it seems that cruise government had embarked on a spending could have been less in tourism did have an impact on deficit reduction program, some programs and more in other import and investment expen- resulting in a slow down in the programs if it were not for this ditu res in Jamaica, but not growth of government expen- increase in cruise tourism in government expenditures. The ditures (Economist Intelligence Jamaica. Citizens of the country large development project Unit, 2000). However, Foreign of Jamaica would seem to be the recently undertaken in Port Direct Investment (FDI) to losers, having a larger reduction Royal, Jamaica, could explain Jamaica showed substantial in the number of goods and why these results are significant, increases going from a negative 6 services provided by the since this project represents a million dollars in 1981 to a government for them to major investment and many of positive 523.7 million dollars in accommodate the incr ease in the goods used for these projects 1999 (World Bank, 2000a). FDI cruise tourist arrivals. However, may be imported. Construction was the primary source of as stated previously about materials are a major import for funding for total, cruise, and investments, these expenditures Jamaica (Central Intelligence stopover investment projects in may be directed towards cruise Agency, 2000). Jamaica. Thus, the government tourists, but the locals may also played a minimal role; so total, benefit from them, so deter- Analysis cruise, and stopover tourist mining the exact loss to locals is expenditures did not have a difficult. Jam aica had embarked on a significant impact on government major upgrading of tourist expenditures. Findings facilities for both cruise and stopover tourist facilities (see It seems probable that Jamaica When a country has a cruise Barnwe ll & Boxill, 1998; developed some import industry there are costs to Economist Intelligence Unit substitution industry for tourist consider. Major investments in 2000). This explains the positive related goods and services, as infrastructure must be made and coefficients and the increase in been the case in other countries an unfavorable change in the 20 THE JOURNAL OF TOURISM STUDIES Vol. 14, No. 2, DEC. ‘03
balance of payments occurs. In this shift in spending. The exact As a final note, this study used the case of investment, if the loss of goods and services only expenditures by c ruise country pays for the supplied by the government passengers. If the additional infrastructure itself there will be would depend on how beneficial expenditures by the cruise ship an increase in government the expenditures on cruise crew and the cruise ship line expenditures. These increased tourists are for the locals. itself were included the impacts expenditures by the government would most likely be larger. for cruise tourist infrastructure would mean decreased expen- ditures for other purposes. While locals may benefit from some of these investments, they would not have taken place without cruise tourism. However, if the country is able to finance these infrastructure investments through FDI, then they will not have a significant impact on government expenditures. The infrastructure projects required by cruise tourism contribute to an increase in References imports. These projects often Archer, B. (1976). Anatomy of a multiplier. Regional Studies, 10, 71- require large imports of 77. construction related goods and Baaijens, S.R., Injkamp, P., & Van Montfort, K. (1997). Explanatory services. Once the infrastructure meta-analysis for the comparison and transfer of regional for cruise tourist arrivals is in tourist income multipliers. Regional Studies, 32(9), 839-849. place additional investment Barnwell, G., & Boxill, I. (1998). Socio-eco impact assessment Port expenditures may become Royal Heritage Tourism Project, 1-33, 18 January 2001. inconsequential. The demand for Available: construction related goods and Central Intelligence Agency (2000). The world factbook, Jamaica, 18 services falls and there is an November 2000. Available: improvement in the balance of publications/factbook/geos/jm.html. payments. However, periodic Chase, G. (2002). A contribution to understanding the economic upgrades of cruise facilities seem impact of cruise ships in the Caribbean Basin region. Paper to be necessary resulting in presented at the ASBBS Conference, Las Vegas, February 7-10. periodic unfavorable changes in Chase, G., & Alon, I. (2002). Evaluating the economic impact of the balance of payments. cruise tourism: A case study of Barbados. Anatolia, 1(1), 5-18. Depending how these investment Cruise Line Industry Association (2001). Industry Overview, 25 expenditures are financed will January 2001. Available: determine if they have an impact overview/industry_overview.htm. on government expenditures. Dickinson, R.H., & Vladimir, A. (1997). Selling the sea: An inside look at the cruise industry. New York: John Wiley & Sons. There may be some import Dwyer, L., & Forsyth, P. (1998). Economic significance of cruise substitution by a country as the tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 25(2), 393-415. number of goods and services Economist Intelligence Unit (2000). Country profile Jamaica, supplied locally increases, but the London, 1-14, 20 January 2001. Available: http://db.Economist expenditures on imports to build Intelligence and maintain the required Country+Profile+Jamaica. infrastructure may outweigh the Grassl, W. (1999). Tourism and economic growth in the Caribbean, 1- gains. 20, 23 December 2000. Available: collegepark/library/3954/. While there may seem to be no Griffiths, W.E., Hill, R.C., & Judge, G.G. (1993). Learning and increase in government expen- practicing econometrics. New York: John Wiley & Sons. ditures with increased cruise Gujarati, D. (1978). Basic econometrics. New York: McGraw Hill. tourism, this may just be a shift Inter-American Development Bank (2000). ESDB Query Facility, 24 in spending from one type of May 2001 expenditure to another. Locals International Monetary Fund (1995). Direction of trade statistics. would feel a reduction in the Washington, D.C.: IMF. goods and services provided to International Monetary Fund (1988). Direction of trade statistics. them by the government with Washington, D.C.: IMF. THE JOURNAL OF TOURISM STUDIES Vol. 14, No. 2, DEC. ‘03 21
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