The Echo - Wilson Area High School

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The Echo - Wilson Area High School
The Echo
                  WILSON AREA HIGH SCHOOL

Edition 95, Issue 6                                                                               March, 2018

                         March For Our Lives
                                                                                               Andorra Bastien:
                                By: Nicholas Gara                                               Editor-in-Chief
         School shootings      will be held on March 24.      the seventeen lives that         Michael Jablonski:
in the past have occurred,              Students have in-     were taken during the             Managing Editor
been talked about, and         spired others to hold school   Florida school shooting.
then swept under the rug       walkouts in support of the     In addition, many other          Sam Houser: Asst.
of society. This has not       gun laws again. These          students entered the audi-        Editor
been the case though in        walkouts have been occur-      torium and spent the sev-
the most recent one that       ring all over the country,     enteen minutes of protest        Annabella Bastien:
occurred at Parkland High      and they are also getting a    there.                            Asst. Managing
School in Florida. After       lot of attention. One of                Students from all        Editor
the terrible event occurred,   these walkouts actually        across the nation are
many of the students have      took place at our own high     speaking up for their be-
come out and expressed         school.                        liefs and trying to make
that there needs to be                  Last week, students   change by doing walk-
change.                        here at Wilson High            outs and protests.
         These students        walked out of school at ten
have inspired many people      o’clock in the morning,
to speak out, and they         protesting for stricter gun
have also inspired many to     laws. Several students con-
organize upcoming events       tinued to walk to the corner
to advocate for stricter gun   of Warrior Lane where
laws, including a march        they spent the next seven-
on Washington, which           teen minutes in protest for

                                                              Pictures courtesy of Google
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The Echo
                                   By: Jenaiya Roberts

                  On February 14th,    als, NRA members, etc. Although,       change. They hope that this was
2018, seventeen innocent people        some of those people will do noth-     the last, not only school shooting,
lost their lives during a horrendous   ing to stop it from happening          but any shooting in general. They
school shooting. Six of the survi-     again, and that is what needs to       are doing everything that they can
vors, Alfonso Calderon, Sarah          change.                                to get the higher powers in govern-
Chadwick, Emma Gonzalez, David         The students have planned a Na-        ment to fix the problem. For years
Hogg, Cameron Kasky and Samuel         tional Walkout which will take         this problem has been ignored and
Zeif are taking a stand and making     place on March 14th and the            overlooked, and they will not let
their voices heard and known.          “March For Our Lives” which will       that continue.
These brave kids have decided to       take place on March 24th. Both
make sure that gun violence and        events carry the theme “Enough is
school shootings stop immediately.     enough.” The students claim that
These students have formed the         it’s not just schools. We can’t just
#NeverAgain movement which             protect schools now... its movie
promotes stricter gun laws. People     theaters, bars, clubs, etc. Their
want to see change. The kids           main belief is that no one should
talked about how, of course, no        have to worry about getting shot
one wants to see innocent people       for no reason.
die, including conservatives, liber-   These six students hope to see

                         St. Patrick’s Day
                              By: Collin Kenny
  On March 17th, the world             Shortly after his return home, he believed God had spoke to him
turned a little bit greener in cele-   and told him to go to back to Ireland and help spread Christianity.
bration of St. Patrick’s Day. It is    He succeeded with his mission, and he influenced their culture in
a cultural and religious celebra-      many ways.
tion that is observed by the             The holiday is celebrated worldwide with a multitude of tradi-
Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and        tions. Most notably, people dress in green attire. Green was selected
Lutheran churches.                     as the color for St. Patty’s Day because Ireland is also identified as
  Saint Patrick is one of the most     “The Emerald Isle.”
widely known figures in the                    Food is also a massive part of the holiday’s traditions. A
Christian faith, as well as the pa-    typical Irish meal is composed of corned beef and cabbage or Irish
tron saint of Ireland. He was          Stew. Some people find the combinations of those foods to be ran-
born in Britain near the end of        cid, but they also believe that the foods are of Irish descent. To the
the 4th century. At a young age,       surprise of many, this dish originates from Italians and Jews that
Patrick was taken captive for six      lived alongside Irish immigrants that came to the United States. St.
years in Ireland. He developed a       Patty’s Day is celebrated in many forms throughout the world.
strong belief in Christianity be-
fore he returned to Britain.

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The Echo - Wilson Area High School
Edition 95, Issue 6
                                  Flower Power
     By: Mollie Veres
   The Philadelphia Flower             largest in America. It is run by
Show lets you explore the beauty       the Pennsylvania Horticultural
of flowers without pesky bees or       Society. It attracts about
extreme heat. This indoor Flower       250,000 people per year. The
Show is held from March 3rd            theme for this year’s show is
through March 11th at the Penn-        the Wonders of Water. This
sylvania Convention Center in          theme will showcase the beau-
Philadelphia, PA. Since the show       tiful connection between flow-
is held early in March, it is a nice   ers and of course, water.
escape to see all the lively,             Flower-enthusiasts come
springlike flowers while it is be-     from far and wide every year to
low freezing outside.                  see the giant variety of flowers,
  The first show was held back         and sometimes they even pick
in 1829. Some, once seen as ex-        up a few new ones. Although,
otic flowers, like the poinsettia,     not just extreme flower lovers
were introduced during this first      are welcome. The Flower Show
show. Years later, this once           is a fun day out for everyone!
“exotic” flower is now a com-
mon symbol of Christmas
throughout our country.
  Today, the flower show is the

                                                                                       Pictures courtesy of Google

                           Wilson’s Share Table
  By: Vanessa Fonseca-Garcia

Since March 1, the cafeteria has a     dents to get fruit with any lunch,
new addition. Prior to this, it was    many throw away these fruits, so
announced that there was going to      instead, they can now place them
be a change in lunch. A share ta-      on the share table for another stu-
ble has been added for all students    dent to grab.
to share unopened food items.                   When I asked students
These items can include whole          about their opinions on this table,
fresh fruit, unopened cereal, or       all of them agreed that it was defi-
any unopened snacks.                   nitely a good idea and a great way
        This program will reduce       to show our school spirit.
                                                                                 Pictures courtesy of Google
the amount of food going to
waste. Since it’s required for stu-

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The Echo
                           The 2018 Winter Games: Striving for Gold
                               By: Andorra Bastien
         The 2018 Winter Olympic Games took place in PyeongChang, South Korea starting on Friday,
February 9. The opening ceremony included performances from K-Pop artist Ahn Ji Young of the duo
Bolbbalgan 4 and Ha Hyun Woo from the indie rock band Guckkasten. The ceremony showcased a
theme of peace with R&B artist Insooni’s performance of “Let Everyone Shine” and a unified flag between
North and South Korea.
         The Games also featured outstanding athletic performances. The figure skaters did not disappoint
with stellar performances all around. Canadian figure skaters Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue beat their own
world-record, winning gold in the free ice dance, becoming the most decorated pair in history. Nathan
Chen attempted a total of six quads in the men’s free skate, delivering five of them despite a poor start
with his first two performances. Additionally, Mirai Nagasu became the first American woman to land a
triple axle at the Olympics.
         Other Olympians such as Shaun White and Chloe Kim made history with impressive runs. Shaun
White redeemed himself in the men’s snowboard halfpipe after failing to make the podium in Sochi. He
beat out Japanese snowboarder Ayumu Hirano in his very last run, winning gold at 31 years old. Chloe
Kim also won gold in women’s snowboard halfpipe at only 17 years old. She won gold by a landslide,
showing her phenomenal talent on her Olympic debut. In alpine skiing, Lindsey Vonn made her Olympic
comeback, winning bronze in alpine skiing. Czech alpine skier and snowboarder Ester Ledecka, won
gold for alpine skiing and won gold again for snowboarding in the parallel giant slalom.
         The closing ceremony was a spectacular end to the historic Winter Games. Yang-Tae-hawn
stunned with an electric performance, playing “Four Seasons” on guitar. Oh Yeon-joon, winner of the
South Korean version of The Voice, sang the Olympic anthem. Finally, the ceremony presented the
handover of the Olympic flag from PyeongChang to Beijing. The capital of China was chosen to host the
Winter Olympics in 2022. All in all, the Winter Games was a success, and the U.S. completed the Games
with 23 medals.

                                                                          Pictures courtesy of Google

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The Echo - Wilson Area High School
Edition 95, Issue 3
                   Winter Sports Post-Season
 By: Taylor Sheridan and Kyle Jones
As the spring season nears, winter sports officially come to an end. The winter sports season is very long,
but as always, goes by faster than it really seems. Our school had a very successful winter season, repre-
sented by the wrestling, basketball, and cheerleading teams.
         Starting with the boys basketball team, they managed to capture enough wins during the season to
earn themselves a spot in the district playoffs. The boys beat North Schuylkill 72-70 to advance further in
the playoffs. In states, the boys team took a few losses that would end their season. They played great all
season long and will look to be even better in future seasons.
         The girls basketball team also had a great season and even made districts. They battled all year
long for that spot by winning each game at a time. In districts, the girls won their first two games and ad-
vanced to the district finals. They would lose 61-33 to a very competitive Southern Lehigh team. Congratu-
lations to both the girls and boys for making it that far in the postseason.
         The Moravian swim team was able to pull off a good season. The girls team placed 3rd at districts,
as well as multiple appearances on the medal podium. The boys team also were on the podium multiple
times. Mark Nikitine had an impressive swim and dropped over 30 seconds in his 500 freestyle swim. This
has been one of the team’s best seasons so far.
         Our Wilson cheerleaders were also busy this winter, cheering on our winter sports teams and show-
ing their support. They bring spirit and pride to the games and do it with all of the energy they have. Be-
sides cheering at matches, they also competed in various tournaments and were successful in most, show-
ing off their skills and coordination. However, they were unable to advance to nationals. Congrats to them
as well for their accomplishments.
         The wrestling team was also very successful this season, taking second at districts as a team, and
sending many wrestlers to the regional and state tournaments. The roster is filled with young talent, and
they hope to be even better next season. Once again, congratulations to all of our winter sports teams, and
the seniors for their hard work and achievements. Good luck to our spring sports teams!

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The Echo
               Eggsposing Easter’s True Meaning
 By: Samantha Mutter
         Did you ever wonder why we celebrate Easter? Easter, also called Pascha or resurrection Sunday, is a Chris-
tian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and it first occurred in 30 AD.
         Every year, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday following the full moon on March 21st. This means it al-
ways falls between March 22nd and April 25th. People know why we celebrate, but no one is completely sure of the
origins of the word Easter.
         Some references believe that Easter is named after a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility called Eostre.
This would make sense since Easter occurs just after spring has begun. Another idea is that it came from the Latin
term hebdomada alba, meaning “white week.” Hebdomada alba goes back to the ancient times when people who were
baptized would wear white. In Old High German it translated to “esotarum.” Later, it became “Easter” in English. In
Spanish, Easter is known as “Pascua.” In French it is “Paques.” The words are derived from the Greek and Latin Pas-
cha, meaning “passover.”
         People of Christian religion have many traditions leading up to Easter. First, they have Mardi Gras when they
eat an abundant amount of food, and then they have Lent. During Lent, some do not eat for a prolonged period, and it
is a time to commemorate and reflect upon Jesus Christ. To conclude the holiday, fifty days after Easter is Eastertide,
which celebrates Jesus going to heaven.

                 Spring Sports Season Action
     By: Kyle Jones

        With the wrap up of winter sports, a new field of play opens up, and this spring sports season will
bring passion to the field.
        A popular sport in Wilson is track and field, and it offers a variety of events. To find out more, I sat
down with Giovanna Schaffer to ask a few questions. I asked her what she plans to do this year to better the
team and herself. She answered, “I plan to place in districts and I want to have more leadership, like helping
new pole vaulters.” With hard work, the team should have an outstanding outcome this season.
        Another sport is tennis. During the spring season, boys tennis comes out in full swing. I spoke with
Ignazio Markow to get more information. I asked him about what his goals are for this season. He replied
with, “The goal I have is to make it to districts and possibly states.” Hopefully, the boys tennis team will
succeed this year with their efforts.
        Softball and baseball have both begun. I first asked softball player Ashley Errico how she plans to
become an even more elite softball player this season. She answered, “I am putting in hard work at practice
and pushing my teammates to become better.” I also asked Brandon Smith, a baseball player, what he does
for the team, and he responded with, “My role on the team is to be one of the leaders and inspire the rest of
the ‘squad.’” The best of luck is wished upon both sports this year.
        Sports are an imperative part of Wilson’s dynamic school, and with spring sports starting, everyone
can already feel the excitement in the air.

                                Page 6
The Echo - Wilson Area High School
Edition 95, Issue 6
Madness for March Madness
     By: Ashley Errico
         March Madness       nova and Virginia are         pick the winning teams.
is a time when all col-      favored to win by many,       Many people do this and
lege basketball fans root    but this doesn’t mean no      enter in competitions
for their favorite team to   one else has a chance to      against family and
go all the way and win       compete. Many upsets          friends.
the NCAA Champion-           take place during this                 Although all
ship title.                  competition, so never         teams are ranked from 1
         Although North      count a team out.             to 16, players can never
Carolina defeated Gon-               The first round of    take a team lightly be-
zaga 71-65 last year,        games will take place on      cause they all want to
three of North Carolina’s    March 15th and 16th.          win the title. For exam-
best players moved on to     After this, there will be     ple, last year, Wisconsin
play in the NBA for the      four more rounds until        (8) beat Villanova (1) 65
upcoming season, and         the championship game,        -62 in the second round
many of their players        which will be on April        of play. Hopefully this
graduated. The top seeds     2nd. Throughout this          year’s contest will be full
of this year’s bracket in-   time period, teams get        of exciting games and
clude Virginia, Xavier,      intense and focus on tak-     unexpected winners.
Kansas, and Villanova.       ing down their next op-
Last year these teams        ponent.
were ranked 5, 11, 1, and            A March Mad-
1, respectively.             ness tradition is to fill
         This year, Villa-   out a bracket and try to

                                                   Pictures courtesy of Google

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The Echo - Wilson Area High School
The Echo
                            “It Can Wait.”
                                By: Zoey M. Bronson
         What’s one more death? One more car accident? One more demolished future? When you are be-
hind the wheel, not only your life, but those around you are in your hands. What you do with those lives is
up to you. Direction can only go but so far. In the end, the decision is yours. When the text message notifi-
cation sounds throughout your vehicle, and you have a undeniable urge to respond, ask yourself: Is that text
worth someone's life?
         The moment your eyes leave the road and your center of attention is your phone, only bad can
come. You don’t know them, they don’t know you. Drive like your loved one is on the road. What does
their life mean to you?
         The use of a mobile device while driving has lead to 1.6 million crashes each year. One out of every
four car accidents in the United States is caused by texting while driving. That is someone's child. That
could now be someone's dead child. Know right from wrong.
         As a wise man, Gandhi once said “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Take the pledge,
join the movement.

Navy Inspired New Student
      By: Gio Schaffer

         It is important to introduce new students into your school to relieve some of the fear that comes
along with being new to the district. Wilson has recently welcomed a student, Neysha Neeley, to our high
school a couple weeks ago.
         It is usually hard to jump into a new school without thinking about the memories made from a pre-
vious school. “My old school was a navy school, I miss it because it focused mainly on what I wanted to do
and accomplish when I’m older,” Neysha says.
         “It's different here, they don’t have a ROTC.” An ROTC is a program offered to colleges as well as
high schools that prepare young adults to become officers in the U.S Military. This program has greatly
helped her in trying to achieve her dream of being the first ever female to join the U.S. Navy Seals.
Although there's no program here at Wilson, Neysha reveals, “I’m starting softball this spring, and hope-
fully next year I’ll try out for basketball.” Trying out for some teams will hopefully help bring out her other
         In her freetime, Neysha says, “I help my mom pay bills, and I’m trying to find work to make it eas-
ier for her. I also like to play Fortnite, 2k, and Madden on ps4.”
         There are plenty of students here at Wilson with all different personalities and stories to tell. So why
not get to know some of them?

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The Echo - Wilson Area High School
Edition 95, Issue 3
A Tribute to Stephen Hawking
    By: Michael Jabloski
          Stephen Hawking was           the use of a computer program           the Universe."
born in Oxford, England, on             that allowed Hawking to use his                  Hawking also raised
January 8, 1942. Stephen Hawk-          hands and facial muscles to select      awareness and support for people
ing stayed in Oxford to attend          words in order to communicate.          with disabilities. Hawking earned
Oxford University. It was there         Despite originally being given          many awards and medals, includ-
that Stephen Hawking began his          only two years to live, Hawking         ing the Presidential Medal of
research in cosmology, the study        would outlast that diagnosis by         Freedom which was given by
of the universe.                        over 50 years.                          Barack Obama in 2009.
   In 1963, Stephen Hawking                During his lifetime, Stephen            Hawking passed away on
was diagnosed with motor neu-           Hawking has piled up many               March 14, 2018. He will be re-
rons disease (more commonly             achievements and contributions to       membered as a pioneer in the
known as "ALS" or "Lou Ge-              his name. He shaped the ideas of        fields of science. Hawking may
hrig's Disease"). This disease          the black hole, and came up with        have had a "brief history" him-
crippled Hawking, resulting in          the theory on the creation of the       self, but his legacy will be re-
him having to spend the rest of         universe (a theory known as "The        membered for ages.
his life in a wheelchair. Hawking       Big Bang Theory"). Hawking
also lost his ability to speak. This    wrote about his theories on the
would be remedied in 1986 with          universe and black holes in a best-
                                        seller titled "A Brief History of

Student of the Month: Brianna Coyle
       By: Sam Houser

          Every month, Wilson attempts to recognize one select student that’s considered worthy of holding the
title of “Student of the Month” for thirty days. This March, that student is none other than fifteen-year-old
sophomore, Brianna Coyle.
          Brianna has been a part of the Wilson School District since kindergarten. In high school, she does a lot
for the district, serving as a member of SADD and as the Historian of the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA).
Brianna also keeps herself busy with various Wilson sports, as she plays third base for the Wilson Varsity Soft-
ball Team and competes in tournament softball throughout the whole year.
          When asked about being chosen for Student of the Month, Brianna responded by saying, “I was happy
and very honored when I found out I was student of the month.”
          Brianna does her best to lead by example and always persevere during times of great difficulty. She
constantly presents a vigorous, uncompromising attitude, both on the field and in the classroom. She is the kind
of person who you can go to for effective support at any time. She truly is a prime example of what it means to
be a Warrior, and she fully deserves the prestigious award of Student of the Month.
          If you know Brianna personally, or if you see her in the hallway during school, or perhaps on the soft-
ball field, be sure to congratulate her because she has definitely earned it.

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The Echo
                                    Murder! Murder!
            By: Katie Pope
        “I thought the show went very well. We put in a lot of hard work and I think our
performances really captured that,” said Sarah Mengel, who played Lucy, a lead in
the play. During the first weekend of March, Wilson Area High School’s Drama Club
preformed Jekyll & Hyde. The show consisted of murder, prostitution, and serious

       It was an exhilarating and dramatic play to watch. This play had the audience
on the edge of their seats and clapping their hands at the end of every scene. Gabe
Craig played both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, while Olivia Naylor played Emma Carew
and Sarah Mengel performed the part of Lucy Harris.

        The first show was to take place on March 2nd. Wilson had an early dismissal
that day since it was snowing, pushing the show back to the next day. Mengel ex-
pressed, “The whole cancellation of Friday’s show threw us off a little, but I think we
were more excited to present what we were working so hard on.” Although their open-
ing night was pushed back a day, they were ready to show off their accomplishments
no matter the obstacles that stood in their way.

        Throughout the play, the students had many fun experiences and adventures.
“It was really fun to work with everyone else, and personally, I thought this year’s
show was more of a challenge, so I liked that aspect,” expressed Mengel. This show
was a very difficult task to take on, but the students made it look easy with an out-
standing performance. We can’t wait to see what they accomplish next year!

                           Pictures courtesy of The Echo

     Page 10
Edition 95, Issue 6
U.S. Education System vs. the World
    By: Anish Knaduri
         The United States   government has taken to        get into Ivy league
education system is ex-      ensure a student’s safety.     schools, the average tui-
cellent compared to          Some examples of this          tion fee is about $50,000,
other countries around       include school security        followed by $10,000 for
the world. There are         and assemblies that teach      room and board, and an
many reasons why the         students to resolve con-       additional $2,000 for
U.S. schooling system is     flicts in a peaceful mat-      books, per year! This
better than most coun-       ter, not bully, or to not      means that even if a stu-
tries’ around the world,     do any other rash behav-       dent qualifies for Ivy
but there are also a few     iors like taking drugs.        League, he or she may
cons to the system.                   Also, American        not be able go to an Ivy
         One of the rea-     schools have a lot of di-      League school because
sons why USA's educa-        versity compared to            of the high cost.
tion system is superior is   other nations because of               However, if a
because it has the safest    immigrants. This also          student gets scholar-
school environment in        helps in creating people       ships, then college can
the world (according to      who accept other cul-          become affordable.
the National Center for      tures and do not dis-          There only so many
Education Statistics).       criminate.                     scholarships out there,
This, along with diver-               A con of the U.S.     though. In the end, U.S.
sity, is probably one of     schooling system is that       public schools are cer-
the most prominent rea-      there are many tution          tainly unique, and it is
sons why the USA has         fees (especially in col-       hard to compare then to
an education system that     lege) that are very large      the schools of any other
is unique compared to        and unaffordable to            nation.
other countries.             some families. A recent
         The reason why      study has shown that, to
U.S. schools have so
much safety is because
there are many steps that
schools and the national

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The Echo
     By: Allison Reiter
        Superstars is a          pete against each other to see who can earn the most
huge school event that           points in student led activities. Freshmen compete
takes place every year to-       against juniors, and sophomores against seniors. The
ward the end of March or         winners of those battles then play each other, and that
beginning of April. This         winner competes against the faculty. First place receives
year, Superstars is taking       the most points, while second and third receive many
place the day before spring      less. Bonus points are also given out to the classes with
break. Superstars is put         most school spirit, and t-shirts are thrown into the crowd
together by the Student          at the most enthusiastic people.
                                          Overall, it is a fun activity that brings some re-
         Superstars is all for   lief from stress and enjoyment to the students and fac-
fun, but the competition         ulty. This year’s Student Council President is Madison
still remains fierce. Stu-       Greene, and the Vice President is Alexis Falteich. The
dents sign up during             advisor is Ms. Maskalis. Each year, student council
lunches for Superstars and       works extremely hard to put together a fun event that
compete head to head in all      everyone can enjoy, whether they compete, or just cheer
different activities. Recur-     on their classmates.
ring activities from year to
year include the obstacle
course, pie eating contest,
musical chairs, three point
shootout, the gladiator
challenge, dodgeball, tug
of war, and many others.
Musical chairs seems to be
a favorite among many
students. The competition
between the grades and
faculty is intense.

         During Superstars,
the whole school comes
together in the gymnasium
and everyone sits with their
own class. The seniors,
juniors, sophomores, fresh-
men, and faculty all com-

                                                      Pictures courtesy of Google

Page 12
Edition 95, Issue 6
Are You Ready Player One?
       By: Kyle Engler
          Haven’t you heard     eccentric James Halliday.       tia Wright, and Win Mori-
the news? Seen any of the       When Halliday dies, he          saki, and made by director
commercials? Well, if you       leaves his immense fortune      Steven Spielberg, this film
didn’t, good for you, Mr. I-    to the first person to find a   will blow your mind. The
Don’t-Want-No-Spoilers!         digital Easter egg he has       movie will be released
If you have, however, you       hidden somewhere in the         March 29th.
should be aware of the          OASIS, sparking a contest
newest movie sensation,         that grips the entire world.
Ready Player One.                        When an unlikely
          Ready Player One      young hero named Wade
is the latest sci-fi action     Watts decides to join the
film from Steven Spiel-         contest, he is hurled into a
berg, based on Ernest           breakneck, reality-bending
Cline’s bestseller. Accord-     treasure hunt through a
ing to Nicole Nance from        fantastical universe of mys-
Phoenix Comic-Fest, “The        tery, discovery and dan-
film is set in 2045, with the   ger.”
world on the brink of chaos              With a cast includ-
and collapse. But the peo-      ing Olivia Cooke, Tye
ple have found salvation in     Sheridan, Ben Mendel-
the OASIS, an expansive         sohn, Simon Pegg, T.J.                                            Pictures courtesy of Google
virtual reality universe cre-   Miller, Mark Rylance,
ated by the brilliant and       Hannah John-Kamen, Leti-

Watch Me!
      By: Faith Townes

         If you’re someone who loves going out to the movie theatre to watch the new movie that has been playing over
and over on commercials, then you’re in luck! This season, a bunch of different movies are coming out soon.
         One of them is Deadpool 2. If you’re a Deadpool fan, I think you’ve waited long enough for the sequel to
come out. This movie, like the last one, is a mixture of comedy and action.
         Another action movie that is coming out is Avengers: Infinity Wars. If you’re truly a Marvel fan, you’ll find a
way to go see it when it comes out.
         For the movie-goers that love romance, a movie called Midnight Sun will be playing soon, so grab your sig-
nificant other or, if you’re like me, grab some Ben & Jerry’s and a box of tissues.
         Oh, there is a horror film coming out called Truth Or Dare, that looks super scary. If you’re a person that loves
kids movies, Hotel Transylvania: Summer Vacation is also coming out. A variety of different movies are coming out
this spring and summer, so go out with your friends or family, or even by yourself, and go have a good time watching
the movies you love.

                                                                                   Page 13
The Echo
Prom Preview: Golden Gala
   By: Annabella Bastien
         This year’s prom is May 18th
from 6-11 pm, and the theme is a Golden
Gala. The Prom Committee plans to cre-
ate a golden ball theme. This year’s
venue is at Iron Lakes Country Club, and
the students are very excited.
         After two fundraisers, the Com-
mittee has raised $1000 to have a photo
booth and DJ at prom. Party favors are
still under consideration at the moment,
but the crowns for king and queen have
been chosen.
         Tickets will be sold from
Wednesday, April 4th until Wednesday,
May 2nd. Invitations will go out on
Wednesday, April 28th. Anyone in
grades 9-12 is allowed to come, but un-
derclassmen must be invited by an upper-
classman. The age limit for an invite is 20
years of age. Prom will be a great way to
end the school year!
                                              Pictures courtesy of Google

Page 14
Edition 95, Issue 6
Black Panther: Black Excellence and Marvel Superhero
   By: Yolonda Sullivan
         Black Panther was released on February 16th, 2018 and has already brought in more than 700 million
in the box offices. Joe Morgenstern, from the Wall Street Journal says, “The movie has a beating heart, and a
big one; it’s not just sincere, but that rarest of birds in the jungle of mainstream entertainment, a heartfelt
epic.” I fully agree with Morgenstern and would even say that the movie has shown black excellence in a way
never quite done before.
         The superhero and main character “T’Challa” becomes king and takes the position of the “Black Pan-
ther” after his father’s death. He is faced with challenges throughout the entire movie that put his character
into judgement, and in the end is forced to make a decision on whether or not to help just the people of Wa-
kanda or all the people that he can.
         Throughout the movie, there is a lot of symbolism relating to black culture and black flourishing. I
think that having this movie release during Black History Month was an astounding thing to do and that it
was made for people to recognize black excellence during the month of celebrating it.
         Black Panther is a truly an amazing film that recognizes black people prospering, which other films
fail to do. The movie is inspirational for all people, demonstrating what you can obtain if you work hard.

                              Pictures courtesy of Google

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