The Constitutionality of Polygamy in Indonesia: How Indonesian Constitutional Court Decision Number 12/PUU-V/2007 Interpreted Polygamy ...

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(5), ISSN 1553-6939
Article Received: 22th November, 2020; Article Revised: 26th March, 2021; Article Accepted: 26th April, 2021

The Constitutionality of Polygamy in Indonesia: How Indonesian
Constitutional Court Decision Number 12/PUU-V/2007 Interpreted
Tundjung Herning Sitabuana1, Ibnu Sina Chandranegara2, Luthfi Widagdo Eddyono3
  Tarumanegara University, Indonesia,E-mail:
  University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia,E-mail:
  Indonesian Constitutional Court, Indonesia,E-mail:

M. Insa is an Indonesian citizen intending to perform religious observance of polygamy. However, according to Law No. 1 the
Year 1974 regarding Marriage (the Marriage Law), he does not qualify to practice polygamy. M. Insa then files a petition for the
judicial review of the Marriage Law, particularly regarding the Articles regulating polygamy. As such, the Court considers the
arguments presented by the Petitioner groundless and therefore the Petitioner’s petition is declared rejected. This study analyses
the reasons of the Constitutional Court in defining constitutionality of polygamy in Indonesia. According to the Court, the
conditions to practice polygamy are still required to guarantee the realisation of marriage purpose. The articles in the Marriage
Law containing the reasons, conditions and procedures for polygamy are the efforts to guarantee the fulfilment of the rights of the
wife and prospective wife in the context of realising the marriage purpose. Therefore, the intended articles can not be interpreted
as nullifying the provision that allows the polygamous marriage. The provision included in the Marriage Law states that the
principle of marriage is monogamy. Polygamy is allowed, provided that specific reasons, conditions and procedures are not
contradictory to the teachings of Islam.

INTRODUCTION                                                                 M. Insa declared that the provisions reduce
                                                                     his freedom to perform religious observance
        Based on the provision of Article 24C                        according to the Petitioner’s religion, namely to
Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution, the                          practise polygamy as a religious observance. By
Indonesian Court has the authority to hear at the                    the application of the monogamy principle, thus
first and final level the decision of which shall be                 the Petitioner cannot practice polygamy as a
final, among other things, to review a law against                   religious observance. According to him, polygamy
the 1945 Constitution (Eddyono: 2019, 1210). The                     is allowed in the religion of Islam. The provisions
provision mentioned above is further affirmed in                     of the articles in the law, which require the
Article 10 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 24 the                        consent from one’s wife or the Court, have
Year 2003 regarding the Constitutional Court and                     impaired or reduced the freedom of religion,
Article 12 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 4 the                         particularly reducing the freedom to perform the
Year 2004 regarding Judicial Power.                                  religious observance of polygamy, reducing the
        Law Number 1 the Year 1974 regarding                         Petitioner’s prerogative right in his household,
Marriage (Marriage Law) was promulgated on 2                         impairing the human rights, and are
January 1974 after years of vociferous debate                        discriminatory, while those rights are guaranteed
(Katz: 1975, 1). According to Marriage Law,                          by Article 28B Paragraph (1), Article 28E
polygamy is still permitted, but permission from                     Paragraph (1), and Article 28I Paragraph (1) and
the Religious Court’ must first be sought before                     Paragraph (2), as well as Article 29 Paragraph (1)
entering a polygamous marriage (Nurmila: 2016,                       and Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution.
1). In 2007, the case of a petition for judicial                             At last, Indonesian Constitutional Court
review Marriage Law against the 1945                                 pronounced Decision 12/PUU-V/2007 in the
Constitution of the State of the Republic of                         Plenary Meeting of the Constitutional Court open
Indonesia filed by M. Insa. He argued that his                       for public on Wednesday, October 3, 2007, with a
constitutional rights had been impaired by the                       decision “To declare that the petition of the
coming into effect of Article 3 Paragraph (1) and                    Petitioner shall be rejected.” On its Concluding,
Paragraph (2), Article 4 Paragraph (1) and                           the Court stated, the provisions contained in the
Paragraph (2), Article 5 Paragraph (1), Article 9,                   Marriage Law stating that the principle of a
Article 15 and Article 24 of the Law.                                marriage shall be monogamy, and that polygamy
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(5), ISSN 1553-6939
Article Received: 22th November, 2020; Article Revised: 26th March, 2021; Article Accepted: 26th April, 2021

shall only be allowed under specific reasons,               opinion of experts in order to deliver insight for
conditions and procedures are not contrary to the           the Court.
teachings of Islam. Moreover, the Court have
argumentation that the provisions are not contrary          DISCUSSIONS
to the right to found a family, the freedom to
embrace a religion and to worship according to              1.     The Statements of the Experts from
one’s religion, the right to be free from                   Petitioner
discriminatory treatment as regulated in Article
28B Paragraph (1), Article 28E Paragraph (1),                       According to Petitioner, polygamy is
Article 28I Paragraph (1), and Paragraph (2), as            allowed in the religion of Islam. The provisions of
well as Article 29 Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2)          the articles in the Marriage Law which require the
of the 1945 Constitution. Therefore, the arguments          consent from one’s wife or the Court have
presented by the Petitioner, according to Court,            impaired or reduced the freedom of religion,
are not sufficiently grounded and hence it must be          particularly reducing the freedom to perform the
declared that the petition of the Petitioner shall be       religious observance of polygamy, reducing the
rejected.                                                   Petitioner’s prerogative right in his household,
        This paper will find out the reasons of the         impairing the human rights, and are
Constitutional Court in defining constitutionality          discriminatory, while those rights are guaranteed
of polygamy. This paper is the result of normative          by Article 28B Paragraph (1), Article 28E
legal research by examining primary data, namely            Paragraph (1), and Article 28I Paragraph (1) and
the decision of the Constitutional Court and other          Paragraph (2), as well as Article 29 Paragraph (1)
library materials as secondary data. Descriptive            and Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution.
discussion is used to describe cases submitted to
the Constitutional Court related to marriage law
and polygamy. This paper will provide the

   Marriage Law                                                   According to the Petitioner, the
                                                                  Marriage Law are contrary to the 1945
                                                                  Constitution, namely:

   Article 3                                                      Article 28B
                                                                  Paragraph (1):          “Every person shall
   Paragraph (1):         “In principle, in a marriage, a man                             be entitled to found
                          shall only be allowed to have a                                 a family and to
                          wife, and a wife shall only be                                  procreate through
                          allowed to have a husband”;                                     legitimate
   Paragraph (2):         “The court can give someone the
                          permission to have more than one Article 28E
                          wife”;                           Paragraph (1):                 “Every person shall
                                                                                          be free to adhere to
   Article 4                                                                              a religion and to
                                                                                          worship           in
   Paragraph (1):         “In the event that a husband intends                            accordance      with
                          to have more than one wife, he is                               his/her religion, to
                          obligated to submit an application                              choose education
                          to the court of his domicile”;                                  and teaching, to
                                                                                          choose occupation,
   Paragraph (2):         “The court shall only give the                                  to           choose
                          permit to a husband who intends to                              citizenship,      to

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(5), ISSN 1553-6939
Article Received: 22th November, 2020; Article Revised: 26th March, 2021; Article Accepted: 26th April, 2021

                          have more than one wife on the                                  choose residence in
                          following conditions:                                           the state territory
                          a.     The wife can no longer                                   and to leave it, and
                                 perform her obligations as a                             shall have the right
                                 wife;                                                    to return”.
                          b.     The wife has a physical
                                 handicap or suffers from an Article 28I
                                 incurable disease;
                          c.     The wife is incapable of Paragraph (1):                  “The right to life,
                                 procreation.”                                            the right not to be
                                                                                          tortured, the right
   Article 5                                                                              of freedom of
   Paragraph (1):         “To be able to submit the                                       thought          and
                          application to the Court, the                                   conscience,       the
                          following requirements must be                                  right to have a
                          fulfilled:                                                      religion, the right
                          a.       There is a consent from the                            not to be enslaved,
                                   wife/wives;                                            the right to be
                          b.       It is certain that the husband                         recognized as a
                                   is capable of guaranteeing                             person before the
                                   the living necessities of the                          law, and the right
                                   wives and their children;                              not       to       be
                          c.       There is a guarantee that the                          prosecuted under
                                   husband will give fair                                 retroactive      law
                                   treatment to his wives and                             shall      constitute
                                   their children.”                                       human         rights
                                                                                          which cannot be
   Article 9:             “A person who is still bound by a                               reduced under any
                          marriage with another person can                                circumstances
                          not enter into another marriage                                 whatsoever”.
                          except in the event as referred to in
                          Article 3 Paragraph (2) and Article Paragraph (2):              “Every person shall
                          4 of this law”.                                                 have the right to be
   Article 15:            “Whosoever due to a marriage is                                 free           from
                          still bound together with one of                                discriminatory
                          both parties and based on the                                   treatment on any
                          existing marriage can prevent the                               basis whatsoever
                          new marriage”.                                                  and shall have the
   Article 24:            “Whosoever due to a marriage is                                 right to obtain
                          still bound with one of the parties                             protection against
                          either of the parties and based on                              any             such
                          the existing marriage can apply for                             discriminatory
                          cancellation of the new marriage”.                              treatment”.

                                                                    Article 29

                                                                    Paragraph (1):        “The state shall be
                                                                                          based upon Belief
                                                                                          in The One and
                                                                                          Only God”.

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(5), ISSN 1553-6939
Article Received: 22th November, 2020; Article Revised: 26th March, 2021; Article Accepted: 26th April, 2021

                                                                  Paragraph (2): “The state shall guarantee
                                                                  the freedom of every resident to adhere to
                                                                  his/her religion and to worship in
                                                                  accordance with such religion and belief”.
                                                                    compassionate (rahmah) so that the
        In addition, the Court has also heard the                   aforementioned peacefulness may live on.
statements of the experts presented by the                          By mawaddah and rahmah it will not be
Petitioner. Expert Dr. Ahmad Sudirman, M.A.                         possible for either of the couple to commit
presents a statement that the religion of Islam will                an act that he/she knows will hurt his/her
not allow a husband to practice polygamy if his                     spouse’s feelings. By mawaddah, a man
wife is disabled or is unable to perform her                        does not practice polygamy because his
observance. In the teachings of Islam, in relation                  love is devoted only to one woman. By
to the Islamic principles, there is one principle that              rahmah, although a husband feels the urge
may be interpreted as ma’qulatul ma’na, insofar                     and need to practice polygamy, he will
that it is approved by ulema and it is not                          refrain from doing so if he considers that
forbidden, yet generally there are no additional                    by practicing polygamy, he will
statements in the aforementioned principle. Expert                  consequently hurt his wife’s feelings, yet
Dr. Eggi Sudjana, S.H., M.Si. presents a statement                  on the other hand, a wife may allow her
that the monogamy principle adopted by the law is                   husband to re-marry, sacrificing her
contrary to the polygamy principle allowed by the                   feelings for her husband to do so if she
Almighty God (Allah SWT) and violates the                           feels that her husband really needs to
human rights possessed by a person who has faith                    practice polygamy. This is how marriage is
in the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet                          taught in Islam, hence the principle is
Muhammad and will cause people to easily fall                       basically monogamy, yet there is still an
into adultery, sexual affairs and prostitution.                     opportunity to practice polygamy. Relating
                                                                    it to the law, although the requirements
2.     The Statements of Government and                             contained therein are not explicitly stated
People’s Legislative Assembly                                       in the Koran and the Sunnah of the
                                                                    Prophet, they are nonetheless justifiable
        The Government has presented written and                    because judicial provisions always revolve
oral statements, which in essence state that the                    around illah (God) and its objectives,
provisions in the articles of the law are intended to               hence it is possible to implement new
prevent any arbitrary acts by a husband and to                      requirements not stated explicitly in the
guarantee that in polygamy, there will be                           aforementioned verses of the Koran and
harmony, happiness and prosperity at home.                          the Sunnah of the Prophet.
Besides, the Government also presents Experts               b.      Expert Prof. Dr. Hj. Huzaemah T. Yanggo,
whose statements have been heard by the Court as                    presents a statement that there are two
follows:                                                            types of religious observance; mahdlah
a.      Expert Prof. Dr M. Quraish Shihab                           observance       and     ghairu      mahdlah
        presents a statement that marriage is                       observance. The mahdlah observance is a
        intended     to     achieve     peacefulness                religious observance which cannot be
        (sakinah). Sakinah is a spiritual peace                     compromised, while the ghairu mahdlah
        following a turbulent situation. Within                     observance is the opposite, for instance
        their loneliness, human beings can feel                     gathering for a good purpose is considered
        isolated and that feeling of isolation may                  as a religious observance. Polygamy is a
        disappear when human beings have found                      personal issue, but it is justifiable for the
        their perfect partner. Therefore, Allah                     Government to interfere in such an issue
        SWT has created spouses for both men and                    order to guarantee the realization of
        women and given them the potential for                      collective interest. This is in line with the
        being affectionate (mawaddah) and
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(5), ISSN 1553-6939
Article Received: 22th November, 2020; Article Revised: 26th March, 2021; Article Accepted: 26th April, 2021

       holy words of Allah, which means, “O                 allowed to be given to their husbands’ sons to be
       faithful devotees, obey Allah, the Apostle           married. Therefore, polygamy is not a new
       and ulil amri (the authorities)”.                    creation or issue made by the teachings of Islam.
                                                                    According to the Court, the teachings of
       The People’s Legislative Assembly (DPR)              Islam wish to organise polygamy in a gradual
has presented written and oral statements which in          manner, with the purpose that, among other
essence state that the provisions of the articles of        things, in its practice, there will not be any form of
the law do not impair the constitutional right of           arbitrary treatment by men and in the context of
the Petitioner to have the freedom of religion,             preserving the dignity of women. The provisions
including to practice polygamy to the extent that           of Koran in relation to marriage and polygamy,
the Petitioner is capable of fulfilling the                 among others are contained in the following
requirements provided for in the intended law.              Letters:

3. The Stands of the Court                                  Ar-Ruum verse 21
                                                            ‫َوم ِْن آ َياتِ ِه أ َ ْن خَ لَقَ لَكُم م ِْن أَنفُ ِسكُ ْم أ َ ْز َواجا ً ِلت َ ْسكُنُوا ِإلَ ْي َها َو َج َع َل َب ْينَكُم‬
        According to the Court, since the                                                                                          ٍ ‫َّم َودَّة ً َو َر ْح َمةً إِ َّن فِي ذَلِكَ ََليَا‬
                                                                                                       َ‫ت ِلقَ ْو ٍم يَتَفَ َّك ُرون‬
Petitioner bases his arguments on the teachings of
Islam, therefore before further considering the             Which means:
constitutionality issue of the provisions in the            And among His Signs is this, that He created for
Marriage Law petitioned for judicial review                 you mates from among yourselves, that ye may
through the petition, it is essential for the Court to      dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put
first consider the rules regarding marriage and             love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in
polygamy according to the teachings of Islam.               that are Signs for those who reflect. (Indonesian
                                                            translation by the Department of Religious Affairs
Polygamy and Teachings of Islam                             of the Republic of Indonesia, 1990)

        The Court makes arguments that it has                 An-Nisaa verse 1
been generally known and it has also been                     ‫اس اتَّقُواْ َربَّكُ ُم الَّذِي َخ َلقَكُم مِن نَّ ْف ٍس َواحِ دَ ٍة َو َخلَقَ مِ ْن َها‬
                                                                                                                                                     ُ ‫يَا أَيُّ َها ال َّن‬
described by the experts of the Government, at the                       ُ
                                                              ‫ساءلو َن بِ ِه‬              َّ      ْ    ُ  َّ
                                                                               َ َ ‫ساء َواتقوا ّللاَ الذِي ت‬              ً    َ ً                ْ
                                                                                                                   َ ِ‫ث ِمن ُه َما ِر َجاال كثِيرا َون‬َّ َ‫زَ ْو َج َها َوب‬
time when Islam was revealed through the Prophet            ً ‫علَ ْيكُ ْم َرقِيبا‬
                                                                                َ َ‫ام ِإ َّن ّللاَ َكان‬          َ
                                                                                                         َ ‫َواأل ْر َح‬
Muhammad, polygamy or marriage between a
man and several women had been practised.                   Which means:
Polygamy has been a familiar concept known by               O mankind! Reverence your Guardian-Lord, who
almost all nations in the world even since                  created you from a single Person, created, of like
thousands of years ago. The Persians, Romans,               nature, his mate, and from them twain scattered
Egyptians, Babylonians, Indians, Assyrians and              (like seeds) countless men and women; fear Allah,
Greeks knew polygamy. Prophets before the                   through Whom ye demand your mutual (rights),
Prophet Muhammad such as the Prophets                       and (reverence) the wombs (that bore you): for
Abraham, Solomon, and David recognised and                  Allah ever watches over you. (Indonesian
practised polygamy. The Prophet Moses also did              translation by the Department of Religious Affairs
not prohibit his people from practising polygamy.           of the Republic of Indonesia, 1990)
In times before the appointment of Muhammad as
an Apostle, also known as the jahiliyah age,                An-Nisaa verse 3
polygamy was not only familiar to the Arabs, but              َ ِ‫اب لَكُم مِنَ الن‬
                                                            ‫ساء‬                 َ ‫ط‬َ ‫َو ِإ ْن خِ ْفت ُ ْم أَالَّ ت ُ ْق ِسطُواْ فِي ْال َيت َا َمى َفان ِك ُحواْ َما‬
it was also a custom. The practise of polygamy                                                                                                 َ ‫َمثْنَى َوثُالَثَ َو ُربَا‬
                                                                                 ... ً ‫ع فَإ ِ ْن خِ ْفت ُ ْم أَالَّ ت َ ْع ِدلُواْ فَ َواحِ دَة‬
during the jahiliyah era extremely degraded the
status of women. Men could easily marry or                  Which means:
divorce women as they liked, and as many times              If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly
they wished. During the jahiliyah age, women                with the orphans, marry women of your choice,
were treated as no more than objects. For instance,         two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall
widowed women whose husbands had died were                  not be able to deal justly with them, then only one,
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(5), ISSN 1553-6939
Article Received: 22th November, 2020; Article Revised: 26th March, 2021; Article Accepted: 26th April, 2021

... (Indonesian translation by the Department of                                                                     sustaining a sakinah family, it is
Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia,                                                                      considered reasonable for a husband
1990)                                                                                                                wishing to practice polygamy to first ask
                                                                                                                     for the opinion and consent from his wife
 An-Nisa verse 129                                                                                                   so that she will not be hurt. Besides, the
  ‫صت ُ ْم فَالَ ت َمِيلُواْ كُ َّل‬                 َ ِ‫َولَن ت َ ْستَطِ يعُواْ أَن ت َ ْع ِدلُوا ْ َبيْنَ الن‬
                                 ْ ‫ساء َولَ ْو َح َر‬                                                                 wife’s consent is required because it is
ً ‫غفُورا‬                              ْ  ُ َّ    ْ
           َ َ‫ص ِل ُحوا َوتَتقوا فَإِ َّن ّللاَ َكان‬ ْ ُ ‫ْال َمي ِْل فَتَذَ ُروهَا ك َْال ُمعَلَّقَ ِة َوإِن ت‬       closely related to the wife’s position as an
                                                                                                   ً ‫َّرحِ يما‬       equal partner and as a legal subject in a
                                                                                                                     marriage whose dignity and status must be
Which means:                                                                                                         respected. Aside from the obligation to
Ye are never be able to be fair and just as between                                                                  preserve      mawaddah,     sakinah     will
women, even if it is your ardent desire: but turn                                                                    consequently occur and be preserved if
not away (from a woman) altogether, so as to                                                                         both husband and wife preserve rahmah,
leave her (as it were) hanging (in the air). If ye                                                                   namely the act of mutual giving and taking
come to a friendly understanding, and practice                                                                       based on sincere affection upon the
self-restraint, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most                                                                         different positions they occupy, namely as
Merciful. (Indonesian translation by the                                                                             a husband and as a wife, with their
Department of Religious Affairs of the Republic                                                                      respective strengths and weaknesses;
of Indonesia, 1990)                                                                                                 Based upon the holy word of Allah as
                                                                                                                     quoted above, most ulema is of the opinion
       The Court then observed the statements of                                                                     that the fundamental law of polygamy is
experts Prof. Dr M. Quraish Shihab and Prof. Dr                                                                      mubah or halal, namely a permissible act.
Hj. Huzaemah T. Yanggo presented before the                                                                          Even so, the permission to practise
hearing, and it may thus be concluded as follows:                                                                    polygamy is subject to certain conditions,
                                                                                                                     one of them being just treatment.
               The objective of marriage is to achieve                                                              Polygamy may become sunnah or makruh
                peacefulness (sakinah). A man and a                                                                  in nature. This is, however, not caused by
                woman living together in the bond of                                                                 its substance, but due to the condition of
                marriage will receive peace. Beforehand, a                                                           the person practising polygamy, the time,
                man or a woman as an individual                                                                      and the situation as the backgrounds.
                experienced passionate urges which could                                                             Hence, the principle of marriage adopted
                not be channeled, and thus they were                                                                 by the teachings of Islam as indicated by
                unable to achieve peace. The sakinah may                                                             the abovementioned opinion of the expert
                be perpetuated when the couple preserves                                                             Prof. Dr M. Quraish Shihab is the principle
                mawaddah, namely the sincere affection                                                               of monogamy. Polygamy is an exception
                bonded between the two individuals                                                                   which may be sought under certain
                without expecting anything in return but                                                             circumstances, both objectively concerning
                rather merely for the willingness to                                                                 time and place, and subjectively with the
                sacrifice their respective personal wishes                                                           parties (the persons practising polygamy)
                and give pleasure to their spouse.                                                                   within the marriage. Such circumstances
                Therefore, mawaddah is altruistic in                                                                 may normatively be in the form of reasons
                nature, not egoistic. Egoism, namely the                                                             and conditions stipulated by law and
                human nature which desires everything                                                                enforced through certain procedures in the
                pleasing to himself/herself, regardless of                                                           court;
                the fact that such an action will hurt the                                                          One of the most important requirements of
                feelings of his/her spouse, will imply the                                                           polygamy is being fair. Although the term
                purposive disconnection of mawaddah.                                                                 “fair” in its ideal sense which implies the
                With such disconnection from mawaddah,                                                               ability to love one’s wives and children
                sakinah is thus no longer preserved. That                                                            equally is indeed unachievable by mere
                is the reason why, for the sake of                                                                   mortals, despite a husband’s sincere

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(5), ISSN 1553-6939
Article Received: 22th November, 2020; Article Revised: 26th March, 2021; Article Accepted: 26th April, 2021

       struggle to fulfil such a requirement                        “I have only created Jinns and men, that
       according to the Holy Word of Allah in the                   they may serve Me“. Such an
       Letter of An-Nisaa Verse 129 as quoted                       understanding of an act of worship or
       above. Therefore, the term “fair” as one of                  ibadah implies ibadah in its broad sense,
       the requirements of polygamy implies the                     which includes the acts of a human being
       sense of to share (al-qisth), related to the                 in interacting with other human beings
       capacity to provide for one’s wives and/or                   (hablun min an-nas), with other non-
       future wife as well as the born children and                 human creatures, and even with Allah as
       the ones who will be born from the                           his Creator (hablun min Allah). The act of
       aforementioned polygamous marriage.                          a human being in interacting with other
       Also, it is related to one’s capability to be                fellow creations of Allah, including other
       present during certain times and in certain                  human beings, is called mu’amalah, while
       places. Thus, the state as the highest                       the act of a human being in interacting
       organization within a society established                    exclusively with Allah Himself is called
       on the basis of convention, not only has                     ibadah in a special sense. This special
       the authority to regulate (bevoeg te regel)                  sense of ibadah may be further
       but also has the obligation to regulate                      distinguished between the ibadah which is
       (verplicht te regel) in order to realize the                 merely an interaction between a human
       aforementioned fairness by means of laws                     being with Allah (ibadah mahdlah) and the
       and regulations within its authority and                     ibadah with a certain aspect related to
       through their enforcement through the                        human beings and other creations of Allah
       court. This is in accordance with the                        (ibadah ghairu mahdlah);
       principle of fiqh as quoted by Expert Prof.                 Distinction      between      ibadah    and
       Dr. Hj. Huzaemah T. Yanggo, which                            mu’amalah is related to the syari’ah of
       means that “The Government (the state)                       Allah in regulating the aforementioned
       shall take care of its people in accordance                  aspects. Allah has determined certain
       with their collective interest “. Therefore,                 forms of ibadah which are limited in
       according to the teachings of Islam, the                     number, yet the commandments regulating
       state as ulil amri has the authority to                      those forms of ibadah are extremely
       stipulate requirements which must be                         specific (tafshily). Human beings, both as
       complied with its citizens wishing to                        individuals and collectives, have no room
       practice polygamy for the sake of public                     for ijtihad intended to further complete the
       interest, particularly for the sake of                       commandments set forth by Allah and His
       achieving the objective of a marriage,                       Apostles. If the room for ijtihad exists, in
       namely to form a happy and everlasting                       ibadah ghairu mahdlah, the number will be
       family (a household) on the basis of the                     extremely limited and it will consist of
       Belief in the One and Only God, which is                     merely technical issues. At the opposite
       identical to the abovementioned sense of a                   extreme, regarding mu’amalah, Allah has
       sakinah family;                                              not given any specific scope to it. The
      Polygamy, as well as the interaction                         freedom to determine such aspects has
       among human beings, falls into the                           been completely given to human beings.
       category of mu’amalah. Even so,                              The commandments regulating such
       mu’amalah may indeed be considered as                        matters, the syari’ah, only comprise the
       an act of religious observance in a broad                    general guidelines (ijmaly). The remaining
       sense when it is conducted according to                      matters are given to human beings who, by
       the commandments given by Allah                              the Apostle of Allah, are declared as the
       (syari’ah). This is in line with the                         most knowledgeable concerning the issues
       teachings of Islam that it is the duty in                    of their world. “You have better
       every human’s life to worship, pursuant to                   knowledge of your own world“. This is
       Surah adz-Dzariyat Verse 56 which means                      also in accordance with the principle of

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(5), ISSN 1553-6939
Article Received: 22th November, 2020; Article Revised: 26th March, 2021; Article Accepted: 26th April, 2021

       fiqh (qaidah fiqh) in the aspect of ibadah           exceeds the number of men. With respect to this
       which states, “in essence, worship is                argument, the Court is of the opinion that if it is
       forbidden unless there is a commandment              true, it cannot be construed in such a way that in
       which expressly orders one to do so”,                order to practice polygamy, certain requirements
       while the qaidah fiqh in the aspect of               are not necessary. The articles being petitioned for
       mu’amalah states, “in essence, mu’amalah             judicial review state that polygamy is not
       is allowed unless there is a commandment             forbidden. However, in order to guarantee the
       which expressly forbids one to do so “.              realization of the aim of a marriage, requirements
       Due to the fact that polygamy does not               for practicing polygamy are still necessary. Such a
       constitute an act of worship in its special          circumstance is similar to the one when the verse
       sense as intended above, therefore                   regarding polygamy was revealed, namely after
       regulations regarding the requirements to            the Uhud war finished. Back then, many Moslem
       practice polygamy are not contrary to the            men died at the war, resulting in the increased
       teachings of Islam. In comparison,                   number of widowed women and orphans who
       Moslem       pilgrimage     (ibadah      haji)       urgently needed protection. It was under such a
       constitutes one of the five pillars of Islam.        circumstance that practising polygamy was
       Even so, for the sake of well-performed              allowed and legal (halal) for the first time in the
       pilgrimage, the Government regulates                 history of Islam. Even under such circumstance,
       certain requirements for prospective                 the legal practice of polygamy was still followed
       Moslem pilgrims due to the limited quota             by specific requirements, one of them being fair
       of Moslem pilgrims annually.                         treatment. Meanwhile, based on the observation
                                                            conducted by the National Family Planning Board
Limitations on Polygamy                                     (BKKBN) and Statistics Central Agency in 2006
                                                            the number of men exceeded the number of
        The Petitioner argues that limitations on           women, with a ratio of 50.2% to 49.8%, hence the
polygamy have contributed to the high rate of               Petitioner’s argument is not correct. Even if the
divorce, promoted adultery and caused the                   Petitioner’s argument were correct --quod non—
tendency for widowed women to become                        such an issue would have no relationship with the
commercial sex workers (PSK). With respect to               issue of the constitutionality of the norms of the
this argument, the Court thinks that such                   law being petitioned for judicial review;
accusations are the Petitioner’s hypotheses which
are yet to be proven. This is because the results of                 The Petitioner argues that the articles in
surveys performed by several institutions showed            the Marriage Law which relate to polygamy,
the opposite phenomenon, namely that the high               namely Article 3 Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2),
percentage in divorces caused by polygamy is                Article 4 Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2), Article
much higher than the number of divorces caused              5 Paragraph (1), Article 9, Article 15 and Article
by other reasons. Likewise, the Petitioner’s                24, are contrary to Article 28B Paragraph (1), 28E
argument which states that the limitations on               Paragraph (1), 28I Paragraph (1), Article 29
polygamy has promoted adultery has also yet to be           Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2) of the 1945
studied whether amongst the adulterers, there are           Constitution. Concerning the Petitioner mentioned
also husbands having more than one wife.                    above’s argument, the Court is of the following
Adultery and PSK are not related only to the fact           opinion:
that one practices polygamy or not, but also to              The provisions existing to regulate polygamy
other issues, such as the socio-economic condition               for Indonesian Citizens (WNI) whose
of a person and more importantly, they are related               religious laws on polygamous marriage are
to the person’s moral quality (akhlaq). Moreover,                acceptable, because according to Article 2
such arguments cannot be utilized as the bases for               Paragraph (1) of the Marriage Law, a
constitutional review of the norms of the law.                   marriage is legitimate insofar as it is
                                                                 conducted according to their respective
      The Petitioner also argues that polygamy                   religions and beliefs. On the contrary, it will
is necessary because the number of women
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(5), ISSN 1553-6939
Article Received: 22th November, 2020; Article Revised: 26th March, 2021; Article Accepted: 26th April, 2021

    not be accepted if the Marriage Law regulates                   religious observance according to one’s
    polygamy for those whose religious laws do                      religion. The Marriage Law which
    not recognise the practice of polygamy. Thus,                   regulates      the    intended      reasons,
    the difference in such regulation is not a form                 requirements, and procedures of polygamy
    of discrimination, because the regulation does                  is not contrary to the abovementioned
    not discriminate any party, but instead, it                     principles. The Law reinforces such
    regulates according to which matters are                        guarantee as expressly described in
    necessary, while discrimination is the act of                   Elucidation on Article 2 Paragraph (1) of
    giving different treatments towards two                         the Marriage Law which reads, “By the
    similar issues;                                                 formulation of this Article 2 Paragraph (1),
   The articles in the Marriage Law which state                    there shall be no marriage outside the laws
    the reasons, requirements and procedures of                     of one’s respective religion and belief, in
    polygamy, are none other than an effort to                      accordance with the 1945 Constitution.
    guarantee the recognition of the rights of                      That which is intended by in the laws of
    wives and future wives the exercise of which                    one’s respective religion and belief shall
    becomes their husbands’ responsibility as the                   include the provisions of applicable laws
    ones engaging in polygamy in the context of                     for his/her religion and belief insofar as
    realising the objective of a marriage. Thus,                    they are not contrary to or otherwise
    such an effort cannot be construed as being                     provided in this Law“.
    intended to eliminate provisions which allow
    the polygamous marriage. Thus the                               According to Faye Chan, based on the
    description of a condition which requires a             decision, the Indonesian Constitutional Court
    husband who wishes to practice polygamy to              upheld that “Islamic law is not merely a matter of
    be able to give fair treatment is as follows:           private belief, but is determined by what the state
                                                            interprets as ‘Islamic law’, especially when it has
    a. They are not contrary to Article 28B                 social and political consequences” (Chan: 2012,
       Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution,              145). Simon Butt stated that the Court “sought to
       because the provisions regarding the                 justify the government’s restriction of unbridled
       reasons, requirements and procedures of              polygamy by reference to Islamic law, including
       polygamy are not by any means limiting               the Koran” (Butt: 2010, 299).
       the right of every person to found a family
       and procreate through legitimate marriage.           CONCLUSION
       For Moslems, it may be achieved through                     Indonesian Constitutional Court on
       either monogamous or polygamous                      Decision 12/PUU-V/2007 stated that the
       marriage, under the condition that they              provisions contained in the Marriage Law stating
       fulfill the reasons, requirements and                that the principle of a marriage shall be
       procedures of either type of the marriage            monogamy, and that polygamy should only be
       as intended in the Marriage Law;                     allowed under specific reasons, conditions and
                                                            procedures are not contrary to the teachings of
    b. They are not contrary to Article 28E                 Islam. According to the Court, the articles in the
       Paragraph (1), Article 28I Paragraph (1),            Marriage Law which state the reasons,
       Article 29 Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2)           requirements and procedures of polygamy, are
       of the 1945 Constitution either because the          none other than an effort to guarantee the
       conditions required to be fulfilled by a             recognition of the rights of wives and future wives
       husband to be able to practice polygamy              the exercise of which becomes their husbands’
       do not in any way disallow every person to           responsibility as the ones engaging in polygamy in
       freely perform the religious observance of           the context of realising the objective of a
       their adopted religions. Likewise, the 1945          marriage. Thus, such an effort cannot be construed
       Constitution only contains principles                as being intended to eliminate provisions which
       which guarantee the freedom to perform               allow the polygamous marriage. At last, to get
                                                            permit of polygamy in Indonesia still need
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(5), ISSN 1553-6939
Article Received: 22th November, 2020; Article Revised: 26th March, 2021; Article Accepted: 26th April, 2021

specific reasons, conditions and procedures                     6. Internet
fulfiled such as there is a consent from the
wife/wives, the husband is capable of                           7. Mark Forbes, “Indonesia's Constitutional
guaranteeing the living necessities of the wives                   Court          criticises         polygamy”,
and their children, and the husband will give a fair               [
treatment to his wives and their children.                         s-constitutional-court-criticises-polygamy-
        Decision 12/PUU-V/2007 showed that the                     20071004-gdr9fz.html],               accessed
Indonesian Constitutional Court could use the                      19/12/2019.
teachings of religion as consideration. Since the
Petitioner bases his arguments on the teachings of              8. [
Islam, therefore before further considering the                    news/article/indonesia-defense-ministry-
constitutionality issue of the provisions in the                   circulates-polygamy-rules/],      accessed
Marriage Law petitioned for judicial review                        19/12/2019.
through the petition, the Court consider the rules
regarding marriage and polygamy according to the                9. Decision and Regulation
teachings of Islam. Indonesian Constitutional                   10. Indonesian Constitutional Court Decision
Court stated polygamy is allowed, provided that                     Number 12/PUU-V/2007.
specific reasons, conditions and procedures are                 11. Law Number 24 the Year 2003 regarding
not contradictory to the teachings of Islam.                        the Constitutional Court.
                                                                12. Law Number 4 the Year 2004 regarding
                                                                    Judicial Power.
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