The Commencement Exercises of the Academic Year 2021-22 - Dickinson College Sunday, May 22, 2022 Ten O'Clock On the John Dickinson Campus at Old West

The Commencement Exercises
    of the Academic Year

       Dickinson College
          Sunday, May 22, 2022
               Ten O’Clock
On the John Dickinson Campus at Old West
Those attending the Commencement exercises are asked not to smoke. Restrooms are located in Althouse Hall (handicapped access),
 Bosler Hall, the lobby of the Holland Union Building and the Stern Center (handicapped access). A first-aid station will be located
                            between Old West and Althouse Hall throughout the Commencement exercises.

For the health and safety of our community, COVID-19 vaccinations or a negative test is recommended for all guests prior to arriving
    on campus. We ask that no one attend if they have had close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 within
                            10 days of the ceremony or are experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms.

               The Commencement ceremony may be viewed at any time by live broadcast at the following locations:
                                    Althouse 106, Stern Great Room, Bosler Atrium and Weiss 235.
                In the event of inclement weather, additional indoor viewing locations are available at the following:
                  Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium, Stafford Auditorium (Rector) and Allison Hall Great Room.

     The ceremony will be available for viewing via livestream on the Dickinson website at
The Commencement Exercises

T    he first Dickinson College Commencement exercises were held
     in the Presbyterian church on the town square, and the occasion
was something of a public holiday. Professors and students marched
                                                                             The hood is lined with silk in the official colors of the institution
                                                                          that granted the highest degree held by the wearer, while the color of
                                                                          the velvet border indicates the field of study within which the degree
in procession, first from the college buildings in Liberty Alley and      was awarded. Some of the latter designations are as follows: white,
then from our present campus. Each graduate gave proof of his             arts and letters; scarlet, divinity; purple, laws; golden yellow, science;
learning by delivering an address in Latin or English, a practice that    dark blue, philosophy; light blue, education; brown, fine arts; pink,
continued through most of the 19th century. In later years, music was     music; green, medicine; orange, engineering. With the duplication of
introduced as a restorative between orations, and as the number of        college colors, some universities have authorized the use of an entire
graduates increased, the final oratory was reduced to one guest           robe of a distinctive color, and others place an insignia on each side
speaker, rewarded with an honorary doctorate.                             of the front.
   The details of the Commencement procession at Dickinson have              Clerical gowns were worn by the earliest faculty but disappeared
varied, but the order has been preserved. Throughout much of the          early in the 19th century. Curiously, students at Dickinson adopted
latter half of the 19th century, Trustee William Ryland Woodward,         the academic robes at Commencement before faculty, who did not
class of 1838, led the processions, followed by the head janitor, who     appear in gown and hood until the procession of 1904. Previous
wore a tall silk hat and carried the diplomas on a silver tray. In 1897   generations of graduating seniors were distinguished only by their
board member Horatio Collins King, class of 1858, was named the           affiliation with one of the literary societies—the red rose of Belles
first marshal of the college. He led almost all of the processions        Lettres or the white rose of Union Philosophical. During today’s
during the next two decades, holding up a small wooden baton as an        ceremony, graduating seniors who studied abroad during their
ensign of his authority. In the years since, 10 members of the faculty    Dickinson careers wear the flags of their host countries on their
have carried the same baton while officiating as marshal.                 academic gowns.
   In 1950, a more imposing symbol, the college mace, was fashioned          In the college’s early days, a Latin ritual was included in the
by Mary O. Abbott. Carved in cherry and black walnut and                  Commencement ceremony, beginning with an inquiry by the
surmounted by a bronze mermaid, the mace bears the seal of the            president to the trustees: “Placetne vobis, viri admodum generosi, ut
college and bas-relief portraits of John Dickinson, Benjamin Rush         juvenes, qui cursum suum in hoece collegio nuper peregerunt, ad
and Charles Nisbet. Two rings and the finial on the shaft were carved     baccalaureatus in artibus gradum nunc admittantur?” To this one
from the stump of the walnut tree that grew where Denny Hall              trustee solemnly answered for all: “Placet.” The president completed
now stands and beneath which, according to tradition, George              the ceremony with words similar to those used now in English. The
Washington stood as his army passed in review in 1794. Introduction       early diplomas also were in Latin and bore the signatures not only
of the mace into college ceremonies led to the selection of other         of the president but of every professor under whom the candidate
professors to serve as mace bearer.                                       had studied.
   The order of procession is now the marshal, the mace bearer,              The first Dickinson honorary degree was an M.A. awarded to
faculty, administrators, the graduating class and the presidential        Nathaniel Randolph Snowden in 1790. Through most of the 19th
party, which includes trustees and special guests.                        century, masters’ diplomas were awarded to all alumni who, three
   The gowns worn by participants hearken back to the monastic            years after graduation, had given some evidence of being established
robes of the Middle Ages. The hood—worn by clergy and students            in life—a sort of confirmation of the first award. (Once a generally
for warmth in drafty halls—was retained in specialized cases, such        accepted practice in American colleges, this no longer prevails.) The
as academic distinction. In the United States, an intercollegiate         earliest honorary doctorates, awarded in 1792, were in divinity.
commission in 1893 adopted a uniform code requiring bachelors’            Distinguished alumni have been so honored from an early date,
and masters’ gowns to be made of cotton poplin or similar material,       including James Buchanan, LL.D., 1842; Spencer Fullerton Baird,
while silk or rayon is used for doctoral robes. Bachelors’ gowns have     D.P.S., 1856; Moncure Daniel Conway, L.H.D., 1892; and Zatae
pointed, open sleeves hanging to the knee, and masters’ gowns have        Longsdorff Straw, Sc.D., 1937.
closed sleeves, with the arm brought through a slit at the elbow.
Doctors’ gowns have velvet facings down the front and full, bell-
shaped sleeves, each trimmed with three bars of velvet. The black
mortarboard cap is standard in the United States; doctors may wear
a gold tassel, but all others wear black.
Fanfare.............................................................Antonio Soler (1729-83), arr. Oliver
The President’s March .....................................Philip Phile (c. 1734-93), arr. Fetter
“Gaudeamus Igitur”	���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Anonymous
Prelude to Te Deum ......................Gustave Charpentier (1860-1956), arr. Picher
Liberty Song................................................. William Boyce (1711-79), arr. Pound
General Burgoyne’s March	������������������������������������������������������������������ Bellamy Band
Ronde ................................................ Tilman Susato (c. 1500-c. 1561), trans. King
Fanfare and Hymn
  on “Dickinson College”	�������������������������������������������������Robert Pound (b. 1970)

Fanfare............................................................................. Walter Piston (1894-1976)
Pomp and Circumstance
  Military March no. 1 ................................. Edward Elgar (1857-1934), arr. Gale
Procession of the Nobles.......... Nicolay Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908), arr. Snell
Washington’s March .....................................James Hewitt (1770-1827), arr. Fetter
Coronation March .....................Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-93), arr. Gamble
Triumphal March .......................................... Hector Berlioz (1803-69), arr. Olson
Trumpet Voluntary ................................. Henry Purcell (1659-95), trans. Corley

Fanfare & Chorus .......................... Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707), trans. King
Psalm XIX .............................................................Benedetto Marcello (1686 -1739)
Finale.................................... Georg Friedric Händel (1685-1759), arr. Holcombe
  from Water Music Suite in D Major
La Rejouissance�����������������������Georg Friedric Händel (1685-1759), arr. Thomas
  from Music for the Royal Fireworks
Overture����������������������������������Georg Friedric Händel (1685-1759), arr. Thomas
  from Music for the Royal Fireworks
Earl of Oxford’s March ....................................................William Byrd (1543-1623)

                             Conductor: Robert Pound
       Trumpet: Priscilla King, Rick Murrell, Vanessa Shenk, Jeffrey Wohlbach
                        Horn: Jeremy Buss, Michael Harcrow
                    Trombone: Stephen Shiffer, Greg Strohman
                     Tuba: Cody Messersmith, Donald Wagner
                  Percussion: Aaron Trumbore, David Zygmunt

Order of Exercises
*The Processional
  Led by
      Charles F. Zwemer
      Marshal, Professor of Biology

      Robert Boyle
      Mace Bearer, Professor of Physics and Astronomy

  Alumni, representing all Dickinsonians from the decades of the 1960s and beyond, will be standing along the main
  walkway during the processional.

            Evelyn Heagy Schwartz ’67          Debbie DeGroot Masland ’80, P’06             Chris Cocores ’05
            Charles Ulmer ’65                  Holly McLaughlin Tiley ’84                   Emily Cocores ’06
            Susan Rebuck Otway ’75             Cheryl Kremer ’90                            Amy Soba ’21
            Tim Potts ’71                      Arika Updike Hunt ’97                        Maggie Wilson ’21

Land Acknowledgement
  Daisheau L. Player ’22
  2021-22 Student Senate President

The Remarks of the President of the College
  John E. Jones III ’77, P’11

The Phi Beta Kappa Recognition
  Tara Vasold Fischer ’02
  President, Alpha Chapter of Pennsylvania
  Dean & Director of Academic Advising

The Presentation of Awards and Prizes
  The Constance and Rose Ganoe Memorial Award
      Presented by
           Cristian Tineo
           President of the Class of 2022

  The James Fowler Rusling Prize
  The John Patton Memorial Prize
  The William F. Hufstader Senior Prizes
      Presented by
           President Jones

The Announcement of the Elected Young Alumni Trustee
  Douglas J. Pauls ’80
  Chair, Board of Trustees                                                                          *Please stand as able.
The Presentation of the Sam Rose ’58 and Julie Walters Prize at
Dickinson College for Global Environmental Activism
     Accepted by
         Hoesung Lee
         Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Endowed Chair Professor at Korea University
         Graduate School of Energy and Environment, Seoul, Korea.
     Presented by
          Neil Leary
          Center for Sustainability Education Director

The Conferring of Honorary Degrees
 Judith Greenfield Faulkner ’65
 CEO, Epic
     Presented for the honorary degree of doctor of civic engagement by
          Richard Forrester
          Professor of Mathematics and Data Analytics
          Emily Marshall		                                              John MacCormick
          Associate Professor of Economics and Data Analytics           Professor of Computer Science

 Barbara Jatta
 Italian Art Historian, Director of the Vatican Museums
     Presented for the honorary degree of doctor of arts by
          Melinda Schlitt
          Professor of Art History
          Eric Denker ’75 		                                            Todd Arsenault ’99
          Member, Board of Trustees                                     Associate Professor of Art

 Lt. Gen. Laura Anibal Potter ’89
 Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, United States Army
     Presented for the honorary degree of doctor of military science by
          Kevin Krupski
          Professor of Military Science
          Sherwood D. Goldberg ’63		          Rachel Jacobs
          Emeritus Member, Board of Trustees	Assistant Professor of Political Science
                                              and International Studies

 Clarence Page
 American Journalist, Syndicated Columnist and Senior Member of the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board
     Presented for the honorary degree of doctor of public affairs by
          Crispin Sartwell
          Associate Professor of Philosophy
          Amy Worden		                                                  Daisheau L. Player ’22
          Adjunct Faculty in Journalism                                 2021-22 Student Senate President

The Commencement Address
    Clarence Page

 The Conferring of Degrees in Cursu
    John E. Jones III ’77, P’11                                                    Neil B. Weissman
    President                                                                      Provost and Dean of the College

              Elizabeth White-Hurst                                                George H. Stroud
              Registrar		                                                          Vice President and Dean of Student Life

              Crispin Sartwell
              Associate Professor of Philosophy

 The Alma Mater
    Led by senior members of the College Choir

         Noble Dickinsonia
         Alma Mater, tried and true, Noble Dickinsonia,
         Oft our hearts shall turn to you, Noble Dickinsonia,
         How each ancient classic hall, fondest mem’ries will recall,
         Sacred is each gray old wall, Noble Dickinsonia.
              Words by Horatio C. King, Class of 1858
              Mr. King, who practiced law in Brooklyn, N.Y., received the Congressional Medal of Honor in 1897.

 The Ringing of the Denny Tower Bell
    Wheel and Chain members of the class of 2023

*The Recessional
    At the end of the recessional, the graduates will counter-march through the faculty.

 Opening the doors to Old West are alumni representatives Charles D. Ulmer ’65 and Maggie Wilson ’21. As graduates leave
  the platform, each will receive a gift from Bernadette Stout ’07, president of the Alumni Council, and Joanne Adebayo ’21,
Young Alumni Trustee. Immediately following the exercises, the members of the class of 2022 and their families and friends are
                         invited to attend a brunch in the dining room of the Holland Union Building.

                                                                       –5–                                           *Please stand as able.
Honorary Degrees
   Judith Greenfield Faulkner ’65                                                                  Barbara Jatta
Judy Faulkner is CEO and                                                       On June 15, 2016, Barbara Jatta
founder of Epic, a privately                                                   was appointed as deputy director
owned healthcare software                                                      of the Vatican Museums and on
company and the leading                                                        Jan. 1, 2017, was appointed by
medical-record software                                                        Pope Francis as director of the
company in the U.S.                                                            Vatican Museums, becoming the
    Forbes called Faulkner “the                                                first woman ever to guide the
most powerful woman in                                                         extensive papal collections. Her
healthcare.” Her work—in                                                       historic appointment brought Jatta
business and philanthropy—has                                                  instant notoriety. Jatta oversees
been focused on helping sick                                                   more than 200,000 pieces of art,
people recover and creating a                                                  including such masterpieces as
world where children can reach                                                 The Sistine Chapel, Raphael’s
their full potential.                                                          Transfiguration, Augusto di Prima Porta—the icon of Roman
    Faulkner founded Epic in 1979 in the basement of an                        time—and the Gallery of Geographical Maps. Of the great artwork
apartment house with $70,000 in start-up money and two
                                                                               in her care, Jatta has said, “I feel the weight of that,” adding, as a
half-time assistants. Epic has grown by its bootstraps, without
                                                                               devout Roman Catholic, “I do believe art takes you to faith.”  
venture capital or going public. It develops all its software in
                                                                                   Jatta has optimized the visitor experience for the more than 6
house. Based in Verona, Wis., Epic has over 10,000 employees,
                                                                               million people who visit the Vatican Museums each year, extending
holds the medical records of more than 250 million Americans—
                                                                               public viewing hours, expanding entrances and alternative tours and
more than half of all American medical patients—and is used by
                                                                               keeping art accessible by minimizing restoration and instead
2,400 hospitals worldwide. During the pandemic, Epic declined to
                                                                               requiring daily preservation and constant maintenance. Under Jatta’s
charge its customers for COVID-19-related software or services,
                                                                               leadership of the Vatican Museums, Marco Balich debuted a live,
forgoing approximately $1 billion in revenue.
                                                                               multimedia show about the Sistine Chapel, with music by Grammy
    Faulkner and her family have also established the Roots &
                                                                               Award-winning singer/songwriter Sting. In 2019, the Vatican
Wings Foundation to provide vital support to low-income children
                                                                               Museums expanded its global footprint with an exhibition in China.  
and families at pivotal times, when better healthcare, education,
                                                                                   Jatta arrived at the Vatican more than 25 years ago. From 1996 to
shelter and nutrition could mean the most for children’s future. By
                                                                               2016, she was director of the Cabinet of Prints, and in 2010, she
providing assistance that impacts children’s development, the
                                                                               became curator of prints at the Vatican Apostolic Library, where she
foundation is taking steps to address societal problems before they
                                                                               also was a member of the exhibitions, accessions, acquisitions,
emerge. In 2020, the foundation donated $15 million in grants to
                                                                               publishing and cataloguing commissions. Also owing to her
120 different organizations, spanning the fields of basic needs, early
                                                                               commitment, the Vatican Library is now considered to be one of
childhood, healthcare and human rights.
                                                                               the most technologically advanced libraries in the world. She has
    She has also signed The Giving Pledge, committing that 99% of
                                                                               collaborated in and personally organized several exhibitions and
her assets will go to philanthropy. Faulkner has said that she
                                                                               has participated in numerous publishing initiatives in the field of
signed the pledge because she wanted “to help others with
                                                                               the history of graphics and art. For more than 15 years, she
roots—food, warmth, shelter, healthcare, education—so they, too
                                                                               collaborated with the National Institute for Graphic Design, as a
can have wings.”
                                                                               restorer of graphic materials and then on cataloguing the institute’s
    Faulkner is a member of the National Academy of Medicine’s
                                                                               portfolios of drawings, engravings, woodcuts and lithographs.  
Leadership Roundtable and of the Aspen Health Strategy
                                                                                   From 1994 to 2016 she taught at the “Suor Orsola Benincasa”
Group. She graduated from Dickinson in 1965 with a degree in
                                                                               University of Naples, where she ran the course on the History of
mathematics. She earned a master’s degree from the University of
                                                                               techniques and graphic arts at the Faculty of Letters and where she
Wisconsin-Madison in 1967. She is married to Gordon Faulkner, a
                                                                               served as a member of the managing board of the Pagliara
retired pediatrician, who also graduated from Dickinson in 1965.
                                                                               Foundation. She is a member of the scientific council of the Louvre
                                                                               Museum, the international advisory board of the Hermitage
                                                                               Museum and the “Bizot Group,” the committee of the directors of the
                                                                               main museums in the world. She was appointed the order of “Stella
                                                                               d’Italia” by the president of the Italian Republic, the Royal Order of
                                                                               “the Polar Star” by the King of Sweden and the Order of “the Arts
                                                                               and the Letters” by the Minister of the Culture of France.
Honorary Degrees
 Lt. Gen. Laura Anibal Potter ’89                                                               Clarence Page
Lt. Gen. Laura Potter earned her                                             Clarence Page, winner of
commission in the Military                                                   the 1989 Pulitzer Prize for
Intelligence Corps in 1989. She is                                           commentary, is a nationally
a 1989 Distinguished Military                                                syndicated columnist and
Graduate of Dickinson College,                                               editorial board member in the
where she received a bachelor’s                                              Chicago Tribune’s Washington
degree in Russian and Spanish.                                               Bureau. Page also has been a
She holds a master’s degree from                                             regular contributor of essays to
Georgetown University’s School                                               The News Hour with Jim Lehrer
of Foreign Service, Center for                                               and a regular panelist on The
Eurasian, Russian, and East                                                  McLaughlin Group, BET’s Lead
European Studies and a master’s                                              Story, Hardball on MSNBC and
degree in national security and                                              Howard Kurtz’s MediaBuzz on Fox News.
strategic studies from the Naval War College.                                    Among his more recent honors, he was named a 2021 Fellow of
    Potter’s assignments include: Assistant S-2, 19th Support                the Society by the Society of Professional Journalists, along with
Command, Taegu, Republic of Korea; Division G-2 staff officer in             Yamiche Alcindor, Maria Hinojosa and Barbara Walters.
10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry); Low Level Voice Intercept               He also has received lifetime achievement awards from the
Platoon Leader in direct support of 2d Brigade, 10th Mountain                National Society of Newspaper Columnists, the Chicago Headline
Division (Light Infantry); Signals Intelligence Officer, Company             Club and the National Association of Black Journalists. Recently, he
Commander, and Battalion S-3, 704th Military Intelligence Brigade,           received the 2018 Kiplinger award “for distinguished contributions
Fort Meade, Md.; V Corps Collection Manager; Battalion S-3, 302d             to journalism” from the National Press Foundation.
Military Intelligence Battalion and Brigade Deputy Commander,                    Page’s awards also include a 1980 Illinois UPI award for
205th Military Intelligence Brigade, Heidelberg and Wiesbaden,               community service for an investigative series titled “The Black Tax”
Germany; Joint Staff J-2 Intelligence Planner and Executive                  and the Edward Scott Beck Award for overseas reporting in 1976.
Assistant to the Joint Staff J-2; Commander 743d Military                    Before that he was a reporter and assistant city editor for the
Intelligence Battalion, Buckley Air Force Base, Colo.; Military              Chicago Tribune, where he participated in a 1972 investigative
Assistant, then Executive Officer to the 20th Secretary of the Army,         series on voter fraud which also won a Pulitzer Prize for Public
the Honorable Pete Geren. In 2010, she returned to Europe to                 Service.
command Allied Command Counterintelligence, Supreme                              His book Showing My Color: Impolite Essays on Race and
Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, North Atlantic Treaty                     Identity was published in 1996 by Harper Collins and in 2014 a
Organization, then served as the Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence         collection of his columns, Culture Worrier: Reflections on Race,
G-2, U.S. Army Europe and the J-2, U.S. European Command,                    Politics and Social Change, was published by Agate Press.
Stuttgart, Germany. Her most recent assignment was the                       Born in Dayton, Ohio, he began his journalism career as a
Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence Center of                   freelance writer and photographer for the Middletown (Ohio)
Excellence and Fort Huachuca. She assumed duties as the 47th                 Journal and The Cincinnati Enquirer at the age of 17.
Deputy Chief of Staff, G-2 for the U.S. Army on September 14, 2020.              He graduated from Ohio University with a bachelor of science in
    Her deployments include United Nations Military Observer in              journalism in 1969.
Abkhazia, Republic of Georgia; 302d Military Intelligence Battalion              Among other honors, he also has received honorary degrees
S-3, then Deputy Commander, 205th Military Intelligence Brigade,             from Columbia College in Chicago, Lake Forest College in Illinois,
Operation Iraqi Freedom; and Commander, Theater Intelligence                 the Chicago Theological Seminary and the John Marshall School of
Group, Combined Joint Task Force 435, Operation Enduring                     Law in Chicago.
Freedom, Afghanistan. Potter’s awards include the Distinguished                  Page is married, has one son, and lives in the suburbs of
Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal (1 Oak Leaf                    Washington, D.C.
Cluster), Legion of Merit (1 Oak Leaf Cluster), Bronze Star Medal
(1 Oak Leaf Cluster), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force
Commendation Medal, Army and Joint Staff Identification Badges,
the Parachutist Badge, and the Estonian Ministry of Defense, Cross
of Merit, 3rd Class.
    Potter is married to Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Randy Potter.
They have two sons.

The Sam Rose ’58 and Julie Walters Prize at Dickinson College for
                                  Global Environmental Activism
              Honoring Natural Resources Defense Council Co-Founder John Adams

                                                                            Committed to restoring and sustaining the natural world for
                                                                         future generations, Rose and Walters created this prize to focus
                                                                         attention on the need to reduce the impact of human lives on the
                                                                         planet, particularly given the rising population predictions for
                                                                         this century.
                                                                            Dickinson, a national leader and innovator in sustainability
                                                                         education, challenges its students through classroom studies, living
                                                                         laboratories, service learning, student-faculty research and study
                                                                         abroad to build the knowledge and skills needed to create a
                                                                         sustainable world. Courses throughout the curriculum examine
                                                                         and seek solutions to national and global environmental problems.
                                                                         Dickinson’s achievements and leadership in sustainability have
                                                                         earned the highest recognition from the Association for the
This year Dickinson College awards the eleventh-annual Sam Rose
                                                                         Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, Sierra
’58 and Julie Walters Prize at Dickinson College for Global
                                                                         magazine, the Sustainable Endowments Institute, The Princeton
Environmental Activism to The Intergovernmental Panel on
                                                                         Review and Second Nature.
Climate Change.
                                                                            The Rose-Walters Prize is given annually to an individual or
   UN Secretary General António Guterres called the IPCC’s
                                                                         organization that makes a defining difference and advances
most recent report “a code red for humanity.” Its forthcoming
                                                                         responsible action on behalf of the planet, its resources and people.
publications are expected to advance understanding of the risks
                                                                         Previous recipients are Varshini Prakash, executive director and
of climate change for people, the environment and economic
                                                                         co-founder of Sunrise Movement; Armond Cohen, founder and
prosperity as well as response options for limiting the risks by
                                                                         executive director of the Clean Air Task Force; Natural Resources
reducing emissions of climate-changing pollutants, capturing and
                                                                         Defense Council; advocacy organization Our Children’s Trust;
storing carbon and adapting to changes in climate that are not
                                                                         Brett Jenks, CEO of Rare; Pulitzer Prize-winning author Elizabeth
avoided. For decades, the IPCC’s reports have informed and
                                                                         Kolbert; award-winning actor and environmental activist Mark
galvanized action by governments, businesses, nonprofits and
                                                                         Ruffalo; author and environmental activist Bill McKibben; Apple’s
activists to reduce climate change risks. Dickinson and the IPCC
                                                                         vice president of environmental initiatives and former
announced the awarding of the Rose-Walters Prize during the
                                                                         Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson; and
COP 26 United Nations Climate Conference in Glasgow in
                                                                         award-winning nature photographer James Balog.
November 2021.
   Dickinson and the IPCC will work together to plan a joint
symposium on “Climate Action: Science-Based Choices,” to be
held on Dickinson’s campus in October of 2022. The symposium
will feature presentations and dialogues among IPCC and other
scientists, policy makers, business leaders, activists and
Dickinson students and faculty.
   The IPCC plans to use the prize money to further fund the
IPCC Scholarship Programme, which provides scholarships for
Ph.D. students from developing countries to conduct research
that advances understanding of climate change risks and
response strategies.

Candidates for Degree
  Naziru Kamel Abdala, B.S...................... Biology, Environmental Science                                  Thomas Allen Broomell, B.A..........................................Political Science
  Nuhan Bin Abid, B.A.............................. English, Environmental Science                               Derrickah Delia-Marie Brown, B.A..................International Business &
  Hannah Brooke Ableman, B.A...........Educational Studies, Theatre Arts                                                                                                                          Management
  Tiffany Marie Aguilar, B.A...................................................... Psychology                    Elizabeth Adams Brown, B.A.............................................. Law & Policy
  Alice Agyekum, B.S..............................................................Mathematics                    Olivia Jane Buckley, B.A.................................. Anthropology, Psychology
  Leslie Marleny Alas Quijada, B.A................................................ Spanish                       Bryce Edward Burgess, B.S...................................................Neuroscience
  Johannes Abdulai Ali, B.S... Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Biology                                         John Dylan Bustillo, B.A................... International Studies, Law & Policy,
  Dianny Aalyah Almanzar, B.S.......................................................Biology                                                                                                   Political Science
  Julandry Juliette Almonte, B.A.... Latin American, Latinx & Caribbean                                          Elise Anna Butler, B.S...................................................Computer Science
                                              Studies; Spanish & Portuguese Studies                              Marissa Calvert, B.S..............................................Environmental Science
  Nathalee Almonte Martinez, B.A............................International Studies                                Areya Jade Campbell-Rosen, B.A........................................... Psychology
  Amanda Brigitte Amodeo, B.S...........Educational Studies, Neuroscience                                        Carmen Maria Martin Canino, B.S..... Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
 †Paul J. Angeli, B.S..........................................................................Biology           Ethan Max Cantor, B.A........................................................... Psychology
  Sasha Andrea Arefyev, B.S................. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology                                  **Isabel Sarah Cardi, B.S...................................................................Biology
  Alexander Gilmour Arnette, B.S.................. Chemistry, Political Science                                  Timothy Eric Carlson, B.A..............................................Political Science
**Samuel Travers Arnold, B.S..........................Archaeology, Earth Sciences                                Olivia Delfina Carnevale , B.A...... International Business & Management
  Lukas Demetrius Atsalis, B.A...................................................Economics                       Brendan Scott Carr, B.A................. Environmental Studies, Theatre Arts
  Sher Bahadur, B.S.............................. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology                               Inaya Alyse Carrington, B.A........ French & Francophone Studies; Latin
**John Edward Baney III, B.A....... International Business & Management                                                                                  American, Latinx & Caribbean Studies
  Mariel Rebecca Baquedano, B.A.................................. American Studies                               Madeline Reneé Carroll, B.A.............................. Music, Political Science
  Melanie Isabel Barahona, B.A...................................Educational Studies                             Hannah Ginzberg Caskey, B.A............................................Anthropology
 †Julia Marie Barone, B.A................................................................ English                Carolina Celedon, B.A......Latin American, Latinx & Caribbean Studies
 †Robert Maslin Barroll III, B.A........................................Political Science                        Fay Anne Cerniglia, B.A.......................................................... Psychology
  Savid Bahadur Basnyat, B.S.........................................Computer Science                            Julia Sharon Chandler, B.A.....English, Medieval & Early Modern Studies
  Christopher Vincent Bates, B.A..............................International Studies                              Cameron Mary Charron, B.A....................................................Sociology
  Daniel James Bathon, B.A........................................................Economics                      Alexandra Nicole Chroscinski, B.A............................... Classical Studies
  Cameron David Battisti, B.A...................................................Economics                        Christina Hope Chu, B.A.........................Educational Studies, Sociology
  Zakary E. Bauer, B.A........................................................... Law & Policy                   Alexander William Ciardi, B.A................................................Economics
  Bryce Arrington Baylor, B.A....................................................Economics                       Vernon Jacob Cisney, B.A............................ Philosophy, Political Science
  Emily Jordan Bazelak, B.A............................................................ English                **Lisa Madeline Clair, B.A............................................... American Studies
**Alexander Joseph Beaulieu, B.A........................International Business &                                 Elaina Michelle Clancy, B.A................................................ Law & Policy
                                                                                      Management                 Titus Gene Clark, B.A................ International Business & Management
  Emma J. Behta, B.S........................................................................ Physics             Tristan Joel Clark, B.A...............................................Middle East Studies
**Dylan Riley Behun, B.S.........................................................Neuroscience                    Erin Margaret Clarke, B.A...........................................Art & Art History
  Cole N. Benner, B.A...........................................Quantitative Economics                           Alaina Catherine Clemence, B.A................................................. Spanish
**Noelle Rose Bennese, B.A..................................... Environmental Studies                            Asher-Marie Coates, B.A..................................................... Law & Policy
  Theodore Charles Bufferd, B.S............................Environmental Science                                 Adena Maya Cohen, B.A......................................................... Psychology
  Laura Hart Berman, B.S......................... Biology, Environmental Science                                 Adam Michael Colangelo, B.A... International Business & Management
  Ian Michael Beumee, B.A........... International Business & Management                                         Alexandra Leigh Colby, B.A.....................................................Economics
  Morgan Alexandra Biggs, B.S.......................................................Biology                      Ellery Gwendolyn Coleman, B.A.....Art & Art History, Political Science
**Cuba Maxwell Birnbaum, B.A.....................................................Religion                        Thomas Willson Colleran, B.A...............................International Studies
  Jacob David Birnbaum, B.A.....................................................Economics                        Bernard Conaway III, B.A.......... International Business & Management
  Colin Patrick Black, B.A..................................................Political Science                    Anna Rose Conley, B.S.........................................Environmental Science
  Jena Sky Jurnee Blair, B.A.................. Africana Studies, Political Science                               Kathleen Jane Connelly, B.A.........................................................History
  Leah Ashley Blatt, B.A................ International Business & Management                                     Aidan Youngmin Connolly, B.S....... Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
  Sierra Jade Bobb, B.S............................................................Neuroscience                                                                                                   Neuroscience
  Claudia Bonaccorsi, B.A....................................... Environmental Studies                           Caroline Park Cook, B.A............ International Business & Management
  Duncan Tucker Booth, B.A......................................................Economics                        Christian Cordero, B.A............................................................Economics
  Carli Michelle Boyer, B.A.......... International Business & Management,                                       Charles Donald Coriell, B.S.............................................. Earth Sciences
                                                           Spanish & Portuguese Studies                          Logan Robert Wade Cort, B.A...................................................... English
**Benjamin Oppenheimer Brandeis, B.S................................Neuroscience                                 Joanna Nicole Courtis, B.S................ Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  Campbell Adele Breithaupt, B.A............................................. Psychology                         Caitlin Elizabeth Coyle, B.A....... International Business & Management
  Hannah Marie Brenner, B.S.............. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology                                       Jaiden Mercury Cruz, B.S.....................................................Neuroscience
**Briana Alexis Breski, B.A......................................................... Psychology                  Lucas Prial Curran, B.A........................................................... Psychology
 †Danielle Amelia Bridgelall, B.A....................................................Biology                     Jacquelyn Mae Curtis, B.S................ Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
  Darcy Shelton Bromley, B.S.................................Environmental Science                                                                                                                Neuroscience

  *Graduated August 31, 2021
**Graduated February 1, 2022                                                                             –9–
 † Participants
Shengwei Dai, B.S.................. Chemistry: Binary Engineering-Columbia                                   Damian Philip Garrubbo, B.A..... International Business & Management,
  Simran Dali, B.A......................................................International Studies                                                                                                     Italian Studies
  Beau Paré Dana, B.A....................................................... Political Science                 John Anthony Gastright III, B.A.............................International Studies
  Trang Dang Doan Huong, B.S.... Mathematics, Quantitative Economics                                         **Robert Z. Geiss, B.A..................................................................Economics
  Molly Darcy, B.A..........................................................Art & Art History                 †Joseph Seth Gelula, B.A................. Middle East Studies, Political Science
**Frances Warren Darden, B.A........................................................ Russian                   Benjamin James Gemma, B.A................................................. Psychology
  Ainslie Brin Davi, B.A.................................................. American Studies                    Margaret Elizabeth Gerlach, B.A.............Educational Studies, French &
  Sarah Stone Davis, B.A................................................. American Studies                                                                                               Francophone Studies
**Jordyn Nicole Dean, B.A.......... Environmental Studies, Political Science                                   Madison Nancy Gesner, B.A......................................................... English
  Jacob Mark DeCarli, B.A................International Studies, Italian Studies                                Peter Quinn Gibson, B.S...............................................................Biology
**Taj Mahal DeFrance, B.A...........................................Policy Management                          Kyle Matthew Gimmy, B.S............................................................ Physics
  Henry Adam DeGarmo, B.A................................... Archaeology, History                             †Jacob Sebastian Giotto, B.A.......................................................... English
  Hannah Marie DelSordo, B.A................ French & Francophone Studies,                                     Samuel Winsor Glavin, B.A........................ Educational Studies, English
                                                                        International Studies                  McClinton Elias Goeltz, B.A...... International Business & Management
  Zachary J. DeQuattro, B.S........... Mathematics, Quantitative Economics                                     Erik Gomez, B.A.............................................................................. Music
  Marco Di Natale, B.A................. International Business & Management                                   †Gabe Gomez, B.A....................... International Business & Management
  Eli H. Diamant, B.A................................................................. Philosophy              Grace Marie Gontarek, B.A...... Environmental Studies, Political Science
  Chloe Josephine Diamond, B.A................................Educational Studies                              Cameron Shaw Graham, B.S........................................................ Physics
 †Lily Blair Dickason, B.A...................... Environmental Studies, French &                             **Timothy John Graham, B.A............................................ Political Science
                                                                        Francophone Studies                    Victoria Elizabeth Gralla, B.A........................... English, Political Science
  Catherine Anne Dickman, B.A...............English, Environmental Studies                                     Ian Cristo Greenawalt, B.S...................................................Neuroscience
  Victoria Olympia Dionisos, B.S...........................................Neuroscience                       *Eve Hannah Greenberg, B.A............................................... Law & Policy
  Ngan Thanh Do, B.S.............................Computer Science, Mathematics                                 Jacquelin Toni Greger, B.A......................English, Environmental Studies
**Eliora Doblin, B.A........................................................... Political Science              Allison Rose Gressett, B.A.......................................International Studies
  Benjamin J. Doern, B.A.............. International Business & Management                                     Analisa Louise Groble, B.A.................... Environmental Studies, History
  Jacob Daniel Doherty Munro, B.A.........................International Studies                                Imogene Illuminata Gross, B.A................................... American Studies
 †Thomas Kevin Donohue, B.A..................................................Economics                         Hannah Reed Grothusen, B.A.............Economics, International Studies
  Anna June Dougan-Bacha, B.S................................................ Chemistry                        Daniel Patrick Guider, B.S...................................Environmental Science
  Bryce M. Dunio, B.A....................................................... Political Science                 Frederick Guilao, B.A................. International Business & Management
  Scott Cole Durish, B.A............................. Archaeology, Classical Studies                           Di Guo, B.A...................................................................... Political Science
  Samuel Edward Eck, B.S............................................................... Physics                Tristan Nicholas Haas, B.A...........................................................History
  Marshall Rice Edwards, B.A..........................................................History                  Paige Marie Hahn, B.S...................... Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  Ekaterina Egorova, B.S.................................................Computer Science                     †Samuel Michael Halpern, B.A................ Law & Policy, Political Science
  Frances Moulton Elliott, B.S............. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology                                   Zori Kanika Hamilton, B.A..................................................... Psychology
  Sydney Diane Engler, B.A............................Economics, Political Science                           **Brad William Hansell, B.A.......................................................Economics
  Katherine Helen Elizabeth Ennis, B.S..................................... Chemistry                         †Bren G. Hanson, B.A............................................................... Philosophy
  Alexandra Catherine Epstein, B.S........................................Neuroscience                         Cole Thomas Hare, B.A............ International Business & Management,
  Benjamin Vaughan Faintych, B.A.....International Studies, Italian Studies                                                                                                         Quantitative Economics
**Benjamin Shapiro Farrell, B.A........................... Quantitative Economics                              Brendan Walker Harlan, B.A...................German, International Studies
  Harry Bennett Ferguson, B.A...................................Educational Studies                            Patrick Edward Harrington, B.A......................International Business &
  Isabella DeAngelis Fife, B.A...... International Business & Management,                                                                                                                           Management
                                                          Spanish & Portuguese Studies                         Anna Bond Harrison, B.A..........................................................Sociology
  Hillel Paz Hauck Finder, B.S......................................................... Physics                Anna Claire Harvey, B.A..................................... Italian Studies, Russian
  Deanna Victoria Findlay, B.A........................................ Africana Studies                        Tara Shanaya Hausker, B.A......................................................Economics
  Amelia Victoria Fitch, B.A...................................................... Psychology                  Jessica Kim Hayes, B.A............... International Business & Management
**Rachel Sara Flame, B.S...................... Biochemistry & Molecular Biology                                Joshua Caleb Heath, B.A............ International Business & Management
 †William Flannery, B.A................ International Business & Management                                    Erin Marie Heeschen, B.S........................................................ Chemistry
  Jake Hunter Florio, B.A............................................................Economics                 Laney JiaWen Herndon, B.S.................................................Neuroscience
  Bridget Linde Fontaine, B.A................................................... Psychology                    Hannah Yufay Herzon, B.S................ Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  Sadie Rae Fowler, B.A............Educational Studies, International Studies                                  Keagan Matthew Hesse, B.S.............. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  Rebecca Mortimore Fox, B.A.......................................Art & Art History                           Kelly Nicole Hester, B.S..................... Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  Meredith Grace Franchini, B.A............................................... Psychology                      Ronan Michael Higgins, B.A...... International Business & Management
  Amanda Rose Fruman, B.A.................... Law & Policy, Political Science                                  Hannah Marie Hillegas, B.A........................ Anthropology, Archaeology,
**Dominic Michael Fusco, B.A..... International Business & Management                                                                                                                           Classical Studies
  Veronica Marie Galban, B.A.... Environmental Studies, Political Science                                      Khanh Trong Hoang, B.S.............................................Computer Science
  Noah Seth Gamza, B.A...............................................................Sociology                 Matthew Ettinger Hochberg, B.A................................................ Spanish
  Thomas Lucian Gannaway, B.A......................... Quantitative Economics                                  Katelyn Emily Hock, B.A.............................................................. English
**Nathaniel Garcia-Tascione, B.S..................................................... Physics                **Zachary David Hollander, B.S......................................Computer Science

  *Graduated August 31, 2021
**Graduated February 1, 2022                                                                        – 10 –
 † Participants
Ashlan Marie Houser, B.A......... International Business & Management                                          Stephanie Robin Levin, B.S...........................................................Biology
  Noel Brianne Hricz, B.A............ International Business & Management                                        Joseph Henri Lewis, B.S.................... Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  Liang Hu, B.S............. Computer Science: Binary Engineering-Columbia                                     **You Li, B.A.....................................................................................History
  Shikai Huang, B.S.............. Mathematics: Binary Engineering-Columbia                                       Jake Raymond Licht, B.A............................................................. Russian
  Emily Rae Hull, B.A................................................................. Psychology                Arianne Bernadette Lilley, B.A............................................... Psychology
  Liam Elliot Huston, B.A.................................................. Political Science                    Emma Skye Lindsley, B.S.... Educational Studies, Mathematics, Spanish
**Maxwell Philip Hutton, B.A............................................ Political Science                     **Halima Shinkhan Ling, B.A......................................................... Chinese
  Osumanu Imoro, B.A................. International Business & Management                                        Lana Amina Ljoka, B.A........................................................... Psychology
  Joseph Perry Inscoe, B.A.........................................International Studies                         Kaitlyn Grace Loeben, B.A...............................Law & Policy, Psychology
  Genevieve Williams Ireland, B.A............................International Studies                               Jacqueline Grace Logsted, B.A..................................... American Studies
  Luke Askew Jackson, B.A........................................................ Psychology                     Christopher Jonathan Lopez, B.A.....................International Business &
  Kristina Jankovic, B.S....................................................................Biology                                                   Management, Spanish & Portuguese Studies
  Zyon Wesley Jenkins, B.A........... International Business & Management                                        Shannon Esmilla Loughin, B.S....................................Computer Science
  Ethan Kenan Johnson, B.A............................................. Political Science                        Griffin Fredrik Lundquist, B.A.......................... Quantitative Economics
  Jessica Rose Johnson, B.A............................................................. English                 Yu Luo, B.S......................... Mathematics: Binary Engineering-Columbia
  Avery Elena Jurek, B.A............................................................ Psychology                  Nhi Tinh Ly, B.A........................... Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies
**Julia Grace Kagan, B.A............................................................. Psychology                 Sloan Olivia Maas, B.A............... International Business & Management
 †Mohala Anne Kaliebe, B.A.........English, French & Francophone Studies                                         Edward Passano Macfarlane, B.A...................... Quantitative Economics
  Marion Kamikazi Karenzi, B.A.......................... Quantitative Economics                                **Preston Charles MacLean, B.A........................................ Political Science
  Victoria Elizabeth Kaye, B.A..........Economics, International Business &                                      Sophia Rose Mahoney, B.A........................... Classical Studies, Sociology
                                                                                    Management                 **Minh Anh Nguyen Mai, B.A................................................... Psychology
  Jack Vincent Rourke Kedson, B.S................................Computer Science                                Sarah Marie Manderbach, B.S................................................. Chemistry
  Beth Keenan, B.A.......................................................Educational Studies                   **Garrett M. Markey, B.A.............. International Business & Management
  Erin Lynn Kennaly, B.S................................................... Biology, Russian                     Abrahim Marquez-Burns, B.A... International Business & Management
  Tobias Reese Ketchum, B.A.................................. Environmental Studies                              Christine Marsh, B.A.................................................................... Spanish
  Maya Mateel Khoury, B.A......................Economics, Middle East Studies                                    Alyssa Emma-Marie Martin, B.A.........................Law & Policy, Russian
  Jessica Lauren Kiefer, B.A........... International Business & Management                                      Sarah Boyd Mason, B.A...................................... Quantitative Economics
  Mia Kaitlin Kilkeary, B.A........................ Law & Policy, Political Science                              Lilianna Janina Matala, B.S..................................................Mathematics
  Erin Rose Kincade, B.S..................................................................Biology                Ana Maria Matovic, B.A....................................Political Science, Spanish
  John Robert Kirklin, B.A..........................................................Economics                    Maximilian Komei Matsumoto, B.A...... Law & Policy, Political Science
  Alyson Juliet Klaber, B.A............ International Business & Management                                      Kyle Mattison, B.A................................................................... Psychology
 †John Edward Knight, B.A........... International Business & Management                                         William Patrick McCann, B.A...... International Business & Management
  Olivia Keough Kochis, B.A...................................................... Psychology                     Cameron Jalmer McConagha, B.S.......................................Neuroscience
  Julie Ellen Korgen, B.A..............................................Educational Studies                       Elizabeth Michele McCreary, B.S.........................Earth Sciences, History
  Adam Kosiba, B.S.............................. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology                                Abigail Faith McGahan, B.S.............. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  J. Miles Krein, B.A........................................Political Science, Psychology                       Kathryn Ruth McGeehan, B.S..............................................Neuroscience
  Victoria Elizabeth Kremer, B.A..........Medieval & Early Modern Studies                                        Ellen Silvia Drach McInnes, B.A........................................Latin American,
  Jennifer Ann Kremp, B.A........................................................ Psychology                                                                       Latinx & Caribbean Studies; Spanish
  Leah Grace Fule Krotee, B.S.............. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology                                     Madison Gina McIntyre, B.S................................ Anthropology, Biology
  Alexandria Marie Kruizenga, B.S................. Mathematics, Quantitative                                     Mason Scott McIntyre, B.A..................... Law & Policy, Political Science
                                                                                        Economics                Quenelle Washington McKim, B.S... Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  Natalie Ann Krzywiec, B.A.......................................................Economics                      Shane William McLaughlin, B.A....................... Quantitative Economics
  Lindsay Theresa Kuracina, B.A............... Law & Policy, Political Science                                   Katie Scarlett McQuaid, B.S.................................................Neuroscience
  Avani Gautama Kurup, B.A...................... English, International Studies                                 *Camryn J. Meckley, B.S..................... Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  Peter LaBracio, B.A...................................................................Economics                Tarick Mahmoud Mehanna, B.A.............................................Economics
  Maisie Elizabeth Lake, B.S................ Biochemistry & Molecular Biology                                   †Hannah Elizabeth Merrill, B.A...........................................Anthropology
**Kelly Lambertson, B.S.............................................................. Chemistry                  Arek Damian Moczulski, B.S............................... Environmental Science
  Chase Brooks Landis, B.A.......... International Business & Management                                         Grace Marie Moore, B.A............................................................... English
  Brendan Wolff Landy, B.A........................................Educational Studies                            Caroline Loretta Moriarty, B.A.................................Educational Studies
 †Emma Meaghan Lange, B.A................................................... Psychology                          George Alexander Moschos, B.A.............................................Economics
  Emma Sage Latham, B.A..............................................Art & Art History                         **Sayahn Eugene James Mudd, B.A................................................. English
  Caitlin McKenzie Lauritzen, B.S.............................................. Chemistry                      **Hannah Claire Mulcahy, B.A........................................... Political Science
  Samuel Peretz Lavine, B.A............................................................History                   Zoe Louisa Muller, B.S..................................................................Biology
  Anh Hoang Le, B.A............................................. Quantitative Economics                          Meaghan Marie Mullins, B.A........................................................ English
 *Kim Avila Le, B.A........................ International Business & Management                                  Tanay Murdia, B.S............. Mathematics: Binary Engineering-Columbia
  Kyung Jun Lee, B.A............................................. Quantitative Economics                         Alex Pritchard Nash, B.S......................................................Mathematics
  Minkyu Lee, B.S............................................................Computer Science                    Mikaela Natalia Nelson, B.A............................................... Law & Policy
  Nicholas Tyler Leidy, B.S..... Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Biology                                       Ngoc Hong Ngo, B.A.............................. Music, Quantitative Economics

  *Graduated August 31, 2021
**Graduated February 1, 2022                                                                          – 11 –
 † Participants
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