Carillon - "Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called children of God." - Diocese of Calgary
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Carillon the NOVEMBER 2017 Sharing a Catholic perspective on today’s events and issues in the Diocese of Calgary “Blessed are the peace- makers, for they shall be called children of God.” ~ Matthew 5:9 VOLUME 21 • NUMBER 9
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Contents catholic education sunday • Nov. 5 FROM THE remembrance day • november 11 EDITORS Bishop William McGrattan’s Message........................4 Family Flyer: Remembrance Day................................5 Lay Associations Conference.......................................9 Calgary Catholic School District.............................. 11 I remember when Myron and I were dating, so many Holy Spirit Catholic School Division, Lethbridge.... 11 years ago, and we were at my father’s house for Easter AB Bishops’ Letter: Catholic Education Sunday......12 dinner. After dinner, Myron and my father were sitting Medicine Hat Catholic Schools................................. 14 in the living room visiting while I was in the kitchen with Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools, Okotoks...... 14 my sisters. I overheard Myron suggest to my father that he was considering the idea of marriage… but it would be such Conseil scolaire Franco-Sud...................................... 14 a big change in his life. My father agreed and said that every Library News: “Rediscovering the Art of Dying”.....15 man has that thought cross his mind before he marries. Sr. Elizabeth Lynch OSU • Farewell.......................... 16 After a moment, my father continued, “but change is not Canadian Martyrs Church 50th Anniversary............ 16 always for the worse, sometimes it’s for the better.” And so, Strengthening our Parish Communities.................. 17 Myron considered that awesome possibility and proposed Diocesan Dates...........................................................18 marriage only a couple of months later! Now, we have an opportunity to look back at our diocesan St. Mary’s University: “Educating the Heart”...........21 communication strategies over the past 20 years and reflect Diocesan Mission Council.........................................22 on new opportunities to share the Good News using print Carillon Steering Committee Survey........................24 media and social media better. We are inviting you to fill in the survey on page 24 of this edition, and continue on page Front Cover: “Lest We Forget” 23 to give more comments on how The Carillon has been relevant to you and what you would like to see in the new Photo by: Fr. Fred Monk, Medicine Hat. quarterly magazine that will be published starting in 2018. • The article and advertising deadline for the December edition of The Carillon is November 9. Please contact us by phone, (403) 295-8124 or email The Carillon Peace, Monique and Myron Achtman View all issues of The Carillon at The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year Publisher: Bishop William McGrattan • (403) 218-5500 Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary 120 - 17th Avenue SW • Calgary, AB T2S 2T2 Editor-In-Chief • (403) 295-8124 Monique Achtman, Design & Production • (403) 295-8124 Myron Achtman, Advertising to the Catholic Community All current advertising contracts have expired. We are grateful to the advertisers from our local and national Catholic com- THANKS FOR MAKING munity who have supported our publication over the years. Please email monique@ or call (403) 295-8124 for A DIFFERENCE new opportunities for business owners and organizations to To learn more about this promote their services to the Catholics of southern Alberta. CALGARY DIOCESAN OUTREACH that’s making dreams come true, read Mike MacDonald’s blog at @calgarydiocese 3
BISHOP’S MESSAGE Looking Bishop William McGrattan Ahead T he month of November awakens many memories it is — is always somehow linked to the future. In other of people in our lives whose love had a profound words, the work and practice we engage in today must impact upon us. The commemoration of the faith- always be discerned in light of a bigger plan and vision ful departed in prayer on All Souls Day expresses our faith for the future. He spent many hours encouraging practice and hope that family and friends who have died before and figuring out ways to promote the strengths of players us will be born into eternal life. while empowering them to stretch just a bit farther in Like many of us whose parents have passed away, my the development of their talents. own thoughts are filled with memories of my mother and And thirdly, a coach is realistic in discerning the father. In the case of my father, he had a great interest strengths of the opposing team and plans accordingly. in athletics as a youth and I have memories of him vol- Such insights help a coach to make decisions about the unteering as a coach. At the time of his funeral, I came ways to play a team utilizing their strengths and plan- to learn that his nickname among his co-workers was in ning strategies to overcome anticipated and unexpected fact “Coach.” They explained that he received this name challenges. because of an ability to see in others their gifts and tal- I offer these reflections on coaching because they The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year ents which he encouraged them to develop by working serve as an analogy for the role of leadership which I as a team. It is this memory of his impact on others that am being called to exercise in the Diocese through the I carry with me to this day. strategic planning and review the Pastoral Centre while When you think of a coach, it is someone who has an encouraging our parishes to take risks, to refine activi- ability to assess the internal strengths of others and is ties of service and ministry in order to promote the New committed to being a mentor. They intuitively know that Evangelization. individual skills can be strengthened when they plan As I stated at the Bishop’s Dinner in October, it has strategically, by having a common purpose and vision been a year of “firsts” for me in this diocese. A significant- like being on a team. Being a team member allows the ly important part of those initial experiences has been to individuals to rely on others and trust that in sharing meet people, to appreciate the gifts of each person and to their skills, the entire team will benefit. bring people together to embrace the responsibility for Secondly, a coach is a person who knows that no matter its ongoing mission. When I look forward to undertaking what level of experience and skills we have, there is a need this work through the office of bishop in the coming years, for continual improvement. This pursuit of improvement I appreciate the lessons of leadership I have learned from often means that individuals know they are supported my father in being a coach. when they take risks. Some initiatives work out well and At the Pastoral Centre, a Planning Team has been others would benefit from a “do-over,” as they say today. formed to engage in a collaborative process of strategic My father adopted this aspect of coaching with great planning and to prepare for an organizational review. diligence and care. He used to say “practice is necessary They held their first meeting in mid-October and have 4 if you are going to be in the game.” The present — good as committed to the regular sharing of information with
the rest of the Pastoral Centre staff. I echo St. Paul’s Prayer in his Let- The planning process comes from the ter to the Ephesians as I affirm my Haines Centre for Strategic Manage- support for the planning process, my ment with three foundational prem- confidence in the great hope to which ises: planning and change are the we are called and I assure you of my primary responsibility of discerning prayers for each of you. and faithful leadership; the faith com- munity is strongest when everyone “I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus is engaged together; and, the Church Christ, the Father of glory, may give undertakes the mission entrusted to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation her effectively and when she engages as you come to know him, so that, with in prayerful reflection and planning. the eyes of your heart enlightened, you Communication has also emerged may know what is the hope to which as an important and vital part of the he has called you, what are the riches processes of planning and review. of his glorious inheritance among the New technologies and modes of com- saints, and what is the immeasurable munication are emerging. The edito- greatness of his power for us who be- rial board for The Carillon along lieve, according to the working of his with its dedicated editors, Monique great power.” and Myron Achtman, are undertak- ing a similar review to optimize their working together with other forms APRIL 2018 HOLY LAND & ITALY and methods of communication in the Diocese, our parishes and com- munity partners. The Editorial Board P I L G R I M A G E S is working with the decision that The JOIN FR. JACK PEREIRA, V.G. & FR. DAVID MEADOWS Carillon will be published four ON AN EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME! times annually beginning in 2018. A survey has been developed which will allow the input from readers and pas- toral staff about the content, format and focus of the quarterly issues. This survey is in this issue of The Caril- lon and I invite your feedback. In The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year the future, a broader comprehensive review of all communications in the INFORMATION & REGISTRATION MEETING Diocese will support the assessment ON T HUR SD AY , NOVEMB ER 23, 2017 AT 7: 00PM of The Carillon’s distinct place AT ST . ANT H ONY ' S PAR I SH VAT I CAN I I H ALL (5340 - 4 ST R EET S.W. , CALGAR Y ) within the various modes of diocesan communication: i.e. website, social HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE APRIL 10 TO 19, 2018 communication, and news to support $2, 395.00 fo r 10 D ays ( La n d O nl y) * ** 5 SPOT S REMA IN IN G * ** the New Evangelization. ITALY PILGRIMAGE APRIL 19 TO 27, 2018 This is a creative time in the Dio- $2, 700.00 fo r 9 D ays ( La n d On l y) * ** 7 SPOT S REMA I N IN G * ** cese, a time of innovation, of asking I NCLUDED I N BOTH PI LGRI MAGES: DA I LY HOLY MASS, H OTELS, questions and proposing new possibil- TWO MEA LS DA I LY, A LL ENTRANCE F EES TO SI GH TS ON I TINERA RI ES, ities. As we move through the month GROUP A IRPORT TRANSF ERS A ND GRA TUI TI ES of November towards the Solemnity PILGRIMS HAVE THE OPTION OF EXPERIENCING ONE OR BOTH PILGRIMAGES of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of GROUP AIRFARE WILL BE OBTAINED ONCE PILGRIMS REG ISTER FOR EACH PILG RIMAGE . G ROUP ROU ND TRIP FLIGHTS WILL BE ORIG INATING FROM CALG ARY the Universe and the beginning of ALL PRICES ARE IN CANADIAN FUNDS BASED ON DOU BLE OCCU PANCY the Season of Advent, let us be filled with hope, promise and anticipation FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO BOOK CALL 403-461-2748 trusting the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead us through this process of renewal and transformation. 5
Family Flyer… “To Serve and Protect” by Gabriele Kalincak, Director • Life and Family Resource Centre R emembrance Day was first observed throughout the United Nations volunteer, Gabrielle Biron from Montreal, British Commonwealth in 1919 to commemorate who comes out every weekend to volunteer at the orphan- the armistice agreement that ended the First age, and several of the other task force members includ- World War on Monday, November 11, 1918 at the ing MCpl Ann Gunner, who make the time to visit once eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. a month to play with the kids. Sometimes they treat the Every year on November 11, Canadians pause in a kids and bring out a laptop and borrow a projector from moment of silence to honour and remember the men and work to show the kids a movie. Other times they bring women who have served, and continue to serve Canada candies or toys donated either from their own pockets, during times of war, conflict, and peace. Here is a true or from other generous Canadians. You could see in the story of Jason K. Major, G35 Deputy, MONUSCOFHQ, children’s eyes, and those of the staff, how much they a soldier who served in Afghanistan for almost an entire appreciated having us visit, a gesture of compassion and year and most recently served in the Democratic Republic generosity that is sadly not embraced by many other of Congo (DRC). Jason’s story represents many of its kind countries involved in this United Nations mission. and is an example of the outreach conducted through our young men and women in uniform today: “In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a country where the most grievous human rights violations are a daily occurrence, it is hard for anyone to feel optimistic about the future, yet amidst all of the poverty, there still exist some beacons of hope. The members of Op Crocodile recently had the opportunity to take some time out of The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year their busy schedules to extend a small gesture of love on behalf of generous Canadian donors, to one of these beacons, the Tulizeni Orphanage in Goma. As we arrived at the orphanage, we pulled past the guards into a walled compound no larger than a typical suburban property in Canada, where we were greeted by a sea of 86 small African children who were singing, laughing, and dancing. They were extremely excited by our arrival and even chanted, “CAN-A-DA,” over and over again. Some of the smallest and cutest among them would approach and look up longingly with their little arms extended in hopes that they might get picked up and hugged in loving affection, while others would come and hug our legs. Picking a little one up was a touching moment for me as it made me think of my own toddler at home who is truly blessed to have two parents who love her, and will never have to experience the things that these orphans have had to endure. While this was my first time at the orphanage, it was Sr. Georgette Marjorie Thsibang, the orphanage 6 not for many of my fellow Canadians. There is a Canadian manager, took us on a tour of the facility. As we took the
tour of the orphanage, I noticed the very cramped living Family Reflections conditions of the 86 kids currently residing there. There were a few bedrooms filled with many beds. The first one • During family time, talk about family members who we visited had three bunk beds packed into a 10' x 10' lost their lives in a war (WWI, WWII, Korean War, room. The smallest kids sleep here, five to a bed, which other areas of war or conflict). Who were these family makes for a room that houses 30 kids. We also visited a members? Did you know them or did other family larger room, which was also packed with beds. We were members tell you about them? What is their story? told this was the room where the older girls (13-17) who had been raped, lived with their babies. My heart sank as • Do you have family members in today’s Armed I looked at the number of beds that were crammed into Forces? Do you know where they are serving, where the room. To add to this, when I heard about all of the they served and/or where they are now? expenses I was shocked. It costs 195 USD per kid each year to go to school. Even just the operating cost for food • Invite a family member, or a friend, who is presently is another 100 USD per day to feed the orphans a modest serving in the military, to your home to share their amount of food. experiences. I couldn’t help but think that this place could really use more support and funding. They mentioned that • Encourage your family to develop a prayer that they recently had to return several kids to the internally includes praying for those who have lost their lives displaced persons (IDP) camp because they just couldn’t while trying to protect others; and praying for those afford to keep them and provide for them anymore. All who are risking their lives to help those in need. of this comes in the midst of trying to build a new or- Recite this family prayer throughout November. phanage just outside of town; however, while the land has been purchased, the project is a long ways off. The project hopes to increase their capacity, decrease the cost Heavenly Father, protect the of schooling by having an on-site school, and includes men and women of our Armed Forces living quarters for the staff. as they go about their duty trying, On this day, after the singing had settled down and to the best of their ability, to protect the tour completed, the task force commander, Col Pierre those who are in harm’s way. “Pete” Huet, on behalf of a group of Canadian donors, and alongside the members of Op Crocodile, presented Equip them with the strength and a large cheque donation of 2783 USD (4000 CAD before dignity to act on Christian values conversion) to the Tulizeni Orphanage to assist with the so that they can be true tuition expenses. The excitement of the kids and grati- ambassadors of Christ. The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year tude of the staff radiated and, not surprisingly, triggered Let your Light shine on those whom the next round of singing and excitement. There was so you have called home, much energy that the kids swarmed around Col Huet away from the chaos of and hilariously attempted to pick him up and put him war and conflict. on their shoulders to carry him around as they cheered. May they enjoy their eternal rewards. After the handshaking and the many gestures of thanks, they saw us off with big smiles and waves as we Guide us in prayer as we remember departed to get back to our primary task of combatting those who have gone before us; armed groups and protecting civilians in the DRC. If and those who protect us at the anyone would like to make a difference in the lives of present time. these orphans, you can contact the task force adjutant May we always recognize by email at” the sacrifices made by others so that we can live in peace, You can also send your cheque to Mission Council at the Catholic and may we be open to do our part Pastoral Centre, 120 - 17th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2S 2T2, Attn: to help make the world Tulizeni Orphanage in Goma. Sr. Rita Kim, coordinator of Mission a better place for all. Council, will gladly forward your contribution to Sr. Georgette Thsibang. It just so happens that both Sisters speak English and AMEN French and belong to the Franciscan Order. 7
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Lay Associations Conference with Bishop McGrattan by Fr. Adrian Martens, Vicar for Lay Associations L ay associations in Calgary have a rich and diverse history. Groups of women met early in the Diocese’s history, with some later merging into the Canada- wide lay association of the Catholic Women’s League. FR. ADRIAN MARTENS The Knights of Columbus came to Canada from the USA forming the first Knights of Columbus council in 1897. The work that Bishop Emeritus Henry continued after Couples for Christ and the Charismatic Catholic Renewal Bishop Paul O’Byrne, before him, continues now through have placed great emphasis on the Christian renewal Bishop McGrattan, with the appointment of a Vicar for of the family. These are just a small sampling of the lay Lay Associations. The Diocesan Office of Lay Associations associations operating in the Diocese today. will help you with whatever you need for your Christian Pope St. John Paul II in The Christian Lay Faithful or work in the Diocese. We want to empower you through Christifideles laici spoke about this increase in the life the sacrament of baptism that sent you into to world to of the Church: “In recent days the phenomenon of lay preach and live the Gospel. people associating among themselves has taken on a While private lay associations and defacto associations character of particular variety and vitality. In some ways have an independence for “the building up of the body lay associations have always been present throughout the of Christ” [Eph. 4:12], the Code of Canon Law makes the Church’s history as various confraternities, third orders important apostolic point that, “Associations of any kind and sodalities testify even today. However, in modern are subject to the vigilance of the Holy See; diocesan as- times such lay groups have received a special stimulus, sociations and other associations to the extent that they resulting in the birth and spread of a multiplicity of group work in the diocese are subject to the vigilance of the local forms: associations, groups, communities, movements. ordinary,” [CIC 305 §2, Tit. 2:15]. We can speak of a new era of group endeavours of the Plan to attend the first Lay Associations Conference lay faithful. In fact, ‘alongside the traditional forming of with Bishop McGrattan. Registration details can be seen associations, and at times coming from their very roots, on page 18, Diocesan Dates, November 18. movements and new sodalities have sprouted, with a When you register your association with the Diocese specific feature and purpose, so great is the richness and on the event page you will receive updates from the Dio- the versatility of resources that the Holy Spirit nourishes cese and the Bishop, and your association will be placed in the ecclesial community, and so great is the capacity on the website, when approved. of initiative and the generosity of our lay people,’” [29]. The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year In the same document St. John Paul II talks about the “Criteria of Ecclesiality” for Lay Groups making important points that all lay groups must consider: Honouring Faith & Family - Forever. 1) “The primacy given to the call of every Christian to The Good Shepherd Catholic Cemetery holiness” 2) “The responsibility of professing the Catholic faith” Blessed and officially opened by The Most 3) “The witness to a strong and authentic communion Rev. Paul J. O'Byrne, Oct. 28, 1992. in filial relationship to the Pope… and with the local Discover the convenience of a cemetery, Bishop” funeral home and cremation centre - all at one location. Tours available. 4) “Conformity to and participation in the Church’s apostolic goals” Free Information Kit. Call 272-9824 5) “A commitment to a presence in human society” MOUNTAIN VIEW 6) And “fundamental criteria” is the “actual fruit that MEMORIAL GARDENS & FUNERAL HOME 17th Avenue SE & Garden Road (100th Street) various group forms show in their organizational SERVING THE CALGARY AREA SINCE 1952 life and the works they perform” 9
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Sharing the Good News of the Gospel by Jennifer Woo, Director, Instructional Services, Religious Ed. & Family Life, CCSD C atholic schools are privileged Knowing the truth of God’s love, to share in the saving mission students discover their inherent of the Church by providing goodness, learning that they and all education in the faith. Cultivating people have been created in the image thoughtfully selects service activities wisdom and virtue by nurturing of God who alone is good. Goodness is that provide students with service truth, goodness and beauty, students expressed, according to Pope Francis, learning opportunities to help them come to know, glorify and love God. In by drawing near to others. We see grow in faith. In Calgary Catholic, addition to educational content, these this exemplified in schools in many students have served others through attributes are taught and learned different ways. One school prepared a variety of activities such as food, through the practice of the faith and an image of a large cross made up clothing and coin collections, justice learning opportunities, which inte- of paper hands of different tones fairs, breakfast clubs, being in soli- grate instruction with service. to demonstrate that all people are darity with the homeless, and more. The Truth that we share is Jesus created equally and must be treated Some schools integrated quotes from Christ and it is expressed in knowing with dignity and respect. One school Pope Francis’ book, Dear Pope Francis, the truth of God’s love and mercy provided items for newborns while to reinforce responsibility to care for for each person and by fostering others spent time with seniors or with one another. a relationship with Jesus Christ. the L’Arche Community. By fostering faith through truth, In the Calgar y Catholic School Recognizing that all people have goodness and beauty, Catholic schools District, students grow in truth dignity, students experience and perform an invaluable service. In the through such activities as Youth for know beauty by serving others. Ser- Calgary Catholic School District, we Christ, Alpha, pilgrimages, retreats, vice is fueled by joy that gives hope work to share the Good News of the liturgies, prayers, devotions, and by and affirms the work and action of the Gospel with our students, who can participating in the sacraments. Holy Spirit. Each school community then, in turn, share this with the world. Preparing for Catholic Education Sunday Submitted by Anisha Gatner, for the Holy Spirit Catholic School Division, Lethbridge C atholic Education Sunday is greater understanding of the founda- The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year a time that allows us to re- tions of our Faith. This encouraged member how fortunate we are purposeful study of the Gospels and in this province to be able to offer an appreciation for Christ’s endur- publicly funded Catholic education. ing love through the Eucharist. Our Our schools provide our children second year inspires us to “Grow in with an environment where they can Spirit” together. Expanding on our learn to be witnesses to the love of knowledge of Jesus through Scrip- Christ, and to keep their eyes ever on ture, we hope to know Him more Jesus. Since our Faith and our living deeply in our hearts by nurturing cannot be separated, our Catholic this relationship through prayer. Faith permeates everything we do In celebrating the gift of Catholic as educators. Education in Alberta, we are grateful This year, Holy Spirit Catholic to both God and our provincial par- Schools will remain focused on our ish family that loves us, supports us, Faith Plan, Growing in Faith Together and stands up for us. Please continue (GIFT). Our guiding image for this to pray with us and for us. Along with plan is a beautiful tree that will our students, our families, our staff, be revealed over three years. The and our parishes, we look forward to aim of the plan’s first year was to a beautiful year of Growing in Spirit Rooted in Christ be “Rooted in Christ,” developing a together! Growing in Spirit 11
The Catholic Bishops Les évêques catholiques of Alberta and the de l’Alberta et des Northwest Territories Territoires du Nord-Ouest 8421 - 101 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6A 0L1 | T 780.469.1010 F 780.465.3003 8421 - 101 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6A 0L1 | T 780.469.1010 F 780.465.3003 Sharing the Good News about our Human Nature Catholic Education Sunday 2017 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is Pope Francis pleasing, is leading whatever our Church into is commendable, a process if there is any of two (2) consecutive excellence and if thereSynods on the is anything Family. worthy of Therefore praise, thinkin about this synodal (Philour experience, these things.” 4:8). This teaching Church provides from St. an us with Paul captures to opportunity well theatheart look and of Catholic deepen oureducation. appreciation Woven for andthroughout, commitment andto uniting, Catholicthe rich variety education of reliance with its activitieson, thatbutunfold also daily in our for its support schools is the Catholic mission family to "thinkinabout life. Indeed, these Catholic things." Therefore, educational circles, weit often is incumbent upon hear mention everyone involved in the ministry of the Family-Parish-School of Catholic axis or tripod on whicheducation and aroundto ensure which thethat by means education of ourof our curriculum young people content, extra-curricular activity, and Christian witness, our students are immersed in happens. the true, the good, and the beautiful and helped to ponder them deeply in the light of our Catholic faith. The placing of the word ‘Family’ first in the ‘tripod’ is not accidental, because the initial education Truth and faith witnessing for children is within the family. In 2006 our bishops issued a letter on this, The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year In his message entitled, for World “The Parent Communications and the Catholic School.”DayAndearlier this year, certainly in ourPope Francis schools observed: we find many "The early Christians children who arrive compared the human having already mindato received a constantly good grinding start on the journeymillstone; it istheir of faith, from up to the miller to determine families. However, not what it will only grind: is this good wheat increasingly or worthless not the weeds. case, but also Our today we find mindsmanyare always young “grinding”, but it to people coming is our up to us to choose Catholic schoolswhat who to dofeed thema(cf. not have SAINT Biblical JOHN CASSIAN, understanding of human Epistle to nature itselfThe Leontius)." andhuman who are,mind seeks on such naturally completely questions, to know what is true.on dependent Truth is a person, the opinions of theJesus Christ, ‘popularwho reveals Himself as "the Way, the Truth and the Life" (John 14:6). In Catholic culture.’ education we feed the minds of our beloved students with truth by facilitating their encounter with the Truth, who is Jesus. This latter fact is a major challenge for Catholic schools and education but at the same time, is Goodness this not a great opportunity and occasion for evangelization? "God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good." (Genesis 1:31) Catholic education seeks to help our students be aware of their own inherent goodness as children made in the image and likeness of God. Modern communications media, with its many illusory Catholicism and therefore Catholic education has a rich and beautiful “Good News” about our messages about what is "good," can distract our students away from this awareness. By placing human nature in the light of our Risen Lord. Our Church’s proclamation on our humanity and before them therefore thethe Word family of its finds God, traditional foundation devotionals in the and the of life and preaching celebration of lived Jesus, who the sacraments, and grew up in the family of Nazareth. 12
2 Catholic education offers our students the opportunity to be silent and hear the voice of God summoning them to holiness and assuring them they are His beloved. Beauty By helping our students look upon reality through the lens of divine revelation, we lead them to see the beautiful in what a purely human gaze often perceives as unattractive, namely, in the faces of persons who are poor, sick, suffering and alone. Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of individuals and in the wider community by challenging students to recognize the inherent beauty and worth of every person, and to serve others, especially the poor, with compassion and justice. By embracing the call to serve, the active response of our students to anyone in need holds strong transformative potential for a world seeking justice, peace and unity. On Catholic Education Sunday, we give thanks to God for this beautiful ministry of the Church. By the help of His grace, may we enable our students to ponder the true, good and beautiful, and thus come to realize how God is present and at work in the world and in every moment of their lives, leading them to salvation. Catholic Bishops of Alberta and NWT Most Reverend Richard W. Smith Most Reverend William McGrattan The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year Archbishop of Edmonton Bishop of Calgary Most Reverend Gregory J. Bittman Most Reverend Gerard Pettipas CSsR Auxiliary Bishop of Edmonton Archbishop Grouard-McLennan Most Reverend David Motiuk Most Reverend Mark Hagemoen Bishop of the Ukrainian Eparchy of Edmonton Bishop of Mackenzie-Fort Smith Most Reverend Paul Terrio Bishop of St. Paul 5 November 2017 13
School Consecrations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Ron Blackmer, Principal of St. Michael’s School, Medicine Hat I n honour of the 100th anniversary Fatima and the appearances of Our of the apparitions of our Blessed Lady urging them to pray the rosary Mother at Fatima, schools within for the conversion of souls. Students the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of and staff prayed the rosary followed students to understand our devo- Education, as well as the Catholic by a special consecration prayer and tion to Mary and how God chooses Education Office, consecrated their school blessing by Fr. Tomy Manjaly. even children to spread his salvation buildings, staff and stu- throughout the world. The dents to the Immaculate consecration celebration Heart of Mary. This initia- held at St. Michael’s on tive follows the consecra- Tuesday, October 10, was tion of our country and part of the school’s ongo- dioceses by bishops and ing devotion to our Blessed parishes by priests earlier Mother which consists of a this summer. weekly rosary making club Director of Religious and rosary lunch club. Education of Medicine Hat We have such a tremen- Catholic, Jill Wilkinson, dous freedom in our Catho- assisted administrators of lic schools to educate our various schools, with parish priests, Our Catholic Faith is so rich in children in meaningful, life altering to officially consecrate the schools meaningful traditions, which are experiences. This was one such mo- in prayer services during the month imperative for our children to expe- ment that I pray will remain with our of October. At St. Michael’s School, rience. The story of Fatima and the students and staff throughout their students were reminded of the story examples of St. Jacinta, St. Francisco schooling experience and in years to of the three shepherd children of and soon to be canonized, Lucia, help follow. The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year A Message from Dr. Scott Morrison, Superintendent Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools, Okotoks I T n Christ The Redeemer (CTR) Catholic Schools, our he FrancoSud School Board was created in Au- priority is hiring and forming practicing Catholic gust 2013 following the merger of the Southern teachers who permeate their classrooms with faith Alberta Catholic and Francophone School Board every moment of every day. Catholic schools are open and the Southern Alberta School Board. We have more to all students who desire a faith based Catholic educa- than 3400 students attending 14 Francophone schools, tion, and it is our goal to invite all of our students, those four of which are Catholic. The students from Ecole Notre who are Catholic and those who are not, into as full of a Dame de la Paix and Ecole Ste. Marguerite Bourgeoys will participation into our life of faith as is possible. Catholic celebrate Catholic Education Sunday Mass on November 5 education is a special gift and this gift is for all who desire at Ste. Famille Church in Calgary; and the students from it! We strive to be a bridge builder between students/par- Ecole Notre Dame de Valées will celebrate Catholic Educa- ents and the parish. Please pray for us as we endeavour tion Sunday with students from local Catholic schools at 14 to live our vocations with love. St. Mary’s Church, Cochrane.
LIBRARY NEWS Carol Hollywood and Jane-Rose Ediau (403) 218-5510 Rediscovering the Art of Dying Rediscovering the Art of Dying: unbearable physical pain. Reasons usually include psy- How Jesus’ Experience and Our Stories Reveal a chological distress, uncertainly about what will happen, New Vision of Compassionate Care loss of control and fears of abandonment, loss of dignity, by Nuala Kenny • Toronto: Novalis, 2017 or guilt about being a burden. Yet much of this suffer- ing can and should be relieved, and the suffering that is I n the archives of the Sisters, faithful inevitable can be a positive and redemptive companions of Jesus there are wonder- part of life. ful stories about Sisters past and pres- Here we are challenged by suffering in ent. Particularly striking is the beauty and life and the reality of death. The issue of care expressed in the stories of the Sisters’ euthanasia requires that we confront these deaths, each recounted in loving, respectful issues in the light of our faith and consider detail. Each moment is told in an honest what makes a “good death?” This book helps appraisal of the pain but also with a joy us pick through the ethical issues, giving that looks towards the goal – the meeting us the tools with which to have those dif- with God in Heaven. These stories come ficult discussions with family and friends. from days when few palliative measures Far from being depressing, this book gives were known and yet death was regarded, us the gift of greater understanding of our not as the terrifying medical event it so world and our God. It has given me a deeper often is portrayed as today, but as a natural understanding of and respect for the stories and important culmination of life draw- of the Sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus. ing the community together to attend to the dying one. The book is available at the Catholic Pastoral Centre The Sisters truly practice the “ars moriendi” the art of a Library, from Novalis ( or through your good death. favourite bookstore. The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year Sr. Nuala Kenny invites us to reflect on suffering, illness, dependence, disability and death. Far from be- ing depressing, this is a journey through Jesus’ Passion setting it against vignettes of patients experiencing and making choices in our present-day medical system. Sr. Nuala is a sure guide; a Sister of Charity of Halifax, a medical doctor, and a writer in the fields of health care and ethics, she has received many honours, including the Order of Canada. Sr. Nuala wrote this book in response to Canada’s heartbreaking journey towards the legalization SERVING FAMILY ENTERPRISES of medically assisted dying in Canada in 2015. Having SERVING FAMILY ENTERPRISES been on the front line of resistance she was dismayed Strategic Planning that in our secular culture individual rights outweighed StrategicGovernance Corporate Planning all other considerations. Can Catholic ways of seeing still Corporate SuccessionGovernance Planning Mergers & Acquisitions Succession Planning find understanding in world where the idea of medically assisted death is normalized? Here she shares courage, Mergers & Acquisitions Paul Moynihan, President wisdom, and consolation with her readers. Sr. Nuala finds that so much that we hear from sup- Paul Moynihan, President (403) 651-9365 porters of medically assisted death is untrue. In her experience only rarely do people request death due to (403) 651-9365 15
A Fond Farewell to Sr. Liz by Sr. Terry Smith, fcJ for the Women Religious in the Diocese S ister Elizabeth Lynch has been were from the USA, one from Cha- a member of the Sisters of St. tham, ON and a postulant was from Ursula of the Chatham Union for Toronto. The superior was Sr. Angela 63 years. Growing up in what is now Sidley. The order was independent of called the district of Cliff Bungalow, other Ursuline communities and was who entered from the West travelled she attended Holy Angels Elementary officially called Calgary Ursulines, a to Chatham for their religious forma- and Junior High School and St. Mary’s corporation unto themselves. They tion. The Sisters in our diocese opened Girls’ High School in Calgary. Since established the first English speaking a convent in Drumheller in 1935 to her profession and training to be a novitiate in Western Canada. respond to the bishop’s request for teacher, she has been missioned to The Sisters taught in St. Anne’s, social workers in that town. They also Ridgetown, ON, Rockyford, AB, and Holy Angels and Sacred Heart Schools taught music and kindergarten. For Edmonton. She taught elementary and in later years at St. Charles, St. many years Ursulines gave catechism grades over a course of 19 years and Paul, Forest Lawn, St. Margaret’s classes to students of public schools then moved into pastoral ministry in and St. Francis High schools. They on Saturdays and did the same in Stratford, ON, Drumheller, AB and also had a music school in Calgary. In various country places during the Calgary. In Calgary she also served as 1929, they were asked to send Sisters summers. a diocesan chaplain in long term care to Rockyford. There they taught at Sr. Elizabeth, the last Ursuline and worked with AHS in Chaplaincy St. Rita’s and had boarders from the of Chatham in our diocese, will be at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. country during the week. leaving Calgary in mid-November. It was 1921 when the first Ursu- In 1934, the Calgary Ursulines We thank Sister and all of her con- line Sisters came to the Diocese at were amalgamated with the Chatham gregation who so generously served the request of Bishop McNally. Two Union of Ursulines. Young women southern Alberta. 50th Jubilee Anniversary of Canadian Martyrs Parish Submitted by Joanne Allen and Peter Farkas, Canadian Martyrs Parish • Photo by Victor Panlilio O n September 23, we celebrated pel message: “…the first will be last Forte from the 10th Anniversary, “… the 50th Anniversary of Cana- and the last shall be first” [Matthew through it all the families of Canadian The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year dian Martyrs Parish. It was 20: 1 - 16] At the beginning of the 50 Martyrs formed a strong community a joyous event capping off a year of years, the parishioners built up the of faithful and loyal people that work special events and planning. The choir, parish memories with many sacra- together in a most remarkable man- under the direction of Andreas and ments performed; and now the new- ner….” In a toast to the priests who Kathryn Berko, was jubilant in song. est parishioners continue on! had served, and continue to serve as Kathryn composed The Mass of the Following the Mass, parishioners the parish’s pastors, being men who Canadian Martyrs, while Caroline Pan- and guests attended a dinner and had brought life to the inanimate lilio composed the Responsorial Psalm. gathering at Varsity Community Hall building — no matter how beauti- where we enjoyed speeches and par- ful — and the visible results of 50 ish entertainment along with the St. years of their dedicated, visionary Francis School Jazz Ensemble. With hard work, all rose in their honour 250 people present, the mood was cel- and in thanks to those pastors absent ebratory and included much visiting or whom have gone before us. among parishioners, past and pres- The Closing Hymn at the Mass ent, including pastors. Fr. Vincent’s echoed the 50th Anniversary theme: “We address traced the pioneer spirit of are a pilgrim people, we are the Church Bishop McGrattan spoke elo- the Canadian Martyrs to the parish’s of God. A family of believers, disciples of quently about a church building and first priest Msgr. Joseph Le Forte and the Lord. United in one spirit, ignited by its relationship to the community other founding parishioners, some of the fire. Still burning through the ages, 16 over 50 years. He reiterated the Gos- whom were present. Quoting Msgr. Le still present in our lives.”
Barb Raleigh-Smith Deacon Stephen Robinson Online Training for Abuse Prevention Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults: The Vision and the Process To enroll in online abuse prevention training: Pope Francis spoke the following words to the Congress 1. Go to the website, on Child Dignity in the Digital World on October 6, 2017: (note that the website name is case sensitive) “The Gospel speaks to us of the affection with which Jesus 2. Enter the registration code: diocal welcomes children; he takes them in his arms and blesses 3. Fill out the form and click the link to enroll (choose them [cf. Mk 10:16], because ‘it is to such as these that the your own parish from the drop-down menu) kingdom of heaven belongs’ [Mt 19:14]. Jesus’ harshest 4. Print the page or write down your user login and words are reserved for those who give scandal to the little password for future reference ones: ‘It would be better for them to have a great millstone 5. To begin taking training immediately, click the link fastened around their neck and to be drowned in the or follow the instructions below to login later depth of the sea’ [Mt 18:6]. It follows that we must work to protect the dignity of minors, gently yet firmly, opposing To begin training: with all our might the throwaway culture nowadays that 1. Go to the website, is everywhere apparent, to the detriment especially of the 2. Enter your user login and password. Then click weak and the most vulnerable, such as minors.” Login. Every day, the vision of protecting minors and vul- 3. Click on the course image or title to begin. Several nerable adults is continuing to become more and more courses are listed. The common initial training integrated into the mainstream of our lives. We pray that courses are: Meet Sam, It Happened to Me, Keeping there will come a time when what we do to prevent even Your Church Safe, and Your Policies. Annual the possibility of abuse—sexual or otherwise—will seem refresher courses are assigned by your parish as natural as buckling our children’s seat belts or waiting screening coordinator depending on your role (see below). The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year for the little ones to cross the street at a crosswalk. 4. Email your completion certificate to your parish Praesidium™ Online Abuse Prevention screening coordinator and ministry coordinator. Training for Clergy, Staff, and Volunteers Across all of the Canadian dioceses, the Catholic com- Annual refresher training: mitment to safe environments grows. Abuse prevention For those serving minors the refresher modules are: education is a major plank in the construction of safe • 2017 - Abuse Prevention Refresher environments. Consistent, high-quality training for the • 2018 - Duty to Report Mandated Reporter entire ecclesial community is a critical component to sys- • 2019 - Bullying tematically improve protection of minors and vulnerable • 2020 - Social Media adults. All clergy, staff, volunteers serving the vulnerable For those serving the elderly the refresher module is: sector, and parish leaders are required to complete initial • 2017 - Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect abuse prevention training and annual refreshers. Any parishioner may have access to our training to keep the The Diocese of Calgary, with assistance from our civil vulnerable safe. authorities, will meet or exceed the safe environment Both initial training and annual refreshers in abuse standards set out in our protocols Strengthening Our Par- prevention are offered in the online format. Ask your ish Communities. Contact your pastor, parish screening parish screening coordinator if you have already been coordinator, email or enrolled for online training in abuse prevention. You can or telephone (403) self-enrol through the Praesidium™ website, as follows: 218-5549 with any questions or concerns. 17
Diocesan Saturday, November 18 Holy Spirit CWL Craft Sale Dates More than 40 tables of handcrafted gifts. Place: Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 10827 - 24th Street SW Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Contact: Gail Poshtar, or phone (403) 803-6543 Tuesday, November 7 Sunday, November 19 Planting a Future: Planned Giving Seminar Family Model Boat Building Retreat Place: Catholic Pastoral Centre, 120 - 17th Avenue SW Theme: “Jesus and His Fishing Buddies” Time: Registration 1:30 p.m.; Session: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. With Sr. Madeleine Gregg, fcJ Contact: Doreen Thibeault, (403) 218-5522 Place: FCJ Centre, 219 - 18th Avenue SW Time: 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. Sunday, November 12 - Tuesday November 14 Cost: Parent and one child, $50; Family, $80 Parish Mission: Looking for Jesus Contact: FCJ Centre, (403) 228-4215 With: Fr. Tomas Rosica, CSB Place: St. Anthony’s Church, 5340 - 4th Street SW Monday, Nov. 20 and Friday, Dec. 8 & Saturday, Dec. 9 Time: (Sunday evening to Tuesday evening) from 7:00 p.m. “For Better and Forever” Marriage Preparation Program Contact: (403) 252-1137 For couples preparing for marriage, including those living together; previously married; beginning marriage with Wednesday, November 15 children; couples 45+; or those already civilly married Red Mass • Prayer for judges, lawyers, law school seeking to validate their marriage in the Catholic Church. professors, law students, and government officials Place: Catholic Pastoral Centre, 120 - 17th Avenue SW Presider: Bishop McGrattan Times: Mon./Fri., 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.; Sat., 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Place: St. Mary’s Cathedral, 219 - 18th Avenue SW Register: (403) 218-5505 Time: 5:00 p.m.; Reception to follow. Register for Reception: Tuesday, November 21 calgarys-annual-red-mass-tickets-37790435209 Men’s Rosary League Contact: The Most Holy Rosary prayed by a group of men once per month. Friday, November 17 - Sunday, November 19 Place: Our Lady of Fatima Parish, 4747 - 30th Street SW Men’s Weekend Retreat Time: 7:00 p.m. Theme: Male Journeys, A Courage and Renewal Experience Contact: (403) 273-0621 for more information The Carillon / 11.2017 • Our Lady of Fatima Jubilee Year Based on the work of Parker J. Palmer led by Dan Hines Place: FCJ Centre, 219 - 18th Avenue SW Friday, November 24 Contact: FCJ Centre, (403) 228-4215 Memorial Liturgy A prayer service for those mourning the loss of a child Saturday, November 18 through a miscarriage or stillbirth. Support Adolescents through Grief and Loss Presider: Bishop William McGrattan Special interest to parents and teachers Place: Sacred Heart Church, 1307 - 14th Street SW Grief workshop with Sr. Ger Curran, fcJ (Counsellor) Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: FCJ Centre, 219 - 18th Avenue SW Contact: or Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.; $100 includes lunch call (403) 218-5500 Contact: FCJ Centre, (403) 228-4215 Friday, December 1 Saturday, November 18 Catholic Speed Dating • Christmas Event Lay Associations Conference Are you looking for a good Catholic man or woman? With: Bishop McGrattan and Fr. Adrian Martens Age Range #1: Women: 24 to 32 and Men: 27 to 35 Place: Catholic Pastoral Centre, 120 - 17th Avenue SW Age Range #2: Women: 33 to 41 and Men: 36 to 44 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Cost: $10 includes lunch Place: St. Thomas More Church, 15 Templebow Road NE Contact: or Time: Doors open at 7:00 p.m.; Event begins at 7:30 p.m. 18 phone (403) 218-5523 to register Register: or (587) 333-1099
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