The Capture of the Myer Foundation - IPA
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The Capture of the Myer Foundation GARY JOHNS AND DON D’CRUZ HE prestigious and much be done. Before embarking on a THE ORIGINS OF MYER PHI- T admired Myer Foundation (Myer) and Sidney Myer Fund granted almost $7 campaign to improve aged care, it undertook extensive research, from objective sources, to identify the LANTHROPY1 Sidney Myer died in 1934 and was, as Michael Liffman described, one of million last financial year to a range problems and possible solutions, and Melbourne’s ‘leading and best-loved’ of organizations. Organizations that subject them to wide debate. citizens. More than 100,000 mour- help the needy, promote artistic and When this approach is handled ners witnessed his funeral procession, scientific endeavour, and, oh yes, poorly, however, it becomes in- a scene unlikely to be replicated by ‘play politics’. herently political. Many of the Myer any public figure today, let alone a In the last few years, Myer has Foundation’s environmental and leading businessperson. Myer was funded political campaigns on social justice grants are very good known for treating his considerable sustainable development, the en- examples of this. In these cases, the workforce well, but his enduring vironment, refugees, decolonization, Foundation appears to have simply reputation came substantially from and land rights. By doing that, Myer jumped on board existing political his public acts of civic philanthropy. is following a growing trend in campaigns. In the process, perhaps His first major gift, worth £50,000 philanthropy, which has been little unwittingly, Myer has embraced a to the University of Melbourne, debated, or known outside philan- raft of assumptions underlying the indicated Myer’s respect for learning thropic circles and which, potent- apparently benign intentions of and culture, and a belief that the ially, conflicts with a basic tenet of human rights, environmental sus- remedy for poverty lay in education charity. tainability, and indigenous sepa- for all. Famously, on Christmas Day, Traditionally, philanthropists ratism. 1930, with the full impact of the used their own money to directly Fading from view, so it would Depression starting to be felt, Sidney help people help themselves. This is seem, is the belief in liberal repre- Myer invited 10,000 destitute citizens why governments give tax subsidies sentative democracy, science, and to join him for Christmas dinner in to wealthy individuals to engage in free enterprise. In so doing, Myer Melbourne’s Exhibition Building. philanthropy. often undermines the very system With free public transport provided, But a new trend has emerged in that helped create its wealth and the 11,500 attended. Film of this extra- philanthropy where philanthropists system that has proven essential to ordinary event survives and was see their role not in directly helping solving many of the problems which recently broadcast on the ABC people, but in paying others to lobby Myer seeks to address. ‘Family Dynasties’ series. governments. There is no suggestion that the Myer family philanthropy origin- This newer philanthropic ap- trustees are not doing their job, but ated in the will of Sidney Myer who proach reflects a desire to tackle the make no mistake, there is a battle founded the Myer retailing business. ‘root causes of problems’ rather than for the ‘soul’ of Myer philanthropy On his death, he left one tenth of his simply deal with the symptoms. and philanthropy in general—a estate for the benefit of the com- Many of the NGOs which they now battle that the political Left appears munity in which he made his fortune. fund also embrace the approach. to be winning. The Myer Foundation was estab- There is nothing necessarily wrong The Myer approach is not lished in 1959 and initially endowed with this approach, provided philan- unique, indeed it is increasingly the by Sidney Myer’s sons, the late thropists and NGOs properly iden- norm. We have focused here on the Kenneth Myer, and Baillieu Myer. tify the problems, and are sure about Myer Foundation because of its the solutions. reputation for leadership in the field, THE BIG SHIFT The Sidney Myer Fund’s 2020: A its size and, importantly, its high The shift from philanthropy to poli- Vision for Aged Care in Australia is a degree of transparency which allows tics has been gradual. In 1999, a two- good example of how things should for full scrutiny. year review and strategic planning ex- ▲ REV I EW MARCH 2004 3
ercise gave it added momentum. It re- these political campaigns? There is (First of three payments) sulted in five new areas of focus for the very little focus on research in its Stopping cotton in west Kimberley: Myer Foundation: The Arts and Hu- grants, instead the overwhelming fo- $38,000 to Environs Kimberley Inc. manities, Beyond Australia, Growing cus is on getting government to change (WA) (Second of three payments). Philanthropy, Social Justice, and Wa- things in a specific predetermined di- The grant to stop cotton from be- ter and the Environment. There was rection. ing grown in the Kimberley is particu- also the formal unification of grant- Indeed, Philip Myer again: larly bizarre. The purpose of the grant making with the Sidney Myer Fund, Some of these grants have been is to protect local wetlands. The only though this fund seems to have es- made to direct action groups … to place that cotton growing is being con- caped the activists. ‘Experts in the build their organisational capacity sidered, however, is on the Ord irriga- field’ joined each committee, previ- to advocate more sustainable land tion scheme. The scheme was ously filled only by family members. use practices in the landscape … developed over 20 years ago and, as There are other areas within the funds these projects have involved such, the swamps have already been that maintain a sense of proportion, sophisticated nationwide co-ordin- drained, the irrigation channel dug and especially the Growing Philanthropy ated campaigns designed to change the reservoir is full. project, the Asialink Centre, and policy at a political level (emphasis Cranlana programme. added). FUNDING ANTI-MINING CAM- The change started in two areas in PAIGNS particular. The Welfare, Public Policy The grant of $35,500 for the Oxfam and Education Committee changed its Make no mistake, Community Aid Abroad (OCAA) name to Social Justice to ‘reflect the Mining Ombudsman is another grant new strategic focus in line with the there is a battle that should set off alarm bells. OCAA’s approach embraced across all areas of Mining Ombudsman has targeted just the Foundation’s activities’. The Sci- about every large mining venture with ence, Technology and Environment royal for the ‘soul’ of Australian participants in the Asia– Committee changed its name to Wa- Pacific region, accusing them of ex- ter and the Environment in a move Myer philanthropy ploiting people and raping the envi- from the broader arena of the environ- ronment. OCAA portrays itself as ment to an issue ‘central to Australia’s … and the political standing up for the poor and marginal- long term future: the management of ized through their links with the com- water resources and the recognition Left appears to munity. A perusal of the Mining that water quality and quantity are Ombudsman’s annual reports, how- critical indicators of ecological health’. be winning ever, reveals that OCAA’s links with groups and knowledge of the issues ‘on- WATER AND ENVIRONMENT the-ground’ is weak. Their methodol- COMMITTEE Outside of the funding of political ogy, which aims to protect more than Philip Myer writes, ‘My term as parties for elections, these expendi- 50 separate human rights, is ludicrous. Convenor of the Science Committee tures must be among the largest for Their claims against the firms in (which folded into the Water and En- political campaigns in the country. For question are unsubstantiated and have vironment Committee) has shown me example, contributed to the destruction of jobs how much we can achieve as philan- The Snowy River: and wealth in areas in which both are thropists, because we are not aligned with $22,000 to Colong Foundation for extremely scarce. The irony is that the interest groups (emphasis added) and we Wilderness (NSW). Myer’s family wealth was started by can take our own action where there $15,000 to Total Environment selling merchandise to the miners in is a need for an approach for the com- Centre Inc. (NSW). the goldfields of Victoria. mon good.’ Not aligned with interest $16,023 to Environment Victoria This is not the first time that Myer groups?! How does that square with Inc. (VIC). money has been used to oppose Aus- funding political campaigns by envi- $10,000 to Snowy River Alliance/ tralian mining companies. The Myer- ronmental activists? The Water and Environmental Defenders Office funded Asialink Centre funded a the Environment committee contain Gift Fund. Community Services International activists Barry Traill from The Wilder- Controlling land clearing: Residency in 1999-2000 2 for an ness Society and Tim Fisher from the $110,000 to Queensland Conserva- OCAA operative, who, while in the Australian Conservation Foundation. tion Council (QLD). Philippines courtesy of Asialink, How does Myer know that their Australia’s Oceans Campaign: promptly went about organizing a cam- work is for the common good? Where $150,000 to Australian Marine paign against a proposed Western Min- is the research to prove the need for Conservation Society Inc. (QLD) ing Corporation mine. REV I EW 4 MARCH 2004
In a similar vein to the OCAA and the solutions, but a great deal is will support those initiatives that: Mining Ombudsman, the Foundation going to campaigns where the need • Explore how and why people are granted $25,000 to Aid/Watch for ‘the and the solution are assumed. disadvantaged. commercialisation of aid: Monitoring Myer may be aware of a submission • Assist disadvantaged people to Australia’s Aid Program and Policies.’ to the Board of Taxation on the Chari- have an effective voice … Aid/Watch is a group housed in the ties Bill 2003 by, among others, recipi- • Provide mechanisms that redress same building as the Mineral Policy ents of Myer grants—in particular, the inequities and the infringement of Institute (an anti-mining NGO) in Australian Conservation Foundation, rights. Sydney with which it shares numerous Australian Marine Conservation So- • Explore ways young people can linkages. ciety, Friends of the Earth, Nature make an impact on … self-harm, Also of concern is a $12,000 grant Conservation Council of NSW Inc addiction and suicide. for its ‘Filling the Gaps in Forest Con- and the Queensland Conservation • Foster reconciliation with Aborigi- servation Project’ to Friends of the Council. These groups are concerned nal Australians … Earth Melbourne. This NGO is possi- at the (proposed) law’s restriction on Philanthropy has come a long way bly the most radical of the environ- a charity’s ability to advocate for or since the days of feeding thousands of mental NGOs who were intimately against changes in the law or public people Christmas dinner. It is indeed involved in organizing the less-than- policy.4 The bill would prohibit chari- sensible to explore how and why peaceful anti-globalization demonstra- ties from being solely or primarily po- people are disadvantaged. The real tions in Melbourne at the time of the litical lobbyists. If put into practice, the problems arise with the belief that the World Economic Forum. organizations mentioned above may answers lie in the ideologies of sustain- The grant of $15,000 to Climate lose their charity status, as lobbying is ability, liberation, rights, and identity. Action Network Australia (CANA) arguably their principal function. This belief seeks to capture the ben- (NSW) for Climate Change and Water efits and at the same time discredit the Awareness is intriguing. For example, very strengths of the system that has last year, CANA launched the Aus- The real problems lifted so many from poverty, and stands tralian Climate Justice Program. Act- the best chance of ‘liberating’ all. ing on CANA’s behalf, the law firm The shift to the brave new world Maurice Blackburn Cashman notified arise with the belief of activism seemed to have been an- the directors of selected Australian ticipated, or indeed stimulated, by the companies of the financial risks that that the answers lie views of Charles R. Lane, the new climate change presents to their com- Chief Executive Officer of the Foun- panies, and of their legal obligations in the ideologies dation. For example, he, like so many to deal with those risks appropriately. others, was a disciple of the Council The notification has been delivered of sustainability, for Aboriginal Reconciliation, and es- to companies that CANA has identi- pecially the call for the Prime Minis- fied as major emitters and major facili- liberation, rights ter to apologize for past injustices to tators of greenhouse gas emissions. Aborigines. This is the latest in a series of actions and identity He editorializes in the 1999–2000 Annual Report: around the world that signal the rise of climate change legal initiatives as a The inevitable tension surrounding means to deal with major ‘greenhouse If lobbying by charities as a princi- these events was exacerbated by the perpetrators’. pal purpose is to be proscribed by law, Prime Minister’s refusal to say Dr Peter Cashman, General Coun- should philanthropic organizations ‘sorry’, the imposition of mandatory sel of Maurice Blackburn Cashman, that fund such activities, also be pro- sentencing for minor offences in which is a law firm specializing in class scribed? Western Australia and the action and product liability, stated Northern Territory that fell heavily What we’re seeing is an emerging SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE on young indigenous offenders, and area of climate litigation. As the The Social Justice committee, assisted the test case brought by two impacts of climate change worsen, by Julie Edwards, Program Director members of the so called ‘Stolen the number of potential plaintiffs, from Jesuit Social Services, and Tim Generations’. Unfortunately, as yet and the range of legal actions Costello, the new head of World Vi- fundamental change has not been available to those plaintiffs, will sion, who made a contribution at a achieved in any of these instances; undoubtedly increase.3 planning meeting, has decided to pur- the matter of an apology lingers on There are many other funds flow- sue a policy not unlike the one intro- and is now complicated by calls by ing to environmental activists, some duced into the ALP platform a quar- some for a treaty, the test case was to researchers to investigate the claims ter of a century ago. The Foundation lost in court, and mandatory ▲ REV I EW MARCH 2004 5
sentencing is still being imposed. A ferences is also popular. For example, The Public Interest Advocacy Cen- number of grants have been made La Trobe University’s Ngarn-Gi- tre of NSW (PIAC) was granted $450 to assist indigenous Australians Bagora Indigenous Centre was success- to enable a senior PIAC worker to advance their interests (emphasis ful in being granted $2,838 for a make a submission on a Reparations added), and this heralds a new focus student to attend the World Indigenous Tribunal to the Senate Legal and Con- of the Foundation. Peoples Conference 2002. The Founda- stitutional Reforms Committee In- How naïve these views now appear tion for Young Australians was granted quiry into the Stolen Generation. It as Reconciliation stocks have crashed, $5,000 to enable an individual to at- must have worked, because it was then to be replaced by the harsh reality, of- tend the UN World Conference against granted $30,000 for a Reparations Tri- ten best understood by those philan- Racism. It will be recalled that this con- bunal Consultation Project. The major thropists who first made their wealth, ference was famous for its shocking dis- parties have ruled out a reparations tri- that political ideologies have a habit plays of anti-Semitism by Arab bunal on the basis that historical repa- of satisfying only the promoters and delegates and the European Left. rations are not only notoriously leaving the poor even further from More bizarre was the grant of difficult to prove and of dubious moral their salvation. Myer could help in the $37,000 to the Kimberley Land Coun- value, they actually prevent people many good programmes, which in- cil to send a delegation of indigenous from moving on with their lives. volve helping Aborigines to make the Australian leaders to England and Ire- Australians for Native Title and transition to employment, their real land ‘to raise awareness of Australian Reconciliation Inc. in NSW were long-term interest. Aboriginal issues in the United King- granted $6,000 towards educational dom’. There were meetings with HM materials for an education campaign, NAIVETY REIGNS The Queen arranged by Sir William and Australians for Native Title and The Myer investment in Aboriginal Deane, members of the British Gov- Reconciliation (Vic) Inc. were granted issues is large indeed. Some has a prac- ernment, corporate leaders, commu- $25,000 for the employment of a part- tical bent, designed to increase the nity groups, academics, and students time Program Coordinator, and chances of Aborigines finding dignity to stimulate support for Aboriginal $24,000 for the aptly named, Fanning through employment. There are pro- rights. Just in case the well-educated the Flames of Reconciliation: Treaty Con- grammes that have a universal appli- and seasoned campaigners, Pat Dodson sultation Project. The recipient of these cation and ignore the ideology of sepa- and Peter Yu, did not know why they last two was the former Democrat rate development based on race. For were there, Myer paid Professor Henry Senator Sid Spindler. Myer may have example, Scouts Australia was granted been unaware that the Common- $16,000 to help gain corporate and wealth had established a Native Title philanthropic support for introducing This newer Tribunal to facilitate and pay for na- scouting to six Aboriginal and Torres tive title claims. Straits Islander communities. Much in philanthropic the arts funding is defensible, although HUMAN RIGHTS AS POLITICS it is to be hoped that when the Myer family granted monies for a play ‘de- approach reflects a The human rights agenda is used as some sort of ‘moral trump card whose tailing the experiences on the Royal function is to bring political disputes Commission into Black Deaths in Cus- desire to tackle the to closure.’5 In fact, it does no such tody’, they were aware of the findings thing. Instead, it seeks to weight the of the Commission. In all 99 cases con- ‘root causes of law, and public debate in such a way sidered by the Commission, there was as to give one side of the argument an no foul play, and the chance of death problems’ rather overweening importance. For example, in custody for an Aborigine was the it wants to weight the claims of asy- same as for a non-Aborigine. than simply deal lum seekers more highly than the right The Council for Aboriginal Rec- of citizens to decide who should be able onciliation in the ACT was granted with the symptoms to join them. Myer has stepped into $5,000 towards Corroboree 2000 at this controversial arena in a major way. Sydney Opera House where thousands Quite strange was the grant of walked across the Sydney Harbour Reynolds $1,000 for a paper ‘on the $20,000 to Australian Lawyers For Bridge in support of reconciliation. historical context of British responsi- Human Rights Inc. for a feasibility Similarly, Australians for Reconcilia- bilities in relation to the treatment of study for a national human rights non- tion Victoria was granted $5,000 for Aboriginal Australians’ as a reference governmental organization. Perhaps its Walk for Reconciliation. These spon- for the leaders. It would have been Myer forgot the $10,000 granted to the taneous gestures of solidarity do not cheaper to buy two copies of Reynolds’ Catholic Commission For Justice, De- come cheap. Sending delegates to con- book on Aboriginal sovereignty. velopment And Peace for the Austra- REV I EW 6 MARCH 2004
lian Human Rights Register. In the in- $35,000 to Community Education Morning Star: The Black Paradise Tour troduction to the Register for 2002– (NSW) for a project titled, Fearing of Australia, a tour designed to gener- 2003 the grant applicant, Marc Purcell, Going Home; $50,000 to Australians ate support in Australia for indepen- writes: for Just Refugee Programs Inc. (NSW) dence in West Papua. The Government and Opposition, for National Coordination; $8,000 to Only a little subtler is the $50,000 with a few notable exceptions, Mudgee Rural Australians for Refu- in grants to Diplomacy Training Pro- within the current Federal parlia- gees; and $20,000 to Justice for Asy- gram (DTP) Ltd. (UNSW) for a num- ment, are amongst the most ignor- lum Seeker Alliance (VIC) for ber of programmes, in particular a ant and indifferent in half a century training course run jointly with the with regard to human rights. The Pacific Concerns Resource Centre forcible turning away of asylum The institutional (PCRC) in Suva, Fiji, for 25 members seekers by the Navy at gunpoint of non-government organizations. The with Tampa … the invasion of Iraq capture of many of PCRC is the secretariat for the Nuclear by the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ Free and Independent Pacific move- have represented significant under- America’s leading ment, and has programmes on sustain- mining of respect for human rights able human development, environ- … The emphasis by State, Terri- ment, demilitarization, decolonization, tory and Federal governments on philanthropic and land rights and sovereignty for in- running large budget surpluses at digenous peoples. It also campaigns for the expense of the advancement of foundations by the regime change in Indonesia (West the economic and social rights of Papua), against mining in the Pacific the community. Many social ser- Left … is really region and the Howard Government’s vices continue to be under-funded, refugee policy. including support for the unem- quite breathtaking ployed, housing, health, and edu- CAPTURE OF FOUNDATIONS cation.6 OVERSEAS Perhaps unaware that the Austra- Partnership: Oxfam Community Aid In the United States, the home of phi- lian government funds every asylum Abroad Towards A National Network- lanthropy, there are numerous ex- seeker—under the Immigration Ad- ing Website. amples of money from the charitable vice and Application Assistance A close examination of the Myer foundations created by some of the Scheme—to pursue their rights, Myer Foundation’s annual reports reveals world’s greatest entrepreneurs being has obviously taken the political view that there are not many individuals or spent, not on good works, but on ac- that this is insufficient and further, that groups involved in the debate on ille- tivists pursuing dubious projects. The Australia should not control its intake gal asylum seekers that are not receiv- foundations that fall into this category of asylum seekers through the ing money from the Myer Foundation. include names such as Ford, Rocke- UNHCR, but by people-smugglers. Illegal asylum seekers seem to be less feller, Carnegie, Pew and McArthur. Consequently, it funded a large num- of a cause and more of an occupation For example, the Ford Foundation ber of refugee advocacy groups. for many activists with remarkably tried to offer funding to the anti-glo- For example, the Centre for Advo- little money actually having been balization Left’s version of Davos, the cacy Support and Education for Refu- spent on illegal asylum seekers directly. World Social Forum in Mumbai, hav- gees Inc. (WA), was granted $30,000 Highly political is the grant of ing funded previous gatherings in Porto for a Temporary Protection Visa Project. $20,000 to Stuart Rees at the Univer- Allegre in Brazil. Ironically, the orga- Other grants included $10,500 Hazara sity of Sydney’s Centre for Peace & nizers knocked it back because of the Australian Community Association of Conflict Studies for Towards the West foundation’s origins7 and took money Victoria; $23,700 to Centre for Citi- Papuan Project. The project is to sup- from Oxfam instead.8 zenship and Human Rights Faculty, port the cause of independence for The institutional capture of many Deakin University; $15,000 to the Fed- West Papua, in other words, regime of America’s leading philanthropic eration of Community Legal Centres change in Indonesia. The Centre for foundations by the Left and their re- Victoria for legal skills training at the Peace & Conflict Studies recently routing of this vast amount of money Inclusive Activism Conference 2002; caused a storm of controversy when it from traditional charities to fund their $25,000 to the Refugee Council of awarded a peace prize to Palestinian own political activities is really quite Australia Inc. (Vic) for policy and ad- activist Hanan Ashrawi. More re- breathtaking. Many of these case stud- vocacy; $30,000 to the South Austra- cently, the foundation has given the ies have been compiled by the Wash- lians for Justice for Refugees Inc. for a Australian West Papua Association, in ington-based Capital Research Center, project facilitator; $20,000 to Asylum partnership with Friends of the Earth, which has an extensive archive.9 In Seekers Centre Inc. (NSW) and about $5,000 for the Sounds of the addition, the Website, ▲ REV I EW MARCH 2004 7
run by the Center for Consumer Free- dom, has an extensive database of how these fortunes have become a finan- cial drip for the Left. Farmers: Beware While the individual circum- stances of these foundations differ, there are common threads with those the Waterkeepers of Myer. A key one is the rise of non- family executives who often assume control and slowly invite more ‘ex- perts’ and board members from outside Alliance! MIKE NAHAN AND DON D’CRUZ the family. The Myer Foundation directors have promised that an evaluation of N ITS Annual Report 2002– a project of the US Center for Con- the new programmes will be forthcom- ing in the next 12 months. With Myer also indulging in grants for the ideolo- I 2003, the Myer Founda- tion proudly announced a $150,000 grant to establish sumer Freedom (www.activistcash. com) gives a detailed account. The Waterkeepers Alliance is or- gies of Corporate Social Responsibil- Waterkeepers Australia as a joint ini- ganized very much in the mould of ity and Ethical Investment, with grants tiative of the Myer Foundation, the McDonalds—the global hamburger of $20,000 (the first of three payments) Australian Conservation Foundation chain. The Alliance owns a set of reg- for the Australian Business Deans (ACF) and Environment Victoria: istered brand names including, ‘River- Council (QLD) for a National Annual Drawing on the experience of the keeper’, ‘Lakekeeper’, ‘Baykeeper’ and Public Lecture on Corporate Social Waterkeeper Alliance in the ‘Coastkeeper’. It licenses the use of Responsibility, the prospects for a re- United States, it is designed to these brands to local activist groups turn to philanthropy seem bleak. provide a mechanism for commun- under the condition that the licens- ities to become more informed and ees follow the Alliance programmes NOTES effective legal advocates for local and support the Alliance’s national 1 Material in this section is drawn from waters—a dimension that is largely campaigns. To date, there are 100 Michael Liffman, 1999. ‘Sidney Myer: missing from the water debate in Waterkeeper franchises operating in 1878–1934’, A Century of Myer Philan- Australia. Sir William Deane AC the US, and the Alliance is actively thropy: The First Chapter. http://www. has agreed to become its inaugural looking to expand overseas (see Unless other- wise indicated, all references may be patron. It is hoped that he will be found at this site. joined by Robert Kennedy Jnr, who Robert Kennedy Jnr’s involvement 2 is President of the Waterkeeper in Waterkeepers and environmental- cpp/myer/profiles/bobm.html Alliance (USA) to help Water- ism started in 1984, when he was con- 3 keepers Australia in 2004. victed of possession of heroin. To 4 Arnold Bloch Liebler, Submission To This should send shivers down the avoid prison, he agreed to do 800 hours Board of Taxation On Charities Bill back of Australian farmers. But why? of community service and chose to 2003 While the publicity blurb for the work with the Hudson River Founda- taxationsubmission.pdf 5 Michael Ignatieff, 1996. Human Rights Waterkeepers Alliance (USA) de- tion—a small lobby group in New as Politics and Idolatry (Princeton), 21. scribes itself innocuously as a ‘commu- York State. Given the need to develop 6 The Australian Human Rights Reg- nity watch programme for the nation’s a new career, Kennedy accepted a po- ister 2002–2003, v. water ways’, in reality it is a franchise sition as ‘chief prosecuting attorney’ operation, created in large part, and for the Hudson River Foundation now controlled, by Robert Kennedy upon the completion of his commu- Register2003e.pdf Jnr to mobilize class action suits nity service. Over the years, Kennedy 7 h t t p : / / w w w. i h t . c o m / a r t i c l e s / 126087.html against modern agriculture. One can immersed himself in the environmen- 8 only conclude that the ACF, Myer tal movement, specializing in the mo- ation/story/0,7369,1125176,00.html Foundation and Environment Victoria bilization of trial lawyers against 9 See partnership will be trying to do the selected targets. Along with Robert same thing here. Boyle, founder of the Hudson River The adventures of Robert Kennedy Foundation, he also developed the Dr Gary Johns is a Senior Fellow with the Institute of Public Affairs. Don D’Cruz is a and his Waterkeepers Alliance have brand name and franchising opera- Research Fellow with the Institute of Public Affairs. filled American tabloids for years. And tions of the Waterkeepers Alliance. in the Kennedy tradition, it is a grip- Things took a disturbing turn at I P A ping but disturbing story. ActivistCash, the Alliance in 2000, when Kennedy REV I EW 8 MARCH 2004
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