The Biden Administration: A New Narrative on Immigration? -

Page created by Darryl Reyes
Briefing Paper 517                                                            March 2021

The Biden Administration: A New Narrative on Immigration?

1. Introduction

Among the very first acts of President Biden after   security numbers, mainly because they were
his inauguration was to sign 17 Executive Orders1    undocumented.7
effectively overturning a number of the more
egregious policies of the Trump administration.      At the top of his list of reforms, Biden proposes to
Included amongst these Orders were several           stop the separation of children from parents and
relating to aspects of immigration. The President    the detention of children in facilities apart from
also announced that he would send an                 their parents. Pope Francis has called this practice
Immigration Bill, called the US Citizenship Act of   “cruelty of the highest form.”8 Earlier, President
2021, to Congress for consideration.2 Other          Biden also promised to lift the cap on the number
Orders dealt with re-joining the Paris Climate       of refugee admissions. In 2020 it stood at 18 000,
Agreement and stopping the withdrawal of the         the lowest since 1980; Biden has promised to raise
USA from the WHO; still others deal directly with    it to 125 000.9 This is seen by many as a reason for
COVID-19 issues.3                                    hope that the new administration will take
                                                     practical steps to counter the pervasive sense that
In carrying out these actions President Biden is     refugee issues are unimportant.
making good on his election promises. During the
run up to the election he critiqued President
Trump for his “unrelenting assault on our values     2. Rationale for This Paper
and our history as a nation of immigrants” and
promised a different approach.4 Commentators         One key reason for examining the actions of the
regard the Trump administration’s policies as “the   Biden administration in this paper is that, in the
most aggressive approach to enforcement in           field of mobile people, policy positions around the
recent history.”5 In his election manifesto Biden    world are for good or bad profoundly influenced
proposed 28 reforms to immigration policies.6        by positions held by the USA. Its narratives thus
They ranged from lifting the ban on immigrants       have serious international repercussions. Indeed,
from predominantly Muslim countries, to the          the impact of such positions bears directly on
halting of the construction of the border wall       questions and policies which South Africa has to
between the USA and Mexico, the re-introduction      deal with, and the direction offered by these
of support and protection against deportation for    Orders strengthens some of the arguments in the
the ‘Dreamers’, and the creation of a road map for   public domain here. So, for example, it is worth
the 11m who have been living in and contributing     noting that despite earlier government hesitancy
to the well-being of people in the USA for many      around the roll-out of the vaccine for
years but who remain unauthorised. Biden noted       undocumented migrants in South Africa,
in his campaign that in 2015 the IRS collected       President Ramaphosa has announced that they
$23.6bn from 4.4m workers without social             will indeed be included. It is a hopeful intimation
                                                     of a more balanced policy in this regard.10
immigration enforcement in our country is
Secondly, in these actions a value-based                    balanced and humane.’”13
vocabulary is also being reintroduced into
international debates, raising the discussion               (These commentaries by the US Bishops serve the
above the polarised, binary language that this              important       purpose   of     grounding      or
discussion has been mired in. This was especially           contextualising the general theological principles.
true during the Trump administration. It in turn            Hence the recurring references to them in this
bolstered attempts by other governments to adopt            paper. This provides an important service to
similar positions, and encouraged nationalist and           public theology which seeks to engage faith with
populist groups to amplify an anti-immigrant                public realities.)
rhetoric. There is little doubt that these admirable
ideals of President Biden will not be implemented
without considerable debate, horse-trading and
political compromise and opportunism. However,              4. The Key Executive Orders and Responses
they open new possibilities for discussion. From a          from the Church
theological point of view, the substance of the
Orders mirrors the values embedded in Catholic              4.1. Young People
Social Teaching in this field and in the ‘theology of       It was during the Obama-Biden administration
encounter’, which is a key tenet of Pope Francis’           that the DACA14 legislation was introduced,
teaching.                                                   promising support and protection against
                                                            deportation for children brought to the USA even
Finally, in an article in the Mail & Guardian, the          though their presence was technically illegal. The
point was made that that the immediate actions of           administration struggled greatly at the time to get
the Biden administration underline the                      this through Congress. Many of these people
importance of supporting regional integration and           (known more commonly as Dreamers) have
regional bodies that build solidarity. This is seen         passed through all the civic rites of passage,
particularly in the movement of peoples                     served the country, and become upright young
regionally. The article says: “Africa has to show           members of society. Mr Biden’s Order calls on
more seriousness in building regional institutions          Congress to enact legislation providing permanent
that break down barriers and borders in bids to             status and a path to citizenship for these
realise the age-old vision of pan-Africanism and            immigrants. This will probably affect some 800
continental integration.”11 This emphasis on                000 young people. The US Bishops have welcomed
regional solidarity, on more responsible ways of            this Order: “We welcome the announcement
allowing movement in the region, would be an                preserving and fortifying DACA. For years, DACA
important, immediate point to take from the new             youth have been enriching our country. They are
administration.                                             contributors to our economy, veterans of our
                                                            military, academic standouts in our universities
                                                            and leaders in our parishes and communities.
3. Some Initial Responses                                   They and their families deserve certainty,
                                                            compassion, generosity and justice.”15
Even a most conservative reading of both the Bill
and the Executive Orders shows a totally different,         4.2. The Census and Demarcated Groups
much more humane narrative with regard to                   Another Executive Order revokes the Trump
immigration. As such it has been welcomed by                administration’s plan to exclude non-citizens from
many organisations: “Business groups, including             the census count, while another one overturns a
technology giants Google and Apple, have                    Trump Executive Order that pushed aggressive
applauded President Joe Biden's steps to initiate           efforts to find and deport unauthorized
immigration reforms, underlining that the move              immigrants. Yet another Order blocks the
would boost the American economy, create jobs               deportation of Liberians who have been living in
and attract talent from across the world.”12                the United States.16 It is estimated that around 10
                                                            000 Liberian nationals are eligible for the relief
Churches also praised these Orders: “Los Angeles            envisaged in this Order, and in addition about 100
Archbishop José H. Gomez, President of the U.S.             spouses and 200 children.17
Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Auxiliary
Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville of Washington, head             This Order raises a question very pertinent to the
of the bishops’ Committee on Migration, likewise            South African landscape around special
praised this move ‘toward ensuring that
BP 517: The Biden Administration: A New Narrative on Immigration?
concessions for demarcated groups. It is of                 immigration status does not negate the inherent
importance now because the three groups                     value of a human life, nor should it undermine any
covered by special concessions, namely people               person’s ability to contribute to the growth and
from Angola, Lesotho and Zimbabwe staying in SA             wellbeing of our nation. Citizens and noncitizens
under ‘Special Permits’, face the expiry of those           alike must continue to be recognized as members
permits on 31st December 2021. There is a strong            of the same human family.”21
and very logical call for a further renewal of those
permits, but should they not be renewed the                 There has been a growing call in SA to include
holders would face detention and deportation. All           migrants in planning for more adequate health,
those affected are already living and working in            sanitisation, education, housing and welfare
SA, most have already had two renewals and so               infrastructures. “Keeping track of migration and
are reasonably settled in the country. The Special          urbanisation is difficult because of the challenges
Permit does not lead to a right to permanent                involved in collecting data from mobile people.
residence, so those who argue against the renewal           But it’s vital for population health that migration
on those grounds are arguing from a false premise.          and urbanisation is well understood and planned
There is also a sound financial argument for                for.”22 This is true for both internal and cross-
concessions to demarcated groups, since the costs           border migration. Another finding in 2019 made a
of detention and deportation are costly and                 similar point. “This research demonstrated that
seldom productive. In 2013 this already amounted            local government officials are assuming a
to R90m per annum.18                                        population that is sedentary and geographically
                                                            bounded, while migration is actively shaping
The Biden Order helps to visualise options other            communities. This mobility provides an
than detention and deportation. In the light of that        opportunity for management practices to become
SA needs to continue to look, for example, at               more inclusive and effective.”23 It is sensible to
implementing the envisaged SADC low skills visa             acknowledge what in reality exists so as to have
and with that to make immediate preparations for            better provisions in future: to ignore the realities
renewing the Special Permits. In the case of the            is certainly not going to change them.
Angolans, the much publicised promise in 2019 of
offering permanent residence to this small group            4.3. The ‘Muslim Ban’
has not materialised and they live with the long            An Executive Order has also ended the so-called
term uncertainty which afflicts all the Special             Muslim ban, which blocked travel to the United
Permit holders.19 It would be more humane if the            States from several predominantly Muslim and
DHA were to confirm that such renewals will                 African countries, including Sudan, Nigeria,
indeed take place. It should also take the bold step        Tanzania and Eritrea.24 It clearly directs the State
of granting permanent residence to this group,              Department to restart visa processing for
given the their long and uninterrupted stay in              individuals from the affected countries and to
South Africa and the fact that most are employed            develop ways to address the harm caused to those
and many have married local people.                         who were prevented from coming to the US
                                                            because of the ban. Cardinal Timothy Dolan of
The US Bishops, in commenting on the inclusion of           New York issued a statement on the president’s
non-citizens in the census, said: “We welcome this          reversal of the Muslim ban “which will help ensure
return to more than a century of American                   that those fleeing persecution and seeking refuge
precedent that ensures all residents will be                or seeking to reunify with family in the United
counted and included in the census and                      States will not be turned away because of what
apportionment. This return to our previous policy           country they are from or what religion they
reflects the inalienable truth that all people matter       practice.”25
and are imbued with human dignity.”20
                                                            4.4. The Border Wall
They added a significant theological paragraph:             Another Executive Order has halted construction
“While the process of counting persons in the               of the much criticised wall on the US border with
United States for the purposes of apportioning              Mexico. The order includes an ‘immediate
seats in the U.S. House of Representatives has not          termination’ of the national emergency
always been free of injustice—the Three-Fifths              declaration      that    allowed       the     Trump
Compromise being a noteworthy example—                      administration to redirect billions of dollars to the
Wednesday’s executive order stands as a                     wall. It says the administration will begin a close
testament to the indisputable reality that                  review of the legality of the effort to divert federal
                                                            money to fund the wall. It further calls for the
BP 517: The Biden Administration: A New Narrative on Immigration?
redirection of funds earmarked for the wall and             inclusive or exclusive models, and greater
the repurposing of contracts.26                             combatting of the misuse of resources that
                                                            undermine the capacity of good control
Pope Francis once said that he was willing to tell          practices.
President Trump in person that it is wrong to build
border walls, and appeared to warn him not to
resume a policy of separating families. Asked if he         5. Political Pushback
would tell Trump the same thing to his face if the
president were sitting opposite him instead of the
                                                            As was to be expected, the Executive Orders have
reporter, Francis said: “The same. The same
                                                            met with pushback from a number of quarters.
because I say it publicly ... I have even said that
                                                            Senator Ted Cruz said that these Orders would put
those who build walls end up being prisoners of
                                                            immigrants ahead of American workers, and that
the walls they build.”27
                                                            illegal immigration was a threat to ‘American’ jobs.
                                                            Cruz also said the president's Order preserving
It is worth noting that while public opinion and
                                                            DACA promotes "open-borders legislation" that
theological insight leans strongly against the idea
                                                            would grant permanent citizenship to "over 11
of harsh orders and signs of inhospitality, South
                                                            million illegal immigrants."
Africa has embarked on an ambitious plan to erect
a border fence between it and Zimbabwe. It began
                                                            Another news outlet reported: “President Biden
just as the 2020 lockdown commenced; indeed in
                                                            also plans to push an immigration reform bill that
some circles it was called ‘the COVID wall’. It cost
                                                            would provide a path to citizenship for the 11
the tax payer R37m to construct and was
                                                            million people living in the United States without
according to all reports not fit for purpose. It was
                                                            legal status. The proposal will be an early test for
mired in controversy and corruption from the
                                                            how Biden will negotiate with lawmakers across
beginning: the Special Investigating Unit called for
                                                            the aisle on contentious issues. Democrats hold a
the halting of two major contracts, citing
                                                            razor-thin advantage in Congress. Biden will need
irregularities in the tender process, and 14
                                                            to find Republican votes in the Senate to overcome
departmental officials faced disciplinary hearings.
                                                            the filibuster and deliver on immigration reforms
Public Works Minister Patricia de Lille famously
                                                            that have proven elusive for decades.”30
said that it took one day for smugglers to cut holes
and break structural supports.28 It is interesting
that the Portfolio Committee on Public Accounts             Pushback is also very evident in South Africa. It
has recently refused further financial support for          sometimes takes the form of vicious xenophobic
the repair of the wall. Committee chairperson               attacks, but it has also been noted in connection
Mkhuleko Hlengwa simply asked: “We can’t be                 with the President’s assurance of a universal roll
thinking about repairing a fence that ordinarily is         out of COVID-19 vaccines. The former Mayor of
not fit for purpose ... What are you actually               Johannesburg and leader of the ActionSA party,
repairing?”     So     overwhelming       was      the      Herman Mashaba, for example, has indicated his
reaction that De Lille herself ended up conceding           opposition to including undocumented migrants
it might not have been the best of ideas. “I certainly      in the roll out.31
share the anxiety of the committee, and I have also
already expressed to the department that I do not
accept the proposal that we repair.”29

The controversy around the wall both                        6. Conclusion
conceptually and cost-wise has raised again
the fundamental discussion looking at more                  A statement of good policy is never an assurance
                                                            of the desired outcome. Many of these Orders need
imaginative and rights-based approaches to
                                                            to find legislative expression, and that could be an
border security. Civil society in South Africa              uphill battle for the new administration. The issue
has long argued that these types of deterrents              of immigration has long been a contentious issue
are unsustainable and that harder questions                 and will become more so in an increasingly
need to be asked, including questions around                divided and politically polarised society. This is
thinking regionally when it comes to security               true not only of the USA but across the globe. It
but also to labour. It includes deciding                    finds a reflection also in South Africa and that is
whether border management will follow more                  why bold, value-based initiatives need to find
                                                            expression in our political discourse.
BP 517: The Biden Administration: A New Narrative on Immigration?
Commentators have spoken of this moment being                     now to live as nobly and as justly as possible, as we
one of not only bringing immigrants out of the                    educate new generations not to turn their back on
shadows, but of bringing the issues and policies                  our ‘neighbours’ and everything around us.
into the light of open discussion. “Biden’s bold                  Building a nation calls us to recognise that we
gamble on immigration is about America’s                          must constantly relate to others, rejecting a
future.”32 To which one could add “and about the                  mindset of hostility in order to adopt one of
world’s future”. It might be helpful to return to the             reciprocal subsidiarity, in a constant effort to do
words of Pope Francis when he addressed US                        our best.”33
lawmakers in 2015. He said: “When the stranger
in our midst appeals to us, we must not repeat the                These Executive Orders seem to point in the
sins and the errors of the past. We must resolve                  direction of that vision.

Peter-John Pearson





14 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals






BP 517: The Biden Administration: A New Narrative on Immigration?




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BP 517: The Biden Administration: A New Narrative on Immigration?
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