The bias beneath: Uncovering juror bias in sexual assault cases

Page created by Beverly Shelton

                                                                                                              JUNE 2010

The bias beneath: Uncovering
juror bias in sexual assault cases
Seven types of juror biases:
Uncovering and dealing with them
WILLIAM S. FRIEDLANDER AND                         field of social psychology to use in voir         asking for it/he’s a nice looking guy/
                                                   dire and trial strategy in order to identify      doesn’t look like a rapist) and a predispo-
ALEXANDRA RUDOLPH                                  and move jurors past the underlying bi-           sition to blame the victim3.
[Ed. Note: This article was originally pre-        ases they hold.
                                                                                                     Uncovering juror biases in
sented by the authors at the 2009 meet-                  These susceptibilities include the          voir dire
ing of the National Crime Victims Bar              “availability” bias, the “confirmation”
                                                   bias, the “belief persistence” bias, the               Voir dire is the time to begin to edu-
Association Meeting. It is reprinted with
                                                   “norm” bias, the accountability or re-            cate jurors and dispel salient myths and
their permission.]
                                                   sponsibility bias, and the processes of           stereotypes regarding sexual assault in-
      You are called to represent a woman who      “defensive attribution,” “fundamental at-         cluding: consent, resistance, reporting,
was raped in the stairwell of her apartment        tribution” and “just world” thinking.             false accusations, absence of witnesses,
building at 2:00 a.m. She is barely 22, never      What follows is a brief synopsis of each of       absence of evidence of injury. Questions
finished high school and works as a cocktail       these mechanisms, the way it impinges             regarding juror expectations of assailants,
waitress in a seedy bar. Her attacker is a col-    on juror understanding or decision-mak-           victims, false accusations, responses to
lege student who frequents the establishment       ing, and its lessons for jury voir dire and       bullying, and persuasive evidence can
regularly. The management company for the          trial preparation, particularly in cases of       help jurors shed stereotypes and articu-
building knew the stairwell was poorly lit and     sexual assault implicating third-party cul-       late appropriate standards of behavior.
several tenants requested that the building in-    pability.                                              Expert consultation or evaluation can
stall additional lights as a safety precaution                                                       shape the case to dispel the myths (provo-
after a robbery. Witnesses testify and your        Juror bias in sexual assault                      cation, resistance, outcry, prompt report-
client admits that she had a gin and tonic after                                                     ing, false accusation, assumption of risk,
her shift but maintains that she was not drunk.          Wise counsel will try to harness or         lack of witnesses, lack of injury) attached
You are bringing a case against the landlord,      subvert the biases, using voir dire to tap        to sexual assault, and/or to identify the
claiming that they knew the stairwell was dan-     into jurors’ conscious and unconscious            defendant’s patterns of behavior or show
gerous but did not take adequate measures to       decision-making processes. In order to ef-        that standards of care were not met.
protect tenants.                                   fectively diffuse biases, one must be famil-      Voir Dire questions: Juror expectations &
      How will you convince a jury that the        iar and able to draw them out of potential        preconceived notions in SA litigation
landlord is to blame when she was raped            jurors. Effective voir dire not only identi-      • How do you think a person would act if
by a good-looking assailant? How do you            fies the usual excludable biases (consan-         they falsely accused someone of rape or
show the landlord could have reasonably            guinity, affinity, employment or other            sexual assault?
foreseen a third party’s criminal act? How         close relationship to a party, inability to       • Has anyone had the experience of
do you prevent jurors from blaming the             be fair or familiarity with the case) but         being bullied at school? Did you report
victim? What hidden biases do they bring?          addresses biases which jurors themselves          it? Why? Why not?
And how does that impact their view of             may be unaware of or unwilling to ac-             • Have you ever had to tell other people
the case? How do you uncover predisposi-           knowledge.1,2                                     about a traumatic, painful or humiliating
tions that present challenges to your case?              In sexual assault cases, such biases        experience that happened to you? Tell
      In response to these prevalent biases,       include: suspicion of plaintiffs, myths re-       me about that. How did you feel?
trial attorneys and jury consultants have          garding perpetrators and victims of sex-          • When I say the word, “rapist,” what im-
increasingly drawn on insights from the            ual assault (she wore a short skirt and was       ages come to mind? Tell me about that.

                                                            Copyright © 2010 by the author.
                                       For reprint permission, contact the publisher:                               1

                                                                                                              JUNE 2010

• What evidence would you need or like             vated to hold the plaintiff to a higher                 The law says that I only have to
to see in sexual assault cases?                    standard of accountability and focus their        prove my case 51 percent to win. That’s
• Would the victim’s testimony be enough           attention on the plaintiff ’s choices or be-      it. Fifty-one percent.
or would you require more evidence?                havior rather than the defendants. Jurors               How do you feel about that? Who
What kind of evidence?                             holding this bias are suspicious of the           thinks that you would probably need a lit-
• If you only had her word and no “hard            plaintiffs’ motives, quick to assume the          tle more proof? How sure would you need
evidence,” how would that impact the way           lawsuit is frivolous and require a high           to be? Give me an approximate percent.
you view the case?                                 burden of proof. They are strong defense
                                                   jurors and their perception of the case           Juror predispositions: Mono-
Reframing case to                                                                                    causality heuristic
                                                   can be described as “guilty until proven
accommodate juror
predispositions                                    innocent”– not “innocent until proven                  In cases where sexual assault impli-
                                                   guilty.”4                                         cates a third party, like the landlord of
      Trial counsel can make use of voir                  In sexual assault cases, the suspicion     premises where an assault occurred, gen-
dire, not only to uncover the pre-existing         bias is likely to be reinforced through           der biases and acceptance of myths about
norms against which jurors are assessing           powerful visceral responses to the plain-         sex crimes may be compounded by an-
the conduct of victim and perpetrator,             tiff ’s case and based on the jurors’ own         other bias which psychologists call the
but to explore alternative norms that may          prejudices. Variables such as racial or           “monocausality heuristic.”
reshape jurors’ thinking about standards           gender bias, belief in common myths re-                The monocausality heuristic bias,
of conduct.                                        garding perpetrators or victims, personal         rather ironically, is defined by simplicity.
      While voir dire can help uncover bi-         similarities or psychological identification      It maintains that people tend to prefer
ases, “overcoming” them is a difficult             with one party or the other, or the physi-        simple explanations to complex ones and
process as they are generally deep-seated.         cal attractiveness or charm of the plain-         are more likely to accept a succinct singu-
The attorney must approach it as such              tiff, defendant or the attorneys impact           lar story that appeals to their sense of
and craft a trial strategy that takes biases       how each juror views the case.                    logic over a complicated one, even if it is
into consideration. Instead of seeking to                 The most effective way to identify ju-     the best answer. As a result, they are re-
change a juror’s mind about a long-stand-          rors with suspicion bias is to create a safe      sistant to accept that an event may have
ing belief, the attorney must, instead, re-        environment in voir dire that encourages          multiple causes or may be caused by mul-
frame arguments and show the juror why             jurors to share negative information and          tiple parties because it is difficult to un-
this case is different.                            ask them how they feel about lawsuits and         derstand.
                                                   people that file them.                                 Social science research on jurors’ de-
Juror predispositions:
Suspicion bias                                            Positively reinforce negative informa-     cision-making shows, and trial attorneys
                                                   tion and use it as a platform to hear from        know, that jurors with a monocausality
      Understanding juror bias begins with         other jurors. Remind prospective jurors           heuristic bias are difficult to detect in voir
recognizing that there is widespread sus-          that they are under oath and ask short,           dire5. Lawyers should expect jurors to
picion against plaintiffs and plaintiff            open-ended questions that do not imply            hold this bias and craft a case story that
lawyers. The media provides fodder for             the “right” answer.                               caters to it. Find a simple case story that
such distrust, often featuring scandalous          Voir Dire questions: Suspicion bias               makes sense and flesh it out with detail.
cases and reporting outlandish jury                • My brother thinks that people who sue           Presenting evidence without providing a
awards that affirm the negative plaintiff          companies are trying to win the “litiga-          context complicates the case. Spoon-feed
stereotypes.                                       tion lotto.”                                      information to jurors using laymen’s
      The suspicion bias stems from several               My wife, on the other hand, believes       terms, preferably using the same language
assumptions or presumptions people                 most people have a legitimate reason for          that mock jurors did if the case was tested
generally have about plaintiffs, namely:           filing a lawsuit.                                 in a mock trial. Graphics simplify com-
they are too quick to sue, have ulterior                  What do you think? Are you more            plex information and should be utilized to
motivations, blame someone else for their          like my brother or my wife?”                      keep jurors, and lawyers, focused on key
own irresponsibility, are trying to win the        • A lot of people I know think corpora-           case elements.
“litigation lotto,” or that their suit will pe-    tions are sued because they have “deep
nalize or “tax” the jurors’ own pocket-            pockets”.                                         Juror predispositions:
books by increasing costs, such as health                 Who agrees? Tell me more about             Availability bias
care.                                              that.                                                 The availability bias contends that
      Jurors predisposed to suspicion bias         • In a civil lawsuit the burden of proof is       whatever occupies the jurors’ attention
are defense-orientated. They are moti-             different than in criminal cases.                 during trial will receive disproportionate

                                                            Copyright © 2010 by the author.
                                       For reprint permission, contact the publisher:                                  2

                                                                                                             JUNE 2010

focus in deliberations. Otherwise stated,         Voir Dire questions: Availability bias            ity or a company’s failure to adhere to the
jurors will use the information available         • Has anyone heard of the term “date              standard of care is compelling to jurors be-
to them to find fault with a party. If the        rape”? How would you describe it?                 cause they are already primed to believe
plaintiff is the central character, they have     • Is anyone familiar with the concept of          corporations are driven by profits and will
more information on his/her actions, thus         “consent”? What is it?                            cut corners to save money. By identifying a
more opportunity to find fault.                   • Have you ever had an experience where           theme that coincides with the lens they see
      Jurors filter information in a way that     you felt fear or shame?                           the world through, jurors are naturally in-
attributes fault, and jury research suggests      • Is anyone familiar with the concept of          clined to favor that side because it con-
that the first story presented is subject to      “standard of care”? In your own words,            firms what they already “know.”
the heaviest scrutiny as well as given            tell me what it means.                                  Again, this is a particular challenge
greater weight in deliberations. Jurors are       • Do you believe events can have more             in cases of sexual assault, where generic
more likely to focus on inconsistencies,          than one cause?                                   biases against plaintiffs are compounded
patterns of behavior or deviations from           • What do you think about large corpora-          by gender and sex-role prejudices, com-
“normal” conduct in the first scenario.           tions?                                            mon myths about sex crime perpetrators
When they hear the second story, jurors           • Some people believe that companies              and victims, and a preference for a sim-
are already trying to reconcile information       put profits over safety while others think        ple, or monocausal, explanation. While it
and determine “what really happened.”             they are an important part of the commu-          is possible to appeal to their sense of cor-
      When the plaintiff ’s story is told         nity. What do you think?                          porate responsibility by showing devia-
first, the focus is on what the plaintiff did                                                       tions from the standard of care or
wrong. This allows jurors to judge the vic-       Juror predispositions:                            promoting deterrence, lawyers may find
                                                  Confirmation bias
tim’s decisions leading up to the assault,                                                          it more helpful to test individual cases in
such as, her decision to drive home late               The confirmation bias asserts that ju-       a mock trial focus group. This enables the
at night or take the staircase in the apart-      rors tend to search for evidence that con-        trial team to see how mock jurors react to
ment building rather than the elevator.           firms their beliefs and tend to scrutinize        the case, which values they identify with,
Conversely, when defendant’s actions are          or disregard evidence which does not fit          the language they use, themes that res-
highlighted, it’s easier to identify faults       with prior beliefs. When presented with           onate, landmines in the case and argu-
and draw a causal connection between              ambiguous evidence, jurors tend to inter-         ments that are most compelling8.
the defendant and the crime6. In sexual           pret it in a way that is consistent with
assault cases, the third party had the abil-      what they already think or retrofit infor-        Juror predispositions:
                                                                                                    Belief persistence bias
ity to foresee potential hazards but failed       mation to support their decision. They
to take any preventative action. Warning          tend to search for evidence that confirms               The “belief persistence” bias involves
signs are most effective when they estab-         prior beliefs, interpret ambiguous evi-           jurors’ tendency to cling to an initial
lish a pattern of behavior and can include        dence in line with beliefs, question or dis-      story, particularly one consistent with
a history of multiple crimes on the prem-         regard evidence that does not fit with            their underlying beliefs, despite contradic-
ises, frequent police calls, a refusal to in-     prior beliefs. Studies show that jurors are       tory evidence.
stall door buzzers, video cameras or a            more likely to remember evidence that ei-               Jurors do not report to jury duty as a
key-operated garage door despite re-              ther confirms their prior beliefs or clearly      “tabula rosa” or blank slate. They filter
quests from residents to incorporate these        shows a party’s blameworthiness by devi-          information through their own life expe-
safety measures.                                  ating from them.                                  riences, paradigms and prior knowledge.
      In the case of sexual abuse, the avail-          The lawyer’s goal is to show the jury        An important caveat to note is that prior
ability bias may be diffused by frequently        that the defendant’s conduct was out of           “knowledge” can be factually incorrect. For
repeating key words or themes the attor-          line with their beliefs and the plaintiff ’s      example, everyone “knows” that bigger
ney wants jurors to adopt and begins in           behavior is consistent with them.                 lumps in breast tissue are more danger-
voir dire. Conversation with potential ju-             Confirmation bias thus speaks to the         ous than small lumps. In fact, this is com-
rors about the themes and issues of the           framing of the case – finding a theme or          pletely false. A lump can be sizable but
case during jury selection highlights es-         paradigm that is consistent with jurors’          benign while smaller lumps are danger-
sential language, paradigms and norms             values and taps into their predisposed atti-      ous. When presented with conflicting evi-
which focus on the defendants’ failure to         tudes. For example, anti-corporate senti-         dence, jurors rely on what they “know to
take action. Before the trial starts, the         ment is a commonly held bias. Most                be true” to make decisions. Lawyers must
lawyer can tap into the availability heuristic    people are willing to believe that a com-         be aware of such common beliefs in order
and reframe the case in a manner which            pany puts profits over safety. Therefore, a       to properly dispel them or use it to their
is beneficial to him.7                            theme that involves corporate responsibil-        advantage.

                                                           Copyright © 2010 by the author.
                                      For reprint permission, contact the publisher:                                3

                                                                                                              JUNE 2010

     The belief persistence bias invites coun-      Voir Dire questions: “Norm” bias                 is seen as, the more he or she is blamed
sel to put forward strong themes and a             • When you envision a rapist, what men-           for causing the harm.
strong case story early in the trial process       tal image comes to mind? Can you de-                    In sexual assault cases, jurors use the
so that jurors are primed to latch onto ev-        scribe it?                                        responsibility bias to blame the victim
idence that validate their beliefs and             • How would you expect a rapist to act?           twice. First, because she is seeking recom-
downplay ambiguities or inconsistencies9.          Look? What would you expect his life to           pense from the defendant or defendants
                                                   be like?                                          and shirking responsibility for her own
Juror predispositions:                             • How would you feel if you were told the         conduct and, second, because they as-
“Norm” bias                                        victim was an alcoholic? For some people,         sume her conduct was irresponsible and
      The “norm” bias can be defined as the        it would drastically change the way they          somehow invited assault. Because the vic-
tendency to attribute blame and causa-             feel about the case, and they would be            tim is doubly blame-worthy, jurors are
tion to behavior that is considered abnor-         more likely to find for the defense. For          able to gloss over the defendant’s culpa-
mal. It often involves the conscious or            others, it does not matter. How do you            ble conduct.
unconscious positing of counterfactual             feel?                                                   In dealing with the responsibility
scenarios. If only “X” had been different,         • What about if I told you that the victim        bias, trial counsel’s task is to frame the
the outcome would have been different.             was dressed in a very short skirt and not         story in a way that paints the plaintiff as
Research shows that jurors search the evi-         wearing pantyhose? Does that impact               responsible and the defendant as irresponsi-
dence for the “X” that caused the injury           how you view the case? How?                       ble. To glean insight into the plaintiff ’s
and conduct that deviates from the norm            • If I told you that the victim had an ex-        adherence to norms of responsibility, ask
is often linked with causation. The more           tensive list of sexual partners, does that        about their responsibilities and the deci-
deviant the conduct, the more blamewor-            change the way you view this case? Are            sions they make when it is compromised
thy and causative it will be deemed.               you more likely to favor her, less likely or      (trust, for example, or refusing to drive
      When the plaintiff ’s story is told first,   does it not matter to you?                        after drinking).
jurors focus their normative or counter-           • Would you be able to hold a corpora-            Voir Dire questions: Responsibility or ac-
factual scrutiny on the plaintiff ’s conduct       tion, a landlord or an employer to the            countability bias
with predictable results. The plaintiff ’s         same standard of care as an individual?           • In your life, what are you responsible
perceived risk-taking behavior (going to                 An effective way to use the norm            for? (home, work, finances, etc)
the bar, wearing a short skirt, trusting an        bias in an advantageous way is to juxta-          • Who are you accountable to?
acquaintance to drive her home) will be            pose the “normal” behavior of the plain-          • If I were to ask your (husband, wife,
perceived as a cause or contributing factor        tiff against the erratic conduct of the           brother, best friend) how safe you are,
to the injury. In contrast, the defendant’s        defense. Highlighting inconsistencies,            what would they say?
conduct will be given relatively scant at-         deviations in the defendant’s conduct or          • When it comes to a tenant and land-
tention by virtue of the sequence of infor-        showing what the defendant could have             lord, who do you think is more responsi-
mation presented. This shows how both              done differently is persuasive. In the            ble for safety? Assign a percentage to
the availability bias and belief persistence       case of third-party defendants, norm              each party.
bias can work in harmony to retrofit infor-        bias invites plaintiff ’s counsel to look
mation in a manner that supports pre-ex-           for the simple precautions defendants             Juror predispositions:
                                                   could have taken – lighting, security, a          Defensive and fundamental
isting beliefs10.
                                                   check-in/check-out policy – but failed to         attribution bias
      In sexual assault cases, jurors’ ideas
of what is considered “normal” are often           do which decreased safety. This enables                The “defensive attribution” bias is the
shaped by societal myths regarding the             jurors to focus on the defendant’s lapses         tendency to blame the victim for acts of
perpetrators and victims of sex crimes.            and failures of reasonable care instead           omission or commission when the con-
For instance, the myth that the perpetra-          of what the plaintiff did or failed to            duct is uncomfortably close to the con-
tor had an uncontrollable sex urge or that         do11.                                             duct or vulnerability of the juror assessing
the victim’s resistance was reasonable.                                                              the case. As a coping mechanism, the
When a plaintiff dresses or conducts her-          Juror predispositions:                            juror distances herself from the victim’s
                                                   Responsibility or accountability                  injuries or risk of injury.
self in a way to “invite” advances, fails to
resist or does not promptly file a com-                                                                   This serves to protect a juror’s belief
plaint, the norm bias leads the jurors to                The responsibility or accountability bias   in a safe, just or predictable world and blame
blame the victim and forecloses inquiry            assesses blame and causation against the          individuals rather than circumstances. By
into the culpable conduct of the perpetra-         party who is perceived as shirking respon-        assigning fault to the victim through her
tor or other parties.                              sibility. The more irresponsible the party        characteristics or decisions instead of situ-

                                                            Copyright © 2010 by the author.
                                       For reprint permission, contact the publisher:                                  4

                                                                                                            JUNE 2010

ations, jurors can take comfort that the         the victim. Entrusting the future safety of       for prospective jurors to respond more
harm could never happen to them. These           the community to jurors is far more com-          accurately and completely, especially
mechanisms allow jurors to believe that          pelling than cultivating sympathy for the         when coupled with assurances that their
the victim “asked for it” so as to minimize      plaintiff.                                        responses will be kept confidential.14
the threat that there may be criminal de-              However, lawyers should not count                 In voir dire, many jurors feel social
pravity or danger lurking in familiar situ-      on being able to bypass these biases.             pressures to give the politically correct re-
ations12. It is too frightening to think that    They should expect that blaming the vic-          sponse in order to maintain an unbiased
this event could happen to them; there-          tim will be part of jurors’ discussion in         image or avoid shame often associated
fore, jurors make a point of finding some-       deliberation and prepare accordingly.             with being sexually victimized. A written
thing the plaintiff did that they wouldn’t       Focus group research can help determine           questionnaire allows the jurors to express
have done to protect themselves from the         what juror life experiences will exacerbate       their true feelings or experiences in a
possibility that the harm could have hap-        or dissipate biases, what language and            more confidential manner, allowing for
pened to them.                                   rules will be well-received by the jury.13        more candid responses.15
     Women serving as jurors in sexual as-             In trial, the victim must tackle biases           Use of supplemental juror question-
sault cases are particularly prone to the de-    head-on in her direct examination and             naires is highly recommended for sexual
fensive attribution and just world bias. In      answer questions jurors are likely to ask         assault cases. Questionnaires provide ju-
sexual assault cases, defensive attribution      such as: Why were you out so late at              rors a safe outlet to share highly sensitive
makes women similar to the victim (age,          night? Why didn’t you call the police?            personal information and protect their
demographics, background, physical char-         Why did you get into a car with a man             privacy. Victims of sexual assault may un-
acteristics, etc) the least desirable jurors     you just met? Knowing which judgments             knowingly expose themselves to harm by
for the plaintiff. Instead of relating to the    jurors are likely to hold in a particular         failing to disclose their previous experi-
plaintiff, women distance themselves from        case through the use of focus group re-           ence. Although sexual assault victims are
her to preserve their own sense of safety.       search allows the attorney to have a re-          favorable jurors for the plaintiff, reliving
However, even jurors that are widely dis-        sponse ready at trial.                            the experience could re-traumatize the
similar from the victim may utilize psycho-            Suspicion of the plaintiff, tendencies      juror and trigger PTSD symptoms in trial.
logical mechanisms such as the                   to blame the victim and assume that she
“fundamental attribution” error or the           is irresponsible can be offset by showing         Witness preparation: Victims
                                                                                                   of sexual assault
“just world” defense to blame the victim.        she carried out responsibilities in her
     Personal experience, not demo-              workplace, home or through family and                   Witness preparation is essential to
graphics, is the most predictive method          community involvement. By investigating           credibility, whether the witness is the
to evaluate which side a juror is likely to      the defendant’s history, it is possible to        plaintiff or an expert. The plaintiff ’s
favor. For example, not all women are            uncover choices and deviation from nor-           truthfulness, clarity, and appropriate
strong defense jurors. Those who have            mal patterns of behavior such as, a land-         emotion should be made evident to the
been assaulted themselves and felt               lord’s or employer’s violations of                jury. She should provide significant de-
blamed for it or had special training in         regulations, protocols, or standards of           tails of her life and persuasive and consis-
this area are sympathetic towards victims        care, which allow the jury to scrutinize de-      tent details regarding the incident.
of sexual assault.                               fendant’s conduct, choices and intent.                  As with all witnesses, the victim
     Counsel might be able to bypass de-                                                           should understand that her non-verbal
fensive attribution, fundamental attribu-        Use of supplemental juror                         behavior also weighs with the jury and
                                                 questionnaires (SJQ)
tion, and “just world” biases by focusing,                                                         that she can help control her nervousness
not on the plaintiff ’s story or injuries              Supplemental juror questionnaires           by attending to factors such as dress, pos-
(however sympathetic these may appear),          increase juror candor, decrease jury con-         ture, mannerisms, tone of voice, and sin-
but on the defendant’s conduct. By violat-       tamination and assist in the selection of         cere expression of emotion. Although
ing the law or not meeting the standard          fair and impartial jury. Written answers to       jurors can be asked, in voir dire, to imag-
of care, the defendant put the plaintiff, as     sensitive issues are more amenable to             ine the plaintiff ’s (or any witness’s) nerv-
well as all other people in the plaintiff ’s     confidentiality orders than oral responses        ousness or hesitancy to discuss intimate
position, at risk. In cases that involve         to questions in an open and crowded               matters, they expect witnesses to be pre-
third-party responsibility, it is important      courtroom. Whereas the pressure of a              pared and can be unforgiving or quick to
to reframe the case in a way that appeals        courtroom situation might lead a poten-           judge a witness who stumbles in her re-
to the jurors’ sense of fairness and em-         tial juror to give an inaccurate or incom-        sponses or is evasive.
powers them to make decisions for the            plete response to a voir dire question, the             While testifying is a stressful experi-
greater good, not simply for or against          questionnaire provides an opportunity             ence for anyone, it can be traumatizing for

                                                          Copyright © 2010 by the author.
                                     For reprint permission, contact the publisher:                                 5

                                                                                                                   JUNE 2010

sexual assault victims. Victims of sexual as-     • Ask questions in present tense and offer        mend the use of focus groups to identify
sault have to openly share deeply personal        prompts (direct)                                  case strengths, weaknesses and biases. As
and often shaming information with a              • DO NOT conduct mock cross-                      in all personal injury cases, mastery of
group of strangers whose purpose is to            examination                                       fact is key to understand the way the ju-
judge her. Therefore, it is extremely im-              Ask partner or another lawyer to             rors react to the case and to dispel ram-
portant to have a mental health profes-           conduct the mock cross-examination.               pant biases jurors may have against
sional present. If she has a therapist, see if    Even as a witness preparation exercise,           plaintiffs and plaintiffs’ counsel17.
the therapist can help prepare the victim         victim should never view attorney as an                 William S. Friedlander practices in
to testify and offer coping strategies for        adversary                                         Ithaca, NY. He is an active member of AAJ
anxiety. Lawyers often don’t realize how          Example direct-examination questions:             and currently serves as the AAJ Chair of
traumatizing it can be for a victim to talk       SA victim                                         the Small Firm and Solo Practice Section.
about being sexually violated and should          • “It is May 10th 2004. You are walking           He co-founded the AAJ Schools-Violence,
plan multiple witness preparation sessions        out of the restaurant towards your car.           Misconduct, and Safety Litigation Group,
to allow time for stress-related setbacks.        Tell the jury what happens next.”                 and he is a past chair of AAJ Firearms and
      One way a lawyer can prepare the            • “Now you are on the ground looking              Ammunition Litigation. He is admitted to
victim to testify is by asking her to write       for your keys. What happens next?”                practice in New York, Pennsylvania and
out her narrative of what happened that                                                             Florida. He can be reached at
night, as if it is happening in the present                                               
tense. Include as many sensory details as                The psychological biases and mecha-              Alexandra Rudolph, M.S. is a
possible. What did she see? What did she          nisms discussed above are unlikely to be          trial consultant, headquartered in
hear? Could she smell anything? This              articulated, much less eliminated, during         New York City. She can be reached at
helps her hone the details of what hap-           voir dire. Many elements of the plaintiff ’s
pened that night, and details spawn cred-         case can be primed in voir dire which al-
ibility. Telling the story in the present         lows biases of availability, confirmation,
tense makes it more powerful and helps            norm-identification, responsibility, and          1
                                                                                                      The wide range of issues determined by a jury assessment
                                                  attribution to work in plaintiff ’s favor.        of “reasonableness” or proportionality makes juror bias of
jurors picture the event happening in                                                               special concern in civil cases. See, Arthur H. Patterson and
their own minds. Ask questions in present         Reframing the case early on and intro-            Nancy L. Neufer, “Symposium: Juries: Arbiters or Arbitrary?
tense during direct-examination and               ducing themes invites jurors to hold the          Redefining the Role of the Jury: Removing Juror Bias by Ap-
transition the witness.                           defendants accountable for violation of           plying Psychology to Challenges for Cause,” 7 Cornell J. L. &
                                                                                                    Pub. Pol’y 97 (Fall 1997), James H. Underwood et al., “Demo-
Witness preparation for SA victims                standards and empowers them to restore            graphics in Civil Trials: Biases and Implications,” Journal of
• Schedule multiple sessions                      safety to the community.                          Business & Economic Research, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 33-42 (Feb-
      Builds rapport between lawyer & client             Theme development and story fram-          ruary 2009).
• Retelling/reliving event could be trau-         ing should begin long before trial and is an      2 While trial literature often refers to these habits of thought as

matic → go slow                                   ongoing process that starts with case infor-      “biases,” the literature of social psychology from which they
• Enlist help of her therapist or mental          mation and follows through when witnesses         are drawn often identifies them as “heuristics,” or common
                                                  are interviewed, discovery requests are pre-      problem-solving strategies or shortcuts that often lead deci-
health counselor
                                                                                                    sion-makers to reach false conclusions. For ease of under-
      Include therapist in witness prepara-       pared, responses are analyzed and focus           standing, this paper will continue to use the familiar term
tion sessions                                     groups are conducted. An early theme that         “bias,” although it should be recognized that the “bias model”
      Therapist should be in courtroom for        addresses jurors’ stereotypes, biases, or         can unwittingly serve to perpetuate a negative frame for the
                                                                                                    plaintiff’s case, and thus to perpetuate suspicion against plain-
direct and cross-examination                      habits of thoughts by focusing on defen-          tiff’s case and plaintiff’s counsel. See, David Wenner, Gregory
• Keep hands clasped                              dant’s behavior and plaintiff ’s responsibil-     S. Cusimano, “Reframing the Model,” 44 Trial 26 (March
      Helps avoid fidgeting/Looks more            ity, trustworthiness and positive values can      2008).
composed                                          be used at voir dire to prime the jury to         3   See, Id.
• Make eye contact                                look more critically at defendant and be re-
      Jurors associate avoiding eye contact       ceptive to plaintiff ’s story16.                  4 See, David A Wenner and Gregory S. Cusimano, “Combat-

with having “something to hide”                          Insights from social psychology can        ing Juror Bias,” 36 Trial 30 (June 2000); Elizabeth F. Kuni-
                                                                                                    holm, “Representing the Victim of Sexual Assault and Abuse:
• Have victim write out narrative and in-         help attorneys put voir dire and juror            Special Considerations and Issues,” 2 ATLA ANNUAL CON-
clude as many sensory details as possible         questionnaires to effective use in uncover-       FERENCE REFERENCE MATERIALS 1889 (2006), available at
• Testify in present tense and recount            ing and harnessing juror bias. Research           2 Ann.2006 ATLA-CLE 1889 (Westlaw);
event in story format                             in social psychology strongly suggests that       5
                                                                                                      See, Patterson, supra; Wenner/Cusimano, “Combating,”
• Details increase credibility                    trial preparation is essential and recom-         supra; Kuniholm, supra; Lynn Hecht Schafran, Esq., “What the

                                                           Copyright © 2010 by the author.
                                      For reprint permission, contact the publisher:                                                      6

                                                                                                                                                      JUNE 2010

research about rape jurors tells us,” in Understanding Sexual         litigation against third-party defendant McDonald’s; see also,    15
                                                                                                                                           See, Wenner/Cusimano, “Reframing,” supra (putting a posi-
Violence: Prosecuting Adult Rape and Sexual Assault Cases,            Barrett, supra.                                                   tive spin on jury bias, using concepts of loss framing and
online at http://www.mincava.umn.du/documents/                                                                                          priming).
usvpros/fmanual/usvprosfmanualday3.html (downloaded                   8 See, Wenner/Cusimano, “Combating,” supra, and studies           16 Barrett, supra; Kuniholm, supra; Amanda A Farahany, “Juror

4/9/09); Tom Lininger, “Is it Wrong to Sue for Rape,” 57 Duke         cited therein; Lininger, supra, citing studies on juror values-   Bias in Sexual Assault Cases,” Powerpoint Presentation,
L.J. 1557 (2004), n. 254-257 (citing research and legislative         consistency; see also, Shari Seidman Diemod, “Essay: Be-          downloaded 4/26/09.
findings that jurors particularly distrust sexual assault victims);   yond Fantasy and Nightmare: A Portrait of the Jury,” 54
M. Erian et al., “Juror verdicts as a function of victim and de-      Buffalo L. Rev. 717 (Dec. 2006) (also citing studies); and see,   17
                                                                                                                                             Wenner/Cusimano, “Reframing,” supra.
fendant attractiveness in sexual assault cases,” Am. J. of            Kuniholm, supra, suggesting focus group questions.
Forensic Psychology, vol. 16, iss. 3, p. 25-40 (1998).                                                                                  18 Barrett, supra; Kuniholm, supra; Wenner/Cusimano, “Com-

                                                                      9    See, Wenner/Cusimano, supra.                                 bating,” Wenner/Cusimano, “Reframing,” supra.
6 For examples, see, Barrett, supra; Wenner/Cusimano, “Com-

bating,” supra; Neil R. Feigenson, “Legal Meaning in the Age          10   See, Feigenson, supra; Barrett, supra.
                                                                                                                                        19 Barrett, supra; Kuniholm, supra; Wenner/Cusimano, “Com-

of Images: Accidents as Melodrama, 43 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev.                                                                               bating,” supra.
741 (1999-2000), discussing trial counsel’s use of a third-           11
                                                                           Barrett, supra; Feigenson, supra.
party’s back story to win a plaintiff’s verdict in Faverty v. Mc-                                                                       20 Krauss & Bonora, supra note 1, Section 2.08, at 2-44. (“Ju-

Donald’s Restaurants of Oregon, Inc., 892 P.2d 703 (Ore. Ct.          12
                                                                                                                                        rors who might hesitate in the public setting of the courtroom
App. 1995), a case against the corporate employer of a young               Barrett, supra.                                              to reveal private information relevant to their jury service are
driver who fell asleep at the wheel and rammed plaintiff in a                                                                           more likely to be candid in filling out a private questionnaire.”)
                                                                      13 Barrett, supra; Wenner/Cusimano, “Combating,” supra;
cross-over accident after back-to-back cleaning shifts.
                                                                      Feigenson, supra.                                                 21Bigelman and Winter, Thirteenth Annual Survey Of Sixth Cir-
  See, Feigenson, supra, discussing trial counsel’s repeated                                                                            cuit Law: Federal Taxation, 1992 Det. C.L. Rev. 451, 499
use of “corporate greed” language and imagery in successful           14   Barrett, supra; Feigenson, supra; Kuniholm, supra.           (Summer, 1992).

                                                                            Copyright © 2010 by the author.
                                                       For reprint permission, contact the publisher:                                                                         7
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